Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 14, 1861, Image 1

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HE TELEGRAPH .. . . • .
• IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, \ . \\ 1 / / •
'.. Ti r rir ,
(SUNDAYS SICEPIRD,) • ' • • ~, -.,,. , ',‘.•, I\ t t ripl •
e ,
t,.. - BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. -:. e . • .......,......... ..,,, , v , d 71 2
::- ', --.......... • A Itti
• The DAILY ;SLU M :I:APB is G S Ll erved to subscribers in the 111 . -- 1A,.. -- , 2- : .---- - - - -
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a WECILLY Lyn Sran-Wsksts TiLEURAPH. .
Tile lissonsta is also published twice a week during ' i
session of the Legislates°, and weekly during the re- __„,.._./- 4,..... . 6"
-.....--- ii • -. Q , ..7."'S--..-_,:i . •
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der of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the ....---
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swing ratte,viz
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j subscribers order the discontinuance of their news
itpere, the publisher may continue to send them until
ll ar r earages are paid.
If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa•
re from the Oise to which they are directed, they are
apensible until they bar - settled the bills and ordered
tem discontinued
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extractißuchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Bixby, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extractißuchu, Extract Buchu,
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
4, A Positive and Specific Remedy
' f,f, A Positive and. Specific Remedy
And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And all Diseases of Sand Organs,
And all Diseases of Sawa Organs,
Ml And
..' Ana all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And all .Diseases of Sexual Organs,
Amend molt
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
cesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
ceases, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
ceases, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
cesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
From whatever cause originating, and whether ea
ting in
Females, take no more Pills I They are of no avail for
mplaints incident to the sex. Use
Extract Buchu.
t Holmbolas 'Extract Buchu is a Medicine which to per
-4: ily pleasant in its
iTaste and Odor,
' V ista immediate In its action, giving Health and Vigor to
the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restorleg the
patient toe. perfect state of
Beimbold's Extract Buabu to prepared according to
Pharmacy and Chemistry, and is prescribed and used by
' 'The Most Eminent .
Delay no longer. Procure tee remedy at ono°.
Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5.
Depot 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia.
Beware of Unprincipled Dealers
Trying to palm off their own or otberetrlicles otBIIOHII
the teputadon attained by
Holiwbold , elff.xtraot Dacha,
The Original and only Genuine.
We desire to run on the
Merit of our Article!
Thett'a 18 worthless—ia Bold at much less rates and
svmrsissione, consequently paying a much butter prollt.
We Defy Competition t
Ask hir
Heltabold's Extract Buchu.
Take no other.
Sold by D. W. Grose & Co. and all druggists every
where. norllLdaw3m
TarDE UNDERSIGNED having leased
thiswell known and popular hotel, in the city of
rieburg, is now rcfittieg and furnishing the same
with NEW FURNITURE in the very best modern style.
It la located in the most central part of the city, within
a short distance of the depots of fur oilferent railroad
and also near the State Ca pitol buildings.
The house Is large and the sleeping apartments are
well ventilated. , -
The TABLE is well provided with ell seasonable arti
cles This city is well known throughout the State as
baying the best market outside of the Atlantic ate
wnsequently no complaints shall be made on that score.
The BAR has also undergone changes and will be kept
stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country
No exertion will be spared to make the traveler and
sojourner comfortable at every respect. A continuance
or the patronage of tbe.old customers, together with new
additions is respectfully solicited,
1 Harrisburg, August 28-tf
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
he is located at the above mentioned place, and he
has commenced the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV
ING au:Arias In all its various branches. He is pre.
pared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and will
guarantee general satisfaction. His prices will be
Having carried on the business for many years in
Germany, and over two years here, and also having had
an extended experience in this country, he is fully com
petent to execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes to
receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow,
WA general assortment of Catpets are always kept
on band and will bo sold at the lowestrate.
nov2l.onanad •
PuturRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of
Pianos, Melodeons, &c., &c. will receive orders in
e at dral. KNOCAVB Music Store, 92 ltlarket street
All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler
House, will meet with prompt attention.
First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly
A large lot of the above in store and for sale at the low
s.* prices by
jan2 Opposite the Court House. .
73 Market. Etreet.._
TMFay sale by
iubk; desiring to paper their• houses,
AndA Well-se - fected stock of WALL PAM, for
I at eafTPRiCES, at
MOMS emu , soomArroni• •
$ 2.00
HAS discovered ihemost certain, speedy
and effectual remedy in the world for
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in
the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic
Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow
ers, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas,
?RUMS= of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblingi, Dimness
of Sight er Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affectleni
of the Head, Thro 1, Nese or. :kin—those terrible dhor
dens arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habiis of
Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which
produce constitutional debility, render marriage Impos—
sible, and destroy both body and mind.
Young men especially who have become the victims of
solitary Vice, that dreadful sod destructive habit which
annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of
young men of the moat exalted talent and briiliant intel
lect, who might otherwise 'have entranced listening
Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ec
tasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married person!, or those contemplating marriage, lie
ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con
cult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may
religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and 000,
fldeatly rely upon his skill as a physician.
licir Office • No. 7 South F.ederick street, Baltimore,
Ma., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7
doors trom the corner. Bo particular in observing lisp
name or number, or you will mistake the place: Be par
ticular for ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names,
or Paltry Bumbsp Certtficatet, attracted by the reputa
tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near
. All lettere mutt contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the
Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons,
London, graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges
of the United etates, and the greatest part of whose life
has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila
delphia end eleewhere, has effected some of the most as
tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled
with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner
vousness, being alarmed at suddensounds, Washfulness,
with frequent blushing, attended sometime with derange-
ment of mind were cured immediately,
Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them•
selves by private and imrroper indnigeneles, that secret
and solitary habit which ruitis both body and mind, un
fitting them for either business or society.,
These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro
duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the
Back and limbs, Pains hi the Head, Dimness of Sight,
Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of palmtop.
den, -
-leinblestaig-rther--faioar.tal-• ..ind are much to
be dreaded :—Loss 'of Memory, Confusion at Ideas, De
pression of Spirits, Evil Forehodings, Aversion toSoole
ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, limidity,&c, are some
of the evil effects.
Thousands of persons at all ages, can ispw Judge what
Is the Calle. of their decline In health; loalbg their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, nervous and. emaciated, have a
singular appearance abobt the eyes, cough, and symp
toms of consumption,
who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, in
Sttlged lu when alone—a, habit freqwutty learned from
evil companions, or. at sehool, the effects of which are
nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders
marriage impossible, and destroys boat mind and body,
should apply immedlatoly.
What a pity that a youngman, the hopes of bls coun
try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched from
all prospects and enjoyments of lifo by the consequences
of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a
certain secret baba. Such persons must, before ovate'',
effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary
requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed
without these, thejourney through life becomes a weary
pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with Ulla
melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be
comes blighted with our own. _
By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the
Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored.
Thousands of the moat nervous and debilitated who
had lost all hope, have been-Anamedistely relieved. All
Impediments to Marriage l'hyaleal or Mental Diequalifi.
cation, NerVoldl, Trembling, VWpolitical; or Exhaustion or
the most fearful kind, speedily oared.
The many thousands cured at this Insliution within the
last twelve, years, and the numerous Important Surgical
operations porformed by Dr. witnessed by the re.
porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which haVe appeared again and again before the, public,
betides Ms standing as a geatkmag of Character and re
sponaitily, is .a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
DlfffitScS OF - IMPRUDENCE.,-.When the misguided
and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed
the seeds of this - painful disease, it toe often happens that
an ill-timed sense Of shame or dread of discovery deters
him from applying to those who, from education'and re
spectability can alone befriend blm, delaying till the con.
stitutional symptcms et this horrid disease make their
appearance, affecting the head, throat, 111180, skin, ac.,
progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a
period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "ttiat
Minnie from wheats no traveler returns." It Is a mel
ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible
disease, Owing to thounskilfulriess of ignorant pretesid—
els, who, by the use of that deadly poifern, mercury, ruin
the constitution and make the residue of file miserable.
'To Simarimuts.--The Doctor's hipleiitas htuag in his
Sar•Lettere must contain a Stamp toes on the reply.
/Of-Remedies sent by Mail. - .
Agrico. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore.
The ab are well known and long ealablished TEMA is
now undergoing a thorough renovattsn, and being in. a
great degree newly furnished, tmder the prpprietorsbip
of Mr. crnonos .1. Boman, who has been an inmate of the
tinuse for the lastithree years,. and._-Is well knoWn to
to guests..
Thankful for the itheral.patronage which it bas en
joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the publio
f Tor. rjeB dewtfl. WILLIAM BURHLEIt.
, .
riIIHE unity of Government, which con
j. stitutes you One people, is now dear to you."--
lifasaington , s Farewell Address. A nationality la essen
tial to.the enduring prOsperily of:out country. Tru e pa,
triotiani'must art:4 from knowledge. It is only a proper
understanding of our Civil Institutions that- can Induce
strong and settled. 110nel:intent , to -their 'Principles, and
litipvt ability for their:maintenance. '
OOR'GOVERNMHN2't An explanatory statement of
the system of Government. of the Country," contains the
text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con
stitutional, provisions Cl the several States, wita their
moaning and construction, as determined by 'Widef an
,horit y, and precedent and - practice, or derived from
standard writora; digested and arranged for popular use
Price $l.OO. gold by M. MILiNXEY,
„., Harrisburg.
FORTY: BOXES in prune Ardor just re.
saws - fans
-*X. DIXX JP. & CO.
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs
Immediakly cured andfv/I trigoi restored
Pennsylvania Legislature
THURSDAY, January 10, 1861.
The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock
the Senators present wearing a badge of mourn
ing; in honor at the memory of the late Sena
Prayer by Rev. G. V. MARTZ.
The Journal being partly read,
On motion of Mr. HALL,.the further reading
of the same was dispensed with.
The SPEAKER laid before the Senate the Re
port of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund
for the'fiscal year ending November 31), 1860.
On motion of Mr. M'CLURE, the same was
ordered to be printed in the Legislative Record.
omens SWORN IN
The SPEAKER requested the officers yester
day elected by the Senate, to appear and take
the oath of office.
Mr. KENNEDY WC/Luau, Assistant Sergeant
at-arms elect, then_ appeared and, was duly
Mr. DANIEL WELSH, Assistant Transcribing
Clerk elect, was also duly sworn.
The Clerk of the House of Representatives
being introduced, presented an extract froth
the House Journal, relative to the. Executive
Blandon, which was read and laid on the table.
Mr. CONNELL, from the Committee on Corpo
rations - reported as committed, "a further sup
plement to the Act to incorporate the Wilkes
bane and Scranton Railroad company."
Also, same Committee, with amendments,
"An ct relative to Baying Fund and Trust
companies in the city' f Philadelphia."
Mr. A AMMTON, from•the same Committee,
reported as committed,- "An Act to incorporate
the Penn Gas Coal company."
Also, from same Committoe, as committed,
"An Act to incorporate the PhiladelPhia Im
provement, Saving Fund; and Loan company."
Mr. ROBINSON, from the. same Committee,
reported with amendments, "An Act to incor
porate the American Engravers' Company."
Also,- same Committee, as committed; - "An
act to incorporate the Continental Brush Com
Also, from the Committee - to Compare Bills,
a report which was read and journalized.
Mr. _KETCHAM, read in place "an Act in re
lation to the accounts of the Delaware and
Hudson Canal company."
Referred to Committee on Finance
Mr. SCRINDEL, in place, "a supplement to
an Act to incorporate the Allentown Railroad
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
Mr. NICHOLS, "an Act relating to the police
- Referred to Committee oraudiclary: - -
Mr. PARKER, "an Act to incorporate the
Lombard and South streets Passenger Railway
company of Philadelphia." • '
Referred to Committee on Railroads.
TEE =somas MANSION.'
Mr. mull moved that the special cOnmdt
tee to which was referred that portion of the
Governor's Message, referring to the furnishing
and repairing of the Executive Mansion, be dis
charged from the further consideration of the
Agreed to.
Qn motion of Mr. SMITH, , the Senate then
roceeded to the consideration of the bill re-.,
ported by said committee, - providingfor -the-ap
propriation of $5,000, for the purpose of de
fraying expenses ,attending tke .furnishing and
repairing of the Executive Mansion.
Ur. - PENNEY believed'the neceEtaties of 'the
case to require thet a better building than that
at present occupied as such, should be provided
for the Ghovernor's residence. He further.said:
The Executive. Mansion should' be located in a
situation more suitable to the wants of the
Chief Executive. I believe it to be the wish of
lour people, at large, that a more convenient
mansion should be furnish6d for this purpose.
For this ,reason, I am prepared to, vote against
the passage of tin73.bill in question, appropria
ting five thousand dollars to making'reriaira to
this -mansion ;as tbelieve that we-are merit Y..
throning away- money' 'irerrirg such repairb,
for in the course of this or next session we
shall be called upon to authorize the erection
of another mansion. -
Mr.' SMITH. k concur' with the Senabn (Mr.
PENNEY) that the mansion now occupied' by . the
Governor is not such a one as the Legislature
should offer to therChief Executive of the State,
for his residence therein. Our accommodations
for that officer, at'present, are entirely unwor
thy of the dignity.and character of our. State.
The repairs necessary to be made to this man
sion, cannot be made at a-less cost thau-that
estimated by the committee who had - the Mat
ter'in charge. - •
Mr. PENNEY asked, for" information,whe
ther it 'was customary for the Statp, at; any
time, to furnish the Governor's mansion.
Mr. SMITE replied that a great portion of
the 'present furniture? of .the house bad, been
purchased along with the mansion:..
Mr. PENNEY moved to'strike out the words
"five thousand," and insert "twenty-five hun
dred" for furnishing,the house.' .
Mr. GREGG: Every gentlemen who has
been in. this honk?, must be aware of .the need
for repairs in' whiah it stands. There is no
prospect of the Capitol being "removed' from
this city for a: period of perhaps four or five
years, and repairs are now needed to the man
sion, in order to enable the GOvernor 'to be
properly accommodated.
Mr. HIESTAND offered an amendment to
the amendment,.to add that $5OO be. appropri
ated for improvements to the mansion. '
Mr. SMITH believed that the appropriation
fixed by the special Committee, wee required
for the purposes stated.
. •
Mr. CLYMER stated a similar opinion.
Mr. LANDON inquired whether the special
committee had fatly agreed upon any specific
amount •
Mr. FINNEY informed that the amount: of
$5,000 had been fixed upon.• ' •
Mr. LAI4DON then. &Oared that le would
vote in such a manner as would 'approve the
action of the committee. ~ , • . • -
The amendment to the amendment proposed
by Mr. lIIESTAND,-was not agreed to.
The question recurring on the -amendment
of Mr. PENNEY,
The yeas and nays were required by Mi.
PENNEY and Mr. M'CLUEE, and were as fol
lows, vis :
YEas.—Metsna.Benson, Bountl; - Fuller, - Hies-
Wad, Irish, Lawrence, Meredith, Nichols, Pen
_rters,.Robinson, Senill, Thompson and Yardley
14A26.--Idesas. Bloocl, Clnaii, Conned, praw
ford, aua7, eregg, E4l,llgailt" WO,
Landon, Clure, Xstt, Parker, Schindel; Smith,'
Welsh, Wharton all. Palmer, Speaker-18.
So the questiot wis'determined in the nega
tive. ,
':( 7
The committeet 'of the. Hon* of Represent
atives, to escort the SPBAXER and members of
the Senate to Hie Hall of the House of Repre
sentatives, was then introduced, when the fur
ther- ConsideratiOn of the subject before the
Senate was Ketone&
The.,Senate then proceeded in charge of the
House cemmittee, to the Hall of the House of
Representatives, for the purpose of opening and
publishing the returns of the late election for
Governor of this Commonwealth.
All 2 o'clock M. the Senate returned.
Mr. IRISH, Teller 013 the part of the Senate
in the Convention which had just - adjOurned,
deliyered a report setting forth the total num
ber 'of votes received by the candidates for
Governor in the late election.
The subject previously under consideration
by the Senate, was then taken up, and the
question recurring on the first section of the
Mr. WHARTON said : Thtre are divers
ways in which a legislative body may be waste
ful of the public 'funds, the most common of
which consist in being both extravagant and
penurious. Gentlemen who oppose the passage
of this bill, act, I doubt not, in accordance with
their' ideas of the duty devolving upon, them
but in my opinion, they take the pentirious
plan of being wasteful. The committee ap
pointed by the Senate was composed of compe
,tent men, who carefully examined the subject,
and unanimously reported that the needed re
pairs etc. proposed' to be Made would require
an expenditure of $5,000 lam satisfied that
the present mansion is not a fit residence for
the Chief Executive officer of Pennsylvania ;
and that before the end of this session we will
be called upon to report a bill Making• provis
ion for another residence. I believe, however,
that if the repairs now suggested are made, the
present residence of the Governor can be so
re-fitted as to make it suitable as an Executive
mansion, for years to come. •
Mr. BOUND. I dislike exceedingly to oppose
the appropriation for re-fitting the Governor's
mansion. The appropriation of this Amount
appeareto me like placing a jewel in a spider's
web, as I have been informed that the present
building, though requiring repairs, would not
answer the purpOses for which it is designed, if
such repairs me Made. - •
Mr. McCLURE called the attention of the
Senatorlrom Northumberland (Mr. Boman) to
the fact that the predecesior of the present Gov
ernor Wes CoMpelled, not being a man of inge
pendent means, tolive the whole of his official
terin in the little room of a hotel. •He be
lieved that the present mansion was not such' as
comported with the character and dignity of
the State. If the Legislature did not intend to
make the residence of the Governor comfortable
as such; : there Was ne benefit to be derived from
a small appropriation: '
:!,,az to the first and only section of
The yeas AnTi
IRISH and PENNEY, and were as follows :
YEAS —Messrs: Benstm, Blood, Clymer, Con
nell, Crawford, Finney, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton,
Imbrie, Landon, M.'Clitre, Mott, :Nichols; I"ar
ker, Sehindel,.- Smith, Welsh, Wharton,:
Alter; Speaker-20; • " •
Nevs—Messrs. l3ound, Puller, Irish, Law
rence, Meredith, Penney, RolliflBol3, Serrill,
Thompson, Yardley-10._:
So the question was determined in the affirm
ative. `'• • • • • - •
The bill was - then. road . a Wad time and
and. Pamd finallY•
Senate Bill, No, I.;Joint "Resolutions relative
to the,maintepance of the. Constitution and the
Union came up in order on second reading. =
The first, section of the bill having been read,
Mr. , Vir.HARTON, moved to amend the same
by striking out iaafter - the word "Resolved,"
and inserting the following:
Wssauss„ A crisis, in our national affairs has
arisen out of seeming and imaginary ratheithan
real difficulties rewriting from, the long exciting
controversy, beiween ambitious.partizans in the
North and South, and in relation to which the
public;mind has become inflamed, bitter jealous
ies 'engendered, fraterial strife begotten and the.
,permanence of the Union endangered; and ;
WHEREAS, .Thiscrisis ...?..,Ithougir. resulting in
Out opinion. from no adequate cause, has, in the
progtedi of unliiidled 'passion and fanaticisin
assumed an ripest . so Mr. eatemn' ars to demand
an unqualified expression of opinion and prompt
and decided, action on the part of those who,
value,and are linpiesSed with the importance
and necessity`preserving for. ou*elves Wand
our posterity the blessings of this best Pfeil the'
,governMenti of earth, ,as transmitted to us by
touryet - Ai:4R: ' - - -
Resoiverl o That the people of 'Pennsylvania
earnestly desire by conciliation and comproi:nise
;to -bring back tbe worliisig_of the National
Government to
-what it was in the days of the
fathers of the Constitution, if it can be so affect
ed, and thereby...restore,hony to the country,
re-establishfraternaVfeilmgand inculcate that
love of the Union : always bur Pride and boast.
Resolved, That repognisnig l all our territorial
possessions as the, common heritage of the peo
p/e,-We, as aineastire and:l:deans of conciliation,
are willing to sub-divide this domaiiiinto States,
and admit them into our common brotherhood
as ;'such, with or Without slavery. therein; ac
cording as the wishes or interest:6lA the citizens
thereof- may dictate that the Missouri Com
promise line be restored; and South of that line
the citizens be 'permitted to choose between
slavery and freedom as their interests may dic
tate, and thug remoVe 'from- the halls of tour
National Legislature this Prolific source of strife.
Resolved, -That- to-remove- another cause cf
angry discussion.and acrimony, our opinion
that on the* one liarld'all legislation in the dif
ferent free States which - seems - even to discoun:
tentinee tfie. recap:tine of fugltive slaves, should
promptly be repealed ; and that on the Other
hand, ,the ,fugitive Slave lasi should be so
amended that - an-officious officer cannot call
upon citizens - to act its. , ao comitatus, unless
violenceior resole be attempted. .
,Asotii - sentiment upon the general
subject ofcontroversy; that while ..we will try
all reasonable efforts-to - maintain and -sustain
our Southern fellow citizens. in_the
of all"their 2,ightl,_ . it is our belief
that the Northern sentiment is (leadenly and
unchingdablytbppOied to the extension of Sla
„very, and that tine sentiment has been greatly
strengthened by the, frequent %dignities and,
outrages to the persons..of .Northern people, in
Southern States, inflicted for. some ,onrual ex
pression of opinion r or „upon mere suspicion,
without thefornas °tie!, and which, „although.
bOrne - hitherto ehnoisi'withtmt coniPlaint,'have
in hundiedi of •liruz"(trihee affOrtied grain:ins
of retaliation; , and ;also because of the steady
and persevering: hostility ofthe_ oOtt9D: Stoto to
a fair protection to free labor and the Home
stead Bill. . •
Resolved, That we are in favor of the Union
of these States, and, that we sustain the
Executive in maintaining the Constitution and
the Union, with all their compromises and
guaranties inviolate, and that if all measures
looking to ebnciliation and compromise should
unfortunately fail, we are in favor of the stem
enforcement of the Constitution and laws of the
United States at any cost, and all hazards, be
lieving that tolerated secession, or anllification,
would be the destruction of this best, of govern
ments ; the surrender of all the sacred rights
which the Constitution, wsiely administered,
secures - and protects ;• the extinguishment of
every patriot's 'hopes, and .the most direful
event that could happen this country, or the
Mr. WELSH moved as an amendment to the.
amendment, to strike out all after the word
"Resolved" in the first line of the amendment
just read, and insert another series of resolu
tions, which will• be pablished hereafter."
Mr. SHIM. lam not surprised that the
Senator from York should have introduced sub
jects that might be properly termed lineations
of political 'controversy relative to the present
condition of our country. But I confess that
I was somewhat surprised when the Senator
from Huntingdon (Mr. WHARTON) introduced a
similar proposition. The original .resolutions
that I offered some time ago, the printed co
pies of Which have been lying upon our desks
for several days:, have been so carefully drawn
up as to avoid all allusion to any of the politi
cal controversies of the day. But one idea
runs through the whole of them ; that is, the
preservation of the Union, which has been
assailed by the people of certain States. There
has been :'a careful avoidance of everything
having an :offensive interpretation -towards
any political party whatever. The sub
ject of . slavery is not alluded to in • tbem,
except. so far as to acknowledge the right
of the people of the slaveholding States to the
unmolested and Uninterrupted enjoyment . of
their local institutions, -which is a doctrine
which no' man willi dare to deny.' Our Legis
lature in 1835, when there was a similar crisis,
took the same, view- of this question that is
taken in the resolutions I have proposed, with
reference - solely to the maintenance of the
Union and the supremacy of the Constitution,
and the laws passed under it. I bola the laws
of that session in my hands ; and the circum
stances attending the passage of certain reso
lutions, relative to the maintenance of the
Union, are familiar to every gentleman ac
quainted with the history of those limes, as ie
also the presentation, on that occasion, of the fa
mous proclamation to which we all listened on.
Tuesday last, relative to the nullification, by
South Carolina, of -the revenue laws, at that
time. That is the whole question under
lying the proposition Of the Southern cotton
States. We talk about ...the slavery ques
tion,, but the people of .the' South have no
more' interest Ifl tharthan we have. It is the
questioxr - --of- I...sAcCtioo---prou -to
orgy-born-laborer—and they (the 'people of the
South) have beenTrArik - enough to acknowledge
this fact in their proclamations. They have
been, honest enough to say so in their declara
tion of.teparation--but we shirk the question
we attribute the present agitation of the
Country to questions having no existence what
ever in their .cause of- grievances. In
18$3; _Mr. Mama, then a Senator from Per
ry county, subsequently a member of Con
gress, and still , more subsequently Bee-,
rotary ; of the Commonwealth, introduced
the resolutions, a report of which, in the
Senate Journal of that year, I hold in my
hands. , They were passed unanimously by the
Senate, and I believe met with the same
unanimity in the House. I have not the House
Journal for - that year, and, therefore, cannot
positively make•the assertion.
Mr. HALL. Such is the fact. "
Mr. SMITH. The Senator from Blair informs
me that lam correct in my assertion. The
resolutions are as follows :
Resolved, Ry the Senate and Rouse of Repre
sentatives of the .Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
in General Assembly met, That the Constitution
of the United States, and the laws of the
United States, made in pursuance of the Consti
tution, are the supreme law of the land to
which every citizen of the United States owes
obedience, and that no authtirity - whatever can
release him from his
.obligation to obey„ or re
quire'hira to take any oatla — or enter into any
engagement inconsistent with. such, obligation,
and that every pretension on therart of a State
or l any portion thereof, so to feledse any citizen
of the United States, or scao require of him, is
unconstitutional and without the least founda
tion of right. and can afford neither shelter nor
excuse for offences he may commit against, the
laws of the United States.
Resolved, That no portion of the citizens of
the United States, have a rightful power to
render invalid ) an act of the Congress of, the
United States, duly made by the people's re-
Essentatives, and approved by the Executive,
of the , mode prescribed by. the Constitution,
nor to nullify the same either generally or
within particular distiicts ; bat that every such
act of Congress continues in full force e' eery.
Where within the United. States nOtWithiland
ing any such asserted nullification, and all per
sons who resist its execution, offend against the
Constitution and laws of the 'United States, and
are liable to prosecution and punishment for
such offence.
Bawled, That no State has a right to with
draw from the Union, and to declare itself in
dependent of it and that every attempt to do
so, would be a virtual infraction of the Consti
tution of the Halted States, justifying and re
quiring the use of constitutional measures to
suppress it.
/Peso/ad, That the faithful execution of all
lowa of the United States made in the mode
prescribed by'the Constitution - , is - a - duty en
joined upon the President of the United States,
in the constitutional discharge of which he is
entitled to and ought to receive the aid and
support of every citizen of the Union.,
Resolved, That it is the clear and imilsr.utable•
right of Congress, to impose duties won im
portations and of the governinent of the -Uni
ted States to collect the duties payableby law
upon goods imported into every part of the
Union„and that every -resistance to the collec
tion of the sanae,ls_a_lLAtrOne against the Con
stitution and--laws of the United States, and
that the offenders are liable to prosecution and
pnnishment for , such offence.
Resolved, That in enforcing, by all constitu
tional means, thelaws 'Passed by Congress, for
imposing and collecting ditties upon goods im
ported into the United States, and all other acts
of the Congress of the , United States, and in
bringing to punishinent ail persons whounder
any pretence, may Offer resistance to them, the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will if neces
sary,tdd and amidst the government df the Unit
ted States by all the' eans in
_her *ler. :•
Resolved, 'That - we pledge ourselves jointly
ktsam Vrintig iffrm
Having procured Steam Power Pressen, s e are
prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRI:n'fINO of every
description, cheaper that it can be done at -.ay ether on.
.ablishmentin the country
• RATE'S ve• vianSnco.
issrFour lines or less constitute one-half vitt
:ir,e3 or more than lour constitute a square.
Rolf Square. one day
one week . • • • .. a . • • a
ono month...
three mouths 3 OJ
- t. .....
six months.
Ono year...
One SUM* one
eno week 2 00
one mouth 3 00
a three months - 5 00
" six mouths._
ono year r - , 00
ge-Beeinese maths inserted in the Lcoal . coltimitc or
before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PEE UNA
for each insertion.
NO. - 9.
.Marriages and Deaths to be Charged as regale.'
and individually to sustain the 'Chief Magis
trate of the United. States, in all constitutional
measures, calculated to preserve and perpetu
ate the Union of the States.
Resolved, That the Governor be requested t
transmit a copy of these resolutions to the Pre
sident.of. the United States, and to each Sena
tor and Representative in Congress from this
Commonwealtfil and the several Governors of
the respective States and territories of these
United Stateit.
_ .
It will, be observed by careful reading of the
resolutions I have offered, that they correspond
in spirit and in temper with the resolutions that
were passed by the Legislature of 1833 on the.
same subject, and are in reference to the de
scendants of the same - individuals who then
agitated this disunion question in the South.
I believed, when they were offered, that they
would receive the unanimous support of this
Senate. I did not +pink -that. there was a man
in this Senate who would vote "no" on the
final passage of those resolutions. I did not be
lieve that there, was a Senator here who would
be willing to - hazard the harmony that should
be shown in reference to this subject, by intro
ducing party resolutions on a question in which
our whole country:Us involved. Nor do I be
lieve it now. I cannot think that the Senators
who_ have offered these amendmentswill refuse,
after they have seen that they will be voted
down, to give their .assent to these resolutions
offered- y myself, free as they are from all
party bias and sectional feeling. I hope we
will come to a direct vote on the adoption of
the principle of sustaining the Union, and
thereby, the National Government in its ef
forts to protect that. Union and enforce, the
Mr. SMITH then moved that the time of the
morning session be extended indefinitely.
Agreed to.
Mr. IRISH asked for the feeding of the fol
lowing amendment, which he would submit
The unanimous consent of the . Senate being
obtained, the Clerk read as follows :
"Resolved, That we will continue to roll over
in the dirt until we hear the first tap of a
Southern drum, when we will cue Under our
- The sputAKFIR ruled the amendment out, of
'order. -
Mr. WHARTON delivered a lengthy argu
ment in fattor of the adoption of the resolutions
presented by himself, urging that while they
did not embody the platform of arty political
party, they fully, met the great underlying
question in the present controversy—that of
obedience to the Revenue laws of the United
States government. The speaker held that
compromises were demanded and should be
made by the people of all sections of the con
federacy, for in the adoption of Conciliatory
measures alone was 'the country tofind that
prosperity which for eighty years hid attended
its progress. He ohargbd . ' upon 'tbe - Deme•
cratic ,party, by whoie - exixtions the-Missouri
Compromise was repealed; all the evils which
at present threaten the National Goiernment.
-Tuft spPalrAr.washere interrupted by.the en
-trieres--#ttui-terefili House- of
RepiesentatiYes, amidititate'peecirt the,speak
er rutd - mimbers of the;griiiinetcrile Ikallaf the
Hots°. in order - to proceedCa the election of a
State Treasurer.
The Senate proceeded to the hall of the
House, and having performed the duty assign
ed them. returned at twenty minutes past one
o'clock, P. M. - -
Mr. PARKER, Teller on the parl of
,the Sen
ate in the convention" for the election of a-state
freasurer, submittetha report. Of, the.proceed
ings of said conyoution 'e
Mr. SMITH. I move, for the pritipose of
having the subject wllich.has been ;brought to
the attention of the Senate by the jointresol u
dons relative to the maintenance of the Con
stitution, fully discussed and acted upon, that
when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn to meet
this afternoon, at three o'clock..
Mr. WELSH opposed the adoption of the
motion on the ground that the Committee on
Finance would hold a meeting during the af
ternoon, when a distinguished gentleman, at
present. in the city, was to be heard before that
committee relative to a special Matter_
Mr. SMITH helieved, that.the passegeof some
measure in, regard to the ,sentiment of j the
people of the State relative to our nations 4
ficulties, was of far more importance tethil
gentleman alliidettAce than would be any other
subject. • • .
Mr. 'FfALf. suggested to the Senate thaethe
Governor having stated his opinion that the
subject proposed to be considered by the after
noon session was one which should meet the at
.tention of every' Senator, it was time for the
Sertate,to take some action thereupon.
On the question; "will the Senate' agree to
the '
The, yeas' and nays were required by Mr.
BUISTAND and Mr. WELSH, and were as fol
YEAs—Messrs. Gregg, Hall-, Hamilton, Ket
cham, Landon, Welure,;Nichols, ;Pitaiter, „Pen
ney, Serril, Smith, Thompson, Wharton and
Palmer, Speciker-14: -
Niys—Messre., Benson, Blood, B.oughter,
Bound, Clymer, Crawford, Hiestawl, lmbrie,
frisk,' 3feredith, Mott, Robinson; Bohitidel,
Yardley 14. .
So the question was determined in the wigs,
Mr. IRISH rooyed that the, Senate adjourn
On which motion;
Ime yeas and nays were required -by Mr.
HALL and Mr. IRISH , o and were AB follows,
Ywes---Messrs. , BenSon, Blood, Bound, Cly
mer, Crawford, Fuller, Ildestand, Imbde, Irish,
Ketcham, Landon, Wave, Meredith, Mott,
Penney, Robinson, Schindel, Welsh, Whaiton,
Yardley and Palmer--Speaker-,21.-
. . . .
08 .
rillttlZistldNEp is prepaied i liiiic-
A.:**Aafilpfteblie with Sortmant Heal* 16P-ss.6
die or Carriage purposes, and witireirM7 terEstkOVVEHE
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PLEASURE PARTITE will be abminarnodatedWittrettlad
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CONS will be furnished, sec(!mpanifieby - arefuland
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He invites an impaction. of hit Stock i :4tialmt that It te
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'the city. 4 ' -,7-...!74.11E. A MURRAY..
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TEE undersigned - has re - commenced the
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7Ll , i-i;..loooted As above, with a 14rgeand ruled Igoe* of
3f.tRSEt3, OAKRIAGES and OidNIBUSEs; which St ... will
Wit ipn_odera ‘ to race. -- F. A. SSVANTE
fralpwai •
4 0
5 OJ