Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 29, 1860, Image 3
• ate p 01.eitgra t fi. RRISBURG, PA, Saturday Afternoon, lleeember 2 1680. S; Situtsicer INsracrat, A ccerdi n g tc} rumor, the office of Whiskey Inspector. at Philadel phia, has been tendered by the Governor elect to Col. Wm. Butler, of Lewistown. No better man could be selected for the position, CITY PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALB.--/A jot of ground on Second street below Mulberry, with a two story dwelling house and other buildings thereon erected, will be offered st pablic Wale this evening at Wagner's "Sew" Stars" corner of Second and Chestavit streets..` 15aii advertisement in another coluMn of this pante. ELICTION AND RtINGNATION.—The Menke!'" of the Bank of Delaware County, on Mondat last elected F. J. Hickson, Esq., President :n the institution, In the room of Jesse J. Ittast deceased. Judge Hinkson huts since cqiumusti cited to Gov. Packer his resignation as one of the Associate Judges of that county. I== DON'T forget your New Year's Gifts for your friends, but go and make your selections from the fine assortment of books iu every depart ment of Literature, Port Folios, useful and fancy articles, and a great variety of choice goods highly suitable for New Year's Gifts at Bergner's Bookstore, 51 Market street. DONATION VISIT.- The members of the color ed Presbyterian congregation intend paying their pastor a Donation Visit, at the church in Walnut street near Front, on New Year's day, from two o'clock in the afternoon until ten in the evening. The membership of the church comprises a large number of our most Jaen_ gent and prosperous colored people, who hold their venerable pastor in high esteem. Tag Saoorrsa SEANON.—AIany of our cotem poraries, in speaking of the season for shooting pheasants, partridges, woodcock and rabbits, have stated that it closed on Monday next, the last day of the year. This is a mistake. The season for shooting this kind of game does not close until the last day of January, as provided for by the second section of the Act of Assem bly passed April 14th, 1859. DIE Box Pasacusa, Rev. Craremond Kennedy, whose eloquent sermons and lectures created so great a sensation in this city some months ago, and attracted immense crowds of people, will preach in the Baptist Church, corner of Second and Pine streets, to-morrow morning and evening. We advise strangers now in the city to avail themselves of the only opportuni ty they will probably ever have of hearing this extraordinary youth, wino has few equals in pulpit oratory. LOMAT STRUT MATUODXST CIITIROH.—Rev. H. Itriirtekre. a distinguished clergyman from Bktraortd,"i'lrginht, will preach, Dr: Bish op's church to-morrow morning and evening, at the usual hours. From what we have learn ed of this gentleman's ability, those who go to hear hicn will be pleasantly entertained and profitably instructed. Dr. Bishop purposes holding a series of revival meetings, which will probably be started to-morrow night and con tinue throughout next week. ARRIVALS.-A number of members of the Legislature have arrived since our last issue, and the principal hotels begin to assume a business like toped. From present indications there will be a full representation in both houses at the opening of the session on Tues day. The list of applicants for office continues to swell, and the "Irrepressible conflict" among the rival aspirants daily increases in bitter ness. Truly blessed are those who expect no partizan rewards. ANOTHEL LAWYM-If it be true that "in a multitude of counsellors there is safety," the people of old Dauphin ought to be very safe, for we doubt whether any other county of the same size in the State can boast as large a num ber of counsellors at law. In the quantity, as well as the quality, of lawyers, the bar of this city is not excelled outside of Philadelphia. And the cry is still they come I We notice that John J. C. M'Alarney, late of Union and Snyder counties, has "hung out his shingle" at Gratztown in this county, and tenders his professional services to the natives of that re gion. May he be blessed with plenty of pro fitable clients. = WATCH Mu - rms.—The old time custom of holding "watch meetings" on the last night of the year, will be observed, as usual, by the Methodist congregations, the Church of God, the United Brethren, and the Evangelical As sociation. Services will be held in their various houses of worship on Monday night, com mencing about eight o'clock, and continuing until the advent of the New Year. Brief and appropriate discourses are usually delivered by the Pastors, after which the members of the congregations engage in singing and prayer.— The custom is a beautiful one, and the exer cises on such occasions are of a very interest ing, solemn and impressive character. We have no doubt all these meetings will be large ly attended. WIDE AWAKES TURNING SOLDIERS.—The offi cers of the recent Wide- Awadeorganiztitions in Allegheny county held a meeting in the city of Pittsburg a few days ago, and after some die cussion the following resolution, offered by Gen. Negley, was unanimously ad opted Resolved, That the meeting recommend to all the Wide-Awake companies of Allegheny coun ty an immediate organization under the militia laws of Pennsylvania, each company to elect two delegates to meet in convention for the purpose of perfecting a military organization. The proposed convention will assemble next Thursday ; at which time, we presume, the suggestion contained in the above resolution will be favorably acted upon, and measures taken to organize the various clubs into military corn yarded. The idea is a good one, and should be adopted by the Wide-Awakes everywhere. 11)mimisms*- Wtrsenoim, ieumit!ticr ff 9, 1860. Ilitidasas of T LennuaTime, and others re training in . trie city during the winter, can have any or all of the New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore daily papers served regularly to them by leaving their addresses at Berg E how Bookstore 61 Market street. Tibta's Eva BALL.—The "Star (Jab,'' *posed of colored people, will givekaggssed 4,100( ball in Masonic Hall, Tanner's Avtnibe, own Monday evening. The numbers of the flub Intend to appear in regalia, and the participant, will no doubt have a good time. ,fin PRIMITTIZTAN Cacaos, Wainutt itiblfS Front. Rev. C. Gardner pastor. Borelir 'tykes. every Sabbath morning and everts* aseal,bour. Sabbath schsocg at japPLllsgt me o'clock every Sunday afternoon. Liaise giaitp'ri ' er meeting on Wednesday evenOV., Wan TO TIM atiADoool.—.63l" colored lad, named Jim Brown, imia law fre quently been pulled on vadrii arrested this . atonaw for , dtaislatamitir. stritOttlysitik:Osid own,oo* Jim - a delpellaa italitellea„ but after a le tlitgtiket earn aOM *11114041 Hai -la t e Mayor, who committed hit*. Yung Brassy AND Wl= SULIMBUIta Calmslies. Rev. Kr. Davis, of the Erie Conferesos, will preach in the Vine Street Church to-morrow morsing and at West Harrisburg in the after noon. Rev. Robert J. Carson will fill the pul• pit of the Vine Street Church in the evening. The protracted meeting in this church will be continued throughout the cominglweek, and the pastor expects to be assisted by other ministers. . THE HARRISBURG DAILY TELEGRAPH WE : "A lady has been in the habit of picking her teeth with pins. A trifling humor was the consequence, which terminated in a cancer. The TELEGRAPH never said any such thing. If a case of the kind occurred In this city we are ignorant of the fact. At the same time we would advise our readers to avoid using pins for toothpicks. The practice is a dangerous one, the brass and quicksilver used in making pins being pernicious to the teeth. . -..,- SLUING LIQUOR TO MINORS.—It is said that this offence is daily committed by oeitarn res. taurant keepers and beer sellers in our city, who furnish boys with all the liquor they can raise money to pay for. We learn that infor mation has been, or will be, made against the proprietor of one of , these institutions, by the mother of a boy who, it is alleged, was made drunk and then robbed of all the money in his possession. Govaerroa Cunnw.—We stated yesterday that we had no knowledge of Governor Curtin's present whereabouts. Gentlemen direct from Bellefonte inform us that he is at home, where he daily recievea the visits of personal friends. and applicants for office. The latter class is re ported to be very numerous. The Governor has not yet announcedbis Cabinet appointments. The various rumors in circulation are merely speculative, and therefore unreliable. I=l SwiirQ PAarr.-.-A largo-party or tpf ladies and gentlesiken this morning visiteift.p. of the ponds in the vicinity of the city, and spent some time in the exciting and heatilhfo exercise of skating, gliding swiftly and grace fully over the icy surface, and realising , a high degree of enjoyment. The scene was a refresh ing one to those who witnessed it. Skating has become a fashionable amusement in female circles elsewhere, and we are glad to see the movement inaugurated here. It is the best exercise ladies can indulge in, as it strengthens and develops the physical system, and imparts a healthful bloom to the cheeks which no cos metic can pr oduce. A Montle Warn:D.—Some unknown person left a Baby on the step of the Industrial School. It had cried until it was hoarse before it was heard by one of the boys (Inmate of the Horner. It was taken in—warmed, fed and clothed, and now waits for some kind-hearted lady to take it to her fostering care. None need apply unless they belong to some orthodox church and. haVe means to supply its future wants. The above advertisement appears in the cal umns of a Cleveland paper. The idea that it would be improper for the Industrial School to place an urchin that needs food, raiment and shelter, in the care of any person "unless they belong orthodox church," does not seem well calculated to foster a catholic spirit which would gladly welcome the aid of all, ir respective of theological dogmas, who would unite in doing the Bather's work. We sup pose that "liberal" provender is as healthy for babies as "orthodox" foodone digests per haps as well as the other. If we were in that youngster's - place, we wouldn't care whether we got- Unitarian or Trinitarian potato whether our bread-and-milk weiCalvanistio or Parkerlstic, whether our shoe:a were made with liberal or evangelical pegs—only ='ae that pote toes were sound, the briad-and-Milk palatable, and the shoes a.comfortable "tit." MIME "Emus* op Brunitetre 1404 1 -gin the wild sea . of life, when inkier heartfii filled with arabl tioutthoughts —thoughts thattrapport him in a moment hilhe loftiest &Pao of human glory and surround him With evely Mewing that wealth, honor, fame and love can affitid--: or, possessed by a spirit of industry in -the par suit of gain through ail the labyrinths id , .-411- trigue, speculation or toil—it is well that there is in this wide tumultuous sea one bright island' where the weary spirit or the drooping heart may find repose. The physical and mental man, strung to the highest tension in thelidly pursuit of some phantom that ever files, is ever cheated, but never overtaken, absolutely needs the rest that the sacred Sabbath gives. The soul buried in tho corrupting influences of an every-day calling, becomes surcharged with weariness and longs for the holy calm that rests upon that bright green isle, whose streams are ever pure, and whose air should be untainted with the miasma that infects the atmosphere of secular pursuits. Here it finds rest, and in vigorated by the purity of its moral ailmesit, - it is the better prepared to meet the snares and temptations of the world;,unscathed by the insidious or bold attacks of vice; it is conscious of the power that is found bitsprdwobsenreuan of the • - “Day Stan the week Elie best, Stableza of .sterikst new TtritlELY Trtur2.—This morning some scamp stole a dressed Turkey from a countryman in market. The thief will no doubt enjoy a good Sunday dinner at the expense of his victim. nip, • as uorro.-.4mcikthil distin gnie..Led strangers DOW in this city, ielbe above netted gentleman, a prominent emididate for Unltedtetataa. Bowater:. Ha le stopping at th Jones House, and will proltsiSt s in hers for several days. - ---r— ' W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! GOOD IKPROVBIBIBT.—The dilapidated al IS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no uncomfortable benches in the gaieties of theh, equal—lnstantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or House of Representatives, have been reklaceil by V a r l em ßr eZe n ;rse s str it il in aL t tiet s rrier ar eaTi3y ri e n s g , _a tik e: new and. elegant ones which ac -,;d ` amass, virrates the fuer for We. No , e are genuine unless limed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere- to the hall, and will add materfigy to thei • CHS. BATCHELO Propnetor, _ comfort of the spectators who daily-Atilt there. , marl?, dairy 81 Barclay :treet, Kew lkwk. We adtnirethe Seperiutendent'stedeandjudg- . mentin this respect, endeeterid sadist ii 4 il i nt " t *Prqvcounit4a.lielitio44` hall. c Iroaerpess.—Wet,l the pleasure of exam-1 :lnl;me of these ne w style pictures in Ow, Atti,e young and:ingenious artist, Mt" 4alts„.„,j4k * ,, , ithe, tetimation a thekapitO koliiia4Ml. lPi imilseitt .. . By en prer ' . ismt Ascii I - ovitenoitypi the itti d olvA c ttli , , ~ . anteveh the remit deriettewrintetemkenrivory into the shade. As rennaerlir in aditillkig artist, "it brings out the hoes of dual and tissue* Of ' fors, plumete.and ringlets, - with al mostrounny brightnessouid extraordinary mi nuteness and accuracy of detail." We arMee all lovers of the fine arts to Gall at 'the mem of Mr. Davis and see his specimen , of these superb pictures, which are destine', p a very short time, to be all the rage. Ascrnren Cram ron Drprusara.—The 0110 - ing remedy for this disease, from the New Turk Lkanair, which has been used hisminertkpit,t skims, the writer stye was never known to fail whentpromptly and properly applied. We insert it for the benefit of the stedloal &stet nity and community generally `. 1 "Dittberia in its early stages, may be sec - nized by any person of ordinary capacip, two mocked symptoms; the sensation of* or hard substan c e in the *k at, recuteri swallowimdifficalt and painful, and a msrke feetor,,ertamOleasent smell ithe-bth, the result of Its putrefactive teneftY:', Nota pearance of these symptoms, it`the pilltietit, e old enough to do so, give a ;Apse of gain ? phor, of the size of a marrowlet pea, bed' le be retained in the mouth, sikdlov4i4g slow , the saliva charged with it untiii-it 4 gon . 4 In an hour or so give another, sit at tile end of another hour a third ;' a fourth ; will not usually' be required, but if tat 1 pain arid unpleasant breath tiresnot ved, it may be used two or three tipbs.more, t bAtto longer intervals, say two h. -If Abe Clad is young, powder the ca , • 4 witticktallet. be easttsbe done by adding a • ,•.pvior two of spiribsof alcohol to it, an. '. it withi an equal quantity of powdered. • • ' or bet. ter, powdered rock candy, ant, ,„ . r . ,gtthropgl?: a quill or tube into its throsir 1. , epressing the tongueowith the but of a spoon. Two or three applications will relieve. Some recommend powdered aloes or pellitory Stith„C&IISIVIii, I 4 but observation and experiehoe satisfied us, that the camphor is sifficle4 alum;, It acts probably by its virtue'as a diffusibleitir husk and antiseptic qualities.” T et v,c4 , • + 1 , .‘,,...,,, UN. 07 isatibMlTEß lie= Istaastirm - o'lo l*of luiffeirbeibligitit fiefhe brokerrloncits er A . ' Bank, were sold yesterday, in that city. AAA A large number of persons were hi attendance, but as . most of- the assets were considered worthless, they sold for little or r itotbing, and for the notes of the defunct iruititutiott, which are now considered almost entirely. Worthless. The following judgments and note were sold, as given by the different individuals named, whichamount to a much largee,sum when in terest is edd i ed : Two judgment notes of eldrew Mehaffey sold for $2,460 00. ORO by James Malone of $BOO - for $26. One by W. L. Helfenstein of $11,164 28 for $BO. 'One by W. L. Halfenstein, endorsed by D. Longenecker and B. O. Backman, of $11,164 23 for $4OO. • .onolty W. L. Helfenstein, $lO,OOO 00 for $B5O It " ' 4,04 12 " 50 I. .61 (A 44 IMMO Four judgment notes by W. Rickle, Treasu rer, endorsed by D. Longenecker, of $25,000 hit - $BOO. • One by H. Longenecker, endorsed by D. Longenecker, of $4, 000 00 for $4 000 00. One by the same of $l,BOO 00 for $175. One by the same q $l,OOO 00 for $l9O. One by G. H. Long•enecker, endorsed by J. D. Bachman, of $15,671 63 for $4OO. One by B. C. Bachnum, endorsed by D. Long enecker, of $216 00 for $5O. One by J. F. Eihroeder, endorsed by D. Long enecker, of . $4,100 . , for s26oe - One by Thomas Bombgardoer, of $44,862 88 for $8,450 00. One by El. D. M'Coakey, endorsed by John Rawlins, of $256 47.f0r $76. One by Geo. Brown, endorsed by S. D. Mc Donkey, of r $247_•:91 for $BO. Vivo by ColS, Deakin & tomison, endorsed by W. Donaldson, of $1,800.00 for $1,090.00. One by Wm. Evans, endbiied by 1), Longo. rieoker and H. Longenecker, of 92,681 00 for Sixty B. F. Slioenbeiger of $BO,OOO origin ally but now amounting to $44,500 51 for $4,000 00. ' . One by Jones Moore of $912,00 for $20.„ 808 aboses of stock...of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad company for $46 25 per ,share. , _ . • I:: , abartia , of stock of Western Railroad company for $lO 00 per• share. Hers is an amount of $241.002 64 due the Bank, by the above , individuals, which sold yesterday for less than $lB,OOO. Ia addition to this; 'seven small lank- houses -in Philadel phia were also sold, which averaged some $2,000 each, thus redesningamme $32,000 of the Lancaster iimk.notes. We were yesterday reliably irbfor bled 'that " over $160,000 of the notes are still in circulation which were actual ly presented at the counter of the Bank for re demption after Its failure. These will ba utterly worthless to thbse . hold them, as this Wag the last sale of the askiets of the institution. SIX TIIOIX3AND Doman s Worm of new goods &ix New York auction. The greatest bargains offered yet. Having taken advantage of the depression of . the New York market, I have now a lot of goods to otter which cannot fail to please : 2,000 yards the Used DelaMesat 20 and 21 eta,; 4,000 yards of Calicos at 8 and 10 cts.; 600 wallas Hoods for 37 and 60 etc, very ohs4:!.ll4iitfitentlemen's woolen Soaks /41:141d 45' eta.; 60 'doz. Undenddrta and Drssers at 50,112 and 75 cta,; 1,000 pairs of ladLs Stockings at 12 and 15 cts.; 10 pleoea of Blick Cloth for Cloaks ; a large assortment of lades' and gents' Gloves, and a great many grpds. To thoee,who buy to sell again aliberal dilcbunt will *I made, S. LIMY, at Shad's Omer. /11110ITAT'II LIFE PILLS AND I'HoZENIX Fr-actress A' dfirtarai Poisons.—in cases of Ferofnla Utters, _Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation *lithe LULMedlcines la truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by Samdispurifylug effects on the blood. Blllioas Fevers, Feveraeld Agee, Dyspensia r Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most al diseases soon yield to their curative properties. No family should be without them, as by their timely Use mush sulferingand ex fend may be saved. .Prepared by WM: IL MOFFAT, M. 11., New York, and ibr sale by all Druggists nov9-wly Confins.--The sudden cbainges of our climate Ire 110tIrC.48 of Pulmonary, Bronchial and astlimatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple remit. dies often aot speedily and certainly when taken in the early etagere, the disease, recoerse should at once be bad to .IrOwn's Bientibial — Troehes," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Pliblic Speakers and Singers will Sad Mem effectual fbr clearing and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo-d-swawem NNW" ~.„,,,,zennis, Reap Tims.—The following is an entractltom a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist „church 40 the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and tpeaks volumes in favor of tbat world•re• newned tnedicuab—Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup for Children "fikthing% "We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing eyrup Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is me hum. bug—we haritried U, clad know tt to be aUit dams. It ds, probably, qua of,the most successful medicines of the ro,y, because it is ode of the beat. Ann those of your ostlers who have babies can't do better than to lay a Supply., an 22 WOOD'S RAIR RESTORATITS.,-Among all nitrations for' the hair that ,have been introduced as inble, none lips ever given the sithefactien or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Dal r Restorative now has. His Resteive has paesedthe ordeal of 113D1161,111r. able blehlenatilaiMilete, and the ladies, wherever they have ,tested it,, rononece it a peerless article. They find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce JO a pea leafrartiele. They find, wher6 the flair is thinned, that It creates a fresh growth—that it hilly restores the ve getative power of ,the roots On the denuded piaci:spend causes the fibres to eh oot forth anew—that tt diatelves Few are aware of the imuoriance of checking a Cough and removes dandruf f , prevents grayness, restores the or ...Common Cold" in Its first stage ; that which in the hair to its original color when grayness has actually au- b e would yields o a mild remedy, if neglected, soon pervened, gives a shah lustre, imparts the softness and muck , the Lungs. nBROWN'fi BRONCHIA I. TR' CEIRV i deMbility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always hurt. cent/tieing demulcent ingredients, ally Pulmonary and ant, heal,hy and in full vigor.—"le. Y. Tribune." Bronchial Irritation , Bold by all reapectatleDruggista den la ViriedICNBSEI AYID-- DIMILITY.—AII who Stiffer from weakness or dsiNity, where there is a want orlon. iergy, should at onedaYre recourse to JUDSONIS-11100/v -'LAIN HERB flLliS.Mtey immediately purify the blood, and act upon the inaimpring of life, giving strength, apt vigor to the system Young persons entering into wo manhood, with a detirtngement of he functions ; and to mothers at the turn et lire, these Pills will be most ern. caching in correcting - the tide of Zile that may he inirthe turn. Young and elderly men suffer in a similar manner at the same pedals, then there is always danger, they should thereon undergo a coarse of this purifying me dicfue,*Bich ensures lasting 'health this onset household, iledicine ranks among the lead, iggsgiegigeiries of iiiCoui it is well known to the aright' 1 that It owe complaints other remeadiescannot rem*. this (catalog's well established as thaithe Sun lights the World. Soto eR medicine ,dgiated. deeSint `4., g cell tgll mitten taut. teettl *etude advertised id another eolumn, called B . It is an entirety n* discovery, and must not be got found ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of thg day. It is feed for the blood, already prepared for ab. sorption; plearanato the taste and haturel In action, and What one gains i.e rotates. Let all there, then, who are sugaring Beat poverty, impurity or deficiency of blOO.l, and couseetoutly with some chronic disease or ailment, ta4e of this Bram FOOD and be restored to health. We notice theigour Druggists have received a Supply of this articia, and also of the world-renowned Dr. &rotes PANTILE mantas, which every mother should have. It la said AG contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluaule for all Mins tile compialudl. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gums la process 6g teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels. het ail mothers and niurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless n ghee, procure a supply and be at once relieved. sardee advertisement. au2tifib6 Ferule by C. A. Badman, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Prescrip/Ipn of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., 8,883 38 " 40 3,383 33 " 25 3,583 83 " 25 10,000 00 " 185 This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure et all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitutiiim Is subject. It moderates all excess and re• moves all obstructions, eel a speedy cure map be relied On. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp orGreat Britain, to prevent countortens. These PM should era be taken by ~ temaZes during the FIRST THREE NONTRSqf Pregnaucy, as they are sure to bring on Atisearriaye, but at aay other time they ant safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills wil effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and at. though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing burg - 0110 the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. 8.-44,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosedto any au thorised Agent, wig Insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mall. For we by O. A.BAwAvApi. DR• BUONO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES; Infallible In correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions, from whatever pause, and al. ways successful as a preven tive. THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in Prance and America, with unparalleled success in every caso ; and he is urged by many tbousana ladies who need t h em, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of there suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well_ a, to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sur• to produce miscarriage, and the propriet it assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis. chief to hgalth—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price SI 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNFART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg. Pa. "Ladles," by sending him SI 00 to the Harrisburg Post 01lice, Can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "frenof pos tage" by mail. Sold :Lao by 8. B. Srevz.vs, Reading, JOHNSON, IiOLLOWAY & COMAS, Philadelphia, J. L. LER. isitoxa, I.ebarien„ and by one,druggi ; t in every city and village in the Un ion; and by R. D. ROWS, sole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Look ont for counterfeits. Day no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box Is signed S li. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; Ih.refore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be. log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those whu show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box which has recently teen added on account or the 111 A b hug counterfeited. deS•dwaswly. The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever offered in this city, ranging io price from 60 cents tai $lO 00 each, bound In ail styles of Boding, at BEIRGNER , 6I CHEAP BOOKSTOIII4, novl2 61 Mark Street. Optcial Nntictt. -4 PURIFY THE BLOOD NOTICE. Physician Aar aordinary to the Queen. CAUTION. A CARD TO THE LADIES ALBUMS I ALBUMS ! I .12LPORTAICT TO FIEMA,LES. DR. °REESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. eTin combination of ingredients in these PUls are the result of a long and extensive practice y are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all ob structious, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nar rates affections; hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, nature kn., disturbed sleep, which Min from mterrnptlon of TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheetleman's PRIs are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pilla can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pilla doing all that they revetment to do , There is one condition of the female syshem in which the Pills cannot be taken unthoed producmga PRG'ULIAB RESC7I. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is fke erresishble tendency of the enedvine eA restore he mud functions to normal condition, that teen the reproductive power of nature cannot recut it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, aa company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Dv. Commune L. Oussautax, Box 4,531, Post Office, New York Qty_, Sold by one `J. vggistia every tarn in the United States R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Arta thr the United States, 19 Broadway, New York, ib whom aU Witorawle orders should be addr-uid. Sold In Harrisburg by 0. A. liannTs.ln '0929-dimly Thw 2'hertistmtitts. "WE STRIVE TO SAVE IN TYNE OF NEED." FtPTH ANN trA.L BALL Friendship Fire Company, No, 1, 02 MONDAY MINING, (New Year's Eyed December 31A, 18601 'BRANT'S - CITY HALL MANAGERS. A. Ei:34wpm, H. IPGown, S. 8. Gana, J. Lon, J. Giant. J. W. KNABB, H. H. Lon, P. Gamma, C. C. WEATI,e, W. IMMIX, G. V. Cm., J. BUMS; J. C. Valmont, J. Bonn, D. E. RUDY. MASTER OF CEREMONIES. JORN Rrrxxs. FLOOR MANAGERS. Levi Wasn't, Jr., GEORGE EMMET Tickets ONE DOLLAR, to be bad of say of the Hata gera and at the principal Hotels. de9.2.titd Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarzenes t , hula CM i te t. en2a. any irri , ation or Soreness of' %S . "' tj' the Throat, Raieoe the Sacking tiPoNCHI,AI c rkitt,',Zrr,an'="4 - -- Clear and girol trengih to l;? A < l ,, OC , the voice of PUBLIC SPEAKERS "That trouble In my Throat, (for whieli the "TROCIIii" are , a speciflo) having made me often a mere whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public dpeakers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S REV. E. 11. CHAPIN. ( Moms proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." - • REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Almost Meant relief In ibe oistressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. 0. EGGIAITON. .Contain no Opium or anyt. tog lolurl -01/11." DR. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, Am." . . TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S DR. G. F. BIGELOW, * 1 Hoot 21511.411 1 Hkelk,ttlik.'' 11.4 Warompegirir a j` SOKSoi NAY Whooping Cough:. witoottEs .rttowlps . . NIX. H. v. IsEREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, offering from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Louis. WROCIIES BROWN'S TROCHES "Effectual in renievlog Hoarieness and irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and klneerd. t'r.f. H. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and aftewtreachina, as they preyent lloarAe aux. From their past effeet,l think they will be of permanent. advantage to me." RSV. R. ROWLEY, A. M, Presidot of Athens College, Tenn. areold by all Druggists at 25 cents a boX. n0026-daw6m TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. WILD BE SOLO AT PUBLIC SALE at the Public Home of hargel Wagner, "Seven Stars," on SATURDAY EVENING, December 29,1880. The property situated on Seconsistreet in the city of Har risburg, below Mulberry street fronting on Second tweet. 28 feet 8. inches and extending back 210 feet to Raspber ry alley, adjoining on the One side property of Theo. F. Boyer, and on the other side property of 31les I. Roger. Thereon erected a TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with a two-story . Brick Back Building. T. rats will be made known on the evening of cal° by C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Agent, d 4 Not 28 Smith Se-ond Street. TAX-PAYERS OF The FIRST AND SECOND WARDS, TAKE NOTICE! THAT if the City, School and Water Tax is not paid on or before th e TWENTY-NINTH inst., a there will be an Annan) N OF FIVE PER CENT. added, and the Water shut off without delay. By order of the Committee. 0. 0. ZUOIEBMaN, Collector. dl7 Office No. 28 south Second Street. THE NEWYORK TRIBUIiE• WE TRUST that those who do not re. calve THE TRIBUNE will subscribe for it with out delay. The club price of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE and SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is so tow that there, are but few in any community unable to take it. Hence forth, Tile Teuton, as the principal paper supporting the new Administration, will be peculiarly interesting, while (outside of politics, its reliable Foreign and Domestic News, -its Commercial and Agricultural Intelligence, and its Literary Department, give to it letaest and value which no other paper on this continent can beast Of.--: How-ably and successfully Tint 'lust= has conducted the campaign now so gloriously ended, the resu.t in New York fully attests, and to the cuitiring exertions, signal capacity and foresight. of Horace Greety, is due much of the glory of the victory, over which a nation of Freemen is now rejoicing. It is, therefore, the duty of every true Republican to aid in giving THE TErßoxli a still larger circulation. As evidence of its popularity and reliability, we may state that last week over Six Hundre I Thousand copies were sold—a circumstance unprecedented in the annals of journalism.—[Guardian and Gazette, Piarenlx vil le, Pa. ly9 d&wly DAILY TRIBUNE 011 . 15811 es pee annum} SEM(•WREKLY'(IO4 6, 6 66 WE MELT (62 It IX I< TO CLIII3SLSomi-Weekly, two copies for $5, Ise Or 511.25; ten copies to one address for $2O ; and any larger number at the latter rate. Ten copies or over, to addreu of m a t ow r ope?, $2.20. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty, we send TIIIS DAILY TRIBUNE gratis one year. Weekly : Three copies for $5 ; five for $8; ten for $l2, and any larger number at the rate of $1.20 each per an num, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for $2O, with one extra to Mtn who sends us the chtb. For each cub of one hand• red, THE DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent gratis one year. Payment always In advance. Address TAR TRIEUNR, No. 104 Nassatt street, Ife l w York. deb-8414-MMat - • . F" §upenor and Uheap 'able or p A , N 4 014 go so EXIALBWB,-DROO STOEL NOTICE. 13=3 and SINGERS TERMS .fflebire. SAIFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVEE DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Grime, and has become en established tact, a Standard ktedl. eine, known and approved iby all that have us. d it, and is now resorted to at I with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re- 0 commended. It has cured thousands Ei within the last two 3 ear, who had given op all horesT A of relief, as the num. rens =sacked certificates in mi my possession show. The dose must be adapt- re, ed to the temperatetnt of the individual taking it,and n used in such quantities ar to act gently on the bowels. qt r Let the dictates of your ass of the l IVER INVIGO- Liven COMPLADOS, BILLIOCOP to teenenose, Sys 4:Som-I ST SOUP. STOMACH, HAM , QICIMML Moans, Caouma Jemmies, FAMATH WHAM MICCHOftiIIy as an OnßlNA win Or TWENTY MINUTIA, Ir TWOi TAMIL" at eon:monument of! AIL WOO mad- r RZ GIT favori Went: Water In the month with the In vigorator, and swallow both togeiher. Ilitlol ONI DOLLAR nit 11011i1 SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM MBE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PII UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE, Tbn FAMILY CATHAR. active Otthartio which the practice more than twenty The constantly Morena have long used the PILLS all express In regard to to place them within the IThs Profession well know on difierent portions or the The FAMILY OATH eR• femme° to this well estab• dad from a variety of the which act alike on overy nal, and are good and safe' titanic is needed, such m Sleepiness, Pains in At Pant and Serenest over t to or weight in the head, all Worms in Children or Ad- Purifier of the Blood, and flesh Is heir. too numerous Moment. Rev, 1 to S. PRICE Tan LIVER INVIGORATOR AND FAIIILI CATELLR to Prim are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietm, je2o.dkwyf) 836 Broadway, New York. ITDOLPHO WOLFE'S .ARCM ELMIC/ SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC INVIGORATING CORDIAL. To the Citizens of New Jersey . and Pennsylvania; Apothecaries, L. .4tgesea, Laracers and Private Penalties. Wolfe's Pure Cognate israndsr Wolfe's Pure Rieder/a, Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Ruin Witilfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN 1301'VLhS. I bog laave to cull the atteunen of LIAO of dens of the United States to the above Watts and LuttNias, imported by Lildolhho Wolfe, of Mew Yurk, whose name Is lam'. dit4ole every part of this count, for tie purity of bin etleintital StainAPP.,. Mr. Wolfe. la bts teller - ruse, g cattle Beatty of hie Wav s-.d . I .auctast. says :'al elletsko my lel/Walton as It tir as a raercinuat of thirty yeare'reeNt, of New York, that all the MANUS and, W tnt.... which I bottle are pure as imyorted, and of thedirst 4u4111%, and can be relied upon by rutty purchaser.. Every bottle has the Prehra teed name on the wax, and a tad mnilte of his signature on the ceriltio,te. Tue pub is are le- Spectrally invited to call and er, mine tor themielvar.— For sale at Retail by ail apotbeori s an I G , ccere in Philadelphia. Weintiellt M. AStITON, No. 832 market Phila t Iphlt. Sole agent for, rhtlade.phia. Read the following from the si w York C rn. lar : IEOBIIOI7B ROSINESS tOll. One NEW Yuan allatatirr.-- Wo are happy to inform our fel ow-ettizolis that tnere la one place in our city where the phy shim), apothe utry, and country merchant, can go and purchase pore Wires and Liquors, as pure al imported, amt of the best quat ty; We do not inteed to give an elaborate deseriht.o.. of this merchant's extensive busioess, al , hough it will vr.ll re pay any stranger or citizen to v not Udolpho Wolfe'is ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 10. :0 and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17. 19 and 21, mart °teen! street Eta stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been lames than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—V iotages of 1888 to 11358 ; and ten thousand cues of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and Et. Croix Ruin, stirne very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, Sited with Brandy, Wine, Ac., in casks, under Custordnouse key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of schnapps last year amounted te one huhdrxd and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in I thee two years he may be equallyouccessfut with his Brrnelles and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who dish gains. Whees and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in tha.Jand mace up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wuers sad Idotions. We understand Kr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up asserted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents la the United States, who sell nothing but imita dons, ruinous alike to health and beaten happiness. &gel oewehint O. R. Heller, 91 Market street. tote agent for this cit. El.DlZltit. 041 VINE PKILPA It ANION IJ. Cares Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Eldaey alf,aloos. HlitAlßuLD'd lieuuhie rreparatiou for Nervous and Debilitated Suffe-ers." jj ELM bOLD's liekuiam rreparaticw Aug' JAM* Of rower, LL Los* of Memory. U ELIIBuLD , S Genuine Preparation for Dillioulty of 11 Breathing, General Weakneia. HELIABOLD'S Genuine Preparation far Weak Nerves, 11.vror of nnath. Trembling. HEL,Atbut,u'z ueuuino Yrcy.ta,iun tut ffigigla zWvittil; Cell Feet. Dimness or Vision Li ELidttoL,'d tianuiuu Preparanou for Languor, nt JUL venal Lassitude of the Museal .r Syetem. X1,11801.J.P.i. Geuume krepAruttext for t'aaid Ouunte II nines end Hrup lona, tj kLitito D'S Genuine Yrepsration tot Pain in the 11. Back, Headsche, Sick Stomach. .See advertisement beaded BELA BuLD'S hrIMACT BUDEDJ in another column. ....1S ....$.2 DRIED PARED PEACHES, ` 4 lINPARED " " APPLES BLACKBERRIES, Just Received by WK. DOCK JR. Sc CO oct, 22 OH - OAP JOHN . S BILM I.' GI.LbAL) OH - OAP Oa. r a be bad at G. W. MILE' g Store, Mar tWilid ke.ow Fillb. del4 judgmem, guide you th IttATOR, and It wdt are Art..CRE, InsPETTRA,CBION PLAINTS, DYNENTERT, PROP UAL Ow:nee-Yaw Comm, INRANTUI. Fi aTCI et N CR, amass, and may be used RT FAMILY MEDICINE. It (as thousands can testify) DR Than rEANTNION VC] B ARR attack. - I 'lra. their teatime:ly in Ita TIC PILL Is a get tle b proprietor has used in ht years. tag demand from those who and the satisfaction which their use, has induced me reach of all. that difThreat Qiihartica set bowels. TIC PILL bas, with dee re. Itshed fact, been compona purest Vegetable Ll.tracts, part of the alimentary on to all cases where a ca- Derangements of Siomdclt, Back and Loins, Cbstmeness body,Rettlessness, Headache infimarna.ory His ea et, alit, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to which to mouton in tab • Ivor. 0 1.4 4:1 PI 4 4 , SO CENTS AND