(into of Trawl & rtatim :\lll Alit WE PATE NEW YORK! 114)1(1 3 Eff IN DISTAATE AND QUICEEST IN TIMM BO UL TEE TWO CITIES NEW ILLA-RIiZT.T3T.TiRia- VIA READING. AILEFTO I 6I • AN3> LAWTON. **-21,1e.4”,a. Neow York sit A te444&* J iiiO:OOA.A45 RI .1 P. ,11„,4444.,y &X town POO .33.41, All 7 I:NE %Lax , * Near Vara at 114444 WA*, and of It 11..sttitr.k4rg at 111 P, 14, • 1Z1t4.1 kASJ 2a.44, A 0.4441 * &41414, st 4. .4 A 411:4-4.1. YOric at 20 V. M. . k:141,404 LA44, 14,44144 itax-b* = • 4 , 4; 4 . i * 44 4'44 44 l'itx Yffir,4 ONS 9..0 2 4 , 14- 4 , Ark. Sti* w krt 614444444444 r& at IA &Limit& 1.4041W.V7et Te 411.. it; 444414 441444-4acz &bum lietaaayirx 4. 444,444144:4 Ya 44- 404 cA44.44441 limbos& 4. 44 tr i, , 4 r , A4AI.t ArAti CIA Ahr par IKotteritim 541 Meath elrealr i ~,1 4444, -0 bapet 14**,44-AO444Am 43$ Paginettet4em Yes t &ea '*l - 44 7.1 , 111.41:44y, 1.1 Cifk A. 062414 v 4144: 1,15 ?, 2tart.*144447.„ 444 4.4444441 rJI 444 , 44.44,, 44- , 9 144414 f44444441.aa4 IWO*. .444414 a, t&A row t torch!, 141,4110 r iviorkitaptt tritbecikoz • i•PI: Let4s -, 4444 74•4444 York sad ilanialwarg 1110, ArA 14 4, 4,0414 , 1444 ski 0111t7 it4MEIVCARI 444444 y t'4 =44;1 1, 1 J. I. 01,11)A, (terAtal &tett, PlAnisturg PHILADELPHIA Asa READING' RAIL 14 0 A 1). wiNTa. AIWANGEXIMT OA( AND AFTER DEC. 1211 h, 1.860. WA pmenzont TRAM 'U M'£ ITAIWIMIN; &ATV, thit . tadars eseeptor) 8.90 IL, tad 1.16 P. n .t. mildeitibia. eTrrrhe there at 1 1111 P. ila., arid 2. - P. W. WI'UMW; LRAVO tIiIf.AVELPIIIA at 6.N0 A IL at•l IVA P. AL, arriving at flarristorrit iY. 11. E sod 416 P. IL k Matte ;--re fltflA4eipbfs, No 1 Qui, 12.21. No. 2DA a. for trtio,) *VW PA SW p.—"To EAAIDng, Inishuot i 1 S 9. t Reeding, Aooneet yrltb tram for PolDirint, Miaow v'to, eitswilas, kA. YDUR 'MAINS MAVIS REAPING 108 11111,ADID, MA DAIIX, at RA. lA, ULM, A M.,1219 was :And 1.3 M. land rIIILAIMPHIA FOIIidEADISO aS .co A. Si., f 00 P M. , 3.30 P, M. , tod 6.40 P. IL Milli s—ltrullug Go FlNUuletplita, $1.71 au4 SAL liE If9RNI2IO TEAM PROK UARROMUTUII COX. TR A? MIDIS° Irak up train fix Walasobartf, utatua and Serauloga row through Octets sad ether Iskomstams apple t.l. CLY II 001041 4eells PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA , ON AND AIMED MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1860, The pamenger Indio of the Pommyllveraix Ransoid Com- VOW frill &put trout hod twelve at ahrstiburg had rbiladelphts as hollows EAB TWA RD. LIIROHOII arlititt TRAIN Irene Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrivera. West Philadelphia at 6.1* a. nt. ART LINE Lava Harrisburg at 12 66 p. en., and erring at West Pluladelphia at 6.00 p. m. 81111. TRAIN kayos Ilseriaburg at 6,16 p m., arrival; i..i. Watt Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. these Kakis make close coniseetlOn at Thiuulloipnla with the Now York Linea. ALOOMNUDATION TRAIN, No, 1, leaves lEarrlebutg at 7.80 a. in., into via ?dotal Joy, and arrival at Wont rblladal ?Ws at ri 801. HARRIPRIHNI ACCO64IIODATWN TRAIN Leaves Ltar rl•thurg at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at VI oat Phlladelptda at a 40 p. nt. ACCUMIUDATION TRAIN, No. 2, leavers Harrisburg at 60 P. m., rums via Montt Joy connecting at Diller villa with MAlt. TRAIN Rant for WESTWARD. 15IROU011 IigPIINSB TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 1040 p. , arrives at Harrisburg at 3,10 a. ra. %I" tau LCCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for llitsblng at7.o)a.m. FA 1 I,IXE. leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. in. HARRISBURG ACOGIIMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrivea at Harrisburg at 7.3411. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia, at CM p. in , and Rut - cm at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention le called fo the fact, that paasengera leaving Philadraphla' at 4 tO p. no, consent at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY, AccomionAvoN TR.ALI, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.43 p.m SAMUEL D. YOUN. (S, Rad Division Pennsvivassia Ratlvoni Northern Central Railway 1 EMI NOTICE. C , ILLNGE OF SCHEDULE. , zWTER ARRANGEMENT. CIVcAI*P.AFTER MONDAY, November et v t ll e tp l e m ergOr,Tra4is of the Northern wilt Itaxrusborg as follows : .tt, ...palms TReni will leave a 5t..00 A. N. TRAIN•wiII leave .7,40 A. Xt. #1 10 V:: . will leave ......1.00 P.M. --.! • - . s.illasOlNG NORT H. MAYeltaiNirlineari at 140 Striao3 , l24Dr willbrave at. ...........$l5 P. 111 iiirein*Traii - is tarring Harrisburg on - Sunday win be th&.A.WHIMODATION TRAP( SSouth of ty a. m. f . aipranha Imarraamm apply at the O ce, ta Pram. , " • • 10BH W. HALL, Ago& Harrisburg, November 24, 1880..-24,41 tr .... . $2 - 600' .TO v 000 PER- YEAR! ~,,RARE - - CHANC E F oyi v tu I , ~...: ..... rrE' ABOVE AMOUNT . call easily be ,:' - 'igill.(4. - by The manufacture and lisle of an article of ve recent'dtscovery. It Is entirelY-aeir, =flatly per solorlaldng m engage In a business Mat will pay, or to enlarge one alreaoy established, will do well to address thavatqeMilgned. the sale Is as ready and permanent as any!'of Vie.great staples.. It la am sally, honorable and IdigilY - Mspectable buidness, bytabiehapino men &anew sl, l ag toes the ahoy Ulna-1 by the marinfacture and sa JO, this vendable talons.' It - require " but a very !aNypital to carry on this butltnil, with _great-ma. iroffig iu, l o o , .44,05 , earrigiratantp for Teo del4l--Mlirdla 7 lown Maryland. - , T ~. ,• , , Bit I( 20:441r, - .Miii3. - 00.11t1):1E.XliS . ' z 4Odelti bic ) 1- ' ' .' • : ' , i - ,• 1 .. t---,..6, ati.v... Will THE ORIGINAL AND O_NDIN DR. TBWNSEhD 5 S ComPoUND EXTBALT OF SAs. B. SA PARILLA, 'Me fir 4t 1-.Et.ovattsr of TILE BLOOD. UPIIOAI OF ilk S.KL,i, IILL'EIi &TED 801Cke, Al/M ALL FOIIIIZ OY CUTANECIUIS Mere otarCed' de ea: le ri.eed - G; r r efaked_aley aded aq the ase. of lad WORLD RENOWNED SATISAPAITILLA. ti,mad.441.4.,,.tz t er143..c0t lad 3 tor IGiataf.l ia..a k 1f.41,01441 , 4. El, Luisi s t E.* * , onwed id Lie a. wo<v#4o9 , & Aaedivw..l peas* GC IL& M.41:0 14.+PC,4, *belt tbe Erd.a. Ifcctott as,l* - .13: saw rizor=T.,Walt-er Itafe..tbe et- 4 -lbeLie ta airGGie %ea eze;G se, G* Gee mt Chu,Solils or tiny erw. ; 1.11.3 Ways cke Lac +, y clt . i%y reit, ie Grazdre, aanz abeetexeen, 111,0 LIAM Tlii; 1;0 W ZIA Ai imx art a Totiff 4 Vigor to th® IS'bufe Body. klabiacota) itoaoLy zediflrad atad aloe frxtarzt3'mrs- Ufs►irr ktono, at 12.0, E. P.. Too - toos.4.'w. et.o.i...tiod. Smsorosiii.,, it new 3.ctravitcrke. weer rtq rooftop sod Ruperl64.4l, Joir. the areems.l MOM eaft.veli LO. ft. Y. Tceo rd.cod;of.d 1 moldy fiat d smoi irs fed of a *Tod:ld-it i sad e, ITHOLIT Xit (111 Y; sod oisf, itott irvedford; are Jadiebusgy c 0 riCs6e4, so as to obtes. from itow, Molt todi^t rooftUdoad JAMOS B. elill-TOX.3ll,D,Ctieteo4, Dr.S. P. TOWNO.3IOB Itertaer sr flax a_ ?AMU., bat. a vrialu_ll amOng ai; bai:94o tt.a , beat preparamo for lifenovatbar ana rinifylzgaha MX= wMai wiewoe Las evo; *Awed to urn. Is deo. rem its mi.:um?. LlCialEliCiry, and to Ltsisix due we world wide returwo. licsrotaitat hi! 0.4, cesetable riricelybts which ezpert sum Las ors: .4 useful to cicadae the cvsreat from DISEASE, summed mat combined ttrib the SWAM Mb which tLe refilitlikerAS a modern clieraistry ets.ble ue to tErstieu er rosy be sield by rumillted cr.-webers or spieaeiic pirpic oak s, the forttbabtbta orrAdiciur is LUST. BEitE USED, suut Oat Its use cream ar increeted de mand, 'bows coLelustrely th tit PCPs Du Dictum( merits of the first order CERTIFICATE lie well as lbe EIGNATURE or Dr. ff. P Townsend, is 011 the oeuarte wrapper ca each bc'We. BE VERY Ci REFUL TO USE NO OTHER. ProPrirter r n Otige, 2..0. 41 Mica street, 11. Y 4701 Dr sale by entry Druggist in :kb fly, ni4so4ll.ltaw Wit PILLS Alf D PHOENIX .13ITTERB. :rHESE 3 , IEDICINEB have now been be fore the public ttr &period of TilinlY TEAMS 111141 wing that time fum in e stinuthn d i blab character a al most every pan of the Globe, for their extraordinary and ilinnetline power of restoring perfect health to per- sons suffering coder nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is habit; The following aresmong the distressing variety of Inn man diseacesin which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Lea WelLknown to halal)little. DYbEEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the Aral and second stornashs„ and creating a flow of pure, healthy Mkt, Instead Of the slide and kind ,• FLATU LENCY Law of Appetite, Beratburn, Ideadache, Nest lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptom. of DYnimetkiat will van lab, an a hateful consequence of its cure. COSiTLVENESM, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and wltlititivilo. knee; all vkilett purges leave the bowels costive within two days, FACVMLES of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular turetuntinur, through the proees,s oft espiration In such cases, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal ob. Wrestle's In others. Ibe UR MEDICINES have been known to cure. IGILUNIVITiaI permanently in three weeks and GOUT in ball' that time, by removing local lallemmation from the muscles and ligamei,ta of the Joints. DROPhlith of alt kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully 6n these important organs, and hence have over been found a certain remedy tor the worst cast* of GRAVEL A. 1.0 wow's, by dlsludElng from the turmlngx of the boteeht the klimy matter to which thus creatures adhere. $4Oll YY , 111,CEUS, and 1N Vh7I , IOI‘A.TIL 501/101, by the perfect purity whir:harrow LIFE HELL C Nes give to We blood, and all thu humors. scottuvric ititurrioNs and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their olbersda Whet upon the fluids that feed the skip, kilo the morbid orate of which occasions all eruptive uoroplaiute, I:04m, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. ma ass of these pp], for ayr hurt time will clfcCt an entire ci )f SAP' —foa anti INFLUENZA ail one dose, or by two to the worst cases. rtLES.—The originat proprietor 01 these medicines, was cored of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE lIEDILIN ES alone. 1. EYED AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speeoy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY BE BAIL-FLED, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COAL PLAINTS.—OstvatLu. Desurry, Loss op Arrairrs, and DinsaSis of /Tramps—the Ileum:lnes have been used with themoat beneficial molts iii cases of this descrip tion :--.Kings Evil and Sercpuln, in its worst forms,ylelds to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints. of all kinds, .PalpAation of the Stuart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. .E.I.ERCUiaItAL DISEASES---Persons whose conetilmiems have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these 3ittalf:UleS a perfect cure, as they sever mil to eradicate ircm the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely - sooner than the nitwit power ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. • Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, New York. FOIELELIe by all Druggists. JyallOwly a. m., Bx VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood N. R. COR.keLtiall & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. WIF-CUTE.aII kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctr.ess. and diapatch. Original ueolgtilffurtusheu for Fine BOokillasteations,' Versons 'stalling cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views. of Corteges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &a., engraved unwell on per sonal applkation. - . Faney Envelopes; Labels, Bill Headings; Show Bills, Visiting, Itostnew-alid. other -Cards _ongraved An - the i hghest. stYle of art,and attn. loweat prism — ; - For specimenof Ifni)- eirgiavaii - eAtiimiaptiatid works of J. B. Lippincott & Butler &Co. ociavird TM. DOQ J. &CO Penttektivania a adtgrapk, Itiantsbav ?viltatociti January 23. 1961 ilieY"wq. LEMEDY TO TIIE PriBLIC CAUTiON. To mkt iffiyeiftNxi K win be to see that DR. jA3iEf3 It. CIIILTON'B 3Mr STEEJ CARPENTER AND JuBBEA MASER. WALNUT eIIIFD FROM SIKEET3. CBDING of all kinds dope at short UP moms. in Sold style, and on reasonable terms. 'FOUR GOVERNMENT." 4riVIE unity of Government, which con stitntes you one pact*, is noww - dear to yon.”— Viishi•pi);ltaret Zareweii Addrets.' A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a protest' understanding ef our civil.,imititnttoms that, elan induce strong did settldd . attachment to their Prirciples, and Impart ability for their maintenance. "QUR GUvESNM An explanatory statement of the systisit of GoVerriMent of the Muntry," cOntainS the text of the C,onetitntton of the United States, and the Con stitutionat payable= of the several .States, with their meaning; and constroctieS as determined by Judicial au thor% y, and - predWall. RBI/ Inactive,_or ' derived from standard writers digested andarrasged far popular use Price - $l.OO. gold WiatttiET ORIfiNGEB LAND LEMONS. - FORTY BOMMICii order jrist (wired and for sail by WM. DOCK JR. &CO TEE OF 41 Ito.ftdeskey 12.1 AME agt fe sqoprirsiseep. eke make en rl' 0.! viler bespeven, as4l Mber a vide Illi- VXFAITZ/B etlllll 110 IWO vont Cselmdke.„ erten Sa fr-4 , e, ''reed mbeenflin .essr eke treed,' le 1 4 g rA r 14, 4 ,9e4 54 vyttia-zOtt 6u eitaliclutai vileb *ad great lieelbelhe reinetty, bet it w2lll men be wee la note pertre9 irzy, tze3 itte arel4 Cepleeresm@lJ because 04712/3592 446 l ken,' a 2 3e es.. tunny exam stow die ,e,ut.ite ',Ace arornt ben , been ware sway t 47 =ea tam 'mutton eent3 glee' vete '..netnre anl.4 to tine mazer Eli '4A 7 ffi 'esedsuelbe Skis InEermonk, Itur-1 1 slowed artotlie kapodieraftie kiled tai tc.. Laub, "taaa Iva beoe law of an , e2,6kcitser , .00,s it 'lre , * L3 *e. "HeswatAaslVA anis tek, InuA "e gal* m•e , a Coligaz tftl , Neva 'pm tae %ow zsim4 SAW Ks grtseic that 1 'away reargraWssd sen 'WE:saucers t the favorite figs by stem= swot, ; stakes esters any doriageo visterer from the alarm: rd slate of the braise, moil *leered in ibe hob* it tiny bet kosse oa rose eatignardtadeaded soprerrodce of diSesee al .on sedate Odierinit . igetpt Whetting, Who late tr. be ; cassettes; seed its Wes' sires thong sever be seglected. llsorkshos rosy to raw-Abut under two wants, viz ' itytoptottaWntantiggirthiC hyadoessteater, lloArlaste smteediney cosmos, north the precureer Massed va riety of &hearer, mess which are Ayorierry, host, Yhenastersa awl alt febrile deems. eta tertarer torte iv_ ik syseparbals diregge of ibe Otiose Ch rors.l uses* risk heidacke, of Wane' he dress, <f sonar, nftelips and (Aber dear -4404 of the bones, as well es rash end usebre airesol. sew hie/ease of the heart are very treparatly vistoct- ; pfd with Herded ...es ; Aluirmikt and plethora kit , at„.,, adr,„r tors -old-h trognerilly szetion Midst:he. hilegashic -nerds }:e is ba Tik-17 tocemoon, being ravay rrirbed by thene of nervous kaldadef, arstaros morS on anoldly la slatted repperesdly mates heallth oral yroaraling tiergo the mental and physical erereW. end in deer iteitancol it mates On slowly, be raided by thdde of opines or acerbity of temper. In most is s',,srAs it comes es wisely, heralded by deteceohn of spirit:: or acerbity of trooper. In meat insances der pan Ia is the front of the head, over one or bolt eye; and ootneterees peovoting vomiting; under this class clay also be towed Kettraloa. Far the treatment of either clam of lissosche the Co biaik:lll3a here been found s sure and tale remedy, re- Smog the mend sanepause in a fee nibmter, and by Ito subtle poser g the dissent of which Bead ethe is the unerring inder.. numsr..--Mweats wants yon to smd ter a bon of Ce pbstie Glee, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—bat Pm th irking that's not hat It minter; but perhaps yen be siker knowing what it Is. 'Ye me she's nigh dead and pee wltn tbe reek Headache, and wants some more of Mat tame as rehired her before. Dm,21,0,--"You mast mean Spayon've lding , " t'`- 11 , PM& Itridgd,—Oet I we now and and It, hae's the nnarter and ale me the FUM and dea'L be all day about it /Inbar. Constiriation or Costiveness. NO one of the "many ids dealt is heir VP Is iso preva lent, so little understood, and no antettnallected as Cos tiveness. Often origlrating in carelessness, cr peden targ habits; it is regarded as &slight disorder Of two tittle consequence to excite anxiety, while In reality It is the precureor and companion of many of many of the moat fatal and dangerous discuses, and unless early eradica ted it will bring the sufferer to an tmtimely grave,— Anion the lighter evils of which costiveness la *costal attendant are Headache, Colic, Ebetenatism, Font Drente, Pike and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diaitasea inch as Mali gnant Fevers, Al:tresses, Dysentery, Massimo.. DMIP•PsY, APoPle_7 . , )3_ PileiwY, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypoebondriasis, ft , tiy and Insanity, indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not narequently the diseases named originate in Constipation, but take an an inde pendent existence nnleas the cause Is eradicated In an only stage. From all these considerations it Willows that the disorder shield receive immediate attention when ever It occurs, and no venial should neglect to get a box of Cephalic rin3 on the drat appearanceot the complaint, as their timely use will expel the insidiums approach o disease and destiny this dangerous fie to human life. Physidan.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that bee dace* I iones.—Gone I Doctor, ell gone! the pill gamma enroll ma in Jake twenty ininntes—andi wish you would send more so that I can have them bandy. Phrysictan.—Yon can get them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic Me, I find they never fall, and I mom mend them In all cases of Headache. Airs Jones.—l shall send for a box directly, and stud! tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real blessing. Twasrr Shusins 07. DOLLARS SAVIED.—Mr. Spading has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Gine and it IS estimated that nachbottle =moat haunt& dolinis worth of broken furniture thug making an aggre• grogatecf twenty Millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable Invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now proposes to , do the world MI( greater service by coring all the aching 'heads with his Cephalic Pills, and it they are as good as his Gine, Head aches will soon vanish away like =OW in July. sgrOVER Excinnnurr, and the mental care and anxie ty Incident to close attention to boldness or study, are among the numerous MOOS ofFervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this dis treating complaint IS a fatal blow Mall energy and bitten. Sufferers by this disorder eon always obtain speedy relief from these distrediing.attaCks by using one of the Ce, halts Pills whenever the symptoms appear,;— It quirts the overtasked brain, and soothes the strained and Jarring nerves, and colonel/ the tendon of the sta mach which always accompanies and aggravates the die ordered condition of the brain. nor Worm Ksowisa..—Spaiding's Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, Billions Headache, Nervous fkadache, Costiveness and eideret:l tL_ _istem of vaccination from Small Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevere r either of which is a cure specific, whose benefits • will be experi enced by riffering humanity long after their discoverers are forgotten. :nays ie - cured by ia-DID you ever have the Sick Headache? Do you re member tue throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally unlit you were for pleasure, conversation or study. One orate Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from all the suderirg which you then experienced. For this end other purposes you should always have abox of them on hand to use as occasion requires. Va le .11 4 6isiV' 'CU RE ciAeasiNTS cuRE NeriousHeadache CURE sg, 44 4-3tiftks' •Ileadaeb_e. By the use of thesepil tbelperiodio attacks of-liir 7 nova Cr Sick Headache may' be prevented; and if takenit. the commencement of an attack immediate relief fro pain and sickness may be obtained. They seldom fail inremartng theNaurea and JEficalache to which females are so subject. They act gentlyspon the bowelsremoving asstirottessi For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female; and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Least. Live, improving the appetite, giving fans and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system The CEPHALIC PULE are the result of long iliv,esg; gallon and carefolly conducted experiments,' having been: in use in many years, during which,time they)nive pre: vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and saffralug from Headache, whether -originating m the groom ay& tern or from a deranged state of the Womack: • They are entirely vegetablein their composithotoojit, may be taken at all times with perfect safetyWithaut making anrchange of diet, and the absexceiit any Arse grauble tastesenders dt to yio administer am to children. The genuine have five eignatirei of Henry C. Szialippg Sold by Druggists Arid Alt other Dealers in Medicines. A Bon will beTeenftiiinsifipielmai 6nreollipt of the PRii:Jll26 - Ali 01411111,1k3UM'ItelOdtlipEted noylb-dawly filisidlonfons, There'll , a irivAr. 'ardly Realized. A Real Blessing, discoveries cO BEWARE OF 00 HENBY 0. SPALIOIO‘,_ 48 4 Codor plow York. ftlisallantatts. BOERHAVE'S BOLLAID BITTERS. 711 Z CELEBMAITD Ef - ,1 1 -A.ND REMMDY TOR BYSFEPSTA, insEISI: OF TEE KID! S, LIVER COMPLAINT', ; NITEA=CE: ; ':S. I : OF ANY KM), ' FEVER AND AGUE. Litt the. sae. A .4a, %mat tie ,nr•demd STOMACik OR A I VER., both ea Irdireztsr, fa c Fmaxteis, Hithrteeeta,L . --r Dos knew to Med beg tr.,ail erroos„ Hterean.- . , Ard lIGMen:PiZE isistanco prese...4 bgbly d Ite!EetriCtelli dicke4 erne ie a perety Team Ile err vita& trerered us strkily ktietAilt sebtelpfe., ate r et the fob brand EV atd Frotive-. F-thibate. 7+t rev:natl. - a at tome prate=d lettodtentri bereobe d OM bench* leitkrbdetif the rather lard entered bseeetbe face of elan* hey ctectry,inaty, Of ^4l:oll.l,roeszbt a Sib them and banded dawn tart trecknou a its raite. It is I now orered le the Awe can 11. 1 4% , Lanricv that is ntr'y azterdealiil medicinal e:etria wean % ad.-acaiterlped. It 33 particebirly recount ended to thensegmooos to - bassi comairmanas may hare men impaked (=C&EISIOW um of ardent gain , . or Mier forme of s'azipatkin. Gee. crap I:...etabaterci in *llea. it gods nz nay directly to the seat or life, trintlbs or-4 'lntl-kerne orrery name, robing up the dritispirg girit, and; in feet, it-Wow new health and elientatbe a¢lgtm . OTZT..—'n beeves =teas to gad ttlo a leverage wilt be dkapi tdrUtd; bet to the rick, weak and kiwegerited It will prove a grateful aromatic eindial, peawassed of, of singular reined's] prep Ale-. 'HEAD CAREFULLY ! The Genuine bier/ ooncettnited Pterbortga Holland Bitters is pot phileaf-viol ottlis cagy. and retailed at Chia Dots 411. 'et bathe, or ea bolt's for Fit rcuAss.: The treat demand for fhb truly celebrated Medicine hes induced maov imitatimm, la:4i the euthlie thcatW guard agahnt purchasing. .11ill'Heware of Imposition. See that our name bon the. label of every bottle i on buy. " Sold by Druggists generally. it con be !rewarded Express to to mast. paints. . . BOLE PIIORRIETOUS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JE. & CO., = Pharmaceitizituana - Chtin PI'ITS - BITEG PA. Tor sale In the city of Harriaburg "by D. W. Skim & '• eeptl-dawly SPECIALLY designed. for the use of the F Medical Free:trim aisd the Family; biiring super ',reed. the' so-called. '"Aromatte," "Cordial," Medicated," "hchnapps," ete.,,is now- eindorsed 1:07 all Of the prominent physician,cbeini&Mand'connoimeurs, ae posseasing all of, tbosonuizatio ir.ed&iimalqrudiliek (tonic and ofilretio) vadat belting to an mit and ..soni [fin.. Pm up in: quart: totiles eni•sold by all'dmegtrui grocers, etc. A. 3i, grimicoEß.,* (Established In 11719 ' Eole Proprietors. ' , • 19 Broad Elreet,.N. Y. - For sale lb tianiabitz by C. A. Eannvarl and John H. For sale by W. & Emitb,—Freacb, Itioherde & Co., and all of ( be Proininent bolesale Druggists PbUidelphia. . sepEllitradm ' use and Female Phystateek e attention of mothers h r SOOTHING S f,1113-P.9 For Children Tee MIMIC', Which greatlyfatilitates the process of teeth* , livittft enhig Did gum 4,redueing all intlaratuatieti-.4.WillidlarEA PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE. - . Depend upou it, mothers, it will give 'keel to yours=elves AND, RELIErAND HEALTH TO YOUR - INFANTS. We have =put up aud, sold this article for over sea years, and Qui say, is cossinases . ASTI TROTH, what we ,have never been able to say of any other medicine . Nam ~HAS IT FAILED, IN A SLNGLE INSTANCE TO. EFTECT . A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used -it. On the contrary, .all are delighted with its opera tions, and speak in terms of highest commendation .of its magical effects and, medical virtues. We speak 1.11 this matter "Wl= Pi 3 DO. snow, atter ten Fears' exPlk rtence, BBD PLED°, One litinTBTiON,D97l PUT4IIMIINT OP was= lte .8.4218 almostevery instance where the halal:Ala auff.er , hig from *nand exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty , minutes after the syrup is administered. - This valuable -- pre_ paration - is-the preacripton -of- one el ,tite:m.ost'EXPEßlFlNM;and MattSgEW, England,NeeEngland, and. has Seen used with...taws 1/8143118, I works in 'THOUSANDS OF CAM. It not only relieves the child from .pain; Mit :IM/lIV. orates the stomach and •bowels, corrects acidity Ihd ghee tone mad energy the whole sygtam Ik al most instantly relieve - - - GRIPING. IN :ITER BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if nut speedily reme died, end in death. We hellevw lathe:nen -man ann li =se,.. - frWitttrZe% l4: 7 4 2l/71114 teething or.frAm o any. -.other Wp wu.uli isay to every motherfirnts aukbningitrowt any of the foregnlPA.O o WßlPrinta - 7W not Lr , (7OWC - f9W-Kancws44 , o4 Isß y wc ruicip4 oi_ctigps, 4 stand' between you area Yoar Battering childitOd the of that Villler MM..; .yes. AB- . day,WELY INIREtki - folloW the like , of find i e, . ithhelY:ttee#. .troll directions for , Wand ,eA:ese 3r each bottle = None -4giie ithe 'ref o nus & pdItICINS,New 'York, is a thebutside gold by Druggists -• throughout the world.d. Trh - atr EMI 9 - r • Pi eve ig2s Bottle -: ,as-For !Webs. tfarrisburw hy D. W. Woes *Dor, - No issikOrbOt : street., litert# ralti;l4i.„22Matket streed, K. Keller. No:: 011 )(V)* iCt*Ntillo7 F o urth , and W. revimittAaAet,4ll4 - , 1149.9 • ITE*- FIRM• - -NEW-GOU NEW PRICES TELE SUBSCRIBE ;:havang,:enceeeded tome'wHOLFBAL&AND =TAIL - GROCERY KEEN of Kenn. G80:33 & KUNK&Iiiiit , 'W&LNOT NIINNEr - WHAltr,: wouhit , reaPepirldrY•rdlori tope c atess of mereothiix ''sfiff vidbutvibkce thi7 - lire pared to offer for est . ffal,juge',and .. - 6 0 „-td e te asstatm = Groceries, - San; 711opasi . - - 010enswari, Pain ATIA - 7/1;11, 00 - ,; 7 4f-lbr ' ll ant._ 'orcaiwn ALI* end Now Yorif i ,, , Wkwaar been selectedwith much narydoownewai to lE4bL zi er% , . NOW* niNlNNNlktiioolva,ataltvia NOT BE um2Ea 8 o FarsAlosaitug as 11, 0ag2 52 " 'flu" gnat 1 he wins. 1 THE SANFORD'S ONLY DISCOYERYiLivER INV/G°RAT°R LP V .tc UgbiLIIATES WORTHY OF ANT CONFIDENCE FOR ui I ig Ofkl:POWitded.waowitieliffiY s ik a...i.l ollll Gums, lA . aid hoe browse ea , boy_ .[.... „....._ RESTORING - , ~,..,..,, ../...-2. wad apprentil A ; „by _Uf thild - . end ~. ger. . et.; U eau Punned leith ' wen e• 1.... i 3 O„y THE BALD , ,„,r a lam mot! ftirwarnifeie ;Mario the icen two yew, ANT, since the . 3 . - Pint d i im _ __,, Tel,: •". . e t,a toed item sip Milbeime,‘ 0 refiet, sa the wenteram 2'1 4 - 'Cod , bare aflaciPlo. out 0 . 1 1 to wa tate -,.,5-Alecta carialimder is • 4 4 slay geateasse sees. kin ranter -4 o' n. ben Wren to barna rgi moo nktE, ree awe eye leeway-A We to the tee 3. , act wadi pain* remit& Mennen ; Mit dal halm all t its, tutrinei Wang it et mei Oa wet T.:iz:.trie i. , come and gme, hong carried away by the wwwierra i in= a--eatiptsuly as Ike I n ii ,.. , , w cr,tl ets. y - E,.. roadbed IPret: Woodlopniumentonalbme beim forced : Lee me denser it pidg f - ad e - .... .:, to Imre *befell ern m Kira in lota stay. ficsaWse Saw - 1- e .el ne I filEft ruiloil ILIITOft. sue * ere ~,,,,. mg .:—, r:tarireerriuna, littuninPs ../ancier_ terersaaa.,_- :3 t_. - Being 3 1161 • 9 4 AT° Blllll 4 lEa.• : VC ' ill-Z=94 . ":91090;911- --rr-arn; Ice-awmiz 7 - more. POE. 0 ... £ WALD A ORZ--Geleht :-111m kmer I area sit item aniamen, •-,..:14 ..._. a" tin G 7 tai. CIA -ALT, yea he Jilie asta6ersis" gin= satiable Haw fetteratrm, i ,z, puma'. c ax im . 5 2 ,,,,, Trik w.„..„.„ : ~ ~.. 911,1 wkidi low Imarepoblithadbr Wedgy seadekewbEre, i s . „_•,, , [2.. E i m ," wt. „,_ . ~,,,,, mi., Tar *.+, tae OP a t k , to IsweactcW MOM , heitalg tan tat" 1 zi- - aamaloby moo fmares- . 44 we TAW ihre.ma :-; II ite We. The eforblien Wei 'Min iii a loci - 01 ' 1 .3' i a:-.JczcrfK RSA iiritHi re gni theoreete mi u'? tuba 'now and sane as elated to the rammastedet a ; i c ,. Tim m- 1 i t ~., . a .., r a ",.....Ai4 A .., ~,......„3 „ . aeracei it & tree eat tie rein imeasined; third, atm WY .;. sus a careaseet ailio nine& haw skim ant meta be ht mei oniermad of statatiti 1 , [1 ,,, will r3e....- - ..,33 ,Q-1 , 44 ;gm lbew ~,,,,,„ [..„. .. 3 99499 If io sit I can and &a mower ireratialidf. By bale h . „- = ,. . . it area btm than hi Illy i 2019 10 my He for dai years : ;Irina Water in the input& moth ter: 19 rows, mare Salk th rifty, and better mimed; th e sumo is i , _ ___....,_, aaaamaar.aaaak „ pm., use as my whiekers, sad :lie only elan obyit to MX a " 11°..... " .. ''''''''' , ak. - 4. - -. ... , •33 welts MI sores viteragy tree, it grat be fentmee is imbed cif by ! —AL ett— freemen abbalas of fete, Men if care were rated bpi Ming the ism, in ckee arasecsha wish the 9910991te/T, : sAN"FORJEYS. the same with will Mine re the Mir. I barn in the teeldic of a gnat member ef kerne bon ail ;rata of a FAMILY New r':egti2u4 a'klimg me 4rIRY bak all"6"11 " b i i GATHAR'IIC PILL goad ; esthete I 3 'SO Mach nand in Um tesetafecurre a .V. _ BAB A l 9 . 93r19919. 1909091911*9 RI well as this, it lies, IDs $ deal* been daddy iniate and been Laid, nom ce..l CI - PLith - tilli" Fili'll arithitst say goes effect, bor d n anniste tej[liiry. I hire eillE VEGETABLE ENTRACTE, AN t; 1 , 1: net lased am' of 3 our Bereanitre of say &moan for MOO PP IN GLASS CAMS. AIR TIGHT. 3N nroathe, sod gnaw Ms is as good es ever, and Mut. , WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE nedsio hue ettetioni k. -Malt intimate, as I am arm gi : , Me Faig.LY CaTnia.-: "MC HU e e pioc.e 1 jeers old tad Dina pay bairin my bud or eau y . face.; [ - tars 09tnainir 19990: WOW' aed to prose th is get, "Deed rata kat or soy hair 115.911 , l ' - - a ' elm 3334 c '''' t ' 3 "' . afi the pass wait. 1 received your tar or a toe quart I 1.33. " 3 13 " e ' bap 3 e ari ' rb e eam tway born* i ,„. ant ihimuarfnan insitiate tanks be siunarm, for chick I run Teri gratefal. I'a. so , rl ,„ rii. ,,," 5... a th e ~..,,, .... glee it lo my Means aid thereby named them to en t" -- --. — - --.-. "“-- ''''''' " Jr ' as emmrd 1942,1 9919 E 4-.. tee-q, a. many were skeptired wail after trial, and Men par- ''''' - -7T - T` a .,_ ........._. . ......... ........ ~.., _ lor iia.e.s sad used it with. artfrertel 501:0083. Dial a 119.95 t`:,... 11 ".,,..,,"`" " ... " - ,..,....._ . '`A1e '''''.. '''' A '' a • dicer G a terror, that yonseng rtes test by crutch I can diecuter ! ''`•_;,.._"-- -- --. ' ' 4° " l-1133 " 23 t et beinelb. freed in the besteratire, said by anny„ I. fear, Mille= i . 7 ,,,_=: x 1 3 ,r" 6 ,,,,,. 4 autborgy fres you. A. pares:brie Mil iniere secoms. ''''' ' " "—`-- MOLL tee, is - , on i -1- awe i towwo Isiteregood eireelkolo mot the weites- I ;,'L eme r ,,,,..„, 133 et '. ~,,,,,,...- _ well „,,, , - Intab bibed „,„......... )„ 6.31, y ..., '" 2 """ - "'' it ante by the 191191711 Alta' P., Willa mum the tired- $ —.,,---...-„,,,„'—',..,..„ - . -- _,,......,,, - ,,Z --- ..e___ --, cc of theme& 11•99111111 my defy as heeetnsae, te keep ! ''''' —' ""-- - r - --- --= . 0, i0n ,,,, ; ,,,, d a 1b ..., , Lkmd. dff,x, army kik . , . [Lia _ 1 teit, acd to and all emelt where a Mb ' awe Ai who emaire of me if my unshaken %inn tall , Meseta. is seeded, bobt. vs , id Derdwiamesta ir . Sauna he erasable Feint . I rennin, dear sir, mum 1 .[V-•=Sa l et s, -J 3 Vr." is 'NI - Rotbellid Least , fnewer- A 4. C. RA y mosi). rein inn amass car Lie pil „Ts., ifroJeth. , is- sedpit in the beat [...j.t 01f Diseases. • Anne RON, Ky., Nor. 30, pm. raw ea Manes er Zierearths a pen Prot: O. J. Wood: 'Dear Rr.-1 would certakftlie doing ! Patter of th e Blood, a[Td - meg dinner as tie& you a gust iajtmace nit to make knobs he the acrid ; fesh ir bar. lan 1991151949 bi ttif49 # 1-9,r. the wonieriol, as well at the unexpected result I hire' useesees 11cm. 1 to & 0 experienced float ming one bottireefyiewlisir liesibeirn I PRICE _4O CENT& ' we ' " I ' using every kin" Onninnalenintkun, bat-1 fah LAMS 111MOOMMIDit AID Fam at o earlLta without aridlindiiig op head nearly &Mits of Mir, I wee ' hunted -to try a Ulla of year Bair / I .` 111: " 8 , „ are retai,.. jedin`Th l 4o l "AentranYesne gestoratire. Wow, media mud juatice enamel me to an - eat wuneaste I e the Tiede In all the Isz-v -, i Mime to whoesor may lead" iLib,, that ! .... weans a ttramE. new and beautiful growth of 149 r, Wide& I prom:mace !titer and bandermer than the original was. I wig therefore take mins ion to recommend this invaluable 1 remedy to all who may Seel the necatil.'y of i t inalactfultyymis, - .• Inf. g. ELLEN MOUE. P. B.—lta,laeamoyiet of my approbation for pater , valuable medicine (as *Mare *ware an nimogined : I but if Sonthink it worthy & placenneog the r. st, insert [ If you wish, if not destroy and my nothing. [ • fonts,. fee., • • . gee. ii. A. & Der *l4 Broadway, and sindby all dealers thringte The-Remamstrale pet npla lweliesof, throe sizes, viz huge, - medktm &adamant; the small bolds % a per, oral rebels for one dolki per little; the medium bokts su least twenty per cent. =melt' proptaticatbaut thermal), and'Mans for two doll anipm; bottle ; th e Lazne holds a genii, re per imit. - Extre tatroportme, and retails for 53 0. J, WOOD & CO., 444 Broadway, New Tack, end 114 Market street ls, Mo. -And.Rold lor. - !II ; - d DraagWs and Fancy Gonda bedlam. , dem-Aswan) J,tri)s4aki's Mountain_ He±b Pills. • sons Mountain Herb rum," has spent the greater purt'of his Wein traieiimg, having vbited Dearly every country in the world He spent over six yams anion Vicky Iftimitains and of Mexico, and limas thus that theigtetnettor aim Plus. were dissevered. A very interesting leeward of hisadventares there, you will find in-oar Almanac add Pamphlet. Itis established fact, that all. wise. from IMPURE Imcmins - The blood is the life I and_when any foreign or un healthy matter gets mliedirifft it, It Is once distrbuted to twerp omen itf:Hw body. Hvery nerve feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach wiltitot digest=lbe food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a suleseency of bile.. The action of the heart is Weakened; and ignite circulation ht feeble. The lugs be coma clogged with thepoisonous matter ; • hence a cough —and ancient a alightimparity of the fountain-head of Iffetiold i As if you had throin tome earth, for Instance, In a I, , , , E o SPlingrikent which lout a liar ntulet lit if few Minntei the wnole course of the stream be, cOnnfitaishittied and dieccdoredi AelPticidY dew =Pare blood fly mar"On,A. ve ifs sting behind. All the paitsagai become 3baf and unless UM obstruc tion is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out. These pills not only.purry the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body,; they are, therefore, unrivalled ask mut FOAL BILIOUS igszikspAs 1 %61.4 elsialrabriidb D cod the bidden seeds toe. ease,.a....fend .ca alt9itii,de wellecrettnie pare and fluent,eleating and resift ifidingthe Vitercmgatis. - Pleasaidandeedfli ittoWs, that -we are able to place within - your -mash, a medicine lik* the ‘,lllmiserani was ; Imis,llthatmillpasedireetry if, the:dieted partsothough the 'AMA and fl u ids of the tali, and Cause the sufferer to hi-teach` with the ittediVE beards, and :health. !CI hastnes Atte4k.A Rest Remedy in exist - . • -enee for the following Cendaints: Deitty, Inward Idte akner3o' Conkirs, rever4nd Ague, Liver Complaiiita Colds, . Yeirpder,ftoroplaints,Lorruoss ofDpDits, Obost,iNstrq, ir - - - Costiveness, - Didtg*lon, stone and GrO+ol. IVirtrePoiri, . 4 %birodsay tlyirp• Diarrheea, - . . tome. Droptry, , . • I .ll ` -•- • • 70REAT FEMALE MEDICINE I Females who vats° tuuslgi„ should never be without Aimee king Thiirtnitifitlie :blood, remove obstructions of ell kindsiodet . melba skinbf sll pimplesand blotches, anti .brinctheiricireoler or health to the pale cheek. . tap ytitglanie apt . Eerie!' i cor which these Pills;are made; Were illsebtered in'it'i , ery surprising way among the-Testectink r a - aribeet Aborigines in 'Mexico. Getthe Aboanao oLoor•Agerit, eistyota.will resd.with delight, . • theverff intereethi, g- account it contains or the- "Gash mimosii )- or Aziook - - , _ Observe.—The Ventsfn Herb Pills are put up In a ißeautilal Wrapper. Ettektioasentains 40 pills, and Re 'tail at, 25 cents per box. alkgennine, have the signature B.I.:itinSOIL & eskeach box. , . .L. SEIDSONA CO„ SI'S lel ' it) p 1.132t0 g6O tootagil 4 Street, • NEW roßr. exabove. .....feblo4l:94llr. . ---•- • T :ASSIGN - MS!' 'NOTICE; XaINIGE lir hereby giveluthat Zehit.Wal nwnEnnit et ~ D aophincpunty, tadgivat Sisigned - and transferre d twAbe lindereigeir property in trustier the ben°. gtprveirreredttors.,Alkpinsonsiberefore haring claims tgiVnic'Ettietiipad Joh n Walleirer sail John Wadoweir;4i.:. tr ei f i l fgiA o fJobti , V... 6l 44MATiag , Oou s or nidolit eitbOr of tHem, wilt - present them tp the tOdnitlgned, arid"tbode indeligid will bnikelitnneeffispaytnent iv CHAS NE* . 41, *11, : - Iteeidfeuee orrrionorg Po. Tisistiffeitary , on edam of Biota 11:47WEiniey, : :late. vt . qLe thy. Ar,Mnrial4urg, decosee. d t .bevebeenexelkted by . the EetW:ei iiinentitothiiuldiritigned-i - - • - - "- -'TA VOW& A9 l kg lerebY a killitOF4huieb ed T o t h e istg i i aeoloctent to *ls paymebt sa eaNyzieltpe4htsbie: - ;..E.itheite!4essittig , hsthse Atr de medenalststAhe stusu isapixteettA thew withmt dplay Ably eithetita .ateti,rtk Themii.b.,ximih m a, 16i ,see thaieutow gusts .• • ~ pws. 11,1860 ,-401ste41, Executrix L .=O&N 3W for zwiraFtolma Begley'l9_ turrihfivc=suaamtmrorszicAwelD-tr34Ms omotea o A Lhe h BS, 5 at .a4.,1Q2 ki 144"N0---- zsialaGEON MO: 0 — 7 g f r NigiUSIMMIOD bardiii* saarn-ixfr s tiqqa 1.4 - fr r zy4l . 7. • .4CIO - rq r t..:AszoanT t. S. T. W. SANFORD, D., Mannfactater and Propriercl 335 Broadway, New York ITDOLPHO WOLFE'S ALE,LICIMIE SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPB A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC INVIGORATING CORDIAL To..the Citizens of New knew and Pennsylvania. Apothree.ries, Druggists, ersiotes,-.1 Private Paintßes. AV are - rf iiFiet t filke isd r • .....-- Welfes Pare Diaderfa, Sherry P art Wine. . „ Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St.,CeolxPeena Woltwe vat e Scotch and "Asti wilesky. ALL IN Bovrtacs. I beg leave to call the attention or the Mate= of the United States to the above Weal:and Iliniess, imported by Udoloho Wolfe, of New York, whore name Is fami liar in every part of this country for Me purity; of his celebrated SCHRIDAI Soshareti.-- Mr. Wolfe, frXhis leiter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wmzs and Ixecoss, says : ni3 stake my reputation as a mar, my-stand mg es a merchant of thirty yeas! relfdenceln.thetary of New York, that all the Racine and Wraps which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the bent erlalitY, and can be relied upon by every purchaser:" Bliery bottle has the proprirtor's name on the wax, and a [RC simile of his signature on the cePtilleAte. The pub3c are te am-Wally invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers In Philadelphia. GBORGB M. ASHTON, No. 832 liarkt. r t Philadrlohis. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Con ter : Iwortmons Bettemiss FOR Ors New Wine abinumF.— We are happy to inform our Lel ow chtunis thattnere is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pare Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quanty: We do not tweed to give an daborate description of this 'a extensive business, although it will well re pAg or citizen to visit ilrilphji Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. c9.an :V. Beaver street, and Nos. 17. 39 and 11 , Mar- etdeld street His stock of Salmapps on hand ready for ailment Wald not bare been less than thirty thousand eases,• the Brandy, some ten thousand eases—Vintages of 1846 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wise, Scotch and Irish Kleaky, Jamaica. and St. Croix Rain, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three largo cellars, Sled with Brandy, Wine, In, in casks, under Custom House key, ready for bottling. Mr. olf.'s sales of biebeapps last. year amounted to one hciudr..d and eighty thoiwand dozen, and _we hope in ICES than two years he may be equally successful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every:lover Mills species. Private families who %lab pure Wines and ',ignore for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land more up their mitida to discard the poisonocs stuff from their shelves, and: replace It 'with WolfrOs pure Worm and LIQUORS. We understand Mr. Wolfe, far the accommodation of small dealers in the country,: puts up assorted ewes of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, eheirai be sustained: against kils tens of thousands Of op ponents in the United aatus, who aril nothing but Rau: tions, ruinous alike to health arid human happinel6. sepflomfirra . . C. K..lleller , 91 Market street, sole agent for this Vl _ "LT ELM/301 , IPS GENUINE PR EPA R ATION 11 Cares Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affection LI NLNBOLD'S. tienuioe rreparatiou for Nervous and 11. Debiltutted Suffe ers. ij 111.11,130LD'S.ticu woo rroparatiou oar Loos IA Power, of Memory. AELMBOIAYS Genuine Preparation- for Difficulty ° • Breathing, Geno_ral Weakness. -Ft POLD , S Geanina Prepatatunt" for weak. Nell °, H 'll-rror of Death. TrenAliog. -11.1shibut.u'. 4.tatum e Preputation for %en tiosts, 11- Cold Feet Dinrness or ion. . ki&IMIUPS- 44rmiue Prepariio.loa for Dalguor, venral Lawitudii ort* System.. StAilitsLti'd Genuum litopinstant, for ilathi Cowate ir Pang° and Sruplona. • L irf'OLD'o tienwrie Yreparallon for 'am in th. Boct, - Headtelti, Bickaooriob. AfgrEoe tui oortioexaeot headed Intuuttalo w giirltACT BUCEIU In another columiL • _ .OTIE, - HARRIBBURG. BRIDGE - COMPAY'I • Pteeident and Directors of th e Bar tiabliritMeeCompany have this day declared 4MA/0W of ChNTS4.erchere oo the capitll rt of stittrConititiCy;(elY nu= Pre col.) for th e h " year ; andthave directed the slime to be paid, at this DE Hee, io.thrstockholcters or their legal repteoritative s ter the 17th. J. WALLACF, . Treasurer . rfleiiiiteelrib eo, J en. ,1861. lar 9 "v31 Thaisid:Veglitine Gardenifor Rent FUG - Tlber • era law rent grf " • Ts - I,3nt*er of tbe town of Coltontdai Lancaster co9e , t c f: .„ cOntairta two *Cies of.lhat ;quality of land, 011 vrh ;: ar. " now growing tat good nonunion, 150 Pe. di, A PP / e V Quince, ./,'lcetanne and Merry trees ; 21 Br- Pr .scion /.000 CcirtillAy cooe4-bemr. iwpberrY, `,7ttela Vat:abut,. btteltr e; As"parakoE bed with ru n ' b, 2,ooo.indwlts, Wad gttewberry bed ebb I.xo P 'er roftenten WA be evenirninediatety. If rot rected inn Of Ilibreary, a gardener will be wanted. SAMUEL SUL , . - NEW ~ LOT OF *lb w yit Rams laid aids. 11 04 LAD D f amw r pmozw . B " .lLlurm i l t i ter n 44 2: tit , w Va ievies irELDT , AGtinnevs G uct ß o Ati t. ; 4 4161 r eCATOo l litrat • 'MU? BOOSELORE, - ' ux ar ket sue =M EfigiEl AND cs j.;.a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers