THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (suNnAls xxcErTER,) BY GEORGE BERGNER I& CO• TERMS --SINGLE SumasErnes. The Many TILEORSPEI IS served to aubscribers in the ttnrough at 63 costs per week. Yearly subscribers will be cbarged WSZILLY AND Soit-WiticLY TBLIGRAPH. The Talsoßaell is also published twice a week during the Senior' of the Legislatare, 11 , 1 weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnlsb%l to subeeriberS at the following rates, via Magic' Subocribers per year seven Ten 1111 LAW OP WILWIWAPIRS. if subscribers order the dlsconUnuance ot their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to mice their newspa pers from the aloe to which they are directed, they are responsible until they bay^ settled tba bilk and ordered them dlsconUnued ftb4al HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S TIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'd Extract Buchu, Extract Butbu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buohn, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Baehr', Extract Duch% Extract Brichn, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET dr DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET cif DELICATE DISORDERS. MR SECRET 8, DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET de DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 1' DELICATE DISORDERS. MR SECRET Er DELICATE . DISORDERS. A Positive and Spec.fic Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy, FOR DIARASTS OF UR BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRA VeL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, LADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPBY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY_, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPey, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WRAENMS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC. WEAKNESS, And art DiNNW of `swat Organs, And all DU/anise Sexual Orgassr, And all Diseases of &mai Orgaru, And ail Diseases of Sexual Organs, /act all Diseases dir am - wit Organs, And all Diseases of Serucg , °Wins, MUSING PROM Excesses, Exposures, and Imprndencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprwiencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and - Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From whatever cause originating, and whether ax• bating In MALE OR FEMALE Tansies, take no more Pile I Tbey are of no 4vW for complaints Incident to the sex. Use Extract linehrs. Ifelthbohita Extract Huhu Is a Maeda, which la per fectly pleasant In as Taste sand Odor, 818 immediate tit its action, giving health and Vigor to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid (Meek and restoring the patient to a perfect State of HEALTH AND PURITY. ibitnbold's EStritaohn Is prepaied according to Pharmacy and Cho try, and Is proscribed and mod by The Most Endnent Playstoiani Demy no longer. Procure toe remedy at once. Price per bottle,,or six for Depot 104 Booth Tenth street, Philadelphia. Beware of llnprissetpled Dealers Trying to palm off their own or other articles of 1111131116 oil the lepetatlon &trained by . Heimbold4 k =met Buohn, The Original and only Genuine. We nail'. to run on the Merit, of our Article lbs Ar's is worthless-1s sold at , amok less rates and commissions, eonsequently paying a much butter profit. We Defy Competition I Ask for Extraot Buohu. Take no other. *old by D. W. Grose k Co. and all druggists every wbere. FRANK A. MURRAY LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE! FOURTH STREET NEAR MARKET. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared.toi• stp., 1. 00 Da Moduli) the public with dominos Rowe fetead.i the or carriage purposes, and with evory varietP of V HI. CLES or the latest and most approved etyleskun ten.. ,sonable terms. PLEA:3[IHE PARTIES will be aCCOMMOdaIed with Stull buses at abort owdoe. CARRIAOKS AND OMNIBUSES FUR FUNERAL OCCA SIONS will be furnished, accompanied by careful mid, obliging Sneer's. Ha Welles an inspection of his Stook, satisfied that it le fully equal to that of any other ostabliehmentet theltiod in the city. IrSANE As WEBBY: derbdtr JOHN B. EIDdiTH'Et BOOT & SHOE STORE,. CORNER SECOND AND WALNW STS., -Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of . ROOTS, SHWA GAITERS, &n., or the very best twinned for ladies, gentlemen, and childrena' wear.— Prkea to cult the times. AU kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDiiii is the best style by superior workmen RICKAIRING demist abort notice. oetle.dtt AWN 11. SitiTH Harrisburg. PROF, ADOLPH P..I I DDYgtH, vvOULD respectfully Aufo r tu hie old patrons gild the public generally, that hi will LlOUtinue to give instructions withe PIANO FORTS, ME. VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BMW. He will veth pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be give:kat his residence, la Third street, a few, d o o rs below the %vibrated Church. ' dehls-Sir AUGUSTINE L. URAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residosol AVo. 27 !Vora Second arid. N. B—JOBBING ATIF.NDED TO. • Undti - ' W W. HAYS, A TTOBNEY-AZ-LAW. Office Walnut St., between second ,and Third, Harrisburg, • D; Ail - SURGEON DENTIST,` FFERS hie services to the citt i s . gatif klaralsburg and its,vicinny. He indica :011 the public pa age, and gives easurimet tbi pt endeavors shall be Alvin .to render sattslsetionin his pro resslon. Being an old s vell tried dieitist i he feels sae in smiting the publla Arfinsdally tocall on -ease beta that they will not be Oise tished with hes servi ce 00 0 i mo c h a s etreet, n the house formerly ao larded by Jaeob it. thy, sear the , United plates mow, Basrlsbant, Pa. - • 11134141 T HENRY P.E.FF,ER t , OFFICE—THIRD STREET, itilltEWß ROVic) NEAR 11.ARKEA • • Residence, Chestnut Street near '4.:ii , urgt s oirr or HARRISBURG . STATE CA2I alti t t 0 couAtft, CORNER itIVOND ANON/ADM $7&, RABBIS Buack,,.trstalkovas II / , titnsD i ti te t a ,r.•' .2!..ozegaizys• • . 4 S 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. X.Ill: JlUe c:lanwus. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds ofPastry, &o. .kiteeSsernitsn BY '- "EDNi r ; taAMBERLIN & Co., Proirieforseffhwentut Chancel Works. , _•--, No. in INDIA STREW, Boston. CIaithriNTRATED LEAVEN is the re- Naito( careful chemical research. dints ingredi twin are prepared in the highest atelier purity, and con. ponied with it view to produce bread of a far hotter qualltp, and in much less time, than by any other pro cess 1 and by the manufacturer* submit it, with entire 0o dente to the Judgment. of ffiserimitiatlng hone ; e. bakers, ate., - Wad of all blur a made by usingConeentrated Leaven is lighter, more digestible and nultritious; has an agree& ble, natural taste • is leas liable to MIT ; will retain Its moisture longer than by any other process, and the vitiate preparation for the oven need cot exceed ten *nem It is valuable because It is not perishable, and may be rendered available trinlices and at times when yeast is not within reach, mar sea: in all climates and under all rircamstances, It may be adopted, thus obviating all offllculty of procuring yeast or other forme t, which is an l l ti frOduen of an' inferior, quality, rea daring ..the bread 10 e btu l pnwholesome., : - , ' • Valuable as rentrdir economy, lii It has been • is ed that a satieg is effected In the dour of not less than le per cent. In the common proems- much of• the saccharine of the Hour is lost by being converted lino Carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for tbaleirbne or generating gas to raise the "dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste Is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effi cacious. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or anal, rnd,.ln eonsequencedi barrel of flour tiringhtogaigifini which, by-thei oinnumin method, ordinarily bakes about 250 be of bread. gives by this process 290 Ss , thus affecting the very important saving of /0 per cent. m the quantity of Hour.,By conformity to the directions on each. pacitagespi7 in!son Csilltilisi of Ordinary attention, may conduct the process, and the re- sult will invariably lie highiy satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM DR. HAYES, Assayer to the Bale of Alastachusdls. have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, mamas°. tared by Messrs. lidw Chamberlin & Co. with reference to Its purity and efficiency of action in p roducing the ef fect of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering it fit for making bread. This aired., is skillfully com pounded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough without consuming the sugar or any other princi ple in the flour, perfectly; and the ante weight et flour will produce more Sweet, palatable breed than can be obtained through yeast; while for ekes and pastry it is Invaluable, as it saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. • '.Respectfully, "A. A. HtYliS, IL D.,State Moyer, . 3 16 Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1860." DIRECTIONS Saturn!? AND TILL BOLUI.-TKO or three tampoonsfal of Leaven. (accomling to the quality of the flour,) to one quart of Ilourtmix thoroughly by passing two or three times througnasieve ; rub in a piece of butter half the size of egg, Ind make, the paste with isoldMllk or water, (milk-is preferable.) barely stiff enough to ;permit rolling out. Much kneading should be avoided. Cut In to de aired form, and place Immediately in a hot oven and bake quickly. Loa itamo.—The same proportions of Leaven end flour sifted together es above; omit the bitter, ehd make the paste stiff enough to knead lato a loaf, Mid bkte im mediately Maslow attn. GRAHAM Ban).—Three ?nova:podia of Leaven to one, quart of wheat inter,- sditeit teseittek; add onegill of mo lasses and two eggs ;mike tho paste thin with milk and bake in a slow oven. Baown Basa.—Three ; teaspoonful of Leaven in, one pint of flour, and one pini of corn meal, ell well sifted to gether; add two eggs and 'beat I gill of molasses; make the paste thin with milkiand bake slowly. ittrul"WillaT Canes.--blearand Milk sufficient to make one quart of batteriadd ens egg, then three teespoonefal of Leaven; beat In a froth, arld.000! quick. Dttionsi--Silt together one quart ardour itutlwcitee.: sPconsVel orvep ; rub in titeeectbuttaeheigas as sit egg ;, toig'-Yrith cold , milker 'Water; aid ',boll tent minitec ' Cowman Wean Canis—Sift together two large cope of flour and two teaspooneful of Leaven;.put in half a cup of butter and.a.nup and a half of sugar; mix with cold milk or water to a stiff batter, add spiceto suit the taste, and bake immediately. Cmonruyi poems Ceint.,414,0 Amp" of white : lo4o beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of 'stream; beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cope of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three tourpotinsful of Leaven; Savor with twakeaspoonsful of 111111111C41 . 0r le mein, and bake In aetniek. oven. : • ; Johns& —Sift together ;one quart of flour and throb tempoonsful of Leaven ; rub In one tea-cupful of butter; add a alp and shaf ot white sugar, and spits) to suit the taste; mix mile enough to roll dui, Ind bake quick. Euanuxtex nacquart of Soar and theca teaspoons fal at Leaven silted together ir-add soup of batter, one pound of currants, two cope: of whits sugarodad one tea spoonlul al eitiummlon i.ndx with cold mltk to a adlf bat ter, and bake in II slow oven. , . ; Coen esits.—floe pint each of lour and Indian meal; and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted toge.ber ; add one gdl of mole see and two eggs; thin with milk, and bake In a slow oven.. , Car Cuts.—Ftveouptsot Sour and three teaspoonful of Lotion, sifted t•CgOtber• add one castor Wilier, two of sugar, and two eggs, all Wall beat together; then add a cap of currant!, allit 8P10.36.1444.1hi. taste. -Sake about bait an hour. . • . • , UMW CAKIS.--Vbreimittters of a pound of flour and four teaspoonsfal of Leaven sated together; one pound of sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of one lei man; mix with milk. Wain= Cum—Five cups of Hour, three teaspoensful of Leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, one of milk, and two eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste: Bake about half an hour. • • • Packed in Coral of 1,2, 4,,and 131x7Dosin Cans' Itgr tea by Groben and lornmibita generally. • WIEI [A il tiCLAGNIK & bMO., Wholesale Agoutis: .No. 69 Aorch !real Strad, Philadelphia. II if Malik T IX . 'D I T A r T i ':. - , L . .Al 11173b1 •.' ' 1:1E IJN DERSION ED having leaped this well known and popular hotel, in the city' of Harrisburg, l now regUlog and furnishing the same with NNW IitIIKNITURN in the'very best modern style. It la located in the most mintru part of the oily, within a short distance o f the depots of four elfleceet railroad and also near tbViathigica pitalliadraas. - ' : ' ~; The Mose hilsirp arid' the sleeping aDarbropta are well ventilated. . . The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable ari cles . Tula city is well known throughout the State as having the best market outsideo( the Atlantic cilia, and eonsequently no cemplahila ihall be made on that score: The BAR has also undergone changes and Will he kept stocked with the best and purest Liquors In thfiiHUttar/ No exertion will be morale make the ' treieler and sojourner comfortable m livery respect. A continuance o: the patronage Utile old customers, together with new additions le respeotnally solidted. J. H. IZNYORB 7t at. Harrisburg, Angthlt SPX CITY 4 LIVERY STABLES. maceration rAtiar, THE was 01 .111111101H0121. THE undereigne4'4de re:Oniameneed the; livery beanies( K h ue , llrFt apid'SPACPUS BLM located acabove, VIM wimp Mid varied Mock of omutIASES and "OlfM1103103.) which he wilt hire at moderate rate. • F. h.. SWARM eep2B-dly ' • L - GODBOLD PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of maim. Matod for. 40,4 %kr reOelLTo - 03telnk Imam at- VVNL' IS.Narket 'drool Au orders Islt at thilibove asasedplaoe, or at tho Buehler Renee, will meet with arwalit attention. • Stria Wass PIANOS for oaks' NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. . SAM* A LS •ANg SAM* • A CM NUMBER OF ',AR EIZEDIATILD I vie th lionimorft..B.Rmd 80u.:44 q 1140. macve,4ctim imem.whwa tmitisny,wlb! . #l . 1""19 ., 1 1 416 __ 1 imp OW JORM Westaza.. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL IN NONE• ' HARRISBURG, PA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 19, 1860 YOR ILUCI34I s~eDitai. DR JOIINSON mA..3texuotzucuElan 5 LOCLIEOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy M the world for DISEASES OF. IMPRUDENCE TWIT IN OLT TO TWITTO BOUM. No Mercury or Noxious Oxiigo. ArA.CORR WA/MARTZ% OR RO CRAII.IIOLIROX Oat la Two . • ' 'Weakness of the Beak or Limbs, Strictures; Palub in the Lotus, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weskneis, 'Nervous Debility; Decay of the PhYdcal Bow ers, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Conitision Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity; !trembling, Moises' of Sight or Giddineis, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throst, eh se or Skin-116m terrible di tor dent arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits of outh—tho:e dreadful sed'ilealtenctivisprOntlses produce constitutional detillffy, reoderlantrilage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind, xotrica kw. • Young men especially wbo have become the victims of solitary Vice, that diestdßil 'and dintructlve habit which. annually sweeps to an untimely grate thobeands of young men of the meet exalted talent and brilliant Intel- ,lent,. who .might otherwise have entranced .listening . Senates with the thunders of eloquence, sr 'waßed , to ec tray the living lyre , may call , with full confidence MARRIAGE Married persons, or those eontemphtting,rea riase, I,* tog aware Orphysical weakness, abouldiromediately ooto 'Stilt Dr. J and be restored to perfect, health. • • . ORGANIC WELICNIESS ImmaktdscOured AU vigor re4oral He who places himself under the earn of Dr. J. ma - eligtottsly COE Ode in ilia honor as aleutlenian; And con- Adelitly rely upon his skill es & physician. —Office No. 7 tooth F'ederlck street; Baltimore, on the left hand lido going from Baltimore sire*, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular In olisereing the name or number, or you will mistake the plains: Be par ticular for Ignorant, Tr(ding Quacks, with false 'names, or Paltry Isunthog Cerbitcata, attracted by the rem:da llier of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contains, restage Stamp, tome on the reply. DR. JOHNSIO'S , Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Ragtime, Loudon, graduasefrom one of this meat:eminent Colleges Of the United ?states, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the fpitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere; tie effected some of the most as tonishing clues that. were,ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears and head when asleep. great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment of mend were oured litutiediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all tbose who bating injured them selves by private and Imvioper indulgen n its, that secret and solitary habit whichreins both body and mind, uts-` fitting them for either business or society. /hese are some of the sad and melancholy egrets pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : - WOaltnezz Back and Limbs, Pains in the head, Dtinness ,Of Bight,. Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Beast', Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, JilyMptotas of. Ceinsump: don, &c. MENTALLY.- linareaut; : ibe fearful effect! on the Int* ene3lttlelf to be dreided :—Loss Memory, Confusion of Idea s ._7. De pression of Spirits, 301 'Forebodings, Avendoe tonocie- Seltdistrust, Love of t3olltedtyttnifdlty; ato.,ef r y some of the evil effects. • • . . Thousand's of ,poracms of alkagee, cap e aos!Juctge. what tithe cause of their decetie In'heiilttc losing Weir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have n al/301er appeadence.about the eyes, cough, and symp toms of consump.tou. YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a oertAin'praelioe, in dulged itt when alonon—a habit frequently learned from Orli companions; or lit behoid the' (deem of Which are =nightly fell, even when asleep, sod itnot cured, renders Marriage Memorable, and destroys both mind and body, should apply lmniedietsly. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coun try. the darling of his parents, should be snatched Irom all prospects and enjoyments ial life by the consequences 9f deviating from tuts path of .hature, and indulging in a Certain secret habit. ; Such persona must, before contem• plating MAARTA.G.E, erect that a sound mind and body are the moat necessary regalia es to Iliromote, connubial laappinme. Indeed wlatotatthess, journey through life becomes a weary pligrimagm,the prospect hOurly.darkens to the view; the mind becoMes Shadowed %situ despair, and 41led with the Melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with:nor own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIDDRATING REMEDY FOR OR • GANIC WEA.I(„NESS.; By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily mired, and fell vigor restored. ;Thousands of the moat ter:vont and debilitated who Mid lost all hope, have been ;immediately relieved. All impeelmente to /ferriage, Physical or ]rental cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind; speedily cured. TO STIL&NOESS. The many thousands cured at this Instiution within the last twelve years, ind the humorous important Surgical operations ! performed by, Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papens, and many other persons, notices of Witilch have appeared again and again before the pubbc, !Nitrides Ms *feeding at tt peatiemart of ekaracier and re gmergals—fy, la &sufficient gnarantee to the afflicted. bLieriSiS OF IItP,RODENCE-6-When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleisure Ands he has imbibed She heeds of this *gel Coate, It too often happeni that 1421:.timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters hlat from apptylogto thus& who, from mite:mums and re amiability can atone befriend him,delaying the con stitutional' symptetrie of title horrid 'disease make their appearance, analog! this head, throat, lima, skin, sc., 4pfpgressing ow:widr itightnn rhpidity, till death puts a period to his deviate' sufferings by readies' him to "teat Warne from whence so traveler. returns." it Lea mei incholy fact Mi.% thonseuds Rill victims to this terrible &Male, owing to thenniMiffidness'ot ignorant pretend -40.1ii who. by the die of that dodgy Orison., tatieury, ruin the constitution and make the.rcealowetlLs inwerehie• 'fa biILIMISILI.—The Mani's 1 iiiloniaa hang in his ,Letters must oontala a Stamp tous au thel!taplY Ramodtekatma by, MAL ~ • AarNo. 7 South Fralectatairaot, Balti more. 'aprl3 - dawly , . - , 13.T.LVER PLATED WARE HARVEY FILLEY, M 0.12181 Market 8 r,. treat, PXCLIDIMIU, 7f dnr oterer o 'NICKEL BILVER, and SILVIMPLATER of Foßmvi3PooN9, LAD L BUTrRK KNIVEI, . curium; lit slisa„ sinTl4B,_ WAIT .B • mink& tea aromas, CAKE 00111147ti1ON.WATtE, • MPS; G5",'90131.3T5; a genet al asmorttnent, co:opining none but the bes quality, made et the bat wutterieds and heavily Adak 004 ,411 Pep - • • . •• - . • PON Hants, Etreamenats•aan , Panraea FARMS& is- Old Ware re-pliagifin the. east manner. reOSIO-daerly BUEHLER HOUSE, ..m•Atitli*ET S 41:1 ARE:, HARRISII3UktG, PENN'A. GEO. J. roilrGri; PROPRIETOR. CAls Tlip above well known and long established Wel is now =delta* thiori — ingli_renovation; and being In a ggreat t e g ree - heWl37-teralkitds.tleder the proprietorship lir ' ke i r4-Bertl/44 0 t.. h eeN al . t 4eF ate of t h e house for ei)ii"' re!. Land: is well known to to peek Thankful for the liberal patronage WWI it "Ma }eyed I cheerfully commend Mr. Bohai , billie'vablic. f vor. fjeB dewtfl :WILLIAM VOR a Super* a ids Cheap Table o Paid 00 4 atric'- KELM'S DRUG STORY. IMANGES AND LEMONS. ORTT.J34ME in pfiipp. yikg ,ietture. k. -41. 40 " wx. DOOR JR. k Slistellcmtons. IMPORTANT NOTICE For the Afflicted with Diseases which Atspear to be Incurable. DOCTOR C. WEICHEL, residing in Har risburg, Pa., Th ird street near North street, cured in Germany as well as America, many pertonsanar hay ing been treated withentanecera by other physicians.-- We extract here sinnepsseanes from German newspapers of thiscontaining acknowledgement of such per sons and their recommendation to apply in similar cases to Dr. WEICHIr.L. George Cassel, West Hanover township, Dauphin coon ty, tesUfles that he was perfectly cured , of a Gawp in ward his Ift cheek. Jane Dadabaue, of HaritslStag, testifies that .baving.been treated by various physicians for live yearifin 'the case - of theumaliem In both lega so Uatilla was enable to lift one leg before the other during all that time; after their abandonment she used Dr. Weichel's - medicine 'only about three months, and wan ptrfectly cured. 4. Sollenberger testifies that his ahlte.r Jane having been confined to her bed for nine years, and all-that tirse spetellees, Mill everyday and nigemspimms on the chest, Was then-perfectly healed by Dr. WeiChel, and hat for fire years since that time the use of her speech. Man. Zimmerman testifies that having been totally blind in one eye for ten years, and la the other for one year, bat received Pall al, lit of one eye by using Dr. Weichers. direction and medicine. John Meyer; of South hliddletoniownship, Cumberland county, testifies that having totally lost sit ht of the right eye for more than one year and a half by the gray cataract, and oat ployed several physicians without succei a, has received then under,the treatment orDr. Weichel in less than one year bis sight to that he can read, and considers his cure to be accomplished. In thseenteplue irhtr unexpected cores have been performed to wit : Mrs. Ann 11 My having been deaf it In high digree for nine yean, eived the full use of hearing, anti „her . stint, 10 xvial age, haying been at. Mated !Or Artrietsis with spitting of bleed, was cured by the,Dootor. • —• , Wog modiati to An .4dVergTOgifthen Inalances may suffice toMrect aka 'anon q the altlictad with the above mentioned and aimilitt *UM to his Waco. dec4-dawlm* DR. D. W. MIMS, WHITE HAIL HOTEL, HARRISBURG, rA4, tit/ ho has eagaiiid rooms for private consultation and may be found at all times. Dr. Jones may be consulted personally or by letter, by describing symptemson.alloiscasesot private nature, such as Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilitic Eruption*, Mercurial Diseases, Affections of the noys and Bladder. Let the mistaken that seeks after pleasures when be finds that he haslmbibed tbe seeds of that horrible 'disease, when not immediately cured, will make Its appearance Bich as Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Eruption over the Body: •To such - Dr. JONES offers the safest and mostaertain remedy*, ameplca.' The rune ' dies osedbY • hini are entirely vegetable, and can be used witboitt,chanse of blot or hindrance from Business. Dr: JONES will also make an article of agreement—noau no-pay. 'Milo caseircured ifi frbm three to tlie ditys or no charge. DR. JONES pays, great attention - to Dispoplit, ver doteitaaintk Itheumaithazi,Vitadiche, Dimness ot Sight, Female Complainis. All tbeicabove named will be re: stored'to constitutional arkiiideess with - each mild and. .balril.lniees of herbs that are gathered along river aides, and is valleys up to the lofty mountain loin. AU 13 made v madly. lir the ovine of echoing praise.' • ' All letters must contain a postage attimpto wasure' an answer. Address Plt. D. W., JONA, Whitehall Hotel, del Httrrisburg, pe. SANFORD'S PATENT PORTABLE HEATERS! FOR WARMING with PURE 110 T AIR Private ifonAes, Public 13:1i:Jiisigs. Churches, .te., is the MOST Pt./WS:Rill. and Cheapest HEATER to the World. Recommendations and references by the band red from those who are now• using the HEAVER. can be examtned by on the subsdriber, who ie the only amt. in Earrlsborg for the sale of the article. THE "CHALLENGE" COOKING RANGE IS ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANGE requires on walling in but can be set in a fair place or out in the room, and contains all the latest improvements in Cooking RANGES, has larger ovens than any other RANGE now in use. ALSO ON HAND, an assortment of best pattern PAR. LOR and COOKING STOYM, and Stove Piero. Alsothe largest stock of IIN WARE to be found In this section of country. Wheless], (dealers supplied on reasonable terms. LYMAN GILBERT, deli Corner of River Alley and Market Street. NEW LIVERY STABLE, • PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, .411 7 ;T. REALE OF VIE `WORGANSOUSE." PRE SUBSCRIBER has opened a flew LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and- has--a of excellent BORSES, - and new and fashionable BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, which he wit, hire at moder ate rates. GEORGE W. LOCHER, adt. nev24-dtf a JOHN - - MAIHIRER; sli filli RASPBERRY - ALLEY ; ERN'. CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY , DIABRLSMURG, PA. IDP,FSf'=„FULL informs the publiothat jA) he is located at the above, and ho has =Mucked" the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV ING BOr.INErS in all its various breach, la, ..The is pre. pared to All all orders at the ihottest notice, and will . _PIM/ tee general satisfaction- Ills prices will be - reasionsdale, - llitinc_eatria the Walesa tot , -teeny years in GergA a f o :4 ereinvertwoyeller not also haling had an extended expettence In tht mitt ' el 33 fully com petent to execute all work entraidett*lrartKP°s to ecetve a xectionablit i ellare of - enitom -flew . agrAtiotand asiothnenviii outwit lowest rata art always** onetsaideneddinabe sold at the . "' ' I novll-40-3nd IDrg GREAT ATTRACTION AT 'THE NEW ;CITY STORE I URICH & 00WOR . THWAIT CORNER FROM it MANN= sra. . A NNOUNCE. to- the of tiring of Harris /1 burg at d the public go:morally, that theyhavejust returned from the eastern eitieswitb aline and well se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will the ye ty lewest prices. .Dalikte3flC GOODS ef,ever7 kind. Bleached and Unbleanhed,kluslins, , ' ' Bleached and linbleaohed Canton ilahnels. . . . ;BBD irLANNWOP EVERtYDEBORIFTION.. . A large assortment of Welsh Flannels ibr Skirting.. Alt assortment Daineatic Mush q Ihmeh'ester Ginghains, • &dinette and Ca stiteres, " Black Ckitjus stall prices, Cloths foll.adies' Atsdereeldut &Myer Cloths for the. Arab tab. A FIBS AKOAMMENT OR BLANKB2B. A large asaortment,erf Cassitnet es,- especially adapted to Boy'e wear. An sasortment.of Merino Drawers and 1:71t . derabirts. Ariassortntent of Carpets from 12% eta a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENOIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RIM PLAIN AND FIGURED . _ MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELADTES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDThS. A large assortment of Brocbe and Blanket Sbawls E with a lull stoat or the laical novelties. . An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. • LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid te first elan Hosiery and Em broideries, &c., &c. An aatortment or Hugon! a wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of Mudding and Mansell. MUCH & COMPRETHWAIT, Cotner erFront and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Former' occupied byJ. L..littner. bctge-ly BARGAIN'S FOR THE - SEASON• • JONES' ST'OIVE Just - I , oceived Abd receiving IrOm :Plitialialphla :and • ' New York, - . ,; • 41 ' BARGAINS in Spa of all klad,„forcaah., - • • BARDAlNS.bilitialirls, titan Wilde; Oas/r. BARGOINS in Cloaks and Tailinaaor all kinila c ror,cash. , BARGAINS iii pianweini 00013;ixinrithas, toiAsh. );ARGAINS In every , variety of m ßsaannable. l!rean Goode, for cab': - - - BARGAINS in }Rank*, of all kinds, for caah. aLuG4INEI in 'ill 115alinala, 16r caab. BARGII49,•in Camatpra,94oll,Clotha, taa.,..tat kept in antindi of'Ditr Gbodii eitia.V kept in altaria; and a obrobja. aNarylarge, salioted „MIMI, for. cash; at' ' '3'oNEse eau% oct.lB • • • !tat Waal, Hatztabarg. • • PHILADELPHIA. SEM lA. 00TiTitit HOUSE 1 wananoTuianui Or SHI-BiT BOSOMS White, Faney:Oheek, ; akkory i Denimitod Flannel : 'UNDER AND. OVERSKERTS, Oveialitt - v tDrawery and Gentlemen& Xetviehing Golds.% 'BENNETT' CRUCH; 0et17 7 413m ARO'. AgeutMor the,l3eotelly ,T,tel.te,Ettbl3e.p.tothhkg. F ,T!H,EI 13;FE A LAIPUCJTAF.,,FIRST QUALITY • TOWINILCIIeiIiCACE A Do S, Sightly daßtged witl:wattr-r, ..Pricep4frind_ ORF.AT BAROAII4B.' Allneaseartiiiint an= Oality, pertep-Blacir, White, and 41 E AM'S, kw& - • GILIAT REDUCTION IN PRICES - • WHEELER WILSON'S S E WI litt'M A C . E ,S, . NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER & WILSON lianufac.: , tarineCeiriipanY liiiNfrig gained'lu ttieit salts' at law with infrifiging nitinufacterers Of aSellerildoalnes propose that the - putille.shOuld tre'beritifltted' thereby, and nave accordingly.redncefi the pripat,of: their Sewing. ldeobbee: EMI; thin dale : theY*lll Willa - it rates that will pay a fair prop on We:so-o,of mannfeulareocapitel Investect experaie'or , mamnestiiitiirstrai 'prices as will eitble them, lee.malce 413 herelotore; kuhrauteelhatalit'AtiOiryliartiatilar. • In almordance with ,the annightesoues peeved will sell their splendid Sewing Ifachirmei at prices from us, to $9O for the tine full carsaptehints, ts ;swell estab lished fact that the ' Wheeler & Wilson Sewing:hine L the best one iii the roarket, : ili'via4l midi; most eiple and least lfahla to get out of Arderi esid. thbY ar - p:nint low as • the MR rrtr. machines : Call and tee them a Third and W. '7 del-din W. IifILIKCIIC Agent. • NOT FIRST, 4.4ItIVAL BUT A4l4y - gD,J,L))I3BandE `1641E- SOLD PRICES, LYKEN .8 •VALLIM MOVE - 00AL,42;60 pariah it It Nur, st. • 0.00 , dI Also canstaixily an Lead . LYKSIPS -VALLEY *WON, ••• • • " • - Z a , . copoLiAND =Amon COAL, • • W 'ILEMBARRKIERDIU • .• 4 06 UL. , imacksukith Oral Allegheny aniLltrinitilnp'• 'A*/ Hickory. Cif* aPd Pil . l,4t.yplnd. BURS, pl 4" - 'l47o.:lo2oteatnaCstreet. D E N andkiiiigTiCtkopto44FDtNTAL SURSERKbax.returnea.aid reetweed-bla lwee t tree nState street opiieeite 'the “Beett7 Beide '! -where he will be pleased Le - attend to iit why maydessriaiiii ~frepsru. 41.:3L:G1L111A4D. , V Se ITEM , Cif Arinillik fiuf Fancy Saaps,,car !lictugsrtattari: l 7 myr . Market tr i . , „ "OUR OCt • unity.of_atnreniinentoehich con:- sututts Yoglswtepeepie,Lis newideactooa." wiumestiO.Yereweg. , 44i ri frete. td,„nallunalityle essen tial to Ole endur in g gut peuntry; True ust iriolisut &nit arise - fr om' WO . a prepr understandinglit ourth 11idtalions that can induce strong and rattled altacbuguo,to their principka r ata trowt ability for *tar inidateruill'ae. ODR tillarlerplanatory statement of the system 0f..,r eakettshrtry,sthe text o tlthiti o cifittirM dWel-g,tu tei altp, atitutiopargiraviatur - rditatte ik4l l 4g iimd ligut - WriascArcuotokiiideld ie eda* " price al st iewri oo. :71trq't del Barrfaburg, f i ttaz tir*-iitt . fart. Having procured Steam. Power Praises, we are prepared to executiJOß.aturßOOK PRMING of every description, Cheerer that item b done et any other ea tahlitolooentin the coheir:, RATIOS ffirFour lines or kw constitute mitAalf severe e. tiateo or more than tour constitute el:9[mm Bail Square. one day ono week one month three montrw.. Dix mouths..... • • • One Rpm* one day 114 ono week.... one three months If six months one year... _ _ gOrßusiness notices inserted it the Local cohost', or before:Marriages and Deaths, FIVE ;CtENIB PER LINE Ibr each insertion.. NO. 88. . _ . . aig-Masr%goals' . Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. To JAMES 13iTO.H4NA.N, PRnIPOT OP =1) Mintl6 47A7119 . . In the name of the citizens of „ the United States, for we know no other .iitissauthias we call upon .you James Buchanan, ..R;esitittist of tho United Sta tes,to wake up frorayonzworse than traitorous Sleep, and exert the *bole power of the Federal Government, to cave it from the traitors who are openly, and your FinataVarice,, if not by your aid, seeking - 0ver .4%43 1, and4duitipa, thf country, inte ci, wan li itch - forth your' arch, Sir, seize with your right hand the broad sword of the power once wielded by the immortal Washington and Jackson, in , a similar emergency, and, with the left bearing aloft the stars and stripes in their glorious - unity; say to tlic) enemies of the ;14.eLoblic, who hitye dared toinsuit,tho,mpiesty .of.this-keoplaline far amine ,farther.. , — Appeal to the friends of the. Federal Govern ment,' as iriv, in the -midst-of Abe treason, that has thus far forced them Logo with the tide, against thar will, to rally to the aide of the 'Maim in its integrity—tell them: in trumpet tones, that "The Federal Union Must and shall be preserved," even if a million of men fall in its defence, and; yon will instantly calm the waters of discord, and ilite voices of thousands of true spirits will cointrap in response to your emihand,: even frOm the land of the rebels themselves.: , Mr. Racharian, you have been derelict to your solemn duty, long enough. When you penned your Fort Duquesne letter, in , which yon uttered the base and infamous declaration, .that the Republic was on the eve of proving a failure, you gave "aid and comfort to the ene mies" of the Federal Government. Your whole .policy in regard to Kru:sas was in contempt of popular government—of Democracy itself— and pointed directly to the preient state of .things. Your abandonment of the 'Federal forts on the, coast of South Carolina, to the mercy of &Charleston mob, and your persist. mice in that policy, place you in the category of the rebels against the just and lawful au thority of the United States, of wht ' se Biecu tive power, you are the sworn defender. Your late message dishonestly charged the real ques tion at Issue, the execution of the laws of the United , Statesi to the quehtion of making war upon a ,State,: which, nobody in , the country ever dreamed of: That public document was nothing moremor less than amapologyfor the treason that now stalks abroad,througheut the whole country, with its brazen face, alitming the timid, and disturbing the: peace of theme tion. You haie adtipted the heresi e s tintt have groitu out of that itupendouirluiresy,, , Ebb, reso lutions of 17 1 :1S, by which this goverument 'tisechangeti from a.grivirthiftlitt delhe whole liPainerecomPsethetweenToofederated Stites, liable to be broken at ,pleasure ; and, walking in the traitorous steps of John C. Cal ! bpunaon have undone all that AaeorgerWash- Ingtml.and Andrew Jackson Aid to cement the government upon ifs true fotmdations. Instead sof :presenting, yotirself as Mb:4 . .24)4140as of the Republic, in the harbor Af Charleston, on the 7th day of last 'Noverbber; With the whole power of the c0w:A.17,-mA pm:minding ~the peace, you have ignobly shrunk ,from the 'pefernuirice Of your iacrid doty, and allowed 3;!!;Ir_ 4 1 g.lakr9 1 4).10.4 PY .trttturf clekb 4nd his equally, traitorous associates, and to smile %%OM the 'efforts of the 'rebels Who 'refuse' to the late peaceful decision °CAW). peo• pie, oe the United :Antes, under. the normal ac tiorilo Four Federal institutions. - ' Whenperteral Washington marched a large and imposing force against the, Whisky Insnr -rt`totiorthitti of Pennsylvania''they 'disappeared ,from : he face of the earth, bike the days ruider a summer's morning sun. When treason rear ed tits hideoni head in South - Carblinti, Gen4tal Jackson suffered no ; traitors' to; poison the at mosphere °flits Cabinet, by their fetid breath, ihut atied•the treason back into his 'hatelliiir by,4he very front of his presence. Nay, he did more than this. At•the very, first signs of re aistance on the 'part 'of the nullifiers, he order ed the army and the navy to, be reawornAi their airegiAnce to the United'States,' thus nipping -in the bud the mad heresy, that a •oltisen of the United Slats could owe allegiance to an k y .. , ,,.., oilier gOvertinient. `;Since the,above lines were penned, - . wit bii*e read the news that , you have driven Gen, caw from your connells; becaohe of his fidelity to the from `` and the laws;:beettisead his walking, in the footsteps of, Washington and IliClitog ' Laminae' of 'his . 11'eterrialnaibri ' to exert..., the poster ...of -.Vaal Btaier l dwgtoverd_ meat, for . its preservation: • r yr .c ' oth_yag in'teo'gret' - iie, n depttingfrni plat. .councils.;: '' he :ahtia , beent.ontitriOeii , by- yea, 'James Buchanan,, in your disloyality •to the Government in an-evil'hour' to your • tlandst bY.rt,deceiveciconstituencyyteireiSthengh it,was a larr „iniuority ! of, tka,pepplak,vute. Vh'e pnblielAiti• inibotmcoktlult lOU . refusiti , kV. Wize• Eel t Mold t rie, ...for' Ilitiof Waging "on a 'collision with the ~nth Carolina ..rebels 'iliaiiiiTthean'preme and lawful authoiity of Atha I,7nited SSaies. 'And yet, by nut riAufori• cing that post i• you leave the gallant ioMeers L in ,charge of itLte M a rtheercy a Cliarlestfiii Wid t h. !pi:mod)! , constilation in such a criale„ nti Ilisit they will give a good account. of. the,matilves. "even :though they may' be' overpritdered. If ynuiare inadequate to ,the•higirdisnhaige of your magisterial duties, which ypar trembling And vatillatitig course cliailr shtw's, 'lib) , do you not resign, and letilifße AteClibiridge, the Candidate of the , disruptionists, take your -place`? The country 'weed -then be 'relieved from, your timid treeson,, Sind, lie brought face to fiee"with, eit)ier fidelity to its institutions, 'oi open - tiriaeheYitheitentii"='• ,But.there 10,yetxtui opportunity for you ,to escape 'from the :gulf of ignominy into which you airrinun t ehbigliithlearfal spetd. • An de& tirmierApsident and Tice Presidenkhaelelons placeacting fn all 'the forms at the Cpnsti l tationottidethe laws. "2" on have to e at''tr Ali that fact, and.that fact alone-- .: ~ L . -.; 'cltliryorir siv'orn dutitb - elayri in, alk‘tiinfr. entirety, so far , as god:eats; viltiAite neens,at your command.._ 'Wafer t he feria lii Charleston barber, inst a nt a n let; the re sponsibility of collision i.ustatill it or h e rhhelsagainst the . Authoirity ) , of -the ..United,, Ap iht altedgial Ad& raid Atarshal. for. 'the f p'mi l * cktuttroonthaartilinit,-taid throw upon that Tu etle ieeponsility of .holding his, .Courti iendeitit lithirnthit Wliblh power ' a fbe goverpmentilttprO*Vhimin:ihe;itrxereirre' 01 , his functibits. - " ;''lr.f lilissse is - re6hiii, lit gotithvat6hlni6. a: I * -0 010-90Ifst;:; 1 4. 1 ) 1 11fAty I fail hi tirtilriltl legiance to the United Stelae, txtil pa i dlie,peo- Plea Vial:rid - tea fifiteigfer ainstritice in'esei c3. 1 441P tke .4-ww• ..- a'o o )". l .4.Att CinnViff*lbil arr 9 y art y,gn did rti.gansas.,.toisatwdoweActiel- Fitirlififiell -Plach'-WW . SnThetie at` Washing % Ilt a Pp o 44l o4 lFAl l st In- t'beiPerfoil " ,o I e ny, in Counting the votes fur President and Vice President, and declaring the result; INZ3 • 6u w~ ti ¢ 00 .. 2 00 . 3 00 . 5 00 .. 8 00 . 10 00