THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (sonars Excwrgo,) BY GEORGE BERGNER :& CO• TERNS —Swots SturscPsrnos. The DAILY TICLNORAPD is serve , / to subscribers in th wrdligt at 6) coats per week Yearly ;e3bscribers R ill be charged $4.00. IVIDDELY ♦YD Sean-t\aRKLY TELEGRA The 16LNGDAPH 1E19.1,0 published twice a Week during se ssion Qt the Livislatbre..iLd weekly doriug the : ,i, io der of the year, Nod I . :Irak:1:k! ID isubriar,iiOrn at the bowing rates, viz : Angle Fluboeribers per year avec' Tea =I übecnoors order the discontinuance of their news ers, the publisher may continue to send them until ill arrearages aro paid. subacrtherti neglect or Muss to take their newspa cm from the once to winch they are directed, they are rapOtISOIC until they hav- settled the hills and ordered them discontinued filebical HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HBLEBBOLD'S HELAIBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S FIELHBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELHBOLD'S RELmsoLD's HELMBOLD'S LIELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, xtract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Ruchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, I'OR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. JOB SECRET 1 0 - DELICATE DISORDERS. SECRET 8r DELICATE DISORDERS. .FOR SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET DELICATE 'DISORDERS. FOR SECRET & DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR irECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Spec,fic Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive end Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy ➢pa DI. BASER 01 me .=LADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, EL ADDER, GSAYnIy KIDNEYS, DRuPSY, P...ADDEV, RA VEL, KIDNEYS DEW , SY, .5.L.9.01411. GRAVEL, Krim DizoPsr, BLAD , A in, exaviL, KIDNEYS D ItoP.sT LA LWAte, GSA i EL, LIDA Er.,, DROPSY , ithallEß, GRA V AL, KIDNEYS, Aatip,d, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, .ORGANIC WRAKNEsS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNEsS, And an Dapiaiw of :mail Omani, And sll Dimon of Sexual (/‘ gum: And ail Ditn4,ei of Sawa/ Omani, And all In.:eases of Sexual Organ', Ana all Diseases of Semi Grgano,l And all Disoasoi of &anal Ur,ans, ABIzING FROM Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From whatever eases originating, and whether ex jolting In HALE OR FEREALE. remake, hike no more Pills I They are of ne avail for Illemphints incident to the sex. Use Extract Buaitn. Belmbold , s Extract Buchu is a Medicine which Is per. featly pleasant In tI Taste and Odor, But Immediate in its action, giving Health and 'Vigor to the Flame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the patient to b. 'affect state of DEA L'lll. AND PURITY, Ifirmhold's "'street Duchu Is, prsparrd according to Plutrizatey and Chemistry, and is prtneribeil and need by the Moat Eminent Physitclana, Delay no longer. rrocure the remedy at Dune. Price Si per bottle, or six for $5. Depot let South 'tenth street, Philadelphia. Beware of Unprincipled Dealers Trying to palm off their own or ether articles et.litnalff en the teputation attained by Helnaboldia Extraet Nowlin, The Original and only Cimino. We dairy lo ran on the Blerit of our Article! Ir's to worthless-1s sold at meek Less rates and et.llll2llltliOhil, sonsequently paying a much better prat. We Defy Competition t - IA for iTelmbold's Extract Buchu. Una no other. Bold by D. W. Qroo .ds Co. and all druggists every- Whom JOEIN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., • Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS ou baud a large assortment of Xi LOUTS, .ROES, tIAITESS, No., of toe very beet twilled fur tautes t gentlemen, and childrens' wear.— Prim to suit•tho llama. All kinds of WORK .S,IADE TO OMER In the bestatyle by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short num°. eatili.dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg, PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, IajOULD respectfully inform his old T T-141:Kons and the public generally, that he will metinue to:gitio instructions on the PIANO FORTE, bOLICON , YIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASK. - Jae twill w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homeiat any hour desired, or lessons will be siren at bls residence, is Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. declt-dtf AUGUSI7INE I L. ()RAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Rftidence No. 27 North &mug &rut. N. B—.JOBRING ATTENDED TO. 1.1 W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-AT --LAW . Office Walnut St., between Second and yra TAlid,..Harrisburg, Pa. - - DR. T. J. MILES SURGEON DENTIST, UFFERS his services t 4., the citizens of Harrisburg and its Vidnity. Be solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endetivntrit shall be given to render sausfaction in his pro fession, hatrig,sui old, Well tried dentist, he feels sale in nviting the*publie generally to call ou him, assuring beat that they will not be dissatisfied with hi, services Otilge No, 128 Market.street, in tho houliO formerly oe espied by Jacob It. kny, near the United States Bole), /hirriaburg, ra. myS•ctly ALDERMAN. -- HENI-tY .P.EFFER, OFFIq ...JullltD STBLET, 3SF fi k t•S - ROW ' ) NPAR afittuizr. • . Rigidence, Meanui Street near :Fourth. CITY OF ILLRBISIIIIRG PENN A. • 12 dti .::GEORGE FISHER; '.` • IiTT 0 RNEY • Al' . LAW. oIeFERB his professional services to all A„, persons having business to be transacted in the several °Owls of Deuplan county, the land Lietattatent of thlif Slate, er before the Stead ut rrojtortyi — 'hleviag; been asseelated in the practice of the Lawi, with his fath er, JOILN A. k LAMA, he protnises diligent and gaminl lloksimon to all protessadiat business entrusted to CilliCe corner of Second and Locust streets, (ofiposite to ' Tapia •kt • llarriburs. STATE CAPITAL BANK. AMERON, COLDER, EBY '& CO. CORNER B.ECOND AND W6.LN112 PRESEE STOCK.. Of Vaiillia. Beam, Rockers' Firma , Perfumery *ld 119 auvi., . DR 170 BWRE, gAIS 'West, beirw Fiala, Harrisburg. „s \ • i / / \ \ \fd l Cr _ $ * li f i:w einto., ________ . „7 : _ . . -..__.r” --:5-- V -Th 7- '•k,. , ( ... ,,. ( : -.4 1 . , ' . - O.I II IIIIM -1 1 9 - an0r...1 -----, ': . 4. ,-_ ~... _ .... 4 S 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIII epal ! oloal ! ! Oloal I! ! COAL ! COAL!! COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL! Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! VIIANKFCL TO MY FRIENDS AND CURTOAIERS for their liberal patronage, I would now miorm them and the public generally, that I am kinds or fully prepartg, on short .11011,:e to supply inset with all SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. orFREE FROM. SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD. Although my cast is nut weighed in sate-walotimix aims BUT IS WE GIBED ON EOALIE ACCURATELY ThETAD BY TER SEALINt OP WAIGHTB AND AlEarillOS and consumers may rest assured that they wilt bo tally and hones: ly dealt with I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. ALSU HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD, always on hand, CEO. P. Wtr.SILLVG. sepb3.d3m NOT ME FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIME TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LYREN B VALLEY MOVE COAL, $2,50 per ton. ~ NUT " $4. 1 1.10 " Also constantly on band, LYKEN'S VALLEY BROKEN, " EGO, CUPOLA AND IiTEAIIaBOAT COAL, IVILIL4ZBARRE BlanthN, No. 3 and 4, NUT, Blacksmith Coal. Allegheny and Broad Top. Also, hickory, Oak and Flue Wood. E. WM. pl 4 No. 102 Chestnut street. NEW DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE ! wm . W. ARMSTRONG, Prac tical f raggist and Chemist, would inform the citizens of Elan Isburg, that he has leased the store room resent y occ pied by Dr. Kimbell, and is now prepared to furnish those who fell distusod to patronise him, with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, such as oan be relied upon, having bad several years expert= nee in the Drug and Prescription bustuest, he Mot respectfully solicits a share of Physicians' Pre. , oriptlon busln. as. Ile has also a large sad varied assortment of Perfumery, hltationery, &u. Also, all of the most popular Patent Me dicines of the day ; also, Tobacco, Begars, :nun, Rc , of the bolt brands; also, Alcohol, Turpmtine, Burning Fluid, CoAl &c. Iu fast ever ything usually kept in a well stocked drug store, nuvl2 dim GENERAL ORDERS—No. 3, HEAD G.llAltrlas bra rrv. P. V., 1 kiarrhburg, Nov. fah, 1860. I. The Volunteers of the Filth D vision P. V.. will pa. rade at Harrisburg, on Wend; January 15, 1861, at 10 .o'cloalt A. H., to inaugurate Governor Andrew G. Curtin. 11. All Volunteers in the :hateand out of it arecordial ly invited to .p ,rccipate. Bi_licennvnte, Batiallens end Companies BIT/ to brigadier Generil E. C. Williams, ld Brigade sth Div. P. V., at liarriAbura. By command or Major General WILLIAM H. HEIM ; fah Thy. Y. V. novB Loris FRTElaiiI, Aide-de-Camp GENERAL ORDERS—No. 4. MEAD QUART+ 11,3 9a Ittoo.Al 6th Dtv. P. V., Nov. thtt, 1860. 1. Agreeable to the orders of Mejor Genersl Kelm, 6tb DNE(1011 e V., the 3d Brisade 6th Itivisiou P. V. will. pa rade at Harrisburg on I DESDAIt, January 160,1861, at 10 e o' oak A. M., to prrtiutpate la the inauguration of Gover ner Andrew G. Cu. tin. It. Col. Baker, of the Ist Regiment will report to Mai. John W. Brown, at Harrisburg, on or before the Ist of January, 1861. 111. EyPter, of the Cameron Guard will report at Head Quarters CU or before the 10th et January, 1881 for further orders. By order of E. C. WILLIAMS, Brigadier General 3d Brigade Eiitt Division P. V. Jowls F. Kztwe, Aidsle•Camp. - ... nove RARE "CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. SALE - ON 9 - CPI! ". I VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the City of Harrisburg. THAT well-known and valuable hotel pr operty known as the „ SIISQUEHANNA HOUSE,” now in the occupancy of Wm. Mochennan, situate on the east end of Market street; and itothediately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, will be offered at PRIVATE BAIA. until - the 4th of December next, and 4* not sold be fore that time, will ba put up at public auction on that This is the most desirable property in the city of Bar risburg for hotel business.. Its proximity to the Penn. Sylvania Railroad Pepototudthe•Depot of all the rail roads centering at Harrishurgonakes it more.convenlent and accessible , to the travellug public than any other Rotel in the city. Further intormation in regard to this property and as to the terms ofsale, may he bad by applying to WK. IL MILLER, Attorney-at-Law, North cor. Market Equare, (Wyeth's Building,) second o ry rr octl.tiaw NEW M UUKNING 'GOGGSI CATHCART & BROTHER, -Hew new open a large assortment 'et MOURNING and 'SECOND MOURNING .D.RESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SILKS, COLLARS, SLEEVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, YELLS, and All other goods desirable for Fall and Winter wear. • N 0.14 Market Square, Next to, the klarrisiturg.Baok..._ FAMILY BIBLES. THOROUG-I4Y ' complete stock of all sizes, tor sale at BFRGNEWS CMCAP 800 WILITJE jitGAILOY 1 OR PRESERVING .. Fhaat' 444 Waal LOW, by WiL /WOK JR. h CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 27, 1860. FOR MAKING Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &a . AtANUPAOTUBED BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Proirietors of Shatarreut Chemical Mega. No. 33 INDIA STREW, Boston. C _ ONEENTRATED LEAVEN is the re• ault of careful chemical research. All its Ingredi eats are prepared tu the highest stateofpurity, and cora -1 minded with a view to produce bread of a tar better quality, and in much less time, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire confidence, to the judgment of discriminating hem keepers, bakers, &o. Blead of all kin 'a made by using Concentrated Leaven is halter, more digestible and nuitridous; has un agrees. ble, natural taste; is lets &We to tour; will retain its moisture longer than by any other process, and the wbole preparation fur the oven need cot exceed ten minutes. • • it is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be rtndered ava 'able in places and at times when yeast is not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under ali circumstances, It may be adopted, thus obviating all etilleulty of procuring yeast or other forme t, whish Is frequently of an inferior quality, ret during the bread more or less unwholesome. It is also valuable as regards economy, as ft has been ascertained that a saving is (abated in the Sour of no. leas than leper cont. in the common proceed much of the saccharine of the flour is 1 st by to leg converted into carboi la acid gas, or cdrit, and the-waste is in curred solely for the purpofe Of penerating gas-to raise the dough. By using Cloncentrated Leaven this wade la, avoided, and the gar obtained' in a manner equally effi cacious. bermentatiai, as has been slated, uestroya a part of the Soar or meal lo consequence, a bari el of flour weighing 196 IDs which, by the con . in/n method, oroinarily makes about 260 IDs of bread. gives by thia process 2bo Ths , thus effecting the very inaportatt saving of 16 per cent In the qn intity of flour. By conformity to the directions on eat:h package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re sult will Invariably be highiy satisf..Ctory. EERTIFJCATE FROM DR. HAYES, Avoyer to the S'a'e of Matiachosette. .1 have analysed tun Concentroted Leaven, manufac tured by Meet,s. Edw thamberlin & Co., with reference to its purity acs cadency of action in producing the ef fect of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering it fit for waking bread. This article is 11.11IfullY coin. pounded, from perfectly pure material It raises' the dough without consuming the sugar or any other prieel. pie in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight of flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread - than can be . obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is invaluable, us it saves all risk, and much Ilmo of the pastry cook. "The Experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. "Respectful ly, "A. A. II &YES, M. D., State &sayer, l'lo Boylston street, Boston; September 25, Istz.;, - - BREAKFAST AND Tae ROI i2.—TITO or three teaspoonful of Leaven. (according to ihe quality of the flour,) to one quart of...fLur; mixAboroughly by passitig two_or three tmies through a slave ; rub In a piece of butter bear the size of an egg, and make the .paste coldmilk :Or water, (milk is preferable ) barely stiff enough to permit rolling out. Much kneacing should be avoided. cut in. to desired form, and place immeulandy iva h, * LoAF BREAI).—Tbe same proportions of Leaven and flour silted together as above• omit the butter, ehd make the paste stiff enough to knead Into a !oar, and bake im mediately in a slow oven. GRAHAM BREAD —Three teaspoonful of Leaven to one quart of wheat meal, sifted together ;.add one gill of mo lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake in a slow,ovco. BROWN Battu. —Three teaspoousful of Leaven to one pint, of deer, and one pint of cora fated, all well sifted to gether ; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; make the pmte thin wait milk, and bake slowly. BUCKW HY-AT Cones.—Flour and milk sufficient to make one qua. t cf batter;a td ene egg, then three teaspoonsfut of Leaven; neat to a froth, and cook quick.—eirt together ono quar t of llour and two tea. spoonsiul of Leaven; rib in a piece of butter half as large as au egg; raiz with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. ettaidaitit STREET Celts -4lit together two. largo cups of flour and two teaspoonefut of Leuven; polio half a cup of but ter and a cup and a half of sugar.; mix with cold milk or water to a stilrbatter, add apieeto suit the taste, and bake immediately. CINCINYATI SPONGIII C.ABII —Two cups of white sugar beaten with ttte yolks (Wail eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten to a froth; then b. at alt t tgether ; add three cups of sifted fL tur, one cup of water, and throateaspoonsful of Leaveo; flavor with two teaspoonsful of essence of le mon, and hake in a quick uven. JUMBLVS —Sift together one quart of flour and three tem•puitrisful of Learta ; rub in use tea-eul ful abutter, add a cup and a.half of 'white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; mix sulf eaugh to roll outomil bake quick. Ets.orr,N C.LXIL—One quart of flour and thr a teaspoons ful of Leaven sited together ,• add a cup of butter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar • and one tea spooniul ol dnuamou ; mix with cold rola ' to a stiff bat- ter, and bako in a slow oven: CORN C.'eas.—uue pint each of flour and Indian and three Leaspoonstul of. Leaven, well silted tt ge her ; add one gill of nto!a.sea and two eggs ;-mix thin with milk, and Delwin a slow oven. CUP CAM—Five cups ot. Hour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, bitted together; add ono cup of buber, two of sugar, and twu eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cup ut currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. lamed' Lars.—Three quarters of a pound of flour sod four teaspoonsful br Leaven sifted togtolieribue pound , of sugar and sir ounces of. butter--beatou to-a cream -; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the Juice of ote le mon; mix with malt. ' . ' WEBSTKR 14tus.—Five cups of flonr,.threeteaspoonsful of leaven, three cups of sugar, one of butter, one of trulk, and two eggs; flint and spice to the taste. Bake scout Dalian hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. For vale by Grocers and lir uggietnge GCLAGER & BRIJ.; WbOiestile Agents, No. 69 North Front atreel, Phtlauelphia. n ovl3-113m HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED! THE UNDERSIGNED having leased . this well known and popular hotel, In the city of harriabueg, is now refatitg and furnishing the same with ANN YURNI With in the yery beet modern style. It is locates in the most part of the dity r within a - short ' distance et the &pots el t t Merest railroad aho near the State Vi pap] buildings. . The noose is large•and the sleeping apartments are %en vebnietea. • - •:- . . The TAlli..b.: is well - provided With all seasonable arlit cies . This city fa well known throughout the State 58 having the best markt t outaide of the Anstalt; eitie, tWF consequently no complunteshall be made on that score. The BAK has alin uueergoue changes and will es Kept sten/tea with the best and pure it Liquors - in the country no exertion will be .spared to make the traveler end sojourner comfortable .0 ever) respect. A coctinuance the pltronage of the old customers, together with new adaiLons is‘respeetfully Both:Red. . J. R. BEN. Foiai &CO. Harrisburg, August 2341 , • ' CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY; LW Zar lIEHR'SHOTEL. Tr HE undersigned has re-commenced the 1. livery Maws, in his NEW and SPACIOUS STA. BEES, Mcated as abotie, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, oatutiaors and ODIXIBUSES, which, he will hire at moderate rates. • F. E. ;SWARTZ. nein:64ly . . .. • H. L. GODBOLD-, PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer'' of Pianos, Melodeons, Sm., kc., will rec..l-re orders In tutere at W a. .K.NUCJIB'S Music :Store, 92 Merket street all orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, veal meet-with prompt attention. First nlas3 I . I.ANtiS for Bale seplB-41r. IN:01'10g TO • SPECULATORS: VALUAB4S •AS ULLAING 'LOTS .412 RA4E: A. NUMBEICOF-LAIGLSIZED.BUILD , 'NO LOTS adjoining the Round Russo and Work m L ope of. ;he Report. Bighead Coalman 'will be sold; Vow awl roisoßabli Luioo. ; ; Apply to aogiq .101iLl W. EALL filisrellantous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, DIRE 0 'PIONS 014itat DRJOHNSON, 334ir_..±.xiuroptm LOCK HOSPITAL. as discovered the most certain , speedy LL. and effectual - remedy in the world for ' DISEASES OF IMPRUDKNCE amaze IY stx so somas. No Mercury Or NOZIONS Drug:. Or A CORR WARR-INTIM, OR NO CHARON, IN PROM UNJI Zn Two nava -VA Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pates in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Phyaical Pow , era, Dyspepsia Languor Low Spirits, Confuslon,of Ideas palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness al light or Giddiness, D isease of the Stonaach, Affections 01 the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from'she indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— those dreadful anddestructive practices which produce •conatitutienal debllity, render marriage impeasible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young mee especially who have becdme the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whict annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of pouffe teen of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, whc Might otherwise have entranced listening Senatea with the Mandela of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may Call with fall donficlentle; MARRIAGE Idarried persons, or thoas centemelating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should Immediately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ... • • ORGANIC WEARNM. • /mmediatelypured atictfutt Vigor Redcrtd He who placei himself under the care of Dr..,.. may religiously confide la-his initiOr as a gruitleman, and cont. 'dentlyrely upon his skill as a physician. sir Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, 4., on the lent/am:folds going, from Baltimore street, 7 rat from the corner. , Be particular in observing, the se. ; and ninnber, or you will mistake the place. Be particular, -forlgnorant, 7'ryting Quacks, with false mimes, or /Nat'l. flumbug Certificates, attracted by the reputation of Dr. /ohiuston, hark near. • • All icdtars mast contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the eply. - • DR. JOHNSTON . . . Da. Jaalttl2ol( =ember of the Royal College of harpoon London, graduate from one of the mestemlnentCollegese / the D. Stales, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in thoßaspitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia ano elsewhere, beget:footed some of the most astonishing cures that wore ever known... Many troubled with ringing in the ears and 'head when asleep, great norvousness, being alarmed at sudden soende, bashfulness, with fiequent blutihing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were ouredimmedistelY • • ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Di. J. addresses all thole wee having injuredthem selves by private. Slid. Improper-indulgences, that aeon and solitary habit whieh ruins both body and mind, un titling them for either bustneaser society. These are some .of the sad and melancholy effects pro• dated by early liabits of youth. viz : Weakness of the Back and Liinba;Paltle in' the Head, Dimness of Sight, Less Of Muscular Power; Palphatiott of the Heart, Dyspep. eta, Nervous ` - Irritability,Derangement of the Digestive Funotionit,' General Debility, Symptoms of Consumr tion, iron ktEerrALLY Mentally, the tearful effects on the mind are much to he dreaded ;—Loas of 'Memory, confusion of , Ideas, Depres sioh of Bpirlts, Evil Forebodingey'Averston to Eoeiety, Sett dant ust, Love of ...lolanda qintirlav err., • I=79.Vdsei persona of alleges; can now Judge whattt the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, be corning; weak; pale, nenrouseild'emaciated; have a singu lar appearance about _ the ;eyes, cough, and symptoms of tionstinintioo. - YOUNG ItMEN who have injured themselves by a gertelP etaCtice, in ditiged' hi wlian - elone.-4 habit frequently learned front evil conipabions, or at - school' the effects of which are (tightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders Marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body h buki Wliat a. pity that a young man, the hope of, the darling, of hie parents; should be snatched from all proppects and enjoyments of. life by the coneequeimen oi deviatink from the path of nature, andindulging In a Certain secret habit. Such, persons must, before content . ,! MARRIAGE. effect that a sound Mted ;anti bed are the moat rare sary - reciubtites to prOmote connubial , happiness. Indeed witbout these:thejouniey thrtaigh -becOmes a wee* pilgrimage ; the prespect hourly . darkens ; to the • view; the citind becninesblutdowed . With despair, and filled with the'inelaneholyvellection that lbw bappinees of another . becarnes blighted with our own. . . . • DR.' JORESTOYPS - INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR • • .ORGAR.I,O WiialiNFffla Bythis great and finpertant remedy, Wealmese of the Organs are speedily amend, and full vigor restored. ' Thousands of the most nervous, and debilitated who bad lath all" hope,"haVe been Immediately relieved. Al inspedimends , to arriage, Physical or lientalDianuidift cation Nervous rembling, Weakness or Exhaustion of the most fearlbl kind, speedily cured. TO STRANOEfid : • . The many theusandanured at this Institution within the last twelve years, end the numerotniiMportant - durgica .Dr. J., witnessed, by that re porters of the papers' and many other persons, notices et width have appeared again 'and again' beforethe besides his standing as A gw, :demon qf character and re rgensibtlity, is a sufficient enalantee to the afflicted • DISEASE. OF IMPRUDENCE.,When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure. flads he has imbibed the seeds of thlivainful disease; it tee often happens that an Ili.thned senile of ahame or dread of aiscoveryotetera him froth applying to - those who, Trom education and re speonsffility can alone befriend: aim, delaying till the constintional symptoms of this horrid disease make . their appearance; atfeeting• the head,- throat, 'nose, skin, he., progressing on with frightful rapidity; till death 'puts a period f 1 hie dreadiul sufferings by sending him to "that bourrie front.whence` no traveller.returns." ft is a melan choly fact that thous ands r fall mictime to this terrible dis• ease, Milne to the unsidffulness of ignorant pretenders, Who, by,the Yee of. that dcadlyglirlson, mercury ruin the constitution and make the residup of life miserable. Daft/al/ire =fflhaDoetorqDlplamas hang in his Offlee. ler Letters must contain a Stamp to us on tho reply. sgr teatedies sent' by !fall. ser WO, '7:south-Frederica street, Baltimore. apr,l3diriv4=r , • 8 .;. - 4 - 7v .4'itif....4 .: 'y g_ . ;-p .**.TtE SY HAAVEY FILLET,, No. 1222ibiarltet Street; Pesosulds, Manufacturer of fine • NICKEL: attvEß, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS ; LADLES,. BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA,SETS,.URES, ;DMUS, WAITERS,:Ian'tER tiIt 4 HES ICE PITCHERS, CAM 'BAsicrrs, commliptruE WARE; CUE GS,, With gei2ergnsioitatent, compritpg none but the bes made of Mae ibeet iittikt4de and hesittirptoted, ciao stituting them a §crviceable and : durable article Too'avant, grarail6=9, A ND PIIITATIC Famous. ar Old Ware re-platdlia the best manner, ' fee2o-davOy . . ...... 'BURTILia HOUSE, m AR SET SQUARE, HARRISP.MR - G, PENN'A. GEO J. BOLTON - , :PROPRIETOR C ARD The ab nse well known-and—long established lictel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and lxiog in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Dlr. Gsonos J. Damns; wiiolligtiben an Inmate of the bowie for the last three years and is well known to . . . ----That/kit:lller tbe liberal patronage :which It bas en- . joyed - , reheerfull3r cOninteitd kti.-Bolton to the public f ter , rieB fia 3VfIiJAM RITEHI,Ek. • • 'YOWL' I ICE CEIV.k.:I) • ANOTITER:LOT• OF 'THOSE EXTRA: FINS POINTED GOLD , PENS OF .'NEWTON"4 "(formeity'BagleyN maimrataiiii i 4iiiriin* to be Ina bast to Malarial, Alta.flneit pointedoniost :duiranlatnnd aa'abeali'aa any n maqoat :far, We al* a aluiely. oftgold_ond* Cases andprices at - t ° ! r 1 1 . 4, 1 112 • C2 ' , • • *oil. markeeqreel.... FOR a Superiors and Cheap Table or Salad SU, go to zallaaPepalak MOBIL Jrp Cocas, &r. GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE URICH & COWPERTFI WAIT CORNER FROM' k MARKET SW. ANNOUNCE to the cilzette of Harris burg at d the pubes: generally, that they have just returned from the eastern cities wdu a large and welt se lected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they will tell st the ye •y lowest prices. AIONBSTIC GOODS or every kind, Bleached ..uct Unbleached Alasline, Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannel& RED FLANNELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large 'assortment M Welsh Fl Lcels for ltklrtlng. An ASSOrtlnent rrini3Stie Giugh ms, Kann ster Gingham& Eatin, to and Ca roe, " /eau. Clo he ate II FT lees, Cloths for Ladies,' Chesterfields, " Beaver Clothe for the Arab C/oaks, A FINE ASIORTMENT OF BLANKETS. A large anortment of Casiimer re, especially adapted to Bos , s wear. An 'asstirtinent of Merino Drawers and Co deraldrts. An arst,orttnent of Carpets trom 12) eta a yard to $l.O ptr yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES SATIN DECDENES, PLAID VALENCIAS, VELVET POPLINS, STRIPED AND PLAID RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED MERINOS, RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL WOOL DELAINES, BLACK SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A largo assortment of Brmbe and lillnket,EbawLe, with a Lull stock of the latet novelties. AA assortment of Plain and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention paid to Arst clans Hosiery and Em broidories, /ko., kc,, &e. An as,.o tment of Hugoni cwoye trail Spring skirt pat tern extension.. An assortment of Unending and Flannels. BALCH At COWPLATHWAIT, Corner of Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formoriy.rconnied by J f.. Bitner. 0ct.28-ly BARGAINS FOR THE SEASON, JO,NES' STORE, . . Just received . ttrut receiving from Philadelphia :as d New York, BARGAINS in Silks of all kind, for cash. BARGAINS in Suawls, of all kinds, forhaatt. BARGAINS to Cloaks and 't alums of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in Plaid Dress Goods, of all kinds, for rash. BARGAINS hi every variety of Seasenablo Dress Goods, for rash. BARGAINS in Blankets, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS M all kin. sLoßitt l e&s. for CASh. e Oa, .48 - 4loralih, And BARGAi NS in alt kinds of Dry Goous csualy kept in Stores; and a choice from a very large, well selected stock, fc.r cash, at JONES' :MORE, octl6 Market Street, barrialaurg. PHILADELPHIA SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE MANUFACTURE/13 OP SHIRT BOSOMS White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel UNDER AND OVERSHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers aid Geutletuens' Furnishing Goods BE.NNET 1 & RUCH, octl7-dBm. 217 entomb Alley. Agenta foi the Beverly Indira lubber Clothing - - FOR T .1-1 E' LADIES. . A LARGE LOT OF FIRST QUALFIY TONVIN'S KID GLOVES, Slightly damaged with water—Price 1,0 and 5 Las GMAT BARGAINS. A fine a-surtment of sAme quality, per.oc;--idau,i, White and Colored, at CATHCART'S, N 0.14 a aura. :..-qua, e. JUST FROM TRH SAILIAMIS .8111 E SUBSCRIBER has just received from the New '1 ork and Itiladelphia Trade dales A LAUQE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP STANDARD WORKS I IN EVERY ULPARIMENT OF LITERATURE. ALSO, SCHOOL BOORS BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, AND STATIONERY OP ALL KINDS ; To which the attention of the Public, Committees of Libraries, Teachers, Country Merchants mud parchment generally, is invited. ' As all have, been purchased far below the - regular prices, they can and will be sold at but a L.. mall advance on the Cost, purchasers a sating of ly to 26 L or'cent. on trade prices, ot . .• BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 00181 b i Market mreet• BERGNER'S • CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 MARKET STREET, IS THE caEApkpi' PLACE IN THE CITY MEM COOL BOOKS =I SCHOOL STATIONERY, • Comprising ail the various READING AAA) SPELLING BOOKS, ARIIIIMETIOs ALGEBRAS; GRADJI4I RS, Err oLoorn, Hisrovirs, rlirvisoria&s, and all the .VIOEIOOL BOOKS used in the various Public and Private cahoots of tne pity. lopther with COPY AND COMPOSITION Rota's, LEVIER, CAP awl NOTE PAPER, BLANK ROOKS, SLATIA LEAD AN D A T.E PENCILS, - ' PENS AND HOLDERS, INS INZSTANDS,RIILERS Tend the most complete aseortmeut of rellooL SIATION.ERIt constantly on hand and Tor Gala at THE LOWEST P..hICIS. or AXY mica In the city at . BERGNER% .OEISAP BOOESTORE. • • Ed Market ititreat. AB-Liberal discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on baud. promptly furnished without extra charge. - Be*,/4 DR. C . SURGEON AND O.CCULTS.T, RESIDENCE MAW NEAR NORTH STREET mar2l.7d&w D TIST Y rrHE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGKRY„.bas.rclurred add reettineo hie practice h'State street oppoilte the "'Bracy liteme i " where he. Wilk be placmodie• attend .to ail who may ece:re hie .aer.. elecro . • reeirc7l • • 2. • • •Jj . . .2; C 1 14 , 4::5!..010 * .AND Foßry...Box.Es in>prime order just re Solved lad for sato by k 0.13 NO. 70. The gilding fraud is usually effected by stamping a soft, metal of interior value, and then coaling it with silver or gold by means of ' the electrobath, or covering It with silver or gold leaf, IA s in ordinary gilding.. The die, with which the impression is struck, is gener ally a mere cast Trona the genuine coin, made in a hard, but fusible metal. The color of the compound is immaterial; being concealed by the subsequent : gilding operation. Even the sound, and, in the case of silver coins, the den sity also, are obtainable. The fraud, it must therefore be clearly seen, is a most special's and dangerous one. Our int/aides lead us to be lieve that it is canted on, at the present time, to a formidable extent. 111. COINING ALLOYS; RYSESIBLING GOLD AND - CONTAINING -NEITHER.. This fraud consists - 1n coining a - metal of in ferior value, but resembling the genuine cola as nearly as possible in color,density and ring, either with or without a coating a precious metal. Such composition being generally very bird, require for the impression a steel die.-- Neverthetefs, the higher grade of skill de mand.d in the execution of such dies, does not exclude the Production, to a very considerable extent, of this satiety - of counterfeit. • , IV. COUNTERFEITS Wllfl ALTOY.ABOVE TH2 This fraud consists in coining a compound containing a libet al proportion of preciima met -41, but btl/1 nation poorer than the genuine coin. It is attende I with so little profit, coin paved with other tncales of counterfeiting on ac count of the Ail! end triacLinry requited, that it is not extensively practiced. This mode of counterfeiting consists in en veloping a cheap metat within flirt soldered iiishs of precious metal, and th n atrikiug the planchet in a coining press. IA WI a die and press at command, the f raud is r .cticed. It has been pronounc,d by the "Dire, to of the Mint," according to the statement of Dr. Barc lay, as the most dangerous which has attracted his notice. VI. -ALTERING AND GILDING CERTAIN ELVER CUING IN MTATION OF GOLD coin. This fraud is perbrtned by olectro coating, or, otherwise gilding, curtain silver coins, after scraping off particular portions, in order to wake them conform Inure closely to certain gold coins which they rrs-tuble in other re spects. Some of our cld data,* are suscep tible of being transformed into eagles. This species of deception is accomplished by removing one of the laces of a silver coin, and soldering the thin face of a gold - coin of similar dimensions upon the silver coin, suitably gild. ed Thus the halt dollar of 1801 harmonizes sufficiently well with the' eagle of onr radiir coinage to deceive the unpracticed. This baud, nowever, is one that cannot be extensively per. petrated, at the present time, since our gold end silver coins differ from each other, in their dimensions and design; more widely than for. merly. _ This fraud is practiced by sawing apart the two faces of a g..1e1 coin, anti inseitiug between them a planchet of base mail by solder, in place of the precious metal thus removed the Lircumterence being gilded to conceal • the in terposed metals. How tar counterfeits of this description have been circulated, we havii been unable to ascertain. X. THZ DRILLING AND iLL'GGIse This method of iinpairifig coin is performed by drilling the ciin edgwise, and plug4ing the perforation with base metal, the order tXtrettil iy being closed with precious mauls. Upon t e larger denomination of coin and especially of gold, there is much temptation to this hand, since it is easily accoinplished, and May' be made highly remunerative. _ This very lucrative mode df impairing coin,, without appreciably diminishing its weight or affecting either the impressions on 'its face , ihs dimensions, or its appearance, ia'pelformea by removing one of the faces of the coin by means of the lathe, as far as the heided circle or even the edge, and turning out so much of con tents as will leave a mere EhOl. The pones pending thin face of another Similar coin, ex actly fitting the conical' aperture left by the removal of the other, is Mtn ;oldered on, the rvity having been previously filled with a fusi ble alloicif platinuni so exactly to preserve the correct weight. :A. ceurdetdeic of Ude deoclip T Lion haebe4t, recently circulated, and 94n be detected bq -those only *he are czpou 4 g coins, This fraud consists in removing from the cir. cumferance of coin more or less of the metal by WM. DOOl. J. & CO Cram Stinting Via. Raving procured Steam Power Presses, we are Prepared to execute JOB and Ittm a PRINTING of eves deecrlogon, cheater that Wenn be done at any other es tabliahmeut in the coum'•r. RAM, 1 EVE. girFour lines is ices ei ns , itute one half aquae& Fitt lice. or more than four constitute a Egu,sre, Dail :..iquare. one day". One week one month., three months, ala months... • one year..., free rquare one day one week - ...... 220 one m0nth .......... . 00 three months 5(00 six montha.., . 8 00 One ear 10 00 Jay-Business notices inserted in the I.,Ftal column, or before Marriages and Isaths, FIVE CENIS 1 Ilt LINE for each insertion. gar marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. Manufacture of Counterfeit Coins The ocosional arrest of a scamp on the charge of uttering spurious coin of the realm, reminds us that it has been estimated by good calculators that fully ten per cent. of alt the apparent gold coin in circulation is bogus, much of it being so admirably executed as to deceive bank office's and other fit tt class judges. The natural and legitimate loss in value of gold coin is immense. Small coins lose more than the larger denominations. The estimated loss on the coin in circulation in the United States is over $l,OOO 000 per annum. This attracted the attention of the United States Clove' utnent, and Congress, at a recent session, made an ap propriation of $6,000 for the purpose of contin uing the experiments carried on at the mint in Philadelphia by Dr. Janus T. Barclay to ulcer. tamp. the Mat modes of detecting counterfeit coin, and also to report whether roved mechaubm would enable the Governmt nt more perfectly to guard against its manufacture and its me. Di. Barclay prosecuted his experiments in Philadelphia, and afterward went to Europe to gather further information. He is of the opinion that not less titan one per cent of the sliver, and as much as two per cent. of the gold coin in circulation is either spurious or has been impaired in value, and yet by processes eo ape. ciously pet formed as daily to deceive banks and brokers. In the course of his experiments, the Ductor found fourteen methods by which coin is either imitated or tampered with. lid de scribes them thus: I. IXITITION By CASTING. Carting a rn tidal of inferior value, but resem bling the COl/1 imitated as much as possible in color, apt chic gravity, ring, etc., is the Amplest kind, of counterfeiting- practised, •but is limited xclu:ively to the imitation of silver coin. It is very easily executed upon our present coin, is much practised; and' though not very spe cious, is dangerous. - 11. THE GILDING NEADD. STANDARD AMOUNT V. VIE ENCASING PROCESS. VII. THE FACING FRAUD U. THE SAWING AND rwszaTixo riutra. X. THE EyICERATING iicAun XI• THE PERIPHERAL PRACII • So: ~. 300 600