tines at gravel & aransportatimi Ntlill AIR JAM MUTE TO NEW...1 . C.4.M.! • ) 1. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN TIM TWO CITIES OF - NEW -YORK is N D VIA READING. ALL.ENTOWN AND EASTON. MORNING REPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A M., arriving sat Harrisburg at 1 P. M., only 8% hours between the two cities. HAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar • rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 P.M. HORNING MAIL LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.001. 11., arriving at New York at 6.20 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris burg at 1.16 P. Id., arriving at New York at 9.45 P.M. Cannemions are made at Harrisburg at 1.00. P. M. with, the passenger Trains in each direct:ono': the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. All trains connect at Reading with train* for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at, Allentown -for Mauch Chunk, Easton, Ito. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between Nets , York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A M. lane from New York or. the l .16 P. M. rem Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comtfortand accom modation, :Ms route presents superior inducements:lo the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL -1 ARS. For tickets an • other information apply M. deal 3 J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. - ON AND. AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A.' M., and Ll 5 P. M. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 125 P. M., and 8.11 P. H._ RETURNING, LEAVE PIMAPELPHIA at 8.00 A. M. an i's:sa P. M., arriving at Harrisbvrg at IP . M., - and Lib P. M. FARES :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, 33.25 ; No. 2 (In eania train,) $2.16. FARM :—To Reading, $l.BO and 11.80. Al`Readang, coanect 'with trains for Pottsville, Miners- Tile, Tamaqua, o:denims, &d. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL. PHIA DAU.Y, at '6 A. M., 10.45'A Itt., 12.30 Jima and 8.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., Lob p, m., LSO P. M., and 6.(K) FAROS :—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and UAL TEE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG DOW WETS AT READING with - up train for Wilkeabarre, PI teton and Scranton. For through tickets and (Mer information apply to J. J. CLYDE, Oniorel A gent. razzi PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA , ON Alp AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Perme.pltahla Railroad OM piny will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH KiIPRESiI TRAM leiveaManisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrlies atWest PhiladelliMat ,l l.so a. in. FAST lINF, leaves Harrisburg at 12 66 p. an., and arrives at West Pluladelphla at 5.00 p. m. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 6.16 p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.2 e p. m. These India make clime connection at Philadelphia with the New York. Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at T. 30 a. m., runs via Mount Joy, and arrivea - at West Philadelphia at 12 BO p. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION-TRAM leaves Liar rishurg at 1.15 p. my and arrives at heat Philadelphia ate 40 p. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5:25 p. m.. runs via Montt Joy connecting at Diller- MAIL TRAIN East for Phil idelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadidphia at 10,60 p. m, arrives at'Bsrrlaburg at 8.10 a. in. lIAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., ar rives atHarrisburg at 1.20 p. m. recAL me.u. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7:oo'a. FAST !INF, Isaied Philadelphia at 12.00, rim, arrives It Harrialadttat CIO p. tn. HARRISBURG- ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg 441.86 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p m , and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. Attention Is called fo the feet, that passengers leaving filliladelphia a}4 1,0 p. In., connect at Lancaster with outim JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. M. SAMUEL D. TOW% Ant Zad Divistai .Painsvhania. Railroad. diWZ - . . $2,600 TO. woo PER YE AR! liAlll MUNCIE FOR ALL I HE ABOVE 'AMOUNT can easily be elide by tha manufacture and sale of an article of vo,r sfooent dim .Very. It 4a intlrely new, and auy per son wishing I n eng , u l.,usuiess that will piy, or to enlarge, one already astsblishedrwill go well to address the emdseatgned. Tim seta isms reinoy , and perminentas. sayi of the great staples. isle an easy, bouortibls and highly respectable business, by ',bid, b o mo . t ne ß aiwnow , routing:twin. the above tames by the Manufacture and ails r 4 this vendible article. It !squires but a vork . smgrairdcal-to—titYy•OfflidilibbiLa.x Mill gam - site cas4:lle. ror nill s feral:liars address , (enebiling a Sturm for torill:•.• • '• . CoBLIANTA , • - - ' Box No. 800 „! . ',lllditlowwo, Ma r yla nd. . " " • ' • ' - 3 XN.X4.:A(14:41e - C u ICE D H A.hie . ror*Pitiv t r:tit ""'"77 . 1 mfr.- tetegrap4, it . mobau 'Afteritoon, - 3ctnuary 180 L OisetUamotio BOERHAVE'S lioii*N : o - ..van - AS'. TICS OZLEBRATFI) HOLLAND BMW NW DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF ,TDE LIVER. COMPLA)NT, WEAKNESS OF ANY NI 6, FEVER ANC ACUE, And the various a ffections Consequent none disordered' S 0 A,Orl' 0 R L'l V'E`R . , Such as Indigestion; Acidity_ of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, ILeartburns, Loss of ,Appetite. Despondency, Cos-' tiveness, Blind aed Bleeding Piles. In all ter woes, Rheumatie;.and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous Instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected" a a decided cure. This is a puiely vegetable ormpound, prepared on strictly scientific, principles, after the manner of the cele brated Rolland. Professor, Beethave. Its reputation at home produced its ' ' introduction here, the demand„com mencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty' country, many of whom brought with ahem and handed down the-tradition , of its value. It is 'new offered te. lhi American.public, knowing that ils truly wonderful medicinal trirluet 'Must be deknotokriped. it is particularly recolitmended - to thosepersons whose constitutions may have neen impaired by the continuous use of afdent spirits, or other forms-of diesipation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect, It finds iiit-way directly to the seat of life, thrilling :and quickening every nerve, raising up tbe drooping spirit; and,.in. fact, infbsing new health and vigor in the aystem.' NOTICE.--Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It will prove a. grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY ! The Genuine highly concentrated Brerhavets Rolland Bitters la put up in half-pint bottles only. and retailed at (Ms Donal' per bottle, or six bottles for'Fivs The great demand for this truly celebrated Medkine bee induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. sir Beware of Imposition. See that our name is onthe label of every bottle "ou buy. • r Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. - : SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., IIANIIP•OTFILINO Phiatimieutistil. and Memii3ts. PIITSBVEG-, . . . For sale in'the city of garrisbiwg by 0. W. Gioss & . . _ , sopp-lowly.. 21E13 DELICIOUS 2 , oN.lasnilaW2; WlSPEClAliViteErignet. ftirthellte 'otthe Medical Professio' tvice4 tbe - ininfly, baying super celled the so-oillid • "Cotdial,” "Medicated." "Schnapps," etc., is now endorsed by all of the,prominent physicians, ohemists and connoisseurs, as poseesanig all of 'those istfintiornedioinalgualitien (tonic and diuretic) will& belong" to an oitrand ran Gin. Put up in quart 'bbt , les arra sold by - ail druggists, grocers, eto. A. M.BINIABI' (Einablished in 1773.) 1 „ , Bole ging . rietors. N0.'19 triad Street, N. Y. For : 'fate in Harrisburg by C.7.if. BennVarekid John , . , libr sale, by W. W. & ,B. ,Blobar,.da & Co., and all, of, the priitabxeSi Wboiesals,Diuggiits iq Philadelphia. - .soP,V,ltswera NHL ®R MRS. WINS.LO*, An experienced Nuree and Femal6PLyaleilan presents to the attention of mothers htr .. . .. . , SOOTHING:..•,SYRITP, _ • t . .. . . For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the probes; of teethlng;hy. soft ailing the gums,reducing all inflanitilitiiolb—WiLlitllay ALL PAM and apasniodlc aption.,and is, SURE TO BEOCUTE , TEOe-13071318. Defend twin it, mothers, It.will give rest to yourselves - AND,'BEL= AND' :MALTS TO TOUR - INFANTS. We have - -put'"up and sold this - article' for over .tentyears, and CAN AY, ne ociannsson AND TRUTH, what 'we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVES EAS IT NAILED; IN "A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely ..used.' -Never did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one Who used tt, - -On - the - contrary, all are — delighted, ,with - int Opera: Wait, and speak- .in terms: Of highest Somme:Walden of, Its =Wien" draft and medical airtime; We speak in this matter . Pumas wino xxowi after tea yeate?.expe. Hence, Ann Paull ors NIPDTATION PON las muntivr or wart vrn arm nmeAss. In almost every instance where the Infant Is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found' in fifteen Or twebtr tilittlitea after the syrup is adniinistered. This valuable preparation le-the presmilltoni ot one ot the Most lI:CPRBIENCED and BEILIYUL New Engkuld; ' arid! has been ited 'wit# !pin : 7 0anne' THOUSANIII3 OF CAM. It net only ralleVeei ,theebild from pain, but Intlg orates the stomach botrals, zorreete acidity, and gives tone and energy twill '11191! ms t em. It will al most Instantly relieve . . . ' GRIPJNG IN THIS ROWELD,„ ANDAVINWANDLICi: and overcome - convalaions, shier if brirspeeliik reme died, end la death.t••We - believe, it thelmerrand sears! =mem IN TIM Irwin); In 'ill L eases orDYSENTERY AND RIARRIDEA- IN,,CRILDREN, whefhec !1 , from teething or from any y • other ` cause We ' Mould Say to every mother who has a child suffering from any . el the foregoing .coinpbtints— no NOT 4112. TONT TNTAIDNION;nonV NON 11111JUDIONN -OP omens, stand between you sud your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, 101.13TELY SUDR—to follow the use of this .inetticitte, it timely need. Fall directions for .usbig will accompans' each bottle. None genuine unless the timaimile of CURTIS tit PRRICINS,New. York, is on the outside wrapper.' Sold by Druggists throughout the - meld. Principal Mae, No. 18 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Genie bar Bottle. /E- For. Lisle in Harrisburg by - n. Grow . ik Go., 149 19 Market street, J . Martin Lute, Market street, a {C. Keller, Nci. 01," Market street; belowlourth, end G. W. Miles, 129 : Market street. aug22 dimly NEW .F11(11' NEW GOODS SEW • .pßzets'!- - E' SUBSCRIBERS hi‘ving ,inusieedeS to the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY .1P M]. NESS of Nonni. GROSS '& KUNKEL, ..at, WALNUT "ITREET ;WHARF ; would respectfully, announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and ,vicinityy. that 'they -are pre pared so : offer for sale wimp and complete-assortment of troceries, Provisions, • Balt,' ' • Grain, 'Elour, • • 'Boles, in ; great - variety, Boles, Paints; . 7 • Oils, -Find; rails, 4ement, 'ika, As, Our Large SPRING STAG in Philadelphia . add New- York,- and -now arriving,- has been - selected with much care, and wqpelg,t9Ona: tlnducements eljal buyers. 4irft.nd to: kaiti lITR§T:CTASS NU; .Rti UN12ER9,..10. , and hope by honorable ',Mug to. Dam* , ilfrreselys a shllls kiS F ps AU=4OUI4O4 ,o 4 r 4.4 filtbitaL THE ORIGINAL AND GaIUDI DR. TOWNSENDIS COMPOUND EXTRACT. OF S.A.RSAPARILLA, Is The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE BOVEREIGt - VEMEDY FOB ERUPTIONg OF 'AM SKIN, ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. Thee. complaints ran bespeedily anti effectually cured by the use of tills 'WORLD RENOWNED SAR S APARILL A. Thousands have experienced its 'salutary effects, anti tens of thousands have witnessed it; until it has ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the cam munity. Mien the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of. Spring ,weither, change of climate want elexerwee, the use of a undo, ni saline diet, or,any other 'settee ; this compOund Extract t3f Sarsaparilla, Witt BENXI! the BLOOD, carry off the putrid humors GLUM thee/mum, ' REGUL47.S BOW.ELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor : to the Whole Body: TO TEE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that the preparation ex tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Con?pound ffs: tract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured under my di rectionund supervision,• from the original recipe obtained from Dr:H. P: Townsend, - and I certify , that it Is compel; ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT MEL CIJKY; and also that the ingredients are. judiciously con ounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R. CHILTON. M. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S Cos:mount, 'EsTascrr or Sawa realms, has a reputation among all civilized DWG= as the best preparation fur • Renovatineand Purifying Ito BLOOD .which science has ever offered to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to thiais due its world wide renown.. It contains all the vegetable Principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill ohich the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may, be said by mortified competitors• or splenetic.physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY. WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it 'possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition it will be necessary to 800 that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. R. p Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of esoh.bottle. BE VERY CtREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist in this .ity. , ap3o-dlitaw '3lar.c.Jp3P.,v..tx9ePal LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. ItHESE 'MEDICINES have now been be 'fore the public kr a period orralitlY YEARS, Alid during That tithe have manosits d a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immesiate power of restoring perfect health to per eons Stdittritig under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame Is - The following are among the distressing variety Of hu. man - diseases to which the ' ' ' VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYS•PIAJPSIA by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead .of the stale and acrid kind ; LEND Y " Toss of Appetite, Herai burn, Headache, MOJA lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, languor and hielanch ol .7l which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, wilt van a natural consequence otiticure, CH!S'riVl6llll.lsiblJ, by Cleansing Me ivbole leggtl3 of 1 halfitesiinee 'militia, solvent !Piedosa, and. , .Witkout Viu . t lenbe; all violeit purges - leave the bowels Costive within two days. ' FittVICRS ocidl kinds, by restoring the bloOd to, a regulieffizti ation, through the precede of respiration in such cases, and, the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in othiirs. ' Ana LIFE: IuEDICINIS have been' known to cure k.IEIIIIIATLSII . permanently in three weeks and. GOUT in half that time, by removing local ititlamination from the muscles and ligattieutb or thejoim ' .131t0Pbtkih of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on these important organs, and hence, have ever been founds certain remedy for the worst .cases of GRAVEL Also WOR/IIS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to whieh these .creaturas adhere. SCURVY; ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the. Perfect purity whiehtheseLlVE MEDI (I. NEE give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their situate effect upon the fluids that teed the skis, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree: able complexions. The use of these Pills for a very abort time will effect an,entire cure of SALT ItRIQUIII, and a striking im pt °velment in the clearness of the. skits. , COSISION Cus.O.s' and. I.NPELIIIIII7..A. will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. P&Lb.S.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of SA years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. . - FEVER AND AGUE —For this scourge of the Western country, these Pdedicines will-be found a safe, Speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subjebt to a return ofthe disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE i3ATI6FIRD, BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER UOSI PLAINTS.--thsnrao Durum Loses!' Arnim,. and Di alum FaltaLts= . llie . 'MattisWes have, been used with Sternest beneficial results in oases of this deseripi, lion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in itaworstjoraw, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these rainarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervoin Come. plaints of all kinds, Plap.tanen of the "Heart, Painters' Oda% ire speedily cured. _ _ _ ItiteleCtiss.lAL DISEASES.—Persons . whose 131Mittii11 Joni have become impaired by the n iejudicioue use.of rdercury, will find .these Medicates a•perfect- oure, as they c eyelet! to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner theil the nusstpower ful orßaideparilla. Prep tared and avid by W. FILOFRILT, 835 Broadway, New York. Forsale by all Druggists. jy2o-tlearly -. VAN INGEN & SNYDER Designers naravers on -Wood' IT:, E. COR.,FLUTH . & CHESTNUT , • „ . r. Philadelphia. - EVEOUTE all-'kinds of WoOd:Engraling. with beauty, correctness and dispatch.. Original usalans furnished lot' Fine Book 111ustratunia. Persons aligning cuts, by sendirg a khoto'grseherßaguerreckype. can, have views of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, machines stoves, Patents, &e., engraved as wOl on per .sonal application.i Fancy Env, lopes, labels,l3lll Headings, Show Bills, Vi§illng, Business and other Cards, engraved' in the highest style of art s and at toe lowest , prices. • .For rpeoudens or floe engraving, seethe Illustrated works of J. B. Lipkincgat & B. H. Butler &Cs. oct2b-lyd . . . WM J. EITEELO CARPENTER AND - JVBBE.R., OORICER WALIVO7 AND FAU2VI SIRRE4B. OBBING of all kinds done at short Iv notice. in good style. and on ressonidnetermn. All Work. Promised in. One Week PE N SYLIT'AIif STEAM DYEING ESTABLISE*ENZ 'lO4 Afgrkei Street between 4th and sth, HART,ISBURG, PA. ,TITHERE, everyfleseriptien of l Ladies V and Gelid( rretm , Garm - pntii, Pied) Mos rYetli geaddsed ar d aaisliedlM the'besi mander ands , thaill'ote;t. umiak, AD9PaE-165:041, MoT3-lowly ,'Alpropnators,,. iEtbicaL BLOOD FOOD. the attention of Invalids, 'Physicians, Clergymen est entifla men, and the .public 'generally, ti respectfully solicited to the merits of this chenlleal preparant 0, con taining Lron,Snlphar airdPhosplio. us, and which to Identical in its composithitrititic the .Htaludie Gmbea d , or red bleed. In all dusease€ sicoompanied with Debility, pale countenance and :nervous derangement, analysis of the blood show a defieleney of the rod globules. Ruddy complakionasid areskilnt alba skin, is alwayS Indies; live of health ; while a pale, wea.liko skin and COI:Map aanaty—WlllC/1 evinces a deficieney of red - globules,— accompanies a dlecesednrgantsm. Preparations of Iron have been given for the ,purpose of supplying the red globules, butiver contend - that , iron alone, Sulphur alone, or Phosphorus alone, will not meet the defi ciency:in every case, but that Judicious combination of el thesieleinents Is necessary to restore the blood to Its normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been• reached in' the Blood FOOII, and Its - discovery rlnag as one ,of the Most scientlila and' important of the age. Its effects ha,.; Constunption . are to soften the cough; brace the nerves, Strengthen the System, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich thelficed by to. Wiring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, rettoro the color 'and clothe the skeleton frame with fit sh. The Blood Food will be found a sped acne. all Chronic Diseases of the Throat or frent.ga, such as Arthma, , llronchilit, Coughs, dal: - Public Erpeakeri and singers will Bud it of great utility in Owing and strengthening the Vocal organs, In Dyippea, Ltcer Complaints, brain, Apaerw:Paralysisobartfiliii, - Oravel., St. Vitus' Dance, Fever. and Ague,. An., its efikaey is marked and , tnatanteneouM firrno chits of 'disease, how. ever,, are the beneficial Offeets oftthhr,reSicsly- Bo con spicuous as in those humming • Female Coilipliats to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppress , d or difficult ifelastr Greem•Stokness,' Maga, .ko especially when, these complaints, are accompanied with 9aknAms, a dingy hue or pallor of the skin; deprefsien Of - Splrits, debility, palpitation; want of appetite; audlnervous pros , - tration, We bat, the utmost confidence in recommend ing the Blood Food to all 'who niztY be conscious of a loss or vitality or energy, and to those whosetuental or bodily powers are prostrated ...through tiiiixisse, either of the mind. or body, and we d eemit our duty,to kay that in all cases of Weakneas'airEntaciation, indict all dia. easasottheifidnepaßiadder,thia preparation hart ain*bal upon tboottention of soffefera which cannot be over ea-. =tided... A 13atttifnl trialwill be found the Mood bentinc ing proof in regard to its, efficacy that,could beasked for, With - the above rentarks, add' with that nunfdroua WU: monials -we • have in fte favor, we offer the ''!lJEtleattd` Food" to tbononsideration of the.afflicted,knowingthat it *RI be iiiiltnewledged prOominent civet 'all *other preparations, patent °radicle!, In poincof-usefulpess,--, circulars giving the Theory upon whichWS' remedy is founded; also certillOates'cl..remarkable cures; WM be sent free when desired.. We forward the Blood. Food to any part of the United States' or Canada's upiin receipt of Prieel. per4p tde,,,Ss for six battles Be careful in all cases to have none but . that having otir lap simile signature Upon..thtrWrapper. -nitro other is-genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH DUPONT., No. 409 Broad way, hew York. , ' ;And' by all res?ectable ;Iriuggiste throughout. tit: . 'For saki by 13.' A. Banntrart,,' so - e agent, Harrisburg,: le 1) 9 - dOwlY - ritafdp.14 , 04 -. °BRAT REDUCTION IN PRICES .:WIEEELE4. & WILK/N. I B S EWI NO: -LM H - UNE S NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT. REDUGED.PRICES. . TE WHEELER - */*WILSON Mittinfac luring CoralAPY.hievAg , gah3eil Am, their : Snits at law, with nerlngirg manufacturers of !Awing Martinet, propose that the - public - Should 'lie beneflttecif thereby, and nave auccirdlngly reductd the , prices of their Sewing Maohlnes. After this date - they will be sold at rites that will pay a fair profit on the - cost of nuainfacturmptpital invested, and expcnse of making sales t such prices as will enabler theta tO Make ant 'clam . mad:Mies, mud; da here p m fore,,gnerantee them in.every 1:90 01, 0 11 r- ' •• aoSordce with tho announcement above I will. eel } splendid sewing.atichthea priebblrran;s4s' to $9O for the flue full case machines. It is a well estab.. • llshedfact that the & "nee er . it on. swing aohine is the best one Mike Mal ket, the beet made, most suple arid.lemt tants to=get oat eft 4 oider, and they ire iiSiv as low as the, interior . maahmes. Cali and kee them :a Third arid Market: ' deltem t . : O. BICaOX, Agent. -,...-. ....p: r i .o ..- "5r,,,„, . „o ncoNtenn. 1 , • i ii;:i. • , - ::.'"' ~.-, ...• ; - ' -it. 0 . 4 4 4.6' latolpiatesDa 2' • - r o r 'et , - . 411 Save'the re - 1 9 , : Ai accidents will happen, even itinelt-regulotedfasegies Itlis very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Ftirnltitre, TOR; crockery, atc. • SEILDIMPS PREPA.REI) GLUE - - meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick. ing point. There In no longer a necessity for limping Chairs, splintered Teneetw,--liesidles — toys and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone vitpll and other ornrmental warty ao. popular 7itik ./itaira of xidlllement and taste. . - • , • t Thlif admirable preparation himsedMild,cheini eally held in solution, And pewees/mg-411 -the qualities of the beet cabinet-makers' limey he used in the place of ordytaty , mnciltigtamMg vastly n!presdhadve. Krsimm neltiratinouiw,. N. 11.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25 eta. Wholesale Depcd, No. 48 Cedar street, New York. . Address HENRY C. SPALDING &,CO., Box No. 8,600, New York. Put up for Dealers in eases containing Four, eight and T Dosen—a bettutifill .I.llbographla itioltpcant airA single bottle of PPALDINGSI PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household. .Sold , by all prominent Btationere,l>rugglets, Hardware and. Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores.' , Conutry mercbauts should ranke. tile erEPALDINfik` PREPARED GLIM, wham mak*•• *pit'*. list. , It wit stand any climate. cebri dawly • GREAT :BARGAII‘.IB E . „F LADIES ; AND . CHILDREN, ; or. sviaq.niaaintozr, - .trNDER THE cONTINENTAL' /10111 L. K .104- Loved and Best Stock in , the Onriacilitiesonable to to sel-lewei than any other es tablishment.- d.Politenesa' and Fair Deallog" out. motto: CHARLES o.4lROgiliec SO 'NS; - 826 and 828 Chestnut Street, , Philada. firma amanita WITH ART =me noussza Oelo-2md* MUCH* COWPERTHWAIT wnousus A ALTAIS. .1:1 XL lir GA- C.) 0 =0 . 14 MERCHANTS; . Corner . Of Front and Market :Streets; HARRISBURG, PA. D 11R1C33. T. St. COWPEATDWAST. FIJAS! , . , .„. . To' select from a large stock of Fare, _ • - . GO TO CATHOLIVI4EL . To see and buy oleo new Furs, • • GO To ,CATHOarlil. • To;et any kludOf Furs you inay. wish, • ~. GO 10 AkTilC4Blll . .tko purchase Fors.without any • . _ •GO TO OLTfiCiitlig, To have Furs gtuaranteed to be what they aro •repre sented,, - ••40 10 cATEKAR/Ps. To find, the largest, beet and ..eheapest, lot, or Fora of every kiad, CALL ON CATIICART&'IIROnfIgtS • No. 14 Market Square, - • . nle Nest 'door to the jlarzteirurgEtsuFlF:, labsittift, 800813 F 'ALL IMAGINABLE SIZEB,PRICy.§, STYLE AND QDALITIDron halkoriq p order at the ehlaiieef tiitee, Atd,,3 BERGICLitiI cue ~OOIL 'A Alisullancous Tea ArraLGAUErrerr or . I,JacatlAG:S.—There is a grow ing tentiehey in this age to spproptiate the mostexgres sive wuras 01 other language', and slier a while to In corporate them int.) our own ; thus the word Cephalic, Whtch , is from ibe Greelroriguir) "ter the brad," is DOW becoming pepularlzed is contia•tion with Mr. Spald ing's greatileadache remedy, but it will soon be Used In a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as hleotri tile and marry others whose dis tioction as foreign words has been worn sway Oy CODA Men Usage until ihey seem "native and to the manor bora " . . • ',artily Realized. Hi 'ad .'n 'crtible 'eadache this hafternoon, hand I stepped Mbo tbeaapotbecaries band rays Id t me man, “Cab . yet be re. me , of en 'ead.sche • Tot s it Miele kird" tap; 'c r `liesceedhigly,” s-aya hi, hand upon that 'egai e tun a Cerbillc rill, linnd 'ys n me 'oner It cured me so quick that I 'artily realised I 'ad 'ad an 'eadache. . • Akir - rinantalis is the favcrite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the twain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on es a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwisee.cape attention, tilt too late to be remedins ; and its indications should neva be neglected. Ileatiaehes' May he elaselfled under two Sainte, vtz : Sympton.atic and Igiopathic Syraptisnatic Headache is exceedinglY burettes and is the pi 'ecurser of it great va riety er • Oisecrufs,among ;which are. apoideXy,. Gout, Itheumatisrd and all febrile Moesses. lu, its nervous Doran is•syinsithetio Of intense of the stomach - daunt tilting rick irecaltickc, of , - hepatic disease coustituting la+ Itiatkcke, Cour tipatiim and other Meer dare :of itte trowelc •:a.M laelta.S. Tenni. and Uterine street ions. • Diseases of the heart are very frequently snood eel with lEleidaeldea, Antemla and plethora die alsoalled tins Which frequently occasion ..headache.. Idiopathic Jloadaene Is also very common, being usually by the minis *of Serious /audacity sometimes , OOMing•on suddenly in a state of apparently gonna health and prostrittini at once the mental and physical energies. and in other instances it cornea on slowly, heralded by nepreselon of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most in fattest It contra on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits dr. acerbity-of - temper. litinet instances the pin la in the front' of the head, over use or b oth eyes., and Bora Untie§ provoking vomiting ; under this oleos may also be; named eitiralghs, • Fdr the treatment of eithSi class of Ili:sus:die the Oe phaliMPllisillate beenlound a -mire and safe reitterly, re neiring the most Acute, pales_ is a lew minutes ; and by its slibtlitfeeteradierittng the disease. of width Head ache is thahnerringiedeg. ' • VRIDGET.—MiB sae !mats yos go send her a box of Ce- Phalib::Gini...lool,tgottle of Prepared I'm thlakingfibeVa.amYmb It nalther; bet perhaps ye'd be tit : Eder Unovriatwhia it Ite , s'ce she% nigh dead and gel e,wap tit Sick Boadoche,:and wants some more of thatranie Aa relakved her before. IYrtippiBL-11bainunt Elena Spalding's Cepballo Pills. .Binipet.--Oek I sure now.aud you're and it, here's the quarter and gip and don't as all day about wither. > . Cpriatila,tion.or Costiveness. No one of the ',4nany ills to heir to!' is so preys• lent; sic little tuidrrstokid, and so much Inglneted as Cos. ifverieSS: sting in Carele. ElWks.. r seden tary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder ot two lithe consesueoce to excite anxiety, while in . reality it is tLo precursor and 'companion' of, many of many id' the meet fatal and datigen r om diseasesi ; mid .unless enly eradica tod—W.Will" tiring the, sufferer to,in iterimeiy lisitterriviin or which costiveness is the utual aiteiidirat are Headache ; Chlio, ittletim titiM, Foul Breatu, {idles- and rithers Into nature, whin a lorg ei frightful direasas snob as Matignon , Favers,.lheesees, PYPentelrLikarrl'ciei. Apopleiy, liFilell - 3, Paralyens,--tOsitiria,.-I;lypocinantrisais, Mel as,: insanitY, Brat indicate: their preterite in the ey Stem b 3. this alsru*!g• symptom. Not unireqm ntly the dl, euL er. inamod originate tn 0 mtipation, bht lake on an inee pendent.erdeimibiS unitise the tame is Oladicated lk airly. stager From allhese conSideratious the disorder should receive brim( diets attertion* heft ever Ifni:murk and no person, sidald neglect to get a box. of Fills on eFi.earlinee of the compiaint, theirtlinClo..tine . wili exile: tile ing Inoue app . - re:sea o disease 'and- dattray.thiit ded gerous f lb human life. L Red Blersbag, ..lcikyeintiter.—.7.Well,tlirs.. - Joneti, how is that Ikea dadhe a/ry Cikylot, all gone Cale i 11l you sent ynA,tweiiiy winunr, and I wish you would. anzid More So tHatqcatkimie thczalten7iy. • can get theni at any Druggists. krlcoll4powrlllpli , ill: 1 1,0*y' never mil, aid I recom peed thl it ci.lu,s.cstues of Headache. .•• • 7117 , 5• Janes —l"s`liatlsend, for a Cox directly, and - aball tell all my aufferinitleridi:forthek are - a 7 sal biessir.g. . watrzy.4corsoo flomiogy gpalding has twoGott es of its celebrated Prepared Glue;and It bioariteatetttbar eacb bottlaiaved at biomen aftllark,Wortil pt broken larnbare, thas.maktog an aggre qateOf twenty' millions Of dolottli reclaimed from total "Arthis..valiptole lErventiati. ; riEtairink made IdoGlce \iseliald word, he now proposes to do the .world gloaterter:alcalby curing;all the , actibig.ibbuda'Nfith L OIS Cephalic P,113, mod iftheyarsageod.tto his'Gfne, Bead pellet will Seowlani6h'Oway like en4in,l,ely. 0 7.,t0r1;MEn. Er:animal; and - the mental care and aura. py Inbtetrit: atteutPai to business or study, are. raonglbc: oflearvoua Handeobo. The eniordaradreate of mad, i1.00..b09tY 'Rad= tAO tbis eta - trefebia'cdroPlaint Waillitar birds tb atl energy and am• bitiore...Palfhpare. br , th ( fik , difordee..cin) /dwell& obtain ipeed,y relief from theektliatrcalingattapkOT using onc or tbe.tsipindia izilla:sibenkver tbiseyidr.tcros appear.-7 Ii quiets, the overtasked brain, and so othes , the, striihed add jairing'ilerVeß., add relaxes' the - tinidtn of thet,sto mach *lnch `always accompanies and Migriivilde , thii.dle Ordered. condition of the , brain. - , . . - 4.Faci.Woltrigriairtre.l3aldingts Cephalic Pala -are . it certain ..Cere..for• Bick Headache , Billions Iteatlacte, .iii iivoies Reiditatta, (activeness end General Lability. -.,G , , u nen.llauperyjavr.,:-.Among the moat Important of ail great medical diteoiCries of kkle age tutiy. be con entered. abe.ayaterrpt.vaedinnaition-fer- proteetion- from ennklk-,P9X.4.llo,,capbalie kill tor reliel,oft headache,. and the ese-of Ottiutitterfor the preveotlcie cit raceri , ; eiter of %Ili& 184 eurftePeothe,"ialtese.lieeelite le ill be experi encedbi ramlng humanity, long after their discoverers ;tar lie you ever , have the Sick Headache? Do you re. membertae thiobbibglethples;ihe .fevered brow, the loathing and , diegust. at the eight of food. How:totally finfl(ybu Were for pleiishfii,.coniereation or study. One oftheLeplialloPlllsvouldliaVe relieved you froth alithe Sutlerieg yorb then experienced. For thin and etbefpurpoketilanshouldultVaya have a box of theia on hand, to Wu Penankurrenuires. oilletaik4 , o‘ -9 tv tURE - , oa Nervous Headache CURE. '7' • as \ Readaelte. By the eackof thezeTll .the7periodto attacks of Ner Smts or Sick Headache may be preventc4;end if taken a the commencement of. inittack Immediate relief fro Oathand sieknese may be obtained. They seldom tail in removing the Alzwea.tutd,ifeatioehe to whieh fenugee are so pubject. Thep, act geatlyupcn thajmwela,e.reinoving Costizewss. For Literitry Nazi Studiolts,Dellaste replales, and all paricni of ierlintary,habiii,,A3y are valuable as a Lzta, tire, improying.tbc .aypetitAs, giving tone and vigor to the: digistive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and. .. • -44i f i ngq i #r - the '.61/91e The CEPHALIC ULU! are the reault of long investi gation.antl carefully conducted experiments, having been in use in many yetis, during which time they have rre. Ventedaed reltexeit ti,Vaut.extieuatof pain aadauirmiiig *144, or Penh*, eyu. tem'o cirri..a deranged state ollliostoo t , • They are entirely vegetable in themc.ompositioni and maybe tat - On - at- gin times with perfect safety withoni . making - - alfyhbango ef-diet;-and obs'eniv - Watry diax vreiabletesteierders ifeatita admit:oor Monts al &free:* - , ;antwAztor 0 0014721tlittTS 1- - - -... . . . Thai genuine 4ve five -siguatures.of-ilentyT.-2paldlna Sold, by pirmgg)fitA and ?di .c . i,tAtt 'Demers:l4 meortags.: IPORrgpatliln triP!,qll/0 E• 1 26 C Tad A 11461 6 ilidua be addressed to • 1 7.4L1T L , ` inova•diktly filis te I. 1 anrous: Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAMS ABONATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. rhis Medicine has been used Lytle public fir sex years, with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, liernounsess, II are-Burry Cbitc /tans, WOW in he Stomach, or laminae Dome , • headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Com plaints, Law Otrits D Tremens, Intemp ra IStfLATIO3, itzertertants, v saws, err WILL NOT INTOIICAHR on ;to S A MEDICINE it is quick nd effectu mad, curlier Inc most ant &catnip Wine u Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, end all ether derange cut ut the Stomach and Dowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most meta a iy an; drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d sic . ly tolealth, strength and vigor. Persona wbo, from the injtidaleus use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems scattered, constitutions broken down and subject to that horrible curve HO humanity, the 11}.1.117r31 lawless, will. almost immediately, teel the ham y and healthy invigorating efficacy of irr. Diem's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Min.—One tsi e glass full as often as necessary, ( Tie dose will remote all Bad Sprits.[ One dose will sure Heart-burn. Three dcses will cure Indigidition. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One doe will stop the dish easing pains of Dyspepsia. One dcwe wtll,rrmove the nit-mei:shy and di, aereeabie effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon es the stomach rimetvett the Invigorating Writ, the dietressing lead ewe all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, eithor'in the stemacb or bowels. A-few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organ-... 'Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints, are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, end a radical cure by the use clone cr two bottles. BIIGHTLY DISSIPATION- Persons who, is on. dissipating too muss over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ike., will find one dose will remove all bad I:eellugs. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions. should take the Invigorating Spirit three dines a day ; it Will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstruchoue and irregularities trom the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the cat eworn face. During pregnancy it sill be pound en invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable secisatioss at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he hats put up Om Invigorating Spirit he pint bottles, at 511 .osatis, quarts St. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Plailadeinbra, D. YOTT, fir CO. and for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Hammitt, D. W. Orate Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere. jel4-dawly FALL AND WINTER CLOTEENG PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHINGEMPORIIJM No. 007 CHESTNUT STREE7. A euperb stook of flue Freud; EnglIAL and Americium CLOTIIS, • - CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, For City and Courtry trade, with au unappreacttable as stir/meat uf Riedn'T .liana curintsa at the lowest cash pric"Ft gurdot ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of ioirinsio worth and Lite presetncd wi it each article hold. Parttoosr uttelition paid to tie Cuatonter ttep,:rtfuent, and garinews made stittaeut to order to any address. In ivaikturatin.: this new system of doing nuattees, eItANVIII.I. STOKES 'woad impress co the minds of the patrons of We eatablishment, chat the cost of the gift is deducted from, and SOT added io the price of the arti cle told. Ills trnii•cne. ly InctraEing tales enabling him to act thus iibc rally, and at The some time to . realize a remunerative profit. .all.artio.elacapintacti-fe givrennhtsattsfactk,n. GEANITILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE cLoTHrbiG EISIPORIUM o CEIEBI',24IIP e'PREt•-t octle-emd Me E-vcr • FAMILY DRUG STORE. _ EIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED _IL a Wholetale and Retail:rug and Preseriptian Store, in the loon Front Dunning, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre can be found an env it new .tonk Fresh and 'Pure Drugs, Perini:fiery, . • 01L, COAL OIL LMIPS, burning Fluid, Ale 101 Patent Aleeicines, Stationery, Fancy Article. &r. Re hdie the agent y for the sale of Kline's' Celebrated Arti• • finial Teeth, to which 'we would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectlully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. aimak N. B.—Prime Havana Sepia and Tobacco constantly , Ori band. , fq , o 4 /ii . EDUCATIONBL. A CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA -11 TIONALITY is the system of educatien in a coun try: "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to pubic opinion. that pubic opinion should be entightened."—Washing ours _Farewell Ad ress. To this eon the p opts in petulant should se educated into a ,correct and tawnier acquatutance alth the nature and principles of our goverment all civil Inentutions. "OUR GOVEKNSInNT : ao enoanatory ataten ant of the system of Government of the Country, &c. A MARL'. -AL FOR SChOOIS, ACADE3IIES AND 'POPULAR USE," is a- work which, with pro' er historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Con-Motion of the United States and or tho,e in the several States, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand. and writers, locluding some to erences to admiutstradva . aw and pract , Ce. so as to show the actual working of our general r ystem of Government. It le tree from specula. tivecii MMus, winservattve w Its tendency. and calculated. to ettitiv.te the love of our country. It has been- used. to a consiverable (sleet, in the /...I•CCATION OF YOUTH, in different 'tales and la recommeeded by Zairians, 'Statesmen and Presidents, and Profersors of Dolleggis,... Trice 5100. Sold by 31. IiPRINNEY, del Harrisburg, V 4 IIV.LO Y L.NT.--4,50 A DION Tit A I,NJ) . I ' ALL EIPENSLS Par) —an agent Is wanted to '.very town and county In ;be United States, to eitstgo in a respectable and eery businesi, by wltl'Uh the above profits may cottatoly be realized. For fttli pafttWars addreas Dr. HEN kY WAtiNEtt, 54 East Twelittist rea eorner or Broadway, New York City,tuelostat one to stamp ' . 06118-Smtlaw raisfiLy BIBLES I • frEUE LAEGfEST ASSORTMEIcIT IN THE CLTY,.at all prices from $5,25 to $26 :dollars each in all tLe'dirartat styles of binding, for sale at • •PERGEER'S CHEAP .1100VspoRE, " ant SILVER PLATED WARE HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222 tuwieet. Street, PALLostmortt, .Mistoracturer of flue . NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVE3, WA tEIS, • CASTORS, TEA:SEIB, URNS,IffiITLES, hiMER 111BIlltS, ICE HICMERS r CAKE. BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, curs, MCGS, GOBLETS, U., With a generatasimrtnient, comprising +ameba! the Ws qualta, inade-of the bettmatenials and haanity paced, con . 'Kim: Ling them a Serviceable and durable article Fir .Thagle,. STFAMBOAIIIC avo Ferrets raltatia. Kr; Old Warirrp-plated in the Lied teener. coeio•ee , kly • .NEW. LIVERY . STABLE, PINE STREET, ; NEAR ED OND. IN. THE E EAR OFTHE "MORGAN MUSE." !FELE 'BUIMRIBER has oppiked a new I.IVRitY , 'STABI E. located as Libby*, and bas a snick, of laccelieci., BOBSSII. and new and tarblesable BUGGIES iiad.U.S.BRIAGES, wltcb be wit. Lire at nic der. aterate3. -- .• 6bORGE W. LOWER, agt. MILL U tf ER, BASPHE . HRY -ALLEY. nETWE.N CHESTNUT AVD MUM ERRY STanlng, H.l R RiSbut , if-, PA. AESPhCTFOLLY informs the public that he is located at he above mentioned place, and he kis of enenced the WOOL UYEINU and CdaPFT WEAV ING . ..BlinsEsSin all ita vartotrt branubta. Deis pro pare f i fo.fill all orders at the shortest t otlee, and will guar :Web general satls'action. His picas wil be reasonable,. to Haying carried on tbs . business for many years Gerniany, , and over two years here, and also baying had n Offended advertence In this country,. be is fully fontfont -A pateitt tweiecuie all work ontru.ted io him, and hePes ‘ 0 reedirea r -lettOOD.liphl bbare Of ctLten trim bas falloff -Cilinanet ' i siriveenti.assortment eff Ca pea are it.way kept 911b4nd thein.es.rme. imm2l4.4auti