Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 22, 1861, Image 3

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sday Afternoon, January 22. 1661.
nsurance Companies have, according to a
lecision upon life insurances, a deep inter
the temperance movement as well as
A the adulteration of liquor, it having
decided by the Supreme Court of New
, that intemperance is no bar to the re
pry of life insurance. The case involved
10, which the company are ordered to pay.
.escTios.--We arc reliably informed that
Lan John Saline, who recently died in the
ward, from injuries caused by an acci-
I fall on the stairs of his dwelling, was
itoxicated, as currently yeported at the
We make the corredtion with pleasure,
request of his widow, who states that
ceased did not make a practice of drink
intoxication,- and was duly sober at the
he fatal accident occurred.
TAY.—On Sunday afternoon a canvass mail
Supposed to have been filled with mail
.r at the Harrisburg office, was found lying
_ .reight car about twenty miles this side of
Baltimore, on the line of the Northern Central
Railway The thief cut out the lock, ripped
Open the bag, unsealed all the letters, and rifled
! ! hem of their contents, which, however, were'
;tot of much value, and then replaced the let
-a in the pouch. The mail agent took it to
lre on Monday morning and banded it
postmaster of that city.
FROM GREASE.- Some idea of the amount
lue of the products of the oil country
near the Allegheny river, may be form
. the freight list of the Sunbury and Erie
.oad. We subjoin, from the Erie Observer,
+went of the number of barrels received
Je days :
Monday there were 780 barrels.
Tuesday " " 208 "
Wednesday " " 722.
ing the past week a number of sales were
at Tidionte at 25 cents per gallon at the
The excitement continues unabated,
re hear every day of persons being severe
icked with the disease which has become
lous—"oil on the brain." The oil region
to be the only place where the perils of
ntry are not thought of or discussed.
rn that the tender . of a special train -to
, President elect, by the President of the
'ittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad,
ais not yet been accepted, owing to the im
wmibility of determining,definitely what route
till be taken. The above named company
ropose that the "iron locomotive car," which
'ill bold fifty persons comfortably, shall be
xl if desired, or a full train for the President
id as many friends as shall desire to accom
iy him, will be made up for the purpose. The
)fficers of the Pennsylvania Central have join
- the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago in
heir invitation, and propose to furnish the
lagnificent Prince of Wales car to Mr. Lin
aln's party, and make arrangements to run
the same through to Baltimore, if desired. It
evident that the President elect may travel
ii royal style, if he wishes to do so, all the
•ay to Washington.
Is COAL OIL EXPLOSIVE?—This question is just
itv exciting attention among chemists in ya
ms quarters. On the - one hand .it is confi
ntly asserted that propetjifetiiia co Toil
not explosive, while. .others addriCe facts to
• that, in trevettil instances this newly la
tticed illumination has been disastrously ex
sive. An exchange states that "one evening
3t, week, several members of the family of a
tizen of Bristol, Pa , were seated in the kitch-,
A tin can, but partially fall of coal oil,
'on the table. The lamp had just been
but not lighted, and the only flame or fire
is room was in the cook stove. Suddenly
can exploded, and, as if a streak of light
had burst upon the house, the room was
'sheet of flame, which set everything corn-
Me on fire. The oil from the can was
>red in all directions, some persons present
>log with partial injury, as if by a miracle.
Id to state, an interesting daughter of the
fourteen years of age, from whom some
90 facts were elicited, was so badly burn
t death ended her sufferings on the ens's
w." It becomes those interested in this
to set the public right on this important
, It is probable that the coal oil 'men
, above might have been a mixture of
illene and coal oil, which has been intro .
`;to some extent. We should like to heir
competent authority on - this subject-
meeting of workingmen on &tar.
, alluded to in our last issue, the ad
esolutions recently adopted by the
of Louisville, were read and en
.clittees, consisting in all of twenty-.
were appointed to draft resolutions,
I, and make the necessary arrange
, working men's Union mass meet-
Jourt House, on Thursday evening
hear rumors to the effectlhat car
politicians are secretly figuring in
ant, with the view of getting an
of "conservative" sentiment in-di-
with the opinions ,of the great
people. It is to be. hoped. there is
m for these rucuorir, end that the
of our city, who are competent to
it own business, will closely watch
d wolves in sheep's clothing who
I into their fold, and influence their
13 for selfish purposes. Let the
stand squarely up for the Union
'the enforcement of the Constitution
Laws, and against any concession of prin
-tending to compromise the rights and in
'‘ of Free Labor. We have great con
in the "bone ap,4 sinew," and believe
will prove themselves equal io the
MORE Pmenous.—The retiring Governor evi
dently made a general 'jail delivery during the
last week or two of his Administration. In ad
dition to the pardons announced in a recent is
sue of this paper, we:now learn that two Phila
delphia burglars, James McLaughlin and Ed
ward Cavenaugh, convicted in 1859 and sen
tenced to four years in the penitentiary, web
pnrdoned ^ by.•Governor Packer just : prior to his
tho Gubernatoral chair. HOw many
other rogues were restored to liberty, by the
retiring Governor, within a few weeks, will no
doubt be developed in due time.
A Deepsitano.—At a late hour lest night a
colored woman, - named Mrs. Patton, residing
in Cherry alley, called at the Mayor's office,
and complained that her son-in-law, John Pres
ton, had threatened to
herself and
daughter. The fellow was at once arrested by
the tihief of Police, and caged in the lock-np
until this morning, when he had a heating be
fore the Mayor. The woman then made oath
that Preston, who was drunk and disorderly,
flourished a knife and threatened to take her
life and that of his wife.' In default of bail he
was committed to prison to await a trial.
CITY. Gmrsys.—One Wm. Nazareth, a feeble
old man, with a head whitened by the frosts of
seventy winters, was among the occupants of
the lock-up last night. lie complained of
hunger, and was provided with ort plentiful sup
ply of provisions by the Chief of Police. On
appearing before the Mayor this morning, he
stated that he was on his way to Washington
to regulate matters there and crush out the
traitors and secessionists. The poor old wan
derer, "by friends and fortune quite disowned,"
was evidently partially insane. Two young
men—one a cooper and the other a machinist
by trade - also. were guests of the city. They
failed to get work, had no money, and volun
tarily sought shelter in - the asylum for vagrants.
God pity • the poor unfortunates who have
no money or work at this inclement season.
COURT oa QUARTER Sassions.—The regular
January term commenced its session yesterday
at the usual hour. All the judges were pre
sent, and the Grand Jury was duly sworn,
Tim. Essig acting as Foreman. _
The Coin. vs. Martin Erb, indicted for selling
liquor on Sunday. Acquitted, and the prosecu
tor, Mr. Pluck, ordered to pay the costs.
Corn. vs. Christian Spayd and John Sexton,
charged with larceny. The parties plead
Corn vs. Charles Thomas, John M. Anderson,
John Fagin and Charles Williams, charged
with larceny and picking pockets on the day
of Gov. Curtin's inauguration. Not guilty.
Com. vs. John Trump, charged with murder.
The case was continued Ulf the riekt sekibl of
COM. vs. Samuel Knox and Levi G. Ether,
charged with keeping a gambling house, &c.,
in this city.. The Grand Jury returned a true
bill, tut the defendants mended in having the
case continued till the next session of Court,
by givitig bail in the sum of on c e thousand dol
lars to appear at that time.
Com. vs. Antlers Wilhelm, charged - with
stealing a horse from John-Landis, of Derry
township. Verdict guilty.
sis" is causing an unusual stir in military cir
cles generally throughout the State, and many
new companies have been termed within a few
weeks. The following extract from the Adju
tant General's Report, showing the present
condition of our military system, will be read
with interest at this time. We commend Gen
eral Wilson's suggestions to the immediate con
sideration of the Legislature, and heartily en
.. sentiments embodied in the
his report The Gene g rA,
hearted Pennsylvanians, '"keeps step to the
music of the Union," end_ is-ready to take, up
arms in IM'defenee against foreign foes or do,
mestic traitors
"The-whole number of organized volunteer
companies in the State i 5.476, averaging about
forty men to a company, making an aggregate
of about 19,000 uniformed volunteers. The
entire military force of the State is about three
hundred and fifty-fiee thousand men, capable of
military duty. The arms of the State are all
in the posseselon of the volunteer companies
and comprise 12,800 muskets, &a., 4,706 rifles,
W s,,l ords o a rd n in d
a sa n b e r e es , , b %l n 4 g 7 pia
&c., 2 8;0.
8 . 09
6 cval ,ii r ec y
e s
pound bronze cannon. ' There are about 575
tents, about half.worn, la the arsenal at
risburg.Of the above, thero.tre about 2,500 1
muskets of the new model, /1 200 - tmproved
rifles, and about 500 excellent cavairre, er a e .
The balance of the
.arms are - unfit for acivp.
service in the field, being mostly the heavy ,
old flint-locks,' which, in using, are as , likely to
injure the possessor: as any one else. __The sixty
nine pieces of ordnance are in good condition,
with the exception of their carriages; many of
which need repair end others ought to be en
tirely_v_caim t. rep ... lac . 7 46.. 1. rilt ..t..t. liff : i hs, f will
r be mi s iy h een it that,42oo
effective knell urine,-t.O. f.' s co. actual- deficit
for them alone of 14,800 arms. This is truly a V y TB ro
.e) -a
_V B '-
lamentable exhibit. • •
"No arms are furnished to the militia in the --,. zrem - 11 : — ay— ' s
first instance, by the State itself: - All that are lIIQP I.MI r - . 1.7 MIS, 311 la "M
now issued to the militia from this office are'
___ "a
furnished by the United States to Pennsylvania, PACT RELEUM A.ND SCROFULA,
in common with the other Stateiand territories .
of the Confederacy. By the act of . Congress of SALT ..1111810S01111, SCROFULA, ;SCALD HEAD,
1808 (which was amended by the' net of 1855) OWES SORES, BINGO-WORMS, BAR=
the sum of $200,000 is annually, appropriated ! ;BEDS' 11 . 011, AND ALL ITCHING
to the purchase of arms to be distributed among •QHOURI`fING SORES,AIID ERUF"
the States and territories, in proportion by the '- TI C :INS " 'ME SKIN.-
orign al act, to the respective number of their B ointmen t b ear no resemblance to ' ay caner
militia,and afterwards by the amendment there -: I = w il l r e a te nyat present before the world. Them o
to, in proportion to their respective represent- iteopenttion is pe collar.. -.
~. , ~
a wn in Congress. By this mode of distaibu
tion, new States from year to year being. added mai ttrrcof the w
fi dis alb ease hellee w lire e
.73 ; i pau soum,...,Il etrates fd lo cur th e :
to the Confederacy; and the sum appropriatod "g l ol e
~Ints % irsta P aueattons for Scrofula,- gal Rite ,
remaining the same, the quota due to Penocli- l ie ., o perate downward, num droingthe disorder in r
, thrown
vania is lessened every year. - For instance ir A . and often occasi
ur oning, teirg cons B e !
1847, the quota furnished our State was %f) gr. r"? 1 5"!!
--,-i,— or tee disease Be
IA Tlm'
and trery Y particle of it
muskets, while the quOta furnished in MO, was enarar4 throe , amperes. - - •
1,233 muskets, showing a diminution.„ i n t en Thus me ewes it effects incomplete. Not only ar u le
xpelled fro e
tn d isease ' are - e
years of 825 muskets. Unless Congre se en i e r.. BdourgihetlZTire eru ptio ns Temclved - ` 4 he !Ewel l '
gee the appropriation, Pennsylvania r . anst soon flesh; consequently there can be no relafse. =
look to her own resources in atukir,Jg her citi. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who e
tried every professional 8101i0 of treatment and ever
zena. vertised curative without, relief, here is a cerfain„
"The small quota of arms reaetiv,ecl from the and expeditious remedy for the evils you endut
General Government, totalrsch* lignite to the Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth-'ot all that IS f
wants of the valunteers, has teri.dered the office tided. . ,
of Adjutant General an unplwf :wit one r aud by meat " ha ve been tsted Si the ostobstanate
pa 6. t i action, tile properties of the
no means a sinecure. : It hat utterly defied the beam:dice]. skill In the con
----.'"'"' a beef:LS=6 unded
with diffiordtlea and annoyiraces that no officer arid upon wbich the most celebrated healing springr
could obviate. I trust thr attitude •
• s menacing .
oced no effect—an& in every instance with ever ,
of a portion of our countrymen will induce the , "
Legislature to arm the iwahia and preixtre - fer any' '
emergency: - . The , Militialf 'af Pennsylvania will
ever be found ready : to 'march; ligdeynce of the
reOriat)tation,lhaLaii ! card the. Vnyin,,ior pro- `
tect our countrymen . from insurrection."
nia mattp- - aitegrapt ) , attesav - afternoon, ;Imam -227 -1861.
RIM . . THOMAS STREET, of York, will preach
this evening, in the Presbyterian church, cor
ner of Market Square. A general invitation is
extended to the public toThe present.- There
will public services in this church
during-most of -the week.
THE PRODIQAL Sort,is the subject selected by
Rev. Dr. Robinson, of 'Brooklyn, for his dis-
course this. evening,'ln - the Locust Street Me
thodistchureli, 'No doubt the eloquent divine
will handle• it.with the - ability which has char
actertied all his sermons during the past week.-
As . a revivalist he has few equali.
EDITOR TittannAsa :--In Thursday's issue
of yeti!. valuable paper, you gave part of Mr.
Williams' speech on the maintenance of the'
Constitution and the Union Will you please
inform us where the remainder, of it can bo
found, and oblige
[NOTE.—The concluding portion of Mr. Wil
liams' speech ran over on the second page, but
we learn from our forencan that setae few.
copies of , the paper were , printed in which it
was omitted ; and our friend must have been
one of the.unlucky individitals. We therefore
re publish the concluding portion of it, as fol
lows : • . • -
But it will not be made void. It is not in the,
order of Providence that this great nation shall
perish on the very threshhold of its high , career.
It has just expanded its wings 'for a flight of its
No man can read the story of
birth, without seeing the finger of a superin
tending Providence directing its path through
darkness and disaster, as distinctly as the beacon
light which flamed in the midnight heavens in
advance of the armies of Israel. No man can
look back upon its progress, and realize the
blessings which it has already conferred upon
man, and the still greater blessings which it
foreshadows, and then sit down in gloomy skep
ticism as its future, without a doubt whether
the same Providence still continues to govern
the affairs of this world. It may have vicissi
tudes of fortune, like all things human. The
flag, of our Union may plunge behind the storm
cloud, and bury itself occasionally in the bosom
of the tempest, but it will emerge again—that
glorious emblem - of our power—it will emerge
again—that constellation of our hope—from the
darkness that may overshadow it, refulgent as
with the splendors of a new dawn—flinging-off
the vapors which have hung about its folds, and
hanging out, as of old, its signal of hope, and
freedom, and deliverance to the nations. A
hundred generations shall yet sit down under
its shadow, and bless the hands that reared and
the, hands that have defended it.
This- is Mitchell's,latest andibest attempt to
furnish the American people with .a complete
Atlas, comprising a series of seventy-six maps
and plans of different cities•in- the United
States, with a full and accurate list of post of
fices, arranged in alpbabetical order,numbering
some twenty-five thousand, and corrected cen
sus of the principal towns and cities according
to the latest returns,and other statistical know
ledge so'important to every man of:business.
Its maps are clear and distinct. - The bounda
ries of each county_ and State are plain and dis
tinct, the coloring beautiful, all combining to
niake it one of the most attractive and desira
ble woiks for the drawing-room or center table
—a work every family ought to possess 7 -while
the low price at which it is furnished, places it
within the reach of families of Moderate means.
The' engravings are entirely new, being gotten
up expressly for this work, and give a clearness
to the lettering and lines of demarkation of
the different countries, seldom met with.
The work is sold only by agents and can be
procured of the agent who is now visiting this
city. .
'dos. F. JAGGSBS.
- 410. 21-tf.
- lawn ARRIVAL OF New Goons.—THE Camay
mar 'Goons OFFERBD Ynr.--2,000 yards Canton
flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. , 2,000
yards bleached 4=4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12
cents. 1.110 - I'e - beautiful new style print at 10
cents, worth 12 cents. ,50 Pe print at 7 and 8
worth 12 cents, warranted fast color.—
aNkolied muslin at 10 cents,
I.the best - Wermite
shirts and drawers at 50, 82 arThltri
Socks and and ladies - stockings a large variety.
Our whole stock of winter goods, 'such as
Shawls,• De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, -and all
kinds of Flannels I will sell off at cost. Now
is thki time to get bargain& S. Laws . , at
Mama' old corner.
Davis' Pain Killer.
130 ,MEL4O/171 ig 7.1411:13 prom pt in its action in
CMS of Cholera, Cholera biorh us, he., than Perry Davis,
Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged anadOie.whiclusel
dom fails, it applied in its early symptoms. • .No-family
should be without a 'banks cif it always on hand. -;
The stain on linen from the nee of the Pain Killer Is
nanny 'removed by wattling in - alcohol.
' .Pain Killer seems particularly:eft h scions M
... beton/ ruprbus, bowel complaints, and other diSeasin
She natives Of Buimahi from their nnwhblesome
angle of living, are peculiarly exposed. Is a valuable
anti' -I ,te to the poison of Centipedes, Scorpions , hornets,
Late )llssloisry M.lMrmsh.
,• • • • medieMe = dealers
ia-rounbout t Oaaded
Sold 4n Large Bogies—Price 50 Opt:.
4,3E.1 NORTON; Chemist, Proprietor, MI
-. Wholesale Druggists, la Roam= shi N.
*Ad hyDio.l2lsaosus, Harriabarg, Pa: -
• •
Bra from aft Mineral Poistmitin cases of Scroftila
.Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days, every vettige of these loathsome diseases
b y their. purifying effects ou the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, lly§papsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short,
most ail diseases 'mon yield to their curative 'properties.
No family' should be without them; as by their timely
use mush sutferliti and expense may be saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. it., New'York, and
for Pale by all Druggists nov9-wly
TO FARMEItS.—VIRGINIA LANDS.;—:The undersigned
is now prelisred to furnish, in any quantities, from 100
to 1000 acres, or more, good farming or grazing lands, in
Randolph and adjacent counties; in Western Virginia.
within 12 or 16 hours of Baltimore and 26 hours of N. Y.
The lands are fertile and well timbered, the climate
very healthy, and so mild that cheep can be ordinarily
wintered with very little feeding, and where a cow can
be raised as cheap as a chicken in New England.
They will Ito sold cheap, end on easy, terms, or ex
changed for improved property or merchandise.
Address, with Postage stamp, care of JOY, COE & CO
Tribune Building, New Vdrk. triy2s-wly
Momnis, Rzen Mag.—The following is an
extract from a' letter written by the pastor sf a Baptist
church-to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati,
Ohio, •and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re
noweCinedicine--birs. WinsloW's Soothing Syrup for
"We see On advertisement in your colOmn of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Now wo never said a word
in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel comilelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum
bug—we have tried It, and knew tt to he all it claims. It
s, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the
ay, because it Is oneof the best, And those of your
adore -w ho have babies can't do better than to lay
supply. au2.2.
GOUGBi. —The ettdden changes of oar climate
are sources orPulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af
fections. Experience having proved that simple reme•
dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the
early'stages of the' dines°, recourse stionld at once be
had' to •'Brown's Bronchial Troches,” or Lozenges, let
the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so
slight, as by this precaution a moreserious attack may
be warded off. Public Speakers
and Singers will find
them effectual for cleating and strengthening the veice.
See advertisement. -. delo-d-sw.twem
WOOD'S Hark RESTORATIVE. —Amon g all
preparations for the hair that have been introduce' as
infallible, none has ever given the satisfaction or gained
the popularity that Prof. Wood's flair Restorativ enow
has. His Restorative Das passed the ordeal of Meunier.
able fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they
have tested it, prondence it a peerless article. 'They
find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peer
less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that
it crea'es a fresh growth—that it tullyrestores the vc
ge,taUve power of the roots on the denuded•places, and
mites the fibres to sh oot forth anew—that tt dissolves
and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the
hair to Its original color when grayness has actually
pervened,_gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and
flexibilityof si lit to the'hair, and, keeps it always hurt.
ant, healthy and in 'run Y.
gold by all respectable Druggists . de2llm
}iterative for Making the hairgrow, stopping:lts falling
out, and restoring gray hair to its original color, is lie
coming celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving
way before At. Three fourths' of,the mixtures for re
storing and beautifying the hair, do it more Injury ; than
good; They burn it-up—destroy the life of As roots—
make th:i hair fall oir, and produce premature baldhesi.
But Prof. Wood's Restorative may be relied upon as con
taining nothing which can la any manner beinjurfous to
the hair, while its.sumeas in accomplishing wbat4t.pre
tendii to do has been verified. In hundreds of eases., We
advise gray heads, and heads getting bald—ail who wish
to save their wool or obtain a new stook, to get- a bottle
of l'eood's Restorative —N. Y. Democrat...,
Said by all -Druggists. • nol9-lm
Ws call the attention of our readers to an
article adverthwil in-another column, called BLOOD FOOD
io an entirety new discovery, and mnstnot be oohfound
ed with any of the -numerous patent medicines of the
day. It is food for the Mood, already prepared4or ab.
sorption; pleasant to thwtaste and' natural in action, and
what one gaius he. rotalow' Let all those, then, who are
suffering from poverty; impurity or deficiency of blood,
and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment,
take of this Dimon Won and be restored to health. We
notice that our Druggists have' received a supply of this
article, and also of the world-renownid Dri EATON'S In.
RAM= CORDIAL, which every mother sheath - have. It
itgaid to' contetrr no paregoric or opiate 'of any kind
*Miniver, and of course meet be intialuable for all tuba
tile complaints. It is also e said that it will'allay all pain;
and soften the gores in proems' of teething, and at- the
same.time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
ninnies, who have endured anxious days and sleepless
`a procure a supply and bo atone relieved.
garSeeadvertisement.' auff-tfeb6
For sale by C. A.- Bannvart,nole agent, Harrisburg, Pa
THE ADVERTISER, having been restored to
health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several you's with "a severe lung !erect.
lon. and that dread disease, Cons amption—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all With desire It, he will send a copy - of the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will And
sure - cure fbr Consumption, - Asibma, Bronchitis, &c. The
only (Nadi of the.advertiser in sending the
is-to benefit the allic.ted,and spread information - Whith
he conceives to be avoidable, and he hopes every-suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and-may prove blessing. ' • • - •
Partcs wishing the prescription will please address
-•Kings county, New York
'Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, Y. D.,
Physician Extraordinary to ike Queen.
This Invaluable medicine is mailing in the:enre of all
thosipainfal and dingireue diseases to wnichihe female i
constitution. Ls subject, It moderates all excess and re
moves ;in •otatruclinne, and a speedy cure_ may be.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, tiring OD
flie . Monthly period with regularity.'
Each bottle, price One. Dollar, bear; the Government
Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pals should sot be fiken females during the .
FIRST Wylie AlOATTligqf 4' : 4•94rnaucy, 43:they are sure
to bring ini-ARrarriade, 441 r!Kr
tame they are
. _
SP all_ gimes of Dierviiis and Spinal affentiana, Pain in
~... ,
LW Bank and LSaiiie,. Patioenv alight. exertion, Patrona
tit*. ofthi, Starlit Hysterine and yliltes4theile Pilla wil
difiiiatit.d4e when all .opier meainahlina Sated ; and al•
thodiftdpowerful•reniedY, o not contain iron,talomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution..
I . FAX-ri, iractions„lnlhe pamphlet around eacliipaokage,
atigetialionlittObsiottly preperVeth'
i .
5.. , ' it,.-Bp.41;00 and er Poetise.' .., ....: enelosedni an au
ilti.mizild Ailri: il a ai g lia tz th aii • , 'ilia
- • • -
mpourm !to piintrALEs
kii%! "
• - s - Ew-Yoßxo - orrY l .--7 ,
HE combination, of ingredients in thene
Pills ars the result of a long and extensive practice.'
ey are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
I irregularities, Palatal Menstraations, removing all ob
ructions, whether from , sold or otherwise, headache,
hi in the side, palpitation of the heart; whites, all nerr
us alleCtlonS, hysteric, thtigue, pain in the back and
mbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption
f nature
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
on the monthly period with regulaiity: Ladieii Who have
been disappointed in.thence or other Pills can place the
utmost confidence In Dr. Cheeseinan's Pills doing all Wit
they represent, to de, .
There is one conchtion of Qtefentaie syrtera In-whith the
Pills cannot be taken washout producing a RECULL4I2
RESULT. - 2he ocmditionvefekred to is RISEGIVANGT—
the recuit, MISC-41011.4GR. Sucts„.is ..the , crresidaie
tendency of the medicine restore he iestiartliketions to a
normal condttion; thm. Linn The reprOdssotifti pouter o/
- Warranted pturoly timetable, and free from anything ,
injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, so,
company eadh box. Price 111. - Sent by Mali on enblosing
$l.lO DR Gomm= L. Onionanten . ,llox 4,581, Post Office,
Now York .C. 1145
Sold by °ow:- agglsttu everytown in the United Stares
General Agrot for thellnited States,
• 14 Broadwiy, NOw Tort,
o whom all Whoteiale orders should Sc addr.n.a.
Sold In Hapinburg by 0. A. 1
WHISKY ink received "an"d for - salel2y_
jani— 71t Market Street.-
equal—instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural - Brown—no staining the akin or injuring the
Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and
Invigorates- he Mir for life.. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere.
CU-AS. BATCHBLOP., Proprietor.
81 BarelaY Street, New York
marl') d&wly
WBAX.NIEss AND DneriaTY.—All who suffer
from weaktiois or debility, where there Is a want of en•
ergy, should at once hive recourse to JUDSON'S MOUN
TAIN lIERE PILLS. 'they immediately purify the blood,
and act upon the mainspringof life, giving strength and
vigor to the 'system.' Young persons entering into wo;
manhood,, with a derangement of the functions ; and to
mothers at the tarn of life, these Pills will be most effi
cacious in correcting the tide of life that may be on the
turn. Young and-elderly men suffer in a similar manner
at the same periods, when there is always danger, they
should therefore undergo a course of this purifying me-
divine, which ensures 'lasting health.
This great Household Medicine ranks among the lead
ing necessaries of life, as it is well known to the, world
that itcures complaints other remedies cannot reach
this fact is as well established as that the Sun lights the
-Sold by all medicine dealers. de26-lm
more Sufferers from_debility, among Americans, than
can be Muni among any other M.v.ilised, nation. The
reason is obvions. We take too little exercise, and for
get the wants of the body in the absorbing pursuits of
business. in'all such cases, ordinary medicines can do
little good. What is required is just such a tonic and in
vigorator as Dr. J. Hostetter has given to the world, In
his CELEBRATED "BITTERS." The weak and nervous
denizen of the minting house, the exhausted toiler 'upon
the ehop.board, and the prostratedmtudent of the mid
night lamp hvve found. a wonderful regenerator in the
"Bit ire," and rreier it to more pretentious, but less ef
ficacious medicines.. But it should, not be forgotten that
the a?.ent whirls is so magical in its influence upEt a
frame wbich merely 'debilitated, is equally powerful
in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms of
disease. Who would not give it a trial?,
Sold by droggista and dealers everywhere.
SW-See. advertisement in 'another column.
Infallible, in corroding, regulating, and removing all
obstructions, from whatever cause, and al
. ways successlMl as a preven
• Aim
the doctors for many - years, both in France and
America, with onfitiralleled success to every onto and
- he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to
make the Pills public for the alleviation of thore Suffering
from any irregularities whatever, as well - ax•to - prevent
an increase of family where health will not penult it
particularly situated, or those supposing them
selves so, are cautioned against those Pine while in that
condition as they are stir! to produce miscarriage, and
the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this edam.
nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis
chief to health—otherwise the 'Pills are recommended.
Full ana.explieit directions' accompany each box. Prlee
$1 00 per box. Fold wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
"Ladies," by sending him S 1 00 to the Harrisburg
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to
any part of the country (oonftdentially) and "free of pea -
lege" by mail. Sold aiso by S. S. Smivinve, Reading,
COWDEN, Philadelphia, J . L.
BERGER Lebanon, Damn. HAlsrrsatr, Lancaster; J. A.
WOLE.Wrightsville E. lints; York ; and by one
druggist in, every city, and village in the Union, and by
S. D. Hews, sole proprietor, Now York.
N. B,—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Bolden Pills
of any, kind unless.every box is signed S. D. Howe. All
others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as
you vaue your lives and health, (to say nothing of be
ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those
who show the signature of S. li, Howe' on every box,
which has recently been ndded oh account of the Pills
Ank".couuterteitect,. - . 'deSidw.sewir•
New abriertisentento.
„ Care Cough s ' iftid, Hoarseness, Infin
' , 3 , , jIIIIIW emit irsitalion or Soreness ot”
0,3 , ' if the Throat, _Relieve the Hacking
EiRoNCHIAL,. - 'chitt i ls&A.a,cin t dCatarr'
- Clear and giv . , tirength to
the 'meet of
Few are uware of the importance of checking-a Cough
or ' , Common Cold" in. its first stage ; that which in the
beginning would yield t o a mild remedy, if neglected, soon
attacks the Dings; "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRCCRNS,'
containing demulcent ingredients, allay l'clmouary and
Bronchial 'lrritation. '•
'That trouble in my Throat, (for which
the i.TROCHNS" arc a specific) haying
I made me often a mere whisperer. ,
• ' N. P. WILLIS.
recommend their-nsoa. to Public
REV. E. H. cirAPIN.
' . 43ave proved extremely serviceable
For Hoarseness."
"Almost blatant relief in the distressing
labor of breathing Peculiar to Asthma."
, Contain no Opium or scything injuri
ous.. DR. A.A. HAYES,
Chemist, Boston.
le and pleasant combination Mr
_ -
"Beneficial in Bronchitis '-
BR. J. F. W
' 'Bonton.
"I Lave proved Our. 'essoollept for
Whooping Cough."-
- Boston:
“Setefletal *ben compelled to speak,
suffering from Cold.
"Effecinal in removing Bananas and
Irritation of tlie Throat, so common with
Speakers and Shigers."
La Grange, Ga.
Teacher of Music, Southern
Female College.
"Great benefit when taken before and
after'Preaching, as they prevent Hoarse
nese. From their past effect, I think they
will e be of Permanent advantage to me."
Presidenter Athena College, Tenn.
vi-mold LIAR Druggists at 25 centaa box.
nov2o-dai6m •
WOIJLD respectfully inform his old
IV Irons end the , Üblie Atierauy, that he will
- VIOLIN arta co
Bess. f"ro w .a — pleMure wait upon pupils at - their
homes - M*ly hour desired, or , lessons will be given at
bis residence, in Third street, a few - doors - below the
Germaniapfermed Uhuich. deels-dtf
P4DIET 0 1
• At all:pyiees,for sale at • • ' • •
: al Marketlitreet
amp) vraanut-tit,- betweenlecond and
-Third; Itairialnirg,'Pa.
Ntn) 21bvertistments.
A Distinguished St. Louis Physician Writ .;
Incas, July 10,1860.
0. 3. WOOD, Esq.; Dear 21c : hlio lr mo the pleasure
and satisfaction to transmit to . you the beneficial elLut-.
of your Bair Restorative , after a trial of five Tears. I
commenced using your Restorative in January, 1815,
since which time I have not been without bottle on
hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite
thin, and at least one.third gray. - A few applications
stopped its, turning, and in three Weekli time there was
not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up
to this time.
After my hate was completely restored, I continued Its
use by applying two or three times per mouth. My hair
has ever c.rdinued healthy, soft and glosey, and my
scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the
rafts above mentioned will be of any particular ad:vin
tage to yon, or even flatter your vanity at this late day
as I am well aware they are all known already and eves
more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have our
eupied my time in traveling,the greater piri of the time
the past three years, and have taken pride and pleasure
in recommending year Restorative, and exhibiting Its
effects in my own case. In several Instances I have met
with people that have pronounced it a humbug; saying
they have used it and without effect. In every instance,
however, it proved, by probing the matter, that they
had not used your article at all, but had-used some new
article said to be as good as yours, and: selling at about
half the price. I have noticed two or three artleleseny
self advertised as above, which I have no doubt arc
humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronize
an article of no reputation, when there is one at band
that has been-proved beyond a doubt.
Apparently some of those charitans have not lash;,
enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have
copied yours word for word in several instances, merely
inserting some other name In place of yours.
I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with
more than two thousand persons thathavo used your
preparation with perfect success—some for baldness,
gray hair, scald head dandruff, and every disease the
scalp and head are subject to. -
I called to see you personally at your original pace of
business here, but learned you were now living in yew
You are at liberty to publish this or refer parties iu
me. Any communication addressed to me, care bog No,
1,920, will be promptly'answered.
Yours, truly, -
.. •
WaRM asmas, Perry CO., Pa., June 7, lsfio.
Prof.` WOOD, Dear Rir:—l was Induced more than a
year ago to - try your valuable Hair Restorative. for the
purpose of cleansing my bead of dandruff. I bad suffered
with it upon my head for years, and had never been able
to get anything to do me any good in removing it, al
though I bad tried many preparations, ustil I saw. your
advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Geier . ; there at
the time, I called at Gross & Hulakle'a drug stare and
bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it
to universal use, for it has completely removedalt demi
ruff from my head, and an application once in two weeks
keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.—
I must also state that my hair bad become quite whit,
in places, and; by the use of your preparation, has been
restored to its original color. Ia m now 50 yearn of ace,
and although I have used two bottles of the Restoratii , e,
no one has any knowledge of it, as I allow a few gray
hairs to remain in order to. have my appearance, com
port viith my age. My head is now of leas trouble to me
in keeping it clean, - &c., than at any time stare I have
been a child. I consider your preparation of great value,
and, although' do not like to expose myself, I consider it
my duty to do so. You can use ibis rx any pert of It
any shape you think proper, 4: it i 3 worin any thini,_ to
you. Yours &c.
- ll. ' HATA,
lEhoonixwrox, lad., July 30, 13 , 4.
Raid Sas : I here send you a statement that I think
you are entitled to the benefit of. I ana a resident ,f
Blosmington, end have been here for over thirty years.
lam now over fifty of age. For about twenty years
past My hair has been turning considerably gray,-an !
was almost - entirely white and verystiff and Unpliant. I
had seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful
effect of your Hair Restorative but sup, osed there was
more fiction than truth in them: but entertaining a strong
desire to have my hair, if possible, restored to its origi
nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a
beautiful black, I concluded I would make the ea' ori
ment commencing in a small wey. J purchased one of
your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced using,
following directions as nearly Es I could. I soon disco, - -
eredthe dandruff removed, end my hair, that was Mina
off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a
radical change taking plan in the eoler. I have contin
ued to nee it, till I have toed three of your small bottles
and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a
head of dark brown or light Week. hair as any man, or
as Iliad In my youthful - -days, when a boy in the hills of
Western Virginia. Hybead is entirely clear of dandruff,
and the hair ceased entirely falling olf anl is as soft and
due, and feels as oily, as though it we, just from the
hands of a French champooner. Many of my acquaintan
ces frequently say to me "butler, where did 3 ou get that
fine wig ?,' I tell them it was the effect of your Restora
tive. Itis almost impossible to convince them that it le
the original hair of the same old gray head.
Yours, truly, •
Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind.
Wourl'a HAIR &STORM - CT has acquired a reputatiot
from actual test and experiment winch cannot be en
!lanced by newspaper punt. In our vicinity it has bees
extensively used ; and we believe in every case with every
desired result, and received the universal endorsement o:
all who have tried it. We therelore iecommend it as one
of those few nostrums which accomplishes all it profers
es, and all the bald and gray could ,desire.—Caims4i t
. _
PROF. WOOD'S HAIR Ilivrroseuvv.--loZijotue
.will be found an advertisement of this well known and
'effcellent preparation for restoring gray Mir to its ortm.
nal color. The Hair Restorative also cures cutaneous
eruptions, and prevents the Lair falling off. We have
seen many, authentic testimonials in prom of thme (user -
lions some of which are from gentlemen.whom we have
known for many years as persons of the most reliable
character. Don't dye till lon ha .o tried this Restorative.
Boehm Olive Branch.
WOOD'Et Sacs .R.FATORATIVE.—We are not in the habit of
puffing every hew disiovery, for in nine CUBS Oat of ten
they.are quack nostrums, but we take great pleasure in
recommending Professor Wood's article to all whosehair
is falling off or turning gray. Cur well known contrlim
toi; Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the benefit of
its application, andiohis +MMus in speakiag of its virtues.
Lot all try it, and bald holds will be as rare as snow in
summer—.Ballintore Patriot.
WOOD'S HAIR S3ISIOTLATIVE, —Unlike most specifics, this
is proved, by unimpeachable evidee ce, to possess great
efficacy as a restorer of the hair to pristlue vigor. Whore
the bead bad become almost bald because of sickness,.
theme of this article has.produced a beautiful growth GI
thick, glossy heir. Ikia:.therefore a,valuable prepara
tion for all classes. Itaciegredieras tire'such as to efFecht
ally eradicates dandruff' and other impurities; which
operate so injuriously to the hair. Jt also has curative
, ri In mans cacos
plea an. o or - igu • -
livtliPear her
ever it la used'. ; There 113 it° 1301111'd attaching to the trial
of his remedy, and its effects can 'only be beneficial, as
Apt cause a ,rarnifest improve
the compound if it does
merit, is itcapable of doing harm, NIB its component els
ments ere perfectly innocuous . —Barten TranTeript, April
92, 1859.
. ,
A CishrUSE Boos„—Tn our capacity as conductor of a
public Journal,- we are called upon to advertiee the cure
' alla of the day, each or which claims to be meadulterwea
in its composition and hafallible in its a - endive effects,
with what jastice we leave our readers to deter ...hie. Iu
one instance, however—Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative
—we are so well assured of the hatable qualities of the
article, that we give it our indorsement as all that its in
ventor and vender claim it to - be.' Itheffeet upon a failing
head 01 hair is
.unlversally known to bemagical, Like
lime or guano ma exhausted land, it brings its Crop whey
ever applied: Our own thatch is li?rtanaldly very heal
thy, hut we advise our friends iirith . sjaarseiy-growiug
hair to try. the Restorative.—Cohonbia Spit. •
Au; Hata Dyes ABANDOAD.;--Wiint's Givat.....4riicle ha s
Taken-the Field.—Noragsar Woodmtands on an eminence
110:6,13,emi1, whose attention has beenlurned liwonting
a ifair tome, has ever before reached. Etig'farneli sud
den but world-svide,:and thobsands whO.have worn wigs
or been bald for years ire - noir; thrOug UM use of 1.1
preparation; wearing
.their , own Amhara! and 111XLISISME
head covering. lb much for chemistry, the chemistry
of human life, and the laws Which apply to the lunation.:
Of the system. Prof.. Wood studied out the human hair,
, ts character, its properties and diseases, and bow to ra
store the decaying vitality to that ornament I be saw, ea
In his own: case, that gray, Lair is unnatural unleFs the
age.ef the individtial hatareached four roere, and ho be
lieved that the - hair.eould be naturally revitalized. ll
tried his own case—almost bald and quite gr,y, et tfe
age of thirty-seven—he 'restored his own hair in color,
Strength and luxuriant; and the article ho did ii with
he gave, to the world. Get .WOWYS ..14fAIR REsTORA
and lake nothing else.irew Ii rk Day book,
fiP 0 TS
No..4.34_Broatlway,'NewYork,lid NO
Liar ket ittree.t. St. Louts, 711141 i.
, ll4
B fold in
URR & CO. atou-by G. C; GOODWIN - & C0.,-and , M. E.