THE 'Iltt'GRX-1,11 IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (smarms MICCEPTEDO BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO• TERMS.—arNau SURSCRIPTION The DAILY TILIGRAFaia, served to subseribere In the corough at - 6) Gaits per week. Yearly subscriber , ' A ill be charged $4.00. WeleaLY ext. 81:311-SVUKLY TELSGIcAPH. ftte I:l7.lmtava is also published twice a week during :ue session of the Legislatsre NM weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the ' , Wowing race, viz: Single Subscribers pr.:' year &von Cl Ton = I subscribers order the discontinuance at their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or retest to take their newspa oers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hav^ letticd the bills and ordered them discontinued Pennsylvania Legislature. From our Second Edition of Yesterday. SENATE. MONDAY, JANUARY 21;1861 The Senate met at 11 a: m. The SPEAKER in the chair. • Prayer by Rev. Jilin Comma. The Journal of Thursday was then read. SPEAKER'S TAME. The SPEAKER laid before the Senate a com munication from the Auditor General, in response to the resolution of the Senate, adopt; ed on the sixteenth Instant, on the subject of the payment of taxes into the State Treasury by the Ilelaware and Hudhon. Canal company. On motion of Mr. CLYMER, the same was ordered to be printed in the Legislative Re cord. Mr. HALL Called for the reading of the com-: munication, when it was partly read; .the fur ther reading of the same being dispensed with, on motion of Mr. SMITH. A number of extracts from the Journal of the House of Representative were caps read by the clerk. _ • On motion of Mr. SMITH, the Senateproceed to the consideration of one of the series of ex tracts just read, relative to an approval of the conduct of Governor Hicks, of Maryland.. - The extract was read as-follows : Resolved, by the Senate and house of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pemisylvania. That the patriotic and conservative course of Gov. Hicks of Maryland, in refusing to convene the Legislature in this trying period of our nation al history, meets our cordial approbation, and calls forth an earnest sympathy for all those who are struggling to maintain the integrity of our common country. We hereby commend the high and patriotic ground his Excellency has taken in defence of the Union, and we pledge to the State of Maryland the fellowship and support of the State of Pennsylvania in the holy purposes advocated by her patriotic son. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions of forwarded to the Governor of Maryland. On the final passage of the first resolution, , The yeas and nays were required by Messrs. SMITH-and ITAT.T,, and were as follows: YEAS—Messrs. Benson, Blood, Bonghter, Bound, Clymer, Connell, Crawford, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton, Hiestand, Im brie, Ketcham, Lawrence, Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Penney, Robinson, Smith, Thompson, Wharton, and Palmer, Speaker—Z. NArs—None. So the question was determined in the affirm ative. The second resolution was then read and Agreed to. The Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, Mr. S. B. Thomas, being introduced, presented a message from the Governor, transmitting a communication received from Governor Morgan, of New York, entitled "Concurrent Resolutions, tendering aid to the President of the United States, in support of the Constitution and the Union." On motion of Mr. FINNEY, the same was read by the Clerk. LEAVE OS ABBE VX ASKED Mr. BLOOD asked leave of absence for the Senator from Lehigh (Mr. Seumnsr) fora few days from to-day. Leave was granted. Mr. FINNEY asked leave of absentia for a few days from to-day for the Senator from Centre (Mr. Gnsoo.) Leave was granted. REPORT Or A COMAITTEE. Mr. CLYMER, from the Committee to Com• pare Bills and present them to the Governor for his approbation, made a report as follows : That they have prepared and presented to the Governor, for his npprob.:7l3 , ' . entitled, "Resolution to pay Daniel F. Hemperly for servioes rendered." The report was read and journalized BELLS BRAD IN PLACE. Mr. FINNEY read in his place, by its title and presented to the Chair, a bill, entitled, "Ail Act to extend the provisions of an act for the protection of sheep and the taxing of ,dogs in Blair county, to the county of Crawford." Referred to Committee on AgricultUre, &c. Mr. SMITH read in place; ani4 ct ,to author ize the Governor to appoint two additional No taries Public, to reside in the city of Philadel— phia. Referred .to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. HAMILTON read in place, "a further supplement to an Act to incorporate the Amer ican Steam Plow 'Manufacturing company, of Lancaster county. • Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. BENSON read in place, an Act to incor porate the Potter county Forest Improvement company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, a supplement to an Act to incorporate the Potter county Railroad company. . Referred to the Committee on Railroads. Mr. PARKER read in place, an Act relative to the enrollment tax. on certain acts of the Ge neral Assembly. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. BOUND read in place, an Act for the protection of fruit and fruit trees, in Northiiin berland county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, ace. Mr. ROBINSON read in place, a supplement to an Act relating to suits by Sheriffs, Prothon otaries, and other officers in Westmoreland, Lycoming and Washington counties ; to extend the provisions of it to Mercer county. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. BILLS CONSIDERED. Mr. FINNEY moved to discharge the Com mittee on Agriculture &c„ from the further con sideration of "an act to extend the provisions of an act for the protection of sheep and the taxing of dogs in Blair , county to Crawford county,"' and that the Senate proceed to' consider the same. Agreed to. And the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the same, dispensing with going into c;ommit tee of the whole, when the bill passed finally. Mr. Nom moved that,the Judiciary Com mittee be discharged frOnx the faither consid eration of an Act authorikin(the Governor to appoint two additional Notaires:' Public for the city of Philadelphia, and that the Senate con sider the same. Agreed to. And the Senate then proceeded to consider the bill, and dispensed with going into commit tee of the whole, when the' same passed final 7 ly. Mr. ROBINSON moved to discharge the .ju , dietary Committee from the further c,onsidera4, tion of a "supplement to an act relating to suits by Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and other officers in Lycoming, Washington and ' Westmoreland counties. Agreed to. The act extends the provisions to Mercer county also. On motion of Mr. liOI3DISON the Sanatedis. - 1 . . ~ ....„, : . .s. . . , w , . . . . . . 't A I lCt'e-- I . . . . . . .. . . I . . - ':•-•,e,..:6..:4 \ ------ -- -- -- --- - . : : . - . • ",:e— , 1 V !:!e l - 21 ;,0 ' 1..0 . 4 . - :.; ~.,. z.. --. .. - • 4 . - -L!", '0 --'%27----- „ . • . $ 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIV pensed with going into Committee of the whole, and proceeded to the consideration of the same. Mr. MEREDITH moved to include Armstrong county also. Agreed to, and the bill as amended passed finally. . . • Mr. PENNEY moyelto proceed to the con sideration. of Senate bill :No. - 84, a further relating t. to 'the building of bridges across the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers opposite the city of Pittsburg. Agreed to, and the Senate went into Com mittee of - the whole, Mr. ,PIc,INEY in the chair when, after a short time, it was reported as cotnmitted, and passed finally. ELECTION OM STATE A committee from the House of Represent atives, consisting of Messrs. Huns and McDosmuon, was then introduced, and escorted the Speaker and members of the Senate to the hall of the House.for the .purpose of electing a State Treasurer, for the year 1861. At 12.16 P. sa., the 'Speaker and members of the Senate returned. Mr. -BOUGHTRR, teller on the part of the Senate in Ake convention for the election of State Treakerer, =knitted's, ietiort, giving the number of votes cast for the several candidates for the office named. soinrWill) . .l:l , l7 , lol34.Wl.l , lo;iNvoi 10:6W4.1*womo On motion of Mr. PARKER, the Committee on Finance was discharged from the further consideration of bill entitled, "an Act relative to the enrollment tax on certain acts of Assem bly ;" and the Senate proceeded to the consid eration of the same, dispensing with going into Committee of the Whole. The bill being read, the same was laid over for the present. On motion of Mr. KETCHAM, the Senate (at 12.30,) adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: MONDAY, Jan. 21; 1881 The House was callekte. eider at 'O'clock A. M., by the Speaker; and opened, witling by Rev. Mr. Carson, as follows : - 0 Lord, Thou art our God; and beside Tfil , there is none other. - Then art our guide. 'ThO v .. art clothed with • honor and - majesty.. Thou coverest thyself with light, as . with a garment.' Thou walkest upon the wings of. the wind. When we thus reflect ion thy glory, we are filled with wonderat the Neatness of-thy ceadescen- - sion toward us. Well may we say, -`.'What is man, that Thou art mindful •of :_hirn ?" We - rejeice that we are under the government of a . Being who is not only Almighty but perfectly right eous, wise and goodwhose Providence num lbers the very_ hairs "Of our head . We bless 'Thee, our Father, for ~personal, for indiVidual . blessings; Goodneseand , merey have followed us all the days of our lives ; .and well may we to4ay:call upon our seals and - all that is with tO bless and : magnify Thy great: and holy name. We bless Thee for nationalblessing - s. 'looking back upon the past, dealings of Proves : denee toward Otir'eetmtry. We can 'Say to=day with full 'and.-horiest -hearts, ."The Lord bath' not done so with any, people." And -yet we have provoked Thy just and Severe - diardeseure by our ptional_transgressions.. But; 0. - Lord, we rejcaes- thatltioli hest not dealt with us after our sins; Thou host not rewarded us ac- 1 cording to our iniquities ;• for if Thou him*, we would not to-day have a name or a place among the nations of the, earth . . `We. bow ourselves, as it were, in the dog before Thee: We'confeas with hiimility of soul that we sinned - against Heaven and in thy sight ; and we now implore Thee to tinn uppri us the light of Thy reconciled : l coAttexisq4 o l " ':- • .••;•;' - • • - Bless, we beseech Thee, Our'.'WhOle country. Bless the - . Chief E7iedutive our Republic. 'Grant him wisdom from on high.•alid - Streiigth -1 and purpose of 'heart that -he may be :enabled to discharge his•chr4: - with an eye to Thy gloryl andthe welfare of the Nation at large: - Bless, _ . our ow4Commonwealth. 0, •. c .: t . ma - -be within i the4overnor,i • r lature Others - 14$,Aority.:, , ‘ 'Enable tliea ; to discharge .their. du,.."(looklog .t:45 Heaven for - their support and their reward .' The Lord bless. us. during fubire te; , , and at laSt save in- ] Heaven for Jesus Christ's-sake.- . Amen. • : -- The Clerk: teed the' Journal' of 'lad ThUrs- 1 The SPOAKRR announced that the special order was the consul ration bf . Senate bill, Nb . 1 . - „Lentitled "Joint - '-reialUtiOns -relative te. the' maintenance of - the Vonstitution and-'- . . M . -LEISIVRING moved that the 'further". consideration of the special order be:postponed , until to-morrow morning. Mr. GORDON moved striking' out. the words "to-morrow morning" and iti serting.!`this evening. • LELSENRING aCceptedAhesrimendment as a modifidation, and - finally intrOd4ded-his don.-asfollOWs.; That when the House adjoMrk. it, adjourn to meet at 7 o'clock this everringOind that the' special order be pbstponed untihrthailuenr. Mt AO= called for aditiii94:Ofsthe cues= tion, and - • ' The wiestion being taken on ihe first divi sion, it was _ Agreed The second divisiorLwas alscragreed- to. LEITERS, PIanIONB, &0., PREMEKTED. Mr. COLLINS, one from Temperance Norris, of Fayette county, widow of a soldier of the In dian war, praying for relief. - .'• • '" Referred, to ,committee on Tensions cold Crab:tides. ' ' , Mr. HAYS, one from citizens of. Perry town ship, Snyder county, ' against changingthe place of holding elections m county. .Referred to committe.S.on Election DistrietS. - mx. SON, one from citizens of Moon township, Beaver county, praying for a change of the place of holding _elections in said town Ship: Referred to committee on Election:Districts. Mx. HOFIUS, three numerously, - signed by, citizens of Pennsylvania, asking for the repeal of 'it'll li t ivs prohibiting the' issuing , and paying. out bills, .ale;sa donomination than five dolt.' Referfed to' Committee on Banks. , Mr. 'ECEZ.brBERfOIIt, one from citizens of Easton, for the passage of an auction law. Referred ; to 'committee on the Judiciary, , (local.) , Mr. PRESTON, one from citizens of Philadel . phia, pniSirig . for the repeal of the 96th and 98th sections:of the revised' Penal Code, so far as they relate to fugitivesfroM service or ' RefetiO. :to committee ' on.. the Tialloiary, (gerierid,) If& l iNTl-43 0 ktf1 'OMOOM„giiiioiiirOf[philadel- Phin praying for a more efficient execution of the fugitive slain laW. • to :Committee the' (general.l,,,.. - ; • Mr. EMI, (Perks), one from citizens of *4 northwest 'lard otthe citfof Beading, pmjltg: to ;mike an. electinn plat* et the north-West "INDEPENDENT IN ALL TINES--=NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, • JANUARY : 22, ' 18.61, • comer of Penn and Front'streets t provided said north-west'ward is diiided'in two election dis tricts. Referred to Committee on Elections andEke tion DiStriCts. • • • Mr. ArGONIGAL, one from citizens of West-- moreland county, praying for the passage - of a law for the improvement of the - breed of sheep in said county, lleferred to the 'Committee on Apiculture and I)4fanufactures. Mr". LICELITSWAT_INER, one from citizens - of;. Lehigh county, praying for the repeal of th=B - 11. and 41h-seclione of the Act of March 311, 1 - 847, and for the re-enactnient of 'tile 10th sec tion of the Act of March 'lst, A. D., 1780. ' Referxed to Committee on the Judiciary,i (general.) Mr. HAYS, a remonstrance from citizens of Perry township, Snyder, - county, against:chang ing the place of holding eleetioni in said county. - ' • Referred to the Committee on Election - Ms= tracts. Mr. HUHN moved that a committee of two members be appointed to conduct the. Speaker and, members of the Senate into the - Hall of the House of Representatives for the purpose of electing a State Treasurer. The motion was' agreed to, and - The SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Hurter and McDoNouctu said committee. • LUDITOR GENERAL'S IMPORT CIZX ..ILAXABOADS. Mr. COWAN - submitted the following Resolved, That three •thousand copies of the Auditor General's Report on Railroads be print ed for the Ilse of the. House. • The resolution was ready second time., • z Mr. SHEPPARD. I move to amend by strik ring out "three thousand copies,' and :making therasoletion read, "Thatthe Auditor GreneraYs Report on Railroads be. punted: in :the Ugiela tire Record." I think that the printing of three thousand =copies of thislleport inipamph= let form is entirely unnecessary) Every purpose \will be answered by its publication in the Le r. he - Record. .aNTlie - amendment of Mr. SHEPPARI).was net. \LP ed to. • • . ," COLLINS. I think it. altogether.unne lt o to print this Report at all. It contains • irera ' ation that can be of.anynse,; A great, piant " the railroad companies lave- paid no attention to the interrogatiVes which haveibeen addressed to them'by the -Auditor General;,, I think that the printing of the', Regert, in any form IS altogether useless, and litiope , it will not be done.- . . 4 " 0 J • Mr. HININ. I.disagree with the,gentismarr as to the necessity or-printtrrgrln. t the bounty k which I in part represent; on this floor, there are a great many lateral and .other railroada. At least•fifty,penons,not-only those cormeetedailroads e but other_eitisens,' have requested•of me, eoPiesl Ther:deaire to -kn0w...014, reports have been' -made to • the Auditor - .the different railroad Companies. 7/ think the Report will be useful .as. a matter of general ' information, and -I hope it will be • be published • • !Mr. LIG ALI•fliElt.I move to amend the original resolution- by- adding the words:- "one thousand 'thereof in the 4lennan lan guage." I think that great injustice is : often done to our. German populati.on by not printing documents of this nature: in their language. • • The amendment was net agreed to. - Mr. AUSTIN. Ido not see the • ireessity. .of publishing this report:, "Last year we refused to print a simular: document ; and - 7our . action, I believe, gave general satisfaction: . Theprint ' - ing of this document, with: all ;its .oalculations, statistics, etc., would bemeryf expensivet The•out of all proportion with .arty benefit that-,cant possibly result from its' printing. I'd° riot thh:k it is the desire of our constituents,' except a few individuals, that this' 'document shall' printed.• ! . Certain.; pEdeula tions were made last year ELS to the ;expense -Of nubliciring a similar doetpnent ;• and although I"- -, oEnber thei precise ,figures;! 31T-now pdnting .vroulci be • " ^-pErlO4.- a 'very _ idll , nothe agreed:to. , Mr. GORDON). / ask,for Mfonnation, whe ther. this` document is not printed at: all events?. Mr. COLLINS. It is printed in the Audito r office, for the use .of <thosefin,the • GORDON': Then Ido not suppose. that the' additional cost of striking off some_mere Copies:would be shy great expense. Mr. COLLINS. -If we 'order the documeni, tbe Charge for sating tip will be made, as though it had not been set up for theltuditor-Geneial's The information eimtainect in this report; ii, I` believe, as to ih4ituinber a miles of Rallroadin the .State, the number of crossings, the amount of capital owned in England,. the capital' wned iii Pennsylvania, etc:: The mattersombrect tire those in reference =to Wirldh an ordinary rail road guide, costing ten cents, will' give more information.' • - ; ' • • Mr. SHEPPARD; I, for one, shall be coin: pelled to vote against this resolotion, fronCthe`. fact that I think thepririting preposed Weald be apiece of extravagance. The information:, afforded by this rePort is not aufficientte justify: the expenditure , prciposed.' Last year we hed" the same qoestion op; and ' I belieVe, .then ordered to- be nrirtfid. n..the Le-' gigiati...R.foord,_ It is well undefstood thatrer though this document `may have been alreadi, set up by the Statei'Printer, the whole cost of setting-up•Withbe :again charged, if we should old& thedocument.- - It. seems to' m& this is: iberelyi job for the State' Printer. , Ithink the expenditure altogether uncalled for and unrte-' eessary.-4- I desire to-record my vote against it, 'and I shall-ask the yeas and:nays upon itali MT. 815 ri/EIL (era.wford). If I deemed itldi document °finny value to• the people of the 1 Comninwezdth; I . should• vote in favor of Iniirtinglt.'' , But taking the:state:menthol, the "Atditor General liinsself,4t U.Worthless con cern.A:large number of.roads ,Have-wit re ported atreill: -ks,to"-ththie that have reported, - their reports -hi Manyliaiestaremot oonsidered reliable. Ols , &being .the.?4,tate of facts;. ;the dOcunient, , iprinte& , and , disseminatediat uld. merely mislead-the----- ; •In regaritto`the expense ; there= pis no doubt .that, if a dozen separate orders for the same. document, were sent to the State -printer; he wouh),h4pseheane charge" ; fOr setting - iipt _ , Mi. -RANDATI. In order. to ascertain wheth:.' ier the printing df the Report feasible • I move that a committee be appointed to ascertain and report tolbis House the expense of prjr4ig this , Mr. GORDON,,. 1. - riset,to correct Aeliatj. un-• derstand-to-be-afalseimpressi.on_which has been created by some remeritsirnade here, ; It has been,stated that, ; although docment has" :been alreedy" set ,up, in order, to famish the necessary copies . :for thii . .',:intlitoi•!General Y S", OEO, .yet if we order the ,dOciniient,tliefe will be .epotheri charge" ;fOr, ekarinosition.`.. 7`haße just bien informed that 'this as entire 'm4.1,5- ORIGINAL RESOLUTIONS take—that the. only charge which we shall incur by ordering the document will be for the press work and; :the :folding., • I ibelieve -then Senate have,OrdOcd three thousand copies of this docu-; dent, land this that has been charg ed;- or will be charged. This . being the ;fact; PCdo . not think: the expense propos-, ed .by the resolution; is :considerable. " The -deiluetion of the charge for.vomposition nadies,, of - course, a great difference. , I think that, the , experulifiere,preposed by the resolution, is one !which, undertheeircumstances, we can, afford, - .The , SPEAKER. Does the gentlerno front Philadelphia (Mr. RANDALL) move for the api nointment of a select Committee - on ,this .sub ject? . , Mr. RANDALL. After the expliniation which has been,made I do not suppose . such a Clint .mittee will be necessary. I therefore withdraW my motion. - . . • Mr. COT.T.TN'S.__;I renew _the motion. The informatlon..which ,has been. ,received by the gentleman from jeftersori'(Mr. Gounox) may be Correct ; but if the fact is as he states is :not in accordance with the former practice of the State printer. I was 'iii the Auditm Geffer, al's Office, and I there saw bills return ed for composition, at least three times for the same thing. If the same rule is applied to this case,..ave shall - nay not only for the'press work, but for the composition. In order that the facts map 'he ascertained officially, I move that a- 6mnd/tee:be appointed to ascertain and report the expense. , The motion was agreed to,' And-Messrs., COLT nqS, ItAND.A_IL,and W.EL SON were named as the committee. Mr. MAPI ER. subirtitted the following, which was agreed to RoodNeci, That, tbaa,Cott?mi&tee _of,;. ira,yis and Arehiiibe instrnnied : tirinqnire4adiettermore effectual mode of .:ascertaining the amount of trionays in the 'hands of : bankers, brokers, and indlyiduals; mot returned, Underthe ttsaa laws of this commormrealth, cannot be devised. FINAL :*E,IVIIT - OF 11:132 STATE: OEOLOGIET• 31r: AfAß'StiklL submitted the following,; Resolved, by the Senate and House of Represenia tines of the anamonwealth of -Pennsylvania, 'Mid Assembly met; That the SecretarY' - of -the , Conalsonwealtla js hereby directed to furnish to the,Gol r yerner,,:thijEfeadsof ipppaTt4ierita, and iri their Chief Clerks, and - the embers,' Chief and Assistant Cledis,pf A'S , Renate, and E!ouse of Rdprese l ritatbieb present' session of the , Legislature, one -copy- of -Rogers' "Geological. Survey" oL title *tate r with the accompanying • Promded, at - no member or officer who hes ilready recOved a copy shall receive one, under thfwresoltltion. mAiis.trAiz suspend the rules and procepd*the .cioreildorPfon filf-thirresolu tinn • • , :t pc:11- 1 :9tIon agreed to, and the resolution Airas!'.s l gatlt a . Mi. • S. 11.1.5 better ?, perhaps, that We should somewhat examine into this matter before we, pass the resolution before the-House. If I "co.rrecth , infOrtned 'the edition of this ;work is exhausted lt is an expensive work, ,costing, perhaps, from $113 .- t0.,520a- copy,. I PPP*, ‘lg 'not. the ' purpose be the House to order a republication of 'the -work. ' IsiipPose' it hits not been stereptyped.''l do not know how the , fad 'is. 13ut'l Should like"-to 'have. same infOrinatioil cur the subject. ,Mr. BUTLER, ,(Carbon.) The late Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. informed me, just ,previous to his retiring from office, that four hundred copies of the book remained on' Mf. , 10 3 / 3 4,' I also was informed by Mr. Heister,: the late Sebietary of the Common wealth that a larks number of copies remained 'an Iland.4-16 . 59 Faaily,.'hb could not tell at that ; • • 6 • Mr.; NILLIAMS moved' , to` by adding "proVidat that there' be a sufficient number of Cdpies still on hand for`that rairpose." I Mr. MAESRAT. - 1 , This is only a request that the "Secretary of the Commonwealth shall fur-, rtish these'doc i umenti, it; is not a regoltition to pay fOr them., ''He cannot furnish them 'unless it, 3 ,4 4 4;;;;;L;scauti;;.:. - Mr. W SON. I think there is some misurk, derstanding, I am clearly of opinion thiltac cording to the wcading of the resolutiomit would ber construed'as an. order for the printing of this Work!, should there not be a sufficient nuniher of copies t om hand ; mad as a matter of course,we ikithat case, be bound to ply for thtin. Does not the denternan from Adlegheriy; (Mr. lLuismul.) so understand it? Mminfart made kreplr in undertone.] The gentleman disclaims any intention of having the work re printed or republished. ' MARSHALL. I understand that there was a sUfficient number of coPis:eon handlto meet the'requisition of this resolution • - , Mr. ACKRR moved that 'the fintherl consid eration of the resolution be postponed for the Present. , The motion' was not - agreed to. Thb aMendMent was' agreed to. On 'the 'final passage of the resolution as kunehded, • - The yeas and nays were required by 'Mr., ACKER andIir.BUTLERT Oarbon,)an d were as felloWsr ; l' 4 o.,terSoft,. Austin, Ball; Bliss; Brl Butler :06v ord,),'Clark,Cciwan,Draig - ,D,ouglassiiminei. , - ,e - nbenOr,Elliot,Oas3, Ocehring, Gordon,HaW-' 'Pet, Ilarray; Ehiyes, trinYnari.,.utihrt, Lawrence, Liesenring, -- .T.Orther; MCDonough, McGonigle, *sawn., - libitison Ober, "Rafe,' Robinson , • deltiei; ' Shafer; '-Sheppardi Smith, (Pilladelphia,) Strang, Thomas, White, Wildey, Williams, Wilson, and Davis, Spealier. —4B. • • .7 i - xs".'4Wittral.4.ekarkDoyeFTDistaaait, Don-, ley,"llokiiii, 'teat; lieliterMillnerVPiestnai; Stoneback.-41. 'uo the quegibinigaWdetertine - d the,affunk . ative. IN CONVENTION=ELECTION 01 , STATE TREASITEI6: ''Agreeably_ tkorder the haul' Pf , l2, M. having arrived, Messrs.HMlsT and *MMONOUGH, a ,committee ,af - poihted for the purpose, intro ' Aueed the-SPEAK:IM and members of the Senate 6r:the:purpose preceedingto en election for State•TreaSurer..- • ‘.) . 'Se4te Oted - oPre47l dent .of ,the Convention. • Mr. BOIJ.GHT/iat at644lted as Teller on the: part4of ,the , Senate.. • ; • • M. COWAN ofdeiated as Tplier on the picrf of the House of :Representatives: r The_Cormentiou 4 procceitde.dto.ballo - t foi State.. .Treasprer, whiehresulted as follows _lflessi4l. l ,Ren, - 13olighler 13obild; 'Connell, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton, Ilies tad, Imbrie; '.ll,eteluon,7Lawrenee ; Meredith, • 'l4'ichols; - I Terker; Tenney, Robinson,. Serrell; firaitli;Thoni * Vmn,Whartort; and Palmer,4Ambr, members of the Senate; voted for aIIiNICE ~opss _ Wins: Blood, Clymer; and CrawfordLB: frieniberi of this literuiti, , voted for. , AL 0,411 m, t 1.1 •;, • ; , Anderson, lades: Acker, d A.ustln,!Ball, Bliss, .Bressler, Burns ; , Bgtler,(Ontwford,) Clark, _Col lins, Cowan,' - Cridg,'Diniglai, Elliott, Gite Gordon, Hipper,.Hervey, Hayes, Hillman,r.Ho fius, Huhn, Koch i Lawrence, Lowther, M'Gon fkal, Marshall, Mullin,' Ober; l'r4sion, Robin son,-Seltzer, Shafer, ShePpard,Stehirom,Strang, Thomas, White - , Wildey, Williams, Wilson, Da-' vis, Speaker 'mambas' of the House of Re-, presentatives, voted.for Henry D., 1100113. • Messrs. Boyer, Butler; (Carhon,) Dismant, Donley, litiffield,`Ellenberger; Osslull; LeiSert ring, lAchtenwallner, M.'Donough, Morrison, Randall, Reiff, Rhoads; Sinith, (Berks,) Smith, (Philudeliihia;) Storieback--17-members of the House•of Reinesentatives,voted for J. O. James. nom* D. Moons having received the highest rim:Cher of Votes . csSt, was dechtied by the Pre sident of theConventiontcibe.duly eleetedßtate Treasurer. The certificate havidgbeen duly signed, • - On motion of Mr.:O.IO.WORD s ' theOonyen tion adjourned. The and members of the Senate hav ing retired, ' • Mr. COWAN,. Teller onthe part of thellouse., made report, which Was read; as follows : 4 "That , .the 'Convention,.consisting ..of the Speaker and members of the . Senate, and the Speaker; and members of the House ,of Repre sentatives, met in' he hail of the 11013138 of Itep madntatives at ;twelve o'clock this day,' (the - Speaker of the ;Senate presiding), and.proceeded to the election Of State Treasurer, and - the vote being taken,' was as follows': eThe'vote hill - ben in- the proceedings of the Convention.) - • . _ • Laid on the table. J 'srATE viE UNION. '-, Mr. RANDALL submitted the following • The existence of a crisis at this time In the GeVernMent of the.United'States is universally admitted' n ~ia, & isis 'has been presented since the repe at election for's% President and'-Vice President of the United States. —The peoele of. Pennsylvania have hail, no- - opportunity of esr -Pl:e§tog3RPPirlio4ll.PO4 4 1 . 0 ' 3 fiSue@JtOw More the public. It is therefore diairatle ttat, _they, in:their sovereign mpacity; shouldexercisetheir indefeasible, right to,gwe their opinion., upon these sill**. To effect fhiis purpose, • Resolvoid, That the citizens of Pennsylvania, qralifieCto. vote !• shall pn the second Tuesday_of February neat,, in their respective election: dis tricts; adopt or'reject'the talifor a convention of this, Commonwealth;; that those citizens whb 'are in. favor ` of a convention shall' vote "fOr converttion," , and those Who are opposed to a convention shall vote "against •a convention" That' committee pointed: to, prepare rind.' report '& bill to carry into,• effect the foregoing i resolution. _ • , This beings joint ' resolution, it was laid Over ,madetthe rule;7 , • , • " H&F.II.I42LSCI omporartoics. AIfI,SMI ni-Iiii;1•41,1 th e f r in ew hi g Resolmlby Sem* 4 , 24 House of I?•6l,,TeSerta tives the Ccmtmonwealth Perentylvalua,. That the; -Attorney General be and'is hetiby author ized to sue defaulting.c_orporations ; whereVer located, in the court of Common Pleas of pau phircoount)i. Thie , •rescilutionwas - laid.onthe table. • . burn .os:'Aßssame. • Fl4lr. BUM= (Crawfoid) askecrand obtained lisve -of 'absence for 4Mr. - , Tnistior w. few days from to-day.: I' ; -; 7, PERSONAIATI.ON.- Mr, SWUM, Kinewspeper which I hold in My hand : Contains a telegraphic dispatch.from the PennsYlvania Legislature stating that "MY. Seltzer has refused to . present , to the - House pei titions for the repeal of the objectionable seti tions of the penal` code." I desire'th say' that this statement is, entirely-untrue ; I never sane' fused.. I want this House to understand that I. reCoeaize the right of Petitiori; and whenelwr a petition is gent ; ome, if it be,respectfal inits Shall present it, no matter what may he Its rjuirVort; or whata the Source whence it 'emcees. lc ,There is a misapprehension in regard to-my pOSition''Whieh -may have resulted fret& this fact : I have declared to a number:-of7gemtle men, and now emphatically declare before this Vouse, that T never "Will vote to repeal the "lthafections of - the Tenalt.Obde, to ions refer. I whiph sq. would adrier're.t l.c7Ly se 4/.44.tea1. ATCI I desired ito make these remarks becapse there liar heed' a misimderstanding :Or my positipir, and 1. wished to be light on the record. .; • • 11EPORTS.OF CON:rii3TPEE9 Mr: At'DONOUGH, (Corporations,) with ardendinent, Air Actto incorporate the Chest nut Hill Acndemy. . . I Air: STRANG, from the Committee to Coin pare - Bills; reported ;that the committee hail ,compared and presented to the Governor forlik nuproVal, boils entitled as follows : 4 Ati Act .to', authorize the . Governor to appoint a. Notary Public for the borough of Washington, in Washington` County." "Joint Resolutions to -pay D. F. Hemperly, for services.'-' Lind on the tabfe.' ' • ' BILLS, IN PLACE. Mr..A.CKER, er bill relative to private.bankers Refeireica'Corninittee on Banks. . (Carbork,) a supplement to the , l Act of April 3, 1860, entitled, "An Act explana- tory of An Act pro'viding - foi the erection of a AnXitippbtt of the POO in the Rderred" to Comnaittee . on the u , aocal..) : • • : • Itir--IviLD.ONOUGAI., _one_ to _incorporate the -Southern City Passenger Railroad company, Of F; :r ~ Referred ; to Committee on,. yassenvr.,Rail roads. . • , ltfr. lkftraaasl,:orte tet'ireSt in Win. Bendel) rind :Bender 4,14 e ,legal title to, certain,reel estate. , Referred to Cemmittee on Estates and Es- . Mr. W1111,951T., supplement to the Act ineor i3oiathig- the , Offocte! Cemeteri Nets• Brightpri,' Peiggr„,m ll 4. . I 'Referred. - ta - Cbtninittee: on the 'JilditiarT, .); . (Berks),, A inoorporateithe SinTtingtfirifit'Ceinetery• kssociatitaiL of Berroi : ir Ileferredfto the Carunittee on Corporations-. MiI'BOYEE, bike to iiiitdrporatithe blentataif-. ney.Lemetery in, the bounty:ofEerks. . , the. Committee ,on Corporatiom Mr. TalTl.bmt,h(Carbbia), one rehiting 2 t6 bfpersonac@ste' • . 2 Referred to Committee on the Jildiciary ? , v wul) :it. Mr. CO:LLM,:one to repeal An Oct t 0 in crew toe Ras,9,l4pjaalonis, jurors And ,wit, curses in certs,in ofthiS Contmonweeilth r ; ii)`tkitis the sdnig:reiateietolihe coniktk-Tof etteo3 ;• ,col3,2satee. the 'Tiskolait, • AIsQ, ode for the botte4, security Y7411' pt A‘hoters In tile couray,of Avayets.: kttanlvintiitg fiWig, Having procured Steam Power Presses, we an, prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of ovary description, cheaper that It can bedew) at any other es tabliehmentin the country. RATES OF ,AUV.iiIRTISIIOO. MW•Four lines or lees square. Tilt 'ices or more than tone coistitittO aquaro nail Square, ono day ..... one month ,, , three menth . . • via months ........ ....... 4 : 74 one year .... (in. Square, one day Q .F., tonemeek.— one month three months ..... .. 00 '4oa months.— ..... ,;•.:.:13 00 one year. . • 10 00 Kir Diatom' notices inserted tb . e. Lava wharts, ole before Marriages andMeaMo s 0:1911 CENIS TEE fit:' for each insertion. 11irMarringes and. Deathit„to,•,tet charged ae revile' advertisements. , . NO, . 16. 7 ' 'Referred to Coinmittee on the Judiciary, (local.), Mr. GORDON, on leave giVen; pMaented a petition from citizens of Jeffersonr county for a State road in Jefferson and Indiana counties. Referred to the Committee on'toads, Bridges and Canals. EITI3ERGEtt, a bill relative to the auction lumvs, and for the 'benefit of E.M. DO Put, of:the county of Northampton. ,Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, Peal.) • ' Mr. SELTZER, one to incorporate the bie r chanic's Insurance Company, of the Oity of Philadelphia. Laid onit,he table. LEJSENRING, one to change the name of 'the 'Harmonic Sacred Mvsimi Sonlety of Philadelphia. • z Referred to the Committee on Cerporationsi. Mr. PRESTON, one relative to es Scott Legion Corps;s of 4111adelphhir, , _ Mr. PRESTON moved to suspend tfti rules and proceed to consider the bill. • The 'notion was agreed to ; and sold bill was taken up and passed finally. Mr. HAYES, one to create an additioruil Judge of the Supreme Court. Referredto the Committee on the Judiciary, "(general.) Mr. M',GONIGAIonsto estand an act to im prove the breed of sheep in certain counties of this Commonvrealth to the ecOunty of West moreland. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic manufactures. • BUIS PA1309., Mr. ,C,LARIK. moved e that the' Honse proceed to consider House bill No. 80, entitled "an Act to•extend the"- charter of the iShort MOuritain goal welPanY•7 • The motion was agre to; And-said bill — ens t,sken up • and Passed 6- nally. , , . Mr. RIDGWAY Moved - that the Hone pro 'teed to the consideration of Senate bill,ezdatied "An Actte authorize the Governor to, appoint two additional notaries Public to reside -the city of, Philadelphia." . The,znotion was,agreed to • And on the finer passage "of the bill, The yeas and nays were moll'llll, by Mr. GASTIT.T, and Mr- PRESTON, and were as foi lowa, viz: YEAR—Messrs. - Acker, Anderson, Austin,Ball, Breeder, Burns, Butler,(Carbon,) Butler,(Craw lbrd,) Cowan, Craig; -IMiglai3, - Dioacen. Mleia berger, Goehring,. Gordon,' Rapper,:. Harvey, Hayes, Hillman, _Wilts, Huhn, Koch, Law rence, Lowther, M'Donnugh, 'lrGonigal, Mar shall, Morrison, Mullin,. Ober, Peirce, Preston, Randall, Ridgway, Robinson, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, - Smith; Stehman, Strang, Thomas, Winte,Yiribley,Williams, Wil son, Davis, Speaker=4l3. --2rwrs—messrs. Boyer, Clark., Di ant, Don ley, Leisenring; Lichtenwapper, Reiff, Rhoads, Smith, 03erks,) . Stonetack-r l ll.. "So ,the" question was deternMaedhlthe affirm : Mr. SMITH; (Philadelphia„) moved- that the House proceed ; to consideration of Hcsage No. 83, entitled "An4ct to incornoratethe Weaver Skating• Club," of Philadelphia. The.motiou was agrped to ; :And the said bi,li was tp.kep. up and passed }moil:mom OF Tith srAiz or Nor roux The Deputy Secretary the. Commonmedth -being introduced; presented aNmessLige from the •Gatentor, which - Vas read is follows : • `.:ExaorPirva Cusiana, •Harrisburg, Pa., January 21, - 1801. f To the Honorable the Senate and Hose of ;Repro:int dives of the Comniontecalth of Pennsyltunia:: GEXtrausx :—I herewith transmit to the filature a copy of the ‘T.oncurrent Resolu tions tendering aid to. theiPresident of the United States in support of the Constitution and the Union," forwarded 'to me by His Excellen cy, Edwin D. :Morgan, Govemor.of the State of New York.. • "CONCURRENT RESDLUTIONR TENDERING AID TO TB intssiDENT OF THE UNITED mars TN suPPOaT OF -CO.NETFIIintON AND ME UNION. OF Nro YORE - .„ Treason, as defined by the. Coma tution of the ;United States; exist.s In one or more, of the Staies of this Confederacy, and Wlimp ;a, The insurgent State of South Caro lina, after Seizing 'the Post Gfitee, Custom House, monies and fortifa*thuus. Of the Fede ral Government, has, by'flring into a veasel,sl.l - by the Government to, convey troops Vd provisions to Fort Sumter, virtually. decleied war, • , , Arm Wursanas, The forts and property, atlas 1 - 4 . l . fhi. Stites Government in Georgia, .Alabetne, and Louisiana have been uniaifully seized with hostile intentions, And ••WhereitY, further, Senitots in Congress avow and maintain their treasonable acts.— Therefore „ ' : Resolved, (if the Senate - coneur,) That the I,egislature of New York, prbfoundly impressed With:the value of the Union, and determined to pleserve :unkriptdied, hail with joy the recent firm; dighiped and patriotic special mea sage of the rreSicient of the :United States, acid that'we tendeite him, through the Chief Magis trate-of our 'own - Stale, WhateVer, aid in men and money he may requireto enhble him to enforce -the--lirwsqualt-uphold . •the authority of the Federal Government.. And that in defence a - - the more:: petted tiniert`,7*ltich • has con ferredpriSterity and happiiitess.,upon the Ameri can . . people, renewing the pledge given and re , deenied:Wour fitleer?,. we are ready to devote "our' fortunes': our lives, and our saeredlioner," in ephedding the Mai= •and the CPW4tltiel. Resolved, (if. the Senate concur,) That the .tinian4oVing Representatives , an.l4- , citisins of De'letvare, garylandt vjrgildaA. KerAucky, Missouri anti Tennessee., whir - labor with devoted Courage: and pitimotiatnito4tl4ac4 their Steles .from,the viliVF44.4ocegisiOn,, axe 'entitled V) the gratitude and'adinti4Vion - eit the .5% , 1101,e peopli). ; , Resolved, (V, theSenatp• gonopi),,:That the •GOveraor - bo , reaPeethillY requAted`to foivard forthwth. coßiesAf• the forgiaTansilutions to Elie Tiesident 'of the liation and the Governors of thoptates or,th6 13nron 49,134ring-prearnhloaxArepolutions were duly paege By. order, EL; ItI,SLEY . Clerk. 111-ample, ,Januarv , 11, 18131:. preeed- IN : p.rfrible, and resolutions were duly passed. • orderi. 4A}IES TEBVTI-LT-IGEA Clerk." - •On motion lA - Mr. - EtORKL's I S the . message, with themprimpaalipg resolutions,were direct *to lie pubii*he d m the LegiFlaiive Bikkird. rlitonerethen - 4Adjounied.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers