ailg gclegraplj. - HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, January 1 IS6I. Six advertisement " Ho, for the THE CITY BANKS will be closed on Friday next, the National Fast Day. We mention this fact for the benefit of av iSOLIS who may have notes falling due on that day. TOE WATCH MEETINGS held in several church es last night were well attended, and the ex ercies of a very solemn, interesting and in structive character. The services commenced at half-Past eight o'clock and closed a few minutes past twelve. I=IEZI Connsortm—A slight mistake occurred yes terday in our notice of the Millersburg Metho dist Episcopal Sunday School The following are the officers for;the inswing year: Superin tendent, J. S. Musser. Librarian, J. S. Gil bert. Treasurer, J. I. Bowman. Managers, Simon Eberly, G. M. Brubaker, H. H. Musser. APPOINTMENT. -Our worthy friend, Dr. Wm. H. Egle, has been appointed to a clerkship in the Harrisburg Post Office, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the discharge of young Whit man. The Doctor will make an attentive and useful officer, and his selection shows good judgment on the part of Dr. Porter. He en tered upon the discharge of his duties to-day. I=l A Goon HOTEL. —We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. Charles Rhoads, proprie tor of Hetzel's Hotel in Dauphin. This is de cidedly a good institution, and of Charley it may truly be said "he can keep a hotel." Parties in this city visiting Dauphin, should give him a call. There is an excellent ball room =meted with the house, and meals are served Up in good style whenever ordered. I=l New YEAR'S DIM—We have never known this city to be so quiet and orderly on a New Year's Eve, as was the case last night. There were no sounds of bacchanalian revelry on the streets, and the Mayor's proclamation prohib iting the firing of guns and squibs was gener ally complied with. The Chief of Police and the Constables were all on duty, and report that good order ruled throughout the entire city limits. No arrests were made, the only occu pints of the lock-up being three perambulating vagrants who sought shelter from the cold. C~ GONE HOME.-A large number of disappoint ed office-hunters left the city to=day with heavy hearts and empty pockets, some of them very Indignant at the manner in which they bad been "sold," as they alleged. The only trouble with these gentlemen was that they were not booked up, and didn't understand how to "pull the strings." They shared the fortunes of war and should submit to their fete like good soldiers. We congratulate the suc cessful candidates, and sincerely sympathise with the defeated. May the latter class "have better luck next time." SLEIGHING PARTIES.—The young folks of the city are mailing good use of the snow. Last evening parties visited Dauphin, Halbaeb's and Highapire, where they enjoyed good suppers, "tripped the light fantastic," and returned home "by the sweet silver light of the moon." Nearly the whole of to-day the streets were crowded with gay turn-outs and fast nags, and our ears greeted with the tintinabulation that so musically swells from the unceasing jingle of the silver sleigh-bells. This is the most de lightful New Year's day we have experienced for many years, and the city wears an unusual ly lively aspect. " THE LANCASTER Boon.—ln regard to the sale IA the remaining assets of the Lancaster Bank, noticed in our columns a few days ago, the Daily Express of that city has the following : THE LAST OF TOE LANCASTER BANK.—On Fri day the remaining assets of the late Lancaster Bank were sold at public sale, in this city.— They consisted of various notes, judgments and stocks—amounting to about $240,000, Without the accrued interest, and on which only about $30,000 was realized. In addition to these some property belonging to the Bank, ie l'hiladelphia, sold for $14,000, increasing the amount to $44,000. As these assets were paid for in the notes of the defunct Bank, the result of the sale is merely the redemption of 144,000 worth of its outstanding circulation. The notes of the Bank still outstanding are worthless, as this sale disposed of the last of the assets of the institution. THE SUSPEIMON.—ProbabIy never in the his tory of the country was there a suspension of specie payments as little cared for as the pre sent. At no time was the influx of specie from abroad so great as it is now. Every steamer from Europe brings large sums. and California is pouring in her wealth in a golden stream. Not the slightest difficulty has thus far been experienced in obtaining change for all the purposes of business—in fact, silver coin was never more plenty than it is at present. Our Banks, though they refuse large drafts of coin from their vaults for speculative purposes, are ever ready to redeem their bills in small amounts, withodt the least hesitation. The "suspension," therefore, for all practical pur poses, is scarcely felt. =ramms SALE OF THE PROPER* OF THE TRIVORTON COAL AND RAILROAD COMPAIVT.—The valuable and extensive property of this company, inclu ding the railroad, bridges, coal lands, breaker, Ste, as well as the property in Snyder county, is advertised to be sold in Philadelphih, on Wednesday the 23d of January, by virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This is a most val uable property. The railroad is about fourteen and a half miles in length, including the two bridges over the Susquehanna at Pott Trevor ton, which are 3,600 feet in length, with 1,400 feet of trestling. The sale will be held by Messrs. W. C. Pickersgill and °maid J. Cam min, of New York, trustees under the mort gage, upon which it will be sold. The original cost of this property was over one million of dollars. We trust that under a new organiza tion, new life and activity will be inspired, and renewed vigor imparted to the coal trade at Trevorton. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE, to be sent to the Legislature to-morrow, will appear in the reg ular issue of the TELEGRAPH the same afternoon. In the pres nt aspect of affairs, this document is looked for with considerable interest. THFATRICA L. --We learn that a theatrical com pany will open in this city shortly. A good company would be well sustained during the sessi nof the Legislature. We advise all "ono horse'' ' concerns to slay away. I= CADETS OF TFAIFERANCE.-A meeting of the yotmg men of this city favorable to the organi zation of a Section of Cadets of Temperance, will be held for that purpose to-morrow evening in the Sons of Temperance Hall, corner of 'Second and South streets. ATTENTION! TORBH;NTORS, No. 7.—You are re quested to meet at your nest this evening at eight o'clock, for the purpose of making a grand march. By order of the Chief Tormen tor. JOHN H. A. GUINZAFOWL, SCCT' y. THE REVIVAL liferriziet in the Vine Street Church still continues, with encouraging re sults. After watch meeting last night an ex perience and prayer meeting was opened and continued until one o'clock this morning. The participants enjoyed a refreshing season. 'THE TORMENTORS will be out in full force to night, fully equipped, to serenade one of their associates who recently entered into a matri monial alliance with a young lady of this city. The parties to be thus honored reside in the vi cinity of the Rolling Mill. The "grand march" takes place at eight o'clock, from the "nest" in the Sixth Ward, and the demonstration will equal in &ovelty that made by the Tycoons. NEW YEAR'S DAY. —This morning old Sol put 'Cin his brightest face and most pleasant smiles, to welcome the advent of the New Year. All Nature was arrayed in chaste white drapery, her gorgeous frost-jewels sparkling like dia monds in the sunshine, in honor of the same event. The weather has been delightful, more like April than January, and those who observ ed the occasion as a holiday no doubt realized high degree of enjoyment. May we be blessed with many such pleasant days, during the pre sent winter, as that which marked the ad vent of the year 1861. MILITARY.—At the meeting of the State Cap ital Wide Awake Club last evening, a resolution was unanimously adopted to change the associa tion into a military company. The books will be open at the Club room every evening for the enrollment of members It is discreditable to the Capital City that we are without a first class military organization, and we indulge the hope that the present movement will be crowned with success. The young men . should actively participate in it, and our older citizens should encourage it by contributions and otherwise. NOVEL MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE.-A facetious clergyman at St. Louis, named Requa, who seems to have been rather badly compensated for marrying a couple, took this revenge, which was a few weeks ago floating round on the back of a dollar bill, in the shape of a novel mar riage certificate:— "This dollar bill, together with a miserably executed bogus half dollar, was all that Mr. George H. Cox, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, gave" me for marrying him to Miss Celie Rice, on the 4th of October, 1859. The beautifully engrav ed certificate that I gave them was worth fifty cents, and the recording' of the marriage (ac cording to law) cost twenty-five cents, leaving me but one quarter of adollar with which to advertise it, which would bring me io debt. I choose this more economical method of adver tising said marriage, and letting the world know that Mr. George H. Cox and Miss Celia Rice were married according to law. HENRY REQUA, Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church." Tint NEW YEAR. —The following well-written welcome to the New Year, sent to us by a friend, is very appropriate to-day. It breathes the spirit of genuine poetry : Ring merrily, bells, and each laughing chime Sing out for the uew-born of old King Timel While the dead year passes, solemn and slow, Away to the nights where the dead years go I Then banish all fear, Away every tear I And welcome with gladness the happy :slew Year ! For the old year gone why need we be sad f If it brought us grief, it oft made us glad ; And from Ile's bending of sunshine and storm, Bee what a rainbow the future can form ! Then banish, Warmed in his crust, even AVARICE cold Now drops from his grasp the pittance of gold ; While CHARISY smiles, and her balmy hand Is showering blessings throughout the land. Then banish, &c. As wo pauso to measure life's swift Carer— Tito sorrows and joys of the dying year— Like bees, let us keep the honey enshrined, But leave the poison and hitter behind. Thou banish, &c, llave you erred? then struggle to err no more; MIND you lost? there are sweet delights in store, Though we sigh for the pint In future strife Let Hors cheer us through the battle of life! Then banish all fear, Away every tearl And we:come with gladness the happy New Year QUEER PEOPLE. —Chambers' "Journal," in discussing a recent book of missionary travels in Africa, thus alludes to one of the tribes which are found in that terra incognita : But the strangest of all are the stories told of the Dokos, who live among the moist, warm, bamboo woods to the south of Kaffa and Susa. Only four feet high, of a dark olive color, sav age and naked, they have neither houses nor temples, neither fire nor ordinary human food. They live only on ants, mice and serpents di versified by a few roots and fruits ; they let their nails grow long, like talons, the better to dig for ants, and the more easily to tear to pieces their favorite snakes. They do not mar ry, but live the indiscriminate lives of animals, multiplying very rapidly, and with very little maternal instinct. The mother nurses her child for only a short time, accustoming it to eat ants and serpents as soon as possible ; and l i when it can help itself, it wanders away where it will, and the mother thinks no more about it. The Dokos are invaluable as slaves, and are taken in large numbers. The slave-hunters hold up bright colored clothes as soon as they come to the moist, warm, bamboo woods where these human monkeys live, and the poor Dokos cannot resist the attractions offered by such superior people. They crowd around them, and are taken in thousands. In slavery, they are docile, attached, obedient, with few wants and excellent health. They have only one fault : a love for ants, mice and serpents, and a habit of speaking to Yer with their heads on the ground, and their heels in the air. Yer is their idea of a superior power, to whom they talk in this comical manner when they are dis pirited or angry, or tired of ants and snakes, and longing for unknown food. The Dokos seem to come nearest of all people yet disco vered to that terrible cousin of humanity—the ape. pennovivanta flatly qrtlegrapli, Tutaav 'Afternoon, January a, 1861. BURKHART'S BFSTAURANT.—RmfavAL.—Joseph Burkhart, having left the "White Hall," for merly kept by him, has re-opened the saloon under the "Union House," in Market street near Dewberry alley, where he will be pleased to see his old friends. He will, as usual, keep the best of oysters, Lauer's Reading Ale, Lager Beer, and other refreshments. SIR THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH Of new goods fn m New York auction. The greatest bargains offered yet. Having taken advantage of the depression of the New York market, I have now a lot of goods to offer which cannot fail to please : 2,000 yards the best Widnes at 20 and 21 cts.; 4,000 yards of Calicos at 8 and 10 cts.; 500 woolen Hoods for 37 and 50 cts., very cheap ; 500 pair of gentlemen's woolen Socks at 12 ,and 15 cts.; 60 doz. Undershirts and Drawers at 50, 62 and 75 eta,; 1,000 pairs of ladies Stockings at 12 and 15 ets.; 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks ; a large assortment of ladies' and gents' Gloves, and a great many goods. To those who buy to sell again a liberal discount will be made, S. LEWY, at Rhoad's Corner. 'atest Etlegrapfj. SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. Business has mostly been suspended to-day. The Banks, Custom House, Corn Exchange, and many of the stores being closed. It is reliably stated here, that before the end of January the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial departments of the Southern Government will be permanently organized, and i full op eration. There is also but little dou that a new system, or civil time, similar to that insti tuted in France under the first Napoleon, will be adopted. Rumored Bombardment of Fort Sumpter- THE SOT/TH CAROLINA COMMISSIONEBS-MESSAOF OF TIIE PRESIDENT THE NEW TREASURY LOAN LINCOLN'S CABINET. There are rumors here that the convention now in session at Charleston have decided that unless the President orders the removal of Major Anderson from Fort Sumpter that its bombard ment shall be attempted. The commissioners from South Carolina have no hopes of effecting anything with the government, more especially since the withdrawal of Secretary Floyd. • An impeachment against the latter was being prepared by some of the members of Congress, but his resignation has averted it. The Presi dent, as before stated, will turn the South Caro lina "ambassadors," body and soul, over to Congress, but their chances of obtaining any thing satisfactory there are dark indeed. The Mississippi delegation urge upon Secre tary Thompson the propriety of resigning. There are reports that the balance of the Treasury loan has been taken by New York capitalists as 12 per cent. interest. Stephens, of Georgia, and Robert T. Scott, of Virginia, .are said to have been tendered posts in the Cabinet by Mr. Lincoln. Magnetic Telegraph Mee Closed. HARRISBURG, Jan. 1. No mofk., report to-day. The Telegraph office closed till seven o'clock, P. M. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PIICENIX BITTEItS., Free front all Mineral Poisons.—fn cases of Scrofula Ulcers, :curvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Lifo Medicines is truly astonishine, often removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties. No family should be without thcm, as by their timely use much suffering and expense may Ile saved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New 'fork, and for sale by all Druggists nov9-wly Cottons.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience liming proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when token in the early stages of (lie disease, recourse should at once be had to 'Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded cif. Public Speakers and Singers will Lind them etnctnalfor clearing and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo-d-sw&w6m WOOD'S HAIR littaTußATlVS.—Among all preparations for the hair that have been introduced as infallible, none hes ever given the satisfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Bair Restorative now has. Ills Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able 'fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they nave tested it, pronounce it a peerlees article. They find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peer less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it Cully restores the ve getative power of the toots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to sh oot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness has actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and nesibility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always twirl. ant, healthy and in full vigor.—"N. Y. Tribune." Sold by all respectat leDruseists de2l lm I=l Holiday in Philadelphia PHILADELPHY*, Jan. 1 The Southern Government. CHARLESTON, Jan. 1 IVAsraNGTos, Dec. 31 PURIFY THE BLOOD NOTICE. WEAKNESS AND DEDILITY.—AII who suffer from weakness or debility, where there is a want of en ergy, should at once have recourse to JUDSON'S MOUN TAIN HERB PILLS. They immediately purify the blood, and act upon the mainspring of life, giving strength and vigor to the system. Young persons entering into wo manhood, with a derangement of tee functions ; and to mothers at the turn or life, these Pills will he most effl. canious in correcting the tide of lite that may be on the turn. Young and elderly men sutler in a similar manner at the same periods, when there is always danger, they should therefore undergo a course of this purifying me dicine, which ensures lasting health. This great Household Medicine ranks among the lead ing necessaries of life, ns it is well known to the world that it cures complaints other remedies cannot reach ; this fact Is as well established as that the Sun lights the World. Sold by all medicine deale-s. de26-Im THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, N. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO ILIARRIEO LAMES it Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on thermintbly period with regularity. Each bottle, trice One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterteits CAUTION. These Fills should uGt be taken by ; females during the FIRST THREE hIONTHSof Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on _Miscarriage, but at any other time they, are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinahlffectians, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills wit effect a cure when all other means have Lelled i and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hu. tful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. • N. 8.--$l.OO and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. For sale by C. A. BANIIVART. Iy9 dawly Special entices. IWWE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be COE found ed with any or the numerous patent medicine - 3 of the day. It is food for ate blood, already prepared for ab sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains to retains. Let all those, then, who are suf f ering From poverty, Impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, to aof this BLOOD Foon and be restored to health. We notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Ecrox's Ix- FeMna Comm., which every mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must betnvaluthle For all Wan tile commaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gems in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured elisions days and eleepleet o ehts, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 111551. , ee advertisement. b 6 For sale by C. A. Rannvart„ sole agent, Harrisburg, 1.2.1 A CARD TO THE LADIES DR• DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all obatructiona, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a prerep i THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctOrs for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousina ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of the e suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well auto prevent au increase of family where health will not permitit.;-- Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned - against-these Fills while in that condition, as they are sur^ to produce miscarriage, and the propriet asmmes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explitit directions accompany each box. Price $1 00 per box. Fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BAN EVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg Pa "Ladles," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post °ince, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free or pos tagc ' by mail. Old also by S. S. Strevssrs, Reading, JOHANSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, A. L. LEM BERGER, Lebanon, and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by S. D. HOWE, sole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Look out for counterfeit 4. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S D. Howe. All others ore a base imposition and unsafe; th.refore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills b trig counterfeited. de3.dwaswly. IMPORTANT TO FEIR ALF:4I DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared byCorneliusL. Cheeseman, M. D., SEW YORK CITY THE combination of ingredients in these 1_ Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstrcations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation or the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, !kn., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature T..) MARRIED LADIEZ t Or. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring 9n the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Pr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE There is one condition of the femate system in which the Pills cannot be taken wslhout pioduczny a I'ECULIAR RENULT. 2he condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the. result, MISCA RRIA GE. Such is Use irresistible , tendency of the uirdv-ine • restore he sexual functions to a normal condition, Aar .ren the reproduaire power of nature cannot reAst it. Warranted purely vegetable, awl free Wan anything injurious, Explicit directions , which oboold be read, ac company cant. look Mee $l. ziout 'nail on enclosing El to Da Comm.:tics 1. COKE_ 01,N, Iltc:s 4531, Post Office, New York alt SOW by et , e , e,gl3t. IL, every wine to the It:t6te6 Stritee e/e..erti; ,a her the United Statep, tl itroadway, New York, 76 whom ~J Wiwiertle trpierg , riordil be lee- —; Sold iu H. r..ISbUt h: C. a SANNVAire New 'abrertisentrats HETZEL'S HOTEL DAUPHIN, DAUPHIN CO., PA. C. H•RHOADS,• PitOPICETOR. THIS well known and long established ± Hotel has again got into the hands of Charley Rhoads, who will keep it in first class style. Parties of all tines can be accommodated uth meals at any hour. A good Ball Room will always he at the service of his guests. Thankful for the liberal pa , ronage he has received from the citizens or air. hburg and vicinity, be respect fully solicits a toatinuation or the same, janl SAVE THE DRUNKARD ! HYROOT. A 'PREPARATION . FUR THE CURE OF EIRONG DRINE.—it will not in jure the constitution, and c ,n be given secretly without de.ection, if desirable. Price El, and sent by mail, post age pail!, du receipt of the price. Address A. J. POrfr RFIELD, Jul]. rat t-t-s* F ird Id, Adams Co.. Pa. SCOTCH Wl-RISKY. (\NE PLINCREON of PURE SCOTCH wiikK j I evened aGg.l far sale by JOHN 11. ZIEGLICIt, junl :3 24 .rket etrs t. • FOR SAIL. FIFTY BARbETS AVPLES. THIRTY BA unELS SWEE ODER. Enquire Lt BOAS & FuR , Te.ll'S WARE DOUSE, State and Canal Sired. J. E. CLARK. LOST.—On Thursday last, a MUFF of dark mink sable. It has a white string in one eud uu a'small piece of yellow silk sewed on Mei I;iside, for a mark. The Hader will bo rewarded by leaving it at janl THIS OFHCIiI. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT TO ALL WHO WANT IT. SEND your address, with three cent postage stamp, t,c I. M. MILLER, dawn Newvitle, Pa. NOTICE.—The Ordinance in relation to the firing of guns, crackeia, &e., within the City limits, will be strictly euti•reed throughout this evening and night. Mt city police officers are hereby dire.ted, and the constables requested, to m rest, or report, every person found violating the said Ordinance, within the city limits, iu order that they may be dealt with iu strict conformity with the provisions of the said Ordinance. WM. 11. K.K.P.NEH, Mayor. Dec. 31, 1860. To RENT.— From the let of April next, a IE'REE TORY BRICK DWELLING AND OFFICE in Second street opposite the Governor's realdenee.— Enquire next door of lw THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND STRANGERS visiting the City is called to the largest and finest Bailment of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Euvelope3, Sens and floldhrs, ink, Inkstands, Pencils, Writing Sand, ;and Boxes, Blotting Board, and a full variety of all kinds of STATIONERY ;'which for price and quality cannot be excelled, at BERGNER'S CdEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market Street. de29 OR RENT.-A T.FIROki BRICK HOUSE on Walnut Street near Fifth. Possession wen immediately. .Apply to d26-Iwes EVE SALE. FROM ONE TO FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS BOROUGH BONDS. Also, from Ten to Fifty snares of IJ. rri-bon Gail Stock, by C. O. ZISMERmAN, de24-tt No 28 .‘:ont Second Street. EN VELOPES 1 ENVELOPES I I 20 O. Envelopes in Store! The largest stock ever offered in this city, nom, rising ALL SIZES, STYLES and -COLORS, and cannot, be sur passed for LOW PRICES and GOOD QUALITY, at BERGNER'S ()REAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street EIS New aDvertisements LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Har. risburg, Pa., Jan. I,IBEO. The list is publi, hod in aeourdar.ce with an act of Congress in the DAILY TELEGRAPH, it having the LARGhST circulation. B;1, Mary Y Lawton, H Benkler, Mrs Michael Lalevre, Buses Black, Henrietta Lessley, Margaret Godley, Annie E Looms, 111ary Bernell, Elizabeth Lorger, Mary Brightbill, earab A 111 Brooks, Vargaret Manuel, Anna Grown, Print:olA Ann Metz, Sarah nn C Miller, Ann Cain, Catharine Miller, Mary Carter, Mary Miller, 'Sarah CaSSCI I, amends. Meyers, hia•y E Clai k, Sydney ll P Conrad, Hal:mall Patterson, Eunice Conrad, Susan a Cluck, Catharine Rickard, Margaret Croute, Margaret Ryan, Marmara D • S Dougherty, Catharine E Sheridan, M try Deer orcod, Liszte B Shearer, Samuel Mri II Sharer, 3 .rah J . . Hanna, Sarah Shick. ' Mary C Haskins, Lydia Ann &abb, Margaret E Hate. Sally T Hutton, L Tabor, Elizabeth J Thenler, It Jackson, Elizabeth U K. I r pdegreve, Julia kennedy, Louha W . Kilheifer, Mary Wenrlek, Jane E Kuik, Hillua West. Frances Williams. Adeline Kramer, S Achenbach, T Kuehn, J C Adamson, John B Akers. A W Lewis, J Albright, Thos 1 illard, Raj Allen, Mom ,s. Linn, Jacob. Andrews, A H Long, D Aluct, Joseph Lougenacker, A An tCrBOO, G L Irolter, J H Anthony. N Lyman, Gilbert Armstrong, J S Me B Mcßride, James Bi.ekentoes, David McFadden, Aler. Balsbaugh, Abr. lham McNally, Mortimer Bartholomew, At en DI Bell, DW Magionis, James Berkheimer, Jesse Maloney, Patrick Giesler, Geo Mehally, W K . . Bimer, M MessersMith, Gel H Bishop, li Mibr, II C Black, G ..t. Miles, Joseph G Bl.iir, W H Miller, win p Bonet, Emory S Miller, H L Bowman, Gee Milner, Geo B Brady, E It. Moyer, Joseph Brenizer, G Murphy, Thos Brinks, A II Musser ' Wm B Bristol, IL Myers, Lehman lirOwn, If W Myers, - William 2 Brewnsberger ' Jacob N Prubaker, G M NanCo, J It Brumbaugh, T 2 A Nemont, Harmon Jr Baker, George Newman, Jacob Byrnes, Thomas 0 C Oldwye, George Caine, William P Chi istwel I, C F / Parke, W J Clear, W S Parker, Win Chile, Major PattersOti, M 2 t calls, Poillo Perioingor, Fred Cornier, Patrick Peel", Joseph cornier, Wlll E; Pi ter, Joint Cowper, A Ben Peti.v, Win R Co -tier, Albert Peters, Spire Corse, Joint B Pilaw, W Et CurvW, Ilsnry ).'4.-3,c . i ? JOin 3 Crane, Jolla 4 , CI luert, Joseph Qaigtey, 'Patrick Compton, Jacob Rn - . pager s Hal 4 tiut,ey, John Denier, John litlgewerrer, David l'eohn., Ger Rigby, Floica Darhatd, Win IV Polder, John ih: Rho tds, Win On man, Christi in Reg - crimp, II Elder, ‘arucs Robinson, Samuel LHlinger, John R Royce, Dr 11 limbo , D L S Eru, Johnl A 2 S.vage, C S .IP Sehuel ior, Lorentz Rev Fertin„ H Schrock, lieu E Al Fink, simun P Shea r, Thos r liac, dames Shelden, Win 1? 2 Fisher, Thomas A SiiiLlkS, :UMW Fowlor ' Henry Suolleaberger, E H Fr mic, Wm. Shoop, John P Free, 1) Siegliied, Chas W noise, V Slate, G Frawiry, Timothy Sloan, Alfred G Smith, Philip Galugher, 11 Smith, G C Goylor, John Snyder, Abraham Giliard, L P Snyder, Darnel Ge ger, John &will, Geo W (Mid, James F Smyrna; J It Goldman, Morris L steihman, CL H Stevensou, F Millman, George Stewart, J C Hartman, A J Stnyrr, Daniel Henn, Levi Straub, C M [looser, Geol.. e Stradle, Uriah Hummel, Harrison Sullivan, J 11 2 Duras, neerger, E T 1 Taylor, J II Irish, Edward . • Jacobs, J D Ty burn II II Jone , , J B Heisler Trulniager, C Junes, J F ti Jones, B Unger, Bed min Jones, Wm B Urieb, ;Women Jordan, Fruit:is IV K Wagner, Alfred Kemble, A A Waliier, Lewis Kissel:, J A, Henry Kline, d - Wells, Samuel N liobr, J C West, Jas Kra gar, Joseph Lida, W Ki jeorgy Yeller, Juba .11.cshinger, Baabeloniew Wet.kler, Frederick Pereous ealliug for these letters will please say they are advt rthied. ltd GE'). W. PORTER„P 11. ATUTIGE is hereby given that John Wal -low and John Wallower, Jr ,of Dauphin county, by voluntary as,ietiment have assigned and transferred t 3 the undersigned i.ll their property in trust for the bene fit of their creditors. Ali persons therefore having azalea the said John Wallower and John Wallowa - , Jr. trading us John wallower & Son, or wiret either of them, will present them to the undersigned, and those indebted will make immediate payment to jinl.3tdatw PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Honorable Joni J. PEARSON, (resident of the Court of Common Pleas is the Twelfth Judicial 1 istrizt, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the lion. A. o.llies.ter and Hon. Felix Ni-s ley, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day or D.. cembor 1860, to me directed,fur holding a Court of 01 er and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at HARIUSIICRG, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence on the 3d Monday or January, being the 21st day of January, 1851, and to continue two Not ice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and Constables or the eaid county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and their own remem. broncos, to do those things which to their office apper tains to be done, and those st he are bound in Mogul =ices to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute ag Mist them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg, the 15th day or December, in the year of our lord 1860, and In the eighty. third year of the irstependeoce of the United States. lieenivv's °nice, .1. D. BOAS, Harrisburg, Dec. 15,1660. I 00115 dawtd MR. A. BIIRSEr STORAGE! STORAGE ! ! STORAGE received at the Warehouse of JAmEi Wiumr firEl FLAT STOLEN OR DRIFTED AWAY BE SUBSCRIBER'S FLAT was miss lug Irom ihe landing yesterday morning. If stolen, a reward of $lO be paid for any information that grill lead to the detection and conviction of the thief, or If drifted away, $2 will be paid for its recovery. de23 dtf W. K. VERBER.E. J. R. EBY JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS ENVELOPES!!! F NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) ‘1,./ manufacture, warranted to be the best in material, the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap as any o malcet, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Cases of various sizes and prices, at WEGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Markelstreet. . LADIES' LIST GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Reed, Robert lteielord, Wm Ilei! s soyder, Gen W 2 Thompson, Anduo Taoism', Andrew SILIP LETTERS ASSIGNEES' NOTICE A, O. WESTER, MUENCII, Asi•ignees. licsidence HarrrißbJrg, Pa. Nttu 2ili3trtistments. JEWELRY, W CLIES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & CO., No. 52 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA., Opposite 'Hotel and adjoining the Furopean HAVING purchased the stock of E. F. JENNINGS., and added a large essOrtment of new JEWELRY, will sell the same at the low( st price, and solicit patronage. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY neatly and promptly repaired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & Co. Having disposed of my stock of J,welry to . IGcd F. Zimmerman ik Co , I cheeTfully re , ommen4 th . .m to toy former customers as practi,al and exprqienr..d .b. makers, and solicit for them a coutinuan,e r t al, wit, rooage which his ben so geserrusly extended t during the last six years. a d e g? FLNIF.R .TE' lutvG= YOU laittlerblaS PHESENT6 — ANEW INVOICE Portfplios and W i -iti, c4SO3. The best m. , sortment in the city ju-t re celv.d at • BER •I.ER'S CHEAP BLOkd dl9 51 arket B;re t. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 011ILDREN'S, LADILS' and GENTLE II NIVN'S CHAIRS, and a area variety of CABINET FURNITURE sultsbfe for HOLIPAY GIFTS at reduced prices. Alec a new lot of ConaGE FURNITURE In se ts, or by the eioele price at JAMES It. BOYD & SON, 29 Sooth Second Street. dl9-2wd Uwe CA,voh, c..ld. Hoarkeness, 1nf1u ,,,,,,W 4,0,, c-nz a. any ini alon or Sole,eis 0 - Q:1 tr• Lie Throat, RElizze the Hacking RI3NCHI AL Covgh in t on,saortinn, Bron chitis, AAhma. and Catarrh, '': CLear and giv I rtrenyh to I) g° 0(C/tht mice of PUBLIC spit:Amu. its, and SINCE It S. Few are aware of the imoonance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" iu its first stage ; that witirh in the beginning would yield t o a mild remedy, it neglected, soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL Tit COES," containing demulcent ingredients, all ty Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. "That troutle In my 'throat, (for which fho "TROCTIee are a specific) having made me often a mere whisperer." N P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to i - uniic Speakers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S REV. E. H. CHAPIN. "nava proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." TROCHES REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Almost ins'aht relief in the cistres3ing ,labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." BROWN'S TROCHES . . REV. A. C. EGGIASTON. 'Contain no Opium or injuri ous.' DR. A. A. HAYES, BROWN'S TROCIIES Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant, combination fOr Coughs, tee." BROWN'S TROCHES "Beneficial in Bronchitis '• DR. J. F. W. LANE, Boston. "I have proved them excellent for Whooping Cough." BROWN'S TBOCRES REV. H. W. IVARREN, Beata'. '•l3enelctal when compelled to si oat, suffering from Cold." BROWN'S TROCHES REV. S. J. P. ANDERS ,, N, 1- , t. Lolls BROWN'S TROCHES "Effectual In removing Hoar- eness an 1 Irritation of the Throat, so tommon with Speakers and tinder , " Prof. M. TACY JOHNSON, La Orange. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. RROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and rafter preaching, as they prevent loess. From their past effvct. I Oleic they will be of nermanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWI BY, A. bf President of Athens College, Tenn. arSold by all DrugOsu at C.v.ntS a box. nov2B-d.aw6m TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES VALUABLN REAL ESTATE 1/1V ILL BE SOLD at public sale at the European Hotel, on MONDAY, January 7, 1861, at 2 o'clock P. M., a certain LOT or PIECE OF GRoUtil situated on Walnut Etreet in the city of Harrisburg, twenty feet and flee inches fronting ou said Street, and running back one hundred feut, the improvements being a TWO STORY FRAME BUILDING with large back building. By order ofrCourt. Terms 10 per cent. of the price at the time when the property shill be scud, to be paid in cash, balance April 1, 1861, when deed will be made. litie Indisputable. ROBE. L. MCIENCIL, d l 7 d3weod Cunt of ,Teo. A. Bill auehlin. FOR THE SEASON, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Vanilla, best in market, Rose, Lemon, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Pure Distilled Rose Water, Best English Baking Soda, Pure Cream Tartar, Extra Pure Spioes, Fresh Clutinary Herbs, KELLER'S DRUG STORE, d2O 91 Market Street. CHAMPAGNE WINES. Din PE Dlusickau., 0, & Co. CHARLI:3 HEIDSIECK, Gnsimt It Co., AIiCaOR—SIILESY MOr63LTB, F'PARKLINCI 1111z,OATEL, MINIM & Caps, VLBZEvAY. eau& In store and for sale by JOHN 11. ZiEGLER, dl9 • 73 Marko] street AUCTION ! AUCTION! ! T WO SILVER MEDALS, Diploma and Special Certificate, awarded to PYNE & PARR at tue Pennsylvania and New York State Fairs for their valuable ICE CRE hDI FREnEit AND EGG BEATER ; and for the purpose of attending to the manufacture an t sale of the same, W. Barr otfars for sale his large and en. tire stock of FGRAIfUnE, STOVES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and FANCY ARTICLES. In short, he will close out Ws entire stork at Anciion ai:d Priviite Fate. Give him a call. AUCTION EVERT EVENING.— Auct on store Second Elreet, neat to State Canital Bi de22-tf W NOTICE TO TAILORS'. A PERSON who can give ample and satisfactory reference of character and qnslitlea tiom in the best establishments it Philadelphia. in which he has been engaged as Cutter, both at Customer and Retail trade, is derii 011 , 3 of ecnneethw himself with a Tat lor already established, or mum iE g into partner...)lp with tome person having funds and energy to e tabihh a place in Harrisburg, having al‘o influental acquaint ances who will and can exert themselves is his favor in Harrisburg and vicinity. References required. For further information address MECHANIC, del4-3w 667 Barton Street. NORIO nhia. DENTISTRY. DR. G. W. STINE being disengaged from his duties at the Baltimore Cdlege of B.ntal :surgery for TWO WEEMS, from Wednesday, the •36th Inst. may be found at Ms office, on Third street, hetweea Market and Walnut, prepared to perform all operations pertaining to his profession. N. 13.—Teeth mounted is the lateA impravei styles ALL WORE WARRANTED. I take pleasure in recommending the above gentleman TO all my former patients of Harrisburg and vicinity, and feel confidant that ho will perform all operations in a scientific manner from my knowledge el his ability. de - fl F. J. S. GORGA n. ". S. SOYER'S SULTANANA'S SAUCE For Hot and Cold Dishes of all Kinds. 'his most deliciont and ioetising Sauce, invented by th kinowned "Sown.' for the Lon. ton Reform. Club, i, since his N,ease, manufactured by the tell-known hoes° of Cacase & itACKWELL, London, from the riginai rctape. It Is tharavorite Luce in England, and on the :continent, with a high and grow-. ug reputat tot among American epicures, a4d is much approved f as a stimulant to the appetite id aid to digestion. OPINIONS OF %WV. LONDON PREsS. "We recommend our cerrcspoutitmt to try Moss. :_-'OE ER'S new Sauce, en duel tic ' , itiltant's &Luce. , It is made after the Turk sh recipe ; it• flavor is excellent, and it affords considerable aid mmes of slow and weak digestion."—The Lancet. "Savory, Piquant, and , worthy the genius of Royer."—Obsereer. "A must valuable adjunct to fl'h, Flesh, and Fowl, and should have a place ,in :very i.ible."—Alias. Sole Attents for the Ui.i:ed States. G&RDNER G. YU', I IN'. CI 7 Fuitcal at. • v., and BRAY & Cor”1.111. kOidott. For sale by Grocers and Fruit Dealers everyter• e... Janl4-dly4taw-ins VOIL a enverior and Cheap Tonle or Igoog. oo , go to IMLLEWS DRUG STORL DR. G. F. BIGELOW, Buston 12222 Nutmegs, Parsley