IllE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (611:4DAY8 NICKETSD,) GEORGE BERG.NER [Sz CO• TERMS —Slams Susecarmos. DAILY DEMI/APB 19 Served to subscribers In the .-„rough at o,l' acute per week Yearly subacribere ‘ 111 be charged $4.00. WeaKLY AND SICMI-WIENIN Tationaen. The I.etsoaca is Mg) published twice a week during sesSiOD of the Legislature, and weekly during the re malader nt the year, and furaisbt..d to subscribers at the •.,o og rcar,ates, viz ar Solocribers per year Rvea Ter. TIM LAW OF NEW;NApgRA subscribers order the aiscoutinuaneo 01 their news . s 'he publisher may continue to u4I them until pi,er , All arrearages aro paid. It subscribers neglect or relue, to Maenewspa •.ers from the otflee to which they are directed; they are iapowsible aunt they hat — settled tbo hilts and ordered Iberia discontinued lebical TIELMBOLD'S HELM BO'LD'S RELMBOLD'S HELIMBOLD'S SELMBQLD'S HELMBOLD'S IIELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S fIELMI3OLD'S HELMBOLD'S IIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S SELMBOWD'S HELM BOLD'S. Extract Buchu, Extract'Btfchtt, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Boehm Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchn, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET 8c .DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4 DELDATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET 14r DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. FoR SACREP dr DELICATE DISORDERS. FoR RAGWET 4. DELICATE DIaOEDERS. A Positive and Spec fic Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Sp- ci tic Remedy A Positive and Specific Rethedy • • A Positive and Specific Remedy non anixesza 05 TIM BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY ,RLA bOXS, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY; BLADDER, GRAVEL. KIDNEYS, DROPSY; BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDAEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DItGPOY, BLADDE , r, OR-4 1 EL, %IDA EY,', DROPSY, BLADD W Ed, VAL, KID N E .ROPSY, ORGANIC EAKNESS, D ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WRAKNE.SS, ORGANIC: WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all D 1861361 of Organ, And al' Diseases of Sexual Leqrates, And ail DifeAL:CS r f Sexual Organs, And all Dnseases of A'exuat Ovum, dna ail Diseases of z•letele l c,rgarde, And all Disease, of ~ e xual orAtis, dithlNG FROM Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Exposures, and linpruilerscies in Life, Excesses, Exposutes, and Imprudeocies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudeocies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, And Ito prudenoies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Lite, Porn whatever cause origivadag, and whether ex. lutist to Rut 1.. E OR FEMALE. Females, take no more t ilia 1 They aro of he aye) tOr •etoplulnts !holdall to the sex. Use Extract Buchu. Behabold's Extract Buchu Is a Medicine which la per fect}, pleasant in its Taste and Odor, But immediate in its notion, giving Real4t andylgor to the Plaine, Bloom to the Psilid Cheek, nail.frealorine the patient to s. i errant state of • HEALTH AND PURITY lie'mbold's Extract Buohu Is prrpared according to Pharmacy and lbemlstry, aud yresorlbed and used by 'the Moat Eminent Phyeletane. !Way no longer : [tocure tLe remedy ulnae. Mt:: St per boa's, or Bix for $5. Depot 10-a Bouth .a.r..,e1, Beware of Vsvrinciplrd Deader' Trying to palm off their own or other artioles of BUCIEJ as the reputation attained by • Helmbold's it:strata Ilatohn, The Original and only Genuine. We (metro to run ca the • of our Article! Their's Is worthless—la sold at mush less rates and wmodsAious, oonseqnently paying a much butter petit. We Defy Centpetlitton I MEI Helmbold's• Extract Buchu. lako no other. :Sold by L. W. Gross & Co. and all druggists overy where. nt on-dawSni JOHN' B. 51 4 11/Ta'B BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOAS, NLIOES., tvAITE,IS, &e , M tae IrLry hest . suallll4A for Immo, gentlemen, and chlldr.nso wear.— Yrksi to suit the limas. all kinds of e. WM. mat*: TO ORDEEt 111 the best style by euperior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. "r„ttJtl JOH.. B. snrn, Harrisburg. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally . , that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science or THOROUGH BAdd. Ile will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their lines at any nour desired, or lessons will be given at bit residence, in Third street, a few doors below the roan sollrmed Church, denl.s-dtl AUGUSTINE L. ()RAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence .No. 27 .Aarth Second Street. N. B.JOBBING ATTENDED TO. W ATTORNEY-LIT-L Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p ohwt DR. T. 3 SURGEON DENTIST, UIq'ERS his services to the citizens of Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro cession. Being an old, well triad dentist, he feels safe in suiting the Who generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with hi, services Oleo No. 12S Market street, in the house formerly on Quoted by Jacob K. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, fa. ALDERMAN HENRY REEFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (MULL'S ROW, NEAR 51A.RKEr. Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth cm OF nitRIBBURQ, PINK A. mylE dtr NEW DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION - STORE- 1 Nvm. W. ARMSTRONG, Frac tical 1 roggist and Chemist, would inferM the *Wiens of Harr laburg, that be has leased the store room recently oec pied by Dr. Kimball, and ie now prepared , . to furutsli those who fen disintod to patrouiso him. 'with pure and unadmterated Drugs and Medicines, so. h as can be railed upon, having hail several years expert lace in the Drug and Presoriptiou business, he host respectfully solicits a share of Floras:lW Vre:criptiatt buslu as. He has also a large and varied aesurtuient of Perfumery, Statiouery, &u. Also; all of the most popunir Patent Me.' dicines oi toe day ; aLo, TobAcco, Segura, mud. &c , of the bet brulatle,tl.6o, Alcohol, Tarp lain; Bruning Shad, Coal Il &c. lu rust eve. ytbing usually, kept io a well Cocked d ug store. , . , . . STALE UAITYAI CAMERON, COLDER, co. CORNER SECOND AND - ktrivi 818., RABBIS BURG, VW/CR.'. . , f • • , • Allir / -; * 729 Ae I itls: 11 1 , -------* ~.......,,, - 2 ‘ S 2.00 12.00 16.00 %, Ob. XIII: CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR DIARING Bread, Tea• Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o. . EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Pro f rigors of Sh4wamt. Chemical Works. No. 32 INDIA SPREE e, Boston. CONCENTRATED .LEA.VEN is the re- Bolt of careful chemical research. All its ingredi- U is era prepared in the highest state of purity, and coin ; °ended with a view to produce bread of a far better quality, and in much less time, than by any ether pro. boss ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire Ceneuence, to the judgment of d serimluetiug house keepers, bakers, &c. Bread of all kin a made by using Concentrated Leaven is li,hter, more digestible and nuitritious; has an agrees. ble, natural taste; is less ilablisto hour ; will retain its Moisture longer than by say other process, and the Whole preparation for the oven need Lot exceed ten tniuutes. : It is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be tendered available in places and at times when yeast Is not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under elf dream:tames, it may be adopted, thus obviating all idiffceity or erecurieg yeast or other fertne t, which is frequently of an inferior quality, ret dering the bread More or less unwholesome. ; It is also valuable as regards economy, as it has been incertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not less than 16 per cent. In the common meccas much of the saccharine of the flour is lost by being converted iiito Garbo:do acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in durred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise kiie dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally effi &Mous. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a Part of the dour or meal, end, in consequence, a barrel of Ler weighing 106 The , which, by the con mon method, dreinartly makes about 260 Skis of bread. gives by thi, Process 290 lbs7thirteffectiliehe 'very importatt saving 16 per cent in the quantity of flour. By cunformity to tte directions on each package, any person capable of o dinary attention may conduct the process, anu the re sill', will invariably be highly satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM DR. • HAYES, „Spaysr to the Sate of Massachusetts. "I have mealy sett the Coneentr.-tea Leaven, manufac tured by Bessie. Edw Chamberlin & to., with reference to its purity atd efficiency of action in producing the ef fect of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering it fit for making bread. This article is skillfully corn Counded, from perleetly pure material It raises the dough without consuming the sugar or any other print pie In the ti-dir, perfectly; and the same weight 'el flour wlill proauce mote sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeasi while tor cakes and pastry it is Invaluable, as it saves all risk, and much time of the piustry Cook. madeexperiments made by me confirm the statements Wade by the marmlacturers, and proves this compound Worthy of public approval and extended use. "Respectfully. f.A. A. 114. YES, M. D., State temper, "10 Boylston street, Boston, September 26,1880." BE/URI/AV AND TEA Roar.—Two or three teaspOonsfal of Leavin. (according to the quality of the flour,) to one Out et flour; mix thoroughly by pasalug two - or three nines through a sieve ; rub iu a plece.of butter half the siie of an egg, and make the paste With told milkor inkier, (milk la preferable ) barely Miff enough to permit rolling out. Much kneaoing should be avoided. Cut in. to:dt sired form, and place immeafatelytn a hot-oven and bake quickly. Loa, Baum—The same ,propprtlona of Leaven and fkitir silted together as above; omit the butter, and make the paste sun enough CO anead into aloaf, and bake im mbdlately itka.,slow oven. , . - . r GRAHAIL BREAD =three teaspoonful of Leavitt to one wiart of whiet Mehl; sifted theethei ; add' one gill of me lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake in a slow ovem • BioWN BAILIE, —Three teaspdonsfal of Leaven : to one pint of dour, and one pint of corn meal, all well sifted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; make the paste thin with milk and bake slowly. tluatwumtv Ciass:—:Flaut and Milk sufficient to make one quart of batter; add ene egg, then three teaspoonsful or Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. DUMPLIGS.—t•itt together one quart of flour and two tea spoonsful of Leaven; rub in a piece of batter half as large im an egg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. ' CHASIDIM STREET CAMS —bift together two large cups of flour and two teaspooneful of Leaven; putts half a cup of butter and a cup and a haltotaugar ; mix with cold milk or water to a. sal:latter, add spice to euit tho taste, and bake immediately. CINCINNATI SPONGE Casa —Two cups of white sugar beaten with tae yolks of six eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups of gifted flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoonful of Leaves; flavor with two teaspoonful of essence of la mon, and bake tea quick oven Jr/tams —Sift together one quart of flour and three teitvpoonsiul of Leaven ; rub in one lea-cut-fel ofbutter. add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; ma: stiff enough to roll out, and bake quick. Miscues Ca - ink—One quart of flour annthr e teaspoons: ful of Leaven sited together ; add-a cup:of butter, one pound or currants, two cups of white sugar, and ono tea spoonful of emuitmon ; mix with cold ml.k to a stilt bat ter. and bake in a 611.4Y-OVOO. Cons core.—fMe 'pica each' Cf flour and Indian meal, and three teaspooniul of Leayen, well sifted lonelier ; add one gill of molft,ses and two eggs; mix thin with milk, and bake in a slow oven. Cc? Cask.—Five cops of flour and three teaspoonful of Leaven, sifted together; and oue cup of butier ; two of sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cup of currants ; Sudsy - deo to suit the taste. Bake about hair an hour. Liam' Wm.—Three quarters of a pound of flour and tour teaspoon:lß of Leuven sifted together; oue pound of sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the Juice of 01110 le mon; nix with milk. Wassvia Cass.—Fivo cups of flour, three teaspoonful Of 1 elven, three cups of aug,a, one of butter, one of m tar, and two eggs ; L tilt and spice to the taste. Bake about half an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. For sale by Grocers and Druggists geuerelly. (IMAGER & Bey., Wholesale Agents, No. 59 North Front street, Philadelphia. n0v13,13m HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED ! rplIE UNDEHBIGNED having leased this well known and popular hotel, in the city of lierrisburg, is now rethth g and furnishing the same waft nitW FURNIfUIta: in the very beat modern style. It Is located in the most centril part of the city, within a short distance of the depots of D , ur different railroad and also near the State Ca pitol buildings. The house is largo and the sleeping apartments are well ventilated. Ea - - The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable arts. ales This city is well known throughout the State as having the best market outside of the Atlantic eitlea, ant consequently no complaints shall be made on that score. /lie BAR has also unuergone changes and will oe krpt stocked with the beet and purest Liquors in the country ho exertion will be spared to mase the traveler and sojourner comfortable in every respect. A continuance u: the patronage of the old customers, together with new aduiLons is respootlully solLited. J. H. BENFORD fs CO. Harrisburg, August CITY LIVERY STABLES. • BLACIMERRY ALLEY, IN TILE BAIR 02 THE undersigned has re.commeneed the livery business hi his NEW and SPACIOUS STA BLES, Ideated as above, with a lams and varied stock of 'HORSES, OABBIAG.4shd OSINIbLSEs, which be will hire at moderate rates. F. a.. tiWABIZ. • sepA-ely , H. L. GODBOLD 2 PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos. melodeons, &c., &e., will rec..ive orders in future al WM. 1ib1ut.111. , .2 Music store, 92 Marketstreei All orders leri at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. First class PIAN4 18 tor sale sepl •dly NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE EUILD.LAra LOTS FOR SALE. A NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED BUILD -11 MG LOTS adjoining the Round ROUE! and. Work tatups or. the Penna. hailviad Company, will be sold low and on lesaonal4e teibia._Apply to ' Imp Om Jt)HN W. HALL. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." Illisteitantous. MANUFACTURED BY DIRECTIONS HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 13, 1860 DR . J OHNSON 23."),.morx7virAckvLizi LOCK LOCK HOSPITAL. AS discove red e S otaai reme i d il y m the emost w c on er certain, speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RUM LIT FIZ TD IWFSSE BOUM. 1%0 Mercury or Noxious Drugs .egrA CUES W.LititaNTEO„OR NO CRAM; Li FROW ONI2 TO Weakmll3 of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains it the Loins, Alfte.ions of the Kidney+ and Madder, Organic Wen koess, Aet vous Debility, Decay of tbe Physical Pow ers, Dyne-Tata, iaognor, Low Spit tie, C,onfusloo ideas, calritstion Of the Beart, 'I Meaty, treinblings, Itas ,ess of :tight tr tittdittess, lsea,e of the Stomach, A4.-ction3 of the Head, Dire. t, Nt se or .kin—those terrible t.l or ders ari+log Dam the indineretion or Solitary habits of Youth—ho o dretdtul ii destruot3;vo practise3 which pr +Alice constitutional debility, render 'carriage Impos sinl.t, mid destroy both buoy and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who nave become the victims of solltiry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit watch auuu Ally sweeps to un uut mely grave thousands of young men of the.most exulted talent and btilliaart intel lect, wt.° mlsir otherwise have entranced, listening senates with the thunders of eloquence,. or waked to ec• tasy the living lyre, may call wi h full confidence. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, should immediately con suit Ur. J., and be restored to perfect health.; ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately curd and full Vpor restored lle who places hirafelf under the care of Dr. J., may ehrl iusly coutide in nis honor as a gentleman, and eon &Minty rely upon Lis Atli as a I hys.eisn. ,q-Office I‘o. 7 coulh F edericic utreet, Baltimore, Mu., on toe hit hand tide going from Baltlmorestreet, 7 doors from toe corner. .B • particular in observing the came or number, o.• you , will nsietake the piece. be par tic,lar for Ignorant, T.tfling Quacks, with false names, ur kaltry humbug Ceroficata, attracted by the repute- dun of be..khnbou,lut I+ Lk a: All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, ton=e, on the reply. Dr. Jolar son member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London graou turnout one of tt e me=t eminent Colleges or the Untied :tste , , and the greatest part of whose life has been spent to the 8 ospdals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, h.te effected some qt the most us toui-hlng out es* that woo ver known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nor vousneta, using warmed at sudden sound n, baShrl/111085, le ith frequent hi ualog,attertued sometimes.with derange yacht of mind were ot,red ImmedLtely, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addl.( mes all theta who ha, - ing I-Jured them selves by private and initroper indulgencies, that secret and solitary lambi; which ruins both body and mina, un dying thou for either bminess or society. 'these are come of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by Gaily habits of youth, : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, taiga tne Head, Dimness of Sight, 1....j3.3 of Muscular Power, Paipitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestlyr. Functions, general Debility, ffyinptotiti of Censump. tkm„ tbnyr.u.vr, the Marfal effect:con the mindere muchlo be droAded - es of Slemary i confusion of Ideas, De pression or Srtries,--Bvil-Foreboologs. aversio.,toa:ocle, ty, Self-distrust, Love or Solitude, lionchty,lro., are some Loo evil °Sects. 3 hossanos of persons of all ages, can now Judge what Is the cause of tueir decline In health, losing tett' vigor, necooilog weak, pale, nervous and emactated, have a sidgular arpearance about We eyes, congbotnd Symp• toms of consamp 10D. who have injured themselves bra o:rtdn practice, in dulged In when alone—a habit freqtrntly learned from tat It companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly full, oven when asleep, ai d If not cured, renders marriage Imps:3lWe. and destroys beta mind and body, should apply immediately. Whit a pity that H. young man, the hopes or hli coun try. the darling of his parents, should be snatched 3 , 13 m all prospects anti enjoyments of life by the consoquence.s of deviating from tee path of nature, and inuulging in a certain scent habit. chola persons must, before coiner,: plating effect that a Bawnd mind and body are the ruott necessary requi,iu, to promote counublal litippluo:s. Indeed without these, thejouruol through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prespect hourly darkens to theslaw; the mind becomes shadowed who despair, and tilled with the mel,ce holy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR• By thIA great end ikeportatt remedy, Weakness of the 04dos aro speedily mired, and Cull vigor restored. Thous:muw of the most nervous and debilitated Who had lost all hope, h ve bteu antnedismiy redeved. ell I 11lie lmenta to Marriage, Physi•ni cr Jlental Dloqualltl OadOn, Nercone, Trewl . lioe. We. IL .ess or Einsu.tion or .Lie moot foal lul Mod, speedily cured, TO STRANGE/IS. _ . The many thousands cured at this instiution within tha last twelve years, sal the mime. ous imtortant Surgical psi lot Dattl by Dr. .1., wlinessed by the re porte:s of the'papers, and many other persons, [loxes of which have appeared agaiu and again briers the public hustles hes slatting as a gentleman of character and apousiberity, is &sun:totem enaransee to the afflicted. DiarAdrS OF btritUDENCE —tVh,n the misguided and imp:u cut votary of pleasure Untie he has Imulbed the seeas of this painful disease, it too often happens that au ill timed Lamm tf shame or dre.d of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and ie speetabilicy cart atone befriend him, delaying till the con stitutional symptcrus of this horrid disease make their .ppearuoce, affecting the head, torciat, nose, akin, , preys's-is:Mg on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to ins dread ul sufferings by seadims him to "um ()mime from wheuee uu traveler returns." It i s a met- tucholy Let th t thimsands lall victims to ltis terrible disea-e, ovriag 'to the-uosAlfalness M Ignorant pretend ers, who, by tltc ase of that, 01,144 poison, mercwy, ruin toe constitution and make the rebidue Mite Ililserable. L-TFLOGEICS.—The larictor's I Li.otnas hang in his office. Letters mut contain a Stamp to us on the:reply airitemeuirs sent by Mail. Touch Frederick street, Baltimore. .443 tlawly SILVER PLATED WARE HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Street, PHILADYLPRIA, flanufacturer of the NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SKIS, WINS, KETTLES, *IKE:RS, BUTLER OLSIIES, ICE PITCHERS, VAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, tre., Witke a•gonetal assortment, comprising none but the bes quality, made of the best materials and heavily plated, con: 'Muting them a Serviceable and durable article FosrEostrts, STRAMBOATS axe PENNI' FAMILIAL jar Olt Wall; re-nlatea In the ben manner. feb2Cklawly BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HA GEO. RRISB BOL U TON RG , YB , PENN OPRLETOII. 'A J. The ab eve well known and long eitablished Bad la now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being In a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. BOLTON, who has been an Inmate of the house for the last it:wee years, and is well known to to guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en— joyed 1 cheerfurly commend Mr. Bolton ip the public yor, rieB cawtfi BLIEHLEIL. FUR a 'Superior and Oheap 'Table or uviii Oil go In SELLER'S DRUG STORY. OKAN tit:6 AND LEMONS. LIO,RTY BOXES in piime ordei just re calveli and far stile by ' ' - uib WY. DOOK JR. & 00. fileiltEat Two DaIrS.IM MARRIAGE DR. JOHNS TON MENTALLY YOUNG .11EN MARRIAGE, GAMIC IVEAKNF.P_Ei CARD filistellantous EVIPORTANTJ NOTICE Foe the 'Afllicted with ,Diseases which .Appear to be Incurable. DOOTORO. WEICAEL, residing in Har ri Pa , Third street near North keg, cured iu barman& es well as America, many pereOns after buy leg been treated without, success by other physicsans.— We extras t here some paisaos f rum t;ormau newspapers of this plate, coutdining ackuowleggement of such per. sons and their recommendation to apply Id similar cases to Dr. WEICHEL. ' Georg s Cassel, West Hanover township, Dauphin coun ty, testifies: that he was perfectly cured, of a Calico: in ward Lis LW check: Jane Rad.lasug ,of Hari tdburg, testifies that having been treated by various physic( us for five years In, the case of Ittieumasism In both legs so that she was unable to lift one lug before the other during all' that" time; after their abandonMent she used Dr. Welehel's thediclias only about three ELOI4IIB, and was perfectly allied. J. Sollenberger tes Lilies that his slater Jane hay.ngs been confined to her bed for nine 3 ears, and all that tht.e speechless, and every day anu t tzbts ssms on the cheat, was then perfectly healed by Dr. Welchel, and has bar five years since that time the use of her speech. Marg. Zimmerman testifies that having been totally blind in one eye for ten years, sea to the other for one year, has received full si 14 of one eye by using Dr. WeichePs oirection and medicine. John Meyer, of South Middleton township, Cumbes laud cos.nty, testi& a that having totalls lost sit. ht or the right eye for more than one year and a half by the gray cataract, and Ir2R ployed several physicians without fleeces-a, has received then under the treatment of Dr. Wetchel in less than one year his sight so that he can read, and considers Lis cure to be accomplished. lithe same . place other unexpected cures have been performed, to wst : Mrs. Ann H. Myers having been deaf in a high degree for nine years received the full use of hearing, and hey son, 15 y ears 01 age, having been af flicted tor two years with spitting of blood, was cured by the Doctor. Being confised to an adverteement, these instances may suffice to direct the attention of the afflicted with the above mentioned and similar disease; to Lis office. dec4..dAwlme DR. D. W. JONES, WHITE HALL HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA ITHERE ho has engaged rooms for Vif private consultation and may bo timid at all times. Dr. Jima may be consulted persooaly ur by letter, by des , ribl . g sYmetoroll on all . iiErtiSoB of private nature, such as Gonorrhea, (Meet, Stricture, Syphilitic Eruptions, Mercurial Diseases, ffactons of Um Kid. noys and Vedder. Let tlie rol,taken that seeks after 'plemoaras when he finds that he has imbibed the seeds of that horrible disease, when not imrnedhttly cured, will make its apt ea , ance s,ch as Dice. cited Sure 'throat, and Erupt on over, the Boay. To such Dr. .itiNFE Life a the safest and most certain remedy in America. The reme dies used by him are entirely vegetabie,and Cal/ be aged thout change or Diet or hindrance from 1311hino3B. Dr. JONES will alai) make an article of agreement—no cu o no nay. Ella cases cured In from three to five days or no charge. DR. JuNES pays great attention to Diapepsia, L ver CoMplaints, Rheumatism, Headache, Dimness of Sight, Femhw Complaints. All tense above named will be re stored to constitutional soundness with such mild and bvliny juices, of herbs that are gathered along river rides, and in vatitivuo to the lofty mountain tops. Allis made totally by the voice of echoing praise. All letters' mast contain a postage stamp to ensure an answer. Address DR. D. W. JON kg, ' White 'Balt Hotel, del Harrisburg , l'a SANFORD'S PATENT PORTABLE HEATERS FOR WARMIMI with PURE HOT AIR Private Moises, eubl‘c BOoing4 Churches, &c. I. the LOST POWE and Cheapest RESTER In the World. Recommendations and reterences by the hand. Ped from those who a- e now using the HEA'IER. can he 'hammed by cal hap on the subscriber, who is the only agent, In Harrisburg fur the sale of the article. THE "(JHALLENGE" COOKING RANGE IS ALSO ON HAND and for sale. This RANGE requires no availing in but can be set in a fair place or out In the room, and contains all the latest improvements in Cookinz RANGES, has larger ovens than any other RANGE now in coo ALSO ON RAND, an assortment of heal pattern PAR LOR and COOKING STOVES, and Stove Pip s. Also ths. largest stock of 'UN WARE to be found in this section of country. Wholesale dealers supplied on reasonable terms, LYMAN GILBERT, deft Corner of River Alley and Market Street. NEW LIVERY STABLE, PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, IN THE REAR OF THE "MORGAN HOUSE." THE SUBSCRIBER has opened a new LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and has a stuck of excellent BOSSES, and new and fashiquable BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, which be wil• bite at moder ate rutin. GEORGE W. LOOSER, ay. nev24.titf JOHN IVIAEURER, RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that be is located at the above mentioned place, and he has ,siumr,enced the WPOL DYEING and CARPET WEAV ING BUrhl Bin at its various branches. He is pre peril to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and will guards]. lee general satisfaction. His prices will be reasonable. Baring carried on the business for many years in Germany, and over two years here, and also having had an extended experience in this country, be Is fully com petent to execute all work entruated to bim, and hopes to receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow ebbing- WA general assortment or oerrat 4 are always kept Imad and '*RI be sold it the hitt cc tile. sovlt-etwimd Drn (Boobs, .6ct. GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE ! lIRICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FRONT k LARKET srs. ANNOUNCE to the oi izeos of Harris burg al d the pablia generally, that they have just returned from thy- eastern cities with a large and Well sa ler.ted stock of Fall nod Winter Goods, which they wilt hell it the ye y lowest prices. DOMESTIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached nd Unbleached Bruslins, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED PLANNELEI OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large assortment or Welsh P 1 busts lbr Elt An assortment romestic Ginsh , ms, blanch ster Giogharns, Satinettt and Ca almeres, BiaeK ao ha at all prices, • Clothi f.‘r Ladies' Chesterfields, Beaver Cloths for the Arab Cloaks. A FINE ASEORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large assortment of Cita:Amer es, especially adapted to Boys wear. An assortment of Merino Drawers and tin dershirts. An assortment of Carpets Irma 1.2% cts a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH. PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A largo assortment of Brocbe and Blanket Shawls, with a Cult stock of the latest,novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first Glare Flattery and Em broideries, ko., dzc. , atc. An as o tment or Regent e wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of :trending and Flannels. & COWPERTEIWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly , ccopied by .1 1.. IRitner. , octgki-ly BARGAINS FOR TEE SEASON JONES' STORE, Just received "and receiving from Pilliadeiphia rand . " New York, BARGAINS In Silks of all kind, for cash. RG A INS in gnairls, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINSIn Cloaks andTalmas of all.klnds, for cash. BARGAINS in.Plald Dress Goods, or, all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in every variety of Seasonable •Drees Goods, foreash. • 7 BARGAINS in Blankets, of all kinds, for cash. BABGAL\ S in ail tinds.of Fiannele, forcasb. BARGAINS in Carpets.* of Oil Cloths, Ito., for cash. And BABOA,NS in all kinds of Dry Goods usually kept in Shirts; and a choice Irom a very lerge, well selectee stock, for cash, at JONES , eTORB, octle , Market Street, harriebarg. PHILADELPHIA SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE! MANIIFACTORNRB oT SHIRT BOSOMS • White, Fancy, Check, Hickory ' Denim and Flannel UNDER AND OVERSHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers um! Gentlemen& Furnishing Goods. BEN NETT & RUCH, ocil7-dBm 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clothing FOR THE LADIES, A LARGE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY TOVVIiq'S KID GLOVES, Slightly domaged with water—Price 50 and 75 els.— GREAT 13A1W-AINS. A tine amortment or same quality, pcnect—Blae.c, White and Colored, at CAVEICARVS, No. 14 51arket r_quare. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! WHEELEn .54 WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, EEO NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER &WILSON Manufac turing Compaby haying gained ett, their suits at law, - with infringing manufacturers of sewing Macaws, prdposa that tine public should be benefitted thereby. and nave accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing nacbine , i. Alter this date tney wid be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of miinufacture, capital Invested, and expmse of making sales; such prices as Kill enable them to malre flat class . machines, and, as here ofore, guarantee them in every particular. ln.accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Mich' oes at prices from $45 to $9O for the flue full ease machines. It is it well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine k the hest one in the ma, get, the best wade ' /Lost Supk . and least liab'e to get out of order, and they, are now as low as the in.t rior machinea. Call nod , gee them a Third and 31.trktt del-Om NOT THE FIRST ARRIVAL BUJ ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, Lyrim s VALLEY 810VE COAL, $2,50 per ton. NUT •" $;5.00 0 Also constantly on hand, LYKEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, o EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILEESBARRE BROKEN, No. 3 and 4, NUT, Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and Broad Top. Also gickory, Oak and Pine Wood. E. BYERS. pl 4 No. 102 Chestnut street. D.ENTISTRY. pIIE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL :B a r , :a t, y o m n a o y ust e " re vt i e a re se h r c j. SURGERY, bee returned and resumed his prauthie : il S i tu tpa te p t eas ree ed t u tr ppo at e te lt: d t to be rent 71 B. U. GILDEe, D, D. s, A FRESH STOCIE Of Vanilla Beans, Reckers , Purina , Perfumery and Panel , Soaps, at MILES' igtUti BTOEtg nr oa Market =tr ""OUR GOVERNMENT." 44r1r1HE unity of tiovern went, which con j.. ,stitotes you one people, is nom dear to you."-- Washington's FaretoeU Address. A nationality is essen tial to the eadurtas proaLarity of our country. True pa triotism must ture from inowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil -- institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their prit ciples, and law% ability fur their maintenance. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains the text of the Constitution of the United States ' and-the Con atitutional provisions ol the several States; wit, their meaning and construction, as determined by judicial a n . thority, and precedent and •prantice, or derived from standard writers; digested and arranged for earlier nee. Price $l.OO. bold by It'Xiblrair, del itartiontl, Pa. ktram Nriuting Having procured steam Power Prisms, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PILOTING of every description. cheaper that It can be done at any other ee tabliahment In the country. •". RATES vs auV.hRTISTNW iFirrour lines or less consatute one half square. Mg has, Or more then four constitute a square. nail Square. one day... one week__._ one month .. ; • • three months sit months ..... . sue year.... Ono Roars one day eno week...... .. 200 one month 3 00 three months.... . 8 00 alt months._ 8 00 «, one y ear 10 00 larßtudness notices inserted In the Local wham, or ' , afore Diarriagea and lleaths t FIVE CM.TI2 FER US'S for each insertion. 43- War rag es and Deaths to be charged as regula4 - Idvertinegnents. NO. 83. From tho St. Louis Democrats A Man Lynohed in MiseiElppi. DE TS FLOGGED, TARRED AND COTTONED, rcoa ALLEGED TAMPERING WITH SLAVES. A respectable looking man named Wm. Smithyinan, a native of England, and for several years a resident of Juneau county, Wisconsin, arrived in this city on Tues day, trout Memphis, by the steamboat J. t.f. Perry. Mr. S was driven from Missis sipi last week after suffering severe inju res for crimes alleged against him, but of which he declares his entire innocence.— He was formerly employed in this city for a few weeks, as a wilier in the Planters' Mills, on Franklin avenue, and went to Mississippi for employment in June last.— lie bore letters of recommendation and cuaracter, and obtained work in Panola and De Soto counties, near the Tenessee fine. He worked for several parties, dres sing mill-stones, and met with no opposi tion from any party whatever till a week ago yesterday. when he started from Look ahomie, De Soto county, for Senatobia station, on the Tennessee and Mississippi Railroad, seven miles distant, employing a uegro to carry himself and trunk in a wagon to the railroad. lie was then on his way to Memphis. Arriving at Senatobia after dark, he proceeded to look up some weight for the negro'a owner, and in doirg so went into the freight depot. While there three or four persons approached him, and asked him where be was going and what he 'was doing. He told them he was looking for some freight for Looxahomie, but they charged him with being an Aboli tionist and a suspicious person, and seized and threw him into a freight car, which they locked, and then went up into. the village to tell the story. The negro was also arrested, and, as afterwards appeared, was threatened with instant death if he didn't confess that the man in the freight car had endeavored to persuade him to run off. The negro thinking, probably, to save himself from torture, said that such was the case, but, notwithstanding the conlesi-iott, he was severely flogged. About 10 o'clock, a crowd of thirty or forty returned to the railroad station, took Smitbyman out and marched him into the woods. There they stripped him naked, nitwitlistanding, the weather was intensely cold, and gave him a large number of stripes, the victim thinks two hundred, with a thick leather belt, sometimes flat and sometimes with the edge. A man who appeared to be a deo tor,,then advised them to -desist, saying that they would finish the job the next day. They then put him back in the freight car, with nothing but his clothes and an old rug to protect him during the night. In the morning luAvas released and allowed to pay eirry cezrrs for a cup of coffee. An armed force styling themselves "Minute Men," then took him into custody afresh; went into the woods again, made him strip, tied his hands around a tree, and then shaved his head as close as they could. The crowd urged him to tell all about his doings in the inierior, said that they know he was guilty of -exciting slaves to insurrection, had tampered with them, and all that. Three or four said that if he would confess, his life should be spared, but that if he did not he would be strung up. By this time Smithyman was half dead from exhaustion and fright, and believing that if was his only chance of safety from hanging, he boldly avowed that he had tampered with slaves. With a shout, the eager listeners seized him and some were for hanging him right off. An attempt was made to get a rope around his. neck, but others were so anxious for another operation that the would-be executioners tailed Smithyman was stripped, and liquid,' almost hot enough to scald, \vas pour , ver hls head, and half blinded as he we e victim was not allowed to put his ht to his eyes to keep the tar from blinding mm altogether. They then stuck him all over with loose cotton. After this was through they told him that he must start for MeMphis imme diately—forty miles oir—and not stop till he reached that city. They gave him five minutes to put on his clothes, and while he was trying to pull ill some of the cotton, several of the mob stood by kicking his limbs with their thick boots, black and blue, the marks of which kicking he still bears. They then allowed him to start.-- Smithyman walked all the way to Mem phis, and took the boat to this city.. The man Smithyman is an honest,.sober man, and bears evidence on his.person of the in fliction of very severe injuries. W. 0. DICKOK, Agent. " DEATH sor Divnam."--A. stagier funeraf and a still more singular burial took place up in our neighboring town of Washington, Pa., last Wednesday. Patrick Br.vson and his wife were interred in the same grave. They were an old couple—he 85 and she a few years his junior. Be died on Sunday night and she on Tuesday, and the corpses of both were lifted and carried in the same funeral train to the same grave, and then committed to "the dust from whence they sprang," side by side. Thby• had lived together, as man and wife, for sixty years, coming frOm 'resod soon after their marriage. They had resided in the town of 'Weshingion for 85 years, and had raised a large famgy, and had seen Washington rise from a wilderness to what it is now. They were plain, - good, quiet, old-fashioned people, who had commenced- tha morning of his together, and curinued the noontide to its close. Happy and " plea gent in their lives, in death they were not di vided."—Wheel ng Intelligencer. Gasteamt.—Garibaldi has a sun pursuing his studies in a Protestant college hear Liver pool tinder the direction.of Dr. Poggi, an e 8• Dominican of Florence, who is a truly even.= gelical man. When taking leave of his son in 1856, Garibtddisaid to him : " The Bible is the mews that Wit liberate-Italy." The liberator of Italy has .a great veneration for the Yroptt,of God. In a letter. to a Countrymen, written af 0t the events of 1848 he says "rreconalead 11 Baia :a to read the Bible, for it i 8 the Bolt that will mare Italy free." soy; :00 „ZOO ~4 0 ~ 600
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers