Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 21, 1861, Image 4

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ot!cltxatitt ti
- ptUrI...tAD'FII,:P.II.I A
4k b..D
Of' AND AFTER A6v. 12th, :OM
DAlLAt(Sundayi , enceptittl,y ;lit &MA, qt.; and :1.16 P.
arrivingAttere at 1 25.P.L.M.; and
fwd. :3.30 P. M., arriiitig. at .Harrlabrglit -1 P. M.; and
FARF.I.4 t—To:PhilAdelphla;WO. L Corgi - la?a ;No- 2 OD
alma train,) UM.
FAMlRit—ultwiteading, tilltrAnd
At Reading; tcsineot with trains tbr Pottsville, '4lllelw
rAIA DAILY, at 8 A.-IC'; 1045 A M. 12.E0 0001/ luta
3.43 P. M.
1 00 P,31.:, 8.30 P. M., and 5.00'P. -
k'AIIII3 :—Readlng to Phltadolphla,il,7s,and 74:00. -
NUM&AR .READINO with up train for Wtilkesbarre,
Kttstomiuld Scranton.' - -
For tbrongh tickets sad other infortnetion air to
3 4,91 WAY. , , - NOV O I O3 /4 1 ' 2 eAki. 1860 ,
The peasengee trains of the Ponnaylvania RallroadCion
pony *:,denktit from and strive'24 Hata**/' and
Pbtladelibla as follows :
' 6 'EASTWARD. .
PITROHNIIIMPRES2 TRAlNleaves Harrisburg at 2.40
a. In. titid4rrives at West-Philadelphia at 0.60 a.,m.
FAtit:LlNP.:leavet liarrlablirg at 12.55'p. in., and
arrives at' W t Plnladelphla at 5.00p.m. "
HAM: TRAIN ves Harrisburg at 5.15 p, tn,, arrives
at West 11434461 p at 10.20 p. In.
/hese traing ni close connection at Piniadoipnla with
the New York Lin .
ACCOMMOATI TRAIN, Ho, .1'; leeies Harrisburg
at. 7.80 a. nit, - tu 'via Itionnt).lev, and arrives at West
Philadelphia atl2lo p...m:' ..-- . "• - '
HARIIIePURN A,tttOMMODITION - TR.Alli leaves liar
ristinntal r:15 ., v; ." Mid arrives at West Philadelphia
at 640 p. t rir. ' ,
AccciputtOiancoN TRAIN . , b.:e... 2,, leaVes ;Hairisburg
et 545 p.m, rues via Menet Joy connecting at Diller-
Tilleigitlill,All, TRAIN East for '&: - ..r, -,
-" WE S T_ . :11 1 1r. A .11. D
UGH EXPRESSTRAIN leaves Philadelphia at
10,60 p. ra , arrives at Harrisbergat 2.10 a. m.
MAIL 'PRAIN leaves . Pkilatielphia . at 8.00 a, ra., sr
ylvea atliarriabarg at 1.20 p. in. . , - . ... .
LOCAL MAILTRAIN leaves Harrisburg
. for yittabiarg
FAST LINE leaves - Philadelphia at 12 . 00, noon' arrives.
at Harrisburg at 44.0 p: ta. 2
,:_ . - - ' - _
. .. ' A ODATION, TRAIN !eaves
Pidladelptda ,at /Al and arrives at Halrisburg
at T. 85 p. ra.
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, , leavesl'hiladgplds at 4.00
and ~arritros:at Harrisburg .14 9.45* ntt.,
Attention' Is, called fo the faek. that passengers. leaving.
Philadelphia , id m., "aimed- at Lancaster with
HArtieburg at 9,40 c m
i*Mvakii Pemryiwilk Rai as
Northern Central, Railway.l
C 4
28th 1860, the Passenger Treble of the Northern
Central Railway will leave Harrisburg so follows :,
AOOOMMODAMON - TRAIM will leave M.. 3.00 A.M.
LION 'AMAIN will leave at........ —7.40 A. M.
M MAIN will leave at 100 P. M.
M uf. TILAIN will leave at 1.40 P. M.
WRVS TAD willleave 8.15 P. /11
Meanly, Trains leaving Harrisburg ea Sunday will be
the 4.OOOIIMODAIZION TRAIN South at 8,-a. in.
Fgelfartherinformatkat apply at the Otßee, in Panto:
Railroad Depot. %. •
• JOHN W. HALL, eirsit.
,Harriahurg, November 24 rifBo:=24-dtr
$2;500 TO $3,000 PM M1)1
?V!ABOVE AMOUNT can eigtily be
de by the manufacture and sale of an article of
verpmecaddadlawrverr. It is entirely new, and any Per
son s awn 11 engage in a business that Will pay, or to
enlarge orie already established, will do well, to address
the undersigned: The sale is as ready and permanent as
an y Of the great staples. It is an easy, honorable
highly respectable business, by which some men ene now
rneknitg twkee the above figures by the manufacture and ,
salclOLAhla - V *ridable article. it requires but a very
truandapitalte carry on this business with great sue
t faitliattioclan aOresa (enclosing a stamp for re,
turn). COBLENTz,
. : Box No. 899,
'6ollg nil ,ra 4 addletown, very**
For pas by
4% Dow, as. ago
' filtbirat.
_.:eprat Renovator .9f
. •
UPTiOlifto ON: 1 111X ,
There curnididnts can be apeedily lied-erect:telly cured
by the use of this
wo irt Lb RE NOlitY N
. . ,
ft , ,
'Thdusauds bay.e. experienced .its..gaidtiry Clients, and.
tents of. thotitiindsiliat - e.'wititki6d it; sintfrit heiteised tti
bet question atoong- tbsi intelligent Orticat:of todin•
• 'Wizen, tiNSioait becoises lifeless and stagnant:, either
-froth Via atfaCta'afSpring - steldber --. Chinge of Clidate
'•••VitintfoNnterisife,:ibe Welt alittifol in: Saline diotl,_oratit
. otheriostuPstrithin.tareppunityxtrapttifnistrsaParithitisiNlit
• male tho - Atodo..carry off the putrid humors, mittrfil
IiEG UL ATE 1 1 11,., ''' BOW E L!
. ; e,; ..„.
Arid impart At:.• :None. to the
TO : THE pultLac.''
The•ptiblkaro':beratil notified ibatiliniireparation ex
tensf,e-ely known as Dr: S.• • P. To*risend's Compound Ex •
Inuit of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured tinder, my di
erection and sopervition,fronftlie original recipe obtained
: train' Dr. S. P. Townsentl;and I certify - that ills ctliapds
od of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE:, and-WITHqUT
•Al K •CUR.Y; and also that the ingredients are judiclootay
.cnsr ounded, so as to obtain trolls them their greatest
.medicinal effect. •• •• • r c;•• •• • .
JntfET' R. diILTON, hi D cii6A3ist.
rnailiflAatiCrePiqatinli*PPZlg all CliatZWABE4.l4nB as
tho•best preparation for
Reliovatingl rig gitAigi.tlyk:
Which science has ever offeredto man. In this resides
Ra PEPDtdAIt ENCELLENGE, and to this is ducits world
wide renevin., . .
It Contains all ihe vegetable; principles which.
enee has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from
DISEASE, extracted and combined 'with the highest skill
which Ihe refinements of meiern chernlstry enable tlEklci
employ -
Whatever may be •said' by mortified competitdis
splenetio physicians, the fact that this Medicine is it VERY.
WHINE, USED,:an and, that its use creates an iflereitiiMi'
hiand, dhow code:74B4 , dg' that it possesses medicinal
merits Of the first order • . • •
To avoid impositionit be necessaryto see, tbit
Townsend, Weft t3ie ontnide wrappeed each
P.roririetor , ii °iliac, N 0.41 Fulton'sttdet; N. Y.
• And far,vAie by every Druggist in thili
3161L0N 1 *1.A01 1 0114 - .
THESE .MEDICINE-have uow•_beeu be=
fore the public kii• aperioderTilllin'iladlie;and
dur log that time have maintaim d a tigli oheimeter hi al
most every part of the (11pbc, ro . f theeitriortithary
sod itianeetati3 &tier hfreitordig P W erfect health to per
sons 'eniferiat undei hearty' .every Mind . of disease to
whiehlbe hamar :imam is liable; • • -
IhelolloiSing afeamentthe distreming vatiety 'of ha
. .
:inan diseases in which the
. Are well known to be infallible. •
thoninglilyeleaasingthe first and
'second stomachs, and creating a How of pure, healthy
OEM 'instead - - Of:the 'stale and acrid kind ;
LEROY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, headache, Rest
lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Ltuigoor and Aletoreebol •
which are the general syroptontsi of
,Lyspepsitt, will von .
ish; as a natural Conaegnence Alta-cure. :• 21;
COSTIVENESS, by, leansing•the wholdloft4h:Of
the:intestines with a solvent proCess, and
Armee; all violent Purges leave the bowels costive witlibi
two days.- •• • .
PAVERS ciroll kinds; My, restoring the bloat . /
regular circulation, through the process of respiration in
such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob
in. others. ; . •
lire • LIFE MEMORIES have been inOvvo to Mire
RElEUrttAleisn permanently in three weeks and
GOUT la half that time, by removing iocalinflammation .
from the muscles and ligametts of the joints.
:11ROF'SLES of all kinds, by freeingand strengthen
lug; the` kidneys and bladder; they Operate most delight ,
fully on these important organs, and hence have ever
been founds,' certain remedy for the worst C82 . 6i3 of
Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings Of
thel bowels the slimy matter to which these creattßes
adhere:' •
SORES, by the perfect partly *bleb these LIFE MEDI.
CNI give to the tdoOd.,' and alt - tha ,
lONS, by 'theti`alterate' effect upon . the fluids that feed
tilt akin,Ofttheinorbitt . 'state of which occasionn
eruptive complaints,, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree,
able compleatous. • ...
The use of these Pills for - *Very short time will affect
an 'entire cure of NAM` RHEUM, and 'a strildrigini
provement" tlie• clearnerat-'of the skin. conntos
COLDS and INFLUENZA will always
one dose, or by two ha the worst cases.
PILES.g-The`originat proprietor of these medlchteS; l
'wait cured of Piles, of 35 years standiugby the lase of,the
alone. , "
-=---, --'• ---... •---- ..,.- - " '.- - or .as scourge of the
-,- m' -- ; , ir .., ry, this& Medicines will be found A safe;
apeedgend certain remedy. Other Medicines have the
aphelia' subject to a return of the diaeasea cure bYtheso•
Medicines, is, per manent...TßY TEEM, 'BE 'SAMPLED,
- - -
• Yillatk II 'FEVERS AND LlVERes!nti-.
P.ll:d2PDPES:=Giontain Dirature, Loss co APPilllll* and`
Di isitUiVor Fran&.l;--ttie - Medicines - have been need
with the most beneficial eesiiits incases of this detcrip-;.
tioh :—Binis Evil'and Scrofula, in its "worst forms,yields
to thenidd'Yet powerful actionof these remarkable Medi;
tines: "Night Sweats, Nervons Debility, Nervous Com
pidi)l;ts of all, kinds, .Palp.tation of the Heart, Painters'•
Coed; are Spendlij. cured: - " - •
? iltitIELETIttliAL - - DISEASES —Persons". Whisie
.collatti foritihave'•becoirie impaired'-by the. injudieleas
us of Ileiy.ury; . .will IlsdeShOelliadionzes aperfoct'ctirei
as they-never tail to Wont the system,. all Eni
ctelif Mereury,:hitinitely Sooner - than the most power:'
Eit . pretiarations et Sarsaparilla. - •. - .„ .
: op tared and sold by. W. B. IEOFP'EI",' '
Forsale by all Druggists: -" " t ~ i. '• , . -jy2o daWly.;
lleingneta and tiliaravera on Wood
E. •
11. • . . •
N. E. C 0 & CHESTNUT • •
-g9PrA.4.11 gpgr4Tink.
with beauty, aorrectr.ess and dispatch. Original
arns furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons
w ning cuts, by sending a Photograph or Liiigdarreotype,
oat have views of Colleges, Churches,- Store Wants,
Machines, ktoves, Patents, &c., eniraTeel as wr R on per-
SOlial application. - '
Fancy;Majielopeir - :LatedS,BilL Headings, hOw Blllsi
Visiting, malangs i iint eitherz•Qtrns, edartved thQ
highest style of iirt, lowimPprices.
For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illustrated
works of J. B. Lippinoptt n:, Butter &Co,
CARPENTER A.,ND.40:138E.11 1
coRNER WALNUT Alp Amp:Sig/am' •
OBBING of all • kinds . at short
el' notice, in good style, and on remionableterms.
, . .
.. - tini,tr, 9f,GcTerPpent,v - fhieli.:6sil;
atuntiicyeu . wie *Plc; 3 now Ada to" yon.”—
las„„ig,„,„ Farewell Address. A nationality is men
t Ito the enduring prosperity ' of our country. True pap
lalismlnaat arketb:iiii - PlaWredre. e nit.loolY a pioPer
is:nderstandine of our civil liititutions at can induce
st)rong and settled attachment , to their pricciples, and
tpipagt ability for,,tbeir mippangisee. ...$ , . .
3 ~o UR GOVERNMENT f An 'explanatory •statement of
to system of Government. of Me Country,' contains Me
at of the ConstilutijM of the ignited Rates, and the Con
stimtiosial 'previsions of the several htaks,3lo. their
caning andlionitlittpaste de 1 - rirMitiedhy judicial att
er% y, and precipa gaga. prahlioe, or 'derived from
s ileglWritels; d.igisiti,audAigod fa' Porilar use
„Or OA. '; Partly '-g, 4f- , • Mi.m4CadvEre- -r
-44 , t .,,,_....., ~..i w icari i i i a.- •
VORTY BOX IM in prime order juin fe4 ,
Calved and for aria by
WM, DOOM m. e co.
Pstatoptuania Elaitu ,Zetivarapif, t o afigvppn,lct*tgq 21, 1861.
WM- 14,ATE/1,-
/11batellatons:' ,
Tab Anriutairamor oittLettawasesa.-Thare is an grow:
ing tarnAelleg.ia this age:to ejttPrOPOnta,tta! Tog 4P
sive worse. dr triheie Inguakitl,'aVd iftvr IL to' tit- •
coiimratalberti In • one 4Wit; tb AtO.:V(4ll celPallett.
which is from the drawl, sipify lag "fdr tbe fiead," is
now beethitiitg pcipoltirizeti
ing'a greatileadache remegy,bat it will stamltousKin
a more general_way, the Void `Cefitrilte becbtde
as commennatil Flee iv:type 'and:meay otherewboae die-.
°auction as foreign words has been warn away ay com :
MOO usake untirthey Beard 'Maitre' niad to 'the.
born." -.
' 1 U4 611,
~ Hi Atdi leadt.Chelithia tlAtfterrko9l4,4l4lo •
stepped Into the bapothecaries hand Faye hi to the man,
qcan trie of an' '‘DOes %lad* '
, 'ard" , kAys,,!9. !'llorknednn3ly,t? tayk iland.upopthnt
me a Ciiiiiali6'l'lll, haria , pte nie , brickit 6didd
me en tinkle-MO realized I ?ad Eur'elidaqbwr.Ll
_ ,
is. the Sigh hyictildh - natirre
makeit'ketalldevittliiiti *lsaiah!. TrOnabeinattualt
state et tha,hrein, anA,viewed " 'nap b 4
Molt ed'oii Sitiregtiar did - Wiled to 'give notiVei blvdtek.
remeoped; and its indications
.should nevi-r be neglected,
: Headaches may' kie r clailii fled , Under •
RialttOlea. l o.4 l '4,P4l , Paalic.,_.F.Yyagletsatic Headache is
keictedingly common and le the precurshr of a great va:
; Nay, ittfullSeasesj amour whichourerApoplay4ifibuti
Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. :hi its nervous
rani* is sympathetic of disease of tbe stomach consti
' feting &bane disease constituting MI,
tiousli.eadache, of worms, constipation and other, clitar
dere !of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affect
tens. Diseases ef Mbe hartare_very,Aeguentlxattend
: edlitteßeViticnini, nistinrca:4lsralasciiiffaS
Headache te also vety ,comnion, being usually distil).
thwiiarati erkneriiroi'heci&ehS, ken-litanies'
coutiligiorpu,Nenly statelier apgayeetly.krlt•hlialth;.
and prearatlng aferibe '
arid rithitlier Matinees it comesiciimilarly.i! hag tiled by. ,
!itePrissien of spirits i or aoenbity.of temper. Inmost - in.
tanCia ecoutt s' on .slowly: bErald&l'Wdettrewilen 'or
this pain ;
is in khe front or head, over cue or, bo - h eyes, and
Sometittiestprditgaing iromitih'g;ratider ttdisialitOutity
'tie narpe~lfenrafgia . ..-
For the treatment of elth.ii aria ei l lit;iiiiirete lbe C'
phalic Pills baveMreeMfouniti Aire andissfeireinedyivis.t.„.
Hering tbassost_geute paints minutes, and by its
subtiltdaser'eratil&itinttbirlismistea • whieti Head:
,eche is. the unerring index. i• , . • .
. .
• 1441„..v....„..-
sus wants 'lda to Send her It borer -
phal c , ,Glue, no, a; beak!. tatiPreparett 1111kr-, put , Wm .
th Inking that's not jest it neither; but perhaps' yetil be
aftberl knotriUg }that it led "Wilke abb's nigh doe - Want'
gone with the Sick Headache, and wants a , cßt3 more tc.
that same as relaived her before.
" inciarindiVSlialdlnedreidiallesP,Ma:
Bridget.-o*,l_,,ure,noE ap4l'9Pe sett it , .4P=
.quarter and fiV,Mo.lolo..tiobanad Aba b
Ccm&ation'Or gostitr6 ii:
Igo case of ibe "malty klisliesh is heir z ee preys.;
lent; so little understood,Arteiii much neglisiiteil as Cos
tiveness. Often origliatibt in carelessnesisperieden ,
taryfiabits; it is regarded as a slighttlisorder ottwolittle:
consequence to excite anxiety, while in _reality it le the.
, precursor and companion
. of, many Of torturer the
fatal and - dangeroug diseases, and -unless early bridles
ted sufferer to an: xintilnelytgrave.--
Among-thedighter evils of whicheostiyenetwis,the usual
attendant ire Headache, Odic, fthehirigliti en, EtinfEriSit - Co,"
Piles arid:others-of like 'nature,:While a Icitrutitiin of
frightful diseases such as ifillignant-Favera, Abaesses,
Dysentery, Dicrriscsa.;, Dyspepay, Apoplexy, Epilepsy,
Paralysis, Hystel ia,„Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and
Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by
this 'alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases
named originate In Cionstipatton;buy take on c. an Ind*
pendent existence unless the.eause eradlcated in an
early stage. From sit tollewstbat
the diwrAir sibigiliiir4Ntd.„lisahaddiateAtt i sietioti;t9o-1
ever it occurs, ttegfebfbot let a box
of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint,
as their timely Will7e#44l the - litilldliPluthPla r asfq
disease and destfeyMilidangirons fee to human. life, `
A Real: Blessing.
. .
Phystman.--Well, Mrs. Jones, liowls that hea MUM,'
Mrs: Jones.—tione i Doetor, aligone ithii pill you sent'
-- cured me 131 just twenty minutes, and ' , sigh you Would,
send more so that I can haMt them handy.
Physician.—You cangettheut !stony Drtigglate. Call
for Cephalic Pills, I And' they Aoki lail,'"anfl,rocoin
mend them'in all cases ,f Headache . "'
Mrs Jones.—l shall send fora hardlrettly, and shall ,
4811 all my-smfferlogfrieride, for they are it rest OicisTrip.,
Zwarrrr MIZIONB 08 D,CILLARif Spalding /14
finild two mil/ions of bottlesiot hly oblabratod Prepared
estiraaled Ma at /milieu
gregatii twenty milllortii'ads groin total'
loss by fhb valuable invention. , 'LBaillig =do' Glue,
a household word, he now proposes to do the world stli
greater seryloe byuuring all the aching heads, with his
Cephalic Pills; and if they aro as good as his Gliie, Head
aches will soon vanish away like snowinJuly.
Airovas. Excermuner,land tho mental care and ill/Ztilt•
ty Incident, to close attention to business or stody, are
amen* the numerous causes of Neiyiket"Heidaohe. :The
disordered state:or Mind and liecly,'hicident to th.tri;
.tresElni complaint is a fatal. kleW, teen energy:at/OW
bition. . lop disorSer OldOilways Oblate'.
speedy feller then these diSti‘eisintnthielisty using ‘Me'
or the'ee&a.ll4 Pula wheneyer"the synalitoMs. spline'4 - `
.11t . quiets the oyertasked brain, and soothes the:Midi:Led'
and jairlhi "nerves, and relaxelf the' tension orthe
maati which alwarratcomititiplOkAggyayates the (lb
ordered comlittoof 4
Won SbOWING. IVng Patp tallo Pills are
to eertaln.„curaJor Sick Heaktcha, Billions, Headache,
NetymiillHeadircheAestiyanotit aid,Getietal
GREAT, 1 1 /liti - :I.trilltlt.—:Amoug A be moat Important 01 ail
the great medleal iliscirerytatqf this wwnsay l be
Aidezed tbe,systeiii,of, vaeoßnMiciii4i proieosion .from,
ftair rp—ttie Ceplialtv,ral Tot letierotiligidadbli,, dui
,the use -a for thiiiireveition of -Artois, eithei:or:
wllioh is 6 , 43lllWA3Petin h will be -expuri-
Are forgotten
Iyar•Dm you ever baye the Sick Headache? Hoyou re
leen:the!, toe Ihrobbiog ternples,the fevered hrow; the,
loathing and' disgust at the sight of food. llovt'tot:ally .
unlit yen were for pleasure, conversation or;study:'`Orak
of he' Cephalic Pills Would haye relleveli yenfrom , e all the'
Bunging which yea then - experienced. For this end'
other purposes you should always have a hos of theid.CU
luaraito use as occasion hluires.
' . .
; •
Nervo slleada e
I By the use of .rtbeselPii :thelneziodkkiatteetWor Nor
vim or Sick Hfaciacke , rov - be Rreyeeted; and if taken a
the oemmenceixient of an etbicluimMediailt iituer Pro.
pain and alcknese may be obtain . ;
They %Worn fait ktiiiinoving the Naurea and Headache
to whioh:females areso subject.•
They act gel/UMWon the imwels,....removing:Ceettvasetsik
'Per Literary Xen, Mode*, Deltoids yettielSe, and all
persons of , sedentary habitsithey ar.evalanide:se a toms,.
tine, improvint the. appefiteiliVing forge aigrolgOr to the.
digestive organs, and:restoring the tutturatelastledty and*
'strength of tee whole system,
the CEOBAUC I 'PAU thg. reenit
gittion and carefully cendiloted.esperintentsi.havlnplmov.
id Use in many yeitis; daring Which time Ui @ y have pLe
vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and Mitering
-froM Headache, whether originating* the noteits sys
tan* freMa deranged state ortitisfAnna,s*„.,-;' , • .
They are entirely vegetable . in , thltlr : aonlpoaHiwt, and?
making any c ane en
j 41 :e
e of diet , ass (he , gsigE{Qcofarry.a rm
-04"blet*Ile'rendetz it ,_t;
The genuine have
ers ea9k hox. . • :•^.2
Sold by Drinalets and all other Dealers in Ne±llefaeo,
A Box will berseavW mailprepaidpt of the
B wz.,4
I. All orders should - be Adtiehea rxithira k
4S Cedar StreckNow York.
ci qu - - lilt*Offtf?
') 4). 1 rOD-, - ,:f.) . 1• - ., .1-,
.' , ti. ,- ,- , i- 4 ,
`" - -:-
1.; D,ASEl i gg °V I VRE I, IEIDNRYIituo , ,
~., ~,,, , , . , ; 0 - ...
.fi.,;•: - •,'-' - ri. ,- :k,'.?
rt ' IVA ft I:44PLAti4T, •' ' -
1 , - a ~.;, .Itt irri o 1 I it:Ffii 1 tlitili PCI re.."....i.. , . 1:4 . 1.22X,
10 - 340 - ENES&ARtiIdaY...4.4..g.I ~
s i rgrvto AripACOZ --7 ' '
And the l irtiricis iitettitaallicitirli tiiiktiMo rteini
' 1 S t itOjitYirt liii Tili ri Vkiti l'i
lin 'al ifetillit a; fiMitl'tiiiitierlsiiilAgit7 &Fay .
P l' n liear t‘ 'i l ? 4112k.1111 f fe rr ,ogZacsi.anr!4AelditlTrtlriili Z a c s i .anr !4 A e l di t1Trtlriili
instil opodijil e gbly bencflcal, , tdlacpurrsuffputed
' a decided cure ” ' '-' ' ' '
, ~ A is cs s l ii iiilrely:-Frveketrblit;cf,ttpoundi frepar.94 a , .:
. lusAeniAe o pyMacs, 6:ftfy tpf mpnner oft4e - eele,
140 doffollaitd PeorOaWr' , ikerbave I .l% , reih , t,fitiaiii iit,
tt i
)irgittri gre i V T SiTßlLlt t riisti,,tg 11, Fitz .
f 4 .1 , r , ...fii,....y t0iii,..,,,,.,..4. 4 ),,., 1 „ ? ,,,„,5t r . 1 „
I, renilalsiLlteNcimil tifftwintaka.***4oo.f.,ti , ', , .-
':., it: is Rarticularly regommendeitto thosepershps whose
i cunStituilaki fishy `h"ftWlilehikitriPairtil , till The•cdut Mickist
i .. 8 KaYV i t-APALITSPIZ3TBP-1 1 4P-4,tiot -9ofF
r-indvips tummy in eir 'V L Midi' 18 afay il I tIY" 'd
,Ilin peatioklift,ttfirillifiefind guldueningl.ever4Ansrvet,
Ittinlno . pau,drimlug spirit, and,Sn'. fp ct,
,infq,ug new,
1110 P thd - srger - M`thesyStem: - 1 ' ''' " l'' ' ' .' . 1 -' . ..i.. ,',
ri1 0 319470 , 4,Winn t .415 0 thAtA IOII 4 ) FIT.FTIr
'-e but to e s cli,Wwik arid l ow sp 11 ,
• , -Wwill prove a grateful aromatic cordlakiperesbageditit
of stuglilv . rern , efli . al,Rropertliy •--
: -74 , !;' , , ail ), di j ar t revir i3 - ....., ~n, i .. d:tl
Iliti , teiliniiiilitgliiy;idotiterifi&d ißtetbto;vteiiEfollitub)
`l3ll.tOff r ip ppj.Aip tu Aulltninl,bottlea only, Igtd. retailiyi I nt :
.ossi Doll AIL per WU* orSik btittlea'fdr - Fivn litts.' , •= 4
-Tbd griAt demand fouthis.gruly celebrated itiedininelps,
' lOducestdpy Alta : llm, 'whip the public atonic! guard
aikinitlsarthasfflt.. l ~,,,- . i , .1. ,, i :- . 1- - :11., 1 .
•,' itatititywoilnimitony,,seeshas our name Is qn the:
ilabel of every bottle }calm?. - • . '
SOld by ItrugglettVgeneittlire Rein be lorwardid by:
- Exprenspottont puiptc 7 .. -, • ; ., . •
• 8 0,1/E E. f rit.OP'Rl S - '
1.,J.,r, • , i IVililf u r , A:s.tu a ...,, , a:u ii. , ~
Pharimentiitt , taid , ;Chemisti. : -
. •
U 1
of w . w - esoag
t ie" 6 64i: H.ef,118.)?7,1/-
Co. ' •
~_ ..
~.7.-......,-------....,1L ~,,c„:.:
I.c p .
. 0 EIRE - a l ";:,-•,::,,
, T E Er ti.l Ipi r ,-- 11
. ~. :.. ,
... L......_! ....... ___ Hi -4
,_, t..: ~ , i 4.. _J., V ltii i-L.: 7 , 4 --.
n o AsPerlPlTed 43;6
ldTl„I Y*P,T-0:1. -;.
4 1
01:,-;-f rhea , t r i ° t?r ma t! ',
or _chi,
which gpeetlylecilifiwn the prev i ew, of fielbilig v by son
Faw, bvilapagunedie ketle2N!, wk. kr, - q tt.L l ,,
.§INIF TP /4 7 4 - PLATt II2 B - 89 4 "_
pepend.dficdit.motherelltolin r ilie.iiiii , t4o?yddirailVna
AND FiPIAP,ANTI :. 1 0 11 /5-.TO TOUlt.naM,L,
IWe pave, put lap and alibi article fo r 'hirer tol l
yekreimid•tanamg ida:cbatienuct Ain Vaasa, meludiwt,
neve Mclver,. hem Able. te.M7 of Any ether. medicina l
KEvER - Ticist. - rrraltzniCULA - SaldtairlNftiatikigTO
giFSICIV)ak OURISWtgan 6407a aedt s*Ker Mt
know en instance of dissabfaction by any_enc *tic
. tunes
it `On thdliontiattye edliar4i lie opera
•tieneep i t%43i Ppm! t i biopst comvidatitmstr.
the. ma cal ann' earvitnielt
ti t istara&airi aciddiew47 , :aftar AWN' exile, :
mien% !aiv,, r.pnem,ene, 41FEITATION voa pep_pcummenri
op 'waft:
whece,the inkhnthituulerizellir m apeinanil exhamition,Ae
lierWill be eland ' te - Atteen.ok (*mak cdinittea"tillet the
gym i mi dmintstered. .P 1 ,Fz..•l' I v
This valuable vreearatien t 10 . 2&34 prei terj p of o n e
et the , ..,WWI) OM and
been iiieV7witrarrnwrairatie
stroameetin 11N, , :
. • ,
not zellevstt. Like upgd ifp . f claw, in t tdr4-k
qratoti the "sicittich'ind . %twills!) , .o±4%tlivitehilty;landi
gliiisloneand et :toile: whole sy . tiani.) It wilk:al.l ,
ninstrihnitantlf4tilieirit - - ,
wuppisil Ati.,TEN,BOITELS AND - wortCOW
and otercoineMitittlidits, Which it not .oipeeefiffeenek..t
died,:cuid: in deithi'iWei , belitoitAt Whiter inid.sumatek
itstaarriwma Sanirmiuil taisea:of; rtweiNTEllYAtip,
DIAItSHKr4 PITLIntIiN 1191,ietb0,4,: 'O4M
teethiseiir,from any other cause: Nre 'hay*
trial tiro any of
foidaoitteitifdplair nor •twiittaytoriiumeesi titbi
t= ITARIDIIIII3 or mans, stand between ysion tlc your.,
auftering child and the relief that will bit SURE —y
StiLlPTSLlrailblktur thiir-titied WU=
It timely used, gull directions for using
eac h bottle. None gamine ; unless the
gnus eIIRKINS,New lint; is orrkiiiiii e *rata*.
Bold=by Pr uggistatithpoughoutibeworkt.
ndndlis l 9 lll 9#ili?. ct l YtOgutrilw..Uri
= 1 472.P.§444 1 : 11 4 0451 *
ffilr 2 4.l o •AgarrisbWa-tbY.DtW.
liittrAiet - ,Skeet; 4-3lbitM'Xtita;tht.,.22'hitirktii Silent tr ,
g ;Aeon; Strellt, hal* Irdustkr and
htiles,"4. Market strekt....
I -4.1 i:
law Goon
s fetEW) . 11011 . 10103 t• - •- , •
8.:613,1380R18ERS ihaxing:l
marorpl„m„Ekspiiii , - JIA
;I meld a
Alois j arlikiblitg aliVAGNaWribis WWI Wayne
pouw.upionar,;fer wile a largeiroidifdletOeto easdrttneed*
!GraderielV .. 'BiOVlßiOniti , 7 • i
Fish, Salt,
.Flour, t 1 um
ad New York„, epti' now, artilka Set
with mach care; p
Cie #4llE!ffil
We intend to keep ETRST•uutune'tamDS; ;NMI
NOT BE UNDWOLD, and hope by honorable dealisrego
molt and receive a shape of e.
.nair2d..4lN k co
- , ~:
1 : . •
' . 1100.12141Y OF''ANY CONFIDENCE FOR
„. - •
. 1
1i 88 1 1 1 4:MNO- :
lit.R.- • B AIL D--1A1133 .- GR A T ir i
1 , 114. .y ; :4,iii - d ",,,,:i i h e ~ gresit ' discovery of
e r
IL& like. ffold, bay° „altertki4ed .not, only to imitate
kitti r hiPatike, - bat profess iiiliavetlfeisovered soniething
that .wouldlitixkitor reatdte,itleritical ;' but. they, have all
'Olin Mgt ei.e, being carrfed,,away „tip the wonderful
result} er4'rb , :j.Wirodttii.pV6pararion;lind have been forced
ie haireAl.e.,fleittfoll its restltic" WarYf Read she followt .-
~ „,..;-' ! ..; .i .. : &ilia; ilaine , -, 25.0111.1804-1,84, 9, •
' l l'ans.„ Q. .I.„Nyetn &Co Gents :-.The letter I wroth
auolin Illaf concerningryinii - iraitiablitTlafr Restorative,
I ..aihto 1 0 4 lkivltt PltbliAgdeVittl le 4,17 2 4 eiww.liere,
Awn - crn rise Co ithnierourr ,engefriee touthlistthe fahts
jti r th rireir.t ' L litte enointiotartgfistini 4J:cue - La =I
- Ilkintition and name, as stated in the commttnicatiotn,;,
• seEObil. is it true of all the reMoontained;.,third, does my
hair.'Wl cent atm to bo,in,good Order,and pi natural
ukilhi 'liffitil ild
`irtfitWditoitimsr — iiiiilatilY o 4lflidli :
Off n - .4.!Wr - . 4 nart . o(4er:stage et ~..my2 l i.edOr.4o. l years:
past, o re soft, tliqty, and better colored ; 'the sal:dole
itßeirinyiTtiliikkerte;iffidlthe r 'thili , minrecwhy It o..hitik
. 4eue !gip itrue,p,„„lhat the thinfillitl eft,.O,RWllmitd ply by_
leteiCeilt ablallniftif ifiefOrec c wheir if tare Wariruied Jby'
-wild .4.oserefentectletfrwitkthe, , whisirn,
1.11 - .. I_o remit wili f follow „as the hair..l have been in
..t tetdist:LValregriiihtittiireflettersliiinalllvarts of
4k w ,",g 1 .,. 844 4 ,4 th i g n APO' kr4:l4ltrAtilicontlnuccro be.
'going; its ',Odra ' IS 'WO MiaL freed in'tlielainuntetorovg •
..ktaii leo. , soalems- , -emilliautifsoastrwelimit nal it hasoo
doubt ben
_basely imitated and been used, not only.
Withinitliny: goad eiteigiliut to tithieldie Itijdy.i' I ha:re'
inOiltet arltliA.llnkr7, ~. l'iAs,_.PqnriiFed e " l.9o . some:
mon and yet my awl: .', as ever , and htllid
fiederiVecittiliftWitf wiftlintalritte 411201 , 1 h tewfut
Auer old anikrititi,a,tlr.o.Ylirinuty.-ilead.or onthy face;_
and preeeilisliiet,lie 4 pots irldek tif inihafr taken . -
liill,Vast week. I moored yottfriv or of tworoart
bolt , tiVrailithrietoPiihkihFiritiirferV 7 kiciterul. , - 4 -
'- 'd+ t:•.i°IN r itWeNIITIP, dstlriPq . „. - 41,rit4 t e•.
Atkulany were skeet c , uni afte. . al, in' then - Our
,chetricactiuseititlarittraniveritil sneassi.dittallfoldraal
.4 til or. that yca_send me t tear by f which Lean dlscurer.
frond rAlleiltai4v,rsokrby Elaiw -- ; Treir .. ;:iditfOiit
-- `nt, htheruailierelood „elects 'Vet - follow the tanner
li-§§tr'ltik-ithe inklmrelattßilditir Chletthiel&helitient:,
w of 00; istmt,,, I GeenattguyAnty.turheretorore, to.keep.
ipAlisplitised'of the'6sthltined - effeet'en ink I
hair, as as
•adielids,p4o: enintire:W:lneht:lo-Anosbeten: bpinion of
.'llitEvnleatife i eAbta. I remain, dear sir, yours . ..
iv , : ,
I'll.l„o>nti_ Wood: tteaablre-rlissiCPo,o9-xtalurQPirlg
; youlle.'dikat Illferitiee ittitifir riiiith knout l ii? si World
the • udernitima *UIm:AIM uneipectidnresiiltil have.
Aap rieneed,fioptUsing Rue bottle 0, your lieirgesttora
.. -c .fritcli , JesQ l eVertkinilne-Ittatoryitiredriltint,'ba- ,
la untmceessgandAndingsttyliend - mearlydeatitoteot
~b.,,,i was filially Jailikett to. try a bottle of year Hair
ye& ~AdvetixAsotitzciiiit• tur,iiidititi&w,irtoiii iiiiivitil. , ,
""_, AN° 40 9 1 74 , 19`rottka,AttOffiltat- 1 ,. ,nowiP.P.kaVtra 1
.xiq. an' 'beau 1 - tgreWth in Vair, welc h * I' pronouune .
'iiit(er'and brindisidiret atiatiltheAiriginatihaftl Irwin'
therefore take occasion to recommend: this invaluable
reiilody to.all who may feel oplaer.A.A4y - ot it; ' --- -- •
. , ilespectfu hY yours
, .. i . a . v.c , faxtig . 131 t o• cgc .: ..
--- . -
,leattruoulal, ?few, Limrobation tor your
vatpalile'riledlebletau'yob are aware A) is unsolicited
but: itlyou 31slidldt Vbriny's - place arobug the r‘st,'lnaert
if ,Ipu,yilith,,X,ric 4 . destroy and say ,
• -- Ee
/kg gtekOraiy, and sold by alt dealera•Lbrougb.
asqq the world.
T"•l3m 7 ,l6laugiairall battlee of thribulzes; via
!biriwpapdlikahand email ; ; tin small fend
- retail§ for one ' per medium hoofs it
leait - tweiti-toecentemoreliiteproportiontiuttnestnall,
r,elaits tor two 51oStKe..per Pottle: large holds a
quari,-, 40 per Yti•porlkdr; aud retarli-for
0. WOO)ac -04,,,..grortrietPta r '44* -Eh:nu/Way; Nov
and Market street, St. Louis, Mn.
and kood Druggists adet'Samey: boa&
; • -1-- ` • - ••• _ dallAascAP
• 1 JAVD
• Lit If/ .
Mountain .HOth
~ritersEtiwtittot manufacturer „ of
..A.gcla..l". l ls.plantgiA tkotthifilisb,',has, /neat t'l4o- &Tula"
pert of his Win trevelbmg, - havfng visited nearly 'every
poeitbrinfibh 'World jEiel'iipene over' tat __Main Amen
the Rocky liountaitfliantrioridexido, and it witicilius - tbet
tit' .11otrarters .12hatir'lMin7 were dissevered " A very"
,filloreeting. *count of hie adventoresihere„you will find
in One A.ifict6:4llNl l l , istnphlet4-
lit is ap. eatahlished fact, that ell ditteasea arise item
'rho blood An the. life I and when any forkign , or. un
healthy itnithir getamixed ritsrtif , 7ll Ouch dhtsheted to
riltOry organ of the body,. Pterriterve feels : the poison,. ;And all the, vital Opine *clay coriiplain. The stomach
will &gest the %al Oaten* The aver .cesses to
senrebsamitt, /*toy Of•hile.l".. The ; action; of the , heart is.
Inelaminaspo.ameirennsamils fe e ble, . The longs be .
Abith the liehrefiehithlmilfdt henee /incise,
:Le'01:1111 la slitht iiiilitirjtkihf this- fottatain•-"head of
- 9-I, , Siftead4l' lam fiflytraltadfMinswriAlolllol. earth,-for
inetanee, in s pure spring, from which ran a tiny rivulet
slew,,,n4lutes Una . wltele course of „the- stream be,
c, , dratirkliedithatfilitalored'.'''AstittibillY fibeS impure
.VOVi 1 1 3attikittrj;0&taid leave Its oting , ..benind: :Au
ItlnepaseCraes becom elfabled ,Itati;Vinleta ilia ObOrue
`oll3l,lB3.twyfid, t U.,/amigtot, lifespen, dies out. , _ .
-duilt r rn riot ciattlin4fy tiniilarina, - SeeneintAial
• teilnvoti,,fierbot)iithey*e; ther efore,, nOrtviabi4
sto k.ta: is .
+;i. uipre. IO QRJBLEARISIDISIretSrutik. ,
WOO* Sick elteiliatfeep t u , e's Ilan.Anti-Biiloii
!eine expels from the blood the hidden
„Seeder& cis.
stalopullypnnexe fiEldlit, and eporetions pure ant!
Iliumfon , rqf std`resuniftift:the'vitadditftg.
PimisefitUdifift isit/fir c tiiithat 4 4ektre'ablete &ice
/duals raslebi
, rtot4esinte4eAßttrielgibrouee
lib of the. ibody, and cause the sufferer
•In*With the flush ofingeuty and health.
irlideilF44 ) 4ll.B,• iii.f dIikIiteCRI:RWYS 0/ ctig"
I r• „ : encifdr thefoikluring Contplaints:
• -
4elpemphtints, Debility, • liswarid•Wealtness,
.ughsV 3 ••• .• • "Ifersitseandhlgue, Liver Complaints
'b. Ids, opith(CouiplalettcLoWness of Writs,
eel Diseases, Reablagabas„, - Piles,
. ee. 54 . 1 : ' ledigeet-ten, , Stone-and. Gravel.
4 pipes, Ififhterialt„ - IlMenntlittY Spiv
, i e.
t Inflatrdiailtni,' ' tome.
- • • • ~ • * ' •
' ~•irts a •.#4:• - •.•.; ' . - .
1 ‘- 42111dRi t itliflOICMEDICINE ! -.
, r 1,, ...._...1..,... ,
altir,., 1 Females Idle Yelini seolthohould never tie without
esitllllativrliblaptielf, thte blood, Tame olistrnetions
Adk...itintlm.albensoi- keeldn 01%41 pimples and blotches,
ll'etinlheltell tiblicref'tibilth to the tale cheek: •
Tbellabila itlidi•Hetba.‘ef:Whielt theettriPF ere
e,,yme discovered In_a very surprising way among
„tlisfr`fekantufk a tilliabr.44lorit&es -In -Mexico, iciet the
*Amer , ;Vv., rind you - will read with delight,
a 'Kenn yery lute' utecomit." it 4ontelni of the "Gnats
' Obsersr.e.— ; The Heats* Herb Pills , are 11l FP in F
- : - ritdifl Sfrapper. ''Eseh`boxtcoritains .10. phis; and Re ,
g !.... ettitedenkpliblir• - rWileeethe b • eaTe. the lOWA/re
r :../...JFDS9R4 !XS enbach bin.
t i );3.7 ,. . „1 1:4. 4. 1 irty ro go t i v i stt . co . : ; ,
C _
S AtlAol,,lktr c) P r 1 0.74 , P ri " t
i. , a . - ' No.4lolteonard Streets 1_ 1
i air i a=raretiallillYtladreftalla alnose. -n
4 6 10, ‘ Pg'_q194 .
lux 1104/ere ,i; 4ivintluit.lbilvc Wal
ly-or low ' d'Ydbn Wallingeer;llr., ot -I)aaphits county,
iwrobnltioilotaninot hgve essigned F eltr eeereTrect
the undermined all their properly in Least for the bene
li ifitheir efedrtota lAllpersonstherefortuhavhag claims
ngsburtthe4baid John. Wallower and John...W r 4. t allowa ~
i as9:cdiri V alkiiiii- & - Soli;or agthit eitlidt.of
Ithrizowiltprtsent, Deux' tbo untersigoodiaa4 UK*"
P u e" el i t e d Vil make immediate PaPnent 10 -
OBAb kYl i rtps
tiiiillMarigth6l... . -, 1, Readilute llarrrishorgaib
4 `NtTIE
VEK11400„, Letters ..Testainentary. on
ivy e es tate of the;
oty - EllircideabliakhalClOff#l4o., pp* -147 tale
etritaltri -"47:earl=iftiptebt:.
f ear ,IftifZi p44l,44in;ti ls ,
early. as praetfcable ;an ose ha p 441,4 or"de-,
lindlnlitatiinstettedsearei will present theta without delay ,
Ida* nulhentleated,AC?4r. genie CLretneeaock for set.
c j
!. N-kW/100S fraikdifi“,j34/ 1 446)
bdtrizilitATE c i i i *OLD e to ithe' ' 13 4110. UMMPlNY34l4,llniablif aligia_2..4sta ~ 91 , 1 9, a
.010=coo: P •
vellimmyint-1± ITS 'ESllolllBogamitti, Slitarket sti
: taw
' 93I3I tEtEtrAND7
unan-ta w 0001A11311,k,
oz THIRD Illarlittlikififitilir
T is compounded`; entirely from GUMS,
j. and has become an established tact, a Standard Medi.
emu, known and approved'
by all that have Used it,
and is iteer, resorted to i l ' s with confidence in all the
diseases 'for which it is re-Vil commended.
It has cured thousandsT4 within the fast two years
who had given up all hopes lo of relief, as the numerous
ueselicited certificates in 'MI ray pcmiession show.
The dose mutt beadapt- rcj ed to the temperament ot
tbi, individual takingitouid o used in such quantities ar
to Rot gently on the bowels.
Let the dictates Of yourlodgment guide you in lb
nse of the AVER INVIGO- II woe, and it will cure
tC DIARRHORa, Somme Cow manna, Dramorsay DROP
'Menem; Fmtala WRLR- meRPM3 ' and may be used
successfully its flit ORDERA- FAnus 1111MICORI. It
will burg MGR EIit&I)ACHE on (as thousands can testify)
IR TWENTY IDNlPtea, IT TWO llk rakes rtAgroarrola I.RI
TAKEN al uounnfteattent of t attack..
ALL woo ruerrr aRII atv MO their testimony in Di
- -'44-1111m .%Pater In the month wlth ant In
ytgorator, 03.4 swallow both together
nnos 01511 .117.013.4 R
1. 1
Tht. FAMILY iItaTHAS, .„..-
jai:tire Cathartic which the WE
practice more than twenty a
-, The constantly dooms- .
have long 'used - the' PLUS
VI 'express in- regard do Fell
.1., place them within the D z .,
'The Profession well know '''
on dinerent portions of the ..,
l' The .fitalilLY.•Cii • LP 1
'l6rinoe to this well eatab. 1.4
dad from a variety of th e t
which act alike on every F e
cal; and are good and safe P 4
tkutrtiais needed, snob ax. g 1
S/orpinext, Pains in 'le -",
Pain and Soreness Over he
ar weiidi in, Ms head, all
' Worms in ,C hila . 'ren or Ad- Vi
Purifier of the Medd, end A'
flesh is heir. too numerous 71-
Amex:Dent. Was, 1 to 8. 0
' . AWE 80 CENTS,
ErL .
"rftirleß iihrIGORAIO.I% AMY FAIILLI
tc Ptlat retulied by
sold - Wholesale by ths' Txada'in all Abe 1a s
Manufacturer arta Proprierrm -
it , 2o4lawyll! 336 Broadway + New.. Yolk :
41.1 OM itkriaXiCi
To -the .oitizene of .Neyr Jersey an.a..
Apothecaries, Dn:goings, Canteen" - and.
Wcilke'n Pine' Cognac arnifter: "
Wares Pure illudexte, Sherry wadi Mewl
Wiliffe , s Pare Jeweler" and sitiCerdwitarna
— vvroifwa Put e Search and- Inals.:liltialtaisy.
I herlnve to eall the lineation of tritrelthseneOf the
_United Stales to the above Winks and LIQUORS, Raprted
Uy 17dol:16 Vrnife, et New York, whose name la feu&
liar in:every part re'. Ibis country..for .4,4PnIiSY of
celebrded EMMA Scassarn. Mr. Wolfe, in Ida letter
•10 me;:speiking 'of the purity ebb Vista and Lanny,
says : aitl stake my teputation as a roas,any Stand
ing as a merohart of thirty years' realdente in the Qty
of New York, that all the - Exalter Exalter 'and Muria which I
bottle are pure as 'imported, and Of the hist quality and
can be relied upon by every parchaser. o " Every bottle
has the proprit tot's name on the wax, and alas simila
:of his signature on the certitude. The .pubilo are to
,apintrully Invited to call ' and examine for themselves.—
For salen - Retitil by all Apotheearies and Groners in
Philadelphia. ozotiE N. IoSRTON,
No. 882 'dirket at,
Philadi lath.
dote Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the I ollowiog from the New York Cal ter :
kNOßannal Reamed Foe Usti New - Togs alitacau.vr.—
! We Ole h:OPPY to inform our fel an , *dens that Mere Is
one place in our ay where the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and pun:Mese pure Wmes
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality:
We (Winn hand to give an:elaborate descrit tam of this
'lnerctutat's extensive beelines . , although it will well re
pay soy stranger or citizen to vtait'Udolpho Wolfe's ex
ten sh , o Warehouse, Nos. 18.‘ .10 'and 22 'Bearer street,
and. Wee" Bis stook or
34th " ---- ;rgatl not bare
ly, some
%Lad cases;
ton thoussnd cases—Vintegossf 1836 to 7 74 ' ----;- " .7 "" NI
;theilaattel 'imam of 'Madeira, Sherry and • ine o
*Scotch andSrish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Bum,.
some Very old and equal to any in this country. He also.
had three large cellarei Slier/. with Brandy, Wirie r ac.,ltir
Casks, under Custom Rouse key, ready for bottling. Mr.
Volfes sales' of bchnapps lost year amounted to one
huntir..d and eighty thousanddozen, and we hope hi I. •EE
than two Pears homey. be equally liucce.mfut with his
arrndtattand Armes:.
fl s ' business merits ills patronage of every lover of tile
speoiesl; ;Private lkintlies7 slab pure Wines and
e3quonp Tor medical the send their orders direct
toKr: Wolfe; milli every, pothecary in the land mare
up their alkinda &ward the .polsonons atutf Irom their
eh= and replace it with Wolfe's pure Vitilia and
WO understand M. Wolfe, for the accommodation of
smell dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of
Winesi arid latiodis t ,r Such a man s , and anch a merchant,
should be snspided agAnat his tens of thousands of op.
patients le lbe United attes t .who selfnothing but imita
tion .xuißocia ,a4e to health and human happiness.
MarAet Street, tole a gent for th..s cit.
CUM! Graveil,llladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections.
11111331 • I.ll'B-oenuine ereparattou fur Nervous and
117Pobl1tated Sure era... - -
nIiBOL/Y6.(ioniuuo ereparatton for Logs of ?OWN',
Lore Of 'llteirork.
ELIEBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Mdloulty at
' ll *nettling (general Weakness.
lIGLIEBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for IYeak Nerves,
114rror ig . .Nath,Tretrib ing. '
kilAttltobtA, utwume• Yruparafien tur Naglitzwusts,
CollSpet,Dimuese,af %ton.
ifj itLIC3OLD'S Genuine Preuanttion ler Languor, Cui
vernallesulteite or the bleseulor System.
111S[ Sll3ol.,D'd- Genuine .Preparation for Pallid euutite
Aanc 6 -*"/: BrupUone,.
NLxApLD GVenine Preparation for 'tin in tLa
'BaefsOleadeshe, Sick - Stomash:
• agli - See advertisement headed
. •it.Stillitelan.llXTßACfr BUCEW
in anotiner coltuxen.
. .
. .
PUP* President.and Directors of the liar ,
.11—t riahurg,,Brylge Company have this day declared t .
dividend 'of Barr - CENTS per share on the daPit' ht°c !'r
al said Company, (set. Mum Pm can.) km the last
year i and have directed the same to be paid, at this
doe, to thestoOkbeddera or their legal represeutatm"
ter the 17th.- J. w,t LUCE,
- Treasurer
Harrisburg Britiga (ggse, J an ..; DAL janci-sat
Fru!,t and Vegetable Garden for Rent.
e enhaoAhisioffers for ' rent hisgarden lot, i¢ tte
cents(' of thentispl.of Columbb,. Lancaster
C l Xtlat" "lONO*4 or Oral quality of land, on Vfli:Cpt era
now' . growittglW good condition, 150 Peach, ,
Quince,hlectanne and Cherry trees ; 26 Grupe
1,000 Currant, Gooseberry, Raspberry, and las
Blackberry 'boats -an Asparagus bed with mole
1,090 crowns, and a Strawberr.y bed with I,lto plio" ;
Possession will be given immediately. If cot retie d b
nwitiw February , a gardener win ba wanted
jan9-3tw soma,
LAMER' 8 110111ITGA, ,TRA.VELI3 7 4,
,mnprieing a number of new, ;styles GENT
=CEP- Mindy Pciries 'Wallets. A Rae ag-Q rt=e3:
;aut. nmetredand for sale atOR,E.
DO PILL is a gentle. o
proprietor bits ascd lte hl
log demandirom tin:este:to
d the satisfaction whie+
them uSe, his induced me
reach *roll.
that different Calbei.tles let
TIC PILL tow, with due iv •
!tithed fast, been compotaa•
pnrest Vegembkilintraets,
pert of the-alimentary Ga
in all cases *twee a tm-
Derangernents• Silmsna,
Back Mg Mins, aataxsicss
Zr:liory 472- tes e . es,
reunustirm, a great
many diseases W. ttidi
its mention in this r War-