IF .I"JELISIIED EVEDY DAY, !AC:I'7ED) GB OF. DRROVER & CO• ;Et/ —FtMgt.. FrgaGineriar2 l . run' is be/ :-/ ..ailiscriber.l in th, • er ;: sub/tern/era V:ILIS SkYiI.WEIKIUS - in.AP7I I,ql-0 i,ed twice a week during Ole I.e:4lslatare, u , :d weekly during the re /wlk/re/1 sublicrilaers at the ,•, . per year S 2.00 . ..... „ 12.10 .......... 15.00 VW. LAW (F NEWSPAPSICA. 1 .;:t;..V., I.IIC oliEcontiuuntice of their nevre ,.:l, rti,i.si:cr may coniinite to Hood them until ,;,..tr.tge, tit C neglect, or refuse to take their newspn ,.row fee qtll , ,T to which they are directed. they are e,,ffi they hay - '!shied the bale and ordered fisted ftciital HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S BEL MBOL D'S HELMBOLD'S It ELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S EELNIBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S BELitIBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S lIELM.BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu o Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Rachel, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, FOR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sc DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sp DELICATE DISORDERS. ;OR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SICRE DELICATE DISORDER& FOR SWEET t%. DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Spec, fie Remedy A Positive and Sped tic Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and t:-:pcific Remedy A Pcsitivc and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy Fo-, DI-EASES (P TIM ,VT,ADDEII, GRAVEL, RILIVETS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GHA Y PG, .11:1DA Ers, DROPSY, .FLALDEII, GRA FEL. K IDNEFS, DROPSY,. .SLADDEY , GICA EL, EIDA ErYi DROPSY, ,-,L,IDDER,, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY GRA r EL, EWA EY,S, DROPSY, (MA VEL, AVID EPS, 14.22uPsY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGAN IC WRAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And an Disemer of sexual Organs . , And all Diseases of Sexual thydns, 4,,d all Dissa,es of Saud Organs, ~Ind all Diseuees of Sexual Organs, Ana all Disaays of Sexa 11 Grgans, And cal Di.s.sann: of Sexual GrAns, ATITANU FROM Excesses, Exposures, and Iniprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Tenprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Icuprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Traprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and druprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and huprudencies in Life, From whatever eause origination, and whether ex iginn in DIAL OR FEMALE. Foliates, Oka no more Pills 1 They are of no avail for Corni.bliata ineakut to the sex. Use Ll'itranit Sambal. lielinbeliP3 Extract Buchu Is a Medicine whin)] is per fectlf p:co.suet. in ma 'Taste and Odor, - But iinteediale in its notion, giving Health and Vigor to toe ratios, loam to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the luttleat to a !effect state of HEALTH AND Purirry. lle raold's Extract Duohu is pw pared according to rbarnew.y e.d Chemistry, nod is prozoribcd and used U 7 The Blast Eniineiirrnymulanti- Delay no longer. Trocure tbc remedy at once Price $1 per bottle, or aix. for $5. Depot 101 South lentb sired, Pilladelphia. Boware of Unprinciplt el Dealers trying to palm off their own or other articles of BITOHU on the teputatiun attamea by kichnbuld's Extract Raclin, The Original and only Genuine. ecalre to run on the Merit of our Article I rlhelr's is worthless—ls sold at much less rates and .(.atedaeleue, cousequeatry paying u much better profit. We Defy Competition I EMMA Helmbold's Extract Buchu. Tdke no other. riolU by D. W. Gross _& Co. end nil druggists every where. ni.va-dawam 3OLtN B. 811.11.1 TH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. 4 !MAYS on hand a large assortment of bo.)ts, aoas, barrEat;, &c., of the very best fn lawe> gentlemen, and cbildrims' wear.— ea to suit the ticneA. All kinds of tt UHIC MADE E 0 ORMIL•'it lathe Lust style by e.uperior workmen Itat'AliilM4 done aLstiert Donee. octiO•iitf JLILtN B. slum, liarrisburg. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, v - d WILD respectfully inform his old' I patrons and the public generally, that he wilt coutiuuu to give matructions on the PIANO FORTE,IIIE- LoPEQN, VIOWN and also iu the science of THOROUGH Ho will w'th pleasure waft upon pupils at their 'wines at auy hour desired, or lossons will be given al his resit:cave, in TIANd street, a few doors below the Hermann heferined Church. decls-dtl AUGUSTINE L. CIIMINE. CARPENTER, AND BUILDER Re.ndence .IVo. 27 II orth Second &red. li—JOBBINCI ATIENDED TO. tickt W w. HAYS, AVE OBNLY-AT--L AMT. (Aloe Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. llr 4P dawt DR. T. J. MILES , BURG -EON DENTIST, riFFEII6 his services. to the citizens of Harrisuurx and its vicinity. Re solicits a share of the public patronage, and giVrs assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro w.ston. 130.14 all liid, Well tried dentist, he feels sale in ,vtti h g the WAIN; generally to cull on biro, assuring Loh that they will not be iliasidislied 'yob Lis services oak., No. 118 Market street, is the house formerly 00 espied by Jacob It. by, near the tinned States Ltotel, parrisburg, fa. ALDERMAN HENRY P.EFFER, OFFICE--THIED STREET, (611 ELL'S ROW, NEAR MAEKET. • - -Residence, Clsestnut 'Street near Fourth CITY OF HARRISBURG, FVSN'A. At 12 dtf GEORGE nsnEn,._. ATTORNEY Al' LAW: riFFERS Ilia professional services to all persona having hosinese to be transacted In the etoecral Courts of a:uphill county, the Land Department of this State, or before the Board of rroperty. .t acing been associated to the practice of the law, with hie-lath er, JUILV A.11:11ER, he promises diligent and Careful cttuon 20 an prolea.ionat hirenicat entrusted to t...em thee corner of terond and Locust streets, (oppoeile to. the kennayminta Rouse, Haerhkarg. ffPqa• STATE CAPITAL BANK. AIVERON, 00LbEll, -EBY Fi- CO. CORNER SECOND AND WALNM 8Z2., V._ AR RIS BURG PENN. A PR.Bsrat stobic Fans Of Vanilla Beans, Heekera' Atrium; Yarfutuery. and y Boa at 108,Daud.,stons, znyB Market street, below Fiftb, Harrisburg, itto- - 1 / tizivL/ , egissai , ® VI C •„=.7 - • ________. - . I : rz.t _ . • 5;: C; • '11. " . _ ;103-Amize3:o V OL. XIII: (seat (Ural ! ! Ilea! !! ! COAL ! COAL! [ COAL! I ! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL; Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! ITIBANKFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND X CUSTOMERS for their liberal patronage, I would now - it:term them and the public geuerally, that I am fully prepared, on short Lidice' to supply teem with all kinds of - SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. 'FREE FROM. SLATE, AND CARKFULLY SC'REENED AT As LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFOItD. Although my coal is nut weighed in SELF•WEICRING CARTS BUT IS Wit GORD ON FCAIAS ACCURATELY TERME EY TEE SEALER OF witness AND mnattnia, and . consumers may rest assured that they wilt be fairly and hobesily dealt with I sell nothing but the very best article, and . no ALSO HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD, always an hand. GEO. P. WIESTLING, sept3.d3m • NOT '1:11.E FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT' ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, Lynx S VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,60 per ton. " NUT " 432.00 " Also constantly on LYREN'S VALLEY BROKEN, If " EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILREBBARREBROKEN, No. 'and 4, NUT, - Blackeritit.W. Coal:-' Allegheny and Broad Top. Also, hickory, Oak and Pine Wood.E. BYER4. pl 4 No. 1 . 02 Chestnut street. NEW.DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE ! Wll. W. ARSTItONG, Prac- AI tical ruggist and Chemist, would inform the citizens of Harrisburg, that he has leased the store room recently occ ,pied by Dr. Kimbell, and is now prepared to furnish those who fell dispotod to patronise him, with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, such as can be relied upon, having bad several years carped:nee in the Drug and Prescription.business,..he mint respectfully solicits a share of Physician.' Prescription busts se. He has also a large and varied assortment of Perfumery, tiatiouery, &c. Also, all of the most popular Patent Me dicines of the day ; also, Tobacco, Begars, Snuff, be , of the best brands; also, Alcohol, Turpentine; Burning Fluid, Coal lil, ke. In fact everything usually kept in a well stocked ug store. novl2- dlm GENERAL ORDERS---No. 3. HEAD QrArras srkt TIT. P. V., klarri. , burg, Nov. sth, 1860. I. The Volunteers of the Filth D. vision P.N . ., will pa rade at Harriaburg, on TtrESDAY, January 15, 1861, at 10 o'clock A. El., to inaugurate Governor Andrew G. Curtin. 11. All Volunteers tli the 6tate and out of itare_cordial ly invited to parteicate. Regimads, Battalions and Companies will report Brigadier.. Gannral.R. 0.-W411.4m¢ . fid.Bliff.a."ooh - PLT , P. 'V., al'Harrisburg. -try:cora - Mk ai of • Major General. WILLIAM 11. REIM, • 6th Div. r. V. JAMES FRIRLAND, Aide-de.Carrip. novt3 GENERAL ORDERS---No. 4. BRAD QUART/RS 3D BRIGADE } sth Div. P. V., Vov. 6th, 1860. I. Agreeable to the orders of Major General Kolm, sth Di'islon? V., the 3d Brigade 13th Division P. V. will pa rade at Harrisburg on TUESDAY, January 15th,1861, at 10 o'cook A. H., to prrticipate to the inauguration of Gover nor Andrew G. Cn:tin. IL Col. Baker, of the lot Regiment will report to Maj. John IV. Brown, at liarrisburg, on or before the Ist of January, 1861. 111. Capt. Epter s of the Cameron Guard will report at Head Quarters cn or, before the luth of January, 1881 for further orders. Ey order of E. C. WILLIAMS, Brigadier General 36 Brigade fish Division Y. V. JOSEPH F. %Pm, Aid-de-Camp. nov6 RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. SALE . MVO. Pera 11 1 1.1 07 . I I VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the City of Harrisburg. 'THAT well-known and valuable hotel property known as the ( , SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE," 120 w in the occupancy or WM. Mocherman, situate on the east eud or blaritet street, and immediately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Delia, a ill be offered at PRIVATE SaLE until the 4th of December next, and , t not cold be• forb that time, will be put up at public auct.ou on that day. This is the most desirable property in the city of Dar risburg for hotel business. Its proximity to the Penn. sylvania Railroad Depot, and the Depot of all the rail roads centering at Ilarnaburg,makes it more convenient and =visible to the traveling public than any other Ilcitel in the city. Further iniormation in regard to this property and as to the terms of sale, may be had by applying to •li. KILLER, Attorney-at-Law, North ear. Market Equare, (Wyeth's Building,) second o ry rr Jo. t. OCtl-dkW . - NEW M 0 OKNIN . G GOCDSI OATH CART & BROTHER, Have now upon a large assortment of MOURNING and FECUND HOURIVING DRESS GOODS, SLIA.WLS, SILKS, COLLARS, SLEEVES, • lIAIV.D.ICERCRIEFS ) VEILS, and 'Art -ether , goads desirable cor Full and Winter wear. N 0.14 Market equare, sa2 Next to the Harrisburg Batik. FAMILY BIBLES. THOROLGElJX_couiplets stock of all XiZe3; styles„ for sale at BF:RG.I'4EII'9 CHEAP BOOKS:0 vit.ukfrg — ,I3IOIIDY OR PRF. very superior az: 7 _we on Mad 'and for ealeit.OW,tby W. 14. POCZ JR, & CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." lIARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1860. FOR MARINO Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &c. Proprietors of . ..s7tatomut Chemical Worts. • No. 33 INDIA ME', Boston. CONCENTRATED Lea is the re salt of 'careful chemical research. All its Ingrecti. 0. ts arc prepared in the highest state ofpurity, and com tounded with a view to produce bread of a far better quality, and in much less time, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire confluence, to the judgment of discriminating house keepers,bakers, &c. Bread of all kin -s made by using Concentrated Leaven is lijiter, more digestible and nuitritious; has an agrees: ble, natural taste t is less liable to sour ; will retain its moisture longer than by any other process, and the whole preparation fur the oven need not exceed ten minutes. It is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be rendered avalable in places and at times when yeast is not within reach, se at sea In all climates and under all rircumttanees, it may be adopted, thus obviating all (aktiity or precuriog yeast or other forme t, which Is frequently of an inferior quality, ret dering the bread more or less unwbolesome. It is also vuluattle as regards economy, as it has been ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not less than 16 per cent. 1n the common process ranch of the sanatoria° of the flour is Int by being converted into carbmie acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gat' obtained in a manner equally effi cacious. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal, ~ud, in consequence, a barrel of flour weighing 196 lbs , which, by the con moo method, ordinarily makes about `250 IDs of bread, gives by this process 2uo lbs , time effecting the very important saving MTh per cent in the quantity of flour. By conformity to the directions on each package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, anti the re sult will Invariably be highly satisfactory. CERTIFICATE FROM . DR. HATES, As,ayei to the Stale of ihrassachusetts. "I have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, manufao. tured by Beasts. Edw Chamberlin St Co., withrefereice to its purity and efficiency of action in producing the ef fect of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering it fit for making bread. This article is skillfully cam. pounded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough without conenming the sugar or any other privet pie itt the flour, perfectly; and the same weight et flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is invaluable, as it saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. ''Respectful ly, •A. A. HAYES, Sf. D., State Atitayer, "16 Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1860." BREAKF4.9I . AND TEA BOELS.—Two or three teaspoonsful of Leavrn. (according tothe quality of the flour,) to one quart of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three times through a sieve ; rub in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and Make the paste with - cold milk or water, (milk is preferable) barely enough to perissit, rolling out. Ruch kneading should be avoided. Cut in to dr sired form, and place immediately in a hot oven and bake quickly. lieu t i "We i rif l aiet r ir a ira n in, MM - Wile l. i e rl the paste bun enough to knead into a loaf, and bake tat: mediately in a slow oven. Gaanaat BREAD —Three teaspoonful or Leaven to one quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gill of mo- - lasses and two REV j make the paste thin with - Milk and bake in a slow oven. BROWN Bnasn.—Three teaspoonsfol of Leaven to one pint of flour, and one pint of corn meal, all well sifted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; snaky . the paste thin with milk , and bake slowly. BUCKWHEAT BAKES.-11our and milk sufficient to make one quart of batter ; ad d one egg, then three teaspoonful of Leaven; beat to a froth,.and cook quick. Dummies-1144 togethor one quart of flour and two tea • epoonslul of Leaven; rub in a piece of buttechalf aa large as an egg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. C11,0113 - KR S7REET Cexa.—Sift together two largo cups of fluur and two teaspoonaful of Leaven; put in half a Cup of biller and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with cold milk or water to a stiff bitter, add spieoto suit the taste, and bake Immediately. CINCINNATI SPONGE CAKE —Two cups or white Sugar beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of six eggs boatel) to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three teaspoonful or Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonsful or essence or le mon, and bake In a quick oven. JOIBLIIS —sift together oue quart of flour and three tew.puonsful of Leaven ; rub in one tea-cui ful ,ofbutter. add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; ars Wl' enough to roll out, and bake quick. litsCrloNCios:—Oue quart of flour and thr, e teaspoOna ful of Lmven silted t .gether ; add a cap of butter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea spouniul of camanion ; mix with cold uid.k to a stiff bat ter, and bako in a slow oven. C0a1.17 CAE:E.—Lit:O pint each of flour and Indian meal, and tht ee teaspooesful of Leaven, well sifted tegeher add one gill of mokuses and two eggs ; mix thin with milk, and oako in allow oven: t.ur Cass.—Fivecupinf flour and three teaepoonsful of Leaven, t ilted together; add one cup of butter,two of sugar, and twitegge, all ivell beat together ; then add a cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about hatfan hour. L.ADM' CAKE —Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teaspoocs:ul of Leaven sifted together; one pound of sugar and s:x ounces 01 better beaten to a cream ; the whites of oignt e:lgs well beaten, and the juice of oLe le mon; Wit wan milk. WEBSTER CABE.—Five cups of flour, three touspoonsful of leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, one of m IK, and two• eggs; font anti spice to the taste. Balm shout rialt an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans For sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM UCLAGER k MG., Wholesale Agents, No. 59 North Front ktreei, Philadelphia. n ovl3-dl'ina HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED 1 • riII3E UNDERSIGNED liaviug, leased JL this' well known Lind popular hotel, in the City of Harrisburg, is now rHittieg and furnishing the same with NEW FURNITURE in the very best modern style. It is located in theMosi. central part of the city, within short distance of the di pros of Paw citlerent railroad and also near the %tate CA pitol buildings. The houEe is large and the sleeping anartinents are nett ventilated. ' ' . The TABLE is well provided - with all seasonable arti-' ties This city is well known throughout tho State as having the best market outside of the : Atlantic eitio t ant' consequently no complaints shall be made on that score. The BAR has alio undergone changes and will be kept stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to make the traveler and sojourner comfortable m every respect. A continuance o.: the Introoago of she old .customers,logethermith new additions is respectfully sollclted... , . _ CITY. LIVERY STABLES. . BLAOKRER.RY ALLEY, IN 2'HE REAR OF HERR'S MOTET, THE undersigned has re•commeneed the livery business in his NEW and srActoos STA• IiLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which he will hire at moderate rates. F. Ji. BwARTZ. sep2B-d.ty H. L. GODB OLD, 110RACTIO.IL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, &a. reoeive_orderitin future at WM. IiNOCILE'S Mu io Store, 92 Markeistreel Ail orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler Rouse, will meet with prompt. attention. First class I'IsNOS for sale seplB NOTICE TO SPECULMORS, VALUABLE BUILDING .LOTS FOB LILL. A NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED BtriLD 2-1. ING LOTS adjoining the ~ ound nano and Work of the ypnria.ltailroad Company, will be sold low and on remenable terlhe4d,Apply to augBo Cat JOHN W. HALL litioceilantous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, MANUFACTURED BY EDW. CHAAIBERLIN & CO., DIRECTIONS J. A. BENFORC k CO Harrisburg, August 234 il/ebiLat DR JOHNSON LOCK HOSPITAL. las discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remeds in the world for 'DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE =LEIF IN SIX NO TWELVR HOURS No Mercury orNozious Drugs. jam' A CMIR ' SitARRANTID, OR NO CRARON, IN FRON ONSI NO Two DAYS mial Weakness - of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia. Languer Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness ol light or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach .inactions of the Head, Threat, Nese Or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddistrictive practices which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG. MEN Young men especially whe have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadfill and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who thightotherwisethave,entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or wetted to eestacy theliving lyre, way call with.fulloonfldence, , • MARRIAGE ffiairlod persons, or those contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Or: S., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC. WEAKNESS. immediately Cured and/all Vigor Reitercd He who places. himself under .the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, anli confi dently rely upon his skill as a physician. fog- Office No. 7 South Frederick Street.,Baltimore, d., on the . left handside - going from Baltimore street, 7 d rs friim the corner. Be particular in observing the na - re and riiiinbericii you will mistake the place. Be particular, for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Palin Rumbug - Cerfifiecties, attracted by the reputation of Or. Johnston, lurk near.; . All letters must contain a Postage stamp, to use on the eply. DR. JOHNSTON DR: sfearrares Member Of the Royal Coliege of 6U rpm Landon, graduate from one of the most eminent Coliegescl the U. States, and the greater part of whose life him been spent in the Hmpitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia am elsewhere, heir effected some of the mostastonishing cures that were ever: known. Many troubled with 'lnmate the ears, and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed' at. deaden. Belinda, bashful:ems, 'with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured licustedlately TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all those who having injuredthem solves by prtvato and improper indulgences, that score 'lnd solitary habit which ruins both body and toted, un fitting them ibr either business.or society.. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. laced by early habits of rout . viz : Weakness or the Back and Liinbs, Pains izr the Read; Dimness 'of 'Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep sia, NarvciediNtritability,: Derangement . of. the DigeStive Functions. General Debility,Symptoms of Consump tion, auk MENTALLY. ' Mentally, the learrol effects-on.thetnind are muchL to be dreaded- - Loss of.litemory,.Coofusion_of_ideas, Dopres- Rion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, cad distrust,-Love of %%Ude; Timidity, &e., are eonte. of th e eithiffeete. ; T40n55.0?-01-.POrs' 10 : 10 e , ' , If t weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singu lar appearance about the • eyes, cough, - and symptoms ol oonsumtaton: • who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged lb when alone—a: habit freqtently learned from evil companions, or at • sohool t the effects of •which are 'lightly felt, even when asleep, and .if not cured, renders marriage impossible and destroys :tp3t4 mind and body ould apply immediately. What a pity.that a ypung man, the hope of his country, the darling •of his parenta, should be snatched from ad prospects and enjoyments of life by thoconsequences cf deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging In a certain secret habit; Such persons must, before contort' plating MARRIAGE. ere tthat a sound mind and body are the moat neon ear equisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed w out these, thejourney through life becomes a weary p rimage ;the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with Ahe melancholy reflection that` the happiness. of another becontes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS ' By this great and. Important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who 'had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Al Impediments to arriage, Physical or Mental Mutual& cation Nervous I rembling,.Weakness or Exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured. 20 STRANGERS The many thousands cured - abthis Institution within the last twelve year's, and the numerous important Surgica Operations performea by. Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices el which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and re. sporwibiLit, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DIRFAuu y OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it : too often happens that au 111-timed sense ol shame or dread of discovery deters laim from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone, befriend. nim, delaying till the constiutional symptoms-of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, etc., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period t his dreadful' sufferings; by sending him to "that bourne 'from whence.no traveller returns." - It is a melam cholyis et that thouitenda fall victims to this terrible die. - ease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders, wbo r by the use of that deadLypoisow, mercury ruin the constitution and makd the residue of life miserable ID Strayers —The Doctor's Diplomas hang in ills °Moe. gfir Letters must contaki a Stamp to as on the reply. ,64- Remedies sent by Mail... . sir No. Soat4Yrederiolx. street, Baltimore- SILVER. PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Street, Pnu-anitunia, Manufacturer of tine. NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER liNlVat, _.CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES WAITERS; BUTTER DISHES, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASICEPS, • COMMUNION WARE, CUPS; MUGS, GOBLETS, &c., With a general, anaortiitent, comprising none but the ben quality, made ofthe best seedas and yletted, con, stituting them -a ServiCeable ina durable article Nov ROTYLB 2 STEAMBOATS AND PRIVATI FAMILTSS, gir Old War; re-plated In the best manner. feb2Odawly - BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET ,SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PBOPELETOR. INY3:11 Tho ab cve well known and long established nctel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished,muder the - proprietorship of Mr. Gamma J. /Imo; who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to ta guests. 'fhankful for the liberal patronage which It has en joyed , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public f vor. 11e8 dawtfl WILLIAM BUEBLER. JUST' RECEIVED ANTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS NEWTO.g'S(formerly -Bagley'a) Vmanufacture, warranted to beitte -beat. in matedal, the ane4.ietftlo; mostrduiabli itslithdap.as. may a market, for sale,— with a variety of Gold and silver Cases of various sizes and'pricei, at ' ' BERGNER'S CHEAT BOOKSTORE, !dirketstreet. FORSuperior an Cheap Table -- Or Salad 011, go to ISSURA'S 'Lin ST OR R Drp Otiobs, GREAT ATTRACTION AT TILE NEW CITY STORE ! URICH & COINTERTFIWAIT CORNER FRONT & MARKET STE. A NNOUNCE to the ci'izena of Harris xx burg at d the publl generally, that they have just returned itom the eastern cities w.th a large and well se lected stock of Fall. aLd Winter Goods, winch they will non the vo .y lowest 'prices : DOMESTIC GOODS of ovary kind. Bleached ..nd Untilnebed Muslims, Bleached and Unbleached canton Flannels. RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A large assortment of Welsh Fl 1.D013 for Skirting. An assortment Domestic Giogb ms, .‘ Manch ster Gioghams,' Satine M and Ca eimeres, '‘ Blues Clo ho at sill:flees, • Clmhs for Ladies' Chesterfields, Beaver'Clotbs lor the Arab Cloaks, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large assortment of Caadmer cs, especially adapted to Boy's wear. An assortment of Merino Drawer* and Un. dersbirls. An assortment of Carpets irom 12)6 CM a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, V.ELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN 4ND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACILSILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A largo assortment of Brooke and Blanket Phawls, with tall stock of the lated. novelties. An assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to first c:a4s Hosiery and Em broideries, &c.,teu. Aa as- o tment cd'Hugent a wove trail spring skirt pat tern extension. An assortment of irouding and Flannels. time; & WPr.RTHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly crimpled by 1 1,. Elmer. BARGAINS FOR THE SEASON, JONES' STORE, Just .received :and receiving from Philadelphia :and New York, BARGAINS In Silks of all kind, for cash. BARGAINS in Snawis, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS tn Cloaks and almas of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in Plaid Dress Goods, of all kinds, for rash. BARGAINS in every variLty of Reasonable Dress Goods, for mill. BARGAINS in Blankets, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in all kinds of Flannels, for cash. BARGAINS in Carpettre of Oil Cloths, Ac., Jot cash. Anti...l and a I.M . R.kinds of pry•Goous esually kept ita c k; 1, . kr*F-T4-I. FY Difge, vesil selected Ca. $ "- JONES' :TORE. ootia, PHILADELPHIA SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE ! DUNI:W.OVMM OF SHIRT BOSODIS. White, Fancy„ Check, Hickory, Denim ttod Flannel UNDER AND OVERSHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers ttud Geutlemens' Furnishing Goods. BENNETT & RUCH., oetl7-d3rn 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clothing. FOR THE LADIES, A LARGE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY TOWIEN'S KID GLOVES, Slightly damaged with water—Price 50 sad 75 as.— GREAT BARGAINS. A Hoe azsortment of a.tme quality, pehec:,—Blaci, White and Colored, CATIICART'S, Na.' 14 Market r_,quatc. JUST FROM THE r i a rt.A3DCM SLA.X.EMS.: qIIIE SUBSCRIBER has just received ftom the New 1 ork and Philadelphia Trade -Sales A LARGE ADM WELL SELECTED STOCIC. OF STANDARD WORKS ! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. ALSO, SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS; To which the attention of the Public, Committees of Libriwies, Teachers, Country Merchants and purchase's generally, is invited. As all have been purchased far below the regular price's, they can and will be sold at but a small advance on the cast, insurin., to purchasers a saving of 1C to 25 Fer cent. on trade price., et BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, oct3l 51 Market street. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TEE CITY TO GET SCHOOL BOOKS MO SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising ail the variom READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETICS ALGEBRAS, GRAJIIIARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES, HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, and all ihe SCHOOL BOOKS used in the various Public and Private itchaols of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOORS, LE:22ER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAP AND SLA TB PENCILS, PENS 4 ISD HOLDERS, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the meet complete assortment of tcHuoL sr SilltegEßY constantly on hand ant for sale at THE LOWEST PRICES OF Ali? Placa in the city at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, Market guest. ,ks-Liberal discounts made to teachers and deniers. Any articht not on band promptly furnished without extra charge. sent 4 DR. C. WEICHEL; SURGEON AND °OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET mar2l-daw DENTISTRY. HE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY ; bae returned and resumer his practice n State-atreek 'of/Post - M. the "Bratty Re me,” where he will be pleased. is attent to WI wt,o may there hi ser 41geo. . . [sept7l B. M. GILDEA, P. D. S. ORANGES AND LEMONS. - LIMY BOXES in prime order just _, cotood mad for sale by ytab ..WM. DOCK ,TR. & co. /tram Erinting ffittt. Having procured Steam Power Preen's, we are prepared to execute JOB and Bt ad/ PRINTING of every desert ogee. cheaper that It can be done at any other es tablishnient in the country. Vir Four lines or lon constitute One halfsqnsre. Etg n lire . or more then toot. constitute a square. hall square. one day ... one week one rnonth., three months.... t. six months....., one year One Fquare one day •-•." one week 2 00 C 4 one month . 8 00 three months . 6 00 sixmonths.— . .......... ....... 8 00 one , ear 10 00 819••Thisiness notices inserted in the L.. column. or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CEAVIS FIR UNE for each insertion. _ NO. 73. az- marriages and Deaths to bo charged as regular advertisements. Pedestrianism in England. THE FASTEST TIME EVER MADE A MILE IN 4 bIINUTSB 22 EISOONDS Though the above grounds are of comparative ly recent formation, they have already beeu the scene of some extraordinary achievements, ca nine as well as bipedal. Some time aso it will be remembered that 'lom Misspell, of Basford, was considered the fastest mile runner, even when he occupied 4 min. 28 sec. in accomplish ing the distance; but when he subsequently met Job Smith, of Manchester, upon this course, and traversed a mile in 4 min. 23 sec., hie perform ance then, anti up till to day, was unparalleled in pedestrian annals. But the event of this afterno-n proved that Lancashire may now pride herself on possessing the hero in mile ra ces in the person of Siah Albison, of Buwlee, a rural village situated near Middleton. Before describing the contest, a few particulars of its origin may not be uninteresting to our pedee tlian readers. On the 11th of August last, the spirited proprietor of these grounds gave a splendid champion belt to be run for, which bad been manufactured expressly for the occa sion by Mr. Preston, of London, the value of which was 60 guineas, and on that day the fol lowing men contested for the coveted prize:— Slab Albison. of Bowlee, near Middleton; Job Smith, of Hulme; W. Lang, of ftliddleetortiugh; J. White, of Gateshead, and O. Mower, of Dur ham. Prier to the race, Allison was so much pleased with the trophy that he declared his intention either to become its possessor or to cause the man who defeated him not to let the grass grow under his feet whilst contending tor it, and Albison fulfilled his prediction by car rying off the prise. the conditions under which he held it- required him to hotd himself in readiness to ruu any one who might challenge him *lt oueli. Oleic columns at six weeks' notice, for £25 a side and the belt, the distance of course being one mile. W. Lang, (late of Mid dlesborough, but now of Manchester) not con tented, it would appear, with hitting to suc cumb to Allison in their former engagement, threw down the vauntlet, and this afternoon was fixed for champion honors. Soon alter articles had been signed; both men went into active training, Lang betaking himself to in hale the invigorating breezes of Daley Dale, in Derbyshire, and Albisou's preparation was entrusted to his veteran tutor, Mr. J Etchells, of the Weavers' Arms, Ellsworth. As the day of running approached, toe interest as to the result became more intense, especially as a few who were supposed to be acquainted with "stable secrets' pronounced - both pedestrians to be in firstrate fettle. The excitement, how ever, reached its culminating point this after noon; a considerable number of cabs, heavily laden 'isuesee, „ - of persons on fcst; - all assisted to . swell the at- , •refeier thaereetessure ante a monster gatheting, - between "3,000 and 4 000 persons being present, and gave proof that the heydey of foot racing has out yet passed. Added to this the day was fine, the course in ciliate' or der, end the same excellent arrangements as usually prevail here having again been made, everything foreshadowed a more than ordinari ly interesting struggle for the "pride of the place," and such it was. Mr. Hayes, filled the office of referee, and the betting, which opened at 7 to 4, closed at 2 to 1 on Allison. At about a quarter to four o'clock Lmg made his ap pearance on the scene of action, accurupauLd by his friend and becks r, Mr. G. Hardy.—. Silently afterwards, Allison also entered the arena, both looking well and each appearing sanguine of the result. Lmg won the tuns, of course then taking the inside place, and after a couple of failures they lett the crease at the third attempt. After running nearly side by side for a few strides Lang began to show the way at a pace the reverse of slow, and gradu ally gaining upon his opponent, he was leading by nearly half a score yards when the men first passed the stand. 'ibis gap Lang still Mailer widened during the succeeding revolution of the course, on the complexion of which he held the premiership by upwards of a el zen paces, but shortly afterwards Albison began to make up leeway. On going along the back of the grounn on the final lap, the Champion gradu ally reduced the distance between himself and his formidable opponent, and became more close than pleasant to Lang. Rounding, the bend they were nearly breast and breast, and on entering the straight the struggle as to which should claim the belt was commenced in e truest. Every energy of which they were in possession was now brought into action, as yard by yard they rushed on, and though Al bison's backer shied his castor into the air, when the men had about lio yardi to run, the race was not then over. Aibison, however, having got jest in front, succeeded in slightly increasing his lead during the concluding forty yards, and the trophy once more fell into his possession, after a magnificent race, Mr. Hayes' fiat being that Allison had won by a yard. The winner covered the distance in four minutes and twenty two and a Quarter seconds! thus excelling Hosspors fastest time by three-quartets of a second. Both pedestrians had had quite enough at the finish, Lang especially being much dis tressed, and Albison was warmly congratulated lon iris brilliant victory. Lang's performance, thOugh an unsuccessful one, reflected great credit upon him, and though he did not win tue belt, he lost little of his well earned fame. Surprising as was Albieun's achievement, we cannot help thinking but that he, at times, somewhat hazards his chance by purposely tail ing so far behind, such being the C3,,e not only to-day, but also when he first contended for the prize. Should Albison continue so to do, he may do a future occasion, when coping against some pedestrian—even if mot quite so fleet—find the beautiful trophy, upon the pee ' session of which he so justly prided himself, Wrested from his grasp. We may add, in con elusion, that L tug is just over twenty-one years of age, and Al bison attained his - twentieth birth day on the 21.3 th of April last. - - THE GEEATEEr OIL DiscovEar YET.—Western Virginia promises to divide with Slippery Keit , Creek, and the districts. up the Alivgneuy, the attention of oil speculators. In °tack 'county, some time since, a Mr. Haps sunk a well one hundred and fifty feet, and is now taking out fd rEe n barrels a day. Mr. ilathhone, - from whom Kurns leased, . snlisequently sunk a well himself, and in twelve hears after " WIG struck, it filled a cistern containing one hun dred and thirty barrels•cf brty gAlons tech. But this is not a11..-They have di , c;pvered a vein of oil coal one ttousand feet thick, in ti mountain r n Hugh's river, a tributary of Ka nawha. This coal, .when put Cu a shovel and held oyeribe fire; Welts into oil, so'that" the discovery is pi.inast,iMpurtant one. . good deal of, excitement row/ails ju the neighbor hood and " ile" sites are tieing disposed of rapidly at fabulous prices. RATES OF ADVERTTSTVO $0 1 . ~.. . ..... L 00 ....... 300 4 0 6 03 COPENHAGEN Gitourns, Oct. 27