Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 06, 1860, Image 3

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Thursday Afternoon, December 6 1860.
A SPECIAL Plawroa or Cousom will be held
at the City Hall this eveuing.
GOVERNOR CURTIN, we are reliably informed,
will not visit the Capital of the State until the
Saturday prior to the day on which he is to be
GONE lion.—The Presidential Electors, and
the crowd of politicians attracted hither by the
meeting of the College, hare left the city, and
our hotels once more present the appearance of
" banquet balls deserted." They will soon fill
up again, however, with members of the Legis
lature, borers and office hunters. We antici
pate lively times at the Capital this winter.
held at the Council Chamber to-morrow eve•
ning at half past eight o'clock, Punctual at
tendance is requested at the hour designated,
as the Chief T3coon will mount the Chair of
State at precisely twenty minutes and twenty
seconds of nine o'clock. By order.
P. FINEGAN, Chief Tycoon
LITILt TOMS Y, Secretary.
COUNTERFEITS. — Counterfeit $2O notes on the
Farmers' Bank of Reading have recently been
put into circulation. They are altered from
some other Farmers' Bank, by inserting "State
of Pennsylvania." at the top, and "Reading"
near the bottom. Counterleit $2O bills_
on the
Bank of North America are out. The vignettes
upon the bills are : in the centre the head of
Washington ; on the right a woman with a
sheaf of wheat, and on the left a sailor.
CHICKENS IN WINTER.- Those not fully up
to all the requirements of the " Henery,"
should remember that if they desire a liberal
crop of eggs in winter, the fowls must be fed
with raw meat, chopped fine, not less ,than
twice a week. They khould also have a con
stant supply of gravel, also old mortar, lime,
or ground bones. They should be kept warm
—the house should have a southern exposure,
if possible, with window lights, to shift when
necessary. No one, who cares about the ap
pearance of his lawns, or the cleanliness of his
yards, doorsteps, &c., should allow his fowls to
wander about. A chicken-yird, as well as a
chicken-house, is indispensable.
Fon THE LADIES.--A "fashion" writer in a
New York paper says, "the winter bonnets
promise to be as plain as a Shaker meeting
house ; feathers and flowers will .be seen tap
rarely as birds on the prairie. Dark velveCde
pressed over the forehead, with almoststral4ht.
aides, plain crown, and decoration Of:rich, real
lace, only will be recognized as ton li3 the ini
tiated." The same writer says of the winter
goods that will be worn : "Flash has had its
day. The rainbow plaids, with squares as large
as small window's, are consigned to oblivion,
and ladies are no longer to be seen walking the
streets enclosed in chequer work. The railroad
stripes are numbered with the things that were.
James Miller alias Buckey, convicted in Phila
delphia of murder in the first degree, and who
was to be hung to-morrow, he has been respited
by the Governor until the 15th of February.—
The sheriff of that city who was here on Tues
day, in company with ex• Mayor Gilpin, and
obtained the respite, returned home the same
evening, when they at once proceeded to the
prison and read the official document to the
unfortunate doomed man. The prisoner was
firm. After the reading, he dreW a long breath
which escaped like a deep heavy sigh. There
are quite a number of persons is that commu
nity who think the case was not one of murder?'
in the first degree. The prisoner does not.seem
prepared to die ; and this is supposed to bo the
reason why the respite was granted.
The PREACHIIItie AssomArane adjourned last
evening after a pleasant session of two • days,
end the ministers who were in attendance have
returned to their respective charges: During
the discussion relative to the extension of. min
isterial terms, some "sharp shooting" ocurred
between old and young members of roe Asso
elation, imparting a degree of originality and
spice to the debate which was refreshing to
the audience. One or two of the old fogies
pitched into "young America" somewhat
roughly, but the latter defended themselves
with spirit and ability. Upon the whole, how
ever, the session was a pleasant and profitable
one. The visiting clergymen were hospitably
entertained, during their stay in this city, by
members of the Methodist congregation, and
returned home highly pleased with the kind
manner in which they had been treated.
%PORE Tax Meson.—Three dilapidated sped_
teens of humanity, who were last night found
op the street, stupid from the combined effects
of whisky and cold, and caged in the lock-up,
Appeared before the Mayor this morning for a
'hearing. The rust was a regular tramper, a
German answering to the name of George
Meyer, hailing from Lebanon and bound for
Carlisle. The next customer was a Germaa
with a lager beer countenance, named Lewis
Fisher, on his way from Carlisle to Lebanon.--
The third member of the trio was a feeble old
man, with a head whitened by the frosts of
seventy-four winters. He belongs In Lancaster
county, and not liking the poor house accom_
rnodations, started for Carlisle, where he ex-
pected to receive better treatment, having
patronised the Cumberland county institution
on a former occasion. Judging from the old
man's own story he is a regular "revolver,"
and has been an inmate of nearly all the poor
houses in this section of the State. While per
ambulating the city last night he fell in with
the two worthies first named, one of whom had
a bottle of whisky, and the result was that the
whole party got drunk. But for the timely
i ntervention of the }Keeper of the look-npthe
trio would have remained out in the cold, and
this morning been subjects for a Coroner's in
quest. They were all discharged.j
BISHOP SIMPSON has recently lectured on the
" Holy Land," and other interesting topics, in
various towns of this State. the learned and
eloquent Bishop could be induced to visit-Har
risburg, and deliver a lecture, we feel confident
that he would attract an immense audience.
He is said to be unsurpassed in logic and argu
ment, and to equal the lamented %Flom in pul
pit oratory.
- -
A Cow•limixo AFFAiIt IS on the lapis, if ru
mor be true, growing out of a gross insult re
cently offered to a respectable young lady, by a
married man connected with one of our city
churches. The fact having been communicated
to a gentleman,friend of the lady alluded to,
he at once avowed a_ determination to' waylay
and cowhide the afore-mentioned church-mem
ber, who is said to he au Old'Offender in matters
of this kind. We anxiously await farthei de
DISTURBING A C o NOREGATlOl4.—LaWeilerlillg a
colored g irl named Mary Jane Keener, was be
fore Alderman Kline, charged by the pastor of
the colored Methodist c,hurch in Short strest,
with disturbing the congregetion during time
of worship. The affair, excited considerable
sensation in colored circles and attracted a large
crowd of the sable sisterhood to the Alderman's
office. The charge being fully sustained, Mary
was bound over to appear at Court and answer.
The law inflicts a ,very severe penalty for die
turbing religious meetings.
our Maine exthanges is informed, on what it
considers "the most reliable authority," of a
singular and unprecedented circumstance which
took place in connection with a recent earth
quake. A married woman residing not a
thousand miles from Yarmouth, in that State,
but whose husband has been absent about two years,
was delivered of a healthy and sprightly child,
shortly after the shock ! Earthquakes have
always previously topen
_supposed dangerous to
human life, instead , of prodzietny it . Wonder
what 'effect an earthquake would have in Har
risburg?.Great :is the . Pine Tree State, but
greater still is the institution of earthquakes !
PORTABLE HEATERS.`---We call the attention, of
our readears to the advertisement, in another
column, of Mr: Gilbert, who is sole Agent for
the sale of Sanford's Portable Heaters. Having
one of these Heaters in use in our Bookstore,
we can speak from experience and recommend
the same to all persons who are desirous of
warming their houses without an extravagant
waste of fuel. Our: heater not heats pne
of the largest store rooms-in'this city,. where
the front door fa almosk_constentlY open, but
'also heats a large parlor ,and -bed chamber,
Which we found . ini - piaSsible'le `do - with a large
Heater manufabtured by RiSterbachrof , Phila-
Aelphia, locEtted in th,eceller, .conamningAwice
-the, amount of coal '•The ' heater ;itself is an
ornament in any room and 'occupies but little
space. Persons who use other pre.oftial
'troubled with-srnokewhentbe *fire' is first kind
led ; but no such artnoyia.-experienced
from Sanford's Heaters:- We invite all , to call
and examine,the n thiterixtusel CI, Our store, and
we'can satisfy them that' Sithford'els'fouCh stt-
Parlor 'to any .of those we have seen or used.
WANTED AN HEITL—By the following graphic
account, which we. clip from one of the Phila
delphia papers; it , will be seen-that the .bogus
baby business was not all • exhausted- by .the
famous Mrs. Cunningham of,.New York, hew
ever that estimable lady may her self . have been
exhausted by her ardtions maternal trials and
duties. Here, according to the Philadelphia
, . .
papers, is the latest version of a domestic game
of " Hyde and Seek." We publish it in full :
Several weeks since we published an account
of a habeas corpus case heaid in the Quarter
Sessions, wherein as a defenee to a claim set up
by a husband to the dnetody.-of an only "child,
the wife declared that it was an imposition
practiced upon her too confiding lord and mas
terthat she had represented herself - as in an
interesting condition, and then by;means of a
stray foundling, acted the part of a woman un
dergoing all the pains incident to maternity.
The ruse in this case was successful, and the
real facts did 'not transpire until the child was
nearly twelve years. Old, and then the wife
made a clean breast of the whole matter in
furtherance of her design to keep the boy—the
parties having separated two years before.
Another case of this kind is now attracting the
attention of the public. The matter has pro=
greased so far as to need theaervices of Recor
der Enue, who issued a warrant. for the arrest
of the parties.concerhed.Tbe : ladywho acted
as principal Weir ,Hyde
wife of pasinbiiikei.` 4 l.oo,ut sev,
en yearsjigo Mr. Hytie, tvhowini theit,h,Widow
sr, mraien -th o e lek tiliii 4Ottibearslig name.
For seteili i
y ettrl the inioiNvairlioVilelised
with any the ; pledgeafof affec
tion," but at last 'a' bait 'uirlto
the pair z -at least Mr., Hyde was given
to untierlitalurthitr stoy**, itheCaire,, and
he was none rther , Wiser L° for; a` long - wiiire.
The fact - that his wife. had none of the "lacteal
fluid" sOMegessary to lliti_ixiiitence.oVe. child,
was notialflieient4o,open his.eyeslo':•-tlir3 truth.
The child died,luidliNitilitiiii,Mrs.llVde's trou
ble all in vain, ari'd'aftehvartirg for some time
in order to ii 4 llOW4or,.a.prittir„al 4 ,pacretiv - in her
family;_abd fuiding)eof iva,d;alie4gilikie
serail to - this Plan' of iissinninglo` be
condition which promised to crown the hopes
Of the husband. When the time arrived for the, •
birth of the child, everything was nicely ar
ranged. In order that Mr. Hyde should be the
more effectually limb:waled, it was agreed that
the accouchment shoidd take place at the house
of a friend—Mrs. Fenton=where, of course,
Mrs. Hyde was to be'"taken ill very suddenly."
Dr. Robinson was in the plot, -and, true'to the
previous arrangement, he was on hand at
Mrs. Fenton's, where Mrs. Hyde went to
bed and through all the- necessary formali
ties which ended in the shrill whistle of a
child, said child being two days old, and a
former resident of the alms-house. Every
thing being over, and mother and child
being pronounced out of, danger by the accomo
dating physician, Mr. Hide was again sent for,
and the announcement made to him that he
was again a father. But Mr. Hyde was too old
to be caught a second time ia this manner, and ,
he persisted in sending for hie family,physician,
Dr. Oebbard, and he insisted upon Dr. Robin
son wititinturitil the' other` physician arrived.
Dr. R. did remain,. much. to his discomfiture,
and when Dr. Gebbard arrived and. made the
. necessar examination,xm the game was up. Mrs.
Hyde fainted, Mr. Hyde raved, and,Dr. Robin
son looked foolish ; :and when Dr. Gebhard
took him to.tisk for the Part he- had played, he
pleaded " syinfiathy for the Mr. Hyde
got out a warrant for the °hill' the parl -
Sies concerned in the conspiracy, and two hear
ings 'hai l e - ocenrreif liefdre the Recorcreil'init
final disposition of the case Ws been reached.
pennovluania Mailv •ettegrapb, eburobav 'Afternoon, neretnbtr 6, 16611.
IT Is proposed that fire alarm bells in all our
large cities should be so managed as not only
to indicate the district or ward, but also the,
number of the" hotise that is burning.--Ex.
That's a "fine idea"—but why stop there?
If it could be "so managed", -as to, give, the
name of the occupant of the house on fire, to
gether with the value of his ffects, and the
amount of insurance on the same, the manner
in which the premises took fire, &c., it would
save reporters a world of trouble.
SCOUNDRELISM. —The other night a highly re
spectable young lady, while passing up Third
street on her way home from the. Methodist
Church, was insulted and rudely jostled by
three well-dressed drunken blackguards. The
"lewd fellows of the baser sort" who commit
such outrages are libels upon humanity, and be treated to an application of boot
leather.. Disreputable scenes of this kind are
of such frequent occurrence in our city, that it
is unsafe ler ladies to venture on the streets
alone after dark. In every instance of this
kind, if ladies, or their friends, will furnish us
the names of the scoundrels who molest
them, we , promise to give them a "puff" in the
columns of the TELEGRAPH . free of charge.
Dem:ann. has now fairly entered upon her
Tilgriatage; and if her mission is attended with
its usual vicissitudes, clouds and snow storms
will form. the prominent features of the month.
December is, in general, the most unpleasant,
morn in the whole year, 'with-rapidly de
creasing ,days and lengthened nights. Eveq
'nature is hushed to sleep, aud , every change
seems only , an advance towards nnivereilgloom
and desolation:— . •
.4 No mark of vegetablelife is seen,' •
Fave the dark leaves of some rude eVOrgreen;
No bird to bird repeats his tuneful call,- - •
Save the lone redbreast on the moss-gown*ll, l P
During her reign, the penetrating winds, the
frost that whitens every object, and the whiten
rays of the receding sun, all admonish us
that . Tinter is at hand—a season dreaded alike
by the rich . . as well as the poor. The former on
account of the sleet and drifting snows, and,the
latter 'for the pinching cold and penetrating
winds that Creep into,every crevice-of the hum
ble cot.
NOTARY PUBLIC.—In these Lincoln times when
there is . such a - mild hunt for office, it may be
Important" for . Democrats to know that there
are-some crumbs yet left for them in the pub
lic crib. Gov. Packer, before he
.retires. from
office, has the appointment of a bletariPiibll.4;
perhaps a couple of them, for this place. The
office is worth some four or five hundred dol.--
lars a year, and in these hard times may exceed
that amount considerably.-- Patriorand Union.
The office of Notary Public does riot ‘‘pay' so
well aEilkornelzocciple nuagme. 7 •.addistian
'who titilheld;the position for threaleiftWt,
and *done business for the Dauphin Depdit
Banh,- informs us that his income , from that
source bas'lrieraged about one hundred dollars
per annum._ 'When Notary Public Uniiler'forni4
Adminisirations, in times past, he informs us
.that he did not rSiallis' "five hundred dollars"
in that many zeals.lA rnan.careEdlsoharge the
dritgs`Of 4 the Office, without inrkirfOit
ing with Other. business ;.and if any of 'onr,
Democratic friends are anxious to ;obtain-the
'orembs..,yntieft for themln
now is the time to pitch in; as the Governor
will soon have -to make the - ailipintments.
krnotpun Ettrauraur. —A FIRE ni um REAR:
- Between eleven and twelve o'clock-last night,
a fellnw was discovered:in the . of: Mr;
Bineline, editor of the Rate Sentinel, who re
sides'on, Vont street below Mulberry. The son
of, Mr. Hineline had ocdasion - to go 'to the by-.
drent, when be discovered a man trying to
conceal himself belitnite.wash-sttmd in one cor
ner of the yard. With a commend_ahle degree
of self-possession, young Hineline, passed on
through the'yard, deliberately procured water,
and returned to the house, without4iviog the
nocturnal intruder reason to suppose that his
presence:had been detected. Having re-entered
the house anAßOcuied t1.e1: 14 :14r, armed himself.
with a loadedshot, gun and :proceeded to the.
balcony overlooking the yard. Tha r mysterious
visitor was still there, and finding that he - was
discovered, 'started to'run. When paring Ririe-
line, taking deliberate aim,.fired at theretreat
ing burglar, the shot taking effect in,therear l of
gerson, and causing him to indtilge n some,
terrific howls. He succeeded, howeyer, in ef-
Jecting his ettape. Mr. Hinellue and his wife
were absent from home, their children being
the only, occupants of the house at, the time:
.This fact was probably known to the burglar,
who only awaited the retirement of young
Hineline to carry his burglarious — design into'
execution. After the warm reception he met
with, lt 4 not likely he will attempt a repeti
tion of the experiment.
SIX THOUSAND DomartsWonam of new goods
offered yet. Having taken advantage of the
depression of the New York market, I have
now a lot of goods to offer which cannot fail to
please : 2,000 yards the best Delaines at '2O and
21 cts4 4,000 yards of Calicos at B,and 10 jts.;
500 . .woolen Hoods fop . 67 and 66 - -eta.; very
cheap ; 500 pair of gentlemen's woolen Socksolr
at 12. and 15 cts.; 60 dos. Undershirtir 'end
DraWers at 50, 62 and 75 cts,; I,ooopairs'of
ladies Stockings at 12 and 15 cts.; pieces of
Black Cloth for Cloaks; a large assortment of
jadies" mad' gents' Gloves, and a great many
goods. To those who buy to sell again a liberal
discount will. be' made, S. Law; at Ithoad's
.ausicsr,.—New music from all the leading
publishing houses always received immediately.
after: publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
Accordeons, 'etc.; all sorts of strings always
fresh„on hand, at WM. Knoomes Music store,
92 Market street. •
MORALITY is the system of education In a coun
try. "In proportion as the structure of a government
gives force to publie opinion, that public opinion should
be etuightened.”— Trasking'on's Iterstocif Address. To
this end the people in general should be educated into a
.correct and &wilier acquaintance with the nature and
principles of our government and civil Institutions. '
"OUR GOVERNMENT An explanatory statement of
the system of Oovernment of the Country, atc, 'A.MANU
is a. work which, with proper historical notioes, xives
the construction of the provisions of the constitution of
the United Slates and of those of the several States, as
determined by judicial authority, or derired'from stand
ard Wiiters,.bseleding some references to administrative
law and practice, so as to altiow-theAttual'lforbinirriflitif
general system of Cilvernment.:' It Is' free)trom specula
tive 01;i1d0OS, conservative in its tendency, and calculated
to cultivate the laire‘of our country. It 45 been Er used`
to conelderable extent, in the EDUCATION Op YOUTH;
in :different :Rates, earl. - is 'recormastandesl-br'
Statesinenlind . PiWideitts and Professors of Colleges.—
Price 8100. Sold by M. IVKINNEY,
del Harrisburg, Pa.
Spuial Nntius.
... .. .. . . ,
equal.L.instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the
Hatrreniedleithe absurd' and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and
invigorates the Hair for life. Nose are genuine unless
signed "W.,A.. Batchelor " Sold everywhere.
. .
' • • ' CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
marl; dimly
81 Barclay Etrest, New York.
To quiet
Tbe riot
' Of worms—the vile scourges
The Vermifuge give, , : -
And, as sure as you Vie,
They'll get their discharges.
What is BRUIN'S Viramtspes ? Simply a pure and
tasteless Vegetable CUrithre. No child can be harmed
by it, no worm can survive it, no mother should be
without it, no words eau express its value. Price 25
Dente. , Jy2o
. .
storative for making - the hair grow ; stopping its falling
Out, nod restoring gray hair to its original color, is be
coming celebrated. 'All the quack nostrums are giving
way before it. Three fourths of the mixtures for re
storing alid beautifying the hair, do it more injury than
good. They burn ft up—destroy the 11th of its roots—
make the hair Fall oft; and produce premature baldness.
But Prot Wood% ReiteratiVe may be relied upon as con
taining nothing which can In any manner bo injurious to
the heir, while its success in accomplishing what it pre
tends to do,has.been verified in hundreds of cases. We
advise gray head 4, and heads getting bald—all who wish
to save their. 00l or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle
of Wood's Restorative —N. Y. Democrat
Sold by all Druggists.
• limlnnts,'laan Tare:—The following is an
extract from a letter' Written by the pastor, of a Baptist
church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati,
Ohio,' and speaks volumes in favor of that werld-re
nowohd inediciners. Whislow's Soothing Syrup for
Children Teething:
"We see your column of Mrs.
Winelow's Soctihing'Syrup Now we never said a worl
in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to our readers, that Mists no hum
bug—we hare trial It, and know it to be all it claims. It
is, probably; one of the most successful medicines of the
day, because it is one of the best. And those of your
readers who have babies can't do better than to lay
a supply.; - an 22
Davis' Pain Killer.
NO MnrslOnm is mOre prompt in its. action in
cases of Cholera, Cholera Horbus, kc., than Perry Mots'
Pain Killer, It Is the acknowledged antidote which sel
dom fails it applied in its early symptoms. No family
sheuld be without a bottle of it always on band.
The stein on llnentrom the nse of the Pain Hiller is
easily removed by washing in alcohol.
Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly..effimcious in
cholera morbus, bowel complaints, and other diseases to
which the naives of Burma?, from their.unwholesome
style of living,,are peculiarly expoied. It is a valuable
antidote to.tbe poison of Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets,'
acc. • • REV. J. BENJAMIN,
Late klissionary in Burmah.
Sold by all druggists, grocers and- medicine dealers
throughout the United States and Canada& nll3-1m
(WWI: 041 the.attention ototir readers to an
article advertised in another column, called BIA3OD Peon
It is iMentirely nestdiseovery, and minuet tie cos found
ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the
day. It is food for the bloixi, already prepared' for ab:
sorption; pleasant to the , taste and natural in action, and
what one gates be rotains. Let all those,. then, who are
suffer -h ing !rpm Paten)", impurity or de fi ciency of blood,
and consequently with- some chronic disease or-ailment,
take of this lb.oori. Kock and be restored to health, We.
notice that our Druggiits have received a supply of .this
article, and also of the world-renowned. Dr. EATON'S Lc.
mans Omnitar which every mother should have. It
is said to ,contain 110 ,paregoric or. opiate -.of any ; kind
whatnot.; Midi& course mnitlbe invite:able for all iiihn
tile complaints. It is alio said:dull allay all pain,
and sa
lime wantkin -Itt'actece, teethingoctn at 4118
same regulate,,the _bowels.- -Let all mothers and
niurees, rtd4 baye. endered anxious days and sleepless
n gide, - procurii a Supply sad be. at once-relieved.:
/*yea advertlisemeat. ,_ anfi-tfelbe
Forsale b:y C, A . Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg,lm,
. . .
The Times, Angast 3 , 1859.
SPEWING'S P.RAPArtgn,--Prepared
a very beefed and convenient article for housekeepths
and others, is "Si/aiding:a Prepared. Glue." -'lt is one of
these inventions, tonsil themselvee, which,never
theless,. go far in the economies of. household manage
ment, and are an ever-present aid in saving time, es-
Pulft 4 l.and trouble. The number of small repairs to fur
ram e, picture-frames, ; crockery, children's logri,
ther, shell and other fancy. werit,rrith the almost innu
merable Uses to which in .every household a really good
and ever-ready article of this kind may be applied, will
at *Mee suggest themselires to the ladies. Damaged
book-covers, loosened leaves. dilapidated maps and her
bariums, will remind the student and booktworn of its
value. This Glue is compounded with chemicals which
holdit permanently in solution, until it is applied, with.
out affecting its strength, and which - serve to give the ad
hesive matter a firmer hold on the surfaces to be united,
after which - they quickly , evaporate, leaving thenslue to
harden with rapidity and tenacity. It is estimated that•
there are at least five, millions of households in the
United states, and that an outlay of from one to ten del
is annually required to make small repairs to furni
ture alone, apart from the numerous neglects and make
shifts that are necessarily resorted to.
Prepared from a Pres cripiion of Sir J. Clarke, Y. D.,
hyalciark.fatraordirsang to the
This invaluable - medicine unedling in the cure of all
those pahtfal and dangerous diseamm to which the female
ionatitutfon is aaideci. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may' be
relied on. ' '
It is peculiarly slatted. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period witliregularlty.
Each bottle, price One 'Dollar, bears the Government
Mainz. of Great Britain, to prevent connterleita.
Thue Palo should not be taken by ltemaks during the
FIRST THREE .110117.THAV Pregrtatecy, as theltak maw
to bring oh hffirearriage, but at any other 'Ural they are
In all mutes of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limb; Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whitey these Pills will
effect a core when all other means bavo failed ; and al,
thoug4Apowerful remedy, do pot contain iron calomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Tull directions in the pamphlet around each package,
Which should be Mirettilly preserved,
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au.
thorised Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills,
by return mail. ,
For salt by C. A. llssarourr.
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseratui, M. D.;
111 HE-combination of ingredients in these
j,_ Pills are the resultot a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Paintal Menstruations, rembving nil ob.
structions, whether from cold- or 'otherwise headache,
pa t in the side, palpitation of,the heart, whiles, all ner ,
vonsaffbations, ` fatigue, pain in the' back and
limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, erhicharise front interruption
of nature
Dr. Cheeseman'a Pills are, invaluable, as they, will bring
on the monthly periodwith regiditrity. ladies who have
been disappointed infilie use of other Pills can place the
'utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman , s Pills - doing all that
they represent to do.
. . -
There is one osnditibn of the female system in which the
Pals cannot be takers' wehoot "producing a PECTILLAI2
ILESULI. The condition referred to is P.FIROW4OTY—
the rank hILTOARADIGR Such is the- Irresistible
leadenW cr the wedwine to restore he_sexual . ftenclions
nonital amdttices, that nen the . reproductive power of
stature cannot rend it.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
Injurious, Explicit sillich should be read, as each box. Price S 1: -Sent by mail on enclosing
tbat.,Ccutentrins .L.:Orreetonun, Box 4,531, Post Office,
New TOrk-at.Y.
Soktliy-onteDrigostin everytown in the United States
General Agent for the United States,
14 Broadway, New York,.
-2b whom ail Wholesale orders should be addr•••ssrl. •
sold in.Harriebto by O. A. Iturevier. • -
Checker',Rearcls, Dohthloe, C'heekers, MOO and Dice Bo d es. The leigeet'aissortamiit thiieliy;foisele at all prieei.
my 24 51 Markel Wont, Barrliburg Pa,
DR; - - McCuarrooK's PzorosAi. SIRUP
cairns tbe4nOst harrassLog cough, relieves the oppressed
lungs, and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by
painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind
pipe acd lbroncbial tubes, regulates the excited pulse,
nvit es rest, and removes every symptom of consnmp
ion. Price 2.1 00. •Sold by Oso. EICRONIIR. jy2o
JAB. MoCrnvxocs's PacroasiBranr.
Are y)ar lumps weak? Does a len&breath give you pain?
Have you a kluging conga Do von expectorate bard,
ough matter? Are yon wasted with night Sweats and
want of sleep,? . If so, Haw la TOUR 11.1XILIFf. . 'Win an
questionably save •you. Price sl'oo. Sold by Gamlen
BERGNER. • marl-dew4m
ILMLI.111"00E'S COLD AND COUGH .11/frirnigH,
the established andatandard remedy for Cough, Colic;
In thienza,'Hoarseuess, and all irritations or the mucous
membrano.ct the throat, palate anctztose, is endorsed by
physicians, aed ".who have used it, as a preparation
that has no rivalin. the Bold. Price .25 cents. Sold by
George Bergner. • • ' Iy2o
The Ortgliial and Belt In the World
11 LL others are mere imitations, and
should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, BM, or - RUSTY:IAIR DYED' instantly, to a
beautiful Ana lfaturel Brown or Black, Withoutthjury to
• the Hair or Skin.
ed to Was. A. BATCHELOR since 1839 and over 80,000 ap
plications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of
his famous dye.
WIL A. BACHELOR'S -HAIR DYE produces It color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is WARRAEHND
not to injure in the least, however long it may be con
tinued, and the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied, the
Hair invigorated for Life by this 4dendld Dye.
Sold in alt cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
irirThe Genuine has tho name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wu,
mat A. BACHELOR. Address,
marl2-dawly 81 Barclay street, New York.
- •
Infallible In correcting, regulating, and removing a
obstructions, from whatever cause, and al
ways successful as a preven
1 . the doctors for many years, both in France and
America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and
he is urged by many thousana ladies who used them, to
make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering
from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent
an increase of family where health will not permit it.l
- particularly situated, or those supposing them,
selves so, are cautioned against these pills while in that
condition, as they are sur'i to produce miscarriage, and
the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo
nition, although their mildness would prevent any.mis
chiettu health-"-othernise the Pills are recommended.
Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise
$1 00 per box. Fold wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
"Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the 'Harrisburg
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to
any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos
tage" by mail. Sold aiso by S. S. STEVENS, Reading,
Jonxsox Uotoowax COWDMV, Philadelphia, J. L. Lam
salmon, Lebanon, and by one druggist in every citiand
village in the Union, and by S. D. How; sole proprietor,
Now York.
N. ft.—Look out for counterfeits.
..BUy no Golden PiHs
of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Rowe. All
others are a base imposition and unsafe; thurefore, as
you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be.
lug humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
which has recently been added on account of the Pills
being counterfeited. deldwanwl y.
This Ointment bears no resemblance to . of tier ea
ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode°
its operation is peculiar.
It penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to Its
very source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to.the
skin on the surface.
Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum
&c., operate downward, thui driving the disorder inwards'
and often occasioning terrible internal maladies.
Noarox's Oorratexr, on the contrary, throws.the poison
of the disease upward, and every particle 'of it is dis
charged arca the pores.
Thus the cures it effects is conipilte. Not only are the
sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings to
duced;-but the seeds of the disease s are expelled from the
flesh ;:consequently there can be relapse.
Victims of alcerous and ermitive Complaints, who have
tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad
vertised curative.without relief, here is a certain, safe,
and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A
Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth 01 alt that is here
Since Its first introduction, the properties of the Oint
ment have been tested in the mostobstinate 010173-441Spil
hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the `country,
and upon whick the most celebrated healing springs pro
duced no effecCL-and in every instance with every one-
Said its Large Bottles--Price 50 Denis.
GERRIT NORTON, Chensist, Proprietor New Yoit
Wholesale Druggista, 15 Beekman:at., N. N.
Sold by Gro.BzeurrAtt, Harrisburg, Pa.
Black and Purple All Wool Figured Atertnos,
Plain Black English Velone Reps.
Blank and Purple Tamize Cloths,Slik and Wool
Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Merinos.
Black and Gras Worsted Poplins.
Black ,and White All Wool Delaines.
Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres.
Lupin's Rest Bombazines.
Superior Black Lustres.
Lupin's Extra Alpaccas.
Neat Style Striped liohairs.
Emeline Style Paramettae.
161-4 All Wool Delaines -
English Chintzes.
Madonna Cloths.
Plain Mobairs.
Pussim .AND BLACK do do
do Panne Crania, New and Desirable.
Every article of the different kinds of DRESS
line. Selected from the very beat makers.
jy9 dawly
Lupin's Square Thibbet Shawls,
do Long do do
Black French Blanket Shawli,
2d Mourning French Minket Long Shawls,
21 Mourning French..l3Linket Square do,
English CrepoVeils,-(everY
Grenadine Veils, (every size),
!English. Crepes, French Crepes.
- BLACK GAUNTLETIS, aD kinds,- -
BLACK GLOVES, all kinds,
(all kinds)...
An inspection of our stock will convince all.
n 27 Next to the Berrisbuirßank.
No. 120 North Second Street, above Arch,
- rust'
a very large assortment of TOYS of every deeorlP - -
Mu. also, F,ANOI BASKRTS, WORK BOXES,,Tobacco:
Boxes, Seger ,Cases, 'Pipes; Canes and Fancy Articles or
a large variety. All being imported direct from the
manufacturers enables me to sell at very low prices. •.
Aar:Please katlinted:eatonine my stock. - -1320,dur
SOLD at a 0 ZIMMERALAN, Banking, Stock, Bill
and Collection Office, No. 28, South Second street. nS2
lipttial Notices.
T r is compounded entirely frOm (hmiu
I . and has become 1131 fattabiathad WI, a. Stands/CUM
tine, known and approveda. by all that have used Ot t
and 'is now resorted to eitwith confidence Ina al te.
illeeinkiii for which it is re- 0 commended.
It has cured thousands E l within the last two years
who had given up all hopes
..,,,e of relief, as the numerous
unsolicited certificates in •1 4 my possession show.
The dose must be adapt- cd ed to the temperament of
the individual taking it,and ri used in such quantities ez
to act gently on the bowels. 7.i.'
Let the dictates of your 14/
use of the LIVER INVIGO- I_ 4
zolnumnora, &awn Com- be
Moms Moms Camas& •—•
TAKEN at commencement of
ALL was cairn Las GIV
igirAttx Water In the month with the•An
vigorator, and swallow both together.
. • '
_..• TIC PILL is a gettle bn
active Ca th artic which the UV proprietor has used lirhis
.., .
practice more than twenty .3 years.
The constantly increas- ".. ing demandfrom those who
have long used the PILLS tvl and the satisfaction which
all express in regard to 1.4 their use, has induced me
to place them within the gs. reach of all.
t'llie Profession well losow '—' that di ff erent Cathartics act
on different portions of the ~,,,, bowels.
The FAMILY CATHAR- ta TIC PILL has, with duets° ,
ference to this well estab- 1.1 lished fact, been compote;
ded from a variety of th Es purest Vegetable Extvacts,
which act alike on over ~,,, part of the alimentary ca
nal, and are good and i tPI in all cases where a ca
thartic is needed, such as ; il Derangements of Bloomeh
3 / a oiness, Pains in Merl Bark rand Loins, Chstmenets ,
Peon and Soreness over fitegl hody,.iliftleamess,ifeaelache
or weight in the head, all .. Inflammatory Disease
Worms in Ch il dren or Ad- ri sate, Rheumatis a great
Purifier of the Blood, and A l many diseases m,
to whit&
flesh is heir, too numerous "I to mention in. this ii lv,v;•
tasement. Does, Ito 3. 0
TEM LtyraTuvroonSmon MTh FAXMitTIVISt
dA '
IC Pins are retailed by Druggists generally,and
Sold wholesale by the Trade in all the' large
towns. - -
8. T. W., SANFORD, M. D., _-
ManUfacturer and-Proprietio - r' , -4
je2o-dawyi] 836 Broadway, New ,York. .
A\ - 40161 1 4110
?TO N_ I C,D I UR Ent
To the Citizens of NeT - ,Tersev anL
Apotheearies, Druggists, primers and
_,Private Pang' Ha; 4
Wolfe'm Pure Cuplike
Brand 4
Wolfe! Pure illaderla:She 3 ;;T arid Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix. Ruin
Wolfe's Patine Serptisla.and.
ALL IfritOPPLitS. " - " 1 "'• ;
I bog have to call the attention of the citizens of the
United States to the above Winn and Luxor", import */
by UdolPheWolfe, of New York, whose. name :is fami
liar in every part of this count 7 for the porft t y, of hi;
celebrateilkausnAti SCHNAPPS. Mr: Wolfe, in his letter
to his, speaking of the purity of his Wurze and Lrgoolist
says will stake 'lay, reputation as a man, mrstand
mg, as' a merchant of thirty years' residence In theeity
of New York, that all the Inuuwar and Wiaras which I
bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and
can be relied upon by everly.pureliaser." Every bottle
has the proprietor's ntutuaort the wax, -andsetaz. abiifte
of his'Signature on the ceittlictte. The public 'die - re
spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.—
For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries anti Grocers in
Philadelphia.._; GEORGE M. ASHTON,
4 -No. 832 Market et .
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.,
Read the following from the NeW Yofieenirier : .
We are happy to inform our feVow -citizens that there Is
one place in our city where 'the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality;
We do not intend to give an elaborate description. of this
merchant's extensive business, although it will well re
pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe'S es-
tat:Give Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and 22 Beaver street,
and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Mars etlield street. His stock of
Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have
been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some
ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1898 tolBsB ; and ton
thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wise,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,
some very old and equal to any in this country. He also
had three large; cellars filled with Brandy, Who, ttc,:, in
casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. kir.
Wolfe's sales of tichaapps last year amounted (crone
hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and wo hope in I•;es
than two years be may be equally .successful with his
Brradies and Wines.
His businoss merits the patronage of every lover of his
species. Private families who wish pure Wines and
Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct
to Air. Wolfe, until every Apothecary In the land mace
up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their
shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wnshis and
We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of
small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of
Wines and Liquors. Sash a man, and such a merchant, be sustained against bis tea of thonsandi of op.
ponents in the United States, Who sell nothing but imita
tions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness.
sepd-dewdod • ~
C. K. Heller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this elk.`
1111 Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney.Affeetiona„.
TJEL6II3O.I.J)'S tienuine Preparation for Nervous and
..LL Debilitated Sufferers.
ELMBOLD'S Genuine rreparation for Low pai*er;--
Loss of Metaory. -
101[ELIIBOLD'3. Genuine Preparation for Dttilculty of
11 Breathing, General Weakness,
ELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation. for Weak . Neiviis,
JJ_ Horror of Death. Tremblio •
HEj, . I.4OIIIIiLIC Preparation for Nig t
Cold Feet, Dinineas
uSLUBOLu'S Genuine Preparation for Languor, UM
11 Venal Lassitude of the Muscular System.
uELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation f,r /said COW/W
11 nance and Brupdons.
HETA LD ' S Genuine Preparation for 'Ma in
Back, Headache, Sick Stomach.
SEPSeo advertisenient headed
in another. column.
To select tro© a
large Stock
or aqb CATHCART'S.
To see and buy niee new Furs,
To get any -kind of Fun you may wish,
GO TO ciniciars
. Ask, <
To purchase Furs without any
To have Furs guaranteed toll
To Lod the :argent; beet' and
every kind,
N 0.14 Market Square,
Lila Next door to the Iforriskorgaank,
Snits containing Dressing Bureau, Bedstead% Wash
Stand, Table, Four , Chairs, and a , Rocking Chair, from
$23 to $4O a mat. • .
Bureau; aud: Bedsteads from SIF 60 to $lO 50, and
other articles at: equally low.figures, at the Ware Balms • •
of " • ' • JA Of IL BOYD b. SON,
20 &nth secondistreet.
CIA.NESEAT •CIIAIRS.—The latteit pad
heet:oteriety, flity_different styleettod pattzin, from
oil to $lB ,e set.. ;Also, picker ' s Spring Bed Bottom, the
hest in nee—only SO—at
2D South Second Street, next to Bell's Store.
udgment guide you in lb
BATOR, and it will cure
Arum's, ThispuestA,Cuogr
num, Lnuirmar, blew
car. o)exrunue, Cum,
relrArltel, F LA TIIIMACI,
masa, and may be aged
Br Farces Mannur. It
tkotetanda can testify)
liera. their testimony krite
a what they
GO TO OATHomtps.
obeapost lot 'of Fars of