TELEG RAPE IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 01..DAN4 rrElo, BY GEORGE BERGNER . * CO• r E F, , ,is —Slaws slltseturnow. The Daily TBL:liPte.'ll to dill/601'1110ra In the reat..4 ver weep Yearly subeeribera ea ch.,rgra AYD Srmr-IVarkty TitXGRA eh. The latote....‘eH la al h put.lkhe , t Valve a week during .ho 3,4 , 1911 OI the Legislatare, weekly during the re . , the yetir,lo'..ltirOl-Z-1 to I,lll:suri vets at the ;;It• t'oh - CritleTS per year . S 2.(0 al, 12.10 a. s 15.60 t. 4.1. it tii:WrO'Al.loo. omer at their news -00 puhllshin. ..and them uttli urrearageS lire putt. tlitisertUers uegleet or Tette.. W latco their cewspa• •ers tr.,ria the to which they two 'tweeted, the) are t.tgroustble until they tattle:: Lb. br,. and wderea elan disoontinoed itlebital RELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HALMBULD'S HELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S H ELItIBOLD'S HELM BOLDS HELM BOLD'S HELM SOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELM BOLD'S Extract Buchu, Extract Bacilli, Extract Buchu, Extract Suoi, Eatrdct Bach; Extract &labia, Extract Socha, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buthu, Exract 13taltu, r, ct. Extract Bata i FOR SECRET ar DELICATE DISORDERS. .FOR SECRET ¢ b.ELRIATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET ar DELE.I7II DISORDERS. .tOlt sEcRET * DELICATE DISORDERS. lOR SECRET 4 , .DELICATE Di6ORDERS. lon SET * DELICATE DISORDER& "oft SE C U RE RE7' DELIca .141.01tbER,S. A Positive and Spec fie Remedy A Positive and Spa•ci tie Remedy A Positive and Specitio Remedy A Positive and Speettic Remedy A Positive and Sp, eitie Rernedyi A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Spetifio Remedy re. MIMS (- TAR ' RIADDIPi, GRAVEL, X lONIIYR, DROPSY, DLAI , DRR, GEAV, Kw:ism DROP.S.T, BLADDER, ('R4 )'ZL. ItlDß.sys, Dnopsy, 41LADVICIL ORA V,SL, KIDAtIY.4, DROPSY, LAPPER, OICAVEL, KIVA' ZYS, DROPay, La DDE4, ORA, BL, YID A RY. , , DROPSY, .414.DDEq, GRA V at, AID PR L ,pur, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC W EAKN ESS, ORGANIC WRAKNESS, OROANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • a t el JAsepid4 of :atm.! Orfaln, 4" . AMMO" Serial thgunS t 4.a1t2724.514. es of &Mica Organs, A 4 cos D,..;:ist , or S' asst Organs, Ana all Grgans, And all Datum. ro `fauca t'r4ang, ealelra 111: q * Excesses, Exposures, and I tu pfudencies in Life, Exc, ease, Expvsurt s, and Iroprutt!'welea in Wet ENCt tires, Exposures, and Irupruden;lieS In Life, Excesses, Ex"posures, and Imprudeucie:' , in Wet Ext, saes, Exposures, and Irnprndeneles i Lifer Excerses, Exposures, and Imprudsncles In 1 4 f:° , From whatever cause originatieg, and whether tt.N* httia; to MALE OR FEDIALIC Female., Oki) no more Pills 1 They are of no avati for Cttut.lalnts inciueot ta the 1302. tile Extract Machu. Belmbold , A Xxtraot Buohu is a Iledicice which Is hotly ploakauc la as Taste and Odor, Bat immediate In iu anion, giving Health and Vigor to ale Mame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restorlog the patiLta to.. i errata Mute of II AL7II AND PURITY. tie tobold's [Ursa Stuohu Is pr par 4 according to Pharmacy nod CbennAry, mud Is pro'orlbad and used by Iho Most Eminent Phyilelano. ' Poky no longer. I recur. remoely at OW. per bog* or SIX for U. 10, South South btr,st, IScware of VieprineSpit(' Dealers. Trying to palm off thek uWD or Inbar artioled of )1101111 on Ilia toput,tton Warned by Hctmbuld4 hr.:tract. MOM, Th. Orlghud and ouly Genun.e. We uture to run on the Mertz of our Arthelet Iletr's Is wortbless—t; sold at mob leas rates and efanudladabs, cuaseqnentry paying a mush better pot". We Day Cellar:Mt t As% for Extraot Buchn. e no ewer. teed by L. W. Gross . & Co. and all 4ruggiots every. pare. vil dawilm JOHN B. SMITH'S . 1 00 T & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., agirilirtmtg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of di, 20 as, :Ltu‘s,,,Armis, o tLe v. ry boat f emnded, auu cht dr a. , wear h 11% 10 ault tau time.. all e.nue of I* ukiK .%111./X LO Caved 'Liam teal a yle by bupertor workmen str.titl:ko dune at runrt mum°. JOHN 13 sum, narriebura. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSEIt, wUU LI) respectfully iuforto his old petrune awl the public generally, that ho atlA ataathue to give instructions on the PLAN) FukTE, "iduluoulsi, GNI also Iu thu Balance of Tiltamtah Rabs tie will teal pleaeuro welt upon pups at thou num at nil hour &sired, or lemons will be given to reenionve, to T. Ird etreet s a few door*. below the ' Motu need church. oeulti•dtl AL 1 / 6 1 IN L L. UHAYIV L. CAB PIO TER AND BUILDER. Jetaidence A.. 27 Aorth &gond .Ntreet. B—Juti.“/240 ATIEANDEL TO. W W. 11A YS, .A.TTOBNLY-11.T--LAW. Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Rarrisburg, Pa. •i4p Newt R. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST, FILES his services to the citizens of Harrwuurs and Its vicinity. He solicits a share of The public pafronsge, and glue assurance that Ms best endeavors .lattli be stroll tu render satediudion in W pro. le..siuti. Be mg an (Id. well trl..d dentist, be feels sale in nvittug the publiu generally to tall on bun, assuring Lew to,tt they %la not be dissatisfied wilh hi. Gersten' Vriu, /4 Market street. In the house tormerly, co uyleu by Jimub it. kby, near the Witted states Hotel, iniburg ra, IER 41 1 HEN It,Y YEEFER, writher, (WIFE I 'S LOW,) NEAIt bIAtiKEL Residence, Chestnut iStreet near Fourth. airy or HARRISBURG PENN'a.. yl2 dtr • GEORGE FIbELER, ATTORNEY A r LAW. PER'S his professional services to all Njr Person, baying boluses to be transacted le the to verat CA..urta of Dauphin county, the Land Impartment of this Cale, or before the Board of Property. Baying bowl aceeciaied In the practice of the Law, with We lath er, .14011.4 a. kir.lllX., be promises diligent and earelul at !taboo to all profeatiotail beanies entreated to t 01211 curuor of teLouit and Locust streets, (opposite to lot lan e .ar bane. , a se- CAI'ITAL AILERON, COLDER, EBY- & COBNER SECOND AND WALND2 , B.RIB BURG , PENN. A PREBEI STOCK rlasl/le Beans, Beakers! Beekeit,) ibledie knd Suppe, at MILO' DRUG r age Xl B Market titres', below Fifth, Barrlebarg, S * comb,' - - ritrov barn. 0111 , : VOL. XIII: (float ! 'goat ! I (goal II I COAL ! COAL!! COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COALS Full, Weight and Nothing Short of It! rrIIANKFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND 11 DlloTt , hlEPS lor their liberal pat/ohne, I would new miens Weis end the public ge. that 1 am tally prepared, en abort hodee to supply tiem wth ail I.llid. or SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. OrblIEE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT, AS LOW A FIGURE AS -- -FAIR DEALING WILL AFFOhD. Ant:ant my Coal Li out weighed to our wsiosteftiltuurra SOrs ts Ws enab the swami ACCITHATIPT worms BY nue SWAM OR WhIGBIS AND YILL:1110.13, end cotaunbers may rest atsured that they Witt Da rad ly and d• al whb I sell nutblng hut the very best &tilde, utiLso mixing. Al.BO HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD, rilwiyir be baud. tiEO. P. wiesmtNo. septa•dBm . NOT LIIE FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT ARRIVES) IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LYKEN S VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2.50 per ton. NUT " $2.00 Also constantly on hand, /SKEWS VALLEY BROKEN, a 0 EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILREBBABEIt BRuItEN, No. 3 and 4, NUT. Blacksmith CosU• Allegheny And Broat Top. Also, Hickory, Oak and Plne Wood. E. BYERS. pl 4 No. 102 Chestnut street. NEW DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE i Wl►i. W. ARMSTRONG, Prac tical 1 ruggist and Chemist., would inform the citizens of Harrisburg, that he blur leased the store room recently ova pled by Dr. Kimtall, and is now:prepared to furnish those who fell dispotod to patronise him. with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Alediclues, eta has can be relied upon, having had several years expert. nee in the Drug and Prescription businee, he mo•t respectfully solicits a share of Physician.' Prikerlottort bush) as. He has also a large and varied assurtecept. of Perfumery, riallouery,, Sm. Also. all of the most pollitilar Patent Ma. dittoes of the day ; also, Tobacco, Began, Fried. arc , of the lost brandstalso, Alcohol, Turp Mine, Burning Fluid, C0..1 tko._ lu fast evelythlng usually kept in a well ocked d. ug store. n , vl2 dim LENERA,L ORDERS-,-No. 3. ntAD.QuArrsits Ara rrv. P. V., I Harrhbarg, Nov. oth, 1960. I. The Vollintedril of the Filth Dorision P. V., will pa. rade at Ilarrlabure,. ott TIMMY, January 15,1861, at 10 o'clock A. M., to luau Tamara Governor Andrew G. Curtin. 11. Volunteers in goo State and out of It ara.cordial. fy . invited to prtoci, ate. Begim,uts, Battalinva and Cortipanles repirt to kirllzadier General K. G. ,, ad Brigade sth DIY. P. V., at Harriabur4. By c0C 400441 , Major General IC I "OA 6th Div. r. V. :AIRS FRTELATO, Alda.detaltrin.. nove GENERAL ORDERS---No. BIUD QUART ES 8n . 411104 . 1,1 1 . 6th Div. r. V Nov. 6th, i YO. I. Agreeable to the orderi of Major General Reim, 6th .111"11don V„.ibe ad hirbeade OthDivhdou P. V. pa rade at Rarrtabura en iumuttr t Jauuary lfab.lll6l, at 10 ock A. M., to prrticivate ibe inauguration of Akoi'er nor Andrew O. Cu Um 11. Oul. Baker. of the Ist Regiment will report to Mal. John W. Brown, at Harrisburg, on or before the lit of Jauuary, 1861. la. Capt. Wier, of the Cameron Guard will report at Bead Qoartera cn or before tie loth el Mummy, 1861 fur further orders. By order of M. G. WILLIAMS, Brigadier General 8d Brigade lilLivlaion P. V. Jixt,Pg F. 111Mw.,-Ald•de-Camp. nov6 VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood' N. N. COB. FIFTH it CHEsTNIJT Pluladeiphia. VXECIITE all kiudb ot Wood Engraving elth Doeuta,4,trreCii.esit Orign , m , uis,,ilult furl:W.llmq ler nue Book. Illusttotems. Peratria wlowns owe, by oonut g a Phutosr.pb IN ihigU•TreOIYPI/. can hove vlowo (4 Col %so thutoktn, Bwre Fronts, lltooblnes :loves, Patents, so ., engraved as w.ll on ler. Mal awl lautiou. Foamy Euv. topes, Labels., MU liesdingr,Shem Val. mg, Ufilitilia and other Card-, eusravtd in th.. highest style ol art, and at t-e lowest prices. For ..peonnens ot line engraving:: see the Illdstratee Wurka ot J. o. Lip k ittlett &Le. 11.. nue.r ate. 0426 J.yd WM. X. STEAL., O.S.RPENTER AND JuBBEB, OURIiEk Albin. AND PRON.I WILE= OBBINCT. el ail triads done al aihalt • mugs. tr. good style. awl an revoodob 10 teem. All Work Promised in One Week I Clo -1 PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISBXIINT, 104 Market Street between 4th and St HARRIEII3I7.,RO, PA., WHERE every deaeription of Ladle Rae Gentler m) Gal wets, Piece Geed:l,ft , ar • Dyed, Cleaneed mug hutshtd is the beat meaner end at the shone t =him. DOLOF. & CO., rot& nasrly Preprietorr. NEW . M OUR NINO GOODS I CATHCART dr, BROTHER, Have DOW open a large assortment et MOURNING and SZOOND HOURNIIta DEW GOODS, B.EtA WLS, - SILKS. COLLARS' • SLEEIiES___ HANDLEECHIETS, VEILS, and AB ether garide.ditairable for Fall and Winter wear. No.l4.Mark et Square, ask Newt to the Harrisburg Bank. FAMILY BIBLES. A THORWIGHLY complete stook of all 4 - 1 - 81M, stYles, for sale at B E4I/NEM ellfrAP • • ' 4: • • W ELTE . Z . BALANMY i VOR PRESERVING ft very superior 1117- je We int band sailor sale k os f •sr ; wx 6bott .in. a cm krtki 4. RU tol A R CURED II .A. MI For sale-by • oat WM, DOOR Mi. & Co "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN. NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1860. Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o. Prof riotors of Shawsuct Chemical Wce*t. No. 33 INDIA ffrßhlll', Boston. CI:MOEN TRATE!) LEAVEN is the re ach, of careful chemical research. Mt its ingredi o to are prepared in the highest atiite of purity, and cora -1 Minded With a view to produce bread of a far bettei quality, and in much lest, time, than by any 'fiber pro. one* ; and by the inanuracturersanbmit it, with entire 1:1•111.113131:e, to the. judgment or d..odrolo.tiog hone. - eOpotn, bakers, ho. - Bleeat.of all kin a trade by, using Conoenbatted tat4eeit is lighter, nio , e olsealoble audnaltritious; has as ble,hatural tale; la le,s iloble to tour ; will retain lie moisture hinter than by any other prooeea, and the wuole preparation for the oxen need Eta exceed to miLutes. It Is valuable because it is not perishable, and May be !Indere,' aval.ible lu places and at, times when ye,,et is nut within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under uli ircumgancet, it may be adopted, 'bus obviating all ”illiculty or procuring yaw or other forme t, which Is frequently of an inferior quality, ret during the bread more or less unwholesome. It Is also valuable as regards economy, ea It has beta aecertained that a &Alllg Is effemsci in the flour or oat I•s3 than 16 percent. In the common process much of the saech +rine of the flour is tat by bi leg causerie& into carbo. Is acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is In• curred Chicly `for the parpoa e of rector/Wog gas to raise the dough: By using Concentrated Leaven this waite is avoided, and tee gas obtained in a manner equally etfi cameos. leermentaCon. RB has been stated, fiestroya part of the flour or meal pad, to consequence, a barrel of 15.ur weighing 196 Ihs , which, by the con man method, uroinasity makes about 250 As of bread. gives by this process 200 lba , thus effecting the very importatt saving: of leper cent in the quantity of flour. By conformity to the directions on rash package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re: sun will Invariably be high)) , sansf.etary. CERTIFICATE PROM DR. HATES, ayer to the eat of Mastachussffs. h a ve analysed we Concentr. ted Leaven, mimetic, tared by . Meta a. Etlw thamberlin & Co., with reference to its purity fir/ efficiency of action in producing the ef fect of yeast in ditteadin4 dough. and therebrrendering it fit for 'balking bread. This article is skillfully com• Founded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough Annul. containing the sugar or any other orient pie in tbe pott.ctly; and the same weight el flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained thvougb yeast; white for cakev and pastry it is luvalualite, as it saves all risk, and much limo of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proven this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. , •itcspectlnl ly, 'IA. A. Et aYhS, M. D., State :Vsayer, ~ 1 6 Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1850." DIRECTIONS. Intsmatinr Ann TEA Rou.s.—Two or three teaspoonsfol of Leaw.n. (according to the quality of the dour,) to One quart el flaur; mix thoroughly by peaking two or three times through a sieve ;irub in a piece of butter; half the size of an egg, and make the paste with troldinilk or water, (milk is preferable) barely Eliff enoughti? pain* rolling out. Much itnefteing should be &Voided. Cut it.- to d. sired form, and place immediately in a hat oven and bake quickly. LOAF Barrn.—aTbe same proportions of Leaman and dour silted together as above; omit the butter, aild make the paste stiff enough to knead into a kV, and bake W. meduttely in a slow oven. GR►a.Y GRRAM —Three teaspoinsful of Leaves quart, of wheat meal; whets together; anti on. gilt - er zoo- Losses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake in a slow ore°. BROWN BeRAD —Three teaspoonsful of Leaven to one plut ut flour, and one pint dram mall, all well sifted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molanees; mike .he pane thin with milk, and bake slowly. buckwurav CAM:S.—Dour and milk entilrient to make one qua. t of batter ;a Id ens egg, then three tiaspoonefut of Leaven; vest to a froth, and cook quick. Dumb die.-,4.1h together one quart of flour and two tea. speoualul of Leaveu•, rub in a piece of butter half as large as an egg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boll ten minutes. CNAMliall STREET Cass —*lit together two large caps of fluor and two teaepoonsful of Leaven; put tu half a cup of bunter and a cup and a half or sugar; mix with cold mak or water to a stiff batter, add spiceto suit the taste, and bake immediately. Was %an drosou CASE-Taro cups of white sugar beaten wi b t .0 yubre of six eggs—the whites of six esgs beaten to a froth; then b. at al. tugeilter ; add three cups of sated floor, one ocp of water, and three leaspocinsful ,11 Leaven; fitver who awn t taspa.msfut of essence of is mon. and cake to a .luick even Joint*. —Sift together one qutrt of flour and three tea- of Learcu ; rub in cam tesacui full °Mutter, add a eV and a ballot white sugar, and spice to suit thu tate; al s surf !sough to roll oto, and bake quick. Eisen s cene.—One quarter flour and hir tesiapoons mai ot hzaven $ lied t tiler ; odd a cop of butter, one pound i.f curt ants, two cops of white auger ' and Oa, Sea_ doo. , roul. 01 nutonou ; aux wilt cull tu a era bari - , ter. cud hake iu a slow oven CONS CASs.—JI.O Out each of hour and Indian twat and three tinspootsful of Lenten, well silted ge•hers add one gill ui molasses and two eggs; *ix thin witil wilt. and uasofu #l, clew oven. trr Can.—Fire cups of flour and three teaspoooldni or Leaven. onto(' together; and one cup of out at, two 4, suaar, and two eggs, all well brat together ; then add ; % cup ut eurrai.ts, arid spice to suit the hate. bake abotti . , laden hour. LAD.tus' taws —Three quarters of a pound of flour lour teaspooLs ul of leaven sifted togeth ; ch.e vote sugar an s•x insures of batter beaten to a Massa ; Valdsa ut &gilt eggs well beaten, and the juice Oros Won; dais with WOK. WaesTae (AEA —Five cup; of flour, three teaspoon of i etv en, tut ee cups of sugar, one of lama, on and two eggs , f.uit and spios to the tate. Eg. auout hail au hour. _ Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Doran Giof. Fur solo by tiroders and pruggistageueraty. 45 WIIJ-Lsa. u CLAGICx. & umk, Wholesale Agentsa* , No. 69 North Front Street, Phl/atlelOtt n ovl3-dBm HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED ! /FRE UNDERSIGNED having lettfed 1. this well known and populsr hotel, iu the *of e ir i Harrisburg, is now ittliii. g and furnishing ill me with ....ISIV FURNITURE in the very best modern a yle. it is located in Sue most ceutr fl part of the city, whlun a then distance bi: the d pow of P.ur t therm railroad and also near the State Cu pitol buildings. The !mute is large and the ileeplug aaulments are well ventilated. The T.5131..5.: is well provided with all seasonable arti cles Tola city Li well known tbrouglueit the State an saving we best rup.rhet outsider)/ the Atlantis cilia., ant' eolneuueuuy no remit/ends dell ho.ruede on that moor" , The BAB has also uuuergone,Olisliges and will be OS k *oohed with We beet slid pikri34 Liotuire Ai the Coulliff Aso exertion wall pe sp o t s to to mace the triveler and so , 'IMMO( COMAPTIAT4 "LA:yell , respect. SCOidcilairce O A. *I p Ltrousgu 01 the 0141evestement, together with new adds. was is respectfully sull-itsd. J. H. 1)ENFOlt8 & CO.' Bart teburg, August ..-:. Cl LIVERY STABLES 4 BLAcirazeßar ALLEY, 111 7 MB ERAS MEE'S HOTEL. TRE und \ereigned has re commenced /wary bu, Om, m bit NEW and SPACIOUS BLEB, located b above e t with a large and vaned at, .`4. HORSES, Cali USES end 'ORINIBIAIX, which be - ,I hire at moderate caw& F. n.. SWAB se „ B. L. GODBOLD . PRACTICAL, Tuner and Repairer natios. Meted eeno, .to., he., will nedve ord tater. at W ALCM; 4-11.. C'S Mole store, Pi lilarketetnee AS orders left at the abu ye named piney, or at the Buehler Rum, will meet w lib prompt attention. First class FUN( CS for auto aepli•dly NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE A-MEMO LOTS bU BALE: ANUDIREP LARGE ELZEDBUIPT DIG uma Nang. the Beard Hants 0 1 411 beeps of the 'Pe one. hennaed Cietipeny, Sew and on remit iblitternis.fteppky nan2o O_ll,JO 11N B. NW& Miscellaneous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, MIMEO MANDYALOTIINID BI EDW. CHAMI3ERLIN it CO., ~;1 DR JOHNSON,mikx..Tx3wc)3m3ll LOCK HOSPITAL. LIF m - djaiiov or et d the moat certain, speedy arid difeithal remedy in the iworld for DEMO OF IMPRITDIME is an re !WILTS SOWLE4 No Mercury or /Masons Drugs. Er A Cards Wananso Qs No Chagas, IN rhos tree to • Two Don itd Wessman of the Back .or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In !he thine, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic iFssitness, Nervous Dobility, Decay of the Phyansa I Pow ers, Dyspepsia Languor lii iin y i pirits,Ceofindon of Melts estimation of the llimrt, , Trettldblies, /*mon 01 tight or tal-allifick, 4 0 - atornaoh /Mations of the..nead, Thisat, Noss or. Ma—those terrible disorders , trades from tie indiacrethm or Solitary Habits of Youth— thole dreadful anddadracitoe practices which prodtme esitatimanalbody and debility,- idnder marriage impossible, and diettsty bath = • thtor T°P O E- men ZeckA 11910 ..t have become the, letims el solitenririce, . t' Mgt 'destructive habit which annuliy sweeps Leah nitr grave thousands of young men of Menton exalted 0. • vi d brilliant intellect, who. miglitogonsten,betve entgaismit listening Senates with the 'Blonder , pretence, or mated to eastacy thelivbig lyre, mithell wit hl coldidence. - *MM. ' Orithaiscontionplating marriage, bent: Mears O D phi , "tumid Immediately commit Of. 1.,0a IA be. ; teiedl:o,Perfeet health. • • OBBLNIO 4 WEABNIBS. larstoiligadytamted andfun Vigor Baterut Be ,ho MeOUltbaself ander the care of Dr. r. may. , gleusloontiiiieCt honor u a methane; and Wok dslitly r ~ithile Orin ail a physiMe. .. sr. wee. th Frederick 'Mk:Si-Baltimore, .'d., on the lailkhandadde Wag frost Italtintare street, 7r .•...nt .frotitaiuscoupre; lie particular in observing the na. - e and bar a will mistake the photo. Be puticular, • tor' . ail Quacks, with Base name". or ,Paliri fffirefituP dkr "Muted by the reputattob of Dr. lahaston, gut near. , .. All letting watt contain • Postage Stamp, to us Mt the - L' ' 'DR. JOHNSTON =Ds. ionantew member orthe RoyalVollege ot 'surgeon .14011Wma latindtuatefione one ibe Moe t eminent Colleges°, the O.States, and the greater part of whose life Lae been gelatin ttie Hftpitals of-Melina, Parls,Thlladelphla ano elsewhere, hueffected nonitiOf the most settualshing cures that were evertrnown; Many troubled with flagon; in the mre and how¢ when asleep,. great "neryommesa, being deemed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blutthien, attended Sometime!! With derangemeht of" Wed were onredimatedlately='• • - TAKE PARTICULAR, NOTICE' . Dr. J. addresses all those who having ionwedthem selves tarprivate' and improper. that seers and aohtary habit will& wins both' body and mind, no ftwngthem tbr either Outdoes; orsoelety. Tame ere some of , thesad enitatelanatioly effects pre dated by early, habits of youth . via Wadrnese of the giackatid Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Leer. of ideate's? Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep btu, Notions Irritability, Dersomonient of the Digestive Peattipi. •Honoral Debility, Sytephopm of . Consump == ~ . . liantsiii, the tearful etteetston the mind are tench to be treaded.;-4.srsof, Memory, Coaflasien , of Ideas, Deere*. slotof WM*, WI Forebodinp, Manion to Society, Self .iStsaski,ove Thou et Solitbde, Timidity, Sic . , are soma of th e svit oeseuedlite t f personsefall ages, elm newjedge wbatlt Me eateseof their declining health; lasing their ehpir, be eo pale, nervous-ma enuielatelhave a elev. lota - Obit the eyes, eolith, at ayarpionia of 2 1 := so titian. ' . . ' ' , . Myv_e l injured 'themselves bf a certain preatice, la dulged-xou~ra fuss When atine—a habit. frequently learned from evil coMpardrins, or at' ached; the erects of which are (lightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oured, renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body ti [red apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his , parents, should be snatched Troll: ad prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of lamming irom the path of nature, andindulging in • certain secret habit. Such pers ons must, before content plating 'UNMADE. effemi that a sound mind and body are the moat aerie ear egoistics to promote connubial happiness. Indeed er out theme, thejourney through life becomes a weary rimage ; the prodpeot hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes Shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another *some' blighted with our own. ON. JOHNSTON'S INVIGOBAIHNO REMEDY FOB memo WEAKNESS By thus great and important remedy, Weakneds of the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor metered. 'Mounds of the most nervous and debilitated who odd leek 1.11 hope, iare been immediately relieved. Al bripedindiaite to orrtage, Physical or Menial Disorient' cause Nervous 'trembling, Weskit= or Ezbatuntion of the melt fearful kind,ipeedily cured, . TO STRANGERS The many &homiest& cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgical Uperations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re ponere of the .papers and many other persons, notices of which have appeared r.gain and again before the public, +amides his staridiaig at a 'peadlasart of 41146:weer and sae 'possibility, is a atifileient guarantee to the afflicted DINEILIE IMPRDDENCL—Whon the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure duds he has imbibed the seeds of 'this painful disease, it too often happens that as Ili-timed souse of shame or dread of discovery deters the from applying to those who, from , education and re spectability can shine befriend tom, delaying till the consilutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their eppearalcit, aflbcting . the heap, throat, non, skin, do., progressing on with frightful rapidity, tiff death puts a period t Jbls dreadful sufferings by sendin g him to "that bourne from whonoesto traveller returns . "it is a melon. oholy foot that thoustuidalall victims to this terrible dig note, owing to the . unsidifiduss of ignorant pretenders, silo, by the use of 'that deadlypoites, ruin the oontititutkm and make the residue of life miserable 10-111ePootor'BDIploauul hang Lu hisediee. .7. Letts= must contest a Stamp to tie on the reply. ass- Nemedies sent by Mail. ass- No. 7 South Frederick street, Daltimore apel3,lkw4,' S 1 1411 kit - • P I:.a T=Jll JJ :W,&. hIL ST HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Street, PIULMI2III.4 • gialifiallrer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of PORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BInTkR KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KKITLEB, WAITER...IMF DISHES, ICE PIICHEES, CAKE COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, GS, GOBLETd, he., With a general assortment, comprising none but the his quality; made of the bctt materials and heavily plated, am ettutung them& Serviceable and durable article Nov Iforms, Spqmsaaraen! Parra!' IrAkruza. Sir Old Ware reLphdea in the bast insainer. ten2lndawly BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HATilllSßUiter, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. CARD. The ab five well known and long established /Mel is pow undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of lir, Wane J. lietrox, - who has been en Inmate of the house for the last three years, end is well known to to Veld& Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joyed,.l cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton - td the public f Tor. [jog dewtfl WILLIAM 211EHLEkt. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE. POINTED GOLD PENS nF NEWTON'S (formerly- Bagley's) Mutate Ohm werraat.d to belle beetiin material, the shwas yammedo as cheap "any, market, ter sale, with a variety of Cold - and Silver Cant et various alas and itrices, at • aeacanaviiiclaw Boottsrolut, • • . • 51: liarketatreet• IVOIR — s Super land Cheip - Ta or .1: 2ad MU. lie HilifMag POW srAits Orli Goods, Scc. GREAT. ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE! MICH & COWPERTH WAIT CORN= FROM LAREBT ANNOUNCE to the ci izena of Harris burg at d the poidi generally, that 'hey have Just returned f.oto the eustern rides w to a large and well se lerted stock of Fella d Winter °node, wL.h.le they wilt bell It the ye y lowest rtices. DONIESIIC GOOD3of every kind. Bleached -nd Unbleached Huolitag, Mouthed itna 17nbleeetted Canton illatra . • RED 71: 4 1M1U OrgrEitY DESORPTION. A largo usetwirepnt..r.rolAb Uneill tor lleUtlng• zumeruneat %lob k•. 14=4 ;Ater ploglyktos. t-tiotres, . buc Ctb ha atoll I rims. ' Cheats fur Lsdies , cheeeraetaa, . Beaver Cloths for the Araelizeuz. ME AWORTMENT OF ISLA. . . A. largo assortment of Critstmer(s, esPeelongliapted to Boy's wear. assortntont of Ilorinobri and tro derobirto: - assortment of Carpets:lh* / > oti a yard to $1.09 per yard._ , ALSO LATEST • • SidINDgeDEI4.S. PLAID.VALENOIAS, VELVET POPLINS, "gIIiIPED AND PLAID • `MOH - PI A AND, FIOTIBED MZNINOB, • • • . RICH PLAIN AND FIGIIN4I • ALL . WOOL DELAINW . . . . • BL.A.CHALLES, .4•111 1 17 It OHM . A. largo assortment qt Ftroche and Maltitat.2bindt t ivith a lull stook of the lateatAconatlee. • Au assortment or.PLeM and Figured 3a LINENTOWALL Particular attention paid to Arst c1a545 1 400;7 at..4.gai - broideciree. Sta,aie; am; An 119-o tment or. Regent e wove trittillpring, stitipect• Won OiteMelen. - - • • An assortment of ihroucif di and Mewl • (RICH & COWPC.RTHWAIT, - Corner of Front and market Aprts, Barri/ibis:li Formerly' occupied . by J. i i :Bitnerr_ aa*ly BARGAINS:FOR THE -SEASON, J 0 NES': STOP Just; received find ,lzeceiving Provo P'ldl aielQ Pitt Neiv•fork, B¢Rtglati . sl4-Sfiks of aii WWI, Olt EraßGAlNSUatiowls, pe.all lauds, forfogsli• •• 13.4RdAtNatradabs :Ltd Tallow of,ipkirlig - do r torciudi 118R041t18 to Plaid , Drtak Goode, or ill ktilds i , for cask BARGAINS in over/. liariety of sawed cable ' 00 Pds,,for. al* , • - - 3 - RARWAINS labial:MA of ail kinds, t each. BdittiAl&S.l4 all) gtti of Flannolt, *di. BARG alltS-Ir'' tiCerlw.te 4, e of 411 Cloth*, cash— And BARGAINS )wall kinds of Britin:pi usually kept Is al2o stock ar , tor ' c at , &my eftatu.4r z e.,. Arumer a vy_Jarm.weitartleotett watt. ' Market, • PHI DENP*I4IIIO SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE! MoIPUPAOTOREBa OP SHIRT BOSOMS White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel UNDER AND OFF.RSHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers uud Guutlecuens' ForuizAbing Goode. BENNET 1 & RUCH, octl7-dBm 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clothing. FOR THE LADIES, A LARGE LOT OF FIRST o,uAran TOWIN'S KID GLOVES, Slightly damaged with water—Price 60 and 70 eta.— GREAT BARtiAINS. A One a-tortment (game Quality, per.oot—islael, Whitt and C.lured, at CATHCART'S, .240.14 atarket.4,quare. JUST FROM THE TX 2 t..ALDM SIAS. MEM IS gIIE SUBIECRIBER bee just received from 'the New l of k and Itila leiphia Trade dales L4ECE AND WELL SELECTED STOOK OP STANDARD WORKS IN EVE RY DEPARI MENT OF LITERATURE. ALSO, SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK-BOOKS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY tor ALL ICileDBl To which the attention of the Public, Committees of Libraries, Teachers, Country Meta:tuts eau purclumers geutrally, is Invited. As all hare been purchased far below the regular prices, they run t nd was be sold at but a !Ma II advance (In the Quit, inEnrin In pin chasee a *eying of 1.2 tcr Qb ter coat. on. Irene pricer, at . BERCINa'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, . octal . 5i market zweet, BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE carapEsr PLACE IN THE CITY TO on SCHOOL 110010 AND • SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising a,! the various READING SPELLING MOUES, .eLRITEIMETIOS ALOEBRAS, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIRS, DICTIONARIES, HIsTaRIES, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the SCHOOL BOOKS used in the various POW, and Private ;cheek; of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS. - LES TER, CA P and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATE,s, LEAD A ND SLA TB ' , maw, PENS AND MOLDERS, airs INKSTANDS, ROLFES and the most complete assortment of aCHuOL STATIONERY Constantly on hand aim for sale atll3E LOWEST PRIC.L or Ma mace m the city at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. ' 51 Market Street. derLiberal discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on band promptly furnished without extra charge. seo24 DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON. AND OCOULTST, RESIDENCE TRIED NEAR NORM STREET mar2l4.sw DENTISTRY.. riIICE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL ii suits sity, has relarued and resugosl Prenhee n SinEn :Streit Opposite tho gt,Brsay House," *here he will b• - pleased le atleridle 101 who may &er° Lis` gar= eepv GILDSA; D. O,ItANGE AND .IX4O . voRTY. BOXES in prime order - irdd., re. edvell and for sale by 100 E, CO. if tram Urizting Mrs. Having procured Stoma Power Presacd. we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINT:NO of every description. cheaper that It can bortooo at any other ea tabhshmentin the coe"" RATES • LL IStNO. Arirrour lines or a es °misquote one hairequere. Sig b Ere• or more (ban tour constitute a square. Hai Square one day SO t ; nue week t CIO one moral, three months el: mentha one year..... ...... One Nears one day ‘; ono week.... " one month... " three mouths a Six mouths. one ear... rarrluablena notices inrerted In the Lead coltanti. or' b.fore 'Marriages and Deaths, FIVE M'lS PLR I.thE for each inarrilon. NO. 75. gormarrhiges sad Deaths to be charged as restaar Rdv,.rthaerocote. The Horrors of the Papal Prison. The Florence Nazione presents us with the summary of a little work, entitled the `'Prisons of PaHomo." It is the record of the experience of several political prison ers, written in the Pontifical dungeons of Paliana. These tombs for the living are now, thanks to recent events, empty, One prisoner writes:: In the fort of Paliano there are about.two hundred political ptisoners„ elreseed : like the 'criminalit condertitgot With* galleys, and, like them, shaved. Thgrare divided into five sections. Tnose condeinned for life are shut up in celle, about nine spans wide andiabout siXteee long, including the little table,abriokwork. Otheroells about three ! sme-witier, contoirt three prisouersi and' otlNsiii§t, reteh larger, have seven.' teen althigilded tow:thee.. flu _the firsi ef these there is a small grating over and opposite the door, through which the tood is introdneedi• - The other cells have one win. dow,‘Ondznometina" es two, Witt-an opening of about. foArieraps_in breadth and one in height, and throub this_the prisoners aro fired ,npou ifit be, necessary to keep them quiet. The food and hospital arrangements were villiapons. -The patients are neglect ed and ill-txeated.. The medical attendants: will hardly ever send a patient to the hos pital, and when-they do send him they always keep him on strict diet. Perhaps,they s haVe - i secret understand ingyiltlithoire who contract for the food. One day, when some complaints were made on account of the lual,soup in the hospital, the person who mule the ecreplaiut was taken by two keeperikand by dintof blows and, kicks, wae,foreilbly:thrust along into the-darkest dungeotis, and there detained many diys by order of the governor.-- When some prisoner at the point of death reit:see to leCetie a confessor, he is re moved into a tidlifisrY cell, and there, after havingireaped s offhirn a thousand outrages, ex:denture given to, one of the lowest turn keys to kill himby suffocation. The fact is, kuoXvn.from the .confession of the turn hey himself, who , on: oreocoasion ' refused to bee Party to this barbarity . -Thwoorpse is biterred in the,intertorlof the fort, and the governor in'' . .PreSent at the', funeral.— Hothetintes 'he &re a ' kick!. t he head of the corpse , commits arid - Witt out agOir The followingisidiatestimoitydriaother victim' of Papal 1 4411 I " it warms Wu* den D I ; witheher hal obtaiued .01itfilliffffirstO flee- hear hn s Int It was te}: years since the Papal government had torn her husband from her embrace; the boy had never known his father, for he was born after the arrest. Neither the prayers of the afflicted wife, nor the tears of the tender child, nor the sobbiuge and despair of the unhappy father, could induce the governor to allow them but oue embroca— te let them mingle their tears together.— It would be impossible to describe the rigors and the tortures, always new and in creasing, which have been invented to aug ment the sufferings of the prisoners after the last fatal attempt at flight. In order to prevent the political prisoners from holding the slightest communication with tae outer world, recourse was even had to the very strange and absurd expedient 'forbidding the physician (although an iudividual com pletely subservient to the government) trout personally visiting the sick in prison. He was to treat them on the report of a creature who but a short time before had been in the galleys, and was transferred thence to perform the office of an hospital attendant. -This liberated galley-slave felt the pulse, made his diagnosis, drew his conclusions,' and the physician meanwhile waited in the room of the governor for the report of the attendant, and, according to the character of that report, prescribed remedies for the patients whom he had never seen. Rep: resentations on representations wet a necea sary.before the .Papargovernment could be abandon this singular mode of proceeding; and it was only. after some time that the physician. obtained permission to approach the bed of his patients; , but even then.only in the comi any of the turnkeys, who were placed as spies over his move rnenti,his words, and the very expression of pity which his countenance might betray. One of the patients, a certain of Bologna, begged to see the governor, to implore in the name of his companions, the permission to have the period lor exercise extended for halt an hour. The only reply he received was an order that he should be put in chains weighing eighty pounds, and thrown into the tower. The tower, situated in the centre of the citadel, is the most horrible of prisons—damp, isolated, with an , opening at the roof, - leaving tha prisoner exposed to all the inclemency of the weather. Be it summer or winter, the inmate of the tower has no bed save the bare ground —no covering save his own apparel—no food save bread and water. When I left the fort to be conveyed as an exile across the frontier, a poor prisoner had just died in consequence of illness caused by the repetition of this punishment, from which more than one prisoner had died whom the government, perhaps, wishedlo get out of the way. A certain P—, of ;Ascoli, on returning from the chapel to his own cell, happened, when he reached the courtyard of the fortress, to salute a condemned pHs• oner belonging to another section, who was looking through ,the grating. Fur that offence•the head jailor, after beating him, had the ueual:chams 'put on, and then sent him to the.toWer - . It was in March, on an gnattir;Bniid.atY. After three days of suffer ing. WWI lound:stretched out, .almost frozen; on.the ground. cThen he was re moxeddo,the .hospital; lind; !thinks , to a strong tonatittgfty after some'tithe he re.. covered. amongst the tolitiCalPris. mere, in consequence of the treatmentthey , . . 00 ...a 0 , , , 600 2 00 3 00 600 6 00 10 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers