TLEE TELEGR.A.TIT IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTEFO • y GEORGE BERGNER I& CO• TERMS.-.-SINOLIC SIIMIEMMOII. - The DAILY TCLEGRAPPI Is served to subscribers In the Prough at CM coats per week. Yearly eutiebilberri will be charged 14.00. WPKIELY AND SOU-WEEKLY TILIZIIitAPH. The T6LIIOI4APH is also published twice a week during Jae session of the Leglelatere, a_ad weekly during the re ,ilainder of the year, and furnisni to subscri here at the 101;ox ing races, VIZ: S 2.00 :31egit• Subnortbere per year • ' Nel3 12.00 e T 0 ~ 15.00 P n lug LAW OP NISWIIPAPARS. • • it subscribers order the discoutinuttece of their newe l: are he the puAre blisher may continue to rend them until earages paid. if subscribers neglect or Muse to take their newspa- Qrs from the office to which they are directed, they are i!esponsible until they hay^ settled the hille and ordered them discontinued filetital ITHELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD.',B ELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Bucen - , - Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu; - Extract Buchu, Extract I3uchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Biichu, Extract Bucliu, Extract Buchu, Extract Swim Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET 8t DELICATE DISORDERS'. FOR SECRET Sc DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8 1 . DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET & DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. )'OR SECRET Sc DELICATE DISORDER,. A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy, A Positive and Specific Remedy: A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy . FOR DLIZSZEB OF . . - . . . BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS; DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, :KIDNEYS, DROPS : B L ADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, , BLADDER, GeRAYEZ, KIDNEYS, DROPSY U BDDER, OA fr. 5.4" KIDNEYS, PED_R o vr, • BLADDER, GRAVEL, XIDSVEY,S; DR * OPSr„ BLADDER, GRAYED, KIDNEYS, •PRoPAY; ORGANIC WEAKNESS,- t ORGANIC WEAKNESS;- ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, - . ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all Diseases of Eexual Groan!t,' And all Diseases of Sexual Orgasu, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organ/l, Ann all Distases of Sexual Organs, Art 411 Diseases of Sexual Organs, FROX Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies In Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies lu Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life," Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in fife, Excesses, Exposures, and rmprudencies in Life, 'Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudenoies From whatever cause originating and whethei•ox- Isfing la MALE OR FEMALE. , Females, take no more Pills I They are of no avail for Complaints Incident to the sex. Use Extract Dacha. Nelmbold's Extract Socha le a Medicine which Is per: featly pleasant In me Taste and Odor, But immediate In its action, giving Health and Vigor to the Brame, Bloom to the Pallid Chceit',4ad'r4teirtlig the patient to b. Perfect state of HEALTH AND PIIIIITY, He'mbold's Extract ilucbu Ie prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, and is presoribed and id fur ArelPriElinife t Decay to looter. Trocure toe remedy at linen. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $6. Depot 101 Youth Tenth street, Philadelphia. Beware of 'Unprincipled Dealers Trying to palm off their own or ether artiedeu ,of Brien on the loputation attained by lielnabold% Extract Buohu, TheOrignal and only Genuine. We defer() to run on the Merit of our Article? Their's is worthless—is sold at much less ratedand atantalastain, sonsequently paying a much better Walt. We Defy ConapetlUonl • AA !or itelmbold's Extract Buohu. . • Take no other. Sold by D. W. Grose , & & Co. and all drugghtte every where. ntyll-dawam* SOHN B. SMITH'S . • BOOT & SHOE STORE; CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Hardsburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of ti BOUTS, :HOES, GAITERS, &A., Wake .very best !mantles for ladies, gentlemen, and chlldrens , wear.— Pekes to snit the times. All kinds of WORK 2.411E 1 N. OBDEN. In the best style by superior eioeknien REPAIRING liollo at short notice. oetl6Utf JOHN B. WITH, Harrisburg. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEIIPSER; WOULD respectfully inferni his .011 i patrons and the public generally, that be will' continue to give instructions on the PIANO. FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of. THOROUGH RAM, He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at' their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will. be given at his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the man Reformed Church. , AUGUSTINE L. WIAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER,. Residence No. 27 north Bewnd add: N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. matt W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY—AT--LAW'.. WEN Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. • trip duvet DR. T. J., u L S t SURGEON DENTIST, FFERS Lie services to ihe:Oiiiiens of Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with hie services Cnltoe No. 128 Market [street, in the house formerly so trepled by Jacob B. Eby, near the United states Hotel, • P,. myg•dly ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) " 14EAR . MARKET: . • " li'esidenee, Chestnut Street near' Fourth. CITY OP HARRISBURG, PEEWA, • GEORGE FISHER - •• ATTORNEY AT LAW. niIeFERS his professional - seririces to all Dermas having business to be transacted in the several Courts of Dauphin county, the Land'Ariliaytment or. this State, or before the Board ol:Property.._' been associated In the practice of the Law, with)* er, .1011N.A.,F1nREIt, he promises diligent and earetal ii&joion All,profetsional business entrusted c or ne r of Second slid Locust streets, (opposite to 'Onus wave,. .030, - ap2ll. STATE: 'CAPITAL BANK. AmERoN,COLDER, EBY - Sr. CO CORNER BICCON.O .41Cp WALNUI H AR RIB BURG,. PENN' FRESH ;;STP,PAL;;;;,. 7 • Of Vanilla Beim, AeCkeile Pe ralle7 Spapaat - - MILES" DRUG ETORIC, MAW, d ruw, hal% tr. • . . - .. „ .. . . . • . . . . . . . s.- \ • : i 'l' I. • ' . . . . . . . .• - . '''. \ Ak pr' i • - . . • - •.. . . ._ le tall" , ...,,,...N, :7,- ..,:-...;,....,•,..,,,,, _______ • , , s p. i • 1 1. 1 .11111-$-• , . . -,-. 1 ,,,,,,..,,,• , ..., .• ~ -...,---•-„-••12.:,,,,5.„.- r , ~,...,,__. ~., -•• ~ ti_ .401. . . ..,._,.," r....„„ . . _ . rl " : , .. ~: ,-' ~•:;i : : i:j I ; . • .. . . '''‘lN - DEPENDENT IN ALL THIN'G 4 S-''-.NEUTRAL IN NONE." V OL. XIII: k ~ ► Atli .L 1 . , 'COAL! COAL r COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME T 0 Ti ET, C 1-E A N ,O -0A L . Full Weight and Nothing ori.ofitl ~1 RA UL TO MY FRIENDS - AND itoteflifdi tlfee'aitifilid•taibilegedertilly;tind fully prepared , , on short notice-to supply them , with all ki n ds of r: , • _ t 1 • SUPERIOR COAL, OFALL SIZES. orznEg4llolll SLATE,'AND:: CAREFULLY SCREENED AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD. Although my coal is not weighed in RETT-WEIGIENG mum RUT 4 IR KE.ORED ON. MLLES ACCURATELY TESTED BY TEE . 14413E2 itkiwitatildlnidwastMtik Arid ;cniiiiiiiiighfityz 'lest assured that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with I„,sall nothing but the. ITT,: beet article, and no ALSO HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD, always on Rand. -GEO. P. WIESTLING. sept3-d3m 4 . , z ,(Vr,r4,9init MIST ,ARIPITYAL; ARRIVED IN DIM TIME, TO BE . SOLD. AT REDUCED PRICES, LYEEN S VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,50 per ton.l 4 44 NUT. $3.00 Also constantly on hand, ' LYKEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, 41 EGG,- ' CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILKESBARRE BROKEN No. 3 ; NUT. Blacksmith Coal. Allegheny and,,Broadc Top. Also, Hickory, Oak and Pine Woo d :' ' R..BY-ERS. pl 4 . _N0.„1.02 Cheetnut street. • i NEW MRU G ;- - _ AND TRESCREPTION., „STORE Its f'J f 7 f ! W. Ait ArSIR 0' NG,"Prac- V V • tical 'Druggist and. Dhemist„ would -int Orin the citizens Of DariliturgohatliAtislierised:thekstoili zoom recenti y occ -pied by Dr..d is now prepared to furnish those who fp ditho&odit.Otpit - ronise him, with pure and unadulterneed Dings arid - Medfclnes, such as can be relied upon, having had several years experience in the Drug and Prescription business, he mo._t respectfully solicits a share of Physicians' Prescription buslniss. has also a ledge jug ~ varieCassortisent pf iPerfumery, ..tatiorrery, do. Also, all oftbe most popalai-Patent ide {Deities or the day ; also, Tobacco, tilegarsf,Snuil. Accspef tbe best brands; also, Alcoholi-TArpentine, f ibirilifg-Fluid," coal l il, &c. In feet everything usually kept in a well stocked drug store: f t . xidynAlm GENERAL ORDERS---No. 8. READ QUARTERS 6=1'174 P t li r t , Barrii burg, Ititiv.l4l4 1860. t. ' , I. The Volunteers of the Filth D.vtsion P. V., will pa rade at Harrisburg, on TUESDAY, JASEUREYI4.OO. I (S 10 o'clock A. M., toinaugurate Governor Andrew G. Curtin. I /11... ~1111,,Voluntperspr theptateantiLot4otitare_cordial- Iminvlted . toVirtihqiitg "L •In , 111. iteohzienis,..Battallons and Companies will report o Major General Prlit.lik If H. HEIM, Lu res Fammucti, Aide-de-Camp. nov6 GENERAL ORDERS - - -No. 4. 1 -.-. ii.ccal, - t liglf-u'rcoAp , VßNN'Ej • . N r6t 0.860.- 1. Agreeable to the orders of Major GenerAkKeimi 6th- Division P. V., the 3d Brigade 6th DivisionTlx:iV , . , Nitilf Pa rade at Harrisburg nn TUESDAY, January 150,1861, at 10 deock to prrileigittls . lh4 hilfugykition.Offlover nor Andrew (.4. CuzZtle, II, ; Co1. Baker , of Abe Ist Regiment will report to Maj. beterAthe lot of January, 1861. • 111. Capt. Eyster, of,the - i7CatAbrol.,..Gnard will report at Head Quarters cii:Or , iiefore thri , lo4l et January, 1851 An curther orders„ By order of .".. ,. .7 - ":"E;I9iHJ/JIAMS, Brigadier General ad Brigadeslh Division P. V. JOSS= F. KNIPE, Aid,dor.9. „ nova_ .;.• VANIINGEN. : e4.81174D.gR0 Designers and Engravers on Wood° N. E. COR. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia: •• " ' X.E . CI3TE all kinds of Wood Engraving with'Sorre4Epastlincl dispatch. ; Original cm tins turniiiheit fOr Flae Book_Persons wishing cuts by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, Can haveryfews -or,CollesoirChuolips,),StoFeil Fronts, Machines', Eedvek - Patilfils,"&f.lentraviltarwell on per sonal applieatiOn. Fancy Envelopes, Labelsi-Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest stybrotart and at ti , tat lowest prices - FaCiipeoliains di Abe engraving; use the Illustratenj works of J:lii:Lippinbott & B. 11: Birtieekta, WM. Z. STEEL • CARPENTER AND JOBBER, • CORNAIIiWAINUT 414D,FRO1NI gREE23.' ofORBING L of all done' at •• 'short notice. in good style. and on reasonable thrum. NEW(' 'PA%OfirliN IN: LGOCDS CATHCART &. BROTHER, Have now open trlarie assortment ar MOURIUMG and SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, • SILITVLS COLL.APS, • . • giBEVES,, ~-16 1 4 11 1- .OKEI?CH.TEFS, , : YELLS, and All otner . goodA:desha . V o e ltl i rd , Winter wear. fsij tett id the Harr isburgolaßank. :E FAMILY° BIBLES:` A. rutpiftoix.B.LY-,q 9 l 4 pletgatoek. of al Li:sizes, styles, for eats at • • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOCESTOEE, WHITE BE,A.N.UY I OR PRg6iIiVIIsTG• ii , ver . r.superior ar F tido riaand tfoceals I oro,py. tri' -71:k t Ivll Doug 5 - s4 66; BXT RA .13 R DII A 111.8 • .6. For pale 1), 'oet22 • ,/-',1177Z-DOCrigalt.°&lso HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1860. .- • 'sod rt ril Et ip Breßd, l'ea-Cakes, all kinds ofPastry, &a CONCENTRATED' LEAVE is - the re , . snit of carefurchemical research. All its ingredi ents are prepared in the highest state of purity, pjuindid with a view to produce bread of a fir bettii quality, and in muckiest; time, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers Suhrolt it, with entire confidence, to the judgment of diseriininating house. keepers; bakers,: &o. • Bread of all kinos made by using Concentrated Leaven is lighter, more , digestible and nuitritious; has an.agrees. 'dile, natural taste ; is less liahle to sour j, will retain ita 'moisture longer than by any other process, and the whole preparation for the oven' need not exceed ten minutes. . It is valuable because it la not porislMbhi, eind_ rendered available in places and at times when yeast Is not within reach, as at sea. In all- climates and under all circumstances . , it may be adopted, thus obviating all difficulty Of procuring yeast or -other- forme t, which-is frequently of an inferior guality,.r.esderhig the bread more or lositin*holesonie. • It is also valuable as regards economy, as It has been ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of:ni* less than 18 per cent. In the common DrOCce9 • Much or the saccharine of the flour is last' by being. Converted into carbonic, acid gas, or spirit, and the Neste is Jn °erred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise the dough: By using Concentrated Leaven ;this masts is , avoided; and the gas obtained In a Manner equally'efli-, caolons. has !been .stated, destroys' a part of the flour cd-112 - eat .and, , in consequence, a barrel of lloer, Neighing 198 IDs., -which,.by the common method, • ordinarily makes about 250 5$ of briad,,gives by this. process 290 IDs;, thus effecting the very important satiny of 16 per cent. in the quantity of flour. By conformity , to the-directions on each package, any person- capable of ordinary attention may conduct the prodess, sad thd re sult.will invariably he highly satisfactory,. ' CERTIFICATE FROM DR.. Max . Assayer to the Sate of Massachusetts. have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, - manufac-' tared by liiiisesr IldssChturtbitrlid Csi t cirlthirefetwitce tolts.puritY oflandoeinproditclugithe ef fect of yeast in distending dough, and thareby,renderina it fit for maklitrbread. This article' 113 skillfully COM. ponnded t from perfectly: pure' material?; It 'raises the dough without consuming the stager er any...other . princi- Pie in the Sour,. perfectly ; and the dame weight et.flour, will produce more sweet, Palatable br'ead than'c'an be obtained through yeast; while _ tor cakes and pastry it invaluable, _as, it saves all risk, and.muck,time of the . pastry cook. - ;• . "Tia experiments made by nan confirm the statements madelby:Abe manufacturers, and proves:this winapound Worthy of public approval and extended, use. ; “Respectfully, ck.A: A. MAYER, M. D., State Assayer; A'l6 . 4loyistonatreet, Boston, September 25, D 360." BEEASEASI AND TEA Rothe.Two.or three tisispoothsfa of Leavtn.. (wording to the quality of the tiouri) to one quart, or , flour; mix thoroughly. by passing two, or thee titheatiiiitugh a sieve ; rub in a' piece' f butter * lialftih" size of= egg,- and make the paste with ' cold'milk-or' water, (milk is preferable ); permit; rolling out .. Much kneading should be avoided, C ‘ ut in-,. to' dr Sired form, and Pliteehrtmedinteltin a h o t.oven and ba / 1 14 / 1 4 4M/Eargi u laXWMOgtellitif ''. . - fide. mediately enough' fokiiend into a roof, si h'ittalte Tide . mediately slew oven. . - -1 GRAHAM BREAD —Three teaspoonsful of Leaven. to one quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gill of mo lasses and two eggs ; make the : mate thin with milk and bake in a slow oven. "Naomi BRlLin.—Three teaerrardiral of, Lea'netr td One pint or flour,•tind one pint °lnert meal, all well gather; add - twn•eggs and about'a gill of molassee the paste. thin With milk, and bake slowly.. • livatWatar CANZEI.—F/Oar and lOU sufficient to make, one iinat tor batter ; add one elie; then" threOtaaapbonardi otLeaven; 'beetle a froth, ' • " frartpuns.,,bitt.together one quartorilourlnditwd . tea: erratum' ofieavens.rub in a piece abutter aslarge as art egg, mix with cola milk. or water, rill ten minutes. . owattosa STREET CAXE.•—•Sirt together two large cups Of.llour and two teaapoonsful of Leaven; putin half a cup Of buster - and a. clip and a half of sugar ; ,mix With cold milk or 'water - to a stiffbatter, add apieeto suit the taste,. and bake immediately. CfsCuirshrf..sroshi Cass—Two cups of white sugar beattn. with the yolks of six eggs—the whites or 4440 beaten to ix froth; then beat alt together ; add three'cups of sifted flour, one cup of: water, and: threatinstiptsinsful of Leaves; flavor With two teaspoonsfdl of .exf s rne ,of ; le mon, and bake in a quick oven : ' • • Juisztift—Sift together one quart of dour 'ilia three teaspoonful of Leaven ; rub in one tea-cupful ofbutter, add a cup and a half of white sugar, and - spice to soli the taste; mix stilt to•roll.pui , atid:hitire quick. ELECTION CAILN.—One quart of flour sy4d three teaspoons fur of;LeavApiiitedltogether ; iidd,Wcup'fsfput,N teeelit .potiad btourrafitfqxko cupt/of white itugartaldfoite: tea 'epoontul .oLcinnamon4 mix with-cold milk to:s:stiff bat ter, - CS. ' Wart Caors.—rOue pint each of flour and Indian meal, 'and three teaspoonsful'of 'Leaven, well sifted toge.her add, one, gill of and two: eggs; mix ,thin with milk, 'arid-bake in a slOw oven: uP Cesx—ylve cups of dour and threateasponsful_ of Leaven, sifted together,• add one oup of butter, two of angst, and.,twoeggaiall well beat together ; then:add:a' curof °lnfants, and spice to suit the - . taate.,! iktkoAkrout , half an hout. • • .7,W:use? , Iltsa.--Three'quarters or pound•of flour. and four teaspoousful of Leaven. sifted together; one pound of, eugar.,and six ounces of butter a oreatniithe: whites ot.e)glit eggs well beaten, "and the juice.or one bs. Elton onixvoth milli. • ' • ;. .. , . WEBSTIat Coaca.—Five cubs of flour, three teaspoonsfall of Leaven,. three: cups of sugar; one .of.batter 'one 4* Milk; aritLAWO ',eggs t fruit and !Tice to the last": :,Bake Sibout ball 11,11 hour. : : . . : ,-, . _!...: , .., Pjiolied in; Cases of 1, 2 4' and Slx;DoieriVitris. , • Yor CAW by. Grocers and, Druggists generally , WILL.4.IIGULAGER & BRO.; Wbolosa4e Agenti,' ' No. 69 Nat& FroOt streel,Plalseelplas. H E-R 'H O T E 'N'EWLY . . REFITTED !. rraw. UNDERSIGNED . having leased this well known and popular, hotel, in the city of Harrisburg; is now refitting and:ft:entailing _the same with NEW FURNlTTlRLeirtitte'verk beat modern style.' It ielC;cated in the meet 'ceMril.part of ilMeltyfitiitbut a short' distance of the depidef. ether Marini railroad and - also near the State Ca pilot buildings. — The house is large and the' sleeping iii,itrtlieno are is ell yentilated. - . ' • The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable arti- Cies " This -city is well known throughout the State SS hirying the best market outside 'of the Allende elliirc,'ent? O'Dea:l(l6oy no domplaints &hillier : nada on that score! The BAR has also undergone changes and will be kept stocked with theliest and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to make the traveler , and sojourner comfortable' in every respect. A continuance ci; the Phtronage of the old customers, tognther.With new additions is respectfully sollated. . . Harrisburg, August 23-tf CITY LIVERY STABLES. :13.L1GIZBR.RItT ALLEY; REAR 01 . • ' . HEBB'S' HOT.ii. HE undersigned has recommenced the T livery bustnexa in his NEW and SPAG7.OO3 - STA. BLES, located as above, witb'elargeand veried stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES and OMNIEUSM, which he will hire at moderate rates. F. K. 6WARTZ. • stiraldly . • • H. L. GODBOLD 11A.CTICAL Tuner and Repairer-. Of P Pianos, Melodeons, Ec.,lte., Will receive orders in ruture at WM- KNOCHE'S Music Store;ll2ldarketstreel MI orders left at the above mined plum, or at the Buehler House, will meat with prompt ettentir: ' Kirin class PIANOS for sale . . . Irtistelfantogif. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, = mmanuctiuitim EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., 2 2 roprislorsof Mammal Chemical Works No. 38 INDIA STREET Boston. DIRECTIONS n ovl3-0m J. H.. itENFORD &I CO NOTICE TO SPECULATOR_ S. VALUABLE BUILIIIN. LOTS PM &Al* NUMBER OF LARGE ,§IzEBBUILB., 11 Lars adjoining the. Round House and Work ham the t l i blisollailrondi-Cenizany, will be sold linriptinirisseiliblitoeinii.iApidy to s -, 4lolibriW; ; - • -1-• LOMKOSPITAL vo w& stls - 4rge' ci 'most certain, speedy JUL Titinedy In the world for DISUSES OF IMPRUDENCE _ I _ nnegl3lf 111 to limits Hoven. . X 4, +J orNoxwou Drop. WA Orin WAthuartio, oi NO Cifaxas, in mom Own to Two Date 101 "Weaknesetibthelßabk or, ,Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections of the KidnOys and Bladder, Organic Wealmess, Nervous- iDebilityyDecarof the 'Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia. Languor Low iiipirits,.Donfusioa of Ideas 'palpipition oftholieart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dironees.ot light`Or Iliddin 'ists'Dle, ease Of the:Sterna' Affeetions of the HeadfTfridak, Rae er•Skin--those terrible disorders arisinifrowthd*UsairenichorArditerrHabits of rontik r .. is those r disagul .an tructlve, practices which prodnce, conidtetiOnal 'doh "Adder . marriage Impossible and &gluey both beat ' **bid. . , • - : ':• . • - - , -I'-lptrOtEtitt NEN. Young men espetSy who have become the victims of . .11tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which . . ititily - siveenithan'untbriely grave thousands of young en of themketeilltedialent and brilliant intellect, who might OthtOstte have entranced listening Senates.with the . waders of ploquense, or Waketito milesty, theliving lyres, ~: 7,Ca4ivithfkl.cfnifidimice. , ' ' HARRISON ' ' •' ; ' ; HarriedterioiW, fthosecontemplating marriage, being I *are .of •physicalrlreatitess, should immediately, canna', I 1, .:,,,I. l .mikiterestored. to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNES. - .leintedkileifOured citizifuit• rigor Redired He Who plabeiehlinaelf under - the • care, of Dr.. 0.. may tullylitiVonsir al egeutleman, and. send '. . . tlrygly II as a pllytdcian. _ _Plltde a. Ah Frederick Street, Baltimore, d., . . thelefthandlitdeleing froMlialtiniore street, 7 (1 as "onstthe conaithq Beipattiouhii in observing: the :na me • dk numbers - M . O'W.. Williesistalte the place. Be particular, or .4ruterattf;,l,l4hins, with'false names, or Paltry . FiiiiAtiareerteaapt, .tt.ed by the reputation of Dr. Jefinetted,lni iteirt". , ' '' L - ' ,-, : ,"- , • All - lettere muit.tientalanYoetago Rtamp, to use en :the eply. ~ 1 - , ,0)3 JOHNSTON Da. 'J;iiiiitiolifniiiiibiir ef the Roirel College oi Burgeon iidatt, -, itriduitte fig* one of the eminent 1 0°114680/ U. the , Statite, exidltligifeater part of whoselife has,,heen spent In the Hospitals of f I.ondon, Far% Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effectedeme of the` most aidonbifthig Miiiii . t were eveknoWn: Hang froubled with *Meng in ,the rs and head, whiff. aftfeep; :great Tollffttitillit - tieing „ ad at sudden' ainiats,.. bashfahfeet, With -frequent ;lashing, with derangenierif Of mind 07 0 ,.., 01 W 0 .4iPlziecAPPM' . -••,•• ' , , '. ~d •.; :', . : .... „,iiiethieS ' • .'4' .4,6 P11PPLA1c 105 1 7 , 4 %” : , . , iii.,54i, % 'thoseismo having intniedittein selves bYlpiiiate`. '&lEl*p - tepee :indulgences; that halite 1 incbsolitrimilabit wide 4 ?sins both rbPdrandlitibd,:un . :Ihtnit foe unbar, business or, soc iety. Thisegic'eume` Or3lie sad and melancholy 'pro; thiCheby t witili liiiiite'of : lentil; *lli , Weakness 9 1 the .. "k4ind LitiltafrPalits3ir..the.Head; Hinman or Sight: Lead IOW; A* 4 Pa l fitakniOrthe Heart PYITOPr; .).11 9 179 " yl'Amßgelpfini, af..the Digestive su A v ir buicticat: it 'Debiliti Sy mptom. or IkOlitupp= tin, ildi ll'' , '-'fi Pif:': al•?:)1b., .1 .„ ~._,, ~:-, i . : -. t. ,„ „, ill .45: :1 :-51...../ 11...y:•mitt4TALLIti: ~:: ; • ..:I El .. ; : •' lifeetiglYilllelitarrPlellOtton the mind are much to he, dreaded ;—Leas ofAeriory, Confusion et 'ldeas, Depres sion of Spirits, EvilTdreliedings, Aversion toßOclety, Self- dienust, Invtrof - StatintepTMdity, - Stcr;lireatoM6 of th e evil iiifeettift"--,s 1 /awn ] U 9 - . .: .) ..!::i. A . -- 47.1 .- :,,' ~, y... ... 0f... 0 . , .411 t agost i Can imirjgioge2whaM 1 ~~ ` •~_ .. Ti.... . O ,aniriPOSISVC. r ; -, who have inured thenuidtves' by a eeknit'praetiee, abed l eilcuieL4A4abit freenently learned Ifroin" evib'ernispenkins, orat tialtoolithet erects, ef4rlinste eigktinfeltgeyen.wlarnmialeop t and if ,not,cuared t rendera marrlage,itepeselkle, r/dietraya both ; uslifdnnif b OilbtapPlOniniedbif 4 ' Whirr thel, g Irani theihepe.ofiltiabotniti7, - 16.0 .. d#ruegi of?hicpare: eta, should be; snatched 'from all. Pros*ts and enjoyments , of life- by the consequences of d e v a orip , i iin the pep et nature, nitindinging . id. a_ aertalltseoreilhahle - ' 814 1 persons must , before coutere' effect that a sound mind and body are the post nece ear ceauliihni tkWolidteetinnebiel" happiness. Indeed w- out these thejonrkieikilirOntlf nre becomes a weary p :image ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind beconies - sbadowidAlthrdespairrand-ftlied with thelniehtnehply regeptiOikthrtt the:happiness ; of. another beconips,blighted,witiConraWn. . DR. : 1 94 24 P 3 1M .1 / 117 G 43 " . TEN .0 VEXED. Y FOR " OiGANIO - -WESICKDO3 great. and droportantremiedy, Weakness of the Organs sre speedily,ourod, and full vigor restored; Thousauds,,e(Che ;most nervous anddebilitaied who had`lt et ,all `l+Ope`, - fiavi3' •beehliniziediately relieved. Al IniPiffifuleftts: to arridge,l'hysleal -or Mental Dlsqualill.. elation) Nerves/1;4 renibliu 'Weakness Awe Air.haustion tkoluestifeercul, cured. - • The many theiiiiimfreiritifeCthis Institut:kin:Within the last twelve years; utd-the•artioterous important Surgies Operations *performed I by • pr.......l.„'witnessed by tile re Pegerit,gtliepapoil, and many other persona, notices of wbpNcificrn appeared again and *ilk before the , public, , Oiltdes hiettesiding goViatan' of • ObAradtc+lmo re,. rpostaftity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted' OffillASE OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and imp dent votary ofpleadure ' Arida ho hid iffibibed:the see dd if this painftil disease, it too often happensihat an pi -timed sense oLshame.or. dread diamvery deterthim tronvapplyffigdo , ithOlierZWllo, - .fteln:oducatioir-and• ipactabillty — can alone - befriend - 'delaying till - "the constautionalsymptemsaf this horrid disease make their kppeerance,ssifectiagethe4bead„ throat, nose, - skin; &o., Orpgreitillig .04 Nelth frigktiftdripidity, dath puts a per. tiffiffhisiirtittiffir'Sullbrings'iblaendhiglibi to ' , that hodme from wilince no traveller returns." it is a males. eliely - feet Chit tafonsindlf fall lifetime to Chia` terrible dis ease crielhi ofilgnerAnypretenders, who; by the of tliat "diaillypoiros, mercury - ruin the ,00natitution and make theresidue of life miserable DS/rawer+ —The Dootorqsniplinuut hang in his aloft "lif• Letters musteoutale a Stamp to tis on - the reply. • Apr Res/idles sailebYaralL ..7ssm - lier - A - J3c.nik-lireoderklifistrest, lalthnore arrl.MAlW4' - s Dv( Ldr.T ED WARE - : . • • ELAtitrY F.ILLEY - N 0.1222 lioAket,Btreet, Pxquontl,ne, • - I,laantlintuier:Of SO& ' • NICREL'SILVER end , SILVER rtATER of • ' ‘-• FORK SPOONS, LADLES. BUTTER KNIVES, . °ASTMS, ;TEA SETS; URNS, .13.1a:11X8, .;;: ) !YrAITERSZAIR.DBRES.,' ICE UNWIRE, CNIKE: ;",0011KUNION WEB; With d gOneial useuirtinent, komprisini none but tke bet quaiiteh nladS of :09 beetiotaterol4 and, /145 , 44 rkail; con: durable sow Fikeres. OldfArsire re4bitetiathe best manner. feb2o-dawly... • . BUEJE[tER HOUSE, MAItKJET SQIO ARE, 1 - IAnRISBURG, PENN'A GEO. J. BOLTOT, I'ROPRIETOR. C .A._R D The above well ,known.nnd - hing established Hctel is now undergoing a' illoroOgli renovation, and being in a great degree newly ternished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gutman J.: Beiioa who has been an inmate of the 'hoMM`for; the last three :Years; and is well known to ,Thankflal :for, thoi liberal patronage which it has en_ joyed,'l cheerfullycomniend Mr. Bolton to the public f vor. Deb &Feta WILLIAM BLiEHLEIt. -- • aUST:I.-iItECEIVED ANOTHE.W. LOT OF THOSE .! EXTRA ..FINE. POINTED - I GOILD PENS •4F 'NEWTON'S" 'formerly' Bagley's) manufacture; warranted to Matti bait in materiel, the finest polatetl r most-durable _and- as_cheap as any market„xfohmile tt with, as yaxt,ety • of] soldluld Silver Cases of trittidaitieeantrptidei; it — - .'t RERAN,hIt'S COUP BOOKSTORE, 61 Barket street. at. 1, kJ , fVOR. f ehiptkrier lanct- PitteßlP' Wk91#0,103.,;1 LLii 444.41.01, 11 f ( 44, • t •Prfp GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE! URICH & COWPERTHWAIT CORNER FROM k MARKET SIR A NNOUNCE to the oilizene of Harris ii burg at d the pnblle generally, that they haie just returned' from the eastern cities with a large and well Se- laded stock of Fall. and Winter goods, which• they will sell at the ye ,jr lowest prices. TioniEsTic GOODS of every' kind. Bleached and lJnbleacbed Mastitis, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large assortment of Welsh Flquieli forSidepg. - An assortment Domestic Ginehams, • - ' Manchester Gioghame, , • " 'Batinettsand 'simeres, Black Cloths atall prices, ' . 1 Cloths for Ladles' Chesterfields, 4, Beaver Clothe tor the Arab ClO/1133. . , A. FINE AFSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. . . A large assortment of Calm!mires, espec i ally adapted to Bey's wear. An assortment of. Merino Drawers, and Dn. Anassprtalent: of Oirpeta Irian /.2,41 eta a yard to $l.OO per yard. • . . 'SO LATEST STYLES SATIN'DECHENES, , pi.A TI) VALV,NCIAS. VELVET .POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND 'FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL .WOOL,DELAINES, • BLAgic, Au, WIDTHS. A large aMortiiient of BrOcbe and blanket Egidtwle, with a lull stook of the latest novelties:. - • An assortment of Plain anctrigured. casinierea. LINENS OF ALL RINDS'. a • _ • Particular 'attention paid to first elam Aosiery and Em broideries; &0., &c., he. •: ••• • • • ' . Au BaSortMent of Eugenic wove trail 'spring skirt pat tern extension. Anasaortment off brooding and Flannel 3, • -• CIRICH & COWPPETIINFAIT, - • Corner of Front and ItarketStreets, Ilarrisbitrg. Formerly occupied by,/ ,4.Bitner. ; 0ct2.1171y, BARG INS= FOR ITH:E SEASON, .J. -- 0. - kai - gt,CYlik:, Jnst rettidied , ;and receiving. AilidelPhis rand New, York, tARGARiCS - In 'Filks - of alfkiiicfor.eash . . - -- -BARGAINS injileawls, of ail.kinds,l forl BARGAINS in. Cloaks andTalmas of,ail kinds, forrash. BARGAINS in Plaid - DieSSGoods;Otall ithids,'fornesti: litfi4AlNS.lll OvorY., .Tariety ..of,.Seitstypable Alien "Goods, for cash.. . BARGAINSin Blankets; of all liindiv cashfor- ,BARGAINB in all kiodspf Flannehi,fotioseb. BARG4.INB in Ciirtiettirepf Oa, Clothp r iko.; tor cash; Aod BARGAINS in afllitrids of Goods usually kept .044.,A; pitAic49l9o44lWaAroKY,4r4p,47o,l~ I ,t7 Armw.11111,0114..11.11t I,Litl - 3 .1 . 4! alff PII.ILADELPHI2I: - SHIRT .AND "COLLAII, HOUSE „ .miguttormis or , SHIRT'BOS - Oii White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel- • . UNDEII.AND OVRI3.BHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers and Qentlemene B'nrnishing Goode. - • ' BENNETt t RUCH, octl7-dBm ' 217 Chtireih Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rub_ber Clothing. FOR. H A . LARGE. LOT OF FIRST QUALM 1 - • "TOWIN'S GLPVES, Slightly damaged with water—Price 50, igal 75 cis.— GREAT SAROAINS. A fine assortment of same 4itality, perleoi—BlaeiriWhlte mid Colored, at, 7 ' • • • , • . „CAT:MARVA iNe. 14 Marketmquare. • • JUSZ FROM•THE.. : IIE I TML.ALTrin - 11.312L3C.AM8 .SUBSCRIBER has, juAt.received Prom the New 1 eq. and Philadelphia Trade Sales j A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, OP -STANDARD WORKS. ! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. Atho, • . SCHOOL BOOKS • • BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY OF ALL MENDS To which the attention of the Public, Committees of Libraries; Teachers, Country Merchants and purchasers 'generally, is invited., ; „ . . . ; As all have been pureintsed far beloW the regular' prices, they can arid 'will be sold at hut &small:advance' on the cost, insuring to purchaserit,a attving i op.o to 26 :ger cent. on trade prices, at ' • ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE • octal - 6l.Market Street. BERGNER'S - CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEA.PES2 ELA.C.E IN THE CITY SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READING AND SPELLING 800 z,% ARITHMETICS • ALGEBRAS, • GRAMMAR.% ETTEOLOGIES, • DICTIONARIES, HISTORDLY, . . P.EffLOSOBIIIES, and, all the SCHOOL BOORS 'llse& nib° Tartans Pdblio and Private Schools of tne City, together with. • COPY' AND composracts - Booxs; • _LEITER; CAP and NOTE.PApEII, . BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, 'LEAD ANDSLATE PENCILS, ' • PENS AND SOLDERS, INE INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of SCHOOL BPATIONERY• constantly on hand ono for sale at THY-4019;MT PRICLS OP ANY PLAut in thecity - at • t • . BERGNER'S OHEAP.BOOBSTORE: •-• - 51 Market Street. star-Liberal discounts•made to teachers and dealers'. • Any article not on hand; promptly tarnished ,without extra .! rge• sen24 DR. C. ViTEICREL _ ; SURGEON ANI) °OCULIST, RESIDENCE T.I7IRD, NEAR NORM STREET. mar2l-daw • ...DENTISTRY.: THE undersigned ..D.OPT.O.ROFDENTAL SURGERY, has retgrrigaand rfaumect hie . Practice State' street' 6pp:raft& tlie."Bifttly-Eloassi” witere. he will Ise , rilsaziell atteudla. all who nlity - d,lire hiso set-: vises. jsepAi Gri.G5A.DPbt?!.. - - LEMON LEM ` just * - , Ps , AND - order 151 i 01,t.p.„,,G"s hi prim ° Fcat' ‘-'''- Lai jO , . - int:- iiknirAi .„,zzi 4- 44iteltottRI tor, , . . . ~ .ve7l ...),,, it 11., kiram tinting VW. Haring procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and:BOOR PRINTINu of every_ description. cheerer that ft can be done at any other es. tabbahnientin the country. tar Pou r lines dr less conailtute nue•half swam:Man line d Or more than four constitute a square. Ilan Square. one day... one week one month , three months 8 00 if six months 4 0 one 'Sir .••..... ......... . • • :, One Fqnar• one day - 00 pie meek ........ 8 -7 00 4.• one month.. . . . . ... .--3 00 • three months . .... „ 00 ....... six months._ 8 00 one year 10 00 lay-Badness notices inserted in the Local catmin t or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS DElt LINE ibr each insertion. NO. 79. sir ilaniages and. Deaths to be charged as (regular advertisements. . Wrltteia,for tbe Daily, Telegraph THE FLAG OF FORT ROULTRIIR. “The American flag cannot be neon among the atoms at our. 'whereon. .IL can only bo dimly neon down the Bay,,floating from the top otiort Moultrie."—Chertaton Mircury. . • What means ttds scandal of out rug? Fin of the gallant free, Whose asuri folds so gracefully Encircle land and sea. ' Whose .shiatitast old colonial:etas Are changetto tuna TaSSI. - Why fade those stripes frau ollltafolda2 Why melt those stars away / They all have cluster'd aide by aide, In many a deadlyfray— And Battered, aye, triamphantly, On many a They shrank aghast from traltorOns tomb, They gad from Tasasores hand; Those stars and stripes could never WM O'er suet!, a moldy hand • Of Catalinien : pittriots—. Dishonoring the land. Aye; fling your pennant to the breeze, The standard of a day; And laugh to acOru, if laugh you Nil', Afoul% "fiir doivn the Say' , The Moultrie &Kirin proudly wave, When thine has passed away. gooriumena, Nov. 1860. We have been waiting and watching, for several days, for some appropriate and fit ting eulogium, from the Press, upon that model pastor, the Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Chicago, whose eminently Christian mode Of discharging the =sacred duties of the Confessional, inaugurates It more perfect law of confidence betwein 'Penitent and Pastor. A daughter of the Church, in deep affliction, laid her sorrows in peniteit; dal end touching language, before her Spiritual Father, entreating,liirri to'present them, in her behalf, to thatMe'rciful.Judge before *hem all who are: heavy' Indert_nre invited to cast their burthens. 'That rigid Pesti* who treads -"lholsteep find thorny'liay to biairen,'+ instead-of going teithins penitent—braised in he . ert,.snci.erushed in spirit—before-Him win) is madly to be entreated, hinned her petition over to a • hUMELR ttibunall: The appeal, of. 'an erring but oontrito AaßgAter, of Church, for _theyeator's intercession herEteitveiklytPatliii, 468EI'VerolVEY" '4 , '"' • bwitsed,gfarithedolijotiati. - worm. •=vr morrinbuf..- " _ _ _ iv aggravate ChCinl. Midify 11' 'nil, 'We'repSat,'' inaughtatei ' near_era inielerical ethics. .....Itnretorma the relation between _Confessor gict, fo n enitsu4. ItCCO`riaets and di s pels delkalon" under whiclY-Christians have labored', .i.A.=-instir takes „the, ; . confession of a member, his clinrch and 'hands it over to a civil ma gic . trate I - This certainly. conflicts witli-long cherished prejudices..:: Pastor ' s hdve suffer ed pains and-penaltiesi:languisbecl in pris on, andlleftedlorturks; rathet:thap divulge the. secrets: of the confessional. Indeed, there is a higher, brighter, holier example. When an erring . but penitent woman came before our Saylor, in reply to those - . who desired him to repel her ,he rebuked them all all by telling him who was without sin to Oast the: first stone. Our modern and model Chicago pastor , reverses the teachings and example of his Diiine Master,' by himself Stating tie penitent who ailed Tor his- prayers !- . [ALBANY Evziarla JotTaNAL. • THE SILENT . CONFLICTS OF LIFE.—A tri umph the field is a theme for poetry, for painting, Air historY eulogietic, and ag grandliing agencies, w hose, united tribute constitutes Jame; but there are victories won by> men over themselves more truly honorable .:to the conqueror than any that can be • achieved •in i war. Oh, through theee'silent successes, we never hear, the tattles in which they are obtained- are fought in solitude and without help, save ahoye. The conflict sometimes Waged' in the still watches of the night, and - the struggle is often fearfiil. Honor 'to every eonaneror in .such a warfare!, Honor to the man or woman who fightstemptation, hatred, revenge, envy, nelfishness,,back to its latit coveit in the heart, and then expels it forever. - :Although no :outward show of hort6Fito - crue'sto the victors of these good fights, they have their reward, a higher on` than, "fame can - bestow: They come ontlif 'the combat self ennobled. A MOTHE.Teg TJLE.:--it la said that a cer tain celebrated artist had already, spent two Whole years 'in Painting a scene;_ but being 'diseatiefied; destroyed the -labor of many - months , : and was making another at tempt, when a friend` interrogated him as to the tanse Of hie itUis spending so much of his time. - ilia reply was; "I.:s•:tipt for immortality.'.' Every Indiiidn'ir r now living, is tieing work' but a manna, to whom is: committed the training!of a Moils): immortal, is emphatically reAmto, FOR IM MORTALITY. . • ... Here is The .handlthat:is` delineating Yfea tures, .on a canvass. which will :retain .ita characters 'ffar into the ether, world." It iathis'eonsideratioa that:gives its women- tons iinportance tathat-:Auestion, so often asked with so muohliQueitude; by the tini ions incither, ' "what influenoes'arerongAose I can bring to bear upon my child;'will'be the - ;most lasting and pOctgetiVi3 of "the greateiit good?" , - F • ' ,t , Thou= Tn‘acilirrr.77,aleFort t 3Vayoe (Ind). "'limes" ,says ticket ainost terri* tragedy oe• warred in 'Adapts' county; in - Vat' State; a' feir days/netbint;- As*niiiin.abotittO 'churn but; ter threttiometailine. „water into the -chiiri into - rhich - one of tha.children pongliatk, bi the; 'froYihni - Ip r linedlin - infaut, and it,raa iekitledc tt.;',diatfif ber Ireptrthe tatitligithinid4 nflieted it death-414 , t wohdtte - After reatiming(*hatilhe :had; dualr . Phf9threw , betle / Y641 3 3 } M4 1 4, 1 !•44 ;Wig aiowiiel * RATEB ALA AliFlitniel SIM l 00 Ea=l A Model Pastor.