eizgt ip b. AP, 1!,••U turday Afternoon, January 25, 1661. A STATED MUTING of the Friendship Fire i3Dmpany, No. 1, will be held at their ball on i&bnday evening, at the canal hour, ae ICE DEALERS, and owners of private ice houses, hare laid in large supplies of the locks, We shall therefore havean abund i4 of con.=ealeil Susquilauna water for Bum- O*l.lBe. /VIE DIFFIAIENCE. —One of our exchanges has thivfollowing no inalienable lights. It says, "those of the North arc lif., liberty and the ptatuit of happiness, and those of the South lift liberty and the pursuit of niggers." •,` .GONE Ilome.—Both branches of the Legisla• - having adjourned until Monday afternoon, Witty of the members have taken advantage Of ihe reess to visit their homes. As a conse qnence, our principal hotels and the Capitol Chtinibers somewhat resemble "banquet halls dpOrted ' ' 4II3 ,I IRT PROCEEDINGS.—When our report 0004 d yesterday the case of the Directors of thiqoor vs. Daniel F. Waguer was on trial.— Thr4laintiffs sued defendant for the mainten mum of his wife. The jury returned a verdict retiiiiiing Wagner to pay his wife the sum of one . o.oar per we k. CHING IN BLUNT'S HALL—There will Mug to-morrow morning or evening Hall, in consequence of the continu meeting at Wormleysburg," tinder charge of Elder A. X. Shoemaker, ,tism, by immersion, of some fifteen ,ersons, immediately after morning tch commences at ten o'clock " 0 Sing that Melody Again," " One by One," words by Chas. music by L. C. Weld, are two songs, and " the Fairy Dream a melody called " the Mantinee," music, just published by Hall & MEI ork, and have been receivedthrough C B. Carter of this city, who has these ;rent variety of choice music for sale. _l[r; ; one-: • tr- &MON. —ln our report of true bills by the Grand Jury at the late term, was 04: ' •:inst Wm. Carr for fornication and bas ta We have since ascertained that no bill of Intl was before the Grand Jury, the casW • 11 g been settled some weeks ago. We ney4 • elieved Mr. Carr guilty of the charge matWiigainst him, and the general opinion is that 11.43 was the victim of a foul conspiracy. GROWERS . CONVENTION:—The second meeting of the "Fruit Growers' Society Pomsylvania," will be held at commencinpon Wednesday, the 6th ;y, and will probably be in session or time days. We are informed that reports and papers of much value to ,wers, will be rea 1 by the appropriate tees, and from the character of the ting an interesting time is anticipated. =3=l xo HARRISBURG.—It id announced 4deut Lincoln has determined .to visit cal of this State on his way to Wash- No definite time has been fixed for his from Springfield, but the supposition will leave about the middle of 'Feb- Of course the members of the Legisla our citizens, will give Mr. Lincoln a and entertainment worthy of his ex- SEAMON.—The funeral sermon of .)yer, lately deceased, will be preach- Jam us Colder, in the Fourth Street morrow evening. The Citizen Fire of which the deceased was an active design attending the church in a body, members of the fire department ge i unite with them. The procession the Citizen engine house at seven iTHLY MEETING of the Sabbath School Association will be - held in the Pres lurch , corn er of Third and Pine streets, afternoon, at a quarter past three The following subject will be pre discussion : That we hail with pleasure the in rit systematic benevolence in )ols, and urge its extension as im high degree to the formation of tvalence among children, as well erit and future blessed effects of ions. , NING.-A religious revival meet aliurg, opposite this city, COM three weeks ago, continues in tress. The nightly meetings are ed by the people from the Bur- try, and scores of men and night and obtained religion.— ;v. Mr. Shoemaker, of this city, , Eirregation, have been abund and the membership of the increased. Some sixteen or Ing mew recently converted, will he mersion in the river, iname e regular services to-morrow ;G AT WE.ErFautvisic.—The 'airview and vicinity, on the op the river, assembled in mass Town Hall, a few evenings ago, present state of the Union, and. dinions as to the best plan for tiliculties which disturb the pub- Lnd threaten the destruction of confederacy. Judge Smither s triotic speeches were delivered 'essier, Major Ryan, David G. It. M'Cune and others. A se )ll3 were adopted, conservative in sentiment, expressing de nt to the Union, and endors 'den Compromise as the best plan an adjustment of existing diffi tc, the length of the preamble we are obliged to omit them, ASHES ON THE SIDEWALKS. —There seems to be two parties in this city on the question of throwing ashes on the iced sidewalks—the re suit of which is two prayers daily offered, which run as follows: FILMS OF Ilk OLD' FMB. Pray, scatter etches on the sidewalk, Or salt, or saw dust, or fine sand, That we may freely "walk uprightly," Our feet their slippe•y way withstand; Pray scatter with a liberal hand, On every side, Both far,,and wide. PRAYER OF FEIN YOUNG FILICs. Put not an ash upon the Sidewalk, No sand, no sawdust, neither salt, That we May slide down bill with freedom And if the old folks will find fault, Because wo slide and make them halt, If their old soles are sorely tried, Why, let 'em slide." A Yousa MAN from the North has offered his services to the Governor, and wishes to be placed in the South Carolina Navy. He will be accepted, and recommended to a place, if his credentials should prove to be' good Charleston Dispatch. I There are a number of young men about the street corners in this city, whose occupation it is to insult females, who could be spared for the South Carolina Navy. We_ will have to provide places for them in the prison in time, and it would be economy to get rid of them. How their ',credentials" would be received, it is not easy to foretell. If, the accessions come but one at a time, the force of the navy will not be formidable for years to come. • Hens usually make a large fuss over a single pullet. I= Business MEN.—The road along which the man of business travels in pursuit of compe tence or wealth is not a macademized one, nor does it ordinarily lead through pleasant scenes or by wellsprings of delight. On the eautrary it is a rough and rugged path, beset with thorns, and full of pit-falls and snares, which can only be avoided by the exercise of watchful care and circumspection. After each day's journey over this worse than ordinary turnpike, the way-facer net ds something more than rest. He requires solace, and he deserves it. He is weary of the dull prose of life, and thirsts for the poetry. Happy is the business man — who can find that social intercouse and solace and poetry at home. Warm greetings from loving hearts—fond glances from bright eyes—the Welcome shouts of children—the thousand lit tle arrangements for our comfort and enjoy ment that silent tell of thoughtful and ex pectant love—the gentle ministrations that disencumber us into an old easy seat before we are aware of it. These and like tokens of af fection and sympathy constitute the poetrywhich reconcile us to the prose of life. Wives, think of the toils, the anxieties, the mortigatiens and wear that husbands undergo to senora for you comfortable homes, and compensate them for their trials by making them happy by their own firesides. DIVISION OF ' PHILADELPHIA CONFEHENOB.—The members of the Methodist Episcopal church in the lower counties of the Eastern Shore of Ma ryland are discussing the propriety of either di viding the Philadelphia Conferenee, (of which Dauphin county forms part,) or attaching them selves to the Baltimore Conference. The Rev. Mr. Colclazer is out in a letter in which he fa vors the first named proposition, with a view to secure a Peninsula Conference-, embracing the State of Delaware and the Eastern• Shore of M.aryland.and Virginia. He says : I am almost certain, from the means of in formation in my possession, that this will be granted to us at the next session of the Phila delphia Conference. It will thus place as on an independent footing, and will enable us, if necessary, to negotiate with Baltimore and other border conferences in reference to any further action. Most` of our intelligent lay-* men and preachers are willing to pledge them selves to go with the Baltimore Conference, not knowing what that conference may do. She may go with the church South, a part se ceding and a part remaining, or she may form a separate organization, the principle of which we may not approve. Much as we respect and love that conference, we should be wanting in self-respect, to commit our destinies into her hands in advance of her action on the delicate question of slavery and a new orgrualzation.— WO are large enough to form a conference among ourselves, and we may hereafter take such a position as circumstances shall require for the preservation of our peace and "unity.— I would further submit in this brief communi cation to our people, that important proposi tions have been suggested from responsible sources, looking to a united action on the part of all our border conferences m a demand upon the general conference, so to alter the disci pline as to remove the slavery question from the general conference to the respective annual conferences within wbos,e bounds it may exist, in which event the formation of a Peninsula Conference will be highly important, so as to co-operate with other border conferences. brrEssernao raowrns OIL Escnos.--The reports from the oil region continue as hopeful es ever. The Pittsburg Chronicle says that the pumping wells are yielding finely, and new strikes are fre quent. Of the quantity of oil pumped daily,sonie idea may be formed from the fact that withintwo days, last week, two thousand eight hundred barrels were shipped at two stations on the Sun bury and Erie road. This was worth, say $lO per barrel, and gave employment to - upwards of four hundred teams. They have bad good sledding up there since the first of December, which is favorable for getting the oil to market; but how this is to be accomplished when the roads break up in the spring, is a question yet to be determined. Think of three hundred to four hundred wagons, heavily laden, passing daily over a common road, when the frost ia coming out! A railroad from some point on the Sunbury and Erie will have to be made to the centre of the oil region. One or two refi neries are in process of erection near Titusville. This will save the cost of transportation of a certain per centage of the crude oil, which is lost in the process of refining ; but, on the other hand, the high price of coal, now com manding twenty-five cents per bushel at that plaCe, will be a serious drawback. It is true, wood is plenty, but the owners of it are looking forward to its ultimate value, and even now are demanding double price. It is not as safe a fuel, moreover, as coal, as danger is to be apprehended from the emission of sparks. In fact, this objection is not confined to refineries, but extends to all other operations connected with the oil business ; and the great probabili ty is, that the next dry season may witness destructive conflagrations at some of the points on the creek where the works are closely huddled together. Eitutelivattia Matlv (Telegraph, Saturbag lltentoon, Jannary 26 1661. BAprutr Szavacss.—Rev. Wm. H. 111'Nea1, of Lewisburg, will preach in the Baptist church, corner of Pine and Second streets, to-morrow morning and evening, at the usual boars. ANNIVERSARY CREEBRATIoN.—Tbe Good Temp lars will celebrate the anniversary of the organ ization of their Lodge, on Monday evening next. Appropriate addresses are to be deliver ed, odes sung, and refreshments served up. No doubt our cold water friends will have a pleasant and refreshing season. Diarnomsr SERVICES. —Rev. Dr. Robinson, of Brooklyn; will preach in the Locust street church to-morrow morning, for the benefit of the worn out and superannuated preachers.— A general prayer meeting will also be held in the andience chamber of the church at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the usual services in the evening. Tama OCCUPATION Grum—The" third House" system is about played out, the members of the resent - Legislature having given the "bCirers" to understand that they are fully competent to manage their own business, and intend to do so. .A good many of this class of mercenaries. whose familiar faces were wont to be seen about the hotels and legislative halls during past ses sions of the Legislature, are not visible here this winter. Their "occupation's gone," and loafing at Harrisburg won't pay expenses.— Most of those who 'came here at the opening of the session have returned home with heavy hearts and light pockets. May we never see them again ! MITCHELL'S NEW GENERAL Arras FOR 1861. This is Mitchell's latest and best attempt to furnish the American people with a complete Atlas, comprising a series of seventy-six maps and plans of different cities in the 'United States, with a full and accurate list of post of fices, arranged in alphabetical order,numbering some twenty-five thousand, and corrected cen sus of the principal towns and cities according to the latest returns,and other statistical know ledge so important to every man of business. Its maps are clear and distinct. The bounda ries of each county and State are plain and dis tinct, the e coloring beautiful, all combining to make it one of the most attractive and desira• ble works for the drawing-room or center table —a work every family ought to possess—while the low price at which it is furnished, places it within the reach of families of moderate means The 'engravings are entirely new, being gotten up expressly for this work, and give a clearness to the lettering and lines of demarkation of the different countries, seldom met with. The work is sold only by agents and can be procured of the agent who is now visiting this city. Jan. 21-tf. Caorca BRANDS.—The largest and most varied assortment of choice cigars and chewing to. bacco, ever offered in Harrisburg can be found at J. KBPPLVB Cigar Store, Li iklark.et Square, near the Buehler House. 4t-* LABOR ARRIVAL OF New EitOODB.—TRE CHWAV- En Goons MIMED YET.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 60 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color.- 1,500 yards of unbleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 under shirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents.— Socks and and ladies stockings a large variety. Our whole 'stock of winter goods, such as Shawls, Ile Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, and all kinds of Flanhels I will sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains. S. Limy, at Rhoads' old corner. DR. JAS. IifeCLUSTOCIC'EI PEOTOBAL SyavP calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed ungs, and Irritated throat, loosens and brings away by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the wicited pulse, • nvites rest, and removes every symptom of consump• lon. Price SI 00. Sold by Geo. Beaune. 1)10 SPALDING'S PREPARSD GLii is • designed for repairing furniture in all cases where Cabinet-makers' glue is used. It Is excellent lbr,mending books, rarest ening the loosened leaves and topers gdickly and firmly. It is pat up in a bottle or g'ess glue-pot, with a brush, and will becove IndispensOle to the housekeeper. decl9-dswlm WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY.--All who stiffer from weakness or debility, where there Is a want of en ergy, should at once have recourse to JUDSON'S MOUN TAIN HERB rills. They immediately purify the blood, and act upon the mainspring of lire, giving strength and vigor to the system. Young persons. entering into wo manhood, with a derangement of the reactions_ ; and to mothers at the turn of life,' these Pills beissost etfl melons iff correcting the tide finite that may be on the turn. Young and elderly men suffer in a similar manner at the same periods, when there iSralways danger, they should therefore undergo a coerge of this purifying me dicine, which ensures lasting hehlth This great Household Medicine ranks among the lead ing necessaries of life, as his Well kuowa to the world that it cures complaints other remedies cannot reach ; this fact is as well established as that the Sun lights.the World. Soldhy all medicine dealwa. de2B-1m No MEDICINE is more prom pt in its action in eases of Cholera, Cholera Morbus, &c., than Perry Davis' Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which gel dom bile U applied in its early symptomia. No family hould be without a bottle or it always on hand. The stain on linen from the me of the Pain Killer is easily removed by washing in alcohol. Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly ef&actous In hholera morbus, bowel complaints; and other diseases which the natives of Burmab, from their unwholesome style of living, are peculiarly exposed. It is a Tenable antidote to the poison of Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets, Ace. REV. J. BENJAMIN, Late Missionary in Burmah. • Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers roughont ,he United States and Canada& nlB-1m IT Ie A COMMON OBSnittrATlost that there are more sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can bo found among any other civilized nation. The reason Is obvious. We take too little exorcise, and for get the wants of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicines can do little good. What is required is just such a tonic and in vigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter has alien to the world, in his CELEBRATED "BITTERS." The weak and nervous denizen of the counting house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated student of the mid night la , ha-ve found a wonderful regenerator in the "Bitters7and prefer it to more pretentious, but less ef fleaCiOnS medicines. But it should not be forgotten that the agent which is so magical in its influence upon a frame which is- merely debilitated, is equally powerful in assisting stature to expel the most terrible thrum of disease. Who would not give it a trial? Sold by druggists and dealera everywhere. ,-See advertisement in another column. nov2o-1m - =MEI I== 1=1E:1=1 Jos. F. AGOVIII. Davis' Pain Killer. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR. DYE! rrHIS E'PLENDID HAIR DYE has uo 1. equal—instantaneous in effect—Reautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hairrethedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. .marls dimly 81 Parclay tit eel, 1% cw York BUY THE BE,l`; NORTON'S co mar. 30 Da' 1-1. FOIL SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA. PERDIANIINTIA CURED! SALT RHEUM, SCROYuLA, SCALD HEAD, FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, BAR BERS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay steer ex ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o -Its operation is peculiar. t penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its pley source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the in on the surface. Other outward applications for 'Elorefula, Salt Rheum, &c., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal maladies. NORTON'S CaNTRIST, on the contrary, throwsthe poison of the disease upward, anti every particle of It is dis charged throu the pores. Thus the cures it effects is complete.. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re• dueed—but the seeds of the disease are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be tie relar se. Victims of ulcerous and eruptiVe complaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad ..-erdsed curative without relief, here is a certain, safe, sad expedition, remedy for the evils you endure. A in gle box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here tated. Since its first introduction, the properties of tho Oint ment baire been tested in the most obstinate cases—cases hat utterly defied the beat medical skill in the country, and upon which the moat celebrated healing springs pro. duced no elfect--and in every illetallee with every enc. seas. Sold in Large Bollles—Price 60 Cents. GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York ITHOLIMILIC DEPOT AT TENFOLD, PARSER & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Bookman at., Rule by Gso.EssaNza, Harrisburg, • Pa. raie-dmly A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a preven. five. THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he te urged by many thousanu ladies who used them, to make the Pills public ( or the alleviation of theienuffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are ear- to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise -the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. .Price Si 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg. Pa. "Ladles," by sending him 21 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills seat free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of poe tageii by mail. Sold ono by S. S. STEVENS, Reading, Jonnson, HOISOWAY Ss Cownaze , Philadelphia, J. L. Lat in:ROSS, Lebanon, Denim, H. Etrrrafiu, Lancaster; J. A. Worn, Wrightsville ; E. T. binrna, York ; and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union„ and by S. D. Hews, sole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of Soar money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been. added. on account of the Pills big connterleited: ,tieS•dwaswly. "TILE ORIGINAL" BENJAMIN , F. FRENCH, WILL CIJIMENGT, 1119 ILV.VtItTII ANNUM. sail Ox Books, Stationery, Gold Pns, On WEDNUDAY EVE., JAN. 23, 18ar, at 7 o'clock. And Cbniinue Two Weekz, At his former store, No. lt Market Street., near the Har risburg Bridge, and next door to Hummel & Killinger's Store. INOW INFORM MY OLD FRIENDS, tbsiir have a much larger and better stock than ever, all of 'which will be sold at PANTO PRICES, for a short time. Among the atom may be found Irving's Works, 15 volumes. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Parton's Life of Jackson, 8 volumes. Randall's Life of Jefferson. • Cooper's Works, 64 volumes. Scott's Waverly Navels, 27 and 12 volumes. Dicken's Complete Works, 14 and 7 volumes. kmitio Railroad, 10 volumes. Japan Expedition, 8 volumes. Fstory's Mexican Boundary Survey, 011ustratedd 3 volumes. Adams' Work., 10 volumet. Abe Familytand Pocket Bibles. Fine Common and Catholic Prayer Books. Cap, Letter and Note Paper. !Attic Books and articles wmatitrrao PBREP.6I, and no Gift Humbug. several thousand volumes of NEW WORKS.— Please call during the day and get the prices. Also on hand a large assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS. jan24.Bt FRENC3 & RICHSVEIN. CLOSING OUT our still large assortment IL./ of FURS, consisting of Handsome Dark S .blu Sett% Handsome Dark Siberian equirrel Setts, A doe stock of all kinds of low price Furs, A chance for Bargains in Fine Furs. Call at CATHCARTd, N 0.14 Market Square, jan24 Next to the Harrisburg Bank. REDUCTION IN' PRICES! . HERINCE9, Plain and Figured. CASHIAFRitS, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL ThiLAINES, Extra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices in all the above Goods, on exam.nation, will be found "lower than ever," at Jan 24 CATHCART'S, Next. door to the Harrisburg Bank THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN is solicited to our very large assortment of UNDERSHIRTS Aso Eittemmut of every size and quality. Gam' JOUNIN KID Mona, best article manufactured. All the different Rinds of Wralsit 411.0vES. Largest assortment of Emmy in the city. CRANATi, IiDSPENDERS, IllesDlMßcaretn, Ready :Hemmed. And everything in Gents' wear, at jan2i CATHCART'S; Next to thotlatrisburg Bank BOYER'S SULTANANA'S SAUCE For Hot and Cold Dishes of all la'nds .)st delicious and Sauce, invented by th "Sorsa,' for the Loa m' Club, ls, since his 'manufactured by the 'Own house of CROSEIB & vu, London, from the , ecipe. Itis the favorite England, and on the with a high and grow Zen, among American and is much approved timulant to the appetite • digestion. OPINIONS OF THE LONDON PRESS "We recommend our correspondent to try Moss. BM- Ws new Sauce, entitled the 'Sultana's Sauce,' It is made atter the Turkish recipe ; its Savor is excellent, and it affords considerable aid in cases or slow and weak digestion. "—The Lancet "Savory Piquant, and Spicy, worthy, the genius of Boyer."—falbsaver. "A most valuable adjunct to - Fish, Flesh, and Fowl, and should have a place on every table."—Atha. Sole Agents for the United States. GARDNER G. VITELIN, 217 Fulton et.. N. and BRAY & HAYES, Cornhill, Boston. For sale by Grocers and Fruit Dealers everywhere janl4-dly.Btaw-ins &CO" " " WHOLES/Ll' A EXTIII, DRYC:I) - CO 330 SI MEII.9.IIANTS, Corner of Front and Market Streets, HARRISB.URG, FA. I=3 1141OFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PrnENIX PUMAS.— P , ee , Prom aft Mineral Poisons.—ln eases of Furofula Ulcers. Scurvy, AT eruptions of the st.in, the operation of the. Life 3:editions is truly astebi-hli,g, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these tout'asome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and hi short, most ail dis.eases FOOD yield to their curative properties. No family should be without them. a. by their timely use much suffering and expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and for sale by all Druggists nov9-wly TO FARKERS.—WIRGINIA LAND The undersigned is now prepared to furnish, in any quantities, from 100 to 1000 acres, or more, good farming or grazing lands, in Randolph apd adjacent counties, to Western Virginia, within 12 or hours of Baltimore and 24 howl of N. Y. The Lands are fertile and well timbered, the climate very healthy, and so mild that sheep can be ordinarily wintered with very little feeding, and where a cow can be raised as cheap as a chicken in New England. They will be sold cheap, and on easy terms, or ex changed for improved property or merchandise. Address, with Postage stamp, care of JOY, COE & CO Tribune Building, New York. my2.s.wly MOTHERS, READ Tom.—The following is an extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re nowned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ibr Children Teething "We see an stdvertisement in your column et Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a wore in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, tbat this is no hum bug—we hare tried u and know it to be alt it claims: It a, probably, one of the "most successful mediCines of the ay, bees use It 18 one of the best. And those of your adei•s w ho have babies can't do better than to lay supply. au22 - NOTICE. Cotams.—The sudden cbangee of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Nspericuce having proved that simple reme dies often ac' speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of tl e disease, recourse should at once be had to 'Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight,.as by this pr coalition a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them clf.. Mool for clearing and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo.d-swew6m WOOD'S Mint RESToRaTIVS.AMOIIg all preparations for the hair that have been introduced as infallible, tome ties ever given the satisfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Bair Restorativ enow has. His Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able fashiohable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They and, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peer less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it tally restores the ve getative power of the roots on the denuded places, and. canna the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removed dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness has actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and flexibility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always tang ent, healthy and in full vigor.—"N.Y; Tribune." Sold by all respechtt le Druggists de2llm Puff. WOOD'S HAIR IiESTORATIVE.—This Re storative for making the hair grow, stopping its falling out, and restoring gray hair to Rd original color, is be coming celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before - it. 'Three fourths of the mixtures for re storing and beautifying the h ar, do it more injury than good. They lora it up—destroy the life of its roots— make th bair fall off, and produce premature baldness. Bat Prof. Wood's torative may be relied upon as con taining nothing which can in any manner lie injurious to the hair,vbile its - success in accomplishing what it pre tends to do tine been verified in hundreds of cases. We advise gray heads, and heiVs getting bald-ail who wish to save their wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle of Wood's Restorative --N. P. Democrat Sold by all Druggists. 11:4 1 'WE Call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called litiooD FOOD It is an entirely new discovery, aid mtistnot be confound ed with any of the numerone patent medicines of the day. In is food for the blood, already prepared for ab sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains se rotates. Let all those, then, who are suffering front poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, to aof this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We stance that our Druggists have received a supply of this article, a• d also of the world-renowned Dr. Earmes FANS= Comnat.,- which every mother should have. It fa Bald to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaltetele for all infant tile complaints. It is also said that it wilt allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the MOM time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved. advertisement. au2etfeb6 For sale by C. A. Biumvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa THE ADVERTISER, having been restored to health in a 'few woeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect ion, and that dread disease, Consomition—ii anxious to make known to his feltow-iufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparine am:Losing the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &re. The only, object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the dilated, and spread information which he unceires to be nvaluable, and he hopas every suf ferer will try his remedy, es it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Part es VP is h trig the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williatasburgh, Kings county, New York oct3t wly TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEXALE PILLS. Prepared from a Piticriplion of Sir J. Clarke, AL 1)., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of ali thosa painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, ina speedy cure may be relied on. 4 DIADRIED LADIES it lo peculiarly suPed It will, In a short time, bring en the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, Frier One Dollar, heard tbCGoeerninent Stamp of Brea t Britain, to prevent conntersette. CAUTION.. These rills should not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE AtaNTESqf Pregnancy, as.they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are rain In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Allbotiens, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slighrearertion, Palpita tion of the He art, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills wil effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al though a miwerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full direetions In the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. A. 8.-s lAO and 6 poatage stamps enclosed to any an. thorized Agent, Will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. •*For oats by C. A. BANN. 'CART. Lyn newly IMPORTANT TO FEMALE* DR: CHEESMAN'S PILLS Prepared byCornelinsL. Chef:Amin, M. D. riIHE combination of ingredients in attest Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Dienstruations, removing all ob arena - one, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whiles, all Der veils affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back aue limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruptica of nature Ta MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Chessman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. ladles who have been disappointed In the use or other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeserrian's Pills doing all that they represent to do. there is one condition of the female systems in which the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the rerutt, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the srresisttble tendency of the inedvine 'a restore he sexual functions to a normal condition, Jan :ten the reproductive poeoe 01 nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, lintpliclt directions, which should be read, an company each box. Price 81. Sent by motion enclosing $1 to LW Cemoturs L Oinoteiratanr, Box 4,531, Post Nice, New Vora aty. Sold by one every town in the United elate it B. HUTCHINGS, General Arm for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York. o whom O,U Whole-tale orders should be add. •sl. Bold In Harrisburg by C. A. BANVVAVZ, 0.211 d wwl . SCOTCH W 6 ISKY.. ( \NE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH WgIAKY just received and for sale by JOHN EL RESLER, iint la Market street. =I PURIFY THE BLOOD TO CONSUMPTIVES efEW YORK airy NOTICE Nato 'ffbnertiestments GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE ! MOH & COWPERTH WAIT CORNER FRON r & ffiAR6rT SLR ANNOUNCE to the oi izeoe of Harris burg ai d the public generally, that they have just returned from the eastern cities with a large alio well Cu. lotted stock of Fall sod Winter Goode, which th , l wilt sell it the ye iy lowest prices. DOMESTIC GOODSa.c every kind. Bleached end Unbisached Mumins, Bleached and Unbleached Cantos. Floe W. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DEscairrioN. A large assortment of. Welsh Flannels for t , ltirting An assortment Domestic Ginglrims, Manchester Giughems, Batinetts and Ca simeres, Black Cloths ata II prices, • Cloths f ,, r Ladies' Chesterfields, `, Beaver Cloths for the Arab Cloaks. A FINE ASSORTMENT 01 - ' BLANXETS. A Large assortment of Cassimer es, especially adapted , o Boy's wear. An assortment of Merino Drawers and Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets from 12,44 cis I. yard to 61.00 per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHEYES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Broche and Blanket Shawls, wish a lull stock of the latest novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first class Hosiery and km - brolderies, &c. An assortment or Eugenl e wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of Shrouding and Flannels. macs& cowparra we a Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg . Formerly occupied by J. L. Either. 0ct.26 ly Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Ann . ...011/4/ t„. enza, any Irritation or Soreness , f QS ,. tj ' the Throat, Relieve the Hacking HIAL Cough in Consumption, Bron -BRONC chia:l,432lmm, and Catarrh, ..›,,? cC . ?" elate a che mice of drawls to ° O \\ PUBLIC SPEAKS: RS Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its that stage ; that which in the beginning would yield t o a mild remedy,ffneglected, soon attacks the Lungs. ' , BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TR. CBES,' containing demulcent, ingredients, allay Pulmonary and 13rombial Irritation. "That trouble in my Throat, (fbr which the "TROCHES" are a specific) having made me often a mere whisperer. , N P. mins. "I recommend their use to Public Speakers." BROWN'S TROCHEE BROWN'S REV. B H. CHARM. "Rave proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD DVECBER, "Almost. Instant relief in be sistressiste labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. C EGGLESTuN. "Contain no Opium or avt-ing Injuti- OWL. DR. A. A. B.A.YES, Chemist, Boston "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, Am." TROCI-lES I BROWN'S TROCHRIS BROWN'S nol9-1m TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES "Beneficial in Bronchitis '• • DR. J. F. W Boston. have proved their excellent for Whooping Cough." BROWN'S TROCHES R&V. B. - W. WARB.EN, Boston. "Beneficial when conspeLted to steak, aufferingfrom Cold." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S • REV. S. J. V. ANDERS. St. Louis. "Effeetuil In removing Hoar moms • or ritation of the Throat, -0 ,omm. n with Speakers apd Eingera." Phil M. STACY JirIMESON, TROCIIES BROWN'S TROCHES MOWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they orevett hoarse ness. From their vast effect, I thisk they will be of Dermal:tent advantage to mv." REV. E. ROM EY, A. M President of Athens Oolloge, Toon. sa-Sold by Magi' ista at 21 cunuca boz. nov2B-dsafim TROCHES BROWN'S I'D OCHER 3EL 30 ME 41=0 . DR. D. W. JONES, • FRANKLIN HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA HAS now permanently located there, and may be consulted on all diseases. but more particularly diseases of a private nature, such as Goa orrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Seminal Weeklies, and Dys pepsia, liver Complaint, Giddtuess, Dimness or — Eight Pain in the Head, Ringing In Ear, Palpitation of the He rt, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Female C implaints, and all deiangement of the gentle org ms. Pr. JONE-t will gusrautee a perfect restoration with such mild and balmy juices of herbs that will carry out disease in place of throwing it back upon the constitution. All di4cese, of the Kidneys and Bladder epee ily cured. A cern warranted or no charge—mild ca-es cured iu from three to Bye days. • . . This is one of the most horrid.of all diseases it dot tut mediately cured. Mates Its appearance la sates ant eruptions over the whole bony, and atie throat necotn uiceretA. The victim of this disease be:omes a ten nuts obiect. till death puts en end to his s•df .rum to "Awn Dr. JO'kS offers the f-afest and most sere remedies in America. There are personate ilarrlsbui g caa testify he cured them alter all ether treatment tidied. Dr. JONES offers a remedy to pr event the infection of such dangerous oPeasee. It is a certain remedy if us-14 ac ording to z direction and without the leas: ini..ry to the system. Dr. JONES may be cOmmited ptiraottaly or by I•:iter, desc fling all symptoms, o^, if desired, he wilt lAmsulc with patients at their reeldence, advice gratis. Dr. .TONES has private con.suldeg room . Please ring the bell at the ladies entrance. The remedies used by Dr. JONES need no change of diet or hindrance tram be. sines All letters must contain a st,mp to ensure en answer. A ddma Dec. D. W. Jo.‘ES, janl. Franklin Muse, Harrisburg, Pa. OATS ! OATS 2,000 by BUSHELS ON HAND. A prime lot, for sale very low for bash, JAS. DI. WILKELER, Dealer in Coal, Wood, Powder, tic. coal delivered and weop ed at consumers door by iDe Patent Wei 2h-farts. Priors to suit the timer.— Wholesalejand Reiail. jan2 • SEVERAL COMFORTABLE D W EL LING HOUSES in different parts of this city. Staining at tacned. to some of them. Parnassian given the first of April next. 02-3mj CHAS. C. HAWN. FOR RENT.—The store Room No. 13 West Market Street. Possession given ether im mediately or on the Ist of April. This is a good beeines Stand;and will be rented cheap.. jan2-dtr OEO. P. WIFSTLOW. DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE TIIIR') NEAR NOR Al slam. Hla Row fully prepared to attend promiAly to the duties of hl3 prate:mot itt all A. branches; A long hod. very succesifel. medic II experience Justifies him in proonsit g fell and ample a Ltialaction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or of any other nature. JanVdaavty THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND STRANGERS • visiting the City is relied to the la' gnit and floes [ as sortment of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Envelopes, Pens and Holders, lns, lokstands, Writing eats .rfand Ft•xes, Blattlog So Irii. end a fall variety cf all kinds of sr.o.mxkltri ; which fuc price and quality cannot be excelled, at /WAGNER'S Cri HAP •2300,KSIOSS, 51 Market Streql. IZEI YK. VALLEY NUT COAL!- Fur aL s i SA at $8 CO ter ton AKir AL./. COIL CCRAVD B Y v. - CARTIS J1.4.114M M. F 111 EL. it. /Pr COol deliyored from both yards. L0t..14 and SINGERS DR. 4. F. BIGhLOW, Boston I a Grahge.. Teacher or Souchere FemaleCoileee. NOTICE TASK IT IN TIME SYPUILIJS: FOR RENT