THE TELEGRAP IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (sulinAra Excsrm,) By GEORGE BERGNER ,& CO. TERMS.--Sutass Suataracertors. ske DLY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the doroughAl at Otl cents per week. Yearly subscribers to charged $4.00. Wrens am: SBAII•WERILLT TELEGRAM . The TELEGRAPH Weise published twice a week during .De SeSSiOll of the Legislattue, a 0 weekly during the re . defier of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the t:osiin, rates, via: Single Subneribers per year • Seven Ten nut LAW OP NXWSPAnCIiti. subscribers order the discontinuance oi their news cpere, the publisher may continue to scud them until All art earages are paid. if subscribers neglect or reiuse to take their newspa :era from the office to which they aro directed, they are ieercuslble until they hav - settled the bills and ordered t hem discontinued . attbitat HELMBOLD'S HELIABOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S lIELMBOLD'S H.ELISIBOL'.D'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOL,I2O3S Extract Beau, Extract Baohk * : Extract Buchu, Extract Extract Buchu, Extract Raclin, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET 8f DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8f DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 81. DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8f DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8 DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 8f DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy FOR DISEASES OP TES BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS DROPSY BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DRapßr, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, R DROPSY, BLABBER, G.AVEL, KIDNEYS, _DROPSY; ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WRAXNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, , ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And ail Diseases of Sexism Organs, And all Diseases (se Santa/ Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, Ana all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,` AWING 55055 Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudenciesin Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From whatever cause originating, and whether ox, isting la MALE OR FEDIA.LO, Footsies, take no more Pills I They are, of no ac,rali for Complaints incident le the sex. Use • - Extract Socha. Helmboles Extract Buchu is &Medicinetrhich is per fectly pleasant In Its Taxis and.edgri . • But Immediate In Its action, giving .Health and:Vlgm,to the Frame, Bloom to the tallid Mouth, and reatoitng; the patient to a. perfect Matte of ILEA AND_ tr:rnyirr.7. • • - He! mbold's Extract Btthir. fir prrilitredlectordirig to Pharmacy and Chemistry, mud is prescribed . and, sasd The Host Eminent Physicians. -- Delay no longer: Procure the rezhc - diatoreire.'. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5. , Depot 104 Booth Tenth street, Philadelphia. , Beware of VaprineSpied Dealer* Trying to palm off their own or other articles of BMW on the Knutation attained by ,''tolmbold's Extract Bachn, The Original and only Genuine. We desire to run on the Merti of or= Article! • TheWs Is worthless—is sold at much less rates and eidamissions, consequently paying a much better, profit: We Defy Competition I Helnibold's Extract 'Bitola,' Take no other. , , Ask for Sold by D. W. Gross :& Co. and all drugglas every where. novll-4e.v31e." JOHN B. EINIITH'S BOOT Sc SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of Li ROOTS, SHOH3, GAITERS, &c., of the very . best tualities. for ladies, gentlemen, and chlldrrns' Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ontltkitt JOHN B. RHITH; Harrisborg. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old; patrons and the public generally, that he' will , continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH MASS. lie will with pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons' will be given at his rsaidonce, in Third alma, a few doors below the German ReOrmed Church. detilfr-dtf AUGUSTINE L. CIIAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 JVorth Second Street. N. B--ATOBBING ATIENDED TO. mat W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-AT -- L Office Walnut St., between Senoftd - lind Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p dawt DR; T. 3. a LES SURGEON: DENTIST CI his services to the citizens. of: Harrisburi and its vicinity. He solirrita a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction inalia-Pio fession:. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels Bare in nvithig •the •publlo generally to call on blto,"assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with hiseerviaes (Aloe No. 125 Market street, in the house formerly oc =pled by Jacob R. Eby, near the 'United States Hotel, • Pa. • myEktly ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER,, OFFICE—THIRD. STREET, (SEE 'US ROW NEAR MARKET, Residence, Chestnut Street itear- Fourth CITY. OF HARBIBBtriG, Ay. GEORGE FISHER; ATTORNEY Al' LAW. OFFERS his prpfe144141.41:943710q, ernsg bulimia -to lifi'livirdiantedinAinf several Ctnrts of Dauphin county, the' Land Department of this Slate, or before the Board of Proporty, Baying been asseeisten in the practice of the Law, with his Sail.' er, JOHN A. FISIIER, he promises diligent and careful alon to all professional business entrusted to &nem affiegAprner Sec ond and Locust street (opposite to th ' - . I MY/Va. e,) Harrisburg. ap2S- STATE CAPITAL BANK. AMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO CORNER SECOND AND WALNI7.7 828., HARRISBURG, PRNN., F'tE H TOC Vanilla 'Beau, 'lockers'.Rarwairertomemcgalit AMOY Eloapo, at 341it,r10 3.9IKRIMM myB M arket street, belaw•Filthi Haßrkiktino. • _ • 'I,. • „ Ps V,l-181irktiA7 • i • ot tia ,„ _,,erarhf, _ . S 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIII; (freed (Eroctl ! ! float !I ! • C 0.41 1 ,1 COAL Lti,COAL,Lv • NOW. IS YOUR; TIME . . TO - GET CLEA 14.00411.1 • Fall • Fu - Weight eaulNcitt - iiielidtbf It! riIIIANKFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS for ,their l -literal. patronage, L would now inforin Mira aridLtheEtputilfet:generidly;that I am fully prepared, on short notice to supply them with ail SUPERIOR GOAL .OF'ALL:St2ES. - liff - FREE FROWSLATE,.::AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT'S LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILILAFFORD. Although ray . a . gal_ispot welgßeddniennicinsa cams lan ts wmunatt;444..eiatsW..4gallirgq. ..„VitTi.lo BY THE SEALER pr,I7EIdiTghATE:BIII#,BBEBAILCV-BBB4ABBYB may Year IBBOBEE4:loilißilliEr.Witr'be.:f*ily. ant 'honintily dealt With 4 :aris ell 'Yeri..hat;t4tlClisi'lnd no misiag ALSOAMlflicillfrAik,:agid on band. art x GOP WI'IrSTLING. NOT THE FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT AtRIVIKD IN. DUE Ti TO. - 43E SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LIMN $ VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,, ton. " . NOT. " $2.00 3 Also constantly 011,11.11.1111, . „ lirsvPs vAuxwßastasic,EGG, , CUPOLA.AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILICESBARRE BROKEN, • • - 3 - and 4, •• '•• 'NUT, • Blacksmith Coal, Allegheny and Broad Top. Also, lickory, Oak and Pine Wood. E. BYERS.. '• ..pl4._ No. 102 Chestnut street. NEW DRUG' . . AND,..„PRESORIPTION: STORE • ATIMSTRON PrAp- Veal rruggist and' Cheinist, would inform the. citizens of Harrisburg, that be his killed' the store room recently ace ;pied by Dr. Kimbell, and'is now prepared to furnish 'those who fell disposed to patronise him, with pure andiunadulterated Drugd and Medicines, such as`ean be relied upon, having bad several years experience in tbetorug - ruid Preacription husiners, be most respectfully solicits share of Physicfralsr Prisserfption business._ 4ac t has alxo a large and . 3 / 4 qtried 'assortment of Perfumery,' titationerjr, &o. Also, till'ofthe most popular Patent Me .dieines of the dayTalso, Tobacco;'FfegrirS Snuff, &b., of thetbestdbyaniptalsKAlgehol; Turpentine , ' Burning Fluid; Dog itil;'l.c. To teet everything usually kept in ,a well 4 6 0E 0 4 4 1 ',ug store. ; :9v1.2-dim. •.GEITER4L ,, OBDERS-- , Noi'3 Esau t/siiittaids'aiii . , • '; • Harrisburg Net sth; 1800. The 'Volunteers of the, fylaioAwl ll ,l)3 l redo 18A1'. at 10. 'o'clock A. M.,".tuinauggurateGovelibi Andrew G. Curtin: . Altitullunleela' itiGeeDtate and out of itares.ordial li, inVitdotte,partacirato.. DI. ileglinonts, Battalions and Conaipantea will rePart Brigadier General' E. C. Williams, 3d. Brigade.lsth 'P. Y., at garrlatkurg:',,By, eentmand er: — Major General WILLIAII II %EIM Bth Div. Aldi-de-Camp.• -noie GENERAL ORDERS=-,-No.4i' . , ' lth.Dhi; P.N., Nov. Bth, leo:: I. Agreeable to the orders of Major Berieral Kelm, sth Division P. V.; the ad Brigade Gib Division P. V. will pa rade at Harrisburg on Tr MCAT January 15th,1861, at r lo o'clock A. M., to prrdcipate in Me inauguration of Gover nor Andrew G. cretin. . , _:. , . • . . . ~ IL Col. Biker, of the Ist Regfineat will report to. Hal. Johti W. Brown, at Harrisburg, on or beforelhe /et of January, 1861. . . , , .. la. Capt. Biker; of the . Cameron Guard will re at Head Quarters'en. ,or - hefore . the 10th of January 1881 for further Orders. By order of ~ ~E._c_,_amiJamcl,.Brigadier-Geneital - .....-- .... , 3 clAti ga d e:slh tDI vlslon P. Y. •Jossrn l'AiniarAtilitle:Camri.‘ , '' " J. -"" ''' ' nova VAiir prqEN & SNYDER, j Vii, Degigters 3 and EngraVeis Woo& , . . N...>£:& COR. - nETH - CHESTNIIT STS. •, • • Philadelpfik. "UXECUTE All .kinds of Wood En g raving . J.: 4 1 with beauty, correctsess and dispatch. Original' furniiiied for Fine Boolelllnstrations. Persons. whining cuts, by sending &Photograph or Daguerreotype, Bryn have views_ef .Collekes,. Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well on per- Banal application. Fancy _Envelopes; Labels, Bill Readings, SIIOW Bills, Visiting, , Business and; other Cards, 'engra.ved the. highest style Want, and at tee lowest prices." - • 1 For .specimens of. Hue engraving, see-the . Illustrated works of J._ B. Lippincott & Co., E. IL Butler & Ce, - wm. 3. STEEL OARI E NTE R AND JOBBER" CORNER 'WALNUT AND .FRONT 4.I.IIEXTS. OBBINQ of all kinds done at short notice. In god style. and on reasonable term& ,- N . NEW.) . '; 'Olt GOCOS cATEt..cART. & BROTHER, Have 'now. open :a Jar& assortment of MOURNING and SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS; SILKS, COLLARS; -•-• SLEETES,_ . . . .11.411 1 .DORCMERS ) • • YELLS, and All other goods desirable for Fall and Winter wear. N 0.14 Market - Square, ,i., Ne=t to the Harrisburg Bank. FAMILY BIBLES. A THOROUGHLY oomplete stock of al 23_ alms, styles; for ode at • PGNER'S CHEAT' HOOKEITORH, WHITE ,BRANDY! -OR PRESERVING a very ,superior ar ju tide at hinds and for silo LOW NbY , • WM DOOM..JR. Ar,ClO. EXTRA SUGAR CURED 11,1kM8 got) .sfae,b9 Tea.T , Dom as. a eo- X . 11 1 , 1 F. 7 ""INDEPkNDENT IN ALL THINeS--NEUTRAI. IN NON.t." HARRXSRURG, PA.. THURSDAY - AFTERNOON, „D.EQE:gI3ER '6, 1860 D/ARE.ID T I 0-N'& . ;:j 1, ) it, 11441#44T Ann T34,1tpu.5.,,Tw0, or three terstipoonert4, l ..eavext. - *(a#cerdirir to the qualitifittnit l lourito,9r . grout' 14 ' tlibvonEhly,psiting ttib thi • twatmthroughivaietie ;::rub- inlv piece orhutterltalf it& idt°9 . /. an .ngg,-APVIC POINAte Vt/(looWillikr9r "water, ( mh k mpre era le ),barety atill'enoughtolemnp, rolling eSt!' 'Much lineadingelionddini'afOilletT, U, JO, desired forksVaildpla&elin r medititelYitle lienoiteloan: bake. quicicly. H.; ; ;.• 104.F.8E540 , - - -DIEL -2 1 0,00 7..:=1;94 5 ,1 itetifetkehTeiether as above; posit the buttor, abl4vEntice the' riesteratilr enengli - to 'knead into i'lleal;"atcd 'links' ion= mediately in a slow oven. •• , - GRAHAM Bsaen: Three teaspooriatnl'ottegbeh to one, quart ?Area, sifted t tagettier . ,; iste.mtwit tra-i laSsee act t wo eggd ; make t h e paste thin with milk and bake in Slow oven. _ Mistellantogo., CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, " 'YOB, )(KW/Pa Prea#, TestiCakec-all kindi of Pastry, , die. - . MANUFILOTI7I/!D BI , . , EDW.:. 0 LT.AS.i3tRLIN .& CO., Prolridorr of Shoinnitiit 'Chemical Works. ' . 'No. 33 INDIA BTRBBT, Boston. _ _ _ riONCENTRATED LEAVEN ' IL) Ault. Of , carefol 'Chemical research. allitei Mired 1-• este.ain,Prenared in the highest state of purity, and•com-, ivarnied with a view to . produce bread qt; a ; far. .better quality, soil in much lees time, titan lay cese ; And by the manufacturers submit it; with entire Confidence, , the: judgment -of. keepers, bakers, kn. 'Bread-of all kirots made by_ OtingOencentroled. Lpgvgn is li~hier , more digestible and niiltrilibui6lias an agrees. ble, natural taste ; is loss liable tel'ioer3 'wiltretalif its Moisture longer than by, any other „process,; and: the' , whole preparation for . the: eve!' need not -exceed ten ' minutes. . , It is - Valuable beiwatte.ft is not pOriehahle; and May rendered available in pkwes'and at thieliwheir yeast- Is within reach, seat, :sea.. In all climates and under; all circumstances, it maybe adepted„thus. obviating difficulty of prectring yeast or. ether which Is frequently of an inferior gualit4' rex dering the bread More or less unwholesome. . I It is also valuable as regsrdssiconomy; as .it-..hat been ascertained. that a saving effected, in.. the Eour,ef,net. less than 16 per cent. hill° common process • inuch,tif. the saccharine of the •-flour is lesit-ty'beleg, eonverfed' into carbonic ; acid gas or .ipirit, - and.thei waste la in durred aololy . for. he purpose of„gimpratlag garetO,raise the dough. By Using Concentretwi l Leaven this waste:is avoided, and the gas ebtnitiettiteklicianner'eqii'ely OR haciOus. , Fermentation, as haS stated ; diatroys part of the finer er,meal, cad, itt,ctinsequense, %barrel of flour Weighing 166 lbs., Which; hy, the common method, oreinerily.mares' about 250•10 of bread, gives by tidal procens,29olb6-, thus effecting' thevery important saving (if 16 per cent. in the quantity of flour. - By abutthitilt, to the directions. on each packsge,, anyipersonicaPableief Ordinary attention may conduct the process;and there ; . sult-Willttiverlabry be highly satisfactory. . CERTIFICATE FROM DR. HAYES, Awayer to the Stale of Massetohusetts. • !?I_ have analySedt..he COneentrateeLeatitik.iiiiimrsitc. tared. by Messrs. Edw..chamberlin.k co, with refeeineakii to itslnutti andeffieieincy;Of action In:produeing,l49.9f,„ feet of 'Aast in distending dengh,'ang-litatobY:rOleritik it fit for making bread. This artlele-li:'skillfnlls o cdimL bounded, front perieedy pure - material. It akimbo. the dough without consuming - the sugar or any Abet-pliant,- plei, in the flour,:, perfectly; and the seine weight et, flour mere sWeet, , palitable - bread than' can be .obtained through yeast;. while cakes arid-pastry-qt. invaluable, as it saves all risk and , much j time - of.: the.. pastry, cook. fi , Theexperimefits'made by me obnfirm - uie . 14104)014 Made by the manufacturers, and proves this comp o un d ,worthy of public approval and extended lase, 'Respectfully . I.4B ' ll ' :cylsten : 5a . t, 4 11 . oolEttoY;2i6Mte.mpliqair'26-6,481111tio°:1.)" ~aowt% Bruton - Three teaspoensful'of heaven. to one' piptof ileur,entlone pint of cornimeali , all willgifted .gethor,;.add.two eggs and abouka gill of ixtelissses:;i4ake. ttie postethih.with milk, ,Bercavniaai atid'inille'sidpelept to snake orie quirt of,bitter;adil one teaspoorstfof of Leeyenilbeat to:at froth,:and Oook.quick, Duurpets.....-Sifylogether,one,quartof-flostragid tip tea ; spooninjllif Leiveu; reiti in a piece or Gutter bai f salarget. ad am egg ; Mix with cold milk or wate r , and Y~pil ten minutes., . . d :O.IO*UICE &MET C.4 101 .--Ert togethen twoilargO cups' ;of flour and :two tetispoonsful of Leitirsoiput In half tt,cuP.. of butter and a cup and a: half of, auger ; Mdiwith - milk or water to a stiffbatter,itidd'ipidoto and bake immediately: — ;CalcmteArt Br.O.NAle.PatiiiTtira: Cups . .oflishite sugar •beaterewith the yolks ; of six eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten ;tPA keith; then beat alb together ;,add.clueecttpa of sifted fibur, cinecUtof Witter, and.', three teaipo,ettsfuf: . ofiLeaven; flaVorivith two Itstspooinsful'oresiehco' of le mon, and bake in a quick oven. IJureimas.—Sift together-onecquart-of-llour-aud three t eaapoonsful tlf.Leay.ere ; ;tub, 'mono ,tea-oupful,of butter. 'ai4d a cup matt half.or whitelingtir; and`spicii Main the 'tanteonix stiff enough teiedlnut; and bake quick.. St;norter.tCters.,-One quart of flour and three toispnons ful ot - Leaven sifted , together ; adds omot'.hattnr,,ono pOttnd orOurritnti,,twq cups of white,sugar, and 0 4e,tes - spoonful of cinnamon ; cold milk. 'MS stiff bat.' ter,land.bako inh. slow oven • roii, Qrs.-011e pint each of flour and Indian meal, and three teaepochisfuLof Leateri; iveft. sifted. toge.ber ; !add one gill. of.molasses end two. eggs -; -mix- thin-with 'milk, and bake tir anlow ovem, C.tiat-AlVe'cups of 'flour and three teeklbonsful of L`oaven siftecttogetfieri.,Oad one cup of bittter; Clio of. Augai, - aiid two eggs;all'iweltbeat together ; than sad a cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. . • . C.ens.—Thre.equarters_of.a.ponnd.oflOur and four teaspoonsful of Leaven sifted together; one pound of Sugar and six ounces of better beaten: to a cream ; the iwhitee of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of one le "men; mix with milk. Waimea Capt.—Five cups of flour, ihreeleas_ pepsin]. ,of ;Leaven, three. cups of sugar, one , of hufteri. .one .of • 'indk, and two. eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste.. Bake ; about half an hour.. „. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and. Six. DOzen . Cans, For sale by Grocers and Drogglate ionerally. WILLIAM GULAGER & Bao.,..Nyboiesake Agepta, No. 59 North Front atreeti-Phtladelphia. n ovl3 -dam JEE ERR'S a 0 . 1 "r E LI NEWLY REPITT : ED ! . T HE UNDERSIGNED hairing leased knOwn and.pnpniar hotel, in the city of liarrtsburg, is now.:refittibg 'and furnishing: the same with NEW the Oryf . .beit modern Style. It is located in the most control part oftbatity; within a short distance of the dipOis of four dills _ rent railroad and also near the State.Ca,pitel • • The house is taro 'and the , siCilininc.imartments are 'sell ventilated.' The TABLE ts well provided with all seasonable arLt cies This city it well known throughout the:State as having market oOtsideof the•Atitinfideitio, and consequently no complaintanball 121 , 11 dQnh ac score. The EAR has,also undergone:on : mai - es and : #l4 stocked with the best and purest Ligoors in i tnfocolinirY nl o exertion will bfispared io. Make gna trayeler and stdournei.coinfortabie m every. respect.:.,..aneetinuenee o: the gatronage of the old customers, together with new additions Ip respectfully ~ - . • R.: III'ENFORD. d l3O. riarrisliurg, August 23. tr CITY LIVERY STABLES; 13,L4CK1ER.R7 ALLEY :TN TEE REAR 02 1 ILEE22. I .B2IOTEIL: HE tinderinghedhie.Tecotnnetiegid. the livery billinee4 in hie NEW andO4.I3OIIS.STA BLES , located:ln; :above, with& large and,yaried. itgeltof HORSES, CARRIAGES and .0111N113USES;: Which - he will hire at moderate rata. syrfailw sep2B-dly -• H L . GOD S( • • RACTIOAL , Tuner and Rii`payer -SAD •.; P Pianos, •htefodecas, *o.itAtiii,litO•Seediliinidnin in mature at WM, KNOCMVS-Musto - StorS, - 021ilerket street All orders left at the above noxned•plasoi Cr at tkilßhehlos House, will meet with prompt littesann 4 • • .Firstelaes PIANOS los sale. • : • • NOTICE TO BPECULA.TOEO - : EiLUABLE:BUILDIEO Lon:WOW: A NUMBER OF LARGEBIZED:BVILD ING LOTS adjoining the Round Boyne and Work Shops of the Penna.,llallroad Ocenionny; will be sold Vic and on ronsonolit leyins. t 4poy 10 11000411+ - • maJcikk-W: R&M .• 4 .1 _~~~~~ ~ T JOIINSON lzili.k&ctiticz•wiLan , _.. . ... . LOCK , 110131 1 I: , AL . ...., .:,.., . i . ..... :.::. J as discovered the most certain, speedy 1j , j, and offactrull remedy in the world for r- 51 P...4. 8 45 32 *.91 6 PgRUPE I4 . . - !PM 11 !, aIA Tlirxxx..acTia, Noltre4nr dr Mimeos Drugs. ONI ro L. , • iz • • Two;Derertat . _ ifixjOkom ? the ,Bach ar.,Litabo, Strictures,ln , the Lobkr;:t.triettbiisofth,e.ikoyeatiftgadgier,.orjougle Vrodkneittqbhiribibs Neap prtligf, .I.byedal Few er; Wapliikifit , laugaor t iowSplrtte r Cootkuiloil New F!ItlIVI.a1 400-0 /11.4.44‘001 ThaldltYl , TreNabliugi,Pininerirol 1104 Or , Pladinpos Mopes e of. the, Stomooti,„Aabotions at , thk.gredil;l i iiroid,'Nase or Sliiti==4loo terrible ,dhibidoii arising tiont f tbolndliaretloiloiSkrlitary Mt:Atli ofTorith , ;thoti *dreadful, 'eaddestractlie praotweambicli prodtibe conetitatiapal debility ~ render ma, ertage,-)mposslble, and datitr — Oi both body and mind- - • Yoiruglnen espeolally wholdtve become the victims of solitarxilice,,that _dreadful ,i,nd ddstrictiVo habit.whieh Mutually sweeps to an. untimely grave thousands of yotuig men 'of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intellect, who, MightotherwliFhave entranced listeningSenVtos with the thundernof eloqinitee,"orwaked to ositteicy theliving lyre, may call with full confidence.•. , , Married persons,o those con emplatirg marriage, being *Aire of physicalweaknepi, afiliuldimmediately consult Dr. IL; and be restored' trt perfect health. , . , 3 04,G.W0r... 1 . 1 74. 1 0FRA. • ' ./Minedf.:44 00'0 1 W/flat Vigor 4ctfora rellei lle dits *4 l/ 11 co l ‘ c: nfl ea de lliag lifhis eir ho uli ne d r i ts t a he geTtle e ina c t, D a r nd 'h 'e m end! dently relyinpon his skill as a physician. wir Moe No. 7,South.Vrederiekstreet,ltaltimore, d., on the left hand side jiegig..frOm_ Math:lmre street, 7 d re from the corner. Be partiCilar ire obtierving„ the vii and nenibmi or,you*lllmistalretho.pladel Be particular lOr , kffinradfi TrtfUng. gstials„vrith false names, or &rani flustismertilicatet, aUractsd 'by the roputallen et Dr. 'Johnston; lurk pear. All filters must contain a Postage 7tamp, to rise on the. 1 - LA& JOBAKON t j , • it,i 4 • l 9,nr., °re° 11 °Yak9P/itga.Ort,„ Bll 4oe s ei tni grad t rem one 01 the most emtnentipohogesof Sitsalitsilia we treater bait of whose life has been eng,iiiitlutiikiaphalindbrondon, Paris, Phlladelproitt and elsewiterorhus effected some of the most astonishing Cures , that were evorboWll.3% nytrouldea With Otto:iglu the ever end head' when anleop, great nervfiusriess. being alarmed;nt s'undenisdunds,3baithfulnees, with fiequent s tduohleg, attended sometimes with derangementrof mud wore cured immediately pAk u P,tRTI6iILAIt N0T.164 Zvi. t aiteintea, all tlipse , who Laidig inimetithoin solves by'prfvaatA and improper intlillgincethat shore `ittithiolttany-habitavhich ruins Loth'body-and inind, un Citing dm for plater 'Milieu Orsoclety. o aheso are some of ths.sod and mabi n c,hoM ei4atte 'pro. - dead 'by early ' df Joitth. vil : irS l :4l , mess, Cl the PackianditsirdbsVPlans Dießir - of - Elect poisei_ofaimpuitit Raireri.rsapititudniethe xrebarliFy.pep ‘ 4 1,./arTirAirjitln e VAPriggerAgglti44 ditcabbentive q~ c 'Mt! WIBIRIVIvAr-1 go t s si gNit A mi. ; , . T ,iggigelni‘kileteitritileffeanteirthenalaii.i.rti modem be Vokiriitcalt9r4W9g9;rc,C l 4 ll 4 o 4)l4, l Aring, Perrot:. orodina ,rd i version4o SociatT,,dolf dio IloVe 3 or tifde".3,:thilditf; pie:, &reside& elift saideffecti. EC.I ~ BARGAIN'S. ,FOR Skirl . J t). , JON S 4, T on 2 2 • I.lltt 'and receiving from Philadelphia land, • -.41..%_ BARgADIS 6s a opal kind Jar cask. • • BARCkasil.c)PXand Toof alkind -foreaeh, BARiA l Ngii M iPliMedietaidilrkrnWtoeeial: BARS 6°S; Sti PrPO. BM:W.IIM njanketa, qtalitkiEda dCir V 1 41.1' EtetEralioli erPrattnelii'far cash. ITMAWC.3,I3:OD tsithaoktufer gaga ht AT ''''' •, •- • ; "'" 1 1 • Storefimil,,eholpe from'airmilaiter,jejadadeOed, - •*, stokk, foreaah; tit JONRS TO ' °ale • ' ..LldarlOtatteetaiarriebnit,:., xhuntanotioni 11 ,7 ( bid; v z• Y,9O%INEDII who have,Aninctt,thentletrea hr.a.ep;lttiihtta§tktein,. dtikiet' whoa' atoniAt llatetrkkengSr.isar,pat,Lfrpsi: avp•eddipams.4slll:orllitzkiCh6ol,ll2ii efrap , or-wkwakka . r o g toy, feitorfkithewstali*, andif atot Ourticqrsindere -1W66,49,11113rifft ftik449 6 . 1 . !AMP hear, tte,htsbarktt body', 0164 aPPIY • v :; 'Whit tnat aYettne - rktin /a ttprirp,„,pihisnonntry, the darling:of hat quinine, eke watched from vai preepacte 411,4 Ottierrahata lot. life :.byithe ilotaaanienedziket. dOiriatina, trent!,tlt4k Atkin: AtAlManeatt.treAulitirtazhl, a certain e plating teettthabtt., &Leh "p,ereertsinaat, hefOre,conten] u . - ear, t t h at polotki.l4,;, pink and: bedy itretthe:anosi ewe ear eeithOtes to preraolneennahial. htippinpAß, . Indeed, w eat thentii4tejoarnailtronnh itte heeopea nWeary .; rinifigotthei prbephot"hbiiily' darkens to The Irian; ; the mind becomeaahadowed With deipati; and , 'ffiled l Witb 134 rge3.o.4l,6l7,..;elleethgethet. th e happiness :of another beeMealittr. testWilh onr Awn. . „• . , _ DR; ~i7OIINSTOWeIktIGQRATDIti : 'ORGANIC: Vi'E:'HCMh3S • • Byline great Andtlinportantweinedy, WWl:nein. of the :C l i r g*PA r r elll ,, .e.4.441- I Plgor rontennk.. rtognalt regrows ,and debilitated Irmo tUldllistuill :161;47:Lave heelkhhinediatelyr6lieved.: `AI" bnisedinientsil te !1• airlagis;Phtsleiljoi" oa :NOTT.oll:lllo.4llltWi r eitausuf or Atthanetien• of the most fearful 1 . 412di speecio CUMI• ' 1. TO 'STRANGMhiI The manx,thoustu?ds-oured at.lnstttutlon ~within ihe last' ttielve yearsouid the inutibroreilinnortatt Surgida: Operation: performed by witnessed + hi:•the re • porterenf the paws i,and many otherpersons,.noticea: wttich:biesapTfflearffldEL dl, .804. saint). beforedhe public,. testainisiandttip ' cts a geldlinian of ettariater and re, sponsai iity(m d sufficient auereritee•to the afflicted LidpRUDENGE.-•-•Whenthe misguided , 1112t1 linprodent votary of pleasure. Ands he has imbibed the seeor 44040 1 4 , foe often happens Oaten Ilt- tithed knee of Mien:tick dread of dlichiery deteri tan fretar_appliing to: those teho; "fro& education 'and re. spectabinty; ,Asan .befrititutattani. delaying -till the constintionalsyseptonss of this horrid disease snake. their appearance, alibctint • neap, skin, lc., propaistng . on • 'with frightfdt repfdlie; till death 'puts a period t..) b. 15 111'011411a ill "that bourne fromfOleiloe. _ _no trev.etlet rothrtua!? it in mambo, eholylintAtit : lusenttnieliMatiins - to this ; terrible ease "citirtit i`iiiritilhAneite who: by the nee 76VitinViiiiiiiiiioii*meronry rift the eonetitutloti andrnake thexealduespire miserable Ta:+.3 1 .7/70 . - MA Doe, tnee•DlPietuP WOW in. hut °Mee. * 4l r, , - 40 3 , 11 4uBt;0 1 RtItin 4)Strnitto de o n the reply. fir 'Antilles • far , NoWt:Sortlitleradrielestreet; larendat.Writ lad . , . . s rLr.V.,:t K. ,:t:!.:L:A[T.]Ei,D.,3.I.W.,:&RE • ;. Iso.l222(Altirket Etreetr PiIIIADELOUGt; • Mehof*tutor opting MME MYER:id/4 SILVER PLATER of Poititt, S POONS LADLES, NO, ;CASTOBS,MEA , SETO; J. KETTLES streakES; COR..sesExo, - ODAINGINION WARE, • , VIIPS,',7OuOs, GDBL.lalS,..ko n . _ With a gitkeral C,oniptieln'g nonebut the bes quality, made of the Nut materiaLs and heavily plated, coo; seitutingD2em ; • ..o.iivieetibfpuoii durable article • FOE Fit.9llloAtil Atm PirviTii atr ,, Oldrirarere.platia to the best itsetitiset: feb2o.deirlyi;' ; • .. • ; 11.!1 NET,EIELER MARKET SQUARE, A4W5W 3.13, q2 - , PFANNA GEO. 3. BOLTON;ThokIETOR. C A lUD Theabiove well known and - long - established Hctel now:WidWgotng a -thorough renovation, and :being in great degree newly. furolahed,,uhrter the proprietorship of lir. Grones J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate or the houitWfor the' last three 'eel's; and 'is well . knOvin to is mann' *- Thinknil !Mr the liberal. patronage which :it has en— joyed cheerfully commend lir—Bolton to the public) f vor: ' Beg dawtfl' WLELIAN 1317F-EILE/t; JUST.. RECEIVED A.-N.O%IIER LOT- 0-Y THOSE . FINE POINTED GOLD PENS .. . OF NEWTON'S . (formerlyl4gtu i s) manufactere;*iirintidlinietlie beat in material, the finest poifite4, most durable, and ,aB,o,eap t ita,,Euly, a market, foi , siale;-with a'farlety' of pout an d SiTver . Cascara' marline aim and-prices' - - • ' iBIRONWS , OBEAP BOOKSTORE, ? 51. Market street • ON Lin& she `Table &tied 011, go is Dna' Wra Fa GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW OITIC -STORE • A NNOUN'OE - fci the of titens of Mule-, burg ai d the piddle generallyomt diey hawk plat returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se leased mock of Fall and Virbiter_Gooda, which they will sell •it the ve t y lowest prices. '• -4 - DOMESTIC GOODS of every kind. 131eachod end Unhisecheet Blincled and Unbleached Canton Flannels. RED 51 LA3~~ELS OFE*EitYLDESCRIPTION. A large satortmee tt ,ef, Welsh Fistinels.fer Skirting. • eu assortment Domestic Ginghlms, • ". ; Idenoltesterainghlunsi 4‘ fiatinetts and Ca ..simeres, Eines Cloilis at allprlces. " Cloths fox Ladles? Chesterfields, • , . Beacyr.Cletlis for the Arab 010011111. ':- A FINEABEORTMEW AIdViKETS., _ &tarp) assortmet4.ctcasgiser es, eiwlidly, onisptsd BePs *Sat. A'n'asstirtinete Of Miens Deswet t s and Un dershirts. , fin assortment of: Camay, from , l23C •cts e pith-1041:00 per'l ALSO LATtST STYLES SATIN DEPNENES,,, 1 . • PLAID VALENCIAS: VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED:AND PLAID RICA 'furs AND FIGURED 2.IERINOS,'"- - • RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED • • ' AIL WOOLAncEs; BLA.CS SEEKS, ALL WIDTHS: A large asaortment of Brenhe and Blanket Ehamda t with ; a lull eta& of the litest niivelifie. An !tsf-9/ assortmentof,Vain and,kigtired Cashwerrall. • . . LINENS CFALL,iCINDS. Particular attention paid to tint slaw Hosiery and Em broideries, Aci.,jace.. v aic. . Au astortment oI Bogota e‘rove,trail spring,,ektrt Oat -tern 01,..411.8t0rt. . An assortment of F.hrouding and Flannels. ; • BICH* COWPERTHWA:PF, Corner or Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. , , Formeri• tceou . • _ tiC426-iy 59r.;407. AWsulf iyin*rpF, !if •nTrin;na:Eal I - glllll4 'l‘lo 0014121'510D8E1 MAIWPAOPMEILS OP B - 11 - 1 - R - 7931:M0 - M' 8 raaley,.olf f i c ki ; . _ t'l Epekoml)epimAild ; Flan4e). • 13*DgRAAITD OVEIIBMRTS - • ' Vertillsp imietrean d • - Eke!ly#3Mellie c - Flarplabillg,,Goo* 1 , . 90 U.l4.lanil 1121 . Cieuir*..4llejt.l.. , Aoints-for #ke i3everiy, India; RubberICIONNIII P.OR E=B,= A LARGE LOT Or .FIEST QUALM . TOWIN'S KID GLOVES Slightly damaged with water—price 50 and - 75, GREAT BARGAINS: . fine 'assortment pt aline quality, perteot—Rlack,'Whiliiand , Calpeed; at =• - „. . . , . CATHCART'S, . . . .• gi9.A.4 Malta Square. Dtzi; Ur , ' 1104; ..)-s4i. nitICH & COWPEthilinit CORNER' FROM &NAlith 815 j TROit THE . dia : XlloM:444l . :taltiitil E. , r-rinz- SUBSCRIBER ' hits just - re6e4ied from the Neiv York' and Philadelphia. Trade Bales' A LAWS AND . , WELL. SELICTSD,ST9O.IC- Olt, , STANDARD WORKS I IN EVERY - DEPARTMENT. - .OF LITERATURE. " SCHOOL .BOOKS BLANK BOOKS , PAPER .AN,IrSTATIONTIRT To which. the attention of the. Pohlic, Committees-ef. Libiaries,•Teachers, CorintrY Marche:ins and purchasers generally, ts. invited. , . • ' Ai haVe been • purchased 'fitr below the regular 'Prices,,they can and sold, at but a smell advance_ -- on e ti thcost, insurthe to purchasers alVing Of 16 to 25 ler cent. on trade prices, at •.• • • . • • . !' BEAGNER% CHEAP BOOKSICRE, octal . '• hiarkei:Street. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, - b 1 MARKET STREET, IS TRE CREAM!' PLACE DI THE CITY TO GET SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOESTATIONERri Comprising all.the.various r.,. ; READING AND spELLI NO - BOOK,S,' -- • AR1221.711W103,1 LOBAR Ai IS "'ones GRAMMA s, - ETY OLO , zoNARLES ILISTODEF.4 . a pElLosoP „an all'the SICHOOL BOOKS used in the various-P.1 . '6116 and Privato Schools of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS CAP and NOTE P-4 1 ',E 4 R1 ;• - - • BLANK BOOKS; SLATES,- • • - - LEAD. A irDSLATE PENCIL.% •-•- PENN AND' ROLDERS,IITX' INKSTAIVD,9 RULERS and. the most complete aesortment of SCIIOOI FirrA' TIONPICY 'constantly on hand and for sale at !FER.. pyrysr,pßiqieg OF I'LACIZ in the Cit . r . at ' BERGNMR'3,IZIETV'• 7 3 00K5P0jt.4...1.!.;i' • • • sYllailtet street azir Liherai discotints - made rio .. lcao6erkartd..dgiate,rm,l , Any article not on band promptly furnished without extra oltargo. „ ;, : - :i 1. ..'Alt`n2V . . DR.: C. '''OPRIVIELEt, SURGEON_ AND;.:OOO.ULIS'A. ESSIDENCEIMIRD.'NEAR 'NORT4 STREET' liar:2l4w c: ..; : . . rpgriill.4eTtii&n9 • • - Asuza.4 rt 00gpay, Holise,'w 9 1 .. n Stale "sheet 9ppoelt!, 11 Who'f224 &sire hrs mu!' will lit; to,, M. GILDEA, D. D. wices. ' „ .0.14140 ES ".A.N.13 LEMONS ,pC . eLT,Y - Bo. 3 rEajn prime erdei,juod e , calves:Vara Or sale by ' mid _so . l. 111.5 03(li igtsaut Ittinting ififttr. proc area:Tama Power ireilatetto erocate JOBlaut BOOK PUNTING of trferz despripttoil, cheaper tbat it can be done at any other UV, tataishnielitilitho COUPtrt.- • • -• ' RaTSB ike• AuVEIIIISISO• 14•FourIinesPerifis dressttfute one-baff square. Fii.h • lirA's pr MC KO RtantftVir ReistßOte Oequarot, Half Square, one day 2...,. " • one week • ••• •- • one month .. • " three months, _ . . Mx months .4 0 - • • • 'one•Year.... 6 00' One S'quare one day eac week. • • • • ..... . ......... 2.00 • " • one month ..a j 00 " three months „ .. „.. ••'• -00 • ........ .. • • t • • • it $ one year • 10' RieThislneee'..notlees Inserted In tbs. Leeal• cottisit< or b.eforellruTjagen•and Reaths, FIVE ORRIS PER •LINII Ibrigkch-inse4loß. • . •".110-Ratiliges'aitit 'ltetiths to be charged ak '•regnler adettatleementif; , - 1 • • ..• . • • •, ; =MU NO. -in: Progjeie of Fan - atiomm' of Northern Men in the :South. We have never neglected to improve an opportunity to denounce such ultra men of the North as have insisted upon the ttght to interfere-with-domestic slavery in the:Statel whereAtfisixecognizect,by.:l*.w.; and: thename:sense-of-dutrwhich - prourp ted us to IhipAgnpite inisehttiktemotest, in.the most , earnest terms,.against theex.. treordinary lank, "of good which appears to. charactetize, in the predent •ci'Vm Ott, the course of thousands of men in the extreme South.. We find the following,in the New York Tim'es': - .Mr, R. T, Sherman, of this city, and re.. oently,clerk at the Pulaski House, Seven-., nib, and one or the Minute Men of that city, gives us the followirieacconnt of the ' brutal 'treatment and subsequent death o.f. a respectable grocer of Savaimsh, whose crime consisted being"ii native Of 'thlia' State: : "The Vigilance Committee, Which - ie 'com posed 'of Wealthy and reepectable Members , : of society, haiing learned that Mr.- John' Bylet, a - groom:ln West Broad street, was a native, of Neiv..*Tork, determined to'get rid Of 'him: An accusation _ of „tainter,ing , with slaves ,and of all Owing ;them tqait at. . , his table, was trumped : up,against him, and he was ordered to leave the city.:, Hei did,. not.obey. Consequently, onßaturdayi‘the • I7th of November, the CoMmittee called , on - him, took him at some distance from the .city, stripped him, and then applied a coating of hot tar and cold cotton. They then' started him on a run, and lie, fearing that 11113111'e depended upon his legs, ran to sS,..gdoid a parpose; that he had neariy, reached, tired.and exhausted, a, place of,, safety-:when a• brutal policeman overhauled , him. and struck him heavilympon thehack 0 , of his head. ;with his pistol= fracturing - 'skull and forting him upon the ground." , - - '.. "This was on the- r,ith -Of 'Novimbbr-, and on Saturday, the 27ith',', he ar , as - dead:" Now, this account it may , be, ton;thetrgr. John; B,Ylp,i• W,llB VARY, as sharga4i 4.4 9 t•Alksaa :TefissiaSsts of ,extra-Jegal torture, t arp burning Caine is ) 4olVtlig,''•is4ti t6iNchr °f i g gallant State - like lEtribrgia.. WheriftlitAirrthAanerloansiAiere... f. fi kk44 l2 S f9.F.d i lh ie riPa l i n gto j?PAAh e Y , AO a their enemics, the S r paniardi, often.riiihrt- , ledlcenditdtiftrii . kfithra Viillialt , pe'444: o eriehapanty,freqUently,PaiermedAdiri springs., of'. the.j , • Mountai ns; in. dhelhoke .thet J , Ars ..,,t': . j''. t.' .• 'aVtAiiVAlrti , " l ",. of-war,LhoweVet . , Were: generally: itate,d(J.3 , th ei h ig i qq9 4 of severe P4Piiiil l 9,o4l.urrftillt: : and, , gallant nations, in proportion . to their atilight l eriiiient, i •havi, generally 'Chosen to' ' ..daprive. capital .criminaltrof:, - theirelivea in F i the n swiest vomible -patinas,. ,;Englasd r it , : is true; gill continues; and We,iri' unite= ticitic;•coritiiiiiei=ahe brVtall habit of "hatig-:- ingAttheltiecke!, hut England ! , no longer ~,, dreams of punishing , those whorriaire Cdn- Sicikirsqelielli;ll,k=hanVing . ,! drawing, tidal'. teiing,anch dieeinbowelingthe:hortiddor- tuirs.which the noble Wallace suffered; 'h at her hands.' "Bieakipg onThe wheel," once 'moo-eeinthiiii-bitFriiiica'rind'othrif .I)Ortionirrif.'-' lEurope, sleeps in the same-ghastly grave ,witlDbrarilline tOrigifel.mitting; ear-botingcr •f -and.tbe , blackpenaLseturnalia.; of barhario ages ; to which we have already allnded., , ~,, litit;starfing and cottoning--h - Ot - tar attd'i coldkco l tton—seems to be the bright pdrtiou- - 1 lar ~jewej. of the land of . Oglethorpe and dreene.. 'ad far as we . know,, Georgia bad 'net' it solitary rival' on the marcirto 'this'-' "bail pre-emiueriee;"l she trod' the' dreary - : road alone,.and iSentitleclto all- he hotiors. Soine of` the classie poets, if,iii tine, - Sonie 'Of the - scliehlhierief the six:feet:LAl and seven= ~ Arientki..centiiries,„ and. Milton, in his im mortal., "Paradise Lost," furnish ~pretty broad' and' uncomfortable hints that a mong the 'punishments of the wicked; in Piuto's arid Satan's , dreer a 6 des Abhorred by men, end dreadful sode,l is the practice, occasienally, of rolling-the lost spiritsuddenly -from liquid ,fire, like the bowels of lEttia4'into Gremilandincefs, ' and vice- velfsa. - : But the poor wretch,'.rlic-. cording to this programme, would never ,be without consolation;,was,,heat.l ,ipgja.the.gre, ePoalea joy the Luxury; of cold; and hewas freezing; he-knei there:was ample materiel , hand. to :thaw int agai n But hatter,' cOld-botton,Jcat-p' nittetails,- ' bents; tobbacco juice, and a polleempri'S'plat l 6ll Shades ; oftTatnerlatiii; .- And Brace, and Henry the yrii , ..4 . anayili e y --- Of Hinnoml „Georgia has refined tiPoq,thii fertile, iniaginations of my.tho;l4yEin4 adul , terated Ohristianity. ;ui a epeetanlii_ of wretchedneas,„lipieecil.i. There.., is no- Chance for escapelfrom::stoiar to fire,:and. .from fire. to snow ; the -tar is hot, -an she cotton cold;-incl.both`;Pre applied once, accompamed'=lUy tobacco ~mee~ so -that' wou e-perenru n aryl's The idea of stripping 'a mar?, Arid Making hiria run for his lite r is not large - lions to. the region of the ~avannal river. By facer -ence :to the journals of - minis _et the that Acted is ; duides for Lewis:aad.ClArko,. when they expplored, Of this7dOntury, - the - glOorkfvoilddrriese Becky liloutitairisAnd the j ,Oplum4ip,driver, - ,1 it will be seen that At ; yvas r oftep TqdVicect.t.9 practice by tlie Flath r eal and Biaolifoa Re dians.that abound:;' One of .the r guldmr.::t Was, stripped compelled to ,trav„el ‘ night after night Over prairies , Cc:refit& iyiffi thorne-,-'inuoli to the edificationOf"' trel.-0= ,7 c original inquisitors Elf I . • • Noli me tangereis the fearfulmotto - : which the disinii4inists and.;,,imriiailttely] 10;{.'repies i enta . `tiori•of t a .itttga i rAtipsnake., pep tence is expected, to be translat ed, 4eadiOn' Me, 'but NON tcmgens:mar; jiispast Weil,: bin traumata - dip !goneh,otii. no au hich is, the-name, of an.,, ItuMßle wfir„,.thai harrideinily explodes wheiiiitveiz if in'eSntact 3Y t ' u - 4 r a g P " c - ' onl3 l -- d awe have said, of '' rtarir .6, , b -Z, ll -*-, i - tf ° f o- th — e hlitbkitreason of such • SOii 1"00 EIE