ails btegraA. HARRISBURG, PA EEC= Thursday Afternoon, December 13 1860 dvertistiment "Ho, for the Holidays `llOl4 TO PAY RENT " is a pleasant farce on s tage, but a painful drama in actual life, as touy know from experience --... ARJTHEIt NOTARY PUDLIO.—The Governor has appokteil Mr. John C. \Pest, of Philadelphia, hfooay Public for that town, in the place of Jr. J. R. Patton whose term expires. Of course the fernier is a good Democrat. Ms Sew llkna proposed to be established at Lewistown, under the General Banking Law, dm not get along well, and is not likely tq go i n to o peration. The substantial freeholding and moneyed men are shy of it. TYCOONS ! ATTENTION !—You will meet at the Council Chamber this evening at 9 o'clock, fully equipped for parade Punctual attend ance is requested at the hour designated, as the cards will be .distributed at that hour. By order of the Chief T 3 coon. G. W. Gsmit, Secretary. 1=12123 IN TEE HOSPITAL.—YOUIsg Simmons, of this city, who is subject to periodical fits of insani ty, is again in the State Lunatic Hospital, hiving been taken there on Tuesday after noon. He is the young man who some seeks ago purloined a package of paper money from the Adams Express office, and burned the greater portion of it, while partially insane, as is generally believed. A QUESTION FOR PARENTS TO PONDER.—"What sort of citizens will those yuung men make who are allowed to frequent rum holes during the day and evening, drink whisky and play cards?" Such iniquitous institutions ,exist in our midst, and they are frequented by young men of respectable families. Those dens are tolerated, because it is the interest of consta bles and police officers to be ignorant of their txistence and locality. DATUM MAR&V.TS A SUCCESS.- —The Carlisle papers state that the first daylight market in that place, under the new ordinance, proved a decided success. At i lwelvo o'cloelt, the hour for opening the market, • 'the stalls were much better filled than heretofore at this season of the year. Everything was abundant, good prices obtained, and many of those who had opposed the movement expressed their entire satisfaction." .Daylight markets, wherever es tablished, have proved a decided success, and become popular with both sellers and purchas ers. Why is it that our "City Fathers" hesitate about inaugurating this excellent system? It would be an accommodation to the-farmers during the winter season, and a great conven ience to our citizens. We can assure Council that prompt and favorable action in this matter would be universally and heartily endorsed by the "sovereign people" they represent. DISTREHESING.-A family in Johnstown recent ly lost three children, all victims of that terri ble scourge Diptheria. The third was buried a few days ago, at which time the fourth and last child was down with the disease, and was not expected to survive until the return of the pa• rents from the funeral. The malady begins with a cold and soreness in the throat, and pro gresses with the formation of a membrane in the windpipe, which chokes the little sufferer to death. In view of the present prevalence of ihis unmanageable and exceedingly perilous disease, parents should be especially careful to guard their children from exposure and cold, and should call in their family physician imme diately on the very first manifestation of any of its symptoms. In this, as in many other dis etses, delays are dangerous, and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. BEFORE THE MAW/R.—Three travelers named respectively Frank Smith, John Baker Elhd Charles Myers, the two former from Philadel phia, and the latter from Washington city, were before the,Mayor this morning, having occupied the lock-up during the night as voluntary lodgers. They all reported themselves as me chanics in search of employment. Myers is a young man of prepossessing appearance, and has evidently seen better days. The Mayor beard their statements and discharged them.— The other occupants of the lock-up consisted of a man named Wm. McKinney, hie wife, and a little boy about six Years old. They were found on the street drunk, with a can of whis ky in their possession, and the child barefoot ed• McKinney is a large, muscular and des perate man, and the officers found great diffi culty in caging him. He was finally secured, however, behind the iron barii, when he "made things rip" generally, breaking the window glass and forcing open the wooden shutters of his prison. Tho child was in a suffering condi tion from the combined effects of cold and whisky—the unfeeling parents having compelled him to drink freely of the liquid poison ! The kind-hearted Mayor, touched with pity for the neglected and abused little one, provided him with some wholesome food, and ordered a com fortable bed,to be made for him in his office, where he passed the night. This morning the Mayor and several young m'en contributed money enough to purchase the child a pair of substantial shoes and stockings. When McKinney and his wife were brought out this morning, the former stated that they came from Maryland and were traveling eastward.— The Mayor reprimanded him for his drunken. seas and disorderly conduct, and threatened to send him to prison for thirty days. He made a pitiful plea for mercy, on account of his wife and child ; and promising to leave the city forthwith, the Mayor relented and discharged him. McKinney and his wife then made a hasty exit, neither of them thanking the Mayor for his kindness to their suffering child. The probability is that before this time the Unnatu ral parents have deprived the little fellow of the new shoes and stockings furnished him, and pawned them for whisky. God help that neglected little wanderer ! Better for him had he never been born Pantouluanialp QCclegrapt), elpirobav 'Afternoon, ;Dumber 13; 1860. ALL iu want of cheap Christmas and New Year's presents should call at BERGNER'S. QUARTERS Escuor.n.-We learn that quarters have been secured at the Franklin House for the Washington Artillery of Pottsville. com manded by Capt. Nagle. The company will mei v, here on Monday evening prior to the in auguration of Governor Curtin, and remain until Wednoiday morning. TIM TYCOONH will be out in Lull force, roily equipped, at eleven o'clock to night. Look out for novel sights and strange noises. Nervous people, whose sleep is easily disturbed, should not retire ton early. The object of the demon stratiun is a complimentary serenade to two young "Tycoons" who recently' formed matri monial alliances, and returned home to-day. =I LARGE FUNERAL.—The funeral of Mrs. Mary C. Baxtresser, daughter of Kirk Few, Esq.,. of this city, who died at Bellefonte a few days ago, took place to-day and was largely attend ed. The remains of the deceased arrived herb by Railroad, from Elizabethtown, accompanied by two car loads of relatives, friends and ac quaintances, and were interred in the Ceme tery. The funeral cortege was the largest wit nessed here for some time. The deceased had been married but a few months, and was only eighteen years of'age at the time of her death. ME TONNAGE TAX.—The Pennsylvania Rail road Company are now busily engaged in dril ling.their forces for effective operation during the session of the incoming Legislature. The immense influence of that mammoth grasping corporation, with all the corrupt "means and appliances" that can be brought to bear, will be wielded to effect a repeal of the tonnage tax and swindle the Commonwealth out of hundreds of thousands of dollars justl y due her. Every member of the Legislature who votes for this iniquitous measure will damn himself political ly; and should it be forced through, an outraged and indignant people will rise in the majesty of their strength, and crush the mercenaries who betrayed them. The repeal of the tonnage tax, this winter, will result in the overthrow of the Republican party next fall, just as cer tainly as effect follows cause. Every Republi can who favors the infamous scheme, will go home disgraced, to return here never more in a legislative capacity. Tus CHRISTMAS FESTlVAL.—Notwithstanding the " signs of the times," which are believed by alarmists to forebode evil—and which are certainly not of a very cheering character, al though they look brighter then they did a week ago—preparations are already evident for the festivities of the approaching holidays. Many of our stores are gay with an unusual dis play of elegant goods for the adornment of the person, while the book establishments are rich in treasures for the improvement of the Mind. The toy and ?picture shops, also filled with articles calculated to delight the juveniles, are by no means behind their more wealthy competitias, but abound in rattles, guns, drums, balls, innocent and "instructive games, and painted histories and puzzles that will cause many a young heart to throb with the desire of possession. Thus, there is much amusement and happiness in store for many a merry family meeting. But while those of our citizens who are well to do, and have an abun dance of the good things of this world, parti cipate in the enjoyments of the season, we hope that the wants of the poor and destitute will not be forgotten. =I Tut Hum SzasoN.—The cotillion soiree at Exchange Hall-last evening was well attended and passed off pleasantly. The weather has been almost too mild as yet to dance with real hearty zest and vigor. Balls are like celery— they want a touch of frost to give them that crispiness necessary to enjoyment. After the Christmas holidays, when the nights are long and the days keen, the dancing spirit becomes more generally diffused. The girls have all their dresses made, and know in which they look the prettiest. Sleigh rides and social par ties suggest balls—one kind of amusement al ways creating an appetite for another. We would just whisper to the girls, that, in the pre sent financial "crisis," they must not be too exacting. Balla are an expensive item to young men on small salaries ; and if they endeavor to make the bills as light m possible, it will be remembered and appreciated without a doubt. We often hear young men say,: "Well, I should like to ask Miss so=and-tio to go to such a ball, but she is so particular about a carriage and other things, that . I can't stand the ex pense."'.No-w, young ladies, remember, "a word to the Wise," •etc. TRIBUTE or REspsor.—The - employees of the "Harrisburg Car Company;" assembled at the works yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, for the pmpose of expressing a proper testimonial of respect to the memory of I. G. M'Kxsur, Esq., deceased. Mr. Jour; GeavEamx was call ed to preside, and Messrs. Jaanclahaw and Le van were appointed a Committee to draft reso lutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The committee presented the following pream ble and resolutions which were adopted : Wanarkas, It has pleased Divine Providence . to remove from this life our late President and Treasurer, ISAAC G. .W.lcistay ; and whereas, it is due to the memory of the deceased that we should properly manifest our high esteem of his many noble and endearing qualities of head and heart : Therefore Resolved, That we have learned, with feelings of unfeigned regret, of the decease of our late officer and friend ; aed whilst we bow submis sively to . the mandates of an all-wise and bene ficent Creator, who has taken from among us one whom we highly valued and esteemed, we would express the deep sorrow which the event has occasioned, and evidence, by our grief, the tribute of respect which we desire to pay to his memory:. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family and relatives of. the deteased in their heavy bereavement ;. that we extend to them; under this amicting dispensation, our sincere condolence; that we will.cherish with them the memory of his many. virtues. "To know him was to love him." Resolved, That a 4opy of the foregoing, pre amble and resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and published in the daily papers of this city. F. T. Kauai:ant, Secr'y. The employees of the Car Company,"to 'the number of fifty or sixty , attended the funeral of the deceased yesterday loienoon in a body. DAUPHIN COUNTY BIWA SOOTETY--In OUT last issue we published the proceedings of this Suci ty, with the annual report of the Treasurer, &c. We now give the reports of the various Auxil iary Societies, for the last year,as returned to the S •cretary, prior to the anniversary meeting at hillersburg on the 20th of last month : HARRISBURG The Harrisburg Bible Society celebrated its forty-sixth ann iversary on the 19th of February last, in the First English Lutheran Church of that city, upon which occasion the Rev. Mr. Gans, of the German Reformed church, deliver ed an appropriate discourse, based upon the words, 2 Thess. 81—" That the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified." Twenty-three persons added their names to the list of members of the Society and a collection was taken up amounting to $22 60. From the annual report of the N..xecutive Committee it appears that the year then closed had bee - a one of unusual activity in the Bible cause in Har risburg, as well as in the rest of the county, in consequence of the persevering and successful labors of -Brother Brady, who was employed by the Dauphin County Bible Society to explore and resupply our whole territory. The city has now been thorongly canvassed, but its po pulation is increasing so rapidly that we shall doubtless have constant occasion to open our hands for the supply of the spiritually desti tute at our very doo:s. The Treasurer reports receipts, as follows From Mr. Brady, collected in the city of Etat risborg Contributions of Members Collection at Annivereaty And he reports expenditures : Value or Books given to the Poor, to the Prison, to the Ins .ne Asylum and to Sunday Schools, viz : 148 Bibles and Testaments ... . ... S 24.55 Donated to the Dauphin, County Bible Society - 85 65 Actually contributed by citizens of Harrisburg— 218 94 Balance on hand 5 00 The officers of the Society for the present year are Mr. D. W. Gross, President;.A, K. Fahnestock, Treasurer ; Charles A. Hay, Sec retary ; and Rev. Messrs. DeWitt, Gans, Col der, Leacock and Bishop ; and Messrs. J Hou ser, J. A. Weir, W. Mitchell and J. Miley, are the Executive Committee. lILISEESBURG Pursuant to appointment, a number of the citizens of Millersburg met in the Evan gelical Church on October sth. W. J. Seal, President, having taken the Chair, stated the object of our meeting. S. R. Steward delivered a short but appropriate address. The following officers were elected, viz : President—Jacob Eathvon. Secretary—S. R. Steward. Ex. Committee—W. J. Seal; Henry Frank ; Daniel Heckert; Q. 11. Brubaker; Daniel Lefler. Soliciting Committee—Catharine • Heckert; Mary Wingard ; Sarah Whert ; Mary Hartman. Representatives Anthony Long; Simon Whert ; Daniel Lefler; S. R. Steward'; G. K. Brubaker; Jacob Rathvon. We have now subscribed and collected "tlii - last year $7B 90. The Executive Committee met on the 16th of November and electbd two efficient agents to canvass the entire town and enter every house, sell Bibles and Testaments where they can and give them where necessa ry. Owing to the brief time our Society has been organized I am unable to say much as to its practical operation, but judging from pre sent indications, I hope much good will be ac complished by and through our Society. It numbers at present forty-five members. Amounton hand, time of last report Amount collected during the year... Amount received , by sale or books.. Total Amount expended fer.bonks----—... Amount d ` onaled t D. C. B. S . Total expenditures Balance on hand Sold S 2 English Bibles, 6 German Bibles, 12 Testaments. Eight Bibles given away. Bought 36 English Bibles, 4 German and English Tes taments, 12 German Bibles. On hand, 6 En glish Bibles, 6 German Bibles, 4 German and English Testaments, 16 English Testaments. ANTHONY' LONG, Secr'y. MIDDLETOWN Officers of the Middletown Bible Society : President—Dr. B. J. Wiestling. Secretary and Treasurer.—Rev. C. J. Rine hart. Ex. Committee—Messrs. J. Croll, J. Ross, D. Kendig, J. Roop, T. Fairman and Rev.'s W. B. Gregg, A. Snyder and T. R. Davis. The ninth Anniversary of the Society was held in the Methodist church on Tuesday even ing, August 21st, 1860 The annual sermon was preached before the Society by the Rev. T. K. Davis, on Sabbath evening, June 24, 1860. A resolution was adopted at the Anniversary to raise at least $lOO this year to aid in the gene ral circulation of the Scriptures. Amount on hand, time of last report..s 873 Amount collected during the year.... 93 48 Amount received by sale of b00k5.... 14 10 Total receipts $ll4 45% Amount expended for books . 550 Amount donated to D. C. B. 8.........90 00 Tray. Exp. delegates 2 50 Total expenditures . ....... 98 00 Balance on hand 18 4534 $1177E: Donated one testament, large print.... 30 Bibles & testamns. on hand estimated.s32 00 C. J. EBB.BHART, Se c'y PAXTON. The Paxton Bible Society held its regular an nual meeting on Thanksgiving day, 1859, and elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year :—President—Joshua Elder. Vice President—J. B. Rutherford. Secretary—A. D. Mitchell. Treasurer--R. W. leClure. Executive Committee—Joseph Gray, James Elder and S. S. Rutherford. Amount contributed, $ll 76 Bibles purchased, .. 176 - Amount paid over to the Dauphin Co. Bible Society, 10 00 A. D. Mrrenett, Secretary: BERWYSBURG. Bepott of the Berrysburg Bible Society : Amount on hand, time of last report 929 20 Amount collected during the year .. 54 63 Amount received by Bale of Bibles 9 00 Total receipt • ........... $O2 83 Amount expended for 8ib1e5,.... 26 15 amount donated to D. C. B. 8.. , 31 68 Total expenditures • 62 $3 In the hands of the Treasurers3o 00 Value of Bibles on hand ' • 23 77 Officers elected for the ensuing year :—Presi dent—Rev. J. Lane. Vice President—John Miller. Secretary—A. P. Lark. Treasurer— Jno. Swab. A. P. Lux, Sec'y. HIThI3LELSTOWN Report of the Hummelstown Bible Society. for the year ending November 13th, 1860 : Amount received by sale of books $lO 01 Amount expended for books 14 04 Balance in hands of Treasurer 10 99 One German Bible was given away 60 Number of copies of Scriptures on hand. 64 The officers of the Society are Geo. T. Hum mel, President ; M. A. Smith, Secretary ; H. L. Hummel, Treasurer. M. A. SMITH, Secretary COXICSTOWN Amount collected $30 . 00, which was hand ed over to the Treasurer of the Dauphin County Bible Society. The interests of the Society in this neighborhood are in charge of John Reel and Hon. A. 0. Effecter. [The above are all the reports that have thus far been received. Any others that may be furnished to the Executive Committee will be duly published.] SIR THOUSAND DOLLARS Worm of new goods from New York auction. The greatest bargains offered yet. Having taken advantage of the depression of the New York market, I have now a lot of goods to offer which cannot fail to please : 2,000 yards the best Delaines at 20 and 21 cta.; 4,000 yards of Calicos at 8 and 10 cts.; 500 woolen Hoods for 37 and 60 cts., very cheap ; 500, pair of gentlemen's woolen Socks at 12 and 16 cts.; 60 doz. Undershirts and Drawers at 60, 62 and 75 cts,; 1,000 pairs of ladies Stockings at 12 and 16 cta.; 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks; a large assortment of ladies' and gents' Gloves, and a great many goods. To those who buy to sell again a liberal discount will be made, S. Lswv, at Rhoad's Corner. Eiptcial Nntices. DR. JAS. MCCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed Maga; and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind- pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse, writes rest, and'retnOves every symptom of consump• ion. Price SI 00. Sold by Gao. BPRGNER. Jr 20 Pao. WOOTili HAIR RESTORATIVE.—This Re storative for making the hair grow, stopping its falling out, and restoring gray hair to its original color, is be• coming celebratid, . All the quack nostrums are giving way before it: Three fourths of the mixtures for re storing and besuilfying the hair, do it mare injury than good. They burn it up...destroy the life of its roots— make tho hair falloff; and produce premature baldness. BntProf. Weed's Restorative may be relied upon as con taining nothing Which can in any manner be injurious to the hair, while its success in accdlitplishing what it pre tends to do bus been verified in hundreds of eases. We advise gray•heade, and heads getting bald- all who wish to save their wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle of Wood's Restorative.—N. T. Democrat Sold by all Druggists. $ll3 57 92 80 22 00 $223 47 Marinas, Raul TIIIS.—The following is ax extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes—in favor of that world-re. nowned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething : "We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never sold a word in favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum bug—we have tried it. cud know it to be all it claims. It Is, probably, one of the most successlut medicines of the day, became iris one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay a supply. au 22 Davis' Pain Killer. NO MEDIcrotE is more prompt in its action in oases of Cholera, Cholera Morbus, &c., than Perry Davis' Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which sel dom fails fl applied in its early symptoms. No family should„ be without a bottle of it always on hand. The stain on linen from the use of the Pain Killer Is easily removed by washing in alcohol. Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly el:W=lmm In cholera morbus, bowel complaints, and other diseases to which the natives of Burmab, from their unwholesome style of living, are- peculiarly exposed. It h a valuable antidote to the poison of Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets, &c. REV. J. BENJAMIN, Late Missionary in Burmah. Sold:by all druggists grocers and medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. nlB-1m IlirWE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD It Is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confound ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is food for the blood, already prepared for ab sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are suffering from povertyompurhy, or deficiency of blood, andoonseguently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We notleetkott our Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also or the world-renowned Dr. Sitros , s Ix. yawns Comm, which every mother should have. It Is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever and of course must beinvaluable for all Iran. tile .co -It ikallictsaid that Wadi allay all pain, x ms th process or teething, and at the same tine rp .Fe the bowels. Let all mothers and morsel, witerluive endured anxious days and sleepless n ghts, , proddre a supply and be at once relieved. /Orme advertliemeat. au2lfeb6 For sale by C. A. Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa $l2 62 48 90 10 00 . 42 30 00 • ----$4B 47 122 95 IFrom the New York Times August 8, 1859. SpAramoes PREPANBI) Gmm—Prepared Glue: a very useful and convenient article for housekeepers and others, is "Spalding's Prepared Glue " It Is one of those invent.ons, email in themselves, which, never theless, go tar in the-eeonomief of household manage ment, and arty an ever-present aid is saving time, es pense and trouble. The numb:-r of small repairs to fur niture, picture-frames, crockery, children's toys, lea. tiler, shell and other fancy work, with the almost innu merable uses to which in every household a really good and ever-ready article of this kind may be applied, will at once suggest themselves to the ladles. Damaged book-covers, loosened leaves, dilapidated maps and her barium', will rewind the student and book-worn of its value. This Glue is compounded with chemicals which hold it permanently in solution until it is applied. with out affecting its strength, and which serve to give the ad hesive matter a firmer hold on the surfaces to be unitid, after which they quickly evaporate, leaving the glue to harden with rapidity and tenacity. It is estimated that there are at least live millions of households in the United States, and that an outlay of from one to ten dol lars is annually required to make small repairs to furni ture alone, apart from the numerous neglects and make shifts that are necessarily resorted to. nov24-lm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY• SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Prueriplion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physteiatt Eletraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine Is unfailing In the cure of ail those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, : and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES tis peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on he monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. These Pall should not be taken by fientaks during the FIRST TERRE RONTBSof Pregnaucy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Bich and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al• though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, *Molt should be carefully preserved. N. B;—$1.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any-au thorised Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. For Welly C. A. BAN/WART. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. 'FHB combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Henstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Sic., disturbed sleep which arise from interruption of nature TJ MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed In the use or other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. rhakd one arndalrai of the female system in which the Pius cannot be taken wsthout producing a PECULIAR fiSSU,L2. Vie condition referral to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE; Such is the srresistate tendency o f the medicine to restore he sweat functions to a normal cesuktim, that step the reproduethe power of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, are companyeach box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing tb Ds CORM= L. Offitiontuas Box 4,681 Post Office, New York Qty. Sold by oep "gest Su eveery townlntbe United States_ . It; a .jauTcamas, Gfßeral Afr.nt forthelJnitedStates, ~- 14 Broadway, New York, 2b toloakettjirholesale orders should be addr Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. BANIFYARL OVSKI&WiT nol9-1m CAUTION. Iy9 demly NOTICE A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a preven tive. riIIIESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both In Prance and America. with unparalleled success in every ease ; and he Is urged by many thoussza ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho:e suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an ircrease of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition as they are surd to produce miscarriage, and the propriet r assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and °split it directions accompany each box. Price $1 00 per box. fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him 81 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of obaervation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos tage" by mail. EOM also by S. R. STEVENS, Reading, Joanne.; Hounwer & COWD)W, Philadelphia, J. L. LEN BE ROSS, Lebanon, and by one druggist in every city and village i n the Union, and by S. D. Rows, sole proprietor, New York. N. D.—LoOk out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a baio imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value yourlives and health, (to say nothing of be. log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently Seen added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. de3-dwaswly. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the flair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCIJELOR, Proprietor. 81 Barclay Street, New York. marl - dawly STORAGE"! STORAGE I ! STORAGE received at tho Warehouse of JAMES M. WHEELER. 116 lf T YK ENS' VALLEY NUT COAL I—For sale at $a 00 per tom Air ALL COAL DELIVERED BP PATENT WEIGH CARTS. JAM.N2 M. WHEELER. .057- Coal deli voted from both yards. novle. CABINET WAREHOUSE. JAMES R. BOYD & SON, 29 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Cabinet Makers and Undertakers. A LARGE VARIETY of Tete-a-Tete So fas, Arm and Parlor Chairs, Marble Top Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Wash Stands, Hat Racks, &a. Call nd examine our stock and prices, as we cal) sell as low s can be bought in the State. nol6-dlm URICH & COWPERTHWAIT WHOLESALE A RETAIL 3211 FL "SC CA- 0 400 Do EA MERCHANTS, Corner of Front and .ffarket Streets, HARRISBURG, PA. D LFRICEL T. B. COWPERTHWAIT. TOYS, BASKETS AND FA NCY GOODS .70.13 N DOLL, No. 1•_'O North Second Street, above Arch, • PHILADELPHIA. JUST RECEIVED at his NEW STORE a very large assortment of TOYS of every cieserip taco. Also, BABKBTS, WORK BOXES, Tobacco Boxes, Sesar Cases, Pipes, Canes and Fancy Articles Of a large variety. All being imported direct from the manufacturers enables me to sell at very low prices. ~ sap-Please call and mond no my clock. elel•dm PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. WILD BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE at the Public House of Daniel Wegner, "Seven Stars," on SATURDAY EVE \ ING, December 29, 1880.— The properly situated on Second street in the city of Har risburg, below Mulberry street. fronting on Second street 28 feet S inches and extending back 210 feet to Raspber ry alley, adjoining on the one side property of Theo. F. Boyer, and on the other side property of Miss 1. Loser. Thereon erected a TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING ROUSE, with a two-story Brick Back Building. Terms will no made known on the evening of kale by C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Agent, d 4 No. 28 South Second Street. EXECUTOR'S .NOTICE. IrIIE UNDERSIGNED having been ap pointed Executors of the last will and testament of HARKIET BUD, late of Harrisburg, dec'd., all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are notified to present them to the undersigned for settle ment. L. C. JORDAN. N. C. JORDAN; no2B Executors. CHRISTMAS TOYS. THE ATTENTION of the public is called to the large assortment of FRENCH CONFECIIONB, CHINA, GLASS and WOODEN TOYS, Wild BALLS, DOLLS, &c. New style Lf.dter Paper and Envelopes, at the store of [dß-lw] S H. ETTLA. FOR RENT.—The store room occupied at present by Samuel E. Zoßinger, in Market street, from the first t..f April neat. Apply to deB-Imd JOAN B. TBOMPSON. Cure Cough, Chad, Hoarseness, fn."- ,z, , OW 4, I assn, any Irritation or Soreness of tr the Throat, Relieve the Hacking BRONCHIAL e c o l v a P tis h ,arn:a u : n an P c t i i" ' E rr r T, -