Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 08, 1861, Image 1

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(susn,ao Expunsa,)
Le DAILY 'ULF:GRAPH iS screed to Stilmurtbera is irk
:,, at 63 cenia pen week. .irearlf • Aubsseribe•-
aarged 54.00.
olstintaara is also, published . tikinaraTyspairidteiny,
ession la the Lea%let anit iseekiy dinitittete re.
.-* der of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the
wive rates, vie:
Subscribers per year
,nbscrincrs order the tlietaititotinite ot their pyre
tin the publistier may _ coutinato •i end theireustal
-I,nroges are gold.
~ abseril:ers neglect or refuge to taka their newsier
from the rave to whitirtheraro dlrefiti3d,%ey are
fi amil they tw" 9etped. the tr,prti end crteMl
The House was called -to order at :10;04544
A. la., by the. SPRAK,ER, and :opertixVsiiob,
prayer by Rev. Mr. ,Thmts--20.:.-:
BLISS submitted the. folloviing
Racked, That one thbiisinit copies or the
volume of the trituseetions of - the PQM
*.ylvania State AgriculturalSociuty,.as pliblish
ed under the superintendehee bf the Seqiehl*
of said Society, be furniehed.for the use of the
iy,arilteTS Of this HOUBO.
On the resolfitiorii . •
'the •eas and naye wore required by Mr.
HARVEY and Mr: WILDLY, and were as
low!, viz:-
.YrAs:—Messrs. Armstrong, Ball, Bartholo
mew, Bisel, - IM:der, Blair, Blanohard; Bliis,
Burns, Cowan, Devins, Douglas, Duffield, Dun
lap, Elliott, Gnskill, Dapper, Hofius, Huhn;
Leisenring, M'Donough, ' Mullin,
Pughe, Shafer, Smith, ((Philadelphia;} Strakig
and Davis, Speaker-2S. . . . .
Nnra—llez.irs . Abbott, ,Acker; Alexander,
Anderson, Ashoom, Austin, ;Barnaley, Royer,
Brewster, Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler,
(Crawford,) Byrne, Clark, .Collins, Cope,: Dis
mal) t. Donley, Duncan, Gibboney, .Goehring,
Gordon, Graham, Harvey ; • Hayes, Reek,
Hill, llillraan, Hood,. Koch; .Lawrenee, Lich
renwallner, Lowther,: M'Gonigal, Manifold,
Moore, Morrison, Myers,Ober, Osterhout, Pat
terson, Peirce, Preston, Reiff, ,Rhoads, Roller,
Se.tzer, Sheppaid, Smith, .(Berka.).- Stehman,
Sttneliack, 'Taylor, Teller, Walker, White,
Wildey, Williams and Wilson•-.-456. • ' ,
So the question was determined in tha,negii•
tire, . .
LFELyE F Al3Stlq - OE;
Mr. HOFIUS asked for and ohtained.ledve'of
absence for Mr. Gibson; messenger, Mr a 'few
clays from to-thy.
Mr. BRODHEAD, asked for and nbtained
the same leave for Mr. Devine . , •
Mr. NIABSHALL, asked for and obtained the
same leave for Mr. Burns. , ,
TELLER.stibmitEed the followiiig,
Resolved, That the Committee on Etluds.tion
be and they are hereby instructed to 'inquire
into the expedielency of extending, the protils
ions fan Aetpassed 6th day of April, 1860,
entitled an Act supplementary to an Act to au
thorize the School Directors of Chester and Del
aware counties to select sites for school houses
to the several counties of -the:.Corennonsvetilth.
'1 be resolution was read a second time' and
arced to. - . . .
Asstsseta An? rnommTy IMOLDII29.
Mr. BLAIR submitted the plowing • .
Resolved That tiro Cotornittfe:4 - 197arrh*d"
Means are hereby instrueted: &report a - bill re
quiring the Assessors of the different townships,
librough, wards, &e., in making out, their re-,
spketive assessments to invariably . require .the
property holder or his or her agent to make
their statements on oath or affirmation.: -
The House refused to, read the resolution's
. .
sect td time. " ,
HOFIUS mOved that . the.: liouse Iresume
the consideration of Rouse bill' No &l; entltled
an Act relating to the collection Of taws in
Lawrence county.
'I he motion was agreed to, and, •
The said bill was taken up and passed finally.
House bill No.' 69, entitled an Act to re-an
nex part of Brady township in Lycoming coun
ty to Union county, came up in its order on
third reading.
The first section of the bill was read.
Mr. PATTERSON Moved. to postpone the fur-,.
they consideration of the bill until 12 o'olee.k.M:.
neat Friday *eek, and that it be made the spe.
cial order for that day. • ' •
Mr. COWAN moved to tunend by striking
out Friday %sock and insaTtipg."ViednokWy
The amendment was agreed to; and
The motion as aniend.ed•waS adoptid.
Mr. ELLIOTT moved that the House resume
'the consideration of I,louse bill Ncy 15. entitled
"joint Resolutions relative to the military for
ice of this Commonwealth. '
On the motion,
r.l he yeas and nays were required by Mr. gir
LICIT and Mr. HUHN and •were as follows,
viz: ,
YEAS.—Messrs. Atbott, Acker, Ahniander,
Anderson, Austin, Barnsley, Bartholonie*J.G
eel, Blair, Blanchard, Bliss, Brewstetq''Burns,-
Butler, (Crawford,) Clark, -Cowan, Douglass,
Elliott, Gibboney. Goehring, Gordon;GrahaM,
Rapper, Harvey, Hayes, 31xxl. ' 'Hofius,.
Huhn, Irvin, Kock, Lawrence, Lowther,.
Gonigal, Marshall, Mullin, Ober, Patterson, I
Pierce r Robinson, Roller, Seltzer, Shafer; •Steh
man, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Walker, ; White,
Williams and Davis, Speriker--61. I
NAXS.—Messrs. Ashcum, Ball, Bigler; Boyer,
Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Byrne, Collins, CoPe,
Disrnant, Devins, Donley, Duffield, Hutuian,
Dunlap,FAlenberger, Gaskill, Heck, Efill,l3.line,
Leisennng, Lichtenwallner, Ai'Dotiough, Man
ifold, Moore, Morrison, Myers, Osterlanut,
Preston, Pugh% Rea, Rhoads, Ridgway, shep.
ixtrd, Smith, (Barks,) Smith, (Philadelphia,)
Stoneback, ribornas, Wildey and Wilson-40.
So the question was determined in the affirm
ative. ' • -
The first restlution was then read as follows
Resolved by the Senaleand 21.outeo1 Bafirsenta
tires of the annmonwoulth qf Oa;
oral Assenbly inel, and it is here 4 resolixd by the
authority.of the &ime, 1. That we authorize the
Governor to tender to the President'of
ted States the military forces,of this Camino:l
-wealth, for preserving the--integrity of .this
Union and the maintenance of the Constitution
and the laws.
Mr. ELLIOTT. Ide not wish t0... 03 0 11 45P
much of the tune of this House itka dissuiston
of this resolution, but I desire to present my
views on behalf of its adoption, - •
When I that the state of the country at,
the present moment is such as to eieiteappre
hen i01:1 in the minds of all just and patsrptiocitii:
zenis,l state no new fact-it is a Matter patent tottl,
Already•siz States CI this'Union have . reSelv
themselves absolved from all allegiance to the
General Government, and have established
within our limitaan independent goveritmel4,
antagonistic to the government of these United'
States. Not only have they done this; but
armed forces within those States, sanetioned 1)y •
the State authorities, hate' seized upon the
forts and munitions of war belonging to
the United', .States---have taken, - :possiSsihia
of the revenuev-euttert belonging' to the •Aene
ral GOVOEIIIO . It,' , iind of the *arsenals antr,4l
tom hodas; appropriating them to their own
0 :1
WWII lei
• -•• ' 4l
.. 12.00
. 15.00
" XIV.
Use ':111Tor, Mr: Speaker . is this -a11.;.. they.
ht v_A
.taade war upon this dovernment by firing
upon a vessel in our service.
These muses are sufficient:to excite apppre
bed-SIMI in the minds of all - loyal citizens--all
Who are faithful to-the Union and thee Con
stitution and liberty. The safety of the Union
is:endangered and ethp.gke4 questien to-day is,
how shall we preseiveitT' - Rour" shall this dillii
zulty be settled? /tow ehalU this' trouble be
- - .
In my humble -rdgnient, 'there'are two
. . .•.
coursesef action int, er of which will, perhelas,
accomplish the-object ef settlement. One- way
is an entire sultzfpa i iiitiColl,fthe•tilt§le Govern
ments-a silent, acqUiescenee, a complete sub
mission to the 41shas of the •shiverpeaVer. That
will dettlei the Whole'difficidiYso.far as the *M .
ot the South are concerned ; butit will end this
Government.. What do they :demand of •us?
1-TheY ask us to give up to them the - entire On
tiel'of this,GoVernment, not MAY for the pre
sent, but we must give.theni guaranties that we
will do to fir' the future. , As I understand this
Government;:,one of the principles upon ; which
it'is based islthat the majority &ill rule; But
those with whom,, deal do , npt con
sent that the - majiiiiti 'Shall rulet'-i that We shall
1 express our will in Constitutional moaner,, and
that the Wishes of ii triajcirity must Yield. They
demand.that weashall let the ;Minority govern
the niatority: I say that the 'moment we accede
to thhi•demarid„the whole cloVerliment is at an
end. :Republican government is built;upon the
majority principle; andthe moment you do away
With thitt ptincfple, you destroy
,the'RepOlican '
form of government. Will we ever subtnit to
this radical abandonment of principle? ' Never.
Therefore, I consider that remedy out of the
question.- I will not impugn the judgment of
any sane man here by insinuating for a moment
that he crua over sanction auch a • doctrine.
What is the other remedy ? ~, I hold it to be
tlds- -that'we must take the position that we
are ready and willing at'all times, as we have
ever declared our readiness and willingness, to
concede' to' the Southetir States and to our
Sinitheni brethren, all the rights which belong
to ;them under the Constitntion. add guaran-.
tee to them that.we will 'fulfil ,all obligations
incumbent upon us under, that Constitution ;
and furthermore, that while we are ready and
wiling to make all fair and honorable conces
sions, so that liberty he not encroached upon or
principle violated, yet, that we are determined
to maintain and - enforce the Constitution of the
United,Ktates, arid7prOtect it at all hazards.—'
That; Mr. Speaker, will, in my judgment, settle
the difficulty.
But gentlemen may eaY, •"you have ignored
the great remedy ; you have forgotten the great
partacervfor for all thew evils,. namely, Coin
promisel" Compromise? What aro we to
underbtand by that ? As I understand compro
mise, it implies the settlement of difficulties by
equal and mutual concessions of bath parties.
What, are the concessions on the side of slavery
in this„ease? None are offere.d., ,:I cenfesii, Mr.
Speaker, thatlcannotreethemeritsefethishmexie;
of corriprortijite se Clearly, aSikarfelither fettle- ,
men claith to, `do - ,.1 cannot seethe bright _sun , :
shine which isAireorne over this land inconse
quence of such compromise. To me this policy .
'looks like merely temporising with the dif.:
ffe'ulty. -I. seams ,that,,, we say "a little
more concession ; a little - late "folding of the
hands in compromise, and all will ;be well."—
I do not understandit so.. I look upon the
subject in a different' ight. ," ' . •
What is the compromise which, is nowpre
posed ? Gentlemen claim that difficultiesexist.
What are the difficulties that exist between the ,
North and the South t ' Ila,ve we encroached
upon their rights?: Wherein have, vre done so ?
I eall upon gentlemen to state wherein we have
encroached upon &single richt of, the &nth, for
the infringement of which there is not a Pieper
and effectual , incdaofiredress tinder/the Consti
tution. Haye • the• Reptiblican party infringed
npon any Southern right? 'When have they
had the - power-to-do so ? We are unable td
commit any aggietsiptile l ven if iw9 .l were Isci i dis
posed. But 'aillitistilie of aggressive Purposes
hive' been dieelairneclpy
em i garty l in,t hanst
emphatic `That anysffipeci uS'Of such'
an intatitlon.'is the cerisequerthe a our' having
been hisrapfehentefard belled:
~ , '
In ray-vitiw .the biustriiith'epiletent diffibul
ty lies not in any wrongivhfch. 'the North has
committed but lies in the fact that the ,people
have chosen to elect AbrahMrt Lincoln President
of the United ,States. . Mr. Speaker, I voted for,
,I,,inehin; and I am not ashamed of
havng done se. I' thank GOd that Iso gave
nty Iviitis j figailfrici - * - mroi deed Of Mine will
I ever 'consent to'-say, in any manner or form,
that Fain ashame'Fof having so voted, Does
anyone euppose,that if John Bell or Stephen
A.-Douglas,or John C. Brechinridge haci,been
elected President, therawouldhave been any Of.
the Present diffieultice?..No:orieinitigines such a
thing. The tilable ground of ctomPlaint then testa
upon the election!of Abraham, Lineoln, and this
complaint is made simply because by his election
the , slave
,poweris deprived of that - potency
which fof nearlY ncentury it hait exerted in the af=
faini inhili nation. Here lies the dillintilty;`and
unless we yield this point—unless we consent to
concede:to the South the supremacy "in the
gEhinithent:---theY will not' be ' , satisfied. Sat
what are these proposed compromises ? Gentle
men urge the restoration of the Missouri , Com- ,
prorialse line. We have heerr 'told by gentle
men who call themselvesißepublica.ns, that the
, RepUblioati,partY bathe:l - Tito existence upon. the
queitiqn 'of the testaratithi 'of that line. -.l' beg'
leave to disagree Avitli Ilrose `who Make this ,
statement. - .Mr:., Speaker; .as I. understand,
the ' Republican, party
_came into existence
in consequence .of Alia 'repeal of ' that line ;
but the party never: proposed 'te restore .112.!
We ' had submitted r'to. that which had
been imposed upon _us. against our wishes,'
and ~ had , come,: • as :. Mr. :Douglas, :expressed
It,:to consider that compromise; Ulm - ost 'akin
with the Constitution. But hi aitithe of peace
Mid : tranquility throughout' the land, ,it Wes
ruthlessly torn down.. The people were aroused
by the aggretliOns of the`slave power ; and the
RepUblican tgArtferoVe'lli. that day, not to re
store,thatllineibnt,fir-ftght -forever against-the
encroachment or thetaave -, pettier.. up on a foot
of our national territory then free. That was
whit I understood to be the &MODS , of the
herniblican party ; and it is whatl understand
it toi be to-day. I am not authorized to speak
Airline party. I speak my own convictions.
What, do .we gain by the restoration? It
atheist:AV only to a submission ,to ,the slave
power. As I understand we gain , --nothing. I
hold; that the National Territories belong to free
doml . Freedom. ts, or shcadd be national, and
slavery wholly ioctil.- As these Territories then
belong to freedom, What do we gain by yielding
theM entirely - partially to- - slavery? rhaVe
yet to heat any plitusibleressop itt fever of such,
a.surrender.. /, , • -
' Bdtf- this pmesition - ittVolvfs something
more.: We are called ' upon o'ooo 't, } o_ ll , .. r nc,
I not only as Tar, aslt - originally eAlateet, °Mt-. to
the Paciflc.Oceart-4-uponthedoetrine,,lsuppoee
tliat ilk mai dose' , cif-iiiddiciike , ,iita4 d Ari•bry.
1044 dot . ifeinest be better. Tit''that
. . • „ • I • •
[ Wenld'applY against:the restoration of the itai- trsi, Is there not! evidence; enhughthatthey'not..ire.;riecessao; Wis...might .substitute :pop
111m:dikter are of course equally forcible against Will at the decisive point matte - .common ea.tise. genii. • (Latighter.] . • •
ite extension.• ~ . . - .' • - ---,•!, - , • 'with the Mine Southern:Stet - a ? • . . , , Pennsylvania is in IM - danger - Of Invasion.
: The. proposition: that seems must likely .to -•:- I • .hciFe . ,•Yri Speaker; thef'these 'reieliitiona Why, then : expend for arms? ~ We
gain with the 'peoPle ,is the .; crittetlett, will pass, - -'. 'cire..adopito, the other day,)tiesein.:' - cannot use outside of the' • borders
. Of - thiS
COMPrettiiii. - What - is the - effect ef "that nsea ' , tions .. .from:Abe Senate, ledging the -faith ,and. -State; exeepti'mrionrequisiticiti!orthe iPtiSidetit
sure It tleclareS - that north of 88• deg. .. - so . , pOwet of this Commonwealth, to the President, ;of .the.:,,UnAed . Stater.., Why, then„ . shall we
Min, ,elayety or involuntary servitude shall not riew:Wi t ihnply tender'thern. ‘' It cannot be provide . either -• I want
.the inquiry to be first,
exise . ;.. but south. o.r it-what? that it shall.' jUstlyclaimetthat the of thiereatdir; 'made; Whether thereare not arinibitheatienal
etist • Sir. Speaker, cart see biit very littledif-tion , will, be Merely a reiteration Of .. our former , at Philadelphia?, .. I do. not ,:mean. the, State
ference between this and"the.exteusiotiof the action , _Tbe,ptirport of this resolution is quite arsenal, - because • I - adroit that - to be poorly
'Missouri Compremisavline. - - By, either propose - different We tender •noW_ What we . pledged. enough provided; bet I. mean the Vulted States 1
tion all tetritory South of the line is, virta4V„ Oen. - •'l' ' • - ' ••.' .•'--'". -• ' ' ..... r- t AtihOelplairt., , , - haves! omebovrgot
yieldedirri : loslavety. I would as readily;ipte, . --- - t,'GORDCEN.::•yIify position tilt -an - • - Idainto thy head t h at - ' there are some
-tbitireipropOsitibu . • as for -the other. '7" --- -- . "thealaVery, queitiori;has -, been -on -previous! , eighteen or - -twenty thousand stand of aims
But,:. - 7gelr . tlemen:7stay ;thatr,! - b3r.,Fsgßxetirr -.; oiecapio4exinouncei to this House .Ihave de- there., - , . . --.,- , ~, • ;,-,
propAgit flite - Aite,w! , . not *ute sinyery,l,..olaritd my opinions—opinions tortriedWith very ' gi. , - BEiattit made Ma- expression of di ss ent
intoAieLiert e itery , ; .i , :there or net, as great great deliberatibitheopinl'irs• not 'Of a' day . ht.& low tone :;• ! ~!! f.! ..,: -,.,• ! -, •, • .
the tiOpletliihk3 lieet'j! - : illi ~ thifi. torso in yelektlfor. a..) , eari but opinions Which I• have longer: !. ! Mr. GORDON. - Well, ; . then, „them . i 4: that.
ende - tb ill - territorY; - lited - ie'Cordes in 'as A rteiteltkeil, and. which I expeet;to„hold for: Ahe :,quantity in the New' , York arsenal; distan only
State? ' Supposing such a line to be adopted, I rernarrider . Of my life. • • There is uponthis.,deer a4o*,,' BLX:thO,I32V; 'gridltiltilaelphittithOre'are
May not a territory raortiril that line When it Ino more bitter opponent of the.Whole - syStere of certainly large steresof umm . unition,4un pow,.
, enters the Union as a State, come in either I slaintryiliiin I .am: •, , Pkriovv. very welithatthat ' dm; Saltpetie, ininiatoieand Materiala for-inan
with or without . slavery? ITo body questions j system-isuttetlyirrecoricilable with,free institit- .ufactoringiammonition: -.!!!!•:!--- , :,• '1 !! ~ r ! - I ''!
this. • What then_ Are vre.ito
.gainby -ad - opting] tutions.. That. fact bes, I believe, is, constantly,..: lqow . I want to ; 4mm:whether It is necessary
: such ~ a • propositieri , V,l-Ae , a•.l - indetistainf, it ig I developing and will 'continue to :dewier,: Until .to proVideler arming and . discipliting this mi
nietely&.-concesskurr7o-felphi79lllltifitthatinifitirtiOniffiall 'disappear from the hice - bf . nth), !force; and also, whether it. is 'necessary in
adequate retain. ~- '
I - belieie. that the Sotitheria:Statei: are a emit • inch ,to, the demands of .: slavery, i , I am
tin, emergency,We could not get this from the TIM-
M. their deinattchi , .! 7 ah!:thieslavery , question. , !dined to nothing that to- such a *pr-, . ted,Stateir government. • • There are armsin'the
They, requir . e. of ha that we shall ! make a con ; . render .'• ''• - -.. '••-! ! `-
.. ,''' - ' - ."-'
,' I ''---, -• . North- belonging r to the United States govern:
ttitutionai acknowledgment of . the right' of ;Itut.Whenvben We have before us a measure - -Mehtiiwhich- , canoe bimight together in twen
property in slaves. • They demandstill" farther 'tchich . contemplates 'arming -"I the :military of ty-four hours—aims. sufficient to arm , atleast
the right of
transit orsetearnwittr_their slaves lof , Peobsylvenia-- 7 e.prepeettion taking money one hundred thousand!, men . before, hose men
•in the free States, Note, Mr. Speaker, I am I ficini the Treasury of" the Statein, arge . sums-1. could-be eot.to4etifet.. - -Thee is no queithai in
not entirely opposed - 't6 eliiiiiiiiimis!eiiij' Here is'i it behbOVM:titilii'litqtrire the - reasons •en . Which] retard to that tact..! If.ithen there should: be . a
,a Point on ,whichl. ana•willing to make a - com- 1 such a nieasu . rarests.![!! .We ate te.examineL the 1-requiSition by thego vernment. of the United.
PrOMlee.„ ~,So far - .• as MY , vote , is: concerned c ucceresities of,: he Case calmly; and! • deliberately, StateS 'upon • the State Of. Pennsylvania for one
I ant-Willing„ to ;guarantee to Southern man,..- ;without . any referonee:te the feelhags of :any hundred :thousand men,
that. government in!
cdming,tci tbeState,of Pennsylvania, the right-, , StriitlAin 'State or any other portion ef . these_ twenty-font or.fortyeight hours can have arms
Of transteend sojourn with their slaves, : provided !United :States: ''' -- : ' '- '• ' " '-- --- '- - ready ' , for theM, 'lung" before the men could be
that in their States they will - , give tO . our free;.- ;Potent Lyon) for this bill as it stands; I want • got , ready .• I. ask tlisen, why should we enter
white. men 'ef. the North the samersivilege that to knew. the reaseuelefit!..„,l.say,now. that ' the !Upon this 'Quixotic exp edition ? .We see . that,
•we give to . .theirnegrditi dithia:tonth th .
e right . preamble and I?.e : fiFst,:yWltitJon. ate - whollyun, ,this!propositiott &debuts to - nothing. •'' - '
of free ; .transit through, the States, and the right necessary.,' The iriquiiy•Which the second reeo- !!Now, all these enquiries are.! e be, made. `.7 I
of free siopeeh.
.Wili they: ever „give wi_.thede lotion , proposes . i tak
er tiii.Yof the Committee on - think - it proper, therefore, to refer this .subject
rights? 'Ne,' 'sir, neVer•-:"Yetitisonlyoltrogfer, ,Yirays:zu4,lleans is an, important one; without to the , Conimittee - of .vtr6,yl and ' Means. - We
our free white men What we areWiliing WOVete any ; reference to s . ecessio . n ene way or,- w
another. ant them - to consint militaryinen , upon this
their negroes., Weald . 'diain.,.rethrw for our li,am ' in favor •of referring this subject to the question. We Would likaor at least ,I, as a
concessions concede , to Mr tlige'rightkit - would Committee'• Of Viiya"and - Means—not for the member of this Howie •Wenlif - like—a consults -
realize myidca of &compromise. It would be purpose , of: immediately • retrirning 'to' us a bill • lion upon the2part -of!-- Oar Committee with
an arrangement by which the North•Wouldgaiti , for. , arplog . and equipping the militia of Penn- !Lieut. General Scott, who is. the_ highest. milk , .
sthriething,-by which freedontwoubigainsonse 7 •!.4lvartia 7 -hut for, the purpose of inquiring into' ,taryauthOritY in theSe United States. . I would
thing . ..and not loose 'all. .....„ • r.l , ~ ~....,.,.,„.,-;.-! ..,...:•, f Ole necessity -an 'eXpediericy,of such action. want to •und erstand!just :what we are i going to
But we are asked to still further.and anknet* - .'.! f With' regard Yto 'this' first " - resolution; what 'do—what we reqtrire,ryvhatistieeessaty liarlY-!
ledge the, dogma that.the„Constitution. carries deceit amount ;to ? - - ,Simpli- nothing. at • all: thing:he necessary. I apprehend that:when the
'Slavery with whereyer,itgoe4,..and.. t hat, hat On.thiesahjeet we .want to do something , pee:, Committee. shall 'have made the - requisite'! er.i.
. institution Mint' be proteetediffthe Territories. trial .• :1 do
not T want this:Legislature. toi stand ,qtiries,.the action proposed . this, bill.will be
.I believe that our Demeeratic - •biethren of the here intheptisition - of a 'braggart.' Ido •not - found •Wholly unneteseary. '.. ' . - •
Werth were. unw Wing . toortrictien.timt-clocnine. Nlrf . mt Qhixotie ProPositicaissent out to the World - I know that; with' the - : present Eiectitii-e 'of
at Charleston - end at - Baltireere;they .were ready and addressed particularly. to ". the President •of the United States,. ,weareina, - -bad condition. 7 , ,.
to let their party go to ' pieces rather - than ac- the United :_. States7-pr °positions , which, the 'That is theUerteMlA.Rifpiiiincp;.lo4,abadOoll-,
'knowledge that principle: - "Yet now we Repub. President and world, have nothing. -dillon: The State of Pennsylvania is all . Tight
licans !who' have , opposed!: that doctrine all the in them but Mete gas. • - `•It! le ' not becoming to side up with One," .. There Is no difficulty .in
why are gtacieusly...estiled upon. to ~dcr.. our.positkin , as , re • Legislature' • that ;We- should that"respect ' But the GenerarGoverrinient is
What Democrats' refused to..da - ,. - . ; Sir, it will. -
, be, adopt i propositions, of -.this., description..:lWe in aired condition i , for-the simple: reason that:,
long. before I stoop so es that: ,":,, „, .. ~. ~. i 4ritist deliberate; we, ,ratist...not , rash, forward the 'wheels -. of 'that government seem to .bel
3ilt,' another reason is offered •in favor oft,: voci. eVeryprePoiltien . that is made here, '
. 116: Checked et stopped..„, but, suppoke,wo- - eoneedey
~ . .so-called,oomprOntise -We areringai , Jorm.4 ~•'. iiiil.thenegtO 4, lalititi , biat tof fur td !Strike - .at.'. ',flit' rtlbVlifelYabt*' - iii the Trejident - of - 'the
' fie* our principles -on Ae.Pretif th(k.,`Miii, should 1 , at, wilt:nom , dq fdr. the ',Legislature of Peliw United- States , Constitutes an: : emergency . which
be magnaidmouti.''.f,.magitkogthittiAkiaV,, if, : .
.lAnia.. : :,,. -;-: f',•i.-, ;: ; , ; • ....„,,.• • ;:, •••: •,'•:; . •it Makes heassarY M meet by arming our State,.
any man asks nietebe .msegnemmothe 7:JAI* - is this toga** r. "„ f,.`...p,tithcii#es. the. hew long is it 4:. No , rpm, wonld,..
• Southern States . who Aft*, gestOed,:i I call upon, ..0-orOxi4 - the'latiVerriet to tender - to' the ,Preel• bretendflthat It 'can be done• in a ' Month. -But
'him! - ttibe •;i:gor r agntinitUenC . ,ite the thief dent cif the 'United` Statiethe idiliterY'fotees of -oilier). a month shall have elapsed. we obeli 6:i . e ,
robl*r.• - ; Give .Jilin . the.. - tey§. of., Ypitt.T.idn.nig." ! . .this , C.onituotlivealth,for ; preserving A heintegrl- - a new ' itsiniinistration- . -ii Republican adminis ,
' '6hett,' as he - coulee to 'filch the reiVard-'iff:your,, tY, of, this ljniota ..and,..the:maintenance of :.the -tretion. . l,apprehend that theremill bane dif- -- .i
hard labor. Be .”magnanimous" tosthe assi4 , ., - COnitittrtion and thelawa,.. , " L . .. , . ~ .
,sinwheri,he aims the daggetatyahr breaSt and: . , 'lrked any man w'h'o - has read t' Constitution ling arms for. us. We. shall, have nediflietilty,
ppen.YOor, bosom 'that, the, aim .rnai,he.,iiire..... : pretend that our Governor, or we either, "hove then!upen . .thesCore of ether i aid; the 'snoops
These ;'States ire. ut 4d 4 bo , , f ind - na k iniSinsWith, any. such power. lodged in. oar , .hands. i . If. any. possibly aria our militaryhefote thiggtee: L . A.
-regard to he Genethi ad,tehiijkie,46.::',!4 - 010,4„ bne'tjdiihs so, , he is a bed, of, the cOoati- . ... Vahall - therefore nioVe„lietecifter, to strike
despoiled - bnr::treaStnt. - ; - ,.. - lia.b4f#rgnevrSlM , :: tiftibtii -- : Governor' - The- f PerinSylVaida. cannot but the preamble and first resolution and' sub . -
lug a vengeful blow at• the Government iftitilf,, ,leittillie Militaryfordes of. • this Commonwealth . stitute thefollowing : ;,-,.r..1 .....; -, ....,
...:- ..,
with-the hope that. hey .may. utterly
are called
beypodlthe lines of the. State . Row,. then; can -.7 '1".4,4t , ' - , : tho: cpinHaitt4 - 4 !Way.:- and !Means ,
W h en. this is the. Spirit which we 'are, eallerLtd, .he tender to the presid ent of, the .11nitedStates belatilr.arelleteby instrocted to inquire- intethe
'meet; will gentlementainelY,acqineeeer4krosa .inii'iiiilitaiirforeek? • 1 4 ... ii- whatpiitiiio" To expediency 4.1ii11:49 orgaAtze,•• and arm-..the; .
Outrage, and cell their, indnisiiii, Oa ulinignattirid- . ; 'be taken whereitliednittrair himself &Mid not - Militia', ef:.the:oOlNnonyfealtil i .and...ifiT.,t,h4.!i
ty r' -;41 . 8 Xhavo renMikact:.l. belpo.t - tio South ,taketheml- - . Wel see! at . once that the propoil , ' eheidel to dit.,to be expedient, to, -report: a bill
ern 'States' to be a unit in their - defeat:AS. With. 'gen is ahseid. ,:,,-, ~ . :,' -. ......,-,!•. ' - ,..-,,, ,- ..:.!,-..! . ; to thatbffeet,"...l. ..., .....„ 1 , , „,.; .-.,,.:
..,. -, • ! - !..!
'regard to.. : slavery ~..They', . • d eMaiid,:. . t.liat;the - Wkete •is another t.hins . ..f4 be considered.'. • .Igtiiii,oifly the first , . resolution; is now, befOre.
right of property, in, slaves, shall be ;"i'icognizeil! Tartinel to' flie'!"C‘OnStitutiCai We ' find '. that the' ! HetiSeilmOve as an i.,atnendrnent to strike: -
in the •dottatittitieni::and field:*ilid lie„Otit Na,'
. :4 1 :140ng the .- general powers'! of Congress, Con , out that rtiOliition. entirely ~Ith , n . -,. ;: ~. , ..,' ,
tionai _Territory,. t Ot,iiligit;.:Aio . .ii,e l -I.l l 4er4;: l ttesaria. elnP.miienxi-T.., ~- '; i - ;, , ,-,v .',..„ .1.. -.,.... -....-! :-, i , --'' ' The SP4 K.E4,(Mr,......PATMasutrin'theehair).
take to conciliate . .Sent.lA Dii.r.qvux - es - tii - eoneili: - To provide for pal_llll%.l°Ft!.ille:laiN. militia The.V.:#itit.#4'74 net. l 4.lortier:i loriaceomplisb•
- ate Virginia: Dees any gentleman suppose that, echnillielawi of . .the anion, seppressirwrr.ecr the :gentl4Man . ;4', ebientACEleuteL'iarnst Note .
if 'Virginia, and!Tsametseiii thidlEentileky, and' , tionetinclireOldriirtisione:" -- ' • •''- '•-* ''', -' - 7:::.' - fdOWit theresOiutiOn.
Maryland : should Je n -min in the Union, that - That. is :one. of thenetvensEef;Congreinet !!P'Mr. BUTLE.R..(Crawfordh6, , ifaliyagree . with
when the .questiort,eontestm,,l-!shalLwe.feree one of our pgyverc , :We find, also ,•enumerated . thd reasons4s . lp.,,,,,l_?yAgy triept-ibjez er ..
South Car.01474,• - giW47IPPI,!X/orida, . ,or I,9nisi,a, :in thesepowem;. ,! ~- '!..!/,iy:. , --- :, id ,!. .., ~ ,!! • son .(P.eit Gown ,jp'y the : adoption 4 :the,
Ana to remain in .the !Union„andienhnititorgo ~di lqo . provideToi'.oraWitizitig arming 'I:4001- . chit areSolntiolii - riare'the unite - in , - keierra' : :
conetmlittao 44 tho Z.i.o l 'l theSebordes.:4l,aye, :, - emlinlifg 'i thew:Militia:: tittir'ler
,geVeriiing' Stith "'iii : the ...Atato . of ; ;the Linionn we , !:Inive , 1!
States Wiltassent. to.any sncli; measnre ti i .:s4l,: ri partt'of . .themasadarbeeraPloyediirilbeeetViee think done all thet..7o
,copid. , with , any, pre,,
sir ; i they . will peyr. - ..saneti94 .41VAruglif.qtce of thq , S-roke4StAtet.;[TeWrvitig tp., tbo!..statas re. : ptiety. &int the iiii'e-'• -We! ire,Ve.' - 'SlibatiintiallY
against those States.,„, They ,Wilji itiaalt:el;s9niinon. spSeyeci 3 !, 7 ,t 4
.appontmentsif4b 6 ,9ffwejP and ,declared hat l'rennaylvanirt;lii true twthw , COW
- eauSe ;With them,„and i TtlAcitery: - ;rnarnent c that, the aiithoittY` Of f tralriii4 then:AUK, - according .stltuti - iin and the Union, and . ye,have, pledged
we aboUld,undertalre A9 . ree,Ort;,t((suchiproceedr....An the-diteiplitiepteSelibed 'by Congress '•:' - " -. .;•literasourceisAif thC:terttiMilliiialtli - to - Meiji.
ingi,44 l tiquld:clettn:thsktheY t,':YßOdelllickek; -!.4lThesilvetind,that slide it tenderasisbere pro- lain thesame: - .. .,413 theigentlemeiLfrem J:stw
a rulli4Pr'ebeheiinti:, and ~ w ould., , ...doeire,WMel d ,. 0,, tir say i theieasktmneeeassry.;,,simply, !sori•iliffa'ailid; tktailder what we really have. not'
change their votes.'.',7 ..:-,-.. i:' , ,, -, .:. :;_.:.; ~ „-: 6t . ,: VI ~; ; . ,,bepoatise Congress has this, power iiidged in ,their. ,in ourlintbdito ,, telider i E , iiiioniebse: I' would
! !
What, then, iS. to be Aeon?.. Ift9C.ln.FgoW!! ,Aandiliyithe ftriatitutiOnlef AlfeiJilitedtfatei, ' like te knovi, frem ; those ..yel, 1, cf.l . nntiort this„ .Pre - :- . ...
is to ',,faiiii . if Onoissiotr is - .oflail,-:the.te la t lri my end We can !neither give ittfor4iithholil , it , !Wo , 'position 'What - tlief mean, by. - .1.t.-whether
jitclgeinent ,, but - PI I 9.c2PA:-toriNll 3 4VglB 4,- .. - A9 ..M 4 4.011g to tender fOrees,oLt-his:Cortimen; they: aneaniii , iniii the entireMillii&Ofthe . St i'te
Moat ,take . this positen-.4hat#9,,,gp,verarmmt,, ypitith ,, ere.lre.&'Zl.'lW,gli Ilt the PilwiCK , t9 ! .. ,gr,giot , c,: . .l would-ilk:a
s take,whethr; ther
must be maintained . in - ink i tategrety,. s ankthe.. : ..tender ftheinr, - , - a rnere*Rpty tender s ;.; it
,147,h'ihritte litLy'Atimate of the cost. i..
IJnion,must. 4e, pTeterv,,A,:, .0.0 geotlernen ear, amounts t fdriotliffigl. for tiiiyeadqthatWelaVe *that. ttnelrtiiidindldellatsteloat Mai Woad be
".he careful, l you . i naayjrritate.,the feelings of., !; ne right to fi;Oramend tEssingleiridiVidilitirfAhiS -aloW estimate for putting. the 34.,uitia, of Penn
'Virginia ,o-nothilic which .ttiyArtalkigiFlthqx -,cetnnatertyyealthvtorcarch,oneinchbeyerid,the.,sylVanis upon a war footing - If lam correct in •
'continuance as a!llleuttir. Of :this ~„ ynion. r, , ,j ! ,ri ~Ptp.te lines,,. ow l ,then, are wegoingtetender• .that, and.if we .Mtilisate our militia , force, at ;
ask, sir, ;Whether ..iiiis-4a, Virgioht,„Le i gis'latnte, the fdibeetb g a b woft. ' - o'§c,,utri•c Carolina 0r . .166 'thre4lMildred O*A : 4A :nien,.:if.-.would require
"Of a PennailN;aida legislature. • Are;We to le 7 J, .ITrliglilifiV: , :vnielendei is all Mere ntinienie;
'it tiiiiityMillibils:4-',:dtillars - to begin with:' .h,
• gialate for ~Yirginis.,; 0r,,,f0s „this - ,gbiriqua old amounts tottothingatall.;:: , ll... - - , .. , .::;';.j '...f. 4- !''..4110 aliny-gentleman this floor. prepared .
ComMenWealth?,,Most.,weigonsalttheldell.uge. ..,...1119:4 4 . 1 egAh',7 4 3,,1trei geltigtO AO der to ,Con‘.: . teliefietion etch 'arinspeodithre.-
-of bur..o*W,peOple:.4must. w ‘ econeniff theOlt orese,,a_poWer which they , tliernsely..ea .. posseis .:,Abd even.if .wwshcittlittaitibie , :foree +PM it . -
Inge §fYirgtnial A trwasseit.hpreaka j!enneyir, made!' 'the Constitution .- ' IS' not that li beral'? itti•. - -10.90ng et, that expen s e , and; then : :pretend
- *mien itind..l. trustll mayaiways remehl a true .
_ls it not extraordinarily liberal) thatl; should' liiiendei thei - k What Woidditaininint to ? 41. s
P9rOiSeiVigiiatilii.eintimeit,-..and,„legadatefer .'ea7l , 9 yola,'' may have
i - your - ownpocket 7 has heenitiutlifully said'-by the:ge itleianfr
..eniaml - eria,„ egarofVirgintt,e,whiMeor ,hook-'” ' . ',. Jefferon, we hayengt,theipowerto compel
- note - :be
We in-terfere,With.witti VirginWs : --.:There; isl..another., ;ehnsideratimai :-' it , Is i pici--iniiiqiWourstituvi go biyoiad - thb- tio4ds of the
legigitfon?..blet at all we. itglipa: . 7l 7 Argipi - a: psingsat 70)5 , ,sh.Quid-,: subjent - i. the, State - An commonwealth,,ylf...: the gttietal 'titiVertiliterit
to repealenyAherlutie?:,,RO,„ sir,.., Have we this. .g.P9IF.Q-.-cifi i 301% gaP. .militia- : , What needs
.. riten;' it, la., ?ply
.neoesserY ,that that :Gov-
if:eked:Virginia not te;:a3:10,:-;, '„XR, !Or.; -1 7 ef AP , , !
_does this .. proposition involves . : The militia-of erripseht Sirloin& call - Tot - ird.haiggers. .. If they
Willing;that she shall -,(19-!Tf4P.X.499Yef,e!etPe.!ti? „ this tleinnioriWialth amounts - to' smile tteree' should net be forthcoming;- everyman 'Olin'
' . her best „th regard tojiiiitinattm..,;„Mgl,j;.elairn:'intridreit thousand mew if , .1. recollect • , aright. ,nifeS superior k allegianee „to the • United. State::
the same - right for Pennsylvania ~ .. „..,,, i ..„,!. :!, Are we •going, te,pat ,inuskete,.. swordsi - pie . ,
.autiMiitY, } iinci.islsubjett 'to "dtiift - i* When ..the
-!... A j et menowsaTatewylgt;p9itiiipassegoOf itifsi
. 4 , 9„ . into :the hands - of every, able bodied . ci9Rqo , qp . .yorattent,:bas . .colledtbd n , 'fOree- a
• 'the fesoluticnsnow before...ns. .: The : .resolution men : i 'We ”. Commonwealth? " :If so, .We .
: 44 : ttott+-..either drafted rap t or, volunteers-that
which is the imniediateedlijeet °fairish:lent:don, better i'detriee' shine" Ways' and L'nleittia'for•the• ittn4dninittititiablelo arm . theirf;'' bt,if not,
i!authorizea the Governor tolentier to the Presi- • purpose of, raising adilitional revenue , ~ I f!not,•= there is PatriotishCO.MMgh in Pennsylvania te .
dent .of 4,19, Vtitte,(l,Srates:lio;tomitary, pt. then- 1.14 1 :4 - ..LiliMberei2.l4o... 19....1n. Armed ~and, .doit.
this:COrnmoriwealtifforpreserving tlietntegri...ty ,eo l P..mi ?•, wiv ...aheald 71 3 ....M, .any such . I,ani . opposed te tiff,thie„ilialii.44lo , ,-.lvith :the
Of-this end tii ~.1400,94,a.TpApf tlic t oppe,t,it ,provision'tit'ajiT *Nile - See that by the CtiiiSti tiffidie- . 4 the geheral'gOVemment lir using
1 talon. anal ,0 1 ,i, ' A we, t.. pe:wei by . .„, tho,-,tcsglA-...,toiin: of the United States; , it is . expressly pre= this Ae.t4t:: I. intend': no dillteep Set) brit T 'eau'
;ion , dNictraWar.,okii anylbita,r ) It . ..i . cannoti.: . .iicled,,..that - ..-Cskigress,. not:the.: Legislature , of think .of , none more
~ proper..., I, had .auppossd •
with anyjustlee,.l4,soinenstrned - ;,Wwthreatel,n ..PeOnay,l-yania„ 4 shalk provide„fm, arming, .and, „the f t ; after ' 'What - We have aeidy done uith
no ititsanit” nron,anygoti. „ -„'Wes :aimply,place, equipping the militia. . Hence, by this proppsi- regard'Wthi 'Statenf ..the.Union; this tinker •.'.
our militaryforeeset the pp - 91:t4e:Prgs-... gory; Iteare't(kleco the money of the petiole - tit . , mg, - With the: affairs of .the General Govern
ident of - the • Mailed! Statfe,lckbe. used at his WrousYlifttrilit le 416-!-LiVhatVlCP!do AMA:Which 'tent, tireirldiense'at lealitleFit:iiiiiii. time •I '
discretion. Sir when gmytii, as Much oppdsed . the Constitution of the United -,States,',has - im. - still hope - that ..iti.vilF , cearleil hope that the
to •-the TreSitknt - isi. Wit; is willing to place
,posed lip2t, Congress, . : ... ~ .:', •.,.. ! . • .• ....- suggimtion - thrown out by the gentleman from
this fdroset hie &minaOrli IthirthrolriDentOdiati& "", There is alit' another thing 't.:i Ve, considered. ; Jeffershit will adopted:
- - . !
- bretliten'Onght tOl4Willlngtricioiseur witlitheih, .ItiltAktitt,' - "' there 'li itn" 'einergiUoY ; 'hele ''iS'it'' - ' ' I 4ta tat:afterd thettke:peoille of Pedniyl*ania • •
such enteastire. No man holds James Btithatiate State .of Atffairs'e,that , requires-''speedraetion.!?; generally or my constituents in particular, will. !
in greater= disrespect than . .I. ' ''' . 4 believe that '..Noki Tinonired taPow.thisf floor; the:nthee day accuse4ii- , Cif. beinewe t tik hi thelirle'ee" or any - .
God called hiln'te'has - PreSent •Po iiitiOn'fpf 'Cat', whether. there wee .apY-4aPger.of an ,invasion, i ttri_tg4!opthat - 00 4 , becanse oppose >this:prop ,
lithoiliation; - and' fOrthe pirnielanient i of 'oto ,- ±et. tif: yennsylviiia:; :and .4i was , answered - -, .. , lQ''' "sitiort.'.. - I look upon it as a_ pForsitien :to de t .
lien Of sins. • But fini!!. willing% - :te' Make 'this Irtriade' the - ten:lark' that elVthatimstneiesialy' '
4of ie ' , Oat iiiiitattieLbeuru poperty. tea: •
tender of our militarr:ferces, in order to put to defend.' thwhordersinfirenosylVania , from4WL inrUpon it- iii thiii , •light I cannot, of Cent* '
'down treason and ,insnrreetion; arig only . htite .vasion,Were nfew,,shotgans.!,Zaceptien.:Waa.'stqapOrt: it., ~, „. -,, ':'..-,.,-,..,! . 1 2-=!1:.v.! , .: -i 2,11 •-•' ''-...
thetheWill'ata4o.UP - t§ l2 *.dr4Y.w:i- ,- : - :-! - ;.'- . , -:.:, ~ !,41ten, ~'. to that- remark by . orto„grtlentanwhp„. i lgr; TEL'LDR.. :This :As: a pstlootimi.invok
Av needi au..t . SeEttlettlen.lsayeWo l ,ef ; - pAlOreNeti this Side ;" yet upon inquiriet , pT 4103 . 6 - ekpfeoitifie Ormoney ; for. what- ;
regard49.tlie.'tuoteption4"..aueli..A,Aeasveae - 'ttbati gentleineWwlietheethere - Wai - ',enfdange - yet' atnotirit we• - Mai' app'ropilittesle,iiiqiiite,
I,*in i se , .tifigiiiia or tifiryland OiTerjpstseq. : 4`sent, ,ol:;,awcitivaid4g, , ,the,Aalthr!rat '.a.t..pastieleXtrat• icetiticin that it will till li& Used. • , ' , 'l l eintiint l ieb `
'Wive and may take umbrage at suah action by would say, therefore,. that even shot guns would that the measure is justified by any immediate
itram :fading nu.
Having procure.. Stearn Power Presses, we sre
•repared to execute JOB wad BUUK PaIMINti of every
leborile ion. cheal er *at kt can be done at cup other 4.. R
atlinbtnanttn tbe couiney:
RATES ,Adars`G,
air Four kites Dries eonetnnta-011.0 hall - square. lilt
Ire- or tnorc then war cortiut,oo3 a equaro.
Halt square, .
One moutb..,, . . .........
.three mouton, ...... . -...• • ;
Sig. ... • •
One year ..„ , ... „. „
One Squats one Uay
... .. .
" * olio month 03
0 three months .. ... . .
. six ... , .... 00
' one year 10 00L
IfirPlighwas noticeshiserteo -in Lhe Local oobanst,
oefore' Nadia - get luta Deatto; FIFE CF-X4E PER ugg
for each insertion, . • ,
NO 31
• ireilaiTiaeebtond Deaths to be ettargENO as re g ular
; • •
danger. i r haveno appre e ons of an inva
sion from abituid: TheAdatiger 'Which' I most
apprehend, is from compromise., lam ,wosed.
-to any Compromise such as those so much agt
tated ; and I am also opposed, at this tizti,e bu
arming the State.
tb - Orticipate "-..".:.`phjeet of
which is to effect'sonte - adjustment of our pre
sent. tenttoveitieS. . Let us new welt, to see
Whether that convention ;rill will remit In any
thing. : -I niVself have very little hope .Of any
faVorable to the Union I,dio not believe,
even though:Virginia has-spoken„ that this is a
era of
,peace. I believe ':that* , before; a great
while, there Is'to be a general, Waking-up Of
this. nion. • "Bait lam willing to wait for the
action of that 'Convention. I do, not appre ;
herid any dangercif invasion., We hive troth
ingte tear with regard to iatir Sewn State,.if ittO
anti - Moderation. The men a
the'Seuth are not coming here to attack tia.
Neither do I think that we are .going there to
attack them. ' ,
We are in the midst c - if a revolution... Sea*-
sion is revolution, 'that is if we undertake to
pew it, I' think that Very soon—perhaps in
tour -or five Weeks, it maybe a longer or, .a
shorter time—the great question will be , whe
ther it is, not best,
,with regard to those States
that w.nt, to leave the Union, to let them go in
peace. • I think that none of these _States are
,going to come back;, and believing that to be
the fact I am not fur putting'our State in a false
position. lam not for incurring heavy eapen
sea unless they are positively to sustain the Go ,
neral Government, when the United Statee an
, thorities call upon us. Lot them first make.the
call, when-they call, we should respond Immo.
diately.. - , _
I: want peace; we have hid no peace for
yews. We have, had nothing but controversies
and:conflicts growing out of the "nigger - quee•
tion. I believe that we shall have peaoi; but
I do not'believe that we shall obtain it until we_
fight for it. I am a man of peace, and if iVe can
not have, it withbut a contest, I am milling
when, the proper time comes, to,make that spa
test. But at the present time ram opposea to
adopting any;warlike measures. . •
I think that Mr. Lincoln will probably he in
augurated.:_We shall then see the'biliet. Par
haps, things .may all result fur the best, TA is
pssible that thciVnion may be preserved, birt
1 mu one that does nut believe, in any such idea.
I should be very glad, however; it my view .
should prove to be wrong, and I amWilling to
wait. I do not desire any action that way am
plicate the question •
When this commission stall have finished its
labors, "we shall see what we shall sou. The
result, as I think, will be that "the travailing
mountain will bring•forth a mouse. , " We shall
have mere propositions for conipromlse. We
shall be asked to go - farther than we can go.
As I remarked,-I am more afraid of compromise
than I::am.of invasion: This. IlOusO will Per
fiattbe.urged witirpertinaclty.stOsionetion addi
tienel.certkprotuises.. The ntettiare Mr. Crit
tenden may be - pressed - upon:4ls: The . ritithor
of: this measure calledia very comervaave 'old
gentlemen. Now is he conservative? Ile sags
us tatontvde more than' the:Democritie E . sarty
of the North were willing to conceder;• alike
us to einction a principle the &lila Of which
by the D.ernecrsite of the North -broker"4 the
'Deisigieraticiparty, •Re asks ;us to embody hi
the,gonatittitiorr, , the •Brealtenfidge platform,
providing for -"Congressional; - -inteiverdibra to
protet slavery: in- the :territories. • - • -
Nothing, less. is asked of us than to rip lip
that Constitution. uuder -have lived
fur the last: seventy years. .If we will consent
to ckshge: the 'whole form,of our governMent,
the Border "-States will consent to • refitaih with
us. . Without that, Ido not believe that thy
M it: • •
I am one of those who bvileve that the time
has positively come when the instittifioni that
Will aronver lotthe South are not, adapted to the
Noith. In - the North; 'we mil have the, right
of free speech; the right of free press the tight
of hgbeaa calm and trial by jury. :,I loulleve that
in the Sciuth all these are inecoverably Ust.-
I.heynre gone : they are like a bird that has
fidivii. ' „In my o i
imon ; nothingwill ansWer for
the slate States t a system of :unmitigated
babarisim:The, uth =nonst.tallowthexight of
free speech, Ida not ask;- that they studi allotv
it. Its effect would - be ,incendiery,;t it_ .would
stir lip timif negroes to insurrection. This is
the neoeyary State orstatim hi the. South. But
such 1:v111011e nature of dawn; we -Calllikrt
consent that it shall encroach upomusoiny fax
- Ure dructot by 0 4mP7P11;tise. , give.avnsy
the r. l B l2 teiff omu. - W 6 guAt . ok ettlfec.‘the mi
nority to rule for all Lime , . , •
If (here' ware anY4ir, prolcsitimidfor.a com
romise; nun 4 ht; couss?.nt •tp it.. I should be
willing even now go for the restoration of
the old, Missourk Compromise film,- recognizing
popular so -,-levereiguty south of that
the people to,eleet SlaVerY or_ freedom as they
might prefer. - But Certainly we'cittroStbenotee
the protectofS, the god-f‘ttlie.r.s,.4:te_qoneora of
the inititlition of slavery, anti, consent to pro-.
techit ; within; bur, national - territioriels -for all
time. The north ,ran accept no; prop:el
cion, '_This House to c4t bintertiike to sanction
such aanetuaire i
A na there is a power that lies
tack of us, strongerthan Ivy.,tfte people ; and
they Would never tatify;anYthing of that kind.
rberejs a Northers? sentiment omthiesubject,
which cannot be ignored: Northern educadtm,
northern literatttre, rubrtheru — religiort, are all
essentially antagooisticto thesystemofshevexY.
Between the elements of northern society and,
those of southern society therein an esietitial,ir
reconcileltie antagertisra. We have attempted to
incorporate in one government conflicting . tys-
Niue of society—one based upon the rights of
' 3 ; 8 . 11 N: 1 4 an those Prisocipl es thatconstitute a free
4 . overriniertt; the other a most unmitigated des
potism I pronounce tlicestatd of society 'in the
slave - States tlie worst despotism of which we read
either in modtril or ancient history. This an,.
tagonismf esistis. You may attempt to staveloff
the conflict. , I wotdd be willing tthstave Weft
for fifteen, or twenty, twenty five or thirty
1 Years, if it•could be done ; but Ido not belfews
it can he. ; believe that the States will se*
rate;, and iti a few weeks the questlonwil) be,
whether it is best to let those States' thaV wish'
to, secede go. That will be, the. questiou-whkii
we must decide. • . .
Mr. SHEPPARD. I voUdVigrnrittaking up
tho resolutions, and I shall votq a;glithst,,At i
. .
In the tint-place ; T eiitisider that -iisolations
if this- kind are,c4ti FC.lY..PAlnet,Mt7 i!=att4. l3 &..
,ides, (von if 'arCitpression of optniop on our
part were - •neoesSeill Doofilditht
Attions Jae these. peverai 'Nedra :Am , ra
acloSteallie follb*g : •
l i'sortgd4 , •That - the - ,comititution ;l '4
tedi States ,of America, 00
sre 4eciaisttii'terthe,faAtenance.of Ate a k a
aid it is. the7tolenih- in& inaii-inipellitile .
ittjr . of the government tpAismtitir.4 iarr,:zbatO
4feot4Hatevet.'fnefianree may be, a'to
thAt. - gud ; and the faith tad the pow re
[Cfintinued on /Froth Page.]
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