C Patip Lelegrapb). HARRISBURG Tuesday Afternoon, January 1. 1661. PRESSES FOR SALE. HAVING purchased new presses we will sell two seco 11d.118.11d ADA3IB PRESS ES at a very low price. Apply immediately. TYPE FOR SALE. ALARGE FONT of Brevier type is of fered for sale at 15 cents per pound, cash. The type will answer for any country newspaper, but not being o t the tame cast as those used by us now, we will sell the same In order to make room for others. Apply immediately to GEO. BERGNER & CO. Inauguration of President Lincoln. Many of the friends of Mr. Lincoln ap prehend difficulty with regard to his in auguration on the 4th of March next, and consequently a large force from the North will be at Washington for the purpose of seeing that the Southern secessionists do not assassinate him. For our own part, we have never felt any danger. Such an attempt would at once annihilate every man eigaged in it. Mr. Lincoln will have plenty of friends to protect him from bodily harm, and we can assure those who may feel a little doubtful of Mr. Lincoln not being willing to risk his life to assume the Presidential Chair, that the Rail Split ter knows no danger. He has passed through many a fearful battle, and he will be on hand, on the 4th of March next, to take charge of the reigns of gov ernment. The Constitution prescribes no particular day or hour, and no form or ceremony for tire inauguration of a Presi dent, except the oath of office. "Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirma tion." Art. 11., sec. 1, par. 7. No time or manner is prescribed. The oath may be administered on any day, or in. any place. It is very impressive and becoming that it should be administered by a high judicial oftcer, publicly, in the face of an immense multitude, and in connection with appropriate civic and military pomp. It would- be a matter for regret—it might seem mortifying to the President elect— to enter on his duties without these cir cumstances. But any Judge, Commis sioner, Notary or Magistrate, authorized by the laws of the United States to ad minister oaths, has it in his power to "inaugurate" the President, in any city or town in the Union, and from the mo ment that the oath is taken he is vested with authority to exercise the powers of his high office immediately upon the close of his predecessor's term. Resisting his inauguration by violence is as hopeful a business as fighting his shadow. There is only one force that can prevent his en trance upon his office. If the two Houses of Congress should resolve themselves into a mob, to prevent the counting and decla ration of the electoral votes, there might be a difficulty in executing the people's will. But we shall not believe that this is morally possible until we see it done. Organization of the Legislature. The Legislature of Pennsylvania as sembled this day. EMMA W. DAVIS, of Venango county, was elected Speaker of the House, receiving all the Republi can votes. Mr. DAVIS is a clever gentle. man, and will make an excellent presiding officer. In the Senate ROBERT M. PALMER, of Schuylkill county, was re-elected. It is merely necessary for us to say that Mr. PALMER will make an excellent presiding officer. He is one of the ablest men in that body, and will do credit to himself and to the body over which he presides. RUSSEL ERRETT, Esq., of the Pittsburg Gazette, haS also been re-nominated for Chief Clerk, an office he filled last year to the satisfaction of all who were in any wise connected with him. E. H. RAUCH, Esq., of the Mauch Chunk Gazette, has ales been renominated for Chief Clerk of the House. He made an accommodating and active officer, dur• ing the past year, and will not fail to give satisfaction hereafter. LET IIE; HEAR FROM THE G OVERNORS During the first two weeks of January ensuing, the Legislatures of the Free States of Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, lowa and Minnesota, assemble to transact the busi ness of their several peoples. The Execu tives of these mighty commonwealths of the Union-loving North will each be re quired to communicate with the Legisla tures thereof at an early day after their assemblage. We have faith in all these Governors. We have faith that they are all true to the Union and to Liberty, now and forever I Their voices should be a unit against secession and traitors. Let them speak out manfully. The Cause of Panics. Panics ordinarily, not always, result from a want of confidence. The present Panic has this paternity. But it is not from a a want of confidence in the material resources of the country—which were never so abundant—but from a want of confidence in the patriotism and stamina of the Administration. The people have no faith in Buchanan or his advisers.— They deem him wholly inadequate to the exigencies of the hour, not only because of his imbecility, but because of his crimi nal sympathy and affiliation with those who, by moving for the dissolution of the Union, disturb the commercial equanimi ty of the country. With an "Old Hicko ry" in the Executive, Chair, there would be no Panic; because, with such a man to hold traitors to their allegiance, and States to their place in the Union, there would be no fear of a violent severance of the bonds which bind the Confederacy to gether, nor of an embargo upon the open channels of trade and commerce. Position of South Carolina If there is any one person in the North so great a fool as to be frightened be cause South Carolina declared herself out of the Union on the 20th of December, 1860, the Boston Traveler begs leave to remind him that, on the 17th of Decem ber, 1832, South Carolina enacted an or• dinance to nullify a law of the United States, provided that law should be un repealed on the Ist of February, 1833, and that South Carolina neither nullified it nor lett the Union. Because a State says she •is out of the Union, it does not follow that she is out of it. The act is an act of disunion, but it does not dissolve the Union. The Uoion exists to-day ex actly the same as it existed when South Carolina, the other day, passed the ordi nance of secession, and South Carolina's vote to the contrary has no more dissolved the Union, than it was dissolved in 1780, by the British conquest of that State. The country got South Carolina back then in spite of herself and her conquer ors, and the grandsons of the Americans of those days will show that they have not become degenerate. THE LATE DEFALCATION.—The New York "Herald" says, "the budget em braced in the robbery, the whole of which was stolen, will exceed three millions of dollars," and gives the following list of them, as held in trust, by the Secretary of the Interior, for the Indian tribes : State. Arkansas Florida.. Georgia . Indiana.. Per cent Kentucky 5 183,000 Louisiana 6 37,000 Maryland 6 , 131,611 Missouri 15i. 63,000 Missouri 6 484,000 North Carolina 6 162,000 Ohio. 6 150,000 Pennsylvania 5 96,000 South Carolina... ...... 6 125,000 Tennessee 6 268,000 Tennessee. 6 143,000 United States 6 251,330 Virginia 5 796,800 Total.. THESE is good foundation for the opin ion that the Administration, and many connected with it, prefer the destruction of the Government to an exposure which a new Administration will give to the country. Monstrous robberies, like that in which Secretary FLOYD is implicated, it is feared, have been numerous, and if brought to light, will consign these trait ors to eternal ignomy. STAT EMENT OF THE HARRISBURG BANK. JAEITARY 1, 1861. ASSETS. Loans and Discounts $705,052 69 Stock of the Commonwealth 50,505 Specie 72,175 17 United States Loan 19,000 Due by other banks.. $124,680 95 Notes of other banks.. 27,886 152,516 95 Stocks, (at present market value,) 28,000 Bonds, do. do. 5,000 Real Estate 1_4,600 $1046,849 81 LIABILITIES. Circulation .$481,000 Deposits 182,283 85 Due to other banks 54,285 86 $717,569 21 The above statement is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. WEIR , Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, janl-dlt DAVID Hennas, J. P. MOTHERS, READ Tnis.—The following is tut extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re nowned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething : "We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, blow we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in_cur life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers., that this is no him:. bug—we have tried it, and know ti to he all it claims. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the ray, because it is one of the best. Ana those your deaders who have babies can't do.tietter than to lay 0 supply. au22 W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instantaneous in elfect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." sold everywhere. CHAS., BATCaELOR Proprietor mariZtLiwiy 81 BArOiay Street ; Now York Pennsylvania ails Celegrapll, Qruesay - Afternoon, 3anuary a, 1861. Pennsylvania Legislature. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesees, January, 1, 1861. This .being the day appointed by the Consti tution for the meeting of the General Assem bly of Pennsylvania, the members elect of the House of Representatives met in their chamber, and at twelve o'clock .were called to order by Mr. E. H. RAUCH, Chief Clerk of the last House of Represhntatives. The Rev. Mr. CArret, of the 0. S. Presbyte rian church in this city, delivered the follow ing solemn and impressive prayer, viz : Aunt - um GOD Thou whose name alone is Je hovah and who art the Most High over all the earth, we worship Thee as the King im mortal, eternal and invisible ; glorious in holi ness, fearful in praises, doing wonders. Mer cifully lift upon us the light of thy counte nance and grant us Thy peace. We confess, with shame and confusion of face—our manifold sins and iniquities. But we rejoice to know that there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared. Have mercy upon us therefore for the sake of Thy dear Son and blot out all our transgressions. O satisfy us early with Thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. . And now we pray Thee to bless these, our Legislators. Bless them in their own persons and in their families. Enable them. to discharge faithfully those soleron•and important duties which they are assembled here to perform.— Give them a spirit of wisdom and understand ing ; a spirit of counsel and might ; a spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. May they all act as those who shall give account not only to their constituents, but. unto Thee, Thou great searcher of hearts. May they re member the solemn lesson of Thy Providence during the last session, when one of their number, and he the highdst honored, was summoned from these Halls to stand before Thy judgment seat. May Thy benediction rest upon our State, and we beseech Thee to bless our whole country.— Behold 0 Lord, the land mourneth. For the divisions among us there be great searching of hearts. Many there be that say who will shew us any good. But our help is in the Lord God who made the Heavens and the earth. Be Thou a wall of fire round about us. Appoint salvation for bulwarks. Let violence not be heard in our gates nor the sound of war in our borders. 0 God, thou bast given us a pleasant land, a goodly heritage. We have heard with our ears and our fathers have told us what works Thou didet for us in their days and in the times of old. Wilt Thou not return unto the many thousands of Israel ? Heal all our divisions, and may we dwell together as brethren in unity. Give to our National Congress, to all our State Legislatures and Conventions, to follow after the things which make for peace. May Judah not vex Ephraim nor Ephraim Judah. But may we all be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment, and may we provoke one another only to love and to good wot ks. And now for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, may Grace, Mercy and Peace be multi plied unto us ail from God the Father through the Eternal Spirit. Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. Give unto us daily our daily bread, and forgive our tres passes as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever. Amen. The Secretary of the Commonwealth being introduced, presented the returns of the late election for members of the House of Represent. atives. Mr. BILL. I move that the Clerk open the same and it be read, Whereupon, the Clerk read the list of mem bers, returned as elected by the Feeretary of the Commonwealth, as follows, viz : Adams—Henry J. Myers. Amount. $ 3,000 182,000 3,500 70,000 Berke—E. Penn Smith, Michael P.- Boyer, Henry B. Rhoads. Lancaster—Henry M. White, Joseph Hood, Michael Ober,John M. Stehman. York—Joh Manifold, Daniel Rieff. Cumberland and Perry—William B. Irvin, William Lowther. Franklin and Fulton—James R. Brewster, James C. Austin. Bedford and Stanerset—Edward M. &rock, Charles W. Ashcom. Huntingdon—Brice X. Blair Blair—James Roller. Cambria—Alexander C. Mullen Philadelphia—lst District.—Joseph Caldwell. 2. Thomas E. Gaskill. 3. Patrick McDonough. 4. Robert E. Randall. 5. Joseph Moore, Jr. 6. Daniel G. Thomas. 7. Dr. J. H. Seltzer. 8. J. E. Ridgway. 9. Henry Dunlap. 10. Henry, G. Leisenring. 11. Isaac A. Sheppard. 12. Richard Wildey. 13. Wm. D. Morrison. 14. Geo. W. H. Smith. 15. John F. Preston. 16. Thomas W. Duffield. 17. Charles F. Abbott. $8,419,241 Delaware—Chalkley Harvey, Chester—William T. Shafer, P., Caleb Pierce, Isaac Acker, Montgomery Dr. John H. Hill, John Stoneback, John Dismant. Bucks—Joseph Barnsley, Dr. Asher Belly. Northampton Jacob Cope, P. F. Filen berger. Lehigh and Carbon—Wm. H. Butler, W. C. Lichtenwallner. Monroe and Pike—Charles D. Brodhead Wayne—A. B. Walker. Luzerne—Lewis Pughe, H. P. Hillman, Peter Byrne. Ousquebanna—George T. Frazier. Bradford Henry W. Tracy, Dr. C. T. Bliss. Wyo Ming, Sullivan, Columbia and Montour —Thomas Osterhout, Hiram R. Kline. Lvcoming and Clinton—Wm. H. Armstrong, H. C. Bressler. Centre—Wm. C. Duncan. Mifflin—Adolphus F. Gibboney. Union, Snyder and Juniata—Thomas Hayes, John J. Patterson. Northumberland—Amos T. Bisel. Schuylkill Daniel Koch, Henry Huhn, Linn Bartholomew. Dauphin —William Clark, Dr. Lewis Heck Lebanon—Jacob L. Bixler, Indiana—James Alexander. Armstrong and Westmoreland—J. R. Me- Gronigal, James Taylor, Andrew Craig. Fayette—John Collins. Griapre—Patrick Donley. Was ington—John A. Rapper, Robert An derson. Allegheny—Kennedy Marshall, Thomas Wil liams, Charles L. Goehring, William Douglas, Alexander H. Burns. Beaver and Lawrence—Joseph H. Wilson, J. W. Blanchard. Butler—W. M. Graham, Thomas Robinson. Mercer and Venango—George D. Hofius, Elisha W. Davis. Clarion and Forrest—Wm. Devins. Jefferson, Clearfield, McKean and Elk— Isaac G. Gordou, Samuel IL Lawrence. Crawford and Warren—Hiram Butler, E. Cowan. Elie—Henry Teller, Gideon J. Ball. Pottr and Tioga—s. B. Elliott, 13. B. Strang. The roll of members was then called over, from which it appeared that they were all pre sent except Mr. STONEBACK. Mr. ACKER. I move that the House now proceed to the election of &watt. On the question Will the House agree to the motion ? It was agreed to. Mr. ACKER. I move that Messrs. Measnam and 13nonnEAD act as tellers, Which was agreed to. The members then proceeded to the election of BpsAunewbioh resulted as follows : Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, Bali, Barruley, Bartholomew, Bisel, Disler, Blair, Blanchard, Bliss Bressler, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Craw ford,) Clark, Collins, Cowan, Craig, Douglas, Duncan, Elliott, Frazier, Gihboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, Happer, Harvey, Hayes, Hill, Hillman, Hood, Hofius, Huhn, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Lowther, M'Gonigal, Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Patterson, Peirce, Pres ton, Pugh; Reiley,Ridgway, ltohinsun, Roller, Schrock, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, Stehman, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Tracy, Walker, White, Wildey, Williams, Wilson-71 voted for ELISRAW. DAVSI. Mews. Boyer, Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Caldwell, Cope, Davis, Devins, Dismant, Don ley, Duffield, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Gaskill, Heck, Kline, Leisenring, lichtenwallner, M'Donough, Manifold, Morrison, Myers, Oster bout, Randall,. Reiff, Rhoads, Smith, (l3etks,) Smith, (Philadelphia,)— 27 voted fur CHANLES H. HILL. The Tellers reported that they agreed in their tallies, and announced the following as their report : Elisha W. David had Charles H. Hill " Whereupon ELISUA W. DAVIS, of Venango county, was duly declared the Speaker of the House of Repre,en tad ves for the session of 1861. GIDEON J. BALL, of Erie, andTHARLES H. HILL conducted the Speaker elect to his seat. Upon taking the Speaker's chair, Mr. DAVIS addressed his fellow-numbers as follows : REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA : I return you my thanks for the high honor done me in the election as your Speaker. Since I came among you one year ago, my bigheat ambition has been to discharge my duty in such a man ner as not only to receive, but deserve and merit, your respect and confidence. That I have succeeded even beyond my proudest hopes, this day's proceedings amply prove ; and I can only say now, that I will endeavor eo to discharge the duties of the position in which your kind ness has placed me, that our proceedings may be as orderly and decorous as our organization has been hopeful and encouraging. Since the adjournment of the Legislature, death has been among us. Our able and be loved Speaker has been stricken down in the days of his strength and his usefulness. The best eulogy that I can pronounce on the char acter of Was. C. A. LAWRENCE, is to point with pride to his youth, to the position which he occupied in this House, and to his memory en shrined in the hearts of his fellow-members The amiable and accomplished J. W. COULTER, too, has fallen by the hand of death. And within a few days of our coming . together HEN RY K. STRONG, one of Pennsylvania's noblest sons, whose good qualities of head and heart are known to all, has been called away. They need no eulogy from me. May God comfort their bereaved friends. I need only say that I deeply feel the re• sponabilities of the position to which I have been chosen: But I will endeavor to discharge its duties uninfluenced by any other considera tion than my deliberate convictions of right.— I ask your indulgence and forbearance, your co-operation and support. I know too well the character of the members of this House to apprehend much difficulty Our poeitiou is one of oo ordinary importance. Peonsi lvania, in the vastness of her resources, the amount of her wealth, and the number, intelligence, in dustry and integrity of her citizens, has few equals as a State. Her interests arc committed to our charge. The eyes of her three millions of people are upon us, and our actions will be closely watch ed and severely scrutinized. Let us act not only as the Representatives of a free people, but as lux who appreciate the honor and feel the responsibilities of our positions. WI ile reck less madness tales the councils of seine of our sister States, and treason raises its bloody hand within their borders to strike down the National. Government, the great heart of Pennsylvania beats responsive now, as it ever has done, to "the music of the Union." [Ap plause.] I believe that I speak the sentiments of her entire people, when I say that the Old Keystone State, to the extent of her power, will maintain the Constitution and enforce the laws. [Applause.] Her voice is, and always has been "TEE UNION MUST AND EHALL Bs Pee smtv.ED." [Applause. ] if there - is any law upon her statue books which can be in any way tor tured into an excuse for treason, I would advise its immediate repeal ; [applause] and that she should then deny, in her sovereign capacity, the right of any State to secede front this gov ernment. [Applause.] The verdict of the people in the recent elec tions has been for the Constitution and the Un ion, and that verdict must be respected and enforced at all hazards. [Applause.] Penn sylvania has suffered ; her interests have beeh trampled upon. There is no State in the Union that has more just cause of complaint. She has sought her redress through the ballot box, in a Constitutional manner. She has set her seal of condemnation on a wicked and im becile Administration; and I, for one, am now ready to sustain that verdict, if my country requires it, with the blessing of God, with my life. [Applause.] I again thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me, and I promise you that all the abilities I possess will be faithfully exer cised in the discharge of duty. The SPEAKER requested the gentleman from Montgomery (Mr. HILL) to administer the oath of office, which was done accordingly. The list of members was then called and they severally took the oath of office. ORIGINAL RESOLUTIONS Mr. 'SHAFER submitted the following Which was agreed to. Resolved, That a committee of two be appoint ed to inform the Senate that this House is or ganized and readyto proceed to business. Messrs.SELLFER and SMITH (Baks) were ap pointed said committee. Mr. BYRNE asked and obtained leave to re cord his vote on the election of Speaker, and voted for Mr. HILL. Mr. SELTZER submitted the following, Which was adopted. Resolved, That a committee of three be ap pointed by the House, to act in conjunction with a similar committee appointed by the Senate (if the Senate shall appoint such com mittee,) to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the General Assembly is now duly or ganized and ready to receive any communica tion be may have to make. Messers. Seltzer. Broadhead and Dl'Gonigal were appointed said committee. Mr. RIDGWAY submitted the following : Resolved, That the regular sour for the meet ing of this House be fixed at 11 o'clock A. M., and the hour for adjournment at 1 o'clock P. M. Mr. WILSON moved to amend by adding the words "until otherwise ordered," which was accepted as a modification, and the resolution as modified was then adopted. Ur. RANDALL submitted the following joint resolution : Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre sentatives that it is the right and duty of every citizen of this Commonwealth to aid and assist in the execution of the Constitution of the United States and the Acts of Congress, passed to carry it into effect. Tuat this right and this duty extend to every public officer of this Commonwealth, Legisla tive, Executive, Judicial or Municipal. That any Act of Assembly which interrupts, impedes, limits, embarrasses, delays or post. pones the exercise of such right and duty, is a plain and direct violation of the said Constitu tion, and the oaths of office and allegiance taken to support it. Resolved, That the provision contained in Ait 4, Sec. 2, clause 3, of the Constitution of the United States, securing to the owners of fugi tives from service of lab..r the right to the de livery up to them of the said fugitives, is sacred and inviolate, and any legislative infraction of this provision is therefore unconstitutional and void. Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal the 34. 4th, sth and 7th sections of the Act enti tled, "An Act to pn vent sidnappiog, preserve "the public peace, prohibit the exercise of cer "tain powers heretofore exercised by Judges, "justices of the peace, aldermen and jailors in "this Corn monvvealth,and to repeal certain slave "laws," parsed the 3d of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven , and 95th and 96th sections of the Act entitld, "An Act to "consolidate, revise and amend the Penal Laws "of this Counonwealth," passed the 31st March. one thousand eight hundred and sixty.• Resolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare and report abill embracing the princi ples contained in the foregoing resolutions. This being a joint resolution, Under the rules of the House the resolution was laid over for the present. 71 votes 27 " Mr. PATTERSON_ submitted the following : Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a committee of three be appointed by each House to contract for the publication of a Dady Legi.slative Record for the ensuing session, and to report the same for the action of. the House. Mr. PATTERSON"moved to suspend the rules and proceed to the second reading and consid eration of the resolution, which was not agreed to. CONTESTED ELECTION CASE Mr. HILL presented the petition of sundry citizens of Luzerne county in relation to con testing the election of Lewis Pughe, the sitting membt r from the county of Luzerne. Mr. HILL also submitted the following reso lution : Resoled, That the House will proceed; on Thursday next at 12 o'clock in., to the selection of a comrpittee to investigate and try the con tested elation, in the case of Lzwxs now a sitting member of this House from the county of Luzerne. 111 r SHEPPARD. It strikes me that this is rather a strange proceeding. The SPEAKER. It is not in order to discuss the resolution. Mr. SHEPPARD. I rise to the point of or der whether the resolution is in order. The SPEAKER. Resolutions of a similar kind have been considered in order. Idr. SHEPPARD This resolution accompa nies a contested election paper, and that paper should be first read in order that the House may know its purport before passing on the resolu tion. The SPEAKER. The CLERK will read the paper. The CLERK then read the petition. The resolution was then read the second time. Mr. SHEPPARD. Ido not desire to create any unnecessary delay in regard to this matter, but I move, as an amendment, to strike out Thursday and insect Tuesday. 1 think this resolution as it stands brings up the matter very speedily,- These papers are brought here wten the House is not fully organized. It may not be czawenient for the House to proceed to the consideratioa of this matter on next Thurs day. Mr. HILL. Next Tuesday is the day fixed for the election of a United States Senator, and that business would probably be interfered with, should that day be assigned for the appoint ment of this committee. I hope the gentle man will allow this matter to come before the House as early as possible. I think Thursday next should to fixed as that day. Mr. SHEPPARD. Either the gentleman from Montgomery (1111..11111) is mistaken, or I am, in regard to the day for the election of a United States Senator If I do not very much misap trehend, next Monday week is the day for that election. At anyrate I think Tuesday next would be early enough to consider this matter. Mr. HILL. I would ask the Speaker to de cide the question of difference between us as to the time for that election. The SPEAItPR. I would inform the gentle man from Montgomery (Mr. Hill,) that it is a question of law, and I do not think the Speak er should be called upon to decide it. Mr. BILL. I have stated the matter as it is stated in the Manual. Mr. SHEPPARD. In reply to the gentleman from Montgomery, I would say that unless the printed act of Assembly is unreliable, the state ment I have made is correct. The SPEAKER. Does the gentlemaa from Montgomery (Hr. HILO call upon the Speaker to determine the question? Mr. HILL. No, sir. I merely asked for in formation. The question was then taken on the amend ment or Mr. SHEPPARD, and a division being called for, it was not agreed to. The original resolution was then agreed to Mr. SMITH, (Berks,) submitted the follow ing ; which was agreed to. Rescind, That the rules of the last House of Representatives be adopted as. the rules of this House until otherwise ordered. Mr. SMITH, (Berks.) I move we now ad ourn. Mr. SHEPPARD. I hope that that motion will not be adopted until the general nomina tions have been made for the other officers of the House. Mr. SMITH, (Berks.) The question is not• debatable. The motion to adjourn was then agreed to Adjourned B U Y TEE BE L T. NORTON'S 4C) l'e" MVE 147 - 11' SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA., PERMANI•;NTLY CURED! SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD .HEAD, FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, BAR BERS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Oinjment bears no' resemblance to iy Meer ex ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o is Operation is peculiar. It penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to Its very source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the skin on the surface. Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum, &c., operate dezenward, thus driving the disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal maladies. NORTON'S OLNTMENT, on the contrary, throws the poison of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis charged &rots the pores. Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re duced—but the seeds of the disease,are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relarse. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have' tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A ingle box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here tated. Since its first introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested in the most obstinate cases—cases hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country, and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro duced no efect—and in every instance with every eac cos& Sad in Large Bottles—Price 50 Cents. GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York. WUOI:ESALD DEPOT AT TENFOLD, PARKER & MOWER'S, Whole3ale Druggists,Aj Beckman:et., N. Sold by G2O.BERGNER, liarr....3urg, Pa. marl-dawlv DRIED PARED PEACHES, 4 ' UNPARED " " APPLES " BLACKBERRIES, Just Received by oct22 WU. DOCK JR. & CO CHEAP JOHN'S BALM IN GILEAD OIL can be had at G. mums) Drug Btore Mir Street below Ilfth. Atilt LLGISLATIVE RECORD Airtu 2:iourtisrnicptg 0, FOR THE HOLIIM CHRISTMAS AND NEW FETES GIFTS! IN THE GREATEST VARIETY AT BERGNER'S MAP BOOKSTORE, 51 MARKET STREET, Comprising the largest and best selected stock of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD RELIGIOUS, HISTORICAL, POETICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS CHILDREN'S BOOK;, TOY BOOKS, (Linen and Paper.) Games and Puzzles, Innumerable in quantities and kinds FAMILY BIBLES THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTDiENT EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY, AT ALL PRICES POCKET, BIBLES, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, Suitable for all Denominations, in all Sizes and Kinds of Bindings from the most common to the finest Velvet Bound. A. LARGE ASSORTUENT OF DRESSING CASES, LADIES TRAVELING and SHOPPING BAGS, PORTFOLIOS, WRITING DESKS and CASES, MONEY PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, &c., &c, Mathematical Instruments, Call Bells,' Fine Pocket Cutlery, Pearl:and Ivory Paper Cutters and Tablets, Fine Gold and Silver Pens and Pencil Cases, Infinite in number, Style and Finish A GREAT VARIETY IN SIZE AND PRICE OF Checker Boards and Men, Dominoes, Chessmen, &o. GUM TOYS, IN GREAT VARIETY PARLOR and BAT BALLS, NICELY COLORED X" 30 XL.P 1 115 ME 3EI FL "SE" 5 POMADES, EXTRACTS. (kg Of all the favorite kinds Hair and Cloth Brushes The above consists in part of the many articles which have been selected and purchased expressly for their appropriate character for the approaching HOLIDAY SEASON, and will form a large and choice assort- ment fro'.n which to select CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS For price and assortment of Goods in Our line, we feel confident that we cannot be surpassed by any house in the city, and for a proof of -what we say, we invite one and all to call and look at the great variety at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 MARKET STREET. /Daumlrmo, December, 1860 j CABAS,