Lingo of trawl $ Cranoportat* P iI.,ADELPHI'A • AND READING - Q WINTER ARAANGEktENT. • • DEC ON AND AFTER D 12th, 1860: , , , THO P - -APIdENGER TRIM LEAVE HAREMAIRG DAILY, Mondays excepted,) at 8.00. A. IL, and 1.1/5 P. tor Philadelphia:, arriving there at 1 25 P - M., and 11.15 P. M. - RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A, M. and 8.30 P. I. arriving at Harrisbrrg at IP. M., and Barr. fit. • ' FARO Pbuadelpbla , NO. 1 Cam 23.25 7 • NO; (hi' eame train,) 42.15. FARES Reading,.sl.lso wif 61.110. t Reading, - oonniet with train. tor Pdtteville, villa, Pamaous.„Oatawima, ' FOUR TRAMS LEAVE READING FOR MIAMI, POLL DAILY, 4t . Arif Y. 10.46 15„ 12.20,n00n and LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING. at 8.00 A. IL, 1.00 P, M., 8.50 P. M., and 6.00 P.M. - MOM :-N-Reoding to Philadelphia, 11.75 and 111.45. INS MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON. VECTS AT READING :with 'up train for Wilkeabarre, St Caton and Scranton. For through tloketa and other Information apply to • J.J. CLYDE, 14.41t1 GetWar-49Ent- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! "! WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AIM MEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1260, The passeligir tralsectf.the Pennsylvania Raßapid OW pony will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Phliinkilleda as follows • • • ELS T WARD,. THROUGH =PRIER TRAIN lesies Harrisburg at 2.40 a. M. and arrives at West Philadelphia at RAO a. m. PART 11NR leaves Harrisburg at 14:66 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.16 p. m., arrives at Wed, rilladelphia at 10.20 p. m. These traissmake close connection at Phfutd.spnla with the New York Lines.. • ; • ACCOMMODATION IItAIN, No. 1, lambi Harrisburg at 6.20 AL M., rues via Mount Joy, aid aritves at West 1%1140414a at 12 00 p. m. HARRISSURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Mu , Assail at 1.16 p. m., sod arrives at i% eat PhiladeLybia It. VV. " ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leavet Rarrlebprg at 11.2.6 r. m rums via IdouLt Joy coimooting at Mar ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Phil WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Phßadelphis at 10.60 pin 3 arrives at Harrizburg at &19 a. m: MAIL TRAIN leaves Phibidelphia at 8.00 a. ns., ar rives itHarrhbarg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.0 u a. m. _ FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, neon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 -p. tn., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.86 p. m. ' . . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philtdelphh at 4.00 p. m, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention Is railed fo the fast, that passengers leaving EOrtiasielpbia 41 40 0 p. m., soonest at Lancaster with UNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at saber; 44 9.0, p.m. IMICIEL D. YOTING, Amt. Nast Division Pennsylvania itaaroad. 0040 , Northam' Central Railway I . • . NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. • 'r i. IiTER ARRANGEMENT. O&ND .1 0 T.Nti,"IiiONDA . :r; November 28th' 1860, the Passenger Trains' of the Northern Ventral Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows 1— ' OWING . SOUTH. minolowenoN TRAIN will leave at-3.00 A. M. HMISIOSITRAIN will leave at.-- .7.40 A. M. BIALf.R.fAIN:wiII lame at.. 100 P. M. tko f;N:0 N 0 iRT,H. MAIL i1t4416-0111cleave at 140 P. M. OXYRIONTIOLINwiIIIeave at......:..... 015 P.M The only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN &ith at 8, a. m. Rgitroes4 For,rantuir wormopoe A11163# at the O f f ices in Penns.' JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, November 24; 111600-.24-dtf $2,6 `O, TO $3,000 PER YEAR! --RAU ORA2WE FOR ALL 1 THE ABOVE AMOUNT call:easily be made by the Manufacture and sale or an'article of very remit discovery. It is entirely new, and any Pa wn wishing to engage in a Mishima that will pay, or to enlarge tglelliteadj - eetablished, will de well to address the elidessageed. ,The sale is as ready and pemmican as a ny or tior great staples. it - 111 an easy, honorable and highly respectable boldness, by wbtob some men &renew mann' twice the above Insures by the lIMUUTIII9OIIII and was of Slin,V ekdable article. It requires but a very antall capitallw carry an this bullion with great , • cue cas,, yer fall . partionlars addren (enclosing a stampe. for r ( In v. L. P.. Box NO. VA - MA. • • Middletown, Maryland; E XTRA 8-0- 4144 u. ARD a A ris WM. DOOR JR, do CO oct22 El BORRHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS, TEN - CEPEBRATED itowse ISOLOT ;UR w - EAlasiEss 0r.41,TY KERP, IFEII6II AM" AGUE, And the various ideation"' asiseqteni upon a disordered STOMACH OR .L VE R 4 Bach ae indigestiOn, Acidity . .bf,the Stomach, ColiCky Pains, Heartburn", LOBS pf, Appetite, Despondency, Cos tiveness, Blind, and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous,. Itheuestle, and.lcitialaki Affections, it has in numerous lastanceis proved highly beneficial, and is others effected a decided cure. This is a,,purelis 'vegetable compound, prepared on 'strictlySelefitifla - after ' the manner of the cele brated Holland Professor,Bnet have. Its reputation at borne predneed Its introduction here, the demand com mencing with those of the Fatherland suttered over the face of Ibis mighty country, many.of whom brought with them and banded down, the tradition of its yaium now offered iet the American *fife, knothing that its bid!' wonderful medicinal virtues must be ewlmoudedged. It is particularly - recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have ueen impaired by the conbnuous ace of ardent spirits, or other forms or dissipation. Gen: orally Instantaneous in effect, it Ands its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening awry nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, In fact, Infoeing new health and vigor in the system. NoTIOE.-•—whoever expects to And this abeverage will be disappointed; but lathe sick, weak and law spirited. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. . BEAD CAItIzuLLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Bcorhaves Holland Hitters Is put np in half-pint bottles only, and retailed: t .032 DOLL'S per bottle , or six bottles for HMI Daum— The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine hoe induced many imitations, which the public should guard against puchasing.- - , - u—Beware of impcoltion. See that our "atonal' on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by SOLE PROrRIEZ,O.RS, lIEN3AMIN PAGE, 3R. & CO., ibises is the eitref - Hanitherg bj 'D. W. Gads k ,aepti-dawly. (0 OMEN GIN .2HLY DR:LICIOUS Toivio rrbiumrir, ESPECIALLY designed for the nee of the Medical Pries:ion aad the Atmay, having super. Booed the so-cal4d "Aretnatic,r t•Cordial,” Itedicated.P , "Schnapps," etc., is now all of the prominent physicians, cheiniets and 'connoisseurs, as pessessom all of theee Miriade medicinal qualitlea (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an ow and rusts tlin. Pet op in quart bevies mad sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. 31: - 13.1N1NGER & 00., (Established In 1.778.) SOle'Proprietors. No: fa BrosA Street, N. Y. For sale ih Harrisburg by 0: Ai Bannirart and John H. Ziegler. For sale by W. W. & H. Amitb,—Fronob, Richards & Co., and of the prominent Wholenide Druggists in Philadelphia. _ sepr-gswem An imprrieneed Nnrse and Female Physkoen, presents to .the attention of mothers tt.r. SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething • which greatly facilitates the praiser of teething, by soft suing the gums,reducing all Inilammation.-wlll allay ALL PAIN, and 'monodic action, and is BEM TO RE G ULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves AND,SRL vWi' AND .HEALTII TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up. and sold. this article for over ten years, Mid DAN SAT, lA 0001rmiNcts AND TRUII, what *we have never been able to say or any other medicine-:. NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who need ti. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera tions, and speak In terms of highest commendallon of iti magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in . Ude matter "1,11•2 wa no Snow, atter tempters' expe. hence, ADD maces atm NAPDAADON roe ins rounmser OF WNAT Amu mums. In almost every instance where the Infant Is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re newal be found in fifteen or twenty 'pinatas after the syrup Isadmndstered. This valuable preparation.. la the .presoripteir of one of the meet EXPERIENCED and BK.E.I,FOL NUMB In . New England; and has been used with news mum KUM in THOUSANDS OF CASTE. It not only relieves the child from pain, but king orates the 'stomach and. bored!, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole , system. It will mi nuet hustantly rollers GRIPING IN THE DOWNIE, AND WIND COLIC, 'and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the men, and enema mar m tas aroma, in all canes of DYSENTBRY AND' 01AHRHOSA IN CHILDREN,' whether It , arises from teething or from any other canes. We would say to every mother who has a child sabring froisparey of the romping comphente—no nor LIR TOONMinDICIEctiOn zsz renioniern on OTHER% stand betWead : /OUVid YOU" angering child and the relief that will be IiaLUTELY SURE--to follow the use of ,Nder,meiticinik R timely used. Full directions ibr using nillaccompany each bottle. None genuine Unless tinii4lielslMile of CURTIS k PERKINS,New Work, is en the °Weide wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. - Principal Qdtse, No. 13 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Cent. uer. Bottle. • Mirror Bale In Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No 19 Market atreet, J. Martin Lute, No. ZI Market street, G K. Heller, No. 91, Market street, below four th , and G. W. Miles, 1R & Market street &WM dawly NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS - NEW PRICES T HE 13IIBSCRII3ERS havirig succeeded to the WHOIMALE AND RETAIL OROCERY =SD NEM of OROS& & ..E.IINKEL,_ at WALNUT STRENTAVNARP,- . woald -Asepactiolly, announce to. the oftiselitt..or,Harilibure.ithitivicluiti; -that the* , ire Mg..' pareit go offer for rale a large and complete ,asaooment of Groceries, Iromsions, - Fish,Salt, Grain,Flour, • . .* afides.gres.t verzety, fineensware,. . Paints, Oils, . , Glass, Cement, Our Urge stithit.srodg, purchased Philadelphiaand New Mirk; and now tgolethg;,-Pue-,;beett'oeleeted , with 4 muelioare, and will preeent.groat Inducements to oleic butes. • We and to keep rm 4150ir-CLASO DS, and 'MI • NO r anAllope.brketiottibli' dually( to , who mitt away. iu k ce s -or p ormanainow tiosall4l s eo _ RE Penitivii)thitd gaily ., ttlegrapty, ear esaa afternotm, January :9, - 1861. litisuilantaus iretnt a lititi: DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER, COMPLAINT, I ehII I•. Phozmacentists Chalk% PIITSBITP,GI-", PA. CHILDREN TEETHIN, MRI 3. vvnisLow, JUe n aL Tllll ORIGINAL AND . GLNION DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR SAPARILLA, Tile Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. DIE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OF 7'BE SKIN S VLOETIATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES.. • • There complaints can be speedily and effectually cared by the use of t WORLD RENOWNED . SARSAPARILLA. Thoueinds have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have Witnessed it, until It tias Ceased to be a question among the intelligent i portion of the corn Inanity. When the Blood becomen lifeless and stagnant; either from the:effects of Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uniffirm saline diet, tramy other cause ; this compound Extract of: Sarsaparffia, wilt au= the lhoon, tarry off the putrid humors, mama REGVLAIE THE BOWELS. And impart a • T o ne of 'Vigor to the Whole Body:. TO THE PUBLIC. The publicaro hereby notified that the preparation ex .tensiVely known as Dr. & :P. Townsend's .Compound Ea; tract of Sarsaparilla •is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend ; and I certify that It is campus ed of-ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT It BI ClUßY;and also that the ingrecitenta are judiciously . Corm ounded, so as to obtain from them their groonout, medicinal effect. .. JAMFE IL- OHILION,- M. D., Chentlat. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND Enamor or &tau mums, has a reputation among all civiliied nations ei the best preparation for . Reuovatingliand Purifying- the BLOOD •-whine science has ever offered to man. In tins resides lts PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence, has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEX, front DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the retinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine It EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates anindreased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION.... To avoid Imposition It will be necessary to see that. . . DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE St Di. Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each !mtge. BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER Proprietor's office, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist in this city. , sp3o43taw 2izr.c:ks - ami.aLwat LIFE PILLS AND PHOEXX BITTERS. r riBESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public kr a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during ihat time have maintain( d a high character in al :most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following areamong the dlatreseing variety of ha. man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be bandlible. DYSPEPSIA, by theronghlyclestaingthe Ant and econd stomachs, and creating a flow Ar. pure healt h y bile, instead of the stale and acrid 'Dad PLATII. LENCY, Loss of Appettte,,Heratburn, Headache, MEV leakiness, 111-Temper, An Languor and Melancholy, which are the general sy.Mptems.of Dyspepsia, will tout, lab as aliatural consent:lents of ICS cure. • COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whsle length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without via Ence, all-violent purges leave the bowels costive with* two days: FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular areumtion, through the proceed of respiration in such cues, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to enn RIERIIMATIent permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation . from the muscles and ligtuneute of Utopians. DROPetErlief all kinds, by geeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate mast delight fully on,these Important Orions, and hence have ever , been found a certain remedy for, the worst oases of GRAVEL AL,o WORMS, by dislodging from the, turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity - which these LIFE MEDI. C DIES give to the blood, and all the humors. Scottairric ERUPTIONS and-BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterale effect upon the fluids that leed the akin, and the morbid state, of. whict4occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other ellsagroft able complexion. The nse el these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking La w °cement in the ulcerates of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN toLUENZA will always be cured by one doge or by two in iho Worst antes. original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 86 years Mending by the use of the LIFE MEDUIIiaS alone. ' FEVIIit AND A.GUM—For this scourge of the Western couktry, these Medicines will be Maud a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the .system subject to a return ofthe disease—a cure by these Medicines is. permanent—TßY THEM, BE BATIUMBD, AND. BE CURED. . BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER 'VOIR PLAINTS,--thatraai. Dinum, Lows or Amin; end Di nava or Fsaiekse—the Medicines have :been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and &rotate, in its worst forrosalelde to the mild yet powertul action of these reniarkable Medi cines. blight Sweats, Nervous Debility Nervous Coin plaints Of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Coli i are speedily cured. ikultelg as.tAL DISEASES—Persons whose constitu'ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will And these medicines' a perfect cure, as they never fall to eradicate tram the system, all the effecht of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the mostpower ,fel preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 1386 Broadway, Net-York. " poreele by all Druggists. jy2o•dairlY . VAN INGEN- & SNYDER, Designers and Enoravers on Wood' N. E.,cot & CHENENTIT Philadelphia. I'IECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving. with beauty, Correctness and dispatch. Original ueeigns furntahmt for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons. wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype,' can have views of Colleges, Churaltes,: Store- Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, 80., engraved as well , en per ,sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Phew Bills, Visiting, Business, and other Cards, engraved In the highest style of art and at toe lawful; Prices. For specimens or tine engraving, see the Illustrated works of .1. B. I,lppinoott & Co., E. H. Butler dice. WM. Z. STEEL, OARPENTER:AND JOBBEA, OORNER WALNUT AND FROM SIRERLI. JOBBING of all kinds. done at short notice., in good style, and on reasonable terms. All Work Promised in One Week Li 04. . PENNSYLVANIA • STEM! • D YEIN G -EI ESTABLISH:KM, --- x. 104 Market Street between 44 and Oth 11. A 11 . 1{41L8 - 13 (P t Ai A , every deseriptioliAk Wiete luta Gantlemear Paranaah Paicallopft_ are amused saailatahedLat lhetrest lairilieaudott, the Ehortestnolicet IDODGE & Ikrfamaawlir NProprietola. £Uebi.wL 14001) FOOD. • . Thb attention of invalids , , Ofitirgyineu , eel anti& men, and the publlo generally, in respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical pcointralith co,„- tattling Iron ,Sulphuir andrhoapho r us, and which is identical 46 its 16416P0 8 006"With r tha lionatfd Globule, or red - blood. In all diseases accompanied with Debility, pale countenance and nervous derangement, analysis of the blood show a deficieucy oftlie red globules: Ruddy compleilon and a rosy tint of the skin, is always indica. the of health ; *bile's pile, wegdike skin and • conate nance,--which evinces a deficienoy of the red globules,— accompanies a diseased organism: Preparations` f laon have been.given for the purpose of sup Plying the red glebules, but we contend that Iron alone, Sulphur alone,' or Phosphorus alone, will-net meet the defl- Clency:in, every case, but that a judicious combination of au. these elements Is. necessary tb restore the blood to its normal standard: polor,:never before attained, has been Joni:god in the Blood Food, and its discovery ranks as one of the moat solslentifie and important 'ot the age. Its areas COMPPIan are to sniten tie cough, brace. the neryes, strengthen the system; Alley Abe piontrahig night sweats, increase , the A l ? sicaland Venial energy, enrich Abe. blood by re norbig tile 'lacking "red &belga, increase the appetite, restore tidocider, and 'ClOttlethe'skelettow , frame with' freak . Th e Bloo d by, found a Raman° /wall 'Chronic `Dinentaes' the'Thrinat or Lun, such as Asthma; Bran .chit;44: - 0004 3c. , , Publio spoile gs rs and singers will hod it.' of great , utility In Clearing and strengthening-tile Line Cour, ads, PnewYvt:l 74 l 3 V , Pmultailo , Wllit Grassi,' St. gar' Dance, lever and "Asete,'Ace.,lte ?any is marked and instantaneous. In no elasi of dbiesse t . bow: ever,,ixe Abe beneficial effects of ..thia,remody so con spicuous an inlinue bemoaning • • , Radii Complaants to Width the'gentfet ex are an which tend to wards 00111111101X011, such. air , suppreso d‘ or 'difficult Menstruation, Green Bickner', Whiter, no , especially when Otiose complaints are ,accoltipsnied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of the Ain, dente:doh of spirits, debility,•palpitation; Want of appetite , and nervaWil pros tration, , We • have the utmeet confidence In recommend ing the Blood Food to all.who may be conscious of a kiss of Vitality or energy, ind to those Whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated thtough ofxrque, either of the mind. or, body, and:we deem it our duty to ray that In all cases 01 Weakness. and •Binatiariim, and in all ills. eases of the Xftineyrßtadder, thin preparationlas g claim upon the attention'of sufferers which cannot - be over es- timated. A WWII trbdwill be-found the meet convinc ing precifin:regror:ll to totenrxcy that could heaskee for. With thp above remarks, end- mill the numerous WO' mantels We hire fi nt - tier, we offer the unload Foca , ' to the comilderationaf theatnicted, knowibg that it will be acknowledged as pre•elnlitent over all other Prelierations, patent or official, MOdni of usefulness. . Circulars ; giving the Theory upon.which this remedy is founded; also certificates crremarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. WirforWard the Blood Food to any part of the United'Statesor Canadas upon receipt of Price--sl.per brttle, enter six bottles Be careful in all caeca to have none but that having our lac simile signature Upon thelrrapper.''Yone other hi bunko Prepared only by CHURCH &DUPONT, , , • No. dOff BrOadway, New Tea. and 11111 reeiectable -Druggists throughout the country. For sale by O. A.'llantivart, 'sole agent, Hartisbarg, Pa. • ' febe-dewl,y-rd aplo.rditti2 ezzia REDUCTION IN PRICES I • WHEELER & WILSON 'S Si-WING :MACHINES; NEW' IMPROVEMENTS , REDUCED PRICES- , . THE. WHEELER & WILSON igranufac r miring company hiving gained au thelinultiCit law,-with'infringing manufacturers oftewing Marlines' propose Ash the public should be :benetltted thereby, and nave accordingly rednced the prices of their Sewing Machines. Aftertinadatethey will he Sold et ratfs that will pay a Mr pros on we coat of manufacture, capital havemted, and expensed .making Sebes; Baia Prices will viable them to make. tint clam machines, and, ae heretofore, guarantee" hem in every particular. In: acoordince with the announcement &bole I"will sell their , splendid: Sewing Machines, at prices from $45 to $9O Ibr Melina full case machines: It is a well 4:stab:. Wheeler ifitehine , is the beat onetnthe market, the best made r v lniost snide and least liable to get out of. order; and they are now as lowtis the inferior inaoldnes. Call and lee them a Third and Market; ' • • ••.. • dek.Gia W. 0../lICICOK, Agent. 00NO .. 1 , . - 0 1 7. ..... i y ce,.. , , 4.: 'i4,7E rir I C9 ' /440 - 100linatallli I 0 Save, . Pieces' 4 l) -. ... .the. , t As maws iota ttojopits,- wee in rodknefaddestfaietti4ii DOI very desirable to bava some _cheap and eenverdent way for repetritag Partnere; 763*; 9roettel7, an. , SPALDDIGII-PREPUED CILVE meets all such einergeno4, andAta hoosehold can afford r to be Althorstit. -It hs &Ways ready - and np to the Weir.. Incpsgok; Them., b , ao ImageriA:mecesally.for, limpxg chairs, . splintered veneers, .headles toys and broken cradles. It is -pat the. arthele•for etinit:. shell and &her. ornrmental work,.so popular , with of refinement and taste. . - This , admirable:preparation:ls need mold, beingeLttemt:: eallyheld ist.solution, and.ossessing all the, qualities of the hest tablnet.makerev Glue. It may Ins- usedin the pliteeof ordinary- lenellatMeing vastly more afitseely* "LISTON': 1N EMI( libtrst.o , 8.-.& Brush stocceipinliss Aloe 25 ctn.; Wholesale Billet, N 0.48 Pedar itieet,' New Address • 11ENRY-0. EtT'ALDINerIt °II4 00., Box No. 3,600, New York. , Put np thr Dealers in cases containing Four,,Eight and Twelve Dosena beautiful -Lithographic Show-card ac. sompanyino each package. , _ _ JIGIT - A jingle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPAR.MCGLIJE will save ten times Its,coskannually io every .household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardwsre and Furnitaroluesilers, Grocers led Percy Stores; Country merchants should turke vte of SPUDING , e PREPARED GLIME, when mail op their list. It Wil 'Stand any elhnata: - . ' feblniawly, GREAT BARGAINBI.... ELEGANT' - FUR - S . . _ LADIES AND cittr,D4ps, OF Zesi 11.10.1 ER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. . ; 'The ',argue and Bete Stock 61 the Mt,- - .Our facilities enable tteto sell -lower thin-any. other W., tabliatintent. "l'olitenestasiFilk,%3oC 133,1r,02--4?".13„•: .CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, 828 and Q.lleoßiit StTeet,.Phila,da. Or NO CONNECTION WITH ANY. 'OTHER HOCH! Ai delo-2inde - - MUCH COATERTWAIT . ,mouans & 3:0 14. co rip as MERCHANTS, Corner of Front and Market Stmt.% lIARRISBURG,.PA. D m um -T. S. COATEMNAIL PUBS! To selectfrom a large atonic anus, • - GO TO CATHOAHTIL Toe es and buy nice new Furs TO oinioArrs. To get any kiad of Fun you paywiek • - GO Tq c draoegra - To purchase Furs without aniTtak. GO TO•O4TITOANPs. • To have Yuri guaranteed to be what they ire • repro seated, GO TO CATHCART'S. To-tlet the lilted, beat and steepest lot , of Ruin of every kind; CALL ON CATHCART As Blturstputs;-; • • No. 14 Market Sqtarei• nl9 - ' Tiottdwr to the Harrisburg Bank. BLANKBOOKS O . . F ALL IMAGINABLE SIVA .Pll,loXtt STYLI AND QUALM - AS on head and nuniaheckt to order at the cheapest rates, at • RIENINEtiI OW BOOKSTORE nisctllantatto. .•.' Mag AMILIMAXASION.OP Lartonaaas:-.1-There is - a vow ing tendeney in this age to appropriate the most expres7 sire words of other languages, and - after a whilst, in corporate them into our OWP , thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifi log "for the head," is now becoming popularized in connection with Mr. Spald ing's great Headache 'remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way,.aad the word Cephalic will become as opine:toil aa' near type and many Others Whose els; Unction as:foreign words has been worn away oy com mon usage until they seem "native and to the manor horn 'ardly , . B 'ad 'a rorrible "eadachti 'tide 'hatternoon, band I stepped lute the hapothecartes_handaays bi to the MUD, "Can you he,,ae me of an . 'eadache 'Dots it hache , ard'l rays ' e. , l'Elesocedingly,” eityalii,lnuni upon that 'e gave n.e a.Cei belie Fill, Lund 'ptn me 'anor it cured me so qui& that I 'ardly realized I 'ad lad an leadache. ffiriiiihrudaz is the favorite sign by which nature makes anOwl3 any deviation:whatever fcpmthe natural state of the brain; and viewed in this light It may be looked on as iiialegoardustended to give notice;r:lldiseass :which , might otherwLse escape attention, tilt too late tO, b e _ remedied;and its-ind icationsahould . never be neglec t e d. Head aches may, ba classified, under two, names. Sympteiniatic and Idiopathic Synnitomatic Headache is exceedingly cOrniktottlidid Hie`pretursor of a great vs: riety of diseases, ,amemg. which. are Apoplexy, tiers,. Rhetimalisui and in . febrile diseases. "In In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease. of the stomach Weed • toting . ricle headache, of hepatic disesee ponstitnting bd lions loiaifachi,'Or. , worms, neristipitiOn and'other (lade d/us of the bowels, as as renal andliteriee effect - Inns. " 'of the heart are very frequently attend ed with Headache% Anwmia and pletboraara alsoMfea , tans which Iretsuently. occasion headache.. Idiopathic 'Headache la alsn"very common, being usually ,gulshed by the name of nervous headache, semen/am admit% on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating- at once 'laments.' and physical energies, ` and to eltairlostaneelilt comes on•slowlyOniritlded by deprisaionor Spirits or acerbity of tempted/4 ) ln most :in stances u comic on slotely, heralded,by:depression el spirit/tor acerblty'of temper.- In most instances the File :la in the)front of lhe. head. over one or, both.eyes, and sometimes provoking vomit i ng ; ander this class may ilso be named' lfekkagita . ' • For the treatment of either class of Ilmuache the Co. phallb Villa haVabientound a sure and sale reined4're tiering the most acute pains in a leer. minutes, and by Ida subtile power eradicating the diseases of which Head aihe iii the unerring tatter. — • • . • Camom.—Mis ape. anta you, m send bet , a box of Ce phalic Vtitfe, rio - ; a bottler of 'Piepitred - kills,..but Ptn tit inkinetbatjaret.juat it,naitber; Int portions yell be . altuer'lnowtog w.hat it te. Ye see she's nigh dead and eve Sick Iliad/Olio; and *ants some mere' of 4bat same as relalved her before. . . • Ihruggist.—You must mean Spalahtg'S Ceplialle .13ridg et.—Och I sure now and you've sed It, here's the quarter and giv me the Pills and don't be all day about iteither. Co s nAir , ition or' Costiveness. SO one of the "many ills flesh isheir to" is, so, preva lent 4 so little understood,' and tho Much negleited as Cow origin Ming in earele- mesa,.! eeden lary 11 ; it to regarded as a slight disorder DI two little censequetioei to-excite auxiety,"while in. reality- ills ' tho Precursor and companion of many of: many of the most fatal and dingerouw dimmable, .anu unless early' eradica ted it :will , bring the: sufferer to an , 'untimely stave.— Among the hchter.eylls of which costiveness is the usual attendant. are Beadiehe, Colio,:Rbeumatison; Foul Breatni Piles. and; others of like nature, while a long, train of filghtitil diseases such MI Naligniiii Fevers, Oticessas i Dysentery; Denham, DittlimPSF,ApciPiexPt Epilepsy, Hyposhoncrlasis, Melancholy aim 'lnsanity, first indicate' their predefine in the system by ,this alarming symptom. Not unDeqeently'the diseases named originate in C. nstipatiONbut take on as lade pendent,existence micas the cause is eradicated in an early stage. , Froufall these considerations itiollows that; this diedreer, fthould recettre itrimedlaut attestiou when ever it'oedoi; and nb person' aliatild neglect to get box of Cephaliti on : the first appearance ei the complaint, as their timely. use. ill eget the insiduous approach o disease and destrity this dangerous fZe to human life. ,A Real Blessing. . . Physfeidn:—Well;mrs. Jonel;b6w Is that hea dacha ? Nl* .ToneprGeoe .Doctor r an gone Ithe pH/ youseut ; cured Me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would and More-so thatrdan havethem bandy. Phystician.—You can get them at any Druggists. Call :0 Cephalic Pills; rand' they never fail, and I raebni mend thine hiwilmmes of Headache. Jirs_loned,l shall send for a boa directly, and shah tell all ray sulleriag-nisaaa i fo r *hay are a rata Varrifig: _ . . TWISTY Mimosa or Course Spalding has sold two millions of -bottles Of celebrated'Prepared' Glue and it, is estimated that each bottle eaves obleastten -dollars worth of broken fax - niture, lbw making an aggre peseta of twenty:millions of dollars reclaimed froril total less by-this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now preppies to dcilhe world Mil greater service by curing all • the ,acbtog heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good as his Glue, Head aches will soon vanish away like snow in July. szir Ovals. Excmarretr, and the mental care and anxie ty incident to close attention to bibilleits' or study, are among the numerous cameo oftlervous Headache.: 'disordered state of meld and body inbutent to this din kre,seing complaint is a fatal 'bloat to air energy' and'unt. hition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one of this Whine PHIS wheneverlbeljlohtoms appear. It quiets.thenvertassed brain, and soothes, the strained and jarring nerves, aud , relaxes , the tension of the std mach' athich always accompanies and aggravates the dis ordered condition et_ hebrainy , . .. _ . ... , * FACT Womn-Knownre,a4palding% Cephalic Pills are a., pertain cure ler Sick Headache, Billions Headache, Nervous Headache, lostivenesa and General Debility. GBRAT alidimser:—.4Ainong the mast important of ail tlie,great medical discoveries of this age. may, be con 'isidertio the system of vacclimation for protection from aniall..Poz,,thufeephallc lot relief , of lleadatehe, and :the use Or Outline for thee Prevention of Fevers, either et specilhi whoeit benefits. will be expert .enced by,stifering humanity loag after their discoverers are forgotten: -#lr4/112 you ever have the Sick Headache? Do you re ificznbei toe theobtfing tetiPleS; the feveri3d brow, the . loathing mid .dhlgust st‘the sight of food: How totally unfit you were bar. pleasure, conversation or study. One 'of the'o6Philic Pilla would haVo relieved you from all the Millatirg ,Whleh -yolfthen experienced. - For this and other purposes you ahould always have a, box of them on hand to use isaatcaSiiin requires. • tuße „ v o i la „ ox talf l ogad 4 , 4 to 1 , - - mu - 70a Nervoustleadache 4 , l CURE o t t ichi as? 6 liefulaelle. • BY the use of these 1.11 theperiodle attacks - of Mr aoasor Sick Madacke , may be prevented; and if taken - a thfl:cOniniencemint: of - an attack' intliwidlate relief !to pao-04.sieknesis ixtaibe.obtainid. Theyeetkicen fall in reateeing the Nausea and:Mar/2d e to which females are So subject. They act geoilyepon the bowelst,..remaving MOO/au= ??Os:Lietrasy- Mess, Sissiettia-Delleate Females; and all preensOP wientary habitsithey-trevaleithie me:Lows: Use; impsoe leg the - apsttlie e, Sitting 'tens end vigor to. the dip - edit organti; and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole *ekes. -' . . 1 / 01 .ME., Igari 11 44. - . ate 4110 result of :lontinvestly : g all°ll : 2 4 6 tarefoilirc.ll4iictod exporlmenta, 'having been alurPtars,. daring , which.time have MO: vented and relieved a vest amount of pain eridardieriziti frOmlleadachp, whelhar originating.= the amnions Bye. tern or froin aderan g e d of tastethe *ovum& • They are entirely vegetable in their comnoaitlon, and maY bp taken at all times with patent ,safety,wlthoat making any change or *diet, and the absenee eau!, disa midge taste relukralt eakiki di:barrister Mein to Andrei. =waltz OF toimnewErrs't The gennbzirhatiiitveSpaldhig en , oachlol., - " ' ' Sold by, Draez i I,untailsdlier Deniers in Mediikies. A #ozgill . bedentby 44l prepidon noopt,- of the' • 81, 411 tAS, cE!T ) T '4n 'Fairs shou l d.. • „ HENNY - 13.8141.18N18, a0v15.44w17 48 Cedar Skeet, New York. OR tettantouz. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS - HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING Phis Medicine has been used by Me public firs sin years, with increasing favor. it is recommended to Mere DYAI.Vgia, Hervousnets, artHurrs, Orlie Pains, Wind in he Samach, or ttt ns in the Bowe , Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Com plaints, LOW Spirits 11 iarinst Tremens, /Mem:Pres /1113LaiRS, BIBILARATES, i V - ROT OITTOTICatiI OR $ll7 , JCS A MEDICINE it ik quick nd effectu ti. AI, curing inmost aggravailsgosse o Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derange cot 01 the Stomach and Bowels, le a speedy manner. It will Instantly revive the most miela , c ly an: drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d sic ly to health, Strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected„ and their nervous systems shattered, conetitutioes.laroken down, and subject to that horrible nurse to humanity, the Dnunrmt Twin ins, will, almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating - etilimay of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. wine glass full as often as neosesarY. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits.j, One'dose Will eure Heart-burn. Throatiest:l - will care Indigestion.' ' One dose willows you a Good Appetite. One 'dors Will stop the distressing palms of Dyspepsia. Ope dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable drafts of Wind or Flatulence and as soon utile stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing toad and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose wilt renlove the most distressing pains ofColit.„ either in the stomach or bowels. At few doses will remove all obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who ari3 Seriodely afflicted with any Sidney Complaints areassured speedy relief by a dose or two, .and.a radidal cure by the use of one or two homes., * INTIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Pontius who, trots dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head - *hes, Sickness at - stomach, weakness, giddiness, U., will And one dose will remove all bad sidings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day ; it will make theta strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities tram the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face, Miring pregnancy It will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagraeable.seneationt at theetomich. - AB the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has,put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 50 cents, quarts $l. General Depot, 4111 Water street, N. Y. • Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTf, & CO. and for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co. and C. K. Keller, and byaß Druggists everywhere. jel4-dawly FALL AND WINTER-CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA. FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STORES' ! ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. A superb stock of. fine French, English and American CLOTHS CASSIMERES, - and TESTINGS, Vartaty and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortinent of Bran: Maus CLOTHING at, the lowest cash . p wrllut ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic *oath and use presented wi.h each article sold. Partkular attention paid to the Customer department, andigarmeets made-andseet to order to any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, - GRaNVILLE STOKES would inprme-on the allude of the xiatrona of his establishment,. that the cost eras at ht deducted from, and Nor added to the price of the ant cle sold. Eta immensely Increasing SaleS enabling Dim to net thus liberally, and at the same time to realise A remunerative profit. articles guaranteed tojtve entire Mb sfsetion. „. _GRANVLLLE STOKES' ONE-PitICE CLOTHING EIIPORITTIf 607 COESTNIIT STREN.T. - 0.1.10-Bmd - - 107m1AT FAMILY 'DRUG . STORE . THE UNDERSIGNED. HAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, In the Iron Front Builning, No. 128 Market street, lately occepled by Mr. Eby, wehre found an entire new stook of Fresh and Pure Drage, Perfumery, CO& OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Alc ol Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, & O.; &c. We =have the agency for the sale of Eline's Celebrated AM, deka Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of lkrjtiate.By Birk attention to business, and desire to please; we reepeetfully•ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. MILES. B ._Prime Havana Snare and Tobacco constantly On d. • • aPre.dlir , • EDUCATIONAL. • • . A CONTROLLING- ELEMENT.OF,NA- Ii TIONALITY is the system educatlen in - a c o ne. try proportion as the struotare or a government ergo force to pubic opinion, that public opinion should be wightened."—Washing'on's. FaTeurelrAd,:reu. To . thle end the people in general should be educated Into correct and familiar acquaiutance uttla the nature and 'princtples of our government imitated institutions.. - . -4111J11. GOVXRNIJENT : An explanatory statement of thisgstem of Government oftherafintry, &c, A kIANLT- SiLIPQR 51311001,5, ACADEMIES AND POPULAR UM? is d work which, with proper historical notices,. gives thfroonstructlon or the provisions of the Constitution - of thef United States and of those 01 the several States, as dettrudned by judicial authoriti, or derived from stand. int . writers, Including some reverences to administrative 14W &it'd Practice, so as to show the actual working of our gederal system of Government. It Is free from specula. timeinions, ranservadve in Its tendency, and calculated to eultivate the love of our - country. It has been ured, to A considerable extent, in the kIiUGATION uF yoUra, in "different states, and Is recommersied by Juriots, Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges.-. Prlbe $lOO. Sold by Al. WHINNAN, dilHarrisburg Pa. - VMPLOYM EN T.-$5O A. MONTH. AND Jl2/ ALL kIPENBES PAP) —An agent' is wanted In ove'ry town and. county in the United States, to engage in a respectable and .easy business, by - Which the above profits may certainly be realized. For full particulars addreSS Dr. HENRY WARNER, 64 East Twelfth at toe corder of Broadway, New York City,inelosing one po Wg#stiunp . • !octll3.3md ZAISIILY BIBLES ! TEiR , LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE. CITY, at all prices from $1 25 to $25 dollars cask in all the different styles of binding; for sale at BERGIiER'S CHEAP BOOK:MORE,. ant . 6l Market Street. SILVER PLATED-WARE HARVEY FILIJEY, ; , N 0.1.222. Market Street, PHILADIMPRIN Manufacturer of fine . i NICKEL' SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of : VORKS,SPOONS, LADLES BUTTER KNIVES,. :, • CASTORS, TEA b'ETS, UItNS, REVILES_ , ; WAITERS, MIER DISHES, ICE BASKIRTS,' COMMUNION WARE; CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, - Ac t , .'With a general assortment, comprisinenenebnLete bey . quaky, made of the bestmalplay and keenliyplated, eon: atitizting there a • ' serviceable and durable article - • . . I Foe HOTELS STUMM= A111)-PRIYATIL. ialOW/S. jor Old Wtai re-plated in the kUn mmer. hb2o-dairly . _ . NEW _ 'LIVERY- _ STABLE, PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, THRREAR OF THE "MOBOAN ROME" .71 7 1 HE SUBSCRIBER ; has opened- a new LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and lute a steer tlf• excellent .41ORSES, and new and-laablonable BIJSOIES and CARRIAGES,.IsbIchhe wit, hire at wader atesattat. • • - oEORGE W. LOCHER, agt. ticv244ltc . :30EN.IVULVORE - . RASPEERRY, ALLEY, BETWEEN. OR D.. AND MULBERRY STREETS, HAERISBU • . • 1111)P - ESPECTFITLLY informs the p that _LIU hell' located alba above mentioned place:kid he has commenced thel9o.o,L DYEING and CARPETWEAV ENG BUSlNwstin air iurvatious branches. Bela pre; posed to fill all orders at the. shortest notice, and will guarantee general satisfaction. Eli prices be )laphyg: owlet' on the busbies, for Jenny ,Yeare in Geautity, end over till years here, and'also having bid in extended experifetiaii.inabis country, he b fay com pesent to execute all work entrarted to him, and hopes . recelve a - reasonable share of custom from Lis ft ,ll °w general assortment of Carpete are a.WOP kept onhand and will be a 414 It the lowan rate. IleY2:l4lo4mdi MN BUT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers