he'll cut you ; Bill stepped back and Charley came up to him and kicked Bill in the side , and Bill fell against the fence; as he fell Robin son kicked him again ; I stepped up and took him away ; Bill cried and we put his coat on and carded him to the barn. He could'nt walk because he was drunk. I didn't see no knife at all. Mrs. MARY ANN CHASE—Sworn.—When Poirenberger got his ice cream ; I think he had a vest on ; I think he got his money from the vat pocket; ho paid me a five cent piece and a cent; I didn't see a vest but thought he bad one on. Jefferson Clark, recalled.—The billy was taken out of the left pocket; Charles was a right hand man ; the billy was the last thing that came out of his pocket ; 7 think Charles weighed about 150 or 166 pounds; there were no other weapons on Charles' person at that time ; the clothing was all taken from him in Dr. Graydon's office ; the bath house is a good half a mile from Gehm Ins; between a half mile and three quartets of a mile ; the distance between Charles and Gehman's house is nearly one hundred feet ; they are on the same bide of the street ; the lots are opened not fencrd. Was. J. ROBINSON, sworn.—On the 31st of January last, Charles was twenty-one years of age. &ma DAvis, sworn.—Know Samuel Len hart; was sent after him by Mr. Clark ; went to Marietta, Columbia and Lancaster ; couldn't find him at any place ; heard that he had been at all those places and lost all trace of him at Lancaster. REBUTTING EVIDENCE ON Tli PART OP DEPENDANT SUSAN /WISHER, recalled.—l was with Leah Ferry only on Saturday before the Court ; her father told me that Leah was going to Dauphin and if I called her she would go with me, which I did ; I never carded Poffenberger's likeness with me, and didn't show it to her at that time. The testimony for the defence was closed about eleven o'clock, when ROBT. A. LAMBER- Tox, Esq., proceeded to address the jury in be half of the Commonwealth. He spoke for nearly two hours in his usual able and eloquent style. At the opening of Court this afternoon Hon. JOSEPH CASEY followed in behalf of the prisoner, making an eloquent, argumentative and logical plea, which was listened to with interest by the large crowd of people in the Court room. At the time of closing our report Hon. Jowl C. KUNEEL has the floor, and is holding the vast audience spell-bound by bis eloquent defence of the prisoner. The closing plea in behalf of the Common wealth will be made by Jourr A. Frans; Esq., when the Judge will deliver his charge and submit the case to the jury. • PROSPECTIVE GROIVITI OF TUE UNITED STATES.- In a late number of the New York Herald, a lengthy article from the pen of J. L. O'Sullivan appeared - on the subject of the increase of the white and black population in the United States for the next century. Mr. O'Sullivan basis his decennial average increase on the same ratio of increase shown by our census from the first or ganization of the government to the present time, end the result he arrived at is as follows : WHITE POPULATION 1860 ..31,000,0001 1920 118,256,613 1870 88,760,900 1930 147,819,610 1880 42,437,600 1940 184.786,396 1800 60,646,876 1960:....280,981,991 1900 76,688,693 1660 288,726,488 1910 94,604,491 NIIiI4O POPULATION. Decennial Inc. Number. 1860 881,186 4,085,499 1870 . 1,123,612 6,209,011 1880 1,432,479 6,641,490 1890 1 , 726. 409 8,457,800 _..._..___ Cy2tlll 2,328,872 10,796,671 2,969,057 18,765,628 8,785,547 17,661,175 4,826,670 22,877,745 6,158,880 23,631,625 7,846,199 36, 877,822 .10,008,901 46,881,728 1900.... 1910 1920 1930.,.. 1940 .... 1960.... 1960 . .. FRIOHTENED AT THEIR OSYN.APPARITION.—uur Democratic contemporaries are very anxious to remove from themselves the public odium which has attached to them lilt.- provoking the present disunion agitation. The foul demon of secession and civil war, which- they have con jured up, now strikes terror to their own das tard souls, and, like Macbeth, they cry, Thou must not say I did It Never shake thy gory looks at me. Like the apparition of Bsnquo, the party which they overthrew by foul means in 1858, now points them to a long line of successive Administrations, while they are assured that the present is their last term of power. TOOIDN3 AND CHESNUT. —The Lynchburg fir ;Asian of Wednesday, repudiates the course of Senators Toombs and Chesnut severally, and hopes that their example will not be followed by others. It says if they would let reason and not passion direct their policy, they would see that it is the interest of the South, if she has any interest in the Union, to retain a full representation in Congress, and with the aid of Northern conservatives to control the Execu tive branch of the government, should it mani fest a disposition to encroach upon our rights. SECESSION /N TEXAS.—The progress of the se cession movement meets with an obstacle in the fact that Texas cannot call a State Conven tion as her Legislature does not meet for.fifteen months. Therefore Texas cannot go out of the Union at present. Gov. Houston will not call an extra session for the purpose of secession.— Senator Wigfall, it is said, will retain his seat in the United States Senate. Should he resign, as it was reported that he would do, Gov Houston would fill his place with a Union man. TEM:I/MIMIC Ituntmats are sometimes tut fun. ny as they are serious. Thus, one Dlr. Brown, a prominent gentlemen, being ill at Toronto,. it was telegraphed to his family that" Mr. Brown i s no worse." The family got it "is no more," and sent np a special train for the remains. A young lady was taken sick while visiting in Cleveland, and the good folks were dumb founded with the report that " she has had a Child." It should have been, " has had a chill." Brats nt Canum.—The Toronto Globe states that in 1851, there was In Lower Canada, 144 895 Protestants, and 746,866 Roman Catholics, and In Upper Canada, 784,409 Protestants, and 187,409 Catholics, making in all : Prostestants Catholics y of Prostestants. :LACKND POP. - VOING WOR LINCOLN. —The Alex andria (Va.) Gazette T states that at Fairfax Court House, Va., a man named Hartrel, who had voted for Lincoln, was seized by a party while he waif coming out of the Court House, and carried a short distance from the village, where he was blacked completely with prin ter'smounted on his horse,started for his house in as uncomfortable a situation as one would wish to be in. mmo BEER BARREr.s.—Two Germane of Detreit drank lager beer on a wager the other day. One drank eighty-four &glee land the other ninety-dz. kTiaith '‘tlegrapb Saturday Afternoon, November 24. 1660. READ the advertisement of Dr. Stewart EPISCOPAL SERVICES.- The congregation of St. Stephen's, on and after to-morrow, will wor ship in the lecture room In the basement of their church. Hours of service at half-past ten o'clock in the morning, and half-past three in the afternoon. KIDNAPPERS SENTENCED. —The trial of Francis Wilson and Gilmore Hull, for kidnapping a colored man named John Brown, some months ago, took place at Lancaster this week. They were convicted, and sentenced to five years each in the prison of that county. APPLES.—The supply of apples continues to increase, and choice varieties of tbis favorite fruit now sell in our market for seventy-five cents per bushel. At this figure poor people can afford to invest, so that apples are no longer a luxury. Two or three boat loads from the north arrived during the past week, most of which were bought up by the fruit dealers. Cyan Eon Rarionwrism.—As many persons are at the present season troubled with this un pleasant disease, we give publicity to the fol lowing cure, said to be very effective. " Bathe the parts affected in water, in which potatoes, with their skins on, have been boiled, as hot as can be borne, just before going to bed. By the next morning the pain will be much relieved, if not rtmoved. One application of this sim ple remedy has cured the most obstinate rheu matic pains." BEFORE THE Mayort.—We stated yesterday that Richard Fleming and Augustus Rickert were caged in the lock-up awaiting a hearing for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Both were introduced to the Mayor this morning, and making solemn promises to do better in future, that officer reprimanded and discharged them. These men were guilty of acts which neither of them would commit when free from the maddening influence of bad whisky; Sober men seldom lay violent hands upon their wives Intoxicated men do perpetrate such outrages, and they are of too frequent occurrence in this community. A &axon ox DANCING will be preached by Rev. Mr. Carson, to-morrow afternoon in the West Harrisburg Methodist chapel. We learn that Rev. Mr. Colder, of the Fourth Street Bethel, intends preaching on the same subject to-morrow evening. As these sermons are de signed for the special benefit of young people who mingle in "the giddy mazes of the dance," they should go and hear what our Reverend friends have to say on the subject. They may get some new ideas about the "light fantastic" science, and hear something that will, profit them. We reiterate the opinion, expressed on a former occasion, that preachers might find more interesting and instructive topics for pul pit discussion. ADJUTANT GENERAL—The State Sentinel gives Gen. B. C. Williams a very strong puff for Ad jutant General. While we heartily endorse all the Sentinel says relative to the services, milita ry accomplishments, and social qualities, of our friend, Gen. Williams, we doubt whether re commendations, emanating from such a source, will have much weight with the Governor elect. During the Gubernatorial campaign the col umns of the Sentinel teemed with slanderous assaults and indecent abuse of Col. Curtin "Slanders as vile as the spirits that came From the blackness of darkness, to tarnish his fame." No one who knows Gen. Williams will doubt his qualifications for the post of Adjutant Gen eral ; but when his claims are urged upon Gov ernor Curtin by such Locofoco papers as the Sentinel, the effect cannot be otherwise than damaging to him. Better have its censure than its praise. A GRSAT lissom Cohnnutorn.,—We notice that the practice of having scholars learn all their lessons during school hours has been adopted by the public schools in various places. -We hope that this step is but the begining of a great reform, and that the whole practice of stuffing the mind with a mass of undigested matter will be abandoned. An eager desire to make a great show for the time or for the money , expended is the most perni cious vice of our educational system ; it leads to hasty slugging over of lessons half - under stood, 'end begets a habit of being satisfied with vague idea which is very apt to continue through life. The most rapid mode of teach ing is that which requires every lesson to, be thoroughly mastered and comprehended before it is passed by. A scholar with this habit of study will soon overtake another who is far in advance with crude_ and - superficial notions of his studies. If, parents or teachets are very anxious that a child should learn rapidly, let them insist that the lessons shall be few and short.; no more than the child can learn both thorougly and easily. A RABBIT BABY.—One of the most singular freaks of nature we have read of for a long time, occurred in the neighboring town of York lately, the particulars of which are given in one of the papers of that place, as follows.— "A married lady gave birth to a child, poetics ding, generally, the forms and whims 0fit"..114- bit. The features bore a close reisanidance thereunto; . and at the hind-part of the head there was a short stumpy tail, preciselyin imi-- tation of the small pet animal. The child squeaked the notes of the Rabbit. It was so formed that it could partake of no nourishment; and during the five weeks of its career on earth it was necessary to pour, gently, a little milk down its throat. It had but little flesh, and that blue, resembling that of the innocent quad ruped to• which species it might have been classified to belong, instead of the human fatal ly. After much suffering a spasm ended its existence. These remarkable features and ges: tares of this child, are to be accounted for from the fact that the mother, yrhileescierd•, repeat edly fondled and caressed several pet-Rabbits, kept in the:house." 928,894 614,285 14,629 pennovivania Mat) a'clegrapt), Oaturbiav , 'Afternoon, November 24, 1660: qARRISBURG ..---.0,,--. _____.....___ THANKSGIVING SERMON.—Rev. Dr. Bishop, of the Locust street Methodist church, will preach his usual Thanksgiving sermon to-morrow, in stead of on Thursday next. Dr. Bishop ranks among the ablest of the Methodist Divines, and an interesting and instructive discourse may be anticipated. SOCIAL SOIREIL—The Liederkranz Singing Sod ety will give a social soiree at their ball in Frich's building on Thursday evening next, the exercises to consist of dancing and waltzing, vocal and instrumental music, and other amuse ments. We thank the managers for a ticket, and hope to have the pleasure of participating with our social german friends in their Thanks giving festivities. THE ALARM or FIRE last night was started by some boys who were anxious to hare a run with the "masheens." Thu streets were rather muddy for such exercise, but the boys accom plished their object, and at the same time frightened a number of nervous people who believed the alarm to be genuine. -In some towns this offence is punishable by fine, and the s•ime system ought to be introduced here.— False fire alarms are of too frequent occurrence in this city. Ma. EDITOR :—The notice in the TELEGRAPH of the dedication of the German Catholic church requires correction. Bishop Wood is not to be there. - The ceremony of dedication will be performed by. Rev. P. Maher, at 9i o'clock ; and the congregation will be addressed both in German and English at the HigkMass, which will be celebrated by Bev. P. Maher, ac companied by the choir of St. Patricks church, with other singers of high repute in musical circles. TUB MONTHLY lintirriso of the Sabbath School Teachers' Association will be held in= the Pres byterian church, Market Square, to-morrow af ternoon, at quarter past three o'clock. Subject for discussion i "Resolved, That we regard with regret the present common deficiency in our schools in the matter of committing thorough ly to memory the word of God, and desire to express our conviction that the present and fu ture blessed results of teaching would be im• measurably increased by such acquisitions of Holy Writ." ' NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAT.--011 and after Monday next, the passenger trains on this road, under the new sohedule, will leave Har risburg as follows : GOING SOUTH Accommodation train will leave at.. 8.00 a. m Express Train at 740 " Mail Train at 100 p. m GOING NORTH Mail Train will leave at 1 40 p. m. Expreaa Train at 815 " The only train leaving on Sunday will be the Accommodation Train South at 3.00 a. m. GREAT ARRIVAL of new and cheap goods; a splendid and large assortment just- opened. Beautiful styles of new De Laines ; 100 pieces of new Colicos splendid colors 10 cents ; 50 pieces Canton Flannel 10 and 11 cents; large lot of black and brown klualin - fiVO - oYarris of pant stuff for men and boys ware ; 80 dozen Undershirts and Drawers 65 and 75 cents ; 60 dozen Wool Socks 20 cents; Black Alapacka Shawls, Cloaks, Cambric Bands, Flanels, Dry Qoods of all descriptions ; 10 pieces black Cloth for Cloaks. Please call and examine our large assortment, 8. Lawr, at John Road's old atand. liusicAL.—New music from all the leading publishing houses always received immediately after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos; Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always fresh on band, at Wm. Knocna's Music store, 92 Market street. Natest Irg Eritgrap4. SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO THE DAILY TE LE CRAP H. Bank Legislation in Georgia. MILLEDGERILLE, GA., Nov. 24. The bill removing the restrictions on the banks in case of suspension of specie payments, passed the State Senate by a vote of 92 to 15. The Border War—March of Troops from the City of Bt. Louis• ST. Louis, Nov. 24. The different military companies of this city met at their armories last night, when General Frost gave them Gov. Stewart's final orders, which were to proceed at once to the frontier. Several speeches were made by officers. Quite a number of recruits outside of the companies enrolled themselves for the campaign. The bri gade, about six hundred strong, will leave at ten o'clock tomorrow, by an &Ara train to Sy racuse, thence across the country to the scene of disturbance. Later From California--By Pony Express. ELECTION HETURNB.-LINCOLN STILL AHEAD ST. JOSEPH, Novaratier 28 The California advices to November 10th. by Pony Express, was by some mistake brought past Fort Kearney, and arrived here this even ing. The steamer Sonora sailed on the 10th for Panama, carrying 804 passengers and $920,- 000 in treasure, $820,000 being for New York. It is belieued that the total vote of the State will not be very far from - 116,000 votes. The returns already received include 105,888, of which Lincoln received.. Douglas " Breckinridge " Bell Lincoln's majority over Douglas is 1,160. These returns were all received by telegraph in more than one hundred messages, and mistakes have probably . occurred, and the official returns may be required to determine certainly whether Lincoln or Douglas has carried the State. Doug las will probably gain a few hundred votes In the remainder of the State, but the probabili ties are more in Lincoln's favor. As near as can be ascertained. the members of the Legislature elected are as follows : Sen ate-9 Douglas Democrats, 6 Breckinridge, and 9 Republicans. House-40 Douglas, 11 Breckinridge, and 19 Republicans. Of the 17 Senators holding over from last year, 11 are understood to be Douglas, 4 Breck inridge, and 2 Republlcana. ` ' ` Under there cir cumstances, there arsralreadrnumerous-Dougl las Democrats aspiring for Dr. Gwin's place in the 'United States Senate. Among them are Gov. Downey, Gen. Denver, .litmeg 'A. jill'Dott- . gall, and S. W. Inge., The money market is easier. Stncks active and excited—quotations higher. 11. S. Fives ninety seven. The steamship Kangaroo sailed at noon with 150 plungers, a!,(1 the Bremen with 97 pas sengers. The latter carried out 4,000 dollars in specie. The action of our Bank officers to-day is con sidered favorable. They decided that balances at the clearing house shall be, paid partly in bills instead of wholly in specie. This will en able the Banks to discount freely, and meets with general approval. Southern Confederacy Movement. A dispatch received here from Jackson, Mis sissippi, says that the members of Congress in that State had a meeting yesterday, and unani mously declared for a Southern Confederacy. There is great disunion enthusiasm throughout the State. A fearful storm is raging on the Lake, which must prove disastrous. About a hundred ves sels are on the lakes, including, seventy on Lake Erie. A blinding snow storm renders it impos sible for the vessels to reach this prat. Much damage has also been done by vessels drifting from their moorings. DR. JAS. MCCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP calms the most harraising cough, reheNkm the oppressed lungs, and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the witid pliie-and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse, nTites rest, and removes every symptom of cow:limp ion. Price $1 00. Sold by Gm BURGS - ER. jy2o DR. J. MCCLINTOCIC'EI PECTORAL SYRUP. Are your Maga Weak? Does a long breath give you pain? Have you a hacking cough? Do you expectorate hard, ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and want of sleep? If so, rum to YORE REMEDY. It will ED questionably save you. Pvico $l. 00. Sold by GEORGE Bintassa, mar7-daw4tn DR. MCCURTuCIieIi COLD AND COUGH MIXTURE, the established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold, Influenza, Hoarseness, and all irritations of the mucous membrane of the throat„,palate and nose, is endorsed by physicians, and all wholave used It, as a preparation that bas no rival in the field. Price 25 cents. sold by George Bergner. 020 BRYAN'S TASTELESS VERNIFIIGE To quiet The riot Or worms—the vile ecourges . The Vermlihge give, - And, as sure as you live, They'll get their discharges. What is Bavon's 'natal/Linos? Simply a pure and tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed by it, no worm can survive it, no mother should be without it, no words can express its value. Price 25 seats. Sold by Geo. Be lemma. iY2O PROP. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVIL—This Re storative for making the hair grow, stopping its falling out, and restoring gray heir to Its original color, is be coming colebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it. Three fourths of the mixtures, for re storing andilibautifying the huts, do it more injury than good. They burn it up—destroy the life of Its roots— make the hair fall oft; and produce premature baldness. But Prof. Wood's Ra.torative may be relied upon as con taining nothing which can in any manner be injurious to the hair,whlle , itssuccess in accomplishiog.what it Pre feablo do has hemi 'garbled' hi - hundreds of oises. We attVil9 gray kiwis, and heads getting bald- all who wish to save their wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle of Wood's Restorative.—Y. Y. Democrat.. Sold by all Druggists, Alarms, READ Tais.—The following is an extract froma letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re nowned mediome--Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fbr Children Teething: • • "We see an advertisement in your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a word In favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum bug—we Aare tried It, awl know it to be al/it claims. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because It is one of the best. And• those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay a supply. au 22 Davis' Pain Killer. No Mammon is more prompt in its action in cases of Cholera, Cholera Mortls, ho., than Perry Davis , Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which sel dom falls if applied In its early symptoms. No family should be without a bottle of it always on hand. The stain on linen from tho use of the Pain Killer is easily removed by washing in alcohol. Bevis' Pain Killer seems particularly eillsacious in cholera morbus, bowel . complaints, and other diseases to which the natives of Eurmah, from their unwholesome style of living, aie peculiarly exposed. It is a valuable antidote to the poison of Centipedes, F.corpions, hornets, . " REV. J. BENJAMIN, Late Missionary in Burmab. Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers broughout the United States and Canadas. 018-Itti Tun MIGHTY Einexian.-Let not disease, with its fangs, prey upon you, . until the cold hand of death hurls you to au untimely grave. Shake off the teelings or despair and hopelessness, so liable to come upon the invalid. The plant born 'of the Sun we place within the reach or all. We care not what may may. be the specific form of the disease. The cause, the fountain of the din ease itself, Is impure blood, and through the different channels of the lungs, the stounteh and vital organs, JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN BEER PILLS wilt pass, ming ling with the blood, search cut and grasp and then ex pel, all hurtful poison that there is in it. Thus cleanse the blood by a few doses of these Pills, and disease, in any form, will dissipate and vanish. As the Sun, with its glorious beams first canoes-the morning dew to riseas mist, then growing stronger, casts his burning rays op en it—and behold 'tie goLle.Bo . oleatso the blood, and disease, like morning dew, retreats and vanishe. . Misr° is no blood .. purifier . equal tt:r• JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS. Sold by all medicine desists Fr% call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column,.called Moen FOOD It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confound ed with any of, the numerous patent medicines of the day. It Is food for its blood, already prepared for, ab• sorption; pleasant to the tisteAnd .naturalin action ; and what one gaini he rotiins. Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD Fool, and ba restored to health. We notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. EALDN'iI Fannie Donnixi., which every mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course mast be invaluable for alliafttn We complaints. It is also said that It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething; and at the same.time regulate the bowels. Lot all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless n ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 41Qrdue advertisement. an24febn For sale by C. A. Bannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa .... 85,088 .... 88,838 ... 29,429 .... 6,942 /Prom the New York Times, August 3, 1859. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIIII.---Pr.epared Glue: a very useful and convenient article for housekeepers and others, is "Spalding 's Prepared Glue." -it is one of those inventions, 8111 ell in themselves, which, never theless, go tar in the economies of household manage ment, and are an ever-present aid in saving time, ex pense and trouble. The numbtx of small repairs to fur- Mint e, picture-frames, crockery, children's toys, lea. titer, shell and ether fancy work, with the almost innu merable uses to which in ,eihry household a really good and ever-ready article of this kind may be applied, will at once suggest tbemseives'.to the Damaged book-covers, loottened leaves, dilapidated maps and her bariums will remind the student and book-worn of its value.?.Thiss Glue Is compounded wilt chemicals which bold.lt perManently in solution until It Is applied with out afflicting its strougth, and which serve to giro the4d heilve matter a firmer holden the surfaces to be united, idler which they quiekly-„evaporste, leaving the glue-to harden with rapidity end tenacity. It is estimated' that' there.are at leaskitive millions of households in the- United Statee..and that anoutlay. of from one to ten doll'. larsls annually required tomake small repalrsio tare alone, apertSrom the numerous neglecti aid make shirts that are nee.easarily resorted to. • _ noV244ma r ' . Money Matters in New York. NE.w YORK, Nov. 24 Sailing of Two Steamers. NEW YORK, November 24. Money Matters In Boston. BOSTON, NOV. 24 LOUISVILLE, November 24 Terrible Storm on the Lakes. 13mvai.o, N. Y., November 24 .813ttial Notices. On the 2::11 inst., 131 . . 1110/AA3 YARDLEY BROWS, of Reading, to Rizatirrra D., daughter or Robert Jones, Esq.', of Chester county. NMI 12tbaertiSeTilelltg. PERSONAL. --There is a Letter in the Harrisburg Post Office for Mrs BETTY MONThY, whlah she is requested to cal and lift. 24-2t* NEW LIVERY STABLE, PINE STREET, NEAR SECOND, IN THE REAR OF THE "MORGAN HOUSE." HE SUBSCRIBER has opened a new T LIVERY STABLE, located as above, and has a stook of excellent HORSES, and new and fasblonable BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, wbich he evil. biro at moder ate rates. GEORGE W. LOCKER, agt. ncv24-dtf INVALUABLE RECIPES for making Ink, Blare; ing, Tooth Powder. Hair OIL and Vinegar, sent on receiving twenty-dve cents, In cash or posh/go stamps Address Box No 110, Lebanon, Penna. n 24 It LADIES 1 LADIES!! LADIES!!! TIIST RECEIVING-,100 TALMAS of all patterns and styles, war, anted all wool cloth (nnt usual in this town); the all wool cloth, worth double in value. Patterns very handsome from $4 to $25 cheap for exsh. ALSO, Just receiving a second supply of DRESS GOOD?, Eat. BROIDEEY, :RAWLS. SILKS, good style, atlso cents a yard. DRESS GOOD?. at 18% cents, worth 31 cents; and a full assortment cheap for rasa. GENTL EMEN ! GENTLEMEN! GENTLEMEN ! JUST. RECEIVING, all styles Undershirt; Drawers, Linen Shirts, Gloves and Hosiery all styles, cheap for cash, at I nll4-Iw] JONES' STORE. APPLES.— A lot of fine Winter Apples, For sale by R. K. PARSONS, Agent, 22.3 * No. 110 Market Street. $25 REWARD ! rIN THE NIGHT of tho 21st inst., there j was stolen from the bar.room of the Bomgardner Bouse, in this city, a bundle con alning a number at ar ticles, among Olhen the following pieces of music : Rosa - Waltz, by Strause, with variations by Eyeing. From the Norma, by Bunter. La Allmant, by the same. The Sea Shorn, by the same. Operaof Baachert, by samo.— Divertisment. The above reward wit be paid by the undersigned, for the_ recovery of this property and arrest of tne Wet. JOSEPN. STONE. nov22-aid* 308 N MAEIIRER, nol9-1m RASPBERRY ALLEY, BETWEEN CIHiSTICUT AYH MULBERRY STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. .110ip ESPECTFULLY informs the public that _j_k he is located at the above mentioned place, and he has commenced the WOOL DY.EING and CARPET WEAV ING BUzIIIEtS in all its various branches. He Is pre pared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and will guarantee general satisfaction. His prices will be reasonable. Having carried on the business, for many years in Germany, and over two years here, and also having had an (=ended experience in this country, he is fully com petent to execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes to receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow citizens. WA general assortment of Carpets are tlways kept on liaise and will be eold at the lowest rate. nov2l 6118nnt DR. D. W. JONES HARRISBURG, PA., OFFERS the most certain remedies in America for Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Seminal eaknesa, and all those Diseases arising , roman Injudi cious habit, all Mercurial and syphilitic Eruptions, Dye. pepsla, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Ring Worm and Teller. All femaLe complains, such as Monthly Irregu larities. Alr these above named Diseases will be re stored to Constitutional soundness or no charge. Any person or persons being afflicted with the above named Diseases, will call on me at the WHITE HALL. I will make a written article with Lim or her, and place it is the hair's of some responsible person to hold until a cure is performed, and if there be no cure effected at' tor using the medicine a reasonable lime, the patient Shall lift the article without a charge. All the remedies used by me are entirely vegetable, and can be taken at all times without change of diet or hindrance from business. n2l.dolms Medicines can be sent by mail or express. Perseus desiring information by letter must enclose a siamp to insure an answer. LafGHLIN'S & BUSIEFIELD'S C HEMICAL WRITING FLUID. rrilllS INK is a rival of the celebrated L Arnold Fluid. It is equal to it in every respect, being undoubtedly made of sired lar material. It flows freely from the pen, does. not thicken and will not and is nearly one-third CEIEAPER than Arnold'a. Quarts, Pints, Ralf-Pints 4 as., 2 oz. Bottles. Writing and Copying Fluids, for tale at KELLER'S DRUG STORE, no2o 91 Market Street. n01.6-1m PUBLIC SALE. TILL be sold at public out-cry, at the EUROPEAN HOTEL, in the city of Harrisburg, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the sth day of December, at half-past six o'clock, the following described proper ty, situ.,te on the north side of Second street, between Locust and fine - streets, to wit : Two Two- - Story BRICK. DWELLING:-== HOUBEE,_ with ba::k buildings and 'LOT OF MI GROUND to eacb. The one Lot extend* back N I s ono hundred and fluty-seven trot six inches ; the other one hundred and forty-seven feet six inches to a ten feet wide alley. Said property owned by Mrs. Black, and occupied by James R. Black and Mrs. Car berry will be sold; the whole together, or separately...- For Dirther information enquire of the undersigned. Terms made known the evening of the sale. nol9-to BERRYHILL & RCE.BLS. Attorneys. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. 400 Hulled.l,S-asE,?,fFLx,t,r,aftZeisvvronithg 1.: ley, for sate, whcleaale and retail, by nl9•3t* EBY & RUNNEL. VENETIAN BLINDS & FURNITURE MADE and REPAIR bD, In gaol style,at, short notice, nd on 1 , atonable term; by A. R..9IIAtP, s,Lond street ow chestnut. 0t15.1:m STORAGE ! STORAGE ! ! S TORAGE received at the Warehouse of _ _ • JAMES M. WHEELER. f:V=IIIII " WANTED. 5 POUNDS of OLD COPPER,_ .0 00 for which we will pay . the very It gtt• e,t menet price lu cash,. at the oet Llmd , Ear:LE WORKS. _ T _zir-K-E-NS-L - V-AtLEY-;NUT- COALI=For 'LILL sliie at $ 00 per to 3. • - 2 - • • sir ALL COAL DELITFRED EP PATENT WEIGH CARTS t JAMES M. WILIBLF.R. 4 Coal dediverod from both yards. xtorlft. itlarrieb. filebitat. SAIiTFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gains, and has become an established fact, a Standsted Medi cate, known and approved.. by all that have used It s and is now resorted to with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re-'0 commended. It has cured thousands Ei within the lan two years who had given up all hopes _A of relief, as the camera= unsolicited certificates In NI my possession show. The dose must be adapt- pa ed to the temperament of the individual taking it,and ch, used in such quantities at to actgeutlyon the bowela. _ Let the dictates of your ta judgment guide you in the use of the 11TER Ll* BATOR, and It will awe Lints Commanive, Simms > Arrecro, DYSPPITIA,CEIRONV, IO DIARRHOEA, BUMMER COM- OE PLAINTS, LOISEITTINLY, DNIXP. ST &CH STOMACH, HABIT- M vu. CONTITICHEMS, ailLl/10, CHOLERA Mosses, CHOLERA LYFAaIuM , F LATa LER ON, JAUNDICE, FEMAIN NESSE% and may be 010 d successfully as an ORECYA RY. FAMILY ilunicuir. It will cure SICK ELEADACEIi- i-a (as thousands can badly) IN TWENTY Illucurse, IF TWO r , .. °ETHANE THAPPOONPLISATCP TANEN at commencement oi p attack. ALL wito inert ass am 1.-i um, their testimony hi its Amor; ga-lltix Water In the mouth with the In. ►lgorator, and swallow both together. Mae Ore DOLLAR Pia BOTTLI. -ALSO... SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE 'EXTRACTS, AND PIT/ UP IN GT* RR CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY CATHAR- • TIC PILL Is a gentle be active Cathartic which the W proprietor has used in his practice more than twenty ,3 years. The constantly increas- lug demand from these who have long used the PILLS S. and the satisfaction which all express In regard to 1.4 their use, has Induced me to place them within thr reach of all. place them • that different Cathartics act bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re lished fact, been componn purest Vegetable Entracte, part of the alimentary ca, in all cases where a• cat= Derangements of Stomach, Back and Loins, Chattermat body,licaletment, Headache fnftarama cry Diseases, offs, Rheumatism, great many diseases to srtimit to mention in this s tsar- ession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY OATH AR- %.0 &ranee to this well estate. eni ded from a variety of the Eli which act alike on every nal, and are good and tate Ide thartic is needed, such to di Melina!, Pains in 0 14: Pain and Bomar over ite pl or 'aright in the head, all Worms in Children or dd. Co Purifier of the Blood, and flesh Is heir, too numerous tssement. Don, Ito 8. 0 PRICE 80 CENTS. Two LITRE,. INVIGORATOR AND FAMILI OATaua to Pura are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. B. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor je2o-dhwyll 335 Broadway, New York. geotilita 4Ramme raractu:.----tp tatjo?S Z ul - 4 CikW 3 TAI I " A SUPERLATIVE MONICA I UR ETIC a l 11051CDRATINCt CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersev and po the.rEQ E De r ie, a .!..... and Private Pamilice WolfePs Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfes Pure Maderla, Sherry cad Port. %Vine. "Wolfe's Pare Jaunt Tea and St. Crot; Rum Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOWLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wdoes and LIQUORS ; imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fants bar In every part of this country for Use purity of Ur celebrated SOKILtull S.VeNAPP3. Mr. Wolfe. in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of hie WINES and LIQUOR% says : aFI stake my reputation as a man, wy-shend tng as a merchant of thirty years' res'denee in the City of New York, that all the Mselvor and WINIWI which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied-upon -by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprlttoes name on the wax, and a tan simile of his signature on the cerritlo.W. The publics are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves,— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEORGE M. hosirro; No. 832 Market t 9101 ad, laze. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Cie ler : ENORMOUS BUSUDIRES FOR ORE NEW YORK 3156CR.F.N1.-- We are happy to inform our fel:ow-citizens that there Is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go end purchase pure Wines end Liquors, as pure as Imported, and of the best quality; We do not intend to give an elaborate description of ,thir merchant's extensive badness, abhough it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit tidolpho Wolfe's ex teusive Warehouse, Nod. 18. 10 and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17. 39 and 21, Mar; Wield street His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, soma ten thousand eases—Vintages of 1830 to 1850 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and Et. Croix. Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom Rouse key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of bchuapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thoasand dozen, and we hope in lers than two years he may be equally ,successful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and aquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Hr. Wolfe, until every Apothecar , in the land mate up their minds to discard Cie poisonous stud from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Mine and Liquoas. We understand Kr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of smelt dealers in the country, puts np assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, -11001 be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, Who sell nothing but ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sepfl-aaa Oast C. K. Keller, 91. Market street, sole agent for this cit HELDLISoi, S Gail UIN K. PR kt; itt ATIO_. Cures Gravel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections HELIIDULD'S Geeunte Preparation ter NervOttil sad -Debilitated Surerera. HELULIOLD'S G.aUll.ll, eparatlon for Lose or Power, I I Loss of Memory. HELSIBOLD'S Genuhra Preparation for Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, UELUBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weaic zierveir, II H.rrnr of Death. Trembling. .t.tuu.,uu yreyafauuu jut ki/61•4.wcatai, Cold Feet, Dimness of Viston. N.LIIESOLJ'S thimble Prow:wawa for Languor, I Dl H versal Lassitude of tbo Muscular System. HEIAIIiOLLPB lleutane rrepAramon Yar ta,lid ltutulfe, ranee and Faun lons. TiELAUCLD'ii: umlaute rrop.ir.aton /Ur r,usi. is 11 Bsc c, Ileadsche,Blclc . Stomach. figeSue advertisement headol ILELMRuLD'S EXTRACT BIICEIII in another column. PUBS! - Ta select from a large stock of. Furic, GO AO CATBOAT, V& To see and buy nice new to To get any kind ofFuil you To purchase Fars without an To have Furs guaranteed to seated, To Gad the Largest, hezt and every kinl, CALL ON CATHCART & PROTHERI3, N 0.14 Markek Square, nl9 Next door to t he Harrisburg Bank. COTTAGE - F IT U R in Chamber Suits, containing Dressing Bureau, Bedsteads, Wash Stand, Table, Four Chairs, and a RooSiug Chair, from 523 to 00 a suit. Bureau and ,Bedsteads from $4 50 to $lO 50, and other oracles at equally low figures, at the Ware Room -.IA An 29 oath c e and S. 14" nnl6-11m 6N3a3 utLailt6.—ibe r tot au. N.J ' beat variety, fifty different stylef- and t auvr4llrout So to $l6 a set; Alas, Tucker's spring Bed Bottom,lbs best in un--only $ll--.lt. - - JAMBS R. BOYD - a EoNi. 29 South Seepna Street, next to Boll's Stoke. GO TO CATHCART'S :y wish, 00 TO CATEIOARTM. r risk, ao TO CATHCART'S. e what they are reel*. GO TO. CATIMAItrB., oheapeit lot of Faro of