Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 08, 1861, Image 4

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    [COngkaitif from first pa,Ot'.]
syleanla are hereby pledged to the support of
such measures, in any manner, and to any ex
tent that may be reg Aired ber g by:the 'Consti.
turgid mithotities,of ,thd - United 6lates.
1 think that, that.resolutiori.embodied a pro
per ex,pression of sentiment by this Legislature;
and in the present condition of affairs,: I do not
uhusicier it necessary that weshould Make any ,
fulditiml declaration op ,tlie - siabjeCt. , I shall
vote against the reSointionanoW before us,-and
shall favor the proposition of the gentleman
from Jefferson (Ur. Gorwox.) • -
Mr, ant.mcit altogether satisfied
with the shape of the resolution now , before uS;
I think it suscoptable of improvenient by
amendment; but there are several reasons-why
1 do not feel to vote,against
The resolution proposes, that, we."authorize
tenderthe Governor to to the President of the
u4iwir, - S,t 4 tes, the military, forces of. this Comm
monWealth for preserving the integrity of ; this
Unioit and the maintenance of the Constitution
and - tile laws." lam not "willing that my vote
shold be recorded against that resolution, trom
the simple fact that, by voting it down, we
should, us 'I coucieve, virtually say tothe_world
that the state of Pennsilvenia..ismot willing to,
tender her services for the purpose of preserving
the Constitition and the Union of these United
In regent to the points of objection raised by
the geutiethin fipraJetrealon,(alr.,Gonnort,) I
shall say niiihing; except that 1 consider ahem
mere technicalities.. With regard to the pre-:
amble,lo which the gentleman objects, „I most
certainly, am not prepared: to, vote against that.
I am not willing worst rfty,vote in, contradic
tion of the declaration contained in ,that .pre
amble. It deelares that i "certain seditious and
treasonable.organization&liave .made war upen
the Irdited 'Stitie v by firthg upon a vessel in
her service and seizing the forts and munitions
of war belonging to the General Govertunent.''
I believe the facts, I be' suhstantially - as thus
set forth ; and I, es a representative of the
people' of this — Commonwealth, - . ao not feel
willing to vote ageing, such a declaration ,
If the facts sustain the deelaration; grow can
any Member vote against it? By, _vcite.against
that intambli, StOtideelaie to the _woad that
it is not artier - that. Certain orgaiiiatiOns..are
armed in ard thit, gOverntrient
and have fired upon the' United States vessels.
I apprehend there is notasolitary member on
this tfoor, without regard'th'.farty predilections
or party ties, who will dare'to cast his vote to
declare that the preambitrilded not truly set
forth the facts of the case:TEL - 6w
,can. any one
vote against an etitlielY'irlithfill declaration?
I think there are re:m6l'4'6o4ly .fitrong in
favor!,:ethe iidelptioff the Maolutlon...;;A
vote tithed* td 'adoptit,'WoUla t , rthitik,
represent our rinhiple i The'Citizens eT - Penti:
sylvatda; without teSiteet . ofp_attr;nire'ik.f4Vor .
of stistainingthe'Unifini . .thi' COnstitiathth
the l aws , „. 7. -, .
SHBPPARIY. WilrthegentleManalpui
me to ask him a tNelitidti = •T -
Mr. HOleJUA:' 3 oeitninlY,'
Mr. SHEPPARD. I sfotild Mk 'whether the
gentleman hastbrgdtteiribat i the Le r giSlature Of
Pennsylvania 'hes trade it'deblanitioty semi ,
trad e meat upon that very'subject: '
Mr. HOFIUS. No, sir, I have - not fofgotfri
thatfact, and :I hope the gentlenierrfrim'Plnl- - ,
adelphia (MC SHEPPARD) and ;ether niambera
on this fluor will nor forget, it.. - I" hold ,that; if
the Legislature of _Penurylianii. - has_alteady.
adopted 'a 'iesOlutiOn of siinilar
if we should turn round to-day'and Vote' down
resolutien, we sthltifY ourtelvce.
since the adoption of - the resolUtion'menticiFied
by the gentleman, there, has lx.en_ any_.Chinge.
of cireurustances to justify the .rejecticai;of a
similar resolution, I hepe, : gentlemery - will' ex
plain to us in what 'that eliapge_gansists. r ., „..
Mr,,•MARSHIALL,7rc - g!ivelP kndwn JAL this
Flouse that lam as ilaek a Republican as any
other member; but lAM the adop
tion of thissiisblution at this•tinfejor the' aison
that I do not think it propesewto arrive at the
object in the proper manner. : If the-gentleman,
wishes tO have - introdUced a bill - for arming die
State, let hita introducesuch4 bill Endhave it
referred to the preper-committep.s -,!that mode
is much preferable torcresOliition Tike this,. di
recting the*Comreittee of Ways and Means to
report such a bill. .
I shall vote against'all Quixotic endeavors to
save this Union; ram heartily sick anct.tired of
them. I shall vote against this resolution; but
when a bill for-arming-thftmilitia-of the btate
shall come before us in:proper ferm, I shall vote
for it, because I am in favor of putting the. State
cn a proper war footing.
Mr. RUBINSON. • When I voted to:take up
this bill, I did not do so withlinfbelieflliatit
should properly lie acted upon now. so voted
in order that those desirous to express their
views have an;opportunity to do so. Be
lieving with those who have recently expressed
themselfts—my friend...from Allesdieny
Masaim.9 in particular that_. affirmative a.e
tion'upon the question at this,thrie would be
improper, aralsinsiring_taixeMoire any „difficul
ties flint may reAlt:frem.the .rieeuliar
which thepatter is - presented, lanove the in
definite postpcinenient of the subject.
Mr. DAV.L.. I hope that - themotionwilinot
prevail. ' Y think stacientlime has been" allow-
ed for Members to be prepared to'act upon these
resolutions. I, for one, am prepared to, vote
upon - them to-dayand to vote for, them. -
1 take - this opportunity - to remark that I have
no excuse to oiler for having voted for Abra
ham Lincoln. " If, in submitting this motion for
indefinite postponement, the gentleman means.
to call Von us to make an apology for that.
yet o /1, cannot support his motion. All the`
apology,avhish I shall make has beett_niade
voting to send Commissioners to Washington.
Mr. zuggolowy.
.N q thwithstan c l i n g -;
the M i gifrilents'Orthe gentleman from Jefferson
(Mr. VOtW)l',etill hold to my,original
and maintain-that it is proper that Permylva,
nia should place henielt — in a situation topdo • ef.
fectual service in support of the Fedial'23oVz
ernmeht Sometime ago, we'adoptect4p-Riitit.
resolutions from the Senate, in which*fpleilg-,
ed the faith and power of Pannsylvanhf*OP.. l
port the efforts of the United States Govitelit!'
to mar:kaki The Constitution. To refresh my
own,memory and that. of other members, let
me ref the resolution in which we
,made this
That the. Constitution: of the United
Stateirik. Anaerica, contains all the powers' ne
wel-wry, to the maintenance of its authority, and
it is tha.sOlenan and most hiperatiVe duty - of
the goVecrimant to 'adopt' and carry into effect
vrhatever 'Measures may .be necessary to that
end arid the faith and, the power 'of. Pertrusyl•
vania are; hereby , pledged to the support of such
raeasures;lin any -manner, and to any, extent
that may .beyequired• of herby the constituted
authoritiesi of the United*States.
Now it is Irtie that this Coustitirtion of the
United- Statile 'KoVichsv that Congress, when
they shall deem it necessary, shall call, upon
the States for their militia. This arm - of - the
service is, in an hour of danger, at the disposal
of the Congress of the United' States.Bui l in,
a time of emergency, when it is well lini
throughout the country that we are in , a state,
of war—wh'en liostilititki have actually begun—
's it wit Wise and proper that the State of.:Pehir 1
sylvan should be armed? The AdjEttant Cie-,
neral erthelState has presented to us a report
whichlritirtst show dearly to every thinking ,
than'tlie defenceless condition of this Common
wealth. - • ,•,,;-
The re
„J r Jefferson OIL Gcansox) ,
oys 'they '• • gi_r of an invasion of the
StAte of. dtmsylionia. It is true bat t sin-
'sorely hopiAltarthe gentleman's patriotism is .I
not heliayfigM'by State lines. I h . ope that
wheelie" voted for the resoltition to which' I
have seferred, to sustain the powerof this greet;
oonfederacy', he voted;`for lt ' intelligently,.
knowing . *t. thkgiatkof Pennsylvanio - might,
be called upon to sUstaitt _the ,Federal (j•cittiT-, 1
ment---to Maintain thc Constitution and en-1 are without suitable arms. They have nothing
force the laws, The gentleman seems to rest' but flint-lock muskets,
.while. throughout the
secure behind the lines of the. State of Peninyt- , Union mbitarforganizaticint have the iniproved
vaiiia;and says that pop-guns will be sufficient arms which have been furnished by late in
to defend us in the hour of danger. Yes ; I ventors. Let us supply the State with such
hope that he Will vote to'form a regiment or arms as the times demand. Do not let us -post-,
women, and place ''pop-guns in their hands. pone this subject without action. Let it be re-
There is no patriotism in any such remark. ferred to the Committee of Ways and Means,to
No gentleman upon this floor can maintain report a bill which shall limit tlie amount • and
that it is not the dnty of Pennsylvania at all extent of this appropriation.
times to be prepared to defend her rights and Mr. COWAN. lam opposed, to an indefinite
the integrity of this Government. .. postponement of this subject, but it is evident
. Pennsylvania to-day stands defenceless. To- that we are not prepared to act 'at this time
„morrow she ' may". , be called upon 'to send her Very intelligently or hai?non.ioutly. I triere
eOns to the tented field. Let the gentleman fore move, as an amendment to L the motion of,
hear this in mind. Let him remember thatwe are the..gentleman from , Butler, (Mr. B,onixsoN,)
lAi thennitist.of, a crisis that may end the gov- that the subject be postponed ' till to-morrow.
erriment , -a crisis in Which the preservation of two weeks at twelve o'clock, and. that it .be
the Union phy.denend nponour action. made the special order for.that" time
f iia not like inen to defer action on questions The SPE.A.K.E . R . (Mr . . P.A.mrsimos in ti Chni.r. )..
of vital. importance; .We should meet them That motion is not in order. The qUeStioti be
gia dispose Of them as they Saise before us.— fo e ,the House "%Upon indefinitnnostpaneinent.,
Whether it be. neceitarY to arm the State. of - Mr.. WILSON: ..I would` suggest, the gen, '
Pennsylvania depends upon her present situa, tleinanfroin Butler (Mr. Romssoid tosiithcirew
tion. Is she sufficiently arrned2._.:Sonnua can his' motion to pestpenniudefinitely and allow:
say that she is.
„ No ; she, is
,a, defenceless the motion.of the gentleman.from:Warrenf Mr.: .
Conditien. '- '. ' 7 - - •. •
The next' - iitiestiinCL•that arises is, will the - Mr. "'.ROBINSON. _ln making this, otion I
foices•of, Pennsylvania; be -demanded for the laturnoidea of.treating with ilisres_peetirik gen
preservation of - thie•Union:' We do not know. Heinen who feels interested, inurthe subject.. I
positively;2betlt is
. Very prObable that within a discciVered that - • the gentlemanfforn Jefferson
week.',Oi twcoVe may be called uPon to -furnish (Mr.',.Goaroiv) had made his motiOn.a.little too.
soldiers to, maintain the.. integrity of • this gov late, so that it could not be actednpox.. „There
eminent. 1 'Thngentleman . frem - Jeffersed (Mr.' fore, for - the purpete, of relieving him and. othr.
Gnat*); tells - usWa. have, 6....nichith yet—that era, I made this.motion. I heveno objectiou to
In a,riitith nßepnblican President shall be in the ,ecinsideration ;of this
_subject At ~ a fu.-
angurated. • That may-or may notbe. 'Whether turd time; but I thonght that it vvaenot Proper
it shall be may depend upon-the action of the for the Honte to take a direee vote' upon, the.
LegishitureZotrennsYlvania. When we see question now • . . .. ~
men huriyineto' the National Capital—when Let -me say for the .benefit of, my ,friend
. ,
. .
we eee'prepamtionarfox war, being- made every- frond - Penang° (Mr. Dqis), that 1, have no idea
where throughout this land—can,-We _ say with of making any motion in this souse that will
positiveness that Abraham Lincoln will be in- ask any ' gentleman" ;to offer, inn apology for,
augurated at Washington ?.„.„I.t.j.s. a.question— having voted. for Mr. Linceln., NO. dety : that I J
a very grave qnestion-,one. which the, men of ever
• performed its a citizen gave ine:More nlee - : ,
Pennsylvania should 'ponder ' Seriously.- They sure than depositing my vote for that-,gentle
should look latit - as- patriots'. I -know, from man. .Were'' the qneetitin - again presented, I
the warlike preparations which . erenow being should certainly do the. same - thing, I :Mlle
made; ittand.'areund the National Capital that here; as most of my Conservative STienciA on
danger is to be-apprehended. .., . the right know, considerable .of a, Republican.,
. Tho , gentlemail says -that when we shall be I have jgat been home to my constituents and.
Called! upon by the eongress .of the -United I find that they are as sound as I etn. • arid, I.
States, n
s, thewe,crinprepainfor war.. The-gen- consider that 1 alit aa sound:,as• when ' ''. cadre ;
tlethan knows very little of military here. I intend; whenever a.
,question preterits
lions, or he would not make such a statement itself involving anything practical to, cast a An-
Nowl-z-in tiene=we should prepare for war, - so publican vote—to. vote" in such, a m•linnOr as will
that Whenbili aid may he needed, we may come sustain our platformlof the last eanvast. : But"
forward- e not-with empty words, not with high- 'with regerd to the meanure.new_beforetit,..frof
sounding declamation=L-bue• that we may come haVe rem or three thoueand militia; ml this
forth arinednittied to do the work that shall State; and I amefraid iftie 'should arm them,
be set bdffire ifs. • • • the old gentleman who is neWaeting as Pteak-,
' The gentleman says thatethe United States dent of the United States might. possibly swoon
Goirernment has aims sufficientto provide. Penn, away-' I think it might bnan injury, to him ; ,
.sylvania ;- he says that in the arsenal at Phila- and perhaps we had better letthings - slide along
idelpiiial" there are twenty . thousand; Stand of as quietly as we 'eau untilthe maxi of _ore own
alina. Ido not, know ; whether his, statement is choice shall he „installed,in '
that position,: and:
e6rreat,' nor do L'eare. I , desire thatcPennsyl- that patriotic and vigorous administratienXel•
vania shall be 'paced in such a position thatshe which tve hope, begun:
`May not be dependent. ~I wish. her to stand •2, If, however, it is the sense of ,thinHousn that
'ready. 'tci-offer her services, not as a. beggar. this motion of indefinite postponement. should'
.trustingtto the -bounty of: the Federal Govern- be . withdrawn, I will consent towithdraw. it,for.
-Merit, but with arms in her hands, provided by the purpose of making "a motion cif, mere post
hertelf. .. - , poneritent,' so that the subjeCt might be called .
= , Gentlemen talk , about the expense which this up at some other time, wheneVer it-might , be
?reparation involves. When shall money be deemed proper. I withdraw.iny motion.
plaeed in comparison with the preservation of Mr. BALL. I renew the motion for inde#dte.
:this Union? When shall dollars be weighed postponement', and it is proper tint I shatild
- with patriotism ? Can We, on, considerations of givemy,reasons for'dbing So. , ' , llll - - - .! ' 7 ' ' •
Misguided economy, refuse to arm the State* ' It is with regret that I have ; /Nene= to say.
Pe'nnsil vania, when it is necessary for protect- one word on this sphjeotX. * - alfga legialative
ing our honor and preserving. the integrity of body ; hut our poweis are liiilled.i - . we have
this 'Union? The gentleman from Crawford the right teiorganite the miTititi; 'we` thud the
.. (Mr. BuTent) mistakes—l .would .alitost say right to go to a certain extent in providing emit
foolishly mistakes— the sentinieni of the-people for:them; ,we•have the.right,'ainder_certain-cir
'of Pennsylvania, when he supposes they would cumstances,.te call them,into service ; ; but_,
disapprove this expenditure. I know that they' service it only to defend' the Commmitinalth
feel that old Pennsylvania should be,a,rined.— against foreign invasion or' demestid iiiaii4ee-,
IVen if there were now no troubles in the tiott. Such is'the limit witch the Constitution ,
teibiatiy—if all the threatening clouds were „l.i.ea setomon our,pnwers- But fearingtbatava.
cletired away ---,I, for one, should be ready to might transcend our authority even in that,, di
vote at least ten thousand stand of arms for rectiOn, lehanbeen the Pleasure Of the Peotke
'the:State of Pennsylvania.- • We-have an arse- to say how.-much moneyi•We Shalrhoircei and ,
nal'he,re upon Capitol hill—a structure ridiou- for what purposes. ender the Constitution, we
tons by.reason of its on4eiripthiess. There be- have control over the finds Of. the, Common
longs to this building a singlC rusty Cannon, wealth in the Treasury only so far as they have
with its wrecked:wheelslying- beside it. You not been otherwise appropriated. A portion
cannot fire a sal to with a, gun belonging, the annual revenues of, this ConiraoniVeMth
to the State. It is 'time we ahould look "'at this haveTbeen appropriated. :L. ._,.. 7- ,••-,- ,"'
Matter. For the position which Pennsylvania Now.-these resolutions propose whatl• To - ,
shall occupy as a member of this . Union must, give, -in the first 'instance, the whole militaiy"
depend upon her ,Peiviens' in: the hour of oilier, resources_ of the Ceramonwealth of PemisylVa-,
gency. ' - - • nia to the government of the United States:` It
- do not Wish that these preparations shall is clearly and without question uncenstitution
be made in a spirit of menace to the 'South. 'al. Such action is not within mir,newer ;Atli
For Pennsylvania's sakel want to prepare 7 By beyond our authority; aud we are wreng-doers.
this preparation we are taking a step toward the if - wes 'attempt it. Our uniformed militia-men
preservation of the Union ; • for I. believe_ that would turn up their caps withcontempt`at.any
upon the action of Pennsylvania will depend such preowned exercise of authority on our
that prcservaticm. .I am not one `of' those who part.
beliere that there is nohoPe for the preserve- 'When the President of the United States, or
tion of this Union. ThankHeaveri, thereis great the Congress of the United ; States, shall calrup
ground.for hope. Last evening. the cannens ut- on Pennsylvania, for inen,.4ll when they are
tered their hoarse voico of rejoicing when the - Mustered into service in ComplianCe with such
telegraph brought us. the ineers that Virginia requisition:they aie then soldiere Of'the United
Witt wheeled into The, and, true to her original States. You may term them. the_ militia - of
impulses had declared • for the Unieei.
_Ler us. Penntylvania, but their, ere the soldiers of thn
standby her";•let'these l kneW Who are. - now at United States. , :.They draw their clothing,-ais
waar with - the Federal 'Government that Virginia they draw• their rations; from thereSetreal3 . 6f
is armed, that Pennsylvania is armed, and that_ the United States ; they *draw their diem al
they will maintains their allegienee, and stand lowance, at they draw their muskets and-am
to the Union. Virginia can make no 'objection, Munition, from the - resources of the United
by this tender . of our forces. • New York' has States. 1. - . •
tendered her services. ' Other States stand in a ' hi this Way; and in this Way (idly, care .the
condition of military preparation. Why should armed men of the Commonwealth of•Tenntyl;
Pennsylvania stand with empty,liands? She is vania go to the succor and support - of the govern='
an empire within herself, and With her three ment of.the United States. . When the Pre.sil 4
hundred and :;fifty, thousand men ahle - to bear 'clentsballeall—whenCongressshalleall-:-orWliert.
arms, , she : can take -a positioh 'Worthy of her-. lijetheir•Auth'oritY the hero= of -Lundy's Lane,-
self. ' the veteran Scott,- shall call,athis ' Stater . will'
. . , ,
„Men ShOuld think of these things as they are, echo his - voice from mountain top to mountain
not as they would have - Ti. al They should top, and from hill to - valrerand bYTtliousands
Wok upon thisAnestion as. Patriots, desirous to will voile the •men of - Teutsylyama, readr to`
place the Statfe and the General Government take itt their hands the arms aye, the good
W the position which! the, „crisis demands. steel aixiit 'bf the government of :the; 'United'
tat this-moment the eyes of the civilized world States, and use them too, , in maintenance of the
a.rnfixi.jenpen this - Government ; - and if
. we fal , , z , Constitution and laws of the United State&
ter-=--ir - we Change 'front:4f we refuse to dis- Then, and not till then cast they' come: to th,e
charge ourworn duty of protecting,the Consti- succor:and sup Port of the. Government. - If they'
tution dlithe United' tates, as, well. ste the Con- were hi do it other wise, they would beiti rebel
stithtion of Pennsylvania, we are perjurers: ,I lion against - the Constitution of-the State 'and
ditilieve that the oilypolley, Which will tend
_to against the Constitution of the United'States. -"-
eterve this Goyereiment is, to = strengthen, it There is anothendifficulty..- It is the faetthato
with the'einewt of ,ivar. ', Let me go arm our the revenues of • the Commonwealth, as , exhi4
State that Uteri the' all -shall iionie. hem Con- bited to you by your acccamting' and financial'
gress we may be ready:
~ , • officers; 'are already approPnated. 'You -ltave•
-The gentleman (Mn GORDON) says that we' not a spare dollar. The „ probabilitiestare-that
cannot march beyond the State lines.' I beg before August next, yournspbe-required to bor
leave to differ with him upon that question -- row,money to pay the Mterestthen
. appreingppon
Our sworn obligation it to maintain the Consti- the landed' debt. ' For a denolt 'frit the Tavenner
tution. Our arms and oar militia are at the - die- it in.:Lcompetent ;for: the General. AssemblY of
posal of the. Government of the UnitectStateS. 'Pennsylvania to borrow . money, '''hitt' for no'
Mr.'SHEPPARG. I would like to ask the ether objedf-4kcept, ifyen 'Preaans l-1 ,5 F.,rePPlii
gentleman whether he takes the position that means of Meeting a debt when yonlave se bor.-
under the militia lawa of this State; we' oar rotveck-..,,There :is-oneothen„,object only Lfc_a ,
compel the volunteer companies to "go .beyond Whielt the - General AtleinblY maii - .borrove
the State • money that isiitapaenbf likvatinMaarothriktle,„
Mr. BARTHOLOMEW. When Congressshall insurrection. - ..1n emerg4uey,F, it-jai-4p*
call upon Pennsylvania for her quote ot,the . mili- certaineitent,:eortinelent• for theGcneral-As--
tin,. Wean!): bound,. under the Constitution"of penablY l of Perilitylvtiiiia' to 'hei'iti*. money til
the. United States, .toluinish 'them. .. . arm our citizens 'in defenee L LOS , the State; and in -Mr., SHEPPARD. ... We cannot compel the maintenance of the lawn -'..•--• ' • 1 , L :
volunteer companies to leave the State: ' - .Now,the question that axis' es is •*
simply this::
Mr. BARTHOLOMEW.,, On the requisition of Are you prepared' to instruct the;:etiromittee Of
theCOngTeas 'of thelliiited States, we are bound_ Way4andlieitie to int/gin ri.billfor the nego.
to furnish our of main and `men 'tiistion of &Raul at this time, in heh.alf `of '1,11e:
w This Avow duty This we Crrr do, . this we Commonwealth, for the purpose of arming -thin
- militia of the State ? .Thisistimuestion which
''l hope that this House will not consent to an you must meet ;it lithe of, the sullied,
.indefiniteepostponement •dt.-these:resolution& before us • - For - ther inliney: - Yort'iniii' ;nt
But I think that tne.juggetitien'of the gentle- Your ernitual:-reicale shoW it; `the'eftiliateelif
Man from Jeffeinau (Mr. •GolixiN) is a good one, the departments - Show that therg ii likely tdfle
.viz : to refer this subject te the- committee .of a defieitirithe refenuenext'vetir rartd'itatterf
'Ways and Mean& with instructions tO - inquire i s no ., illviaeionno .. deinieetie .l hisrnteoHiiii ) ,"ifie
into the propriety of futiliMlitthe State with Constitution steps inand.tiayt-lO'yeunr-On'ee,r
-armsrTgarraing.4lnanytanen rm.:Shall/he ine- that , the liteitOf =your' power, is',reablrbcl;ithat-
Oeszie/7. .;*4 ",,.49. to report 4 hilLto, ithis House you-cannot, borrow iii thia manner .- 'Therefore
win& ghat inceriae all that we yontattruitarrn•entit ! yen iiiiVe Nintinirity to :
I de tiorask--Atioian,nelin . ,
~ToPint.,_ t.t.4-9-Pill,tin hoirowlland tbneireninstatibei'lluit : tintilllAM
or vdliritteeis - 6f thiS Stafte'Zhati g *;' B 4 l ,:neo.and. tify-yon to , :berrair , are-iiot afpresent n il
Nalived'Withont`-lltnit. Lei usT navn , , t a:, I f il n n)1 Suck are-the-fa#tsi -1 1 take - IMP pan eJiftt
sonalA and justAiictlxi:e 1iti,,(4 12 0:. N 1 ;401:310 manincither%bilpith2V c ilid L 4giglii i W
the 'State:with some arms 'Cali V.4144r. Aires to test the ereffiKOPtilePiertheinfetfAhle
,Alitroughont - thiSi - Stateldektlienito-• itlit7., ~ 9„ ,- : ", partiotilancei- 'r
before, the Allot,
le 2 ,,, .. -....... ;... L.± .:,-,-; ,4- c , ._ - -,. .0x; ' ::.,),...11.....; 4 , 414V1.'a4:1 • J . 'V.:VIVI-I—Q, ,1.
pinnsuluania , 3E144 litegrapti,fitiNiu 'afternoon, iebruary ;9,.. 1961.
week shall have expired (for I understand the
communication from the Government of the
United State's is we shall be celled
upon to endorse the six per cent. bonds of the
Government of the United States for the $2,-
400,000 of•the surplus revenue.that was distrib
uted to, this State in,lB37..:With a defteitin our
own revenue—with the revenue of :the United
,States dificient 2 —are Voini into , the. market
for the purpose of borrowing money, not for a
legitimate object of the CoMmonwealth, sanc
tioned by the Constitution.,,,hut4or .an illegiti
mate and unconstitutional - measure . by .7hich.
the'credit of the Coriarrionwealth would gmffer
greatly, 'along with — thritheiiir cr l edit faf 'the
country. • ... - •
Now, sir, I am _ opposed to - . the . passage.
. these yesoluttons. I am. ppßolivt to do
ing al:jib:ling - iififeh:tia r irscende our anther'.
-ty. ••I . am• •notr - oppi;ed 'to Upholding the au
•thority of , the:, government of the Molted
States. I am not opposed at the proper time
'-toTtrounsing, if you will allow me to use the
:word—punishing, if necessary, by military
fordo, :or: bY "fleet4' Upon the- setiectitat these
States„who•atelno*Acifying the•authority of the
§tetes 0 overnment.. „ gat am opposed
to placmgoursetv . ps this false :position—tn
strileang a'cOmmitteiltB raise money under the
circumstances - Which - I have indicated:
'these. view, and: for-the-purpose getting-rid
:of fhe,onestion in, thp„ etlicat ,pcissihle..way4 I
.taie submittedthe inotion for indefinite nest-
Ipcmethent • . • •-
SELMR. bfuohqrair been ;Skid-on thii
gUestion ; but I desire to *Mg to the attention
of the House a few facti which seen} to me par :
;ticularly frofn
Bait) has declared that at-the till of tied liero - tif
-Lundy'slAne, thousands of the men of cox State:
Would rush forwa rd with arias their hands.
Nofv, nage qb" it is very
•whether titikehillas7wfOuld rforthcoining r in
!theliounof, emergency:, fln-stherAdjutteit Gen
, •eral'a;l4epork„)y9 find aetatprqertt,efAgmunl
.tions' cif ,the 'State .; and t e whole summ ary
is at 7-1 ' n" d'tf ":', •
"69 ePiecee Ordnarioe,' -beingi'hionse
12,080 Muskets and Aceoutrementi •
4.706 Rifles and Accoutrements. .
-; 2,809 Cavalry Swords and Sabres.
3‘,1 2 18 flatolicatid Mae&
575 .4 .ferits;"'ar :! • . 1 f
." In view, of ttkis zaise*bler,..extalpit of our re-'
sources; I r
_let) rom., e,
SAW ite &It'll - ewe:a Land? Virieeliould Cali
urionirs'neitWeek *Verb aims''
to whiehweleould;rusli f , iincl what :''time Would
be left IfcLr,r).tovidipg i ttaiSe arAla ? , ,
. The gentlentan.will allow me tap,
that: 'We hare tibia - Cannon ,
:wealth nineteen thousand armed men, with
good'arme,:as.canbe.found in. any' other onaL
inonwealthpkt4e. Withregarcl ,to, the;
stole of arms, in - the tae Arsepal we knew
.what s they ate;' cite nothings fOr
,Butssit 'the roll'afthe didrii - ," nineteen 'thousand
:armed men-,--theefile of the State—thedlower of
they.outh of,i 3 nntisAvania i would eagerly enter
the service of the United States. Let- gas say,
also, that when these men shall be mustered
into the United States service—either by;,Com
-panieS,-latt man-d-'
they are - soldiers of the United' 'States ;1 and 'as
they .drew their.rations and :their; pay;: so they
draw their arms frointherevurcesof thg United
StateiGovernment. Those are kind of mu-
nitierieWhichl Mend 'Weida' Want
TenitYlvanitine to- - have- ,, gbod , shot and . dold
Air S'EI i TZ)JR,
,Tith l regard mine
Which'the gentlemen expects to he furnished
by the 'United -SfateS",. it . IS 'apprt'hended thai a
:great part of these arms havegoneSouth'.:•.. As
- to the ,resources.ef our own, Statg,i I. have ex-,
on the authority of the Adjutant Gene-,
[LI, our miserable supply bf munitions. p£ if
Ita - lwar Shedd" - breartitit4 -2 61fd' inteitto teething
••ei put:country ,war, is already begun,t,:it'.asp rte.-
I, that lyo,-shoAlti ,he ❑ Ii- provided ,kith
arms., I think. the work of,
,prepiration , should
'ls6gin at - bnee.."lt fait work' tequiimg time.
Thegentletheri has spoken`of a deffeitin our
levermeilf.h.whas'iirged uptsituslthe exhausted
- condition- of , our Areastuy.: But if our financial
condition:is really , so
, depiorable, why is it,mot
urged - -as a reason against other measures'iniol:
ving large ekpeilditure. 'Wheit'fcither
surekareirtropesed geritlemeniforget:our almost'
.bankrngt.condition ;.1 - .)o„ : when,a.proposition is
introduced for strengthening the niilitarYity
sources of our .. Commonwealth=for placing the
State in: that ',Ogden: aid& 'the timed deMaldemand`,
..that she should, be placed-r 4 gentlenierifaliddenly
discover, that we cannot bear). the _ expensed and
all Measures looking to the safety of ourselves
i - nad the preservation lirtire ntional Govern-
Aleut must :beat:once EibandorietLr: .
g " ' I;am, in ,favor ; of •the resolution , : now before
us ;, and lam „anxious to, place - , my vote 11p94
the - re,ord. ,
ifr!' AI3BOTT This `question ielati r te be in- .
4olved ;in considerable'clif.ficultyr origioaeunt'of
a diversity of impression as ,toithe real objectof
fhe ~Soinebayethoughttlia. t . i ,tis a general
measure 'fOr 'arming and'. eqmpping the militia
of this:: Shia NowiliCy inipreeilan'•isThat if
'this- bill. shoultl,proceed± on its lassage, , and!
be-amended .asit is the design - of members to
amend it,
, no . such object beconsummat4
Ve'lfaVe arrea:fe'd ;the pOgres's"of the' bill by
debate, Whieli 'has titken'A Verruide tante;
and, now ; : at the! moment' of. adjournmeritp we
'0 8 , 1 1, 1 : 13 4 1 4 40 Air eq..v.O4PPYRI I X4o44fig
,ihdenrkitepostponement. - It appears to :me i ,
sir 'Wei' the' oßject r eir the' 6111 is,'
or will rbeositnplp atigirfent a 'propet
tent.; the.:. of-arms, to be: plaeed m:the,
State arsenals, and at the `dispomi.4
tary service, if an eineygancyalioillin6qutre. .
has been Intiliatig-lhist en'
'generally prevaitsittiat ItteleGintedi Stahl§ arms
luriPobeeit tskeigreat‘,4atent lent,South,under
)orders : from the_Wer,,Departmept Nytishb,
ton.' 'This hill; AS I' understand it; leilnioty: to
firing this, State to the rescue of the General
Government by;supplying,a certain propertloni
of arms an d ,p . I4cMA - ,thputf stke ..§.449ICFAW I 4si,
so ihat an
not' ' in a"CiaiditiOn of 'atis'Olute'llePenTeney
upon the Federal Government, siliete.We aeriaw
'believe that Government - Or - be im a position to
itlord theisupplyky,t,
• Now, Niro Speaker,' I am, irk favor of: : this bill
so fig#_ti.t-4.414 13 0.1P,..P1911 4 2R-1R:031q
appiopriation in order. to eminent the number,
of: arena in our ‘ s Bdifis l Atierial;.te" - Yk'iiiitit4 it"t•
.thOtlispaial- et the State: It; aplitirs to t i e that]
: iherpArg:4b44.o4oreitkPris .71470 alleeldrpro,..
,keptijo,.tsk.e,t,hl4,4qPp. ~,IYith,:rgia,PA,tojip.ri f t7 „
qaarfetal"&inclition,,lb' ii'rhictr allusion Ths beef}
i' ade, 4 bufisllett rboioicii-'vdrkifocriiitiieC
1 finite:furge9datiant Penasyhraniimcoulddiagire ,
a.-my c•nPw.Ye. OP 4 , :is. ,t4tR 444.40KatAPAJ444
for thil,purpese7otualapt be repngnpntt2 he .
feeliiii of t tlii pedpfge' Of this- OtAhrialtdiweelth;
nor inconsistent with' proinietS , 'or' toed' policy. •
i I etc inlta,•tor pf. thei bill before ms,•voifavaltit ,
17PioseRitPACRP114 9 ,4,:t 1 A4 QPiePt L'Ttft,Pqg%
nauillacpt kunohnt4 arras to_piere tke ?. stitelu
a proper` i,oittiok'iriwa - 61 - lititiaeiteiict." 'ft
hasibeekOuittriieltblitibVtliE4l4 that We kir&
riciVimsucb.aitopition. • LThe :aims br , otimar-c
seDQ 24Tea in,. fl:RisE* l 4P. 9Pditic l 9,;4l 2 o, ii.34llld
be Row - t6 - nepend Ivor' thoialtat irstle,sco:
tereZtaffifenierthi l 'aniteUihe 11/nick pilitiiiiti 3
inaphitrals,el-1•1 :44:: - 1 , :--";:=3 : • T.:: ...:21; - 1:-.-il- , ,I, fi
'--:' '4,4,14MA1;At 41 3 4 1:411: 7611'ineittreandefillitply
jdog,Dqued, Iteithet: .hasi or ,pay,be made ,qt
) 10g, .fiiiiiiiediiirbffi•:andi hglortiiiit at the,
= present tiniel' 7 . l '-'kt l ifr.C , -- 9' , .-47 : ,. Kr ,;,.. ii ,.„ ~,
M. SYRNP ) 81:IgfetiVi.iitti' thegentidnii&
*9iliLlifeAliff- BAth..) iiiiif fiii*:titialaiilkiii'
Jefferson; (Mr. goßroN,) that the action which
this '32i3ittiii4tor6pok'h is prernattire, at t6.pre-,
Vent time. At the -last ion we htiktietiiife‘
`it, the military ,bill, Iv c , a — iigpatlemen will,-
‘itcoilkt, a iiiiitd•Wiliati6tizeridetile.
I tletsi taCil keafF l,l X lll ta f fithaidCfigiTh*tr-iditir 1 1 1
.-111 F'WW:Wi 3 Agte.,.. 1 > igat:tknisil that!;bill;-"i whtehc
ought likligive teen - passed; was defeated , . -
.1., -... / ...X, lASI :
I have been requested to er.deaver to - procure
an appropriation,. to provide with arms several
military companies in the county which I in
part represent. There are ih quit cciufity no
lest .than five unifoiroed military companies ,
mithout s arms. :-Ilsare are many other comps,-
nies thrOpgliont the , the same 13011d
tion. Were , the proposition of this bill to place,
armiln the hands a such companies as theie,
I shouki gladly support it. Such Tat first took
to be the nature of the Imposition: lam at
any tbne, res 4 „to vote, for arming, and equip
ping the uniftmued companies now organized
in thd State`; bet with regard. to Making a gen
eral-diffusion of arms. for the -purpose of hunt
ing squirrels, etc.,., i l am.*cidedly opposed to
any such Measure.. Let .peMake provision for
thosh who are disposed .` to act, those Whd have
the spirit of the true soldier those who are not
afraid of powder and steel. 'Let us furnish with
arms the organizect'4Mitianies• "'the' 'State.
That is the measure twhielt Lwill-nuppot. .
hqur of 0110 -4 Ting =O4A Aftl..
adjonintidlhts gauss. .
mcititiernaitircili 9
AS.: 6co a . ] . Cer i irtir
taiib BP eellY
'Hsisitlelrectagt tolima *
y.m theorr
- iwidzsr,il,4l:-.txofiinrs.ris mum
Divrepry ,Or,gion." owl; Poqm,
iVecticn, 94 01 the Back or Limbs, &Adana; Patna to
heL tus
0 , Art , te.
'lons or the kidney-. aild Mande?, Orketno
rWebki es?, Neipus•lsbnity . , 1 eenv, elLthV i nall i g es2 rv.,: ,
e« - iyip vee iis n
ns, DY4iol7Bja, ,%ar g li* i"., w I -' bun -IPthoOP
, ri, it,44 1 es Jr's BP.rr....ltlea ty,.4r eel ~,,,
: of Stieht't i Ghtdiness, Disease ill' the EtunACnt , &? . , , E7 0 7 .:
t' use tiendqltacka Nineor:z.klo—those terttta at
or Wino, MIKA Pr.
:Agra erLing from the Indh•eretioß , ~. ~ , _,..•
e VlOnifillthattesiheasitipiactises wowis
urii'"'llls ....ill • 0 r aninXingssinsinas
,„,..neeenunhinunenes ,deb h 1
,1,3,,,rek e
-41 , yiiiitt destroy both bgay . anAmtud. ...
-''''' Y•zilbrd itzk"j • . -
Youtig a ispetallriftilledlit b'eckstoeiliiiNekt6s of
Alt Au, 014t..(4rx04 . 1M 44,A.,dgt.#4111170 habit .w4;14
Ml+ '').46t-lis t grave thbugeude of
younr..nen of , Aite iffost exalted !talent:o6d &Wheat ibui-1.
- feet, WL 0 1111,:). t olberwise bare liDtapigg
mnatett or ti7gne nbe , 6t 4/lilbicebe ea
‘usY 4MPv&kg /Yrur uf.l%fal!'=WkA runtagliP4 o9 ; -
Maeried Orions, or these coat mptiting maitiege, be.
ng . a.wain uh ph) afkai weelineartibould immediately eon
,ull Dr. J., wid. be reAureu i to kerfeep heinh:
!'. -;9 - .g9 - O. I PrA7FAIRWS
• • ~..ttaanAley anr,dandifv#lfigorraddred.i, ,
He win, - places himeelf ander the care bri - Dr;. - .Lianiy
,•,sltvionsly courdain tenor as a aent/enutp ? and ow ,
fidat,i3. etlympowlii tkiil.44 I hysttpn.-.4
'".e3-0l ee no. 7. rcuth F 'ederteli:
. ..treat, 'Baltimore,
Ala.,-(ll.lll. , alCltla.rid'i MI) aelniffiCailiiiiirtiArebiriellt;
ii6or4 arpul..ine Alp efttnaden -o,ionav r ,,na
,41.1110 0 . yen win mhiGia the ,t a par
.. icLitrlfor iiniaatit, T. i g .(jdaek%:withaliAdilninidei
Le IPqvi Cdir.(09.404, slErrplld -V; 'be Ir°4 l 4f ,
•.ton of •
'All..ttigrikAWakrte.„#,toiikPOOlgtStAii.P.l/011aC 911-Ahti.
'• : "DL JOHtSfON. —
jotivikdf lineMbee dri&E"-FtOy a4lolligroredreeous.
.I f Ondonp MC31, 1 4 11 :I 0 9 one 9f th.e-111.41e.t.9619(191 Calekee,
'if the Lnittuf s Caw; width° greatest part of whoa}
Mug beed spent 3rrheditispit.:l4 *pupation; StirldrPhlliii=
dembia siva eleVerhere,hl s egiszted-komot the,must es,
'461 , 1-lithe tls tint tirsi 9 "Shiny ti &Aid&
Wftlk xlekthril? IJAPefe:Shil - ,head WOO aeliteP4 ii*eab .tlerr-‘
. ;naiad xenie.aistignd FladacppOtillaP, bashittlatio.
with TreTpleint: lehing , attaniindshmetiiiiel Still' derange-
Lelia of utb l 34Wereteßf eltiF o 4ll4l l e!!Yi Ws". Mtb.
Azgßigira •
ettdbekeeeAll.lbeee ,rIK bax4nilaured themt
seleis"by privatd and iint- rope r" that secret .
Ad solitary. !Min ivhidb-pethis; Witt b6dy and tiitincith:
9tdog,tium So( iiher,,b n aleeespr. aociety. '
•"lhesdafiii.eome tit the and &Mr Mektfolholt et lhcis iko
n* .togioariy, habits or youth; viz.: ".IWerkheis.of
Rae* and. limbs, lain in, the Bead, 731reness,of
the ileati,t/eyo
.RtPle.-Novettsirrileh_lelYi Derelliteleglit 9 1. 41 119 niteed . Te
Functions,Debnity, Eymptoins of Seissutoye:
41ori, Az.
- •
gllntitimi, The feafluelll4titim -z tbeenito " be '
;Iropdt d ;:-1t i cf, lietriorf,.Ceefuilen , .ol.7.4lese,:i)o
:PreSslon" of Spirits, Evil Forenedings..Aversion to2ocle,
ty, Solredistrust, Levittlf.StAttudeglitniditylAb.; ate dethe
Satillodijadgo ulheit
"le" th 9 CAUSe,tI their dacliise lishealt e , toeing tbelrlviger,
nenoming weak, pale, nervous and omenipend, have ~e.
elogularlappetirshin alsOnt-' the eyez, ,: .ootijktr; . exid 4 symp;.
ins of cooeumption :
who trave trjeitial.tremsilyee .
Angel:l4h when alonts-,4 babitcritkpi , atlydetriSeiiiTtorre,
tviropouloni, or at schoollite cartels ; 01,,,w,tookaris
eightif "fdlt; 7 ev'elf Wheit'atzleeff, 'at d'if a& Mated,' rilud`Srit
diarrjagedmpossipla anAdest.vois born ,ihind and bodyi.i
,Immediately,„ , •
11"hatit: pity/that 111"3•13ung , thati, thiglichiegi of'hia noun-
try. tht diming of- hiavmenia,, - lihoulddseandcliot now
411 fircliegZotei said 6a1eyn4,163 . 011111) by thit'Oltii4itienotie
deelentlailronl mitiltattafrehiture,tan'd intuthailields:
aertata E,cmt habit..
.dunhgefiscordiftv t beftve oinzteip
elfecallsat around minitatrattedyliere the'Clikatriteasiiavy
vedul-1 es to _promote connubial Jiappmeas. .code d
altbout then°, the journey through life becomes a weary
"t , ilgritakee;this.PU - efitetMoorlyztirkentote3hirolew-the..
totted liecosies shadowed wan dtppgir and 1111ed,avith't be,
wet happldeii ottodbtlter
'enema blislitediwitlfour own.
DR. .9,atispws mIoofrATING,Br t impy, 70K 011.
/ T' 111 4.1
,By title, great and itnt!ortailVeinede; Veeitneti of the
&gang agiislieeillly Bitted; &id_ full4fe.oll-‘t,Okeii
,";91:hintsiinda.of ,sha ;most= nei_ell es- and b I JORItAybP
had lii:t 141 hollif - hr,t;e litku iihmodtaielgtoleved l . All
I ifilienlisehtsl9/i)Jaryiedet.ltrye OW4: identalimAtiilm. ,
er cogs,qii
Tretut-ItiM i , W r eik,.e.s.FeAlkrAtlett r lr
roanifeai kloiteddilkiiirell. • .• ' ' •
'' ;-, thaftemeilehiennmatiturid ttti ihtatkilet‘n*Attto the
la tp e e t r t l w t.ig vase, firi.troio
0,1„,e,a.b ) te
norteur•PKAalAPAr-silllini mekneherhettentOteheeent
;which byfe ngehj tthe apin JA two tinktigtiito,
te4dts#4!WiWtou'vtie voiWiithi . brairraoti.irriditir .
2iimari4d4V, itakt_lloteltAtrontott to thootokd.:, B ..
—Wit n the iiiiquided
and tirrtitutihntwort:l7.4le4
k i t e' ecso,Al thlcAtt.ufulA,eadeiti-tuittlitetkitApiltotAlukt
au liPtlintOl ottittitaii , die:tr4f di5h`,...1 , 4 07 ajar',
1 . 1102 hum applyiug to thnok3ive(4,fientedateittoit,atet
eyeetimirthy eau atone befriend him, eelayine 1111 the,con
;Motional e 3 mptems tA thir - htifittrifitease make their
; • itipe,tgaiteoi-Af_sittigr.thi Oxtddiiroa;,,AlosoastcluPezazi.
hrogrteiine en *libriehtlulrrapithtY,,hll deem nate&
eriett44 hitiOlt r eitinTantliffiiiko Wean ditt - Piklidltivifisit ,
"tmrue.3'ron4whetice trLNfler
mainly nicht, t fair vioqins te this tern le
clismcowinute Fho ugeellthineed
who, hy the use cif ,hat4egdly.meiti.fressWAPLa
the' minstfilhioh indinak'ditel erib
tafttob reellereetet'
o et '
ardegttereintatvo tunp ter
ipit.4.9ERMAI geutb rll—;-
t .lfieNterethith Pieelftibk tfifeet,"l3a.thtiore.
"'u11,165:P404,Y; J. 7 s-ERJ
11.1111tGNE - 1178. - OHE 'BOORSitatit:
18 Tags-SarA4fir 1 3 .i4WEANI TEIE
• -• • ",_8 1 !P
-11" •OMPrislpia:oolervariltti.y:q4j.)
11. - nrwlioojt4 , _
1 0 . 10 /Gwitllthviasig„ -
1;“74 of 11 , 4
VOSINga VOlLlateciJE ihe vAri99 . ink
e r k #1 4 eitiNbleuie'r viAb
ear - CtiNIP=PP.4 I 0.4.14PAY.A0RW , (-:
LA2 Lai; CAP . 014
_ I r O2IA. P4P4gI
' A T 1 4.4.4NA•Brkirs, r" ,, j
AD ziotoine.v„,
,-; N
VeLie4.itais; 'sr uilihtS:ri4
the mpit complete amilmeki p et IWEPpt,
ity, •-•
1.Z.4i ..,ibtfli k Woad. 4.$
Aid the various affections conee4ueet upun a ci,,,rAerc,
Stich as Irdigostion, Acidity of tim Stoma. it,
kain l + l , , Haitherns , I.ofB of Oppolice„
MY4Plsf Band Rita ding tiles. lo a l l ert o
tholdinaile, and lidoirabio Atr , snow . . It has in namerm,d
Itttttateli proved highly LenclimatoLd in ,tbms tifacta.:
a dee4ed cure-•
Mac% 'it purely easrtsble compound, prenlit d nn
stri6tly scientific principles, afar tido manner of then-1,-
to - rated Etollsid Ivolissor, Rom bare its rep , t nat
limbo ktroduced Its inn edartlen here, the d , m • d ever
mentiihiefrWthose or the Fettle , d aleatory mer th• - •
foci Ctllhhingibly.:miuntry, nutoy of whom toroug. It a I , h
'then' iind'handed dimit 'the try Won of its value. It
.notit orkedda rlfrf Jiettiitatd yithbe. honing that is tiny
nirattmlltraft bit ackvou Ifdrel
1 2t Lspar[Ycularly riemon and. d to those persons wbcKe
Conentanons :pay bare seen irryndr d by .he emit oats
11A, or :trident
s pirits, or other forme of .;.sipation. G,,,-
,erallyidstaniaceomron erect. it nods its lily directly to
pie sent of life,, tlitiPing and quiel.onlog eccry Derv°,
raising nO the drooping spirit, and, to Let, lures og nose
htwilth and vier in them stem.
le,OTPlE.—+lhoever expects to and this a beverage .111
:be . disapt ointetl.;,bot to the ElCb, weak erd low ..pirted
11.111 prore a gifitteful aromatic cordial, po..seated of
Crab:guar reMedial prepertie,
Aligitbemilokhlghly, couceidrimod Rao havo'a Holland
Mora Is pii , p , (nib's On y, and retailed at
O fDottAw ?et , beilteoir el; boul.o for F 1 1 ,7,
TheVeit dethaud for this truly Celelnated vedirloc hNe
indeofidittialit:lgiitilWnly which the public thould guard
par ha '
, ' th
e o utposl Mt" that our risme le on e
.1 er every . ;
geuerally. It can, be forwarded by
tie criLika
Phtinniteetitists . Chemists.
BIJ - 11".43- .
' , Y6e sAbkin t.!• 44ty, 1111 , 1AI:try by D. W. Gimes -a.
JQ.3„ . .. • „ , „ Rep' 1 ikw I y
1-;111/R13, -WINNOW,
imperienced Nano nod Female Phpitolai r raroto to
•::- ,
. For Children. IVretrilani — , ••
which facintotes th e pionof . _ by soft
..eoloctbV maAttueiniiiiintiisToldeliz—ell4ll9 , 4lL
I'ItIN 44 1 liwkifil, .1 1 e1i.0 1 44.00.4 ~ , ~ ; -
ititpiendlitodi ltolitnheilkit Will give -rat to • jouneetoes
41.4 9•14 tr 41 1 W*0 TO
-We IiRVIO - ple YIP and held - this 'argon tar over ten
yeataing* oiesior,rizt` 0061FIDISNOI:.131 iittitt, whet wo
kr/oon r, been able- to say at . any other cw—
NIITRIV - Ing 3 ntrinfAT; OVA SINGI:ifttStAt4CE T()
HYPER . .k.FIT/tE,Ntioll l ithlelp,ogeti.-T, Noveritia we
ls.ncov,eto'roetoooetif Ateeetisliotioo tip- any (.Co who, axed
it.: 'ol6tlfe isaittraryl'arliaiWdls leg* , with its -opera
l 'irri lA r l "' 4 4 1 14 .' ° ,_/' l'igh,4 Bl ,4: ol Nmendatlori of
ita lin ..-. %eta 'an nienicai vinuen. Wes peak 16
'tts ittrilelltinfan. 2! wit laffininli," witoT umpire cave-
AND HINDI GAR, IMPOTAT/011 PO)1„ TOM ItlY)111.1011
'Wh i thatnfentissuirestng from p Ida end exhauetiohi re
*Rif TberfoVid iff Silent. Or twenty minutes after the
11Yr Orb admisistsitiw. : •, 1 ': ! . ;• : - , ..-
,value.bte r moprettoo is, Ole prescrvion slope.
op - LSVis 'gni ~o liiiiii*,, ' , Ili ithnoet viiii'insiacce
of the Wok -. =PM:VaIi iinc'E AuiLLEct kussigs in
lA* Alighind e ova ,us L .bass used with ittlir.A. /AILING
4190013111 i : ...
t" ' ; . -- 1 , 12 ,
; ...THOU§ANDWoi O.IsES. '' ' '-
~ ; - . lo4,a.qiy,.,reitevjliq,ild, Azona,.., p?", but laill-
Kii the etaninch and towels, eerrscia aoidity, and
liv ensgtenergyrlo the iwltolg.systent. ' it will al-
Aslistt instantly relieve '
COLIC,, indiovercome convolsions;"Wbieb - Willa speedily rams
' ,rl, dopingrinfleath.-1 Its believe. it the :slaw and' WREST
I Nto PIN AMID, in all .csees of DYSENTERY AND
1 tIN I CHIEDREN? Whither it. ixiilli from
fteethp'Ffr r 9,k , tt1 r ,°,4 1 %. 2. . 48 .51 4 / 1 , -We 1 wOolo . say la
-aver Moth wvo ... a‘, 11a safferink . froze any of the
layer** Stanpistinak-' nit , "hiovi Fisirfionst's/gastrinian; non
1 'MI
.. VIWODICI4I or ,0111.4(118„:841141,.bptweex y ou . it,,,11 your
lisullerfni, *Slit and the rellefitat will ha SOKE--y.els i Al -
fidEOTE.L. YISUR,S-' iis fallow awl - use cif ittO ,oustheine,
It'tiltieli'lliiiii: N'ull direr dons for wine win socookiwcY
404 10 1+XPOfiq f:Noe* ,-, . Ohba* . z amass r SW; Tiss=eitinle of
,CU ggssorrNo sa
ew !Valli, is Onisontside wrapper,
' a lir kit ug g tits throlighnu. the r.rici'
; .4.tiactiprtom mi No. , :til,bedat o%::,tiew eltort:
11,7 .! 4 P P,S 4I : PS_ , 25
.. Cents :Dor„Bop,l4-
I*. gYarat i'°l7 B l.l tifie 4le t, In .1 3111: :, alart rtib in Cul Luta, " lt - 22 V. Vd °r ar t'u li r et * S C trte " tfl
R. qlpr...lfik,9l,,ilarket street, twiir,Toartb, and G. W.
IN fins, 12131datet street.
;;; 411,02 dewly.: ; -, ,-,. s •v - . • .); , . : . -
• , •, , .. 1 -.. 't•- i - i1i i).. T 3r.. 1 , ,... • V
, • t I"st /45) . mootTolyrsti % ~P,...... 1 / 41
1; ill': .: •. ' - . , . _ ~,,.1. jo t i
If 4
°A . "..
' Dirmatellal . . .--
'-.,-..- . •..... . 0 \ 13 1. 1.
-ei,, , .Sere the ' Pieces ►! ' t\-_./
.. ......- -
4,4+lr v/fa kAimmt eferkfrl-WU-krillalatedfantnit
a i v ' " ililstritildni up've aome , cheap and convenient
tom" rtirtrepaitiliFoinitnvo, , roye ; • Crockery, Soo.
. ;mkeitsWiiiickikiniergiud e i, and 'nu household can afford
thoSif.. :It Is, ittways ready and up to the stick.
'mg ll' There is no . longer a takesslty fot,tigunng
mitt - iitildloteked •xeneera; headhis toys and broken
cra ill.. It Is Just the article for cone. shell and other
, i identil teOrk;:so- poptdar witlf ladies of refinement
fit iota Viejlers,tloti iii aged-oold; being °beau
:MEl iehtliatilatioh, and poleseisina all the qualities of
Ul u
1 .1.4.. e Apt i .., cAto !,,makerii , Glue. It may be tired In the
0 'or limos - inotibigo„ belt* mistly more adhesive.
..IrLi ,_ ~fi'- ` .".U. " . A:: iN• EVERY • GOUAIL. ,,
, N. 8.. - J l Breel!auctimlutle i s each bottle. Price 21 cle.
, zinnienteellenov . 10 - --
.4 1 1111OLDOPOSAAO Alkeedar street New York.
Box NO. 3,601; New York.
. . .
o tter.peeltrethrateetsmtelotog Poor, Eight sod
l ' 'Z e i r M , OL-etteitittfel Llthc4liiir o
led'Ehow-raro a
Vogli bottle of PPAIDVotimt , PREPARED GI,TE
%WWI Inketekadieriiits ccetameitagY to every bousehol I.
P . . IN WAReet,tott).Osors,,Drontisie j Hxtttwerz
F Male* Croivia sad ri - cy Sh.res.
• • • .___ %,Reciebants.shimald in*lty , '7/18 or SPA LDING'
P PARED GLUE, when teals- op their list It ell.
hEi.dfdd, c limate - '1617 dawlY
,:1,.`",': AO . . .B. ' SMITH'S
,p 1 13 :DT -:...___ . &.§ . 13-0E 'STORE,
1 , Rprps 9p.w.ei D AND W4 - 1141Yr SI'S.,
~ i . litirrisburg, ra. -
Ai LWMYS'i?n - band a large tiesortmPrif of
-Boors,tanow, GAIII2O, 44., or tee V. ry beat
~..4,, u, ~,,,,,L.,..... gen,..., and ehrdroos , a ear
i' rnro the' time. Am kmds of o Will 113.136 TO
tgil. MAAR botettayte by. astviezess workmen
... =NG goleat stem awe%
auto B. ILIUM Harrisburg.