THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS WOLCINPISD,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TERMS.—.BiNcaz SonamurnoN The DMLT TIMICIELAPIIIS served to subscribers 1.11 the Borough at 63{ casts per week. Yearly subscribers 11l be charged $4.00. WNADIZIX AND 81111-WNIKIN Tinitanara The TILIOIIIIII IS also published twice a week daring the session of the Leg%laiare and weekly during the ra• re abider of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the 'ollowing rates, viz: Single Subscribers per year • Ewen Ten IWO LAW OP .NOWSPAPERS. I subseribere order the discontimumee of their neWs p perm, the publisher may continue to send them until a 1 arrearages are paid. ' If subscribers neglect or return to take their onlrolsi pers from the office to which they are directed, they are rospousible untillboy*r lattled the bills end crrdeyed them discontinued filtbitai 1~ R . JOHNSON, SBLTIMOR~ LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the mßst certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Mini TT SIX TO TWILVZ HOURS. No Mercury or Noxforst Drugs. Kr!, Cons WASIWITED, on so CHAIIOII,III - shoat Ora ro Two DAits.-jR, - Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains is the Loins, Affections of the Milner and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous ecay of the/tyska' Pow er.% Dyspepsia, /aligner, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, l'aloitation of the Heart, Trembling; Dimness of Sight or Giddinetta t thsease of the Stomach, Affections of the Bead, 'Pima, t, lie se or :kin—those terrible di:or ders attain from-the indiscretion or Solitary Habits. of Youth—,ho e dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage Impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. , YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitarst Vice, that dreadful' and dettrnettro habit which autinally sweeps to tin cot !hely pave thousands of young men of the moetexalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who MULL OlberWlSe have entranced listening Senates with the thunders-of eloquence, or waked to ecs tasy the Hying lyre, mareall MTh full confidence. • MARRIAGE.. • Married persons, or these contemplating marriage, be lug aware of physical weakness, should Iminedlyely con- . suit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full Mom restored. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously conddeln his boner as a gentleman, anti eon, fideetly rely - upon his skill as a l.byslcian. sa-Oftloe No. 7 South F ecterlck street, Baltimore, u., on the left band aide going from Baltimore street, 7 noes from the. orner, • .13a , p Ul articar in -observingtthe acne or number, or you will mistake the place. Began. cular for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, .r Paltry Hunthog Coritioate; attracted by the repute lon or Dr. Johnson, lurk near ' All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the °ply. DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges Of the dolled ntates, and the greatest part of whose life bee been spent to the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia end elsewhere; his effected some of the most mi lord, bins cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great Mr- OfOUSMIII, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, ,pith frequent blushing , attended sometimes with derange ',eat 01 mind were cured immediately, TA X& PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them elves by private and improper indulgenctes, that more nd solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, en tang them for either buainossor society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. 'seed by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the lack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness - of Sight, cm or Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, liyya Dust*, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the digestive =flocs, General Debility, Bymptoma of „Conaump in, &c. irrNZwP*A4l l limmuy, the fearful effects on the mind are mush ti dreaded :—Less of .Memory, Conti/don of Ideas, De wession of Spirits, Evil Forebodiogs, Aversion loSocie Bslf•distruat, Love of Solitude, 'Timidity, eta., are Boum t the evil effects. _ _ _ Thousands of persons of all ages, oan now judge what the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, Ecoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a as War appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp uns of consumpdon. YOUNG MEN tho have Injured themselves by a certain practice * int .urged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from cli companions, or at school, the erects of which era ightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, render' arriage impossible, .and destroys both mind and body /mild apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his wan by, tho darling of his parents, should be snatched Iron prospects and enjoyments of lifo by the coneequenoem deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in !tutu secret habit. Buclipersons must, before contea• feting MARRIAGE, At that a sound mind and body are the most necessary {oldies to promote connubial happiness. Indeed ithout these, the journey through life becomes a weary llgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the ind.becom es shadowed with despair, and filled with the eLneboly reflection that the happiness of another be trues blighted with our owe. ' JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR. . . ..... . . GANIO WEAKNESS., bAil3y this great and important remedy, Weakness of the ans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. , honsande of the most nervous and. debilitated elm lost nil hope, have been immediately relieved. All 'llmi:bands to Marriage PhYsioil or Mental Disqualift lion, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion of Of most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS ...ti many thousands cured at this Instintion within Wu t twelve years, end the numerous important Surgical eretions performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re• flans of the papers, and many other persons, notices d ink have appeared again and again betore the public, Was his Weeding as a yeademan of character and ro nsslitily, is a sulllelent guarantee to the afflicted. lidrAntS OF ISIVRUDENCE —Man the misguided 1 imprudent votary of pleasure ands he has imbibed , seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens then 1111 timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters from applying to these who, from education nod ro stability eau ammo befriend him, delaying till the con. iuttonal symptoms of this horrid disease make their earance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, mi l rressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a od to his dreadful sulferloge by Bandit's him to "that tne from Whence no traveler returns.” It is a met. loly fact thst thousands tall victims to this terrible owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury; ruin 4:institution and make the residue of hie miserable. braammas.—The Doctor's itiplumas hang in his •Letters must contain a Stamp toms on the:reply .Remeates sent by Mail. 7 South FrectertCk street, Baltimore. rlS.dewly U EB.LER AnKET SQUARE, L ARRISBURGE, PENN'A, GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR, CARD. ab eve well known and long established llhtel undergoing a. thorough renovation, and being in i `IL degree .newly fornishedomder the proprietorshit t. Gismos J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate of thi as for the last three years, and is wail known teats. anktul for the Mere/patronage which it has a.. , 1 cheorfulli teitity t eptl 111 r: Bolton to the pubp rjeg WILLIA - 11 BUEHLER: 111. E !FIRST ARRIVAL , IT ARRIVED IN DUE TI?dE•TO - 13E iLD AT REDUCED PRICES.; /3 VALLEY 1310'VE COAL, $2 60 per, tem . : - NUT ." $:4.00 tootmtantly on bsod, TEEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, n EGG 'OLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, :LUANNE BROKEN, No. 8 and 4, NUT, telramith Coal, Allegheny end. Broad Top. Ab ory, Oak. and Pine 'Wood. E.' BlaitS. 114 No. 102 Channel stmt. ANOTHER NEW LOT F NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's, CELEBRATE OOLD RENS, warranted to NEM in quality and dash; crass manufactured. Also issortment of GOLD AtAD KLUB C.araa, tt received and for sale at BkitGNLR'SICHEAP BoOLITORN, 6111tzktt St. • • . ..,...: : .: 4. , 2:,....• •.•, .:1 ••. .• .. .-I_ : . 4.....,. : .s. ..„,,,,. :...\ ..\ t A \% l 1,1.11 //‘.. ...„ ...Z, ~,. .., - „ . . .„‘ .. , ~ ~,,,„.. l. ,111„„,;.„ - .• !:. . . • C.. 7" - r. _7_ ••••-... .... : 6:: , ..i .„ ;..... ..:-.) ,:„... -_, >.:.•,...„,. _ ..„iv. ~- .. .. . .. ......: e,Ti, -- 4344 - ., ,-.----, , . . , • . .... liji r).:_ - _, _ (I,oe • „ .. .... - t A7 -...y.;--...--,..-./... - --- • --, • • ••• •• , _ • , • , . • , • , ---- P - -- _ - 1,.' - -.---- '7: - ' 1 : :..11:•.:; . .. • :, , '•: , , : . 2 2.00 12.00 16.00 von.. XIV, - SANFORD'S LIVER PMIGIMIVTORI NEVEB DEBILITATES. TT is compounded entirely from Guilts, 1. and has . become an established fact, a Standard Medi cal:P'rotrowenlapprovetdoo: 1 2itg li ce lli nfte have in u a g rl d tli t e diseases for which it is re- %di commended. It .has cured • thousan ds Et within the last two yearn who hadtiven up all hopes ,Il of relief, as the numerous unsolicited- certificates in mi my possession show. The dose must be adapt- 154 ed to the temperament of the individual taking it,and 0 used In such quantities ar to act gently on thebowele. Let the dictates of your J judgment guide you in th • use of the 1.119 ZR INVIGP ~1 7 1 BATOR., and it will care ',wee Coartsurre, Ban ° p excataci, Drararaia,Orispii. iollistsaosA, Simms COM. tit PLUM, Drainualr, DRoP. or *ant STO M ACH, Roam ra oat Commons, Caouo, CROLIKA. Moaaua , ()HOLM I '-' INTANTOW, Fl., A Tl7l.lta CI, JAirrioicri . FilLaUt WRAY- - " XENICB, alit - coat be used successfully as an ORRIItt- re sr Plana` MinICINX it sun cure fficllEinanscuE a (as thousands can testi fy ) is rimers' unions, ir inv. PI, osmium Tuitrixorrozorict rases at commencement o p attack. hl4 was qtr Am cur me their teatimes . to Its revoN 1.4 , Age . Inx Water In the mouth with the in vigorator, and araidlow both together. rem owe tomtit raa Werra. --- A LSO - CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EETBAOTS, AND PIT UP IN GLASS OASES, AIR TIGHT, AND Phi. FAMILY OATHAR active Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly iaoreas havq long need the P all express - Ur • regard to to pace them within the kTha Profession well know on difierent portions of the The FAMILY OATH : terence to this well mash- Fel ded from a variety of th e which act alike on every A . :I , ,jud are good sad thar cis needed, each 'nen, Pains in NC" Pam and Bareness over tee m or woight in the head, ail Worms in Children or Ad- r Pnrif er of as Blood, and di &gb ; te heir. too numerous tasetnent. Dom, Ito 3. 0 PRICE 80 'OERTS. - - TNIS Ltvaa INVIGORILTON AND. Fssura ro Pau are retailed by Dm - nista generally,and sold wholesale . by the Trade in all the large towns 8. T im:k W. SA t NFOBD a M . D., je2p . Aiewyll 835 Broaduwraery,alTiewTrgrrr.tCT, UDOLPHO WOLFE'S . 41 - 3 R-•=P3ur".. - w.ic3 SCHIEDAM SOW 'PS TONIC, alc ANTI DT4Py,I 3 TIO , INVIGgititTiNg::CORDIAL To the Oithen...of a* hiago 'end reng3..dllos Apotheeemilii,7l7 thigiltailiirocero and pstwrire , :pnintiten.!,. Wolfe's Pure Cognise isiniedy. Wolfe's Pure ..111aHarilea,'SherrY and Port Wolfe's Pniris,Ailinaitint4lo44t. thrOti *um Wolfe'sPiero: HilingegeiftQl. A.1611 - PW P R4egi- I beg leave to sell Orli ditimi :ll,o tHerforAtie. Wizens or the United States,to the atiaviiWassa IMllElittrona,lmported by Pdolpho Warn, HeWYorki whore: mime. hi Sarlneverypert_Of thifrOolintil few celebrated ScuhnienSeartarrit..../li Wolfe, h 'l6l.ter . to me, epeaking-or the parity. Bible Wtersa end Lgsreau,: sayi : will stake my reputation as a man, my stand mg as a merchant of thirty years' residence In the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and' WHIMB which bottle are purees imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Rvery bottle haw; the promittor's name on the wax, and a lac simile of his signature , on the certilicae. The public are re-1 speetrally invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GROROR M. ASHTON, No. SIN Market ht.. Philadtlphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Mead the following from the New York Coot ler : ENORXOI33 BraWISS YOB Oats Nxw Yeax Nsacaettr. We Ire happy to inform our relow-eatizeas that tnere,lit oneilace in our city where the physician, apothecary, andcountry merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines andtiquors, at plireAsiMPOrtelklM . &ot . We do not intebd to 074: 1 1 11 00 0 41141*ixorlidlon:Or this Merchant's eiteasitremsletaikulatiotigh:ll:wiltwellee pay any stranger or iiitlien td vaitlidelpbrkWelfet ,eg teusive Warehouse, Nos: -1 8 : - 1:0 end :22 - ~ I t•req_lt and Nos. 17. 19 ; andl , t, Mark ettleld streak ~_ .UI : Schnapps on hanCready:forlebkinlenlnalga:l l o) - hay._*. been leas thanthirt,Tttiousand:..essi ,t,XWßFaXid4: l Wwied ten thousand cases .. --Viartigoktrl:lllB n s Soillbta estik.ten. thousand WOO. cr,. - mighilr,;;Aimp7.:o4s4: whiegy Scotch and liiiihNhialcydimiinua,awil Elt4retX.:llusul t , some very °Minna oxiiiiyintliis:courdzYv,;Etabra had three large celnirM:Mkstwhy:Brand.4WittiOlia; casks, under. Cumin' Mune keY ; Wolfe's sales of schnapps last year amounted to one htuntrt d and eighty thousand dOZOD, and we hope in Pse than two years he may be equally ,successful.with his Srrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who aka pore Wines , and ~tquers for medical use should send their orders direct to Hr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land mare up their naiads to discard the poisonous star trout their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Maus and LIQUOR& • We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodationi of small dealers in. the country, pats up assorted mutes of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against-his teas-of-thousands-of-op pouents in the United States, Who 'ell nothing: but im!" Mons, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sopa-day/6mi O. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. HOUSE, GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART I AMelange of Faccerpta Carious, Humor ous and luatraCtive. Collated by 0. C. 130 318A11011, A. lA. D. The above interesting Work ban just been mewed a t BERGNER:9 CRAP BOOKSTORE. STORE PRICE sl`26 • , , • A. NEW OF . . LOT,„ LADIES' SHOP P ING &' TRAVELING - BAGS' comprising a number of new styles GENTS' and LA• DIES' Money Purses and Wallets. 'A fine assortment bud receiyeaand tor sale at BERGNER'S CIMEAP BOW:BORE, 51 Market Street. desiring to paper their hollSeS, ,1 will find swell-adected stock - of WALL PRIER for • at COST PRICES, at ttEribEisitoS emu , BocesTont DR.'C. WRICHRT.i, SURGEON AND OCCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STIELPT. SPERM CANDLES'! ,s 7 LARGE !RIPPLY 111112 StRaMIS BY pl 7 WM. DOOR JR. & CO. "INDEPENAN.T-„....1N.•-*.b - ,Ta : .: : :T.8.J.NG:.,,.. 7 —.:N. - 177,..4.,A,.L..:_rx, N..'..N.4.57.", lUebtcat SANFORD'S FAMILY WILL KEEP In ANY CLIMATE. TIC- PILL Is a gentle ba proprietor has used in hi ingdemandfrom those who and the satistactiOn whieh then• use, has Induced toe mach of all. that ditibrent Catinuiles act bowels.' TIC PILL bas, with doers. liabedliet,,been compel's," purest Vegetable Retrain% part of the alimentary ea- In all oases where a en , Derantuments of Stotaseh, Bock and Loins, Costumes. body,Restleomex, Headache bgkontnefory to . Disease% many di Mt; Rimossatimi, a w h great mities ich to mention in tble a brut- A SUPT,it HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON, - '-JANUARY 9, 1861 ON Y DISCOVERY WQRTHY OF ART CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING • THE BALD AND GRAY. MANY, since the - greet- discovery of Prof. Weed, have •attempted 6(4.014 to imitate his reaterative, but profess tohaVedneovered something that Wnuld'produee rmiul63identicai ; but they itaaW all' Omit and gone, being carried away by the wonderful raholts of Prof. woowd preparation,and have bt ea forced CD leave the field of its resistless away. Bead the follow-, ines- Beth, Maims . , April 18th, 1859. Poor. a J. Woos k Co.:=Nents :=3he letter 1 'Wrote you in 1856 concerning your valuable 'Hair Restorative, and which 3ne have publiahed In this city and elsewhere, has gin. n rigs to numerous' , enquiries touching the facts Lu the case. The enquiries are, that, is it's tact of my habitation and name, as stated In the commtinfcatio n ; second. is it true of all thirsm contained; third, does my hair Still continue to be in good, order and o f natural color f To all I can and do anatiffeliviiirlably. Ny hair .Iseven bitter than in any stage of my li.c for 40 years ' past ; more soft, thri ft y, and better' colored; the ' ennui is true of my whiskers, and the only came cby itis not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by freqUent ablution of the face, when if osre were need by wiping the face in close coanecUon with' the whiakers, the same remit will follow. &tithe hair. I have been in the reecalpt of a great'numberof If tlers'floin all parts of NewEngiand, asking melt my hair atilt Onto:Lima to be good`; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture ter, sale :of various compounds as well 'SS this,. it has, no doubt been basely imitated and been used; not only with Out any good effect, but to abiolute injury. I have not used auy of your Restorative of any ACCOUIIt for some months, and yet my Muria as good as ever, and hclid:. redaillsvo elsmined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my Mee; And to'Prove this Met, I a lock of my hair taken, off the past week. I received your fan or of two quart b,ottlea last summer, for which Lam very_ grafeful. I gave it to my iriondsa tifeiehy'lfiffieed thini to try it, mitny were skeptical , until after trial, and tben pur chased and used it'With universal succeath 'lrani! ask ' a (er r or, that you send Me . test by which I , can discover fraud in the. Restorative; sold by many, I fear, without authority front you. A purtrarticle will inset% oneness. and t believe where good effebts do not follow, the filleer is caused by the impure article, which curses the Minat o! ofltoi good. I beam (tray duty as heretofore, to, keep, ybu apprised of the continued effect - on my hair,'MLl as-' sure all who enquire of me of ray unshaken opinion of Oa valuable results. I remain, dear Mr, yowl,' A. C.'EAYMOND. Asztoss BUN, Hy., Nov. 40;1868.. ,PrOf. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir.--I would certainly be doing you a great injustice nut to make known to the worlds the roudorlul, as well as thetane4pented _result. I have expe lensed (tom using one bottle ofyour Hair Itesttora live. After using every kind oi ItestoretiVes extant, but 'witinfut smash and finding - my head nosily destitute of halq was finally induced to try a bottle of your Bair ilestqradve. Now, candor andjustice compel Mato an i mutes to whoever may read this, that I now posseas.s new end beautiful growth or hair, which 1 pronounce riaber and handsomer than the original Ives. • I Will therefore take occasion to recommend this -111volt:table remedy to all - who may feel the necesaity of it . • Reapectfully yours, • , . BEV. /LUNN BROCK, • • liable medic e as you are aware a is unsolicited : but 1{ you think it worthy a pima among the - Ll:at, insert if you wish, if not destroy and say nothing..- . Yours, do., Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers, through-, out the world. , _ , . The ReatOrative put np in bottles of three rises, viz lirge; medium and small ; the small Holds 3L a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle;"the Medina' holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion then the small, and 'retails for two dollars per bottle.; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and retails for $8 0. & WOOD CO., Proprietors , 444 - Droodwey,'lfew York, in - d'll4 Dirket street, st. Louie, Mo. ' Add sold by all , good Druggists and Fancy . Goods JUDSON'S Mountain. Herb Pills. HE inveutor and manufacturer of "Jud ison's Mountain Herb Pills,. has spent the greater part tlf his life in travellingihaving visited nearly every country in the world He spent over six years amon the Hooky Mountains and efldexico, and avail thus that' the' lMonarrsnr Haas Prue , were disoevered. A very interesting account of his adVentures there, you will and in our Almanac and Pamphlet It is an established fact, that all dlsaties arise from' , ..lIMEPHRIC BLOOD • , . The blood is ,the life I and.when .any • foreign or un beaKby manor 'gem mined with it; it is dietrtoned to. every organ of the hcAy., krery.nerve fecht.the poison,' and all the vital organs quickly complain.. The stomach willol.ot 'digest the food PerfectlY. li v er ,' aeoratewsufficlency of bile, .:The Action,of ,the heart is wearnedr and so,the.dreuhdlon *feeble. The lungs b e . coin clogged with the poisonous matter ;• hence a cough all from a slight Impurity of the fountain-head of Blood I As if you had thrown some ,mwtki, for inatnnce, In a pure spring, from whionradatiny rivulet in a few-minutes -the whole .courae of-the-stream-be,- cometi diatiulaid and discolored. :Ai quickly does;ipure: blood fly to .every part,. andleave Its sting behind.: , All the passages become obstructed,. and unless the obalruo :ision la the lamp of life aim dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body, they *o f shorepioro, antiimi CURE FOR ligmcrus;J:gsg.Aszs, Liver. Complaint, Sick. Headache As. This Anti-Mon , ildediolne expels from the blocgt,the bid.den!seedit of die= 'base, and renders all the fluids and.senietkins pare arid' flueidyelearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed, la it to us, that we are able to place :Within. your reach, a medicine like the "Motrulaia Hann :Ptual , that.will pass dtreetty to the allnoted parts, tilrough :the blood and fluids of the:body, and cause the jsubbrer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. Judson' s Pills . are the Best Remaly in exist. ence for the Moping Complaints: newel Complaints, Debility, , .• . Inward Weakness, Coughs, Fever and AgnOAlLlver Complaints Colds, remoloCemplakata,Lovrosso of Spirits, Meet Diseases, Headaches, • Piles, .008q61101311, Indigestion, Stone„and GraveM Dyspepsia, Manna, Secondary Symp. Diarthrea, - Indammat inn, toms. Dropsy, - , * As . . • . . • . • a *EAT FEMALE **ONE Afetheles who value health; ahead never he without theseplis. They purify, OA? Wood,reneove,ohsireetione. of ilrkinds, eleanue the skin of all pimples arid .hloteheis,. and bring the rich color of health. to the pale cheek. 14/7 TO Planta and Herbs of which tbeile Pillsare made; wb re discovered in a very surprising way among the Tesucans, a tribe of . Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read , with delight, theory Interesting account contains of the "Gah' Ifisnniurs" of the Aztecs. Obnerve...—The Hautain , Herb Filla are put up in a Beeitilul Wrapper. Each box contains' 40 pine, and Re. ta w at 25 cents per box. All gentile, have the , efighat t !F e of B I...JUDSON & CO., on each ' B. L. JUDSON & Sol e' Pa -, ti> Pr" er:Vo r:s No. 50 ,Lectiard Street, /OP Age= ;wanted alwaYls—rAddre" ns a bove. 161 feblOdeodmr , A FRESH' STOCK Of'VanaK Iteam, 'BeaktisiAtrikkx-Perfame . ory % axid Vaud - ---- z"---4111*041RIUG'STORIO,;=- myB Market, DRIED PARED .PEACHES, " UN PARED 4 ' • ' I+ APPLES BLACIEDERRIES; JUBt Rec eived MI ORANGES AND. 14 - gi - go WORT.T , BOXES,oreter just re 12' (*Tea andiorsale by tax Wk. zocr. & CO. JUtbiud THE ~tBtP~{QTtCA}IS; CONCENTRE'M LEAVEN, loft mmatqa - Bread: -Tea - Cakea , et** , & I .e.' ' MANUFZOTriaIi; EDW ', ' CtIANI 3 VRLOT 00.) .. . . , . •., .froiristorsof,Showinet Okalnfeal itte1:k....,... ,: No. 33.1..ND1.a. ' STgliagjklatoii,. .--, : • I) ONC'ENTRATD L'EANZAt - 'lli'lite'44l l ; saltlificareful`cheinical'*deercit:'` 'All ate :MOM'. eta are prepared IA the higheist atite - ofliiiiity, - andotair," poonded*Rb a irlew to. produce - ,bread of a far better. quality, and 'knurl ] 19" "time, f 1 .4 9 f. , `,1u r ax!)` other pr o. cease; ,and - 14 the 'thiinilfiteturers submit lt, witkentire contlifikei to the' jadgmert of diterlininating• 'helm& keepers; bakers, -- Arc. . . -.!' . • , • f , .-- ~.,. • „ , illeart.of all kinds made by using emieentr,a_ted lettviM• is ulbter, mere digestible and nulml . 4oeri;,MlS an Nivea., hie, da,tural taste ; , Is less . liable to Our ; -- ,illtretiiii;l4 . moisturi.leiger thin by Elul other imidess; end ' the whole preparation- for the'.•evett. need not exceed ten minutlt Is .. .yablible because it is not perishable, and may be rendelad iiiriontae' in placeilindat tiniee'sdheit 'yeetitls not seithiti deadli,Uitt see 'ln-all- climate's and ligidpr all eirmtaistaiices, it may be adopted,. Gina obviating ill! otilleulty;M: procuring yeast or ; other firm*? „t, which: is' frequentlY„ef an inferior. quidity",,ro tiering. the bread' 'm or or,less unietteleseme. -• , - . •'--• -.- • - ••, :: It s'alsci *ale:able sa-l'egiirds•eColioniy; as lthite been , `ascertained that a saving is effecisd in the flour of:not• less than 16. per cent.: -In the common oroceee ,much of theeshdherbie of the flour to l istby - Beeps cqafekled , Intoicarbodie acid isa; er':•adirit, and ' the' waste le in= marred:Solely for.the.parase ofzgetioratiot gee' to raise the aopg4:..PY 'Pink Oiementrated Leaven' this Walter* avoided) and Abe gas Obtained Ma manner equally-MR cactotie: l'er`mbiltatiod,"as Bate 'been statodceebitbyb.. Outlet* thri four or meal, 6iid; fn `iiieselitenee, abarielist flour weighing 1913 Itia ,:irrhlch,Mythe commedmettiod, orolPaillY.:maaes Slootafi 25 . 0 . ?as 9f bread, grfea-4 1 010 1 process 296 . „1131 . , tlius,elleOtinglie very important savi ng;' , of Id Om dent in"therqiiitialtrtif floor. `Ry conformity to` the directions. on ditel?Mieliftge, aaY ieraaa . 'oalahle` of ordinary; sitelillenmayeonduct the propeas v and the re, suit )rill.inyarlahly,behigtoy satisfactory. .... .. i CERTIFICATE ' PROM - liit'.lElA - rjr.7;:.. 4 . /stager to the Atte of Massachtisettg. ' , ' ---:- • ' or have anitly had the Contentrated - CeaVen, inandria.: , tureil by Messrs. Edw Charoldirlig k•Co:Ovlth:referenei to lie purity aLd affiaieney of action in. producing the ef fect Di yeast In distending` depga;,iiiid"thertiliy!rendeilitg . "It ilt! tot iiitlillig-tidead:' This 'at-tibia' is` akillfully`cein2 porindodi.:from .pediecuy ..41ure. Material; ' It: raises MO iloulitt, Althau94. l illelMFottie. sugar or any, 91 M oer Priti- pie la ltie•noitr, perfectlynaid the same weight it flour will *ilaticti•moresweer, palatabill tiiiar Gide ilidlie` obtalardlhdougti!yeasi; *hire lei calfluilaidpiieliy-lVs invap.eible r ;aa „ iteaves.all risk, and mock - time of .the: Paatl 7.gtein- -• :<:,_:: i - • ~ ' i', • • , •- • ~.. - oThe experiments midri iii , lie beilitiaillie siateinerits Made by the manufacturers, and proves this compelled wort h y of public) approval and-extended use. - • L•i 'AI •`l].gsitoctfullY; '• : • ' • - • , , • I 'i'A:.l. 1111113,..1(1)); State ioiaYet, ' "16 BoYistan attietlinigibe;- September .25, /IMO." : '' • ' 2'..".urt• FtK 4 1.1 0 Br's - : ' -, -- - ininaiiikularT.DlA - ?Rdiiir-LTwoor:tbrentip l vOiiint ill, of Leaven , . '(abbertitog ' th theiluslify.Otthe tlear,). MOO* quartiof:_fl,4tlti lli•llifall`VlßV,T kY,, , P541E;A119. - ..litilfire:e .times thrpugnt,‘,ll„ ,7_ . 1 1 D-.II: a .W 9 . 0 .0 butter balc the Size of . i'Vegt a 'Make 91e - ,posfir With Milk - `ed , Werekkioiliksis- pliferiible • )-- bakery stlifbnough`tojibrieft: rollieg ; 'out] I Much" giseseilneahm4dhe avoided: .(ktblb,r, 'to disyqd form, siadatiase immediately in e 444 oven and 'flonNliteiPtogettreoTairabOVe; omit the butter, alid y niatd 4 theste stiff enough to knead into a loaf, and bake lin , .-ined M i el la a slow. oven. • .: • ka G `Naito —Three feas,Poonarul - or Leaven to ono` . r , qua Ofiviiiiitt Misr, gifted together ; add our& date , . bias Ttliditwo_eggs. - ; nuke the paste thin with ailik and bakaAlittial9lr Iliidlt,)f• ' ' `•` ':• .•• . • - - . .. Swim Raimo-ree;. itmelmOnefuliif Laairein t o One pint te r , littur; - ti - kd'i*e'l3lntof corn Mee]; all Wellitlfted to gethisrillditlt*ceeigs inbralitnit a gill ol"idelistaiii;Saidte tbe pasts'itliktivittrmilk,:and:bakeslowlY.t: . • 1114mwess,v Csidia...Floar-,andmilk sufildentfitireake One Irett oflietterfabd. lOU egg;Lhemi threeleaspoorilifil of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick._ . „ "--' Duisetani.—Slft_togethef one Mier& Ofliburaild WO tin ePeeliet* of Lenvelk;Aub it a piece of' hinter half is large - as's° i.liggi - F4. - :FAtY .c ' q.l-4 milk !;. 1 -1' .7. 4 lt.erk , amf', ,b O /I : tea minut. ",Giessen Rom man —irt•toiiiiiieri Iwo'arge Mips' • of flour and two teaspoonful of-Losven;-putht halt tseup ofbinter endieettpluid a -half of sugar, ;; , mix `with. -cold milk or water to a miff batter, addeplceto suit ,tie taste; and bake iinftiediately. _ =. , . • - IhhcliNNAT/ hrONOR COM •-•TWO.COpe of white,,lll/41lr bidie11001111-the yolks (Rea eggethe whites of six `eggs beateitio' if- fioth ; thedbeit all together % add thiee'cups of tutted Soul., one. up of water, and three teaspocninm or Leaveo`; flavor with two testepoonsful of essence of le mod, and bake in a qui& oven. , . , juaykack =Sift together One' quirt of flour aad'three ' leaspOOnatul of Leaveti ; rub in one tea-tchpful •of butter. addlt , oup and a half of white Nagai', end spice:to suit the toaMilalz.B RoPligh to roil Pals and bake quick. '' zi=aer Clinc:,Dife dilute!" flour and Ririe testat:Mae; Al 4t laaVened Lod' tagattiel;"add a cup of butter, one' I,Asid . ' of eutrante r tisbaups of white sugar, and one tee 11 .piglet claimed:in J, mix. withoold milk. to a'atiff bat ter 4114 , b40.11} a slew.oven.- ' , . • '"`dorkAskii,=Gififfpliit`bialt `of Mai and Indian m eal,' ' aidith ien-teaspb'penraVOr ' Leaven, well sifted tite.hea. ; add! qualm ouniOnialien and two "eggs; mix :Shin with mini, had bake in a slow oven..., . ,f , L, , „ - , „ , . COP Wk.—Flue c9pktol haute __ei _ tei ne stpo6 .9f..lleovep, gifted togotheri - lia. eikup of hate!,tle.of, Void iegqiifilveltbeitietogether c,tftetlb a. ~ c upiut curralits, unitupkuM'aultcqta_tiusle. ; Bake about hiof an hour. Lanus' - tiiits--Tfifeeiliakers of a pound of flour and Jot teaspotonsful origami% sifted:together; one.pound 9f ant sixpuuc . ca...cor trotter, I . w.atert to a.oaatu the : irWh ilea of ind4losoice 'oc 140 'le mii; :thhi Aqui , p ' • ' '*' Wllllaiia'CALC- - -PiVO:dUrl3 ornour, ;three teaspboiliftil of Leaven, three cups of sugar, one, of butter; tole..Of' nidk, and two eggs; four and space to , the taste.. Bake about half an hour. . • ~ . ... Pncked in Cages of 1; .2, 4, tind' Six Donen-Ceng. .:Vor sale la Grocers and I)ruggiets generally. W1L.11641. uI:LAOHE & into, Wholesale Agents, - NO. 6a leorth. Front itioni,Elnladelpltta. .„'n'ooln-tl3th - L .:: . , L , -„ , ,:, . ! lthAt: AT THE NEW-..: CITY STORM UATCHIeitOWtERT.EIWAIT gitcaiis 4 -mAiur.Fr ST& NQ.K igeEgt, of Atro6 7 , 1 11CliurgAki,a, umtimbkgeneTl44l:A ON sug 'Y h a.viufg* , Ketrirnwi,fropk. the esaferriteithis lecterilbali . of - Fali 'jai &Winter , Goode, 'which they will sell st the ve .y lowest prices. DOMBSTIC GOODS of every , Bleached...gad Untilesobei Nuatioe,i • • ' Bletetted Mlit'initileachekeanton Flottels. , REDELANSPALS DE EVERY DECRIPTION. . . A large assommait,or Welettnizieels _for Skirting. -. Safinetta and Ca eiuierea~ -. Awaseoruneet Domestic Olpgh"ms,. BlaCkPolll/3.81 Prieerac Cloths for Imiliess Chesterfields; , ig Deaver ClotbStor the Arab await.. A FINE 2tEgiIITMANP OF•BLANNAIN.- • • A t arge assortment. of ,Ciaolmer.soi especially adapted to. goes wear. An assortment, of Marino Drawers and Un-. deraldits.. •Ast assortment. of Carpets trout 12ji ols a yard to 51.00 per. yard., . . , • - • /ALSOLA.T.tST STYLES SATII4 DLCSENES, PLAID VALENCLAS, • • TELVEr - POPLINS; STRIPED AND -PLAID RICH- PLAIN AND EIGIII9ED iLSSINOS, _ RICH PLAIN AND FIGUICILD ALL WOOL DELAINES, • BLACK SIDIS, ALL WIDTHS. A. large, ablOttmeot of Brea° and Blank t; Blum y with a lull stook of the latest notieltles. assoilmellt of Plain and Figured Ctudleaerim. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. • , partiotilarattention paid tO tinfoil's" Magary and mai. liroideripardar;lac:, - Ali adrortment orMugeni emote leimextension. • „, , An assortment of Shroudibg and Flannel.• Ec‘T • _ di URICa COWNERTRWArY, corner of neat sad Market Street's, Barriaonril. Formerly *coupled by J. L. Miner. oot2day 10pOrt of the Auditor' Geoid. , • „ 11; tliil'onorablis, as Senate - and Noun of Reprioad-' #O4-11441 Commosvmda' Pennaiiivaid I* • obedience to; that direetionsi of the fifth Sicilia- of the act .of ,the thirty-first, of, March,. D. 1.860; entitleiPqm Acitkraitablialt a sys teni of .Xree Barddng in.'Pennsylvania; and to 'oire the public against logs from Insolvent I bat 4 the Mina to submit tlielollow bit?port e only certified copy, of-s:, certificate of as tioclidionMider_ the provisions of the Said act, which has as yet beenfdediin, this office in corn pllence with, the directionsof the, third section 411.dreof, - is that the plemileld 'Coinity Bank, vitli i r was filed , here on the 12th:day:of May;: . 18`60. Letters patent were tuly issued to the sahrßank on thatweritleth dijr::of Jnie, A. D:1860; and-certificates, of State stock to 'the* amount of 00,000, purchased by the Bank on the alst; daY •of Auguit and 19thday of Bop: tember.lB6o, luitring been-legally 'isseagned the ! Auditor General by the, Bank, i circulating notes, first nuMbered, registered and counter- sighed : : as the; la* r!quires, tothe amount of 40700 of the denominations, of sls.and 410 respectively,were rimed' to the Bank; The 'Whole amount the capitals of the Clearfield County : Bank, as stated in the articles of saw-, niation; is fifty thousand'dollars, one thou sit4 'shares of fifty dollars each, with a con-. Unit:dated increase of capital stock to the amount of one hundred' housand (100,000) do.- This Bank want into Operation under the pro- VlSigns of the.l6th section of the Abt. The dr. Calating notee not having been felted until the 20th day of Itveimber, 1860, after the time to which the reports of other Banking institutiotie In the State are-usuallymada npoto-report.haa been received or...required from the-plearfield County Bank Which, would enable me to give the detailed Statement of its affairs called for ID 'the Section of the..9eneral Banking F LAT under,. Which' this report is subraitted. In another year; when the Bank shall' have gone ibtoloperation, each report will be mulled and laid !before - the Legislatuti it details. , Thmamoutit of the expenses of this office on 'at:cobra of Banks, under:the dermal Banking Law; 'during the year jnaf closed, hair'been $7U9161; the amount received Intel the 'Tree; Sari towards defraying, the same, WI leaving the Treasury atmace s 4fl. T,h6 genies InClude: the- cost '.of engravin - gr. Beal for Ate banking department, as disectetd by tha,9th sectipn of the afit';: of procuring 'boob re -cordiug.Certifiaitee _Of bank charters; and 'for 1am:0%044g: and registering the . circulating, potekiltisited,:and fot engraving - arid printing :the Orel:dating , notes for the Clearfield . County Bag.- - . • lifflA _ UV" - it toa idtTibf thEatarbt March Wet, - 1860, I have very!littl4 experience to guide -tire in making: , any !suggestions with regard to modifications of tile"tystein 'whictris deviied; ot information to communicate respecting ' , lte.practictil opera tions. For 801110 reason, existing either itithe .provisions'of the law, or the 'caution 'Of `the people in 8 014 4 4 newisystems, this plan of organizing banking institutions, has not ,re ceiqd.general acceptance. Itis better that its oxteindon should be gradual, rather thin Muir Jeri; and I do not doubt that ultimately, with . some riodifieationa of the provisions ,of'the eeneral flanking Isy, which experkince,and more full examination shall dictate, the system will attract the'same-fsvor which it has receii pd in other States. - • There are in the. General Banking Law, one, ,or tWo - diinrepant *villas* . Which it would be advisable to, modify. The sixteenth sectienr6. quiria" that 'twenty per centum of the capital stock of each Bank shall be paidiu gold or silver coin; or bullion, before - the Bank - shall beper witted to carry on.the businesicoLßanking un= der the apt. If the Capital Steck- has all been subscribed, the Bank may go into operation befe . te. the . subscription shall have: been paid ii full, full, provided the twenty per centum of Bowie Amalie in - possession of the Bank, and bona.ftde its property 4 Whenever a Bank is thus organized, it is entitled to receive .from the Auditor 'General'any amount' of cimilitting nolds.of , thepreacribed denominations, for which B-Sibitu stasign to, and deposit with I. eviden ces of the Public debt of Pernasylturia; 'or of the United , gtatea,ret:exceedingthri market price of the stocks deposited with five, per cent, off.— Ait4r - the Bank'-has gone into operation Sad is sued its circulating notes; it, rs required to have, at, ail times on hand, in gold and silver coin, or its übralent; in its` vault; an' =Mimi 'equal to -tnenty. per cent= of all its ,circulliting„ notes Itte4very description whatever. Asa bank with a subscribed capital of $50,000 may go into opeintion as soon as $lO,OOO nave-been paid in specie.or its equivalent;tand,Srtay.on deposititg in the , office evidences of the public , debt of this •Statoor the United Mates, amounting, at five percent less than the market price, to $5,000, it,-would thus ,be required to commence business 'with a supply 'of specie' ainounthag Mien. times 'tirrouch-as would'be required to retaiat for the; purpose of redeeiningAts notes in circula tion.- Virereseeiris to be =grad reason 'why a Bank should at any' : One be,mquired to hold more , than twenty per cent in coin of the amount 'of its circulating siciteisi and it woiald be si4cieritto require,that the Auditor, General, should be satisfied, whenever he lanai_ any ainisint of , circiihrtixignotes tea --Bank, that it has in its stetnal possession,,artd is the bona fife. owher spemilo the full. amount of twenty peg centum of all the notes thus issued to . it.— It is believed that the requirement of the six teen*, section has operitted,very materially . to Prevent Banks from ping into operation under It is insisted by many that :the necessity im-. posed upon banks by,the likof alwaye haring, in their -vaults twenty per.- eentunit of their circulation; in specie, or, its equivalent, in addi-. tionio' depositing with the Airditer General itocki to the full amount .of their 'circulation; reckoned at five pm centum below:their market Price,' is severe and rigorous &Pre - elan - that butinais canna ;be adtantageoualy - donducted„ under security having been given:to th e ribtle,agarnd, Was . citctheifirminting notesof Bantriby ‘ thi - depoeit of:Retested:B; it is einti. "tended. that the sequirentent that the ,yieptcs, shall always have Orie4iftli'bf 'the amount' Of their circulation in.specie.:iiu the vault„urunaei :iuisiery for the protection of the public, -while. it, is oppressive to the Yank,. I have not hadthe opportunity of truoirdtv4hwalstutes of other States • which-have adopted; csiimihst 4statat'of. banking, ou this Polutt Wit is, believed that they small proportion of siracie to be kept onhand.., _ ... In.somerof those Statea r lraniever, the Banks have'fliftriViletelif' f ianing irotes'of Stadler' -th denominatimnabanOe &ham; mtlisti *Olt* eto iedeem t:lkeir,uotes of. lairt,Mde nondua , tion m e Withleatertite"nditire cif-specie; i n prtety of changing tbelugiiid. 91 10 ) 2 341114titg0t contained in the Slat notion of the Act o bat tit* fifffirt. Having procured Steam Power Xresses, we are El prepared to execute JOB llittOOK PBINTING of euety descriptioni.eheaper that it ciatetatiOte at any other, ea, tablisbnientin the coo nt,-. ' = . !RATES 43., kph lrif-Four lines or less constitute one half sIiTaFP Eig lines or more than [oar constitute a Sqtlart•; - Half Square. one day SO S one week L 00 Qaementa t; thriml hlOntall.,.. • ••• .. • ...... • 41. ` Obi iiit , EiChiT;; ' :* • •4• ; • one year. 6 00 One Square "ime day - • one week. three sir months ORO year... es* •••••• /0 00 gya-Mestuess notices insert:jos-As isast.—:ogheno, cr before Marriages snd.l thß , oxyzaners bat LINE for each overtion. `fa-lfarriagna and Deaths ro be charged as regular. agrertlsemehts. : ' NO. 5. March 31, 1860, is rmeettullysubmittedto the consideration of the, legmlatine. Noxicia linbarraismerit in the practitieriazii6r iseration of :the AcChis been - derived...lre/lac:fife proyisions contained' in the•seventh and eighth sections that•that .all notes issued by the Auditor General shall be . tiiiiferni, and that: he shall mule the, plates, dies. and materials of, the cir culating notes thus issued to be engiiiveil--that they shall•remain in his custody and:under his direction t . and that the expenses being first yaid out ,of the Stite Treasury 'on his written order, The:shall charge•egaiust and - reiiiive from each bank applying for such notes, such rate pericentimi thereon as will repay the expenses necessarily incurred. An absolute unifornity • in; the notes is, of course, impracticable., l They must vary, at all events, in the names' of the hanks—their numbers and dates; .and: several other particulars. The expense_to the State of puteharsing thedies used in engraving the:notesirwouldle greatly_ increased;; while, aa averybank must bavo its , own Plate, the cost of. engraving the notes would be the same, whetheedies=belonging to the:State ; or those forming part of r tne stock of the engravers, world be used. To use the sante devices . and vignettes on allthe•notrie, would greatly legal 'tate the operatione of counterteitens; for when they'liad• imitated one set, they would have imitated all ., except inthe particulars in Which . • - • ,LUluer soy,circumetances, the noses must vary foincettell'otner. • As the amount necessary to be'Pald bY.oaoh Baia in order,to -reimburse, the State ler, its expenditures, would vary pecessa tili according to tie number of those - institd lions which would,appiy for notes forcircula den, and the amount each - would be entitled: to receivkft would be impossible, as they *Mild apply at _llama times and for different ; - ; amounts, to fix any accurate rate per centurn to tie charged against and • received from tlferd. Virhere;theY. made their owtearraugemeets with the engravers, subject to the approval of thii Department, the amount could - be readily as certained, and - but a few small, incidental err- • peniee would , remain to be provided for.—, Taking into view all these circumstineee, I so' construed, the act as to determine, thatita re-, - oblation of uniformity in the notes would be satisfied . by stamping upon tbemlbe.winds "se cured. by: the deposit of Priblio Srock'!,by , the 'use of a special and particular die, bearing the coat'efiums of the . Sta,te:and-tfnititle .or. this , DePartment,. and by the tuip•of iukof a pertieu lar patented tinton every note. The otbei de vicee and'designs used on the notes were to be varied, pike wishea of each partioular 7 bank b hold& prefer, subject to the approval of the _ Auditor General. hiLthsropiitun of ille , Legislatare that this construction 4 :l o es- • not conform to the true intat and 'mewling of .the law; it - would be most satisfactory:to me to haiie a declaratory act paaFed on this subject. .The ~.• ..,t ~ • ye One opera under the law, very little praCtical inconvenience 'would be experienced in consequence of "the erroneous- construction. ;As the devices end' engravings on the Atotes of that Bank have a special local adaptednees representing the ope rations of -- the lumber business so extensively carried..on , in that region, they might not be proper for the designs to be engraved on no tes to be issued in all parts of •the State., ,Any de-. claratory, act : ought, therefore, to except the Clearfield County Bank, Whieti has already pro cared and paid:tor its plate: .• , - A 'construction, different, from that which placed'ullon the Act'Will involVeit ranch - larger' expenditure by the State in the first instance, which.may, or may not, be reimbursed, accord ing to the success or failure of the system, and .the number of;banksi which may go into opera- lion under it. The uncertainty on these points will always render it impracticable to adopt any ,rate peit , cent. on the amount of circulating notes issued, which will exactly repay the ex pense&necesserily incurred. if, however, the advantages of the closest possible approxitna don to absolute imifortnity in the notes issued under the General Banking Law, are supposed to transce'nd any of theinconveniences connect ed with it, which I have suggested, I hope that ,the Legisl a ture ' will matte known their determi nation, ilk.): point by, express,law. 1110:- AUDITOR GBH/SAVE OFEICE. January 8, 1861. , 011 i U'N I N-G -G. 0 S OF,EVERY - DhIieRIPTION. Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlets, in large quantities. Great assortment of Embroideries. - tadiee Vnderwear, different wises and quality. Gentleinetft do • do co. 'Misses' do do do Boyle ‘ . do ' do' do Cloth Ossahneres, Satinets, Jeans, • • • And everything for Men and Soya wear. Geutlemons' Shawls. Alt geods without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and less than cost of importation, .dl7_ GREAT:. VARIATY , OF 321- -IC - ,A.• Wt. .3EI AND : , -.I)AiLT 1 P : 0 px. JOURNAL r • - FOR • IsB.l. • For sale at 10 cents'and upward is Oleo at : • • IiEItGNICHIS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, - ! )t rel Market Street. , .. L ' Ci - D 13 0L D. • • 2 IThßiierieltij 'Tuner- and Repairer - of LL Edyne.-Modeoria, deo, : he:, will iedilve orders in (mare at WM. Mu sic huiriii, - 92Market street ill OriloreleApt Makaltovehitined'Place; or,itt theihnekter Molise will meet with prompt attention. Firiteauritjallosioraale.- .11018-aly. GENERAL ORDERBL-jo, 3 . . Han QuAsTuns Pm P. VI MM :Harrisburg, Nov. 6th , . 6e, 62 L The volunteers of the Fit b It:vision P. v., wut pa 'elide .4 .I.:buXtfburß i .nti TOW" JUBUITY 145:::18§t tot At ;; 4?plock A. M., to inaugurati Governor Andrew 0. Curtin, IL All Volunteers in the State and gal. Of Itna . ggidigi„ :ly . • invited to participate. -- Regiments, Batialiona-And:Olfiganarztareput Brig idier General R. C. d Brigade Sth rnv. P. V. at Harrle•burg. - By cempaaudnf. • lklajoe General WILLIAM t,,,13 r ti:i GENERAL ORDEB,S-No. 4-' . • • -nts4v , •knitisilliadigil. Nov. etb,..1.860. Agreeable to the;4l.temt ifej" Gener.illeim; DivoloriP. ti the Bade...!th ritisfoo. yet. rods at Harrisbur . alii — WMAT, Janiniryl.fitb,leal. at 10 'mock ..koarrtioi x 4o bkOati:inauguratiott Itor Andrew tx Curtin. . 1 2 1 4.43048egir, et thaiiifkghPelktl7lll.4ort:toX3l., Old- W.Brown, at. Harrisburg, on or before the let of 111. Capt. Eyeter, of the ' Cameron Guard will report Ittail.Quartais Matt AidleirN t e luth et:Janmuy, lii ix T or farther order Be. ,d_ede r dr gs DZIF Tiav Ihigadied. General: _ • 3ild Brigade rabDivision P. T. AMA:BA:Op. s nova TROb. E. COCHRAN, Auditor General, CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to the Harreborg Bank, _ Xarket &Aare 2 00 3 00 5 00 800
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers