T ITE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, ou:cness Excrerr9,) CO or GEORGE BERGNER & TERMS.—Sisals Scusaiurrion. Vie PAILI T C ents perPH is servedweek. to Yearly subscribers subscribers in the ugh at 64 lugged $4.0. " I I WIgILLY A2ilr Sal-NV/WALT TICIEGUPB. The TtLICORAPH is also publish , ed twice a week daring .3 se ] s , s . i teeaLr l d at v a r r n e s le d w t o e B e u k l b y s : r u i r b i o u r F s tilletril r!;lloLtia‘iug rates, viz: fist Subser,i,bers per year seven Ten TEEM LOP OF FIRWSPAPERI3. t subscribers order the discontinuance ol their MOWS the publishorid.may continue to send them until tlirrTragre"reggalect or refuse to take their metope. 'esp 'truer° the arc to which they are directed, they are 'responsible until they hay - settled the bills and ordered thou dig"tinw___., Illebicat - - ELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S LIELM.BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S fiELISIBOLD'S HELMBOLD'iti 11E0/BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S ITELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S TIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Extract Mich; Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET 4- DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8; DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8; DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8; DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4 , DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8; DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4. DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy FOR DISEASRS OP ma . . . BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, ORA VAL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, ORA VEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROESY, BLADDR GRAVEL, KIDNEYS; DROPsY, BLADD E ER, , GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLABBEROR, GANIC GRAVEL W, EAKNESS KIDNEYS, DROPSY, , ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And ail Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And aU Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, Ana all Biseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, AMINO FROM Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From whatever cause originating, and whether ex isting In MALE OR FEMALE. Females, take uo moro Pills I They are of no avail for Complaints incident to the sea. Use Extract Buchu. Eelmbold'a Extract Ruche is a Medicine %Web is per fectly pleasant in Its Taste and Odor, But immediate In its Fiction, giving Health and Vigor to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, anti restoring the patient to • I.erfoct state of HEALTH AND PURITY. lielmbold's Extract Becht' Is prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, and is prescribed and used by The Host Eminent Physicians. Delay no longer. Procure tne remedy at once. Price Si per bottle, or 'sta. for O. Depot 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. Beware of Unprincipled Dealers Tryleg to palm off their own or other articles of MORO' o the teputatlon attained by Helmbold's i xtraot Bimini, The Original and only Genuine. We desire to run on the Merit of our Article! Their's Is worthless—ls sold at much less rates and C(011918811)08, consegnently paying a much better profit.. We Defy Competition ! Ask for Helmbold's Extract Buchu. Take no other. Sold by D. W. Gross & Co. and all druggists ovary where. uovll-dawara FRANK A. MIIRRA.Y'S LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE, FOURTH STREET NEAR MARKET. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to ac t commutate the public with SUPERIOR HORSES for sad dle or carriage purpose!, and with every variety of VElll cuis or the latest and most approved styles, on rea sonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES sill be accommodated with Omni buses at short notice. CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES FOR FUNERAL OCCA SIONS will be furnished, accompanieri by careful and obliging drivers. He invitee an inspectlim of his Stock, satisfied that it is hilly equal to that otse t ".'y other establishment et the kind In the city. 4:1,1 FRANK A. MURRAY. decs-ritf JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 4.c., of the very bast mantles for lathes, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to snit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO OMER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short nonce. eetlG-dif • JOHN B. SMITH Harrisbur • . PROF. ADOLPII P. TEUPSER, rr MILD respectfully inforni his old Patrons and the public generally, that ho 1 71/11 outinue to give instructions 011 the PIANO FORTE, ME LWIEUN, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH Bad. He will w'tb pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, in Tbird street, a few doors below the Neformeel Church. decls-dtf AUGUSTINE L. (MAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence No. 27 ,North Second Sired. N, 2—JOBBING /MENDED TO. tradu W W. HAYS, ATTOBNEY-AT-LlWir, Moe Walnut St., between Second and Third, garrisburg, Pa. ar 4 P dicivt DR. E SURGEON DENTIST, (IFFERS his services to the citizens of ‘..! Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his beat endeavors shall he given to render satisfaction% his prp- Cession. Being an old, well tried dentist, be feels safe in nviting the publio generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services Office No. 1H Market street, in the house formerly co copied by Jacob it. Shy, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. myS•dly AU) 11" HENRY PEPPER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW. NEAR. MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth, CITY OF HARRISBURG, ?SHWA I2•dtf 4TATE CAPITAL BANK, 0440, COLDER, - EBY & CO BECOND AND WALNII7 RAE BURG, PENN. At . • A 11,4 t, - 7 -- _----;-------- tr-L ,-1f.t , ( .., 14.:1.5.-: . i l ''' -4.--- ! - _-;14- , , ,- -4 11 it . . $ 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIII: Mistellantous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, Bread, Tea• Cakes, all kinds ofPastry, &c. IdANUFACTIJILIM BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO ', Progrielors of Shasomut Chemical Works. No. MINDIA STREET , Boston. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN is the re stilt of careful chemical research. AU Its ingredi outs are prepared in the highest state of purity, and com pounded with a view to produce bread of a tar better quality, and in much less time, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, vrith entire confidence, to the judgment of discriminating house keepers, bakers, &c. Bread of all kinds made by using Concentrated Leaven is lighter, more digestible and nuitritious; has an agrees. ble natural taste ; is less liable to sour ; will retain its moisture longer than by any other process, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten minutes. It is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be rendered available in places and at times when yeast is not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under all circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all difficulty of procuring yeast or ,other „forme t, which is frequently of an inferior quality, rat dering the bread more or less unwholesome. It is also valuable as regards economy, as It has been ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not less than re percent. In the common Droceess much of the saccharine of the, flour is lost by being converted into carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effi cacious, Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal, end, in consequence, a barrel of flour weighing 196 IDs , which, by the common method, ordinarily makes about 269 Ifs of bread. gives by this process 290 IDs thus effecting the very important saving of 16 per cent. in the quantity of flour. By conformity to the directions on each package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re sult will invariably be highly satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM DR. HAYES, -Assayer to the Stale of Massachusetts. • "I have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, manufac tured by Messrs. Edw. Chamberlin & Co., with reference to its purity acd efficiency of action in producing the ef..„. fact of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering It fit for making bread. This article is skillfully com pounded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough without consuming the sugar or any other princi ple in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight of flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is invaluable, as it saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements . made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. '-Respectfully, A. 114.TES, M. D., State Assayer, "18 Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1860." DIRECTIONS BREAKlthart AND Tn. Rous.—Two or three teaspoonful of Leaven. (according to the quality of the flour,) to one quart of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three times through a sieve ; rub in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and make the paste with cold milk or water, (milk is preferable) barely stiff enough to perndt• rolling out. Much kneading should be avoided. Cut in to desired form, and place immediately in a hot oven and. bake quickly_ Lads Masan.—Tbe same proportions of Leaven and flour sifted together as above; omit the butter, and make the paste stiff enough to knead into a lost; and bake im mediately in a slew °Veil,• , _ aBmM tealpooul of Leaven to one quart of wheat meal, sifted together , ; add one gill of mo lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thinwith Milli and bake in a slow oven. ••• - • • Blown Bitun.--Three teaspooneful of Leaven to one pint of Hour, and one pint of corn meal, all welislfted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; make the paste thin with milk, and bake slowly. Bucewassx Csicie.Flour and milk sufficient to make one quart of batter; ad d one egg, then three teaspoonsfel of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. DILVPII69.--Slft together one quart of flour and two tea spew:eta of Leaven; rub in a piece of butter half as large as an egg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. CHANMER STRUT Cass.—Sift togethsg,twof large cups of flour and two teaspoonful of LeaveMpt in half a cup of butter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with cold milk or water to a stiff batter, add spinet° suit the taste, and bake immediately. , CINCINNATI SPONGE CANE —Two cups of white sugar beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup of water; and three teaspoonsfhl of Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonsfal of essence of le mon, and bake in a quick oven. JONDLI.II —Sift together one quart of flour aud three teaspoonsful of Leaven; rub in one tea-cupful of butter. add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; mix stiff enough to roll out, and bake quick. ELECILoN CAKE.—One quart of flour and three teaspoons ful of Leaven silted together add a cup of butter, one pound of currants , two cups of white sugar, and one tea spoonful of cinnamon ; mix with cold milk to a stiff hat ter, and bako in a slow oven. CoRN CAKE.-000 pint each of flour and Indian meal, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted together; add one gill of molasses and two eggs ; mil thin with milk, and bake in a slow oven. Cur Casa.—Five cups of flour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven,two sifted together; add one cap of butter, of sugar, awl two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. Lames' CUM—Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teaspoonsful of Leaven sifted together; one pound of sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of one le mon • mix with milk. WIBBIER Cam—Five cups of flour, three teaspoonful of Leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, one of mak, and two eggs ; fruit mid spice to the taste. Bake about half an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans For sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLLS.M. GULAGER.& BnO., Wholesale Agents, No. 59 North Front Street, Philadelphia. n ovi3•d3m HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED ! T"UNDERSIGNED having leased this well known and popular hotel, iu the city of Harrisburg, is now refitting and furnishing the same with tilelV FURNITURE in the very beat modern style. It is iodated in the most unfelt part of the city, within a short distance of the depots of fur inherent railroad and also near the State Ca pitch buildings. The house is large and the sleeping apartments are well ventilated. The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable arti cles This city is well known throughout the State as having the best market outside of the Atlantic cities, and consequently no complaints shall be made OR that score. The BAR has also undergone changes and will be kept stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to make the traveler and sohurner comfortable in every respect. A continuance or the patronage of the old customers, together with new additions is respectfully solicited. J. R. DEBTOR') & Co. Harrisburg, August 23-tf CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY, IN THE BEAR OE HERR'SHOTEL. THE undersigned has re-commenced the livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS STA BLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, OARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which he will hire at moderate rates. F. h.. ?SWARTZ. seplS-dly El. L. GODBOLD , PPRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, tic. AC., will receive orders in luture at WM. KNOCILB'S Minify. More, 92 Market street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meat with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VAIUABLB BULLIAINe IV R SALA A NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED MILD ./101. ING LOTS adjoining the Round Rouse and Work hhOpa of the Penna. Railroad Company, will be sold Lew ant on reasonable terms.lptyply to' • angBo Om JOHN W. HALL. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." FOR MAKING HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY - AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 21, 1860 littbitat DR . JOHNSON, 33.41i.X_NTINIC,]ttan LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the moat certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF lIIIIRUDENDE • RELIEF LV EYE TO TWELVE ROM. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs WA CORN WARRANTED ON NO CNARGE , IN FROM ONE TO • Twis DAYs.-Vti Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Langnor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity , Tremblings, Dimness of Sight er Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, bit se or Skin—those terrible Mier dors arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body REM mind, . YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims 01 solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whia annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of, young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might 'otherwise have entranced listening' Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cu tesy the living lyre, niay call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, he lug aware of physical weakness, should lmmedlately.con sult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ' ORGANIC WEALNINSS Immediately cured and full olgorrestored. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J., ma-, eligiously confide in his honor as a gentlemen, and con= . tidently rely upon his skill.as a physician. Raj-Office No. 7 South P ederick street, Baltimore, MU., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street '7- doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the. name or number, or you will iaistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with. false names, or Paltry Humbug CertOcates, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the. reply. DR. JOUNSfON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United agates, and the greatest part of Whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila.. delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. ' 3fatiy troubled' with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnesh with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange.' meat of mind were ourediimmediately,,' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them selves by private and Improper indnlgencies, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businesses society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects prui duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Palbs in the ilead, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Paipltation °tithe Heart ) Dy,a, pepala, Nervous Irritability, Derangement Of the Digestive 'Functions, General Debility, ~ Symptoms of -Censump• Don &e. MENTALLY Mswrattir, the fearful 'effects on the mind are ronah to be dreaded :—Loss , of kteinory, - confuaion .of ,prepionof Elpfrits, . hvtl Foo.bedlugg, ayersiou tagocle, ty, Self-distiatt[Love orao7ittiffir;lll'munty;lith.pirt of the evil effects. . , Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the pause of their decline in health, lositirtheir *gor, becoming weak, pale, nervous- and. emaciated, have -a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp toms of CODOUtapjon• YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves 'by a certain practice, in dulged in wuen alone—a habit 'frequently learned from evil companions, or at school the effects of, which are nigitty felt, even whin asleep, and if not cared, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys botn mind,and body, should apply, ImmediatelY. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched trom all prospects and'enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona must, before contem• plating ItIaRRIAGE, effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view;the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR GANIC WEAKNESS By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Ovens aro speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who bad lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impeuiments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifi cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Instiution within the last twelve years, and the zinmerous important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides Ms slaading as a gentleman of character and re sporeseliiity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF DAPRCIDENCE —When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleashre finds he has imbibed the seediecit this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can 100 mo befriend him, delaying till the con stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, ac., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to ' , that bourne from whence no traveler returns! ) it is a mel ancholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible diSease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, Tutu the constitution and make the residue of tile nsieerable. .To Smumarts.—The Doctor's .iiplomas hang in his office. May-Letters must contain a Stamp tom on the reply Ne-Remedies sent by Mail. 7 Smith Frederick street, Baltimore aprl3 (lastly SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Street, PkILLADELLPHLA • Manufacturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of PORES, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES, WAITERS, BUTTER MAILS, ICE PITCHERS, .CAKE BASKETS COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, Am., With a general assortment, comprising none bul The be: qualify, made of the best materials and heavily plated, con: diluting them a Serviceable and durable article FOE HOTELS, STELEIBOATS ANb PRIVATE FAZIELTIS. ha- Old Ware re-plated in the best manner, feb2O-dawly BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HARISURG-,_ PEN N'A GEO. J. BOLTON PRoPRIEDDR. The ab ova well known and long established Httel is now undergoing a thorough'renovation, and being In a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. Boum, who has been an inmate or the house for the last three years, and is well known to is guests. Lit Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joyed I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public f Ter. fjeB dewtfl WILLIAM BUEHLER. OR a Superior and Cheap Table or ?sad Oil, go to HELLER , B MUG STORE. ORANGES AND LEMONS. FORTY BOXES in prime order just re Wood and for sale by tub " • DOM TL af CO. CARD Mistellarabus. IMPORTANT NOTICE For thelietied with Diseases which Aiiiitar to -be Incurable. • TIOCTORD. WEICHEL, residing in Har risburg,-.Pal, Third street near North street, cured 10 eermany as 'writs Ainerica, many persons after ing.l yitiorit success other. physicians.— We extract here - some passages tram cerman newspapers . of ads Pirt notitaiping,acknowlmlgement of such per sons and their recommendation to apply in similar cases to Dr. MITCHEL. . . 'George Cassel, West Hanover township, Dauphin coun t*, testifies that he was perfectly cured of a Canner in ward his I.ft cheek. Jane Radabaugh, of Harrisburg, testifies that baying been treated by various physicians -for fire years in the case of Rheumatism in both legs so that she'wastaittablo . ' to Mona leg before the other during. all that time; . , after their abandonment she used Dr. Welcher's leffiChtielonlY abOut -three months, hritl , "was • perfectly . 00. M, J. Sollenborger testifies that-his sister Jane having Behi confined tother bed for nine years, and all that time speechless, and every day and nightapasms on the'ehest.was then perfectiythealed by Dr. Weichel, arid - has for five years since that time the use of her speech.' Axle Erman:Min testifies that having boen totally blind in one eye for ten years, and in the other for one year, has received full sight of one eye by using Dr.. Welchers direction and medicine. John Meyer, of Soutlililideffitori township, Cumberland 'county, testifies that havillg,totailv.iost sight .of the right eye for more, lthan lane yelleardi a half the gray cataract,and Ployed several physicians without , success, has received then under the treatment of Dr. Weichel in less than one yeas hts s'ight,eo that he can read, andeonslders his cure ‘ to behecomplished: • lln the same place other unexpected cures have been performed to wit : Mr's. Ann H.- ?dyers having been deaf in a high degree ffm nine years received the full use of Veering, and lair son, 16 years of age, having been af- Acted/for two,Years with spitting of blood, was cured by 'the Doctor. Being, confined to an advert'sement, these instances May suffice to direct the attention of the afflicted with ..the above mentioned-and similar diseases to his office. dec4-dawlmtv JONES, WHITE HALL HOTEL, HARRISitIIRG, PA THERE iao has eaagagtsd rooms for Illy private consultation and may-be found at all t Ines. • Dr. Jones may be consulted personally' dr by Rtter, by describing symptoms on all diseases of, private nature, such as Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilitic 'Eruptions, Mercurial Diseases, Affections of the Rid. !joys and Eladder. ' Mercurial, the , mistaken that seelia after Pleasures when he Ends that he has imbibed the. seeds of that horrible disease, when not immediately cured, will .• ittakeits appearance such as Ulcerated Sore Throat, and. Eruption over 'the BodY. To such Dr. JONES offers 'thn 'ankist and most certain. remedy in America. , The yeme diet used by him are entirely vegetable,and can tionsed Without change, of Diet or hindrance from Business. Dr. jONER will also make an' article of ligreenabotno cc' o no pay. 'Ella cases cure!ina f . roni tiara, ta, 11,ve,days or . no Charge. ' ' - . DR. JOSS 'pays griait attention :to •Dkspepala„ L ver tumiaaintSlilieumausxr . , Retidaebe;lllmuess ca Sight, rnoilOylngpits. - : All these- above named Will lie re. ored to Constitutional soundness with niien mild and balmy juices of herbs that are gatlaereAtilongrife,r,sidrs; and in valleys up to the lofty mountain tops . All is made 'locally by Abe voieejof echoing praise. : : All letters must contain a ffostage stamp to ensure an answer. .Address . " ".. 'I 'I .. D. DR JONES; ... , White Mtli Rotel, .. . I 07,-. 7 ~ ' , '.. ' ', ; ' , Rarristurg,.ra. -13ANVORTY13 ''PA!=DIT 'ORTABLE HEATERS! FOR WARMING with PURE ROT AIR Private Houses, Public Buildings, Churches, &c., is the MOST POWERFUL and Cheapest HEATER in the World. Recommendations and references by the hund red from those who are now using the HEATER, can be examined by calling on the subscriber, who is the only agent in Harrisburg for the sale of the article. THE "CHALLENGE" COOKING RANGE IS ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANGE requires no walling in but can be set in a fair place or out in the room, and contains all the latest improvements in Cooking RANGES, has larger ovens than any other RANGE now in use. ALSO ON HAND, an assortment of best pattern PAR LOR and COOKING STOVES., and Stove Pipes. Also the largest stock of TIN WARE to be found in this section of country. Wholesal (dealers supplied on reasonable terms- LYMAN GILBERT, deb Corner of River Alley and Market Street. NEW LIVERY. STABLE, PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, IN THE REAR OF THE "HORGAN HOUSE." THE SUBSCRIBER bas opened a new LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and has a stock of excellent Hoze,s, and new and fashionable BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, which be wil. hire at moder ate rates. GEORGE W. LOCKER, agt. nov24•dtf JOHN MAEURER, RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. RESPECTFULLY ieforms the public that he is located at the above mentioned place, and ho has commenced the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV ING BUSINESS in all its various branches. He is pre. pared to ffil all orders at the shortest notice, and will guarantee general satisfactiOn. His prices will be reasonable. Having carried on the business for many years id Germany, andnver two years here, and also having had an extended experience in this country, he ls fully com- Peteall to.execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes tg receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow citizens. r • -; AR - A general assortment of Carpets are always kept &Oland am:141111)st ottt at; the lowestrate. noa?S•BO.Smds woj *Loos, tzt. GREAT ATTRACTION. AN THE NEW CITY STORE URICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRoNr & MARKET STE. NNOUNCE to the eilizens of Harris .tx burg at d the public generally, that:they have just .returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se lected stock of Fall and Whiter' Goods, Which' they will sell It the ve y lowest prices. • . DOIIEaTIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached and.lJnbleached _ Bleiched and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. • 'A large assortment of Welsh Flannels for Skirting. An assortment Domestic Gingham; lilanehester Gingbams, Salinetts and Ca :simeres, Black Cloths at all prices, , Cloths for ladies'. Chesterfields, Beaver.Qoths leor the Arab Make. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS A large assortment of'CasSimeres, innsscially adapted to Boy , s wear. An assortment Of Merino Drawers and Un• dershirts. An assortment of Carpals from 12,K eta a yard W $l.OO per yard. . ALSO LATEST- STYLES SATIN DEOHFINES, PLAID VALENCLAS, ' VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH 'PLAT* AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINFS, BLACK SILKS ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Eroche and Blanket Shawls, with a lull stock of the latest novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Qualuneres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to Srst class Hosiery and Em broideries, &c., Ac., he. An assortment of Mimi a wove trail spring Skirt, pat tern extension. An assortment of Shrouding and Flannels. HEIM& COWPEETHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrbsburg. Formerly occupied by J. L. Either. oct2e-ly BARGAINS FOR THE SEASON, ' T JD NE S T ORE 2 .lust received and receiving , • • from Ettifiadelphia rand 'Neer :York; BARGAINS in Ike of all kind; for cash. BARGAINS in Shawls; of all lands, for cash. - BARGAINS in Cietika and Talieas ofallicindii, for cash: BARGAINS•in P.,lttid Drees:Goods, of &Mande, for cash. BAItGALINS4n every Veriak of — Setisoriable' Dr4ss Goods -for cacti : - d - ;.. r • "*. • BARGAINSIn Blinikets," ell : eines; air cash. BARGAINS in all kinds - of Flannels,, for cash: BARGAINS in Carpetara ofOil Gloths, - &., for cash. And. BARGAINS in all kinds of:llryGoofin nsually:kept Steies; and a Clibtee - frbm a vitry • lirae, well selected &Mr, for cash, . .10NRS! 'STORE; - is3tle • -• - • • . • ' Market - Street; Ehtriisbneg. • • SHIRT AND . COLLAR HOUSE MANOIPAOTURERB OF SHIRT BOSOMS. • White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Dentin and-Flannel UNDER AND GVERWIRTS, Overalls, Drawers and. Gentlemens' -Furnishing Goods. BEN NWT tr, gum, . 0c1,17-dBm 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly Indict -Rubber Clothing: FOR THE LADIES, A lARGE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY 'Tour:Ova KID GLOVES; SliebilidaMaged.iith water—Price 50 and 75 eta.— GREAT BARGAINS. A flue assortment of ki.).Me - quallty, perfeet--Black - , White sod Colored, at " • CA.TIICART , S, 'No. 14 Market Square. GBEAT.REDUCTION IN PRIORS I WHEELER & WILSON'S . SEWING Mkg H I NIS; NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER & WILSON Manufac turing Company having gained All, their sults at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing . Blabbines, propose that the public Should be benefitted thereby, and have accordingly reddced the . pricei of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fahprofit on the coat of Manufactire, capital invested, and expense of making salts ; such prices as will enable them to make first class machines, and, as bereicifore, guarantee them in every particular. In rtocordatice `With the atmouneernerit above I will sell their splendid Sewing Idachloes at prices from 846 to 890 for the fine full case mae,hities; It is a well estab lished fact that the . Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the best one in the market, the best made, : mast Supie and least' liable to get out of °Mee, dnd' they are new as low as the inferior machines. Call and see them a . Third and Market. del-6m W. 0. 111C11.0X., agent. NOT THE _ FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIME 'TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LEK.EN 8 VALLEY 810 E COAL, $2,50 per ton. " NUT *" $2.00 Also constantly on hand, LYKES'S VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILKEBBARRE BROKEN, No. 3 and 4, NUT, Blacksmith COM, Allegheny and Broad Top. Also Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood. E. BYERS. pl 4 , No. 102 Chestnut street. DENTISTRY. THE andereigned. DOCTOR OF DENTAL j. SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice n State street opposite the "Brady House," where he will be pleased be attend to , all who maydesire his ser vices. ' [sep37] B: M. GILDER, D. D. S. A - FRESH STOCK Of Vanilla Beans, Hankers' Farina, Perfumery and Fancy SoaPst at MITE, DRUG STORE, myB Market tr Pa it OUR , GOVERNMENT." 64THE.unity of Government, which con . li stitntes you one people, isovr dear to you."— waenotirkres Farewell Address. nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of Otir country. True pa triotiim must arise from knowledge. It is only - a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and. settled. attachment`to their principles, and impart ability. fur their maintenance. .011$ QO*.ERNMENT : An explanatory statement of. the system of Government of the Country," contains the teiVorthe Conatitution of the. United States, and the Con • stitutional provisions of the several. States, with their i meining and construction, as determined by judicial an thorit y, and precedent and .practice, or derived .from 'standard writers; Atilt& and arringsd for mularnie Price $l.OO. Sold WEIN/MY • del- • - • -` • ',ltairizbiail•h:- I Iktf at% Wittig gars. Raying procured Steam Power Presets, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ee. , ablishment in the country. .88rFour lines calms constitute ene•half Spume. Mg', buss or more than four constitute a square. Hall Square, one daySOL 5 one week ~„ l 00 one month . w three months 8 00 g 4 sia months— .... ••• • 4 0 008 year._ ~,,,„ ..... ..... ....IS bOO One square one day ‘i i ons Week. ' ~. .., ._ ... , . .......'2' I:10 di one month .. three months ~... .......... .... 5 00 di six months.. ............. .... 8 00 one year 10 00 ;a-Business notices inserted in the Leral colioan; or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENI3 PER LINE for'each insertion. NO. 90. saf-Marriam and Deaths to be cbarged• as regular advertisements. The question of the election of a United States Senator from Pennsylvania, to succeed William Bigler, is receiving much attention.— The large Republican majority in our State Le gislature not only ensures the election of a Re publican Senator, but has aleshad.a tendency , to bring many candidates into the field. The men whose names have been presented for the office are generally good men, well fitted , to adorn that high position. But of all the can didates, there is one, who, by his abilities as's, " statesman, by his powers as,art orator, and 'by :; his great services to the Republican cause, 5. stands pre-eminent. That . man is David-Wil mot. Many are aware, while perhaps some, are not aware, of the vast debt which the vic-, torious party thathas just carried PennsYlvembis ,by ninety thousand majority, owes to Judge Wit-. mot. When the repeal of the Missouri Com promise, against the prayers and remonstrances of the united North, .demoralized and destroyed , the Democratic party, leaving the opponents of slavery extension without' a party name or 'or ganization, it was through the wise counsels and under the calm guidance of Sedge Wilmot that order was brought out of chaos, and the friends of freedom in this Congressional pis tract—once the Gibralter of Democracy, as it, is now 'of Republicanism—were organized and united into one harmonious party.. Sueinehan6 na county was the first in the State to' organize a Republican party, and in the first •organize lion Whigs and Democrats, in about equal 5 numbers, united, forgetting old differences and animosities, and agreeing with their conjoined - strength .to resist the dangerous aggressiens of ; the Slave Power. What led the free-soirDemo-' 'crate of this region, so far in advance of those in, other parts of the State, to sunder old, party des, and join in the formation of the Republi can patty? Their principles would naturally ' have ultimately led them to it, but by the se- gacious and far-seeing counsels of David Wil mot, they were prompted to take the lead'and form a nucleus from which has grown the pow- 5 erful and triumphant Republican party of Penn sylvania. We believe that without the aid of 4 Judge Wilmot we should still have had a strong Republican party in Northern Pennsyl vania; but we - are firmly convinced that his in. Remise brought to our organization thousands of voters that would otherwise itiive 'been to this day arrayed ageing, us, either as part of. the Democratic party, or of a third party. Let, then, our 'friends in other parts of 'the State ' bear in mind, while they point with pride to the great Republican majorities in Northern Pereasylvanlit, that these are due in no small degree to the perional influence and. exertions , of David Wilmot. • Bet we Would not urge any man's claims to' high office merely On account: of services sea tiered to the party, however eminent.. Judge Wilmot has other and still stronger claims to consideration. His intellect is of the highest :order, clear, sagacious, and practical. We nave . heard the eleven , question discussed by' many distitsguished•speakers, but we never leard any who brought to, the discussion•Of the subject so rnetty`original ideas,' so many evidences ofpro found thought, and a statesman-like consider ation of the whole .question, as the author of the Wilmot Proviso. His knowledgeof nation al questions, his eloquence as a speaker, his boldness in advocacy of right, and his eminent services, alike point to him as the man for the bow. Pennsylvania has made some woful mistakes, in days past, in the selection of men to .represent her in the Senate of the United States, but by-the election of David. Wilmot to that position she would do herself honor and the whole country a service. Those who advocate the claims of other can didates generally seem disposed to treat Judge' Wiltiot fairly, acknowledgiog his great services and eminent abilities; but a few are inclined to Make old party connection's the test of merit and the basis of advancement under the Repub lican organization. Such a. ccurse would be both unwise and unfair. The'Republiem party dativek its strength ftom a union otmen from all the old parties. It is composed of, men having a eomtion, political faith on the great questions of the day; and and what these men formerly thought, on other, or even the same questions, is wholly foreien to the inquiry con cerning their fitness for office. What .are they now? Are they Republicans—representing fair ly and, with the ability to represent forciblythp prindpies of the party? In Judge Wilmot's case, the, answer must be most emphatically in the affirmative., He is recognized throughout the - Union as one of the most eminent exponeate - of Republicanism. The election of Judge Wilmot to the Senate would have a political significance that could not be mistaken or misunderstood. It would be an assurance and guarantee to the country that Peansylversia had taken her position on the great questions at issue in the late election, deliberately, and that it would be firmly wan talned. . With regard to the Tariff ,question; we are sure that no true friend of the Republican Par ty will make the difference of the past a giorrhd of objection to any member of the party. We all agree that the revenue necessary to Meet' the wants of the Government shall be raised - by duties upon foreign imports. We agree irt'stit)- port of a Homestead bill, thus cuttiugooff that source of revenue. We agree that protection to our manufacturing interests and home; labor, is a proper basis of discrimination in the adjust ment of a tariff. We agree that certain articles of universal consumption, not produeedlii this country, (tea and coffee, fof example,) shall be admitted free. Agreeing upon these 'points, and having seventy or eighty millions of revenue to raise, no serious differences can arise in adjusting the details of a tariff bill. Judge Wilmot's lette to Mr. Brown, in the Fall of 1857 was entirely satisfactory to the party. It was aPproved and endorsed by the entire Republican and Ameri • can press of the State. It is now too lite to call in question his soundness Upon the WM: . It is ungenerous, and betrays a spirit of Aelftsbness, and disloyalty to the party of which we are all members, and equally deserving of confidenCe and entitled to a fair field for 'honorable ad vancement. Those who, in their 'eagerness to grasp honors, thus ungenerously and unfairly assail a rival, by attributing to him opinions on the tariff which be does not hold, are, whether they intend it or not, striking at the integiity of the Republican party. • - - • , The effort to'impeach the soundnasiof Judge Wilmdt'on the tariff, is illiberal and' unjust, not only to him but to his friends in this Gib ralter of the State, who' deserye kinder treat ment at the hands 01 their"pOlitical - brethren, who but for Mir 'constancy and 'fidelity would haVe been to-day in a hopeless minority. in - the State and the Union.—lntieptndia'X' RepublOt: • - • - A,Rug.?a,,Pow,, in dpscribing his ladylo ve, says, - "Slaels as 'graceful is a water 1114, Viblle llettireethl is.like an armful of clover." Lase ifs certainly approaching a "crisis.", =M:S',MMZII United States senator.