Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 12, 1861, Image 1

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TEttMS —SINGLX Scascarrnow.
iglu, DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the
will at 6,1,1 cents per week. Yearly subscribers
will be charged $4.00.
Tne Tistsaaitra is also published twice a week during
ine. session of the Legislature, and weekly during a t eh re
mainder of the year, and furniehed to subscribers the
itilies;;ng race, :
Single Subacribera per year
RilbSefiberS order the discontinuance 01 their new--
oards, th e publisher may continue to send them IWO t
roarages are paid.
11 subscribers neglect or Tel use to take their newspa
iers from the offiee to re , they are
or aesiele mall they havw hich^ sct they tiod a
he directed
bilis and ordered
t hem discontinued
, _
Extract"Buchy, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu,
Fatract!Buch u , Extract Buchu,
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
A Positive and Specific Remedy
And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And a/.1 Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
Ana all Diseases of Sexual Organs,
And al/ Diseases of Sexual Organs,
Anima FROM
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses,. Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life,
From whatever cause origin/1110g, and whether ex
tense in
Females, take no more Pitts 1 They•aro of no avail for
Oemplainte incident to the sex. Use
• , Extract Burka.
Helmbold's Extract Elan is a Medicine which 18 per
fectly pleasant In as
Taste and Odor ,
But imwtdiate In its action, giving dealth and Vigor to
the Fraffe, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the
patient Ma yerfoot state of
lielmbold's Extract Bud's is prepared according to
Pharmacy and CherniStry, emit is prescribed and used by
The Most Eminent Physictato.
Delay no longer. Procure tee remedy at once:
Price $1 per bottle, or six for £5.
Depot 104 South Tenth Etreet,lphia.
Beware of Unprlnelpled Dealers
Trying to palm oft' their own or other articles of BUOMI
n the leputation attained by
ilatinbold's Extract El achn,
„The Original and only Genuine.
We desire to run on the
Merit of our Article!
Thetr's is worthless—ls sold at much less rates and
ouninalssions, consequently paying a much better prat.
We Defy Competition
Ask for
ld's Extract Buchu.
Take rio other.
Sold by D. W. Gross tc Co. end all druggists every
. _
THE UNDERSIGNED having leased
ibis well known and popular hotel, in the city of
Harrisburg, is now retilling and furnishing the same
with NEW FURNITURE in the very best modern styte.
It is located in the most centrsl part of the city, within
a short distance of the depots of four tliflereul railroad
and also near the State Capitol buildings.
The house is large and the sleeping apartments are
Pell ventilated.
The TABLE is Well provided with all seasonable arti
cles This city is well known throughout the State as
having the best market outside of the Atlantic eithri, axle
consequently no complaints shall be made on that score.
The BAR has also undergone changes and will be kept
stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country •
So exertion will be spared to make the traveler and
sojourner comfortable in every respect. A continuance
of the patronage of the old customers, together with new
additions is respectfully Si:invited
•Harilsburg, August 28-tf
ESPECTFULLY informs the public that
_IA he Is located at the above mentioned place, and he
has commenced the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAY
rbto BUttINE2S in all its various branches. Ile is pre.
pared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and will
guarantee general satisfaction. Ills prices tvlll bo
Flaying carried on the business for many years in
Germany, and over two years here, and also having lied
an extended experience in this country, be is fully corn
peteut to execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes to
receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow
Aire general assortment of Carpets are always kep
en hand end will be sold at the.lowest rate.
friRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of
Pianos. Melodeons, &0., &c. wlll receive orders in
attire at WM. JINOCHIG'S Music htore, 92 Market street
All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler
Boom, will meet with prompt attention.
First Moss PIANOS for sale. seplit-dly
large lot of the above in store and for sale at the low
eat prices by
Opposite the Court House
J. & F. M ARTLE.
73 Market Street.
For sale by
HOSE desiring to paper their houses,
will find a Nvelbaelected stock of WALL PARER for
at COST PRICES, at -
• •\,4,IFIM'
• :
~.\ .\. .) ; \Ax ,44- 111'10 ill e :
-1 r •
- •
$ 2.00
15.0 D
Delivered on Sunday Evening, Jun.
nary -6, 1861.
'' 1.04 D HAITI MADE ALL 111LNG5: stilt H
SUF. " —. Proverla ' Vl-4.
It is well for us at Hines like the present,
when the affairs of the world are more confused
than usual, and the rapid succession of import
ant events tends to draw our thoughts to the
sole consideration of the visible, to remind
ourselves of the invisible, and :Of Him, who,
unseen; is not unseeing nor unconcerned.
When all things move on calmly and regular
ly, we are disposed to forget God, since we see
no indications of His interference. When new
and startling events are hurrying us onward so
rapidly. that we can liardly pause for a sober
thought, then we behold so much of human
policy, contrivanee, prejudice and passion, that
we again forget God, turd. in effect we thus
thrust Him at all times beyond the sphere of
human affairs. We are disposed to attribute all
things to human agency; to say when we be
hold great revolutions, especially if we are in
the midst of them, . and can observe the play
and conflict of human interests, that God has
naught to do with them. We behold the'
wickedness of men, we observe how much they
are affected by prejudice, by education, by their
position in society, and feel inclined to protect
the honor of God by removing him from all
contact with affairs so moulded by human
We charge the events to Satanic agency, to
anything, rather than accept the real truth, and
live by the faith of it, that never is a time so
peaceful or so troubled, but that God's mighty
hand is in it, reducing its elements to order and
peace, or stirring them up to do his bidding.
• The Hebrew monarch in my text, and in the
words immediately connected with it, expresses
this truth in his terse strong words. His eyes
saw the whole course of nature and human his
tory under the direct superintendence of God.
He was not stumbled by the power or the suc
cesses of the wicked. They too, were in the
hands of God, and all their plans were made
mysteriously to co-operate in carrying out the
divine purposes. This doctrine of Solomon's is
the doctrine of the entire Scriptures, expressed
so strongly at times, as to appear to exclude
human freedom and Make man a mere machine
in the hands of One infinitely mightier than he
The Lord himself uses the strong langpage---"I
have hardened Pharaoh's heart." It is said
again, "The Lord bath puta lying spiritinto the
mouth of Ahab's prophets." Wicked men are
said to he " condemnation,"
and the righteous to be "predestined" to eter
nal rffe ; and :Solombii - firCorikeation. with tn.
text says: God bath made the wicked for the
dayof evil." Whatever interpretation we may
place upon such passages must - be one which
does•not, in any way; infringe with the idea
of man's free agency and responsibility. They
rather present us two ideas; first, that of a
general scheme of government and providence
which sees the end from the beginning; and
secondly, that of the,eXjstence of upersbnal and
ever-present God, whose hand •moulds and
whose will directs all the current of destiny, both
with nations and men.
There is the freedom and the accountability
of the creature, but he moves in and under a.
government - which has both its origin and its
end in eternity; a government in which the
principal actor is God. Or, to give a further
statement.of this truth, I would say, my test
teaches that the ,entire universe of events, es
pecially understanding human affairs, is so ar
ranged, overlooked and directed by the great
God, that , even the day of evil, -of calamity,
1 trouble or revolution which wicked and rebel-
lious men, acting in the strengthpf human liber
ty, bring about to serve their own purposes,
shall be made to adjust itself harmoniously
into the vast scheme of God ; so that ultimately,
while every wicked man shall bear the burden
of his own responsibility, he shall by no act of
his infringe upon, - muchless defeat ; one of God's
purposes; but on the contrary, every act of,
rebellion, every evil perpetrated, shall fit into'
God's plan and work out God's end.
Solomon was a great man and wise. He had
opportunities of observing and understanding .
human history in its relations to God, such ea
few men of his age possessed. The history of
his own nation and family had been such as was
well calculated to impress a mind like his with
a conviction of the truth, that "the Lord hath .
made all things for Himself." He could not
forget - the marvellous. deliverance of his nation
Their bondage in Egypt—their journey
for forty years in the deserttheir history:when;
for four hundred years under military leaders
and judges, they took possession of the promised
land, and established themselves in it—the al=
ternate successes and defeats—the occasional
periods of anarchy when evil seemed about to tri
umph over good, and the nationto be on the brink
of dissolution. The wonderful history of his
own Father, now a shepherd boy, now a hunted
fugitive, now a brave warrior, and last a mighty
and successful king, all these events were emi
nently fitted to convince the observant mind of
the wisest monarch of the times, that all things'
were made for God and were governed by Him.
Yet the experience of Solomon was very
limited if we compare it with our own. In his
day, though so long after the august scenes of
creation, the drama of the world's history had
hardly begun to be acted. It was still in its
first acts. The great forces which have been
moving iocietY and the world for many centu
ries had hardly an existence then. The world
was scarcely anything more than his own nation.
Providence seemed to be occupied wholly with
that single people. .We are permitted to study
the plan of Providence as it runs through sev
eral distinct epochs, as it takes up one nation after
another, and develops itself more fully from
age to age. We pass beyond the Jewish nation
and the small district of Palestine, and view the
various centres of civilization and learning and
power as they successively come in contact with
Christianity. We study the display of human
passions .on a wider scale. We see Providence
dealing distinctly with nations and races, lifting
them up or putting them down, using them and
setting them aside.
.We trace indications of the
DiVine hand in periods of great and general
convulsion, bringing order and goodness out of
anarchy and evil. We see a night of barbar-
Wittpassitig away: - ,We - behold the brightness
of law and learning; and ofiiberty and religion;
dawning.upon.the earth. We behold the rising
floods and storm of human passions anikiding at
the voice of Him who sitteth-above the floods:
Surely, as the reverent and pious :mind' studies_
the changes in histery,,,the perpetual and mar-
Y'eloas evolution of good out of evil, the
ionieiderdful scheine among bleu,
it will overflow with gratitude for the pea and
exult with confidence for the future, and join
with Solomon in saying, "rhe Lord bath made
all things for Himself."
And, as now, in accordance with my custom
for the few years I have been ministering among
you, I review the history of the past year,. .1 - wish
mainly to direct your thoughts*to the great
fact, that God has been pleased so to order the
structure and arrangements of society, and so to
govern all those events in which both the best
, the worst passions of men are enlisted that
they all finally operate mysteriously for 'good,
in spite of the wickedness of man ; so thateVeu
the suffering and misery caused by peribdi:of
internal national convulsion are coniPensated
subsequent good ; so that the seltiShileSs
madness of parties who originate revolutiOns
and disorders to gratify their ovhi passions,
shall be overruled fur the advanceinent and
general happiness of society and the triumph
of the good and the right. The effect of evillia
temporary, of good is permanent. Thet-Gnd
who works in history carries His purpoSeS7dn
ward. There is no .step
. backwards, - eettgilly.
nu continued movement. _This would iiidtetite.
that God had relinquished the Q o - overunenfif
men or had been eirenniverited by 7iis enei.Y.
When we look for Anal causes, .we ninitldok
forthem amid moral 4tributes of the Almighty,
and looking there we cannot doubt that 'this.
world, and the entire series of its troubled events,
will conspire to reveal something of the inajeS
ty, the wisdom and the goodness of Him.who
iiileth all in all, and to proclaim that "The,
Lord bath made all things for Himself."
Before I refer to, our Own personal. historY or
to that of our nation, let us look abroad into
the world beyond. The historic events of the
year.eighteen hundred and sixty will fiirirish to
future historians themes to enlist their highest
genius. They are so abundant that I can only
glance at the more important.
If we pass first to those continents which are
farthest removed from us, and to those people
who are most remote from christianity and
christian civilization; We shall find traces of
wonderful and pregnant Movements. In. Africa,
that land of night tuni. darkness. there itarotishw
up. Sturdy, earnest and christian adventurers
an. pushing their way from All sides into the
heart oethat gratt laud. Its ancient foreits
hear theitread of civiliied men. Its darkened
tribes gazii in wonder •on civilized faces. Its
rivers begin to be ploughed by the steam of eivi=
lization. The work of discovery and of christian
missions-iris been progressing as llCArer . 13elqie;
The spirit of adventure, the spirit of commerce;
and the spirit of christianity, are together enter : -
Mg; the land to disenthral and regenerate it.'
Asia, too, has been the theatre of memoralt
„events. On its, Pacific border, in that Ki.,dta
of Japan whielf Iran been ithimhering for Mani'
centuries, a.progressiVe and inquiring spirit
been awakened. F u r many Years the leadittg':
nations vi christendoni have been knociting'.%
it. doors. Now the light of a foreign civil'.
_tion*.bas been let in. -Ilictorn# •
sad lessons for our reading. It thils us that:the
-rarito reiu4-111SMrASAQ/lettted
hue when adniitted intol.7e - e - intercourse with
them, save as they havercom- the missicaittries'
of salvation. The negroes of Africa, the Indians
of North Ainerica, the sons ..t the Montextines, -
the dusky children of Hindostan; the - hapless.
and toil-worn etiolies of China,' can all tell their
dark and sanguinary tales of the white man's
treachery and crime. We will hope for good
in the great nations now opening their doomon
the Eastern Continent. 'Recent news from the
fat East announce the arrival there of our noble
steamer Niagara, bearing to their own land the
Japanese Ambassadors who but lately left our
shores. They have already recounted to thou-•
sands of their woridering'eountryraen the sight
they beheld in the far off laud of civilization
mid Christianity. The Ambassa' dors of the Prince
of Peace, too; are hastening thither, the heralds
of a better future.
. Simultaneously with the news of their arrival
home, we are startled by the fall of Peldn, the
capital city of a nation of low hundred Millions
of men. The profound quiet and death-like
apathy of that strange people, will surely be
disturbed, if anything Can_ awaken them.. :Never
did the future of the Chinese nation. wear a
more unsettled aspect than at:the' present mo-: -
Merit A foreign foe,' the soldiers of two of the
Mightiest nations of Christendom; has entered,
sword in hand, the precificta of their' `sacred
capital and enriched itself on, its treasure& An
internal enemy, composed of:their own people
has long been in openrebelliort, and:after a sue-.
Cession of bloody triumphs, holds- now-'tuadis::
puted possession of a large portion of the corm
try. Russia, from the north and: west, is:wat4ch.- .
in.g eagerly the - progress of- events, - ready- to
seize her portion of the dismembered empire.
England will not be permitted-to'-establish her
self there or hi India, nor - to - incinopOize the-re- -
wards of victory.: If that - ancient land is cut up,
among the more powerful nation. - France' must
have her share' of it But While: England
France and Russia are watching eagerly,- like
birds of prey aromid. an.:expiring body, let us
hold to the faith of the text, so often illustrat
ed by history; that "the Lord hathnnuie • all
things for Hinaself."- ---
- Wstern Asitt, during the past: year las been
the scene of - barbarities,- which we had hoped:
the sun would never again shine upon. Run.:
dreds of villages and homes hafebeenin
the mountains of Syria and Lebanon have been.
filled with thousands of fugitives flying from
burning homes, from the sight of massacred.
fathers,, husbands rind sons ; pursued by - the.
fierce dogs of war, famishing in caves, falling
and dying by the wayside. Christian . missions.
have been broken up, and the seapOrts along the:
Mediterandan are crowded with naked, famish- ,
ing women and children, stretching their hands
to christian lands for bread. That these terri
ble events will be controlled by the hand:of Al;
mighty Power for the ultimate happinesi ' and
blessing of the inhabitants of western Asia, the
past history of Providence, and the revealed
purposes of God, do not permit us for a moment
to doubt.
The most significant events of the year abroad
are those which have occurred on the continent.
of Europe. Another most fortunate and favored
nation has been Italy. Many weary centuries
have rolled around, since that land could.point
to two years so full of hope, of glory and sub
stantial advancement, as the years 1859 and
1860. Until a very recent period, Italy was di
vided into a number of distinct ..overnments,
controlled by influences inimical to p the cause - of.
hnman liberty and progress, and hostile to the
true welfare of her sons. Austria ruled with an
iron band over a large part of her fairest domi
nions, and by her petty despotism held.l,taly as
in a vice. Bomba, of infainous memory, tyran
nized over •the two Sicilies, and dying, be'
queathed to his weak son and heir, Francis 11.,
a subjected and hating people, impatient of tYr
anny, and waiting an opportuny to rise. The
Papal States, or 'States of the Church, oppressed
by the hand of the Holy Father, lay in the om
-1 inous quiet which evermore 'precedes a cen74 ,
sion. , With an almost magical. rapidity, a won
derful change has been effected: ' These -long
severed and distracted principalities have-risen
and been
; re-constructed into one - Mighty and
imposing governinent, strong enough to com
mand respect from the haughtiest monarchies of.
Europe, and to niake every citizen of the coun
try proud that he is an Italian. After a long
series of fruitleas struggles, when everybody
thought the hopes of Italian liberty were vain.
and ehiMeriml, when every struggle seemedbut
to , plqnge "the 'land in deeper misery and
strengthen the despotism of their chains, an se-:
complished revolution has proclaimed to the
world the freedom of - Italy.
Butnonnected with the prize of civil freedom
for that laud; we may record another prominent
'event, Which:will have-an important - bearing ou
- Europe and the world. I refer to the terrains
tion of - the-temporal power of the Papacy. This
event has not yet wholly-become a formal fact,
but its probability is- now so universally recog
nizo I, both in-Protestant'and in Catholic Chris
tendom,. and the existing temporal power of
the Pope is so shadowy and unsubstantial, that
Ave may speak of it- as one of the events of the
'time. --It is reported that •Cardinal Wiseman,
`the most -distinguished ecclesiastic of - that
- church known- to American readers, lately re-
Aired - fiord an interview with the Pope, saying
1 to his-friend, "It is full time to bow to the hand
1 of PreVidence, by which' the downfall of the
temporal power is visibly decreed." Once the
Roman Pontiff-placed his foot on the necks of
Emperors arid Kings, ' •Once :his voice was po
tent in all the cabinets of Europe.-- Once his
court rivalled in. Splendor • and magnificence
those of the monarchs of great kingdoms. He
received tributes, regulated commerce, admin
istered secular law, divided territories, and ex
torted hoMage and fear. Now,none are so poor as
to do him reverence. Hispossessions have dwin
dled. away. instead of ruling aver a great
country of many millions of people, and vieing
with the strongest nations, in armies and reve
nues, now but a few discontented thousands
unwillingly acknowledge his temporal authority.
Ono by cine his - states' have cast. off the rein,
declared themselves free ; and entered under the
constitutional monarchy•of a Man Who is under
the ban of excommunication from the Church.
Perhaps the most important of the human
.agencies in effecting these changes is that re
markable -Man, :Nrapoleon. TH., already honored
with the title, "the true son of the Church."
The Worlds has been strangely divided in its
-opinion of tlxisiman. Some have regarded him
as shallow and vacillating ; others as' deep, far
.sighted and :decided. History tells us this
pinch, that the'sword-which has been unsheathed
'on•the, plains of Italy has been mainly ; in his
hand;: and-on , the side , of freedom and, progress.
'lt has: fallen on the .secular arm of the.
2 Papacy,'llnd.that net accidentally. .
' . A hioW-hai been - virtually struck for . Protes
t -:It-nay .be that Napoleon has -been the
'area - titre 'of circumstances, but it would rather
seeni - thithehar reatithe decree of Providence ;
that the... Roman Babylon. must fall;has. seen ;
• • -It'a''ar•= l. - e- -6 . 4 --anatnlace among the agen
cies that-bless niankTria; -- tuat - n. ra taa-aiiamy ef.
. ess'and true .liberty; -and that some new
power, perhaps , Protestantism, must take its
:place. He ha&said it—Papal Rome, as a seen
lar 'fewer., hak lived out its time. ..All-that Po
pery has to do, enfeebled - and emaciated as it is,
deceiver of- the nations as -it -has been, is., to
give up the ghost and allow itself to he carried.
Out and buried. 'The Catholic Church will con
-tinue, but the fanatital conceit of an infallable
Pope is a dogma -of the past, and will be flung
away, with the dead men's bones and bits of
the true cross which still keep up a lingering su
perstition and idolatry among its people. The
power of the Holy Father, as•a temporal sove
reign, or an- infallible Spiritual Head, is nearly
lost - to do either evil orgood. The fall of the
temporal and the denial of the spiritual supre-
Macy cannot long be separated. They have
both been on the sick- list for many years, and
in their death: they will not be divided. The
time has'been. when he could compel princes to
wait at his gaie and hold his Stirrup: He- has
no powerful subjects now, nor powerful friends.
There is no help for his. Holiness hr the earth
beneath, 'not,lit seems from the course-of.
vidence, in: the. Heavens above. Protestant I
Bibles are finding ::their way all through his late
doininions. ..iProtestant ,worship has even been
established in a palace formerly occupied by one
of his predecessors. -His spiritual ministrations
are Of smaller and -smaller account every year.
His fall is a sign of. the sure and steady progress
of the Kingdom of Christin Italy
pare to-day . accessible. : to •Protestant. Mfinences,
who were nota a- year ago—who never were be
fore.---rnillions Who are kist waking and asking,
for right and truth.
I should detain you too long, were I tcr ; spea .lt
Of other extensive civil and religiouschanges
the Continent a in France, in Northern-Europe:,
in England, Scotland and Ireland; changes now .
going on . , abolishment of passport, systems, the
1 struggle in - Hungary, the great religious refor
mation, ihavhictitens of thousands have Veen
converted to God, . .
While these reyolutions have been taking
place In other' lands, they have been regarded
13y us witheomparative indifference, because the
'great crisis through which our own country
passing, excites the quickened and painful appre- - 1
hensions of _every -nicruannd. patriotic breast.— 1
As we pass from timpl& - theneW, it -is 1
:Mahe : midst of one, of the most memorable
struggles that will ever ; fund record on the page
ollistory.: it is a - day of darkness and gloom.
Thick: clondiiower sullenly upon our mann
%have just united, at the request of
;our.: Chief Executive, in a solemn appeal. to
- Heaven to avert the dismemberment of our
- - confederacy and a resort ,to
'Eachday of
the.closing.year hrought us new - developMents
:more startling then their, predecessors. The
public credit, deStroyed, the.treasnly - Plinidered,
treasonablemoy,ements assuminghold, auda
• cious:maddefiantlinnt, and kept in countenance
by those in )4 ; ghplacesiangryjealousies and mut-•
tering on - all sides, new theones in - fespcbtle
the perpetual enslavement - of.ah! - ,itiferitor Vice'
demanding privileges which the enlightened
;consciences of other sections of the country le
.fuse to allow: such are some of the things
that filled the closing ; months of the year and
seemed to presage the overthrow of the Repnb
The destiny of * nations, like that of men,,
some times changes with astounding rapidity.
It may be so with ours: Convulsion and revo
lution are terrible for the age and generation-in
which 'they occur, but this need not blind our
minds to the fact already referred to, that God
has so Constructed and so governs society, that
no matter how much of evil_man mingles with
God's - plan, the final result - Minister§ to the
permanent good of the race. We are fully-alive,
we truSt, to the' . sins . and faults that have.
brought us, as a country, to our present com
plexion. It is not, however, our piarpose now
to speak of man, but of God ; of human acts,
either to condemn or approe, but of God's
.general plan; and speaking thus, we affirm that
God, in .permitting periods of public misery,
alwayg 'compensates for them •by unspe'akable
.and 144,ing gpo - c1,.." 'The evils
aSingle generation—the blessings are the perma
nent inheritance of posterity. Society may seem
to be almost dissolved. Law and moral order may
give way to physical power. Impostors, with
dark and selfish plans for their own aggrandize
ment, znay push aside men of patriotic temper,
and high principle, and 'may madly rain. ,the
hOur; but the day of deliVerance always comes. •
A beneficent Providence enables society to free:
itself from its own excesses by implimting in
the breasts
.of men an instinct - against anarchy
as strong as against tyranny. The cause of
order revives again. The overborne conserva
tive element rises towards the ascendency. The
moral triumphs over the physical, the rational
over the unthinking, and human pasSions die
away. Men may not recognize the hand of God
in it, but He bath done it, for "He bath made
all things for Himself." lie has His ends to
serve with all things created, and will not be de
feated of them. He did not make this grand
and beautiful order to destroy it. He
did not set the sun and the stars in the Heavens
in order to cast them done thence and quench
their fires. He did not make man in order to
blot him out of existence. lie did not found
this great nation and build into its corner stones
such saving truths of justice; equality and
freedom in order to tear it down with convul
sions. Convulsions are good disciplinary steps
toward final ends. When He takes in hand a
work of judgment and destruction upon a na
tion, it is never entirely and purely a work of
destruction, unless indeed, it be that the nation
has filled its cup of iniquity, and is a leprosy to
the rest of the world.
When. God shakes the Heavens and the earth,
it is not that He may .crumble all things to
atoms, but in order to save some part at least.
Evermore in the past, has it been true,: that out .
of darkness and convulsions, distractions and
desolations, God has brought something purer'
and' higher than anything that preceded it.
Out of the ruins of the Old World, he brought
Xoah, the germ of a better race. Prom the
heart of convulsions in Egypt, He led : the cho
sen race, destroying the Egyptians,. that His
people might be safe. : And when He, who - e - as
born at Bethlehem, was nailed to the Cr.*, the
earth was shaken and the face of the Heavens
was-, covered with : darkness, men's hearts
trembled for fear ; but it was at that xery hour,
when evil seemed to be rejoicing over good, and
death over life, when the dark Wing of : the
Prince of death seemed to fill the Heavens,, and
the moral order of the universe to be going to
rack, it was then God took His Sou out of the
confusion of all things, declared Hint tole the
• Son of God with power, h raising him from the
dead ; gave Hint! the :victory over death and evil,
cast down the Prince of Evil . from.the,ifeaV.ens
of his fancied pre-eminence, and kid seni#e•the
foundationS of that Chmeh, which,.as
new creation,, evermore- rising • ;Mit,Of - the'
wreck of this work' into the .;relli-a
ins* life.
A ku . Lue,D-,4e4e.m.-willalaell be baffled by the
course of Providence.. Things will not Move
*4, as wpAhlya:tiae.y oughtto.
shaken which we-.supposed :Were unmovable.
The powers of hell may seem to 'be let loose, to.
be overturning all all order, all peace.—
Constitutions which we deerned inmerbeliab e
may prove as weak as flax in the fire. Aten's
hearts may fail them for fear a.nd for looking
after the things that are etaning.upoa the earth.
Yet God will prove, as He .ever • has done, than
the mastery is not.with the powers of hell; but
with-the powers .. of - Heaven. "He hatinnade ail
things for Himself He bath made this nation
or himself ; He may, down frOm our
places of pride. Hemay show - us how weak we are,.
He may show us how easily the stablest of Gov
ermnents may be dissolved, when 'He has any
ends to serve by it, but let us not at any time,
however dark, suppose - that evil is about to gain
any permanent triumph over <rood, or that the
Prince of Darkness will triumph over the Prince
lof Light. At the very hour when the malicious
I practices and designs of men are filling a land
with confusion, God will bring forth the sign
of the Son offnan in greater power and glory.
As when the northern nations rushed- down in
barbaric power upon the Roman Empire, threat
ening the destruction of all law, all order, all
civilization and christianity, the .conquerors
themselves were 'conquered, infused their har
dy blood, and manly courage into the decaying
society or the Empire and became the chief sup
porters and champions of civilization and
Christ's i•Eiligion, so has it always been. and so
will it always,be.
, We might suppose tlmt when wild and un
tam-able passions are let loose in a land like
- ..0.115; we should ere•long be a social-and moral
Wilderriess - sitewn with the wreck of our shat
terect liberties and religion.- Buthistoty as ell
as faith tells us to look for searrelib , her ei - iod to I
spring. out of 'all - this evil.. -Lamest men. dis
appointed of their hOpei, - IFre often -ready to des
parr of the prospects of mankind,- and to look
- with gloomy lorebodhigs on the 'future: And
certainly, when we behold men thrown" rg away
virtue and patriotism, reason - and humanity,
and, giving the reins to passion rush forward
to revolution - and war heedless .Ot-the. terrible
emisequences; there is reasoh-fcir
2 - proi6iind - sadness. .-But:the.whole past .of the,
world declares,. no less explicitly , than the Di
vine i' that "God hath Made all things for
Himself." He will take his .own way, to teach
us - ,the insecurity and unstability - of all earthly
things, -how`-thrones and-"kingdoms;may be
wrested from - their possessor in re moment, yet
it behooves - Ms not to-be.. dismayed- byany fears
as if'the sceptrewas about-to pass. out of tire,
hands' of Christ;' -It has ever • been , the. way of
- God's providence when he is. about to raise • the
kingdom of His Son to higher stages of .power
and glory, to let the kingdoms of the:world be
shaken and troubled. .!..Nior can- we-see any reit
snu• why we, as a nation, shoUld eximipted
fi'Oni. the operation-of-that general law by which
Rod works,
m , Purifying- and exalting both - nations
. . .
and en by.. ailhe tons and-calarrutres.. .If
- have - failed to take varningfrom G od's{lealings'
with Other 'nations; and the—cal:fess riie,
brought tipon them-, but have: our
liang - htiness and pride, refusing - to arknowledge
him, :and sayin g
m 'ls not this. _ga - eat;: - .Balhylot.y
'which we havebuilded4' 2, let us - not dre... - dismit s 'y - - .
ed beyorid•measure, if Ile•shoulti .teribrs
on us and send ealainities - sweeping , over :ns to
' - ;:emind us, that "He hal/ made'.a.ll' things Air
Himself." - • - - , _
I shall =refer but-briefly-to-the ;history of this
church and Its families. during the _year /lOW
past. Each passing year larinEs_ 01111 e of Its ,
changes for us, and calls us to sad hours. and,
seasbni of despondency as We..ll._asilf.,gladriegs:.
Some of our tomes, which one year ago were
light and cheerful,; have: been darkened: by the
great shadow, and the-memory of the departed
'comes back to blind with. unavailing team,:the
eyes of survivors... Seven hays been ren3nYe.d.
from us--a less :number than-in any former
year of my ministryamong you. Of this,runn
ber, three the.very dawn of existence
not having passed the first year of ; life. . lri the
e .
first month of the year, an infant : daughter .fol
t lowed to the: grave a. mother ::who been
maid the falling.leave4pf pae.jikoidis
'ftam tinting flirt.
Having procured Steam Power Prea, , e arb
prepared to execute JOB and 8008. MD:
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one week
• one month__ ...... 00
• three mouths._
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•-• one year.......... 10 00
zy , Bositiess notices inserted iii the, Loed. coreintaii, Or
before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CFuNT, PEd LINE
for each insertion.
~,a rriages and Deaths to be charged ea regular
NO. 8
October. Two months later, one of the bright
est lads of our congregation came home from a
distant school, unwell, lingered in :wetdr.nesi
and pain a few days and was gone, the. one sad
loss which has fallen on our large Sunday
school. The month 'of May, the merry month,
was the saddest of the year. First, a young
And lovely wife, then a tender child, then a be
loved mother, in quick succession—all in one
short month.. Later still an infant daughter
and only child, and in the closing month of the
year a husband and ,
hither. This completes -the
roll ofthe departed:. -There are 41,aose among
us who will cling to. the memories cif 'fb.4l) year.
They will long continue to linger at the gra-es
of their: kindred, as if to hear again their voices
floating on the air. They are not forbidden to
remember or to regret. They are allowed still
to pursue with a fond recollection, those whom
they tenderly _loved while on earth, and to
cherish hopes of their abiding safety and peace.
The year has had its blessings also. The eyc
is permitted, as it reviews the year, to rest on
many bright and happy days, or many quiet,
peaceful, happy., scenes in the family and the
sanctuary, on many Holy Sabbaths. How many
happy evenings in our homes, secure from rude
How many cheerful hours in the society
of friends and in the various avenues of benev
olent activity I How often have onr families
been permitted to bow in lowly prayer at the
domestic altar, to commend ourselves, and all
the - world, to the care of the infinite kind
Father of all. •
In the month:of March we were alloived to enter
and dedicate our new sanctuary to our God, and
hither, since, picnsandloving hearts have turned
each Sabbath to pour forth their praise. Our
weekly meetings for prayer and praise and in
struetibti, have been continued, with usual
prosperity. Our youth and children with scarce
ly an been regularly gathered
into the SimdaySchockl, and some of their rum&
ber -have entered into the holy vows of the
church. A few, of our laborious and self-deny
ing Stinday School Teachers have inaurated
and are carrying successfully onward a Mission
Sunday School enterprise. The highest 'sriacess
attend them. •
There are some causes of grief. When we refer
to the spiritual conditibu and groWth of the
church, penitence and sorrowshould ,fill all our
bosoms, that we have , been so. unfaithful to our
solemn vows—thatW6 have been so forgetful of
our obligations—that we have lost so many op
portunities of usefulness, and wasted so many
precious hours that will never come back again.
—that we luive been somorldly--;hay_e_ spoken. SO
many creleas,,gerhaps cruel words—have har
bored so nitiny uncharitable and-Unforgiving
thoughts, and hav6 , been guilty of such; base
ungratitude to the great teuefacior and Re
dednia of-oil - I'6°llli. We have cause also for
mourning that so few. haveforsaken their sins
and turned to God—that so many have restrain
ed -To?e:yer, and added . another Year's burden at
=forgiven sin and guilt to the load already on
their souls.
We have stepped` acroas- :that invisible
that ; divides , the old year from the
.. new.
‘y . , , iyalk in the bordera of
.an untriedtind un
discetered• county. A veil woven a/eland
of inetnylidestrom our sight all that lies
fore us. We are in the midst Of stranger events
than usual. Within the letting of two more
suns.the whole, state. of afiaira, public and psi-
Vitte, May entirely alter.'• What shall fall to
our lot no mortal can tell.. ..Calataities; public
and :private may, increase. around_ us, but He
ivhdae.' house is built upon a rock' will not be
distnayed,•albeit.the:ivinds roar . and the 'waves
beat and dash against it. He knows that the
foundations are sure and wifFifinlist the' pties
ing of the. tempest.
. Indeed, my hearers, if you are beloVed of
God, if this land is God's land, if we and itare
designed for a brighter, more :lawful and glorious
future, it seems to me that the of Provi
dence tells us, a thousand times repeated, that
God will come to us, and if we are not serving
Him as we ought, He will send great and search
ing sorrows into our familiCa; He will }Mil down
the pillars_ that we lean upon, and will, send
great and terrible calamities into the land - that
shall shake the earth - under our feet. It is thin
He warns us not to give up our hearts to this
frail and perishable world. It is tilts He buns
nations to leave the •quicksands of expediency
and worldly policy, and build the foundations
of their states on righicOusnesS and the sate
teachings of His word. •
The eventful, memorable year 18&i is past.
Its deeds are rapidly receding from us into that
abyss which has swallowed up, all the former
births of time. The PrOVidenee 'Which guided
i 'tbe.' past guides all the &anis inlthe midst of
! Which we are still moving. remains , for us
to ask ourselves, whether we - are severally by
our conduct co-operating hi carryring..out the
plan-of Providence, or helping to, thwart it. The
great end of the Dlijne adtriiniStration over us
ia;GoodriesS,:littal - f ,perfeet,letetiialtGooduess. Ii
we. are - tinning pt that, then are. we,, in our
sphere ;,
,are , Selfishly seeking 'our own
ends—if oui lieattsJare filled with; hiOel3AW to
ward men, and disebediehee toward God, then
are we arrayed againsi God and must udeet the
doom of his foes. • ,
_ . .
Oh, how kissed the opportunities given to
the very feeblest of us; to - be Co4orkers with
God, with him to - confront : and civerpoer -evil
with. good: but how can we battle, with evil
unless_ our own hearts are good?-,''And'how can
we be good.unless:Sqpreine gpodnewintroduces
into our evil the goodness which we di') not by
nature pcisstss? Yes:,. we Must' he regenerated
into - goodness.. Then; .hexiug
,ciod for our
friend. however humble anclitowevergre:it may
be 'our earthly lot tlotl=will rife us: as polished
shafts in-his quiver in. ,battle , of, good
against e r il.
Welaye - passedihe threshhold the. , new
year itmlAind. amid its opening. scenes... Their
gtavity 'find importance yylgli on . Millions of
hearts. So, 'ere long, - ere '.inany:Lyehrs have
rolled: away, we shall ,be.s*ading a , t e the thresh
of a new - life. : former things will
'llay - e-passed away.. A new4rderief ;things will
fur. ns_ . lrc u Altat.threstihold
onward our be either with the
Children ‘of Gocl,..zfront - rhOse. eyes. -gp,4 will
-wipe away: all tears,.or we,. shall he banished
forever from the` 'the' sight' of •goodneiii" 'Here
ealainities and -blessings are mixe4.bup,together.
, There they will he separated ev.erlastingly.—
' They who here endeavored ) to' ,- -tinl - riLOvil into
gOod - Paeq filled ~and en
' compassed with goodness and flint: forey'er. 2nd
they yylio haYe sough#to tnittiti good -into evil,
shall.dwell everlastgly ht evil without any
mixture of, good..
• • •
Forin that gteat , day, When :all the years of
time_arC ended i sind the_angel? et destruction
fly_ forth. on their . niii.Sion, they shall - liear
\race crying to :therm:: Hutt, not the: earth,
tieither4lie r sea, nor,the..trees icfr pate seal
€4.the gerventiLor 'ohr God." Ihe a rithteous
1 - ritht last great calamity .shall_--be. ; Are, and
, 4 /14 1 meanino,, the, words of
So, lomon--'"flie I-ord bath made ii.ll l thiriks for
Trinielf."-- 4
£l.36' . .Ute AlkllatalSlXG