yaw bp &kg*. BLOCKADE OF THE MISSISSIPPI Cannon Planted on the Banks. VESSELS BROUGHT TO INFAMOUS TREATMENT OF NOR MERCEA MI WASHVGTON, January 24. : Much indignation is excited here by the intel ligence that cannon has been planted on the banks of the Lower Mississippi, to interrupt commerce _ and endanger the lives of unoffending Citizens. When this outrage was recently charged in the speeches of Mr. Gurley and others, it was indig nantly denied by Southern members. The con firmation now convicts them of misrepresenta tion. Such outrageous proceedings may pre cipitate bloodshed, and, if it once begins on that river the traitors will be wiped out of ex istence. Respectable Northern men engaged in trade, and well known along the Mississippi, have been infamously maltreated on mere suspicion' of having voted for Mr. Lincoln: MARKETS BY . TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 24 Flour dull under the account from Europe and tbeiprices rather weak. There is no ship ping demand. The sales are confined to the wants of the trade, at $6 84(036 60 for super-, flue, $6 627@,.5 75 for extra. Rye flour steady at $4 and corn meal at $3. Demand for wheattfallen off, and-rmly 3,000 bus. red cold at $1,30@1,32.- • -Rye steady at 75 cts , and corn drill and prices hardly main t fined ; salt•s of 2,500 bus new yellow -at 64 cis., and old at 70 cts. Oats steady at Ml® 84 cts. Pork firmer; 200 bbls. mats at $18,50. Green meats advancing. 'Lard steady at 107 cts. in bbls., and 11 in-kegs. Sales of Ohio whiskey at 14®19 cts. • • • Floor ,dull—Howard and. Ohio . Flour $5 50. City Mills $ 5.25.. Wheat,tiull--red $l. WO, 1 35 ; white $1.40®1 60, Corn steady—salts of yellow at 63@,u5, cts white 68,074 eti.— Provisions firm. ' Mess Pork $lB. Lard 104 , cts Rio coffee .12@,18.cts. Whiskei dull at 18 chs. Flour heavy ; 6000 IC& solcl at 66. deoline. State 6 10®5 15 ; Ohio's . 66(4575 ; Southern 5 100.6. Wheat declining - and Nikon:llin* 1 cent lower. Corn dull ; 10,00Ib brie.- Sold mixed, 67(368. New Southern yPllow 64365. Pork quiet ; mess, 18 ; prime, $l9. Lard stea dy, 10yy,101. Whisky dull at 18. Motion of a Vatted States Senator. - MADISON, Wis., an 23, 1861. Timothy 0. Howe, the Republican caucus nominee, was elected United States-Senator by. the Legislature to-day. . - - Davis' Pain Killer. , No MEDICINE is mare prom pt.in,ats actioniri cases of Cholera, Cholera trtorbus, than Perry Davis? Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which eel dela faits U applied In . Its early symptotse. ramily hould be without a bottle of it always on hand. . • The stain on linen from' the use of the Pain Killer Is easily removed by washing in alcohol.. Davis , Pain Killer seems particularly efficacious lit 'bolero morbus, bowel compLitints, and - otifir diseases tyldeh the natives of Burmah, from their unwholeson]e style of living, are peculiarly exposed. It I3'ajvaluable antidote to the poison of Centipedes, Ecorpione, horneis, ha. REV: J. BENJAMIN, • - late Missionary in Bern:tali. Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers ry roughout she United States and Canadas. nlB-1m BUY THE BELT NORTON'S CO I 1V ¶ POE SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERMANENTLY CIIREDS SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALE, HELD, PETER SORES, RING-WoRAIS, BAR BERT ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. Th le Ointment bears no resemblance to ay et net ea tarsal remedy at present before the world: The mode o tut operation is peculiar. t penetrates to the basis of the titselusc ey source—and cures it from, tho-' 'n the surface. ary, ..- the poison of the disease apinsid, and every particle of it is &s -ampled !Aron the pore. Ihnsthe cures it effects is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions remove the swellings ye- dared--but the seeds of tbe disease are expelled from th e' flesh ; consequently there can be no relapse. Victims Of ulcerous and eruptivecomplaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here tated. Since Its first introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested in the most obstinate cases—cases hat utterly defied the bestmedical skill in the country, and upon wtdish the most celebrated healing springs pro duced no effect—and in every instance with every enc. nem. Sold in large Boats—Prim 50 Cents. WERRIT NORTON, Chemist Proprietor, New York WEIGLICSALI DEPOT AT PENFOLD, DAME & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Beekman at., N. 's Bold by Ozo.Bagoreas, Harrisburg, Pa. asar7•dawly SPALDING'S Pitt M= GLIM is designed for repairing furniture in all cases where cabinet-makers' glue is used. It is excellent for mending books, retest ening the loosened leaves and covers qdtokly and firmly. It ill put up in a bottle or Oise glue-pot, with a brush, and will become indispensable to the housekeeper. deole-dewlm yAPPLICATIONS for Tavern Licenses to the Court or Quarter, Sessions of Dauphin county. or hearing oth February neat: John. Shea rer, First Ward, Harrisburg. Edwin Maier, Second ~ l' Henry Frisch, " " " .. David H. Turbett, Third Ward," W. C. Ray, Sixth Cc CC Mary Ryan " George W. M'Connell, Susquehanna tormshlp. Bamnel Mash, Matamoras. Philip Ethan, Reed township. John F. Bowman, Fisberville. James Hoffman, Washington township. Daniel Collier, " " - J. Lower, Upper Paxton township. - . G.W.Gladden, " " . 1 ' Mario Usher, Lykenstown. . . - Gideon Shadel, WiCOLIIBISO township. Christian Becker,_ n n Waal° B. Saul, Derry township. .11021-d2teivit wM. MITCHELL, Clerk. PRIVATE SALE. TEE SUBBORIBERS offer at Private Sale 21 Eight Wheeled Box Freight Cars in geed running ceder; 7 Bargee, 2 Mules, 5 One Hone Wagons and Harlieeki, 1 large Spring Wagon, 1 Complete Stone T r uck Wagon, 1 Two Horse Carriage, 2 Frame Stables,. about 400 Iwo Bushel Bags, 700 Tons of Lykeus Valley OCISI Books of halt, 2 Small Fire Proof Safes, a large amount of Office Furniture and property connected with the fertearding business, together with an extensive Rectifying apparatus is complete order. Also, the undivided half part of 150 acres of Coal lands situate in the Short Mountain, in Lykene Valley, Dauphid assail, near Broiztown,the veins olCoal well developed. Application to be made to the - undersigned herotreLthei first day of March, 1851. A. 0. WESTER, C. F. MUENOH, Assignees Of John Wallower & Son, Pu4I,3t4AM3W I G IN THE NORTH-WEST Baminoas, Jan 24 Naw YORK, Jan.- 24 PURIFY TEE BLOOD ITOFFAT'S LIPB PILLS AND PHOLNIX BITTERS.— Brea from all Miners/ Poisons.—Tn cases of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of tho Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in a few" days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short. most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties. No family should be without them, as by their timely use mush suffering and expense may be saved. - Prepared by SPAT. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and for sale by all Druggists • uov9-wly TO FARMERS.—VIRGINIA LANDS.—The undersigned la now prepared to furnish, in aja_quantlties, from 100 to 1000 acres, or ipiitU r goodTreming or grazing lands, in • • •fratijacent counties, in Western Virginia. • nl2 or" 15 hours Of Banknote' and,24 hours of N. Y. • The lands are fertile. and well timbered, the climate very healthy; and so mild that sheep can be ordinarily wintered with very little feeding; and where a cow can be MAO as Cheap as a chielten ire.NeW , England. • They Will be sold': cheary.and orthasy ,terms, or ex changed forimproved property or merchandise. Address, with Poitage stamp, care or 70Y, COE & CO Tribune Building, New York. ' my2s-wly Montints, READ Tills .— The following is an extract froirva letter' written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Jouraid: and biessenner,' , Cincinnati, 0bi0.,, and speaks volumes in .favor of that, world.re. nowned: medicine—firs. Winalow's Soothing B.v:rup for Children Teething : • ' "We sea en advertisement in your column of lira. Wiuslow's-Boolhing Syrup. Now we never said a work in favor of. a patent medicine, before in our life t tint we feet compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum bug—we l7j}aave fried U, and know rt tote allit claims. It .s, proballly, one 'of the mast successful medicines of the ay, bees use it is one of the best. Juter,those of your. ader . s who havi babies can ' t d better , those to lay supply. su42 NOTICE. Cotams:—:-The sudden changes of our climate aro souraes Or Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience : having - proved that simple rem& 'dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages-of the disease, recourse- should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lasenges, let the Eold,"Cough, or Irritation 'of the Throat be ever so slight,- as'hy this precaution a more serious attack may bo warded off. Public Speakers and Singers .will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the video. See advertisement. ' den-d-swawBm WOOD'S HAUL RESTORATIVS.—Among all preparations for the hair that have been Introduced as infallible-, none has ever given the satisfaction ar gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ snow lass. - His Restorative has passed the ordeal of innvier able 'fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wheicier they have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They And, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a neer- Jess'article: They find; where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it fully restores the ve. getative power - of the roots on the denuded places, and causetsthe fibres to shoot Ibrth.anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents,. grayness, restores the hair to its Original color When'graylfess has actually so. pervened, gives a rich lustre; imparts the softness and flexibility of silk to.the hair; and keeps it always lusrl. ant, .heabbrand gold bk all respectable Druggists • dell lin . rftol'.- - WOOD's HdrEt - RESTOBATIV,*.-Ttlle Re .storative...for making tbi, hair grOitty stopplagqte falling out, and ?catering gray - hair to ittretriginaLculor, is be coming celebrated. 411 the quack nostrums are giving way before it. Three fourths of; the mixtures .for re storing and beautifying the dd it More Nary than They'burri it.un.k.'Aftitroy--theDfd-of its r00t5.... make thnbair.fall oft; aridgroduce premature baldness: But Pref. Wood's Restorative-may be _ relied uptm as con tainingei whicb can in aey, manner_ be injurious to the - heir, Whlidimsuceess iu atcomplisrling vrhat it two-. tends .to do: has, been- verified dri!bundredit mime. .We advise gray beads, and headiegettlng ;bald— all wno wish to save their wool or obtain a Weer stock, - to get a bottle of Weed's Restorative 1 - . - Diniocrog, - Sold by all Druggists. girWir call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, mulled Estate, FOOD It is an entirely new discovery, and minetnet be confound ed with any of the numerous patent `niedicalnia of the day. -.lt is food for the blood; already preftaredlor ab sorption; pleasant to the "esteem& iiittnratimaetion, and, what one gains be retains. ;let all thosei,then, who are suffering limn poverkt;inginrityar dellciancrof:blood, and consequently with some chronle'disease or nilthenti take ofthis Bunn Peon and be restored to health. We notimethat our Drugghrts have;recaived'a supply, ot.this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Earon'e In. PANTII3I COADIAI, which every mother stfofild have. It is said to contain no paregoric. or opiate of any have..' whatever, and of coarse mast beinvaluable for all loam. tile, complaints. , Il is also said. thetrit will edlay4en pain, and soften, The giona io..process of teething, and at the same thine regulate the bowels. let: all mothers and ninnies, who have - endured anxious days and ;Sleepless n ghts; proems a supply and - be at once relieved:l. sareeoadvertisement. - „ anat.thhe For sale by C. A Bannvart;iioleagent, Harrisburg, Psi TO CONSUMPTIVES Din ADVERTBER, baying been, restored to= health in a few weeks by a fiery simple reinedy, gter having snlibred,several years witha severe, lung aired ion, end that dread disease, Consumption—is ails:WS to make known to his fellow-sutferers the means' of cure. To all who desire-A, he wilt send a` copynt the pre scriptionkksed.(free of charge), with. the ,directions .for preparing and using the same which - they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asdima, Bronchitis, .ko. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the &dilated, and epread information.Whlch be conceives lo tie nvaluable, arui he hopes every auk. ferer will try his'. remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesiiing. • Parkes wishingthe prescription will please address , • REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williarnsbergh, Kings county, New York. oct3l wly TICE GREAT . ENGLISH:REMEDY SIR JAMBS CLARKrp CELEBRATED EFNALE 'vett fr eine is u 4fllng in the cure if all 4038 painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all OXCEI.3B and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be retied on. TO MARRIED . LADIES it is peculiarly sailed. It will, in a short time, bring On the monthly period with regularity. • . Each - bottle, price One Dollar, bears , the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. • CAUTION. • These Pals should ,wt be taken by ;females during the FIRST WIRES 1,1017 TM of .Prvinaucv, as:they are acre to bring on Miscarriage, bid id any ofbertime they are In all cases of Nervous andllginal Affections, Pain to the Back and Limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics andlithites;these Pips wil erect a cure when all Other meane hive failed ; and though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtfulto the constitution. Full directions in the pampblet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an therized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills by return mail. For sale by C. A. itAmiviss. Iy9 dawly EHIPORTANT. TO FEMALES DR. CREESNAW.S PILLS Prepared by Oornelirua. Cheeseman, M. D., SEW YORK CITY. - - - IYBB combination of ingredients in. these Pills are the result of n long and extensive practice. hey are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Paint al Menstinatitme, remov ing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise ,'headache, pain in the slde, palpitation of the heart, .whes, all ner-. vous affections, hysterics , Wipe, pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from usterreption of nature T. 3 MARRIED 1..AD10, Dr.-Cheeseman'e Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have beemdisappolnted in the use, of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesentares Pills doing all that they represent to do, NOTICE. - - - There is one condition of the fentale'system in whit* ihe Pills cannot he taken Sod/mut producing dPPECULLIR RESULT: climmondition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, NISTAILBLAGB. Such - is the srraiddie tendetwlt '43, th e taoltaimito restore ' he sand fanctimit to a normal cendttion, that seen the reirreauctitn power of neinre cannot resist it. • Warranted. Purely vegetable, and Ira() from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, as company ee.ch box; Price $l. Sent lig otenplosing $l. to Da COHNELICS 16; Box 4,581; Office, New York. all., Sold by one L. nixistitkevery. town Intim unisea States UUTCRINGS, EenerarArut for the United States, •;• Broadway , New York, 0 whom ad Wholesale orders should he eukir-pvt. Bola in Harrisburg by q.,A.l,4perey!. ONE • • •*, --; kIINCHEON of PURE SCOTCH WRISHY Just received and for leleby 'JOHN - H. ZIMMJIM,' &al 73 Market Meet. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! PUTS SPLENDID HAIR. DYE has no equal—instanlaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—Lo staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. • None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor-". Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCEIELOR, Proprietor. marl? dawly 81 Barclay Street, New York WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY.—AII who suffer from 'imams or debility, where there is a 'want of en• ergy, should at once have recourse to JUDSON'S MOUN TAIN HERB FILLS. 'they immediately purify the blood, and act upon the mainspring of life, giving strengthand rigor to the system. Young persons entering into wo manhood, with a derangement of tie functions ; and to mothers at tbe jorn of life , .tiiese Pfils will be most:M em:ions in correcting the tide of file that may be. Rl' the turn. Valt; and ulddrly hr I n ,i;ar - mnn7itr' at the Same periods;iwlien there is 411 ways danger, they .shooldtheretore undergo a course or thte purifying me. dicine,. which ensures lasting health This great i liouseholdlilediciiie ranks amidie, Ilia lead. log necessaries of life, as it Iswell' nowil to life , World s that it cures 'complaints other remedies . ceboot :reach ; this fact is as well established as that the Sun lights the World. Soldby all medicine dealem. de26-1m , IT Is A' COMMON Oltillitt , ATlON that there'are more sufferers from debility, among Americana, than Can be found among any other civilized nation.. The reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and for jet the wants of the body in the absorbinapursuibt of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicines oau,do: little vied. What is required Is just such a tonic and in vigorator as Dr. J. Hostetterlmsgiven io the world ; in bis CBLEBBATBD tiBITTIIktS.” Tee. weak and nervous denizen of the counting Mire, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, - and- the proiftrated-stmient of the mid night lamp hive found a- wonderful regenerator in the "Bit'ers," and peeler it to More pretentious, but less ef— ficacious medicines. But it should net be forgotten that the agent which is so magical in_ its inlicence rpm 'it frame which is merely debilitated; is eqnally. nOtterfut In assisting nature to expel the'MCst terrlthe forms' of disease. Who would ncit'give it a trial?, Sold'by druggists and dealers everywhere. XeSee advertisement in another column. • tiov2o.lm A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DITPONOO!S. GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES Infallible in correcting, riegnlating, .and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a proven THERE HAVE . BEE T ;USW ,BY the 'doctors for many• year:a, Midi in ; 'Fronde arid America; With unpar&ilbled success in every 'ease ; and he is urged by many thousand. ladies who risedfthem,..to Make the Pills public for the alleviation of those sugbring froniiinrirregultiritieS Whatevet, ai , ell - as' to lanyard an in ickelisejof ilV.ivhere health will not permit it:— Females particularly,situated; or those ,atilipaiMig them-• selves so, are cautioned against thead,Fills. while in that. condition ria;thay are sur-ilo,Prbdace miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no respunsibilffit'after this nition;nithougletheii mildness mohM , preveritany deer. to, twelib-rethiltWise-.the PhAe-ate 'reeenuntaeled;. Full explicit directions accompany. each boa- . Mee t./ 00 per boa. 'Sold Vrboicsalaandintall by,' - OHARDES , A. BANNVART, Dralggiat; PoJonati Dow,liarrisburg,,Prit “ladlea,“ by, sending- him ; Si-0040 the: Harrisburg Post Office, can have, the Pills sent free to any pary of the 'codotri (Seriedeniligy„) - Mid “freb of Jage , by mail. 'gold luso' 5.. 1 13.-Drevied, Reading,: joosacar; ,DOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, .1. L. Law sailossrksharion, ,Derrtim,B. Lancaster; J. A. Wori. ; E. T. Ifillekt,,,:York by. one druggist In ln - thio'LrifOk and by sole , proprietor; New YOric:a.: • N. B.—Look out for notinterhats. Buy aci.(4otdoo.pillo of any ; kind unless, every boats signed S. D. Howe. All, 'others are c- a.bise - imOdsition - arid ontafe;' Ilicrefbre,; as yori vidne'your lives hind' (to hay iiiithindbr • be. iog huiribugged - outbf - ycifirinoikey,) . [buy , Amlk otthom iYhe‘thew the ehltttare , eigcP,l lo VOl-91 1 ' .obox,. , whichffini recently been, added on account, of Pills lag ConnterfelteM' nol9-lm In' Ibis city . ; on 21ininday; tbs . 21Sii t 'inginniY•Bnoosis, son of Eliz:lbeth I.larrefilnar; aged 1 year, 10 raontba _ ' On the 234 test .ABABELLA daughter ; of, khitilda4iiid - Wm. kloeliermen,,aged 13 yearn; 8 months. and 21 ilaye„ The funeral•will take place firm the mtitetteeof ItekTe ;rents otariday,aftertroon'it 2 J 1 LC i Ntui atuatiotintnts. TILE ORIGINAL 'AND ONINMULTED AMERICAN MAN IN.MINIATURE, GEN'Is. TONI' THUMB, • ' ' SMALLEST MOIIIVE I A- T -BRANT'S Harrisburg, for ri THEME DAYS• ONLY, .YRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY, February let, 2d 40, 411: Two brilliant en tertaininents'each day, aftermoOn. at 3 ;" evening .at 734 o'clock. Door Open half an hodi In iideanee The little General appears in all MB newSongs,lbuieta, Characters, Greek ltatues, &o. Tomlin, the _. ,stir' eac h enter. Admission—Day entertainmant, 25 cents; .Children under ten 13 do. Evening entertainnimit, 15 Cents; Chß-. dren under ten, 10 do.; reserved sests,2s dO. Schools. admitted on liberalterme. The:General rides in his miniature. carriage from the Jones House to the Hall previous-to each esliibiLion.. - The giand Piano used is one of 'Chickerinies best, from W. KnOche's Music - Steps; 92 Market street" ALFRED'CATELY; Business Agent:_ ''`~, jan2447t-v3t-Bw3t icTRE ORIGINAL" BENJAMIN F . . FRENCH, 11L OMMENCE 11113 - 13131VENTH ANNUAL- SALE or Books,' Stationery, Gold. .Penn, 40. On WEDNESDAY EVB.; JAN. 23, 1964 at 7 ceclook. At his former store, No. I 2 Market Street, near the Har risburg Bridge, and next door to Hummel Zz KilltogerM Store. INOW INFORM UT' OLD, FRIENDS, that' have a Much larger and better etoctitlien eVer, au of which will be Hold•itt PANIC - PRICES,' for a'short time. Among the Acme may be found. IrvingM Work; 16 volumes. . Irving's Life of Washington; fi volumes.:. PartonM Life of Jackson, 8 voluines. • ' ' RandalPs Life of Jeffersom . • • : ..; Cooperls Werke, 64 - volumes.: • , Scott's Weverly N, 3 ,Ve 18 , 27 Mid . 12 TcolluzieP• IlickenM Complete' orks, 14 and 7 volumes Bionic Raiirbad,lo *plumes. -; • Japan Expedition, 8 volumes. - .1. , -. . Emeres,,lJexican Boundary Surveyaillustrated,) 8 Adams' Werke,lo voluritias; : •' •-. FiraFamtl, land Proket •;: • _ . MILO Comincn and Catholic Prayer Bboks. - Cap, Letter and Note PaPer., .. • . . . AB the Woks artieles wanimarinia ,iMidttor, and no' Several, thousand volumes Of NEW W0RKL..... - . Please call _during the day and get tho prices. :Also .on hand a large : assortment oY Jusionrs, scars.; - , jan24.Bt ' , . . , riLOSING OUT our atill . laige assortment of FURS, consisting of - • • . .: • ;. Handsome Dark Sable Setts, . • • • FlaiidsinieSark Siberian S.quirral SeSs, A floe stock of all kinds of low price 4Cohni3co for Bakgains In Fine , : , , • : Call at CATINARTS No. 14 larket Square, isn24 • • Next tblbodlarrisburgllank; REDUCTION IN PRICER! NBRINOM, Plain and 'Figured. CAPHMERO, Plain andligured.. ALL' WOOL DfLAINES, Egtralitylea and Quality. , ' lIROOA LONG SEIAWLSi . different prieee. - FINE STOCK. OF. BLANKET „. The nriees Nip albora Gonda; op bzein!en(4On,ill be found "lower . than ever," afi; •.:OA.THCABT'S, : .Next door, to Bie, : fierrb3bgrg Beek.. HE `,ATTENTION OF GENTLER - EN • is s olicited to . our vet tixteraseitiessusrathsawsamof :everytetiaiend,quality.. Go** JONIIt sI /UP 9twvita.1 1 4 - 4 gri.4cle lOotlNC4co4l.s l . tho AlpreFent kinds er.W,LorER 4 0 ,Y 2 s. iitHhtisteir r itttife city. . 6 —="ia-• CREWS, SUSPENDERS, HANDKEROMEPE, Ready Hemmed, And everything in Cents' wear, at CATEICANtS, Next to the Harrisburg Bank. laza .! ' MESE And Continui TwoVieks, New abvtrtigentents Estate of Theophilus E Greenawalt; NOTlCE.—V4ereas letters of Adminis tration of the tstate of Theophilus P. Greenawalt, late of the city of Harrisburg, dec'd., lowa been granted to the subscriber, all 'persona indebted to the said eataie are requested to inal , e immediate payload, and those having claims or demands against the aunts of the said decedent, will make:known the same without, delay, to 'THEODORH D. G.bEEN WALT, ihiag.wft ' Administrator, Market Square. READ QUARTERS FOR VALENTINES 1 VALENTINES ! L V.A. ENTINES! . . „ LARGE A tORTMENT OF VALEN- A 'TINES, Eavelficet, Valentine Cir-1 sand Writers at all prloes from oneeent pw , rds, lo • rale wbole=ale and retail at. BERGtEtO. 4 :CIIEAL" BOOKSIORE, . lan2B dtt 51 , al ket Street. ASSIGNEE'S SALE .yu ILL BE S_JID at public sale or - out v v cry, at the corder of Fourth and ehesnnt streets, in the ci•y of Hirrlib . rg, on THURSDAY, February 7, at 2 o'oloow. P. H., the 'lowing articles : Four Horses, pno Two Horse Wagoo three One Horse Wagons, one Cart, two.Whaelbarrow one Patent Straw . Cutter, Single and Double Harms , : • lot f /AMP, Bricks, Boards, Rails, Chestnut Fost.,.Bear ' d F \ !ice, Pest., &c. ' E. BYHRS, Aseigneel of Daniel Rhoads. jan23 21rd s7SWILL B. ,PAID for,a pergigent i..ti rl ß,lrnal r th4t t age Master.Oeferred. Boirierencesgven.;orimaicu tars addreeF • . Care of YPE.I.EGR4PH," Flarriqbarg, Pa. tare of ltrELSt. SO YEWS STTL^ANANA'S SAUCE For, Hot and Cold Dishes of alll Kinds. _ . most delicious.and icing Sauce, invented by th Rued "Sows.' for the Len- Reform Club, 13, since 'his we, manufactured. by the cnown house of Causes a London, tram the ;Mai recipe. Itis the favorite ea In England, and-ba-the inent, witn whigh and grey. 3pritat en among Ameridin Fes, atd is much appriated a stimulant' to the appetite id to digiarion. OPINIONS OF THE ' LONDON PRESS. • "We recommend our correspondent to trykloas. SO2- Ines now Sauce,' entitled tbe 'Sultana's Sauce. , It Is made alter the Turkish-.recipe ; • flavor is excellent, and it affords considerable aid in cases or slow.and weak tligestion."—The Lancet. " "StivorY, Piquant; and Spicy, Worthy' oe;gerqua of "A most valuable. adjunct to Fhb , Flesh, and Fowl, 'and should baie a place on every t.ble." 7 Latilas. Solo Agents - for the United States.' '''•GARDNEIt.4II , YIJELIN, 217 Fulton st Y. ..andBBAY SaRAYAS, 3t Cornbill, Boston For, sal_la, by Grocers , and Fruit Dealers ovarywhere. ' - EMI 110TIURiTO -CONSUMERS OF COAL fiIHE PATENT WEIGH DARTS tested- and certified to, by ~t.ba:SEALEkt, O r WEIGHT); Ni) ,MEASUREE. • , - ' Hr..T4ta:ll., !fay festod your - nag& •Wei ? !l',Carts; and found thini - perfacUy-corn., ct, I ,thereToie putinylaatil ?lon them according . , 7 „Sealer of. Weights and Meas u res. . • , Harrisburg; Januaiy r 7, jlB 'LOO • WS :•• LIVERY STABLE. • O.IIOIGE' LOCATION. T" BUBSTItIPER has removed his Livery Eatablislment to the. NEW AND sv.4clous TrBANICIIN HOUSE STABLES, corner of raspberry and Strairberry itteya, i;'• bola he will keep a steel: of excel. ' lent -HORSES; and .nemi atid fashionabla BUGGIES' and VaRBI&GES, to hi - e, at moderate rate 3. Jara?,,, 9.EO..w.:LOPPE 4 T, Ftgt. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE N . . [PII.RSUANCEiof , an,. order of Ihe Or - ..aulskjoißvorbiatoon_nt ,now Offer at', pig -.late b,--WundideC.fourtn , a WVS: Frame Wild Lot , ol'Groand hu lbw north 'Fide of Chestnut street, between r. eccind and Third Streets; In Harrisbnegoadloining lots of hi vnte,Flosia:T and Mrs. Um. Ah l grovr t d Iring: abput ref t anti three fuebes - liffeont and about' ne buildielf I at-deep " 1 - • - ": VALENTINE IiCAI3IEL O 3.I': ; • . ....Guardian of Daniel Houser.' Tim other jlireccfogrthh of .the.above detnribed house and ,lot i s also for sale at pirlyate sain t ,Nputure as aboye. • janl4:Etdaltw A - 7 ARG.E7 ASSO.RT.M..ENT . :LPL EAROX SOAPS, HAIR OILS,- -- ,POhI4)DES, ,COLOGNES; • - - EXTRACTS, aro idling iory cheap: to dealers by the. iICIZELI. Propare for your goutaay gales DY•l3o3ing some at*e above,articles, at • • ; 'KELLER'S DEMO AND'FANCY iTORP, Tit Market Street. dell lIRICH & COMPERTHWAIT WHOLESALE A REV= , 130 XL . ar .131 . - ;MERCHANTS, Corner' pf Front and Market Streets, ' 11 A RR'ISBURG - PA; : HOUCK. T. 13. COWPER !WAIT. Buffo, ALDERMAN. ~;.~~~iiie~iiliiW HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET,. (SHELL'S ROW,) • NEAR MARKET. • Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY HAITISIIMIGI, PENN'A. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 ,MARKET STREET, IS THE CIIEAPEK' PLACE IN THE CITY SCHOOL Booll§.. , _ . • - - • ' •. SCHOOL. STATIONERY .. .. - . • .. Comprising au the various • READINILAND'SPELLING 'BOOZE - , ARNSIMETICS 'ALREBRAR , ~. , GRAMMARS ETYMOLOGIES., r ' - DICTIONARIES,' HISTORDER ." • - , ;PHILOSOPHLES; and , all thelollooL BOOKS useil-in , the various Public amt. Private Schools ef tne City, together with .. • COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, . LEITER, CAP and NOTEPAPER, - " SLANE BOOBS, SLATES, • '" • •• - - .LEAD AND SLATE=- - PENS AND HOLDERS INK . • IN.B.67ANDS, EVEBES and the Moot complete assortment kr - SCHOOL STATIONERY, donstanilk on hand and for sale M THE LOWEST ?nom OF ANT MAP' in the clty - BERGNER'S OBEAP BOOKSTORE, . 51 Market Street.. 0871.1beral dlspoiinlimade to Mothers Any article not on band promptly furnished without extra charge..- Ben24 - . FOR 13.9,1... E. = FROM ONEXO FIVE HEISI/RED EC/L 7 LARS BOSOUGNBONDS. Also, from Ton niFifty snares O f ftarrittmcg , ftee Bweic d by de24tf No. 28 Swill:. Second Street LIQUORS AT:OOST.! „. . , SVING concluded,to discontinne the. H eusioess, we effetely large and complete assort /1C.9E1, 01 FINE WINEE, B BANDII8 2 Ri . d . llqll9:s or every 4e. scrlittOn akcosiNiithout reserve. - • • • -t: Wle: DOCK JR., &CO j am ! " Ocposite lbe Court Houle. , TOR'TBEE 'SEASON. - _ FLA.VOEING EXTRACTS. • ' 011ie: best lir trtarl93t, - Pine Leman ,l, o. 0 3 • Strawboriy ' • .FNirp Nallßed Rose Water, peat EnglishPu Cream Ba re lgB Tartar, , • Earl's Pare Spices, Fresh Culinary Herbs. DRIJ.O. STORE, • 620 91 Market pirego: D.E2 ; , , N T, IsS T ICY _ . . • Ttgiiiiieisignat - DoeOWOYDENVai SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practise n State street opposite the "Brady Home," where he - will be pleased to attend to all who may desire his ear vises. 15ep27 . 1 B. IL GILDEA, 11; D. S. =ECM ECM WM 'Celery, - Numegs,. a Prsley Ntw Walertisentento GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE ! lIRICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FROM' & MARKET ST ANNOUNCE, to the citizens o H have ar in s burg d the public generally,at the returned froth the eastern cities with a large and well se lected stock ot . Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell st the ve . y lowest prices. • DOM Rale GOODS of every kind. • Bleached end Unbleached Mullins, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNEIa OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large assortment - of Win elali Minuets for Skirting. An assortment Donseetic Ginghim a s; Manchester G in ghma Satinets and Ca simeres, " Black Cloths atallprices, . Cloths for Ladies' Chesterfields, Beaver Cloths for the 'Arab Maks.. A PINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKBIS. . . A large assortment of Cashmeres, especially adaptiseto Boy's wear. An assortment• of. Martha Drawers and Un dershirts. An assortment - of Carpets from 123(, eta a yard to $l.OO per yard, ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ' ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment or IWoche and Blanket Shawls,' with I lull stook of the latest novelties. ~_ - An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres'. . LINENS OF,ALL RINDS. Particular attention paid to first class Hosiery and Em broiderles; ato., Au., . • An' assortment of Hugon! e wove trair spring skirt pat tern exception. • . • t• An assortment of Shrouding and-Flannel Halal & COWPERTHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streds,'Herrisburg. Formerly occupied by'J. Muer. ' • oat264y Cure 'trough, Oetd. Hoarseness; /Mu ' cam any er Soreness of U' - Ihr9.24.lgelieve, the iinching BRONCH I cAfftlsit i natf,a rrh,• agar_ t n i ef ... . °°\ . 1% PUBLIC, SPEALIEN.RS and SIBO EELS. Few are aware of the importance of chi:eking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first stage'; that which in the beginning woold7Mld to a mi id remedy, t f neglected, soon attacks the pings. "BROWN'S IiRONCRIAL.T.Ett containing demulcent ingrediente, allay-l'elninary and Brorichtal Irritation.' "Viet trouble in my Throat, (for which' the' "TROCHES" are a. specific) haying made roe often a more abisperer.." N P. W11T.18. - "I recommend their use to Public 4i'ea)cers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S • " ' ' REV. E CHAPIN: ( mace provsd .extremely: serviceable for Hoarseness" . EBY. HAVRYVARD BEECHER. . l AlmMit higtant reli6f in iber eistressing laborof breathing peculiar to Asthma... EEV. A..C..EQGLESTON. . _ , 'Contain no Hpluni.er acytiing ireiurl one' DE. A. A: HAYES, IL!ROCEIES nowrg I BROWN'S TROCILES ..• =CheMb3IVBX4IOII. • sit.simpleiumi.pleasant combination for Coughs, &c.!4: . ; F. BIGELOW, Beaton. BROWN'S TROCHES "Renetibial in'Bronchi:DS 1 - . • ' J." F. W.. LANE, Boston. 11 .1 :hkyti proVed !heir excellen t Whooping Cough" ' for • RE.VAL-W: WARREN: ei' . _ . "Benellcial when compelled .to speak, glittering rroni - Cold." • • REV: S.' 3'. P. ANDERSV, _...ggreetwat in removing : Jita.srieness_and Irritation of thelbrosti so, common.ith Speaks' s and'Singers." Prof.- E. f,TACY JOHNSON; - Orange, IYeacher of Deals Sophern. Triples Croilego, "Great benefit When :taken' before and afterpieiching, as fliey Prevent lioltrae Frorb. their peat effect; I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A.. 'PresideatorAtbens College, Tenn. Bold by all Druggists at 25 mama box. BROWN'a TROCHES! BROWN'S TROCIIIC,S BROWN'S neCUE RROWg'S TROCHES BRckwirs TROCHEE BROWN'S Tuocons nov26-daw6 IPIL, 1111 C - 17" S . - . R. D. Viri JONES, • FRANKLIN. HOUSE HARRISBURG, PA. JAS now permanently located there, A.L. and may be consulted on all diseases, but mote particularly diseases of a private nature, such as Clon. orrhoeat Gleet, Stricture, Seminal. Weakness and Dys raziai,al.thr, • 3