Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 26, 1861, Image 2

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Saturday Alternoon, January 26, 1861.
under obligations to the Hon. JoEN W.
KILLINGER for a full bound sett of the
Congressional Globe of the last session of
Congress and also several other Congres•
sional documents. -
Appointments by the Governor.
Charles 11. Israeli, of. Allegheny, Nota
ry at Pittsburg.
Joseph S. Elliott, of Schuylkill, Nota
ry at Pottsville.
Henry Stump, Flour Inspector,
Iiam W. Hays, of Dauphin, Chief; Benj.
F. Chandler, of Dauphin, Military Clerk ;
Joseph B. Bates, of Wayn, • John L.
Hammer, of Northumberland, William
H. Brown, of Crawford, Transcribing
Samuel D. Miles, of Centre, Messen
ger in Executive . office.
P. Henry Shough, of Franklin, Mes
senger in State Department.
What is Conservatism..
We notice that a number of Deniocratic
sheets, and their attendant demagogues,
are assailing the Republican party as
lacking in conservatism, because its lead
ers refuse4o accept the thousand and one
clans of accommodation prepared for them
by the Constitution-tinkers at Washing
toe. Some have even gone so far as to
aver that if civil war is the result of the
present complications, the guilt thereof
will fall on the Republicans. Under any
other circumstances a cliarge of this cha,
racter would deserve only contempt, but
at the present time the prevalence of such
an idea, ridiculous as it is, may possibly
have serious consequences. Still, we have
• •
• • 'n ell • more than this:
pies of right and wrong—it does not im
ply the surrender of the Government into
the hands of a vicious and rebellious mi
nority—and more than all, it does not
mean a giving up of the future destinies
of this great and free republic to the
domination of a clique of slave breeding
oligarchs. So far as we can see, nothing
less than entire and eternal submission
would satisfy the demands of the seces
sion leaders. They will have khe whole
or none. They will rule or ruin. This
being the case, we believe
. that the Re
publicans, and the more reasonable De
mocrats, are prepared to fully endorse the
firm and manly position of their repre
sentatives. Such submission as the South
demands is out of the question, and such
concessions as we could reasonably grant,
without a sacrifice of honor or principle,
would be unavailing—therefore we must
stand firm. If nothing but a fight will
answer the pirposes of the rebels, much
as all true patriots would regret it, a fight
they can have. If they must attack United
States forts, ships, arsenals and custom
houses, the Government must defend the
national property and punish all rioters
and rebels with due severity. States, as
States, are not recognized in this quarrel.
There is not, and cannot be, any such
thing as "coercion of a State"—Govern
ment deals altogether with individual
men, owing allegiance to the United
Tar ItraaN OF Tzwitou.—Tbe South
ern Confederacy, published at Atlanta,
Georgia, a paper which has been fighting
most gallantly for the Union and the laws,
says of the late election for of
the Georgia Convention:—
It is a notable fact that, wherever the "Min
ute Men)" as they are called, have had . an or
ganization, those counties have voted, by large
majorities, for immediate secession. Those that
they could not control by persuasion and coax
ing, they dragooned and bullied by threats,
jeers and sneers. By this means thousands of
good citizens were induced to voteathe
ate secession ticket through timidity. Besides,
the towns and cities have been flooded with
sensation dispatches and inflammatory rumors,
manufactured in Washington city for the espe
cial occasion. To be candid, there never has
been as much lying and bullying practiced
since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, as has
been in the recent State campaign. The fault
has been at Washington City—from that cess-
Vol has emanated all the abomination that
dyer cursed a free people.
Mr. CAMPBELL, of Alabama, of the
United States Supreme Court, has written
a letter in which, among other sensible
things, he says that "the territorial ques
tion is in a satisfactory condition, and had
better be let alone," and that Mr. Lin
coln's election is no excuse for disunion.
Senator Cameron's Positi on
Several of the personal enemies of Sen
ator CAMERON, among whom may be class
ed the editor of the New York Tribune,
have attempted to place him in a false
position on the present crisis of the coun
try, by publishing garbled extracts from
some remarks made by him in the Senate
on Friday last. We have patiently
awaited the arrival of the Congressional
Globe, in which all the speeches of both
Houses are published in full, and extract
the followining from the same. If any
reasonable' man in this, or any other
community, can find fault with such doc
trine we would like to hear from him.—
Cfen. CAMERON Luis always been true to
his country, and there is no danger that
he will desert the interests of this State
or the Union. Read his remarks care
Mr. CAMERON. Mr. President, I am very
sorry that the Senator'from Virginia took the
trouble to tell us what will be the results of a
separation of this Union. The discussion be
tween him and me, is a very small affair, which
I thought would have passed with a word or
two from him but when he goes on to talk
about the Nortl, charging them with treason,
bloodshed and war, I must be compelled to say
a word.
Mr. MASON. I charged no treason.
Mr. CAMERON. I think you talked about
treason. I took down the word at the time. I
have paid earnest attention to this discussion
from the commencement of our meeting here.
I have never heard in this Senate, on this aide
of it, a single man talk about treason in regard
to this question. No man here on this side
has ever talked about eighteen million against
nine million. On the contary, everybody on
this side has been for peace, and particularly
desirous that nobody here should give offence
to the other side. That is the feeling of my
State, and that is the feeling here:
Now, if there is to be war, the gentlemen on
the other side, and especially the gentleman
from Virginia, bring upon us this war. Vir
ginia has been looked up to as the mother of
States and statesmen. We, who profess demo
eraie principles, have loved her and her princi
ples ; and when she becomes recreant to her
principles and to the Constitution of the coun
try, then we may look for trouble. I tell you
that no one in Pennsylvania—and I only speak
for her—ever thinks of war ; but if war must
come, we will meet it as becomes men. But,
sir, we will give up not only our prejudices,
but our feelings; and, as I said before, even a
portion of oulprinciples on this subject of sla
very, to gratify the South.
This country has been controlled for seventy
years by the slaveholding interest. I have
never desired, and no man in my State, of corn
mon sense, has ever desired, to bring the negro
into equality with the white man. No man ever
dreamed of liberating the slaves in the southern
States. We object to southern statesmen and
southern politicians, and southern intriguants,
working upon the prejudices of their people, so
as to make them believe the whole North were
combined against their interests, for the pur
pose of elevating their men to high places in
this Union. That have.—
-- . :• . - awn - by he bou everywhere.
When the interests of Pennsylvania came up
for discussion, southern men voted against us ;
and yet we hive stood by the South and by the
Union; because we loved the Union, and be
cause we had our anceint feelings for the South,
and a fraternal love for southern men.
The Senator from Virginia knows I am no
speaker. He said so much in reply to me that
I have forgotten what he did say ; but I desire
to say now, in short, that if this Union falls, it
will be no act of ours; it will be no act of the
North. We have committed no aggressions. I
believe their wrongs are imaginary ; and as a
proof of it, if they will bring forward any pro
ject upon which they will call this question set
tled, the North will come in and sustain it.—
Tell us what you want; tell us what your
wrongs are ; and then ask us to redress them.
You cannot drive us to madness by bullying us,
because we are your equals. We do not under
take coercion, nor war, because 'we believe you
are as brave as we are ; but if you want this
Union preserved, let us know wherein we have
done wrong, and we will try to correct it.
Mr. SA.ULSBURY. I think, sir, if the Sena
tors on this side of the Chamber, and the
Senators on the other side, would imitate the
very laudable spirit manifested by the Senator
from Pennsylvania, who has just taken his
seat, certainly this Government would suffer
no detriment, but I think great good might re
sult to our common country. I see nothing in
the remarks of the Senator from Pennsylvania
(Mr. amen* that justifies the spirit of this
debate. I look at it as an omen of good. It
comes from the Senator of a great State ; a
State which, perhaps, can do as much as any
other to quiet the public mind, and restore
peace and harmony to a now distracted coun
try. Sir, I believe that the Senator from Penn
sylvania was sincere when he declared his wil
lingness to do everything in his power to save
the Union of these States ; and though it may
be true, that four or five States may have de
clared themselves out of this Union if the
other side of the Chamber will meet this ques
tion in the same spirit in which it has been met
by the Senator from Pennsylvania, the Union
will not be permanently dissolved, but it will
continue in the future, as it has been in tote
past, not only—
"A union of lakes and a union of lands,
A union which none shall sever ;
But_ it will be—
A union of hearts, and a union of hands,
And a union of states forever."
I therefore invoke Senators on both sides to
imitate the very laudable spirit manifested by
the Senator from Pennsylvania. Let us raise
ourselves to the height of this great argument,
and the people of the whole country, North
and South, East and West, will say, not only
that we have manifested the right disposition,
but that disposition which will inure, not only
to our own benefit, but to the benefit of all
ages to come.
,Irish has introduced a bill in the
Senate having for its object the protection
of the rights of married women. It seems
that whilst heretofore married women had
possessed the legal right to carry on bus
siness as if they were unmarried—and
whilst the intention of our legislators was
evidently to give them the sole right to
collect their own earnings—yet our Su
preme Court has construed the law so as to
confer the right to the husband to collect
such money as she may have earned—the
profits of her own labor. The design of
Mr. Irish's bill intends to confer upon her
the exclusive right to collect her earnings.
This is eminently just, , and prevents any
violation of the rights which God and na
ture have conferred upon her.
THE editor of Die Union, a Ger
man paper published at Galveston, re
published a paragraph signifying
his love for the Union and sneeringly re
ferring to the secession movement in
South Carolina. The consequence was a
mob, which included merchants and other
respectable citizens, who broke into his
office and completely destroyed it, making
a bonfire of his printing materials. The
unfortunate editor made his escape, and
thus saved himself the personal indignities
an excited mob had prepared for him in
the shape of tar and cotton! Such scenes
are not well calculated to heal the trou
bles that now threaten to destroy our
An Indianapolis paper says that on last
Sunday, in that, city, at the closing exer
cises of a meeting at osie of the Metho
dist Episcopal Churches, Bishop Ames, a
man of strong Douglas Democratic sym
pathies, though a patriot still, astonished
and thrilled the congregation by the fol
lowing prayer :
"We thank thee, 0 I God, that while treason
stalks abroad in high places, there is one faan
who. loves his country !-one' man who will de
fend his country's flag ! God bless and protect
the gallant Major Anderson and his noble band ! "
The i‘amens" which came up from the
brethren around, were loud and enthusi
astic, and when the congregation - arose
from their knees, smiles and tears were
seen struggling in many a countenance.
fattst Ceitgrap.
HOUBE.-Mr. Gaow, (Pa.) offered a resolution
that the Select Committee of five appointed on
the seventh inst., be instructed to inquire
whether any secret organization hostile to the
Government of the United States exists in the
District of Columbia, and if so whether any
officers or employees of the city of Washington,
or officers or employees of the Federal Gov
ernment, in the executive or judicial depart
ments, are members thereof.
Mr. BURNET, (Ky.), I desire to know, and it
is certainly due to the House to know, whether
any reason or fact exists for putting on foot any
such investigation. It is a reflection on the
city of Washington and the Federal Govern
ment, and ought not to be entertained unless
' fb - rnyteif;" - i iron z neneve — ierfirslict
Conspiracy. I don't believe that any purpose
is contemplated either by the citizens of this
District, or the adjoining State, of making any
foray or raid on the city, or interfering with
the peaceful inauguration of the President of
the geritleman's choice. It does seem to me
right and proper that such a statement should
be made by the gentleman from Pennsylvania
before we inaugurate proceedings directly re
flecting on the patriotism and faithfulness of
the people of the District to the Federal Gov
ernment. A mere miserable, contemptible
mode of engendering bad feeling and making
the excitement worse than it is now, could not
be introduced.
Mr. Gno*. I would not have offered the
resolution unless I had supposed there was
something to base it on.
' The SiBAKER. I did-not understand the
gentleman from Kentucky as objecting to the
resolution. If he did,then the debate is;not in
Mr. BRANOIC, (N. C.) I will oblect until I
see the Chairman of the Select Committee (Mr.
Howard, of Michigan,) in his seat.
Mr. Gaow. I spoke to the chairman yester
day, regarding this resolution, and it met with
his sanction. I have reason to believe that
there vats such a design entertained by some
persons in the employ of the government to
what extent it has gone I do not know, and for
that reason I offered this resolution. If the
gentleman on the other side don't want to in
vestigate the subject, they can object, and
that would afford better evidence that there
was something in it.
Mr. Buttrurrr. I have not objected to the
resolutions. If the member says there is
reason for investigation, he shall have it as
thorough as he desires. Therefore there was
no necessity for the remark that its being ob
jected to would afford evidence of the existence
of such conspiracy.
Mr. GROW. I demand the previous question.
Mr. MAYNARD, Tenn. I claim the right to
say a word personal to myself.
Mr. Gaow. I ought to have said that the
gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Maynard) yes
terday atternoon objected to the resolution be
cause of the fewness of members then present.
The SPEAKER. The question is now on the
adoption of the resolution.
Mr. Minim, ) I object to the resole.
tion. 'Cries on the Republican side, "too
late l"j I announced my intention to object
to it long since. As the gentleman Ifs omPenn
sylvania indulged in some remarks reflecting
on this side of the House, and as he desired
some one to take the responsibility of objecting
to this miserable imposition, which is a reflec
tion on the people of Maryland, I will tell him
that Uwe is one here to object, and I am he.
Mr. 'GROW. I called the previous question.
Mr. BitANOM I said I would object until the
Chairnian of the Committee came in, but I
have since been informed that the resolution
was agreeable to him.
Mr.. IiIIICKU. I have my rights on this
floor, and they can't be taken away from me
by any man. I have the right to object to the
resolution, under the rules, as soon as I could
get the recognition of the Speaker. I will
never relinquish my right. I repeat my ob
The SPBAKER said he would not attempt to
deprive the gentleman of any right, but the
gentleman from Pennsylvania demanded the
previous question before the gentlemen from
Maryland was recognized by the chair.
Mr. KT:WM . I was on the floor.
The Srsartza. But the gentleman was not
Mr. KUNKEL, Md. lam aware that the gen
tleman who occupies the chair is not well die.
posed toward me at any time. ipalls on the
Republican side of order.]
Mr. CRAIG, N. C., wanted to offer an amend
ment. '
Mr. GROW. I have demanded the previous
Mr. CRAIG, Timid much confusion, indicated
his amendment as follows: "And that the
Committee further inquire by what authority
troops are stationed on the southern side of
the Capitol." Was it to control the prooeefi-
ings here at the point of the bayonet and
mouth of the cannon?
Mr. GROW' s resolution was then adopted.
Mr. Tnomes, (Tenn.,) presented U.° resolu
tions of the Legislature of Tennessee in response
to the resolutions of the Legislature of New
York, concluding with the following : "When
ever the authorities of the latter State send a
military force to the South for the purpose of
coercion, the people of Tennessee will unite
with the South to resist such invasion at all
hazards "
The resolutions were laid on - the table and
ordered to be printed.
The SPEAKER laid before the House a mess
age from the President, returning with his
jeotions,the.bill for the relief of Hockaday and
and Leggett.
Mr. ALLEN, (Mass.) said this bill was in rela
tion to the mail service, and no subject ever
excited more discussion or investigation than
this, and the veto was a most extraordinary
proceeding on the part of thePresident,though
the President had exercised unquestioned con
stitutional rights, if he thought the bill was
wrong,. but there were strong legal claims for
the amount proposed to be appropriated. Thn
veto should not be sustained.
Mr. BRANCH sustained the President in thns
performing his duty.
Mr. Caere, (Mo.) and other gentlemen made
remarks on the subject The question was
then taken on the passage of the bill, notwith
standing the objections of the President. The
motion was negatived—yeas 81, nays 67—not
two-thirds, as required by the Constitution in
such cases. Among other things the President
says that the bill which passed the last session
of Congress, which he had not time to exam
ine before the adjournment, appropriating
$40,000, and that the bill now vetoed appro
priates $20,000 additional, or in all $59,676.
The bill involves important principles, which,
if recognized, will take large sums out of the
Mr. BarmErr advocated the bill. He did not
care how much was required for the payment
of a claim if it was right.
From the National Capital.
WASHINGTON, January 26
Fifty artillerymen, from New York, arrived
here this morning, and immediately left for
Fort Washington, to relieve the marines there
temporarily on duty.
It is not true that Mr. King, the first assist
ant Post Master General, refused to hold any
communication with ex-Senator Yulee. He
simply declined to show him the papers he
asked to see relative to the abolition of the.
Post office and discountenance of the mails to
Pensacola.. The interview was respectful on
both sides.
The Louisiana Convention.
The sessions of the Convention were mainly
occupied by speeches from the Commissioners
from South Carolina and Alabama whose efforts
were to obtain co-operatton with those States.
The Missouri Legislature.
Sr. Louts, Jan. 26
The resolutions recently passed by the Ten
nessee Legislature, relative to the action of
the New York Legislature, tendering men and
money to the President to coerce seceding
States, came up before the House yesterday,
and were referred to the Committee on Federal
relations. Some of the resolutions were made
.the special order for to-day in the Senate.—
The Democratic caucus last night adopted reso
. Pftilar to those of Mr. Crittenden.—
Nention will be filled with conservative men.
Ntni aZwertistments.
IJAVING purchased,..all the patterns of
James R. Jones, of the "Novelty Iron Works," Ism
prepared to execute all orders for casting Iron Fronts,
Grates, Spouts, Ploughs, Railing, Stoves, and every tle
scriptlon.of Castings, upon the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms.
All orders left at the Foundry or N 0.106 Market street,
will reeelie immediate attention.
AGOOD STOUT BOY can have a place
in a Blacksmith shop. Apply at the
Estate of James Gallagher, Deceased.
xruricE.— Whereas letters of Adminis
il trailon upon the estate of James Gallagher, late of
the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania,
deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all per
sons indebted to the said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those haviug claims or demands
against the estate of the said decedent will make known
the same, without delay, to
JOHN N. GALLAGHER, Administrator,
Jan2s.onw-Gwd Or his Attorney, F. K. BOAS
THE LADIES of Harrisburg, will hold a
FAIR on MONDAY, FEB. 4, in Masonic Hall, Tan.
ner's alley, for the benefit of tbe in
26-St MARY A. JONES; Secretary.
and certified to by the SEALER OF WEIGHTS
Mr. Jams. M. Wm:um—Haying this day tested your
Patent Weigh Carts, and found them perfectly correct, I
therefore put my seal upon them according to law.
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Harrisburg, January 17, 1881. . jlB
WOULD respeoffully, inform his' old
patrons and the public generally, that he will
continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME.
LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH
BASS. He will Wth pleasure wait upon pupils at their
homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at
his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the
Germanilleformed Church. deals-dtt
OBBING of all kinds done at short
itp notice , in good style. and on reasonable teems. .
TIORTY BOXES in prime order jnet re.
calved and for sale by
6.0 WM. DOCK .111. & CO
Du° D& Morrrannto, *I L
Qualms Hinnersca,
Gamma & .Co.,
ANCHOR-41134AT MO1388110;
in store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER,Ge enurr
!le 78 Market Street.
Mail prices,for sale at
DENT IS rj - Yf --- 1, y
SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice
• State sdreet opposite the "Brady Rouse," where he
will bo pleased to attend to all who may desire his ism
view. [sep27] -B. M. GILDEA, p. D. 13.
New 'Abilertisements
AT BRANT'S HALL, Harrisburg, for
MONDAY, February Ist 2d and 4th. Two brilliant en
tertainments each day, afternoon at 3 ; evening at 734
o'clock, Door open half an hour in. advance. The little
Genera appears in all his new Songs, Dances, Characters,
Grecian Statues, Ac.
Mr. a m. Tomlin, the great English Baritone and Basso,
from the Nobility's Concerts, London; Mr. W. Deneve,
the American Tenor, and Mr. C. G. Titcomb, Pianist, will
appear at each entertainment.
Admission—Day entertainment, 25 cents ; Children
under ten 13 do. Evening entertainment, 15 Cent s ; Chil
dren under ten, 10 do.; reserved seats, 25 do. chools
admitted on liberal terms. • •
The General rides In his miniature carriage from tit e
Jones House to the Hall precious to each exhibition.
The grand nano used is one of Chickering's best, from
W. Knoche's Music Store, 92 Market street.
jan24.117t-w3hsw3t Business Agent.
Is precisely what its name indicates; for, while pleesan
to the taste, It Is revivifying, exhilarating and strength
ening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates,
and renews the blood In al] its original purity, and thus
testores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks
of dissase. It is the Daly preparation ever offered to the
world In a popular form so as to be within the reach of
So, chemically and skillfully combined as to be the
most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to
act in perfect_ accordance with the laws of nature, and
hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the di
gestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation.
It is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects! and yet it is
never lollowed by lassitude. or depression 'of spirits. It
Is composed entirely of vegetables, andtlabse thoroughly
combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and
consequently can never injure. As a sure preventive
and cure of "
Also, aye* Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver
Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any general de
rangement of the Urinary organs.
It will not only cnre the debility following CHILLS and.
FEVER, but prevents all attacks arli,ing from Mlasmitic
influences, and cure the diecine3 at once, if already at
TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, as it in.
fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following
upon change of climate and water.
As it prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive
organs, it; should be in the hands or all persons of seden
LADIES not accustomed to outdoor exercise, should
always use it.
MOTHERS should Use it, for It Is a perlect relief. Taken
There is rio mistake about it.
And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or decline.
not only of your daughters before it be too I .te, but also
your sons and husbands, for while the former from fal e
delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather
than let their condition beknownin time, the latter are E 0
often mixed up with the excitement of business, that it it
were not for you, they tio, would travel in the same
downward path until it is too late to arrest their tidal
fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we
confidently appkal; for we. are sure your never-ailing
affection will unerringly - point you to Professor WOOD'S
the remedy which should be always on hand in time of
imaii what the Press lay after thoroughly testing the
mOter e and no one can have a doubt.
corded in classics that Psyche was once sent to a climate
warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the
beauty of Proserpina in a. box.. After earns delay the
messenger returned, and as soon as the lid of the box
was removed out flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.—
Fortunately hope was found in the bottom of the box.
Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial revives the recollection
of the story, for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs
of digestion, imparts strength to the nervous system, and
fortifies the citadel of health, so as to bid defiance to the
assaults of disease. It is a healthy belt, composed en
tirely of vegetable productions, and while it is exonera
ting as pare wine, no injurious results canpossibly follow
its use. It is a desideratum in the medical world, and
those who are afflicted with loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia,
Consumption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia, Palpita
tion of the Heart, &c., will here find an infallible panacea.
"St. Louis Daily Express."
RENOVATOR is, without doubt, the. best Tonic Cordial in
the world. To those who are suffering from general de
bility we would recommend its use; for, while it is pleas
ant to the taste, it is strengthening to the system,-and
will at once tend to remove all impurities of. the-blond,
and eradicate all traces of disease. It - can be taken by
the weakest stomach,. while those in good heal will at
once feel its exhilarating power. We are confident that
after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for a
day without it.—" New York Leader."
A PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, and one free from the
deleterious and injurious effects sure to fellow those. in
ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in
the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully
combined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in per
fect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe
the weakest stomach; and at the same time allay ner
vous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs of
which the human body Is composed, is offered in Prof.'
Wood's Restorative Cordialand Blood Renovator. Hence,
it is perfectly. adapted to cid and young. Reader, try it.
Thousands' have already done so, and the testimony is
universal in its favor.—" New York Atlas."
BLOOD RENOVATOR,Sor the cure of General Debility, or
Weakneis arising - from any cause, also Dyspepsia, Nerv
ousness, Bight* Sweats, Incipient Consumption, Liver
Complaints, Biliousness, Ices of Appetite, Female Weak
ness, in all its stages, also, to prevent. the contraction of
disease, is certainly the best and most agreeable cordial
tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so
chemically combined as to be the most powerful tonic
ever known to medical science. Reader, try it. IT WILL
DO YOU GOOD. We have no hesitation in recommending
it, since we know it to be a safe, pleasant, and sure re
medy for the diseases enumerated:-,"New York Dis
Before noticing a patent medicine, we have to be cer
tain that it will prove itself to be all that it is recom
mended. And we would say that the Restorative Cor
dial and Blind Renovator of Prof: Wood will stand, the
testfully, and, in fact, it is without any doubt the first
article in market for purifying the Blood and strengthen
ing the system. We have no hesitation in recommendin
its use to all.—" The New-Yorker." g
LOOK TO YOURSELF IN TIME.—How many in conse
quence of a false delicacy suffer from suppressed, pain.
tat, or obstructed mensuration, and think because they
are young that by-and-by nature will work itself clear
from obstructions, and all come in right in the end, little
dreaming that the seeds of death are already germina
ting in the system, because the vital energies are im
paired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debit'.
fated; and yet, careless of themselves as they are, if a
remedy were set before them Which - would restore alt the
functions of the system, and reurvtgorate the body, they
would take it, and thus be la time to save their ltvea.—
Parents, think of this, and at once give them a bottle of
Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator.—
"The New York Courier."
0. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York,
and 114 Market street, Si. Louis, Mo.
/4-At No. 444 Broadway, all the Family and Patent
Medicines constantly on band, always fresh and genuine.
Ford & Macomber, Washington Avenue, Sole agents
for Albany; Dr H. Snell, agent for Schenectady.
Sold also by A. B. Sands & Co., corner of Fulton and
William streets. jan2s-eow3m
THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his
Livery Establishment to the NEW AND SPACIOUS
FRANKLIN HOUSE STABLES, corner of Raspberry and
Strawberry alleys, *here he will keep a stock of excel
lent HORSES, and new and fashionable BUGGIES and
CARRIAGES, to beat moderate rates.
janl2 GEO. W. LOGEIBB,:qt y
3gra) Ibint-tisentruts
Estate of Theophilus P. Greenawalt;
NOTlCE.—Whereas letters of Adtnibis•
tration of the estate of Theophilos P. Greenawalt,
late of the city of Harrisburg, deed., hare been granted
t t h e subscriber, all persons indebted to the said c.stire
are requested to mate immediate payment, and those
having claims or demands against the estate of the said
decedent, will make known the same without delay, to
Administrator, Market Square.
TINES, Envelopes, Valentine Carl s and Writers at
all prices from one cent upwards, for rale wbolwale and
jan23.dtf 51 Market Street.
WILL BE SOLD at public sale or out
cry, at the corner of Fourth and Chesnut streets,
in the
. city of Haraiburg, on THURSDAY, February?.
at 2 Welow( P. M. the following articles : Four Horses,
one Two Horse Wagon, three One Horse Wagotr, one
Cart, two Wheelbarrows, one Patent Straw Cutter, Single
and Double Harness:, lot of Lime, pricks, Boards, Rails,
Chestnut Posts, Board Fence, Posts, de.
Assignee of Daniel Rhoads.
'WILL BE PAID for a permanentS7 ejr situation on a Railroad—That or Baggage
tdaAer preferred. Best references given. For particu
lars address ".r, T.,"
2t* Cara of "I'ELEGRAPH," Harrisburg, Pa.
110MSNIP1.IA13111 , 1:# 1 rj301
Bread, Tea-Cakes, allkhids ofPastry, &c
Propic' tOrs of Shawnaut Chemical Works.
No. 33 INDIA STREET, Boston.
suit, of careful chemical research. MI its ingredi
ents are prepared in the highest state ofpurity, and com
pounded with a view to produce bread of a far better
quality, and in mach less time, than by any other pro
cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire
confidence, to the judgment of discriminating house
keepers, bakers, &c.
Bread of all kinos made by using Concentrated Leaven
is lighter, more digestible and nuitritions; has an agrees.
ble, natural taste ; is less liable to sour ; will retain its
moisture longer than by any other process, and the
whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten
It is valuable because it is not perishable, and, may be
rendered available in places and at times when yeast is
not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under
alt circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all
difficulty of procuring yeast or other forme t, which Is
frequently of an inferior quality, yea daring the bread
more or less unwholesome.
It is also valuable as regards economy; as It has been
ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not
less than 16 percent. In the common Dramas much of
the saccharine of the flour is lost by being couverted
into carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in
curred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise
the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is
ay.dded, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effi
cacious. Fermentation. as has been stated, destroys a
part of the flour or meal,, in eonseqthMee, a barrel of
flour weighing 196 lbs , which, by the common method,
ordinarily makes about 250 kis of bread. gtves by this
process 290 IDs . , thus effecting the very important saving
of 16 per cent in the quantity of flour. By conformity to
the directions on each package, any person capable of
ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re
sult will invariably be high lysatisfactory.
Assayer to the gate of Massachusetts.
"I have analysed the Concentrated -Leaven, manufac
tured by Mews. 13dw Chamberlin & Co., with reference
to its purity aid efficiency of action in producing the ell.
pet of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering
c fit for making bread. This article is skillthily com.
founded, from perfectly pure material It ranee the
dough without consuming the sugar or any other princi
ple iu the flour, perfectly; and the same weigbt at Hour
,)“ ,• . , , ~ :n- y east; Nude 'neelitellidtditieUrift
invaluable as it saves all risk, and much lime of the
pastry cook!
'‘The experiments made by me conllrm the statements
made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound
worthy of public approval and extended use.
"Respectfully, '
"A. A. 1I AYES, M. D., State Assayer,
"16 Boylston Street, Boston, September 2b, MO."
- .
BREAKFAST Aim Tea Rous.-,Two or three teaspoonful
of Leavt. it, (according to the qintlity of the hoor,) to one
quart of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three
Mmes through a sieve ; rub to a piece of brittcrAalf the
size of an egg, and make the p3ste with void
.milk or
water, (milk is preferable,) barely etif enough tO.permit
rolling out. Much kneading should be avoided. Cut in
to desired form;and place immediately in abut Oven and
bake quickly.
LOAF BRBAD.—Tbe same proportions of Leaven and
flour sifted together as above; omit the. inter, ehrt make
the paste still enough to Knead into a loacand bake im
mediately in a slow oven. ' '
GRAHAM BREAD.—Three teaspoonsful of thavarto one
quart of wheat meal; sifted together ; add one gill of mo
lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and
bake to a slow oven.
Beowx BREAD.—Three teaspoonafdLos LAtaiten to one
pint of flour, and one pint of corn meal, all well gifted to
gether; add two eggs and about a gill of m e lasses; make
the paste thin with milk, and bake slowly.
• bockWeleat CASE:E.—FIour and milk sufficient to make
one quart of batter;add tine egg, then three teaspoonful
of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick.
Innteucs.—ciift together one quart of Hour and two tea
spoonful of Leaven; rub in a piece of butterhalf as large
as an egg ; mix with Geld milk or water, and boil ten
minutes. _
CHAKBER STREET CAKE —Sift together two large cups
of flour and two teaspoonsful of Leaven; putin half a cup
of butter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with tea
milk or water to a sdtfbatter, add spleen) suit the,ocipts
and bake immediately.
CEMLNNAKI SiONGS CAKE —Two cups of white sugar
beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of six eggs
beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups
of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoonful
of Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonful of essence of le.
mon and bake in a quick oven
Joiinnan.—gift together one quart of flour and three
teaspoonsful of Leaven ; rob In 'one tea-cupful of butter.
add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the
taste; mix stiff enough to roll out; and bake quick.
.hheorion CAKSe quart of flour and thr- teaspoons
fed of. Leaven sifted together ; add a cup of butter, n
pound'of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea
spoonful of Cinnamon ; mix with cold mi.k to a stiff bat
ter, and bake in a slow oven.
Coss Cass.—One pint each of flour and Indian meal,
and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted toge.her •,
add one gill of =pleases and two eggs ; mix thin with
milk, and bake in a slow oven.
Coe o
llexs.—Five caps of flour and three teasponsful
of Leaven, sifted together; add one cup of butter, two of
sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a
cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about
half an hour.
Lames' Caxe.—Threequarters of a pound of Your and
four teaspoonful of Leaven sifted together; one pound of
sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the
whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice Of one le•
mon; mix with milk.
Waimea Caxee cups of flour, three teaspoonsful
of leaven, three cups of stigJr, one of butter, one of
milk, and two eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste. Bake
about half an hour.
Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans,
For sale by Grocers and Druggist' generally.
Wf.11L1.51. GULAGER & BitO., Wholesale Agents,
No. 59 North Front Street, Philadelphia.
- - •
f t
The above 11 known arid long established Ift,tel is
nowfinderge" a thorough renovation , and being in a
great degree ly furnished, under the proprietorship
of Mr. GEORG . BOLTON, who has been an inmate of the
house for the last three years, and is well known to
is guests.
Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has all
oyar-ed, I cheerfully commend ?dr. Bolton to the public
Y • rieB wtfl da - WILLIAM BURBLER.
NOTICE is hereby given that Daniel
Rhoais, of the city of Harrisburg, has voluntarily
assigned and transferred to-Eby Byers all his property,
real, personal and mixed, in trust for the benefit of hi 3
creditors, all persons, therefore, having claims nail at
the said Dante'Rhoads will present them to the said Ss•
slgnee, and those indebted w ill make immediate payment
to the same. EBY BYER:4., Alarm
lI V I N L E D .
Residence No. 27 North Second ,Sired.