ailp Eclegrapt, HARRISBURG, PA i r ei niesday Alterllooll, December 5 1860. PARISIAI4 MODE OF BOASTING APPLla—Select the larget, scoop out the core without cutting quite through ; fill the hollow with butter and tine, s oft sugar ; let them roast in a slow oven and serve up wi h the syrup. ANOlllall SUDDEN DEATII.—We learn that Mr. pianip Dock, of Newville, died suddenly, of Bppoplexy, at his residence in that place on Mon- Tho deceased was a brother of Hon. Win. Dock, of ttili city, and served his .country in the second war of independence. RABBIT Ilsomso.—The light fall of snow yes . - Jerk, was highly favorable for Rabbit hunt ing, and tbe country lads captured large slum bers of the " cotton tails," which they brought to market this morning and sold for a shilling each. We learn that the rural districts are overrun with Rabbits this season. • A Tau FAMILY.—There are now living in this county eight sturdy farmers, sons of the lite Paul Lingle, of East Hanover township, uhose aggregate height is fifty-one feet ! The youngest of the brothers stands six and-a•half feet in his stockings. All of them are good Republicans, and voted for "old Abe" at the lost election. A sound as well as a tall family. Arresnos MOUNT VERNON.—A stated meet ing of the Blount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, will be held in their halt this (Wednesday) evening at 7,1 o'clock. A full at tendance is desired as it is the time to make nominations for officers for the ensuing year. By order. J. A. CARMAN ; SOC!y. COLLIDED. — Last evening a "yankee jumper" and a young lady pedestrian collided, on Second: street. The latter left the impression of her person on the snow ; but in going dOwn, which feat was very gracefully accomplished, her ex• pensive crinoline broke the furce.ot the falk and prevented serious damage. The lady took the mishap good naturedly, "gathered herself up" quickly, adjusted her rumpled crinoline, and with a smiling countenance and crimson cheeks, she pursued her way up street, without waiting for the apology of the lad whose care lessness caused the accident. Moza CANDIDATEI3.—The list of aspirants for. the Adjutant Generalship continues to increase. In addition to the names already announced, wo notice that Major Peter Fritz and General Wm. F. Smell, of Philadelphia, are ambitious to figure at the head of military affairs. There are at least a dozen applicants already in. the field, eleven of whom will, of course, be disap pointed. The suggestion of a coterprnary to abolish the office, we consider a jgeredble one, and commend it to the '..lisectiklartith - oli 'of the in-coming Leglaltitit4:4-4T." TIM -VIAII4I.4BIIGHTH OF JANUARY.- "The =alibi:Soldiers of the second war of in deperuleneg fihroughout the country, are re quested to celebrate the coming anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, on the eighth of anuary, and at the startle time to sign petitions and adopt resolutions to be forwarded to Con gress, asking pensions for the poor old soldiers of the war of 1812, and the aged and infirm widows of such as are dead. This recommen dation is tent forth by the President of the National Conveit . tion, at the request of many of the membered that Convention, residing is different sections of the country. We call attention to the subject - at, this early day for the benefit of the old'solditeis residing in our city and vicinity. ARRIVAL9.—The meeting of the Electoral Col lege to-day, attracted a large number of Repub. lican politicians and office-hunters to this city, from distant sections of the Commonwealth, and the scenes in and about our principal ho tels were quite refreshing. 'We had the pleas ure of meeting several of the quill-driving fra ternity, who illuminated our sanctum with the light of their blooming countenances. Among the "outsiders" in attendance we noticed sev eral members of the Legislature, a couple of aspirants for Senatorial honors, and numerous applicants for positions under the new Presi dent and Governor. The special mission of the latter clams was to secure an endorsement of their claims by the Presidential Electors. Hope ALL were successful. OLD Itssrosars.—One of the oldest—probably the oldest—inhabitant of Dauphin county, is Mr. Martin Hooker, of Derry township, now in his ninety-fourth year. He is as healthy and vig orous as a man of sixty, and personally superin tended his own farm and business affairs, with great success, until very recently. Mr. Hacker bids fair to live to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of his birth day. In the same township there are three old ladies, all in the enjoyment of vigorous health, two of them aged eighty-four, and the other eighty-fivb years—making an aggregate of two hundred and fifty-three years! A few years ago we chronicled the death of a lady, in the same township, at the advanced age of one hundred and two years ! The people of "old Derry" are proverbial for their longevity. We have some notion of migrating to that township. TEM Piny Snow Brom of the season in this locality oceurced yesterday. The white flakes commenced falling early in the forenoon, and continued to descend fast and thick until even ing, when snow to the depth of three inches or More covered the roads, and " whitened the prospect all round." The happy-hearted in vertiles brought their " Yankee jumperet- into requisition, and were in all their glory, occupy 7 ing the side walks as coasting grounds to the inconvenience and danger of lady and gentle men pedestrians. This morning the sleighing Was tolerably good .in "spots," and a few fancy cutters, drawn by 2.40 nags, were visible on the streets. Owing to the slippery condition of the pavements, numerous amusing feats of grand and lofty tumbling were performed, in some instances by ladies, but no serious per .nnal damage resulted, that we are aware of. ' THE Locs.-Ur contained three "vags" last night, all trampers in search of employment. Ewing no money to procure lodging, and no friends to take them in, they were obliged to seek shelter in the asylum for vagrants. The accommodations, however, were not such as they expected, and it is not likely they will patronize that institution hereafter. FREIbIIT CONDUCTOR KILLED —On Saturday evening Mr. Dunwoodie,.freight conductor on the Cumberland Talky Railroad; iria with an accident at Chambershurg which resulted in his death. The deceased had been In the em ploy,of the Company foi. a number of years, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Ravenna ANAT.—The snow that fell yester , day is rapidly disappearing before the melting rays of old Sol, and , the consequence is that the streets are in a very sloppy condition, rendering locomotion implement and difficult. This is bad weather for polished patent leathers. Sen sible 'people, who have a proper regard for health, substitute thick-soled boots• or substan tial gum overshoes. Since penning the'above, the weather, unre liable and coquettish awe spoiled beauty, has changed Again. At the present writing the bright face of old Sol obscured by murky clouds, and there is every indication of another snow storm. Great climate this ! l3zroas rue Maroa.—Yesterday a tramper answering to the name of John Benhart, who spent the night in the lock-up, Was before the Mayor on a charge of vagrancy, having been picked up on the street by one of the consta bles. Be stated that he was on his way to Philadelphia, and having no money to obtain tavern accommodations, was forced, like some disappointed politician's, to. ",stay out, in the cold." The Mayor discharged John, and he resumed his tramp eastward. A PROPOSITION TO lifianarras.—A correspond ent of one of our religious exchanges suggests that next Sabbath 1)e deioted to religiones ex ercises looking towards' the perpetuity of tha' American Union. The ministry of all denom inations, it is thought, might review from the pulpit our national history, the providence of God towards us in times past, and Gc!d's &Mous design, by our agency, of Christianizing the world, and spreading abroad. the blessings of civil liberty. A` sermon on such themes might awaken grateful memories, and enhance the value which we attach to the American Con federacy. And the ministrations of the pulpit,, it is thought, might be attended with prayer that the Lord our God' may continue to bless us.and make us a united, peaceful and prosper ons people We think the suggestions worth i of consideration. It is a time - to call upon God. We need theaguidaiii"Ce`of wisdom, the protection,of, His almighty power, and the gracious influence of His holy Spirit—L. We commend the thaattention of the ministry and churcheawhere the Darts TRIM/RAPE circulate& Izreorwrr LIQUOR Case. , --At a recent term of Coart in Lebanon county„ Judge Pearson presiding, Mr. Jacob Fink, keeper of a tavern at Arinville, was mulcted in the sum of $254: 35 dernages, for selling liquor to a man of intemperate habits, a teamster named Jacob Garman, who afterwards, while under the effects of the liquor, fell off -his horse, and was inn over by .the wheels of his wagon and killed.— The"snit was brought by Rebecca Garman, wid ow of the deceased,,under the section of_ the_ law of 1854 which-MakefiliqUor — , sellers civilly responsible for the consequences, when they sell liquor to persons' of known intemperate habits, minors, insane persons 'or to persons while, drunk. The case was a 'very interesting one, 'and employed some of the best legal ability in Lebanon and DanPiain counties, among whom we noilde the names of District Attorney Wiedman, Hon. John C. Kunkel, Levi Kline, Esq., and Mr. FunC4. A new trial was moved for by the plaintiff, and an arrest of judgment asked for by the'defence. The defence proved that Garman was subject to IN of dizziness, or faintness, and attributed his sudden fall from his horse to, that cause. Competent witnesses also testified to the good'cbaracter and standing of the tavern keeper. CM Mamma or Pasacrmas.The Aeeociation of PreaChers, composed of some fifteen or twenty Methodist clergymen located-in this section of the South Philadelphia district, which met in the Locust street Anrcb - yester day„efternoon, is still sessior,!ast...eleiinit - A ser mon mas preecillvbillet2B4::Tliineof Lan caster, to aidegt!,.and int:elligeef congregation. His themeitiiithoTrAteCies,Alihis,cobjdot 'to show how literally-tifei had beeri'fulEilled, in the birth, suffering, death,: reenrrection and`ft.' nal triumph of the Saviour of mankind. The. subject wina 4,3:ljeAcinferAtipi inStrUcti7n , one, and the learned Divine handled it with great i ability. We have,listened } to a more eloquerit and impressive discourse. A Methodist minister.:trt44ehritsha was pre sent,' having arrived , bere yekterday, en route for :home ,_At ;the 44Osa of f At course he gaie iiiiefltWry k cii aufferie condition of the people in that famine-stricken territory.' According to hiaStatement, =which is corroborated by,lettera and newspaper reports, there was an almost total failure` of the crops there the past Beason, and, hundreds .of people are destitute of thenecesstiries;of life, and with out money to procure them.:. He. closed with an eloquent appeal for material aid, which was liberally responded to by the audience. A very interesting feature of the 'evening* exercises was the, excellent music by the Choir, the mem bers,of which acquitted themselves creditably, singing:several new:anthems with fine effect. It'was a treat that all lovers of good music, who 'were 'fortunate enough to be present, ap- . predated. : _ The Association re-assembled this morning, 'when an interesting disdussiontook place on the propriety of an extensibn, by Conference, of the term of ' ministerial service in the re spective charges." The subject"was debated pro and 'eon with much spirit and ability. The AssoCiatinn is still in session at the _time we close our report.. This evening a sermon-; will be preached by a visiting clergyman, of the Philadelphia Cdriferere*, ftiihe audience cham ber of the church, at the usual hour. MEI illettiumluania TElifitg Jelegrapl), Watteobav aftenwon, lacceinber 5, 1860. I= THIN POFFENBERGER Cesa.—The motion for a new trial, in the case of Wm. Poffenberger, lately convicted of manslaughter, was ably ar gaed by:counsel this forenoon. The application was not granted, and this afternoon Judge Pearson sentenced Poffenberger to three yews imprisonment in the county jail, and to pay a fine of one dollar and costs of prosecution Tug SECOND Somas of the "Harrisburg So ciables" comes off at Exchange Hall this eve ning. Of course the young folks of both sexes, who, love to "trip the light fantastic," will be on hand to indulge iu that exhilarating exer cise, to the inspiring music of the fiddle and the bow. "Go it while you're young!'' WINTS4 is Heas.—The Old frost•crowned Winter-King has arrived on the steam•car of Time, seated on his snowy throne, and wield ing his icy , sceptre, preperatory to a long and gloomy region. 1 5ature has laid aside her tissue robes of Summer, and arrayed herself in Winter, costume. How the wind mutters, and shrieks 'as it rushes on from the icy regions of the North. grim and white old tyrant is with us again, not as we saw him last—weak, shriveled, at tenuated and heating a hasty retreat before the conquering armies of _ Spring—but strong, fierce, resistless, and advancing 'with, giant str4des and strength to conquer a continent, and make all yield to his sway.. Armed with the terrors of the elements . —the wailing wind, the piercing sleet, the blinding snow, the rat tling hail 7 —he rushes onward in his conquering march, scattering desolation and dismay in his path. Trees and shrubs and fields are changed. Some stand bare and stark, shiVering in the icy blasts—some, whose hardy endurance yet struggles with his power, look as if an artist genii bad overturned his easel, and left the brilliant colors of yellow and red upon the fall ing leaves and tremb/ing vines. Every gust of -chilly wind bears upon its wings a plume of red tipped with . silver, or a leaf of carmine edged with gold. The pavements look frosty and cold—the streets are rugged and flinty andas Old :Boreal at sunset sweeps round the corners we wrap overcoats and shawls closer, and wonder when he will cease his circling waltz among the tree-tops and the shingles of our neighbor's roof. The school-boys, as they plod homeward in the face of the charging storm, pull their caps over their red ears to keep out.the whisper'of the cold—and ladies' cheeks are blushing at the rude kiss of the saucy wind. And soon the snow-tassels will king like some gorgeous fancy work of an.all powerful genii from every bodgh, . and irosti plumes will•`, hang on every shrub -!'llikitaretei of`happy homes mid fire-lit hearths are hurrying along the:stleets to get out of the way of the Moaning winter winds. God keep and protect those whose homes know none of the coinforts of wealth, and whose hearths are cheerless, : and chill, and cold. Now is the dine to remember the poverty-strickeri our -Midst Six Tiousaim Domais 'Wourn'of new gocslii from New Yord auction. The greatest bargains offered yet. Having taken adVantage of the depression of the New York market, have now a lot of goods to offer which cannot fail to please : 2,000 yards the beet Delaines at 20 and 21 eta.; 4,000 Yards of Calicos at 8 and 10' cts.; 500 woolen. Hoods for .37 and 50 cts., very cheap ; 500 pair of gentlemen's woolen Socks at ) 1,2 and 15 cts.; 60 doz. Undershirts and Drawers at 50, 62 and 75 eta,; 1,000 pairs of ladies Stockings at 12 and 15 cts.; 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks.; a large assortment of ladies' and gents"---Gloves,_ard__agreat many goods To those who buy to sell-again a libera discount will be made, S. Dewy, at Rhoad's Corner. MIISICAL.—New music from all the leading publishing houses always received immediately after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always fresh on hand, at Wm: Bloodies *We, stare, 92 Market street . t. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING. MACHINES, • • NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT REDUCED PRICES. /THE WHEELER & WILSON Aranufac i. turing Company- baying gained eau their suits at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, propose that the public should be benefitted thereby, and have accordingly reducedthe prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that - Wilfpay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such will enable then!. to make first clan" rpaohines r and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance, with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from pm to 2.90 for the fine full case 'machines. It is a well .estab lished fact that the • . Wheeler & Wilsen Sewing Maohine - 3 1 s the bestatin inithemittkiWtheliettfimilde,MciStainle eind least liable to get on t of order, and they are now as plow as the inferior machines. Call and see them a Third and Market. t del-fm W. 0. incicca., Agent. 'BITUMINOUS BROAD ' TOP 'COAL FOR BLACKSMITH'S USE A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, for sale at A $8 00 per too, or 12% cents per bushel. . 'Er ALL COAL DELIVERED -Br PLEA - NZ WM"( C ARTS: ' n 6-If JAMBE M. WEIEFLBR. ANOTHER NEW LOT OF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) CELEBRATE I) GOLD PENS, warranted to be the finest in quality and finish, of any manufactured. Also a fine assortment of GOLD AND SILVER CASES. Just received and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 613farhet ALBUMST ALBU 8:1 rt. The finest sasertment otALBUNIS ever offered in this oily, ranging in price from 50 Cents to $lO 00 each alfpfYleS Orßlidulg,`at bo und i n osier BOOKSTORE, novl2 51 Markel Street." Special Notices. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE, has no equal—instantaneous in effect,---Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin: or injuring the Flair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " fold everywhere. cues. BATCHELOR, Proprietor marl 2 dawly Bl Barclay street, New York BRYAWS TASTELESS VERMIFTIGE To quiet The riot Of worms—the vile scourges The Vermifuge give, • And, as sure as you live, They'll get their discharges. • • What Is BRYAN'S Vrainorram? Simply a pare and tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed by It, no worm can survive it, no mother stionid be without It, no words can express its' value. Price 25 cents. Sold by G4O. Bit RGNICR , PROP. WOODl( HAIR REgroßATlva:—Thts Be . stonily° for making the hair:grow, stopping its falling out, and restoring gray hair. o its original color, is be coming celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it. Three foarths of the mixtures , for re storing and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than good. They burn it up—destroy the life of its roots— make the hair fall off, and produce premature baldness. But Prof. Wood's Re., trirative may be relied upon as con taining nothing which canto any manner be injurious to the hair, while its success in accomplishing what it pre tends to do has been verified in hundreds of cases. We advise gray heads, and heads getting bald—all who wish to save their wool or obtain a new stock, to get• a-bottie of Wood's Restorative —R. T. Democrat. . Sold by all Druggists. nol9-1m Mammas, Rasa Tais.—The following is. an extract from a letter.written'hy, the pastonOf &Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks ; volumes in favor of that world-re nowned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething : “We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. WinSlow's Soothing Syrup' Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we feel compelled to our readers, that thists no hum bug—we hare tried it, and know it to be calit claims. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay a supply. au 22 Davis' Paii:t Killer. No istainonm is more prompt in its action in cases of Cholera,. Cholera fiterbus, &c., than Perry Davis) Pain Killer.' It is the acknowledged antidote which sel dom fails if applied In its early symptoms. No family should be without a bottle of it always on hand. The stain on linen from the use of the Pain Killer is easily removed by washing in alcohol. Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly ern-melons in cholera morbus, bowel complaints; and other diseases to ,which the natives of Burmah, from their unwholesome style of living, are peculiarly, ,exposed. It is a valuable antidote to the poison of . Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets' he. . REV. BENJAMIN" . . Late Missionary in Bormah. Sold by all druggisis, grocers and medicine 'dealers hroughout the United Statue and Canadas. fir'Ws call the attention of our readers to an article advertised In another column,- called BLOOD FOOD It is an entirely My* discovery, and mustnot be confound ed with any of, the numerous, patent medicines of the day. It Itt•looti for the blaci,mlready prepared fbi stb .Eiorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and (;what one gains he rotates. Let allthose, • then, who are tiraffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of bleed, quad consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We notice that our Druggists haie received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Esros's PANTILE Coruna, which every mother should have. It isaaid to contain no paregoric 'or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course mast be invaluable for all lean- We:complaints— It is also said Ahat it will allay all pain, and soften-the gums in 'process of teethineand at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers' and .nturses, who have endured' anions days and sleeplims procure a supply and be at once relieved. 4ar See adveitifseznent. an24feben For Bale by C: A. Eatinvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa [Prom the New Lurk Times, August 8,1859. _ SPALDINO3 PRBPARID Gidin.--,Prepared 'Glue: a meryi useful and convenient article for 'housekeepery and others, is "Spalding's Prepared- Glue." It is one of those inventions, small in themselves, which, never theless, go tar In the economies of household manage= 'went, and ire anhver-present - aid in saving time, ex pense and trouble. The number of small repairs to fur nitui e, picture-frames, crockery, children's toys, lea. ther, shell and other, fancy work, with the almost innu merable use% to which in every household-a really good and ever-ready article of this kind may be applied, will at once suggest themselves to the ladies. Damaged book-covers, loosened leaves, dilapidated maps and her bariums, will remind the student and book-worn of its value. This Glue is compounded with chemicals which hold it permanently in Wanton until it is applied. with-, out affecting its strength, and which serve to give the ad tlmar..haidaplite surfaces to be united, after which - theyquickly g harden with rapidity and tenacity. It is estimated that there are at least five millions of households in the United States, and that au outlay et - from one to ten dol lars is annually required to make small repairs to furni ture alone, apartfrom the ntitneroas neglects and make - shifts that are necessarily resorted to. nov24-lm THE GREAT ENGLISH REILED! SIR JAMES I . CLARKE'S CELEBRATED PkMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physteian Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unibillng in the cure of all 'those painful and dangerous.diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re• moves all obstructions; and a speedy cure may :be relied on. TO, MARRIED. LADLES it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a abort time, bring on the monthly period with'regalarity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears. the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pins should not be taken by [females during the FIRST TIGRE& .MQ.It7TH,S i qf Preynauey, as they are sure to bring on Idiscarrive, but at any other time they are safe- . In all cases' of Heroism and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigne.on slight exertion, Palpita tikm of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these pine will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or ani.thlng bertfal to the constitution. :• Full dlreitionith lhe - funtphlet around eacit'paekagi, which should -be carefully preserved. - N. 8.—51.00 and° postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent ; Will insure a bottle, cbntaining 50 Pills, by return mail. For sale by C. A. BARNVART. . ly9 dam/7 IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S Prepared by Cornelius L. Chessman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. riIHE combination of ingredients in these A. Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are Mild In their operation, and certain in correcting all irregubthities, Painful Menstruation , removing all ob • erections, whether from cold or otherwise headablie, ; pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, ;win in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature . MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills elm place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheetteman's Pills - doing all that they represent to do. NeTICE There it one condition ofthe fermate system , in which the rats cannot be taken tatihout•produeing a PROVLLtiI RESULT. The condition referral to it PRRONANCY— the resutt, MISOARRL4GE. Such is the :irresistible tendency of the medicine to restore he veinal' Asir-lions to a normal a:nth/V.1; 2 that even the reprOduetive .power of nature cannot rung it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free ftom anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company each box. Price $l. :Sent by mail on enclosing tb Da. VORNlptal L. Ottatemeaii, Ilex 4,531, Post Mee, Now York Sold by one-Drriggistin every town. in the United States R. .1:¢ HUTCHINGS, ' Beneralagenefor the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, gb whom aU Wholesale orders thould bt addr.d. gold in Harrisburg by 0. A. Borar.urr. 0v29-dawlv t0:1 2 1:Wil* , 4 Checker Boards, Dotnince,,Checkims, Dtoo and Dice Poxes. The largeet.ameolimetat in, the city for sale at all prices. t?Bialiffilfft43 BooKkerces. myld 61 Ibuket Wed, Harrisburg:Pa fiptriat Notirts. DR. JAB. DiCCLINTOCK'III PECTORAL SYRUP calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed lungs, and Irritated throat, loosens and brings away by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse, twit es rest, and removes every symptom of consomp: iOn. Price MAKI. „Bold by Gso. BIIRGNER. jy2() re DR. JAS. MCCLINTOCK: P S PROTOHAb SYRUP. Are year lungs weak? Does a lengbreatligive you pain? Have you a bucking. cough? Do you expectorate bard, ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and want of sleep? If so, mess is YOUR RIJOIRY. I 6 will nn questionably save you. Price $lOO. Sold by Großtli BERGNER. 111911.1.1EW4111 - Da. MCCr.rtrroCß's COLD MID COUGH M_LICTURE, tho established. and standard - remedy for Omagh, Cold, In fluenzscHoarseness, and all irritations of the mne.OnB mbrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by physicians, 'dad all who have used it, as a preparation that has no rival in- the field. Price 26 cents. Sold by George Bergner. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE ! ! WM. tATCEELOR'S HAIR DYE! . The Original and Best , itt the Worl d I A LL others are mere imitations, and XX, should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RFD, or RUSTY HAIR DYED Instantly to a beautiful and Raquel Brown or Black, without injury to the Hair or Skin. . = . FIFTEEN Id.F.DAIS - AND DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wa. A. BATCHELOR since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of his famous dyo. WM. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color notto be distinguished from nature, and is weanuento not to injure in the least, however long it may be con tinued, and the 111-effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye. Sold In all cities and towns of the United Stales, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ,-The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wit, tux A. Beaman. Address, CHARLES BATCHELOR, PROPRICITYR, marl2-dawly 81 Birclay street, New York. A CARD TO THE LADIES DR• DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, Infallible In correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successful as a preisn tive. • THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousana ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition as they are snrt to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo nition' although their mildness would prevent any mis. chief to health—otherwise the Pills - are recommended. Full and. explicit directions accompany each box. Prise cio : per box. --Sold Wholesale - and retail by - CHARLES A. BANNYART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladles," by ;sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post 011 ice, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos tage" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Somas, Reading, • Joncisox, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L LEW NEMER, Lebanon, and by one druggist In every city and village in the Union, and by S. D. Rows, sole proprietor, New York. N. 11.—Look out fortonnterfeit3. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be. ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being coanterletted. de3-dwaswly. BUYTEE BEST. NORTON'S Co X MT ri" 111 .I\7 UL" FOR. SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA; PERMANENTLY CURED: SALT Rlizu M, SCROBTTLA, SCALD BEAD; FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, BAR- BETS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERDp- TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to Ay el nor es ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o its operation is peculiar. It penetrates to the patts of the disease--goes to its very soureeand cures it from the flesh beneath to the skin on the surface. Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum, &c., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal maladies. NORTON'S CINIXNNT, on the contrary, throws the poison 'of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis charged throw the pores. --sr/paquleare L 4 etrects is cnplete._llot...are the i sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellntra--/ duced—but the seeds of the disease.are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relarse. Victims of, ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without :relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth 01 all that is here tated. Since its first introduction, the properties of the. Oint ment have been tested in the most obstinate cases—cases hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the - country, and upon which tho most celebrated healing-springs pro duced no effect—and in every instance with every euc cess. Sold in Large Bottles—Prise 50 Cents. GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York WHOLESALE DEPOT AT PENFOLD, PARKER & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Beckman:at., N. • Sold by Gso.Bssusge, Harrisburg, Pa, mar7-damly DESIRABLE MOURNING GOODS. • Black and Purple All Wool Figured Merinos, Plain Black English Velouo Reps. Black and Purple Tamire Clotha,Sllk and Wool Plain All Wool Cashineres and Merinos. Black and Gray Worsted Poplins. Black and White AU Wool Delalnee. Black and Purple Figured. Ca.. . mares. Lupin's Best Bombazines. Superior Black Lustres. • Lupin's Extra Alpaccas. Neat Style Striped Mobaire. Emeline Style Paramettas. le 1-4 All Wool Delainas English Chintzes. Madonna. Olotbe. Plain Mohair's. Calicos. SUPERIOR PIA/N BLACK Ego. ESP. MOURNING FILM , do BLACK AND Wain .do do PURPLE aND Buick do do do Plume CLOVIS, New and Desirable. Every article of the different kinds of DRESS GOODS in the BLACK, and SECOND MOURNING line. Selected from the very bost makers. Lupin's Square 'Nikkei Shawls, do Long do do Black French Blanket Shawl?, 2d Mourning French Blanket Long Shawls, 2 , 1 Mourning French Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils, (every size), , Grenadine Veils, (every size), English, Orgyis, French Crepee:- SHRODDING CASHMERES, SHROUDING FLANNELS, BLACK GAUNTLETTS, all kinds, BLACK GLOVES, all kinds, - BLACK BORDERED HANMERGBIEFi, (all kinds): BLACK DOISERY. all kinds), SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARs !ki k PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. - An inspection of our stock-1011 convince CATIICART : BROTHER, n 27 ' Next to the Earrisberg Bank. rolls, BASKETS AND 'FANCY GOODS JOHN' DOLL , No. 120 North Second Street, above Arch, JIIST RECEIVED at hie NEW STORE a very large assortment of TOYS of every descrip tion. Also, FANCY BASKETS, WORK BOERS, Tobacco Boxes, Seger Cases, Pipes, Canes and Fancy Articles or a large variety. All being imported direct from the manufacturers enables me to sell at very low prices. `iffirPlease call and examine my stock. 020-dm f_l_OLD AND SILVER kBOUGEIT- -AND N.A SOLD, at C. O ZINNERILIN, Banking, StOOli, anaCollection =co, No. 28, Borah Second street. a2B Uill t L SANFORD'S LIVE - • ATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Qum!, . and has become an established fact, a Stanuirksaledi eine, known and approved!..." by all tbat.':haie. Coed lt, and is now resorted to'lat with eniffdence in all the 1 diseases for which it is re- 0 commended. It has cured thousands €..! within the last-tat Years who hadgiven up allbopes ..4 of relief, as the numerous unsolicited ce rt ificates in mi toy possession show. The dose must beadapt- pr i ed to the temperament of the individualtaking it,and ni, used 111 such quantities ar to aet gently on the bowels . Let the dictates of your la use of the LIVER INVIGO- .1171 Irma Coicrtannia, Burro I> iOlhasszona, Stud= Con- be lIT SOUR STOMACH, Ham- be CHOLERA MOTHUB, Osculate '—' Imam; Fame Waatt sucessfelly as an OILBENA wiII cure SICK HEADACHE mr swim MINIMS, IF TWO LIMN at commencement o ALL WHO MUT ARE Gli , avert, lEEMEiMEESE!iEMI 121011 ONI DOLLS BOTILI. • SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS . COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND MI UP IN GLASS_ASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL IC.FrP' IN ANY CILIMAtE. . The FAMILY CATHAR active Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly 'norm have long used the PILLS all express In regard to to place them within the .The Profession wail know On different portions of the The FAMILY CATHalt ference to this well estab ded from a variety of th which act alike on every nal, and are good and safe thartic is needed, such as, Sleepiness, Pains in esel Pam and Rareness ewer tar or sedgy in the head, Oil f 1 ' Worsiiin Children or dd- Purifier of the Blood, and flesh is heir, too numerous Casement. Dos; Ito PRICE 80 Tins. - • • - TBM Laws lEVIGOBJMCIRIiND FAMELI CATILUite re Puss are retalledbyDroggists generallY,stnd sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. SANFORD, I. D Manufacturer.ancl Proprietar y je2o-d&yori] 845 Broladway, NewYork.' l oonilwos re ?t' A SUM Rana VNIC,D I URETIC, Efygpf, , V lO6 INVIGOIAt,CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersew and . ;Pennsylvania) Apothecaries, Dr.gglots, (ironer, and _ ' .Prlvate WolirepPnre Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pura Maderta t Shierry and Port Wine. wolves' Akin 4iimaica and St:Croix Rum, Wolfe's' Pare Scotch and "frisk Whisky. rrolmst , mtml _-- - - . I beg leave tO callthe attention of the,cilizenitof.ths., United States to the above Wyss and by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fami liar In every part or* this county for the purity .Of hi t celebr :tad 80811bAll SOSNAFP.i. Mr: Wolfe, in Wet letter to me, speaking. of the perity of bis Mame and LIQUOItS, says : wilTstake my. reputation as a mationy stand-- mg as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City of New York, that all , the 'BRANDT and Wls7B which I. bottle are pure as imported, and of the best qriality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a the simile of his signature on the certiSette. The publie are s eptette ily invited to Ball and examine for themsehres. 7 - For sale at Retail bY Apothecaries and GroCera Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASHTON, No. 832 Market lit . . SoldAgenefor Philadelphia. jte2d.tte following 'from the New York Courier ENORMOUS 13U5INIMIS FOR Oat NEW YORK are - happy . to infoH - 1 - ftrour,feLow •eltizens that mare is one place in our city where the Phlirchllivapothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality; We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and 22 Beaver street, and Not. 17, 19 and 21, Mar shield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand ewes; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases or Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Snatch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica. and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this e.ountry. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine tae., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for hotting. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one husdrt d and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in Lois than two years he may be equally _successful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who ulsh pure Whies and Liquors for medical use should send their ordPrs direct to Mr. Wolfe, until -every Apothecary in the land maga up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from than shelies, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wrens and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousaxids of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing bat imital Lions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sep6•das;6mi C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. HELMBOU CPS GENUINE PREPARATION Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections. 11BULD'S Genuine l'reparation for Nervous an. .1.1. Debilitated Sufferers. ELMMBOLD'S Genuine rreparation for Loss of Power, 11 Loss of Memory. ILT EILMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation* for Diffloulty of n Breathing, General Weakness, RELAIBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Neries, flerror of Death Treniblin;. H . LiPs Geuutoo Preparation for Night 'WC% Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision. ELMBOLu'S Genuine Preparation for Languor, I versa' resNitude of the Muscular System. UELIIBULD'd Genuine Preparation fn . Pallid °ma 11 nanee and Ernplions. ITU ASOLIYB Genuine Yregaration fo: PaLn In Wm 1.1 BaCc, Headache, Sick Stomach. a-See advertisement beadel _. ,EXLMBEILD'S EXTRACT &THU in another cottimn. . . . , . LED- B To select from alarge stock cf Furs, ~... - • GOTO CATHCARTV - - . .. . To see and buynice new,Fursi: -..:- _ ..._, ,; -% ' • ' • GO TO CATHCART'S. To get any kind of Fura you may Wish, • - - GO TO CATIICARTI:. To purchase Furs ithout any risk, ' • ' - •- - GO TO CATHCART'S. - - To have Fare guaranteed to be what they are repre sented, . , - GO TO CATHCART'S. To bad the :argest, beat and cheapeet . lot Of Furs of every kind, • - , ~ .• - ' , -. • CALL ON CATHCART & BR IT, ' N 0.14 Market Sonar% -• i yi 0 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. COT PAGE FURNItIIRE, in• Chamber Suits, containing Dressing Thirean, 13edatoads, Wash Stand, Table; Four Chairs, and a Rocking Chair, front $23 to 140 a sat, Bureaus and Bedsteads from $4,50 to $lO St, and other articles at equally low flgtares, at the Ware fkiaras of ." JAMES R. BOYD k SON, nolB4 - ltscmat sgacasslekeet. CNE SEAT CEA. ';—Thenlargestali. .beat variety, fifty, different stylet and vaterNitrab. $G to $l.B a set. Aloe, Tucker's• Spring BA 'BrOto r tbef: I ?"tin * l • s ° -- wartat JaldEß B. la BOYD BON'S. • '29 Sonthleemcl Street, nest to BOWS ROM noweaut ittdgment guide you In fh BATOR, and it will cure AITACKs, DilinThrAAlßoal, slams, Dressisay, Inter nal. COMMIS% 1110110, INFAlffin4 "FL ATUVItNgIi, AZESSEI, and may be used CT FAXILT XIIDIGLZOL Il (as thousands can testily) oR TER= Thrapoossin,BA attack. Imo. their teallmony in its no PILL is a gentle bn proprietor hag used in Ids years. Ing demand frOm thane who and the satisfaction which their me, has induced me roach of all. that different Cathartic= act bowels. TIC PILL has, with deters. liehed fact, been compoun• purest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary ca- in all cases where a ca- Derangements of Stomach, Back and Loins, Costume= body,Besammess, Headache kgssastatrffy Dia sits Rhess.-- Amatory Diseases, a .niteunagas, great many diseases to trtdch Ito mention In this *lvor.