Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 05, 1861, Image 3
pailp Ettegrap4. H AR R ISBURG Tuesday Afternoon, February 5. 1861. QUM Quaarzs.—ln what car did the man ride who was "driven frantic ?" What length of a line is requisite to take the soundings of a functicitary who is beneath contempt ? When a man revolves much in his mind does it make him feel dizzy? If all things are for the best, where do the rations of the second beat come from ? What is the exact width of a broad grin ? We ask for information. I===l &moms Tmsr.—This morning clad named George 4ohnson, about twelve years of age, was arrested on a charge of stealing old iron froni Mr. John B. Tomlinson. After a hearing of the case before Aldermen Kline, the mother of the lad, who was present, stated that she intended sending him to a relative, a farmer in Clinton county, and the lad himself promising not to commit a similar offence hereafter, the complaint was • vdthdrawn and the case dis missed. ALL WELL - THAT ENDS WELL.—Yesterday a young man, formerly a resident of this city, was arrested by the Chief of Police, on an in formation before the Mayor made by a young female . who "loved not wisely but too well." The young Lothario sent for the injured one, and after some consultation a "compromise" was effected, both agreeing to Le joined in, the bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was per formed by the Mayor, to the entire satisfaction of all present, whenthe parties wenttheir way, determined to share the fortunes of each other "for batter or for worse." Cosacriox.—The item in yesterday's paper relative to the Vine street and West. Harrisburg Methodist churches, contained a slight error, which escaped - onr notice at• the time. .The name of the present pastor of the congregations is Mr. Carson, and not Martin, as printed in the article referred to. In this connection we may remark that Mr. Carson has given entire satisfaction during the past year, and is deser vedly popular with the people under his minis tration. We learn that the members of the Vine street schurch intend petitioning Confer ence to continue him for another year. ' === HON. SIMON CAMNRON.—AI a public meeting held in Girard Erie county, last week, in which Mr. Teller, a member of the Legislature participated, the question now agitating the country was freely discussed, and the prevail ing sentiment of the meeting w as that of Union. The following resolution was passed : Resolved, That in the person of Hon. Simon Cameron our United States Senator, we find one every way fitted to occupy the position of Secretary of the Treasury under the incoming administration, and that we urge upon him the acceptance of the same, believing it would beet conduce to the interests of our great State, and satisfy his numerous friends. WEAN. IN THE KNEES.—Dough faced - Northern politicians are not the only class aubject to this nervous affection. • This morning we met swell dressed stranger on Second street afflicted with weakness in the knees to such an extent that he could not maintain his equilibrium. After repeated desperate attempts tconake headway, his legs became tangled'and refused to do their office, and the poor fellow sank down on a door stoop, where he remained for a short time ob livious of his condition or whereabouts, an ob ject of sport for mischievous juveniles. An of ficer finally came along and conveyed the un fortunate stranger to the retreat for inebriates in Walnut street. EDINBORO NORMAL Sottoot.—The examination of the NOttnal School, at Edinboro, Erie coun ty, last week, by the Commissioners appointed by the Governor, proved satisfactory, and the institution is now recognized as a Common wealth School, and will in due time receive the appropriation of $lO,OOO, and its scholars, un der patronage of the State, from the various sections of the Normal School District to which the school belongs. The citizens of Edinboro have exhibited a commendable spirit of liberal ity and enterprise in their efforts connected with the establishment of this institution.— About $25,000 has been raised by them in sub scriptions, and expendedin buildings and im provements, and the success of the school promises to pay them well for their invest ments as well as to add to the population and prosperity of the village. -..,----. TWENTY-SECOND OF FEBRUARY.—The FLAG ON THE CAPITOL--MEETING OF THE COMMEITTEE.—The joint committee of the two Houses of the Le gislature, to prepare a programme of the care monies to be observed on the occasion of rais ing the American Flag on the dome of the Cap itol, on the 22d inst., met in the Speaker's room of the Senate last evening, and organized by appointing Gen. Wnsos,, of the House, Chairman, and Hon. E Crirsren, of the Senate, Secretary. The Committee were nearly an hour in- session, but only partly perfected a prograinme. A resolution, tendering a special invitation to the Military, the Firemen, and the various civic associations of Harrisburg,and a general invitation to the military and fire men and civic associations throughout the State, was unanimously adopted. Hon. Runs 11. Ewan, Speaker of the Senate, was chosen orator of the day, and E. H. RAnCH, Esq., read er of Washington's Farewell Address. A sepa rate Marshal for the military, one for the fire men, and one for the civic associations, will be appointed, the whole to be under the com mand of Gen. Ww. H. KEnt, to whom all the military, fire companies and other associations' designing to participate, are to report on or before the 21st inst. A committee was appoint ed to confer with the several railroad compa nies, with a view of inducing them to reduce their fares- for the occasion. The committee have entered into the matter with a highly commendable spirit, and -will leave nothing iinfielntOo get up a display worthy of day and occasion, and creditable to the State. The committee met again this afternoon„ but we have not learned their action. ANNUAL REPORT OY THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Cox:max.—The anual meeting of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was held yes terday in Philadelphia. There was a fair at tendance of stockholders. Hon. Alexander Henry, Mayor of the city, presided. The Se cretary, Mr. Edmund Smith, read the annual report of the Board of Directors. We subjoin an abstract of the document : _ The fourteenth annual report opens by speak ing of the gratifying fact that the increased cereal crops of the West and of Pennsylvania have benefttted the revenues of the Company. Up to December the monthly receipts were in excess of the previous year, but in that month the derangement of exchanges caused a de crease. But the interruption to trade cannot but be temporary, to be followed by an increas ed traffic, from the healthy demand South and East, for the products of the West. With in-• creased business, from the opening of new trunk lines, the competition;between the roads which contend for the trade of the West has increased,. but negotiations have been made tending tow ards an amicable adjustment of the rates,— The company has made a discrimination in freight, in favor of the steamboats running from Pittsburg, which serves to equalize the steamboat and rail competition at that point. The operations of the company for 1860 were as follows : . Earnings of the road, From Passengers • " U. S. Mall " Expressos " Freights... ...... " Miscellaneous sources $5,982,701 48 Expenses of operating the road were Cost, of conducting Transporta tion " Motive Power " Maintenance of Cars. " Maintenance of Road. " General Expenses Net earnings of the road.. $2,296,402 40 • Showing an increase of earnings of 570,346 27 over 1859. Increase from passengers, $33,080 34. Number of passengers carried 1,203,444. In crease of freight earnings over 1859, $535,672 82, the larger part being due to increase of lo cal freight. The tonnage of the road in 1860 was 1,346,525, exclusive of 124,697 tons of wood, coal, lumber and materials for the use of the Company, upon which no charge is made. Entire movement of coal 623,223 tons / an in crease of 101,598 tons. Four new locomotives have been added and copper fire boxes have been substituted for iron.. The report explains the operations of the different departments, motive power, repairs of tracks, &c., and it is stated that but 68 5.10 miles of track are necessary to complete a dou ble track throughout the whole line, from Philadelphia to Pittsburg. By the completion of engine house and machine shops at Rallis - burg, on April Ist, an important saving will be effected in the motive power and transpor tation departments, and the management of the road will be simplified. About October let the extension of the line to the Delaware river will be opened. The bridge over the Schuylkill has been vigorously pushed, and the western abutment and pier are nearly finished. The cost of the masonry of the bridge will not exceed $lOO,OOO. The iron supeistructure will be built at the Com pany's shops and will cost about $40,000. The river front of the Powelton estate has greatly, improved during the past year, and it will soon be valuable and productive real estate. - The canals owned by the Company earned in 1860 : Eastern Division $159,651 OS Juniata Division 26,180 96 Western Division . 16,003 57 Miscellaneous Receipts: 7,530 23 $209,436 88 Expenses of canals for tlid lame perion : To repairs, renewals and' enlargement $130,696 79 To Weighmasters Sta tionery, &c 24,063 84 Leaving net earnings canals, .$54,605 20 —being an increase of earnings for the. canals over the previous year of $32,608 20 On the Canals during 1860, 514,009 tons of coal were transported, being a decrease of 1,367 tons. Lumber transported in same period, was 126,494,299'feet, being an increase of 6,419,624 feet. The report further discusses the appearance, &c., of the Canals, and the means taken . to increase their business and income. The Treasurer's statement shows the receipts of the Company from all sources, shareholders, loans, bonds, profit and loss, &c., for 1860, were $82,407,124 14. Total expenditures, including cost of road, (less profit of road,) cost of main line, cost of equipment, cost of telegraph, real estate, ex tension of the lines, stocks of other roads, bills receivable, fuel and materials on hand, $31,758,412 83 Balance in hands of agents " of Treasurer... It is not proposed to lay any additional road superstructure, during the present year, except what may bo necessary to accommodate an in creased business at stations, and the extension of the road to the Delaware river above the Navy Yard. The report recites the conditionsof the lease for 999 years of the Harrisburg and Lancaster Rail road, with which our readers are familiar, and explains the necessity for that lease. The sinking fund for the redemption of the second mortgage bonds now amounts to $532,- 491, and it may be judiciously increased by the transfer to it of the stock and bonds of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and other railroads now held by the Company. These assets it is expected will in a few years be worth ' the amount they cost the Company. The continuance of an annual payment of $460,000 made last year to the Btate, on ac count of principal and interest due for the pur chase of the Main, Line from the profits of the road, will eitinguish that debt by the year 1890. . By steadily pursuing a financial policy calcu lated to attain these objects, the entire debt of the Company in 1875 will be brought within the amount of its gross annual income—a con dition of abundant safety to the shareholders and 'which can be obtained without any inter ruption to your regular cash dividends.. The, means thus diverted from the net_ revenue of the Company can, whenever the amount will justify ,it, and the financial condition of the country will render the measure prudent, be from time to time divided among the share holders irk stock. The re-organization of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, after- a sale by the Bondholders 'and the appointment of new Directors, etc., to operate the road, is next dis cussed, and the.delay in erecting passenger sta tions at Philadelphia and Pittsburg is explained, on the ground 'that the erection: of expensive buildings at locations which may turn out to be -injudicious, would be bad. policy. In regard to the passenger station at Philadelphia, the Directors were originally in favor of locating the station at Twelfth and Market streets, but since the street railways have afforded such great, facilities as we now enjoy, the Board have reconaidered their determination and now in cline to locate it on the flats adjoining the Market street bridge, where the comparatively small* value of the property will justify the ex penditure necessary 'to bring the ground to the Pennsylvania llDaily telegraph, aueoban 'Afternoon, /February 5, 1861. level of the railway. It was not deemed pru dent; however, to make the outlay the present year. The report closes with the discussion of some minor matters. Applopriate reference is also made to the death of Vice President Foster, and complimentary allusion is made to Thomas A. Scott, Esq., who has been appointed Vice President since the last annual meeting, and Mr. Enoch Lewis, who has been chosen General Superintendent, in the room of Mr. Scott, who formerly. held that 'poeitiorl. REV. Da. ROBINSON, whose sudden flight from this city we noticed yesterday, came here with unexceptionable recommendations, so that no censure can attach to our Me thodist friends, who were deceived and im posed upon by the hypocritical pretender. He formerly preached in Brooklyn, and a few years ago went to Philadelphia, where be figured as a local preacher, occupied a creditable position in Methodist circles, and was regarded as a useful man in the church. It appears that Robinson's wife kept a fancy store in Philadelphia, employing several female clerks, among the number the girl who accom panied him to this city, where she formerly re sided. It was in his wife's store that he first met this girl, the acquaintance culminating in a criminal intimacy between them, which has been kept up for several months past. In the meantime the arch-hypocrite, while serving the devil in secret, publicly sported "the livery of heaven," lead revival meetings, and labored with untiring zeal and enthusiasm In the church. But the mask has now been torn from him, and his "occupation's gone." He was seen in Altoona on Saturday, but our Method ist friends there having been fully advised of the fellow's operations in this city, of course escaped being humbugged and victimized $1,458,992 77 74,504 34 `75,120 00 4,191,783 97 137,800 40 $1,539,361 08 970,490 32 260,452 41 783,163 81 • 82,831 46 $3,636,299 08 "The painted hypocrite is 'mown Through the disguise he wears." Robinson's paramour left yesterday morning, and has no doubt joined him by, this time.— We suppress the girl's name out of regard for the feelings of members of her family who - re side here and occupy respectable , positions in en ciety. It is to be Wiped that Robinson, .who is a man of talent, will see the folly of his ways, repent and do his , first works again. THE ItavrvAL Mamma in the Vine Street Methodist church,- commeneed nine weeks ago, is still in successful operation. The nightly meetings are largely attended and the altar crowded with mourners. A number of persons have been converted and connected themselves with the congregation. hirrcunt's New GetreeAr!ArtAs FOR 1861.-1 This, is Mitchell's latest and best attempt td furnish the American people with a 'complete Atlas, comprising a series of seventy-six maps and plans of • different cities in the United States, with a full and accurate list of post'of flees, arranged in alphabetical order,numbering some twenty-five thousand, and corrected cen sus of the principallowns and cities according to the latest returns,and other statistical know ledge so important to every man of bushiess. Its maps are clear and distinct. The bounda ries of each county and State are plain and dis tinct', the coloring beautiful, all combining to make it one of the moat attractive and desire ble works for the drawing-room or center table --a work every family ought to possess—while, the low price at which it is furnished, places it within the reach of families of moderate means The engravings are entirely new, being gotten up expressly for this work, and give a clearness to 'the lettering and linu of demarkation of the different countries, seldom met with. The work is sold only by agents and can be procured of the agent who is now visiting this - city. Jos. F. :AUGERS. Jan. 21-tf. 280,835 67 367,876 14 $82,407,124 14 LABOR ARRIVAL OF Naw Goons.—Tns. CHEAP EST GOODS OFFSERED Yer.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents.. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worthl2 cents. 100 Pe beautiful nevistyle print at 10 . cents, woith 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color.- 1,500 yards of unbleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 under shirts and drawers• at 50, 62 and 75 cents.—, Socks and and ladies stakings a large variety. Our whole stock of winter goods, such as Shawls, De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, and all kinds of Flannels I will sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains. S. Ism, at Rhoads' old corner. Wow's HAIR RESTORNriVE.—Among all preparations for the hair that have been intro duced as infallible, none has ever given the satisfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ enow has. His Restorative has passedthe ordeal of innumer able fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They dad, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it.a peer less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth-4hat it fully restores the ve getative power of the roots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness has actually su pervened, giv a rich lustre, imparts the softness and ilexibility 01 s il k to the hair, and k eeps it always lutri ant, healthy and in full vigor . —‘ll. Y. Tribune." Sold by all respectable Druggists den lm . Wriewrimis can DEBILIT Y.-All who suffer from weakness or debility, where there is a want of en ergy, should at once have recourse toIIIIDSON'S MOUN TAIN . 'HERB PILLS. They immediately purify the blood, and act upon the mainspring of life, giving strength and vigor to the system. Young persons entering into we manhood, with a derangement of the functions ; and to mothers at the turn of life, these Pills will be most eh cantons in correcting the tide of life that may be on the turn. Young and elderly men suffer in a similar manner at the same periods, when there Is always danger, they should theretore undergo a course of this purifying me dicine, which ensures lasting health This great Household Medicine ranks among the lead ing necessaries of life, as it is welt known to the world that it cures complaints other remedies cannot reach ; this fact is as well established as that She Bun lights the World. Sold by all mediciw dealem SPA.LDING'S PRIERABED GLIM ia, designed for repairing furniture in cases Where cabinet-makers , glue is used. It Is excellent ibi.niending books, refast ening the loosened leaves and covers edickly and firmly. It is put up In a bottle or glass glue-pot, with a brush, a Ad will become indispensable to the housekeeper. [For the Daily Telegraph NURSERY RHYMES.. The man in the moon Came down too'soon To enquire the way to Norwich The man M the South. He burnt his mouth By eating Seeession porridge. Johnny Floyd, Virginia's son, - Stole.Oree millions and off he run ; The'Millions were missed, And Tohnnrwas biased, And Johnny's name the list. Howly Howly Cobby Done a nastyjobby ; Stole bla Uncle's money purse And ran away to Georgy. I== BUY THE BEAST NORTON'S Co I TV %I 31E in IV 'I" FOR SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERRIANNNTLY CURED! SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD BEAD, FEPTARERS, RIANTTCU,Er-WORAtALLL in:lO3R- G OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay of tier es terual remedy at present before the world , The mode o its operation is peculiar. t penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its Rey source—and cures It from the flesh beneath to the tin:Lon the surface.. . . Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum, &c. operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal maladies. Nowrort's OINTNKNT, on the contrary, throws the poison of the disease upward, and every particle of it is die -ohargedihrou the pores. Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re duced—hut the seeds of the disease are expelled from ths flesh ; consequently there can be no relapse. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried , every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A ingle box will satiety you of the truth of all that is here toted. . _ Since its first introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested In the most obstinate cases—cases hat_utterly defied the best medical skill in the country, and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro• duced no effect--aud in every instance with every eue case. Sold in Large Bottles—Price 50 Cents. GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York .. AseLeasle DRPOT, AT PENFOLD, PARKER & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Beckman at., N. Sold by Oso.Dsiusses, Harrisburg, Pa. uuirl-dawlY THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, SIR JAMES' CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Preseriplion of Sir T. Clarke, M. D., ' ' Phpacian Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure a all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions; and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO DIARRIEO LADIES it la peculiarly suited_., It win, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken byttemates during the FIRST THREE lit ONTESof Pre‘maucy, asyhey are sure to bring on Miscarriage, hut at any other time they are In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and 'Whites, hese Pills wit effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al though "a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. FUJI directions in the pamphlet around each package, Which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mall. For sale by U. A. Ittawymer. ty9 dawly IMPORTANT TO PENALES DR, °REESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Corneßua L. Cheeeemau,ld. D., NEW YORK CITY. MITE combination of ingredients in.these 1, Pills are the result of a long and extensive practioe. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful lifenstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation or tbe heart, whites, all ner yens affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and - limbs, ate., disturbed.eleep, which arise from interruption of nature TO MARRIED LAMM, .Dr. Cheeseman's Pills aro invaluable, as they will bring on:the nionthirfieriod with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed-lithe,use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr: Cheesernan's Pills doing all that they represent to do. N W'l' I 0 It . . , There iv one condition Of the female system in iehich . the Pals cannot be taken sosthout producing a PECULIAR RASITIA. The condition referred to is PRBGN.42VOY—• the renal, ALISCARRLAGB. ,Such is the trraistible tendency of the medicine to restore he seemed functions to a normal concittion, hat even -the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, ao company each box. Price 81. Sent by wail on enclosing $1 to DR CORNELIUB L'Oitionnattx, Box 4,531, Post Wilco, New York City. Sold by one Uggist In every town In the United States R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, o whom all Wholesale ordffs should be whir ^ , exi. Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. BANDIVARt. 0v29-d awl a'WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD Itis an entirely new discovery, and mustnotbe confound ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is food for ElLe blood, already prepared for ab. sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains be retains. • Let alilhose, then, who are suffering frompoverty, impurity or. deficiency of blood, and consequently WAIL some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world.renowned Dr. &Imes IN. FANnui CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable for all Mau tile COMplaintS. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gums in.' process of teething, and at the same time regulate - the bowels. Let, all mothers and Warns, who have endured anxious days and sleepless n gilts, procure a supply and be at once relieved. advertisement. anZtfeb6 For sale by C. A. llannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES ! Tun ADVIEFdD3EII, hexing been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect ion, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow•sutrerers the means of cure. To all who desire lt, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same which they will Hod a sure cure for Consumption, Asdima, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informationrwhich he conceives to be nvaluabte, and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parlez wishing the R prescription will pIeaseWILSON, address • Williamsburgh, • Kings county, New York. ijet3l-wly "GET THE BEST•" WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. THIS DICTIONARY is acknowledged to be the standard wherever the English language la spoken.. It is a work of extraordinary merit and value, and no scholar should be without it, as it is the best de lining dictionary of the English Language, and a necessity to every educated man. The NEW EDITION has many improvements over the old, containing in addition to pravieus editions NINE THOUSAND NEW WORDS, ONETUOUSAND FIVE. HUN DRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS,EIGHT THOUSAND BIOGRAPHICAL NAMES, TWO THOUSAND. THREE HUNDRED WORDS SYNONYMISED, and other new fea tures contained in no other dictionary published, making it decidedly the most complete and the best in every respect. One volume quarto, bound to SHEEP, BUFF LEATHER, ARABASQUE, RUSSIA and TURKEY MOROCCO BIND INGS, including all the styles manufactured. Having re ceived a large invoice direct from the publisere, I am enabled to offer them FOR SATE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT nista PRICES, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, oct23 61 Market Street. PURIFY THE BLOOD. 2101 Y. AT's Lin Pars AND PIIGIMIx Bursas:— Free from all Mineral Polswir.--in cases of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Files, and in short, Most ull" diseases seen yield to their ouratiVepropertles No fluitilY 'Should be without them, as -by their timely use mush suffering and expense may be saved. Fr red by.Wilf. B. MOFFAT, M. D u New York, and Mr gale by all Druggists,' novit-wly de2o-1m HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTNENT.—Eniersz- Lse.—These deservedly popular medicines have met with astonishing success In the cure of erysipelas, king's evil, ring worm, scurvy, scrofulous eruptions, and all inflam• matory diseases i f the skin. Other preparations may afford a temporary relief, bid the combined action o these remedies will by their detergent and purifying properties effect a radical cure in the blood and system. Sold by all Druggists, at 25c., 62c. and. El per box or pot. Nero abertistments. LIQUORS AT COST ! 'LAVING concluded to discontinue the business, we offer our large and complete assort merit of Furs Warns, B BANDIES, and liquors of every de scription at cost without reserve. WM. DOCK JR. & CO., Opposite the Court House. THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND STRANGERS • visiting the City is called to the largest and finest as sortment of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Envelopes, Pens and Holders, • Ink, Inkstands, Pencils, Writing Sand, Sand Boxes, Blotting Board, and a fell variety of all kinds or STATIONERY; which for price and quality cannot be excelled, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, de29 51 Market Street. ORANGES AND LEMONS. MIORTY BOXES in prime order just re ceived and for sale by WM. DOCK JR. & CO. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES.: • WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES) WITH i. NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER & WILSON Mannfac taring Company having gained au their sults at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, propose that the public should be benefited thereby; and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital invested, and. expense of making sales ; such prices r s will enable them to make first class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from - SO to 890 for the fine full case machines. It is a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the best one in the market, the best made, moat snple and Wag liable to get out of order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines, Call and see them a Third and Market. del-Gm W. 0. HICKON., A FOR RENT.--THE STORE DOOM AND , CSLLAN of N 0.12, west Market Square. Posses, sion given on the Ana of April next. For particulars enquire of [jang-Ctlj IL FELLX. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. GOVIHESTNU2' STR,E.E7. A superb stock of fine French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of RaAmr MAHN CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices Jglut ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use presented with each article sold. Partkular attention paid to the Customer department, and garments made audsent to order to any address. In inauguratinc this-new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STORES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment that the coat of the gift is deducted from, and Nor added to the price of the arti cle sold. His immensely increasing sales enabling , him act thus liberally, and at the same" time to realize a ~TOMI, O .OrOUVOTrOfit• articles guaranteed to give entire aatisfacUon. . GRANTILLESTOICES' ONE. PRICECLOTHINGEMPORIUM 007 CHESTNUT STREhT. octl9-Omd SOYER'S SULTANANA'S SAUCE For Hot and. Cold Dishes of all Kinds Ist delicious and Sauce, invented by th "Sovga,' for the Lon. nn Club, is, since his manufactured by. the 'iwn house of Mom &, •s„, London, from the ripe. ',Abe favorite England, and on the wither high and grow en among American asdis much approved imulant to the appetite o digestion. OPINIONS OF THE LONDON PRESS. . "We recommend our correspondent to try Moss. SOT ER'S new Sauce, entitled the 'Sultana's Sauce! It is made atter the Turkish recipe ; its flavor is excellent, and it atibrds considerable aid In cases of slow and weak digestion. "—The Lancet. "Savory, Piquant, and Spicy, worthy the genius of Soyer."—Observer. "A most valuable adjunct to Fish, Flesh, and Fowl, and should have a place on every table."—.Adas. Sole Agents for the United States. GARDNER G. YUELIN, 217 Fulton at.. N. Y. and BRAY & HAYES, 34 Cornhill, Boston. For sale by Grocers and Fruit Dealers everywhere. janl4-dly-3taw-ins NEON ARRANGEMENT. 'HB SUBSCRIBER having purchased of 11 Wm. Moyer his stock of STONE WARE, intends to commence the MANUFACTURE OF ALL KINDS . OF STONE WARM at his NEW POTTERY on the canal opposite the Car Factory. With a superior kiln and experienced workmen, he expects to, be able to talke such ware as shall commend itself to public favor. jans.lmd JOHN W. COWDEN. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever offered in this city, ranging in price from 50 cents to $lO 00 each, bound In all styles of Binding, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 12uov 51 Mark Street. EL L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, &e., &c. will receive orders in future at WM. KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS tor sale. sepll3,dly CANDLES! PARAF FINE CANDLUS, SPERM CANDI F 9 , ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW .CANDLES. A large lot of the above in store and for sale at the low est prices by , WM. DOCK JR. & CO., jan2 ' Opposite the Court House. . VAN INGEN - & SNYDER Designers and EnoTavers on Wood' N. E. COB.. FIFTH $t CHESTNUT 8 .1 Philadelphia. .EXECUTE all kind& of. Wood Engraving juj with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges , Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, aw., engraved as well on per sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest, style of art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of tine:- engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott kr.Co., B. H. Butler &Co. oct2s-Iyd . A maw LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELUTG BAGS Comprising a muntler of new styles GENTS' and lA MB' Money Parsee and Wallets. fine t assnrtment feeelved and (or sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOREME, 61 Market Are et Nun 2lburtistmento. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. THE STORE ROOM nest to the Court Mouse, late in the occupancy of Mr. Glover. Pos session given on the first of April. Enquire of Jan2.7-tE F. WYETft. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZTATITERIiLO & 00., - Too. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Eissa's Hum and adjoining the arsons:l EOM, having purchased the stock of E. F Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & CO Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for. mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers and solicit Or them a continuance of the patron. age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. jan29 ELMER F. JENNINGS GREAT ATTRACTION A.T THE NEW CITY STORE ! MICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRONT & MARKET STS. ANNOUNCE to the citizens of Harris burg aid the public generally, that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell st the very lowest prices. DOMEdTIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large assortment of Welsh Flannels for Skirting. An assortment Domestic Ginglisms, " Manchester Ginghams, " ' Sathietts and Cateimeres,l aig " Black Cloths at allprices, " Cloths for Ladles' Chesterfields, " Beaver Cloths for the Arab Cloaks. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large assortment of Casein:term, especially adapted to Boy's wear. An assortment of Merino Drawers and Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets from 12% cta a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DEMMER, PLAID VATAENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL HELAINE:3, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Broche and Blanket Shawls, with a lull stock of the latest novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attenton paid to first class Hosiery and Em broideries, &c., &c., &c. An assortment of Regent e wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of 'threading and Flannels. MICH & COWPERTHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly occupied by T. L. Miler. ock3B-ly NOTICE. R E AC C::10 .AL L . DR. D. W. JONES, FRANKLIN HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA HAS now permanently located there, and may be consulted on all diseases, but more particularly diseases of a private nature, such as Gon. orrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Seminal Weakness and Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Giddiness, Dimness of eight Pain in the Head, Ringing in Ear, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the Back and Limbs, 'Female Complaint.% and all derangement of the gentle organs. Dr. JONES will guarantee a perfect restoration with such mild and balmy juices of herbs that wilt carryout disease in place of throwing it back upon the constitution. All diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder speedily cured. A core warranted or no charge—mild rases cured in from three to five days. TAKE IT IN WEE SYPHILIIS. This is one of the most horrid of all diseases if not im mediately cared. Makes its, appearance is sores and eruptions over the whole boay, and the throat becomes ulcerated. The victim of this disease becomes a horrible object till death puts an end to his suffering To such Dr. JONES offers the safest and most sure remedies in America. There are persons in Harrisburg can testify he cured them after all ether treatment failed. Dr. 'JONES offers a remedy to prevent the infection of such dangerous diseases. It Is a certain remedy if used according to direction and without the least Iniury to the system,. Dr. JONES may be consulted personally or by lettar, describing all symptoms, or, if desired, he will cumuli with patients at their residence, advice gratis. Dr. JONES has private consulting room•. Please ring the bell at'the bates entrance. The remedies used by Dr. JONES need no change of diet or hindrance from bu• einem All letters must contain a stamp to ensure an answer. Address Dn. D. W. JONES, jent Franklin House, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT, SEVERAL COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSES in different parts of this city. Stabling at tached to some of them. Possession given the first of April next. [j2-3m] CHAS. C. SAWN. Cure Coughi Cold, hoarseness, fvfiu ...(I)W4i , enza , any irritation or Soreness of Q 3 kr the Throat, Relieve the Hacking fiRONGHIAL C' r i 2=l - cia lsrc 7, ~3 - Clearranl gin • grew& to x 4oc\\`v .the amice of PUBLIC SPEAKS RS and SINGERS Few are aware of the importanee of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first stage ; that which in the beginning would yieldt o a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN BRONCHIAL TR( CHLS,' containing demulcent ingredients, all iy Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. • 'That trouble in my Throat, (for which the uTROCITES" are a specific) having made me often a mere Ai:sparer. N WILLIS. "I- recommend their use to Public Speakers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S REV. B H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." TROCHES REV. HENRY WARD REECialt. "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. C. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or anything oast' DR. A. A. HAYES, BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, kn." TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES "Beneficial in' Bronchitis DR. d. F. W LAMB, Boston. "I have proved their excellent for Whooping Cough." . BROWN'S TROCHES - REV. U. W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Louis. BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S I Effectual in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the. Throat, E 0 common with Speakers and Singers." Prof U. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Iluaic, Southern 'Female College. TROCHES RROWtPS TROCHES BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent hoarse ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. M., President of Athens College, Fenn. ai-Sold by all Druggists at 25 centaa hex. nov26-driw6m =1212, BROWN'S TROCIIIES LOOKER'S LIVERY . STABLE. GRANGE OF LOCATION. 11 RE SI7BSCRIBER has removed his Livery Establishment to • the NEW AND SPACIOUS 1 F IiNITLIN HOUSE STABLES, corner of Raspberry and Strawberry alleys, where be will keep a stock. of excel lent HORSES, and new and fashionable BUGGIM and fel MAGI ti, to i•eat moderate . rates. - ianl2 GEO. w..Locan, agt ASSIGNEE'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD at public sale or out cry, at the corner of Fourth and Chesnut streets, in the city of Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, February 7, at 2 o'clock P. M.,-the following articles : Four Horses, one Two- Horse Wagon, three One Horee Wagons, one Cart, two Wheelbarrows, one Patent Straw Cutter, Single and Double Harness; lot of Lime, Bricks, Boards, Rails, Chestnut Poriits, Board Fence, Poste, &c: E. BYRES, inA23-2wd* : r • • Assignee of Daniel Rhoads. WAL - .47...8TEE , ,C-AIYMNTER.LAND JUSBEIIy CORNER WALN772 AND FROM *Aura - • OBBING of all kinds done if short Ell notice. 'in good style, and on reasonable terms, DR. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston