Lines at ((ravel & Zranzportatiolt NEVI AIR LIAE ROUTE TO NEW YORK ! SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES F NEW YORK. A N D 1-I.A.RRISECCTIZG VIA READING ALLENTOWN' AND EASTON. MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A SI., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P. M., only 6% hours between the two cities. MAIL. UNX leaves New York at 12.00 neon, and ar Ives at Harrisburg at 8.15 P.M. ci:NING MAIL LINE East, leaves Hartlsburg at 8.00 A M., arriving at New York at 6.20 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves HarilS berg at 1.16 P. Id., arriving at New York at 9.45 P. H. Connections aro made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with tho Passenger Trains in each direction on the Penneylva i iarCliniberlancßN and - 1401 them Central Esiffhad: All trains connect at Reading with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, sue at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, &stem, &C. NO change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A M. Line from New York cr the 1.15 P. IL rom Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and accom modation,' this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL- I ARS Per tickets an other information apply to deel3 J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg, PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. OR AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. M. ior Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. 81., and 8.15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE I'IMADELPHIA at 8.00 A. M. and 3.80 P. M., arriving at Harrisbvrg at 1 P. 11. 2 and 8.15 P.M • • . . FARES :—So Philadelphia, No. 1 Caro, 23.26 ; No. 2 (in same train,) $2.75. FARES :—Tolteading, 81.60 and $1.30. t Readi6g, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners- Villa, Tamaqua, Catawissa, &c. • FOUR TRA MS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6 A.. 16., 10.46 A Id., 12.30 noon add 8,43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING,at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 p, M., 8.30 P. M., and 5.00 P. M. FARES :—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON NEVI'S AT READING with up train for Wiliteabarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other information apply to J. 7. CLYDE; General . Agent. =3 PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS . DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows • EASTWARD. TEIROLHIH EXPRESS. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. In. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.60 a. se. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at ]2 65 p. en., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 p. m., arrives at West Philade , phia at 10.20 p. in. These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with %he New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. in., rune via Mount Joy, and. arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 80 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risbnrg at 1.16 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia et It 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, loaves Harrisburg at 5.85 p:m. rues via Diouut Joy connecting at Diller. villa with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves 'Philadelphia at 20.50 p. in , arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. m. MAIL. TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.09 a. re., ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. m. ACOOMMODATIONTRAIN, leaves Philsdelphis at 4.00 p. m , and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention is called fo the lan, that passengers leaving rhiladelphia at 4 00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Bast Division Pennsylvania Railroad. 00.4„; $2,500 TO $3,000 PER YEAR! RARE CHANCE FOR ALL I THE ABOVE AMOUNT can easily be matte by the manufacture and sale of an article of ',cry recent &Bowery. It is entirely new, and auy per- Son wishing to engage in a business that will pay, or to enlarge one alreauy established, will do well to address the undersigned. The sale is as ready and permanent as any of the great staples. it is an easy, honorable and highly respectable business, by which some men are now Making twice the above figures by the manufacture and Sale of this vendable article. It requires but a very Mall capital to carry on this business with great sim iles', kc. For full istrtietilers address/ (enclosing a stamp for re- Tarn). L. P. OUBLENTZ, Box No. 299 delde Middletown, Maryland. EXT:RA 0:13_G•4,11, 017.11. ED HAMS For pals by WM. DOCE JR. &CO • oct22 Pennspluetnialv eciegrap4, ,fribap. 'Afternoon, IDefember 28 1860. Miscellaneous BOERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. THE OELEBRATED HOLLAND READY FOE bTSPERSTA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, EAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Cos tiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all it ervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided curb, This is a purely vegetable ccmpound, prepared On strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cele brated Holland Professor, Bombay° Its reputation at home produced its introduction here, the demand com mencing with those of the Fatherland mattered over the face of tbls mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its vaiue. It is now offered to the American yublic, hemming Lhat its ireLly wonderful medicinal virtues mart be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have ueen impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, tbrilling and quickening evtry nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It will prove a grateffil aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Ecerhave's Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint ' , Mlles only, and retailed at Oaa DOV JR per bottle, or six bottles for FIFE VOLUM— The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine-has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Xi-Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle 1 ou buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., MA N lIPACIIIRING Pharmaceutists and Chemists. PI I.TSBURG, PA. For sale in the city of Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS & septl-dawly - 'c:H . f . L -.. t):'_g . i' - Q4: LiTtittilitN7Q MRS. 'WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and re male Physician, presents to the attention of mothers h=r SOOTHING SYRITP, For Children Teething, which greatly racilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the gums,reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is IlitiDetelMiCelliffiliVDCl:lMl.VaNi. Depend upon q, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves AND, RELIEF AND th AI.TH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over - ion years, and CAN SAT, IN CONFIDING' AND nuns, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SD:OLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who need it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera tions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WI DO 'KNOW, atter ten years' expe rience, AND minus OHR ILIFIITATION FOE THY FULFIMINT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost. every Instance where the Infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prescripton of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES Id New England, and has been used with rismrst FAILING BOOMS In THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tono and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily rem died, end in death. We believe It the BEST and sumer =HEDY IN TER WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRIREA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teethiag or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT far TOUR sastunlcss, soft TEE PERILIDICEB or mass, stand between you and your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, AB SOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, it timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile •of CURTIS & PERKINS,New York, is on the netaide wrapper. Sold by Dr uggists throughout the world. Principal Mee, No. 13 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Canto Der mottle.; 1111-For Sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lutz, No. 22 Market street, C. K. Keller, No. 91, Market street, below Fourth, and G. W. Mlles, 125 Market street. aug22 dewly NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES T"SUBSCRIBERS having succeeded to the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY BUSI NESS of Messrs. GROSS & KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREET WHARF, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared co offer for sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, - Fish, Salt, Grain, Flour, Ropes, in great variety, aneensware, paints, Oils, Fund, Glass, Cement,..- &c., &c. Our Large SPRING STOOK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with mush oare, and will present great inducements to close buyers. We intend-to keep. FIREIT-CLAGS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing merit and reserve a law* of patronage. • :waw 11013DOON it CO ittebiral. THE ORIGINAL AND G.NIIIN DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S A R'SA PARILLA, Tte Gr: at leLovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR LkcUPTIOI\S OF TBE SKIN ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DIS.EASY2 These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of this WORLD RENOWNED = SARSAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it nas ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com =unity. Whtn the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the elTects of Spring weather, change .01 climate want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will maw the BLOOD, carry oil the putrid humors, cmassx thesroaraca, REGULATE THE BOWEL& And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public aro hereby notified that the preparation es. tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound Ea; tract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recile obtained. from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and 1 certify that it is compos ed of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT DI Ei MEV; and also that the ingredients are judiciously con - I ounded,‘so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R. CHILTON, U. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S Comrouzin EXTRACT OF Seim eJautta, has a reputation among all civilized. nations as tho best preparation for kenovatingirand risifying.the BLOOD which science has ever ollhred to man. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which. experi ence has proved useful in clearing• the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill hich the refinements or modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that R. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. E. P Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. • Proprietor's once, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And fir sale by every Druggist in this city. ap3o-d3taw 1V1C.,03P.M".A1. 1 /"IS LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. _l_ AIIESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public fax a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during ihat time have maintain d a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring estoring perfect health to per sons suffering under neariy every kind or disease to which the human frame is bahlei The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. .01ESPEFSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, lieratburn, Headache, Rest lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVAIRS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circuation, through the process of respiration In such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob. struction in others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure HEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and G6IIIT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPAIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on these important organs and hence have ever been found a certain remedy itr the worst cases of GRAVEL, Abu Willlll.lS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. CIN ES give to the blood, and all"the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids•that feed the skis, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree- able complexions. The use at these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of St years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a sate, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE BATISFLED, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER OWL PLAINTS.—GENEeAt. DEmurr, Loss or Armin; and Basses OF FoLurs—the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, In its worst forms, yields .to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com• plaints of all kinds, Palp.tation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. AIDEBUUttIAL DlSEASEffr—Persons whose constitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the mostpower- DB preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 835 Broadway, New York. Female by all Druggists. jy2o.4lAwly VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Woode • N. E. COR. FIFTH & CHESTNIT Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original utroigna furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store FrOntai Machines, Stoves, Patents, &0., engraved as well on per sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, 'Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art and at tie lowest prices. For specimens of Sue engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., B. H. Alder &Co. oct2s-Iyet, J. BTEEL CARPENTER AND JOBBEB I CORNER WALNUT AND FROM SMELT& OBBING of all kinds done at short • notice. in good style. and on reasonable terms. All Work Promised in One Week I L 1 0 4 PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 Market Street between 4th and Ira, HARRISBURG, PA. HERE every description of W HERE Ladies' and Gentlemma' Garments, Piece Goods, am., are Dyed, Cleansed and tinishedila the beet manner, and at the sberte.,t notiee DODGE, /a.•1139. - 03ffit • novie.dawly Prorietors. ialtbitaL BLOOD FOOD. The attention of Invalids, Physicians, Clergymen , act entillo men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical prepared( con taining Iron,Sixtphur and Phonphorus, and which is identical (a its composition with the Homalic Globule, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied with Debility, pale countenance and nervous derangement, analysis of the blood show a deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, is alwaysindica five of health ,—w ' • while a pale, wax-like skin and counte nancebieh evinces a deficiency - of the red globules,— accompanies a diseased organwrn Preparations of Iron have been given for the purpose of supplying the red globules, but we contend that ,Irow alone, Sulphur alone, or Phosphorus alone, will not meet the defi ciency in every case, but that ajudicioui combination of ALT. these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This paint, never before attained, has been reached in the Blood Food, slid its discovery rinks as one of the moat Scientific and important of the age. Its eireCAS'ill gigq Consumption are to soften the sough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prestratmg night sweats, Increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by re storing the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The Blood Food will be found a specific in all Ch)onic Discuses of the Throat or Lungs, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, &a. Public speakers and singers will find it- of great utility In clearing and strengthening the weal organs. In Dyspepsiq Liver Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy. Paralysis, x. , .-crofula, Gravel, Bt.- Vitus ' Dance, lever and Ague, &c., its efficacy is marked and instantaneous: In no class of disease, how ever, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so con spicuous as in those harrassing Female Complaints to which tho gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppress d or difficult Menstruatien, Green Glances, Whites, &c, especially when these complaints are accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous pros tration, Wehave the utmost confidence in recommend ing the Blood Food to all who may be conscious of a loss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over-use, either of the mind Or body, and we deem it our duty to :ay that in all eases of Weakness and-Emaciation, and in all dis. eases of the Kidneys Bladder, this preparation has a claim upon the attention of sufferers whiob cannot be over-es timated. A faithful trial will be found the mostconvinc ing proof in regard to its efficacy that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testi monials we have in its favor, we offer the "Blood Food" to the consideration of the affiieted, knowing that ft will be acknowledged as pre-eminent over all other preparations, patent or official, In point of, usefulness:— Circulare giving the Theory upon which this remedy Is founded, also certificates cf remarkable cares, will be sent free when desired. We forward the Blood Food to any part of the United States or Canadas upon receipt of Price—sl per bt ttle, $5 for sisbottles Be careful in all oases to have none but that having our fac simile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine- Prepared only by CHURCH BL DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by all rez„itictable Druggists throughout the country. For sale by C. A. Bannvart, sore agent, Harrisburg, Pa. feb6-dawl .-rd apio!rdau2 z - "Pp 11.$re 44.. 4, 46 4 13..,5 0 " . ..1. , ' 6 #1 ,,,\ 1444 ' o _o ECONOMY! %, "s'IP CV •:;', ' 4 +Ul Migpiteinn g 40 .... __. . Save the Pieces I. t --j IF. At accidents Lill happen, eta% in well-regulatedfasniiies 11 113 very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, kc, [SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mettle all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It Is always ready and up to the stick; ing point. There is no longer a necessity , for limping chairs, splintered veneers', beadles toys and broken cradles. , It is just the article for -cone. shell and other ornrmental work; so popular with ladies of refinement and, taste. . This'admirable preparation is used cold, being ohemb. cally held in solution, and possessing all the qualitiel of the best cabinetmakers' Glue, itniay; be used in the. Place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROtligE." N. B.—A Brush accompanies eackilibottle. Price 45 Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar street New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDIN& & CO., Box No. 3,600, New 'York. Put up far Dealers in cases containing Four, Eight and Twelve• Dozen—a beautiful Llthowhic Show•eard ac companying each package: aca-A single bottle of SPALDDIG'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its coat annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardwve and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should =rico 0-11 e of SPALDRfG 7 S. PREPARED GLUE, when math ap their list. It will stand any climate. 1017 dawly INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety .Insurance C 0.,, INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITALAND ASSETS. ...... ....... ...... $904.90 . 1.11. THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1784.. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $L219.475.19. THE UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for the above well known Companies, will make Insurance .against lose or damage by Are , either perpetually sr an nually, on property In either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken.. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, dal-dawly. Harrisburg, Pa; GREAT BARGAINS ! ELEGANT FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, os swer 2016111R1712011. UNDER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. The Largest and Best Stock in the City. Our facilities enable us to sell lower tban any otter es tablishment, '•Politenes and Fair Dealing" our motto. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, 826 and 828 Chestnut Street, Philada. itg — zso CONNECTION WITR ANY OTHER noussall delo-2md* MUCH sk COWEERTEVITAIT 'WHOLESALE & RETAIL El XL ar co co 335 SS MERCHANTS, Corner of Front and Market aro" HARRISBURG, PA. D lIRILISL T. B. COWURTRWAIT. FURS! To select from a large stock of Fors, - - 00 TO CATHCART'S - . To see and buy nice new Furs; -GO TO CATHCART'S. To get any kind of Pura you may wish; . GO TO CATHCART'S . To purehice Fara without; e*y risk, • ' ' GO TO CATHCART'S. • To have Fara guaranteed to be what they are repre sented, • CO TO- CATHCART'S. To find the largest, best and . etteapeat lot of Furs of every kind, CALL ON CATHCART k BROTHERS No: 14 Market Square, Al 9. Neat deer to the Harrisbur: Sank. BOOKS OF ALL IMAGINABLE SIZES, PRICES, STYptAI QIIALI7I4B on hand and nuinursotnr• p to order at the c heapest rates, at BEE "S" WW 1 800881031. istellantaus Tee ANAUMMATION or LANGVAGFS..—There Is a grow ing tendency in this age to appropriate the moat expres sive words of otlwir languages, and after a while to in corporate them iota our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signify fug "Mr the head," is now becoming popularized in connection with Mr. Speld• ing's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Elect] , type and many others whose dis• tinction as foreign words has been worn away ny com mon usage until they seem "native and to the manor born " 'ardly Realized. Hi 'ad 'orriblo 'eadacha this haftornoon, hand. I stepped Into the hapotbecaries hand says hl to the man, "Can you he.aiie me of an 'eadache l'''''Does it hanha 'ard" Faye 'e. says hi, hand. upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, nand 'pan ma 'onor it cured. me so quick that I 'ardly realised I 'ad 'ad an 'eadacha. AgrElgoateceg is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be romedien; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, via:— Symptomatic and Idiopathic symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common audio the precursor of a great va riety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. Is its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach consti• Luting tick headache, of hepatic disease constituting la, Untie headache, of worms, constipation, end other disor ders of the owels, as well as renal and uterine affect ions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attend ed with . Headaches, Anaemia and plethora aro also affec tions which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distin guished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most in s Lances it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front or the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either class of lleasache the Ce phalic fills have been found a sure and safe remedy, re lieving the most acute pains in a tow minutes, and by its Eubtile power eradicstmg the diseases of which Head ash° is the unerfing Index. ' Bamosi. , •--litssus wants yon to send ber a box of Ce phalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Idle,—but I'm thinkingthat'a notjust It neither; but perhaps ye'll be afteer knowing what it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gout with the Sick Headache, and wants some more of that tame as relalved her helm.' • Druggist.—You mutt mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. Bit.--Och t sure now and you've sod it, bere's the quarter and giv me the rills and don't be all day about it aither. Constination or Costiveneis. No one of the "many ills flesh Is heir b" is eo preva lent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Cos tiveness. Often origh ating in earele, sness, or seden tary habits; it is regsrded as a slight disorder of two little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is tbo precursor and companion of many of many s.f the moot fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradica ted it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave.— Among the lighter evils of which costiveness Is the usual attendant are Headache, Celia, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, whi:e a long train of frightful diaeases such as Malignant Divert', Abcesses, Dysentery, Diarrhosa. Dyspepsy, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hyposhondriabis, Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases named originate in Censtipation, but take on an inde pendent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these : considerations it follows that the disorder atonic! receive irnmtdiate attention when ever it occurs,. and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills nu the first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expei the insiduous approach o disease and destrsy this dangerous fee to human life. A Real Blessing. gl„Philitititn.—Weil,lirs.'dmies, how Is that hes dachef Mrs. Assts.—Gots I Doctor, all gone I.tha pill yousent cured Me in just twenty Minutes, and I wish you would send more ue that I can have them handy. Physician -t-You can get them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic 1111 e, I find they never tall, and I rocom met.d all cases of Headache. Jpoiai.=—l shall send Tor a hox directly, and shall tell all toy suffering friende, for they are a real ideating. TWENTY Idll.llONB olt DOLLAIts EAVED.—Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue and ' it Is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollarsworth of broken furniture, thus making an aggro• gregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made kis Glue ! a household word, he now proposes to do the world stli a greater service by curing all the. aching .heads with hi Cephalic Pills, and If they are as good as his Gine, Head' aches Will 5000 vanish away like snow in July. ihrOvos Excrrsorper, and the mental care and anxie ty incident to close attention to business or study, are among. the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this dis treseing complaint is a fatal blow to all energy and am bition. *titterers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by using one of the Cephalie Pills whenever the symptoms appear.. It quiets the overtasketihrain, and soothes the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the Unities of the sto mach which always accompanies and aggravates thetelia ordered cendition of the brain. FAIT WORTH Knownes.—Spalding's Cephalic Plll3 are a certain lure for Sick Headache, Billions Headache, Nerving Headache, Costiveness and General Debility. GREAT DISOCIVICHT.—dmong ibe moot important of ail the, great, medical discoveries of this age may be con sidered the system or vacernnation fcr protection frdm Small Pox, the Cephalic Fill for relief' f headache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, 'whose benefits will be experi enced by stifering humanity long after their discoverers are forgotten. sarlYna you ever have the Sick Headache ? Do you me member tue throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the, loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How totally' °nth you were bar pleasure, conversation or study.. One of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved you from all the angering , arlaleh you then experienced. For thi3 and other purposes yon 1111QUId always have a box of them on hand to use as occasion requires. Ole I) Vr.-- 'Cu RE eat4 6) :W s 411 i 1 V .7 tCURE Nervous Headache 4,l aE as , Headache. By the nee of these Pil the periodic attacks of Ner vous .r; Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate relief fro pain and siekness may be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which femalea are so subject. They set gentlyupon the bowels,—removing Co/Una/pm For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persrms of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Lana. eise, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elastiolty and strength of tke whole system The CEPHALIC TILLS are the result of long Mama; gallon and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use in many years, during wideli time they haye pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffsring from Headache, whether originating m the nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach.. . Tbey are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any disa greeable huts renders it easy to administer them to ekildrost. BE WARE OF COUNTRAFRPTS The genuine have five signatures; of Henry C. Spalding en each box. Sold. JOY DreggEgjii and all other Dealers Inaledloines, A Biz will be seat .by. reel prepaid on reutpt of the PRISE 26 CENTS. All orders shouldbs addressed to . switir Q, SlWltlittit; sesen•didely 48 Cedar Streit, New Ifer 11listellantaus ,„ Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS IiAAI'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This NeVeitta has been used by the public for six 1,„ 7 ., with increasing favor. It ii, recommended Si Car,F 4' Dyspepsia, Nervousness, II sr/-Burn, Colic /'sine , Wind in 'he Stomach , or I'a vain the Dow. ' Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Com plaints, Low Spirits 11 /alum Tremens, Intemp rase INMATES, KIWI ARAI EIL I v • WILL NOT INTOXICATE OR SI U S A MEDICINE it is quick nd eff ectu . al, curing the most aggravating case o Dysilepd, idney Complaints, and all other derange ett, .., di ,.; Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner It will instantly revive the most mein. c ;y an ,, drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous asj ly health, strength and vigor. 'Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquor , : b,,,,, become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELIRIUM THERI . NR, wit almost Immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Dosz.—One wi. e glass full as of ten as nere,v,ary One dose will renaot e all Bad Spirits.! One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of I.lspe;.si a One dose will remove the dietressieg and et 4pret'.6le effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stainacb receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load aal all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any kiida t y Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or mu. and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. SIGHTLY DISSIPATION Persons who, from dissipating too much over night. fled feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head. aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &L., : will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies or weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day ; It will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstrucuur; and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn fuse. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluabie medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce thus, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit 3n pint bottles, at ha cents, quarts Al. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOU, & CO. sad for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, 11. W. Grws Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists every who's. jel4-dAwly FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADET PHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. A superb stoek of fine French, Engli.h and Anicrian CLOTHS, _ _ CASSIIIERES, and VESTINGS, Por City and Country trade. with an unapproachable as sortment of Runs Mans MIRING at the lowest cash prices IfirEut ONE PRICE is asked, and a GLFT of intrinsic worth and use presented wilt each article sold. Perth-Mar attention paid to the Customer ctep , rtment, and garments made antisent-to order to any address. In inauguratins this new system. of doing busmen, GRANVILI.h. STOKES would impress on the MMUS at the patrons of his establishment, that the cost o: the gift ls deducted from, and acT added to the price et the tat'. de sold. Ills immensely increasing sales enabling Lira to act thus liberally, and at the same time so realize a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. • -GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM 607 CHESTNUT STRELT. octl9-Bmd ~~~~~ FAMILY DRUG STO I.E. 41HE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED a Wholesale. and Retail Drug and Pr. seriptiot. Sten, in the Iron Front Relining, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, welire can be found an ebti I c stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Perfumery, OLL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ale IGI Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articled, .tc., tic. We havethe agency for the sale of Elise's Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, 'we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. MILE. N. B.—Prlme Havana Segars and Tobacco °instead , on hand. apr64ll • .- • - EDUCATIONAL gCONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA. .TIONALITY is the system of education In a coun try.. "In proportion as the Etructure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be enlightened Washinron's _farewell Ad.resr. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar asqualhtauce with the unlace alai principles of our aovert.mtnt and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: Au explanatory states eut of the'sYstern of Government of the Country, lko. A MANU AL FOR SCROOLS, ACADEAIIES AND POPULAR is a work which, with proper historical notices, glees the construction the provisions of the Constitution ut the Unitea States and of those of the several States, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, including some re cretices to admit:as:Mira aw and practice, so as to show the actual working or ear general system or Government.. It is free from specula tive opinions, eniservative in its tendency, and calauldted to cultivate the love of our country. It has been used, to a considerable extent, in the abl CATION oF YOUTtI, in different Etates, and is recommeided by Jurists, St atesmen and Presidents, and Prefix-Ems of Colleges.— Price $lOO. Sold by del EMPLOYAI T.--$5O A AION Tit AND ALL EXPENSES PAP) —An agent le wanted in every town and county in tile United States, to same lo a respectable and easy businesS, by which the above pronto may certainly be realized. For full particulars address Dr. HENRY WARNEtr, 54 East Twelfth st rce corner of Broadway, New York City, inelosing one pG tags stamp octlB-3md aw FAMILY BIBLES ! trELE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE _L CITY, at all prices from Sl 25 to $25 dollars each, in all the different styles of binding, for sale at BERGNER'S CJdEAP I,IOOM , TORE, 804 - 51 Market Street. SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222 Market Street, PEULADHL7III.I O Manufacturer of flee NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLE 3, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES, i WAITERS, BUTIER DISTIFS, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, &c., With a general assortment, comprising cone but the td quality, made of the bat slaters - Ms and heavily plated, to 4 stituting them a Serviceable and durable article EMT HOTELS, STEAMBOATS AND PRIVATE FATHOM. air Old Ware re-plated in the best warmer. feb2o-dsmly ..XEW LIVERY STABLE , PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND. 117 THE REAR OF THE "MORGAN HOUSE" gram SUBSCRIBER has opened a new j LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and ha 3 stock of excellent EOBSW, and now and toll cable BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, which he wil hire at ta.der ati rates. GEORGE W. LOUISE, all' nov24-dtt JOHN MAEURER, RASPBERRY 'ALLEY', BETWEEN CHESTATT A .'4l) MULBERRY STREETS, HaItEMBUPO, PA. DESPECTFULLY informs the public that lilt he is located at the above mentioned place and he has commenced the WOOL DYEING', and CARPETWEA Y. ING BUSINE":11 in all its various branches. Be is p.a• pared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and wig guarantee general satisfaction. His prices tsll b@ reasonable. Po Having carried on the business for many Vo l He'rmany, and over two years here, and also haring ba an'extended experience in this country, be is fully to co petent to execute all work , entreated to him, and bopei reaelye a reasonable share of eustom from his fellow• citizens. kept bar A general assortment of carpets are ti/VIYO onituind and will be sold at the bretestrate. n0y21.40-gmdi ATE; 8 i Harrisburg, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers