'F IiE"I'ELE G RAP PUBLItiBED EVEBY PAY, orNDAyi EXcFIII.I,.) BY GEORGE BERGNER 18r, CO. TERMS —Si:lntl SCHSCRLPTION. ro. , DAN" TELEGRAPH SPl'Ved tO SULEClibOill In the L•r , tu at 6 cent- , p^r weck. Yearly subSCriberS h Y be charged 31,00• W [GRIT ANP SKEO-WEERLT TELEGRAP toe TELEGRAPH is al,o pahhohed twice a week du ring ne session Of the LegiSint tire, and weekly during the re mainder of the year, awl ;urina l :A to subscribers at the fr.;loAiug rates, V 17.: Single Su hoc ri was Per year 1.00 12.00 Seven Ten 15.00 TOR 1-LW OP NEWSPAPERS. it subscribers order the discontinuance al Weir news pspers, the publisher may continuo to send them until all arrearages are paid. if subscribers neglect or refuse to take [nor newspa pers front the office to which they aro di; they are responsible until they bav^ settled the Wills and ordered them discontinued Illtbical HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S fIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S lIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S lIELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Boas], Extract Bitch's, Extract Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS. )OR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR AVECRET DELICA7B DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS. FUR SECRET 4 DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SACHET 4 DELICAPB DISORDERS: A Positive and Spec fib Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and specific Semedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remtsdy A Positive and 8, ecitic Iternedy,_ PO .4 DI 4 EASIIB OP Ina EI.,ADDES, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DRoesr_, .I..4.AhD.Ex, GRAVEL, KID.N.EYS, DROPSY, LADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY . ELADDES, GRAVEL, EIDNEYs, !MOM: DEAD DEA GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, Prive.sr, L.A LIDA: re, GRAVEL, LIDA Ens DROPSY, DLARDEN, °NAVAL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS,. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WRAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all DinalitS of :mad Organs, And oil Diseases of Sarsat Ovum, And an Disat4s of Zama/ Organs, And all Duoasts of sexual Organs, Ana all Diseases of Sexual ("Nano, And all D 411441011 of .Sczucd Or g ans, anwsu FRO* Excesses, Exposures, and luiprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Itoprudencies in Life, Exeksses, Exposures, and linprudeneles in Life, Exce,ses, Exposures, and Imprudenciea in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Insprudeneies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From whatever cause originating, and whether ex, tiling in MALE OR FEMALE Females, take no morella 1 They are of no avail for Complaints lnattlent to the sex. tee Extract Machu. Belmbold's attract Wenn is a Medicine alit& Is per esti), pleasant in its Toot. and Odor, But immediate In Its eetton,Vvlng Health and . Vtgor to 114. Frame, Bloom to the rutin' Cheek, and restoring the latirat to • latent atate,of HICALTD AND PURITY. llc mbold's Extract ➢none is prepared according to 11..,rm.my mad Chemistry, and le preseribed and used by 't he Mast Physicians. no longer. frocuro till ramody at once. Si per bolt* or six for $6. • • . D. of 104 Booth street, Philadelphia. Beware of Unprincipled Dealers, I r) :14; to [WO/ of their own or other artleles of OIL tt.n t upuutiou attained by Iletuabold's k. 'Onset nnstra, tug u.ihnnal and oulY , anutua. tv,. ursiro to ruu un the Meru of our Artiolo I ineir's Is worthless—ls sold at much less rates and .tstions, sonsentiently paying a mach better prOdt. We Defy Competition S AA: for tielmbold's Extract Buchu. lake au other. ;,-ohl by D. W. Gros.; &Co. and all d)uggiAi every %hero. nt.vll.-dawam JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., ilarriaburg, Pa. 'c' . l"S on hand a huge assortniPnt of bAITEKS, au., of the wry best for ladle , gentlemen, and chltdri•its' st ear.— I. • to suit thu tbneo. All kinds of it U 66 MADE TO 01..• apt to Lao knit style by t upertOr workmen • I HI A t, dont) At short notice. IS.ott JOHN B, B4ITII, Harrisburg. 1)110F. ADOLPH P. TEUPSEIt, OULD respectfully inform his old pntrons and the public geaerally, that he Will CvLtialUt, to give inetruclione on the NANO IFORTI; - ME- L( huN, VIuLLN and also lu the science of THOROUGH bard. lie wW w'th pleaeure watt upon pupils at their homes at any Door dewed, or lessons will be given at his resatenve, in Third street, a few doors below the ''r an 1,1. met, Church. deeltmiti AUGUSTINE L. URAVNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Rest:low No. 27 Alorth Second &reel. N. Is —JulißliN Ail ENDED TO. W W. lIAYS, ..A.TTOBNLY-.A.T--LEIVir; Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. Vit DR. T. J. uIL iSTJECIEON .DENr.r.L.ST, Fhlt6 his services to the eltitieus of klarraiburs and ltd vicinity. lie softens a share of ILie public patronage, and gives assurauco that his best eiltbitlVOni Wail be gives to rustler eatisfaction to hid pro JddAion. hews au old, welt tried demist, be feels sate to nvithis the public generally to call on him, assuring Lem unit they whi not be dlstatistlett with hie services 031ce No. 12 Market street, In the house formerly on copied by Jacob E. Sby, near the United States Hotel, laarrisburg, ran 1,131'4.7 MW HENRY PEITER, OFFICE,--THIUD ETREET, gizi4es NEAR MALUKU:. Rep:clew, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OP RARRISEWRG, PENN'A. 2.dir NEW DRUG AND PR.ESORIPTION STORE - Av . W .IBTRoN Q, Pratt: eiUsens tical I raggist and (Ihemiet, would Worm tba or Elarriaburg, that he tam leased the store froom metal y coo .pied by Dr. Inaba!, and is now prepared to turoteb Moog who fall dieymod to patronise him, with pare and noadu‘terated Drugs ;tad idedicides,suth as oen be relied upon, having bed several years eaperience its the Drug and Presoriptiou busince4 he nulnt:reapecttully solicits a Blare of Physician,' ere:: criptlutk business. Eie bus also a large and varied assortment tit PerftniterY; Etutiohery, &o. Also, all ul the most popular Patent Me dicines 01 the day ; also, Tobacco, Sega*, the best brume; also, Alcohol, Turpentine, (turnininut Cool LAI, ato. lu lust evetytiung usually attP! , In a roil Cooked ding store. novl2-dltif . I NOTICE TO sPECULATOIIB. STATE CAPITAL BANK. Kum - ABLE 85 2 / 4 .4i LOP AVE MIX c oaßoN, coLtExt . :,:miy if Ait i NUMBER OF LARGE BTZRD MUD f‘ um LOTS adjoining the Round Rouse and Work CORNER SECOND AND TV . 4 ~*..,46/ 1 r 141" -uu=2l2=rt• -L""1". RABBIS BURG, PENN. ew l' l 4., ioing ic j .,,,, -- 1 .. -- raiitsicati ~.....t ,„.... a pi / A - / •ft,,fts ----- , nit; Aly I *> e./ 4k tap t l 1 VOL. XIII; ittistellantous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOri MAKING Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry. &sa MANLITAOTIIRID BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & Co., Pro; rif fors VShammui Cheraw! Works. • No. 33 OVA STREW, tioitoo. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN is the re via of careful chemical research. All Its ingredl etas are prepared in - the highest state of purity, and com pounded with a view to produce bread of a far better quality, and In much lees time, thnn by any ether pro cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it,'"ivith entire confidence, to thu Judgment of dSuriudnitting house. keepers, bakers, &c. Bleed of all km's made by using Concentrated Leaven is Hl:liter, mote digestible and nuitritleus; has an agrcea. ble, natural taste; is lots liable to lobe ; will retain Its moisture longer than by any other proms, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten adulates. his valuable because it is not perishable, and may be rendered available in places and at times when yeast Is not within reach, as at sea.. In all climates and wider all elreemitanci3, It may be adopted, thus obviating all t4thculty of procuring yeast or other ferule 1, winch is frequently of an infolor quality, ret dein/a tho bread more or len unwholesome. -1t la also valuable as regards economy, as it has been sseertalned that a saving is effected sn the floor of no: less than 16 per cent, lu the common proems much of the saccharine of the flour Is lost by being converted Into carbobic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for the yoirpote of genorating gas to raise the dthigh." By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoiddd, and Me gas obtained. hi a manner equally-effi cacious. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal. end, inconsequence, a barrel of flour weighing 106 IDs which, by the common method, oreinarily make, about 250 IDs of bread, gives by this proem 200 IDs , thus effecting the very important saving of 10 per cent. in the quantity of flour. By conformity to the directions on each package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the proceis, and the re. suit will Invariably lieblghiy satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM DR. RAYss, • 4steyir do the Bats of.ifassachusetts. ".1 have autabsed the Concentrated Leaven, manufac tured by 'deeps. 3tiw Chamberlin & Co,, with reference to US purity and efficiency of action in producing the et. fcct of yeast in distending dough, and theseby rendering it dr for malting bread. This article is skillfully cOtro ',minded, from periectly pore material. It rumen the dough without consnaling the sugar or any other princi. ple in the flour, perfectly; and the same weigbt of Hour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeast; while for cokes and pastry it le invaluable, as It saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The txperiments made by nits Confirm the statements made by the ntuaufacturers, and proves this Compound worthy of public approval andlatended use. "Respectfully, "A. A. Iblak.S, 11. D., State Assayer, "16 Boyhten.strecti Bosteb, September 25, 1860." BRIKAZZaIff Abu nu Conn.—Two or three teaspoonful of Lea v. 0. (according to the quality One Cour,) to one quart of Cour,%mjx. thoroughly hy,paislog two or.three times thiptfghe'ileoyel rub ,in a piece cif - Utter half the Mrs of an egg, and make ihe paste with cold milk or water, (milk is.preerible ) barely stiff enough to permit rolling out. Much kneaelug should be avoided. Cut la te desfred•form, and plane immediately Ina hot oven and bake qbhatiy. LOAF Baum:l.—The same proportions of Leaven and Cour sifted together as ebbve; omit the' batter, and make the palate star enough to geod tato a loaf, and bake Im methately In a slostoven. , figanaa teaspoousful Of LeaVen to one quart of whasSmkeal.akked.l4gathar. iadcrone lasses and taro wigs J.A,Wiaith• pasda lila with milkaid • bake in a blow (WOO. BROWN BREAD —Throe teaspoonsfol or Leaven to one pint of tlour, and one plat acorn me3.l, all well Rifted to. gather; add two eggs and iabOnt a gm of 'molasses; make the paste thin with milk, and bake slowly. liticawneaT CaMft.—Floor and milk sufficient to make one quart of batter ;add one egg, Una three teaspuouslat of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. DUMPlnia.—tin together one quart of nour and two tea • spoonslul of Lekiankr rub loft piece of Witter half is late as an egg; mis •with 'cold Milk or water, aid boil ten mlnutea. CITARBER STREIT COLE --Sift together two largo eups of flour and two teaspoposful of Leaven; patio halts cup of butter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with cold milk or water to a stilf batter, add spice to suit the taste ; and bake immediately. Comma= groans Cans —Two cups of white sugar beaten with ens yolks orals eggs—the whites of air. eggs beaten to a froth; then beat alt together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoonful or Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonsful of essence of le mon, and Doke Ina quick oven. JtallUAS —Blft together two quart of flour and three teaspdonsful of Leaven ; rub In one tea-eni.ful of butter., add a cup and a bait of white sugar, and spice - to suit the taste; mix still' enough to roll out, and . ,be,ke quick. hiletinide C.ANS.—One quart of flour and tbri e teaspoons ful et Leaven sifted together ; add a cup of butter, one pound of curritate two cups of whitesugar, and Conejtea spoonful 01%Innan1011 ; MIX with Coldmurk to a SIX bat ter. and bake In aslow,overn; - Coat Calm—Mai' Vut oneb , of flour and Indian meal, and throe teaspoossful of Lea 'en, well SOPA tOgo.har ; add one gill of molasses and two eggs; mix thin with milk, and mania a slow oven. L,LI , Can.—Flys cope of dour and three teaspoonful oflearen, bitted toolbar; add ono cup of butler, two of Begat', and two ego, all well beat together ; then add a cup ot currauts, nut stice to suit the mete. Bake about half an hour. Land Case.—Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teespooreful of Leuven sifted together; one pound. of sugar and tux ounces 01 Witter beaten to a cream ; the whites La eight eggs well beaten, and the jialce of one moo; talk with ludic. Witherta CULL—Five cups of flour, three beaspoonsful of Leaven, three cups of Sugar, one of butter, one of ID IS, and MO ergs ; Lula end Opine t 0 the taste. Bake about hall au hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Donn Cana. Fur SALO by Graders and Druggists generally. n 111.1411 IA I,Mattit C IMO., Wholesale Agents, 610 North front Areal, Phdadelpbla. norlS•dBm HiIRR'S-HOTELI NEWLY ItEFITTED 'N 5 riitill L., DER IGN D haviug .eased this well I:u.ttu sud popular hotel, la the city of klirrlaburg, is new rtfents tied Lernhilling the same with lURNIELIKE In the eery best modern style. It is boated is toe most central part of the shy, withm a short distsuali a the d, pout of Pwir thieve, railroad and also near the State Oa pltut handless. The haute Is lapse and the sleeping aletrtmettts are well ventilated. The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable arti cles This city is well known throughout the Sete as having the beat market outside of the Atlantic eines, and innsequenuyino complaints ihalt be nude.= that score. • ,The BAR has also undergone changes antlwlll be kept stocked with the beat and pureet Liquors in the country blo exertion will, be spared to make the traveler and Sojourner eonifortabliain,every respect. A continuance o: the patronage of the old customers, together with new lidditiona >A reapeotrully whetted. Harr sburll, Aural 24-11 CITY LIVERY STABLES. .IL4G'WRRY I LLEY SW TICS U42Z OJ SPJik' , 811012 Z. T"undersigned has recommenced the livery busineti Ifi hie" It W and' stuatous STA. IILES, located as above, With a largaidid varied stock of When, CARRLitIGUi and 0/01.111, which be will hire at moderate rates. ' F. lt. ISWAR7I. ae • ' . ll. L. .G 0 D B 0 - L D DRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of JUDO., Meiodeons, &c.,t0. , will receive orders 10 t attire at tvm. KNULEX'S ate Mom 92 Market street „ T AIL Orders left at the above "tamed place, or at the Buehler Waft, Will meet, With, prompt auentfou. Firstrclass ilaNte tor. sale "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 18, 1860 DR . JOHNSON, 3ELELLT2M.C:I3EUEI LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effoguel remedy in tbeirorld for sr*Coal Who, OR NO CHARON, IN IRON ONI NO' Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strieturee, - Pains in the Loins, Airesiluas of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Wen kness; Nervous Debility, Decay of tbaPhystail Pow. , erg, Dyspepsia, i at.goor, LowSph it. 3, Contusion et Idea, rallitatton oC he Wont, Timidity, Irembilngs, of Sight sr Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, AdoctiOns of the Read, Three t, gi ae or Ain—thosu ternble clor ders ari.ing from the Indiscretion dr Solitary Habits of Youth—.ho e drindiul and destructive practises whleh pr c duce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. Young meet especially who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit watch atonally sweeps to an utirmely grave theusanda of young men of the most exalted talentnad wto rtittt otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ea tray the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married persona, or those contemplating marriage, be tag aware of physical weakness, eliould Immediately con sult Dr. 1., end Do restored to pe4 - tcat health. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. ma eligtonsly cottage in Ms Gorki:Fr an a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his am as a physician. Srollice No. 7 :ones B ederick street, Baltimore, Ma., MC the left hand side going from,Haltamore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be par tioplat In observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Zilling Quacks, with false names, or PaUry botchy Cfs' skficsia, attracted by the , reputa tion of Dr. Almon, lurk near NU letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to WO on the reply. Cr. autumn member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon, graduale from one of tb• mod eminent Colleges of the elated etatet, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia end elsewhere, has effected'some of the most as toubling Cu, es that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears end head when asleep, great ner- YOUSGICES, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment of mind were cured Immediately, Dr..l. addresses all those who haying injured them selves by private and inivroper todulgeneles, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and Mad, un fitting thtm for either businessor society. hcati are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of yputh, vie : Weakness of the Mick and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, ;Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms or Censump. Lion, to. ` McNutt:v . , tho fearful effects as the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas De• weariful of Spirits, Forebodings, averslou to Ideas, Self-dtetrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ito., are some ors the evil effects. Thousands or persons or all agea, can now Judge what Is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale ) , nervous and ,cmaciated, have a singular appearance aboat,tbe oyes, cough, and strop• toms of c,onsump ion. who have Injured. themselves by a eertsln practice, in. lulged tu when altine—e habit frimmntlyloorned from ocit eompallitMai' Or' at schoel Mid 'steels; M . widish are nightly felt, even When asleep, andit not eared, renders marriage impossible. and destroys beta mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of hls coun try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched lrcm all prospects and enjoyments of life by ilia consequences of deviating Irom the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. ttuch persons must, before content• plating effect tbit a sound mind and bodyaro the most necessary requig promtre connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; tbn proapect heath , darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed wan despair, and filled with the moltneholy reflection that the happiness of another be mutes blighted with our own. • DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR GANIC WEAKNESS.: By this great and important remedy, 'Weakness of the Orgaus are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. 'thousands of the woat nervous uud dobLitated who had lest all hope, Wive been immediately relieved. All Imre, immix vs Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualld• cation, Nervous, Trembling, %Foilsmen or Exhaustion or the must filarial kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. The many thousands cured at this histlotion within the bast twelve yearn, and the namerous important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re-. porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared agate and again before the public, betide hit gat dim as a gendestan of &wrack? and rt. sponsibitity, is a sufficient suarantee to the afflicted. DidertSrlit OF IMPRUDENCE —When the misguided and impruuent vollaiyof pleasure finds he has Imbibed the seeds of this - painful direase; it too often happens that au Maimed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education arid re spectability oan 'aloes befriend Min, delaying till the con stitutional symptoms of title horrid disease make their appearance, of the head, input, nose, skin, ac., progreiring on with frightful rapidity, till death pure a period to his dreadful sufferings by seeding him to "mat bourns from whence so traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy, fact th. t thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing tothe nassllfulness of ignorant pretend ant, who, by Lilt U.Be . of that deadly poison, worcury, ruin thy constitution and make the r,stdue 11.0 frosershie. . . . . . , Docimea i tomuis hang in his °Mae. SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Street, PettamartnA, Ma.unfacturer of, tine NICKEL SILVER, and ELVER PLATER of FORKS' SPOONS, LADLeS RUTTER EMMA CEIifiCIRS h TEA SET ' S, URNS , KETTLES, wArrnts, DTII.II DISHES, ICE PIICBEIW, CAKE BASKETS, OfiILIWNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, En., With a general assortment, comprising none bat the bee quality, made of the bat materials and hapsay plated, eon: stitating than a Serviceable and durable article Ton Boras, STILAILIKIATI AND PENA"' FANNIN& sa- Old Ware re-plated in the best manner, feb2o-dawl.7 J. B. RaNYORD & CO BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE., HAGfejsztvommtrA. 1. The ab ova well known and long established Had 18 now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly-Th=lo°d, under the proprietorship, of Mr. GEORG' J. Bout; :who ban bowfin* `Banat° Of the house for the last three years, and is well known to te guests. . Thankful for the liberal patronage which It bas en /03,414 # I ebeerfUlly commend Mr. Bolton to the public f vor. [jell ntwlft, , WILLIAM TOR a SupeTior and Cheap Table or - - sad On, go to ICILIAIWS DRUGi _STORY. ORANOES AND LEMONS. fl . C4I3,TY BOMB in prime order jest re vetaaoser sale by 1 , ...A A • 2i .. Ar• AP , 4 ' . WIG DOCK at aOM ... ..7::, ittiebitcu DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RUM CI rum Twar..vw ROLM. No Mercury or Noxious Drags Two.l)Arcligg YOUNG MEN I=l ORGANIC WEAR)II33 lutturdiate/y cured and fuu vigor restored DR. JOHNS lON TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. MENTALLY YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE, Letters mmt imitate a Sttmp tons ou the reply Oir Remedies sent by Mali. sarNo. 't :oath Frederick street, Baltimore optla datelf CARD Slistritantons IMPORTANT NOTICE For the Afflicted with Diseases which Appear to be Incurable. DOCTOR C. WEICHEL, residing in Har ri:tirg, Pa., Third street near North street, cured in Berman) as Well 1111 America, many prrsons after blu ing been treated without snows' by other physician's.— We extract, here some passages irom German newspapers of this Aare, containing acknowledgement of such per sona and their recommendatioitNto apply lu similar taigas to Ar . WKICHEL. * Georg. Casaol, West Hanover township, Dauphin coon. ty, Wanting; that he was perfectly cured of a Catlett:. RP ward lila lit cheek. Jane Radabaug", of Harrisburg, teatitles that having been treated by various phyliclims for five years In the case of Rheumatism In both Lego so thatehe was unable to lift one leg before the other during II that time; after, their abandonment she used Dr. eichel's medicine' only abgut three months, and was lerfectly cured. J. Sollentsiter teitilles that his alter Jane havmg been condom:l44ller had for nine 3 ears, and all that time speechless, and every day and rigutspaems on the cheat, was then peel ;Icily healed by Dr. Weichel„ and has for Ova years since' tatAisne the use of her speech. Marg. Zlxtimermen testifies that having barn totally blind In one eye for ten years, and In the other for one year, has received full al.ht of one eye by using Dr. Welehel's direction and medicine. John Meyer, of South Middleton township, Cumbetland coenty, testldt s that having totally lost si,.ht of the right eye for more than one year and a half by the gray cataract, and eta ployed several physicians without mince. s, has received then under the treatment of Dr. Weight I In less than one year Lie Right no that he can read, &Wm:elders hie cure, to be accomplished. In the same place other unexpected cures have been performed to w.t : lire. Ann H, Myers laving been deaf In a high degree for nine years received the full use of hearing, and her son, 10 yea& of age, haying' been af flicted tor two years with spitting of blend, was cured by the Doctor. Being confided to an adverrrement these instances may suffice to direct the attention of the at ilctrd. with the above mentioned and similar diseases to his office. dec4-dawlme DR. D. W. :ONES, WHITE HALL HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. IV HERE ho has engaged rooms for If V private consultation and may be ft-uud at all times. Dr. Jones may be emigrated personally or by letter, by doper/Meg sympteros on alldheases of private nature, such as ,Gonorrhea, (Meet. Stricture,- Syphilitic Eruptions, Mercurial Diseases, Affections or the Kid neys and Bladder.. Let the mistaken that reeks after pleasurea when he Ands-that he bas-imbibed the seeds of that horrible disease, when not innnediately; cured; will make its aplearance such , as Ulcerated Sore ffbroat, and Eruption ever the Body. To suctrDr. JONES offers the safest and most Certain' remedy In America. The robe dies used by hlui are entirety vegetable, and can be used without &eke of Diet or hindrance from Business. Dr. JONES will also make an article. of agreement—lle cc o no pay. Mild alai/ Cured in from three to five days or no charge. DR. JONES pays great attention to Dispepsla L vet Complaints, Rheumatism, Headache, Dimness Cd ', B ll thl, Ireskide Complaints., All, those above named will be re stored to constitutional 'soundness with such mild mid balmy Juices or herbs; that are gathered along river sides, and in valleys up to thelorty mountain tops. All to made vocally by the voice of echoing praise. All lettere must cont 4 a postage stamp to ensure an answer. Address DR.I). W. JONES, White Bail Hotel, del . Harrisburg, Pa. E149.MVR,13 r! D A_ 3 7 l ' PORTABLE HEATERS! FOR WARMING with PURE lIGT AIR Privatc Houses, Public 13uildlogs. Churches, kc., is the 11OST POWERFUL and Cheapt HEATER to the World. Rekiummei.dations and references by the hund red from those who are now Wing the HEAIER. can be examined by eating on the subscriber, who Is the only spot in Harrisburg for the sale of the article. THE "CHALLENGE" COOKING RANGE fIS ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANG& requires no walling in but can he set in a air place or out in the room, end contains all the latest improvements in Cooking RANGES, has larger ovens than any other RANGE now in use • ALSO ON HAND, an assortment of best pattern PAR LOR and coox IN6 STOVES, and Stove Pipes!. Also the largest stock of IIN WARE to be found in this section of country. Wholtsal (dealers supplied on reasonable terms. LY3IAN GILBERT, deeril Corner of River Alley and Market Street. NEW LIVERY STABLE, PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, IN THI BEANO' THE "MORGAN HOUSE." THE SUBSCRIBER has opened a, new Lima . STABLE, located as above, and has a stock of excellent no 86, and. new and fashionable BUGGIES; and CARRWItE, which lie wil. hire at moder ate rates. GEORGE W. LOCHER, agt, ncv24-dtf . 308111 111A.EURER, -- RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN OHISTNEFT. AND MIILDERRY'STREETS, IeIILDERRY 'STREET, RARBASBUSG, PA. B „ ESPECTFULLY informs the public that be is 'located at the abovementioned place and be bas commenced' the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV ING, 1311:INnif in all its various branciies. He is pre. pared to till all orders at Um shortest notice, and will guarantee general :satisfactios. HIS prices al/1 be reasonable:. Maviste carried on the busineag for many years in Gerthany, and over two yeara here, and also having had an Mended experience in tidardonittrnhe teltdircom- Petant to execute ekt. Fortlatruneet te-Unt, :to receive a reasonabto, shame(' @MOM from his fellow larnailditnctingninf tap alwap kipt Want( be 49194, lomedritte i , 311rp oobs, GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE ! URICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRONT k MARKET STA. ANNOUNCE to the oilizens of Harris berg at d the public generally, thit they ltaveilWl returned from the eastern cities with a large and well so leued stook of Fall and Moan-Gonda, which they will sell tt the ve ty lowest prices. DOIIEATIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached t.nd Unbleached itfnallne, _ .. _ Bleached and Unbleached Canton inennelL - END FLANNELB OF EVERY .DESCGUPTIOR. A large assortment of WeleliFlannels Am Skirting.- An assortment Domestic Glushims, " llanch ,, ster Gingham, " Batinetts and Ca shneres, Black Clothe ita II prices, Cloths for ladies , Chesterfields, Beaver Clothe /or the Arab Poem. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKET& A large assortment of Caloimer' es, especially adapted. to Boy 'a wear. An assortment of Ifertne , Drawers and OW dersblrts. ,An assortment of Carpets lrom 12% eds a yard to $l.OO per yard. Mak LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MBRINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGUBED ALL WOOL DELAINES; BLACK WALKS ALL WIDTHS. A large amortment or Broche and Blanket :bawls, with a toll steak of the latest novelties. An assortment or Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first slats Hosiery and Em broideries, &c., acc., &c. An amortment of e wove trail spring skirt pat. torn extension. An assortment or Shrouding and Flannels. (RICH & COW.PERTHWATF,' Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly occupied by J. L. Bitner.. : . oetgilay BAREILMS FOR TIM 'SEASON, JONES' STGRE, Just, received and receiving 'fraii - Pleladelfdda, :and , . BARGAINS' In 'Milt's of all kind, for-oteb BARGAINS in Shawls, Of 111.1chidi,-forWt: - BARGAINS in Clanks and Talmas of all kinds, for sash. its RGAINS in Plaid Dress Gals, of all kinds, for cash: BARGAINS In every variety of Seasonable Drell Goods, for cash. BARGAINS inlßankets, of kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in all kinds of Flannels, for cash. BARGAINS in Garnett.* of Oil Cloths; an., forassb: And BARGAINS in all kinds of Dry 01$0011 nsuallY-kePt in Sturgis; and a choice front a kesylarge,well selectod stock, tbr cash, at JO:VEY bTORE, octl6 • - Market S,treeti Harrisbcrg. PHILADELPHIA - SHIRT • AND COLLAR HOUSE.! IaNUFA;ZRIMIRS OP • LICT BOSOMS White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel UNDER AND OVERSITIRTS, Overalls, Drawers. arid' Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods. BENNETT & RUCH, • octl7-418m 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clothing. FOR THE Al) :I;E:S. A LARGE LOT OF FIRST CAIP.A.II)CrE . . TOWIwB GLOVES ,• • Slightly daltiated'verlei water—Price, bu /11111 70 ' Clan— GREAT BentinAlNS, A fine assortment Of wan quality, perleot—Buck, White and Colored, a: CATHeARTI3, 'No. le Marini. Square. GREAT REDUCTION IN PftltS WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, CM NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE . WEEELER & WILSON Manufac .. luring cotspiny baying gained All, their Staff at law, with infringing manufacturers of fielding Dfachinki, propose that the public should be benelitted thereby, and nave accordingly, reduced the prices of their Sewing' Machines. Atter this date tbey will be sold, at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital Invested, and expense of making sales siteh pricee as will enable them to make first ,clBll2 machine's, and, as here afore, guarantee them in every partlaular: In accordance With the annouocement. above I sell their splendid Sewing Machloes prlcei trod} $45 to $9O fertetie aid full• case machines. It tea well estab, lisbed fact thatlthe . Wheeler & Wilson Suing Machine is the best uue in theAdaiket r the bet-t_madeon9.it-euple and least Ilab:e t.i t 'tet 'ocif-Of order and they arn ;Sow as low as the in rwr machines. Call and Lee them a Third and btu - • del-Om Wt. LIICKOK, Ageat. NUT # THE. FIRST ARRIVAL, . . BU I' AltliAll IN DUE TIME TO BE. • SOLD AT REDUCED PIIIOES, LYEEN 13 VALLEY iIUVi COAL, $2,50 per ton. , k NUT " $3•00 Also constantly on hand, LYEEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, 4, EGG; CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILSESBARRE BROKEN No. 3 and - 4, 'NUT. Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and Biota Top. Also, Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood. F.. BYER& pl 4 No. 102 Chestnul ottani. . DE'NTIS I' R Y . . . PilE and erTied, DOCTOR OF DENTAL 11svItGERY, W es Warned and resumed liMpraotioe n State street op e the "Brady house ," where.he rill ha pleased tr. ` 'ad Is all who may deslrelde sail,: lieu. , [sep27 . l . B. IL GILDEk, D. D. S. AI'ELEPEC STOCK . Of Vasalla Beins t Heckers' Farina, Perfompry and Fancy Eoalis; at • 11:= 4 Da17,(4 STORE,. Market - - - "OUR GOVERNM*isaW «TIEE unity of. Government, which eon 'antes you one peOplik, is bow dear to yom,f— lfaskington's Farewell dams. A .nationailty >a . essen tial to the enduring progarity of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil inalitutiormthlt 01111 induce strong and settled attachment to their prlnelpies, and impart ability for their maintenance. 'OUR "GtiVirELUBNT : An eiplanatory statement of the system Gkiverament Orate Oanntry;' counting the text of the;Constitution' eras tinned States, and the Ckin stitutional provialens. at, the mineral BMW% with.their. Meaning - andCOlnniejon, as - determined by jaillelatajk .: , tborit and pieeedehtlted' prahtfor v oi ddfliett'r standard' writers;: distilled and arranged for pop Prt 841 1 ) , .NolVarsr, 1 110 *.thitStillaYM ft vg l t irBslll PA4 tam printing nu. Raying procured Steam - Power Protests, we - are prepared to execute JOB and 1100 R-PRINTING of every description, obeeperAbat it can be d t any other op tablishmentbi the coUntrY. DATES' urketwanr i.ie 1, s. Sirilour lines or Ices constitute one haltaaltere Lig Mee or more than lour constitute a square. Self Square • one day ...... ~,„ $Ol 5 one week l 00 one month • three mentos ~. 3 00 air months 4 0 Ono Ryan one day is Arne 'week • one wroth.— .. . .. ..... oo threesnentlis &re • six mouths e 00 one year • 10 00 JErßtudnese notices inserted.in the Local column, or before Mania . and Deaths, FIVE Cgbi7B PER Erbal for each insertion. Xii-Marriaris and Deaths to be charged as .regolar advertLsements. NO. 87. Women Who Labor - for glaring. In our reflections on the disasters which have fallen upon us by the sudden distur bance of our business relations, we have not forgotten the women who labor, for. a living. The capitalist, banker and mer chant, who, though they suffer in. the ag gregate, and through their, disasters ;; , whole body of the community suffer with them, can individually take care of-theni selves. The laboring man can, in a meas ure, take care of himself. If hei is thrown out of employment in one direction, he can -turn his, band to twenty difthrent things, and if lie - is alone, ekeout 'a support through the bard times, let them be ever so hard. But the women ; what cat/ thiy do if their ordinary means of support fail f In the best of times they receive none -too much for the labor of their hands. They begin early and work late, and at the end of the week have but a few dollars to show for their industrious application. This, however, is a matter or small concern to them, if by their labor they Gan live :hon estly and securely. The money they re ceive is earned hardly but uncomplainingly; and they spend.it economically and judi • ciously. We have no more upright and concientious people among us than the true hearted, independent working women; none who more nobly sustain themeelves, BO long as opOortunities are afforded them. Their desire is not for accumulation, and if it were, it is seldom gratified; but it is to live independently, purely, and without reproach. This we hold to be true of the great body of women who are obliged to seek work for their livelihood. We have, noth ing to do, at this time, with exceptional cases ; with those who debase themselves voluntarily and dishonor their sex delibe rately. Hard times or other times would make no difference with them. Were they in Heaven, they would fall from their own choice, and nothing would save them ;for a woman resolved upon a course of infamy will sin, in " the language of an inspirit]. writer, "as it.were with a caxtropp." , But those women who labor for a 'living must live, and if their honorable means of .sup pot are taken from them, what can they do? Either become a charge upon rela tives already to poor to make both ends meet respectively, become a public charge which only the most dire and urgentneces• sity could bring a women to consent to, accept a fatal alternative &ern which they can never rise,' or look for new opening's where their time and labor' can receive proper remuneration. In this last eugges ton, public opinion andin'actice, and those alone ; • can help them. To increase the sphere and boundaries of the employment of women it to do a work for humanity and morality. Women - most lives ' And mainly menwiould not surely. place before them the choice of submitting to destitu tion or hopeless disgrace I The increase of the "ioCial evil"' in all - our cities is at. tracting.the attention, ot the nubile. :11a - ve we not something to do towards .staying that increase ? We are glad to believe that it comes, iu the greatest measure, fromthe , abso lute necessities which exist among young women who cannot find hon • orable employnient, and not from inherent loie of vice.. We must, then, open new channels for their employment, and else remunerate them so that they 'nay livo honorably and without fear of being brought to want. The insufficiency of prices paid for the labor of women has not been 'ameliorated since Hood •wrota his ••Sonk of the Shirt." Th e is a prolific source of the social evil, and the poor crea tures doubtless feel that they cannot . .help themselves ; that it is their destiny. 1- 'Oh i men with sisters dear Ohl men with mothers and wives ! 114 not noon you're wearing out, Bit:human creatures' 'lves I Butch, stitch, stitch, In poverty, hunger and dirt ; Sewing at'onco with apdoublo. tread A shroud as well as a shirt." Nor has the sewing mac Mite, rnueleatilt has done, done anything to relieve:llm misfortunes of the poorest among the sew ing women, for they have not the means' either to purchase or hire one, . and are still condemned to - their needle, "in pov erty, hunger and dirt," with, no bright Or, Cheering prospectbefore • hem; except a' speedy end of all ; or a. brief, period; of Air citing life to be followed Au ..both moral and physical death. When a Loitiotkpa per England : "lAphen to the 'young ' women' of- England are -added • widows and,married worried of all olapses with time on their hands, and to witojn; it is a very peat - object to increase Their ni -1 comes, we have an amount of conitrilhied idleness and undeserved suffering that A.it, ,is not to be found elsewhere on earth," the writer' expresses The Obnclitieti ef'these classes of the population ini miry civilized. and christian country. Now, what c can we I 'do.to alleviate this portion of our popula tion ? All other dame have their patrons says the paper from - which" we havq quot ed : "Paupers, criminals, offenders, mad men, idiots, orphans, sick, aged, deaf, 1 dumb and blind—all have their almshouses, prisons, reformatories and asylums, and any Wonniff,Of any age or rank, has only to fall ill, to break a limb, to loose ber sight, tgoommit a larceny or any ..cothaeof.t fence, and is immediately elaimett by some philanthropist for his own." We do not'claim charity for women ; wo do not want to see them the inmates -of-institu tions and regarded, as objects of pity:: But we do want to see , tbeinsintring i in our en, licitude; we do want thern.to have our sympathy, which shall - take - that practical direction that 'shall open 'slew means. of honest and independent -employment to them. And the ftetsetit• exigency of af fairs seems , to:tia-tb . ba4mi:appropriate time tolliieW Opt' thetie hints :, ' - ' ') - • 4. 2 jrr4milaus= Owl:Wow-le:74Th° _Chivies t9u Ox?rtespangteitt_of Wraps: CaßksiklarrYla a MY farm:patriot s - An& ad, as IfN Anigyjadgst frsql it„kenianic that .die:once. Al;1145,1: th Cyr-; r,thWilii. no, tip * death! In- asj veer State.'