pail v it 4 R Ft ;S111311(1 Wednesday Afternoon, January 23,.16•61. VENISON IN MAUSET.- Wt noticed ft supply of venison in market this morning, which Fold at tea cents a pound The wonder is that more of :this ,kind of meat does not find its way to our city. =l= DEPUTY ATTORNEY GI hAL.- We neglected to announce, at the proper time, the appoint meat of B. F. Etter, Esq., of this city, to the position of Deputy Attorney General under the new Administration. Mr. Etter is well qualified for the post, and will make a faithful and of eient officer. lle has already entered upon his duties. LOCK HAVEN AND TYRONE RAILROAD.—IIIs road is again advertistd for sale on the 29th day of January 1.861, at the Merchant's Ex change, Philadelphia. On the 27th of last No vow her it was sold for the sum of 855,000, Mr. Samuel Brady, the former contractor, being the purchaser. This gentleman failing to comply with the requisitiCia of the sale, it has again been opened for Sale. =3l Ssratox xo YOIING MEN.—Rev. Dr. 'Robinson, of Brooklyn, who has been laboring nightly in the Locust Street M. thedist Chula', for eight or ten days past, will this evening deliver a discourse on "the three eopreseutative tempta tions of young men " Thu young, as well as the old people, of one city, who wish to be pleasantly entertained and profitably instructed, should go and hear this eloquent stranger. imEzzi WESTERN ExonasxoNtsms.--The Chicago and Milwaukie Boards of Trade, now on their way east, reachel Pittsburg yesterday afternoon, and tarried in the smoky city until this after noon, when they left en route for Philadelphia. They will pass here in the 2.40 train to mor ,t','- xow morning, The Philadelphians are making 'extensive preparations for the entertainment of the western visitors, and will no doubt do the booms with the 'hospitality and liberality for which they are proverbial. OLsaasaous..—The oil fever prevails to a con eiL'erable extent in Johnstown. There are three organized companies, composed of citi ;,..sens of ,`hat place, now engaged in active ope tions in c 'he oil regions—two of which have • ruck oil in caying quantities, and the other , ct , o „ 8 , ..‘on as they get down deep igh. The Trilo”, from which we glean facts, says that a movement is now on among the citizens of Johnstown having j ew the s i nk i ng o f a within the limits that borough, for the purl, ‘486 of ascertain what is under them. - MEETING OF CONFERENOR. —The wv - t -- 6 Conference of the Methodist FfiseePel Leh will assemble at Chambersburg titit lat. part of next month, and remain in L'eeeleu at or ten days. A large number of .m -at least two hundred and forty—will fee ;tendanca. Deeming it advisable to make ly preparation for so large a number of 'men, the Methodists of that place have Ited a committee to see to what extent iodations can be procured. They have succeeded in securing lodging% for over Anndred. It is expected that the session be one of the most important held in the let for many. years. The district of which isburg forms a part belongs to the Phila ia Conference, which meets about the time. WAY TO GET WEALTHY.—Never WEE MO ) scarce, everybody says, andev? - .711r ,1 ”, lieve, is justified in making the remark.. miy b.) plentiful in bank, gold, may be int at Fraser River, but neither can be up along the streets by men too indo work, or women too expensive to study iy. They will now discern that— a very good world that we live in, and, or to spend, or to give in ; to beg, or to borrow, or to get a man's own, the very worst world that ever was known." proverb is an obi one, but just as ap- to our times as those of our ancestors. has not much credit in bank parlors, wealth is frequently less reliable,unless Anted by honest principle. The only to be depended upon these days is Indus 'tat is the best financial institution. It Abstemiousness and frugality are bankers. They show a handsome in and never dishonor a draft drawn on their humblest customers. MEET'S'S ry EAST HANOVER.-A meet citiz-ns of East Hanover township by common consent, on Saturday , Last,at Boyer's school house,to express ents of of the township in regard to - Ir. J. SEILER was called to the Chair, Christian Henry, Henry Rambnr, tger, A. H. Boyer, Rudolph Miller, ronathan Strohm and DanielUrich tidents ; and J. S. Vanderslice and trbrich as Secretaries... _The chair the meeting by giving his views ind patriotic speech, urging that in crisis all partisan feeling should be td the cobiiion sentiffindt "Mudd tstitution and.the Union." At the remarks a committee was appointed_ plow to be submitted to the being called uPoit; gout speech, rehearsing the ' by the South, and coun as ear Octilstitugon- The committee 4 after consid ', Eiddpted. trail be of imid of ion j ust so a. I deniand them. thenreported,,ara. ion, the following werb oat the Union. must ands,, I to that end we are in favor lonprable concessions consisten.. and among these the strict en the fugitive slave law and the 11 personal liberty bills in conflict itution. nit the question of slavery imtlist uld be finally and forever adjust law of Congress liable to a repeal :casion of exatetneat, but by an the Constitution i in which the degrees 30 mintites shalrbe the girth of whidh slaNfery shall not an - —r titsfiThitiffif Dap Itelegt44, tUtbikfib - W - arfirithiK - Iftuntatv 23 JUVENILE VAGRANTS AND THIEVES ARRE.STED.— Fot some time past, ,a, party of young vaga, hailing from Lancaster, have been prowling about the city, sleeping wherever they could find quarters, and stealing whenever a favora ble opportunity. occurred. The Chiefof. Police . made a descent upon ,the party to-day and oap tuled four of theM, who are now in thelaCk up. The bahince of the party will also be _ . pulledrrtnlesSAhelr leave tile city.' e•. 7. I=7EZI 00trfa . PROCEEDINGS. — The following cases have been disposed of since our last report-: Joseph Scott and Robert Parker, kied:pn two indictments for assault-and battery,Were acquit ted on the first and convicted on the second John A. Harris and Jcseph Scott, tried.for two same offence, were convicted.> A woman named Margaret Brett was arraigned on two indict ments for forgery, and convicted. The smile woman and her husband were found guilty of larceny, in stealing goods frdm the store of Urich & Cow perthwait. of this city. Henry Snyder was tried, for selling liquor to minors, and found guilty. TEE AGE onlitract.s.—There is an apparent mania among_ all our young men to become muscle men, and Sampson-Agonistes . is the shrine of worship now most popular. Spindle., shanks anti hollow-breasts are going Out of fashion, and fetiiiiiine delicacY is no lotager a matter of pride; while - to be Men in the cor poreal sense is more a study than formerly. Numerous young men are in training at the Walnut Street Gymnasium, and athletism is a frequent theme of conversation now. 'Strength —actual muscular brute 'foree—is a good thing when engineered by a cultivated heart and in tellect. A well developed body is invaluable to every one. It resists'disease, defies fa,tigue, infuses energy, and ensures comfort and safety. A strong meth is always good natured, becaus he knows and feel& confidence in ,his ability should he need to rely on it. We therefore encourage the youth ;of our city . to patronise the Gymnasium, "go in 'on their Muscle," and indulge in all kinds of :exercise calculated to promote health and develop and strengthen the physical system. I=l THE Boons QUESTION, which oc - curiied - so'ninth` of the time of the last Legislature, and was the cause of leaving certain, gentlemen out in; the cold" this winter,' who figured as member§ of the last House, is likely to loom up prominent ly the present session. Application is, to - be made for the incorporation of a- company -to construct a - boom at ~Thrsey 'ShOre; and Hui friends and enemies of 'the - . movement will ho, here in full force—the forraer marshaled by Bob Crane and the latter by John B. Beck—armed at all points with weighty arguments to convince members of the justice or injustice of the-mea sure. The "pressure" has already commenced; and a fierce ' fio - ht - among the .‘.'boetn-a-laddies" may be 'looked for 'shortly: Pitch in, gentle meer - - the -- panstur mous," andthe biggest;pile is bound to wul We shall take notes; And report progress from time to time, in ordertto keep , . the people di rectly interested - question s fullT booked up in the doings of 'the-members of - the 4 112ird House''-. mho are operating here. ..may , - ` f- • A l'Tommar's - Proms Pciurrontue• 'or Tarr Pass= ~,Dev.—The conduct .of some of our modern Roliticiens, retniuds us of a scene in Smollett's 'N,i'eregrine Pickle," a work, with which we rapport.° xaost, of our - readers are familiar. • "Peregrine" ;had. :become a member • • of a politicatclub composed gf ;violent. enthu- siasts. We give :the novelists picture in his own language : ' • • "In one of their nOcturnal deliberations: he promoted such a spirit of good fellowshtp by the agreilable sallies.' of hie wit, = which. were -..- • 'lett-Pottiest their pelikeladver, sfa e., "n"' - pin in - tie mos e, , coup be made.. They hieke. the r., ;;glasses. n cobsequence of his suggestion, drank-healths out of their shoes, caps; :and 'the bottom of, candlesticks that Stood before them, sornetitu4 standing with one foot on,a chair and'the knee bent on the edge of the' table: and when they could no 'longer stand in' tlult. position, sitting bare on the cold floor. They IL - gassed, hallooed, danced acd sung, and, in short, were ,elevated to -such a pitelo.of intoxication that ..when Peregrine proposed that they: should barn their periwigs, the hint was immediatelY approved, and they executed the frolleas; one man: Their 'shoes and caps underwent the same fate by the same Mitigation ; and, in this trim he led theid forth' We the itreet,, where I they resolved to compel every body - they should find to subscribe to their politicidcreed,, and pronounce the shibboleth of their:party. In the achievement oftbis enterprise they met with more opposition thart,they expected; they were encountered with :argiiments whcch they could not well withstands the. eyes..of , some and the noses of others Ina very little tinsel* the marks of obstinate.dispUtation. A GREAT SPEECIL—The young and talented member of the Ilottie-frchit Incoming tcounty, Wei. H. ARUBTRONG, Esq, delivered , , a speach yesterday on the state of, the i tnion,which we hear spoken of in-, ; all -circles in terms of the highest commendation. ,Beveral, gentletnep, who are coropetent_judges, althomgh'differies somewhat in seritimenkWith:Mr.L.A.l4lSTßONG, characterizte, his speech, ea' one {of: tbatliest not the best—that lies been,rnad,,e Boise the present session—eloquent and impreindie in manner, original hiConcePtinniind)Atittini in illustration; chaste andPelegant sound' in logic and Tonderous in,arguinent,,L This, !Agtt,,..9l3mpliment, considering that Mr.-Amitastono is among the youngest of the peibple's `iepresentititkiiicand , has had-nu--expe rience as a parliateitieWdebator. Having known } aim for fc/WrOF ies °F i" c r°3l our Youth :up; 1 1 Aim felt , Confident that fie would make;halls , .of '14! 1 ,:' tion, and -take rurfit - aninni: the ny - 05tx14,43 and most: inhihed debatiare .of. the ,Hops, and he hat noP,A B 4 0 eotetloiae He 6 01 4t0* electrified the Tfote,e yesterday, and wenjeti l . ereh.which an_oldeiLd ihrtLesAatsia WikkilaWii6aitiO . CAW. Alnd Twig ', i ,thii P 0950 4 014 gpreic wrium b -who - eibesth'etn-! houoi,'renitif 4114%4 . -.-. 7 . 7 7 ,0.,... ,, ~,..• , 13 v.:± 4 ,„ zrpazZ sen t a ti ve ~ i. 7; owMititereetiWYAfittiaettlEo derstand ...their , I r,2t,r.%:: l li,§)*Olt r aii k4as 1 hurt - herwttext, ---- At v re i t i tz_ nttna " ed `based upp, ti ll 4 ' _ ce'of t 'Colon and yhititglthe:' Wl, z. *::- A : e4aaiaidliaent the'aiiihfrti4:6l2, viilritfqei„ WTlL44lr f 4 q ar6 : itiaB of the TELIGRAPII, piobae.. 1m 1""ft BM:MRS.—The streets of our-city daily swam with beggars, old and young. "Please, sir, will you give me a : penny r' said a little girl to a gentleman (?) on the street, to-day. The answer .was "No!" .with an emphasis and a look ithat left no doubt as to the meaning, but which seemed better suited to a vicious dog than to w child. Persons. are no datlit annoy ed by the frequency of such applications, and there are cases.iwr which they are imposed upon by unworthy recipients. Bat this is not se in every lase. And whatever blame may attach to Diger-persons, and even to the parents of such atare sent to beg on the streets, very little blarewcan attach to the children themselves. It 14i1, , 110 . b - an - unheard of thing, that small chi! : dretiirke compelled to engige in this business, by the.fear of punishment,, to support indolent and liiioflfga . tepArents ; and that if they do not . succeed in their excursion, they are flogged on their return. None would care about support ing those 'parents in their indolence, but yet the children Wlio are made unwillingly to sub serve their vicious purposes are not worthy-of abuse, but rather of pity, in view of their un fortunate position. But it sometimes happens that the child who solicits a pittance is the ministering angel of those who are honestly poor,; of those whom sickness or misfortune has thrown upon the charity of the world. How hawh words must fall like lead on the ears of such, and sting them to the quick. Speak kindly, then, to those " children of want, whether you give them the penny or not. kind word does not cost anything. And it may be as a ray of sunshine upon those darkened spirits; while harsh words may not only wound, but they may sour the disposition, blunt the sensibilities, harden the feelings, and lay; tiie foundation for a reckless life. MITCHELL S NEW GENERAL ATLAS FOR 1881. - +- Thifi is Mitchell's latest and beet attempt to. furnish the. American people with a complete Atlas, comprising a series of seventy-six Maps and._ plans of different cities. in. the. United States, with a full and accurate list of post of fices, arranged in alphabetical order,numbeling some twenty-five thousand, and corrected nen sue of the principal towns and cities according to the latest returns,and other statistical know ledge so important to every man of' busineek' Its .maps are clear:and distinct. The bounda ries of each county and State are, plain'and dis tinct, the coloring lnautiful, all combining to make it ono of the most attractive and degira ble works for the drawing-room or center table —a work every family ought to possyss 7 -while, the low price at which it is furnished, places it withimfthe reach of families of moderate'n4aus, The engravings are entirely new, being gotten up expressly for-this work, and give a clearness to the lettering: and lines of demarkation of the different countries; seldom met with. The work is sold only by agents and can be procured of the agent who is now visiting this Jos. Damn. Jan 21-if" LABOR tataivAL OP New GOODS.—TME nsx 000ns &Tulin YNE-2:600 yards Canton flannel at 10 Cents, worth 12 cells. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at lo cents, worth 12 cents. 100 Pe beautiful new style print at , 16 cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8, cents; worth 12 cents, warranted. fast color. I,so,o'iards of unbleached muslin at 10 cents, the best leyer made for the price. 1,000 under shirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents. H Sod& and and ladies stockings a large varietir. Our -whole stock of winter goods, such as. Shawls,. De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, and, all kinds of Flannels I will sell oil" at cost. Now is the time to get bargains: S. Lipory, at Nhoads' old corner. SOPIVP SULTANANA'S SAUCE ?oeatil and -Oold .Dishes of all Kinds. lost deliaious and term ',gab, is, sieo' bis ,unitiptacthred.liy,the 4 , O r del.n:honee prkeaosse4 eithreiA., London, them the, *nigennii. Itietbelavorite nogland, and.on the With Wel audgrow- Atad'en among American alai is porch , approved stimulant to the appetite 'OPINIONS °Foram LONDON pair Ass. "WeiMennmend our correspondent to try Moss. SOY MR'S' nem-Sauce, entitled the 'Sultana - Is Sauce; It is made atter the Turkish recipe j Its flavor is excellent, and ft affords considerable aid in Oases or Mon aid weak digestion."—The Lancet. "Savoiy, Piquant, and Spicy, worthy the genius et Soyer."—Obsirner. "A most trainable , adjunct to Fish, Flesh, and Fowl, and'should have a place an' very table.? , —Atlar. Sole Agents for the United States. UARDNXit G. WIELDY, 217 Fniton se- N. Y. audBRAYA HAYES, 84 CornbM, Benton. For sale by Grocers and Fruit Dealers everywhere. janl4-dly-Btaw-ins EMUE TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tutted and certified to by the SEALER OF WE:WILTS AND MEASURES. , Mr. dears M. Wtonnsil,Having this day tested lour -Patent , Weigh,Carts, and found them perfectly correct, I therefore put my seal upon them according to law. FREDERICK TRACE; ; Realer of Weights and Measures. ' :Marriebmg,.January , l7, 1881. ilB ,LOGICER'S - LIVERY 'STABLE.' CHANGE OF LOCATION. THE.ASIlvery . 'SIIBSCRTBER , has' . removed his Establishment to the NEW AND SPACIOUS F K.LIN INDS& STABLES, corner of. Raspberry aad Strawberry alleys ' where he will keeS.A clooß.Of ,eaeok lent BLIBSES, arid new, and .fashionable- BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, to hire at 'moderate rotes. • janl2 GEO. W. LOCHER, est, , TOWS PROFERTF FOR - SALE. . N PURSUANCE Of, an Order riCiicii9r7. I phan's Wurtlif baupl4p county, f low Oar at . 01. vate'sale, the undivided fourth part of a Tw,eBtOry - Frierie D welling Douse end Lot of Ground on the.north' agent' Chestnut-street, between-Ewen& and-Third etreeta,lu Ilarrieburg,, adjoining lots orJaeciliHoneer and Era. Eli* innirdi beteg ',about tigenty•sixreet and , Diree lanolin front, gad about ohs hinsdiedleet deep. ' MgbITDIEMIIiiMEL, Jr. Guardian. of Daniel Houser. The athev three.fourtbit of tile aboirti"destribed horny and lot is also for sale atprivate sale.. Enquire as above. Jan I4.Btdaltiv A .T 4 .411GE ASSORTMENT OF ".,, FANCY SOAPS, HAIR 01143, . POMADII3,_COLOGNIEBTRA% , are selling very cheap to dealeri by the dozeri: Prepare far your Holliday - Sales by buying a 998 or the ahomartieles, at - s IIELLEII4 . DRUG AND FANCY. STORY, dell ; 4' gt,Wrket Street. mucni&coyfrgßTlEWAlT WHOLXVAI* , 1112/11 *Ala "sr - a;,,c). ..3zo. eig savitaaluers;f„. . cbrnsr of Front and. Market' 14as 15ti4 , ... 11 RRIB 813 ari.**4 3l g 117:. PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AED PIICENIII BITTERS.— ''ea fro'''. an Mineral , cases of Ferofula Ulcers, s. , extrvy, or Eruptions of- . tho. Ititin f tbe operation of the Life Ale:Mines ls truly astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Milieus Fevers, Fever and. Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short, Most ail dikaases soon yield to their curative properties. fetidly should be mithout them, a by their timely use much suffering and expense may be sag, d. l'repar,d. by WNI.: B. MOFFAT, bt. 11., New York, and for kale by all Druggists nov 9-iv ly . TO .VAMERS.—VIRGINIA LANDS.—The undersigned is now prepared to furnish, in any quantities, From 100 to 1000 acres, or more, good farming or grazing lands, in Randolph and adjacent counties, in \Vattern Virginia. Within 12 or 15 hours of _Baltimore and'24 hours of N. V. The lands are fertile add well timbered, the climate very healthy, and so mild that sheep can be ordinarily wintered with -very little feeding, and where a cow can be raised as cheap as a chicken in New England. - They will be sold- cheap,. and on easy. terms, or ex changed for improved. inoperty or merchandise. Address, with Postage stamp, care of JOY, COE Ili CO Tribune Building, New York. ... my2s•wly MOTHERS, Rnam-Tnin. , —The following is au extract from a letter writtent?the pastor fla Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger ' Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks *volirmes 'in favor of that world-re nowned medicinesirs. Winslow's ' Soothing Syrup for Children Teething:. - - - "We see on advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Eyrup . .. Now we never said awor.t in favor of 'a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, thafthis ie no hum bug—we have tried it, dad biota st to be (alit claims. It s, - prohably, one or the most successfulmedicines of the ay, bees. use It is one of the best. And those of your niers w bwhave babies can't do better than -to lay - numily. an 22 Couclas.—The sudden changes, of our climate are sources of F i nitnonatt, Bronchial' nd Asthmatic .Al fectione. Experience having proved that simple reme. dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease recourse should at once be had to • 'Brown's' Bronchial Troches," or Leienges, let the Cold; Cough, or Irritation *of' the Throat be ever Ea slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be was ded off. Public Speakers and Were will find them effeetnal for clearing and strengthening the voice. See kdiertisement: dolo-d-swawfim WOOD'S Bun BEstoaA.T.tya.—AuYong all preparations - tor the hair that have been. haroduced as, infallible, none has ever given the s itmfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ enow has., 'IRS Restorative his passed the ordeal of innumer. able fashffinalyle toilets, and the ladies, Wherever they have . tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peer less article. They find, where the lieu. is thinned, that it creates a fresh growththat it fully restores the ve getative, pdaretof the 'roots mite denuded places, and caritas the fibres to sh Odt - forth: anew—that tt dissolves and teratives 'dandruff, prevents grityness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness has actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and flexibility et -si rw to thehtdr, and keeps it always luNri• ant, healthy etinFurfilli - tlgormr. Y. Tribune? , Sold by all , respectable Druggists de2l.lin PROF: WOOVIVIIAIR REBTORATIVE.--ThiS Be storativifilfor Making the hair grOw, stopping Its falling out, and 'restoring . , grag hair to its original Utifor, is be cOmitienelebrated: All thenuack nostrums are giving ww.f.ibeforii, 'it.- Itiree 'the mixtures for re storintand.liVautifyirig The do it More injury than good.— Th'eyburir it uji=destroy the iife of its roots— make 1114 hair fall off; and prbitioe-promature baldness. But Prof. Wood'a RO , Mraiittii May be relied - opon as con taining- noibing , which din in any manner ba injurious to the hair;vithilis' its sueceas'in accomplishing what it pre tends to do Ima been vivified. In htindreds of cases. We advisa gra . y . , heni* and heads' getting bald— ail who wish to-aymthdir Waal oikobtain 'a new stobk, to get hottle of 'MOWS neitorittive Y Demoerat. ' • , fold biral I Druggists.: •noltilnt • . . . t WIVE call the attention of onr readers to an article adVertised in another, coluniri, called Breen Poen It' la an ctitlielr new dineityty, and,mustuot be cot found ed with any,ht the numerous 'patent medicines of the day; It' is food for the blood, already prepared'for ab sorption; pleasauk to the tssto - ann natural in action, and what one gains be,ro4ins.. Let all %elk then, who are suffering from p6veity; inipurity - oeildficiancy of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, titt.:4 of this Stoop teen and be restored to health. '. We entire that onr Druggists haVe received a supply of this note, wutitTss :EF - 6 =- Iforld•renolvaiert Dr: Fdatera - Dr. FAMILE CORPLit, which.every mother should .have. It is sal to - contain no nategoric °plate of aey, kind whatiliter:anil of Course must heinValueble'for all infant tile complaints., It la also said that it will ellaY all . pain, and soften the gates In .Process of teething, and at the same' thne — regulate' the' bowels. Let all mothers and niurses, who hav e e endured arixibus days and, sleepless n - ghti, weenie a supply and he at once relieved. See , advertisentent.. • ati2clfeb6 For sale by C. -A.-littinnvir% Ole agent, l3FATlslinfk4 Pa TO 00141SIIMPTIVM Tan ,Anvistvnsia,having' been 'restored to health in a fe.w.weeks by very sithple remedy, after having seffered'sevotall'oars with a, severe lung affect lon, and that - dread disease , Consumption — is anxious to make known to his fellow.milrereis the means of cure. To all who -desire - it, he will send a copy of the pre sethition ilia (free of charge), with the directions for preparing'and whichthey will find a sure cure farConsomlitiM4 AgEhma, BrObaniS, The only object ihe advertiser in sending the Prescrintiou Is to benefit thearmored,-rind spread- Inforination. which he conceives to be 'imam:Min . . , and he hopeS every suf ferer Wintry, his leessO'dy,•as Coattheat nothing, aird-may provo'a blessing.' Part es wishing the .prescription will please a4aress. • Williamsburgh, - Kings county, New York. octal=wl . . THE'GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a) Pres erfplion of, Sit J. Clarke, iFf LIP., hysician Ertraordivary.lo the Queen.' This invaluable methane is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. it.moderates all earess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure* may be relied on.• • - - ' • lIfARRIEa I.A.DIES it is yeetiliarly suited 'lt Will, in a short time, bring- on the monthly , period With regularity. _Baph bottle, pries One Dollar, bears trieDovernment Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent counterteits. CAUTION. - These Pills should not bg„ta4rt Try females during the FIRST TELli.ESl4lolVlHßAf*egnetapy,aktheyaresure to bring on ,e, but any ,otheT timAthey are safe. In alikaken4 - llervonaiita SpivalAfiectiiinn,Pain in the Baolatietimbi!,e4WctiFsligliteinkrtiini; galpita• Lion and 'Whit* thege effect it i onti elf all othwneana have "fallgiij;,and though a powerful retnegiNinikontain iron; ciain j el, antimony, me any thing liurtOljo the constitution. , _ FtilimlirgethioNSOP•PMelekPr°" 4 laP!. l ll,qttie, jp(vosirefigly-trpepved 5 , N. V.lo.%o4oliFff tftfte atititpirMiciiiiid to tiny nit• tho retu rizadOsent, will insgea ,pottaft, containing 60 Pills, hy ro k ut4ll, Foranwp. A.Bearr l9y! d.twiy 4 - a, m :ormportoriavitins. !DR. OEf-F t §A p "Projaye t ty , grlarilag , :,lolteeitttq-,* T TRE glyinittiblaiDlbof ingredients , in these • Pills are,,the,reselt , Along d and,e..sqlve practice. y are mDif their bperatiofi; and "Certain in correcting :all irrignlttlithie , , , PaitifhlMehitruhtione,* , rethovitig all ob • !structions whether fret:weal, or otherwise, headache, 'path in th e side, palphalton,et.the heart, whites, all tier vouSaffectlikis, hyaterlcs;' Wipe; pityn in the back and limbs, Eic., disturbed Bleep,'whscliAxild front interruption of nature • ; TO l i gatitiEll . iiiititai; ' Dr. eicavinales i pu*.pre. sie they will bring do - the ithitithly period With regularity.:ladlee Who have beenditia*Onited oVirtheeliliii . resn place the utihost coaildbneabi,Dr. Checsenisee Pills doing alt that they xeMlif.foto eitet; = . , There is one condition of the' fertale sOteirtin' thhielt Pate cannot be tecken wstkotte,preetnng,ie RAVULL44I RISOLTS - ""Theereetieiktiiir4firred to el PREGNASCY= the.)1•4tat,:.)1.1304 REZA Suds i .struishble 43 tYlemlf tikiFied.tciptWotprer fi scouta-ife4iPat ta a northal Imeedetioif man Thi 1:444141ft '" "-Warrants& purely TegetablepandAhne froth an'yFUllng• injorknue. Explioit,aireoponit,,wkdoh should,be ratah. air company eadiliox. hike' K. 'Sent bk' mail on enclosinf 11to Dra:OomptianneL:tliimminteet, 80xt4;631, Post Moe,. Np)9York,r4y ~ bygner.vggiatlttevery fo677,3:t .- • ... ,- .A:Gerieralareatfor thoUnitettStatei,' " ta 4.Broad.way,.New York, o whom aU _rhilti 6410:iriSSA in, p d irritOwipAy, -114LA741. n . , " ~ PRIOR:BOW e :PURR SCOTCH O WILIBBY just rtitt . reildleasalapy „P • • lotorit jani47ffak2 78 Market Street. .amp =EI ME NOTICE. 861 - : W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR D Y E! _ ! rpHIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no er11417-iesiantaneous in effect—Beautiful. Black or Natural Drown—no staining the skin or injuring the Bair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the flair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold.everywhere. CHAS. BATCHFLOR, Proprietor. 51 Barclay. Street, New York inarl9 lowly WEARNEI, , S AND DEDILITY.—AII who suffer from weallno-3 or &batty, whore there is a want of en• crsy, ,I , houid at once have recourse to JUDSON'S MOUN TAIN HERB PILLS. They immediately purify the blood, and act upon the maisvpring of life, giving strength and vigor to the system. Young persons entering into wo, manhood, with a derangement of the functions ; and to mothers it the turn of life . these Pills will be most 41- caaions iu correcting the tide of life that may be on the turn. Young and elderly men suffer in a similar manner at the same periods, when there is always danger, they shOuld Wormer° undergo a course of thin purifying me. dicing, which ensures lasting health. This great Household Medicine ranks among the lead ing necessaries of life, as it is welt known to the world that it cures complaints other remediea cannot reach ; thin fact is as well established as that the Sun lights the World. Sold by all medicine dealers. de26-lm IT is A COMMON OBSERVATION that there are more Epffercre from debility, among Americans, than can be found among any other civilized nation. The• reason is obvious. WM take too little exercise, and for get the wants of the body in the absorbing pursuits of bmitness. In all such eases, ordinary medicines can do little geed. What is required Is jest such a tonic and in.: vigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter has given to the world, do his CELEBRATED "BItTERS." The weak and nervous denizen of the counting hours, the exhausted toller.opon the slim...board, and the prostrated student of the mid night I:,inp h found a wenderful regenerator in the ors," and r ref er ft to more pretentious, but less ef ficacious medicines. But ft should not be forgotten that the agent labial is so 'magical' in its influence upon a frame wtacb is merely debilitated, is equally powerfhl in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms of disease. Who would tot give it atrial? Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, 06-.00 advertisement in affothei column. uov2l,am A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DTJPONOO'S GOLDEN }wig FOR FEMALES, Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions,i from whatever cause, and al ways. aoecessful' as a proven. THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY I- the doctors for many years, both in France and Anierica, with unparalleled success in every case; and ho is urged by many thousand ladles who used them; to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not penult it.— Females parte-ale:rip situated, or those supposing tbeui solves eiff,iiare cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sur- to preddce Misearriego, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after thleadmiN' union, although their mildness would prevent any mis.. chief to health,-otherwise the Pills aro recommended. Full and expliiit directione acconipany each bOi. Price $1 00 per hot; Fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. DAANVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. ' "Ladles," by sending him $1 CO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the pills sent free of observation to any part of the Country - (coldfdentifillY) and "free of pots, tage", by mall. Sold also by :B. S. &man, Reading,, JOHNSON, HOLIAWAY COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lax- SERUM, Lebanon, Damn H. HEITSou, Lancaster; J. A. WOLF, Wrightsville ; E. T. ISlccua,,Tork • and by one druggid in every city and village, in the. Union, and by S. D. How; sole „proprietor, Now York.. N. lt—Loolc out for counterfeits. Buy no (olden Pills, of any'lcind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe... All other.s are a base imposition and unsafe; as , you value your lives end health, (to say bOthiDg of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been addadjon acconiatiiof iev 'cfo tie terteited: deS-dwaswly. New ahertistnunts Care Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, bytes. S3VV 41e,-; ensa, any irritation or Sore/en of , • k) the Ihraot, Relieve the Hacking Cough. in Cinuumntion, Bron- - BRoNGHIAL 'Mitts, Asthma, and Catarrh, .1) . ? C l 7. r, and etrength, mk ths oaten of • rus Cl bi ea c and SiNVIC R S. Few are aware of the importance of checking-a Cough or "Common Cold" In its firsc stage ; that which in the beginning would yield t o airing remedy;if negieeted tioen attacks the Lungs, "BROWN'S BRONCHIA:. CBES,' Containing demulcent ingredienta, allty Pulmonary and Bronchial • • • "That treuide is my Throat, (for which ttio ' , TROCHES" aro a specific) , having Made me often a mere Rbispefer. ' - N. P. villas.' recommend their use to rablic Speakers." BIIOW ''S TROCHES BROWN'S Ey. E. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely servldealile for Hoarseness. l l ' ' • - TROCHES REP. HENRY WARD 'MECLIGE. "Almost Ineant in ilio - AiStrissing labor of breathing peculiar to Astlini's. 2l REV. A.. C. EGGLESTON. ''Contain no Opium . or anything ou.s." DR. A.A. HAYES; BROIVN'S TROCHES BROWN'S Chemist, Boaton. le and pleasant combination for 1 Coughs, BROWN'S TROCUE 'Beneficial in - Bronchitis DR. J. F. W LANE, Boston. "I have provtd them 'excellent for Whooping Cough." ttfiV. H. W. WARREN; Boston. i•Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." BROWN'S ©i BROWN'S TROl:ifiE* BROWN'S REV. S. 3; P. ANDERSON, • ' St. Louts TROC BE S "Affectual in removing Hoarseness and !irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers." Prof. M. ETACY JOHNSON • • • La Orange, Ga. • Teacher of Music, 5.3000111 Female College. "Great benefit when taken before'and after preaching, as they prevent Marie ne3B. From their past effect, I think they *Lilt be, of permanent advantage to inn." NEV. E. ROWLEY, A. 11., ' President of Athens College, Tenn. ' 4-Sold by all Druggists at 25 coats it box. n0v257[143360' RROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN' TROCHE' 'PROF - . ADOLPH :P.-- , TEUPSER;;- 7 .-', OULD Tespeotfully inform his ' W Patrons and the public .generally , that ha old • wilt Continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE,i ME: LODEW, VIOttN and alsci iu tli seieiffe of-THOItOUGE BASS. He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any liner 'desired, or - lessont will be given at his residonce, in Third street, a few doors below the Nermanpefornied Church. • . decls-cltf r A -NEW- AND 4::41,111ENT THAVEI44I47O - H7OP P i N - - et- • ACat prices Cor salg gt 7• • : EgORMIT:O II,I2 IP: I4 ST ' OE, • . ; ; - • w EAT , At i ltORNET7_ - 4_77.71.111_ . 17 1 it pif ic t e jir.owt cat. , .0444904g0 and rap divol a - T*do - 4. 1 ..k ,rnan 1 1 1 10:". wL • ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. OTHERS SAY OF IT. A Distingnhheil St Louis Physician Writ ki 0. J. WOOD, Esq ;Dear fir Allow me thepieasatu and Benefaction to traiOmit to you the beneficial el[ cm of your Hair Restorallve, after a trial of tire tears. I commenced using your Eenorative in January, Hifi, since which time I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite thin, and .at least one-third gray. ~ ..I..Tew - applkutions stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a.gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up to this time. After my hair was completely restored, . I continued its use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever c ntinued healthy, sort and glossy, and my scalp perfectly free from dandruff. Ido not Imagine the faits above mentioned will be of any particular adv in. tage to you, or even flatter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are all known already and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have os co pied my time in traveling the greater p.rt of the time the past three years, and have taken pride and pleasure in recommending your Restorative, and exhibiting t.s effects in my own case. In several instances I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug; saying they have used tt and without effect. In every !esteem>, however, it proved, by probing the matter, that they hal not used your article at all, but had used some new ,article said to be as gent as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or three articles my self advertised as above, which I have no doubt are humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronise an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of those charities have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I usage they have copied yours word for word in several instances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past Ave years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success—some for baldness, gray bah, scald head, dandraff, and every dismiss the scalp and head are subject to. I called to see you personally at your original place of business here, but learned you Wens now living in New York. , You 'are at liberty to publish this or refer parties to me. Any communication addressed to me, care box No . 1,920, 'will be promptly answered. Yours, truly, . ' - . JAMES WHITE, IL D. WARM EPRINGS, Perry Co., Pa., June 7, 1850. Prof. WOOD, Dear . Sir:—l was induced more than a year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative for the purpose of cleansing my head of dandruff I bad suffered with it open my bead tor years, and bad never been able to get anything to do me any good is removing it, al though I had tried many ~p reparations, until I saw your .advertlsement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross 53 ff.unkle , s drug store, and bought &bottle, and now amt prepared to recommend it to universal use, for it bas completely,removedall dand ruff from my head, and au application once in two weeks keeps : it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.— ' must also state that my hair bad become quite white in places, and, by the use of your preparatioe, has been restored to its original color. Ia m now 50 years of age, and although -I. have used two bottles of the Restorative, no one has any knowledge of it, as fallow a few grey hairs to remain in order to hive, my appearance com port with my age. My head is now of less.trouble to me in keeping it clean, Re., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparation of great value, and, although' do tot like to expose myeelf, I consider it -Ytu can use this or any part of it is any shape you youthfett 'proper, if it i 3 worth,limy thing to you. . - :Yours, Ara., H. 11. SIMI BLOOMECGTON, Ind., July 30, 1858. DRAR Eta : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled--to the benefit of I . atna. resident of Blosnditgten,:andilmvelieinikerie for 'ottiu. thirty•years. lam now over fifty YaO r trP ts gEitilraks4 tWif9ta years past my hair has been turaihrobrialiferahlY• gray; unit was ; almost entirely white and -very atilt and unpliant. I haitak'n'a numb e r of certificates of the very wonderful erect of your Hair Restorative, bat sup osed there was more fiction than truthin them: but eaten - aft/lag a strong desire to have my hair, if , possible, t eetered to its origk nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I. concluded I would- make the expert ' meat coiniadncing in A way. I purchased ODD of your smelt betties, at one dollar, and commenced using, following ticiectiond as neariy :a I could. I soon discov.. ered . the dandraffremoved, and nip hair. that wee falling off in large quantities, was con,idorably tightened, and a radiCil change taking,plase in the eolor. I have contin ued to use it, tiltrbadelnted three of your small bottles and just begonfeelhe.fourth.. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown or 'light Meek hair, as any man or as : I had in my yout h ful days, when a boy In the of Western - Vd•giata.. kIY head is 'thitirely clear of dandriff, and the hair ceased entirely felting or and to as seri and fine, and feels at oily, as though ft wa just from the hands of a French cliampooner.. Many of my acquaintan frequenUy Eay to me "Butler, where did y ou got that fine wig 1 0 I tell them it W¢S the effect of your Restora tive. „It is almost inapoysib:e to convince them that it is the ettginat hair of the•Eanr: old gray head. ' ' • ' Tours, truly,. REDBRICK T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind. WOLD'S Ham itssmaamvE hat aNuired a reputatiot from Actual:tetat and experiment which cannot be en banned by newspaper puffs. In our vicinity it has been extensively used, and we believe in every case with every desired result„andleceived the universal endorsement of all who have tried it. We thereloro recommend it as one of ttioso few nostrums which aecompllehes all it profess /eg.JW all the balthand gray could desire.—Columbia Boston.' DR. GI Paoli. WOOD'S RIM RESTOR&TIVE.—in anOttitr'c emu will be Mead an a.dvertisement or this well known and i.xeellent preparation . Ter restoring gray heir to its origi• nut color. The Heir Restorative also cures cutaneous eruptions, and p: events the Lair falling Orr. We have Acen many authentic testimonial; in proof of these•asser - dons some of whicht-are-from gentlemen whom we have known for many yolr3 as persons of the most reliable nbaraoter., Dan% dye till lou e tried this Restorative. Bottint Oline Braacli. • Woun'S /half RESTOttarnw—We are not hn the habit of puffing every'tew 'discovery, for in nine 'cases out 01 ten they are quack rostrums, but we fake great pleasure raLommeuding Professor ireodis article to all wbosehatr is falling elf or turning gray. Cur well known contribu ter, Finley Alitison, EA., has experienced the beaellt of Its application, and joins with us in spoakiag of its virtues. Let - ail try it, and bail bed ho as tare as Sib* la suditner.—Baltimore Patriot. WOOD'S MOH IWTORATIVS..—UnIike most specifies, this is proved, by unimpeachable evidea ce, to posaeasz= efficacy as a restorer of the hair to pristine vigor. the headiuttUierome almost. bald _because of sickness, the use 'othhirArtlcleluiS produced a bettutlfitlgrovithief thick,' gititry,W,:' Attr-Alferefore a valuable prepay* Lion for all classes. Its ingredients are such as to effectu ally eradicates dandruff anti:6llmi impnritlee , whioh operate so injurihnsly to the hair. 'lt aiso has curative properties or Another dercription. In. many cases On t antkdth et. thsliguienients or theskin tifsaPPesrArber ever it Is used. There is no hazard attaching to the trial of his rethellt - Anti: itreffects can only be - beneficial; as Liao couipOund iF it 'does not cause a zurnifiiit iinprove mentiffibariaible of doing harm m , es its component ele entsitie-perfeotly innochous.--13caton 15unwripti AprO t 2 1550. , . , . . . ' ..k: Gssirisn'lleow.`—ln our capacity as conductor of 'a puhlic jeursittl, , we are called upon to sdiertise the. cafe .ills'iif *belay, each of which alitinis to be unadulterated in its composition sod, infallible in its curative erects, with what justice We leave our readers to detertalne. In onejustance.2,however—Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative , ; -ewsiure 4 4 v ,en 'anis tired of thedomple qualities orals aril cle, that we niVelt - out itioteement as MI thiritelis: eentor andvonder claim it.ti ha. ItseLfactupou slate head of heskTs' universally Xritiwn to- bp niegtcal.- Z*e . time, or,gainci3OirOteusted land, it brigigiit# OSOP: - Wiliiir-'' ever applied.' OM own thatch 13 fortuliatelbega„, Thy, butlre advise our tr,iends with spatiwintrinving` • hair fei t iry - thellestortitive. — Columbts . SO, —., ;,„, Ay.. Mitt .Dyss .Aituanoxiie.- 7 1roves Greftf Article/us s Asked4. l l4 o 4 Bol :VE‘44 etseds'"erian enifeence no chemist, vihoin attention has been turned a. hair toriic;fiiisiefor7;bilbarigibtife . 7filiCWO den but world-iade dier theusaiM who hivifirorn wigs or.lkeerube4 for years trough nseuf his prepiratioe, wearing their own-natural. and, luxuriant head covering. ISe,mueli for chemistrp, the chemistry of hurreid life ; thd the 4sive which apply to, ilia functions of the 01390. ,:ltet.ifiroiad Stuilleb. out the Unman hair, ta . cbaracter,tts . prbilerilekaud Owes, andliii* to v - . 494440! 4•39.ygig to that 'oreFlyset. ; he ee.yr utgaewhi:dase, ..lhardiray bait' unnatural unless the Ig!zt.sitiliailidfv,lllWWieliclied foie 04.43,' and he tut banatunlly'rustalisen. Se WV, siwn.rugsi.,alnient hold iAtd, quite:gray, at the, age of iiiirtY:Sist , eb=lie" restored his own hair in color, anti hapirlance 7 and_the. oracle hei ird 3 with he gain ' iletivorurs - HAIR tivz, fit?' tatci)xlithidirtase.—/few rink Day Book.' • ' ' 4 " TEICIO TS: 4 - 4C4FTIi - 44 - v — Arevifirork, ‘T_ 71 - imuSre&VAlet' Se: " nth" ; • Sold In Baston by G. .1; 00., BURR & CO. Janl4.ow4ma 2E03 New 2bvertistmento. STILL SOMETHING WHICH HAS CE=l MORE AND MORE POPULAR inn DAY EEEI = ST. LOTILS,JUIy 10,1880
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers