Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 23, 1860, Image 1
VIE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS FRCFATEIO ;Y GEORGE BERGNER [e.r, CO. lERms soEsournori. DAILY . 11a.r.ORAL 11 13 serve') to attbsertbers in the • eetle3 per v:o6; Yearly subscriber) he charged $4.00. Wotan* AND Se3il-WkEelY TELEGRAM. ,e I ELEGRAPII 19 aI O published twice a week during el the Legidattire, z.:, ; (1. weekly during the re ri the year, and furmAed to aubscribere at the 3WaiA rates, viz : Nrgle SUNeriberil per year r'eree Tee LArt Le. sinver.LFSY.B. subscriuers order the discontinuance ot their new Es• Af the publisher may continue to send them until 'all arrearageS are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their uewspa rs from the office to which they aro directed, they are ;:spourible until they hat , settled the ume and ordered them discontinued . . fflebical. ELELUBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S ffELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELNIBOLD'S ELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S RELUBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S lIELIIIBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S. Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Beam, Extract Buchu, Extract Bach; Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu. Extract Smile, FOR SECRET r DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET 4- DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. 105 SECRET k DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SIEREP 4- DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Spec fic Retnedy A Positive and Spt , ciric Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy- A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy ro, Dl,llASlb'a OF TES BUDDER, GRAY ED, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, OKA Vr L, KID-N EYS, DituPSY, 111...ADDEte, ['RAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS; D teup,,r BLADD/P , GRA EL, 'LIDA DRopsr' , a A OfrAVAL, KIDNEYS, ,DRupgy: ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC) WRAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all Davie; of anal Organs, And di Diseases of Sexual thgans, And all Dimas qj &maul Organs, ,find all Disease! of &smut Organs, Ana ail DZIRws of &mud Grgan3,l And all Disease, of Sexual 4rdans, .1.1 , 1:1NO PROM Excesses, Exposures, and Improdencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Insprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Ituprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Itopredencies in Life, Excetses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, From at Mover cause originating, and whether ex isting In DIRGE Olt FEMALE. Pernalee, take no more Villa 1 They are of no avail for Coriphdrits incident to the eeX. Use Extxastlehrt, llehnbold'r gatraol Ituchu is a Medellin which is per• teed/ pleasant fu ita Test. and . lOdor t But immediate In its action giving Health and Vigor tO toe Flame, Bloom to the Pa llid Cheer ; and restoring the patiem to k t erfect state of H AND PUNITY. larYmbold's Extract Buchu Is pr. pared according to Pharmacy and t.l.erahtry, and isirre:oribud and used by h. nest Eminent - PhySteranwri — Delay no longer. I rotate tte remedy at sme. Yrlco $1 per bott!e, or six for $5. Depot lea ,Flouth 9suLh street, Pniladslohls. Beware of Unprincipled Dealers. Trynis, to palm pH' their own or other artioles of DUCE, on the iepetetion attained by lielmbald's Extract The Original and only Genuire. twnre to run on the Merit. of our Article! • Tbeir's is worthless—is sold at much less rates and tk,tantsnota, consequently paying a much better profit, We Defy Competition I IMES lielmbold's Extract Buchu. lab:. no other. bold by L. IV. Grose k Co. and all drugglAw every where. r0.v.11-dawilirt JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. 4. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOUTS,Li :ACAS, bAITEctil, of toe very best tussti,:s furtattles, gentlemen, and cbildrens , wean— Prices to snit the limes. All kinds of wOlt MALE 10 ORDER Mike best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ectlAdif JOHN B. WITH, Harrisburg. PROF. ADOLF!' P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the publics generally, that he will tontine to give instructions on the PIANO FORTH, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BAtld. Be will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their huuses at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, is Third stroot, a few doors below the non heli Tmed Church. AUGUSTINE L. UJIMINE. CARPENTER, AND BUILDER Residence No. 27 11 arth Second &Net. N. B--JOBBING AI:MINDED TO. W. BA YS, . AT TOBNLY-AT--L AW: Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p dawt DIL - T. J, ACMES, SURGEON DENTIST, (IFFERS his services to the citizens of Harrisburg and las vicinity. He solicits a. share of tbs public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro, 'rowan. Being an cold, well trial dentist, he feels safe in inviting the public generally to call on him, assuring tnem Mat they will - not be dissatisfied wih schtfidela Otte No. 128 Market street, in the Louse formerly se copied by Jacob B. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, in. mys•dly ' ALDERMAN HENRY P_EFFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (ISILELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut. Street near Fourth CITY OF HARRISBURG, PENN'A. 12 iltr GEORGE FISHER, ATTORNEY Al' LAW. YFERS his professional services to all vtjr persons having both:Less to be transacted In tho Several Courts or Dauphin county, the Laud Department Of this state, or before the Board of Property. liaviug boon associated In the practice or the Law, with his lath er, JUILsI A .111....11.E1t, he promises diligent and careful itkigtion to all professional husiuess entrusted to Lem ONSS•earuer of h'ecoud and Locust streets, (opposite to _., • IT. coo Ilarrtuburg. ap26- STATE CAPITAL BAiNK, AMERON COLDER, EBY & Co CORNER SECOND AND WALNC2 BIS., BARRIS BURG PIItTN. • • A . FRESEC STQCg 01 Vanilla Deans, lleckers' Farina Yethimefr: mt 4 Fancy Soaps, at ISLES' Marc' mak atyll Market street, below Reck, Harrisburg, • -.,.5 , \ Alit i / • •, .‘ , _ ._ • ....., •\,., .-- . 4 ....,...‹... :::.:.•••.-:::--...-- -.-..\..\ i! • . 0 . "_-.......---- .. _____ -2., , : ----,-:. • ~....:.k____________„ I T-___-- 4 444,...;;,.-:------_,-3::,r: 4,..„....:,„,,.....,64„:„.,..„.,,..7.7.......,4_,.,,,,,,,.._ . , . .. , ..5.,,..;...v .... ^.OO 12.00 15.0' VOL. (goal ! &al ! I Qtoal !! ! COAL ! COAL!! COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME. TO GET CLEAN COAL I Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! THANKFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS for their liberal patronage, I would now 'Mom them and the public geherally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice to supply thelll with all kinds or • . SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. Of - FREE FROM. SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD. Although my coal 6 out weighed in SiSLF-WitiGHING CARTS BUT IS WE CHEM. ON SCALES ACCURATELY TESTA) BY TUE SEATER OF WSIUHIS AND SlirAiUßl4B 7 and consumers may rest assured that they will he fairly and honesily dealt with I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. ALSO HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD, alwyS un hand. CEO. P. WinSTLING. sept3-d3m NOT lIIE FIRST ARRIVAL, BUT ARRIVED IN DUE TIIIE TO BE SOLD AT REDUCED PRICES, LYKEN S VALLEY WIVE COAL, $2,50 per ton. NUT " $3.04) " Also constantly on hand, I.,YREN , S VALLEY BROKEN, " EGG, CUPOLA AND STEAMBOAT COAL, WILKESBARRE BROKEN, 3 d OR a E n N, N 4, NUT. Blacksmith Coal. Allegheny and Broad Top. Also, Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood. E. BY pl 4 No. 102 Chestnut street. NEW DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION . STORE ! viTM . W. ARMSTRONG, Prac tical Truggist and Chemist, would infer= the citizens of Hart isburg, that he has leased the store room recently occ .pied by Dr. Kimbell, and is now prepared to furbish those who fell dispmod to patronise him, with pure and unadulterated Drugs and dedictues, mit as can be relied upon, having bad several years experPnce in too Drug and Prescription business, be mo-t respectfully solicits a share of Physician.' Prescription busin• es. He has also a large and varied assortment of Perfumery, aailocery, ato. Also, all °fate most popular Patent Me dicines of the day ; also, Tobacco, Segars, Ac , of the best brands; also, Alcohol, Turp .ntinc, Burning Fluid, cod Aco. In tact everything usually kept in a welt stocked d ug store, n. vl2 dim GENERAL ORDERS---No. 3. HEAD QUARTOS, ST/3 I Iv. P. V., • BarriMurg, Nov. ath, - 1860. I. The Volunteers of the Filth I) vision P. V.. will pa rade at liarilaburg, on TUESDAY, January la, 1881. at 10 look A. Al., to inaugurate Governor Anirew G. Curtin. All Volunteers in the Mate and' ut of it aro_ocu dtal- Iy invited to p .rt Motto.' 111. Begin/ mts, Battalions and Companies will report to Brigadier General F.. C. Wlliams, 3d Brigade sth Div. P. V. at Harriaburg'. By command of — major - OlonernLWlLLlAM_Rdigg4,_,.._ JANES FREELAND, Aide-de•dimp, nov6 GENERAL ORDERS---No. 4. HEAD QIJART , RS 3D BRIGADE} Otti Div, P. Y., Nov. 61111,1860. I. Agreeable to the orders of Major Berardi Kelm, sth DPleion t• V., the 3d BriAade 610 Division P. V. will pa rade at Harrisburg on lvEsDAT,January 15th,1861, at 10 o'c oak A. H., to prrticipate in the inauguration of Gover nor Andrew O. Cu. tin. IL Col. Baker, 01 the let Regiment wilt report to Maj. John W. Brown, at Harrisburg, on or before the Ist of January, 1861. EL Capt. Ryster, of the Cameron Guard will report at Head Quarters co or before the 10th col January, 1861 for further orders. By order of B- C. WILLIAMS, Brigadier General 3d Brigade 6th Division P. V. • Joan% F. Kum, Aid-de-Camp. nov6 Lir/ OM)) II VII 1 43 111 ilesi Milt! II I VALUABLE HOTEL PIZOPERTY In the City of Harrisburg. 9IHAT well-known 'and valuable hote pr nperty known at the "SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE," now In the occupancy of Wm. Mocherman, situate on the cilia end of Market street, and immediately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, willbe offered at PRIVATE SALE until the 4th of December next, and , f not sold be f4re that time, will be put up at public auction on that tiny. This is the most desirable property in the city of Ear risburg for hotel business. - Its proximity to the Penn , sylvania Railroad Depot, and the Depot of all the rail roads centering at Hattlahurg,makesit more conveuleut apd accessible to the travellog Turtille than any other Rotel in the city.. Further intorourtion regafir to this porierty and as to the terms ofsale, marbe;liadtapplyingto 'WM il. MOM, , Attorney -44 w, forth co K./gasket F-Altlare; (iVykiti , t3 . Building) second o Ty re n 1 t.- ' octl:d‘w. PIEW MUUtiNING GOCOS OATH CART & BROTHER, Have now open a largo ,assortraerit of MOURNING and MOND MoURNING RREAS. GOODS, SHAWLS, SILKS, • COLLARS, SLEEVES, IiAtIV.D.ICEROBIEFs, • VEILS, and 'Alkother:goodadesirable for Fall and Winter wear. N 0.14 Market Square, ntE Next :to - the klarnsbutg Bank. FAMILY BIBLES. THOROUGHLY complete stook of a *azes ' tYI44 I3 I , 9 L I V:Vs cEERA7 B(N)Imo • Vir ! FOR•-PRE6ERVIN - G 7 a very superior ar .14111$ on - bamil eat for obi LOW by SK)CIS JR. k CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINtS---NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 23, 1860 SALE OR ftlisrellantons. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR MAKING Bread, Tea• Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o MAXI:MAI:STUMM BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO•l H. a'''. i , ilsiloveA - ed:the most dtirtaiti, • Erftpody • Proprietors of Shazomut Chemical Works. end enclitic' remedy in the .World for No. 33 INDIA STREW, Boston. „ DISE a SER.D.F. IMPRUDENCE.- - ,„ ~ Al tats IN,ell re ,wise nouns. 0 ONCEN 'PRATED LEAVEN is the re- ,-•,, "Nit lifereuryur Nortoutt Drugs.' - ‘,.,.1 stilt of careful chemical research. All its ingredi- war ow WARnAnitea? Cin !te CRAiteg, In Leon Cros ye ia .te are prepared in the highest state or purity, andoora- TWO Diva i ounded with a view to produce bread of, a far better.' Weaknoss.yof the Back Mr MOW Strictures, Pains in quality, and in much less time, than by any ether pro- me Loink Alfectlens or theffidrieynittal Ilitulder,•Organle cess ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire Weakneill,Nervone Debility, Decay of the,Phyeirial Pow confidence, to the Judiyment of itseriminating house- era, liyallnsirst Languor, Lovi•SpirriS; Confusion of Ideas keepers, bakers, &c. - palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Premblings, Dimness of Bread of all kin a made by using Concentrated Leaven light or •Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of is tighter, more digestible and mundane's; ha" an agrrea. the DeadiThroat, Noise or Skin—those terribladisorders ble, natural taste ; la less iiable to sour ; will retain its arising from: the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth,. moisture longer than by airy other process, and the those "d4ridlul anddestructive practices which prodnce whole preparation for the oven need hot exceed ten constitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and minutes. . digetroy.biath body and. mind. . It is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be 7...1 . YOUNG MEN. rendered evadable in places and at times when yeast is especially who have become ,the victims of not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under solitary Vibe, that dreadful - and destructive'habit - Whicb all circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of yerang eitliculty or procuring yeast or other farina t, which is men of the most exalted talent and brilllautiitatellect, who frequently of an inferior quality, res dering the bread mightotherwise have entrancedlistening Senates with the more or less unwholesome. thunders of eloquent°, or waked to ermine,' the! icing lyre, It is also valuable as regards economy, as it has been may call With full confidence. ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not MARRIAGE . less than 10 percent. In the common proems much of Married persons,or thoseceptemplatlng mtu'riage, being the saccharine of the flour is I st by bring converted aware of pliyaleal weakness, :Should immediately consult into carbo. is acid gas, or spirit, and the waste Is im Dr. .1., and be restored to perfect health, -' - ceded solely +or the purpose of generating gas to raise -, ,-,.--- ORGANIC WEAKNESS. the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this wane is Immediately Cured atifffuli Vigor Restored avoided, and the gas obtained - In a. - manpee;equally eill- Se whciplaaes himself under the care of Dr.:.i. . may cacrous. Fermentation. as has been Otatiii;:_destrny_s a religionsly,pOntlylein his honor as, a gentleman, and, confi ned or the flout or Meal. •sriid,•lo Conifeciiiiiia, it brirrel of dently relkupen his skill tis.a physician. . tt ,ur Weighing 196 lbs , which, by the eon min method, gGit- OflietiNO. T South Frederick street, Baltimore d., ereinarity makes about 250 lirs of bread. pees by this, en the leftliandsideigiiingfrout Baltintare street, Td crs process 290 Ds , thus effecting tbe very importart saving . .. from.the corner. Be. particular In. observing -the me re. of.). per cent. in the quantity of flour. - By conformity to' and number., or you will adatakethe place. Bapartienlar, the directions en each package, soy person capable of for Ignore*, Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry' ordinary attention may conduct the process, and- the re- humbug 'Certificates, attracted by the reputation •of Dr. suit will invariably be highly sailstl.ctery. Johnston, Ruh near. • CERTIFICATE FROM DR. HAYES, All letters meat contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the 4srayer to the S.'exte of Atarraehusetts. eply. "I have auely sad toe Cencentr.ted. Leaven, manure°• turgid by Messrs. IMO e hataborlin & Co.; with reference to its purity and efficiency of action in producing the. or feet of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering it lit for making bread. This article is skillfully com pounded, from perfectly pure material It raises the dough without consuming the sugar or any other print pie in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight el flour will preemie more sweet, palatable bread than oan be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry It is invaluable, as It saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "Toe experiments made by me confirm the statements Made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. sdlaspectinf ly, "A A. HaYKS, M. D., State Assayer, "16 Boylston street, Boston, September 25, 1810." DIRECTIONS Bnamszter AND TEA Roir.s.—Two or three teaspoonsful of Leay. n (according to the quality of the dour,) to one quart o' 11-mr; mix thoroughcy by passlug two or three tmes through a sieve ; rub iu a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and make the putte with cold Milk or water, (milk is pi eferable ).barety rtiff enough to-permit rolllug out. Much kneaoing should be avoided. Cut lu te di sired form, stud place nu meaiately in a hot oven and bake quickly. LOAF Ihoun.—Tlie same proportion of Leaven and flour sifted together as aboy_e• _ timiLate_ • •• • •• • the taste still' erivaglL t e. ixtemlirato _a tour, at bale_ GRAHAM BREAD —Throe teaspoonsful of Leaven to one quirt of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gill of mu- Lasses and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake in a slow oven. BROWN BREAD —Three teaspoonsful of Leaven to one pint of flour, and one pint acorn moil,. at well sifted' o gether ; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; Kaki, the pane thin with milk, and bales slowly. BUCKWHEAT CAREN-100W and milk sufficient to make one qua. t cf batter ;add ene egg, then three teaspoonsful of Leaven; beat - to a froth; and cook quick. _ Irtuarfl -- os.xzift together one iniartof fleir and two Oa. spoonstul of Leaven; rub in a pieCcr of.baiterhalf as large 'as an egg ; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. CITAMR6R STREET CARR —ER together two large.cups of flour and two teaapoonsful • cit Leaven; put in half a cup of but ter and a cup and a half of sugar; mix with cold milk or water to a stilTbatter, add spice to suit the taste, and bake immediately. CISCINNATI Srokoe CAKE —Two cups of white sugar beaten whh tee yolks of six. eggs—the whites or six. eggs Neaten to a froth; then heat ali together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup of water and three teaspoonful or Leaven; flavor with two Vlasyieonsfal of essence of le mon, and bake In a quick oven. J6)IBLFS --SiftAogether one quart of tour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven ; rub in one tea-cut ful of butter, add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit the taste; m;x stiff eusugh to roll out, and bake quick. ELECTloNeesu.—One quart of flour and thr, a teaspOoU3- ful of Leaven sttcd together ; add a - cup of butter, ono. pound of currant% two cups or white sugar ' and one tea` spoonful of cinnamon ; mix with cold milt to a stir bat ten: and bako in a slow oven. „ CORN Caxm—uue pint each of flour and Indian mcs.l, and three teaspoossful of Leaven, well sifted toge.her ; add one gill of molasses and two eggs; mix thin with milk. and bake in a slow oven. Cur ates.—Five naps of flour and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, sifted together; add one cup of, two of sugar, and two eggs, all well boat together ; then add a cup of currat.ts, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about hair an hour. LADIES' CUM—Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teaspoonsful or Leaven sifted together; oae pound of sugar and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of one le mon; tuts with mak. WSESESE Cates.—Five cups of flour, three teaspoonsful of I seven, three cups of sugar, one or butter, one of In he, and two eggs; f.nit and spice to the fasts.. Bake spout half an hour. Puked in Cases of 1, 2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. For sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM tit7LAlvEit & Bath, Wholesale Agents, No. 69 N orthFrout Street, Philadelphia. n ovl3 - d3in HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED! TIRE UNDERSIGNED having :seted 1 this well known and popular hotel, in the city of, Harrisburg, is now refltti• g null furnishing. the same with AkW FURNITURE in the very best modern style. It is located in toe most °mar Al part of the city, within a short distance of the poll!. of 11 t taereat railroad and also near the State Ca pilot buildings. The house is large and the sleeping apartments are well ventilated. The TABDE is well provided with all seasonable arti cles This city is welt known *brouglwut the state as having the best market outsiue of the Allitlo eine', ant' sonsequeutly no complaints shall be made` on tag seers. The BAR has also untiergone changes and will 110 stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to matte the 'traveler and sojourner comfortable in every . respect. A ctintilituince of the p stronage of the old customers, together with new adaitoaa li respectfully solLited. Hurrtsburg August 23-tf CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY, IN :TEM REAR - 01 • HERE'S HOTEL. THE undersigned has re-commenced the livery busium in big N]tW and SPACIOUS STA. BLES, located tis_above,..with a.large and varied stook or BOSSES, C SIAGE and OtdisilßUSAS, which he will hire at moderate rates. F. k.. SWARTZ sep:A•dly H. L. GODBOLD IP DIORACTICAL Tither. and Repairer of Pianox, &c.; &C.,:w111 rec. ive orders in titers at bVM. SAL M'S'Mud° ',Aare, 92 DiarlOt 'drool orders left at the above named (duce, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. Flist eleie3 PIA:Mid tor eels seplB-dl; NOTICE TO SPECULATORS. VALUABLE .6 rardaThra- z02754'011 S'Are' 4.: - - NUMBER OF LARGE SIZED BUILD- 1 DIG . I.O 4 PS aciJotaini tkie.)Round • HOwat : and WOW Stahla or the Penna. BMlrOad Company, will be geld /OW and on regtoonable terms. Apply to nusBo fan JOHN W. FULL. DL. .jOTUNSON a3ALIanCIM4I3OMII LOOK HOSPITAL. int. Jet:aeries member,of the Royal College of burgeon Londot.., graduate from one of the meat eminent Collegoso lho L. States, and the greater part of • whose life has been spent in the.tfOspitale of London, Parts. Phliadelphta ana elsewhere, has effecte d ecide of the most aitoutehing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head -when-asteup,..great-ctervocusness. being Alarmed. actruaddem sounda, : haahfulnese, with fiequent litOsbing, agMitiCtetufaetlineis with deradgeineht of mind were ourennttuodleteury TAKE.VARTICULAIt N(YfICE Lir: .1. addiesies all those woo having ituureditiem solvee by private and improper indulgences, that seers and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, tin fitting them for either business or society. - - These are kinee of the sad-and-melancholy effeeAs pro muted hy. early.habits of- youth, viz :' Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, ‘ Dimness of Sight, Goss OfWiscitlar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Lyspop sta., Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digeative Functions. General Debility, Symptoms of Consump- Atc. •'• „n MENTALLY. , '• . - Afessi¢dy,Dseteirful citreous on isleraind:are much to be irendedi—lsisn of • Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres sion of SpritvEvil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, n'elf distrtint, Love • of Solitude, TimiditY; . &O„ urn soma of ib e evii-bffects: - , •-• Thoussuyinopßersuns,of all ages, can new-judge what': hire a Mugu• tue yen, pougm'cisiidttOlDll33r oneuratillou who have injured thembeNew by a certain practice, in &caged in•when .nlotip--w.habit frinpientlylearned• from evil comisteloSs, or at school, the effects of which nightly felt,'eVen when asleep, and if hot cured, lenders marriage impassible end:destroys' both tnind'ind body iioaidapplyimmediately„e-*- • What a pity that-a young wuu , ii.the ho_pe of this Country, the darling' cif jfils - parehts, - elioulcrbe snatched from ad prospects anderOymenta of life by the consequences of 'deviating lrom the path of native, and indulging in a cirtainuearet habit. Such per Sons must, before contem plating effect that a sound , and . body are the most necie eery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; ttio mind becomes ihadowed with despair, and tiled with the melancholy reflection that the !tepidness of another becomes blighted with our own. . DR. JORNSTOWB 71RVIGORATIN41. REVEDY FOR by this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organi are speedily cnred, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the -most nervous - .and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Al Impediments to arriage, Physical or Mental Diaqualill cation Nervous rembling, Weakness or Fshaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily'onred; . _ ,The many thousands eared at this Institution within the List tWelveyearsi arid the numerous important Surgica Operations eerforinee by . Dr. "4., witnessed ;by the re pOrGerleof the papers and many other, persons, notices of -which have appeared again - and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and re• iponsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the a ffl icted - 'DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE When the misguided aria imprudent votary of. pleasure- duds be • has-imbibed the 'seeds of this painful - Menke; if too often Happens that an Ili-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to :those who, • from. education and re spectability can alone befriend- nimi delaying till the constiutional symptoms of thisherrld'ffisease make their appearance, alfeeting the head, tftroat, nose, skin, &a., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period t a his dreadiul sufferings by sending him to "that ' bourne-from whence no traveller returns. 1G is a melan cholrfard thattheiffiands fall vintims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the- Anakilibliess of- ignorant pretenders, whoi by the use of thav aeadkypoison, mercury ruin the Constitution and make the residue of life miserable ToWereedders —The Doctor's Diplomas hang In tits office gar Letters must contain a Stamp to na on the reply. Remedies sent-by Mail, - L' • Jar No. 7 South Frederick etreet,,Baltimore aprlffillew-ly • . •• - • SILVER PLATED WARE Manufacturer of fine • NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES, WAIfERS, .tER bISIG,S; ICE PIACI:TEES, OW BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, &0., With a generalassortmentvcomprising none but the bet quality, made of the ben materials and heavily lig:clef:l, con. stituting them a Serviceable and durable , article Fox 401128, SrEatBOATS 411/1:1111.VATZ-FABlalliS. - _ . ;or Old in the best neamer. feb2o-itawly' _ _ BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SVUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. 'GEO. J. BOLTON, P.ROPRIETOB. J. -H.-BL.SMU3,4IC.CO, The above w.,v11 .knovni and -lenrestabliahed. Hctel is now underhing a thorough. inntovation, and' Wing. in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship _of Mr, Gno/1011 J. ',llotrott, who has been an inmate of the house for , the last three years, and is well known to , ts gueitti. -- • Thankful for the liberal patronage which It has en oysd cheerfully. .c.sruneud Mr. Bolton to - the public . or. FRI oewttl WILLIAM BUEEILEB. JUST 1-LECEIV.E.L) ANOTIIER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS r NEWTON'S._ (formerly ,Baxley'e) - miemfi:eturis o tverranbsd,te be the beat in material, 'the 'Beast pointed, musf - cturniale'skuil as cheap as soy market; for. - Sale , ' -with' -a variety of Gold and Silver Caseso( various ses_ and prices at BREGNILIVS diEAP BOORSTQRA.: FOR a Sumba and Cheap "rable or Salad CO,qof W /TORE. ftlebicat DR. JOHNSTON •YOUNq- ORGANIC ;WEAKNESS w §ptfiNGERS BY HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market Btreet,,PlM-ADEaltia, AAEL "D The Rush for Office—How Offices are Procured. Mr. 'LINCOLN, never having been Presi dent of these United States, and being little accustomed to life in the great political Babel on the batiks of the Potomac, can !oral but a faint idea of the sorrows that await hill We understand that he is al ready beset by powerful squadrons of ap plicants for office, who offer to fight, bleed and die for the whole Union, or half the Union, or any portion of the Union, in con sideration of the gracious privilege of run ning their bare arms into na , ional vaults. Every street of Springfield is closely watched, lest Mr. Lincoln, driven to des peration, attempt to elude the vigilance of his pursuers. When he goes out of the city, they go with-him, and when he comes back, they come with him; his dwelling is watched as though it contained the Ark of the Covenant; every shrub and fence rail is venerated as a relic; every nod, every smile, every frown is photographed on the hearts of his tormentors, who have learned precisely his hours for rising, breakfasting, dining, supping, and retiring. But, dread ful as is this infliction, it is a positive bles sing when compared with the woes which await him in the District of Columbia.— Shades of Pluto! Massacre of St. Bartholo mew! Valley of the deadly Upas! pale your ineffectual horrors! And Mr. Lincoln has llNo amul t of vmue annealed In upper thes, no tablet sealed With the great name of Folomon." by which he can hope to dispel the dismal charm. The best soldiers of modern Eu rope have often recoiled before the iron hail of heavy ',mks of artillery; the tried legions of sometimes staggered back in the face of dense masses of Gauls and Germans; but there is no powel ou earth that can resist a charge of American office• seekers. Such fortitude as, they possess. if displayed in any honest cause, would conquer the combined European world in arms. Leonidas was not so brave, Caesar was. not so merciful b was not so patient, Charles XII., of Sweden, was not so au dacious as - one of these war-worn veter ans. Mr. l3ncbanan visited Wash - ngton a short time before his inauguration, at .d stopped at the National Hetet. A terrible maiady seemed to be decimating the travelers who sojourned at the house; the community were fearfully excited; Ministers fled; even officers of the army and navy, we believe, , ‘•rdr--.14,A . le k and .uietly with urew mom in: utommt aijailnaHnrai •' * , a bona 00f gings •; - 61 - 7"1•1'r and sumptuous up town. But there was one band of heroes that quailed not in this hour of apparent peril; for the sake cf being close to Mr. Buchanan's precious coat-tail, under whose ample foltiG they ex pected to find four .year's shelter, they re mained at their post, ate the ordinary pro visions, and drank amazing quantities of liquor with impunity. Such are the pesti lence, - famine, .thirst, hunger, cold, heat, steel and powder—defying legions that will pounce upon "Honest Ate" like the "Wolf on, the fold,", and it will require almost the sword of the "destroying angel" tosave him from immediate annihilation. -This in teresting host may be classified about as follows: 1. The "solid men," good livers, who ride in carriages with all the political lions that come to town, but do very little work in a campaign. Individuate of this class consider tne largo offices theirs by inheri tance. They have woney,enough to travel about before an election, and never fail to visit the candidates, and impress upon them the importance of securing their in fluence. They constitute themselves finance committees, and collect money wnich they deliberately appropriate. 2. A lean, hungry cadaverous company of men, who are constitutionally indisposed to adopt any legitimate vocation, and with whom the love of office is chronic; the de sire for place preys upon them lik a tape worm; they are always poor, often on the brink of starvation, but they still pursue the phantom. 3. Nest we have the noisy; babbling liquor-guzzling crowd,-that makes night hideous duriug a campaign. These men do the heavy work, such as organizing pro cessions, getting up bonfires, and challeng ing and brow-beating voters at the polls.— They are never behind the scenes at Wash ington, and rarely got paid for their trou ble. They stay in the District of Columbia until the.r money is gone, and then go home swearing like the army in Flanders. 4. Then come the contractors, men of argue eyes, who know where the game 18 located, and who employ the unsophistica ted crowd to "beat the bush" fer their es pecial benefit. They can do much better by . not ostensibly holding offices; their business is to work the wires, and secure contracts to establish stage routes, build fofts, transport mules, flour, &c., to the Rocky Mountains, carry the mails, and sup ply the Western Indians with salt, tobacco, civilization and rum. 7 hey can snuff plun-- der afar off, and where the carcass is, there are they also. 5. "Neat came tbe Emallat crowd I yet had sec; Who followed vau.o e'en fore virtue'e sake." These are the - really deserving, compe tent men, who have not brass enough. to urge their own claims, and who, of course, go away with empty pitchers. The beat organized office:seekersere the New Yorkers, who divide. he si oils before the election, and merely visit Washington to procure the Pi esident's ratification of their action. The Pennsylvanians come next, and then the Ohioans and Indianians in the scale of sharp practice. Young men designing to apply for office will find it absolutely nec ssary to ally their fortunes to some of the various cliques, for it posii6le to contend singly, mainst po wer iul, erganizsd, baucls.of political shargera. -Recommendations__ are. easily, procured €; these are seldom read even by members:of the Cabinet; cart loads of them have iu ;led for twenty years on the shelves; proles- ftram Vbitting iffatt. Having procured Steam Power Presses we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ea tablishmentin the count-r. air Four lines or lessconstitute one half square. Fa h line- or more than tour constitute a square. Hall Square_ one day one week one month three menthe, " Six months... one year.... . One Saturn one day one week.... <4 One month.. ' three months it six menthe... one 3 ear.... • - lorßesiness notices inserted 'be /..s.a/ Catanit, or before Marriages and reaths, FIVE CEEIS FER LINE for each insertion. NO. 67. Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regrlar advtrtisements. sional office seeking is e - poor business, a mean builness, at the best, one which im perils the bcdy in this world and the soul hereafter; it brings one in contact with cold , blooded, double-dealing demagegues, whose hearts are harder than flint, and who would forge a key fur the lock on the gate of Paradise, rather than purchase one by the performance of a single disinterest ed def. But, if you must have office, get hold of some demagogue's coat-tail, haunt him when he wakes and when he sleeps, find out his secrets, and threaten to ex pose them, and he will secure you a situa tlon.—ClN OINNATI TIMES. Gen. Jackson's Proclamation. The following extract from Andrew :Jason's Proclamation, in 1832, to the nullifiers and se cessionists. of South Caroiina, will ba read with interest now. After enumerating the blessings of union, the President puts these stinging in terrogatories : And for what, mistaken men! for what do you throw away thi se inestimable blessings— for what would you exchange your share in the advantages and honor of the Union? For the dream of a separate independence— a dream interrupted by bloody conflicts with your neigh hors, and a vile dependence one foreign power? If your leaders could succeed in establishing a separation, what would be your sitinttion ? Are you united at home—are you free from the apprehension of civil discord, with all its fear ful consequences? Do our neighboring repub ics, every day suffering some new reviiluden or contending with some new insurrection—do t hey excite ) our envy ? But the dictates of a hieih duty oblige mers••lerntily to announce chit you cannot succeed. The laws of the Uni ed States must be executed I have no discretion• arp puwer on the sulded—my duty is emphati cally pronounced in the Constitution. Mote who told you that you might peaceably prevent their execution deceived you—they could not have been deceived themselves. They know that a forcible opposition could alone prevent the execution of the laws, and they know that such opposition must be repelled. Their object is disunion; but be not dectivid by names; disunion, by armed force, is treason. Are yon really ready to incur ire guilt? If you are, on the head of the instigators of the act be the dreadful consequences—on their heads be the dishonor, but on youis may fail the punishment —on your unhappy Sister will inevitably fait all the evils of the conflict you force upon the government of your country. It cannot accede io the. mad project of disunion of whioh you would be the first victims—its first magistrate cannot, if he would, avoid the performance of his duty—the consequence must be fearful for you, distressing to your fellow-cititena here, and to the friends of good government throughout 'Kentucky for the Union. • A meeting of the Hen& of the Union VMS held at Lexington, Kentucky, on the 12th inst., at which. Thomas H. Clay, Elq a son of Henry Clay, pretided. The meeting was.addressed by Gen. Leslie Coombs, and the following resolu tions adopted': Resolved, T at the election of Abraham Lin coln to the Presidency of the United States, as much as we shall deplore the event, affords no cause for dissolution of the Union. That if , he is elected according to the Constitution of the United States, he will be, when inaugurated, rightfully its President, and should be main tained as such by all true and loyal citizens of all sections. Resolved, That unier the Federal Constitution the Statts possess no right to secede from the Union or to nullify a law ti Congress constitu tionally enacted. Resolved, That as far as depends on us, we will stand by, support and uphold the Union, against all attacks from without or within, and against all ultraism, whether at the North or the South. Let South Carolina Secede ! At a meeting of a few gentlemen at the reel. deuce of one who (with his forefather,-) has al ways been a Democrat, it was unanimously agreed that it would. be much pert-r for this country to let South Carolina go raacelbly out of this Union, with, however; the distinct un derstanding that she forever stays_ cut, and. never makes an application to be re-admitted ; and also that she be allowtd to go on the most lib eral terms, each gentleman present having ex pressed a willingness to give liberally from his own private purse, if necessary, to secure such a result. And this feeling was not from any hostility to South Carolina or her people, or her institutions, but to get rid of the eternal rule° and trouble her politicians give this country. A State (the same number of whose white plonla- Lien might be taken from the city of New York without hardly being misstd) makes more trouble and noise in this Confederacy than all the other States together. We. say, in the name of csmnion sense, let her go on her own terms— but never let her come back. As OLD WHIG. VOTE Parvileti.—A correspondent of the "Tri bune".. gets off- the-following In the town of in this county, an elector was requested to go up and vote, I am not ful ly convinced which wayl oitylit to vote,' re plied this high-minded patilot. 'What will convince 3 - on?' &lied the other. '.About. $5 I think.' Well,'- said- the other, 'we are not buying.vntes, this year, but seeing :-it: •you, here's a three and a two ; put 'em into your podket,•vote - and say nothing. .He voted, and in the evening offered. the money in.payment of a grOcer's bill It was refused, and the vo'er (his , ace elongated) hattentd to his friend, with —'Here's that money, and they say its muter feit I"Of course it is,' : replied the other. hope you do not think I' am fool enough_ to pdy for your vote Wittryad Money !" EFFECT - oi' SMOKING 077 - TEEN liTaLECE'--312' September number of t'lifi . MA,cl2 . 4.pgamimej4., tic .Thiu nal fur 1860, it, is, ktatecl tiast, 'on 'divi ding the puplia of-the- Pol*iclinia -Scheel- , Of Paris into , smokers .atd .11100-s okep - , it le h hosin,thatllii nisloki is have pro ieiteh ein s6fres in the varioui cornlietisive-exethirialiorri iii - 1. 13- terior4o :the others. .klat only, in the examisa tioakon, entering the !schools' are the, atutapt 8 a lower rank, bat.tfurviirious:,ordefla they haVer to, pass through, is a 3 eat..t heAcerage Akre itaokert'Ldis eoltataiftiffallea, and nor in= oontiderablr, w hen: theinen who aid caltstimoke enjoyed a cerebral atmosphere of the clearest kind. RATES zitLISTRO . 3 00 r• •.. 4 0 ••11“. 600 $o: i t go . 2 00 . 3 00 . 600 . 8 00 . 10 00