= inn , el rt. t civet arangioortatigh NEW Alit LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! Slit; {TEST =IN` STANCE AND QUID ST : TIME HUE WEEk 111 7[ did§ OF N'...B7W_'..YOlM - A' N D . . mza• smr. - uazi - a , I VIA: r READING: ALLENTOWN . AND' EASTON..- . . . . MORNING eXPItNSS, - West, leaves-Near toik at A. M., arriving at :Harrisburg at 1 P. 44., only OX:4 6,l Lia between the two cities. • , • • • EE leaves New York ittl l 2.oo noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.10 . 1 .- . M ; .• . 111111 A ORitli4i MAlL:Litik7East, =.111010%* at 0.00 A. al:, arriving at Nett/ Y.dtit P. • M;' • . A WfERNOON ..EXPREOEi EA'S, leavgai4.Thirii#4 . . Curg , 114 . 4,15.P: 11., - fteriving at NOW Y.Ork'at-9,46,?'.41.. CoiiiiatlesitPriie tinkle et Harrisburg at 1.00 Pt 114,witit. the Pagee °kat Trains tia each direction on the Pennsylvit— Lia, ctithheritind Valley and Not theist Central Ailt"dins itootiect at Reading withtrainefterl'attevillie. and `,Ttiladeightit, and':at illentrOtett for' Manch Chunk,. . Faston &o. • ' " ' • , Ne-change of poraenger Cars or Baggage. betwe en Xer . York and 15(arxisbeig,,by itie4,6.oiti A.- . Lint. from - New K York rr the 3.15 P. M.. rem Harriebu g r - For•bekutS , of scenery and speed, condertand . aetten.:' modatiOn.; this route .1 resents superior Inducements to tie traveling ' • ' Fare between Near York-and • Harrisburg WE ! ARS ' Ver t[eiteti :Otller IhrOneation apply ttl deel J ..J4 QLY,O; General Agent, Hatriksiirt • t''.fi i..t,.4 I) . E.: E'P'.n•l•A] EEO R omisk.p,. ,BAIL. A 9 4.)):::- WINTER 4.IO.*MEgENT. WV tA:tV/P . 12th, 1860. IWOfASSENGER TRAINS — TEAVE HARRISBURG DAILEti flundayirtureepted,) ay 8.00 and' 1.16 P. hiltOrdphia,turicing•tliere at 1 25 P. Hi, and • FAIN • 0, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA ..at sOO A. •M.,• antrlire3o , P.' arriving-at Harrisberg at 11:P. M., and YERENt—ro Philadelphia, No. 1 QU14.113.26 ;.140: 2 (In sendit thiln,) 32.16. • . Readlnk,.sl.6o andll.3o. „r.. • dkEltaidipg, COSilleCt with tllllllB for Pitttaville, Miners ville;',llthaqua; Cataiviten, . _ FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR EFIIIADED., PillA DAILY, at 6 A." 61.; '10.46 A-11., 1.2.30:n00n and. I NAVE PHILADELPHIA •FO * R READIMILat.B.O3/. M., 1.00 , E01,,, 6.30 P. M., and 6.00 P. 16.: FARREL t.—Reading to Philadelphia, EL 76 and,451.44.• • BIN MORNING TRAIN:: FROM . HARRISBURG OON. NAAS AT READING with up train for .Wllkesharre,i Pastan and Scranton. ' • • . ••• ror throdeb tickets and ether information apply to = • J. J. CLYDE, d .34dtt _ General : Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND APTEB MONDAY NOVEMBER 20#L, DMO ThePapengar -trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad COm pany will depart from arid Mir) at Harrisburg and Philadalphla as follows ; EASTWARD. •' THOUGH MORI* TRAIN leaves-Harrisburg at 2.40 a. tn. and arrives at West Philadelphia at C6O a. .m.. PART LINP: leaves' Harrisburg ;at 12.55 p. in., and snivel atWest Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL: TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 P. m. s . arrives tit West Phllactelphla at 10.20 p. m. , These trains make close connection atPlefutdeipela with tee New York Lines. .ACHoirIiODA'fION TRAIN, No. 1, leavei Harrisburg at 7.50 a. in., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West. Philadelphia. at 12.80 p, HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves liar risen's et 1.16 p. m. , andurrives at West Philadelphia ate 40p,m. -ACCOMMODATION` TRAIN,,No. 2, lea* Harriaburg at 5.26 p. in., runs via. Mount Joy connecting at Diller. ville uIthATAIL: TRAIN Haat for Philadelphia.,, ' . . - WESTWARNIva- • THROUIDI EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia. a:t 10:60 p. m , arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10-a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p: m. I,CCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00:a. PAST LINE Maves Philadelphia at 12.00 'noon arrives at Harrlsburg.at 4.10 p. HARRISBURG ACCOM I - p. m., aid arrives at liaryisburg Mi!2 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelplik at 4.00 p. m , and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. Attention lo called fo the Piot, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., conned. at Lancaster with MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Ilarrlelorg at 9.45 p.m. dASTOEICIS. -YOUNG,' . • dint Sari Division Pennsidpania Railroad ' • $2,500 TO $B,OOO PER YEAR! RARE CHANCE FOR ALL "c HE ABOVE AMOUNT can easily -be .made by the manufacture and sale of an article of verrieeent discovery. It Is entirely new, and any per , sow Wishing le engage in a businesa that Will pay, or to en l ar ge one, sheeny established, will do well to giddiest theitindersigeed. The sale is as ready and permanent as an y et the great staples. It is an easy, honetable. highly respectable business, by 'shish eonte mint *now mening.tw ee the above tierces by the manuracturiand, We of this vendable article. It rtiluires hut a vety small capita: to carry on this business with pun ate.- Sol ten Farnesiars address ( enclosing a stamp fbr re`-' tar t L . .I. P C12.101-14NTA Xiddietown OURED HAMS Z 1117 FiL .70 nab by Z 4 ••• :Ory, '44.44102a illibicaL • TR ORIGINAL AND GaIIIIN DR. TOWNSEND'S • COMPOUND- EXTRACT OF , , t S AR SAPARILLA, Is - The Gr•eat Rernovator of , THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR EUPT.ltakgt _OF' 1 HESKIN, ULCERATED SORES, A , *Li , - .FORN§ , OP.:CI/lAN:HOW 1 1 0 1 .. , DISEABEE.I Tliftecemplaitlorcan be Speedilk and effectually,cured by the use of this WORLD RENOWNED A i BAR S A,I? ,A4ttila , L. ...EL- ,• 1,• , , •• --. °amines Laveu.xperienced dhoti, its salutary and . , te of thoesanda have udfiessed it; Until it bas ceased to be # otiestien ainongthiYintelhient portion of the corn henthedilood, becomes lifeless and utagnant, either fro the gtfceis of Spring weather, change of clireate - mia pt or eimeite7the tide arm unlit:l;lh saline diet, or any Cate'; cae'; thfs , compound Partraot,off Sareaparilia,will ItSIIBW the BLOOD, carry off the putrid -.Lateen, =mu thSIVILACH, ' ' . .12BaIILME :THE BOWELS. 1 A d runpart .a .Tone.? of Vigor to the Whole: Body: . A ..., - TO T$3E PUBLIC: _... , . elyablic aro herebyimtitied that the preparationex te . alrely kmown ea Dr: S. P. Townsend's Compound E.T., _tr et ot Panamaa , is, now manufactured under my di 00n,aDd SUpfnligo ll , from the original recipe obtained fr •zo Dr . " 8: P. TOwnsend; and I 'Certily that it is tempos'. - , of ingredients PURELY PIiGETABLig, mid.VVITHODT ld 'I CURY; mutate° that the ingredients are judiciously c. tr) minded, so.aa to obtain from them their greiteet, ~ . cinal effect. , I JAWS R. pp:l4 , ON, m. D., Chemist..„. r. S. P. TOANFILEU'S-CoisS. 6tritejborsser or Saws r. , hatfasrepefittlmiiniong MI ciifilliefi Melons as thp best preparation for Ve jiiineran oAgifstArt. ' fP. - ' PO 0" :Wraith science has ever offered to man. ' in Lo isr esides 'cif PECULIAR EXC ,R.,TEN9E;.ftlf.fill tbisfif,due its world' Wie renown. f . .---Ll ...--.'11—.. 11 '': t contains all the vegetable principles which expert. ' iivil:6[i proved - useful ln .:elearing the.SYSTEM from '1) • 'EASEifextraCted Ind sombined ;with the highest eltill 'Il 'ls ich the refinements of modern chemistry emble 1:18 to entploy. Whatever may be. said by mortified competitors or spielefic phySiefuni, the, Dot that t.hls ruedichoefsEVEßY , WENRE UM, -acid thatits use creates anincreased de maltd,4 11110wE conclusively that it .posstaces medicinal miltitsfUfellret order .. .. . , .+ , •-,. .. . :'-- .. . ' C'A 1./ T I O . N . ToWifild; itipOsitioS it will be necessa ry to See that .._ '.-. D.11.....TA1V1E5.R.' C.RILTONIS .. _ . ...... ..._. ... . -CERTIFICATE as well as • the hIGNAffiJ.RE • of.Dr: S. P. levmsendOs on the outside wrapper of eackbottle. _RE ` VERY .VERY C;REFUL, TO USENVOTHER. , • Proprietor's Otte; No. 41 rultop street, N, Y. ;And Dr sale -by every Druggist in this dty. WtC,.V 1 P 1 2, 1 17"/01 tErk plus Altti PHOINDLISITTRES. ESE ALEDICINES'bai4 .now been be;; fore the public lot iperied of TBIRTY , YEARS;and Our ing that time have maintain. a high charabter In al- Moat every part of the Globe, for their extraordidaiY and irunteuiate power of restoring perfect health to pot ions suffering under. nearly every kind of disease to tilde& the human frame is " The following areanatmg the disticesing variety of Mi. nitan diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are Well knewo4o be ; blfallibie. • • •••• _ • DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly Cleansing the first aud second stomachs ; and-creating a Sow of pure, healthy bile, instead if - the stale • and acrid kind; ELATU !ARNO Y, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn,Beadac.he, Rest lessness, Ansioty,, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van Isla, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTE! - ENESS, - , by cleansing the whale length of the intestines*Eh - a‘•solvelit process, and , Williotittfie: lence; all violetquirges leave the bowels , Ccsaiiiiillthin. , FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring thiabbaid to-Ai regular orettiation; thiough the•proocia of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. • • • • . . The • LIFE IiEfIICINES have been known to cure. EREVAIATUEN pernianently in three weeks and GOVT in•balt that time, by removing hantlinHammation from the Muscles and ligaments of the joints; . • DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on these important organs, and. hence have ever been found a certain . remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also W 01111.1.5, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. . _ .. - SCURVY,: ULCERS,. end,,INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity = whicix these LIFT; DIEM. C NES give to the blood, and; all the humors. p. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS ; ond.BAD tOIiPLE.X. IONS; bYtheir aliment effect upon the nuidattluttleed the skin, arid,the morbid state of which oc6asions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. ; . The use of these .Pills for a very short time willeffect nn entire cure of SALT, RIMUItI, and a striking 'im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON ;COLDS 'and INFLUENZA will always be cured by .orsindose;or by two in the worst cases. - • ••1 - PIL.ES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Filet, of 35y ears standing bythe use ef . pe !LINE , IIEDICINSS alone. HEVER: AlllO 4.44118.—F0r this se.tgge-ot--. the Western country, these hi 71_ - • _ . remedy. Other Medicines Intsa , the yetem subject to a return oftbe disease—a-cure by these Medicines is permanent,aßY, THEM, BE BATIOBLED, BILIOUS FEVERS - AND - LIVER; ;OXON , PLAlNTS.—Gramtur. Demur; Loss ov Armarrs Mid 'Dramasws Pramurs,,the•difellicines • have b.0.0n • 11 . s f 34 with themost beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :—Eings Evil and:Scrofule, In its Worst forms,yields to the Mild yet powerful actlon'of these remarkable ledi eine6i Night Nervous Debility, Nervous Om plaints - M. all 'kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters , , Coliciarespeedilyoured.' DISBASES.—Persons whose , constitii tonshave become impaired by the injudicious USe:of Dietary, .willllnd these Medicines a perfect cure, as' they mevenfaildo eradicate .from the, Systetri.,..all, the effecttrotlldkEury iafinitelysooper-thau tho most power fubprepsration~ Sarsaparilla: ,r 's-IEIV Wad and sOld , by • W. B, B.OFF'AT, ; . - ;BB6Broadway, New. Pork. ._ Arial° by all, Druggists. • VAN INGEN &SEIVDER?; ' DeSigners and Eteravers. on -Woad.' coa:fririlut caasurtrr.STS: Philatielphta. ECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving ' OiairectrAs aid alealltati.' -original ?assigns furnished for Fine Book Blustraticiiis. - Persons iwishing nuts, by sending a Photegrapher Daguerreotype, can: have :vieWit Collegeit i 7; church*, ifitor,e;Frot,ata t _ Machines, Roves, Patents, kc., "e ngraved as well on per sonal application. " , Fancy liovelopes t Labeli, Bill Readings, Show Bills, i Visltkig, „Builinsiiii.iand: other. Cards * esgraVed - In the highest. stylisaiVart,iand'artne lowest'prices. ,Fiat Spepttnegs Iffe - eigsaVingi, - 111uStrated wililicalit,-P,lMlligliiiiititt,SeCO.;..l§..ifililutlerlsee., -13 TEE, 0 NTIfiR , A.-N,D-JUBBEA C0141Z11:10.A:Layla AND Fhalfl. AMER= I . OgI3INGI all kinds done , at short ;pur,la good style, and on reasonable which 1., stlirdeits you one people, is noir dear to you Farewell Arldras. A nationality is essen . - thtt - to the-enduring-prospsrity•of our country.-'true pa voltam/mug prhisgrom snowledge., It is only a proper indCiistaniiihig - lit our civil' institutions that - can induce strung and settled attachment to their pritelpies, and ImpactnalitilityfunibAr .!iutenance .lillitktogsVEßNlOrtta.an.explailatokk!atatenient of the system of Government, of,the Country,' , contains the te4 of .the.CogatituticnAttlielinited States, and the Con stiretitulaWprMsions •.ol) 'auk several 'ttiateavedieltheir meaning and construction, as dclerminsli by ludteial an thorityptilil,PteeedanP andipraatice, or derived from standard-wit ors digested anu arriliged .1 or popular use Prts. - $1.00.--liold by.- .; .11tICIN.PeEY, del ti 0 4 Vi ;fiarrisburg. Pa. A:UMW •Bpg, A .in PrtilletPOßliut caved BO 0 4rx 6nl .3 ( . 1 ''.. 1 .P • az co., peintopluttnia Mailp Logi:4d), fxtba tc Ana it, lutttary 18, 1861. TIVNALGAIAI7ON oF-LiNGLMINS.—There is grow ing t deney In this age to appropriate the moat rapres siFe words of other languigfis, and' offer 'a while to in corporate them inta our own; 'the word Cepintlia, wincti is from the Greek,nigniAing "for the .head," is now I:teaming popularized in connection With Mr. Spald ing's treat Headache rinnedy f but it will soon be media a mote general way, and the word Cephalic will kissable as codumon as Elearrtype. and many others whose dis , tioctiOn as-foreign . words has been worn away try com mon usage until they, seem "native and to the manor born " Hil 'ud 'n 'orrible 'eadzcii this liafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi S., the man, "Can you hens° roe or an 'eaditche I" . 'Does' it ha - che - birtil'Faye ' e. allexceedingly,'' rays 10, hand , upon that 'e . gttve me a Cephalic I . ill, Lund 'ix a me "'oiler It cured me r quick that I 'ardly realized I 5 16.1.?ad , 0h lea lache., ._ sirHitanaant is,the favorite. alga ..by which nature sieges known' tin„yl it ylettlmpliaterfet fiV a bi,Xll..e ,Ilailt al state of the hrain, and 'Viewed ln this ligtif it 'may'be 100 kbd one asasafeguardintended to give nonce of (*case whO might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be reledied i and. its indiCationa should never be neglected. tie ditches may - beilassifled under twonames, viz := Sk [Ramada - and Idiopathic Symptomatic Headache is , extedingly common antis the precursor of a great va rie,y.i of diseases, among which are APoplexy, Gout, iihr t imatism and all` febrile diseases: Is its nervous for it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach coned. toting Weft headache, of hepatic disease, constituting ea.:, Notts nandache, of worms, eonstipatiOn and other - J.:lsar= dcisi of the bowels, as. well tut rebaland uterine affect- iiinto T Diseases of the heart are very frequently attend ed With Headaches, Allagl/jaand.plethora are also affee - - tons which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache it also very common, being• Usually distin— gidshed by the name Of wervans headache, sometimes coming on suddenly 1n a state of apparently sound health an prostrating at enee the mental and physical energies, nn in other instances it comes On slowly, heralded .by. - depression of spirits` or acerbity - Otteinper. • Inmost-in ,at aces it comes on - slowly; hetaided by-depression of . spirits tin acerbity of temper. ,-Ipxnest instatipoexhe pain. Is in the ;-front: of .theliblidttd.thrieng..ot P9011.1..0g, g.iid sometimes provokingivitniHng; tinder / this ohne pay also behlamed Neu**, • —'' " , . . for the trentthentot either o citisllSMiadifi t thejee;: phalic Pills have been. found a sure and safe remedy, re dwing the moat acnte.pains in a feW inihutea, and by its tubtile power eradicatingthe disetties`of which Bead ache is the unerring index."" ' -• E :. . .., wants' yen to send ber -a box of .C.q-. Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills,r-but I'm, thinking that's not just'it neither, but is:rasps 3431.1 Omer knowing what it is. Ye see.she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Headache, and wants soriM 'more of that Elmo as relaired her before. - ' - - . Pniggist.—You must mean,Spalding's Cephalic Bridget.--Och I sure now and you've seq it, here's the quarter and giv me the MS and don't be all day alien( Constination or Costiveness. t ..proSnit oftne ealtik heir telt/ so preva lent; so little understood, and so' mitohnegleoted as Cog :tiVeness. Often origirating in careler micas, or seden tary. habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder or two little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is they precursor and companion of many of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradica .ted it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave.—; • Among, the lighter evils or which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightfill diseases such as Malignantffavers, Allows:es, Dysentery, Diarrhoia,'Dtspotpay; Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, llypoihondilaski; Melancholy-and Insanity, first indicate their presenceln tbesystem by this alarming symptom. Not A:infrequently the diseases named originate in Constipation; but take on anLinde pendent existence unless the cause-ia eradicated in an early stage. groin all these considerations it follows that 'the disorder should redeivelinniedlate iittentipri when ever it occurs, and milersoit ShsuldAeglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearinceof the complaint, as their' timely Use will expel-the insiduous approach., o disease and destroy this 'dangerous foot° human life: kited:Blessing, •-• • Phricatri.-1 1 Tell, ..iirif;Jonee,bovr MARV haa dacha, Mrs. Viines.—Eone I 'Doctor; hII gone t the pill yonaent cured mein just iweitlYMinuteii, and Twish yealfinld send more ao that:l can have them,hamly. Physician.—You can get thermat any pruggista. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail,' and recom mend them In all cases of neadiche. Mr's Tanea .— l Shall send for a box directly, and Abell tell all my suffering friends; for they are a reel' Nesting. Twinir Mamma or Douses Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared' , Glue and It is estimated that each bottle saves at leaitt ten dollars worth of broken fundiure, thus makingtm aggro• gregate of twenty, millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having xnado a household word, be now proposes to do the worldhtil greater service by curing all the aching Seeds W.l nut Cephalic Plass and if they are as good as his Gine aches will soon vanish away like snow , imp . • • " go . OVER Excirsmitirr, and the Mental care and snide.. ty 'incident to close attention to business. or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache... , The disfordered state of mind and body incident to,thisAlli, teeming dotoplidnt is a fatal blow to all energy.and,Ma N hition.• Sufferers by this disorder can :always obtaht speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using:onei of; the Cephalie Pills whenever the symptoms appear ... It quiets the overtasted brain, and soothes the strained. and jarring•nerves, and relaxes the...tension of Abe Edo, mach which always'accompanies and aggravates the dis, ordered condition of the brain. • .; . nor WORTH KNowrad. —Spalding's' Cephalic Pills are a Certain cure for Sick Headache, Bi utous Headache, Nervous Headache, Costiveness and General Debility. iI&GREAT DISCOVERY.—Among the most importimt.of all the great medical discoveries of thiii age may b e con sidered the system of vaccfnnation for protection from Small Pox, the;CiplialiiiPill ferelief of Headache, and 'the use of Quinine for - the prevention of. Fevers, either of ;which is a sure specilio, whose benefits will be expert 'encedty srJfering hutnanitydong after their discoverers, .are forgotten. • , • i_ue• .d a2afo, riarDm you ever , have theSick.Headacitor Do you re member tie throbbing . tomples, the fevered brow; the loathing and disgust ac the sight of food. How totally unfit you were for AeasurEs conversation or study; :One of the Cephalic: Pills weent have relieved yon from all the suffering _which you then experienced. 'For this 'and' other purposes yon should always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion reallirMi• .6.re Re ,CURE NertousHea athe CU RE " 4 0 Readathe. the use of these:Mil the) Sy th, _311._ 'voce or Sick Headache maybeprevepted; and if taken a the commencement. of Attack immediate relief fro pain and sickness may ' 'They seldona tail hitenievinithi . :Nnuiteci and #eaitachi to which retailed ki en subject. • • They set gentlynimehabowels,..removing Costiveness/ For Literary 'Men, Slide*, Deb:lite' Femaled, tindnlr persons of sander-lA/044 they are valuable aka Laria:l Live, Improving tiiiahmting livtelteniand'eigbr in'thet digestive 0404 and iitilthipg the'nitinia eldeticity and strength of the *hold ifittem • = 1 _ . The,cllPE .fig•lC ?VAS are the.insta of 10 4 inyeatt gallon and earefuhly, conducted eFperynent.s, having ?pm, in use in many years, during which time theTlhavn vented and relieved a vast amonntof paltrand antftring from Headache, whetheni-tolginating ra the-nervous sya tem or from a Verringed4tate otthb.satimoh....: ;they ar, entirely . vegetakle;nitheir:cemPOitien, as maybe taken at all times with perfect Safety. ithout. making any Change of diet s , and the - alienccof:OryAka prorate jade ierCifers'it easy to acfminieier The genuine nave Ave eiglititutentrEenryli Spekllng en each boi.. . . , . , Sold, by Druggi s t s a nd all ot4g DeAlerb in34dloites, A Box will berseetty mail prepaid on Teeeipt albs i. , " 2,5` ' - avx All orderwoh9old addresse4.lo-- 7 - .. -, , • Emit aoPlb di ii r 8 WVtiligiii*N..l . •, - MOM Mistellantous. 'ardly Realized. °Oxidic att:idol ot.irr BZW - ARE - OP - COEFITTERFELTS I =ME filimellanfous BOERH4VE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. THE CELiBRATED HOLLAND' ItitifirDY FOR STSP , 018.E/OA' 5 0,0N111144 2 1„,N7y. "VrEitielasTgSS' OF ANY tia. FEVER AND ACUE And tW~ , u rivus offvptilny rupprefitprn,aflorerry , §3l! r _ . Ruck . as Indigestion, pidity of . the , Stomsoh, colicky, Ifeartburils; Ir. s of Xypellie.l.PespondeneY,•Cifis -tivbilessc'Blttlitittiri ,Ftlef ding :Men. f.h Mk • if%Y,Pitil., Rheumatic, : snd ffi c hens, it ha's in numerous inatazieni protitid'ittglit?lfebeifeitil; 4iVitir-ibers effecthd, a, 40410 clifferfli Yi ' . Ibis is a, rarely vegetable ot,inimona, pienareetin etrletly-iclentitle'principles,- atter th'emanner,brtheole-; .bratO s liollaud.l'.roftissori,D,oin hope Its reputation at `lfeinie prothiciiil ts' liitrodifetion tett, tlit d re afl d corn: mincing with those of the Fatherland scatVrod oyez the face of this mighty countyz,_caApv of whom 'brought 'With them and banded down the iriailiar of its same. It is . now oferedito fit,4lsi'erican pt. dais, kneuinp that its truYy wonderful medicinal yinttelahkaattauledged. It is particularly tecoutnedith else persons whose constitutions may have, neen_trepaired jibe : co : m=lmm Age nidenf SpiritY, _or Other' fertile's:if life& eraDkildstintaneotinautiffect, Ands,ini:wsk disect ‘ ly • 'the seat of life,, thrilling, and quickening - every_ nerve ? , raising Otethe - dfoiadile spirit, arid; In .fadt, infrialitemm health•and _vigor in,the system.. _ , NOllCE:—Whoever expects to fintrthib'tib'evbragewfil be d'igap¢ointed;9iit4lEth~.sicki weakAnd.lownpirited, listll ;pro,ve grateD4 aretrintiu _cordial, possessed pf Sidginar feniedfil Ifroperti&f. ' BEAD CARNFuLLY! • • -• - The Genuine highly concentrated BeerhavOt Holland Bitters is put up in balf-phrt ottles only, and retailed"dt Osin i Doiilsirper libtue;ior sikbottleafOrYnn Donasfei.: T bei g tint 'deified fotrills -,trubc,csdebratra: megicitielth slidduce,d.xuany *Rations, which theyublie Chould'etard .agalat •japltewarelpfhprposition. fee that our name is entire label of every bottle t on buy . Sold by Droggists generally. It inn be forwarded by Expreexiiii most SOLE PROPRIETORS XI I 4, I TAINIZ 4I PAGE; Nitentatettots Cheniists.. PIIT'SBUBQ,P ' For Sale 'in the city Of Ilitinsbruig by D W. Guns ,St 'Co.. • • ' - 2HIS DELICIOUS' *Yid .71.11414-312; . , TISPECIALLY-desiineti for the .use of the II J ; iiNedidta CPrafeMen nett' abe,Farntly,; bavpig q9p , 1,- sedetle , thesp,called “Gies,". "Art leave," l•flordial," 46 Iledleated„" "Selinailir 7 ! etc., is new endwise& by all t of die Wl:art:writ pliystei ' lierairte andieriggaissearg, sot tioseetilugiell -of • t boa - '': la tbediellial qualltles (tonic and Obit etie). a ble tng tont atm and l'ote Gitt, Fut np in quart L ot an t told by all ilregglata; !grocers, eto. ' ':' ' -., BINSIZGER‘& CO., 1. (Established le 1778.) I - I' , --- Rae Promietori.. c, ` I3a..l.9.Droaceet, 14. Y. • 'For gale lb garristilirg by 9.4., Bvinytel era Johli r li; Ziegler. - . . ' -; - tor'sale by W. W. /t'll.Fmitbi—French, idol/Jude tc C 0.,, and -all or the promineLt. - Wholesale; Deogglets h ßLilsdelphia ':!, .- I L.: - -- • 4 . MRS. WINSLOW';", Afi Nurni=tiemaloPhysicihn, - presentc to theliciecticn of Anoidierc h . SOOTHING' .; tiila4a'r „ . For which Egg; diabititOodia action, arol SURE; TO REOULATE - . Depeacircarit, mothers . , AND RELIERAND wIILLT,TH TI ssi x We : imve iput,.tip mpt,Bo/dithis i ~.-,., -,-,..., ..ever tee te.arili.anA ,C 6 41 Pit pr;PD20702"3/1 4 21 ;,12 1 . ' Wbat we. MOS 110V8r tbeenlilo-TOSICY . of: any o fa. edichte-;-: WAVER HAS IT - FAILIDIVIN A SlNGLlinlii AWE 'lt - EFFECT. , 41. ME; mime: Panay.: used: 3i/em irAd: We Iftlow.ianitgaiWeofikboatiiif.aPtion4 tukYicilie vt_hOuNd. it, n.the contrary, Al are r :deliAted with, Ms -, opine, tiohs,.and Stair- in Mims of highest - commendation of its- magical- effects- and Medical] Mittlek Me srieakin this imatter Wail: ,we LICLIENOW,. atter ten years, expo: teinf4. ego juatoGicpp,"• Vall:MMON.Y oll tits , ... ... .. - . .. truer .wi Waal zwo‘sai. In almost every i . iii i e'iliii Infintifestifibringfroinlythi Mk tifogustiOn, ?el lief *lll lice.i• found in fifteen or twenty minutes .Mtee . the ityrop is administered. . .. , _-' .' :, , -.."..:: , , •.. . .. This vfifhtable, preparation .is the nrescripten,ef one of ihii 'skiff MPRPUNCER ita BRIETYCIL, NI - 4pm In NOW 'Etikiiiiid,4id' lute •been. used' with rravati-TMitmel THOUllikkip#3 OF CO - 43. . It not .613,19 roliMealhe child :emu Mtn, but f invig;, the stomach iiirtiebOwel4,"correcte acidity; and" gtvee tone and etiaMfte the whole eistein. • - Is !moat will-'al= _instantly relieve!!! . • .•• ARMING, 4i' UT BolitU t AND r and siercome convulliena, w en_ it nor : tipe:r 4 4 , tame=., idled;' end irrdeithi - belieseltthe mar and c iirdtaari ,iinasor - Aar iii air mails of= DYSENTERY AND.: iDIABRHOLLLIN, CtaaiD.REN,.. whether .ilt:.ariseal from ti3E4ll,4lr,fr9fP any• other. cause, / .. We ! 01 44. EV to lorrymothera has child'ilulferina Irani ini,iirthe foregoing i NOT AT 'TWA' titTJUD/Cli, Aos ITITITPIOLTODICITI ;01RICOMILIRO, ,, staind'!botliteetiYou and your ingering,thild And tho renal *at mil,the si ) ;( 1 kgr--. ipLUTELX SURE :: - to follow the use of Ws m trnielY titied'. - Fad directidua for Mink will;aiw- - o v . .. u. . _ us ror 4 will aeolerniiiat None gefintne , igen' the " , fio-sirntle- , 41 !OURTII&PBEILINSiNewAInir4is on the (itride wrapper - : pobila.prAlgglata,or9ughout:oollo.l.,.. !;1 3 40c 4 .1*0fi1ge , A 3 . 1 . 30 4.ay Xem - irork t : •tijad oalq 25 Conti( iifik 5,14,016 N. " r gar:For sale, in Llarrieburebyb t *. - Oiotie & do.;tn itr Market street,liihiartin Lute; No. 22 Marketstreeti H:siienero4ol4ll4‘markeogroeti beloit Fourth; and.G.V.l 221.1e0M5.. fhislo.l B tril*ii i• Isi_ l'W.-.,- .:TIR WNW t, oti '1) a 1 4u4l Attig i t i ttßlP•itrit smEETWltAitir Wdiileiekinetridir AntrointeeliPthe nt Hartinbutgl vintettlythet :they i.Mmprei pitted* cllfflrf9TAttie..ll.lari.LAW PRltP4lt9'.lW9FliNent,Pl Etrooorieso t t ,i s t t notir i • : 4eensivarc paints,: a -•ltitiso;" Nada ra Qul, • " .„, , _;.telaent; o w . taiiiiSPRINIS ROC 10 Ili TAilaßelPtdii [rid-Hew"3 bark , ne*carrtettio bat 4Meniedrege iNitßitiniab:cenntimtd wllldprisendigreiCt iddrieev m e n ba y p 41O1PAMYRrk. 1.!:, Jai We imam to keep r krnidWii4 NOT BE UNDERSOLD, end,lnpft hono rsde td merit and receive 4kikkreforMationege; nuy:Rirdtta .a roorsoar aOD ONLY DISC-OVERT WOlll BY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOB EbTORI.NG F: RD BALD AND GRAY , xi ANY; sins e . the great tliscovel7 of Pref. it - rod; hare attempted not only to imitate his restorative, but profess to havatlieoovered something that would produce results. idettlical ; but they have,ill come 117111 gu d. tieing carried away by the wonderful resolti , vro:.crd preparation, sod have Wen forced , leave V.° field of Its resisilatitsway. 13ead.the folloW •ng Bsrn Malta 4nrillith, 1859. i'EC.F. 0 J Wsit D k Ct.:--601141 T he.letter i wrote yeti in 1866 anicerlibigidur-valuable Bar Baltinatlvie, and which ybu have published in thie.cityiand elsewhere, lifts ginsn ris 3to numerous enquiries touching the faults to the case. The enquirieS are,.tirst, is it a fact of toy' habit iliou and name -as stated in tliA qemmunicatio.p 3 Second. tali therein`chiits . .d; -Hata, teirl'lllY hair still .ciatinue to' ; beilii,-.goai..torder and of, Amaral COlOs +o Olt sin_ nd do answer invariably Ili bar leaven b ttsetliftir in. Of my le for 40 yiuts past, more seri, Orlity ) and . .better,colorod the. same is tine a my wbukera,and' the only `causei shy it7K not generally true, at libeisubstnnusat - .medial:at by freqnent staluilon r uf s th e face, ;when. i • f care were.used by wiping the Cie& 'dose conniction•VatiCthe'tfithaert , , , thy is , tath rein ttrwill follow arthe I ; herebeen:in th receipt of a Apeat number eflotters from a:Parts of New Hegfand, asking' milt m y hair stilt continues to be god.; w here Mao Audi fraud a.the,mainufeciarna i l sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no donbb.cbech basely: Imitated mat-bets utak noifonly without any.i.geoci, 'got, but ~to absolute injury. I have not usidahy . pr 3;bhielrestbratlve Of kWientinid fbt some ireptubsi and 5 atinss4 bait Wont goedi as unnerit cods,have exidninedlt with surprLse, as I au how , 61 ~ h ars did a hai r heairot' 611 my ' face"; nod 80 prove iLALY.ilsntizi gehOYCIV , lock 9r "Y kigrf taken 'Ott the Poet week- I roqiiiitia your far oi of' two quart liiMfuttlitet saunter, fOr-whibli l'am -siert grateful, g.tite it to my Iriende and, thereby Induced to,.lry ft try, Many were' Skeptical Mall lifter trial, and thin pur chased and used it with universal success. I will ashes; a favor, that you send me..ulestiip.schich-1 can discover fraud. in the ,Itestoratiye, sold-by many, I fear,_without autholite frotplYtm.' iotite kettle' wlll iniurerinicOessi: and 1 bel4tYttiwtate.B o 94"ellecliki do ;Cot:follow, tbs.-tanner, is gamed by fife impure article, Which - bilges the invent u' finite gifull7 , IroebniltittY duty as heretofore] to:keep you iippristd of the continued. afect OA hair',, as I as slue air said enqate Of hie of my inialaken opinion of winiableuesunei: I remain, dearsir, yours, A. ¢. RAYMOND. :, - • 44ROANRwr, Hy., Hov.Bo, 1868. 1. - 'I.O J. Wend: 'heat cella* be:doing Sdua gt taunt - jai:bee ntAlo make known to the wurid the wo. as well as tar unexpected resat I have experienced from using obit bottle of your Hair Reattora.4 'tive.,, ,after , usin g every kind of Itestorativeaustant, but ithoureuccess, and finding thy lend nearly destitute oi was finally induced to try is bottle of year Hair 1 Reateratl,te... Now,. candor and justice compel me to an ouniti-tnishot#er iray road this thatl'motivpbasess new and beautiful growth of tair,.which I pronounce . tither and handiamer thin" the original Was: I wilt' tlierefori take occasion to.recommend thielnvalitablei remedy to all who tray :feel the necessity of it. &Spectrally EV. 8 . ALLEN BROOK. P. S.L-Thia testimonial of my approbation for your 'valuable inedidine kat yon aro Aware of) is unsolicited : butif ; yonthinkit wor th y a place among the r•-at, insert 'if you with, f not d'e'stroy and say nothing. ' Yours, he., Rev. B. A. B. Depot, 444 Broadway, and 'atildby - all dealers through- The , estoratlyek pnt,np L tn,bottles of ,lbree sizes, viz ; the , errisil Wilds '34 pint„; and reieiie miAta-oiPar 48341/tagrier.:tt(Lttl9r; ..the medium , holds at Meet twenty per cent. mor e ' tp p opp e rtinp e th i ti ar d ge thl o rr d s;l, p .: 'end reitOlvior two dollampen bot quart, 40 per cept , more in- propor tion . : a_od o re . tati a Ol x'wo01) & CO.; Proprietor , 44a . aaw y., New ; York; And-itt market seree.l l St, . 1 -Ontsy otimi Guoda , dud sold all gotx, Druggists 51, ro-dew3na v enter , , . a Mountain Herb.. Pills. n e 61 ,IJud rjnypn nt the greater sec's. ldocritairi flferb 'ape par/ hiriliTriltrtravelring,!having.visited , nearly every the acrid le agent over, six years:Amon - the Rocky Montitaina end of Areitco, and 4, waa thus that the ';',ll.conrttri Bann Pugs. Were dricCyered. Avery ' Interesting account of his advontarda there, you will And in Almania arid Pririphiet. . . It - in an Cilittibilshed fact, that all ritaeaSef4 Tee .fraut !. ,The hkind IS' the life t and when any foreign or on •liettlihy:matter'sels toixed"WithjtOt is once distrbuted to troo4soorgie of the 6oo.: svery nerve 'fob the pawn, and all VA vital Organs . giltckly coinPhdo.' ' The stomach will not digtnn •thh:food perfeetl,pl The' Hoer ceases to. seorete•e:nulliciancy of ,bila:l .Tlte, ;tenon Alf the heart is weakened, an! so the Oradell= is feebler. The lanes be • come clogged with the Peisotions matter( hende a coligh -,anet ell from a slight impurity of the fountalwbead• of Blood •As If poulad !thrown none .carth, for inetangeOutt pureepriug r Atenladchrran, a tiny rivulet. t. - a3eVp minutes ithaythole•course,4 the Armin, be; comes disturbedetidiliscelored.. Anquiclily" does impure : brood tly_te every, Pars, and tefve iteq3ll4 behind.; All • tittillessages become obstructed; and unlette ttle•obstrw. tlorvieremomint,ftbe tamp oflifst i seont dies out. .I•s l 4 l 4Alliiikt•lsiteWparify: the blood,.butnegenerate Tbe seereilo?Sof- - thetiody . , thei t areitherefereiumivaried as'a . WY - OMB POE BILIOUS DISEASES, r Idyl* DeitipedritAlckileaditolte, &c. Medic De P Mas, :49.et the blciod the 'hidden: seeds.of eisie.ang ren4ept all the *aids and secretions pure shd flnent;elearlbr and resinicttatlegthe pital organs. Pleasant Itidered;Wit to u that'ski-are-able to Nape' 'within your reach,armee"— `ski the !Slam''' . Pliza,"-AL,trwi— the r SCfi 4 glt a"" r li ' l l7 ' and aul .the ittita with the Ittigh of beatifylind heath itfilsgn'S P 249 ate the:Best Remidy in exist ence for the following Complaints: (4P;;M Cone.• Itsitid • 1• I V ut, 00414, Female Oomplidqtit,L... t ...... r .. w . 1 Chad Diseases, .:Headaches;: • Ptles, : Costiveness,. 'lndigestion, - . Stone and Gravel DysKinda, ' Finionndaty Dii*hcsa,: - Gißammetion , fonts. . • - Dom', . , •-• • • • • .S ••I yourselves ANTS. f - ) . 4IREAT..I , EDIALE MEDIOINEI- • .firg who value :healte;allotald never, be without ithem P'itte . 7nefiAiiify the blood. reinovii obntrnotione of alt , lthidsieleansel the skin of all pimples and blotelies, l endibringihe risk oolorof health to the pale ebeek:Ar (4471,13mi,191it!4,f1ity 'MOIR of which these rills are Matte, nevi, thrOrverepl la a very &uprising way among the 'reseal* triritie of Aborigines riii 'Mexico. ' Get the , Antiwar. of: ourlAgent; aint yob. will read witti thevery4fllereighleAtsinuit,44, cordials Pr . Ci , the.: Itatr. ifiagMali of theA.l6l. -CA. 0b21444!4•41ii. kinealif Herb are 'int nO'in 'a HosntilelVrafinerE Vaeh bbk contains 40 iillhi?and flle;" oentk.roer , box. All genuine, have theist:initial' Of Bt-I..JAVACW & Pgx, on each, ten, Oi18: IBiIsta:6IIILTDSON & co., S eJ tes 60:1.sonant:Street,..' :' ciIITEYOBSi . ; Agimts wanted always=endroea ae iibc4e. 4 61 i feblo.4eodaw isiiherbiaygilrelt that.] oink Wal -131 itpodruoidgOth(Vallowerf Jr, of uPbie county i voluntary assignment assigned and .trauereireci t the ndc~stgned all thfidt:propettY in trait tar the &MO: fit of their e TedltoTa . Antientenetherefdierhaiiinglokimic niteitiotZthileald John iWtilloWer sacti John• 181416wir i trading .& Son, or eirthie l. • either of them, will seem ipemm to,tge: ; hilsio e Ttnhoeir,4tnit :14091i , tealto - itheie , diateTpeyo g eot ; 1 :-, .. rinterirr.• .; , ff± i; ''! r ' N!.:4I3)iNCH, . , . easigneea. *TAO;aIIIw . •:," Beif,deiiaa` alwfrabuw, Pa, . _ _ 111 ` 3 - i 1-Li PaSilt4.llP Te E ttaiPilitair7" ° 4- Vifit ur aff "4% oftl7 j G •I 3I, WV. ,, Yi'" , i r been.wartwil .Ittrgisternf Dauphin countytetW•sindersigned Therefore, notice is hereby gives to all persona IndebV te.Mthe eataM„of aald.decedent to Inals,a, Payment aS eailYik• th ose letVing - chilies or - de n*ndslagainsi tbe Pau"l4PrPsior tsenctratratrcirotiZ Only Apthellq9a,l,ACYF;.. nate ExtiuDy, ilemenf." 4 . • ..... — MART • ..,Earriebnrg; ilrAlBl9 ' E x• trim, 4 aiO'rlitLVlcEW 'LOT— -0 F NETOTt fornbaifly-l7BAgliarit) ~cEirEBRATE:+43OI,rt- wertitted ter be the giuditT and linieh,otaq_z_Twilactmit. Aleo a Imortnierkt, of fiOLD AlkD su,R tl:Alettreeellied,stibiler Behhiti • "' ofEep ,HoplESFOgx. r eltherket St.. S IJEGEON - 000ITLIST,.. itisnAiNetbrAlfsoilitiminaNr. elms:bay** Ago* ,eatdalWd iltlierttlaneous. THE ,S.',tr Ti.. 'S'•:(i..X.,-,S tiltPinDZl BLOODI - r . sADT.FPmYB LIVER INVIGiORATOR NEV E 1 DEBILITATES. TT is comp Anded entirely from Gums, and has become an established M • Standard jgoof, eine, it nowit and approved: so ; by all Wm lime lied it s wow seaosied to I" with entiddence in ail lbs dh , eamts for which dis re-0 commended. It. has mired thongs/MeV within the lam two yeas. who and Wren Upall hopew,a of rebe l, as the utimerues orsoliefted neiillicat&t In mi my possession show. The dose must beadapb 14 ed to tho temperament ol tbedodiridnal taking Nand s used in such quantities sr to aCt gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your itse'of the ILTER IXVIGO- 114 Eana Cosikahris, - Thuitive4). leastutOna,Sumnimeow - 4 SOUR 84031601, 61114. monne,.avonsii, JAttome, Fanils WlLLlE ,sucemsfulty as an °name will cure SICrEIBALLI ly TWlWlT ' Vremnor TOM mime air,ommeneementol • ALL woo Omar 'sits `Mr PI sip-Mii 'Water to tb.e.Vi4olol_lPrith th. la ***orator. and swallow both together - "icy oiiit bofiat m lairtur • ' - • - ' ! SANFORD'S :CATHARTic __PILLS MM 46r2rrati r l a rs, AND PU .—.- ... r . . . OF IR GLASS CASES. AIR TIGHT, AMD ?. : WIL "KEEP.. IN ANY CLIMATE. IA R- , FAXIJ.LTBAB , - 't TIC Pi 1.1., Is a gentle b a active Ca th ar tic wchtb ' proprietor has mud in hi prtetice morethan.tinniti . _ -•, -. • ; :pa constantly incress- . Ingdescand those who itlica long used the P ILW r 4 and the satisfaction which ion: exprant in CPgartt bitirtilttl, - hu induced En to plabi• *CM , aittito , gkl, enectrof, all: . , •Ilr ifi rrofetudon ; wen kno 77.. that dilibrentilatlerdas.os on ereaportions of --- leinele, - ' '.' • - e , FAMILY/OATIT .. v C gill-kmk With duet% fattince. to th is well swab- 11 , 41 • •- • Act, been compons. dOII titan i'initety 4f , th E. 1 . ,, eat Veining& Itstracts, which act alike ono part or the. sthueetary ca, Ind; and are good and in all cased' where a ea. aortic is needed, such vs• l gg itorongtetanda tf Btonseh, Skiyinots, Paint in Pier" , Back old Leins, asttvensit Pain end &mum over tiellt t;.•:;_: , ; - •- • Headache I N Or weight in ;Usk held, an : i?"` -". ~ :Pi senses, Worm, in C7a7dren or A - , : - L. .: ~' a prod Putlfar of the Blood, and ag men d Itidineen to I chid flesh.isbeirstot*Flo l o l 79 BB :7 to in,skil.-)P 44 1 -•. 1 "' faement. Doss, Ito 8, ij - ' ' PRICE 80 CENTEL= ', f TAB !Ayr& INviboamos Aim Ulna CATELIAL Io nrse re,t4eti try Druggist* Kopexany,a . nd sold ,w4ole#e Alr,Tiiil4l4 111'410 IBM 8. T. W. SANFORD, 71E. Ds, - • • Mannisoluer-and Propriew.e. ir2(i.c1kwy1)..1.835. Broedwan.ginfr UDOLPTIO WPM'S 41:=4473V: scfliEtum SORNAPpS EIIIPBRLATIM: .r:-, . TONIC," MIMETIC, ANTI DYsTEErjo INVIGORATING vI CORIML . To the Citizens .Of ew '" - ' " . Pettoilvenfit:''' .9 li l Agiotheetirteet,lirtti o ilik Strict/Si Ciiitim-f. --'-- ''7 ~t •'- ' ''i .-44iiiiiii, v,i i ii i iiiiiii:"l9 ii.:::ir. f , } ~r •-•-"-: I.Votre'slPntre' Cottrute!thitted , i I- t.. --. OL clttit Wolfe's_ pure Dlaticrirs„, Sherri', &Ala rerg 'Willa. ' - ''' '- ' '' " A - f Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Oro . Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish . ' ALL IN BOWLES,. I beg leaVe in lull ttienttehtion - offthe Oftlikids44 -. Eh i s United States to the above-W=l3 lag -1.14,U, (, 7 by Uploliitaz Wolre, of New York , whore it Liar in every part .of tide ennit.7. for thli pulityi :... celebrated &submit iipssarrs. lir.= to me, speaking of the polity (Shia . . - - evo : -.f-r. wglistr.kelnYL teientatiellait CPI; Pr • ' „te a mg as a perohaLt or ti/irty,.years . , resider se in 0-101 of New York, that all the"' B'kAld7ST Skiing* Ilia .. bottle arePurelat inihottookaPd , of 0.0” ' S o**..l r- 4 / 11 can be railed upon hy.flyerypiikelnizer.ir:U thei AW has' proprietor ' s nithislihMtrag, ittafititi alone lutir • of bialsignature en the cerillieste. The pubBo„..o .“ ye apedfully invited ' to call andczintine for- ( ,_ For bellct Retail; by .111 Alcalisteuthe A riti clupstt i • is thiladeiplas. 0110)10/1 IC '' • .• . ' No. 882 Market hi . Phllledslphic: • - —Sole Agent for Philuhalplde, • Read the following from the Ned Wry Ohnidh,, - .Earoattotnt Broutztts FOIL:!Ong thick Yong -, 111mstiaz We are happy to inform our fel ow,allizeas thattneut la enicptidelnicue- city where theithYslcian, apinhabary, Said itinuttry merchant, can go abet purchase parolfinas and Liquors, as pure as impeded, and of thebeed Quality; We do not Intend - to give Oh einhoiatik"dulaiptionot this merchant's extensive bnalnespodthough ii will well re- Pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Noe' IN lie Stiiil o 22 ReWiter...strent. , and N05.,17. 19 and 21;htart etneld street 'Sea of „Sat:mops on band reit. _ tor. CEPS dnbt heti e - o ,-.., , i;;liiand. NIMMONS Itritudy,:aente ten ptiousarri cates...Tfutaim or 1831) t 0,1858 ; and ten Riot:sand cases of Madelrki Sherry' ind Port Wise, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Janislan and at. Croiußunt,, Some very old and equal to any in this country.' He Clio had three large cellars, Oiled. ith Brandy, Wine, keln eases, under Custom Rouse kuvready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's Sales of belitiapps' last' year ' Siouidetbe Ono hutein d and eighty ttiousgina , aoson; and Wig hope ialeto hail two yearshiemay be opt:WY - atioefatal w ith his - 1111111 M.lll • . ithepatronage.orevity'haverorldii *peeks. Itritiate rattd/les who %Lan pore Wines Mid 'Agnelli for medicalnee Shotild'eeiid their "Orders direct to Mr. Wolfsointll . every Apot hecary -te the binid note PP their niindste discard the poteotioni satin' troarthar shelvetfiturd replace it-lrlitt'iftiftw palm Vapor ant LICItIoREL v. . . We Ulgt6Aalid Wol fe, the 'ftaiuidtsoilidisa . or enroll dealers in Vie cogigrYi 'VMS , UP leeterted Wines and 'Action. ,Bench it me _ a men, and - Bann 4._ should tie sustained - against bis•tonsnt thousands or op. ponents in ille , ,Vnited Stains,mbe Itolking but 'mita Lions, ruinous alike 'SO - Veal:pi end haNdiusts. liellek;i9l4farket klreekikoto' agent ke thin . en " - isamßoL (Ps GENUINE P 112 Cuhg3 Grayed; Bladder,' Dropm $l4 - t4.loloint. 4.6.0195112.21. a. iO7 : OLD'S Geuutue prepare:AG, ; Debt:Muted jauge Ars. II ELYt3cUJ Oteuine k're 'LeYelflifin*Ory.• 3iUkti3OLD'3 Genuine ,PreParsticalk. ~fireathlpg, General Weakness. LTELMBOLVB Genuine Prepikation'tet W 'll.lTor etileath Tremblin • . ••• Celd Feet Dimness of VI M===Ml 1j.1:111.601..D'S 'genuine Propatatiote 'wag**, Al! verzallLakaittolo of the bloaculaT WO:mu . • u MEOLD'S .(kmaine . Prep 4'14E1 jj. Dianna and BrEptiops, • BICIO D'S Gientfine - Preas...: •r , • . tor, ja..Bates, HeadFietu3;l4k Eiteatob,, 112r51,11,1 sia-See advertisementlieaded EIRLI.IBuLD'S IEXTILIXT-BUCHIT in another column. • NOTICE. -• • • • • HARRISBURG 'BRIDGE . COMPANY! HE President and Directors of. the Har ristnirrEridie 'Company have VIM day ifiatiaied a dividend or SLIM CENTS per Share an the ot pt ttlelcicir 01 said,ConaPeeY,AMiv mune Mt cum) Ter thei hitt hat year and have moftted the Mimi) tb &MEd; etdids of- Sen the atockholdem or thanr rep_reasatativele ter the 1791. . - - 111ATZACE, ; r Harrisburg -Bridge OtEce, Jan. ;, Jee94131 . . Fruit and :Vegetable Virden : for Bent , , Itie sibaerili - ' oi - rant"lmiram. "ifit, in,_ . 01. 1 , wart , or tile., - Cohunb4s LlulciPtir a z& ars contains t st (Nan*. or and, on _ now void tion;tlso P*lii§biAPPVart Wane, e and cherrx_Lizoso i _-- 25 Y r• P e bi '` w ia a el ' 1,0 . 00 ' ' titroPrYt -BrPtle,,_lrr'-h are thau Blaalbuty bludtea IOA A9antglt r wi tl l - 2es ham 1,900 crowns, 'and a Strisytierry a t,P . 4 _ robsittattfait *Mite given t Jr si f t rskoso. .1 11 # 4 2f . 148 b-TiW7r a IslulkelMi zln wanted . Knobs: 'ian9-ifttiv - .. , - • •• a_ tilivit - - 1 , 44:1& titootlbati: • BAGS CoMprisima nanzbekd *Kis 4311WEILadd• LA last MIS% 4:aglectr/rWeaL I;rgf.' I a W; sooffamig, „ rrf • .tvr n. TOIXF44 01 ..:71-apoo Ifsit-te1?.:4•f70 t ~fltDitotl. lodgment made you In th BATON and It alb ewe Annats, Drdrisma,Chmeor mane, DYacN Dann UAL CadnvEsins, Camp; IsimatlVlttATOLlmak iirand may be owed trranns Mamma It (ad tboodands tan way) mentans taappm, ammasaan attack. tratti.tastamaay tta 113111 ". • lot. Lose 40 t -,3st.7ca, , R 0 itrfparation for