J'AncEiLit gravel ransportatiott All{ HAL ROUT TO NEW YORK ! • "iprov , ip , Ain 11-I()IITEKI` IN DISTANCE QUICE.I.ST IN TIME 11 TW LEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW Y-ORIK. A N D II.A:IZIZISE3T_TRG- I VIA READING. ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. mood; ING 'EXPRESS. Wtst, leaves New York at 6 A riving at Harrisburg at 1 p. M., only 6% hours between the two wane. bIAII 11NE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 5.15 P.M. OHNING MAIL . LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving at New York at 5.20 P.M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS UNE, Eabt, leaves Dar is berg at 1.15-P. M., arriving at New York at 9.45 P. tii Oiolei are tenth: ;fll Titherg at 1.00 P. M. with t .e seer Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva s ts, tuoiberhotd Valley sed Nicoll - Lem Central Railroad. Ad trains council at eaditg with trains for Pottsville Pidiadelphia . sow at Alentoun for Rauch Chunk, I e.,ten, rte. No chang(,. 01 PP1....‘:.E14.01 Career Baggage between New York and Hari %bur p, the 6.0 e A bi. Dui from New York or the 1.15 P. If. rom Harrisburg. For beauty 01 scenery, and speed, comfortand accom modation, this route presents superior inducements to the Mayan public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg kWh, DOI, ARS. For tickets an other information apply to decl3 J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. PHILADELPHIA DE READING RAIL It OA_D . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. O.IV AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860 TWO PASSENGER Tr:Am? LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. 11. and 1.15 P. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. 51., and It la I'. U. ReFURNING, PELPHIA at 8.0(1A. M., rod P. M., nrrivinr thuria-,bvrg at IP. M., anti 8.15 P. M. . . FAEN:—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25 ; No. 2 On rams train,) $2.75. FAMES :--To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. 41 Reading, connect with trains for Poitsville., Muer? villa, ramaqun, Catawissa, Ac. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE REARING FOR PSILADEL rnin DAILY, at 0 A. NI., 10.45 A M., 12.30 noon and 8.43 P. 111. LEAVE PHILADEirrnA FOR READING at SAO A. M. /00 P, hl,, 3.30 P. IL, and 5.00 P. M. WARRS :—Reading to Philadelphia, $.1.15 and $1..46.. iFIE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON NETS AT READING with up train for Wilkeabarre Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets ether information apply to J. CLYDE, Oetleral Agent, decl4-dtl PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVENIBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Pennsyltania Railroad Com pany will depart from cud arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTIVAUD. THROUGH EXPRESS TR.41.14 leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. in. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.50 a. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12 65 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaies Harrisburg at 515 p. m., arrives at Must Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These trains make close connection al Plitiadeiprila with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODAIION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.1.0 a. m., rues via Mraut Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 13 30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at est Philadelphia at 0 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 p. m., runs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. 7.0, „,•., WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.10 p. in , arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. tn. 31.1 E: TAA.I.N . leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg ut 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention la called fo the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. m SARUM.. D. YOUNG, Sis Pi. East Division Pennsylvania Railroad nov26 60-dtf Northern Central Railway I VARM , NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEWEgf. AND AFTIII44 1 / 0RBAO"- is I:6th, 3.86q.-iter„,„ November ger Trains of the Northern leave Harrisburg as follows (OIN& SOUTH. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at... 3.00 A. M. ItXI'RE3.S TRAIN will leave at.— .....7.40 A. 111. DWI TRAIN will leave at 100 P. M. GOI NG MAIL TRAIN will leave at... ET.PRFSS TRAIN will leave at The only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South at S, a. m. For further information apply at the Office, in Penns. , Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, November 23, 1860.-24-dtf $2,500 TO $3,000 PER YEAR! RARE CHANCE FOR ALL ! MILE ABOVE AMOUNT can easily be made by the manufacture and sale of an article of very recent discovery. It is entirely new, and auy per son wishing PI engage in a business that will pay, or to enlarge one already established, will do well to address the undersigned. The sale is as ready and permanent as any of the great staples. It is an easy, honorable and highly respectable business, by which some men are now making twice the above figures by the manufacture and sale Of this v endable article. It requires but a very small Capital to carry on this busiuese with great suc cess, afc. For full larliculan address (enclosing a stamp for re turn).L. P. COBLENTZ, Box No. 899, Middletown, Ilaryland. IRA SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by 111211 — 00t22 THE ORIGINAL AND Gi.NITLN OR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S SAPARILLA, TI4 - F] BLOOD. AND ALL FOR IS OF CU TANEOUS The:e uomyleitits can be qwedily and efF2ttually cured by the use of tuis Thousands have experienced its salutury efleets, and tens of thousands have witne-Sed it, until it hasceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com muu ity. When the Blood becomes and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring net:ll:er, charge of climate Want or exercum, the use of a Maffei 11l saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sursimarilla, Will REIIEW the 111.001), carry ocr the gutrid humors, mmaNsu the s [mum], And impart a Tone of Vigor to the The public aro hereby notined that the preparation ex tensively known as Dr. S. I'. Townsend's Compound Ex; tract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, frt tn . the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and 1 certify that it is compos ed of ingredients PUBELY VEGETABLE, and WITHour CDRY; and also that the ingredients aro judiciously co IT t ounded, so ns to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. Renovatineand Purifying - Me MOOR which science has ever uttered to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. - . It contains all the vegetable principles which expert• once has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mollified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal Merits of the first order 1 5=EIN=IIIMIk*F' 5 4R1 VAN lAGEftra L sNyDER, gners and En.oravers on Wood N. E. COR. FIFTH & CT - TPSTNIFT STS., Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original seaigns furnishes for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sendiug a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well ou per sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style M. art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott &Co., E. 11. Butler &Co. oct2s-lyd • IV ORTII. 1 , 10 P. M .8.15 P.M WIC DOCK J 33. &CO ~le~itai T h e Cir( at Behovatur of THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY Ts'Oß EL& urrioris OF 'A II E ULCERATED SOEEPd, DISEASES WORLD RENOWNED L.. SARSAPARILLA. REGULATE THE BOWELS. Whole Body TO THE PUBLIC JAMES R. CaILTON. M. D., Chemist • Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SABPA PAMILIA, bas a reputation among all civilized nations as the beet preparation for CAUTION. To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. (;HILTON'S CERTIFICATE us well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY Gi REFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, No. 41 Fulton street, N. V. And far sale by every Druggist in this pity. ap3o-d3taw (._,3F I DF I AIk. 2 3 LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. 'HESE MEDICINES have now beeu be ± fore the public I r a period or THIRTY YEARS, and during 'het time hove maintained a high character in al most every fart of the Globe, for their extraordinary and itunmointe power of restoring perfect health to per- Sons suffering under nearly every hind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Arc well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a llow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, HeratbUrn, Headache, Beet lessneSs, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length ol ihe intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violeit purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Fmvlilts of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular t:remation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob• struetion in others. The LIFE AIEDICINES havo been known to cure RIIIIIUMATI,taI permanently in three weoks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and Ilgamet.ts of the joints. DROPM.bIS of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen• lug the kidneys and bledder; they operate must delight fully on these important organs, and hence have ever been bound a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL Alan WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the Utley matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and IN VETEDATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. C NES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CONIVLEX lONS, by their alterato effect upon the fluids that Iced the skin, and the morbid state or which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT Bilk:UM, and a striking im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in iho worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. UVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY TEEM, BE EATILIIIID, AND BE CUBED. BILIOUS FEVERS Arco LIVER eon- PLAlNTS.—Gmse,tx. Damns - v, Loss OF Aerarrrs, and DL SEASES OF FENALls—the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpdation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. DIERUUtiIAL DISEASES . —FersonS Whose constitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never tail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than tho moat potier ful preparations of Sarsaparilla, Prep tared and sold by MOFFAT. aa Broadway, New York. Forsalo by all Druggists. WIC. STEE, CARPENTER AN'D JoBBER, CORNEA 4VALNUI AND FIZONY OBBING of all kinds (lone at short u notice, in good style, and on reasonable terms. "OUR GOVERNMENT." “fIpHE unity of Government, which con -11 yuu one people, is now dear to you.” Washington's Farewell Address. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a prom understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their mit ciples, and impart ability fur their maintenance. "OUR GuVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains the text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con stitutional provisions ot, the several States, with their in g and construction, as determined by judicial au thooarintiyn,and precedent and practice, or derived from standard writers; digested and arrataged for popular use Price $l.OO. - Sold by lit. WIIINPJE,y, del Harrisburg. Pa. ORANGES AND LEMONS. FORTY BOXES in prime order just re ceived and for bale by bat WM. EOM JR. & CO. petuifiviutritia Jails Zelegrapti, tUebritetrap lfterrioon, lannary 16-, DIE AMALGAMATION OF LASIGUAGNS.—There is a grow ing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expres sive words of other languages, and after a while to in corporate them into our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying "for the bead," is now becoming popularized in connection with Mr. Spald ing's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Eire tr. type and tuauy others whose dis tiliction as foreign words has been worn away oy com mon usage Intl they seem "native and to the manor born Hi 'ad "n 'orrible "eadache this harternoon, hand I stepped Into the bapothecaries hand says hi to the man, "Can you house me of an 'eadoche ''Dots it hub° 'arid" rays .e. "Flexceedingly," says hi, hand upon that eave me a Cephalic Fill, hand 'pen me 'ouor it cured me so quick that I 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an .'ea,iache, AIariIEADACIIE is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, tilt too late lobe remedied; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz : Symptomatic and Idiopathic Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great va riety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, theuesatism and all febrile diseases. Is its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach consti tuting tick headache, of hepatic disease constituting NT,- Haus headache ' of worms, constipation and other disor ders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affect ions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attend ed with Headaches, AncemiX and plethora are also Oho tons which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distin guished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most in s :alines It con. s on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. lu most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may also be Lamed Neuralgia. . . For the treatment of either class of lieu...ache the Ce phalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, re iieving the moot acute pains in a few minutes, and by its übtilc power eradicating the diseases of which Head ache the unerring index. ElDGET.—Mtssus wants you to send ber a box of Ce phalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pllls,—but I'm ih inking that's not just it neither; but perhaps ye'll be Lacier knowing what it is. Ye see-she's nigh dead and gene with the sick Headache, and wants some more of that Eame as relaived her before. Druggist.—You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. .8/ idget.—Och I sure now and you've tted it, hero's the quarter and giv me the Pills and don't be all day about it aither. No one of the "many ills flesh is heir to" is so preva lent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Cos- tiveness. Often origirating in carelemnessi or seden tary habits; it is-regarded as a slight disorder.of two little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradica ted it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave.— Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsy, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hyposhondriasis Melancholy sad Insanity, indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequentlythe diseases named originate in Censtipation, but take on an inde pendent existence unless the cause -is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive Immediate attention when ever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the that appearance of the complain t, as their timely use Will expel the insiduous approach o disease, and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. Physician.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that hea Bache Mrs. Jones.—Gone I Doctor, all gone! the pill yousent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send more so that I can have them handy. Physician.—You can get them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I racom. mend them in all cases of Headache. Mrs. Jones. —I shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all niy. suffering friends, for they are a red blessing. Twsaav 1111.1.103/S OF DOLLARS Spalding has sold two millions oi bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggre. - grog:de ef twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Baying made his. Glue a household word, he now proposes to do the world Mit greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good'as his Glue, Head aches will soon vanish away like snow in July. 4 - Ovatt EXCITEMXNT, and the mental care and anxie ty incident to close attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this dis treating complaint is a fatal blow to all energy and am bition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one or the tephalie Pills whenever the symptoms appear,— It quiets the overtasked brain, and soothes the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the sto mach which always accompanies and aggravates the dis ordered condition of the brain. Fear WORTH Bsiownso.—Bpaiding's Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Bich Headache, Billions Headache, Nervous Headache, Costiveness and General Debility. t GREAT Discovany.—Among the most important of aLI the great medical discoveries of this age may, be con sidered the system of vaccfnnation for protection from Small Pox the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experi enced by Erffering humanity long after their discoverers are forgotten. .InrDID you ever have the Sick Headache? Do you re member tee throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally unfit you were for pleasure, conversation or study. One of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from all the sufterlug which you then experienced. For this and other purposes yon should always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion reunires. fly the use of thesell'il the:periodic attacks of Her vows or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate relief fro • pain and sickness may be obtained. .They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females aro so subject.' . They act gentlyupon the bowols,—removing Costittnesh For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female; and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxa tive, Improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invest': gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relieved a vast - aniount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous' aye tern or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer thermic children. The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding en each box. Sold by Drteggisis and:all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will b*eat by mail prepalicin, receipt of the PRISE 26 CENTS. All orders etteulti. be addressed ' „.1 nOilfi.dalify:f 3 - 41. •Vg48 Cedar Direct, New York.. Ittistellanfous 'ardly Realized. Consti-stion or Costiveness. A Real Blessing. Car .(st Nervouslieadactie CURE AttaditaS BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I ftlistellatteouz BOERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR BUR .a_PStit t DISEBE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER MID AGUE, And the vnrit us affections enn4nuent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion, aci arc of the Stomach, Colicky Paine, Heartburus, Loss M .Ap;zetite, reiliondency, Cos tiveneas, Blind and Merding mks, in all erroas, Rheumatic, and Neurah:ie /114 , etione, it has in numerous instances proved highly buctical, .1.1 in abets effected a decided cure 11115 iR a purely vegetable crn.pe.un..;, I teparcd on strictly Feieutific principles, after the ire:utter of the cele brated Holland Professor, Boot have its rein Wien at home produced its introduction here, the dem, • d com mencing with those of the Fatherland •Trattea c•I over the face of this mighty country, many of whom trruabt %Nit], them and handed down the tradition of go value. It 14 now Offered lo the ,American public, knsving That its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be achroseledycd. it is particularly recommended to thosepersons whose constitutions may have neon impaired by the cent - moans use of ardent spirits, or other forms of cassipation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening ev ry nerve, raising•up the drooping spirit, and, in fict, irfns'ng new health and 'Vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find tLis a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial propertie.- READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highiy concentrated Beeihave's Rolland Bitters is put ep in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at ONE .Dou Alt per bottle, or six bottles for.Fil 1 , 01.LLR13. The great demand for thit truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. ,p-Beware of Imposition. Fee that our name is on the label of every bottles ou buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be lorwarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, 3R. & CO., MANUFAUTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists. PIITSBURG, PA. For sale in the city of Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS & s.epa-dswly cip.: i 7 1.-A D IG. ' ER 1, 0 - • -•-• .• -- 9 . ; ' '' T N ' 7 &-' , '• - - --: ..: • ; - - ,-' - ei- . ' '7: - ..- , . 1 - . • ',--• GIN AS A REMEDIAL AG :11T ;cws DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the :Aredical Profession and the romilg; boring super seded -tile so-called "Gins,” "Areun.t;c," "Cordial," "Midleated." "Schnapps," etc., is Dow endorsed by all of the prominent physicians, cl,etnim.s and connoisseurs, as possessing all of these intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to all ell , and PURE Gin. Put rp in quart betties and sold by all druggists, grocers,,etc. A . N bINiNGF.g. & CO., (Established in 1778.) Sole Proprietors. No. 19 Broad Street, N. Y. For sale ill Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart and John H. Ziegler. 14tr sale by W. W. & 0. Smith—Frencli, Richards Co., and all of the prominent - Wholesale Druggists in Philadelphia. se ittwOm T Etilitittc MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physio,n, presents to the attention of mothers h. r SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething. which greatly facilitates the proces: of teething, hy soft ening the gums,reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWEIS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will giro rest to yourselves AND, RELIEF AND HEALTH. TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and -sold this article for over ten years, and CLAN BAT, ,L'f CONFIDENCE . : kit:. TAMA, what we have never been able to say of any other - medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SLNGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an Instiriceof dissatisfaction by any one who used it.. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera. Mow, and speak" in terms of highest commendation ef its" magical effects and medical virtues. „„ur — e - aTEin this matter "1711. AT AZ DO 1 9:9X-r - Srter ten years' expo. rience, AND FLEDGE OUR _MEDTATION FOR TAZ FULITLEaNT OP WEIAT n 1 :r+: DEOLARN. In almost every instance who is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re e will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuablo preparation is the prescripion of one Of the moat EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES New England, and has been used with NEVER. v.mino success in THOUSANDS OF CAS. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if hot speedily reme died, end In death. We believe it the mar and SUREST REMEDY IN TEEN WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHEA iN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PREDIDNIES, NOR THE FRSJUDICOS OF OTELERJEI, etand between you and your siiftering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, AB SOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, it Wooly:need. FUR directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fan-simile of CURTLS S PERKINS,New York, is on the outside wrapper. Bold by Dr uggiststbroughout the world. Principal OlSee, No. IS Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Cents nor Ifilottle- 'or"For Bale In Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lutz, No. 22 Market street. C. K. Heller, No. 91, Market street, below Fourth, and G. W Miles; 128 Market street. aug22 dawlY NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES ! BE SUBSCRIBERS having succieeded t o me WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY BUSI NESS '.of blessrs. GROSS & KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREET WHARF, would, respectfully announce to the citizens of. Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre -pared Co offer for sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries,. Provisions, Fish, . Salt, . Grain, Flour, Ropes, in great variety, Queensware, PaintS, Oils, Fund, Glass' Nails, Cement, thir Large SPRING STOCK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now. arriving, .has .been selected with much care, and will present great inducements to Close buyers: We . intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS,and WILL NOTAgENDERSOLD; and hope by honorable- dealing to Merit renftilYe l') :a shave:Of -patronage;,. , .304 0 2441- - • - RO B INSON 1861. filistellantous. THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTEIY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR IiEbTORING TEE BALD AND GRAY. Nig ANY, since the great discovery of LLA_ Prof. 'Pi oil, have attempted not only to imitate his rci. tor ritive, but profess to have diseovered something that would produce results identical , but they have all come and gor.e. being carried away by the wonderful I exult, of ro . SCoad's preparation, and have been forced to leave t:.e field of Its resistless sway. Read the follow ing:— BATH, Maine, April 1.8111, 1859. PROF. 0. T. Winn R Co.:—Gents —The letter I wrote you In 1856 concerning your valuable Hair klestorative, and which you have published in this city and elsewhere, hes given riss to numerous enquiries touching the facts In the case. The enquiries are, first, Is it a tact of my Inbl Won and mime, as stated in the COintnunicatio n ; iiecond is true of all GP rein contained; third, dues my b it still cent nue to be in good order and of natural color? le alt I chi and de answer invariably Hy hair is even b ttiir than in any stage of my ti.e for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same is true of my whi-kers, and the only came why it is no' generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent al:hs ton of the face, when if care were used by wiping tee face in close connection with the whiskers, the satt.e result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from alt parts of 'New England, asking me if my hair still continues to be geed ; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture &V, sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt been basely imitated and been used, not only without any good effect, but to absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hund reds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my race; and to prove this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken off the past week. 1 received your fay or of two quart bottles tact summer, for which I am very grateful. I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try ll twin? were skeptical until after trial, and then pur chase.' and used it with universal success. I will ask as a laver, that you send mei test by which I can discover I rand in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without umbel ity from you. A pure article will insure success. 1 end I believe where good effects do not follow, the reamer is eatism: by the impure article, which curses the invent or of the good. I (item itmy duty as heretofore, to keep 3 ou t.pprised of the continued effect on my hair, as I as . em e sti wiio enquire of me of my unshaken opinion of its valuable tesuls. I remain, dear sir, yours, AALONS RI7N, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858. 11,1. 1:. J. Wo , ,d: Dear would certainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to Ike world the wo do, lid, as well as the unexpected result I have exrcrienced f,om using one bottle of your Flair liesttora tve. after using every kind of Restoratives extant, but n it bout success, and finding my head nearly destitute 01 hair, I was finally Induced to try a bottle of year Hair Restorative. Now, candor and justice compel me to an : ounce lo whoever may read this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of Lair, which I pronounce tuber and handsaw r than the original was. I will therefore take occasion to recom mend this invaluable remedy to all who may feel the necossily of if. Respectfully yours, RfV. S. ELLEN 13ROCK. P S.—This testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as you are 4W411 of) is unsolicited : but if you think it worthy a place among the r. st, Insert if you wish, if not destroy and say nothing. Yours, &e., Bev. S. A. B. Pepot, 4.14 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz large, medium and small ; the small holds 3fi a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more iu proportion than thesmall, and, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and retails for $3 0. J WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, yew York, hod 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold hy all good Druggists and Fancy Gcod?. Dealers denl-dawaro JUDSON' - S Mountain: Herb Pills. T ' inventor and manufaaturer of "Jud-, son't latountain 'Herb Pills," has spent the greater part of his ; life in travelling, having visited nearly every countryin the world He spent over six years amon the Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, and it was-thus that the "Mourrratx MOO Pula' , were discovered. A very interexting account of hbfadventures there, you will find in our Almanac and Pamphlet. It is an established fact, that all diseases arise from IMPURE BLOOD I The blood is the life I and_when any foreign or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, it is once distrbuted to every brgan of the body. Every nerve feels the poison, and all the vital organs quickly complain... Thestomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The •action of the heart is weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. The lungs be COMP clogged with the poisonous matter ; hence a cough —and all from a slight impurity of the fountain-head of life-,the Blood I As if you had thrown .some earth, for instance, In a pure spring, frem which ran a tiny rivulet- - in a few paivates the whole course of the stream be, &nes ffistarbe4 god discolored. As quickly does impure, bloeilffiy to every part, and - leave its sting behind. All the passages become obstructed; and unless the obstruc tion is removed, the lark) of life soon dies out. 'these pills riot only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body, they are, therefore, unrivalled CURE''OR BILIOUS DISEASES, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Sm. This Anti-Bilion Medicine expels from the blood the hidden seeds of die, ease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent,elearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we arc able to place within your reach, a medicine like the "Movorma Hasa Pats," that will pass directly to the afflicted parts,ci.rough the blood'and fluids of the body, and cause the uniferer to brighten with the flesh of beauty and health. Judson's Pills. are the Best Remedy in exist ence for the following Complaints: Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward Weakness, Coughs, Fever and ague, Liver Complaints Colds, Female Complaints,Lowness of Spirits, Chest Diseases, Headaches, Piles, Costiveness, Indigestion, . Stone and Gravel Dyspepsia, Dilluenza, Seenndary Spiv. Diarrhoea, inflammation, toms. Dropsy, • • * • • • fialaA-T--r.triArE MEDICINE ! Females who value health, should never be without these Pills. They purity the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches,. and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. Jar The Plants and herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered in a very surprising way among the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very Interesting account it contains of the "Gaw& MEDICINE" of the Aztecs. 011SCI'VE.--The Ideutain Herb Pills are put up in a Beaußlul Wrapper. Each box contains 40 pills, and Re tail at 25 cents per box. All genuine, have the signature of B. L. JOION & CO., on each box. B. L. JUDSON & CO., Sold P:ro - orie:tor:s No. 50 Leonard Street, NEW YORE. sir Agents wanted always—Address as above. *E., feblo-deodsw ASSIGNEES' NOTICE NTOTICE is hereby; given that John lower and John Wallower, Jr., of Dauphin county, by voluntary assignment have assigned and transferred to the undersigned all their property in trust for the bene fit of their creditors. All persons therefore.having claims against the said John Wallower and John Wallower, Jr. trading as John Wallower & Son, or against either of. th em, will present them to the undersigned,. and those indebted will make immediate payment to jant3tda3tw NOTICE. wHEREAS, Letters Testamentary on pc estate of Isaac G. M'Kinley, late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Dauphin county to the undersigned : Therefore, notice is - hereby given to all persons indebt, ed to the estate of said decedent to make payment as early as . practicable ; and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay, duly authenticated, tc Mr. Harris C. Fahnestock for set tlement. MARTHA 9. 741811:ILEY, Harrisburg, Dec. 17,1860 --d2t.tw4t- Executrts ANOTHER NEW LOT F- NEWTON'S (formerly. Bagley's) a c l l ' ll l. l- a l to . A be ls t o h a e Njr CELEBRATED GOLD PENS, wart.. finest in quality and finish, of any mai • .fiEL tine assortmeut of GOLD AND BIL I TY . AI - oAsF,S, Y.STORIO, 51Market St. Just received and for rA sa p le ß a oo t BERGNER'S CH Dit. C. W4IO.I:ML SURGEON- AND 'OOOTTIIST, BEsmENcA Taripfi - gfui Oytit gun LIVER INVIGORATOR I 1 is compounded entirely frottiGunik, A and has become an established tact, a :Standard Itee Ewe, known and approved: A ; lily all that have used it, amo Is now resorted to l+l with elleUener R all the dis , :a , es for which it is re-,O ;commended. It has cured thousands E. 4 ;within the too Mare who had given up all hopes : ,11M rabcf, the uuweru,.t ur , oiictted certificates ini`Ni Inv posse: , les show. The dose must be ailaptle i ed to the t,upe.ra,nrat at the individual taking itmud'n u s ed in sank quantiiirA to net gently on the bowels.;:r. Let the dictates of yoursla I . use or the LIFER INVIGO-11-1 CoarPtAivrs, niumms l p IC iHAREIHACA, STEVER COE fs - as SORE STREAM, HAIRE. CHuL , E.A Mont-, CHOLERA JArEtneit, FEMALE WEAK successfully as an °EDINA- ad will cure SICK HEADACHE ad IN TWENTY iIINUTSs , IF at ,OMItt:3II.C,ITIC-Ilt odddddd M.T. wet near 1116 Gry :al 1.1 COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, ANI. ili UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, A.:'qi WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. l y Th 4 FAMILY CATELAR-L : TIC PILL Is a geuCe 0, active Cathartic which the proprietor has useJ in hi practice more than twentyl4 ears. The constantly increas- ' - have long used the PILLS. all express In regard to on different portions of the The FAMILY OATllAR ierence to this well estab deri from a variety of th whfch act alike on 'very, nai, and are good and cafe titanic is needed, such Is in:virtu, Pains in 1 . 4 , it: and litnreness OVer to weight in the head, al/ Worms in Children or Ad- Pt:rifler of the Blood, and flesh is heir, too numerous tisentent. 100133, Ito 3. PRICE A. C. RAYMOND 'INN LIVER INVIGORATOR AND FARM °ATHA& je ram are retailed by Druggists generally,ane sold wholesale by the Trade in all the lays tov::1q- TJDOLPHO WOLFE'S 'To the .- Citizens of New Jersey and • Pennaylvaruai A. 0. WESTER, CHAS. P. IdURNCH, Assignees. Residence Harrrisburg, Pa.. filebical. SANFORD'S NEVER DEBILITATES iudgini±ut guide you .RATOiti, and it will lAITACKs, ilym-uemaieaßry- DYSEVIER Y , CAL CuMivEXUk. L A I NM%I;O, ae. may By FAMILY lIEL6CLNI thoesairis ./+, tetit y) ,OR TURFS .• ' , v. Li A ki attack no tb,it t r.'t3• tr. the nqettliti ill, It, a l ,,t wm.. , fillosv both toget3;e. flu a ox. VOLLAR BOWL. —A L 0 SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS lug demand from Mow., who and the satisfact:ou which their us!, has induced me (reach of 'all. thatiliffereut Catbarees act o place them within the The Profession well know bowels, C PILL bas, with ;Were lished fact, been compoon. purest Vegetable Estmcia ' part of the alimentary ca in ell cases wbere a CA. Derapgnnents of Stomach, Back and Loins, Coskreness body,Resilessness, Headach e Infsantma'ory Diseases, tat:, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to shish to mention in this steer. $.4 Ei Ea 0 80 CE,NTS d. T. W. SANFORD, M. D.. Manufacturer and Proprietuc,, je2o.d&wyfj 335 Broadway, New York. ..a.3n.t=tavz ®.Tema SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AeN.D INVIGORATING CORDIAL. Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure hladeria, Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pare Jamaica and St. Croix Rum Wolfe's Pure Scotch nod Irish "Whisky. • ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg Iteve to call the attention of Abe chisel's of the Eluded Stat•is to the above. WINES EMI LIQWLIRS, imported b.) Udolpho Wolfe, New York, whore name is fami liar in, evert, part M this cuuntry fbr the purity of his celebrated Scutcnest SCRNAPPs. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me, speaking 01 the purity cfbie Warts and Liquors, says e. :take my teputation as a man, my stand ss a merchaLt of thirty years' res , denre in the City of Now Tork., that all the, ,TIIANDY end VISES which I Lott::are Pare as orted, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Fiery bottle has the proprit . tot's name on the wax, and a Mc simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themsalviM.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers In Philadelphia. CIEORGN M. ASHTON, No. 832 Minket Lt, Philadelohlt. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the :ullowiug from the z-ew York Can ier swoustors FUR ONE NEW YORK IIERCHANT. We are happy to inform our fel OW citizens that mere is' One place in our city where the physician, apothecary„ used country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines, end Liquors, as pure as imported, and of-the best quality:, We du not intetd to give an elaborate descrictiou of this merchant's extensive busiaebs, although it will well re, pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's es teusivc Warehouse, Was. 18. 1.0 and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17 19 and 21, 'Mar, etticid street His stock et Schnapps en hand ready for shipment could not have been lest; than thirty thousand caste; thejirandy, pOrlr e ten thousand cans—Vintages of 1830 t0d.858 ; v. i. ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and on wi ne, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and ,CroiN Rum, some very old and equal to any in tin. le e country.- He a bad three large cellars, lilted vitt. - casks, under Custom House's', ...errand!, Wine, &c., in Mr. W°IfQB sales of b thua P i 's last ready for bottling. year amounted to one buodre d and eihty t h - . ..e.5 - aud dozen, and we hopein 'us Brrndien and Win es . than two years he ;nay be equally successful with his His bushiest'. merits the patronage of every lover able species. Private families who v. ish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until, every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Whim and yaisoßS. We understand Mr. Wolfe, fur the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imita Pons, ruinous alike to health anti human happiness. sepadan 6mi C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. Ti ELIILBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections— ELSII3 LIPS Genuine Preparation for Nervous att 1.1 Debilitated Sufferers. ELMBOLD'S Gamine Preparation for Loss of Power,. Loss of Memory. HEf,IIBOLIPS Genuine Preparation for Difficulty a Breathing, General Weakne;s. HELHBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves, Hnrror of Death. Trembling. aLhibin.U'e iienuo,e Preparation for Night 11 Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision. J'ELEIBOLEPa Genuine Preparation for Languor, Unt vernal Lassitude or the Muscular System. Ei.311301.1)%9 genuine Preparation for Pallid Cleivate 11 name* and Erapilons. IT El, Genuine Preparation for 'ain in W e .11 Baer, Headache, Sick Stomach. ,See advertisement headed HELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHH in another column.. NOTICE. HARRISBURG BRIDP . _f_E COMPANY! THE President and risburg Bridge Cow' of the Har risburg Bridge of SIXTY CE.tr Any have this day declared a pear to the have stooi,, of said Company, (sa' a'S per share on the capital stoat . a,.. . THREE PER cum) for the last ball .ected the emus to te paid, at this of ter the ITth. , aolders or their legal representativesa J. WALLACE, Treasurer jan9-W3t Harri.sV ..rg Bridge Office, Jan. 7, 1861 117. ... at and Vegetable Garden for Rent The subscriber offers for rent his garden Mt, in the centre of the town of Columbia, Laiicaster county. It contains two acres of first quality of land, on which are now growing is good condition, 150 Peach. Apple, Pear, Quinn°, Nectarine and Cherry trees ; 25 Grape Mee; 1,000 Currant, Gooseberry, Raspberry, and Lawton Blackbtirry bushes ; an Asparagus bed with more than 1,000 crowns, and a Strawberry bed with 1,20 Possession will be given immediately. If not rented by first of February, a gardener will be wanted. jan9-3tw SAMUEL SROCR A. NEM LOT OF LADI&S' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAGS Comprisiug a number of new. styles GENT3' and LA DIES! Money Purses and Wallets. A fine assortment just raselTedand forsale at • • BERWWWCHELP BOOKSTOREi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers