, .. , - - ~........________ . • • ...... E TELEGRAPH . _ .: 41 , Li kir.5. , ,...... 4, , k .. •'..„ , , _ .... _ „ . . '' ' ' \.:// ...'• - . . IS PUBLTARFT) EVSIEtY DAY, . - • ibt 1 LPG- 0317NDATS IIiCEPTSBO • . - . ..' \ '' ,: ,. ' A . ''....: \\ % ,'•L'''' I A . ,-.1" GEORq.E. BERGIsTER & CO. --. a - •. • . . . . _ .. $ --.---„_-__ , - •, • • - . . . . . . . . . . . , TlER.llB.—,..Orams Busserarrios. . he Dads -Tatmoiahri is served to subscribers in ilk . ' -nigh it. dm gents per week Yearly subscriber -111 be ...barged scrod. %MALY AND SIVE-WKIELY TIMIGILSKI. i .(s 1 t , *toe 1 slicatiza IS also published twice a week during -, • . - 5--T , ' — '._ -. - 11'\•! - : -- . 1 _,. 41,8C1113i011 Or the Legielsgire, and weekly during the re- . ~ .. odor of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the . --- -sr,,bitio_ ' ..' r•in , ,-:._‘ - v r,---;: - .f - c - . ....i. .. Ch..' 4 . . . ~.t, owing rates via: . . - . :i ' . :,..:- .... .ior.L. le SAyear ncribors per S 2.00 . . 1) leven • ,‘ . • 12.00 . . . :' Ten 15.00 ~ . ~ • . Law OF sairstarzns. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THIN . GS-NEITTRAL.."I'N "NONE." ..,, -7 1 subscribers order tbc aist:Outilluance 01 their news :,i . rs, the pub: pitcher may continue to send them until are paid. , _re neglect or ref use to tate their noirspa• ;rota from - the pace to which they are, directed, they are catonsible until thoy hav^ ‘ettiod the bins and ordered Ibun discontinued fhisftttazttouL spepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS [IAN'S )31 - ATIC INVIGURATIN4SPIRIT. Medicine has been used hy , ihe_pybififor six, years, 'th increasing, Apar. 1.• recopeotemiett to thers Dys,pepsia,lVertionsacia;l4 ara-Burn; Colic Paina, Wiwi .n Jhe Stomciell, o'Xiin the lime , Rcadaclie, .Drinysitiess, liidnely Cow Voiotia. tow .pmt: .D I:ritan Triimens, Mewl , ra inumstim timilAittVlEEl 2 1 V WILL oat - ,liittinteslit on , o 8 A, MEDICINE it is quick Ltd offectu . al, oirimi tuemnsiattelaiating ease o Dyspepsia, ley Complaints, and all ( tier aerFaige ant i the web anilOftowelai in is speedy manner will instantly revise tie toast reels ly an ring spirits, and tutor, the weak, nervous tt-sie t ealth, ttrengtL kb rigor:. • rsonx who, loose the it.;tlWilits the of liquors, have \le dejeUed, awl aw-vnua kyNtenvithaltered, tutioni brnken'tiou u , and' subieet - to that horrible to 'humanity, Ills: 411INVII will, almost liowly, hiqq y itcd heiltbry invigorating ' of br. }lanes Invigorating • WHAT IT .W1L1.4,,p0.. --0" wr a Vacs foJ! - as oneii ris izeroseary eica•N (.8e Mill cure neart•burP• doseeicin cure dose Will give you a Good Apitellte. dole will sup the elatt esthg'gains of DI spoliate. io.Fe Will rczhave the 0: trersilg and di-agree...bit of Wind or Flatulecee;ehde.s BOOR as the stcPmact as the Inv tgoralittg Eptrit, the dirtruseilig load met . rani feelings will ht reniovcd: dose will i emovethe most distressing pains of t in the Welsch or bowels. . . cinseesvill iernove'all obatructiona iiftholtiuney, or Urinary Organs. ms wbo are seriodsty afflicted with any kidney lnts are assured speedy relief: by a dose or two, tdleaj cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. sue who, 1, oile jlr sipating too ;nu& over night, and e evil elected noisouous liquors, lie violent bead sickness at. stomach, weakness, giddiness, &e. ; at one dose will rcsnote all bad Lieliass. les of weak and sickly constitutions, shiTuld take the rating Spirit tbre times a day It will makethem . health/ . and happy, 'remove all obstructions and larittes iron the 1110.1SiT uk,l organs, and restore the of health and beauty tt the careworn face. pregnancy it a ili be found on invaluable medi remove distigrecablv sensations at the stomach. le proprietor asks . is a trial, and to induce this, he up the luVigninting Spirit In pint bottles, at fs, ral Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. butte agent, niladelobiti i D. YOU, & CO. and in Harrisburg by C. A. Dannvart, D. W. Gross 81 C: K. Kellet,andbY all Druggists overywbere. twly ElitrcaTioNAli. ' CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA- TioNA.yra is the'sititem or &meatier' in a coon "In proportion us the structure of a government focusto.pubilutirinieu. tilgtagit/he.optuEdkahould lightined."—Washigg ores Farewell_ Ad4rexte.- TO We people In 'general shcfuld be educated into a ap,d , Dnnie" acoalutance oath the nature and ilea at our ex errirnenOand civil institutions. ItGOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement 01 stedi-of Governmentof the Country, Eco, AMANU IR SCBOOLS, ACADEMIES AND POPULAR USE, ,, fork which, with proper historical notices, gives nstructien of the provisions of the Constitution of Jolted States andof those of the several States, as . • hyJudiclal Authority, or derived from Mind -rdtd writers, including some references to administrative $w and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general f-ystem of Governinent. It's free from specula. the of inions, conservative in its tendency, and calculated 'die cultivate the love of our country. it has been used, .1* a considerable extent, in the MA:CATION OF YOUTH, different utates, and is recommended by Jurists, ttesmen and Presidents, and , Trofessom of Colleges.— Ice $lOO. Bold by , WifildNEY, tlarriaburg, Pa. 2LOYMENT -PO A MONTH AND iLL EICPEBSES•PAIit—An agent is wanted in town and county in the United States, to engage In actable and easy business, by which the above may certainly lie realized. For full particulars is Dr. HENRY WAttEEK, 54 East Twelfth scree .r of Broadway, New York City, inelosing one pa stamp .LOT 3E' NAT FAMILY. DRUG STORE. iE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, e Iron Front Bunning, No, 128 Market street, lately pled by Mr. lfby, weare_ean be found an enti renew k of Breath and• Pure Drugs Perfumery, soot' COAL COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Alec hot Patent ^Wee, Stationery, Fancy Articles, & c., &e. We the agency for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti cep', to which we would invite the attention of striiitattontiort to business, and desire. to. please, espeqHhlly ask a share of rublitliktronage, \--ivtine Havana &gars and Tobacco constantly OURNING G 0_ 0 -D-13 • Q ,EVAItY DESCRIPTION— ' rise*, Gnaws, Gautittetts, in large qmantitiea. tat assortment of.Embxoideries. lteaJjaderwear, different sines and quality. tlemea's do do do les/ , do do. , do do do do Cessimeres, Satinetts, Jeans, everything for Ben end Boys wear. ;omens' Shawls. oodr, without distinction to style or quality, will at a very slight advance, and loss Wan cost of tion. CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Squaio DYER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FIILEY, N 0.12251 Market Street, PEULADEI2III4, Acturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of YORKS, SPOONS, LADLES,RUTTER CASTORS, TEA SE% URNS, KETTLES 3, EIMER IWBE:g JGB:112 - Mitit€4, CAKE BASKETS ; COMMUNION WARE,. CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, Aro;,= general assortment, comprising Wane bpi The b* made of the best tuafersals and hcaraltAttedi eon' them a Serviceable and durable article BomU& Skinita AND' PaTTANN FAN4DIN, Warerehiplated lathe Vett zitanziet, ‘wis, I= OASNY, 'c,'ORNETSLAT-LikVir . AR RIe.A.V-A. APING tise.od.#ol. toter in the practice ..of. the' Lea, &tumid. faithfully and to all .profeselepal -business entrusted to their . . Third street three doors from Maiher cpmenualmad and 'ger Man'. e, a largo stock of Fare, . . .• 00 10 .CATIMAIPPS and buy nice new Furs, • 00 TO CATHCART'S. any kind of Bare porumay wtsb, • CO TO CATTIOARrEi r Fare without any risk, • • GO - TIKULITICAIRT'S. — Fora gortuaeod to be irbat tiiey are repro- GO 'lO, CATHCARI'n; largest, best and nneepest of Finn 'Of cual,.43N CATUCAILT r BIUMIXB2 0 allo. 14 Merkel. Illative; A : Nat detk tti the Haetiaburs Beek* voL. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLWS HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOID'S HELMBOLD'S . HELMBOLD'.B HELMISO - LDLIMBOLD'B HELMBOLD'S HXLMMOLD'S HELD/HOLD'S WELMHDLD,S Extract Buchu, ExthMt Buchu, Extract Machu, _Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Birch% Extract Buchu, Extract Bimini, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,. Extract Buchu, Extract Puebla, Extract Buchu, FOR—B-ECRET - 4. - DELICATE DISORDER'S. FOR SECRET Sf DELICATE.DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sf DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET 4- DELICATE'DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sc DELICATE. DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sc DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR. SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Spe6tfic-itemedy A Positive and : Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy 505 DEOFASE9 05 THE . - • .417 M, sit BLADDER, - GBAVELTA7DNEYS, DROPSY, BLA b.PARe. O.#AF - 4 - 4' , ILIOORYS, DRqP.SZ BLADDER, `,KRAVELe,',KIDNEYS, .ffROPSY, BLADDER, GRA VELy KIDNEYS; DROPSY, BLADDER, _GRAVEL,: KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER,: GRAF ELjXlpfriET:4:ooo.l , Br, BLADDER, GRAVEL KIDNEYS DROPSY, ORGANI WEAKNESS ORGANIC WEAKNESS; • !; ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • ORGANIC WEAKNESS,. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • And ail Diseases of Atexuai Organs, Ind all Diseases of SeAtai - Otgans, • And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, • And all Diseases of. Bernal Organs, Ana all Diseases of Sexual Organs, ' - And all Diseases - of Sexual Organs, ARISING PM= Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, 'Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Lite, From, whatever cause originating, and whether ex isting in Females', take no more Pills /They are of ho avail for Complaints incident to the sex. .Use Extract EitraCt Ductal is w Isediclue which ts per (betty pleasant in Taste and Odor, • But immediate In its action, giving ,Health and Vigor to the Brame Bloom to the ?hind Cheek, and .reotarbig the patiOt to IC T.erfeetstate - or - - • . . Hembold's Es:tract Dacha is .pr.'pared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry; .14113 proscribed and oed:by 'I he Most Eminent . Physicians. • = Delay no longer. Froctrerthe reinedy at oncs. Price St per bottle, Or slit 01.44. • • • Depot 104 south.Tentrietreet,Aillidelphlc - Bevr...*7 - re of lTrigirinnipled Deniers. Trying to palm off their own or.other articles or BUOBU n the r eputation attained by . lielmbold's "Entrant Rinchiiii, The Original and only beniiPie: . . We desire to run on' the . • Thelea is woribless—.is- sold atannoh jessixates and comnaisslons, consequently paying alnuoltbeiter profit. Ask for Efelmbold'a Extract -Euchu; Take no other. Sold by D. W. Gross & Co. and all druggists every where. . • • • novil-daw3m 9r^ i 8 LIVERr&.EXC FOURTH STREET NEAR BURKE% frHE lINPERSIGNEP is prepared to it - commo date the public with SUPICRIOR HORSSEI for tod dle or carriage purposes, and with everyariety of WM. CLS:3 of the latest and-mont approved' styles, on sea ten able terms. • (PLEASURE PARTIFI will be accommodated with9mni buses at short notice._ . CARRUGES AND OMBIBUSillgi? FOR F.VNEFUL 00CA aims •wily. be furnished; accompanied by : careful and obliging drivers. • He Invitas an inspection of bbs Mock, satisfied that it Is. hilly equal to that of any other eitablishment pi the kind in the city. • 1:ItAlq11 A. MURRAY. . decs-dtf CITY _LIVERY . STABLES. BLACKBERRY. ALLEY, THE REAR 01 RBRIOSHO,TRir • MEE undersigned has re-comnieneekijiii jIL livery bveines4 in' NEW ara:SPAti Oos - .STAf BLEB, E: located as abovei watt' ev large mid vaile4 Wyk ca. aoasEs, CARRIAGIs end OItINIBUBM vrbieh' be, wi[. hire at moderate rates. ' • F. b: SWAM. eeptiS•dly ERR 'R. - !'S'. •g.:-,0,...`1'.-,E::.LI NEWLY' BEFITTED t • rpRE UNDERSIGNED havitig, teased 1, tide well-known and popular -habil, city Harrisburg, is now refitting and aftirillehilie the same with NEW..FUENITURE in the vory beet modern Xt, Is located In the moat control part of the city, within a short Astartee of the dtlpodOoftf.urfainkrettiralitoad and also near the State Of pito buildings: • ' The house is large and the aleeping 'apartments are ;tell ventilated. _ , . • The TABiE is well provrdet With! all sesecdiablearil. cies This city . welt knOwit t6rOtiglinitt that State is, having the hestmaritet outside or thitAtinntic eitlo,:anis consequently no complaints shall 1311 ins deotill4:score. ' qlts - BAR has alsoundergonb ohaegos andieilf blimp( ilttookedwitii the best and purest Liquors in t,he, Ot/UsitrY - NO_ xertion. will be spared 6 mako•thit traveler 6311 sojourner :comfortable m everyrospectl • A contiiininCe o. dito patronage or the old customers, together withnew„ add tionsicieipectrully eolisited. • • Ebtrrisburg, August 23.:tt ; ; JORN-W. BROWN. WHEABAB, the' llonetable :Reis PaARSON, PresidentisttboVisurt of Cominon.Fleis In Ate Twelfth Judicial ldstrict,consisting of the counties of Letsuion'atiaDatiplin, Mattis HoM A'o.Mesihrog Hon. Felix Plias le4 AssociabajudgSs-in Dauphin ifddisti,, having issued' their . receft v bearMeditte the 10th 4 day Of DecomberlBBo, to me diretteilforzhOlditigaZeartef.Oyer And; Terminer and General Jail BeEsigns-ca toe swap, pt, tLRRXOBURG, for the-county, of Dauphin, audio confmeneabs the 84 Afolaftgasituorpo, being thellit day et:Tonuctry, 1861 - ;atialto continue two, weeaa. Notice in therefore berdby given to the Cortexes., Jus tices of the Peace and , Constablea cralait**AV.. Of. Dau,shin, - thartfiif be tlien - andtherelnipeir propexper sonar at 10 o'clock lithe forenoon of said:-day, Vine their -records, inquisitions, examinationaand their own remem brances, to do those things weirtt to y olive apper tains to be done, and those 'who are bound in repoitill zances to presmite against the prlsoairs that ire Or shall lie in the Jail of Dauphin county, tie thesi and Mfrb 'l9; prosecute against theta as's uilbsjs , t. : Glyennucermy band atHaribsbrg,the „ dai December;-11 the year Stoai 1180iad fiftbibtgli i third year of the Independence of the Uniae4 Masse, 4... • 0: son Is. 4/ *ma* •' , 'BOAR, /111311141t1M1*..1F 99 ' „ 'Shale I. ' - isitlfiedittita .- • 44 a, ialisttilantotts. MALE coIc3RENA.LE HEALTH AND P11111.14Y. Merit of olirArtialle! We Defy Competition PROCLAMATION. HARRiSBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY A.r.r_ERN99N - ,.:7JANTA - Ry. 23, 1861 Slisulictntons . HEYZE HOTEL. DAUPHIN ; DAUPHIN A. . CO.,•P • Ci.l ,. 11 4 'R,JH 0 A .1:3 S - - PROPRIETOR 'known and long established X Hotel bas. again , - got into the bands 'er , Otiarley Rhoeris tr wboxlll keep it in Brat chew style- - ',Patties of all kings can abooriatemiated. with - meal:a any hour. ' Alood Ball Room will alWayi be, at 'the aerviee,,of hia.guests. . :Thankini for the liberal patronage Le, has rpaelved, rioin .tlie citizens of ELTlisburg and vfoliaty;he resprct ['miry scholia a 'continuation of the same' ' INSURANCE AGEINTO"E' THE DELA'iV:AVE:IIIITITAL Safety, : . Insurance Co t , INCORPORATED 1835. CaPi.TAL:iI4WABSEM. . . THE . . ' INSUisANCE':COMPANY Of North . :AnTekloa:,, OF 1 5 .131 . .LAOELPIIIA: - . 3 INOCiAPOit6..TED 1194, OAPTPAL -AND 'ASSETS;.':c.:':.:.'Pill:4lo6;l9:f TEE . UNDERSIGNED ,. .Agent : - for 44 - k attoi9weu. kno*iiotOiiquilos,..*ill make Insurance agarnit or:damage' OF - ftre,"elther PepPeinittri'Ar' many, onlibipcity in - either town or country: 4 lV Maria, and Inland Transportation Risks also.taken. Appy pArsonny or, bYla4er to dol-dawly: ILarrisliurg; Pei Desirable Pro er foritenti- •-• A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE- AXD STOKE ROOlf, situated id - Market - eteeeti between' Fanelli and Fifth Streets, Wilts ThirdtWard.- - ALSO.-4 LARGE TTOSTORIf BRIGILHOUSB. situated ' In'Seobnit etriiet below Mulberry "in UniFilst Waid. ALEO.—A WIRER SIoRY BEER HOUSE, situate to Liberty street, itt;tba.Fourth-Ward— Apply to Janlo 'OR RENT .—A DESIRABLE THREE: is ,STORY HOUSE, in good/order.' Gaeand f!iattr. tures "Piet's' 14rslu AR re O.Ea . s - 1:11G janlo4w" Se6ona yelosi Cine sired: DR. 'T. J. 111:GES SURGEON DENTIT;.: 4' F PERS his services to the citizens - /if - 1 I L P . mirrjour.g_anct its vicinity: He soiccin iiiiitiiiiint the public patropage and gives assurance that . his best endeavors shalt be given to render 'tonsil/MI6:JIM his pro- 1, rgomon; -- glighgzatt-Md - ,-weit-Seteektlentitty-haSeftirtsaf nviting the public generally..to him,assuring :hem that they Will not be,digiatittind,Writehisititirioes Office Ao,:tta market iistreet, in incklanuselorinenir no } =Ad)), 4360) near thd, t littteit )19112k, NOTICE- TO. - SPECULATOM. EItUABLE • IiUMDINEi, LOTS spit .SALE.; ANUMBER.OF LARGE SIZED BFFILD ffi lATS adjOining Round 'Honig and 1 0114" Shops - Ot". UM Penna. Railroad_ Company, will_ba. low and on reasonable termo. • Apply to • nogno Om • " — JOHN H. HALL JUST' REUETVED. * T• LARGE STOCK. of .SCOTOH BROWN STOOhad LONDON PORTER. ' 'or•sale RUM lowest rates by ; ' . - • JOHN - H. zumar.an!..,, , Janlo 73 Market,Street NEW .AR RANGEMENT.. ARRANGEMENtI . TM , HE- wya ISgCRIRER hairing -purchase eo .:moy er his steeled StiOßETWAEß,filitaitsV. % compurice Abe, MANUFACTLIREJLE ALL• art sTommixiblat his Nowimr - r.ERY on_thecanatopposire the Car - Suntory. With a superior kiln and experienced wiPomp, he expeets to he ante Or make. such ware ari itself to public favor. - tielait JOHN W. COWDEN. ,_The finest assortment Of ALBUES ever Offered in Gill guy ranging r ,in price fromsl:inertia:to $l.O 00 each; bound; in all styles of Binding, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, . fit Mirk Street, 12uov JOHN MAETIRER, , 3RASPBEKRY. ALLEY ,BETWE EN CHESTNUT AND v EMS EMIT STREETNILAITISBURG, P 4 REBPIZTP utrx hiforms the pulic that he ielaaated at die nboveinentioned place, and ho bas commenced thoYfOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAr? ING BUtINEZE in all itayarioutrbtanches: — He Is fee; Pared to fill all orders and will gaarmsleo, general satisfaetlen. , i pricaty j el#l, hal "liaSing •Oirried oti. the 131113ilifigg for maiiiii3M4l in ,Germany, and, over two yefirolior'l;l36:l:alsia bisSiiithad an extended iniperleneehitbit ceuntry, he to fully cons. , patent tnexecute all Work obtruded to him, and hopes - to _ receive a reasonablindiarenrousymz ffon. labs fellow citizens. . 't , ilrip-4-general assoxtritegt of: ,Ca.rvetsar9 al,Waysjamt on band'pect'iiill pi,i8),144 , " ' • ' • . , ' , 31 .7 PRACTJC tL 4.1410 Pianos, M_§o4oi4E4iv*lll.liloanjciisiers in 'future at WM. K..^IWHE'S Music btorei SA,lfarket street z. *ll Orden left at the above named plaokOrrit_tlie Buehler House, will meet with prompt , ,First clam PIANOS for sale C A N.-1Y t r I s EiANAFFINE CANDLES, '' SPERWCANDLES, "ADAMANTINE CANDL 'di, .+., h . ,-. ~ &MARINE CANDLES, ' r r , :: , --',", STAR CANDLES.; .', A ' - ': ONERICAL.tEtRAtCANDLES, ......TALLOW CANDLES. i. . 1 largelatorthe - aboveVrEare Atialiiiii.ow , est prioes by - , -, W 34. DOCE..IE. iz D 0..., _ ...-.- 1 *4. .-, . . .... L ..... olieosite4helcotiirsouse.• • - JUST ity,oRTAFF:p - - A LARGE AND - . WUL •SELVOTBD - STOCK OF,33RANDIEOI airquaraa MST, CASTLLION & CO. DT:B=W JAMZS En rg,COG , , ,taISSY . 4 00. „ co: .! 1:`& 1.;-MARTLE' ,'Jtrtmcnoltdi,s , " Co. , -htioETr_.3, For gagr)iry JAIN` anapaiarr , 174 • - Idarpst &nee. G, 'JOSH.TJA: . A T R EL A .T., , MT - r 6l.t , , ST-,41/11414411 , BUftitr PA Prompt attention ilvati itiltkinain i ea . inirnattl, d 26 4Y -ft • giurri 130T 1 111.49 I'lll' lc/taw:we" tixio filliirlolo4B T--' - ertirOP EtTC,Vartl:t.! X 0 &received it the arehouscrof p 31104 f TAMES Warialli 0. 0, zimmialmA y , No. 28 South Sietrind ' .Harriabcrg, Pa itiattat D _a_A: 33, • mem N .4„.„ Se an --- -, R. & -JtaTT- N. .LOCr•:. ; IIOSPITAI' • AS discovered the most certain, speedy X.l and effectual rothody in.theuorld. for 'DISEASES OF 'IMPRODE,NCE. , , RIME? IN En TO TMELVN ROME. "No Meresery or Noxlcitie Drugs. 414 . C0RE WARNANTIRO, OR MO CHARGE, IN FROM ONE TO Two' Dkro.•l4 east. as of the Sack or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Louts, Affections-of-thwffidnereand-Hiadder, Organic . Fect; Nprvogs . I) . o),ailyi Annoy or the Physical Pow-i ; ere, fifegfter,Lbwkiltits;gehhaeion of Ideas, alpitati.t. of the Heart, Timidity; Tremlilings,'Diffmess df Sight tr Giddiness, thsettee of the Stomach, Affections '..of the licad,,Tbro,t, Na se or Skin—those terrible di-or &ifs Athing:feam the indiscretien or yB3abltsof Youth—tho.n dreadful and ,destractivci practices which prndumconstitutional , debility, render, marriage Impos sibl,;;aitff-desircty both body" andirthid. YOUNG NAN. YO g rliOnen especially who - have bocodae the viCtlins ol urolltgrx TWO, thstdreatlful' and 'destructive habit which sivetpi . to 11/I..tiii r tniely" oa - 0-thousands of young men of the most exalted tahlnyaull- - brilllintintel, 'Met, wuo mitt oUrwtse.J.Ke... entraneed listening or,..waked to ec- PsX4l4 ll ib4o c.l) Wiiiqu/ 1 .. 0 . .9P4d0 1 09.• . M4L . Married per,sons„ on- those. contrapplathagmarrtage, be litgrailVali7 or igiyUcul-Wieileniiik..eliouldimmediately con t . stilt Dr. J., and he xeatored. to .perfeet health. • OFGANIGIVEdII.NESS hnosedintely eur:ed-dnd nigoryesfored. - ; tt; - o places himself under the care of Dr. J., may ..religiously con tide in his-honor as - a gentleman, and con, fibent.kpre ly,.npon his skill as skphysidan. 'No: 'l' - 11:Mt& F.ttlerlck street, Baltimore, • kid ~on;(46:1811 hand side going -from Baltimoratatieet; 7 llOgrAyßyLtila i carAar: .Basarlicalar •in• observing Xhe name or numiney, - Cir. ion" mlstajce the'lipsCa. Be par - ti'culh.`r foi-ifnibirdrit; 42thickV; With 'false mutes, 'or Palti-yararribtp Cdarfccansklittradied• by' the • reputa qino-.I;WDr. Johnson, ink -near • • ..: • • * • All halters must contain iißlitageStamp tonse on the fliPl3rx . • DA. AE I - 1 50:n 4 . s, X l r-.Nitrden 'Reimer °jinn ROyal College,of Anigeans, LOnddil ptailuate non' one of tab mast eminent Colleges of ttietUnitedetatet, lend-the treated part of whore life him been.spent in the #4oapitals of London,. Parts, Piffle delptde andelsewhere, has effected aomo ot the most as tonifhin cm i 4 t*f were ever known . Many troubled 4 wifitql ink+ in*thentos and liead when asleep. great ner vation& pbeutittaltrmed'at sudden - sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended:sometimes with derange ment of mind were cured immediately ' -:` lit:WV liklerrStUl/ 130`r/ar. ~-. - Dr. X,L'addrisseenitifiliogell:who having injured them selves ny.privato and ImProper indulgencies, that secret, anditeltai-yiltaftit lirliteh {him' , taith body and mind, un-- lltting them tad either b dahlias or, society. .. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro -deem& hylit ly, babas of Louth,,via : , Weakness of the ~, ele .in'as' thifk .ilalha lettheiVeati,lnanaess , or Sight, Losgions. filar , Power, ettreeltittibll of the Heart . ; Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive „ tr.9.e .c ..gti,-R e Y,96,11 AY.a l gti." : .slS l9 2) is —Ll m P uoi; . i , , • rr-"""'" Vi;hi APTALV4,thip tearful effeott ,on i the mind are much‘hi e aretTeA .•:=Erss - of N`eiriory, Contusion brldeas, De pretildirof:Bnitits;Nvil Toiebodingtg; itver.sionitoilocie ty, iiiiiffethdrust, Lo ire otiS4litude; limiaity,,lai.ome some . 1 ot the evil effects. - I . ousauda ql lersona of agm acre... Judge. what -lathe tiee - tifth irAMclVeld health; lesfartreir liecein ialeirmer-vdusTaMill•ediaciate4hlW aglleaucteatmtisiut.,the myek .ceughirind symg' meRrPiPIPIP.R.ViLI -Itch •e..Y9iln4P4 '• tehtlAitypjujgrei4;gicamelvet by, glicurrala•practioe, l ia rnen itienca,t,iatat tre,quedt.ly learned fro wiii`CititinXilb'nk,Ar 'ol'lololf Iftef 1114 . F.brof *filch are riuideira . 3 4 1 0likgc irlarmsaible.raiMideatroys both; niind And bOdY; • li L aid a pp l y luma e'lt al alYi IA - 1:11 ^:.1.1 :: ".• ` i. •-• , pity. thafa young mati,, elaoges hits:tr% lEB'4Ol Meer 'llikliartit* , 61114)4 Anatc; li edironi` :.ailprosperastend:dojegmtititavt Ilfeibythaconstufances: ordatating frrim Age patiknginAt4teo44:l4o.olging; certain secret habit. Such persona must, before peplum!, 14 1g , : w - • 1-.>. - BIAARLiq , E,I , . . _affect Vint a imenAmir . 4 and bmix ire. Ihurpost gccessm'y sequizite.s promote cbuiiubial happmeSS - . Indeed ilthout these, the jmirney through life beconma a wear Y -. -141gritilage;ilbaqiii3spect lioulls , :darkhualo-the vieseithe milukileromes ehadawndoidtm liesEalr andlihed with the I $ l W/14.11f9. 11 YPal. hat %.. l a.PP.llla of ,all°l4Or rut ..1944q0Nrsi NIRoIIATIAgy .: 1 ?! 0.. , WEAFL'grg; ' • By thliogrvelekrginurrant rerned,y; Weakness oflhe • Organs are speedily cured, avtiAll z r or eetored. lhousauds of tha r rnost nerfolls and who kvsall isn, bpire littip4Mtvly tilieNVV - • All loapeelmezifelTßrirringit;Physlial or Mental Bisiiiitl - 111- cation, Nervous, Tremblifig - or Exhaustion_ or 2 .1 1 4. 0 4 1 1!1 1 1141.00. 6 011Millaik ' • :11. - EIS)I42II4NaIISa 1:. * ::::!..„.;i1 1 The many thousands cuffed at this In_eilution within the last twelve years and the numerous important Surgical clOrstlffttitirlrldttff,l4::4rAilb bzjho , rt . K illtefeff - tnetaP rs;umlawy - tithintridrsorispieticos or Mich have appeared again anttegain heffnu the public, -ea 'der his standing as al , - initreffitk , :kir Oarcteler and re iiioitratffity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISIASkS OF IMERLlDsztfft —nnen the misguided !and lisuptstf k entotarAefpleruku , fikffnds,ffp .hatn •Inabibed the seeds Ot this tailored tillienstrit lee often heifpens that an ill-limed sense of Attitintocketd efffisceyery deters lath from applying to those who, from education and re lip ttability can atone befriendlamotelaying till the con. Iti Lima symptcpasMAdffq !wed disease make their ,aft earaMee' iffectiffethettieWthroat, nose, skin, sc., pr gr - gggigidmorSillgrilit,l4Pl9oo.9 l lo,v l o - Itt' a / tpe Kt teittiatiread,rut r . 11340,pp seeding him So!, that. zimotimpa fom4iiiiice - ' *Me dilaps , :' le fis mel-' tunktefi4ftidt4 at 4ShilikiMMitall VIMIMs" V) ri hli terrible' dlsettssoWing tii, Ant tuaxiiralriost AK ignorant protexid-=. 'role 1 alittftiq se gi f cliiilirf oi ti 9 1 Prc,urY;9irit a' c 4 , t•likki9td,tg t. ex „ :PIO . J 413 0 P. - - , K r 4 l°. vzitEl.+Tht) tors - vlonias t o At., his oip eritna,.eti i..ff ,liiirafi LI 0,.1 1 i ;:7 Ji 1: "r 8 ;i< . , ...V , troirm3xttmilittitedigmtouition;thertipiti2 ,iO4 , tiVeliratit ti eitotortiegc,lihkriiiire: ' 4113 dawly ,- rl 'td 4 ' lt fffitu!, I'll ' j collitilt , d 1? 11 -IVpME - PIitIVFASECIONS' '- • ' . , t .C.rif 1.4.1 t 11 , 33 1.)11.E' 237 t 1-11,4( t - LIT 1.1..i4, '-'l' , I f CateeNVILILEIi STWILEEP , . i L ari.:,4l :.".1..11.:•a J.,/ ttl.l..P.Prit -:“ / .001:J1 ; ',- . - .1 P-OOTHINGEMPOII?Mt4 ' 4,11 7 6 1 4 7 ta i si t ovi t imil , 6 1 .: : , M",l BE i ,1J _.1,...f..,_ ...,.: ur ar . VFF5R,,,...144.5 3 FP. IP JE r itt 4 4-t r i fffilt• sil ,e - 43TPI 'f a ! 3 ' MIA ~; 1 . . I' 3. 0.2 Tot OtA).Z-f..'E. tO‘T.:,tltr.T if -4,- -- -]E111::?. W ' VVRAFT S . 60 For tity,and,C9RhAntrwite49},piumpieja9,4abitkas. - j a t Aort ' % sitritlitiorneiii cra,Uie Ifowat cagli „MC .370. at DO , ..h.)nlif ', a 10 /1:!.1...,_ ..,-. , .w,t,. 1. BinvOliE6PßlCrielaskid,ifind a.myraiintiicuitel W " 4 n riVi i . e .4447- 4 1 1 1 0 0...'Z'aSi '4: , !Oen. to t _ to any and tin a 'iliti. c inaugurating thief:Laid ifiliiisi iiiil Pitihik7asiiiiiPe i. /104E0D/E. I IS tmiakilliAmiiresi erwtheminda oil 'P R A!riti , ,Ot B t,ritiNwa t l ia J liAceßtSugairli AS , ir d koge,,sin Ire! AT . tiitAturkie o . e..a14 . ,. 41. a a 1 1 -Wleloaaq'jnerialiltieseellenti. g ram' firidt_, thilklibenninquid TiitAtiehlattle Iline3lfe realis i rinorinagiger dirtigkii.eo4 .i, ti.Vrllfiti sl3l :0 ... , JO.;T, it --ell arti guaranteed to give entirepa4.4tantle ; ~ ' .3 IGRAIRViffLFORAttB 4 - r,..r. - 1 ("WALT . ' ?re ER digAiii illitl i nfl i3 o: 3 :B, ium . ,. ,:, 3 'ltri in/lieliiiikitrfithii i rift'il --''':.-' .1.1Xt9.43md .turiy.i.,, i ,;i LI::; 1!.....71. Ar..... 1 1........, I _34.l.l.lkimidoTAlnsanalliThilleZ•ft C.. 115 :, , 1 . .'. f , Tilait3ifigif,i 9 a. 1 : ~!!' 4 " ,' . .il i t r i on'', ital * .1i a •or Maths cheapest rataa,.at BUONIBPS OAP 113600 R. The attention of Invalids, Physicians, Clergymen , act :nude 4en,rand the: public.generally, - 1a respectful)) olicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, con aining , lron,SitiphldrandPboaphogus 'and wide! a identical :n its composition,with the Hemalic Globale or red Wood.. In all diseases accompanied With. fflr so 1 7Z;De~J111:'pal pale countenance and nervous derangement, nnelysisrol• rile blood show a deficiency of the red globules. 4uddy„ .aomp,lexion-and a rosy tint of the akin; IS alwaystindica dve of,heabli ; while a pale, wax-like skin and coanti aaneci-i—which evinces a - deficiency of the rest - globules,— tccompanies a diseased organism, Preparations of Isom naVe 4 lal.en given 'for the purpose of simplying the no 4lobules, but we contend that Iron alone, Sulphku, alone; 01.7%0801yr - ins alone, will not meet the dell cieucy In every ease, but that ajudicionticonabinetionol era-these elements is neeessari to restore the blood to its normal standard. Tbis point, never before attained, bat. been reached in the Mood Food, and its discovery rinks as one of the moat se:entitle and important of the age. , Its effects Consumption ` ! are to soften the cough - , brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by re storing the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the Color,and clothe the• skeleton frame with Utah. The Blood FOol will , be found a specific In all Ch. diitc - lilsiaires-ef the l'hioat - or Lungs, snot as Astlawai Bronchitis, Coughs., &c._ ; ruldiss speakers and Augers -will dud it of great utility In cleating and strengthening. the,vooll, organs. In Dyspepsia,. Liver CbniplititircDropaY;4.&q:usy; Para/yds. .tierofula, gavel, St. Viiud' 1.)41/Ce, Few aFit .ke , its efficacy. it marked and instantaneous. In no class el disease, how :mar, are the th - enehelal effects of this reniedy so-con apicdoes as in th - ,se harrassing Female'Coniplaants. of which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend - to wards Consumption, such as .suppressed dillietiV ifienstrualicn, Own admen, '.lllebes, fi'e esPedialr.s when these complaints are accompanied with paleness a dingy hue Or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous tratioril - Wi:Chaid the utmost confidence in recommend ing thetillanati,Fdlatf toad who may-be conseious - of a. loss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or_ bodily powers are:prostrate4- through *ruse, either of the mind body, and we deem itour duty to say that hit all ascs!' o l. 7..Weatbness and Bstaciarfon; , and in all dis eases of the Rifineys Bladder, this preparatien.has a Claim 'upon the attention of suffererewhich cannot be over-es timated. A faithful trialaillbe found the most convinc. ing proof in regardlo its efficacy that could bensked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testi monials- we . have In :its favor we offer- the "Blood Food.' to the consideration of afflicted, knowingthat , it wilt be acknowledged -as pre-eminenrovet alt other preparabone,.patent, or edicts!, in point of, usefulness.— Cirouhiiii 'Theorytpon - which - this reinedY'fs founded, also ,certificates el .remarkable cures will be sent-free When desired. We 'forward the'Slood POOft to any part of the-United States or °anodes upon receipt. Price—sl per bctile , $5 for six bottles Be caiefil nil casre, OA:tape:none . but, that „having siginlitrtllebn'the'Writep'er: Noue'other is genuine- Prepared only isy: ci,xußc . 4% oupoNpv, 459 Broadway'', :New York.' Anti fill reljecta'ile Drugkists tlno - nghorte the country. - , . 4.141:10,94,; so, kagent, Harrisburg; • _ GArst'ExtitreirfoN liktd2s . . , , WHEELER Avitscois - MACHINES NEW rq, AT REDI.ICED•PRIC,ES. HE .• WHEELER. '& 'WILSON, angfae,-, bomppiiy having gained Lau filet knits al: Law, with Infringing manufacturers or Sewing Met ines, -,proppaiLthat the public- rib:mid - le! beriefitted thereby; , and nave accordbmly reduced the prices or their Sewing - sralabbielLyAirter thia:date they-will be erildtit rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of. manufacture, capital inimited; abil'expense of . Making salee . ; stleb - Priees will enable them, to make_ first clam •coachines, and, as hereloilith;gitarentee them in nverppartieblar., 'ln ; accordance with the announcement above I will sell thelreplendidSiswing Machleee'at prices:froth $45 to $9O fovthe fine P}ll cafe machines. It is &Nell esta.b -iithedlitetthatthe-• - Whe - elot-&W corSewing - Nabhme - Is the best one In lite:Maticeclite - best zunde; inttti Mink and least lia'bltith - gbfolitbrortieV, and they are no"as, low as , the : inferior, machines . OalUmniLleey them Sr third and Market. 1-g6t. - tea.--w. .. -..,...;...- —,.. , i , f - V,in -- i . ~. 4*-- fi. dolP \ ' .V 9 ike -la b NOMY i 4 $ 1:44 I 47 . Il Y 44 ° 1 02 fa) . nveatal 9 r ..,- 0 ~ ....i. 1 : . - ! ' accidents will kappert,.eren in toefi-regittattdfamilie livery desirable to hiviliSome 'cheap and convenient Way for repairing Furniture, Toys; Crockery, • 6PALDING I B - PREPILIED OM— meets all such eznergenefes, c.an afford to be without iff ilwaye ready and. up limbo stick.. log point. Tl3ere - myjinager: a neoes.slty. for :limping choirs, : splintered veneers ; beadles - toys ; and: broken cradles: It jusethe artfeTel.fer. iiiin.nther ornrmental. work, So With ladleistf refinedient -T-This admirable, preparation is used cold; being cherni• c ally held hi solution, alid,possesifing , L all the qualities of 'the best cabinet-makers? Glue: It may be used in the Plach of ordinary mucilage, being "vastly more adhesive. IN Eypargousa." -,.. B. , —A.BrWtb accompanies each bottle. Price Mots. *holt:tate Del* N 0 .48 Cedar etreet, New York. 'Address HENRY O. SPALDING 64 IBax No. 3,6oo, NevriYorl4-: . . .'P it up for Dealers W cases containing Four r Eight and Ty elge GilScu'ritheardifel Litbographiclihow•eard , ink aomimaying each package.._ - = .• • gare single bottle of SPALDING'S. PREPIREDGLDE feliPsaye.ien times Its cost annually to tameehold. ISoldnby ail-prominent Stationers; Drugglstsitiardivare -and lfstrniture Dealers, Grocers and Fanci•Dtermi. • • -ROustry merchants. should mekc. ,, meOf SPALDING'S: c tirgi'.aftEP GUM, when maids : - ap.their list , ' It nil -strain any climate... . • LE-G N' T 14Dagt. 'AND .-• OF EVERY DOSOR;FION. AlllipEß THE ;C051 1 111.N•ENTAII • • :The 'Lai g ns and Bqt - i7Out facilities enable na to sell-htliniillyww..other es tabliihmenta *ARLES OAKPOI2D*BOIII3, ( 1 820. andB2B7Mitirat'STerat,, klulada. 0.2E3f ' ,V;Pv:t) ' • • . ay. i" 01';03 ; lue.ii 'o6 *.; /74 • cr ._.._ .. . _ _. 4 , 347.MEN-:` )21 , P:V21,1TErg. -., 4 .. -BOOT '-& BiE , . , ' ' e albt -- STO . ce ' 4 0911111.31 SECONITEMMALA UT STS:, )•—: • a Harrisburg Pa. - A. .. k iivipAirs on hand;; a large 'aisiOrtii4t;ul Aka vc;Tiiviatit.matitt , . qtte--1 . eF1414` 7' ' giamtiliWit-bed:nerastrl44ll-WHoo:l2ol4l3thlußtPAArec. surr a rt Harr ..., iii- 14. 13 . , 1, 1: 1 :;: 40 ::::' 14 i* o g t it S PirP octle-dtf NO. 17. atebtcat. • tttas- • iftatt. Raving procured Steam Power Pi. ll eero, we are prepared to execute JOli . ind BOOK' PRE LING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ea abhithmentia the country.' RATES 01 ADVERTISING. AarFour lines or ken constitute one ball ',woo. bith line§ Gement then tour constitute a square F.,quare, ono 51,17 .50.16 one week . ...... • I. 00 . one month... g' three toentint " months... one year.— One &park one day ; ono week.. .. " -one month.. g' .three-month; " mantne . . onesieari; ... 1.0 00 MP-Business notleau.ineertetthrthe Local eohunn, cie lE yetbrealTiateis and Deaths, FIVE GENIE PEE Sri br each Werth:tn. jaarittirititeliatid - Deaths to ba cbarg,•a as regatar advertisements. REMARKS as HON. E. CO WAN, OF WARREN COTNTY, Sencde.Bill No. 1, relative to the maintenance of the Constittaion and the Union Delivered Thursday, Jan. 17, 1861: Mr.COWAN. Itisnot_my..puese,3llr.Sessicen, to very often assume theprerogative of older and ibler members in debate. But perhaps in a "free fight," and a general discussion like this, I may be allowed to add my voice to my vote against the partisan-resolutions offered as an /mendment by the gentleman from Philadelphia, k gr. Dommtn,) and in favor of the Senate reso lutions. I did hope, sir, that on a subject so important is this, the members of this House would staid anited, shoulder to shoulder, in defence of a _xanrabn country and a common muse. But no sooner are the Senate resolutions introduced, —resolutions, by the way, mild and conciliatory in tone, yet firmly determined in support of aim government and the execution of its laws, and free from party hias r .than we are met with a proposition to .substitute a political platform and Party creed, which were not Lhree months ago repudiated by the people of iermsylvania. Not a week of the session had ;one by when it • became apparent that r.hree questions were to be decided by us. One was whether we should side with our own gov- Jmnierit or with the traitors,. who, with bloody hands would destroy it ; another ;—and, sir, it is a monstrous proposition—is, whether we will bbolish the sacred writ of right, and make slave ;oil of Pennsylvania ;, and the other, now more imniediaMly under discussion,lb, whether our io called Personal Liberty bill all be repealed. Sir, I concur fully in that part of Gov. l'ack• .Fr's, Message in which he , declares that "the ju licial action of Pennsylvania, whether as a cote" - riY, as a member of the old confederacy, or un der the&xis" ting Constitution of the United States, has been almost invariably influenced by a proper appreciation of her own obligations, and by a high regard for the rights, the feelings and the interests of her sister States." Located midway between the cool, free-think ing North and the imrrulsiv - e, hot.blooded South eennsylvania never has been, and never, can be, anything but loyal, law-abiding and conserva • tive. The sections of the Act Complained of I believe-to be strictly Constitutional. They have been so_ declared by legal minds in. the State and Ont - of it; besides being deliberately blew-Po rated into our Penal Code by Commissioners, not only men of legal learning, but of Democratic politics, who were appointed to codify our laws. Subsequently, they were carefully considered' and deliberately passed by the Legislature of 1866; `arid 'ratified by the hite Exedutive of the COmmoroverattr: Certainly - $ :0 tttey.ware maw,. Affair:cal, or so objectionable as to _split the Union, wane - of 'these distinguished gentlemen have a spent for'polithal heresies keen enough to have „found it out. No, sir ; that whole plea is,asliaseless artlielabric of avision or a dream. Whim impeaellnient of our legislation and our history, -- and a reflection upon our fidelity and, falineastotally unwarranted by. the facts. But suppose there `was room for a doubt of their constitutionality? Rave not the treakon baLcheriiii feinted' y, ample and complete, in the Stipreme_ Courti whose . decisions they would make us "respect", in advance, and whose fiat ,would sweep theie sections aviar at a breath ? Can they doubt its fidelity to the slave pOwer ofi the nation, or its ability to administer con stitutional law? -Why make us the exponents of an. authority which past experience shows they are nowise loth to assume, or even to usurpl , t; • • , • - But the .truth is thoy, are not objectionable. Probably not three men in ten ever knew we had sucka law on our statute tuxoks, and never would have known it had the late election gene for anybody but Abraham Lincoln:. They are simply, made a pretext for another, pre-de terruined act of aggreseson by slavery and its backers. for place' and power. Besides;; is r . the, demand for repeal comes .s.n.d is coupled with conditions too hu lence and personal =NS pride. Ire iar in] for reconciliation and peace as justice and the rights °of nin - Will. allow. Pat when South ' Carolina and her sister spirits in treason volun tarily and cooly raise, the arm of rebellion-tear down our nationailiag-:;-abolisli the 4th of July and Yankee Doodle -and would obliterate the north Star in 'their madness if they cduld--when she demands bylser agent at W----lington that Fort Sumter and, other : raillnb, property must be surrendered of taken - by . force=-it is too late to dietate-tetuatb . men who know their rights and , how •- to defend them. Gentlemen may talk.f toneernioir while the 'guns of our own forte and arsenals are turned upon us, if they will; I shall not. They. may declare, as they do, that "the 'Union must and shall - be' preserv ed ;" but while they propose at the same mo ment to quielly hand over to a rebel foe every weapon of self defencel- , --as our Personal Liberty bill cleatly t isi Ai itikany thing-suck talk will sound to the people like - a very _cheap, exhibi tion of' discretion or Coinage: tk, we may as well talkplOnly,;and not as we W)F,,and say at Once that the,,free North mil never be drive n I that lige shidarkiitd itep badcioarci 1 ' ' ' - , . I amturllier opposed. tarepealAecauseitcen now . do* iki *ea `Had they,' come to us in an offickil*mY,: before ;their overt acts'. of - treason, and 'asiteAthese.things, even as ; a, right, -not a condition of obedience to the law ~they might have been granted without ivericiifice Of honor, duty and self-NI-mot- _But their_revake is 'taken. With a "Oliberate purpose they have done all thrti.harao ida - der 1he.... bez. _which bihd us -together. If this rash step shall lead 0- Civil. wkir, 1 urklie their be the-responsibility of the fratricida4eksylio firstralse4Ate litantlard of rebellion against the Government, and _put the liniOnpeiiL .-"Brail-means fiftiAtt eitton &Mild, be settled, now, and j.f forsyer. , 3 , : .q at; tioestectdivernineneis a 'faildre, and powless in AlairfaCtional.- !aortal, (which sI , -'do , Wit' -be lie`eiff it 4 properly :0 13 :dnisk reo .-it ' is high time . we :knew it.. We lave no right to patc h ,u p ' L&= ' telleel *IIIGIC-ifl , Ltall and transmit thib r9rl,.tega l ezteilsoaevElto c ome a ft er us. :If it is a Govermgent; vital with the - pew ers Oft:its' osetdiperpetiritioro let . :na knew-that also,randlitayo.its IF,theacuted to preserve the Constitution aild i the - D - mon ne:tlfey were ranee by ',thaltathers:i , .[ goicornprnthis , -;:orttameseicri. MOP* caxspkitsfx the slave, power,, 7 the real cause bralliehrtrdillif&--eicatitit complete and aPiecksainendertstliseatandalicalt creed, and a TdcogrAtipn of theright of-slavery togpjnto the territel-lideit Will; and' to be protected ti.eye.- ThiS is' -,..titlicitillii-nmtitra:...; If Republicans are Pre y -to. pat this, ...then let them corn iehae - Minis leitLi4tialL - .. 1 1 - ana not prepared fiir.'S thsterizytit,inorhunq ready to sanction that a icompronMie,which simply means • ' tt - strid deliver I Haimig exer cised the right of thinking and voting as we • Naga a _ . • Op ...I. 600 . 2 00 .. 3 ClO . 5 00 .. 8 00