Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 18, 1861, Image 1
- 11 - tLEGRAPIT IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTICD,) BY:GEORGE 'BERGNER & CO. TERMS.—thatrut Sumosumo:, The WILT nunattssn is served to subscribers in tht (trough at 0,t4 cents per week. Yearly antiscribert HI be charged $4.00. WiNKLIrAND SIMI-W=6lT TILLEGRAYE4, Tinsoaera isalso- published, twice a weak during e seesion of the Legishipure awl weekly during the re inder of the yeat, Ulf ft:tibia:ea to subscribers at the lowingrates, min : Single Sidiacribers pqr year Seven " ' 'fed LF OF NY-WSPAPJUth t subscribers eider the dlicontinwsnce of their news pers, the publisher moy continue to send them until I arrearstgeshhi phNi. •.' • - If sabecriberfroogieet or. refuse to take their neirspa rs from the ofhcoto witch they are directed, they are possible nutittlicylmr - settle , l tbs bills and ordered em diedontMtieil' . ) gti~ceua)ttou : MITUT.ED LEAVEN, !FOR MAKING • lid ? Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastrt &a MANIIPAGTORBD DY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO. , Proprietors Proprietors of Bhawraut elocarteal - . Works. No. BB INDIA 'STREET, Boston. . ONCENTRATED LEAVEN is the re sult of carefta chemical research. All its ingredi is are prepared in the highest state of purity, and. com • unded with a view to Produce bread of a far better ality, and In winch less time, than by any other pro s ; and by the finatufacturere submit it, with entire • nfldence, to• the judgment, of discriminating house , •• pore, bakers, Re. • Bread of all lanes made, b' Qoneentrated Leaven h, bier, mare'digestible nd•nultritinui; has an agrees. 7 , natural taste .98:Ieee liable-to topr ; will retain its • ater° longer than by any ether process, and the hole prelaratipqrferr the oven - need not exceed ten • Lutes. It ilvaluable - baCiltialritiatiot - perishable, and may be dered available in plaCtia and at times when yeast is • within reach, as at Sea. 'ln all climates and under etretunatail,Wl3, , it may die adopted, thus obviating all ••'Wien* of produthig yeast or other forme t , which is • uently of in inferior quality, ret dering the bread • •re or less unwholesome. v, It is also valuable as regards economy, as it has been ascertained that a saving is effected in the floor of no. bss than 16 per cent. In the common prose°, much ot 'the saccharine of the tour is' tat by being converted *to carborle acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in 6nrred solely for the pdrpose or generating gas to raise the dough. By using Ooncentrated Leaven this waste is welded, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effl wiods. Fermentation. as has been stated, destroys, a et of the flour or meal; rdi, in consequence, a barrel of r weighing 196 Rs ,-which, brthe common method, sadly makes about3so Da of bread. gives by ibis sea flee IDs , thus effecting the very important saving 3 per cent. in the quantity ofilour. By conformity to directions on eactiTpnekagei - any. person - capable or inary attention may conditet 'the process, and the re will Invariably be highly satisfactory, . CIERTIFIGATW •BROM DR. HAYES, Anoer to the•Btale If Massachusetts. have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, manatee -Iby Messrs. kidw Chamberlin Co., with reference purity axti ellielencyuf action in-producing the er a' yeast in distending dough; and thereby rendering for making bread'. - 'this article is - skillfully coa led, from ,perieetly ; pate material. It raises the without:consuming the sugari or any other pried the flour, perfectly; and the -same weight of flour woduce more sweet, palatable'bread than can be oed through yeasts while for cakes and pastry it is !sable al It saves fill risk, and much time of the experimentx made by me conariri the statements e by the manufacturers, and proves this compound thy of public approval and extended use. "Respectfully, .s.A.• A. 11 41.MEM, M. D.,State Assayer, •16 Boylston street, Boston, September 29;1860." DIREIDTIONS. utaareer arm Taalious.—Two or three teaspoonful win, (according to the quality of the flour,) to one of flour; mix thoroughly .by passing two or three through a sieve ;.rub in &piece of butter half the ' an egg, and make, .the paste with cold milk or , (milk is preferable) barely atiff enough to permit ig out.. Much kneading should be avoided. Cut in sired form, and place immediately in a hot oven and gulekly. Basen.—The same proportions of Leaven and • sifted together as above; omit'the butter, and make paste stiff enough-to-knead-into-a loatyand bake•ira diately Mgt blow eyrie: + 4' •. 'RAW( $14.10 -.lhree•feiterealefel of Leaven to one rt of wheat meal, siftedtogether ; add one gill of mo le and tit° eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and in a slow oven. sews Bacon.—Three teaspoonsful - of Leaven to one of flour, and one pint acorn meal, all well sifted to her; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; make pastethin with milk, and bake slowly. eICKWHItkr Ceases—Flour and milk sufficient to make quart of batter ;add one egg, then three teaspoonful raven; bOrit to a froth, and cook quick. 11110 e.." - att, together one finial Of goer and two tea of Leaven; rub in a piece of butterbalf as large tg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten BM= Case.--lift together" two large civil and taro teaapcsansful of Leaven; put in half a cup tier and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with cold . or water to a stigbatter, add aplcato omit the taste, bake Immediately. INRI PAM SPONGE CAM —Two cups of- white sugar ten with the ji - ewor six eggs—the whites of six eggs In to a froth;ttheitheat all together ; add three cups Id flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoonsful .van; flavor with two teaspoonsful of essence . of le and bake Ina quick oven miss —Sift together- one quart of flour and three loonsfulof Leaven ; rub in one tea-cupful of butter, cup knd `a hiwhite_§ nd s ice to suit the mix stiff °Doug EGZION CUM—One quart of frolics Ji Leaven sifted together ; add a cap of butter, one Ind of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea oontul of cinnamon ; mix with cold milk to a stiff bat fr And oven- . Coal& . pint each of Hour and Indian &:al, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted together ; add one gill of molasses and two eggs ; mix thin with milk, and bakoin a slow oven- ON' eass.—Flvo cups of flour and three teaspoons( of Leaven sifted together; add 0130 cup of butter, two' tapir, and - 4WhAagl " ip of currants, ant • - . silf an hour. Lune , Cam—Three quarters of a pound of flour and tinispOohelirottifaiiiiiilifted together; one pound of tar and BM:ounces of butter beaten to a cream the des of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice °Pone lo on; mix with milk. • WICI3B7I€II Cum—Five cups of flour, three tempoonsful ' Leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, ono of ilk, and two eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste. Bake it half an hour. - ked in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. .or sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM GULAGER & Bito., Wholesale Agents, N 0.59 North Front street, Philadelphia. noylS•dSm GREAT ATTRACTION THE NEW CITY STOREI URIOEI & OOWP.ERVIWAIT CORNER FROM & MARKET SUS NNOUNCE to the ci bens of Harris burg a, d the public generally, that they have just ned from the eastern cities with a large and well se id-stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they still faH st the ve t y lowest prices. 80/Mune GOODS of every kind. Bleached and Unbleached Musllns Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. BED FLAPINieta OF IiFFRY DESCRIPTION. large assortment of Welsh Flannels for Skirting. it assortment Domestio:Ginghims, ti Manchester Ginghams, " Batlnetts and Ca simeres, " Black Cloths at allpriceS, "' Cloths for Ladles' Chesterfields, Beaver Cloths for the -Arab Cloaks. A FINE AESIIRTNNNT AF BLANKETS. large assortment of Casilmer es, especlany adapted to ra wear. An assortment of Merino Drawers and Un- , ershlrts. An assortment of Carpets 'from 12%. ota and to $l.OO per yard. SO LATEST STYLES ,ATIN DEOHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND - PLAID RICH PLAIN AND -FIGURED KERINOS, RICH.PLAIN AND FIG ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. . , A large assortment Of Brach° and Blanket Flaw's, with ". . a tall stook of tte labssynpyelliea.. An assortment of Fb.F4 find. Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KI NDS.. Particular attentaon'imid to first class nosdery and Em brpldertee, &e., gm. . An assortment of Engeni away° traiitMrtug skirt pat. Urn arterials's. • An assortment of Ehronding and Flannels. (RICH & COWP.IIItTHWAIT; Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly osouptad by J. L. "%trier. • cietliftly .._ . . . - \ %A. Irkt i q,...-• . ) ----- ~ -- 4 i-i ? --- ----- -;--=- --" ---' , v-ri , ,,rs„) _ ii 7:2 2*-11. 74'_ - $ 2.00 12.00 15.00 1:01. XIV. lt~ielirat. Ell Loop . „ The attention oflriv . ands,-plotting? (riergyme. sciz entitle men, and - the , Public . Generally , is respectfully solicited to the merits of ihis cheinical preparation, con. Aininelion,Suilphiu' and Phosphorite, and *blob do identical ,n Its composition:with 'MO/Amalie Globule, or red blood. , ,all,diseasee accompanied with Debility, • . pale countenance and-nervous"detangement; araly xis of 1 the blood show a deficiencY of the red globules. Ruddy completion and a rosy tint of.thaukin, live of health ;, while a pale, war4like, shin and connte nance,—which evinces a deficiency; of the red ; globules,— accompanies a diseased organiiim. - PieParationd of Iron have been given for - the - purposPsfvitupplying — the red globules, but we contend. that Iron aloakS l 4l4 lll r alone, or 'Phoepliotiut reek the 'deli , elency Mirvery case,Lbut that"a Judicious combination of ALL these elements is necessary ,to restore the blood to its normal standard:'Tidepoint, never before attained, has; been reached in the Wood:Food, and Its discovery ranks: as one °retie moat scientific and , important of the age. Its effects 'nal - Consumpton are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating 'nisi:Asir/eats; Increase , the physic al and mental energy, enrich the; lood by re storing tide lacking; red, globules, increase the appetite, restore the color,and clothe skeleton frame with flesh. The Bloo d Foik be found a specific in all lain Onto Diseases of the Throat or Lungs, such is 4.stlouit . .' Bronchitis, Coughs, &c. Public speakers and singers will ilk& it; ,of Treat utility in clearing and strengthening the vend organs.'ln"Diispepsia, Liver Ormip/ainfs, propsy, - .4l7.epsy.l'aralysis, Lcrefula, Gravel, St. Mice Dance, Fever and Ague,. &o , its. elficsoy is marked and instantaneous. In no class of disease, how ever, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so con spicuous as In thcso harrassing . Female,Complaints, of which, the. gentler *ex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difficult Afenstruation, Gieen Stckness, Whites, fro , especially when these' toinplaints. are . accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor , of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous pros tration, We have the utmost confidence in recommend ing,the 'Blood Wood to all who may be conscious °Da 'loss or vitality or energy, and to those iyhose mental or bodily powers are prostrated, through over-use, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say that iu all Casts of Weakness and 'liknaciation, and in Ms. eases of the Kidneys Madder; this preparation has a claim upon theuttention of sufferers ,whinneannot be overes timated. A faithful trialyiill be found the most &nylon lag 'proof in regard to itilefileacY,that could be askeeor. With the above remarkk and with the numerous testi. monials we hive in its Amor, :we offer the "Blood Food" to the consideration orthe afflicted, knowing that it will be acknowledged as pre-eininent over all other, preparations, patent or official, in point of usefulness.— Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is founded, also certificates cf remarkable. cures, will. e sent trge . when desired. Weforward the 1510051, Food to any part of the United. States or Oanadei upon receipt. of Priee—Sl per twine ;$5 for six 'bottles Be careful in all cases to have abbe 'but that .-having our fae simile 411111atiire upon thu'Wrapper. ~ None other Is genuine. Prepared only by CI:LURCH dG,DIIPONTDUPONT . ' No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by ell resjectablel Druggists , throughout the country. For sale by 0. A. Itannvart, eo:e agent, Harrisburg, pa;febB-dawly-rd apl.o-rdau2 GREAT REDUCTION IN ;PRICES I WHEELER & VILLSODPS S,E.W-1:111: ..Ltstill.,foll.l.'N:E:S; NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT . ..REDUCED PRICES. - T A B WHEYI:,ER & taring Company having gained:airAheir Suits at law, with lair inging manufacturers of Sewing , Machines,: 'propose that the public iihouldin "benelitted thereby; and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date 'ploy, will be Sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of nutirafactark capital Invested , and expense of niakink - sales ; Such prises, as will enable them to make first class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee thim in every particular. In accordance with: the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from $45 to $9O for the tine full case machines. IC* a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine „ . . Is the best one tn the market; the best made, most snple and least liable to get out of order;and• they. are now as spl_s i alt . Inferior macjibuts- all tmd . seo them a rl>dfYet • 61/011, -Agent. 44W— _ o h z -a ECONOMY ► . Dispatela fl SAve the Pieces ! 14. As accidents vjR Kamen, eee . is werd-reettlated falcate, Itlia very deelrapie to have sofa beep and convenient way for repailidgyertilterd, Toys, Orackery,dic:' SPALDING'S PREPARED .GLVE: meets all such eniargeriotes; tind , no household can afford to be without it: It isalwaya ready and, the stick. trig point; . There Is Mi_ flinger a inusespity for limping chairs, splietered veyeers, beadles toys and , broken cradles: It is juigitio - artiele"fei' tone'. shell and Wier; ornrmental work, , so: popular with ladiereif , rennenient and taste.. ; ; I ; , .; ; , 'This admirable preparation is used cold, being Gaily held in solution, and possessing 'all the or the best cabinetmakers! Glue. It may- be. useff place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive, miJegffEG...IIV,EVEGVHOLIffiI." R.-G.-4 Brush aceiniplades each bottle. l'rhie Web,. • 4 WhOlokalit Doiyot, No. - tS Ceba.r street,_New York Address - • BENNY C. SPALDING & . • • Box.No.;3,000, New Xork Pet op for Dealers in cases containing. Form, Biglit WI Twelve Dozen—a bettotifUtLitliOgraphie Show•card as= companying each paCksie. • • • . 1i -A single bottle df SPAL.DING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times lte Ogst annualty-tn eyery household. Sold by, all prominent stationerl4:Drugglits,Haidwitire and garniture lbtalers;'Grbcereand,Fancy Stores' • Country merchants abouNMOlie P , lte of SPAM:Mars PREPARED GLUE, when, makill;. :SP OW list, It ; wu stand any climate. f0147,,14w19 It AT BAItGrAt I , • • • E LE_G ANT EU=RS toi • LADIES 411,1 D CHILDREIf • - 3 3 rESeiliPnON. F, HOTEL. The Ldrgest•anti , feat. - /Stock in the My. dui radlities o ,o4,3 3 l9.t,:tepniinirer than any other Utbli4Atill 3 P+ 11 TPut!BW. II .IS/d,??lir our ; mean. CHARLEISOAEFORDASONS; SZS. glri4ntit Street, Philadii: • or sq .092aismoN yrEm goys! , Jo URIOEct COWEERTENAIT -• .1:1 1 3EL, "Sr. -3:1.1111 ''''I4BRCHANTS' Corner ,, orAvnt •and-aNatiket.,...,Vitetsv .21:11,-It 113 BIT MP, -DT% kt 4 '- • „To% ,b3iniiffinvAtz. 1%. , . *".! • '"INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS --NEUTRAL IN NONE " HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 18, 1861 WA 6. 1 . -. ,r{mstetlan 5. Dyspepsia Remedy .1)R. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC. INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by the public for ma years, with increasing favor. It st reearninended to Cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, art-Burn, Colic Pains, Wont in the Stomach, or l a men the Bowe , - Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney COM plaints, Low Spirits De lirium Trenton, Intessp race kannoterss, I V WILL NOT iNTOXICARN OR EA MEDICINE it is quick nd edectu af, curing the most aggravating ease o Dyspepsia, - Laney Complaints and all other derange tut id the nal/tack and Bowe ls, in a speedy manner It wfil instantly revive the most n ela oL ly an drooping spirits, and restore the week, nervous d sir ly, to Lenith, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious WIC of liquors, have become dejected, ard their nervous systems shattered , constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELDUCX /RNXI , NO, almost Immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating efficacy of Dr. Banes Invigorating Spirit WHAT IT WILL DO. pons.—One wine glass full as often as necessary One dose will remoN e all Bad Spirits I One - One= dose will cure Resit...limn Three doses will cure Indigestion . One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains 01 Oynpepina One dose will remove the eatressing and disagreeable effects of wind or Flatulence, and as-soon as the stomach ; receives the invigorating Spirit, ; the distressing toad ant' all painful feelings will be rbiroved One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Collo, either in the stomach or bowels . A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Rhine'', Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons, who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radicalcure by the use of one or two bottles DIIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, truss dissipating too Intel. over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, In violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &c., will fend one acne will remove all bad leehngs. ladies of weak and slekly, aonstitntions, should take the fnvigorating Spirit three times a day w make them strong, healthy and happy, remove a ll obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organe, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn fate During pregnancy ft will be found an invaluable medi eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to Induce Ibis, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint bottles , at 50 cents, quarts $1 - General Depot, 48 Water street,•N Wholesale Agent, Pluladelubia, D. YOTT, & CO and for gale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W Gross & Ca and.O. K Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere. jele-diwly EDUCATIONAL A CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA- Ack. TIONALITY is the system of education in a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a. government gives %ice to'public opinion; that public opinion should' be enlightened."— Wasking"ort's Farewell dress. this end the people , in general should be educated into a Correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature awl principles p 1 our government and civil imtitutions. .QGVERNMBEIT i An explanatory statement of . system CZ-Government-6TM• - AL FOR SCHOOLS, AOADEBLIE2vAND POPULAR USE," is a work which, with proper historicalrietices v - gives the construction of the Lprovisions of the Constitution .01 the .Onited. States and of those of the several Stites, as . determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand-. and writers,including some relerencen to admintstrative aw and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. his: - free from - specula, live or talons, conservative in its tendency , and calculated to cultivate the love 'of our country. It Ilia bele' -osoo, to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OFWOUTH, in different States, and 13 recommended by 'Jilt Is 113, Statesmen end ,Presidents, and Profolors of Colleges.-- 'Price 6100. Sold by M. WRINNRY, &10l Harrisburg, EMPLOYMENT. --*A MONTH AND. ALL IMPENSES agent is wanted in every town and county in the United - States, to engage in a respectable and easy business,, bk. which . Me. aims profits, may certainly be realized. For full.particutars address Dr. HENRY' WA88ER,.64-Bitat 'TWAItA ree corner or Broadway, NpF, York ! City, inc/MtigAMO4M., tags stamp calit-Biadaw ~; FAMILY DRVG -STORE IGN ,:. y . S (VANED total! 0 reaortptionlltore, * " .. ..i -No .-ft rket, street, lately ref <-,- and an euttrenen °" . .....nerV, t'ol.. - Coll • 411101111 Patent ''''' o 3 g: CJI 011 ° 41 'llOl refWbd°lo.ll.ltillegrij:nan.:Bißanit"mnr"rs OlL•eoAti OIL LAMBS, Bu r,es StaUar 0, flobil,Teetja, - to Web we woubb invite tie !dungen.* •By strict attention to baldness, and deistic to 'plisse, iveKeltPectrully ash a share of Public) Patronage. - Nv.t.iprirne Ihroanri Pagan and Tobacco constantly on hand. • iipr&dly SILVER PI( AT E Es' WARE , -1".; , • .., ;.:-HARVEY; FILLET:, ; 110.1222 Market Street, PEMADBLP,BIA, lianufactu er . , ortlne „ - NICKEL SILVER,indEILVER.PLATWor • YORlit3, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER 1INIVa”, ' = warms, TEA sgrkuracs L intrnms,_ ,WASPERS, BUTTER MIMS, ICE PITCHERS, • CABE BASKETS; COMMUNION WARE, •.• COPS, MUGS,4OBLE23, ac., , Witb a general assortment, comprising none but the bta quality, made of the bettmaterials and hardly gated, bon; AURAE them • : „ • . Serviceable and durable article rim -Beams, mamas" eitc, Paivais Fnurms. 'sir pa Ware re ylated lulbobust . mU!ln!. febbkdevrly ;013.11PHi °AMT. • . JOHN W. lillOWll'. CASEY & BROWN,. 'AITTORNEYS-AT-LAW IVA 4 . 8 Ullll-; 11 - TEN WA tirAVING- assoointed , : . togerthbf .4 in the ,the -pm", Isllt. at ty nd fid.tyfully_aad promptly to all prollnisfonar nosiness entrusted to tAell ,Office tn Thud street titres door s fromiiaricet N B. ' Constntatlens , and german. To ifeilect from a largiaMok of hors; ;GO I'o CATHCART% To. see and buy aka new Fun ' GO TO CATHCART'S. Told any kind of Pura you may wish,- ; - GO' T() CATHCART'S •To , pirchase Furs vrlthtvUt any .r GO TO. O TRYAAI'fi imitea To Ta-flUd...the lAileftiiiipt and cbeappitlol of . Eura 13144 Bind; CALL ON CATHCART 14 iLf!tket Ni*tdciar tolhillArriablarg Si HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HE LH BOLD'S H 1 E1,1113.0 LD'lti HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S 11 VL-11 , -13 . 0 LD' S 1 11.-ELDUBDLD!B HELMBOLD'S HELMBO,LP,',S HELM..IIOLD'S. HELM BOIT'S - - attract Bucbu, Extlatt,Buchb, - . Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract &Au; Extract Bueltu; Extract Bach% tExtractTatCpu,', , Extract Buchu Extract &Om, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchtt, Extract Buchu, qhfract Buchu, FOR SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR "SECRET 4 DELICATE • DISORDERS. FORI SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS FOR ! SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS: FOR — SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR- SECRET *.:DELICATE, ; DISORDERS. FOR, SECRET k ,DELICATE DISORDERS. ATI*, 801 A 'Positiiie' pecific Remedy • A~Positive nd Specific Remedy _ • . A.Positive ansl,Spcifie Remedy A POsitive and SpecifiC Remedy A I'ositiv,e-sind Specific Remedy,. • . A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy'' -; , . FOR IRSEASE9 OF TH 3 , $ BLADDER; GRAVEL, KIDNEYS,' DROPSY, BLADDER, GRA .VAL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, , 'OIIA7ED, KIDNEYS; 'DROPSY, BLADDER,. GRAVEL., KIDNEYS, DROPSY, HLADDKR, , GRAVEL, SIDNEZ4 ,DROPSY , BLADDERINRA.VEL,IKIDN,SYS; DROI'SY, BLADDER, GRAVEL,' iroNErs, DROPSY, '- ' ORGANIC: WEJIKNESS, , -; • • PRGANIO WEAKNESS, _ ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC iWRAKNESS, ORGANIC -WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all Diseases f, 6 Fgawal.'Organs, And all Diskser And all Piseusa of &sual °rgans. • And all 'Aeolis of Se'xisat Organs,' .Atia,aliDisiases of .Yextist Cagan, And all Diseatgs of Sarnat ergans, AHOL.G rhos Exceams, ExPoo4,ri*, in Life, aic4;tep, Exposnxes; and Iniprildencies in' Life, Excesses, Elpginres,. and.lniFoindencles in Life, 14ce s ses, Exilostires,fnd Impft4eticieS)fi Life; Excessps„.Exp9stttes,ami - Excesses, Expoinres, and rinpitidencle% in Life, Frdat, Whatever cause otismating, and whether ex , - ALE ` OR FEMALE:: • - -Females, take Ito more Pilla 1 They ascot so avail for 00 . .mplainta ideldeitt !Attie sex. :Use . ' , . t .1 .1 ..EXtract lauchu. . Helmboldts;Extract Socha is aluetlittilia..wlttict la per. fectlY P4fisa, : : „ . . . . - But hadnedlate.:lnita;aetion, giving Health and v igor the Frame , Bliiuni , to the fullid Cheek, . and reetorag the •patient' to L'ieifeei t atite of " ' ' • ' • HEALTH AND p*rniTir. Heti:L . 4oles Extract' Diem is ,pr, pared according to . „.. .p..01 - rarsli¢twV, And IR Prezern , sd ..d Ong PtbedAroillt ErnitrOrit rhyrgoians. . Delay no longer. :procure tne . re o l.os l 9 at , once: ., Price ta•per, bottlo,nr-sii for $6.. DepOt.l9 . 4!sd#laVehthnti - Oet, ' - , Diware of thiprfnctpied Deldeka Frying to - { Halm olf,tbe r Own or ether al tides of BUOHU n the leptitatiotinttatned by • •:, Extritet•Bach*, ; The Ortitatii.-aiiti oulf*ennine.- • ` a 1 e- • • Pfe•dettime to,rcen,oni the, .• :;, „ • . ' i 'M rlt of our • • {es and - ' less Ya • • • ; • sod , at muc h r profit. - hIeSS.-41 qtinuch-be e Th ies WT." t paying We Bey): dompettuoit,l . • Asic . ibr : • . ' • ,• . ,getmbspia's Extr4ct Blieb:1 1 ; Take no other, Sold sy rt.* do Cci; did all draggttta every 'Where; .ricvll-daw3m FRANK A. MURRAY'S LIVERY. , &-EXCHANGE STABLE, NEAR MARiaT. litn UNDERSIGNED is prepared to ae dtoVicfrtgarptreigierawdn with T yli;•1 "s et l ; B o f f o = CLES orgbe latest and-most-'approved styles, on rea • sonaVe Wu& tem at atioititidice..,• 7 ; ' CARRIAGES ANI) OMNI . BUSES FOR FUNERAL COCA: AEONS: Mir- be fttrrilslied,. accompanied by %ireful tind Obliging "Rivers:, - 7 - Ho tavitintanliniscc . Lion of his Stock, aitkitled . that it lc tally equal to Lbat pr any other;eatatilisbniciiittiCthei kind in ttie'city, ":. 'FRANK A. MURRAY. : ,dedn-dtt CITY LIVERY STABLES.._ ILA4R#R THE . REAR OF HERR'SHO.TEL. rpHE underitivield has ' re-commenced the 'leery husiness" in his 'NEW and sPAciestis STET BLNA, toeitted as abtive, with a large and. varied stobich aciR3F4OARRIAGESiand..O2d.NIEUM, which .11e Will hl " /494 9r a i e ritit4k Ot a gE7 5;...;.'a Q:7::::A:-Xi„1 ',..;NEWLY';',`REFITTOD.:!' maE, AA4loksiarrgi) Ha`v'ing leased. Xlitif j : : : iFell 7 i;no)eri, and popular the city of liatrjahurg,iS relittliag,': arid furnishing 11M same. ;18th `NEW FURNITURE in the very beat modern style. t hidodated In theimost Mintmil part of the pity, within a4ol9tti,,ilistance4 of the depots, of f2ur.elfferent railroad and also hear,the State pa . bifatiiiadyo. - Ttielionsaidlatte and the - Sfeepihr striartments are well ventilated : - • -. • • MEW iheTAIIILE is Well, provided:wit4.4l seasonable aril otos. ;This city, .weli -lEnownithroughoet ftte State as beviuglhe best markett - mitaide ortlMAtlantic'eittew; coniequentff doimileinte mide`ori thatsdore, The BAti ' tias aleOMAdetgOne changestind•will-be:kept 06004 tvitia - the befit sucl. purest Ltqoors Pkthe country `Nociertiou will Situ/area Audth•ttio. tiafelei , and gojoaliitr dointbrtible 'iu 'every - respect.'" A . contigitioice o. the patiCtiage - M the old custoMers; together with!. Delo ailditioni is respectfully solicited.- 1, • - •,; • ; J. BEsFogn,&.os. I ' ur is Harrbi; A u gust 20-f . ,-t • . WHEREAS the fiTnoiable Jomi . J. Parouroir,:liresident ortbe Otiortif Common Mai in the Xweifiti z Judicial listrict, consisting of rha.,ceunties Of Lebanon and liiiipbbi; and the - Hon. A . 0: Hirister and Hen. Fel& liisslbYlitssociate,Judges Paetibinlionnty, having issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of SeCemiletif(6o, to' me dirobledfofholdinete CcinifierOyer J and_ Xerrolahr ead c ,general, ail Dellyglry . and, Quarter Sessions of the Peace; af Irainilennici:"foi - the county of ,fiaupliin; slid to 'airmailed ors the:3d Wrinda'y'sPicinuirris, "being . the 21,9 E day _ af Janucey , latil and , to continue two ,weep. Notlee la therefore herhbf glyen to,-the:Coroner, „itis=, constables of the, sail county of tiee4,e e.,,fudffi'Soo dtherd in-thelityriver per- Daulhli, W h atet ..."- .r aa ehorm of said day, whit their sons, at 11l feeleillt x•r th ,Z lt tildions nod their own rhinem. records, lifidabinns) ma which to ; Tha r 4 jtdie :syper. broncos; bd do tholle things titin to ))9 !tone, =chose tthn, as . 43 4r i li bi d. i t at n ii ,r i ter a i; .Sancia to prosecute against the Prison T 1 be ill the Jalit of Dauphin county, b,t l L.. ll tati.aftitAtte, to as shall beinn‘ ~ 1 Pioltentdo trj ° l4 -th hij em i l ot • x 'hark; the 'nth day Dwain - Give tZ ll ,•itirth m e' 3 3 r illar - ref enr"Thrd__lfll3o , ni an wi d iti s tli tate etght , osra l irarfortlinalidePendinc e " 1 11 T u j.. 0, ~ .aszoints..Owsk. •• - 1 ''' , - t - § tierp,k..:. .„„Ettrzia.l ‘ . , . _.,,,,,,urg. ,- Pc9IPP•III...a . +.: 1,, , .: , . .., .. ."..:•' - 'l7'..`r ; : , gtistellantous %last*? and OdPF, PROOLSZATION: laLeltitat. D R :JOHNSON, LOCK HOSPITAL. AB discovered ihe most certiin, speedy AI. and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES 'OF IMPRUDENCE. • ' ,RXLICY IN, lILX TO MINNS Novae.. No:Mercury or PrOILLONIN Drug! Anrri CUM . WARRANTED, _OB NO. CHARM; 111 FROM ONE TO Tw'o Weekne ss of the Backer lambs, Strictures, pains in the Loila r Affeetions of thallidners and Bladder Organic 'Weakness, Nervotek Debility; Decay of thePhreical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, lriognor, LowSpiittS,COnthaion'Of Ideas, Palpitation , of the ilearts Timidity; %Iv:Ohm& Weimar of Sight er .Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, AllectiOne cif the 'Deed, Throat, atfcse iir'Scln='-tbose terrible disor ders tailing froinelle'indisPretkiiror Solitarr Hal/Head Youth—eho.e , dreadful and destructive practisee,wkich produce constitutionat-debility,;render marriage.impos . ale, and destroy hollabody and Mind. TOEING MEN . . Young then especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadtlif and desixuctive habit which aanyally sweeps to an untimely grave thousauili ul young men of.the most exalted:talent and brilliant Intel—. led, who might otherwise have entranced listening ,Seitates with the thunaers of eloquence, or waked to cc tasy the living lyre, may call witlefull confidence: Married perions; or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con sult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. . ' ORGANIC , Inimitisakly cu and rofgor restored. He ;who places himeelf tinder the caro of Dr. J. may .religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, fidently rely upon. his skill as a physician. ~ 411-offlice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Ma.s on the left hand aide going Baltimore street, f doors irearthe . corner. Be particular in observing-the name or nutiber, or you mistake the place. Be par ticular for fp/omit, Ittlikag Quacks, with 4 1 .18 e: immes, or Paltry Butiabvg Certificater,-attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, Dirk 'near.' ' ' dll letters must contain a Postage stamp, to use on the `DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. - Johnson member of the-Royal , College of Surgeons, London„ gradnalefiom one of 'the most eminent, Colleges of the United etates and the greatest part of whose life lute been spent in• die Hospitals or London, Paris, Phila delphia 'and elsewhere, has effected:some of the moist as tonishingleures that were ever known:- *Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at, suddensoande, beshillbsess, With frequent blltishing,attehiled Bernet:lines with derange ment of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR Dr. J. addresses all those who .having injured them selves by private and improper indulgenchts, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, cn ft tt o g them' for either •businessor society.- • • 'these are same'of the sad and melancholy_ effects pro, duCed by early habits of youth, viz -Weakness of the 'Mick and Limbs , Palest in the Ihmudis of Bight; l.oss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the •FlearVtlys pepsia, Nervousirritability , Deraktgement of the Ingestive Functions, • General :. Debility, VlotPlems of ;Consump tion, .te. . _ -- • r • re tt.y..J__he fearful effect; nw.the mind are mush to .e res. ea 4.- - nrUllar—vg-a&••••• ••;.30;_rny, r• nn Alr Trlriseq.,DO , pression of Spirits, Evil Forehoditigs, Aversion toSocie ty, Self•distrust, Love of Solitude; Timidity, ike., are some of the evil erects. - • • • , . Thousemds of persons of all ages, can nowjudge what Is the cause of their decline in'health r losing their, vigor, becoming . weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, "hive a singular appoar,anee about the eyes, cough, and symp :me of consumption. . , . . . • YOI7NG NM • who have injured _themselves by a. certain practice, in Julgsd Mahan alone=a - habit freqUently learned front evil coo:amnions, or at eebook,the effects .of, which are nightly felt, even when asleep; and if hot cared, renders marriage impessible;and destroys heal mind and body, should apply immediately. ' • - - .• ,VIM a pity that 41.. young men, ihe hopm,of his,„counp. try; the darling of his parehts, t atiOnld tie sindebadtroin 411. prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences , of -deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In ' certain secret habit. Fiimhpertions must, before contem plating. . effect thai a ;mud mind andbody are the most necessary requisitea to promote connubial -happiness. Indeed Without, these, the journey through life beet= 08 a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomeal shadowed with detspair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness' of another be contekililighteditith *urrowA. ' . . . - DR.JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR GANIC WEARNITM.: By this great and important remedy, Weaknesrof the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Who had of the most 1101170118 and debilitated who had lost all hope, have , been, Immedtately volleyed. AU to 31411 hie, Physical or Mental Disgdall6- xsg or Exhatudion or I Mon, emus the tiros% fearfU kind, spe The many thousands cured at this Instiution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgidal OPeratiOns performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public,. besides his standi • • as a geriffeman of sharpies and re , sponsibffity, is a a r i dent guarantee to the of DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE —When the misguided and itriprtident *Miff of Plealgre Ands he",htief imbibed .the seeds of this painful disease, it,too often happens that an iftilined sense' of shame or dread of discorety deters hitit-from applying to those who, front education and re spectability can Monti befriend him, defayini till the con. -Stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their aPpetirince, effecting the head, throat, nose; skin, acy progressing on with frightful rapidity, tili.deatk puts a perfod to his dreadful sidlerings sending Min' to "that - ffourne from whenCe so traveler. returns..", 11 , is a mel itieholy foot that thbusainiS idar•rtetlinstelhis terrible disease, owing tothe unaltiffulnessi of ,Ignorant pretend— ers,'whe, by the itse`of that deadly peeson,'useietrry; runt' ' the constftutlon,and make the residue, of lite miserable. To L STatithaes:— . The` Debtor's Diplomas Siting his office. ..... . Am-Lettere , mast contain a Stamp (rim meth() reply Xir Remedies sent by.Mejl.,.. . . ~ __ _, , No. 7 South Frederick' street , ' 'la ltlmore. aprl3,dawly ' ',.. „; _, :..- ~ '„ 2. i , , _ . PALL AND INMTER CLOTHING PHILM3EI.I ) BIA FASHIONS. _ GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE No. 607 C=Tior STRENI. A superb' . kook of fine French; English and American. CLOTHS, CASSINKRES, • • • - • • and VESTINGS' For Cap' and Country-trade, with an-unapproachable as sortment of Ruby Mans •CLomnse at the lowest caab Primal • . •'' • .itarßut ONE PRICE ii asked, and GIFT of intrinaic worth and use preaentedwlitreach • yaithmlar attentiod-paid to-the Customer department,: -and givmerita made andseat to Order **Any address. - insulimitticg this new system.of-,doing -Mugu*, • GRAISFELLEIiT6IIIIS' would OW the 'Minds ei the pattona L brhia - establishmeati that. the 'cost of-thesift 'le'dedulitsd from, andasor added-to.the.price ire& 43.i5-insinenaelF. leclyaain. *.iideti.iillikt4F.An M act thin ilberally, and attire same tirepAmettyle trienatieratife profit. idliitieleaVisianteed to give entire !MI efactiekil '421-ItAIiVELLE ONA gHI_CECLOTHIHOHISTPCH,I_O3/ Oar CEIZONIIT SIRE a ocall-6nid BLANK. BOOKS ,0•F ALLIMAGINABLE-SIZEB, PRICEB,, :Vitt& AND-QUALlMEScotbandiiad - inanufactur G r 4er,-" " VOi t ittrairiti&fgthatir f] 4 : , . f: 1 - 14); . ‘o 01214.1g2.6.1 , . ~ . NO. 13. MARRIAGE MARRIAGEA TO STRANGIKROK ktsatil -Vvinting frtte. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOR PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at -ny other 118. tabitehmentiir thecowatry. BATES UN AvVERTISING, Sa-Yone Bum °item constitute one-half square. Elt Sues or more than Mut constitute a sober° half Square, one day ... . • one week.. • one month... , three months"—, six months one year.........• ..... One Square one day one week.. .. One month . . . "s - three month; " ' months one year. Ili liarptsineee notteio Inserted In the L PER, et be 'Marriages and Deaths, FIVE C ENTh PER LINZ lbr each Insertion. a4rgarriages and Deaths to be charged regular adv entente. Illiottilatitous. HETZEII'S HOTEL DAUPHIN, DAUPHIN CO., PA. C. H• It_HOADS, PROPRIETOR • THIS well known and long established ,Hotel has again got into the hands of Charley Rhoads, who'will keep it In first class style. Parties of all kinas can be accommodated with meals at any. hear. A gcbd Ball Room will always be at the service of his guest's. Thankful . for:the liberal patronage he has received front the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, he respect fully aphelia a continuation of thehame janl IN;SIIRANCE A . (-ENCY THNIYELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Co., INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND AS3V9. $904.407.51, THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of North America, • ' OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. OAPITAL AND ASSETS HE UNDERSIGNED, an Agent for the T above well known Companies, will make Insurance againstless or damage by 'Are, either perpetually or an nually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Maks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to IVILLIAM BIIKHLBR, Harrisburg, Pa. del-dawly, . Desirable Property for Bent. A. TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE AND jealt; STORE RO OM ; situated, in Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, in the Third Ward. - ALSO.—A URGE TWOSTORY BRICK ROUSH. situated in Second street below Mulberry, in the Find Ward; ,1•41.90.—A TREES: STORY MUCK HOUSE, situate to LibsettY street, - in the Fourth Ward. tApply-to - 0. O. ZIMMERMAN; . No. 2S South Second Area, • Janlo , Harrisburg, Pa. VOR RENT.-A DESIRABLE THREE STORY ROUSE, Ingood order. Gas and water Si• turea complete. Enquire at 4REISTRONG'4 DREG STORE, Second below Fine street. Janlo-INi pR, T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST, I . 7IFFERS his services to the citizens of Marrhiburg tiled its Vicinity. Be solicits a share of the imblimpatronage and gives assurance that his beat endeavorirshAU be given to render satisfaction in his pro. !fission. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels solid in nviting the 'public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with bid service& Affice No: 128 Market street; in the house formerly oc copied by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel, - myB-dly NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUrAELE IitIZED.7IV - G LOTS FOR SALE. A. NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED BUILD LNG LOTS adjoining the Round Rouse and Work Shops 'of the Penea: Railroad Company, will be sold low awl. on roaliOnable terms. Apply to stag3o'6in • ' Jtaile W. HALL JUT 'RECEIVED to LARGE :STOCK of SCOTCH ALES, , foI.OWN,STOITT. and LONDON PORTER. cc' salVat thictowitst' ratealiy . E. JOHN H. ZIEGLER, POGO ' ' - • - 73 Ihrket Street. NE - VP ARRANGEMENT. rrHE'SUBSCRIBER having , purchased of Wm. Moyer his stock of Sro.E WARE, intends to commence the MANUFACTURE LF ALL KINDS OF 4ONE WARE at his NEW POTTERY on the canal opposite "theiCar Factory. With a superior kiln and experience) workmen, heaxpects, to be able to mike such ware as shalicommend itself to public favor. jiitb•lnTd ' JOHN W. COWDEN. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! I 'The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever . °fared In this city, 'ringing in "price from 50 cents to $lO 00 each, hoard in alkstXl"°fl4D'AnitatEß4 CRAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Mark Street. FEIMI • JOHN MAEURER, RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY STRRETB, HARRISBURG, PA. ESPECTFI3LLY infornta the public that ..-.---- -Ant -e the above mentioned place, anti he --. . -- stF - -- - 5 ,, 5 , - -- --tl oaRpET se_uktt has Gamin , I t ' . ^ - , • _._..rl. t.t.„,.... i LNG 110aINMS in all s ---- ` 4 W•V --- -T-_. 7 -±1,,,,,t- z .T.... ...,• - ..-' - ' c ' pared to 1111 all orders at the shortest t t IFlt - 4 -- .411 t. ;guarantee &Sena stabil - action: His priced's :rill bo reasonable. . , , HaVing -carried on the business for many years in Gpireaunand over two years here, and also having had 'an extended experience in this country, he Is fully corn execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes to 'receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow general assortment of Carpets are always kept on hand and will be sold at the_lowest rate. niov2l-61:14md - H. L. GODM 0 D , .R.A.CTIO.I,L Tuner and Repairer of • 'Priinbi,"Diaiodeoes, ke.; 'am, will receive orders in future at WM. KNOURWS Music Store, 92 Market street Lill:aide= left at the above named place, or at the Buehler t aouite, mut m att mita pi:amp! , attention. class ANN! for sale. 43ep18 . . . „ C`g.N PAittForgg . CANDLES; SPERM CANDLER, •-•-•• - ADAMANTINE - CANDLES, STEARINE" CANDLE'S; STiiR 'CANDLES; • • CHEMICAL . I SEEI3;4/ CANDLES,,. TALLOW" CANDLES. ' ' • A lerge let of the - .above ih store and for eate at the Icw -• -eek prices by • • ", • Iva. DOCK JR. & CO., Jam 2 . , • Opyos, !to she court Muse.. JUST. BICEIVED, AND A I,ARGLA A 'WELL SELECTED STOGX. OF BRANDS I _ - oo mem - 09K1L141.0N: &CO! BDIA:KW,TRICOCHE & CO. JAMES - EMNRESSY & CO. tOTARD; DOPOY & CO. J . . &F. MAIITLE. JTJLT#3 ROBlttra co. MANET'r giz CO. JOILN H. ZIEGLER. , •<.;:„=-43-itiirket-Etax For ease by 174 JOSHUA MiWIIDSTIANG; 9 ,11 . T = l4 -1 ±,4" 1 :A W , oripi,c - ,v.F4m=t7,w.„;#ol' , PA. bp . .lo . en. to all business Gatainted _ dr',..eodrnr 0.144.1.ef t r0. , J . . . - viarrY j_`a-Otall-ii sad idestirtAbas ter sate h..ow by •., r 'i( , V4, 13 C 01 JR- C° 2;?-13V.OKWHEw1 MEALI =UV/LAT . -lin tik Zebagh pit 'weir< and toiiialdiw by Au* -?* . , So: .L 00 . 3 00 . 4 0 5 00 . 60 .200 . 800 5 00 . 800 10 CO wx. mos TR. avo