Lints of trawl & diransportatich PHILADELPHIA BM READING RAIL ROA D . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. UIY AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, ((Sundays excepted) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.16 P. lit , tor Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. M., and u. 16 P. M. RE:TURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at SAO A. M. and 3.80 V. M., arriving at Harrlabvrg at I P. M., and 4.16 P. M. FARE 9 :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cara, $3.25 ; No. 2 (In same train,) $2.75. FAR& :—To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners , tile, Tamaqua, Catawissa, Ate. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PETILADEL. tqUA DAILY, at el A. It., 10.46 A lIL, 12.80 noon and 3.43 P. M. I HAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., I uo P, M., 8.80 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. FARES P.—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.76 and 51A5. IHE ATONING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON- N FITS AT READING with up train for Wilkesbarre, ittston and Scranton. ?w through tickets and other larormation apply to J. J. CLYD, . Galena .4pent PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAR] WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from anti arrive at Harrisbuig and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH IEBPREEMI TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.90 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0.60 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12 65 p. m., and arrive* at West Philadelphia at 6.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. base trains make close connection at Planademnia with its) New York Lines, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. to., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 80 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 1.16 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6 40 p.m. ACCOMMODATION. TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.26 p. In. runs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller. villa with M AIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. 7 HROCCIH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.10 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 R. m., ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LCCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2,00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m , and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention is called fo the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. in. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, nov26 60-dtf &O. Rail Dindsio” Ponnavivaais Railroad. GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, • SCIENCE AND ART I AMelange of Excerpta Curious, Humor one and Thatruotive. Collated by 0. C. BOMBAUGH, A. M. M. D. The above haereeting Work has jot been received at BERME'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. MU PRICI $125 JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOOK OP BRANDIES! run, attsrraTorra. BISQUET, TRICQUIit: & CO. JAMES HENNESSY & CO. MARA DUEY & CO. & F. HARTLE. .rutas ROBIN & CO. MARETT & CO, JOHN H. MEER, 13 Harks{ Bred. Tor Isle by 1 td filebitat R . JOHNSON, SgLrrXIVICkJELE LOCK HOSPITAL. HASadelusciouvaei r r e e n d ,e l d l y le in in th o o st w c orelrattn, speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE MIRY TN ME TO TWELVE 110E119. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs ifigrA CORN WAP.RANTED 3 OR NO aIIARGE, IN FRo3I ONE TO Two ILITs.'St N 1 ea km es of the Pack ur Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the lows, adeetiona of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous DeLdity, I , cLay of thePhysi,:al pow• ore, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pali Ration of the limit, Timidity, Trembiings, litinuess of Stght er Giddiness, Iliscaze of the Stomach, Affections of the Bead, Throat, liirse or terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary 'labile of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the Ictims el solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ec tasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be leg aware of physical weakness, should immediately con sult Dr. T., and be restored to perfect health. OEGANIC WEAILNE.,. , ;3 Immediately cured andfuN vigor restored Ile who places 'himself under the cure of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his Lonor as a gentleman, and con, fldently rely upon his skill as a physician. sysrOffice ho. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Mu., ou the telt hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 Aeon from the corner. Be particular in observing the name sr number, or you will mistake tho place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Liumbvg Certificates, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use ou the reply. DR. JODNKON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of tho United States, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in We Hospitals of London, Part:, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Ratty troubled with ringing is the ears and head when asleep, great nee renlinees, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment or mind were cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addriss, , all three who baying irjured them selves by private and imrroper indulgencies, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. These are some of the sud and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and limbs, Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of ,Consump tion, &c. MENTAI I I blicerstiv, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded :—Leas of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSocie ty, Self-distrust, Lore of Solitude, I i n ty, &c., are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and spell). me or consumplion. 'SWUM) MEN who bare bijerad kb.maelves by a ear iraelite, :bilged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched iron) all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating tram the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons must, before contem• LDIARRIAGEO effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another he. conies blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR UR GANIO WEAKNESS.: By this great and Smrortaot remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured, and ruff vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and. debilitated who had lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All impediments to Ilarriage Physical or Mental Disqualia cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. tThe many thousands cured at this Instiution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides Ms standing as a gentleman of character and re sponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure [lnds ho has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, frdm education and re spectability eon alone befriend him, delaying till the con stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, rec., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence HO traveler returns.' It is a mel ancholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of lilo miserable. . . To STEANOERS.—The Doctor's kiplomas hang in his office. air Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply ,t Remedies sent by Mail. jortgo. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprl3 dewly JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS OF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to be the best in material, the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap as any n market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Cases of various sizes and prices, at BERGNER'S CAM" BOOKSTORE, 51 Market street. W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-AT--LAW. Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. .z 4 p (Wart a NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS NEW PRICES THE SUBSCRIBERS having succeeded to the WHOLMIALF AND RETAIL GROCERY BUST. Nk2S of Messrs. GROSS k KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREET 'WHARF, would. respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared CO offer for sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, Grain, Flour, Ropes, in great variety, Queensware, Paints, . Oils, Fund, Glass, Nails, Cement, &e., Our Large SPRING STOCK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving,. has been selected with much care, and will present great inducements to close buyers. We intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a share of patronage. inzar24-dtf ROBINSON k CO FOR BALE. FROM ONE TO FIVE HUNDRED DOL. LARS BOROUGH BONDS. Also, from Ten to Fifty shares of Harrliburg this Block, by C. O. ZIMMERMAN, de24-tf NO. 2 8 E. lb Sec, Bireet EXTRA SUGAR CURED If /VMS For sale by oct22 WM DOCK IS. O& C penttsplusatia Jail 11, 4utsbap, Afternoon, Sebruary 7, 1861. BLOOD FOOD. altentiou of ltralids, Clergymen, set; reline men, and the public generally, is respectfolly solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, con taming Iron,Sul phur and Phosphorus, and which Is Identical :II its cainpmition with tha Hem attic Globule, or red :di disearies accompanied witb Debility ; pale countenance and nervous derangement, analysis of the blood show a deficiei e. or the red globules. huddy complexion and a rosy tiut of the skin. is always indica tive of health ; while a pal,, w like skin and counts canoe,—which evinces a dellcieney of the red globules,— accompanies a diseased organ sm. i'reparations of Iron have beem.giveu for the purpose of supplying the red globules, but we contend that Iron alone, Sulphur alone, or Phosphorus alone, will not Inset the d.. 11- cienc,y in every case, but that a „indictee= combination of ALL these elements is necessary to restore the blood torts normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been reached in the Blood Food, anti its discovery rinks as ono of the most scientific and important"or the age. Its effects in Consumption are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by re storing the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flfsh. The Blood Food will be found a specific in all Chronic Diseases of the Throat or Lungs, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, &c. Public speakers and singers will find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the well organs. In Dyspepsia ' Liver frmplairds, Dropsy, Epilepsy. Paralysis, scrofula, Gravel, St. Vitus' Dance, Fever and Ague, hc., its efficacy is marked and instantaneous. In no class et disease, how. ever, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so con spicuous as in those harrassing of which the gentler sex are liable, and which It nd to wards Consumption, such as suppressed or. difficult Afensfroaticn, Green Sickness, Whites, kC , especially when these complaints are accompanied with paleness, a diugy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appetite, mid per vous pros tration' We have the utmost confidence in recommend. log the Blood Food to all who may be conscious of a loss of vitality or energy, and to those.whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over-use, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say that In all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and in all die. eases of the Kidneys Bladder, this preparation has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be over-es timated. A faithful trialwill be found the moat COMille nig proof in regard to Its efficacy that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testi-. menials we have in its favor, we offer the "Blood Food" to the consideration of the aellicted,knowing that it will be acknowledged as pre-eminent over all other preparationsoatent or official, in point of usefulness.— Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is founded, also certificates el remarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. We forward the Blood Food to any part of the United States or Oanadas upon receipt of Price—Sl per be ttle, /.5 for Mx bottles Be careful In all cases to have none but that having our fac simile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by all res,metaele Druggists throughout the country. For sale by C. A: BA!Mart, sore agent, Harrisburg Pa. feb6-dawly-rd aplo•rdau2 Mountain Herb Pills. riIHE inventor and manufacturer of "hid j_ Boa's Mountain Herb PilLs,"has spent the greater Part of his life in travelling, having visited nearly every country in the world He spent over six years amen the Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, and It was thus that the "Itiourn'Aix EIXE.II Pius" were discovered. A very interesting account of his adventures there, you will had to 09~ Ai...strum Ittle.Pampiqlet, . It is an established fact, that all Masai:lee arise VltOill The blood is the life I and when any foreign or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, it is once distrbuted to every organ of the body. Every oervo feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart is weakened, and en the circulation is feeble. The lungs be' come Clogged with the poisonous matter hence a tough —and ail from a slight impurity of the fountain-head - of ills—the Blood I As if you had thrown some earth, for instance, in a pure spring, from which ran a tiny rivulet- In a few minutes the whole course of the stream be, comes disturbed and discolored. As quickly does impure blood fly to every part, and leave its sting behind. AU the passages become obstructed, and unless the obstruc tion Is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body, they are, therefore, unrivalled ass Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, &c. This Anti-Bitten Medicine expels from the blood the hidden seeds of die. ease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent,clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we aro able to place within your reach, a medicine like the "Blenzeraix Maas Pius," that will passdirectly to the afflicted parts,u.rough the blood and fluids of -the body, and cause the guilbrer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. Judson's Pills are the Best Remedy in exis ence for the following Complaints: Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward Weakness, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Liver Complaints Lblds, • Female thenplaints,Lowness of Spirits, Chest Diseases, Headaches, Piles, Costiveness, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel.. Dyspepsia, Influenza, Secondary Symp. Diarrheas, Inflammation, wins. Dropsy, • * • • • • Females who value health, should never be without these Pills. They purity the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the akin of all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. ,tom The Plants and Herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered in a very surprising way among the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines In Mexico, Got the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the "Grist klkouzaut" of the Aztecs. Observe.—The bieutain Herb Pills aro put up in a Beautiful Wrapper. Each box contains 40 pills, and Re tail at 26 cents per box. 'Alt genuine, have the signature of B. L. JULCON At CO., on each box. B. L. JUDSON & £0. 3 Sole Proprietors No. 50 Leonard Street, NEW YORE. gar Agents wanted alwaya—Addresa as 'above. "Oa tablikleodaw BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO PDT SCHOOL BOOKS • AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READING AND SPELLING BOORS, ARITHMETICS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS ETYMOLOGIES, ;DICTIONARIES, HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the SCHOOL BOOKS used in the various Public and Private Schools of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION.POOKS, LETTER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONERY constantly on hand and for sale at LOWEST PRICES OF ANT ?LAOIS in the city, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 'Market Street. la-Liberal discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on hand promptly furnished *Mout extra charge. aeo24 : 'MICH &COWPERTHWAIT wootEssu i BlrAiL 4131 r 0 CI DES MERCHANTS, Corner of Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PA, T. B. COUTERTRWAIT. STORAGE ! STORAGE ! STORAGE received at the Warehstuee o JAMES M..WW:FLEat. 0.8-N AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence No. 27 North Second Amt. N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. illebital Female Complaints JUDSON'S IMPURE BLOOD i Conn FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! illisrettantous CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR MAKING Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o MANUFACTURED BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO , Pro;rietors of Shawmut Chemical Works No. 33 INDIA STREET, &HUAI CONCENTRATED LEAVEN in the re suit of careful chemical research. AN its Ingredi ents are _prepared in the highest stategif purity, mid com pounded with a view to produce breTd of a far better quality, and in much less time, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire Confidence, to the judgment of d•reriminating house keepers, bakers, &c. Bread oral] kin es made by usi, g Coneent.'atrol Leaven is lighter, more digestible and nuitri sinus; has an agrees. bin natural tattle ; is leis liable to tour ; will retain its moisture longer than by any other process, and the w bole preparation for the or. n ueLd tof exceed ten minutes. It is valuable because it is not perihable, and may be rendered available in places and at times when yeast is not within reacb, as at sea, In all climates and under all circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all difficulty or procuring yeast or other forme t, which is frequently of as inferior quality, ret dering the bread more or less unwholesome. It is also valuable as regards economy, as it has been ascertained that a swing is effected in the flour of not tem tbau 16 per cook Jn the common armee; much of the saccharine of the flour Is lost by being converted into carbonic sold gas, or spirit, and the waste is In curred solely for the parpoFe of generating gas to raise the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effi cacious. Fermentation. as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal, :nod, iu consequence, a barrel of flour weighing 196 IDs , which, by the common method, ordinarily makes about 250 ZS of bread. gives by ibis process 290 Ara , thus effecting the very important saving of la per cent. tu the quantity of flour. By conformity to tits directions on each package, any perive capable of ordinary attention may conduct the peckee.e, and the re sult will Invariably be highly satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM lilt. HATES. Aotayer to the Sale of ilastachusetts. .. 1 have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, manufac. turgid by Messrs. Edw Chamberlin At Co., with reference to its purity ar.d efficiency of action in producing the et pet of yeast In distending dough, and thereby rendering e St for making bread. This article is skillfully corn. founded, from perfectly pure material It reuses the dough without consnming the sugar or any other princi ple in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight et flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is Invaluable, as it saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the'statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. `Respectfully, "A. A. HAY ES, M. D., State Aaaayor, "it Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1560." DIRECTIONS BREAKFAST sin Tea Rous.—Two or three leaspoonsful of Leavitt, (according to the quality of the Sour,) to one quart of Sour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three tunes through a sieve ; rub in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and mate the paste with cold milk or water, (milk is preferable,) barely still' enough to permit rolling out. Much kneading should be avoided. Cut In to desired form, and place Immediately in a het oven and bake quickly. LOAF Beam—The same proportions of Leaven and flour sifted together as above. ' omit the butter, shd make ale paste stiff enough to knea d Into a loaf, and bake lm• mediatoly Ina slow oven. GRAHAAI BRRAD.-.411F00 teaspoonful of Leaven to one quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gill of mo lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake in a slow oven. Baows Basso.—Three teaspoonful of Leaven to one pint of flour, and ono pint of corn unml, all well sifted to. ðer; add two eggs and about a aid of tia.l4sava, nudge ate paste thin with milk, and bakeslowly. linggarnggr CANZI.—Fiour and milk suMcient to make ode Olin Of batter ;add anis egg, then throe taaspoonsful of Leaven; beat to a fro*, and cook quick. Dvmruos.—Sirt together one quer tor [lour and two tea spoonSful of Leaven; rub in a piece Of butter half as large as an egg ; mia with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. CU-4R"B STRUT CARR —till together two large cups of flour and two teaspoonful of Leaven; put in half a cup of butter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with lee milk or water to a stilt batter, add spiceto suit the t ocipts and bake immediately. SINCUTNATI SPONGE Ceas —Two cups of white sugar beaten with the yolks oralx eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten to a froth; then beat alt together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoousful of Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonful of esceoee of le mon, and bake In a quick oven. Juitnlas.—Sift together one quart of flour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven ; rub In one tea-cupful of butter, -add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; mix stir enough to roll out, and bake quick. Eticrios GAIL—Ode quart offlour and three teaspoons ful of Leaven silted together ; add a cup of butter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tin epoonlul of cinnamon ; mix with cold milk to a stiff bat ter and bake in a slow oven. G t osx pint each r Sour an dl ndian meal, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted toge.lter ; add-one gill of . molasses and two egg" ; mix thin with milk, and bake in a slow oven. taar CUR.—Five cops of flour and three teaspoonful of Leaven, sifted together; add one cup of butter, two of sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. Lamas' Ease.—Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teaspootishil of Leaven sifted together; one pound of sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of one mon; mix with milk. %mem Cass.—Five cups of flour, three teaspoonful of Leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, one of milk, and two eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste. Bake about half an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. Fer sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM G WAGER & EllO., Wholesale Agents, N 0.69 North Front Street, Philadelphia. n ovlB-43m INSURANCE AGENCY THE DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Co., INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS. $904.907.51 THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1'194. CAPITAL AND ASSETS ........$1.219.476.19. TIRE UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for the 11 above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, del-dawly. Harrisburg, I,a. JOHN 111AEURER,s RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN OHESTNUT AND MULBERRY STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. IYESPECTF4LLY hsforms the public that _LAI he Is located at the above mentioned place, and ho has commenced the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV ING BILSINEES in all its various branches. He is pre. pared to till all orders at the shortest notice, and will guarantee general satisfaction. His prices Will be reasonable. Haring carried on the buslnese for many years In Germany, and over two years here, and ale° having had an extended experience in this country, he is fully com patent to execute all work entrusted to hlm, and hopes to receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow citizens. sirA general assortment of Carpets are elwaya kept on hand and will be sold at the lowest rate. nov2l-600.3md NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. , A NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED RWILD- Ii ING LOTS adjoining the Round House and Work „I:Mops of the Penna. Railroad Company, will be Bold km and on reasonable terms. Apply to • *1430 6m JOHN W. HALL ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SAFLL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET, Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, PRNN'A. myl2-Stf JUST RECEIVED. i t LARGE STOCK of SCOTCH ALES, ja_ BROWN STOUT and LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest ratan by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, jao/0 73 Market West. Miscellaneous BOEREEAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Aod thp vori. us stli•rdions conoequeol upon a dloorderad STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Cos tiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all ' orrons, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and to others effected a decided cure. This la a purely cegetsble compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cele brated Rolland Professor, Boei have Its reputation at home produced Its introduction here, the demand, com mencing with thane of the Fatherland scattered over the faceof this oniehty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value. 11 is now offered to the American knowing that its truly uonderful medicinal virtues must be aelowwlecrind. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have new impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forma of dissipation. +Gen erally lestantaneous in effect, it finds its way dlreelly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, Infos! ng new health and vigor in the system. boeyer expects to find this a beverage will be d Isaprointed but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial propertis'. READ CAREFULLY I The Genuine highly concentrated Brerbaye's Holland Bitters Is put tip In half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Ors Dou It ?er bottle , or six bottles for Frrs DMUS& The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has Induced many Imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. earlieware or Imposition. Fee that our name Is on the label of every bottle ou buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It clue be forwarded by Bapress to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., Y♦NOPACTURIXO Pharmaceutists and Chemists. PI I TSBURG, PA, For Rale to th city or Harrisburg by It. W. OKo & Co. set,ll.dawly cHILY"t MRS. wnirsLow, An experienced Nam and FemalePhysic:en, presents to the attention of mothers h:r SOOTHING- SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly faeWtatea the precast of teething, by soli ening the gums t reduclog all Inflammation—will elley AIL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and ill SURE TO REGULATE TILE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, It will give rest to yourselves AND. REM AND REALM TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and ohs RAT, ni COMMIMIWAS AND TROTS, What we have never been able to say' or any other medicine.— MUER HAS IT FAILEfi, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO WIT= A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an balanced diSaidalliction by any one who used Il On the contrary, all are delighted with Its opera. bons, and speak In terms of highest commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak In this matter "wrier WI no stow, alter ten years' expe rience, AIM stadia cum insinanos FOR vas ruirtuaur OOP WHAT WI RIRN MURK, In almost every instance where the Infant is sufferiug from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes afar the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation le the .prescripton of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSK 4 in New England, and has been used with MILITR FAILLRO SOCORRO in THOUSANDS OF CASES. ---- - It not only relieves the child from pain, but invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most Instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE ROWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which If not speedily reme died, end In death. lire believe it the sssr and WRIST 11101 CDT is Tan WOZED,III all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHGU IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from teething or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child Buffering from any of the foregoing complaints—ma NOT LIT TOUR rtouvotont, sea ran PALIOLOCII3 07 MIMS, stand between you and your *mitering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, AB 130LITTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Pull directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the hie-simile of CURTIS a PERE:LNS,N ow York, ison the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Omen, No. 13 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 gents nor fettle. igirFor Bale In Harrisburg by D. W. Gross lk 00., No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lata, No. 22 Market street O. K. Heller, No. 91, Market street, below Fourth, and G. W. Miles, 128 Market street. aug22 &awls '._ ---- 'prep s • .y. .ftl e y--; ---- s.. -- -ini ---- € . .6 4 /..c, E o.\\ ~_ ~c , . ziv ,$) coNoxy! : ilt 6 4 nfivelella 2 v : / ;:. ° 11 ___, Save the Pieces ! 9 ,-. . j As accidents will happen, eten in waregtitatedfamilie it; is very desirable to have soma cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toye, Crockery, Ito. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets, all such emergencies, and no household can Mord to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick. lag point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, beadles toys and broken cradles. It is just the article ibr cone. shell and other ornrmental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chant. tally held in solution, and possessing all the qualities of the best cabinet-makers' Glue. ninny be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. "UEFUL IN EV - Wi HOUBB.' , N. B.—A ccorapanles each bottle. Price 26 cis, Wholesale De N 0.48 Cedar street, New York. Address a HENRY C. SPALDING At 00., Box No. 8,600, New York Put up for Dealeis In eas es containing Four, Eight and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Showcard ac companying each package. sarA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten timarits cost annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should MP ke ...ste of EPALDING , A PREPARED GLUE, when maids op their list. It wil: ta d any climate. febl7 dawly JOHN B. 1 5 / 4 41TH 1 8 BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOF23, (V, &e., or the very beet townies for ladles, gent , and children' wear.— Prices to emit the times. kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the beat style by superior workmen REPAIRING dome at short notice. tiOtl6-dtf .JOHN B, SMITH, Harrisburg, filistrilancoits 4IrAIGAIAT:.O , ' ing tendeuey iu tills age to :4 - ; =ice words of other langoare , - : corporate them :n to our owl , ,‘ IS from the 4;n rk. , - .:L now beconitn.: pop.dar:zod t• toga great Headache remedy, . a more general way, an.: tto At.' A 14 , '1r in a tivolorn a; forei:n words A' . mon : , .-aze not I t;,,y • born ' 'ardly Realized, HI 'ad ".. 'errit•lo elepi ed lute the hapettleear•et "Len )0u me vi t 'art'' Fays 'e. "Hexc:, ,l :ll: ly." 'e gat eme a Col hale I I. me N.O quick that I 'Lt. :iy ad - HEADAUIR 1 - 4-r.r.r • ma's , known any d riatici: a h t atat , al the brain. and va.wr.d u. on as a kafeguard which ought otherwise e-raps t reutedied; and its itaixalions • Hemiaclats may he classd,e, . tsyinuton , atic and exe,ediegly cottm n ands 11.. ; fifty of discart - st Ation,4. - u. , Ithetimatism and an tstsrih form it is syinvaetic • : toting tick headect.,, , Wass headache, ix Kenna, CI 'll-1. I tters of the bowe.s, as act as re ions. Diseases of the heart are r • ed with Headaches, Antemta ant .• tons which tretwialy occm.ivii Headache 13 alzo very coutn - sn, guisbcd by toe namr ..t ter - t , ts coming on suddenly Ina i.tatc. i alp . and prostrstaig alter the and in other lust.‘tcos It cot, .••• dept . . salon of spirits or ac, autuees it coitus on stou Writs or acerbity of tenir,c. itc Lit • is in the front of he head, over sometimes provokir;;rotnitl., Ott be inured Neuralpa. For the treattneza r f tfth phalic Pills hare his , lievoß the most aCUto p',11 ,, it, a. • ecbtile tower eratite, t a ng di . ache Is Its lades. I:RIPOST.-511.1enA wan,e, phalte, Glue, no, a bottle I ro,• . thinking that's not lu , t it LAI!, r altuar knowing what it ,s Sc— -; • got.i , with the Sick Iloadtche, .0.. • thatsama at? retif red her ,o e . s<.—You must me., 5p.,.: /Ira e.—ttelt I Star now . l( c Quarter and air me Ito VIII , a. it ,utlit r. Comti' , ation or Costivez,, - N o cue of the ...ny t loot, co little underneod, and sip 1 0 Lei; • tivet.ess. Melt rrigit ating ill turf habits: it o 10 trtied - cousequeace to carol, anxiety, precursor and Colll:tairoti tny fatal awl .tangerot•R d•settsi.:, a!,tl led h will bring the euncror o, ~. Among the htbter evils of whit:no...lll,, attendant are Headache, Clic, t Piles and rthers of Itko suture, Whitt ,t ; . diseases sect' IL4 itatighltr Dysentery, Diarrheas, Dvapcpsv, A1o;.1- . Parsiyets, Hyste?ht, IfyivsbortirissF, Ni• . tint indlcat , pt rm. 0,0 Lida alarming aymptem. Not tni;re,l. nzl , ; named origtnate 111 C 13 , 14 , 3;101/. b t petl,mt ciistenco toil, 30 1110 ( ftll , e e.rty stage. From all thelt.oott•lderaltot, the dltunlrr 14101liti rfCcire unntrdtato :o ever It occurs, end nn per , . on slit 011 n , 4:1.•• of t:‘,,diallo NlllOll the first tt , • as their timely use CTltl ex:tot Lite „. k f t , L utre and destr..y t!41.4 .I.lVgereU. , t e to 11 !., •• A Real Blessing, J outs, Low I. 1. Airs. Jvnes.—Got 1 1 , .. 1.1", r .• ,L CUred UIC Ln juht twtnty i crud more au that 1 can have ttu:ns Payne' ian.—You can get them at for Cephalic Fills, I find they Dover mead them /11 all eases of tleadacli, Jonts.-1 ahsli emit fora INA • tell all my suffer lag friends, rer tier Tirrmr Dlatusso> Douass :SAS I.LN.--N1 . sold two millions ut botties , Glue nod It is estininto , t that each hiit.l,o t tv. C dutlart worth of broken lcrnaure, the-11,1,W. gregato of twenty millions or dol•ars ri-clani• lota by this valcs itiveidiou. Bac irg N a household word, he now greater service by ounng ail the aching L, • Cephalic Pills, and If they are as good ut h aches will noon vanish away like row in!. 1 . 4 e f elA eari- 5 LS* CURE n- NervousHeadadik CU RE , o c .1! s o-s lieadachicL, .InrOVER EXIXTEXIINT, nud the ment LI t . ty Incident to close attention to bece.: a ;- among the numerous calves of Nervou , ii disordered state of mixt and body t t Crossing complaint is a fatal blow to all c, bitten. Eufferers by this disorder von speedy relief from these clistres,log att,e; 4 of the Cephalle Pills whenever the sympt ”; It quiets the overtasited brain, and dOothe and Jarring nerves, and relaxes the Yes. mach which always accompinles awl a. g r ordered condition of the brain. FACT WORTH KNOWoto.—Hpildialed Cephl; a certain care for Sick Headache, Bllho Nervous Headache, Costiveness and ceser.o. GREAT DUICOPERY.—Among the moat the great medical discoveries of this ago 111 y Welted the system of vaccfnuation fcr pro: , r Small Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of the use of Quinine for the prevention of P k ., :- which is a sure specific, Whose benefits A 1:i tamed by scffering humanity long after tiar:r are forgotten. /WTI]) you over have the Sick Uoldur•bc' P member the throbbing temple:, the fec.: , re loathing and disgust at the sight of f0r,..). 1 unfit you were for pleasure, converqatkm er r. of the Cephalic Pills would have relieve:l po.t :r sullertrg which you then ea perlearel. t r other purposes yon should always bare a 1 oT ..1 hand to nee as occaston Tectutre3. By the tiee of these Pills the periodic Ct t. rods or Sick Headache may be prevented, - the COMMCncement of an attack immeo ,t, r pate and sickness may be obtained. - . - They seldom tall in removing the lca s, a I to which females are so subject. They act gentlyupon the bowels,—rerncN !.; !s;3 For Literary Zen, Students, Delicate r ;. persons of tedenlary hatib, they are valaui. • • live, improving the appetite, giving done ac 3 digestive organs, and restoring the natural e'..s. • strength of the whole system Tho CEPHALIC riu.s ana the risi.l: I gation and carefully condected eapent:no/Iv, in use in many years, during which tine vented and relieved a vast amount of psi:, : - from Headache, whether originating in the a., tom or from a deranged state of Ike Voinach Tbey are entirely vegetable In their comp. may be taken at all times with perfect s making any change of diet, and the ota•ncr , 1 reeetbie taste renders it easy to administer them to c/t BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT. , ! The genuine have five elgLaturos of Frary C en each box Sold by Druggists and all other Dea'br- w 11,t A Hos will be:seot by wail prepaid on PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to lIENRY C. SPALDIN( , , Etr 48 Cedar ect, Hew 10 nolls-d4w/y