Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 09, 1861, Image 2
Pailg Eqtgrafi, • HARRISBURG, PA. Tuesday Afternoon, JannaryLB, 1861. PRESSES FOR SALE. J'AVING purchased new presses we will sell Iwo aeco Ed-hand . ADAMS Talarati at a very low prim Apply immediately. TYPE, FOR SALL ALARGE FONT of .Brevier type it; of ferad for sale at 15 cents per pound, cur& The tyre will-answer tor any. country:newspaper, butwot being o l'the same cast arthoso used by us not!, WeWill sell th,e 'same laordeito.roalle,dtherin Apply. mmedlately to ..GEO:BERGNER No Surrender of Principle. The home organ of the President elect; which no doubt speaks "by authority," in an article under the above caption says` that ((the recent Presidential battle was fought over the queition of slaveryexten sion. The Republicans, took, ground in favor of frea territories and the righ r t and duty otbongress to exclude slairery there from. Cn that ground it cOnihared, and its representatives should see to it that there 'is no flinching from i thal Position— no surrender of prinCiple. lie want the President electonclAtf Republican mem bora of Congraketo say' to the South and to the world; t t ri'atAatery shall not pollute another inch of free soil belonging to this GovernmepE, lf it is in their power to prevent \ it. We have steadily opposed the restoration of the. Missouri Compro mise line, and are cquallyopposed to any other Tegislatiort that 'shall surrender - any free territory to slavery. We are just. selfish - enough to want it'aa for fregdoin. When States are to be 'formed out of the. Territories, then'let the people training, those States , say whether they will will not kive elivery,_ and let _Congress res pect their deeision .; but until that time let the Ilepublican party . tise, all ii I power to keep the' territories free. b • - - We tare op possed to any amendment of the Constitu tion that shailgivo to slavery further guar anties, rights orprivilegee beyond those now - given. We want to see our gov ernment turned back into the''chap nel in which its framers originally place it—a_ohannel leading it_to free: : dem—and we are utterly opposed to legis , lation looking or =tending .in any other direction. ' §lavery is the creature of local law, and -- Elli#e-holcters, as sum, - nay • • • rights or privileges under the Constitution —except a Congressional represeiitittion of their peculiar property, and'a national law for the rendition of fugitives—and these 'are all the rights they ever ought to have, and, in our humble opinion, all that they will ever got. We believe that i sla very will ultimately t ecome extinct in this country, and We do not want `th see any legislation by Congress that - shali, extend the period of its existence. We' 'would not interfere with slavery where it exists by virtue of State law—we would not de- prive pit of any rights it now has under the Constitution ; but we would have Congress use its power to prevent the ex tension of the evil. Republioan mew bers of Congress have pledged themselvfs to this policy, and they must live up to it or basely betray the trust reposed in_them by their constituents. We believe that Mr. Lincoln is planted firmly on 4121 w ground, and will not abandon it.' So far as he and the Republican party can ite• complish it, the. TERRITORIES SIMI' be free. The charact& of States to be for'ined out of the Territories must be de termined by the people who frame and adopt their Constitutions. There will be —there can be--no abandonment of this position by Mr. Lincoln or his party." THE PRESIDENT AND L.equasulit.--- - One of the strongest inducements the President has had. to do lie' duty came from Lancaster. Frequent 'threats iefe made of burning Wheatland, and public feeling was rapidly coming to the (liter: mination never to allow him to return - in quiet if he connived further with tk, traitors. It was proposed to appoint a committee and buy him out in a lair vain. ation, and then notify him never to ven ture tAk put foot in the old town again. Some oth,is life-long friends sympathized with i f fy) movement, and notified him of the st a te'of feeling, and it doubtless did much to open his eyes as to the vortex in which he was plunging. A litiNazu of years ago Mr. Webster ties asked, at a dinner table, hie opinion of bri.l:ltiolianan,' and *oiled - thiitile was a i liolitician, but no statism's." It cur i ods that a short time aftar, Mr. Ba . chanan was asked hie opinion of Mr. Webster, and replied, that "he was a statesman, but no politician." In both judgnients contempt was expressed—Mr. WehsteLdeliphsing politioiana who were not etatesmen t ...and.lfr. Buohanin de spising etateeinciiirho were not politichtni ittliegreq3l); illebttesbag Xitertwit, Januaq 9, 1861. An Incident at Fort Sumter. A gentleman who recently returned from Fort Sumter, details in. a Baltimore paper all. ' impressive Ineident 4 thettook place there on Major Anderson taking pobsession. • It is known that the Ameri eimi flag, brought *ay frOm Fort Moul-' trio, was 'raised fte Sumter precisely at no° i n: on -the , -tilt -.-but. , the...incidents , of !that "flag raising" have not been,re-, latd. It was a scene that will be ame movable reminiseenne in the lives of those who witgesseiLit. A short time 'before ifek Major Anderson assembled the whole of - hi little fpree with ,the work ; : men employed on the .- fo,r . t,around the foot of the, flatataff... I The netionalensign Was attachedte the cord qpilidajor Anderson, i holding the : end,of theliaesrin,his hands,. knelt reverently do!aiii;.::Tbe'officere, Sol-, diersearntenelosterelttroind :many of :the :on' their Aheteoitirgeeply impressed 'wit iteictnielt; of the scene. The- , elm liiii*Sideiiniltliso:prtiyesuchan , ~, ,-.1 4.;/...t io er......,. :.. ~.. . 1- _ appeal. Tor sUpp.OrtwAncouragement . and mercy as one would itlitke', : iidie'felt that '"mati7o extremity is God's opportunity." As the earn % solemn words of the' speaker ceased; , and -the men responded Ammi, rw4li r a • fervency that perhaps they bad' niver;hefur a. i e . expeilenoed, :Major -An dentin drew the - "Star'Spangled'Banner" . up totthe stop of the staff, the -band broke out with the`naqonal - iii , of'"itall Colern: Mat' .. aid loud:and exultant cheers, re peated Vi n -and again,. were given_ by thelofficers,. Soldiers and milkmen. . "If," soya tgl tiariator, !fSonth 6arolina had at that moment attacked i the fort, there woid have been 710, heeita_tion inpon the part of any man within it about defending than Bag."' _: ' . • R ARMY AND SEOESSION. , ---It is re ported that some one • asked the ~veteran "Ge . Wool, the other day, if the army -wo cl,he likely to divide in case of seces sion', and fail:to obey - orders from the new PreSident. The gallant old man drew himielf up proudly and replied, "Do you think sir, the army is `going to fail ,the No, the. moment it is needed ? NO, Forthernioie, I.allow no officer or raarAmder my command te admit the poseabity.of disunion, and if I hear that anyone has spoke4jn, fayor of it, I will couit martial him with. possible &ape < • and_Gen—Soott feels as l ' SECRETARY HOLT AND GEN. SCOTT;— The { best understanding ' exists between Secr i etary Holt and Gen. Scott, as the , former very, reperly defers to the expo- Tient° of the -latter in military' affairs, and does' not attempt to set . up an' arbitrary stanliard of his own, as Messrs. Davis and Flo4d did ' in utter disregard of his views • Or r ecommendations. If Gen Scott's ad viceilia4 bein followed in October, when the (Pennsslyanin, election . foreshadowed Mr. LfienlY4 *Oink niinevitable, there I Iv `oii d have been '"ii*Serions complication 1L .. inc,,,, io d have been;n,. ._ B TREACHEiti OF THE LIBANG SFA , oEsitowisTs.--Privo.te. adviees from South . . ..,. • • . Carolina state that the people were assured the I secession movement - Would be con ducted - . ;without ..any..:disarrangement of business 'and to a ptaceful conclusion in . their own way. , Recent indications have, • however,,'ebanged these opirixons, and .. they are now begirining to - realize the Oontiquence of fkis rash experiment.— Charleston, now at the , best season of the yea for' , her trade, is SIMOst .deserted; and! commerce is seeking;' another and Bath. °kennel. ','. IT is suggested that if South Carolina. will not tome back into the'Union, all the Stites shall go over to her. She could: hatfilly ,refuse so magnificent an offer. The nagaes of the States might be changed, and - the National Capital could be removed to !Charleston. 'We should -still have a glorious nation, t4e which would golunder the general-no:Me of South Caro '' unit,. 'lf °harem, notzo, to the mountain,let the‘''Molirlfaufgo M 3 o hamined. HONORS TO MAJOR * ANDEIttION AND SEpRETANIBEI HOLT AND'STANTON;=-Ope b.uUdred guns were firedAit Seneca Falls, New. York„for Major Andemoh, and Sec retaries. Holt. and Stanton, :'for :their gal larit and patriotic services, the cause of th? Union. At Waverly, alio, a hundred gins were fired, and a large 'banner was across the ;tittcet,, witkthc rn - scription`:_ fi For Presidentill ifi64, * Aajor Atidersob." A company q - Xinute , rafAi' w — ah organized by the people,.regstrdlesii of part , , • TnRBE COMPAilaa of tha.llttited States - • Flying Artillery are'*Po'Pe - cohnintrated at ollnear Wishington On the occasion-0i the iri4nguration se4t, will imperintend the -necessary ;sr riligeoen-ti) for preserving LLo dery Vin: d any` breikelt 9f•pettee'is attempted: 7 , • f4est ~41,.....,,C44,g44 SPECIAL DISPATCHES •r• 4 TO TER' DAILY' T RILE GR AP H. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS.' Important : Message 'front 'the President. OLD KIDS. 'SEEDWINO BACK BONE. THE VNION SHALL BE PRESERVED. WASHINGTON, Jan 9. Seinstri:4-(S.:t,Y;ielied -leave to present the memorial, of the citizens of Princeton New Jersey, on the 'Subject of Na tional athi:tis; containing practical suggestions. Mr. Buziturrt objected .1:_ The SpBARER laid before the House a message from the President. The President says at the opening of the session he (lilted attention to the dangers to the Unlion, and recommended snail measures of relief as he •beliefed would %hire the effect'of trangniliying the country and giving it from the perils' in which it had been needlessly and unfortunately placed. His den 7, 'lotions, then expressed remain unchanged. He regrets to say that matters instead of being better, are still worse, and hope is dimin ished. Alluding to the condition of South Car cline, he says he has no other alternative but to'collect the revenue and protect the public property as far as practicable. He appeals to Congress to say, in their might, that "THE ONION SHALL AND ARTST BE PBBaEBVED," by' all Constitutional means. He recommends Congress to devote themselves to prompt action With a view to peace. He, the President, bad wamee. his country of the danger. He felt that the duty devolving upon him had been faith fully though imperfectly performed, and he was 'himself conscious that he had meant well for his country. A division of the Territory in the line of 86 degrees 30 minutes, is suggested, as calgulated to produce an adjustment It was an •imputa tion on the members to say they will •hesitate for.a moment. The danger is _upon. us. In several of the States the Forts and Arsenals of the U. S. have been seized by aggressive acts. 'Congress•should endeavor to give the difficul ties a peaceful solution. He states the reasons why he had refrained from sending troops to Charleston harbor, ,believing this would have furnished a pretext, if not a provocation, on the part of South Carolina. SN&TE.—A Message was recieved from the President of the ITnitcd States. - Mr. Bums presented a resolution of inquiry, that' the President inform the Senate whether John B. Floyd at present fills the post of Secreta-. ry of War, and if not who fills the office, and if the appointment as acting or Secretary had been made and when, and by what authority it was ms4e, and why the fact of such appoint- Malt has not been communicated-to the Senate? Laid over. Important from the National Capital• WASthNGTON, Jana , 9 'There seems to be a mistake - or misapprehen sion' somewhere. It Is denied by gentlemen very intimately related to the Administration, that the recruits to Fort Sumter were ordered without the previous sanction of the President ; and fiirther, that the subject was discussed in the cabinet, and acting Secretary of War Holt,- as well as some of the other members of the of the President that the recruits should at once be sint. The War Department is in possession of in formation that the Governor of SOuth Carolina has forbidden the United States sub-Treasurer at Charleston, from paying the drafts of the Paymaster in, favor of Major Anderson and his command, and the sub-Treasuxer has refusod accordingly. Half a million in specie is daily expected from New York by the Treasury De partment. COmmander Maury says the tong passage of the Levant does not, in his judgment, justify the supposition of her loss,'and gives the reason for his belief in her safety. Resignation of Secretary Thompson. WASIIINGTON, January 8. , Mr. Thompsoo to-day resigned to the Presi dent his commission as Secretary of the Inte rier, on the ground that after the, order to re in-tome Major Anderson was. countermanded on the 81st of December, them was a distinct un derstanding that no troops should be ordered South without the subject being considered and decided in the Cabinet. ,At the Cabinet meet: ing oti the 2d inst., the matter was again de hated but not determined. Notwithstanding these facts, the Secretary of War, without the knowledge of Secretary Thompson, sent 250 men in , the Star of the West, to reinforce Major Anderson. _Not learning of this till this morn ing, be resigned forthwith. Fort 3l'Renry in Full Tossession of the Government Troops; BAINIMORE, Jan: 9. A company of Marines, numbering forty muskets, under Lieutenant Howel, came in a special train from Washington this morning, and took possession of Fort M'Henry,• raising the stars and stripes. _ Arrival of a New Mexican Mail. INDEPBNANNOB, Mo. , 9 The new Mexican mail from Pawnee Pork, arrived this evening. No news from the in coraing-Mairdiie-herelWO-Wreeks ago. No in dians were seen ,on the route, and no news of any importance. Tobacco Manufactory. Burned. James Adams & Co's.; Tobacco manufactory, on Washington street, was burned this morning. Loss on the stock $36,000. Insurance $lB,OOO. Loss on the building $4,000: Insurance $B,OOO. Maine Tinned states Senator. Avausre, Me., January 9 Ex.-Governor Morrill was to-day elected United States Senator in place of Mr. Hamlin. ASSIG}NEES'" NOTICE. VOTICEAs hereby pion that John Wal lower and John , Wallower, Jr., of Dauphin county, by "voluntary assignment hive assigned and transferred to the'undersigned all their propertyin trust for the bene fit or their creditors. All persona therefore having claims against the said John Wallower- and John Wallower, Jr. `trading• as John Wallower h. Son, or against either of them, will present them to the-undersigned, and those indebted willmake immediate payment to , cues. F. kIaNDH, * Assignees.: . janl,-Btdeatw Residence Rarnisbarg Pa. NOTICE: -NITHEREAS, Letters - Testamentary on itne estate of Isaac G. WKlnley, late of the oily of Harrisburg, deesesed., have been granted by tbe Register of Dauphin County to the undersigned Therefore,- notice is hereby given to all persona indebt ed to the estate ..of sa id , decedent to make , payment as early as practicable ;- and those having claims or de.' ortuds aguirt§t the same will present them without delay, dfily authent i cated,tc'Ur. Harris 0. Faluiestock for set. 'Dement. MARTHA hildINLEy, nartisburt, nem /7, 1880 LARGE - assortment of 111.113U.M8, ;AIL Prices, all.ll/ will gutk• mast% CEIRL9IIIAti: QUITS for yourlady hieu vitt belbund aS BBIODIRR'S:OHEF BOOKSTOX DR. DUTONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all . ' obstructions,, from whatevOr =Use, and al- ~ ways Successful- as qt preven. tive. r SEPILLS HAVE SEEN VEER . 13r ... „ ' the doctors f i ..miny years; both In France and mericts Kith. unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousana ladies who need them, to Makethe Pills public for the alleviation of tho-e suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an_increase of,family .vivrik*A.4 ll L will-flot,Pentlik i‘—. , Females particularly situated ,- or those. supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in tbat. condition, as they are sur to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility atter this admo nition, although their mildness-would prevent any mis chief tei'llettlitt—otherwiseliftt - Pills . are recommended. Pull and explicit directions accompany each bor.. Pries $l. 00 per bor. Sold, wholesale and retail by . * - DILthILISH A. DASINVART,' Druggist; sNo. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. - -:.::Liditie.:AilimididE 11:dr117uo , jetlie l. Ettrrtstrotni Pout °ince, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and -'free of pos tage'" by mail. Sold also by S. S. STnyrant, Reading, Jontraott, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lan- BERGER, Lebanon, and by one , d ruggist in every city and village In the Union, and by S. D. Hawn, sole proprietor, New. York. • . - - N.:13,-Look out for counterfeitS. Buy no Golden PHIS ot-any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a bass imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value - your 'lives and'heafth, (to say nothing of be' lag humbugged out of your money,) - tiny; noly of those who show the signattite of S. D. How% on` - every bor. which het recently , ne e niarKked . :9n shcolibt lof Vats Pills. leg cotinterlefted: . • "dii3'.frwifittly. • MEMBERS. OF THE LEGISLATtfRE AND STRANO visiting the City is balled to- the largeet arid' finest as- Letter, Note and Cap Papers, - Envelopes, rens and Holders,' ink; Inkstands. "snails, • Writing Sand, eand Boxes, - Board, and a fun variety of all hinds of STATIONERY; NVMehl& price and qualltycannot be exeelied, at . BERCtrtat , g Calte" BO OKSTORE, . : 51 Market Street. de2U %Ars* aim DEBILter.---All who suffer from Weakness Or debility, where, there is a want of en ergy, should once'have recourse to RIDSUNHa MOD, CAIN HERB MLLE.. They imMediately purify the blood, and act .upon the-mainspring-of me, giving strecistkann vigor to the system. Yobeg persons entering into wo-' manhood, with a derangement of tie functions,; and to mothers at the turn, tbese Pins will. be most effi ortuito in correcting the tide of lite that - may beon tbt. turn. Toting and elueily men suffer-in a similar manner' at the same periods; when there is alwayis danger, they `ahould-theretore underio a course of this purify ing , me dicine, which ensures lasting health , This'great Household Medicine ranks among the lead. lug ncceesaries of life, as it is well knew') to the world. that it cures cemplaints oiher remediei cannot reach ; this fact is as well establiabed as that the Bun lights , the World. Sold by all medicine deale-a. de2B-1m MOTNINs ILIAD Titut.—The following .18 an , extract front a letter written by the pastor if a las.ptist church to the""Jaurnal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and. "speaks volumes in favor of that world-re nowneit medictne--Mrs. Winslow's Soothing . Syrup fer chlidren Teething : "We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a won; in favor of: a patent medicine" before in cur life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no bum• bug—we have tried it, and know'st tote attic claim. It s, probably, one of the most sucressiut medicines of the ay . , because it is one of the best. Ann th ose of your aders who have babits can't de ettcr tban to lay supply.- aa22 COUGLIS .—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple reale, dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse once bt bad t' "Brown's Bronchial. Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation: of .the ever so Sligbt, as by tills precaution a more strimasettack may be warded or. - Public Speakers and Slivers will find See advertisement _ . • delB-d-swaw6m, W. A. BATCHELOR'S - HAIR DYF.! rpRIS SPLENDID 11 Ift DYE has no . equal—instantaiteous in , effe,i—lleautiful Black or Natural - Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Bair—remedies the absurd and 111 effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Bair - for lire. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batcbelor " Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. SI Barclay Street, New Yoilc: marl2•dtwly AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO ACTIONS AND OTHER • LEGAL PRCCRE DINGS FUR THE VIOLATION' OF ANY OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RARRISBURG.--Gscriox I—Be it or dained by the Common Council (tribe said City, That no thlgg in any of the ordinances or by-laws of the said city eh iI bo so construed as to deprive the party or parties injured or aggrieved in any way, nor the city itself, from resorting to or maintaining any .other remedy or legal proceedings :or injuries sustamed or violations of law, which have been and are provided eith,r by the Stat utes mthis 'Commonwealth or the common law, if r in the opinion of the stud party or parties, or of the exe cutive officers of said corporation, a moro efficient and substantial remedy it afforded for the - injury or wrone complained of by statute or the common law than that which is provided in•the several ordinances of the said oily; nor shall anything AlteTein contained be so con stetted as to prevent the party or parties, or the said city itself,-frenr asserting, maintaining and prosecuting both remedies or legal proceedings at the same lime, and in each and every case where it maybecome necessary. D. W. GROSS, • President of Common Council. Famed December 6,1860. Attest—DAM BARRIO, Clerk. dlt FOR RENT.-THE STORE ROOM AND CELLAR of M 0.1.2, west Market Equare. Posses Mon given on the Arat of April next. For particulars enquire of [Jan9-dtg R. FELIX. Btrgreio, tanuary 9 BIBLES-1--7318LE8: 1 i. A Large and thoroughly complete stock &BLEB, COMPRISING 4N'ILRIC! VARIETY, From the Qmallest Pocket to the Ir4rge3t,sixed and finest FAMILY-BIBES; aso Jest been parcbased and received from the Trade Sides..., Having.pnrebaSied these RV 13 .0 r LOW RATE they will be sold arrier3i. . Please ealland: cianane die stock at BERT Nll3Ol MILAPItOORSTO.I4, A CARD TO THE LADIES TEE •ATTENTION OF NOTXCE. Hera 12thatistmento. DESIRABLE MOURNING GOODS. Black and PupleAll Wool 'Figured Merteos, Plain Black knglish Vanua - Reps. " Bittel and Purple Tamize Clothe,Slik and Wool. Plain All Wool'Cashmeres and Merinos. flack and Gray Worsted Poplins. Black and White All Wool Delaines. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupin's Best Bombazines, Superior Black Lustres. Lupin's !Era Alpaccas. Neat Style Striped Mohairs. &Dame Style Pam:betas.: ,61-4 Wool Detainee English Chintzes. Madonna Cloths. Plain Mohan's. Calicos. SOPONIOR ELAM BUNN ENO: Rae. Idotrezaaa here). do Duca Aire Werra do do io Possma AND Buck do do do P 55114. :Ctaitis, Nem and. Desirable. Every article of the different kinds of DRESS GOODS in the BLtG and SECOND MOURNING line. Selected frOm the very bust makers. Lupin's Square Thibbet Shawls, do Long do do .Black French Blanket Shawls, 2d Mourn tug French Blanket Long Shawls, • 2d Mourning French Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils, (every size), ' Grenadine Veils, (every size), ' • ..LEngliati. L Orepes, French Crepes. SHROUDING CAFHLUULES, SHROUDING FLANNELS; BLACK GAUNILKITS, all 100.9, BLACK 'GLOVES all Made, BIALPINORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, • NIACK. BOISERY. (all kinds), SPLENDID ASSOIItIIFSTCF COLLARS, PLAIN BLACK BIBBONS. An inspection dour stock win ciinvince.AlL CATHCART . n 27 - --Naszto the Barrbibarg Bank. Ai em tab Dr rti ,9 entotts BUCKWHEAT MEAL r EXTRA QtALrey I.23cand 251 E bags, jastreceivecl and far sale : 4;0 ; ;i WILMORKJR. Oa. • F' ELLLVG PART gr the FO 9141461*#* slfeet. Possesaitlb ale Ist . t .f April next: For p4rticularirenquire-of [jatiO V] J. B. GRAND UN - Alt R - A TION A L TS ' BE -4IVEN AT BRAPIT'S- - HALL, ON. THE EVE OF THE INAUGURATION,, moNionir EVENING, JANUARY Itith, 1861. '• HOPE FIRE COMPANY No. 2. TICKETS $l,OO. Aillickete-roustbelorepatd: — For sale at the prineipalbetele and by a Ity pembor of compaoy. JanS Gi1i.1 4 113 MILITARY AND CITIZENS' 31:011L3MSTAil fIA Ii AT BRA.NT'S BALL, .P.N TUESDAY EVENING, L,IAIII. 15, 1881: ~TICKETS $2.00. Tole bad at the prlnelpattiofels. jan7-, 13t FOR RENT.=The Tro Story . Brick ju Rouse and -promises, situete in State street, oppo ite Brady'4 note] anu now in.the oreupancy of William O. g Irby. Rent 5176.00. Possession given April 1,1861. Apply to F. K. BOAS, Attorney at L tw, lc* Third street near Afarkof street. Harrisburg. DR. C. WEIGJIEL, SURGEON ANDOOULIST RESIDENCE, TIURD NEAR NOR DI STREET. 'JJEie now fully . prepared to attend promptly to the duties ,of hii profession in all its ' • A mugitnd very successful. mollies' experience jusilles him in pruniisi. g Mt and ample adtislaction to all who may rivor him withy A. eall,;be the disease Chronic or or ROY other Hamra. - • jan7-4,0y - . `FOR RENT.. ATWO STORY BRICK HOUSE:with a Two Story Back Building, being a very desirable prl cats re.idence, situated in Secot:d street below Idol. berry, is offered tor rent.. The property has boon refit, ted, and is now in goof repair, being I'dr.:l24D and RE itaititszo. For further information apply io THEO. F. BOYbR, Janetlit Our. Third and Chestnut Streets. FOR SALE.— A lot of good NEW APPLE WITTER, Red also a lot of ;first-choice DRECH AP PLES Just arrived at Harrisburg dud for sale by- MN LEE N MERGER. For Information call at No. 2 Wh to Eta' Hotel, Market Meet. , " j /n 5-1 w - - NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased of 11 Win. Moyer his stook of BRINE WARE, intends to commene.e the MANDIPACTURE- ALL KiNDa Os STONEWARE at his NEW POTTERY on the cauat opposite the Car Factory. With a superior kiln and experienced workmen, he expects to be able to make such warn as shall commend itself to public favor. sns-Irod JOHN W. COWDEN. JOSHUA M. W.IESTLING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 07FICE IN WALNUT ST., HARRISBURG, PA. Prompt attention will be given to all business entrusted d26.e od-2w • to his care. SANFORD'S PATENT PORVABLE HEATERS! FOR WARMING with PURE HOT AIR Private Houses, Public Rolldtnga, Churches, &c., is the MOST POWERFUL and Cheapest BEATER in the World. Recommendations and references by the hund red from those who a..e now using the HEATER, can be exammed by eating on the subscriber, who i 3 the only agent in Harrisburg for the sale of the article. THE "CHALLENGE" COOKING RANGE Is ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANGE requires no waling In but can he set in a fair place or out in the room, and eoLitninn all the latest improvements in Cooking RANGES, has larger ovens than any other RANGE now in use ALSO ON RAND, an assortment of be=t pattern PAR LOR and COOKING STOVES, and Stove Pink a. Also tin largest stock of !LIN WARE to be found in this section of country. Wholess) dealers supplied on reasonable terms. LYMAN GILBERT, doO Corner of River Alley and Market Street. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER, LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTEDr GOLD PENS evF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) VV manufacture, warranted to be the best in material, the finest pointed; most durable and as cheap as any n market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Cases of various sizes and, prices, at rIERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 ltarketstreet. JOSEPH oABEY. JOHN W. rnowzr. - .._._.CASEY_rB BROWN, ATTO_R L NEYS-ATINSIAT iIntitIEII3IIRG , PENN'A • 'ted together in APING assocza th e H practice of the Law, will attend faithfully and promptly to all professkmal will entrusted to their sure. - Office In Third street threettoors from Market - B. eViptittatiow in itnelip,ll and.cinrman.,. HAMS!! HAMS!!! :NE WBOLV A .CELEBEA2''.E.O FS.TRA SUGAR - OUREDlCoirered.) IXTRA. SUGAR CURED (uncovered.): EXTUSUGAR CURED MOULDERS. ; EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED REEF: - ULTRA — " "-{covered.) ... Just received a large invoice of the above, which, wiz idler at unusually low prises. I wm gi : = • ; WM. D00K474 CO. • 34113 21:mertignittuts. • CANDLES! PARAFFINE CANDLES, -SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, EARINE CANDLER, • STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. A large lot of the above in otoro and far ERIC at the low ' '''eSt Prices by WM. DOCK JR. & CO. , jan2 Oprosite the Court Hose. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES fikET, carat - MCC,: BISQUET, TRICOCHE & CO. JAMES HENNESSY & CO. OTARD, & CO. -;T..& F. MARTLE. JULES ROBIN & CO. MARErr & CO. For salo by JORN H. ZIEGLER, /7.1 , 73 Markel street. ALBUMS r ALBUMS ! ! The finest assortmer of ALBUMS ever offered in tbis elty„rangiug in price from 50 cents to $D 00 each, bound in all styles ~ f Rinding, at -, EItGNESPE CHEAP Bonrcorrour, ft) Marv: Fireet. 12oov . . ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. • Residence i Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, PENN'A. myl2-Stf A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 23_ FANCY SOAPS, HAIR CULP POMADES, cor.oilAs, EXTRACTS, are selling very cheap to de‘lera by the dozen. Prepare f , r your Holliday Sales by buying some of the above articles, at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market street. dell CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY, IN THE REAR OF RERWERC.TEL. • r I HE undersigned has re-commenced the livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS stk. BLES, located as above, with a bug - sand varied stock of HOMES, CARRIAGE.s and OMNIBUSES, which he ail]. hire at moderate rates. F. b. SWARTZ. sep2S.dly DENTISTRY_ THEundersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice a mate street opposite the nßraay Bosse," where be wilt be p;eased U attend to all who may desire his ear y.ges. .[sepril B. Y. oiLDF.A. D. D. S. FRANK A. MURRAY'S LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE S FOURTH STIrRFN EELS MARKET. , I' , EIE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to se j_ commodato the public with Surenron HORSES for sad dle or carriage purposes, and with every variety of VEHL CLES or the latest and most approved styles, on rea souable terms. PLEA6UIteI PARTM will be accommodated with Omni• muses at abort notice. CARRIAGM AND OMNIBUSES FOB FUNERAL OCCA stONS will be furnished, secompauied by careful sod .bliging drivers, tie invites an inspection of his Stock, satislied that It is fully equal to that of any other estaldishinentet the kind in the city. ~. FRANK A. RIJEKA Y. cloud-MI DR. T. J. MIES, SURGEON DENTIST, FFERS his Serviced to the citizens of Harrialmr; and ite vicinity. He bOIiCHS a &hare of the public patronage, an.? glee. swot-arc, that his best endeavors shalt be el em. to render ealedattien in his pro. Cession. .Belug. an old. well tri, d dentist, he letls safe in nailing . thepabllo generally to mill on him, assuring at he that they wid not be dissatiaded with hi:. services Ojice No. 1.28 Market street, in the house formerly ec copied by Jacob R. Ely, near the United States Hotel, Elarris Cturg, utyB-dly NEW AN!) FINE ASSORTMENT OP LADIES' TRAVELLING AND SHOPP'ING BAGS At all iriCes,for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market &root NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS 808 SALE. A NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED BUILD /1„ IRO , LOTS adjoining the Round House and Work tihups of the Penna. kali/ cad Company, will be sold low an'( on reasonable terms. Apply to *lien am anrilki W. WALL P.ROCLAMATIO.N. WHEREAS, the Honorable join; J. PEA.RSON, President of the Court of Common. Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, censisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hon. A. 0. Hiester and Hon. Felix - Hiss ley, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of December 1860, to me directeifor holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery end Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Hanfasauno, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence on the 3d Monday GI - January, being the 21st day of January, 186), and to continue two weeltS. . Notice is therefore hereby givento the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and. Constables or the sail county of Dauphin, that they be.then and there in thtir proper per- Ants, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of,said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and their own remem hnottes, to do those things which to their office upper- CAMS to be done, and those who are bound in recogni- ZatiCee to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall he in the Jail of lhtuphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. 1047,11 under my band at Harrisburg, the 15th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1860, and In the eighty third year of the. In tependenee of the United States. SHKEIFF - 13 OFFICR, I . J. D. BOAS, Her,rieburg,Dezt. 15,1860. J Sheriff. efele-deievi "OUR GOVERNMENT." g‘rilHE unity of Government, which con setides yen one people, is now dear to you."— Washington's Farewell .Address. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosper 4 of cur country. True pa triotism most arise from kiaowle.dge. It Is only a prom understanding ,of our ciyil institutions that can induce strung and settledatta . thment to their principles, and impart ability for their maioterunce. "OUR Or/VER.iiiiitENT An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the country," contains the text of the Constitution of tbe United States, and the Con stitut tonal provisions ol the several States, with dull' meaning and conhtrubtioti, as determined by judicial au thority, and precedent and practice, or derived from standard writers; digested and arranged for popular use Price $l.OO. :told by M. M'%INNGY del Harrisburg. Pa. INSU R - ANCE AGENCY THE DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Co., INCORPORATED 1835. c:ANITAL AND ASMTS. ...... ....... ...... $904.907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of North America, OF PHLTADILMIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND .METS V. 219.476. 1 9. IPHE UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for the ` - .L above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by Are, either perpetually or an• llually,bnproporty in either town or countrY. Marine and Inland Tr..nsportadon Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WlLatit BUEHLER, Ifarrisburg, Pa. •UtG a superior Land ()heap Table o pawl oil, go to SELLER'S DRUG STOER.