THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 0311NDAIS =memo BY GEORGE BERGNER & TERMS.--Sman SommiamoN The SAW!' Thames is Sovied to subscribers in the Borough at CM cents per week. Yearly subscribers sill be charged:OM: . Wracty ANA Sion-WIIKLY TELIGRAPE. The TILDGRAPH idalio published twice a week during the session,ot the Legislature and weekly during the re mainder Ur the year; and fernished - to subscribers at the %Sowingrates, yin Slagle Subhcribers per year.. Seven Tok ' to It . TAM LAW OY NWWBPASObtI. f subscribers order the discontinuance of their news ptpers, the publisher may continneto; send them Until all arrearages are paid. It titbit:sitters 'neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are di:reeled, they ire responsible until they hat , ^ settled the bills and ordered them ilisesittiiis4.. cY D lebital . JOHNSON , xami l LOCK HOSPITAL HAS discovered:the most certain, speedy I 1 and effectual remedy in the world for: r• . - DISEASES OF .IMPIOIDENDE: nun in MX TO TIT4THI No Dlrreary or NoxiOng Drop. /Kr A.Ctrall WARRANTED, of NO CE&HGE, LI FROM ONE r$ Two DATILIEB. Weakness of the Beek or Limbs, Strictures, Pail hr iod the Loins, Affections of thellidnert and Bladder, Or a Weakness, Nervous Debility; Decay of the Physical ow, era, Dyspepsia , IMMO, Low Spirits, Confusion of I as, Palpitation of th e Iteart,Timiday, Tremelings/Ed a ss of Sight or Giddinesn, Disease of the Stomach, A ff ec One of thee Read; Ttgoity kktie or Skin—those terrible or ders arising trim the indiscretion or Solitary Hobbs of Youth—lbws , dreadful and destruCtive prectisis witich produce constitutional debility, render marriage imps-, sable, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. . Young men especially who' have become the vict of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destruutlye haliit'w oh annually sweeps to an unt!niely grave thousand Of young men of the most exalted talent and-brilliant i elr: lect, who might 'otherwise hive entranced,lis • tqingl Senates with the, thunders of eloquence , or waked: ec, bey the living lyre, may call with full confidente. l 4 - MARRIAGE. • • ' • i Married persona, or those tentemplating,FOarrAttg.eir lug aware of phyisicaliveaknOS, dbouldhameolule/Y 11- cult Dr. J., and be reatared td Periedthealtti. ! .ORGANIO - WEILIENES3 - - . . . Immediately curestandfull visor restored. I He whO pll Maibizzifiteir oilier the oak> tif . .br4., zr religiously confide in Ma honor as a gentleman, and n, Meetly rely. upon bill skill sea physician. - AlaroOflice No. 7 Sradh F, ederlok street, BaltimOre,. Ma., on the left hand side going. from Baltimore street,.7 doors from the corner. Be particular, in observing - the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Ilear- - Muter for Ignorant, Thrifty; Quacks, with false na es, or Paltry Humbqr Certifiayes, attracted,,tbe rep ta -4 nano( Dr. Johnson, lurk, near. -- Alf letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on he reply. . . Dli JOHNSTON. , ... Dr. Johnson metnber of the Royal College of Surgeons, Londdnj the.MosLemireint Colleges a t of thil united etatee n the greatest gqrter whose if e, bat' Veen snot , in the-1:1 °annals Of London; Paris, P Is, delphis and elsewhere, has effected-sem, of the mos - tonlibinecutes that were ever knotit— Many tree ed with:ringing in the ears aiabetuipritep'Olebp, great et!! vousnese, acing - iarnied at suddensoundi, bashfuln , with frequent bluShin gi attended, sometimes with der e., Mont of mind Were cured,:: : . • '': ' . TAP. PARTICULAR. NOTICE.. Dr. J. addressee all lhoSe who having.injuitslth solves by private and imvroper indulgentieS, that Efe and solitary habit which reins bait bedf And mind, fitting tnent foi either businensbr society. These are same of thenadiuntfaelamihoir elfecAp Guctia•be'eEfily-bitiliti of yotith, 'Wealtasedf Back and Limbs, Pains in the, Bead, Dimness of Si Usurer .Museniar-Powei, - PalglitittiOn or ttai'lleart,B pepsin, Naivetes Irritability Derangement ofthe Signs Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of :pease Mariams', • ! IlarrrALLY, the fearibl effects Mr the mindere= ..tO be herded dflitemory, - .Corifailon -or - Heusi pression or Spirits, Fdrebodings, gverillon ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Sic., are so e of the evil afflicts. or.Personuefall ages, can now judge w • at li th e cause of.thetr &cline ittlealth; losing their vi: .ri becoming went, pale, nervous and etnacitiMd, hay a Singular appearance about the eyes; congli,, and 11, • p- Toni of CODiumpilon. . . _ ' YOUNG MEN . , . Who- have Injured themselves by a eertain practice, didged in when alone-:=a habit frequmily learned it m, evil companions, or sa Bailee! the ..effecta of which .e. nightly felt, even when asleep; and if not'carol, rendirs ; 1 marriage impossible; and deetroya - both mind - and - b ri ahowletapply, imMedlitely. . . i - 1 ' ,:'' i s'i What a.Mty that a yoridg man,theLhopea .hDbld co - try. the darling of his parents, should be snatched 1r th all prospects and enjoyments 011ie billed coneennen es of deviating from the ; path of 11111411 re, and indulging a certain Secret habit. Suchpernone must, before con • Plating ' 4 MARRIAGE, Q ttthat a. nound mind and body are the moat necoas et ttatutitta promote connubial happMeas. Ind Without these, the journey through life becomes a ive pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; Mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with melancholy ;reflection that the bappinesiof another conies blight** with our own. DR 'lOHilON'S' INVIGORATING RRSTIEDY FOR WE41070i.; By Ibis great and important remedy, Weakness of 1. e Organs, are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Tbonsanthrotilie"Mnet nerv.oan' alulTdebilitited • . 0 bad. loigrAbripe, ,htivn been imnielliatoly relieved. . 11 Impeolmants to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqu Nervonn, Trembling; Weakness or Ethanatio or thirmosi:fearfai kind, speedily amid. " • TO•STRANGERS The many thonaands cured at this Instlntion within 1 , e last twelve years, and the numerous important Bur • al Operations performed by Dr: J., %Imaged' by the e patters of the papers, and many other persons, notice Of. Which have appeared again and again before the pub o, besides his Manding as a gentleman of ehaiacter and e sponeffrility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISSABEB OF IMPRUDENCE —When the taiga' -d and, imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbi •ed the Sanaa of this painful disease, it too often happens at an 111-iimed sense of shame or dread of discovery de rs him from applying to those who, from education and . apechtbility can alone befriend him, delaying= the .n -stittaleind symptoms of this horrid disease make t , ir appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, p_rogressing on with frightful rapidity, till death *.pu Period to his dreadful sufferings by,tiettaing him to "I. at bourne,froset:Whence no traveler rein:rms. , It is a ancholy,fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible dbleaae, Owing to the unaltilfulnesa,ot, lifiseraat-prete J ere, who, by the use of that deadly pai r sop, mar Fury, in the constitution and make the residue' at Meitnisera ° ToMee Szsancivas.—The Doctor's Diplomas , hang in is ilOr Letters must contain a Stamp tons on the:repl alirßemedies sent by arNo. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprlB-dawly BuRFILER. HODS r .i t i,R T SQUARE ,9 HARiUS)3_,URG (CEO. J. BOLTuN, _ rROPMETOR. Dr' .1 ). 14V i r FIRST - Alt • BuT-AERVni DUE-TIME To B SOLD - AT .REDUCED 4.3311N53;d11316810VE C0A14:52,50! ton. NUTId Ca. 99,0 4.lsoixotstentl3en 4_ ' • I 1,310EN,S an ' " .4 • 1 CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILIEBBBABBI3339,IIEN; No. 8 and '4, t Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and; Broad'fop._ Bickor,nthth and Pisa Wood .:. .3. 1tY.0.4._ , • Ft tif"." 1 111 C A R.D The above well known and loigiestabbahed' now undergoing a thorough 'renovation, and being greatdegree newly furnished, under the .proprietor ono .rvisonary7 - itersoni vinrha i nteen-ertnmateld Wilde Hui the=last three years, , an& in--Well linoin is guests.. - Ihatilmtl 1 . 14,.thd. Paironage'itbleh It has joyed , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the pr f.TOrt EiPti•dst , M. Man,' ANOrtutE NEW LO T F NEWTQN'S: . (formerly. 13141 ego) .m.:(111BBRATIS GOLD PENS, warranted to beelp, Am klitquality and finish, army manure/wore& Atm e n eamorsomirof GOLD AND smpra. Cal , Jnat reoeiffd geld for sale at • • EgeignivellOßEAP BoOKATORN, elitist& Et . . • . • Pt I( v . •N,lt . ; •. • • ; al/A I 4'7;• J.l t i . T " - . ' • • ti:l r;;:. : • i .22.00 12,00 10.00 VOL. XIV. LIVER 'wrxGott4To4 141E7131:1; DEBILITATES. TT is: compounded entirely trotn'etimi,, and haeliesome an established fact, a Standarbklodi. otne, known and approved a by ‘ all - [have Awed it, and, is now, resorted ; to? El. with confidence in all the. diseases for vidch - it is re- VIP: commended, It ilias:cativid tholuninda Pi Within tbe last two yoars who hadtitertnpallhoped IS - . Of relief, as the numerous unsolieitod cartillcatestAn 71 1 4, possession show. -• od to t/ko temperament of the indtvidial taking it,and 'used in sitetk'quantitits-a, to actgantlyonthaboabls. . Lit the dictates of yottej use br the ISYER INDIGO, IxriniCo]oAmrm;lkbdpm iolkeounoia, Stumm Mo. SOTM.RIONAOH, Ham COOLTILI 3‘IIBIIIIO JAl:dams; WNW!" Vim' mmetsfullYiss Omuck , ivillonieSlClradADACHE IM TWZNIT Mumma, IF TWO TAKEN at commocementol i... ATOM° 1781171'IRJE GIT ~gi-llClz Water 'tho mouth With:the_ to vigortitor„ and: Awallow both' toikethor. , ' rimo.caftlx MO,Borrm c. - CA,THARTICTILLS . 11: :.:60lifFOIND ED loßom. • 'PHEIkirtrEGgia'ABLE , IIXTRALTS,': AND PH • ,lII' IN GLASS CASES. AIR TIGHT, AHD • ANY CLIMATE. V& FAMILY CATITAR- • TIC PILL is a vale ;be active Cathartic which the a) ProMietor: has used': in hi practice mbretban twenty Sara. The constantly inereas- ing demandfromthose who. have loag used the Ems 14 and the satisfaction.whiob, all eipiese in regard to 14 their use, has induced Me to place 'Mein within the n. reach' of all. ' Jhe Profeasion well Imow 7 . that difibrent Cathartics act On dilletentiportions of the bowels. , -' The FAMILY CATilaß.t., TIC PILL has, with theirs: ference to this well estab- H lished fact, peen cOmpoari ded from- a - vari 6ftli bit - Vegetable Extracts, which] act alike ien.ev, of the alimentary* nal, and: are good and safe I+4 Ball cases where a co. kg:La:dela needed, sucttsis, Derangements of Meow.% Bieezdnesi, Pains in qt l .l -1 - Back and loins, Cositess. Pain Aar soma: eipir - bati botvredzapiess,nreofisAx 07 . waked *s.. the head, litjtionnalory Di a•ea me; Warms no o4flreem: isitc../theurnaliszs v Oat Ps-wider broacd AS- many diseased to sada fieshis heir Orika too n ; amie — I - to mention in Mid iiVer• tenement. Dam, Ito 11,. t Tem•ans•lanclowerint axn FAKIVI Cier#4ll io Puma are retailed lay Druggists generally,and, gold wholeaale ,by the Trade in all the large • • t 3. T. N . —SANFORD, M. D., . • ' Manufacturer andProprietot i ' Ile2ot4aw,*ll - 335 Broacbkay, Vely York. 45DOLPITO WOLFE,S AL.Fpl:›Nr AL"MICJ SCHIEDAM --801INAPPa TONIC DIURETIC , ANTI DYSPEPTIC INVIGORATING' CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Yerev.and Pennaylvaanz' Apothecaries, Lruggltlte, Owners and Private Paiallie . WoWes Pura Cognac... Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Itinderia, Sherry and Pair!' Wine. Wolfe's Pure - Jamaica and St. Croix Rum . Woire's Pima Scotth and Irish Whisky, ilia. IN 80*TL1k:S. I beg leave to call the attention of thO citizens of the' Vatted Staten to the above WINO and Liquoris, imported by Ildolpho ,Wolf,e, of New York, whose name is frank liar In every part of this country for the purity Of , celebrated Sonnnost SCIDIAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, In his letter, to me i speaking of the purity 'of his Wise and bacons; says : “I will stake ray reputation as a maii,noy stand mg as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City_ of Newlrork, that all the ' Ina= and Wrinidl which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, Nucl eon be relied upon by ,eyeryßurchager." Every bottle , has the'propmeterbs'nerrie on the wax, and a flu siMile. of his signature,- on the...certificate. The public. are re spectitilly biviledlo call and examine for themselves,— For sale at - Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers ,Ita Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASHTON, - No. 811 Market it„ Sole Agent for Phindelihts , Read the following from the - New York Courier :, Yammers 51130111118 son ONE .NittrYoss ideltaq4.7 r : We are happy tothdorm our fetow-citizens that tnere One place in par. city w ero the physician, apothecary, 'and cbtintry,Merchiant,',ean go and purabase pure, ines. lindtkiebrs, is Pure as imported, and ethe best quality: We do notintend,th give on. elaborate description of this marchalitbi, extensive business,-although it will well rei. pay any stranger, °relines to visit Wolfe's ex- I tenaive 'Woreboase,.Nos. 18.-10 and TA .Beaver street, I and : 17;:9 andidr,ntariatfieldidgenti,. :His stockie SolitePpif okihand;'reedy . Tor shipment could not have been-less : than thirty,thoosand! cases; the Brandy, , ,some ten thousand Ca S ei4Vintlignktd 1848 to 1856 ; and ten thousand: ,of -.Madeira,' Shen.) , and Port, Whin, SnAcit and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Runs, mime Smry old equal to anYhtthie•country. He also. had three Pgie. 6 ellarniltgeil ..Wine, ; 1 1 6 ...., , t0 Mona, raider Cunomllonse readyfor hotting. ,Mr ., Wolla's sales cf.-tiehriapps lest year amounted to one Musdicit and eighty: thousand dozen, and we &petit lees titan two "years lie'rney be equally ksuccessful with his IBrtiodies Mid Wines. Witness merits,Umpatiintige of every lover of Ids, species. Privatikarfflties , liho'-wish pure Winos ehd /Antics for medical , use should send their orders direct to Mr, Wolfeirintil every Apothecary in the land - Mike ußtheir mindsto discard the poisonous stuff. irons their. shelVeS,' and replete it 'with Wolfe's - pure Wine' and We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation; *L eman. dealers In' the country, puts lip assorted eases Or Wines And Liquors. Michas men, sna such a raerChant, should be sustained against his tens of thouiands of pp : ppnents le the 'United States, who sell nothing but imits tions, •rninous a,llke; to- health and human--happinessJ: • i , sepB.dewemi. 0 IL Keller , 91 Market street? sole -agent for thjs I 91.14EANtN . G.S : HARVEST FIZ I ) 011 71° 'rxrtuA , .: , SCIRNCE _AND ART 1 .. . ..„,.: MelangeA..of Eice — rpth Carions,Enntor.- - , Rolf egad ttictive. C Dilated by O. 0. /301ditalql, .. wh..hoy . e interesting Workbas just been reeptved et • 1.. ^l r VERGIT , EIt'S CHEAP BOOICSTCRE. ng porcuiv 2g.•..._ : • - 'A - NEW LOT OF 1138%-SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAGSIi 'WetylesGENTS'nrid" 7 R 3 t 4 g7 0 - I PPP e t c ' t ne a ll • dionelt Purses and W eta. A itn a ..assortmeut just rseeivedand lot. sale at • • z - ; ItERGNEWS: MEAT BOoKSIORK I - • • , • .• .51 :Market Streak.: rri aosE ctesizingi to. paper their houses, I'4lllllft well-seleot9lstook of W4ILE, RARER ,for C at tearrltlCES, at ‘• ;511fIrRONEIPS CHRLP BOOKSTORE DR.' C. SURGEON AND 000IILIST; BESEDENCA THIRD Ntia HOHITtSTREET rosull-Aiw OULU CANDLES.!:., : uszaa;suFxpe, JUT WM. DOCB 311.1‘ CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINdS,---N,EITTiItIN: IsTON*"" ffEebiccd. SANFORD!S judgment guide 3ioit BATOR, =A it, will , Onz_w ~9aTecas, DsaParara,~ 11 ' PLAIN*DIIIIThritY, psi* Coknynnins,. Onnu.k .F,ldra I , X X' ex, mu; and may, be: used FAMILY 111WICFNI. It (as thousands can te,sdiy) ownskint TZAEPOONIMIIIAIIP' attack. in *their testimany r in fU 1 SA NFORD'S A. SUPERLATIVE aIiARRISBUitG, PA, THURSDAY :AFTERNOON; :SANiiiikitY; 'lO, '18.61: Pennsylvania Legislature. WIIIIMSDAY, Jan. 9, X 1861 .. . .. The Senate was called to order at eleven . , A . Prayer by Rev. efj , • •The Clerk orthe HOMO of Representitives! being introduced prestmted a number of Hew. bills. - • , The Of' yesterday being partly raid; ; - On motion of Mr. BLOOD, the further read= ing of the mune was dispensed With. -- • ,The SPEAKER laid beforethe , Senate timi ported the Attorney - Genera( on the busine+.9l his office, for the year 186 Q. Laid on the table". _ Also, the, repsgtoLthe Steae .Librarlan. On motion of Air rn MoCLUU, ,the same }vex: 'p ordered to be rinted in the Tafind Record. • The report.of the Auditor General, Attorney General and_State ,Tressurer, pn Thopias Morley, was also laid beforethe Senate nsals.or ensues. ' 1 Mr.i RMREDlTiljtsked and obtained -16 i . absence 'for 'n. , few - - days for the Seruktoefep Lebanon (Mr. %whims.) • . , DlnPrneerivs:masiiint , The following extract from the Journal of the House of Renreseutatives-was read by thif Clerk : bi the - &kaleitt4.llstise• Of Rtresentaties, etc.; That se naftelt. Of the Governor's Messag as ` 4 r .1- refers ,to theßarecntive Mansion, be. Island to select coramitts,se:Of three Mernbers.from.:each How* who shall be authorised to:ascertain the amount of .appropriation neceseary to ftitiiph the said mansion, and report the same to their' respective.lionses for isußtriletiOn.- • The resolution having been :twice roul, On motion of - _Mr. BIESTANP:the .fUrtfker consideration. cif the Stone:ls/is postpone:ll6r the present... - • •.:<.":1! . . Mr. CLYMEll,,afrom ,the,special sokomittee. appointed ter inquire into the amount:um:la - serf to furnish the Executive:Mansioniratindttell a report,, with a resolution .!aimexed, askin . Ohat $5,000 be fixed upon as the sum too be appkt: priated for-that-purpose.-- -- - --- 1 2 Mr. A IFlSTAND.believed that,the sum nenied was extravagant: ' *' - '-' ' '''' -' ' i 1 ( - 1; , Mr.-FINNEY. -This is a matter broughtlio the attention of the T..egislature at the euggh a lien of the Governor. I unditnitand,"thkt,tbe Executive Mansion needs repairs' Ma t , thati it requires the acidition•of a Incas ie=4Ne'br&sint dining-room being, too bitiall' Viifidetf this, house is not furnished - TIM' s peaker ad Vo gt the adoption of the report. :' ' ' ,:' --- 4.; Mr. Si!LITE stated that a 'diStigreeMent lin, the committee mairlog.the .fqport',.'-Was`lekeii -4._ stoned bi'Peitila Membeiilitehring t ,thelida -,'. , of - tc,larger sum .theit'atatiltr7: - ' 4 A v- Mr. CL - r - nrrrt - mai - trier:hi ,eWitKialta:,` th the recoMmeidation of theGovtufkmi r ,:eal • 2 mittee had given the subjed - the - i(t4o6 it required: The pr6ent ii i qbotti.iiii*tiOtpi bf ~ V. Governor's mansion were engrilttoOliatiteidi' and for necessary expenses to te:indurted by furnishing the house, relrqrs to'thea s ine; and an addilieti - tqlhe - building t the amount named would be nec es sary .:, ' ' : .:- ' i •-', ' At' the suggestitadt 10:2112mr, Alia 143.;• port presented bar. p lfiliEß was . withdrawn,: end the consideration of 'the 4trite't tram the journal. of the florae of EePresetkim..l4o4` was resumed ` Mr. M'CL'IIIIE inoved.tO'll4iShit the swine 1 * inserting after the word „Eteietveif, - fne,r,eibld-' tion reported ,by the ludec]a):, eoniinitteo';Of* l Senate, which had jnietieenWitlldraWn::: - --' Mr. PENNEY op'posed ttaMb464, - bellikMt its adoption would ' hecedstiticidle'ail.aet. , ; of , discourtesy to the House, He thought itproper" that an atifiroraKtotibitraitti.thati*Abteln splation shodld angiriat,e.:ll tlieltoitie;, . , The amendment of lirt. AfXrCEE!'wfik Iken withdrawn, and ,the. quOtiotrieenirlig - birthe resolution ' 'On:4o4a 1 4 -iiiie:e#o4; fitintlie , House Journal, It was agreedin; 1 .c.. `. I--; .* The SPEAHEE 'then; Yefeked"tbe alibieCt; US; the' Committee of tbli:settate. Vrevibuskt :liP"' 'pointed relative to the subject. -,,, .• : On motion of T Mr. nasr - ga.., .the cesninittei obtained - leavelo Sit".durine'the si*ori Of Ote ILEPORIikOIt Mr. BMTFIEE, from the"Judioitsir C mit reported as committed,. typrtliqx: sniteMent. to an Act ineorpOrating . the - PhYl. ' Also, from the Committee . .en Ciirpo' rations, as committed, a - itiriple'rriett to the' Ot:tErin,' • corporate the borough of Birmingham, County of Allegheny. - - - - " 'Mk. ROBINSON,: from the Cobiniitted to' Compare BIllis; mad a report, ivhiCh4alieed .and recorded in the minute S- • Mr. KEToiiiiM,l I frotti'thi:Vonitoittee, on. Bduchtion- ' reported ceranifted,' Act to. authorize' the SchOtil Drietlanr Ot r :lie Of Beltsville, -WasitinktOti• tiofinty, to'beirOvr money. ' • - . °amis 'man PACE. BM= reed: in plus xua..,Act .rpnit. the collateral inheritance fax tip= certain; charitable bequests anxi.securities, and .on. lea;on_ given presented ft. memorial :on the Same BO :Jed. ) • ",' i Referred:tot votntaitteetnatudiotistry_..> . CONITZLL, irxplace,"an• 4etfrola‘sig to. -Saving Fund And !Rust companies tin the city of .Referred to Committee oitillorporntions; Also, a farther supplement to the AattAcoli 'porating thesitystflPhiladelphia.•. - Referred to Committee..on.Coipantions Mr. NICHOLS, in placealin.Actiteint rate the PennsylvaniaOnn Coal : 43 9 1 4P1V1Y.: s, Referred to Committee, on,Corporations. CLYMER , an Act:ratify* and confirming the.titleto.certain Real. EstfLO of. the German. Evangelical Babit,Tolust,e;congre: , gation of the , city of Reading, Berko county Refeired to the • Committee .on;-Estates.and Escheats.. . , • -Mr. BENSON, .in place, an: Act to ineorrio•- • rate the Tidiouter_ and .4reken Straw liailroad ;couquuly. . • • I.:. Referred. o Committee on Railroads. an Act.selating to: the .Road 'Lays of - Tioga- county. . . liefeirethto,Conunitteeon,Roads and-Bridges., Kr. PARKER,. , plice lin Act :to in:- corporate the PliiladelptdiUmprovemant,fist ing and Loan coiripany..}l, . . ::Referred to.Committee•on COrporations.. Also, an;;Ask incorpointei.tha phis. :and India Commercial• ebnipany. Referred to same Committee. ii _ Mr. KETORAIK; resat .place_. a further supplement to an Act relating tdi Foreign Ili; straneec Annuity: atbiTruitrOmpshies.l,l ' committee xurlfkuporationmi _ Also, a 'fartbkiir supplement. t z ir tad* d• = NEE ccrporate tha Wilkepbarre -and. ~9cranton Rail road cornpatty: ifefeired tolhe:Oonitditted on. Itailroildri. Mr: GREW; read in platie r cEiiipplement -to an:AA TA at . l °P l :o4) le-su PW I F t a.P I , em.PloY *apt cd.Ake por, appreyedJune3,o, 1,86. Referral:to the tepirnitte? Otp"pididiari. Mr.-TA DM=lead ins taiee• I X6Fie corporate the Towanda :Telegraph :ceraPanyi. --*.....M"''''''F.......+P.."Yr - liefer re,tl to Contmitleflon gorpgrattons. ; , 1 :-J.i . ctrt49W l :s lo )*PirVlEP)4.l e, , ,,1L1 ni i 's.V.vAPFSQ44 o . o M9A:teidie94fac?4 l le;g 6 m ,., 4 initt oi:lciaits anOroges froca,Aft,fu#69 , 'Corikideratibii-of the 'bill 'eniiiiell.':'lll - - ACE Ire littintio,thelibadlliirii`if TiCia7AiiitY, ol 'and that the.'Sfmate. , proceedita:Cremidet theieein ' e•;' ) Agreed to. . -- - ,_,,,.- c .• : „. 1 .p - , 0 4 ida,- ! The Sebatolhen rent.intdeombuttie,o the whole; (Mr.' Iliimii• tit -the -r Oliiit,)ldWifftd. - 4‘ short. time the bhairinattqePoriedilMbiltbricit i ,:to the SelMtecttereMateittediagl;.oni 1,, :Am-- , pension of the zulari,-, the hill , ,; ~ ~,,, ~ ~.., ~; t • I- Peaseefiftliq. - - . . . . I.o' Mr,' DA.VattNekineved - fo'coicilder bill en- .. - :titled.-"An Act to authorize the School Direct: , orrof- the borough- of •BetdsvillerWathing on county, to morrow money," 4 114 - . to'di '.4grealrq Ili spensed rith.gbl4 4ilate. .. ~ i„ ei,.co - mittee of' the wholu,rfien.the bill, afterlia g,.. rea l l.4*ttlieltriforepeildfd, 7, - On motion of Mr. (IM.BRIE, the Commi eel te3.,Corporat,igunvras discbarged,from „the et T.,- ttlfer.doniiiitilistitinuff Houle bill Nir.lneftlit c % t i ll "A supplement - to an Act to incorporate bie Entle!, l ll..utml,,lrusurtmce q com., p agy). and e ,Seriate proceedeit. fo' the cdiudderati on of ' kape'dispeiiiiiii;ifith going into, commit ee c. - of the*hold: - • .'. ' , - .; ' - •"- • - i I The bill bill . then' writ ihr i ett4lCito - apyerei ipfidrno,i, aid 'Ortiti.,'' '' ' ' ' '' '- ' :- ! -•,- -- , - , i i i i t t ' .. ... o .t ~.”.4...(,, ILL .,-, ' ! ' ii' : • , . ', . :.-..-, _.:.-... _. _o.f.i ..-...:: :.c..1. TheinotiMild'plattpene - wii,iffot agreed to. , intecuir OP ~A :F4F.MP.AWT4'W! lin I l ii:,'extSild-tite resolution lttr;PENNE:frfrom.the-committee appointed by striking out the name of paoielWelsh, l and to atitifer.Withit:ttimihitgad Of 7+bea41.1873 of Ile,' inserting that - of J. C. - Leliiii. i presentatives respecting _the time, place a, d,, , .o'l Agreeing tlhevainendirientiv %,.' Al) .1 I planner of werto494.,and, declaring pm rci; The yeas and' nays were required, byjnessrs. tiiriti;Of'ihaeleetiorkfterribi,'=niade 'lle' 111113.RIE , 'end OIIE9O, 'end, were as ' lellOris t following 'Yeßi!oft-, 1 which'-was -Oriel twice read, cqn- 1 via ::7 , ..1 .. „,', 1.1 -; i t4!, - ,:f;, - 1 ,:.. r, :L :' i•- , .. il-,-!7 i- • 'A *tiered and,,,adop,ted, viz : I , .:Kaas.,--Memrs.r Faller, . Hamilton, Imbrisc.- :. Y.14.:0 1 .0 rohllt. o .4tn_teittile.ilatt.a.gleedtto iel' lletcheirl; '`MOtt;' Penner, titins 032 7 . SO'r'44 respective ; We ,Xllnwiter, L arrangertinot.,taithe :And:Theinfoon4-9i • . ,s , d ;: ~, - , ,,,i w :.i . -1 FeWtITY.9 )39404;,-; ; :el E:11 , 4 ;. , ..Iti lukinizi'. , nil. 1 .11 . 4.-Messrs. iTß;ortodi, elyrmer, Orlin :Ist., That the E retoros .of aleption. ; for L eo i v- ford: Gregg.G itll t HiatanCLancron; Invirence, 'airier Asa be opened and published., byi the M'Crure -- Solcimist,'-thiathr lrelah, yirharton; Speaker.of the .S.a.natititi-PreamarA.of the mern .Yardley-44iLi 4.:::1U 14r4 rP f P.g th i jiictu ßl l c a ff t 4A 4 Vt at i a J .z r .12P-I t e rirk .w .F . !tlle n .WFP4h4.i; 121 '• ' Thhrida 'Llfre -Ititirdirk of atall , 1 1:1 fi ' : ' TO' offered the fonowPig marl= past 11 o'clock; - /clll4 - irrthe Hall of the Ho Antion ;v: .€2 .F., , ii :...:: zz if ;.i z.z-. : , a fti ;; I; , . ufJtepfaasntatitm,zAndthttt3e?tthftHOnsehs . Resokeif,„Allat,,Wßarn. Miller: .be "etaind 4 1 1. previously appoint one otits members as tells"e•feldeffditild dOring he present Wain. to cast up the Y 9 0 3. --1 v.', i/ktr , ;;MlkßDLEYonoverlybcc.=athendatilitosaine, 'la.' That upon the publication of thebvoes 'Wadding the name of James Lyndel,. ~. ' 10i crAtitifiti bytviiNitiiip:fillitNintt,tp,l a Mr. SMITH moved further to aniend'bY acl: certilkitite*:ii , s`:. ::`' .... ' : ".'„ •= . ' : 1 - .. ..4. ' ' .. , '; ' '.1.1 . I • ' Agitik. -,, -.".. :•1 "' I 7,': , : . .1: ' : 611: - ' Nfte .if3SPI.J-.7 diihi„,...4,COM7p -,:11 atives in the -follovring form, ,to wit : . -L' z' .112. k_agoators to vote for my Npeakhrr amendment as tin ,act of justice. to the person; of the House of .ISepresentatives, „of tille . pedx- Wnorg,l have named: ,'He out 'of employ:, 'tiettWeldtliA*Tairpliyititnikikeertifith'et, the - habittichlie'beeir&iftiOa isoldier in the Mexican Spaaktoi of -- - - itbw , ftleate4ii,"Arr-- - ittU 10th, , Idak 'of... warittierylltge 4 flirlngs-the:wbolccatiipitigra EL* January, 1861, in the Hall of they ier -° 6 .1 (4 1 :4,4.9"1 liNiATlirtto..tallikttioisnitlirbial,ttiasonly cßepresentatweli, - lircithili gi : Whiliteri* t 9, ...pmmi67....wlmai n Th.lvg44. OA owition..,. . `-' returns of the election -leirktiov liet-br 't. is i ,-TheliciaOridmititeef M4siSts:Siiiitli-eicillaril-e i t, :Conitionvkaatil."Mid:iluliiiihtifteaVeein t el '4ey -, Aveite theril*frefid(thi. •Lklf.. 1,1,51 '` l '"- , PrAsett&rtifilibtli r a Moises ,Wthez4ligitalititir -,r-,„.,ge.aLMßHEElenoved,tfoostijite,_outlthe•mitne, cortferhialfittilliVOtitifittill'p#Oti iiiiit.teo :: ofWigizah:l.l4iller,,,.miClosert4hp, mine of . . f .„ nionweiltlivAnd:that , '4ofitinuiting:iftief l / 2 16 's - C. sew` ,- ',., . ;-', •- hy Tellers 'appointed on thapnrt of eaeli'HO -,, = IFFS-BLOOD! M.liiiikiiieletii r eefeeitci - ti 'oft itititi4ltd:ttiiiiTaL=L—alisid , thii!laigh ski 3fr :Llitilleri. l .lilVretitri , 14fthick' tholikli!lndt: a ' , number OtitAteitivvilinteri t erin 3 the 4 fiti*' '..'„''' ~.,.' ilikregOlt Qt*.ollr3tartyr:lithait kite for z_him, -..---- was declared tcyh , iiit been drilf elac 4: •,twaotiO.J.-i?ellaY, 4 1 4. 14 ,;t 0 ;Pwonf. 1 `P4itheJocst ea- 'i OeveirlorthfLtheV6tillikMAillthl=' , •'''''. , '''-''' i ' -foible iiiiii:enployed b3,.tliia)?osiy. , , , 4 f i '-'lrtiestitininylioh6ria:yrn; have,liefatinto',Fieti • 1,- Tliit'i l irrieidtnent-Itif .'ii.f."lfribile,',.44g -- not One hinds iinitenti:lne-dify Infid_ylinf' Melia,. jag:reed:tea -0-22,,,-;yil ~ , .:.3....r *,:'.: -;!- , z, written. . .. ...= . -P-',.' '' " r . - ris l- Y' ll ? , :4 - ., 'di The' tlikeltaeli I . F.eritirgng.: Ott._ the . resolution,:. '', „, :., _.: --". -.:. :: :• , 6 - -- t - .-LLAL f:F.,] , • Ur. AMB.Riic tneked tpiamend, by inserting : the - : .. : :._ ' •":, , .i •J - ',- - i .....L;..-w- -- 1it.'441 ''- iifiadti`4 AIL - treiii,ri, - **id of that of Mr.: 3d. Thatthesaide.ertif@iteidialbad`tipOsited byl killet- ,, . Li! '' ' '' ' ' 7 '" ' ' '-'` '''''"' ' '''''''' 1 '''' fi the Speaker of the Sedate' in 'the office' of tl,44 , Jii-lanwainendmentiWasFilet agreett.tei' , - -- :- 1 .; Sedretaay of , the OOMiriOniieenlii. 4 4,:ra itfaia? el.. ,!..1 3 1 4 rtaBRIS9*;°X...elt 'o'aMendlwistrikingi , corded,, andA thiplinatetheithf r AtteStedlit 6 . .. out the name Of ,Mr. Mgiatt,,andlnsertinkthat i i '-Speakers' of both' Houses, transmitted to ii• sr otTimineslekireini:: '' - '' ' -,._ ._, t ''L GbieeillOrjeledt.L : - ••- -. 4 -; , : - ;:) , -;•+ .'- - • 'P , :i '; ...'Y'4l4ot•agitiicrifir• ••:;.:.‘: r... ', . : .:.!f - ';., '...,; J. ~,,:... 1 ''' jiTek'ktßl•ll4lll*l", I;1 , 7oTheigateittionirecnrring)on•Lthexesolation as ANL GREGC I V.' ' '"':' 1 c .egkpp , lpp,l? ) (-;17 li.:: , .dj '-' {-:1.1 ',l,':i ' , .,!..:-...4-ii ' '9' "'jglit:• ; SlElNDElci; :.- 'i i " The .yeas and,Oays were kequiraby Mr„.T.lit-, -,- --i', - dn:thdinxirbf the 'BetOtte.l -•'; ' . tlicalindll4. 0 0.tblELL; - tind'Were . atTedliiWs; ISAM 4 . O. c ''' ' , i , J• ..vlz::::.Eit I, , :it ,i . ..:::,i4u.. - 1:;b en, '.4:, - ",,:i J'; :ig.,:. .1:01:1-- . 1-''-:`''': • '''''ll. , R s . ' '')`. i ''' .NTYBA§trlaWrikitertgiftn3oßlivctir.goundplo4%, :1..9 , izz. , .. I .- li itibm. 9 - rwridwir i 'y i f , mer,:Pyrtnell, fkawlertj_ v _, • g,I44M,YLvi.I.I.i.XEMOI - the Pert OfthallatigAT , itefreiteariti*.; ' ' ' ton, giei,taltd,' tindon tirplore, ,Mott,yichoisl , l''YStl'*'''' i Parker, ltail3iiii26Pl3ehindeirlhifelt; 'Striltk ORIGINAL.. .112$1 OALPSR7 . IVJo •= 7 i iz ' , .1 i .I . .. aho . itit ; sailwrilisvpw i ta i tiftc.yar . diey ., , tifid , 1 , 41. ,.. . Mr.. ! OtiNifELLlsffated'..ilie,..olldWitr!N32 1.) nte4mitakilo . ' -1 411(17r ,eli.,:rivi:.::., ...:. : - .._1.... li tioni`L' " - 1 - '''' . -;: '''' ll. " :1 " ' ''''''" ` .*:' I- , -:, I sT. s l r,sv- 41 11P 4,, FuYPIA - inkbxj#l77.g. -r ; 1 'lVtlie Ifiluskir'dfi- Ireilielielititij% Ciniii i,"' ' go tfigkesolutien adopted . ~, ~ , 1, ' r that:thiPOreilie 'Ofilii'SenAti v . ii4 4 Villif(oo , O'''''' 4 ''''' l '" te:ii . 4lriers tiaasinnui.::, , . ' `ltebr . eagititlyes beraittlierhield,,`KegO.cOt ,I o r siO , Y -lid, ii , 'a, - ‘ .6:-Wlngi r aiii 4 iLit,ert,iqn-0,i.-:ilie, i ci tt lr ie i3 i f a l i; ii - ei l ii i ii r4 l . l2 . :l4_,! a t il l Y l*.4 7. l "' i i ii4 :°-t u r ... r t tf ;:, l l o Sti ti tt of tel r eb eh rtzp ere l iii rrarti l gi ' . frfa iet i etat the i - l eiv ,c; e f . ni ri o li r e , , :tiiii'eliiiitilie'reVia faiataff'nol'eleceedth ;ta ik.;. --' • --- ,..1 - .0 .1•1:- ,. . -,,,, T Cr , - ,,, .. , .% ut' % .1 , - , ;;/ i tr'l .4 1 AflUtilstlfe..r.i ';'o rtz-.1 c•ZI• ~,.1 .1.c,:4 , 1,: , ,i'F, ~i . • ..t.. 1 .• , • get 47r,i1 . , . r ,f, 1 . ,_Thp:melmaTare,then.rg i ad 14, 1 9E0 of w,hieli I l i k'r E"tt° P' l46l± k befbe . 'll * 4c r at i f i V - ' 'Ole Clove t#liistaitWflie`follouinlatiet :' ''' lit: itrra f eliii:'T itiPi s6 bis , thge. L OT„.." Sei3-7 ,__-•: - ^ ~- -u . ,,,,,: t „,,...._.E . •-•of, cr ~,,_---!:zin DO i ~,,, . ator will ,pere,Mve the _ necessity of 'lioniXitYg Lk ~ r i -u •! . ..V.,." 4 - R tf , F g •!•9gf... / 'fuIF.DYMLIL., 1 . ' ~.'- - --,.. -i1 ,, --Iffirilsburg-ZatuAtit. .1 1 861 . j - ' • -laticinortifilyeitein 9 5 Y . iigfeti ; :t474 1: 12efttedg amid - . . , i v f !,,. _ iintilitieri ' Of tbesedlihrehera iiiiii l belieperlf• 2tialikEi;!jekeiiii' 2 49'l:4 l :4ltefii ll .--''''" -'; attended to . , There _should i be some poise& I.: h,3siiii Sin - .1 kierial,l.'iiL6l you resigns life *Nile: V iElli r kia l bri l i t k Ot ra t idlidlt ßAbitit ..itiom76falmsoffibelof}SiateAk4flsittei , ;:lci - take' , e if: ' O e l i ‘ i l lifea-014144 ' ' . 2' At .. t i Ne 41 '*kTa*J feet 0 41S.OwNii,thel2th inst. - :_i AL" I':kEt ,ri Metiiilo6 : of 'such ii . ;alikitimi . g •T te , , .l . lloele.' ',,-, In ro47*lg Pae.: l 3l44 , ,NstelVedfon'P9 .blllii t . l*lioge '''' .. a .- okri' -861 iiifF e,;°=. 4 ? -1 : • -.- l '''' tiditiality - e titit •*;it - alfokasinQ goe sits , D . ::viiiiiidl'fo'iiiiiiii& k.f. 61 114.1i, , ,, - ria ts tiie tii , Siik, - bfkit't.leranaiof th'e'SAte am j t o tilarki iliffteseliftiefli,*lfh - thesroid ; "twol,7 l ,,, 1, 1 -i n dut oi t i f c a t ai t i o i,i., lTet i vi - thstaiiiiin - i thus 0 6 ' 6 4 . as the' compensation, ithotxuazois.l4olll4oB of,Ahe country ; „the:Az . , for the office itr, question, _. . • , . , t ~. peipts abACO#I9 099„....,).tvq.2year„(13c,:typp•-:. ' . A # cedtA 4 -'.--) •' ' ' ' '•,' ' ' l ' - I. - s:.ei - 8.04 are la ell - ii - eice ss of - thor„o for the . ' Oh r '"iiiiiiii)ii'lif Mrr2 J FlTRATAlicegte;:iiiiitioze. k wikillgair- y e gE,i ,w- t in s fl c ii i i i i : *,,,fia,o, di ffh 'A. was so amended as,t,o , read " thittlbetctbift, *:-; labored) . Witli , lllelitypahtlE. latweilvitlf. floinq, Oft,kiid/NAM / 0 1 0 6(1-o n l i4.49g 111 * ~,..1 9 :1 - sOPeaV.,iit...the .11 4omga"gi.YoffigrUgiheS11 1 ' ' The resolution, as amend then ad -- acknowledge the coring -, enlseratzley. , of, -Yot Mii : BENtOlrliffered Allik - Olijiii* •iiiii4u - departmen,t, and titki ofthe .614difer`Nnefa : tions : , That one thdliiiiiiiretePitiiiifthiiiininia bile 'reifelfditit& in "mak thaaiwciligßylinibarA report of the %ate Librarian lie toiinted ix the th e i t v enues odb .e igtit tl , my b u gi tst , o a ti tib tit , 'lse of - Aa Sedate; iiiiid::tki# 1 1 , 1 10 1 * copiesi' 6l '. with.theeaveral depart44o4o3l4VA beetk:Of the, the Mierof thiklibrilioni; twice iiiid,!bbitsidefedand . ado e: Et i 4.ty lii •; ti .) : :- 11 ":"-L: i b i*iii di e i lt asal li r a t f .. b. t. -64. .., , i te ,... r ',,,, 51 . a 1 5e TF.P i .? /4.1 .- l' h : The'DepittySe4is4 ..ef. the 'oMxiniorarmitil ri - thave,Jhe hen& folitt;iiviMitAat;A . kie4,. from introduced ;- presented .. i3 9: T *o ,i #P ß sWvi.. ~: ....,.' ' . Xotttobeilient servant, -;.%) ,t , ...:,. :; ff. 7 ; ttokzi•Vic , abireknO. l • --' ''. • _ "'''' t' ':' •i' , • ~. . ' - ,-• ALL SURKI T , ••'— •• , inktirtifith/(6l , cipii&s: ' ll - i• I"- , :;,-- - - . 0 . 1 .‘ ,1, J. 1, - - '-' igooil '-', mg- -Tr -- . i Mr.: 'PENNEY; from. the seriat eomreittsi to . :11i. M i t i Etith i 4itiii - 'OiSferect . iite Toll Owing Which wasreferredttifi i reaOltdiOC : relapVeLto joinforesolitimiii Iwom alico,#:-lic) ,-..::,--r.4.1 ';;;Err . s, the appointment. eIInunkIPT.WPAPPI4O.. fgklaP. 7 .i taißezioktail.).olatiti.4i:Milbe_MPlithefentitc mid siktii4 - s3rge4o:oox*, VIWAT 43 B99IMqI 19 ,i I N krq , P llll xle.tcttie°479 l tiFoliniPlke: ll ' 1 repOrt, whether...fin:Y additioh4 . officers ant ha. ot, tie - Etliup.o o - pgrgseAtfitiiis `at - i* -- ifiej." k cessini for tile accordniedtitiOn: • Of„thr3 i. Onato,; oh-thtiattr,ltlie %II dry cifiraidua — , ry,-1861i to. Made the fOllOWing. report. , . ~, -„, ~.-. . .1 • 1 ' I ,tL:: , elebt:Ei StatmilViserner,;litolll.bthetAwriatiey tie- ~, That itiltl(eir .opinion, there.iii :#o:l,:iecessity casioned by the reaignatfON - 4•Alt Slifer and for.the einplp,p4euit of ah additional M any that 'Tell, ~,, l ie l a i rpj.nt . ea e f , ,,, po if , feapyetzi.i:e . Clerk as has .lieen• roustoinitartikeretofore,,4iv -ricdsa- 2. --, . ' ---s , , .... : ' insteaa . 0 'MA*, ciOlit:o4 , Ahr9 ,sl!orirb,..?,,Pnei-T7 TffigthsettitienTiWati4c;rdiaiiiiil itifeisacti,..., additiohal. TraittiephiOkele, ilcit.7n,!Oti . *ilk make 3 ,- ApiiSßEhralkik:lappojnted az.ltik.4 -Auks% the number the Oanie,Oltt;* aut horized bilaw. tells r lig tb , ethh,9e.po 6 4:-Alitk.. , _Pawn= fior....ttila - 041;9( vprpt*tioiefi..:,Thef, ~',.-. - dal& tb: q c twg. o -6tafi "Arem . • _ rni4le;f4friOrlepiiii - tlink,lo#44o:9Ct .. . '"Wliiiiatiii' IMr 1r91;1: _ript,lhtSesdc. IX 4, :1, ay 41 1 10 ,1*. #l B if , i ; /1 17 9P r i0Y5*..,0 11 54-41,. ' .:llttideiddiftWiiiiikiiiirtibilartolif Tor--: ‘-, , ...awry h.....itu. 0 - mDP.P4Sur isueire'*q kk lauxer b tstfollopta;,num ,- , •mir - if) vit . , :9l , 'ti.lll7 Pa4seil MEIE BIEN be appointed, for: he 'Present sessiontthree pas ters;andriolders, and that , thereiishentd• be one akiditi9nai assistant Sergeant-at Arm's appoint, _ed,;brthe-dannkratuineri:forsthe-pireietit session. On agreeing to the report. The—yeaa—auxbuta.ya-were—required by , Mr. _P/P.IEA. l 4 , tql ATAN477;>ll))4:aiere as fel lows, yiz „ . _ _ . _ • r grams—uffemrs. ' , Benson, -Bornii,- Gregg,. 11 -1 43 E4 1 0, 'llexchant, Lhridon"„L'awrenee„MNlure, IMereidith, -MOW :Ole, c:Parlrektlrifilieil Berralti•Bmith: Vialeyi , 844 ,P4ltner,, Sioggarr---AO. 14"iiii—Messrs. Blood, dialer, biawfOrt, Fuller, Imbrie, Mott,- -ilobitirronoSellindel, ; ibierlinate.VhoCeed le..tfrefeongideration ef--eclesOletiort effete& by 1:113 1 1 1 _tbit YMelcrrprffidl3l.g- forlOgt appointment H0f,...,4*-en9efikNAKO:4l3 0111,40/tiqual.l3expant -074g. 1 10)ftittl Pfitiettt ,6e841914: , G TIr :i E c l9,t‘a tmlet .eonsld' Jqpsmgt ggptC. , „i WI/ 1:i i, clAVAigbVtferillAilltflAolbavtiog resolutiohf' IVesolveil, that Daniel Webb; of`entretcrn;. ty, be appointed -an,additlral.Transcribing Clerk of the Senate. be'irig• twice 'read; -`. f),1[14 bIIBELE moved ttlatt,h4 further cowlick. erittir the same pceptponed. ; O litc' OREM , - cif it - IEI tieCeiattry , that we elimpld,have an4t4d4onßl,"Trahleribing,c_lerk, we shoiiis elechria,nor. I have no objeetion losthe irotrdnegfon , Of4 , any 'othei-iiereon, 'and th,p ; aelectiorr of lhatiofficerby the_kieng.e.- The,Penator irona Centre 4ro ,already.proliideb for one or hie constituents. , GrE . -FIGI . G.;„ The. county . ..wbiek.l re pretent has dbt received Arty" favOrs' the: teilalrii 1-thre.-111 _the_ wayof 4officele .appoliiikidkeince body„ nor, belpf; elristiwriir ty 'Yeies: • " BEE e , NO: - 6. 1110 fton tinting_ffart. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PHINTtNEr of every descriplipi gleapp, r peat can?), doueat antother ES tal*hrneptillidie 201171tni. . 1 , WES AnieFout lines or lees constitute one half Square. Sig lites or more than four ixinstitutiramquarci. hall Square. oneso 1 s one weer; :; 00 one month:..• three months 3 00 six inoutint.:WoLFA. 4 6 0 0 0 One Square. -c, ° 137 .. `" - " 441 ;!:"" 44 " 1 " 60 & / six months.... ... 4-4 KBB :._ropeyear 140 00 yrs-13usinees notices insertea in the Loial coision. rr before MarriaggettnUmtbs, FIVE OEM PER Uhl for each insertion. girßarrisges an#Frocathsito - be,charged as regtria , 1 M,i M'CLURE nominated Itenry D. Moore of hiladelp4s. • • Mr.. BLOOD noroirtidpcl Geo: W. Miller, of ' ad - al - 4*k comity. o• • Mr..ClLLWFOßD , nomirtiewe, of " • Avu-uty,.... CoAmotio4 of 1 4.3 3 4 33 81. R. Pke closed. " intrairiuTithi o tn9664;9611 I. . Atir eittadt , lkorcr thel Selma ofithettionse i was read ~by .tbe,Clerk,,.inforgling t thitramate thkt'the Hon!3 s kiwi' fneettlie time fort& in :: egtinition: Of: the AlhiveiTeit elect:at Mirelve ,o'clock.M. i ,on Nie Ilfteenth,lost., " die' ireprlesenta liven, aid had: txppointecr .tt r AnnmltUe tolwait upon,theAovertiefeleft,at4 etcottlAtnt? the Hard the gime. • • • vlieorthat ~. the ;Holm htidcippointedat COM 7init,p44 of , three, memhers to act in conineetion with. a - siqlter committee of the Senate make take rata arrangement% as , itre n , ecerisazy for the in angpratiga.. - , the Senata the seisidutioni of the 31.01158/ and the l .Bpagisa an notinced that the coppiittee, to be appoblted on the7.patt of the Senate would appear on' the Journal. : . : . ":PP EBB RRIW T MT4 Molise hil!,i i No. 2; entitled an Act relatiie to a Writ' et irren the "cas:iif Guthrie 'Ma guire ve., ilsony , crame l up ,on,third .peadlog. Ort'reetiiri* of Mi. 33L09D:, the' Senate re solved % itself Cloinnalttee ot• Vhole on wheni,it was shomentleld ttutteititen actirient vioplif not affect tits bail in the case to ivl % ioh it qelates: TheCdinadtteefioifi; and their clitaiTi9*Pr- 4r;:1 3 . 91 0 11 4.r 6 .P0rted the mine lie& to the Senate as amended, when fittiveslisieed finallyy• „kepate ASA, No relative to the malpte nanoe of the Censtitution, etc., mime up next if( t. t ,; „ • 4 Mr. SMITH, r egneat,Af .the Senator from York, Nr. i l hirarc) who wee absent, ask ed that - theladd 4 bilfraid over until cr, a Lil a Othiteitrork etEr.`llllslllthe Sena then adj. ned r at,.twentyminnt4 ctfifone l Aclook, .' ' - " OrlilrlVA 100 10 1.3,....! ON'' OttitY , . ' iWOUTHY .0B ANY: COBRIDIiattiVOB . : • RESTOIIINgEz., ;THE ,BIAILD A. NDANitAiri Jll greitlidiatittritytl of Prior. Wood, have.attemted not oonly to imlate hibLreelosatilVe, n dkitieveitilui *fielding that would produceropulti identical,; , bet they f bays all Italie 'Mid gone, being i'arile& lawny•Trile wonderful Jesig& .en Oilfired to leave the field of its resisidess away. - old thefolow. leg r - `: ' - I; ' • .: . 'Hare Maine , A r pril ` 18th,11x59. PROF.„O.I. Woen,ic co,.;...Ttienta.;,-• , ,lhe lower I wrote 3 , Die iditB4o tOnCerning your valbabler Heir Ifeabrative, and whichyou.:)/tve published Mtn% city end:els:where, hail given - Vizi 10 - 114111eroug• elquiria'toitoning the facts tiaacase. , The esuportesare,,firstos in a eta; of my itibli i itrid . Mime', as katild` the : c ommunication eerotaliz is it trail thrteih, l?medi t thinl, doeszsny 'heir still eildfinue to- be fit order add of natural footoo,,,'fban.kiesnowid,illownsfyorifiably. - My; hair is even ' b`rfter Rai in any stage of my hie for 4h jean 04 ,1 1. 1 Ai UtOismste is 'trae of my ' " whiskers, and cause silty it is not , Xe99 l 3t ll X *PfiX ttiot ettokailbitaliqt hiLliashwiLkiff iby frequent'ablution ofihe foe d when if oir were used by svipinithsi face inr clone coanectiompArietatoe Wrigley, the same reiult will follow as the hair. I have been in the!ree,eipkofsC i great nUntber of irtteritfrbil all paiiii" of New Engiand, asking me if my hair etilreontinues to be &lilt; as there iu7soinilirn*frani; bidufelaiiitifEifilVe's^a sale of various .compounds as Well, as thin, it lids no doubtfirma basely imitated beeiginged, atiCLoi e ly without any- good effect, but to absolute injury.- . I have !,tioeutii•Aby ofyour Restorative of iiiisivabilmini for , Slime mouttA, and yet my hair is Reseed , as eyesi 11 . 4nd. iat :have examined it 'will/. sorPrise,'aell i 'ant' gl years old and not a gray hair in,lityhead or °Amylase; te.iltoth thiS tilt, I Cecil tn yoinvibbiraileybidr•faken oXtito pastlreek.. received yeug,far or. of two quart 'bottles - fast- summer,- foi. Which Vara? fWitefill. I ga l ve it to my frientls ;sik thereby iptincold them ,to try itonakyWere skepticaltintirtiftier kriaVand *Then . pur tehased-and nrod it, with nnivepal Reewkw tisk as fa;roi,"that you send' me titiffity fraud„ tap Restorative v uold , by, mauy, I linoyAthout autticidity from you 'Matra article will insure success. and good, Mete do notifellow,„thatallper itLealistieby thd'himaelithiele,Vticalt cursed the inient of of the good. .I. : (4kmit my, Aniy i es hrutilftm to keep you Uptiffsedlefdlie ilatilinued effect en 'mYliair, is I w ear° who enquire or .me pf .uriy nnsbeketi;ousimion of JO: Valhable results; I remain; dear sir, yours, • • .;04:214.11M0NT) •;, .11! 1,1 , . • Assess arm, 4 0 Y. 34 1 ) We. -WkofiCl •.iT i - lfoodc Dear' tdobldeertiiifily ft .- doing you a, mot Dideslicesma r to ."make ,knowtt" to the. world klins'irtintierftif, 'as *ell as thennexWetteik 'Vesta' liave eupeje,nce4inp i uslag one bowie or.varr ,114 r Regitara two: After' Using every kinif Itestorallyei extant, but witbeasneeessf ould4 l 4 l l l3 EilnYißfadlnetrAD -4# l, °f riveVitnatly induced io try abbttie of year Hair • i e il t p ra gveleifliw r eltuk49li anaiiA Prieziakese-man -coudett to iieve miy read is that I now possess a wew, nact. peaquati ! growth at het i watch -oionaunee tidier 'and liandilembr , than - the on sal was. I will therefore take ocelfjon fo reatimnieledi this invaluable 1 readily to elf whO may feel lificibCO'shili of It. I Jiz iMcs4 l 3lp • •- ir p c . ALLEN,BR SS_-T414 testinaPiAL!,Pf• 14- allifOhfiDOß ur vaniable medicine ( as you are aware of)•Is pusolieitad : •butgOKar teleArtitt /vertAr.altilfolgurnsilifigtitaintihrt, If y ," destroy and say Anthills. ,-,, , Rev B. A 4-11. Depot, 44 Broadway, anti adealers-through ',Mat gutworldl ;.! i•. ;1.: .. t The Deetura k tive is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz andiftill4theliitstlllibldeg4 'ph:kind retails for one dollar per bottle ; ,tlls me.d.uun holds at least Wei* 4* . e4 c thefsmill, cid ,rotalls for two dollars per bottle ;the largo holds a 4uart,i4o4wir tent. more in% protioltitoN And ietalisTOr S 8 0. J WOOD & CO„ Proprietors; ritlek Droadway, New York; aealiOhiricet etreet4t: L*114116% ,An a d sold hy. : - all;:good , Druggists sud,Pattey. Goods tibt - • - ,• -- . .„. ;NEW inABLE `' 11+ 1 .21lE BEAII OF THE WORGIIN ROM." 11E opened i new tivEnt 'TA U ;` 10:Seated — as above, and has a :aleck nit! masenettt t LlORPRkiaft-rietv and lashfinieble BUGGIMI and CARRIAGES, which he wil hire at moiler- L ,;(oxotoE 19.-LORHIRNIL ACY ,44- au:" • - •• I • '• • t IVIB iltAaPiEßßlT.f.ttLirt; 0,1 14 %/ 1142.' lifegerV i i6 MULBERRY STARE-ma..SLAV LRESPECITULLY itifd irnl6ll4ltiat he is located at the above has commenced the WOOL DYEt. gaud: O`,CILPET WEAV LNG BG,nll3EaMail itaaartans..bnutenes. He is pre• pared to MI all orders at Vte shortest notice..and will cotiantee: RetletaLtuttitalMlo6lo ghtfltikleati r .tvill be 1 reasonable. %meg :car olatle bhatniat - 1;1'4 rain y -'idern in Germany, and over two sears here, and also havipthad BiLeitaudiEtemitkitibieltilthiE is 1313 m potent Miasmata all work entrusted toblm, and Ones to ,reeelvalt label citizens: . itai/Eoteriasiniiiihlntgiriiiiittlife/eigivityli kipt on hand and-wal be,iold at the law rate, . 12-InOVNASMIV i i VST rat eal - - .Muitep. „sultd ,, , Rattan:V . ! o of a. , id a y , cdtia, - u.' tel - 4in reCeire orders in UV I T IPIPCiliVii Agate SterN 92 iftifistreet ° Alla Isl StUeltbeventriiie'd iffebe,or a oßtudkfer House, will meet with oroteßsidon * r. - ', 1 ie It' I First claw MANCH for sale. ' - soplB-dly