E,L EQjtApjf, IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 031319 DAYS EXCISPINEN GEORGE BERGNER & CO TgßMS.—Smcsu SUBMINPIION. my Tinsman:lls served to Subscribers ht the at Dye cents per week . Yearly • subsCribers I Oarged 114.00. . • • WAAKLII AND Satmlirrrarr Tzusanner. /1 Ea BAT% is also published twice a week during lUD of the Legislature anti weekly during the re. of the year, and furn ished to.subscribers at Uir g rates, via: le Subscribers per year.- is I {I Tat LAW OP INZWPPAPIMPL 3cribera order the discontinuance of their news the publisher may continue to send them until rages are paid. scribets neglect or refills .to take their neerepa. a the office to which they are dirested, they are denntil they bat° settled the bills and ordered :optioned Ifteritat . JOHNSON,\I-er.lMol=t3ll HOSPITAL. discovered the most certain; speedy and effectual remedy In the world tor- DISEASES OF IMPRIJDEIkICE,:: mum rs ear ro flume nom.- No Mercury or riersiona Drags.. • • • Di WARRANTED, on ate Calms, re PROM One TO TWO DATO.Iiia ass of the Beek or Lirrani!WitOurtats Pelee In s, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic tee, Nervous Debility, Decay a the Physical Pow -I,,sepsia, Langnor ' LowSpirits,ilonfusion of Ideas, Wm of the Hearts Thrilaty Tremblings, Dimness t or Giddiness, PiDellse of the Stomach, Affections Lead, Throat, Kt se or Skin—those terrible dhor- 1 rising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habite of —the Pie dreadful And destructive practises' which ice constitutional debility, render marriage impos. and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG URN. • ig men especially who have become. the victims of - Vice, that dreadful and destructlvehabit which sweeps to an untmely graie thousands of to of the mast exalted talent and brilliant Intel , - to might otherwise have entranced listening' with the thunders of eloquence, or wined to ea living lyre, may call with Tall,contldencs. , led persons, or those contemplating ,marriage, %e -re of physical wcannets, should immediately min i., and be restored to perfect health.; ORGANIC ORGANIC itirEAICNRSS' immediately cured trend :fial Idgerivatored. who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may , confide in his Minor as a gentleman', arid con, - upon his skill as a physician.- ! No. 'I South. Fi admit* Street, Baltimore; left hand aide going from Baltimore street, 7 the corner. B 9 particular,in - observing the. number, or you will mistake the plied. . liepar, for ignorant, Trifling Quackr, with false names,, /try humbug Certcates, attracted by the repute- , I Dr. Johnson, lurk near letters must contain a POstage Stamp; to use on . `the 'the DB...JOHNSTON. Johnson member of the Roya' College of Surgeons; in, graduate from doe of the ' est eminent Colleges UMLed utates., and the greatest part or whose life seen spent in the klospitals of Loudon, Paris, Phiia- Ala and elsewhere, has greeted some at the most as, ihlog cures - that were (.der known. Many troubled . ringing in the ears and head whemasieep. great ner .ness, being alarmed at suddentiounds, bashfulnetw, frequentblushing, attended sometimes with derange. of mind were cored irkredfoOdy, TARE PARTICULAR EOTICE. J. addrrsses all QM a who having iijured them: by private and imoroper indulgencies; that secret solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, um them fir either businessor society. to are seme of the sad and melancholy Weals pro ,by early habits of youth, 3rla : Weakness of the . and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, of lifu.cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dya sia, Nervous irritabilliy, .Derangement Of the Digestive !along, General Debility,,,flymptoms of gOensomp ,, &c. . MENTALLY. . MENTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are Miaeh to dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion' of Ida* De •esslon of Spirits, Evil Forebodinim, "Aversion Ramie , Salf-distruat, Love of golitede,-Tinildityi&e,,aresonin . the evil effects. • • - - Thousands of persona of alleges, can nose judge whet is the cause of their decline in health, losing theiriigor,, becoming week, pale, nervous and emaclated have -s ' singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and synap• • Ma of consumption. YOUNG MEN wbo have injured themselves by a certain practice, in Bulged hi when alone—a habit freqtently learned from evil companions, or at ached, the Streets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, a nd it not Cured, renders marriage Impassible, and delstroys loth mind and'hody, should apply ammediately. of con e - try, a pity,that a young man, the Miran o - try. the darlPig of his parents, should beitmaidied from all prospects and ecloymentia or inecbili the consequences of deviating from the "Oh of, nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. irk Persons mnst, before contem• plating . CZ= Minot that a soutni mind and body are the most necessary requiites to promote connubial happluese. Indeed without than, the journey through bfe becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and fllledwith'the melancholy reflection that the bappincas of another be= comes blighted with our own. OR. JoONSON'S INVIGORATiNG tRUFDY: FOR OR_ • O*NR; 144KNR,'8., By this grrat tud.importat.t I emedy, pakneir ,the organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restoreo: Thouaandb of the most nervous and debidtated Who lied lost all Lope, h vd-bten ,mmediatell allayed: AB ImpeLiments to Marriage, 1 hysieal _Mental Disettalle , cation, NerveasiTrembAng, Weakeess or lastoois4on the most Teazle) kind , rineedlly cured. , . . ro.BTAANGER& -. line many thous.,ucs cured at this Instintiou.witnitt the last twe:vie yew a, and the nemerous Implement, Surgical operati.cs pu.loinvou by 10. J., vviumestid by the re porters of the ptiperSi • atio.nueny other persons; notices of which have at peat ed Naai mai again before the -public, besides his gat ding as a genattnan ofskaracter 044 rg sponail,ility, is a suffiffieett guarantee to the afflicted. DISkASe S OF Ittritt3DElCA the inktmilded and imp. uqent vOttify a pleasure dude he tate iotbibed the seeag et this poinfut-cll,ease, it too ofteri beeves that an ill-limed stnse of shame or Mend of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and re. FpectOtliti , can alone befriend him, delaying till the COD nitutional -sylnptcnis ci. this horrid' diseaSe make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, reoaa, akin, dm, progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts .a erlod to his dreadful Eunertngs by sending - hint to "that ourne from whence no traveler returns." 'lh is a Mel ancholy fecrthat thomanJa idcllMirie this terrible Maeave, owing to the unriailfulness oi ignorant pretead ere, who, by the me of that dindlipotroa; atirottry;'rithi the constitution and make the residue Mine miserable.' To tTßANans.—The innnia's J...iploukaa bang in his ()Bice, pa-Letters must calatale.a stamp to es On the IVY As' Remedies sent b 7 Mail: Agri.; o.'south Frederick street Baltimore • aprl3 dimly FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRA NVIVAL STO=l3 , ONE PRIOE , GIFT CLOTHING kMI'O2ILIUM No. 60741LOTATUT. STREW., , A superb Block of Eine `Promich Avienacin O,LOTHS, ClitAllapßEs and VitTINGS, For City and Country trade, With" an unapproachable as sortment. of FILMY MADE CWITURG at, the /01638 t cash . prices s! -But ONE PRIC.N iE.asked, and a GlXl'ed, intrinsiti worth and use presented w,i.h each article. sold. • partieular attention paid to 'the Customer departraent, and garments made andaent-to order to any address. • In inaugurating =title new Ryden). of aoing GF.ANVILI.F. STONES would impress. on the minds or the patrons ul hia establishment, that'fhe dept of the gift a deducted From, and Nor added to the'prio9 or the ern cle Bold. Ilia. Imosensely increasing sales enabling him to net thus liberally, aid at the same time to realize a remunerative profit. 2111 lartio:ea guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRAIqVILTAI STOKXS' ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM SOT CHESTNUT STREET ocll9-13md BLANa BOOKO i' I.F .LL IMAGINABLE SIZEB, PhICEII3, ky ory44 AND QVAlnuce as ha* lid ra? 4o trui 0 , ordig,f Ift• f l at6ValP o t - 4.1 :: S . ' Sari A.-: ...Jae ..: 1 .1 , .„,-; +aid:. k , , u'..7: ,amitavo .A. j a . ----, wy5.k.r.x ., 000 , 0&.., - -•:.5.04,r,,k0501,..7. 4 , t4h*,.....-*-:•. , 4 , 4: , o`ooo ,,, Oratirearttethir.SOAtlo,W.riae,. -- '. - ,P. ~ '•'\l'; . ' ' . e , , lk: , ...4 , , , e4,MirenitregrfentZ,,.'l4. , ~ ,,T0r1NT,0, , captraw,40.,,K.,4,...4. , ...4......,.., , ,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, „,,,, it 0,/ •. , . .... ~ . , . ~., . . ...... .. . . r• , . t **llVS,‘ -- . ' • - :: .- - ' - .L ~ .... r . . ~ 1 14 ----,------•_. 1 , * ,- - , ,,„.7 --- ...-,-,7- - ',.: - .7• - . • . . - , .- -- ..3 2.00 .... ; . 12.00 15.00 VOL. XIV. INAUGURATION o,'o - ,YJR.N.O.A:O„ITRII.IN:i CROWDS OF PEOPLE. Fine Milithry THE INAUGUAL'ADDRE'SS. Full Description of the Parade and Inoidents, .dzo. &a. In aceordancewith the vovisions of the Con;. stittition, Andrew G. Cnitin was inaugurated Governor of Pennsylvaninatl2 tido* to day; n-Ste KosePoo- Of. the oelil:be9 of bOth Houses. of, the ,Legislature and; an Immense body of; the sovereign people, a • large propor ii6eof Whom were Jadiek THE. NIGHT paavrous 'Notwithstanding-the inauspicious state of the Velither, all the trains of: cars - that arrived yesterday Were fillet° uverflowing with sttang ere,frorP.; l distan9P, Anal night onr hotels were a perfect jam. Until a tle.te:.-hoiiri out principal thoroughfares were thronged with . : . promenaders;" whose Uhaerfnl 'shouts:lntermin gled occasionally, with the. inspiring str,sins of some distant band of) music, - broke 'npow the . ear, dispelling 'el&ip, "and awakening 'bright visions of the next lay'a gala seenes.', _ _ EZCIPTLON 71111. MILITAW The "Cameion Puird," of our city, in the performance Of est* daty to the visitingmilr itary, were ore the pine from noon yesterday until'a late hour last night. `'Although thein • • clement state of the weather : rendered'this of-. flee unpleasaat, yet thie ,"(3 uard s ' performed it cheerfully, and entered into the spirieofthe oc casion with an energy that spoke volumes for their patliotism. In this labor, they t were A. deafly aided by the. State Capital Brass Band, who, attired in-their handsome new uniforms, won' unlimited praise by their foag appearance, and:the excellent. quality o their rnusik„ sae MOBBING. The, morning -Ives ushered in with a murky, , cloudy sky, yet with no immediate prospect ::of snow. Or rain. As early as 8 &clock, Market'street mourned , a , bafifich.H+*P 4 aPe ,l Large numbers of teams, filled With our "coup e tricousins," of cboth Sexes ,and all .=ages, *ere 'constantly tirrivbig and 'dePositing their. loads in „front of, some one of the taverns Of ;that thoroughfare, while the - able-T:4s were throng eervith groups of icitizens and strangers all agog for the'approaching displaY. The Gratz town Cavalry, Capt. londeuschlager, headed by a fine brass band, made their appearance in the street about 8t o'Clock, and their unique "beavers" and dress ; , atracted much itterttion. After marching througii`the' square they're= turned to their quarters atlloffmates, and dsT missed teMporarily. By , nine "o'clock' the' "Cameron Gaird,7 heeded , by the BtateCa_ tel Band, were on the ma* which semi id to bp the signal.for ageneral more of the Military, and'from 'Vitrifies parts of the:. city the stirring straintkOf'brasibands anfi*Martial' music, joirte.gi harmoniously in. the general. din of busy preparation. Accordit3g to the prograntme theSeveratmitir tary companies formeii st o'c'lock, A.M., on Maiket s treer;.thelright resting• on Third Street: After: Some - preparation:, the proceision moved in the-foild.wieg order.: • -•- Gen. Wm. Officer Om:amending. I •• ' Generel Officers'end Staff • Drintik,k..jor and arase Irand. Bellefonte Fentibles i fifty ,fiye men, Capt. Mitehell conimandink. Itinggtild , United infantry Pstterson; Capt. •Diickep, fOrti • .Maitial hinge. Uniontown - 'lnfaittty; Capt. Bateman; fottr! Stinding.Stone Guarde r Oapt...taler, twenty. Carlisle Infantry, Capt. Wasriney, fotty men Simi** :Rifles;' Ciriisle, Capt. Kuhn,, 85 men Cat - Flags dlsmil by folFr grey hbises, containing Gov. Peck,er, GOi. Curtin , - - Senator-Geo. R. Smith and W..B.,Tywin, - escort ed 14' the Gratetqvin Cavalry, Capt. Loud- enachlager. Joint Committees the Rer?ate and Rouse of Representatives in carriageb. arxiigea containing the Head of bipartnients Staff officer horn ditiance on Toot. . Altoona Rifles, Capt,Zink, thirty men Brssi Band. • - - dadifotk. Guarde, Tottstown, Capt.. Straugh, • ''- .• • titirtYpert• • • - State Capital Band. Ciineron Guards 'Hedrilburg: Capt. Eyster; thirty-six men.`" Washington Artilleriats,Pottaville, Capt. Rand, Waehinton Rifles, Mpunt - Joy, Capt waittban, Philadelphia Continental club The Pioeeseioa,'; thus forded, prlkeeedtfi:olrer,* the route elosiguated;Valth4 at the gillyt , Atc.--, , , rial Mahon t o, t a k e_p tiiivernc/t Packer, -aiici at'tkd :Towel p _,. . Bouee.totakemp-Govierairuartie. Atrhitig iitike dePiti3l.ibbittktwittve Vciiiitig:* - '' A, -,e4 ~ ' i..;.. , V. "nt ..4 . '..%.% ~ „ ::. ,,: ii,l ~± .). ”. 4 . , 4'.• 44 ha . tr4:4 C...:44 iai alb vil P5,L4, 1 1.t.:, ..14: °-$lOll.OO emeeimee estexeed 1,, 4 54er 16 * l go 4! 441 "INDEPENDINT -IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN -NONE HARRISBURG, TUESDAY AFTEp,NOON JANUARY 15, 1861. Ceremonies. =EI six men Band. frvn men Music. thirty Biz men forty men. The Pottsville Carlisle and Mount Joy cora papiekarrived in the city after the procession ladlormeid, and were assigned places;an route. 'All along the route of, precession, the side ways Were crowdod_with citizens and strangers, While almost ,every; window was crowded with a!group:bi ladies. , • While the Pro - cession was in; motion, a na ••• tional salute of thirty-three guns was . fired on• Capitol:Hill, under the direction of 'idajor JO seph F. Knipe. The military, upon arriving at Seiond and State streets, flied in. open order, and per mitted the carriages` containing the • Governors and Heads 'Of DePartinents to pass within'the gates towards the Capital. , At 12 o'clock precisely the Governor, elect, retiring governor Packer theHeads•Of Depart meats,,. and 'members of the Senate and . House of Representatiies appeared. on -the-platform erected especially for. the -occasion, in front of the portion Of im the Capitol. R, Geo:Rush Sniith chairman of the joint committee of ariangementelifien advanced- to the - taint -of the platform , and said : The care-. `monies of The inauguration ' - of Governor will ,now be ofreited'iltifPrey;ri by Rev. - Mr. Cattel. Rev. Mr. Cattel, of the Presbyterian (0..5.,) Church, then delivbred the folloWing Prayer _ 0 Lord, ` Thou art,our God'and We will praise Thee, our father's' god and - we will eicalt'Thee. Thou art"the'blessed and-'only Potentate, the King oflnabiltdd Lord of Lords: b'rote;ThY 'threire in the 'leek:drown upctn' :Us in Mercy, and we`lteseech - Thee pardon all our sins and grant us Thy satiation. May" Thy berirdiction rest upon till exercises of this day. We pray Thee to blesi who is about to env ter , upbh the hipertant deties • and