THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS SICEPTED,) BY GEORGE 33ERGNER & CO.: TERMS.—SINGLE Busscsanses. The DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers 111 the dorough at fig cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 54.00. WEEKLY AND Sszt-Wsercur Tazzesern. The TELEGRAM is also published twice a week during :no session of the Legislature and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnished to subscriberebt the 'ollowing rates, viz : Single Sebeeribers per year Seven it E=l==! I' subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until a 1 arrearages are paid. subscribers neglect - or retuo-e to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until their hew , settled the bills and ordered them discontinued ffitbicat DR JOHNSON ,33.4iIaTIAIECOMW LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. BMW IN SIX 10 TVq..LVE. HOURS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs tarA COAX WARaLlago, OR NO Ciurtae, IN FROM 'lO Two DAys.-EIS Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Jasper, IlawS:pirits, Confusion of Ideas, ratidtatien of the Heart, Timidity, lremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Sit se or :kin—those terrible dieor dere arleing from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreldful and destructive practises which pr educe constitutional debility, render marriage impos— sible, and dcstrcy both body and mind. YOUNG. IGEN. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitkry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit widch annually eweeps to an urt linty grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel, lect, wLo mirbt otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cu tesy the living lyre, may call h full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be tog aware of physical weakness, sjiould Immediately con Cult Dr. J., and be restored to poled health. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vigor restored He who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his benor as a gentleman, and con, fideetly rely upon Us skill as a I,hysiciato. IslrOtlice No. 7 :'ouch F. ederiek street, Baltimore, Mu., ou the left band side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors trout the corner. B, particular in observing the name or number, or you win mistake the place. Be par ticular for ignorant; T, ifiing Quacks, With fivse names, Or Palfry tionbei Certificates, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Juhusuu, im near all letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. biJoristaroN Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, -London, graduate from one of me most eminent Colleges of the United :tales, and the greatest part of whose life bag been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, lass effected some ot, the most as toul,hing cures that wet e t ver kuown. Natty troubled with ruling in the ears and bend when asleep. great ner vousnets, hems alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment of mind were cured immediately, _ TAKE PARTICULAR NONCE. Dr. J. addresses all those who Laving injured them selves by private and improper indulgencies, that secret end solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un inting them for either bueinessor society. 3hese are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early baits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Ck and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye pepela, Nervous irritability, Derangement of the Digestive FUnCtiOnS, General Dehidty, Symptoms or ~Consumpt hin MENTALLY the fearful e (Teets on the mind are much to be dreaded :—Lnas or llemory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Dvil Forebodings. Aversion to.locie ty, Beff-dlotrual, Love of Solitude, Timidity,&c•, are some of the evil effects. ThOusanus of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weat,"pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular arpearance about the eyes, cough, and symp tom:of consumpion. FIZOMEM who have injured themselves by a c. Attu practice, dnlged iu wnen alone—a habit frequ , ntly learned friim evil companions, or at school toe effects 01 which are nightly felt, even when (sleep, at d if not cured, renders marriage impossible. and destroys botti mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coun try, the darting of his parents, should he snatched trom all prospects and enjoyments or life by the consequences of deviating front the path of nature, and inaulging in a cortaki.secret habit. Such persons must, before content. plating . MARRIAGE,; effect that a aoitnd mind and body are themes' necessary rent:Lk-ties to promo,o connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prbspect boons , darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the Melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with one own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OH GA= WEAKNESS.: By this great and Imi.ortaut remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Ihouriande of tho most nervous and debilitated who bad lost ell hope, ft,ve been immediately relieved. AM impetimentS to Marriage Physical or Mental Disqualifi cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weekoess or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured., TO STRANGERS The many 'thousands cured at this Instiution within the last twelve pure, and the numerous important hurgioal operations porlormed by lir. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides Ms standing as a gentleman o 4 character and re sponsibuity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISaAntS OF 131FRUDSINCE —Winn the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure ands he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease , it too often happens that an Illdimed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can some befriend him, lolayingtill the cOn stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, noSo, skin, cc., pregressiog on with hightild rapidity, till damn puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence eo traveler returns." It is a tnei .iucholy foci that thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulnesS of ignorant pretend— ers, Who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin he constitution and make the rtsidue of tile miserable. To t - TastiGElTS.—The Doctor's Limomas hang in his Office. Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply lidrßemeuits seat by Mail. ifke-No. T youth Freceriek street, Baltimore. aprl3•ddwly BUEHLER 110 USE, MARKET SQUARE, 1-I.ARRISBTJRGN PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. C A it D The ab ove well known and long established Ede' . Is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being it‘ a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGiI J. Bingos, who has been an inmate of the helms for the last three years, and is well known:lo is guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it bas en joyed, I cheerfully rctocnend Mr. Bolton 'to the public f vor. DeB oawtfl ' WILLIAM BIIEHLEi•.! NOT 2IIE FIRST ARRIVAL, WI ARRIVED IN DUE TIME SOLD REDUCED LyKEN a t ALLEY SIOVE .00AL, $2.50 per top, " NUT ‘t SZOO Also constantly on hood, LYKEN'S VALLEY bIIOILEN, EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, • NVILIiiSBABBE EMMEN, , No. and 4, ' , al NUT, ", Blacksmith Coal. Allegheny and Broad Top. Also, nickory, Oak. and Pine Wood. E. BYPILS.' 1114 No. 102 Cheotnntetreet, ANOTHER NEW, LOT NEW'I ON '8 (formoilY • ' Bakley 41) j CELEBRATE. GOLD PENS, "retrained to tie the • est in quality and finish, or any nutuulitctured. Aleo a .e assortment of GOLD AND 811..V.5R Onyr,/ « . •' Just received and ter sale at . i • BREGNKIVELCHRILY BOOKSTORE, filliarket Et. - .'. \\\ ' ‘`.‘ ill i // * .....„, N.• ..\•,- ...... \ \., , ;:-.• . • , , qty/, ....----- C*s"6"Ari . t - •OM - . , . -_ • :. . - . 0 , - ;' , . '- -- ' l.- 7 1 ' MP" t il -..• 4 ---.= . . . . . .. - 2.:,1* ' `' i ' • -'r" $ 2.00 12.00 15.00 V OL, XIV. IMtbital SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER, DEBILITATES. IT is compounded _entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a Otandarg Medi cine, known and approved!ia by all that have Used It, and is , now resorted teal with confidence in all the dleeesee for which it Is re-lig commended. It has cured thousands Ei within the last two year ' s who had given up all hopes of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in 'V my possession 8110 W. • The dose must be adapt- ed to the' temperanteta of the individual taking it,and o. used in such quantitien qr in act gently on the bowela. Let the dictates of youriJ use of the IIVRR INVI(10- LUTUR Compunns, }Wawa P. to iliAntunnia, SUXioni Can. be , SY SOUR &ORSINI, ROM CHOLERA Moneys, Csounie JAUNDICES, FRILiII - Win; successfully as at, OR/WM. will cure SICK HEADACHE is limn • TWO! TAICSN at commencement ofl ALL limo OBatT. ARE GIV .4a-11ix Water In the. mouth with the In• vigorator, and swallow both together. PRJOII ONR DOLLAR PER 110117;1. SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PII UP IN GLASS CASES, AIRTIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. , Tht. FAMILY CAVlAR active Chthartle which the practice more than twenty The constantly lacreas• have long used the PILLS all express in- regard to to place them within the L.The Profession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY ()AMAX ference to this wail estab ded from a variety of the which act alike on every nal, and are good and tafe thartic is needed, such to Sleepiness, Pains in OW Pate and Soreness over i ts OT weight in the head, all Worms in Madsen or Ad- Purifier of the Mood, and flesh is heir. too numerous lasement. Dos; 1 to 8. _ PRICE ,„ THR LIVER INVIGORATOR AND. FARM VAIDAR. IC Puss are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade In all the large towns S. T. W.- SAMFORD, N. D., : Manufacturer and Proprietier, je2o-43kwyil 336 Broadway, New York.' TJDOLPHO WOLFE'S .ALFB.Olllit ALTIC, SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL. To the Citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania; , Apothecary*, itcugggist*, urocerti and Private Families Wolfe's Pure Cognac Strand". Wolfe's Pure Maderla, 'Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica, andtt Orals. ROAD. ' Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish WldskY. ALL IN BOTTLES I beg leave to call the attention of-the Citizens-of tne United States to , the above:W.nuattutd laquess,-imperted. by Morph° Wolfe, of 'Newitork,-whore -name liar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated BOWIDAY SOFIZIAPIII.- Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me, spealiing of the purity. of his Wilma and Liquoisi says ; "I will stake my reputation as a man,. my stard om as a merchant of thirty years' residence= the City of New 'York, that all the Sneerer and Winn whiehl bottle are pure as imported, dud of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." l Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a hie simile of his signature on the certifloite. Tne public are re spectfutly invited to call and examine for themselvii..—, For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASIETON,,.. ' No. 832 Market tk. Philadelphia: Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Coui ler : ENORMOUS .BUSIN.II2O foe Chvii Raw Yoriti Mardirmer.— We are happy to inform our fel'LLw-citizens that is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary,, and country merchant, can go and purchase pare. WillclB. and Liquors, as pare as imported, and of the best quality: We do not Luteud to give an elaborate descriptiOn of this merchant's - extensive bosiaeas, although it will well re pay aoy stranger or citizen to visit Uctolpho Wolfe's ex tensivo Warehouse, Nos. 13. IQ and 22 Beaver street,' and Nos. 17, 19 and Si, Mat. etileld street His stock of Schnapps on hand 'ready for shipment could not 'have: been less than thirty thousand sates' the Brandy, some ten thouiand castes—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 and ten thousand cases of Madeira; Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and aqsat to any in this country..• Ile also had' three large cellars, filled with Brands, 'Wine, ita., In casks, under Custom-Rouse key, ready forlwittling-44. Wolfe's sales of /schnapps last year amounted--to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, rindlfeliolie than two year he may be equally oucoessful with his Birndies and Wines._, • His business merits the patronage of wrery.loyer or hia, species. 'l4lvate families who ulsh . pure -Wined and ulquers for medical use should send their .drdersillrect to Er. Wolfe, until every Apothecary In the laud .mate. up their minds to discard the poisonous stud' trona their , shelves, and replace it with 'Woire's .pure Wnria Lamas. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dialers in the country,. puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. - Buell a men, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens Of thousands of op. ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but MOW lions, ruinous alike to health and harden happiness: 'aepe.dawBmi C. K. Beller, 91 Market Moot, sole again for thilf cit. 0 - LEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FITT DS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND AT 1 A Melange. of Exoerpta Curious, HtimOr• A °us and imstructive. Coßated by O. O. BORRAWB, A. M. M. D. The above Interesting Work ban just been receiVOtt at BhRGNER'S 1.311 P BOOKSTORE. STORE PRICE Si 26 - • • ANEW- LOT OF LADIES'_ SI:TOPPING & TRAVELING BAGS coliiprlsing a nuiaber VEVW mid Li BIBS' Money Purses and Wallets. A - tine adsortmen Past received and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKStOBB,. . - 5111arket Street. I NLI-08K desiring to paper their' hoilses, will find a wen-selected 'Stock. of WALL PARE fJY e at COST PRA:ES, at BERGNMPII CHF.AP IIOCiKSTORB DR. C. WEICHEL SURGEON AND °OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH. STREET marAl-daw ' SPERM CANDLES ! - - - .h.B AND LEMONS. a stews swami- nit memo • ORTYBOXES -prime order : just re F • cawed andietaalo'bor,a;t:La pl 7 WIC DOOR JR. &CO.' amwm: nova }x m "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG ; PA., SATIIII.DXY AFTERNOON, .JANUARY 5, 1861. judgment guide you in - th BATOR,. and: it wM nuke Anemia, Thrspitturi 3 Onnuso mimes, nytwarresir Moq ue'. .Coutununces, 'Quoit°, INFAZITIDI, FLATUS. a NUE, ilieMets, and - may be need KT ram Mitteanes. ,It (ac Mecum - Ms, can testify) ORTHREI TRAVOONFULI3IIIII attack. a ra I I> Imo their testimony In Its TIC PILL Is a gentle • ba. proprietor has used in hi years. , ing demand from those who and the satisfaction which their use, has induced me reach of all. thatrdifferent Mihail/4n lick bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re. libhed fact, been compotm purest Vegetable Bitracts, part of the alimentary Ca in all eases where a &- Derangements e Sloutack Back and Loins, Castwenen body,ltutissmess,'Headache ftifiammaory Dise ases ally Rheumatism, agree many diseases to irtdoli to mention In this- eti 4 1 0 80 CENTS, Ittebital THE ON Y DISCOYERT WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR • • IiESTORING. . . TICE BALD AND .GRAY MANY ; Since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imliate. his restorative, but proress to have diSeovered something that. ropld produce rasult4 identical i but they have all come and gotai, being carried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's preparation, and have been forced to leave the field of its resistlesii away. Read the follow ing : Bale, 6flsiee r April 18th, 1839., Piles:. 0. J. Worn '& Co.:--llents : —lhe letter I wrote you in 1856 concerning Your valuable Hair hestorative„ and•wit ch j eta have published In this city and elsewhere, bas givtn rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enquiries are ' first, Is it a met of nay htbititain and n,ayne, as stated in the commun.catio ; Mooed. it tine of all iiidein contained; thliq abesarly hair still .continue to. be Jo good order and of natural.; color P , To alt I cao, al/tt do answer invariably.: #ly hair is even hater than in any stage of my ite for 40 years . past, more soft, thrifty, abd better colored; the same is trueof my .whiskers, and the only came nhy it is nor' generally, trite; billist Ire substance is washed off 'frequent ablutiozof the fede, when.if care were used by wiping the face in blase cobnectlon with the, whiskera; the same remit will follow ae the hair. I have. been to the'receipt of a great tibia ber of letters from all-parts or iNeW Eogiand, aaking mail* my hair continues to be as there Mies moat fraud iii the nianuilicture este of various compounds ast welt be this, it bas,i no doebt been basely, imitated .tiful. been used,,not. Osnyl without' ny gocid effect, but io absoldte Mary." - 11fave not Used any of y ottr'Restorative any account for;some •months, and yet my.,,hair is. es, good - as ever, and.htlal rolls examined. it with suprise„ . as.l Mow 81 years old and not a gray hair in' my bead, or 'on my face; and to prove this feet, I send you alock of my hair lakeu off the past week. I received.your fay or of two 'quart bottles keit slimmer, for- which. I am. very grateful. I gave it to my iriends . sa.d 'thereby induced them, to try ; ir, many were . skeptical until' after trial;and toen,pur •chased and used it with Universal success: I wilt ask as a favor, that you kerultuei. test by which Lean dikoiiTr fraud in the ReeteratiVe, sold by many, ' I fear, wii,h9et 'authority frompure article will insure success, and 1 bellevu where'geed effects do not folio*, the leaner lecaused by the Imperil' article, which curses the invent , or-of the good. I (teem iLmy duty us heretofore, to keep you apprised of the cominued effect on my hair, as I;11.,. sure all woo enquire of 'nye of - myunshaken opinion of Its valuable resuas. I esmain dear sir, yours, A. ..ItAYNIOND.* itatonts Reis, ity., Nov, 30, 1358. ; r •-' Prof. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir.—l would certainly be doing. yon a great injustice net to make 'known too Wurid the.tffuoderlul, as well as the uneipeeted reShlt experienced:tom using one bottle of your Bair Heattorp, tore. after using every kind of Restorativesmtant, Oaf without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced. to try . bottle of your , Restorative. Now, candor and justice compel Mete ab-• ounce to whoever may read this; tbitt.l DOA , pa.sess new and beautiful growth of hair; yide.h. I pronounce ,lzher and liandismvi than 'tile, original was. • ;1. will . therefore take 'oacag ion ' to recommend this invaltiabie, remedy to all who may feel the decessity of it. - • • - ResPocllollrYoUta,, AA BRQ4. P. B.This testimonial of appralliauaa . for y 9ur . valuable medicine (aa jou are- aware. of) iS,uniollcited , but yountilorilavormi a: plans moongithe rtiti„,4o44,, if you wish, if not destroy and say nothitig., • Yours, • • • A. 8.1 , Depot, 444 BrouldWay, and sold by 511 dealehithioagtv oat the world. The Restorative is put :up in•bottlea Of threfasikett, r ttlis large, medium and small ; the small noldsMA•pint.., retails for one dollar , per bottle,:fite medium_holds at. leasalwenty percent. more iripreflortionthun theama.ll;" and ' , retails for two dollarsivei bottle:l , the -large holds , quart, 4O per cent. more ha'propor ta 0. J WOOD & CO., Proprietors,. 444 Broadway, - • Sew - York, and ata Market straet, - St: Lome, Xfo. And sold by 'all good Draellfst!g . angf:FandY Goods D'ILIPrs • . •-• de2o-iloW3iri :Tl7 - ,D,=.B7.o;:g''':g. Mountain ,flerb THE ,inventor an manufacturer of "Jud; 1: THE MountainEeily PillW . Oharitepent thirgr ter part of his life ilf.traVellingilkevink visited nearly evety country in throrerld He spent over six years amon theMocirjr Mountains and of Mexico, and it was thus that the ; gli.Moregge, „Hue Pulse, were ; rtiegeyered. A very, adieritur'eetlkere, will.lind" in our Arma.nee andPaieptitet: - It Iserr establishe d arise Worn . . BLOOD! '• The bleed h is 'the life`'' and when, any foreign or un-' beiliby limner getaidixed with At; is ofei6difartiliteil to: everrergait,prtAffh o 4l'...gverY.eezie feels. the Pole* and all the vital organs:C[ l 44lY eehtl 4 l ,4 The stomach will ' nott — dKgeet the food , perfectly.; 'rho liver , c eases Secrete a setricieitCY of bllo. • The 'aetleif Of 'the 'heart is. weakened,: , and so Ilfeltdige be - coin eleggeklltkeiffetWeeff...Wetteri.l.L.enect• Atte* , =and all lro na a augni,tropurlty ofithe, fountalu-head er oft,-;therßleadT, 'Asir youldel thioren some dertliptir, litsranhe, in -a phiti - eforing, iliediwhfch - ritri tiny rivulet id P. few,. mirages AIM whole cOurse'of the - stream comes disturbed itnddirionlored. A.aattickly does import 'blend fly 10 every paft, elliCretite;flo sting,beltind, . All the, passagar•behome obstructed; and Malaga the - ohattuo• 'Urea Is remove - 4,M0 litinp 01 11f0 soon dies out: 'Those, plies net only pertly tlittlalood, ,but regenerate - all the secretions oftherbody,they are,. therefore, unrivalled itliatlitS erOitinplisint, pc.eadae4e, Tina Anti-401= Medicine expelefibiralie - l?lotdt e the 'hidden seeds of dui renders4ll,ol6. and eicretions pure and atunitolearing and reinscitatingthe.vitalOrgans.. „ : Pleasant ludeed„is it :to usithat itee,are. atito to.plade witttlid yenr''rea4i, ,ge inv*l4e. iNeltl?e.t`hlotettat , . lives Pure, that-will pass directly to the afflicted parts, rough the blood and flulds-of thiebodyi-and •cause- the : .t.tleror to brighten , witl I.lm, sue s uf beauty and,hesith.. judennt's, Pigs, in, e the Best Remedy in exisi , ence for' the following Complaint!: • . .11nwel Complaints, Debility, - Inward WeaknesF, Coughs, Fever PocielittietMLivor Coinplatets Colds, • • - ; :fekcp4oponaplaPiti,Low Dos orS2 , iras t Dl(est Diseiga; • Ef*l4chee, Costiveness, ' Indigestion, - ' Stolle and Greve!, - Dyspepsia, inituenin, Sucendary 670 t. :piarrho3a, indaminallen, . • toms. Dropsy, * • • • GREAT-TENALEMEDICENE I Emile who Wee ..hetith, should never be without these They Pleed..rernswe obstructions of all kinds, cleanse•the-akinof all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich' &dor et, to the pato „cheek. jar The Plants itncE Herbii , whichthese Pills are made, were discovered inti,rury surprising way among the Tesucans, a tribe of Aborigines, in Mexico. Get the Almanac of onr Agent, and you will. road with delight, the very interesting 'account it contains of the "Gum Itibioss" of the Arlecs.' Obaerve.—The Meutain Herb Pills ,are put up in a BeautiltaWrapper.. Each box ,contains 40 . pills, and Re tail at 26 eints'pef holt. "Alf genbiket-kiie the signature -or B. L. Yurii,oli 4i CO.; - on each box. s' i.'SupSciN at. c 0 S 1 Pro-Dr e:t or s No: 61) Leon - aid Street, Aar: Agenw:oo44!akV:l4-Addrisa as.bove, "WI febloleatim .rottEr; STOCK: OP Bewie, kakinti, ut , d l'auay Voitiiti at, • • '„ • 1411X8',D111.16. ..Market Pa DRIER PARED' PEAC z IJNPARKD " " - 7 I { L'APP 3 gARIES, Just Received ; by Oet 22 'WE4. DOCK ;CO OTT, (boas, Wc. GREAT ATTRACTION, - ha THE ,NEW CITY STORE • UWE & COWPERTHWAIT coRNEE7Boxr4 A•iiiKET kra. - A NNOUN OE - , to: the 'ei;izenei xi. burg al d the public generally, that hey havejast returned from' the eastern cities with a large end well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will sell stihe ve iy lowest prices. • • ' " ' DOMESTIC GOODS of ovary kind. Bleached .nd Unbleached Mug • Bleached and -Unbleached Canton . Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large assortmentof. Welsh FO keels for airtiog. An azuortment Coleektie - Wish Imo, . .MaheheSter Ginghatrts,, ." Satinetts and C& siirieres, " DAM Clo Sn avail prices, " Cloths for Ladies' Chesterfields, ". Beaver Cloths for the Arab Cloaks. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. . _ • • - A large assortment of Cassimeees t especially adapted to , Boy 'o wear. ,All assortment of Merino Drawers and-Un dershirts. An assortment of Carpets from 12% cis a ysti'd - to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST. STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENOIAS, • • VELVET POPLINS, •• STRIPED AND PLAID - RICH PLA TN AND' FIGURED MERINOS, - • RIOEI PLAIN AND FIGURED ` ALL WOOL DELAINER, • - BLACK SILKS,' ALL WIDTH'S. A large assortment of Broche and Blaekethawls, witti a tell stock of the rate,t novelties. An assortment of ?lain:stud Figured Cashmeres.. - LINENS OF ALL KINDS. " . . Particular, attention paid to Brat sears Hosiery and /hit breiderles, . . . atitortencrit o 1 Eugoiti o wove trail spring skirt pat ers eaLingibn. An assortment Shrouding , - ClitICH COWSERTHwaIy, Cornerrif Front and Eiartict Ateeeti; FlArtfsbui4. :Formerly.crutipitid:;l3y J. L. Pittner. - : ;octal-Iy. DESIRABLE MOURNING GOODS. Blank and Purple All Wool Figured-Merinos, - Plain Black izigli#b Itelooe Reps. . plae i atd Purple Tamize and Wool. ' Plain Ad wooVCad.hmeres and Merbaoe. plank and Gray. Wo.rsted Poplins. BilACk and 'White All Wool Detainee. Blael(and.fourple Figured , Cashrberes. Lni in'i Bert Bombazine,. Serie, "ier Bleck lalistith. Lepiti'gKitra Alpahear. NeaCittyie striped hialiatre. EnielimiStyleiPareioettasi 61.4 All. Wool Deleines ' Eiliebh - Chlntzetit - Bohatrs. Suransos. furs Br ana. Pier. Res. Mouse-saw Erna. 'do Bi,eca WIIITX do do •. do . rii82111" AND BLACK . d.) do.-. - do. Palms. .Cncrras, New and Desirable. 1. Every'rartlide in the' different kinds of DBMS .GOODS'-In-the BLACK 'and SBXIND 110)13ENINA Setected.fient the very boat makers. .9.qaare thinbet - - do-Long , — do do - - --' Plink 1 renehßlanket Shawl_.% ' 2d - Motirn log rienolißlanketlaidg'Shawis, Sibidoutnieg Vrench. Blanket Square doh ' English. Crepe Veils ; (every size), • Grenadine-Veils, (every size), • ' , (Cogitibiercpes, French crepee. e~.w...-:~ ... SHROIIDINO CASHMERES ; .SIi.EuIIBING FLANNELS, • BUCK GAUNI LETTS, alrkiticie, BLACK. GLOVES, alliGade, - -BLACK BOER'. EEC' 11ANDRERCHIEFS, BLACK BOIS RY.(all:llind.9),. SPLENDID ASGETMENI OF 001.4,4115 i ; rEADVEI;ACK GIBBONS. An inspection of our stock convince alt CA.TIicART rY BROTI/ER,'. , 1101 .; N ext to the Harrisburg .. SANFORP'S :PATENT PORTABLE 'HEA'rERS! FOR WARMING with PURE HOT AIR Private Houses, Pubic Buildings, Chuicheßdic., is the HOST POWERFUL and Cheapest HEATER in the World. Recommendations and references by the hund red from those who are now using the HEATER, can be examined by cal Me on the Eubscriber, who is the only agent in Harrisburg for the sale of the article. THE "CHALLENGE" TS ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANGE requires no wAing in but cal he set in a fair place or out in the room, and ocutains all the latest improvements In Cooking RANGES ; has larger ovens than any other RANGISInew in use - . ALSO ON HAND. »n assortment of be.tpatterii LOR not pooRiNG smy pa, :and Strive Ptpee. , Algothe largeet Mock of SIN WARE' to be found* this section of coma:O._ • • • Who - lesal dealers suppllent on r i elmittle i lerk:-; des Corner of Paver Alley and Atarket Street. • Carrier's New Year Address TO TRH PAT 30N8 . OF nix DaillioU SANITARY 1, 1861 THE OLD YEAR. bTone, thamonths.ontrwandered Stranding on Oblivion's shole ; One by one, the joy -aimed Seasons' Came o 94d rent as those tif. yore-- Came with Peace, and Joy,,and , Pleuty, • Flinging flowers' bythe Came withsad and sullentorrow • Bringing death-damps and decay. Soma that saw last New Year's coming, Passed away to Earth's `last rest; - But instead there came a new. life Nestling on maternalbreasts. Life's in fact a PanOnuna,--' A mystery dread, and strange ) , Reminding one of a wizard's tricks And-the ever "Presto--cliang - a." . Bur' What' are the bowitifur hartrecds; And what is death': or life, When the world.resoussis with action, And actions .betelien_strife - When - the 16rielrifaitiiitatli of our country le ftlie4.l with a great Kind words giving place to curses, And Peace all ready tci arm ; And here, are the good and'evil That - eighteen sixty brought; The triumph of Mind 'o'er Witter, Of Penton over Thought; ITALY. Ite .8 plains as ever Have - zeeked.with human 'gore, Yet the glorious flag of freedom - The world's great victory bore From Southern shore to Ntirtliern;' The , length of the APPeliine'i?' HOW fhe Dinian Eagle , triumphed hithat sOng,land of :the tine':' But poor Venetia's'tfiatit _ Sways oVerrits indent pride;: nu forbearance ceased a virtue And the AustriaiiiiilV'S defitiy Yur another royal season And Italia's glorious • • - lion-heartedi • Will - prOve Unwell her.senl. °Arid: from - - Ilea& her legionito.thifight, l - - • And expel the foreiia. Vrantir Who lave tangy wironget;tl4 s l44ll CT Ffm.yin_ protoot-thee;red-shlrt annet- ' For the2flutwyetiti_ do , 4 2, t- 14411 - 31 raddLiPlaks to.9llliret9.i: _ SOYerLetiaoo.sM:tei , Thou- art of _thelvoil !sgioat herosii Axld deedki-that,thou-hast-don• Show how in worth and merit Thou,art4ilie-oui-Wallniddirtni-; THE JAPANESE. non the Isles of Eastmi Atia ? Andlhe larth - efeit Oilent; Came an ea' datunirof princes' To tee our Paveideat....„ Came to raiWttie tivatibi ' ThaVour.gallent ItAnuarnii4le, Which gave to 14,,i3IXTDECialp Wrath diem tiihtto ":' And .00 , therant*n3r. (Tycoon ? ) With- jiist npprOaelkon - Bent" kicas a *cilia n F ofiles t ' TOfoolthe Tankeb hnitdri. • To sz sure, there were hosts cif Wadies EvfrY one going PO.Y.ier_r • • A parcel of Asiatics Of 4!Mit . ' cilinansonSisile - .;., It - wits well enough to liffileualy e v._ • But the . thing - Tie oyerdone, Not klii- 6 .i/f-43-..tha !!galas''•had Atha w-e • The /Onla (lalekr OW, • • Tan ladles,ie With "Tommy" the J ai o e fill, -But now we epranierialhenitd others • Allied-to - the Afficaitsch66l They want, 'and the ,- country:WatitAiiet,, Btitritillthere are. And some of onr:bitiisSiare s.uabbllug Over them even to:day— -` - TIiEtILOICE;--the:' , dinkitre 4110-49:15ete, • Were, all - But. Who was -Etoirlay-thezpip'clii`;"- . '"Pin. anrS,-Mr. Smith, tit iS" "Oh; no ; thelptioef ofith&eity- • Demandetithisflow_iiiisakal . '- ' • ' "Ah, yes ; but the feast of reason, The-expenses shouldozontroh" THE i'D.INCh 07' WALE S. Quicir:y - follOwirig came the Baron, Eilglimd'W hope, the Prix:66'd Wales, 'Yankees only heat efi•Prin.. 3 r Sings and lords in fairy tales— - Think they're only. rongied;lil - despOts, Sure the men. and'thaftlien'tio; While the 'Wenien go hi:raptures ' k , O'er a king or prince's But Americans - ImM' hatred With royalty hytirth Only deem those flt for rulers _ , • Who hive ineritg-whia`litrii; aikotft‘!" . . Srtat he came, young Albert Edivard;L - Good Victoria's eldests?n,-, To old England's ancient rebelii; To the land'of Washington:' ; Came, and saw how-great aillsMk - _,.1 ••• • - We - had - grown `strength and might, Since the days:when•Eriglandis'atiOrgsja Basely wronged us in our right Yet we laid aside oar grud g es' Cheered-him on bY bfrealil - aud lake, Gave him many Iseatt!warM. Welcome,. klavelt for his mother's sake. Wm who saw him still remember Ibiw - that lad frith' Sakon'hitir, And the blue eyes German, . SSt upon the ..lEtandock chair— Where his; great' erliiiatitliWs•Tobel - Wrote his viesT. , 'of t ßrltaht'aprown, While he vowed With other signef i s They would plit 'the'tant down.: You remember' then' the Outburst ', As we saWoldEnglandlifieir, Thinking nought of hallowed memorials, Sitting on that *nous chair. ' hisitianOtisattud alier , •s That-Y-omg Ssrtiluts- nobly done, , Was to ps i s gintsgad. pilgrim i 01 ToAtag tom bAlf.'" • --IL.: , Oh Was eLerlagsesteptribtrlitt I ITaittinAtsiAbiltrahrine before— • : For a royal prince of England Thus to tread Mount Vernon's Boor. ftram tiding Pm Having ,procored Steam Power Presses, we sna prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PBLVIING of every description, shearer tbat it ottn be done at any other es tabliehmeotin the cou"'". 'RATES Iso•Four niies ur less constitute one bainiqUare. Lig lire. or mere than tour constitute a Square. Hsu Square one day One Wart ..1 L 00 et one .. threw Luwatus ..... • 64,1 -- :.::::••• • 3 00 44 Six m0nth5....... r One Fquare Oily . tele ;6 ono week........ ... ...4 5 0 51 one 200 one month - 3'oo three months a 00 six mouths ......... ........ 8 00 one year — - 10 00 s3rltnsinest notices Inscrtea in the Local column, or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE RENDS PER LIND Ibr each insertion. Marriates and Deaths to be charged as regular aMiertisements. NO. 2. Taus, that boy had stood already, Though indeed his years were few, At those spots all famed in story— . Auiterfits and_Waterloo— But this spot was where the mighttaet, Helpless though, in ashes la;y, Still to lodk through iron - gratings At the marble coffer gray, Whdre reposed our deathless hero, Sure was greater far than they. Bur he went ;—no doubtAthe lessons Will tell on that Saxon, heart ; So on England's glorious future When the Prince shall take his part. In the sway of mighty nations ; And these scenes of other years IBM' remind that worth is merit, And all'men by birth are peers. THE REVOLUTIONARY CRISIS. IN the campaigns that have ended, Pennsylvania ever right, Manfully came up to duty And we nobly. fought the fight : In the ides of brown October First we met our stalwart foes ; True, thettried our cause to FOOZBIL But the Claim on them rose. Tsamou they fought like Bengal tifma s Yet the masses fought that day— Bore in mind that for a Tariff "Polk was better fax. :than _clay;" Thus then dupedbut now no longer _,- Were their righte to.he denied, - - And they spoke in tones of thunder - That "PaomorioN" was their pride. Orton . Upon this "Tariffiriniaph" Came the one for President ; 'Maki expected ; forOctobe,r . Sure foreshadowed the event, v And from Maine to California, Went the news to hearts elate, That "rail-splitter" Abram Linooln Was the nation's magistrate, Thu the Southern fire-eaters . Gave the wide, wide-world their.creed Telling it that cause sufficient •Bade them now at once secede ; Ancl.tlie little Carolina Acting out this traitorous plan, Quick hauled doWn theitatiy banner.. And then up "Talmetto" ram Bo through all the Southern country Lifts the red right hand of war Daily are the people arming . For'the millet not afar. - Some are bold4milying braggada, Who all laws have thila detied ; But- On par with £hem-are traitors 740 would "let the. Union elide." Taus base ritctions and faziatica _Rave flung on, thetrand of alum" TM o'er all the rare - reign n ation ; blind passioru3 are aflame ; Andlthe next news that will xeach us, Still - my add to our alarM, Poi the Northern land and Southern' Boon will hear the clash of arqw. Oxa laeavenlinows how quickly: • We are drifting toward that, ay • • When 'shall brother's arm 'gemst brOthar 13e -uplifted'iu tlie fray ; "0h,,t00 late," 's the cry of statesineu, "too late" your compromise ; 89,, the day of „evil 's.ort ua-- Mora burita red against the skies Is Timor ; we that bold Kentuckian lii oni'New Year's -chime t o -d a y, Who, when seeing how all vainly He could keep his foes at bay, ''Left' Fort "Moultrie to the rebels ; This , despite supreme coma d, Arid on Sumter's strong-built-ramparts ' 'o3fatheredlhers his little band: . . Wm", you have that gallant hero At the mercy of a gang Of mad zealoter—tmitors_rather— - Who ought high as Haman hang? Let tliefaUffit and brag,. aid blustew•— , Let them frpth, and fume and. fret, `Shold they try their - hands in conflict. What a drubbing they will get Trtei - would break this noble Union; For which there have bled and died Sires of the Revolution, To oPpeinie•their Wounded prid6-- They*puld rob our natiores.er4a Of ,each fold and stripe and star, Ana light up on every hill-top ofaslyil war. . Oa; shill we, whose glorious lathers Unto, IA this birthright gave S,eliit for a '!mess of pottage"- I .'lli titain al despot's slave No !—we'll labor for the Union;,. Noblest of the nations' ships-- And 'mill never, lieve , , NEvalt, See its's= sink in eclipse. Cps= be the base-born traitor Who mould raise his dastard hand And bring rapine, spoil and ruin, Over our beloved land. .But our country fall of Arnolds. Belching their foul treason forth, In all sections of the nation— AS the South so in the North. lorr us, then, Who love the. Union, our "manhood's night aw,: that mixing not for party::: We will all defend the ItIGHTI Thu we le'ave• ' generinni patrons, thathreshold Of-the Yiar, With good wishes--andthat ever We'll'enjoy the 13nion.'s cheer! - kttANX'A. _ C-; LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE, FOURTH STREET IMABAKARIEET. 'l - 4113E TINDERSIP-NET) l 8 prepared to ao ,:ii,Comtividato thelmblic WWI &NEVI:A:Mimi for aid (Pe or carriage purposes, and aritlieverY 'variety of VEHI £1.1D3 of the lateatiabd4nbiti agiortived etyles,'On .701- ,soriable terms. reel' mniotitidwiiii buses .at Mien notice. OARRIASCIAtIMINNESUbIia fORFUNITAL - OCCA- SlOllB will boSpFnished, Accorogianieo, by parefuland ^- t - ' 411411 1 1 sPectiort of him luitiawlibatit is only teat* and otbef esbibliebnientiif the-kind )14 city FRANK A. .11IIRRAY: - - Tins afidirgigaita; DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his pram* n State street opposite the "Braay Holm," Where,Vr will be pleased Si' attend to all who may desire his oleos. [sap27j B. M. GILDEA, D. D