pailg Etitgrapil. tIRR IBBITRW• Wednesday 'Afternoon, Tebrnary 6 Md. ON Hm Wev.--The lion. ,David Wilmot, one of the CoMmisidoners appointed by the GOv ernor, arrived here to,#ay ep route for Washing. ton. I= RI-Arcoarrran.—Geo. W.-Boyd PISS this morn ing re-appointed Superintendent of Grounds by the joint committee of the Legis ture, for the term of one year. , • AWING roe Paancm. -We undsigand that petitions are already in drculatiotr asking for the pardon of Mr. Seltzer, convicted Of assault and battery and sentenced yesterday to an im prisonment of Aileen (Jays and a*.tis of one hun dred dollars. --*, FIRE AT HOLLIDAYSBURG.- -A lacga.building oc cupied by Col. R. M. Lemon, as an 'establish ment for Abe manufacture of medicine, was consumed on last Thursday evening. The loss of Mr. Lemon will reach over $2OOO over and above his insurance. ATTENTION i MOVNT VERNON I —A stated meet ing of the Mount Vernon nook and Ladder Company, No. 1, will 'be held in their hall this (Wednesday) . evening, Feb. 6th, at 7} o'clock. A full attendance is desired as bud neve of importance will be tiansaeted. PRESIDENT Lmoom will arrive hereon the 20th or 21st of this month. We, hope the Com mittee of arrangement will arrapge It in such a manner so as to detain him over the 22d In order to participate or view the raising of the American Flag , over the State Capitol. CITIZEN, A'rfENTION I-A special meeting of the Citizen Engine and Hose Company will be held.this (Wedrketclay) evening at their ball, at seven o'clock. Punctual attendance. is de sired, as business of interest to each individual member will be trausacte I. By order , - C. SEILER, President. STATE CAPITAL SEOTION No. 21, a of T., will hold a regular stated meeting this evening -at the section room, at Ti o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual in their attendance. Candidates for Membership will please . present themselves. - Business of importance, will be transacted. Ciacmos.W. FENN, W. A. I= THE TWENTY-SECOND OE FICBRIIAMY.—SeveraI companies from abroad have already accepted the invitations extended to them to participate in raising the "Stars and Stripes" on the dome of the Capitol, and we anticipate a very large assemblage of peoplairi the city on that day. The Democratic State Convention meets on the 21st, which will also attract a number of people to this city. How TO MAXIS ¢ CANDLI Binerr.—To make a candle burn all night., in case of sickness, or when a dull light is wished, or when matches happen to be mislaid, put finely powdered salt on a candle till it reaches the, black part of the wick. In this way a mild and steady light may be kept through the night,by_a smell piece' of candle, besides having a Bet so blue and sepulchral that if there happens to be a sick . person in the room he or she will be likely to die from horror before Morning, and a healthy person, happening 'to Wake; iiirkb,very cer tain to go-luto hysterics:.- Pilsertsas Court; yesterday afternoon iassed sentence mion a number of persons Convicted `lttArillest term of brunt, as . . follows : Josdilf C.' seltzer, assault' and battery, gran Walter Graham, was sentenced to a fine of $lOO and costs ; be imprisoned for fifteen days and give security in the sum of $5OO to keep the peace for one year tow t apis all men and in par ticular towards Walter Graham. Henry Schneider,. liquor to :Minors. $lO fine, costs of suit arid Iminisonnient for ten days. _ John Brooks, selling liquor to minors. A fine of $lO, cots of suit, and imprisonment for tea days. William Small, assault and battery upon a woman, $5.00 fine, costs of suit, and imprison ment for five days. - A. Harris, assault and battery on his wife, a fine of $l.OO, costs of suit, and imprisonment for thirty days. Christian Spayd, stealing eggs and produce from a market wagon, a fine of $l.OO, costs of suit, and imprisonment for thirty days. , Andrei Wilhelm, horse stealing. Six months imprisonment, and a fine of $l.OO and costs. Fanny Jones, keeping a disorderly house, a fine of $l.OO and coats, and imprisoment for fifteen days. Margaret Brett, forgery, in passing v forged paper, and in stealing a piece of lawa, fifteen month imprisonment, $B.OO fine, and coats of. proceedings. Robert Parker, assault and battery on two different indictments, $6.00 fine and costs, and five days impritonment. . Joseph Scott, assault and battery by throw ing a woman in the canal, fifteen days im prisonment, and $l.OO fine and'aosts. Joseph Scott, assault and battery, five days imprisonment, and $l.OO flue aria Charles Leedy, assault and battery, fifteen days a fine of $l.OO and costs. I=== RNLIG/0178 RITIVAINrx LYKENSTOWN.—The last ..Tournathas the following item relative to the progress of the several religions revival meetings in that village; - A revival meeting of some seven weeks con tinuance, under the auspices of the Evangeli cal denomination at this place, has just been closed which was attended with very satisfac tory results. We learned that over thirty per sons have already joined that church, and others contemplate doing so. In the Metho dist church, a very interesting work is now in progress; quite a respectable number have „already professed to have experienced a,change of heart, while anxious penitents continue flocking to the altar of mercy, and witp genu ine tears of repentance are " what must Ido to be saved?" Rev. Mr. Lane, of the Lutheran church, has also cormienceka series of ritivarineetings, which we hope, will be crowned with abundant success. TEE CElMmusioN mums TWENTY-SECOND.— The following report has been made to the two Houses on the subject of the celebration on the 22d of this month, TIZ.: '.1,11(i. WILSON from the joint Committee ap: pointed by the Senate and House of Represen tatives to make arrangements for the raising of the flag. on the dome of the Capitol, reported that they, have agreed on the following : The - Ay , to 6eraised on Friday, the 22d inst., at lid AM . ' • A ge4eritiLinvitation has been giVen to the uniformed Military, Firemen and civic associa tioof,the State. Also, special invitations to thiktiovernor -and Heads of Departments, and to ihe Military and other civic associations of this' City of Harrisburg, and the soldiers of the Wi Of 1812; to participate. , "lien. Wm. H. KELM has been appointed to take charge of the Military, and to act as Chief Marshal of the day. Maj. DAVID Minzna. has been appointed Mar shal of the Fire Compimies, with power to ap point Assistants from the several companies par ticipating. B. A. LAMED:ION, Esq., has been appointed Marshal of other civic associations. - The Hon. ROBERT :M. PALXB2 has bt.en se lected to deliver an oration, and E. W. RAllen to read Washington's. Farewell. Address. A sub-Committee has been appointed to con fer with the several, railroad, companies in or der to secure areduction of rates of fare charge able to the organitations from other parts of the. State wishing to participate. The cannon now in the Arsenal will be fired alternately every half minute during the raising of the, flag to the number of thirteen guns. The, services of a band will be engaged for the occasion. ' D. L. IMBRIE, A. W. BOLIGHTER, - G. ELIESTER CLYMER, G. H. WILSON, P. F. ELLENBERGER. HENRY HUHN. Laid on the table. He also presented the following : „ GEMAL mums= No. 2 HEAD QUATRO STH Drv., P. V. February 5, 1861. The Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives have appointed the under signed officer commanding and Marshal of the day to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Washington, and do honor to the flag of the Union, by displaying it on this grand occasion from the Dome of the Capitol, which flag is sanctified by his toil, his patnotism,and the glo rious achievements of our revolutionary sires. The Governor ' Heads of Departments and Members of the Senate and House %of Repre sentative. will rfarticipate. The invitation is extended,to all the Military Of the State,lioldiem"of the . war of 1812, Offi cers Of the Army and Navy, Judges, Clergy, Masoits,'Odd -Fellows, Firemen, Civic-Societies, citizens. I. The Military will form on Friday, Feb. 22,1861, at 10 oroloek, A. M., on Market street, the right resting on Third street, to move at 107 A. M., precisely. Marshal R. A. LANBILEMON will form the So cieties on the left of tho ndlitary. Marshal Ewan Mumma. will -formthe Fire men on. Third street, right, resting on Market street,laning Fiat. The MEMShals will report at headquarters for further orders. The order of the procession will be as follows in three diNisions: Officer Comzianding. General Oilmen and Staff. Officers of Army and Navy. Soldiers of the war of 1812, bearing the Stars and Stripes. Marshal R. A. Lambertorl. ao+. '- Joint Committee of Senate and House. Heads of Departments. Judges of Supreme and District Courts Officers and - Members of the Senate. Officersiand •Members of the House. Clergy. Maim]. Odd Fellows. Civic Societies. Citizens. Marshal David Mumma.. 'Firemen. 111. The veteran soldiers of the war of 1812 will raise the flag to the dome of the Capitol. IV. Maj. JoszaurF. Lyres detailed command er of ordnance to fire national salute of 34 guns during the procession, and 13 guns at the ele vation of.the flag. V, The Ca heron Guards, Capt. EYATER, will perform guard duty at the Capitol. VI. Route. Form on Third and Market, down to Front, down to Washington avenue, out to Second, up to Chesnut, up to Third, up to Market, out to Fourth, up to Walnut, down to Second, up to Pine, out to Front, up to State thence to the Capitol. ' Returning. Down Third to Locust, down to Front, down to Market. Gov. Curtin will pass in review. Dinnissed. Vii All reports will be made at head guar ten, Jones House, by the fifteenth of February , F.y , command of GEN. Wm-R. Rand, Officer Commanding and Chief Marshal. Laid on the table. Gamma To BR Exsorrsn.—The Supreme Court in session at Philadelphia, has given its deci sion in the case of the man Cathcart, under sen tence of death for the murder of his wife in Clearfield county. One of the principal assign ments of error - was that gross mistakes had been committed in trying the prisioner, bat as they Aid not appear on the recOrd, the Court decided it conlittiot :take them, into : lon sltierition, and - that no relief could be affptded , the,ptisorter on these grounds. /Intim Shim& through whom the decision of the Court was rendered, alluded to the caste of- the Common wealth vs. Fife, Jonesand Stewart. both tried in 'Pittsburg, to show error not apparent On the face of the record proceedings, however gross and improper it may have been, is not a I sul4ect of review, aad that a prisoner has no more right to expect relief on account of such irregularities from the Supreme Court than from any other five citizens of the State, who are_ invested with judical authority at all. The Court affirmed the judgment of the Court below, so that Cathcart will have to pay . the penalty of his crime on the gallows, unless the Governor should seo fit to pardon him. _,•.._ SPOlda3ollB C01031761101(. -A curious case•of spontaneous combustion was discoverd a week or so ago, in the barn on - the premises of Dan iel Althouse, deceased, in Exeter township, Berke county. The hay in the centre of the mow was found to be in a charred state, from which it was evident that it had taken fire by spontaneous" 'combuition, but for want of air had atterwariltatten,wrtingnished, without any damage;:Cased of spontaneOas combustion, whereltai away lief, 'Properly cared' not mifierpient: FIRE IN Cimonann.—We regret to lean that the residence Of Judge Barrett; in Clearfield, was totally destroyed, by fire on . Thawiday evening last, was saved,- but nineitCif it in danineil condition. Pennopluanict Mak) telegraph, iflebiteatran "Afteritoan, iebruarg 6, 1861. IikeREATION.—A spicy newspaper correspond end says that "recreation" is one of the best abased words in the English language : How absurd the applications that are made of itl A man who has been crooked over like an inter rogation point, over some heavy book or other, goes solemnly out and cuts a quarter of a cord of wood with a dull saw. Straightening up like a...note-of . exclamation, he feturns to his afteetionatefriende, and announces that he has been indulging in "recreation I" That is, he', has been making himself over, and -has the sweet assurance that be is another and a better man, in the name and by virtue of—sawing wood! Just as if the evil spirit of dullness would go out of a man into a saw or a growing wood pile.; just as if he could sunder the thread of his thought with the small round sticks he cuts - in two. Those who break away, now and then, from sedentary pursuits, let themselves down into long boots and gO hunting, do not always get what they go for, but the the life, the mental elalticity they come back with, are worth more than the powder they waste. A real tired ache is sometimes a luxury ; it gives a new value to rest, and puts more than one feather into a hard pillow.' Some men's heads are full of acute angled ideas, every, one of them "a fretful, porcupine" with one quill. Now, put such a man on a high trotting horse ; a fox, or, if nothing nobler, a prairie wolf, in the distance, and ten miles to catch him in, and those ugly angles will be so tossed about about and triturated, that you can handle one of his ideas without gloves. A good shaking has been known to rattle out an atom of knowledge that rolled away, like a bead from a broken string, into some dark cor ner of a man's• mind, and had been given up for lost. We believe , it was Torn Moore whose verse came to a three dars-halt for want of a word. A rude jolt in a rough going vehicle shook the missing syllables out into the light, and so.the encamped verse folded up its tent, and, moved musically on. "Exercise" is some times more than work'; it is working out; and the most. natural 'question in the world, waits answer, Out of utiu#, Why, out of the. old round of a man's thiukings; out of the mental straight jacket; out of the shell Of self. "Amusement," "diversion," "elation," eas any respectable Dictionary will tell you, all convey, and most admirably, the act of doctrine: if you want to be recreated, and be "brand new," run awr y from yourself. Be a fugitive from the 'Muses, that is, from sober study, counsels "amuse ;" - turn aside from the old path, is urged in "di vert;" leap out of yourself, eicle.ims "exult ;" at least be lifted out pleads "elate," if you are too lazy to leap. , Such words, if one will only listen to them, are as wise as a whole armful of "Physiologies." They involve the precept, and tell you how to practice it. Some one has said, and well ; aid, that Gray's young man of whom "some hoary-headed swain" says, Hard bytyon wood, now smiling as In scorn, • Muttering hie wayward fancies he would rove— Now drooping, woeful wan, like one forlorn, Or crazed With care, or crossed Inhopeless love; would not have been missed one Morn, "on the enstomed bill," if he had under stoo d t h e true philosophy of recreation. Neither would his epitaph have 'borne trueh - n line tistifttr ifnir digestive organs had been in good working order : ROMAN CATHOLIC REGULATIONA POR LENT.--Lefit commences on the 18th inst. The Catholic Lett graph publishes, the following regulations for the season 1. All persons who have completed their twenty-firstlear, and who are not exempted from the obligation of fasting by sickness, de bility, old age, hard labor, or for other well known reasons, are obliged to observe all the days of Lent, (Sundays excepted) as fasting days. 2. On those days but one meal is allowed, which should be taken about noon. 3. A cup of tea, coffee, or thin chocolate, with a bit of bread, or a cracker, may be taken in the morning ; and a collation of food, not more than the fourth,part of an ordinary meal, or not exceeding eight, ounces, may be eaten in the evening. 4. Warm fish is not permitted , at the colla tion. 5. Abstinence from flesh meat is enjoined on all the Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent, and on the two Saturdays of the Ember and the Holy. Week. 6. The use of flesh dfeat is allowed, by dis pensation, at every meal on Sundays ; and at one meal on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the exception of the two Saturdays above named. ' 7. Those eiempt from fasting are all Owed the use of flesh meat at every meal on the days on which it is allowed to others but once: 8. Fish and flesh are not allowed on any day of Lent at the same meal ; oysters are fish. 9. Eggs, milk; cheese, butter, can be used withou4, distinction of clays ; but abstinence froin all of these is recommended on Good Fri- day:- SHORT LIVED Miss White, of M'lfean, who was married to a gentleman from Mississippi, a few weeks ago, and accompanied her husbanno that State, which she intended making hei future residence, retnined to this city, on Tuesday afternoon, having been or dered to issie the Southern domain at a certain date, before the expiration of ten hours. It seems, that she made too free lise of her North- . ern. sentiments to. suit the Southern chivalry, and hence was ordered out of the country. If this is not anarchy and oppression we would like to knowin what country it can be found. What was done with the husband we do not learn., A Lawn Cenv.—Mr. Benjamin Eshleman, of Conestoga township, Lancaster county, is the owner of a calf; now a few days old, which, when three hours old, weighed one ,hundred and iwentythree pounds. It is of the ordinary Lan caster county stock, but is claimed to be the heaviest of its age ever weighed in the county. We suggest that Dlr. Esbleinito keep this for the "fatted calf" to kill for the feast to be given to Uncle Satn's prodigal daughter, Caro lina, when she returns frora Wasting her sub stame in "riolous living ." —Express. MARSHALS FOR TRH 22D or FEHRUARY. — We understand that the joint committee of the two Houses of the Legislature, to make arrange ments for the grand civic and military parade in this City on the 22d inst.; have appointed David lgurruna,Esq.,Chief Marshal : of the Fire - - uteo,ol4 - lioiiert Larnberton, Esq., Chief oil of tie 011ie portion of the procession. "And Melancholy marked him Tor her own." SeurrE.—A salute of thirty-four guns was fired last night in honor of the result of the Virginia election. BALL AT BRANT'S HALL.-Our German citi zens will have a regular ball on the 14th of this month. It will, no doubt, be a grand affair. Tickets $l. feb6 td (From the 'Boston Eyeeing Express.) CHICKERING'S PIANOS In no. branch of the mechanic arts in this country bas more rapid strides been made than in the manufacture of Piano-Fortes, the favor• Ite, and, we may say, the universal musical instrument of the household. Every -well-reg. ulated establishment must have its Piano ; in deed, the parlor, with its gorgeous and luxur ious furniture, its pictures, its bronzes, its pa. rians, would be badly appointed without one. And it behoves every man in selecting an in strument, not to fail in obtaining one of good tone and finish ; for, like furnaces,, ranges and cooking-stoves, the cheapei3t are by far the most expensive. We know by experience—by pocket experience—for, within a terra of six years, we purehatied three of as many different makers. and although it would have puzzled any but an expert to-have pointed out why they were not equal to anything in the market, yet they turned out to be miserable rattletraps andtink- Hug cymbals compared to those of which we write ; and all the skill and ingenuity of good workmen failedin rendering them fit, for an am ateur artist to play Yankee Doodle upon in a satisfactory manner. We got rid of our `-bad bar gains" one after another. atnescrifice of course, and -were 'recommended to purchase one of Chickering's Parlor Grands, which we did, three years ago, and we can now asseverate that it was the only good bargain" in the Piano line we ever made. It is truly a magnifi cent instrument, and one that we are proud to have our friends listen .to •, and, moreover, it has not required cent to keep it in good con dition, except the slight expense of tuning it semi-annually. But while we are 'boasting of possessing a superior instrument, we- have found, on inquiry, that all who possess a Chickering Piano are so proud of theirs as we of ours. We find no exception to the- vale.— The truth is, the Chickening Piano has never found its rival in this country, and if we can, put full credence in the great musical Celebri ties from abroad, Europe has failed to produce a more perfect instrument. It is, therefore, by no means singular that to the Messrs. Chick ering were awarded the Gold Medal at the late I Mechanics' Fair, held in this city, as has been invariably done at previous Exhibitions, not only here, but wherever they have competed for the prize. The number of Gold and Silver Medals which they have from time to time r: ceived, forms quite a rich and interesting nu mismatic collection, and it is generally admit ted that they have never bore away a prize that they were not fully entitled to. It is, indeed, a great satisfaction to possess a good and reliable instrument, and there is lit tle danger of obtaining any other if it bears the name of Chickering & Sons. W. KNOCELM, 92 Market street, East side, is sole agent for the CHICKENING PIANOS, and can furnish'such in priods varying .from $225 to $lOOO, according to size and finish. He also can furnish Pianos from inferior ma kers for the low price of $175, finely.,finished, but without taking any responsibility for the durability of the same.. at. MITOITELL'S NSW GWSRAL ATLAS 10K 1861. This is Mitchell's latest and best attempt to Tarnish the American people with a complete Athis,,comprisini-a.series of. seventy-six, mama. and plans of different cities in the United States, with a full and accurate list of post of fice% arranged In alphabetical order,numbering some twenty-five thousand, and corrected cen sus of the principal towns and cities according to the latest retnrns,and other statistical know-. ledge so important to every man of business. Its maps are , clear and distinct. The bounda ries of each county and State are plain and dis tinct, the coloring beautiful, all combining to make it one of the most attractive and desire ble works for the drawing-room or center table --a work every family ought to possess—while _the low price at which it is furnished, places it within the reach of families of moderate means The engravings are entirely new, being gotten up expressly for this work, and give a clearness to the lettering and lines of demarkation of the different countries, seldom met with. The work is sold only by ageilts and can be procured of the agent who is now visiting this city. Jai/. 21-tf. I=l LARGE Anarvai, oa NEw ktOODS.--THEI CHEAP FAT Goons OFFERED YET.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 'l2 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color.- 1,600 yards of unbleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 under shirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents.— Sockh and and ladies stockings a large variety. Our whole stock of winter goods, such as Shawls, De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, and all kinds of 'Fiannale I will sell off at cost. Now is the , time to. get bargains. S. Law, at Pleads' old corner. BUY THE BEET NORTON'S x PisNE3lll lvi FOB SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERMA.SI.6IWELY CURED! SAT RELEILE, SCROFULA, WALL HEAD, ILEVER SORES, BIN G-WORMP, BAR BERS! rrog, AND = ALL ITCHLNII OR BURNING SORES,.AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to Ay Meer ex tartlet remedy at present before the world. The mode o its operation is peculiar. t penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to Its pie) , source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the t in on the surfsce.. • Other outward applieations for Scrofula, Halt Rheum, Sm., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards; and Often occasioning terrible internal maladies. Nortrox's Oman; on the contrary, throws the poison of the disease woo* and every particle of it is dis charged thrall the p6ree. Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only arnthe sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re duced—but the seeds of the disease are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relapse. Victims, of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried every prifiesional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without . relief; here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A Ingle box wilt satisfy you Of . the truth of all that is here Since its first introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been Wilted in - themost Obstinate oases—oases hat utterly defied the beat medical skill in the country, and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro. (laced no effect—and in every instance with every acc ess& Sold is Law Bottles—Price SO Cents. NORTON, Ohemblt, Proprletor, New York eioulleno Dom AT PENFOLD, PARSER & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Bookman e., N. .N Sold by tbio.Bncems, Nerriaborg, Pa. roar7.oely HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT.—ERYSIVE- Les.—These deservedly popular medicines have met with astonishing success in the cure of erysipelas, king's evil, ring worm, scurry, scrofulous eruptions, and all inflam matory diseases f the skin. Other preparations may afford a temporary relief, but the combined action o these remedies will by their detergent and purifying properties effect a radical cure in the blood and system. Sold by all Druggists, at 25c., 620. and 21 per box or pot. Comm.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial - Troches , " or Lozenges, let tho Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Binges wilt find them effectual for clearing and strengthening thetveice. See advertisement. dele-d-4w.sw6m MorraT'S LITE PILLS AND PEONES IitrEDREI. Free front all Mineral Pell:rms.—ln eases of &rotbla Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing to a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their piarifying effects on the blued. Billions Fevers, Fever and A gue, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles : and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use muoh suffering and expense may be saved. ' Prepared by WM: B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and for sale by all Druggists , nov9-wly THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prifared from a Prescription of Sir T. Clarke, N. D., Physteian Detraorditutry to the Queen. This invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and-dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. .It moderates all excess and re. moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. MARRIED LADIES it Is peculiarly sited It will, M a short time, bring on the monthly period with regn)a r ity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent countertene... ,CAUTION.. These Pills should not-be takett by female.. during the FIRST THRE.E.IIO.IVT.H.Sof Pregnaney,asyhey arensre to - bring on iliscarriage, but at any ether time they am safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain ID the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, base Pills wit effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and at. though a poweAhl remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constAtution. Full directions in the pamphlet around'each package, which should be carefully preserved. • N. 8.-61.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a - bottle, containing 60 Pills ; by return mail... • .For Ws by C. A. isiANZIVART. iy9 dawiy - IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR; OHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, AL D., SEW YORK CITY. - ripErE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensile practice. T ey are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, he.; disturbed sleep, which arise from mterraptios of nature • , Ta MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, es they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. -Ladies who have been disappointed In the use of other Pilis can place the utmost confidence kipr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE, There is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot bolaken +asthma producing a PECULIAR RESDLT. the condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISG'ARIITAGR. Such is the • trresish' Zde tendency of the medicine to ; restore he sexual functions IGO normal cendtrirm, - lhat siren the reproductive pow, or Warranted• purely vegetable, and free from 161 y -thing inhirions„- ParydlcitArectiona, which should be read, an. company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Du Communet. Ommosests, Br. 4,531, Post ODice, New York Qty. • • Sold by tine higgiat In everytown in the United Slates R. B. HUTCHINGS, -: General hg -4t for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, o whom all Wholesale orders should be addy.t..oi. Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. Boorsairr. evZI-dawl WIVE call the attention of our readers to an article advertieed in another column, called BLOOD FOOD IL to an entirely new discovery, and mustnotbe confound ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is food for , the blood, already prepared for ab sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains he rotains. Let all those,. then, who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of .blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. IVe notice thaeour Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. &LYON'S IN. PANTILD Conical, which every Mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric, or opiate of any kind whatever and of course must heinvalnable for all infan tile comp laints. It is also said that it, will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of-teething, and at the same time regulate -tile bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured muttons days end sleepless o ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved *lrgee advertisement. asi2-tfebB For sale. by O. A. Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa Jos. F. JAGGEBS THE ADVERTISES, - having' been restored to health to a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having Buffered several years with a severe lung affect ion. and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Thuncbitin, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to - be nvaluable, and be hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove al/leasing. ' Part es wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD a. WILSON, . Williarasburgh, Rings county, New York. octBl-wly WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED ryißls DICTIONARY is acknowledged to X be the standard wherever the English language is spoken. It is alitoric of extraordinary merit and value, 'and no scholar should be without it, as it is the beat de fining dictionaryof the English Language, and a necessity to every ettuoatOmart- The NEW EDMION has n3any.impiovements over the old, containing in addition to all previous editions, NINE THOUSAND NEW WORDS, ONETHOUSAND FIVE HUN DRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS,EIGHT THOUSAND BIOGRAPHICAL NAMES, TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED WORDS brNorni r misEp, and other new fea tures contained in no other dictionary published, making it decidedly the most complete and the best in every respect. One volume quarto, bound in SHEEP, BUFF LEATHER, ARABASQUE, RIISSI.A and 111RffRir MOROCCO BIND INGS, including all the styles manufactured. Having re ceived a large invoice direct trout the Publisere, X am enabled to oiler them Fon sate WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT 'HEIR I.MM, at - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, oct2B ' 51 Maiket Street' rprrE UNDERSIGNM has opened hie LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third street and Black berry alley, near Herr's Hotel; Also—TWO ROOMS with folding doors TO LE r, sulfa; ble for a Lawyer's office. Possession can be bid imme diately. W. F. MURRAY. AMo—HORSES AND 0 - ARMADAS to hire at the same *Mee. , feb4 ATTENTION CAVALRY ! 4.N ADJOURNED MEETING of all fa. ll vorable to the organization of a CAVALRY SQUAD RON; will be; eld at the public house of Ritriph.llainels, in Lower Paxton township, on Iltursday, evening, the 7th Inst., at seven o'clock. - fl-6t I.EANDER N. OTT, Seoretarir. NOTICE. PURIFY THE BLOOD. TO CONSUMPTIVES "GET THE BEST!' DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. NOTICE, FRANK A. MURRAY No) 21bvertistmtnts STORE ROOM FOR RENT. THE STORE ROOM next to the Court House, late in the occupancy of Mr. Glover. Poo aession given on the first of April. Enquire et jan27-11* F. WYETH. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & 'CO:, N 0.52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa.,opposite Hwatt's Roux and adjoining the -Enaorm Ham, having purchased the stock or R. Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW - ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly r e, paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & CO Having dlstfosed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers and solicit for them a continuance of the patrou.. age which has been so generously extended to me during the last sir years jan29 ELMER F. JENNINGS GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE I URICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRONT & MARKET MS. A NNOUNCE to the ot7izene of Harris jl burg al d the public generally, that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se lected stock or Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell •t the ve, y lowest prices. D051E3110 GOODS of ovary kind. Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DiBSORIFT/ON. A large assortment of Welsh Flannels for Skirting. An assortment Domestic Ginsh nos, " Manchester Gingham, " Satinetts and Ca slmeres,l " Black Cloths at aliprices. " Cloths for Ladies' Chesterfields, " Beaver Cloths for the Arab Cloaks. A FINIS ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A. largo assortment of Cassimer es, especially adapted to Boy's wear. An assortment of biertno Drawers and Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets Man 12% as a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DEgCHENES. PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, _ STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINRE, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Brodie and Blanket Shawls, with a lull stock of the latest novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first class Hosiery and Em brolderiei &o. Ac., An assortment MEngeni °wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of Shrouding and Flannel;. mon at COWPERTHWAM COrner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly occupied bpi. L Meer. °age-1y NOTICE. IX 30 311,1 C3l , .A L. Dit. D. W. JONES, FRANK...NS HOUSE, IIARRISISURG, PA. HAS now permanently located there, and may be consulted on all diseases, but more particularly diseases of a private nature,such as Gon orrhoea; Gleet, Stricture, Seminal Weakness and Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Giddiness, Dimness of Sight Pain in the Head, Ringing in Ear, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Female Complaints, and all derangement of the gentle organs. Dr. TONis will guarantee a perfect restoration with such mild and balmy juicestif herbs that will carry out disease in place of throwing it bath upon the constitution. All diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder spiseuily cured. A cure warranted or no charge—mild cases cured in from three to five days. TAKE IT IN TIME, BYPHILITS. This is one of the moat horrid of all diseases if not im mediately cured. Makes its appearance in sores and eruptionk Over the whole hoey, and the throat becomes ulcerated. The victim of this disease becomes a horrible object till death Wean end to his suffering To such Dr. JONES offers the safest and most sure remedies ie. America. There are persons in Harrisburg can testify he cured them after all ether treatment failed. Dr. JONEiII offers a remedy to prevent the infection of such dangerous diseases. It Is a certain reined). if ussd -according to direction and without the least injury to the system. Dr. JONESmay be consulted personally or by letter, describing all symptoms, or, if desired, he will commit with patients at their residence, advice gratis. • Dr. JONES luta private consulting rooms. Please ring the bell at the ladies entrance. The remedies used by Dr. JONES need no change of diet or hindrance trots bu sh:o3s All letters must contain a stamp to ensure an answer. Address Da. D. W. JONES, jant Franklin House, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT QEVERAL COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSES In different parts of this city. Stabling at some of them. Pofsession given the firet of April next. [j2- m] CHAS. C. SAWN. Cure Cough, Cold , Hoarseness, [lglu OW Al, enra, any Irritation or Soreness of L IN the Throat, Relieve the Radeing RONGF I I All2l:l ( th ? " nl ",,,,mati= ,s- Clear and fa giv atrength to /?°C\\ P U BLIO SPEA mice Lif KERS and SINGERS Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first stage ;that which in the begiunteg.would yield t o a mild remedy, If neglected, soon attacks the Lunges. "BRowlea BRONCHIA" 'fit' CHM,' . . sialcent Ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Italian. containing de Bronchial Ire "That trouble in my Thirmit, (tor which the "TROCHES" are a specific) , having made me often Et mere ahlsperer. N P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public SPeake72." BROWN'S TROCHES' BROWN'S REV. & H. CHAPH.I. °Haire proved escrenaely sarvietable ror Hoarseness." TROCHES REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Almost Instant relief in tbe f ilistressing labor of breathing peculiar to Astlinlia." REV. A. C. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or injuri ous." DR.. A. A. HAVES, BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S Chemist, Boston. simple and pleasant combination for Cotten, die.? TROCHES BROWN'S TROOTES BROWN'S "Beneflolal in Bronchitis DR. J. P. W LANE, BOSIOD. "I have proved their excellent for Whooping Cough." REV. R. W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." BEV. 9. J. P. ANDEESON, St. Lonis. TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S ' , Effectual in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakirs and hingers. , ?suf. M. bTACT JOHNSON, . La Grange, Ga. .. ..-' Teutcher F o e f mle oone. uslc,eaSouthern TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent Hoarse ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantne to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. M., , President or Athens College, Tenn. Ogi'Sold by all Draggists at 25 canine box. nov2B-dateBm - TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES. LOCH.ER'S LIVERY STABLE. , CHANGE OF LOCATION. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his Llvery Establishment to the NEW. AND SPACIOUS NIIIIN HOUSE STABLE.S, corner of Itaspbeyfy and Strawberry alleys, whore he will keep a BUGGIE S or ce l. lent HOB and - new and flishiOnable and MAO m meat moderate rat • . lent?. . GEO. W. LC;CHEE, agt. ASSIGNEE'S SALE VILL BE SOLD at public sale or out cry, at the corner of Fourth and Chesnut streets, In the city of Harritburg, on THURSDAY. February 7, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following articles : Four Horses, one Two Horse Wagon, three One Horse Wagon§ one Cart, two Wheelbarrows, one Patent Straw Cutter, Single and Double Harness; let - of Lime, Brleks, Beards, Balls, Chestnut Posts" Board Fence Posts &o. E. BYERS, Assignee of Daniel Bhoads. jaa2S4wds • - Wad. 3. EWES CA,P..e.Fi A. NTgR ,NDJoBBER „ , COMM WALNOT ANP FRUNI AIRE= j°BRING of all kind® done at abort notice. In good style, and on reasonable terms. DR. G. F. BF; ELOW, Boston