[Cmrtrauted from first page.] AVILDEY and Mr. BUTLER, (Carbon,) and were as follows, viz : 1.-sAs--Messrs. Armstrong - , Ashcem, Blair, Bressler, Butler, (Carbon,) Caldwell, Dismant, Donley, Gaskill, Hill, Lerseriririg, Lichtenwall ner, AVDonough, Morrison, Myers, Preston, Rhoads, Ridgway, Shafer,Sheppard, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stonehackhomas, and Wildey - 2.4. SAY9—"Messrs. Abbt.tt,' ,Aoker., Alexander, Anderson,Austin, Bartholomew, Bisel; Bliss, Thiyer, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne; Clark, Collins, Cope, Cowan, Divins, Douglass, Duffield, Dunlap, Eilenberl ger, Elliott, Goehring, Gordon, Grahath, Har vey, Hayes, Heck, Hoed, Hofus, Huhn, Irvin, Kline, Koch, Lawrence, Lowther, lir Gonigal, Manifold, Marshall, Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson; Peirce Randall, Roller, Seltzer, Tay lor., Walker, and Davis, Speaker-52. S 4 the queition was determined in the nega tire. The question then recurring on the passagebf the bill on second reading, The yeas and • nays were required by Mr. ARMSTRONG and Mr: RIDGWAY, and were as fellthirs, viz: ' YEAs—Messrs. • Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Austin, Bisel, Bixler, Blanchard, w Bresterhirns; Paitier,(Crawford,)Byrne,Clark, Cora Cowan, Douglass, Duffield, Dunlap, tilenperger, Elliott, Gordon, Gnthara, Harvey, Hayes, 'Hillman, Hood, - Hams, Huhn, Irvin, Kline, - Koch, Lawrence, Lowther, IP Gon igal, Marshall, Ober, Osterhout, Patteison, Peirce, Randall, Roller, Seltzer, Taylor, Teller, Walker, and Davis,Sker---46. , NAYS Messrs.' Armstrong, Ashcom, Ball, Blair, Boyer, Breaaler, Butler (Carbon,) Cald well, Dismant, Donley, Gaskill, Heck, Hill, Leisenring, Lichtenwallner, M'Donbugh, Man ifold, Morrison, Mullin, Myers, Preston, Reiff, Rhoads, Ridgway, Shafer;Sheppard, Smith, (Philadelphia,).Stoneback,' homas,- Eintd Wildey •So the question was - determined' in' the' af firmative. , • On the question, Will the House agree to the title' l Of the. Mr. ARMSTRONG., MoVq . that the farther consideration of the ',blthe postioned itrdif this day three weeks. I desire. that the people of Lycoming county shall hate an opportunity to' be heard on thiS question 'more distinctly than , they have been,. _ , Mr. PATTERSON. 'I hope this motion will not ,prevail../Itis follyfor, the'gehtteinan from Lycoming (Mr. Anttaradso) to hay that the pee-, ple of: his count* have had nq opportunity to declare themselves with. regard to this bill.— They have -had.amPle 'notice. The bill has .been before the Legislature for twoor three years ; and they have had . full oppOrtuitity to present their views. There has not.come before this House any remonstrance or petition against this measure; except from that portion of Brady township which is to remain after the annexa tion. Yet now; -when-the bill has passed tothe third reading, the gentleman• asks that it may be pqstponed for three week's, until he can send home and profure.a parcel .of remonstrances upon, a subject which the people if Lycoming county generally eare' nothing.abqut: Why, should the gentleman this motion? The, people of that township are,here asking, justice, as they. have been demanding it of this' Legisla-, ture for three years. Yet~ now the' effort, is made to stave off our. action: do not believe that if the question should be.postponed for a year the people of-Lycoming county- would•busy themselvegnbout it. If they have not done 80 in three Years, it is not likely they would do so in three weeks. I hope the. good - sense of the House will reject this motion. _ On Mr. ARMSTRONG-'S motion to postpone for three weeks, • The yeas and nays were required, by Mr. W.I.LDEY and Mr. srarni, (Philadelphia,) and were as follows, viz : • YEAs—Messrs. Armstrong, Ashcom, Blair, Boyer, Bressler, Broadhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Dismant, Donley, , Gaskill, Hill; Lei senring, Lichtenwallner, M'Donough, Mani fold,. 'Morrison,' Mullin, Myers; Preston, Ra dall, Reiff, Rhoads, Robinson , Shafer,Sheppard, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stoneack, Thomas, Wil dey, and Williams-31. NA:a—Messrs. Abott, Acker, Alexander, An demon, Austin, Ball, Barnsley, Bisel, Biller, Blanchard, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Craw ford,) illyrne, Clark, Collins, Cope, Cowan, Divins, Douglas, Duffield, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Elliott, Goehring, Gordon Graham, Harvey, Hayes, Heck, Hillman, H43od; Hofius, Huhn, Irvin . , K ine, - Koch, Lawrence; 'Lowther, EPA- Gonigal, Marshall, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, Peirce; Roller, Seltzer, Stehlaari, Taylor, Teller, Walker and Davis, Speaker-52. So the 'question was determined in -the nega tive. The title Was agreed to; and on the question, "Wi]l the House suspend the itilesare read the bill a third thhe by its title ?'".. Mr. ARMSTRONG. I hope that now. the Howie will consent to postpone this matter, by refusing, to suspend the rules. The bill is now in , shape ; and all I desire of the House is the opportunity to lay this matter before, the mem bers , that they may vote understandingly. I think that when they come to coinprehend this question in its merits they will see no, propriety in the ,division of -this township. I call for the yeas and nays on the question of suvendingthe rules. - Mr. PAITERSON. I hope that this House wilrnot consent to lay the bill aside. The gen ; tlernin from Lycoming has not furniihed one good reason for doing so. He does not say that he will be able to furnish to the 11011130 any evi dence-that the measure is wrong or anything; which will enable the House to vote more in telligently than they can to-day.' The citizens of Lycoming county have had three years hi which to present remonstrances against this measure. I do not suppose they will show any greater activity within the next week =or two than they have done heretofore. Even if, by any possibility, there should be anything wrong in this measure, Lycondng county-hits her representative in the Senate, who can bring brward any additional evidence that can bead duced against the measure. I do hope that we shall have no more captious motions—no more effort'to oppose the evident wishes of the ma jority of the members of this House. ;. , Mr. COLLINS. I think my friend from Ju niata (Mr. Pawns* ought at least to allow hisitiend from Lycoming the opportunity to be beard-upon this bill.. It is an important mea sure to his'constituents and to himself ;* co-In man eotirtesy ought Tat least to dictate - to, the gentle*ua from. JunhitalMr. Parrots* thala proper.and fair hearing upon this bur should be allowed wheri any gentleman, aS in this case, declares that he shall be able tObring neWlight to influence the action of the House. In circum stances like these - I think - the bill ought not to be rushed through. - . _ I can say that I amin favor of the bill; as it now stands ; but I ain willing to do justice to my friend from Lycoming, and to give him a chance to have a hearingbefore this House; and to. exhibit the sentiments of his constituents:— I.do. not think that this small delay will en danger the bill, if it has merit: If it has none,• it oughtnot to be rushed through in this umn, ner. I think that out of courtesy to the gen tleman t from Lycoming, we sh ou ld allow a week or two to pass over to give him an oppor tunity to let his constituents : be heard. I do hope this courtesy will be granted. Mr. AUSTIN: I think there has been am-,. ple time to investigate thissubject. It.was ob jected off the Wender by the gentleman from Lycptiting ,(M.r. Arturnaoxo) last week. He has _hid _the past week. in which to _pre pare himself with "-evidence and arguments against this,measure ; and certainly he ought not to aSk tat shouldnow be still fur ther postponed. I do not dank 'that, by our proceedings to-day, we arc rushing this bill through. We are pursuing the regular course —such as every member would expect, with re gard to a bill in which he himself might be in terested. A bill of the same purport with this pasied both branches of the Legislature at the last session, and was only defeated by the dis approval of the Governor—the fact being that the Governor was from the county to be af fected by the change. Ido not charge any sel fish motives upon the Governor, but it is generally supposed that his unwillingness to sign it arose from that fact. I believe this to be a righteous bill. I think it ought to be passed. I. do not think we are hasty in putting it through to-day. I hope it may be passed. Mr. ARMSTRONG- I have asked of this Horse only. delay. People of Lycoming county, have written to me, stating that they desire to be heard, and they say they are pmpaling remonstrances, and can offer rea sons Why this pleasure should not pass. There has reeently,been sent to me a small dia gram, which none in'this. House understands, and whicß I have had no" opportunity of pre sentiag., If the gentlerilk..fears that upon the merits of this question, it cannot be passed, I I can undenstand why heurges immediate action.. What harm can:result from this delay? I am simply asking that my constituents shall be heard. if they have no:merits, let _the bill, be defeated. I - am asking delay for some ten days or two weeks, that I may write -to them and that they may say what they.have to say. If, then, in the judgment, of -the House, the bill has and ought-to pass, -I shall have no thingfurther to say. 'By this deliy;there is'no harm done ; it can result in injury to none ; whilst to hurry . ; the 'bill through at this time may result in greatinjury to.very many people of that township. • Mr. COWAN I have voted with the gentle man from Juniata (Mr. PArrpresoz) all through, and I am- disposed to vote for the bill ; but I suggest to my friend the propriety of allowing it to lie over now, and come up in regular order. It is certainly fan to let the gentleman from Lycoming be heard. Mr. BRESSLER. T fully coincide 'with the views of my colleague (Mr. Amoroso.) We have rights ; and: we trust that this House will respect them. ' • Mr. PArrnERSON. I want to be as generous as any Paan in this House. J have greatrespect for, the .gentleman from Lycoming (Mr. ARK STRONG). If he says he wants to write home to his constituents, that they may offer reasons why this hill should not pass, I do not want to press it. The gentle:a:inn need not insinuate at all that I am afraid, to meet the merits of the question. If he can Knish to the'llouse satisfactory evi dence that this _bill ought not to pass, I hope the House will not pass it. Ido not come here to ask the House to pass any bill that is wrong. I am 'in favor of this bill, and I think the ma jority of the House agree with me ; but if the gentleman from - Lyceming (MnAftiontosa) and his colleague from Clinton (Mr: BEMBLER) can furnish any reason why it should not pass, I hope it will not pass. We are not afraid of postponement; The bill hag taken its regular course, and' there - has been no disposition to hurry it through. But if the House feel dis posed to allow to the gentleman whom I have just 'named an `opportunity hereafter to offer new evidence on the subject, I have no objec tion to a postponement to a particular time ; or if the House should refuse to suspend the rules; the bill will take its regular course hereafter. On the question.to suspend the rules and read the bill a third - time, The yeas and nayswere required by - Mr. ARM- STONG, andliir. SHAFER, aini were as follow, viz: YEss—Messrs., Acker Alexander Anderson Austin, Bisel, Bhder, Brewster, Hayes,Marshall, Ober and Seltzer-41. NAYS.—Messrs. Abbott, Armstrong, Aschom, Ball, Bamsley, Bartlmlomew,`Blair, Blanchard, Bliss, Boyer, Bressler, Brodhead, Bums, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Caldwell, Clark,Collins,Cope,Cowan,Dismant,Divins,Don ley, Douglass,Dufaeld,Dunlap, Ellenberger, Gas kill, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, Harvey, Heck, Hill, Riliman, Hood, Huhn, Irvin, Kline, Koch, Leisenrktg,Lichtenwallner,Lowther,M'Donough 31'Gonigal,Moore,Morrison,liullin,Ilyers,Oster hout, Patterson, Peirce, Preston, Randall, Reiff, Rhoads, Ridgway, Roller, -Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stehman, Stoneback, Teller, Thomas, - Wildey,Williams, Wilson and Davis, Speaker-70. So the question was determined in the nega tive. REASONS FOR YOUNG lir: HUHN, (when Ida name was. called,) I am in favor of the passage of this bill. Still I think that courtesy to the gentleman from Ly coming requires that his request should be granted, and that he should 'have ample time to convince this House, if there are any merits on his side. In order to give hirri that time I vote , Mr. PATTERSON, (when his name was call ed;) I am of course in favor of this bill; but I do not like to tinpear on the record as discour tons to any gentleman on this floor, I therefore vote no. COLLINS moved ...that...the:hour of ad journment be extended until after th'e private calendar has been gone through with. The motion was agreed to: No. 74. An Actto repeal an, Act to increase the pay of commissioners, jurors and witnesses in certain 'counties of this Commonwealth, so far as the same relates , to' the county - of Fay:. ette. ' " Passed , • No. 177.°A supplement to an Act approved April 8,1860,', entitled "an Act explanatory of an Act 'to provide foT the erection of a house for emplOyment and support of the poor in the courtty of Carbon." , Passed cenminucOloss FROM THE GOVERNOR. The Dep_uty . Secrerayy of the Commonwealth was intrilluced, who piesentedmessages from the GovernoT which were read'asfotlows : PERNssiv4lA.E2a.cuTrvE, Ciwnnut, t Harrisburg, 'Etc, Februttry '5, 1861. f: 7b the Senate and Rouse .of Representatives of the Commonwealth of -Pennlylvania., Ger4enien I herewith transmit to the General Assembly, the resolutions of the State'of Maine, entitled "Resolves in relation to an indform . deeimal system of Weights, Measures and Currencies," forwarded to me by his Excellency, Israel Wash purne, Jr., Governor of the said State, with the request that theYbe liaismitted Wthe Legisla ture of this State. A. G. CURTIN, = . - Governor. Nora— The original' *solutions Were for- Warded:to the. Senate. Laid on the table. PEruSsxivAWk Esztivrivb Caanrsua, Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 5, 1861, jr To the ;Senate and House of Representatives of the Cammenmealth of Pinnsylarania. Gentlemen : 7e Eleetoral Collee of Pennsylvania, which met at the seat of ggenament of-this State on tli fiifLW day of Demmber, a.p. 1860, passed a resolution that the tioirernort. be requested to transmit to.. this Legislature a.copmf ! the. pro- Ceedin4of the r Said , ,ew 4? a n d accoppanying ilocuinentO,Vithi view of having the same en. , tered on'the Journals thereof. accordiace with the said request, I here- With transmit - to the General Assembly, the Odd copy. ogynx.Sedings and accompanying documents: Laid on' the tale Mr. WITMER (Carhen) moved that .the Herr mane the ornaideratfou of Himt6 bill No. 6: Ptnnovluania ;Daily iftlegraph, Webnobau 'Afternoon, /February 6, 1961. entitled ;`au Act relating to sales of personal es tates." The motion was agreed to ; and The bill was taken up and passed finally. On motion of Mr. HUHN, the House " Adjourned LOOD FOOD. The attention of Invalids, r hyeicians , ciergymeu collie, men, and the• online generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, con taining fron,Sulpliurtand Phosphorus, and which is identical in its composition with the firma tic Globule, or red blood. In all diaeasesocconip,nied with • • Debility pale countenance and nervous deningernent,anal3sis of the blood showo deficiency ofthe red globules. • Ruddy , complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, tvalways five of 'bean while a pale, was-like akin and aitnte• nanee,—which'evinces a deficiency of the red globules,— accompanies a diseased organism. •Preparations orb nn have been given for. the .pqrpose of supplying the led. globules, but we contend that Aron alone, Sulphur, aloud, or PhosPhorus alone, will , ni4 meet ' the fi ciOnoy in every catte,i but that ajnilicioni coMbination of au. them elements la necessary to restorethe blood to its normal standard.' , This point, never before attaipt3d, has been reached in the Blood Pored, and its discovery rsuks as one of the-moat scientiflC and important of. the' age. Its elfeas In . ' • • Congump.tlon • are ,to soften the _cough; brace. the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the - prosirahug night sweats, luer,esee the physical and mental energy, enrich ihe blood byre• storing the lacking red 'globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and ciothe: the skeleton frame with flesh. ,The Blootii •Food - Will be found a specific in all Cht MAC Diseases, of the Throat or lemma t a - such as Asthma, Brenda:li; Congitv, &c. Public speakers and singers will of great Utility 'ln blfihring strengthening the. vecsl; crrgans.. In Dyspepsia, Liver. Complaints, bropsy, Exilepo...earalystiv, karofnla, QrgveZ, St. Dance, lever. and p Ae,. Zee , its efficacy, is marked and instantaneous. Ynno Mats of Manage; how ever, are the beneficial effects Of thiff'rentedyso spicuous as in those harrassing • • ! • rdnale 'Cimaplaints of which the gentler sex are. liable, ,and which tend: to wards, ConaumPtion, "such as snppressrd or difficult Menstruation,' Green Stekstiss,.. Whites, fro", .especially when these complaints are accompanied with palefirim, a dingy hue or pallor .0! the skin,. depression of spirits, dObllity, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous pros tration, We have the utmost confidence in recoMthelid. lug thd Blood Food to all Who may be conscious of a loss or vitality orienergy; and to-that° whose mental -or bodily powers are prostrated through tam:isle, either ._of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say. that •in all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and hi all dis. eases of the Kidneje Bladder, this preparation hai a claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be over-es timated. A faithful prialwill be found the most convino• log proof in regard to its effioituy that could be asked' or. With - the above remarks; Mid - with the, "timorous testi monials We have in Its favor we, oar the "Blo'od Food" to the censideratioe of afflicted, knowingthat It will be aCknowledged is pre-eminent (met all other - preparations, patent or offidtal,ln point of usefohitiss Circulars giving the' Theory upon which' thlsremedY is Ibunded, also .certificates ci remarkable . cures, will:be _sent free when desired.. We forward the Blood. Fried to any part-cf theUnite4 States or Canadas upon recefpt of Price--$l - per lit ttle, S 5 for six - bottles Be carefullu ,all cases to have none but that having °Ur fgesimile signature upon the wrapper. Notmother is. genuine. Prepared only by cuußcit'as DUPONT,', ' No. 408 Broaddisy, New,York. . AM by all' reedectoOle Ilatiggists• throughout the For sale by C. A. awayarty so:u 4014, Harrisburg, Pa. feb6=eawly-rd aplo•rdau2 MOuntain Herb rpttE inventor aud'inajanfabturer of ' Jud -1 son's Mountain Herb Pills," has, spent...the greater part of, his , llfe in. travelling, having visited nearly, every country 'in He spent over six. years amon the Roohy.Monntains and of Mexico and It was thus, that the "Mounamit MESH Phis" were discovered. A very interesting account of his adVentures there, you-will dud iu our Almanacund Patuphlet.. - ' It Is au establish - eillitct, diseases arise from iftkpuitE •BLOOD .•. . • The blood is Wm life and when any foreign or am healthy mattae gets mixed With it is onCeilistrinitad to every.organ of, the body. Every, nervafeela atteltolsoh,, and-aU the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will :not digdat the-food perfectly. The liverciaseitti secrete a scificiCitcy cf bile. The action, of the ; heart* weaketied, taut So the bliculatlck 1 feeble. The - Magi be' come clogged With the poisonous matter •! hence a cough —and all from a slight tmpurity.of the fountain-head of lie—the. Blond 1 ds if you had Alaimo some earth, for instance, in ,a pare spring, from which ran atiny rivulet in a' few minutes the whole course of the stream be, comes disturbed and discolored. - quicklyddes impure blood ity to every part, and leave its sting behind.. All the passages become obstructed, and unless'-the Obstruc tion to removed., the lamp ot oecna.dice These pills not only purify the blood bat rsgeneriapaif the secretions of the body, they sib, therefore, unrivalled Liver Complaint, Mick Headache, , This Anti-Bilimi Medicine expels from the blood the hidden .seeds °Pat.' ease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and duent,elearing and resuscitating the vitalbigans. Mleasautindeed, is it to us, that we are able to place within your reach, a medicine like the "Hotarraia Haan' thatwill pass directly to the afflicted parts, ftriitikh , the blood and fluids of the body, , and; c ause Lhe.,,ifferor to brighten with the flush of beauty 'and health. Juitsoies Pills are the Best.Reniedy enee for the following COmplanits _ ` Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward Weakness, Coughs, Fever-and Ague, •Litier Com Plaints 051ds, • Female Comp/aints,Lowness atSplitits, Chest Diseases,Headaches,. Piles, Costiveness, ' Indigestion,. Stone' and Qravol Dyspepsia, Influenza, - sftnudary sparq); Diarrbsea, - Inflammation, • tome. Dropsy, • * * GREAT FEMALE,ERRIVERE I. ' Fernald who value health, should never be without these Pills. They petrify the bleed; remove obstructions of, all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and bbitches, and bring the - rich color of health to the'paMeheek. The Plants and Herbs: of Wilidh these' pais are made, were discovered in a ,very surprising, way among the Tezucans; a tribe of Aborigines '.ln Alexicet (lathe Almanac of our Agent, and you will Toad with, delight, the very interesting account it contains of the "Gnats Manicsais" of the Aztecs. , • Obserye.—The Meutain herb .Pius are.,put up in a Beautiful Wrapper. 'Bich hex contains 40 'pills, 'iusnitd tall at 25 cents per box. Ali genuine, haue the signature of B. L. JUDSON & CO., on each box. mr' Agents wanted' always—Addreis as sbatre.:lEgy., fe_blo4ieodsw BERGNER'S CHEAT -BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET / IS-THE CREATESI" PLACE, IN TUE_CITY OTT SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the . various READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, • • ARITHMETIC'S ALGEBRA'S,. GRAILVARAV ETTHOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES, HISTORIES, P4 ll -LOBOPATIES, and - all the £OIIOCL BOOKS used in the various Public and Private Schools of Me City,logether with • . COPY. AND COMPOSmoiv,BoaKs, LETTER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, - BLANK BOOKS,BLATE34 LEAD AND SLATE P.ENOILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK • . INKSTANDS, RULERS and tho most complete assortment of SCHOOL HPATDRIRRY constantly on hand and for sale at THE LOWEST PRIM OF ANY Pi-ACV ill4llo city, at SERHNitall CHEAP BOOKSTORE. el HarketStreet. 4-Liberal-discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on baud - .promptly furnished without extra charge. • . -sen24, MUCH. & 00WPERTHWAN tWIIOLESALI i EMAIL t , MO ' EL lar C) 1:6 MERCHANTS, Comer of Froht and Market Street;, ItARRISBURG, PA.. LEWIN. T. & COWPERTIFTWL A. G. CURTIN, Governor STORAGE,:! • STORAGE QTORMA received at the Warehouse of - M , JAMBS . WHEELER. fittbictil jUDSON'S CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, B. L. JIIDSON & CO, . Sole Pro-orietOrs, -No. b 0 Um:tad &red • NEW YORE. CM !!Miscellaneous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, TOE MAKING Bread, Tea-Cikes, all kinds of Pastry, &o MANTTNAW=D BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Propietors of Shcaomut Chemical No. 88 INDIA STREW', &woo. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN is the re- s uit of careful chemica/ research. All its More& cue arc prepared In the highest state of purity, and corn ' ounded with a view to produce bread of= a far better quality, and in much less time, than by any'other pro cess ; and by:the manufacturers submit it, with entire confidence, to. the judgment of 41 Fern/dusting house keepers, bakers, &c. Breed of made by using Concentrated Leaved is trAteri mar digestible and nuitritiousi has an aggyna: ble;finturil taste- less liable to ..our ; will retain its 'Moisture longer than by any other process, and .tbe wbolo preparation , for the oven ne.,:d Oti exceed ten mictites.. It is vainable because it isetit perishable, and Maybe rendered available in places and at times when yeast Is itotWithin retitili, as at 'ilea. ItCali-eilmateetuld Under, ireum.taucei, it may be.adopted, thus obviating ill _vacuity et 'preeming Yeast' of other ferme t, which Is .frequentii of an a itiferior quality, Tel derlog the- bread more 411 . leas tanololoBoMa t It is alai 'v.iltiable as regards economy, as It has been ow! tained.that s,.ying• is effected in the flour of. nó less,thin Id Per cent.. in the common procces much di the eatichirilie of the-Hoof is Inst.by bring converted ,Into carboide add. ,gas, Or, eifirit, and the waste is. (-erred Solely or tirirterriicese or ttinioiating gas to rage the dough.; By , using Concentrated Lveiveeethis waste is avoided, and the, gat. obm.ned in a manner equally al es:Moue. Pernseutathin, as has b'm stated;'deetroye. part of Used:Lear-or meal no, ia, cOatieqUellea, a barrel of liar weighing 106 IDs., which, by the ens m3ll method,. _ordinarily' make,* ;about 260 The of bread, elves by this process 290 lbs., }hue effecting the very impel:tea saving of 16 per cent " inAhe'quanlity of flour. By conforinity to - the directions on eackipackage, any per,on Callable-of ordinary, attention may conduct the proievs, 411 . 4.1 the re sult will tavarlably'bie highly satisfsietori. (IN4r,I'IFICATE .fit.OM Assayer to the Mate.of Massachusetts. p i have analysed the Concentroted Icaycn, mutates , tured by Macsrin irdw''C&aniberlin & Co., with rcference - to its purityaral efficiency - of action iii producing the e 6 pet of yeast in ilistending"dinigh, and tbdreby rendering fit' far making bread, This article • is skillfully founded, from perfectly pure material It;, raises dough costuming the sugar or icy other priticit pie in the flour, periectly; anethe same weight et ,flour will produce more sweet, palatable broad than can be obtained-Übrangli yeaSt; while tort cakei and pastry it is invaluable, as: it.savea 01 risk, much ,thop• of the Pastry,cook. ' • • • • • "The: experiments' made by me confirm the statements made by •the manufacturers, and groves this compound worthy of public approval and extended' use "ReaPeetfullY, r= , -A. A. Eviafis, M. D., State Assayer,. • , 16 Boylston shwa, Bostony Reptember 26, 1860." • D IRE CV lON S . :BREAKFAST AND IRA Roult-,TwOUT three, tell3ooooSfal of Leavtu, (according to the quality of the flour,) to one quart:" el Their; naix , thorotighly by pasehig tett; or three times througllx sieve. Arab Mu piece or butter half ,the size of an egg, and make the paste_ with Cold milk .or 'water, (Milit ie preferable) barely stitrenough to permit rolling out. Much kneading should be avoided: . Cut in , to detiredlerni, and place immediately in a but oven and bake -• • .• . LOAF Brien.,,—The same, proportions of Leaven and ilouriiited togther as above; ontikille better, slid make the paste still' enough to knead into' a loaf; and bake _ Mcdtately in a slow oven. Graffiti BRRAD.—Three teaspoonsitil ol•LeaTen to 0110 quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gilt or Rio- . lames and two eggs ; make the Paste thin with milk anti bake itt a slow oven. BRQWN ,BREAD....-TbrOe teaemmusful tif LeaVen 10 one pint of flour, and one pint Or I • orn meal, bill wrllsifted to gether; gold two eggs and about a sill or 1.14b73843.3 ;. Noah o the paste thin with milk, and hike . Btu:at - wawa CAlLllB.—Fiour rind milk- Mandeb to•Mitke oneilUatt,of batter ;ad d sue egg,Peu three teaspoonsfel Citleaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick: " .DTIMPLIGS...,thit together one guar 1,01 (touruAil.two tea-' spoonsful of Leaven; rub In a piece of butter mar as large as an egg ; mix with cold milk or wateivand minutes.. •..• • , • , . .. . . °mute= STRUT_ Wa..--bitt together, two largo cups of flour and two teaapoonsful of Leaven; patio half a cup at butter and a cup:and a ballot* sugar., ; mix with tea: milk or water to a atiffbatier, add spiceto suit !bC,OCiptil end. bake Immediately. • . , . COMANNAII SPORN& CAKE —TWO copser white sugar beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the *laws' or six ergs beaten to a. froth; then beat all together ; add ihree.cup, of sifted Boar, one cup , of water , d th ree teaspoonsStil Of Leaven; flavor with two tesepdumfal of emence or le mbn, and bakein a qMOIC oven. ' JOIORNI.-Sift together one quirt of dour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven I rub in one tea-cupful of Milted; add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; mix stiff enough to roll ow, and bake quick. Emmen Cass.—One quart of flour and thr. a teaspoons.' ful Or Leaveh silted:together ; add a cup ,of butter, one pouud,of currants, two. cups,Of white sugar„ind one tea spoontrifol . ciiinatoon ; ridx-with cold Milk to a Sitiff-bitt ter, and Poke. two slow oven. -..- CORN Gm' pint eard' i of flour Mid 'lndian Meal, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well toge.her ; add.one gill of MOlannen and. two eggs; mix thin with milk, and bake in a slow 'oven: OW: of.'llour:and three teaspoonsful pfLeaven, sifted together; add one cup of butler, twetrif sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then, add a cup of currantS, and spice to suit:the taste. Bake about, half an hour. .lamas' eami.—Three quarters of a pound of flour and' four teaspoonsful of Leaven sifted-together; one pound of sugar and six ounces or batter heatert to a cream the whites Of eight eggs well beaten, mid.this juice of one 10. WHIST= Oarm.--Ftvo.cups of flour, threeteaspoonsful of Leaven, three cups of auger, one of, butter, one of milk and two eggii ; flint and epee to the taste. - Bake about half an hour. Packed in Casea of 1, 2,'4, tind:Six. Dozen Cana. Fer sale by Grocers and DrugglstS generally. WILLIAM GULAGNR & BRO., Wholesale Agents,. No. 69 North Front iitrees, Philadelphia. u0413-itim INSIJItAiNCE AG.E . N - CY , :DELAWARE zonal. Safety - Ina4P.E4loe:- Ce.). INCORFOR4TED 1835: . „ CAPITAL AND ASS/In: . ;.........$004.907.51 • !TEE 171131b4liNdE. COMPANY..- Co' N i - c • - - • CAPITAL AND ,UNDERSIGNED, as .Agent for, the' above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage s by_fireoilther perpetually or • an nually, on property in eithetown or country. . Manaeandsluland Transportation:Disks-4in taken.: Apply, per4onally or by letter to . , • iN/ILIAM'BIIEHLDB; del dewily„, 4urri,onurg,,gu.L, • JOHN IVIANITALErr RASPBERRY' -Atair BETWEEN 011114bitif 'AND MUIZERRY:inkEETOI g4/ 1 41 81 4 1 . 0 , FASPECITILILLIC *forms th_ he IticaticTatAlie above ineritioliotr Wade; and Ile too commenced the WOOL DYEING and OrtiIyETWEAY, - , DIIANNEN in all its various. branches. He le pre : pared to 'Laren.' &dors at the shortest and'Wlll guarantee general. satialaction.,l3.lB-_pricea ko, reasonable. . Haidirg carried on the business for many:yearn in Germany, and ovr.two years here, and. al.lo havtuglad arceneended - Oxpeiience in klib country : be Is fully emit indent - to execute all work entreated Whim, and hopes;l4 recteive a reasonable share of euatom from Ids fellow. irrA general assortment of . oarpets are always kept on baud and will be sold_MMe_lowest rate. • nov2l:6o:3red - 7 NOTICE -7 TO:', SPEOULATORSi% VALU.4BLE,BUILDING .1.02.F.01? SAT A. A-- NUMBER:9,F,LARGX:BIZED 'ThiGrifiTB tuijoirtkuliiie Work Shops .Of tLe ..Pcinik. Railroad Company, Bold low apj on_reasonattl? te rms. , Apipto .vaso ' ' — JOHN W. HAr.L , ,ALIMI,NAN - - }ENRY ,( 6 . I tELL'B - NEAR MARKET,. Residence, aesentet- Street near Fourth. ~ CITY OF ItiRI3.IEIBURG, rENN'A:. JUST uggEry - Fa, . A ,LARGE PTOCK of SCOICIE(AI t rEg i joilL 'BROWN STOUT itud LoiffiON.tOßTAk sabi at thelo*est iateis by ,r -.10/3N ZLEGLER, t ' ' Miscellaneous. BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED 11011.A10 REMEDY FOB frearsesta, DISEASE OF . THE' UMW, LIVER COMPLAINT, \VF',AKSS ANY STD • FEVERANDJACUL , 'And, the ye rimeifffietioxii - ceditgaint.imotra Maordered B.lrtibt A.CH tv E it, Such is .lidigestion Acidity of the Stomach,. Wit Air Pain Heartburos; UPS of • Alifietith; Diskindenci, cfn tiventeg,. Blind :at Blinding Piles. - In' all Minas, .R.tanniatinond - _Nettralgie affections, It beg In numerous histaucee . proved hepencationd In-others effeeted ii - dOchied cure :Hite'is trintrely. *egeteble toretantl; pf . eparen on etriallrealen dee a ft er the manner Mlle cob -- ['rated Holland Professor, Boethave Its reputation 'at home produced ins ; introduction here, the demand com menting will,lkkistiertiniFtitherlaud ssattered over the face of this ! MielitrettneirY,Many of whom brought with hem hinded. ega•We ;the 'tradition of its value. it is now offered /o the Amirititiwpsthlie, knowing that its triair wonderful:in - edict/nal eirtaes must be achnoiciedged. lt iwpartioidielY.:recommeaded to thosepersons whose constitutions inay , „haValueetiltaipaired bythe centtnuous use of ardent spirits, or other . forais Oftimalimtion. -Gen= erally instantaneous in elleet, it . fludalta wayAireeny to the seat of every nerve, raising up the drooping airlift,. intbsieg new health and %W M, inithe syetem.; di1(1.r.„4- Whoeveinepecis to . And this a beverage will he d it'agt oil idti .; lint to'fbe' sick, weak- and, low spirited. .:14;*11.1 «Weft: 4 l l/tittifuliiifelzitald- nortital,•• posit:aged of of singular riMettlahnoPentlall• - • BEAD OAIMPJLLY 1 , :The,Uettuino Inytty: condes - trati Ug.Scortutoett.Bollaod Hiltons is put L ott irtlttalfltigt i , ottlokonlyiantt.yetitiliklat. biag DOLI AR .lor. - bottiO, or six VottlestorFrratllawas.4 The ifeitt'deinan for this tPulyy ciiisbribid :tittaktig lips indgced tratis , imititrouii ihicb the -public sbOitdinir4 .- _ - 4 r E M-41" t iMe mitidn -See that C 4 F:l l 44ke:h! 0 41 he lib Keluf ,buy. .'Sold by:Do:tail& generaiiy tt esn iiii'thirgircit;flL by Taproot' to moot ttbits. SOLE p p 9-gp BE;;IITA ' - .1 1 ./MV!:M. CO•, CheintiltB 1 PI I R G , sale lit t • city ot Harrisburg by. D. IV. GaElse EE.' Hie Daft:. vriNt3WW; An experienced Nurse ant; Ifenutlenyeliken; Orsini/Ai to thaanention'elniotheiX her . SO OTRING , '-girjRUP, For .Lblidreig, Tcethlng :. which greatly lacilitsteeitfiti Process of teething, by soft! ening the gume,feducing , ail intianireathm , - - will'allay Al L PA: N, and apaanindto adtion,luid to SURF, "CO REOVVAIV - 41k,80W45. Depend upon 144hotikeritat*Iffilv;1 1- *Cttr Youftelvee' AND, DELLO': IANDrEINALTD:YrCiItOOft INFANTS, We haveiput.npi and Johlt,lhin bfle Sor Lover ten Fearn, - 0 11 . 4 247 e•1 1 . 1 o,lslSuPligi vantf,.:Fliat wet . have never ;been' abkrio air q kay' Othif:niadielne-4 NEVER 'STS FAILED; INA:SENTILEANSTANCE TO KFFFCT A OMR, whetvthitey used. Never did we know an Inatanceof ditsaittlgactionby any one who need It. On the contrary, All.are delighted with its opera tions, and speak injertiat 61"fthest commendation of. its magical effects': virtues. We speak in this matter ‘wanr wir..polfspyr., alter ten yours expo.' rience, Aim swam 19791.01011.3,014-11111.1 , 11LPILME117 or war . are - sskiLAiitc/ix mf.'":ilteitlnksfrevery Instance: where the infant is suff irtrierianiimin and exhaustion, re leftvtlinaLtOund It fifteen miqwenty!mtuntee` after the' eyrup p tadmtnhltered. tsik irailatie:Orefiatitinn: Ia fh.b -- .:paisini ' tidni - of one ; ot , EXPERDMELfidId IfitiLLFUL - NURNLS New . . Riniland; ifair.baiiff mind' *ithiiiiimnlvarritas, InlqC lB , ~; , THOUSANDSCAM. • , It not only_ relieves the child &ern pa hl, mated' the stomach bowels;; 'corrode' Acidity,' and gives tone and &dull,' the whale !system It will tnost instillpyrrelleve. ' • 08TPINIq' IN, 'TOP*4B, .ANri 19,671) coi*, 'and oVeiconiseinrintsionsOibillh if tint anOedily.s.rtnne diedi Hind inrdeittlf.l siyti believe it mar and-Thm' *UNARY. INAK4 : **ilk Wall !lases or DVANIENRY *ND DLtURIEWEA IN. A:III'fLDRE4, whether .11, arisen from: teethineor trotn any other` occuaa, waft ,eay to every mother__ who has a child iteril4 fitrin t ittirOphe -foregoing complairds=nri , tate4tnin S.allitaktally Iron rffig . P WI J I MUMR .PI UMW, MAO betWeelrYoWatrd 704 Stiller - mg ehila - an'd the relief that. will ho SURE—yes,/113- 134L1TrELY SURE - to follow = theute -- iitthti medicine . . 11411dielyksed.: br.ollCr4olitlind Illikar ;UV. lkeddmilii. - of . CILIBTLB lr PERRINS,New York, fa ou Illoputiddo wrapper. Sold pr uggios,througliout, tkii world. erkokkil-011kkkifill 13 &dor St New York. . 25 :Cents Bottle. For gale In Harrisburg byrii. W.Hrossl iktlO.; No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lutz, No, 22 Market street, C, H. Heller, No . . 91, Market street, be/ow,Fourth, and G. W - Mires; 1..15 bfailet ATM: - aug 2 2 49g 1 9 . .. . rep . ." -e Nr.Acc'' -- • q i .„ '':... . ~ ity.,,, , ,, , ,,„ :: • , ~,; 7Z 1., ECONOMY! `s , 1 li i,:4 •:' .1 , •-i i .,..nez : ~ ! ' .'• r' . ' „,..k ; 14.5. 1... , .. e .,,,,i-.:.mf...,..19 ~.....Ti ir , - .. - --- - . Save -the- Pieces !-- !I •:____:), 41.$ iccidents will kappa, even in weri.s , :egittaledtpulif ; Itlif very desirable' td havoscith.ti chdap sad 'Clinvedeile Fiw,for reßairingFurAgure;•Toya, Crocking, Ate. • ' - brAIDIN PRNIARED'IILIFE •-• • meets neck efretrgencles, and - no lionsetiolg can ndfirit: to be without it: It is fawn ready and up..to,the lig:point. There Is he •longer a necessit3 ` for' limping chairs, : splintered -.veneers, beadles 'toys And 'broken! cradles. It is just the =article for OM], shell and other, ointments] Work, sci . popular With' ladletibf teitnement• and taste. - • . • - • , This adinirable preparation need ` cold, tieing chemt cally held in solution s and possestag;;aita.the quutitretor tho best' cabinetnekers , Glue. , Gamy be used the. plate or ordinary mistilege, being "vatitlynibie adliestie. , ~.USEFUL HOWilitt. • 'N. B.A' Brush accenaglimes each bottle. Price 26 ale. Wholesale Depot, No..4B.Cedarstreet, New York. Address HENRY .0..111`.&401.40,* • No B,6oo;l•TetteYork ••• • • - - . , Put up for Dealers incases coilteJnir i e Four, Alb& and. "I l arelVe'Dosetia beantifUl Lithograidde Shownavi se pelage. agra. single bottle of SPALAINGuS PIIisPAttEDGLUE' will save ten cost webs* 'to evbryliedsebold. A i m by All pretelnent QtaUDgers , Drapaists,Bardwave iikerFtiroltien Diralers,. Grocers, and Fancy Storea. L eo e ra, tint 'ihould twice 3te of SPADINE'r; PREPARE) GIME, wilco maids- - op glair -Rat, atWll stand any nifinatti. , - - febrf 441 B ' O.: OT :011 ,& -, SHOE `S , S 0 3--" t -; , CORNER'iti- SECOND AND W0177*5T5.,.. :. Harrisburg, Pa. - A LW,AYS on baud a large assortment of tx. IlooTe,-snoxis, e4rrekfl; - &c. t i:Pribe yery OW (=Rites -Ail' ,li.Otek;*gentleilok,aior childebteliFliVelti=l.,; Pylern. to - Ina the times. .ell kinds of wpfukhilpEm ORDBlC'hithe'best iitile by l'opeelor workmen "' .Y. ikePADONG „gione atsbork notice: . ,r ~ , 0gt164. JORN it, Al Harr bititir ,g. Inistettatuons. Tffia - AMILLGAYATION op LANIKIAGHBO—There IS a p row ing tendeney in this age to appropriate the most expr.- sive worth of other languages, and after a while to +a corporate them into our own ; thus the word Ceptialle which is from the Greek, signifying "for the lead,. i; now becoming popularized In connection with Mr. Spaid. ing's great Headmhe remedy, but it will soon be used'. a moroseness.' way, bad theirtird gepliallc will become as common as Klectroaype and many others whose dis tinction as foreign words bait been worn . away Oy com mon usage until they seem ant to the mans; born " . • En 'ad 'a lorrible 'eadache this baftereoon, nand stepped Into the boothecarlee, hand says hi . to the man "Oul Yon beam) me of an 'eadacher 'Do. sit liach. says 'e. I .Henteedlugly," nays bl,. hand upon that 'e gave gm a-Cephalic all, band me 'mut' it curel me so quick that I l ardly rialiked I 'ad 'ad in 'endache. warHsanactua is the favorite sign whicb nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of ihia - brilit, and viewed hi this light it may be looked omen apaNgoard intended tonics notice of theses', which might otherwise !mope attention ; tit. too tale to be remedied ; itnad its indications eltotild- nevi r be neglected Headaches may, .be . classified under two litmus, via : Symptomatic and Idiopathic .9.ymploitatic Ilcatiaithe exceedingly common and lathe preculsor of a pleat ca riety of diseases; among which ate dinonitay, GOO ttheumatlsm and all febrile diseasea.lii its i.ercoub farm it is sympathetic of thsease of the stomach coon:/ Luting tick headache; of hepatic diabase constituting &C.- /iota headache, of worms, constipation, and other dicer - dere of the bowels, as well an renal and eiteritie greet. lona, Diegises of the heart are OrriresiliterillY ahead ed with Headaches, Anterala and plethora gre alit air, c. t ha's which 'frequently OCCBOOII Headacbe,is also very common, - being._u natty distic gulated by thethamo of ricraoui Ttecidaphe, semetime: coming on suddenly in a state of apparently 'NA DU health and prostrating at once the.tnental and physical ei,ertar,. and in other installowl Ii comes ondilowly, 4011thied by deprepsion of spirits or acerbity - gnawer. In most in e!iitmes it conWs on slowly, heralded by deprm_sion ol spirits or acerbity of temper. In most ins anci. the psis Is in 'the' frent of the head, over one or liri key es, and horintlinia provoking vomiting; under this Wass may als, lienelliwid Retook/jet. - -- 'nfrthe treatment of eithar claawof lignuache the Ce. phalio Pith have beep found a sure apd.sale remedy, nc device the most acute pains in a few minutes, nil by it subtile power eradicating thd - dtaaaset of a lieV. ache is the unerring index: ' . Seitame.-lietsus wants 'you ' id timid her' a box of Ce phial() Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared - Fills,—but I'c thtuking,that's not jdst it neither; _hut perklun yell ba a attr knowink what it le. Ye: see slie's bigh dead au,i gone witti toe dick Headache, and went, some more el that same as relaived her belme. Druggirt.—You must-math Spalding's Pitts. Bridget.—Och I sure nowerut you've Bed it, here's the quarter mad gtv me the hue and don't be all Itap, abut: , it either. Corit . ti-I,lion or Codiveneso. No one of the "many llle flesh Is heir t," 'ad preva lent, 80 little understood, and BO much neglected us Cos tiveness. Often • other sting in carele. sorsa, r soden • tar/ habits; it is regailled as aslight diserder of two little conseipmace to eirCile anxiety, Vile in reality it is tiro precursor and companion of many of many of the mint 'fatal and dangerous please, and. unless eradica ted it will bring-the sufferer to an ' crave— Among the lighter - evils of which costiveness is-theusual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Bream, Ttlek and others of like nature, while a lung train of ifriglitthi;diseaseS BUM( es Idalignant fevers, AOc.essas, Dysentery, Diarrhata, Dyspepsy, Apoplexy, Epueley. 44raVais, - El.katetia, Hyposhondriiiiki; Alelaneboly and Jusantly, first indicate their presence in the,system by -Ihls'alarmtog symPtinzi. Not tharrequently the tlisca-es emitted orlglunte,in Constipation, but take - i - on an inde pendent existence unites the. cause is eradicated in no 'e.irly stage. From all these - considerations it iollowa that the disorder 'Should 'receive immediaid attention When ever it occnra,.and no person shuuld neglect bigot a box of Cephalic Pula on the first appearance of the Complaint. us their - Utueb use will expei : ttra in,shluous approach n disease and destrvy this dangerous foe to human life. - . es,new . is that hea eacie F Met. Jiffses.ootte lakictoi, all gone tdbe 1411 you neat eared Intl in just, twenty mlinttee,and wish you would send'more sothat I can neve theta nano. Phyddatil...—YOU can get them .attiny Druggists. _ Caii for Cephalic Mils, L_And ,they-nefer maul , and I recom mend them in alleases ef.klegthiche, .• • ~_ "Zones.--ratigle tinietiiiietly; and shall -t e ll all usy.liniferlagiriendl,,l44theyiere a teal Westing. - . .. " " . Tlifigir, i MIILIONS OR &IMPS CAVIL 6 M r : bris iold two militate . -of bottles of his Webs , Prepared Glue and it lo estimated that each bottle saws at leis' ten 'thillit'in"woritrot titokeu Ibrniture, ththr maldOr al. aggro , eogatjgof wepirmtdions. or 1i0141115 replaitheti from total loss by valublbjaluvotioii. Baring made '-fa Glue Chats tolddonittiOlo - Ow tpropOstir to do the world sill x i rgreaterecreiciens curing all the aching head 3 with hin ' Cent:nine Pilla, and If they are as gOisd at his Glue, Bead itches will soon WWI:* away itte snow in Judy. •1,911 1 e1l Vuße o',k 4_ , 6511-eatitloN t CURE • Nervou4Headacbg Art 0 Headadie. Sir .17, 1* S,EXCIMilUST, and the ;mental .care and auxin ty incident to Close attention to business or study, ar e amonitttlfe tinmenitts causes of NervonsiStiadaehe. The 'diaordered state of mind and body incident to this di,- &ening complaint is a fatal blow to all energy and am• 4iniferers by thiai disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one albs likipbalis.Pills whenever tbe symptoms appear It quiets the overtasked brain, and soothes ,the strained and Jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the st maieli whichnlwaysaccompinnes andapgrava• es the di= ordered condition of the brain. . • FACT WORTH KNowao.--Bpalding's Cephalic 11113 ere a certain cure for Sick Headache, Nikons Headache, Nervone-Headache, Coatividiess and General Debility. . • GERAT iblicommv.---, Among . the most impOrtant of ail the great medical diseoireriei of this age may be con eidered the 'twitters:l of rvacifnnation ler protection from Sthall..,Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of -Headache, and the en a ct Quinine:for tho prevention of Fever', either Gi which la a sure specific, whose benefits will be _expert. sliced by wafering humanity long after their discoverers arerfergotten.- Dni you ever hive the Sick Headache ? Do you re member tam throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loath i ngland • disgust at thd sight of food. How tOtelly Malt you were for pliasure, conversation or study. One og 4 loool4llTh .Wetuld have isaleved7on from all tba g Which yoa theft ., .efFerienced. For this and other iniimi;silioa always have a box of them ou 'baud to use as occasion requires. the We of 63E4 Pills the periodic attacks of Zi r , or &ck iffeikkicka may tie. preirented; and it taken a itite commencement, of an attack Immediate relief fro .fia,* and sickness may be obtained. - /NET Seldom Zan I.li re .moviqg tkiS Nausea mid Hoirlache to which females are so subject. They act geilgripec the botvels,..removing Conitews. For Likr.qhi, Nab ,Studends, Delicate Females, and al: persona oraidolfary they are valuable as a Law• nye; ti4 rOvles'oiidpsetite, - tilvink, tom and vigor to the' dirndl%) 042614, _ -and. restoring the natural elasticity .strength of Ms whole system-- The WailL l , C FILLS are . the result of long investi gatfen and eared* conducted experiments, ha lug tee' 'in use hi many veers, which time they have 1 vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suits - mg 'frotti ll eadaohe, whelber eritinatiak fn the nervous EV' . tern ° IF A 9 lll a dorldlidid Maki &the stomach. . . TAY are entirely :iegetable In their composition, a" ,>al►ybe tsicbp At all - times With perfect safely a 11.1,0ut making tier change tit diet, and the absence of u ny dio :Afecibk tarts renders'it auy to art 'nista Menlo dildr , N BEWARE. OF COUNTICOFF.ITs The , gendiedi-have Bye signatures of Henry C. epald.u.: eneetetitiok,- field by prtatebi *IA 'ail' tither Dealers in Medicines :.: A ! tcnciiil 7 4 l li l isr.t uo 4tp u gliiiil s: llr c epai E d s on l iea s et . pt of the 0 All : 01. 410i1s ilhou?st adateiowi to HENRY. H. SPALDING, Ede 48 Cedar it, New =MI =EH