lanes of (!.ravel & aransportatixtth FIVE TRAINS. DAILY TO AND' •..• FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Bridge at Concwago having, been re-builtotbe . I aasenger Trains of thoPettn.ylvattia Railroad Company will resume their former route. On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1860, they will- depart from: and -arrive at Harrisburg and . I hiludelphia as follows EASTNIFARD. • 'BROOCH EXPREffi TRAIN leaves Harrisburg- at 4..15. in. and arrivals at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a.- In.; AST LINE -leaves Harrisburg at 6 15 a. in., every ' .. - day except Monday, arrives at West l'4llacielphia at lemo a. m. . MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., arrives ai West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. .kbese taunts make close connection at Philadelphia with "xi Lew Ifork.lines.• NT. JOY. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leave:s at 6.50 a. ta , Mt. Joy at 5.02, and connects at Lancaster at 8.50 with LanettaterTrain, arriving at West Philadelphia LiAItRIL 4 ITUR6 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at :460 p. in., Columbia at 5.15, and arrives at West Phi . la. dolphin' at 9 06 p. m. MT. JoY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves' at 4.00 p. m., Mt. Joy at 6.11, connects with Banishing Ar .:amm datire Trate, East, at Lillorville it 5.40,4 arri-. - vitikt at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p. m. WENTWA.R.b. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at ..45 p nt arrives at - Harrisburg at 2.65 a. in. MAIL :RAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., ar rives at Her ristiorg p. m.. Aial I.lNl leaves philadclphia. at 11.60 a. In., arrives at, Harrisburg at 4.00 MI JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves tonctialer on arrival 'of Mail Train West, at 11.04 5..m.,- ! leaves Mt. Joyat 11.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at p m ACCOMNODATION TRAIN leaves - f inladelphia. at 2.00 P. m., Columbia 0.10, and arrives at,Harrisherg at 7.85 p. In. • Mf. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves iancaster, on the arrival of Lancaster Train W es t, at 7.54 p. joy gics . x.o,:and arrives 'at /liirristatirgat ' 9. 42 p. .Passengers kaving Philadelphia at 4 00 p. in., onLan caster Train, connect at Lancaster with Mt. Joy Aecom modation Train'No.'2,*at 7,54, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.24 p. to SAMUEL, D. YOTJNO, Supt. East Division Pertlinhatlia Railriad, r. oitisdtt ;Mll 'LINE ROUT E T0... ,- NEW; YORK ! aVIIMMOMairAM ... StIORIEST - -IN , DISTANCE AN X} QIIZOR.Itr:: DIME . BETWEEN' THE TWO CITIES ur EVV YORK A N • RaZaSBURG :VIA. READING... -.ALLENTOWN ANI)in , E2UST ON. tRibING EXPNERS.; iltst,len'N es - Env Yak at 0 A at,, arriving at Harrisburg at 12.46 noon, only 03 hours between the two cities. Ail ONE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar t tuns at Harrisburg at . 8.20 P. M. ..I.4iNING MAIL LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at bAtt.) A. bk., arriving at;New York at 4.20 P. M. EXPRESS LINE,. Ran, leaves Hari is rg at 1.16 P. EL, arriving at New York at 9.00 P: M. tAiuncetions are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. with the Piss anger Trains in' , each direction on the Penneylva- Oa, 'CuMberland Valley and Not thorn Central Railroad. Ad trains connect at Beading with trains for Pottsville L.nd Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Easton, gic. so change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. la.ljne froin New York or the 1.16 P. 61. rum Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg EWE DOL. ARK. Fortickets an other information apply to .. mill J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. I:560. 1860. orthern Central Railway 1 NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE: . AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY J 27th, 1860, the Passenger Trains, on the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows :-- GO.IN GI SOUTH. 4 EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at.. .....1.40 A.lOl. ACLOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 7.30 A. N. AlAll TRAIN will leave at __LOH P. M. GOI NG NORTH. MAIL TRAIN willleave at 1210 P. M. '.I.PRESS TRAIN willleave be only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be EXPRESS. TRAIN at 1.40 A. M., going South, and the Illh'Sb TRAIN at 9.32 P. M., going North. I or Jurther.information apply at the Ofoce, in renn'a iiroad Depot. ' JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg May 28, 1860.--ma26kltc PHILADELPHIA AND READO G RAIL ROAD. .1 : ' SUCHER ARRAN DEMENT. 0/V AND AFTER hfAY 28th,1860. IWO YAWENGER TRALNS- LEAVE HARRISBURG PALLY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., .aitd! 1.15 P. . - rd. tar Itiladelphia, - arrtving•piere at"l - 25'.P.: M., and • ' .I.b.TIIIINLNG, LEAVE PHILADELYINA at 8.00 A. M., and U.:A) P. M., arriving at Harrisbrrg at 12.95 noon and 8.80 Y. M. PARES :—Co Philadelphia, No. 1 Cani, $3.25 g.(in dame train,) $2.70. PAROH :—To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. - • „of f goading, c,onneut with trains for Pottsville, Miners . tale, Tamaqua, Cutawiesa, 'are. LeOtIR TRAINS LEAVB HEADING FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at OA. M., /0.0 A M., 12.30 noon and LEAVE PRILADMLPIEtA FOR REARING at 8.00 A. M. 1.00 P, M., 6.30 P. 11:, and 6.00 P. M. FARIS i—Beading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $.1.45. I.IIE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON .NECTS A.T._ READING with _ . up train for Wilkesbarro Plitston and Scranton. I.'or through ticketi tuid other Information apply to .1. J. CLI wc, Gehl*/ 44r ent PHILADELPHIA READING RAILROAD . RFOUCTION 'OF PASSENGER FARES. On and after .110111ft&Y, A.P11.11, 2d, 1560. COMMUTATION TICKETS : 'r' WITH 26 Coupons, will be issued be y _ yv tween any points desired, good for the holder or Miyrbiettiber His - lu any Puesenger train, and at any tizne—at 25 per coin. bellow the filtutnelt FARtot Parties having Oecouttob to use the Road Irequeutty . :oi .. business or pleasure, will find the above arrangement convenient anti economical , tie Four ?meteor trams rub daily each way between Heading and Philadelphia, LOU TWo Trams daily between Reading, Pottsville and Harrisburg, Oa Sundays, only one morning tram dowii, and cot afternoon trait, up, runs between l'ottivilleeind • -- isogualphiecusid - no Passenger train car the TeHreion l ninth Railroad. For Ale above .TieiteSs en any insmassixt relating Merge, apply to S. Bradisrd, Esq., Treasurer, Philadel dila ; thine respective Ticket Agents on the Ilne„ er t o G. A. MMUS, Attf Nit2B . Gaol iiirpt' Pennsglual4llsailv ceitegrapli, ilyktiepbcal lfterivion, Notitibe 9i~tCUanear~ls. BOERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS,. TII CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY NO DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEA_IINESS OF ANY KIM), FEVER AND AGUE, And the various 'affertionl consequent, upon a disordered STOMACH OR JLIVERi,., Such as Indigestion, .Acidity ,of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Ileartburns ! , , Loss of 4ppetite, Respondency, C-os licences, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all 1 1 / 4 erTo -Rheumatic, and Neuralgic AffectiOns, lb has In numerous instances proved highly beneflcial, and in etlaers effected a decided cure: . • . . 'this is a purely WIMP We compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the eele tasted Bollard Professor,'Boethave Its reputation at home-produced its Intl eduction here, the demerit com meiwing with-those of the Fatherland scattered over the , fate of this mighty country, many of whom broughtwith them and handed down the tracition of its raise. It is now offered to the American public; lenouing that tilt tney wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged: it is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may haveueen impaired by the.contnuods me of ardentspirits,,or Other.forms of dissipation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat-of- life, -thrilling --and -quickening every nerve, up the 'drooping spirit, and, in fact, laming new health and rigor inthe stem. hoever expects to find this a b everage will be disativointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited • It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial ; possessed of of singular remedial propextie4.. READ CAREFULLY The-Genuine highly concentrated Ecerhave'sMind EfittoreiS put up in balf-pint liottlrs on'y, and retailed at. Osti Dui an ber bottle, or six botili a for Fiva POitiuS.;-• The groat demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced maxivirnitations, milleh the public should guard against Puroluthsg. AlarEeware of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle - you buy. Sold by I/runlets generally. It can be forwarded by 'Express to most points. SOLE S PROPEIET.OES, • BENJAIVIIN PAGE, JR. & CO NANIFFAASTIIRING Pharmaceutists and Chemiats. , • PA • For sale- in the city of 'Harrisburg by D. W. Gams & - septl-dawly. 2HIS DELICIOPS TONIC STDIVIANT, 'SPECIALLY designed for the use of the u • - Medical Fieession sad the Family, having Super seced the: so-called -Gins," "Aromatic," "Cordial," "dedicated," "Schnapps," etc., is now endomed'by all of the prominent physicians, chemists and connoisseurs, as punts mg all of those intrinsic medicinal qUalities (tonic .and diuretic) iN bich belong to an orn and ruts Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. Et • 1211UNGER 8‘00.',• (Established in 1778.) • • - Sole Proprietors. • No.-19 Broad Street, D. Y. For sale ill Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart and John E. Ziegler. For sale by W. W. & H. Smith,—French, Richards & Co., and all of the prominent 'Wholesale Druggists In Philadelphia. sep27-dewBn MUTUAL 4AFErg INSURANCE COMPANY 2. E. Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, PHILADELPIIIA. INCORPORATED 1885 MARINEINSURANCES on -Vessolt Cargo andFrelght to all parts of the World. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods by Rivers, Canals I.akes and Land Carriages to all parts of the Union. • I RE INSURANCES on Merebandize generally, and on. Stores. Dwelling Houses, &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November Ist, 1855 1698,804 70. The Board of Directors have this day declared it dial dead of SIX .PER CENT. in Cash,- on the Capital Stock audial% PEit CENT. on the Scrip of the Company, pay able on and after let the proximo. They have also declared a Scrip :Dividend ofTWENTY FIVE PER CENT. on the Original Stock, and on the 'Earnest Premiums for the year .ending October 31 1818, ,Certificates for which will be issued to the parties en. titled to the same, on and after the first of December. Preamlde and Bee°lntim adopted by the Board. WunmeesOhe increasedmeans of the Company arising froitiVititits," and 'irbleh - 1/411` . be - derived from the In ereaSed'Capital Stockiffider the - late amendments, to the Act of Incorporation, render the - Maher continuance of the Guarantee unnecessary, therefore be it Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be discontimied, and the Notes rePreseriting the same be delivered up to the makers thereof, as soon as theltisks taken during the eriod embraced in raid Notes shall have determined. DIRECTORS. William Martin, , James A. Hand, WilliamEyre,Jr. Joseph H. Seal, , Theo.Paulding, J ames Tennant, Edmund A. Solider, Dr. H. AL Huston, J. B. APFarland, John C. Davis, Hugh Craig, Wm. C. Ludwig, Robert Burton ,' S. Maly:tin, Thomas C. Hand, 'JOUR. Penrose, '': Charles Kelley, Joshua P Eyre, George G.Leiper, Samuelß. Stokes JacolYP. Jones, Edward Darlington, Henry Sloan, ' J.T.Logart,Pitt'g H. Jones Brooke, James Traquair, D. T. Morg an, L - F. Peulston, - -- J.-B. Stemple, - WILLIAM MARTIN, resident. '_' THOMAS C. HAND, Vice*Prealdent. HENRY Seeretari. The undeisigned; as agent for the aboVe Company,ts prepared to make insurances on all descriptions of pro party on the most'liberal terms. . , itutlB4l , kWly - WILLIAM BIIEHIF,A, • • • Harrisburg, Pa INEW-TIRM NEW G-00_DS NEW PRICES 1 THE SUBSCRIBERS h aving succeeded 1 to thd w,uopnAta AND RETAIL GROCERY BUSI NESS 'of'llesari; *GROSS 'At — KUNKEL; at WALNUT STREET WHARF," would respectfully announce to the citizens of, Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre pared to offer for wawa large and complete assortment of Groceries, f . ons, Fish, Salt, Gram,.. Flour, • kopes,' in great variety, queensware, Paints, Oils, Glass, •Nails, • •• Cement, & 0., &s. our Large MONO STOCK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected . much care, and will present great inducements to chime burers. ' - We -intend 'to keep •FIBST-CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to me r it end receive a share of patronage. ziiar24-dtr - • A. ItoBIRSON & - DRIED 4 ‘ ITNPARED " APPLES " BLACKBERRIES, Just ittet ived by WM. DOCK JR. & CO ooti2 EXTRA'SII GAR '9 URE D HAMS For Ral© by WM. DOCK JR. & 0 m 422 THE ORIGINAL AND GAINITIIdi DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR_S.4S„P_ARILLA., Is - The GrE at Renovator lot. rfilE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR Eft UPTIONS OF . F SRAN; ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANFAATO' • • Then eouTpluinid piiiliC*feedilf and effectually mired by the use of tole WORLD RENOWNED BAR SA-PrAB,ILLA. Thousands have experienced Its salutary effects, and' tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it nos ceased. tol be a question among the intelligent- portion. of the eons When the Blood becomes lifeless-and stagnan either from tho effects of Spring. weather; change, of cliniate want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet orlany other cause; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, :will BYNEW the BLOOD, carry offithe putrid humors, eLN+NSX' the arouses, - REGULATE' THY BOWELS; Anil iinpart a - Tone of Vigor_ to the _ . , ' Whole' BOdr ! TO TIE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that .the preparation ex• tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compeundl i Ex . tract of Sarsiparilia,,is.Dow manufactured" under my di section and Supervision", fronithe original recice obtaiuski from Dr. S. P.,Townsend; and I certify that it 1.8 eianirA ed of ingredients PURELY' VEGETABLE, and WITEIOUT MEE CURY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously corn - rounded; so as to .obtain from them Abell' . greatest: medicinal effect. • JAMES 11.- CHILTON., 1,1. D., Chemist. Dr, S.T. TOWNSEND'S Conroe= Exm.tnr Oa S.faski, rearizA; has a reputation amonrall eivilized nations as the best preparation•fer • RenovatingVand Purifyingithe ELOO.D which science has ever offered to. man. In this. resides its PECULIAR EEC I.IDNCE, and to this Is due its werld-' wide renown'. • • . lit contains all the .vegetable principles which expert , ence , has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted add Combined with the highest skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable* to :employ. • . , • Whatever may be said by mortified competitors- or splenetic physicians; the fact that this medicine IAEVERY. MIME USED, and that ha use creates an increased 'de-' mend, shows conclusively• that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order i • A" U T 'N . To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R: CHILTON'S CERTIFICATKAS ' the — SIGN - ATURE of Dr.'S. P. Townsend", is on the - outside terapperot each bottle., BE - I) E - Fil f 'CAREFUL USENO'OTHER . • Proprietor's office, No. 41 Fulton street, N.• Y. And far sale . by every Druggist in this • 430-dßUtliv LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS:, vHESE . MEDICINES have now been' be fore the public far aperiod of THIRTY 'IMAM, and during that time have maintained ahigh character in al most every part .of the Globe, for their extraordinary and iMmediate power of restoring perfect 'Mail:Vie per sons suffering under .neariy, every' kind of dibease" to - which the humartframe is Thu fol lowing are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Lke well knoWn to beinfallible. DYSPEPSIA!, by thoroughly cleansingthe first and sepond stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile; instead, of. the stale and acrid"kind.; LAT LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Eletatburn,Seadaehe, NAV, leanness, lil-Temper, Anxiety, LangwOr and Melancholy . , .which are the general symptoms.of liyapepaia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. . , COnTIVENESS,, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines wills a solvent process, and' without vio lence; all itolext purges teave the bowels costive within two days. , FILVICRS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to: sr regular circuiation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob , . •, ktkbetion in others. ' , Me LIFE StEDICINES have been known to ouie RIIEUMILT.IhRE permahently In three weeks -and OMIT in_belt that liine,"by removing local inEaMmation from th&niusiiteictind llgametits of thejOinth, .DROPSIMS of all kinds, hy fre . iiiig and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate "most delight fully on these importaht organs, and henOO have ever been founds certain remedy for the trast 'Oases ot GRAVEL; ' Also W 1.111.1115, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to, which 'these creatures • . . SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES; by the ileffect purity wbichthese LIFE MEDI CINES give to the , blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS andllnD COMPLEX , lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. The use of these pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT ' , RHEUM, and a striking lin provement in the.:clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS•and INFLUENZA wilt always be.cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PALES.—The original proprietor of these medicines," was cured of Piles, of 86 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone.. FEVER FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found, a aafei, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by. these Medicines is permanent—TßY TRBM, BE SATISFIED, November 10, 1858 BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.—Gmattn, Dream, Leen or Annum, and Di SEASES Os Poutes—the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of.tbis descripe.' lion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms,yields to the mild:yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi: dines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous. Com. plaints of all 'kinds, Palplinion of -the Heart, Paintersr Co l ic, are speedily cured. • , • • EIMIRCUrtIAL DISEASES—Persons whose constitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use 'of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the moat power ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. • Prep tared and sold by.: W. B. MOFFAT,' 836 Broadway, New York., • Pomba by all Druggists. jy2o.dawly' TAKE .NOTICE That we tytTe.ec9Wy added to oar_ already full stock OF OEdit.RS LA NORMATIS; HARI KA= EL hose LA LBANANA. OF P=ERFUMERY FOR THE HANDESEOHLEF. TURKISH ESSENCE,. 'ODOWOF 'MUSK, • LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOQITET. ' FOR THE,:,ELLTE, EAU LUSTRALE, I CRYSTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. FOR TEE COEFLEUON. TALC OF VENICE, • ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HA - "i' POWDER, . BLANC DE PERLES ' • • OF SOAPS. , -- BAZIMSTALNEST. • - Moss Rose • • .• B en j o.m, 'Upper Ten, • Violet • • New-Mown Hay Jockey Club.. Having the largest stock and best sweet tment of •tulet ankles, we tansy tliaiwn are better ablegban our coin, colliers, to get up a complete toilet sett at any price de-, sired. • Coll olden. Always on Land a Sl=l stook ot.Druge, medicine Chemically &c.i,dontssnnat 01 ma rovilVing almost duly;• additions thereto. • gra/JEWS p*cra AND FANCY STORE, • 93.Marketilweot,- espb TITS Doors Dist of FourthEt' South Side ini9tel4lngate. I'VL.CoFF'Ai!L°I I9 SS itlebitat I - 1 - • Moat be obvious not only to you, but to every atten tive and intelligent person, that the first diseases of in fants arise chiefly from a- disordered condition of their bowels, and in tide conutetion, v.e preseetio3rour notice for the aileviattoli "and cure' of (bean dbesse'l, a remedy .known as .. . D - R. ATON' S INFANTIL Preparetl , from a formula - tired by Li . . will re markable success during sever.ii year's practice, we knoiv it tO be aniosi reliAte and efficacious reatedy for. iniantilm complaints, and. ono trkl alone wi I convince you of Its superiority over every otter preparation of the kind: It fa Oath:Marty recommended For Childien . Teething.` And at:this , period of infantile life, when your anxious hearts are pat; ed by 'witnessing the Buffo inga of your little MM.,' it w ll be totind Invaluable in Softening the Gums, lesduang bylammation, and Re/fa/riga/I Pain. For I.tbeast3 .li - tending rrSithint.f; - Such. as :Diaiihsza;;Dysentery, GT (ping ,isi.the' Bowels, Acidity 4' : the-Stsmach, hind, .Colic, abd Ce,d in the Mud, we con fldentlyeffer - thii as .a certain. relief and cure in every .eftse : w4aP.giyep ja Um, p. jl4,lo,llinvat ieldy regnlete , tbe 'stomach and bowel., and its importance in this respect can hardlyhe eatlmatedl . In Contalsions from which more infanta are said- to:the than from any other disease, the-littleisuffersm is relieved as ins/anti/le, otoly, sa,if rusgic;hud in tats dread.complaint fts'intiinSie . value euch (bat It has been - reccdtmendeit froammie Dimity to another, Until the name of on's ;sl.lrapllie Co. 'pat has bseen.e "landliar as a houSel d."' 'We now i-.IE. your attention to' a sub got,,Ot vi4llutorest to yoursoll, as well as to you Ey:far ing child. Dr. Eaten's Infantile Cordi I bostainsi No..Morphme or. Opiate of any kind, or .of whatever nature, we afoot which we are fatly waitatitedia stating catheot be said of 'any other Iprepatation for 'infantile. diseases, at this time kelore the pubiic.iliZ We find that throughout the country, ikithli ers'irclidcoinihg Convinced of this truili,und apci.bfightiug.cotisconenectl yitylch are certaM result. froth the use - of narcotics disguised IC tie form cif 4uiel, rn lag- reealei:; 'that. continued administration =being variably followed by htugetactiou, and constipation ..of ttie tiolvele;ending oltethlides `in 'convulsions. " Herein. DS. RATON'S INFANTua,ComNAL differs from every ptiher remedy: 'lt Doel_Not Constipate ' .the.bowele, neither, does:. it act by deadening the sensi bilities of your children, linknaturally, through its, rare` `medicinal 'qualities, by rentiovintitil oak and Cause of disease, We earnostly,seuommend, you, therefore, to Mee no time in procuring a bottle, that you'rimit have at hand': a remedy - which:wilt never fail to relieve your child* time of need. It is perfectlyharritlesz, atd cannot injure most delibats'infant:' • ' • • . I _Take none: ut DR. :EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. This you can rely.upon. Price 25 cents per bottle. • : Prepared only by CHURCH 'DUPONT,' No. 409 Broadway, New York: And sold by them, and byrill respectable iiruggists. aulQ.tfebo eow •• ••: • • .: THE ONLY PREPARATION TVAT 13AS STOOV THE TEST o YEARS , AND agOWS MORE , .A.ND MORE POPULAR EVE 7.1.1 i DAY I And. testimonials, new,. and almost without numher, might be given from. ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose tinittiliCalimony nondeetild tekist,lhat :Prof. Wood's llairltestgratlye, will restore the hald'and gray, and preseive . the hair of the youth to old age in all its-youthful beaufy. . • Berm CREEK, Mich Dec. 21, 18d0.. • "PDOY. 'WOOD : Thee wilt ple:.'so accept aline to inform thee that the hair on my bead all' fell : off over twenty years . ago, caused . by a complicated chronic disease, at , tended'with an eruption di the head. decontinuaf coarse_ of auffering through Ale hiving reduced me to a state of dependence, I having nut been 'Able to obtain stuff for 'cape, telther halal been ablo to do - them up,- in Conse quence of which .my head Liss stiffen ; d extremely Item cold. ThiS Educen - ma td i ay' firi.4s'& itodges almost !Molest centlliad 7 on earth for. a two, dollar bottleof. thy flair Restorative about the first of August last. , I, have 'faithfully followed the diredieins and ttiebald spot now coverodwith . hair thick and black,.th.iugh short; it al. so wining in all over my bead. Feeling Confident that -andtherlsrge bottle:Woold- restol e entirely. and per manently, 1 feel anxious to.perscvere in its ,use, and be "ilfg destitgle' of means Ao"puichase more; I would ask thee if, thee wouldst seud meanoilder On thine agenti fora bottle, dud receive to thyselflhe ecripture declaration—"the reward into those that are . kind to the widow and fatherless." Thy BIISANNAH KERBY. LIGONIER, Noble, .Co.vlEdiana. Feb. stb,-1859 Pam , . 0. J. Wean: Dear Sir :—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the Elate and National Laiv Sclmokof tbeState:ot Nevi: 'York, my hair, froni a cause; unknown to nie; commenced falhog off very rapidly, so that inthfi•Short space of Months; thet*ivhiffe Upper part of my ncalp,was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the reinaleing portion iipon 0413 side and back part of my head shortly afterhecarne gray, so that you will-not be surprised when I tell you, that upon My return' to the State' of Indiana; my more - casual ac quaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the, cause at the change in my appearance, as my more kid: mate acquaintances 'were to recogetzeine at all. . I at once made application to the most skillful.pllysi. clans in the country,, but, receiving no assurance from , tlient that my halrcoirld again bo restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until; fortunately, in tie 'latter part of .the.ybar 1857, your Restorative was re commended lowa oy a sruggist, as being the most re liable Bair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found: to my great:Satisfaction that itwas produding, the desired effect. Knee that time, I have .useitstiVen del. tare worth of your Restorative, and as a result, .bitye •rielkcoat cf very:solthlack hair, which no money 'can buy. • As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill .in the -production -Of. SiY•wenderlul ate article, I have re commended lts:itie to many of my friends and acquaint-• antes. who, 1 am Puppy to inform you, are using:it with likb'effect. Veiy•reSpectlultY,'yours, LATTA, • Attorney and Counsellor at Law. , . Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through.' out the " The Restoratifela 'put up in bottles of three sizes, viz large,' medium andspatill ; the small holds.% a pint, and retails for one dollar .per bottle; the medium, holds*" lealttifenty'Per cent more in proportion-thanthekmall, And retails for two' dollars per bottle , ; the lergehulds-a quart, 40 pir dent: morelit proportion, and retails for 0..1 WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Gitu)do Dealers- • : ....1020-05w3m --- . _ . , ii .... 419 - (vinu e .: ~ 6fr iv .. .., . 13 , /.0 , .' . ' , b.• ea: 'S'qt 0 ECONOMY! ems ' rc 4 ,04 ' •;- i f . ' :• - L / ..121 it a.,„„t,...11,_:7 4 .„, •ot c , : , . "to Save the Pieces ! • % di cticideids tniZ hay Ten, even in well-regedateaTavngits itils very desirable to-liavf;:seme cheap and convenient yayltrlFpsllrinAFarrdtl4e, : Toys,. 9rockery,&e.T, '- • ' • SEMING'S - PREPARED GIVE meets all sitch:etnergenClia, and no bouSchold can afford to be without it... , 1t is always ready and up to the stink. ing phihtThdre is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, , splintered,. veneers, 'beadles 'toys broken. cradtes. It Is just, the article for cone. -shell anct other ornrbiblatal work, ao popular with ladles of pffinenbint and taste:; :4; ;.. • : • _l, This admirapie preparation ie used cold, being chard .eaHy held in solutiod; and - possessing all the qualities or the best cabinet,mak,ers , ...Glue. It may , be used in thp place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. 'TAY:IL IN Ei'Eillr HOUft.” lq.„1:5 ; 7-4 : 13rih acccra,par4es each bottle. Price 25 cts Wholesale Depoti-No. 48 Cedei street - New York. - Address • fiENRY. C SPAT DING Az CO „ ; Box No. 8 GOO, New York. Put up for Dealers in cases containing Four; _Eight and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Bbow.card ió. comp:laying ear.h.p_ackage.:-. .114 - A single bottle orefI'AL.DING'S PREPARED GLUE withsave tenliinlii.ita'vosrannual4 every-hOusetiold:' Sold by, alfprothirent Stationets, Druggists, Hardware. and Furniture Dealers, Grocers arid Fa oy Stores.. coinatry inert:Wits should'nisjka •ito of ..:TALDINGI3 PREPARED GLUE, wbeii,nigkla • up their list. ' wit. stand:any. clituateJ . f a w n dawly • • :141 1 * ( 4,, , ,',421.41-ViAti-INABLgaiZES-;-PpICES, iaid • niariteter' 5TY1.431, A, . _` p , to order at the cheapest rates, at • - •, • , CHEAP 43CODESTOrtr;''_ - J, -i6f• e~iat -,:- TEE-' feirtli WINSLOW, An experteneett Nurse and. Female Physimen, presents to the attention et mothers h SOOTHING S For. Children• T. - ending. which greatly fastlitatePthe prose, of teething, by soft aai lag the gums,reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action,aad is F .' =IMFMTMM Depend upon it, mothern,Jl will give. rent to yourselves-. AND, RELIEF AND . HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up' and sold this article - for over ten years, and °An SAY,, OOSIDNDWE END xnens, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS VP FAILED,.IN - A - SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CITRE; "wheir timely used. Never did we kno* instanceof dissatisfaction-by any,one who used it. On the contrary, all are , delighted with its opera ' Done, and • apetik - : iirternin of highest commendation of Its magical .effects-rund medical - virtues: We speak in thin matter "WHAT,WE IC/taw, attir ten years , expe rience, AND PlEt OUR - REPUTATION FOR ERR FULFILMENT OF WHATFII lIHNic, DECLARE. IR almost every instance 'where the `admit in suffering frompain atid enhaustion, re lief will be ...found in fifteen or twenty:minutes, after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the preseripton of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES In ,New England, .and, has been used with NEVER Femora lEIOUSANDS OF CAM • It not only relieves the child from pain, but invlg °rotas tbo stomach and' bowels, 'corrects acidity; and given toga and energy to the, whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN T3IB.BOWELS; AND WIND COLIC, and overcome, convulsions, which if not . speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BIiST and minim asusor IN Taa WiRl.3), in all cases Of DYSENTERY AND MARRED:EA 'IN CHILDREN, whether it- arises from teethina'oi from. any other cause. - We' would say to every imther who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints-no nor LOT TOUR PRILKIDICM, NOR TUE PREJUDICES OVOtiffo4 Stand between you aid your gullet:lug ehild and/the rolleLthat)wiltlie - SURE.:-- - yes, AB SOLUTELY SURE—to follow the, use •uf ;lids medicine, it tlinelY used. .Full dfrectiona for 'using will accompany moll bottle.- Emig: gelmine unless, Alsie , ,fac-simile' of CURTIS t< PERRINS,New York,.lB on thenutsitle wrapper. R .6 1(1 ugglsts throughout the World. -' . feudist] 011140, No. lb Cedar St., New York.. - Price only 25 Cents per. Bottle. „ . .. . C0.,4-37-1 , or bale in Garrisbuig by D. W. Gross & .No 19 Market street, J.. Martin' Leta(Noi 22 Market street. C. K. Rater., No. 41, Market street, beloet Fourth, sad p. W Miles ; 12S Market street. ' aug22 dewly . - . . . JITDSON'S Mountaari erti THE inventv tirid manufacturer of "Jud . , - sonPs Mountain , Herb rim,. has. spent the-greater part of his life in.travelling, having visited nearly every country in tha world He spent over six years anion theltocky Mounttruniand of Mexico; and it was Mina that the "Morrxrans Hasa Pius" were discovered. A.very Interesting acetiunt of ids adVentares lltera4thrwill find in our Almanac and Pamphlet.: . : "It is an established fact, that all diseases arise iron, IMPURE BLOOD! - The blood is the life 1 and when atiy. l lortign or un healthy matter gets mixed with it, it is once distrbuted to every'organ of. the body. - Every nerie feels the poison; and all the vital organs quihkly complain. .-The stomach: will not digest ~the food ;perfectly.,,; The: liver-ceases to secrete a .suffidiency of bile. ,The action of the heart is iStakelied, - and so the circulation is feeble'. -The lungs be come clogged with the poisonous matter ;•' hence a cough. —and all.frein is slight impurity of. he :fountain-head of life—the Blood As if you had !brown some earth, for initance, in a phi& Spring, *ilia . which ran a tiny rivulet.. in a few minutesllKi whole' course abbe stream be, comes disturbed and discolored; .As quickly does impure blood fly ; to every part,And loavo its sting behind. All the passages,become obstructeci,,and unless, the obstruc tion' is removed, the tamp of life sohn 'dies Out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body, they are, therefore, unrivalled ,epßE,]Fpft BILIOUS pisEAsms, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, dm. This. Anti-Biliou Medicine expels froth' UM blood the hidden seeds of dis• ease, : and renders all the fluids• and secretions pure and fluexit,cleathig and resuscitating tbe vital organs. Pleasant indeedi is it to -us,lbitt we are -able organs.,_ place within your reach, a medicine like the "Mourmsa. liars Pars," that will pas t e dikectlY to the afflicted parts, tt.roug the blood and fluids of •the.body r :atid cause the safferer to y brighten with the Aush.of beaut and • Indson's Pills we Me Best Remedy, in exist ence for the following complcunts: Bowel Complaints; Debfit , Inward 'Weakness, Coughs, ' . •••• . Fever and. Ague, . Liver .Gomplaints Colds, : Femalc.Complaints i Lownewr ofkitits, Chest Diseases;' ' Costiveness,;; . ; IndigPstion, i •. s atone and Gravel Dyspepsia, Diane:ma, Smoundary Sytep- Diarihrea, - Dropsy, GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Females. who : value 'health, should never be without these They 'purify the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse "the skin of •all pimples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to ,the-pale cheek. - - The'Plares and "HerbS of • which Iheart Pills are made, Were discovered;in tiVery Surf/rising way, anaong . the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Alma/Mee our Agent,•and , yett will read with the.veryinteregaing- account it contains. of Aka "GREAT 'Km/ kiss" , Of the Ailecs. • .Observe:"-Thelhieutain Herb Pills are putinii - Beautiful Wrapper. Each box contains 40 .pills, and Re , tail at 2b cents per box." All genuine,' hive the signature 0f,13.,1,..JUD59H-5E,C0.,,0a each box.. 1 ' • . •:_ • B IL - JUDSON Si, CO., l'O -- Pr•olarie.tors . • No. 50 Leonard Street *Jr Agents wanted always—Address as abOve. IsSlO-deodaw , . . VAN prGpril Sc pirrapErt, Designers and Engravers on Wood . . „ CHESTNUT . - 'N. - E. COIL FIFTH & STS., Philettlelphza. "VXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving -12.01 With beauty, correctness and dispatch.- Original furnisheu for Fine Book Illastruttons„. , Persons winking outs, by-sendi , g a Photograph or Daguerreotype, Can ha;ve views- , g.colleges, Churches,' Store Fronts, Itlachinei; Steves o - ratents, engrayed as will on per sonal application, - • - -• • • Fancy -Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings Show ; Bustuess and' other 'Card4 :etigraied the highest style otart,. and at toe-lowest , prioett.i For specimens or flue, engraving,.. see .the Illustrated Works of J: Lippincdtt Szto:; B. H. Butperlz ed. oct2s lyd • , .•. • : —.— . . . • ... . . rays, BASKETS 'AND..'FANCY 'GOODS • • • • 'JOHN DOLZ No.. MO North Second Street, above Arch,. - ' - TIIST RECEIVED his NEW : STORE tr., a very large assortment .Of:TO L YS'of every deecrip tiOn. Also, FAlslent ,BASEITS, WattE. BOX i,Tobacco Boxes, &gar Cases,. Pipes, Canei and Fancy Articles of a large variety. All being imported direct from the Man M . :tamers ensleles . tne to sell et very low- prices. • Jiaa - Pic*o call and Mt:amine my stock: ...f2O-dm3 Roaitra UABER . ._ 1311457V.t.r. CASEY 4568R0WN 2 ATTORINEYS-AT: 7 LAW 'Alt `ll4 S BIJ it ITAVING' together 16 thi, ; practice of• the •Law, .viill . itttendlaithrully and promptly to prote:sskanal. business * entrusted to their Office in Thud street three clpors,frow market ' N. B. - Englislci . and German. W 111. - sTEgs (.)1.4R E LATER AND J.O BRE R I ; eye coßiNka . wAzivar,,ANDI?A9PI2 . 32 RE.E2M OBIIING't of all kinds done at allot& Cy -notice; in `good stylix. and a i-etson'aldra HAMS H.A . M S - I I I -.. NE 9 7 BOLLY S • CELEBRATED EXTRA r.....UG.AR, CURED (coNered.) • EXTRA SUGAR CURED (uncovered.) EXTRA ;•.-lIGAR CI;1114) MOULDERS. EXTRA .91J49AR CURED DAIRD RENE': • - - I.;P : XTPA" ,, Lt.fLt •i" (covered.): Just received a largo inygice of the afferatiinuaualy,low-prlceal• i ~[,Qi rope, WM. DOCK Atikr.o?. filiotel - attous Dyspepsia Remedy DR. .DARIUS HAMS AROMATIC INITIGORATINO This Medicine has been used by the public for sir yea r , with increasing favor. it is recommended to Cur. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Ii art-Burn, Colic IVins, Wind in he Stomach, or 1 a 42s in the L 4 1.0. 1, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney (cm plaints, Low Spirits D gripes Tremens, intempera.rce. INMATE; EXLlLliteakS, I V ict WILL NOT lATOXICATE OR SW - A S A MEDICINE it is quick nd effects. ch_ al, curing the most aggravating case a by spepsia. Sidney Complaints, and all ether ueranLe tb; Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most awla c lc e a. drooping spirits, and restore the weak, tersous it ly to health, strength and vigor. Sersona whO, from the injudicious use of liquors, hay, become dejected, and their nervous systems swatted, constitutions broken down, and subject to that Corrine curse to humanity, the Dunilni 'II:EX Ds, wiil, aneest immediately, feel the happy and healthy inviaoratt 4 efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. DOSE.—One wine glass full as often as necessary One dose will remote all Bad Spirits. ; One dose will eure Heart-barn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. one dose will give you a (load Appetite. bile, dote Will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. .• One dose will remove the distressing and di.agreeable effects of Wino or Flatulence, and as soon as tae staunch receives the invigorating Spirit, the distressing !eau and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains al either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions In the Rainey, Bladder or Urinary. Organs.. Per Sous who are seriously afflicted with any Sidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a doso or tut'', and a-radical cure by the use of one or two bottle`. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, trout dissipating too much over night ; spa feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, ill vlelent head. aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, ' giddiness, he., will hnd one cose.will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong healthy and happy, remove ail obstructions and irregularities iron the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lace. During pregnancy it will lie tonsil an invelivable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, be las put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 60 cants, quarts St. oenerat - Depot, 48 Water street, N.Y. wholesale agent, YOTT, & CO. and for sale in Harrisburg by C. 31. Bannvart, D. W. Gross lc ca. and 0. K. Keller, and by all Druggistsaeverywhcre. jole-dawly FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STORES' ONE PRICE' GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIU M - No. 607 CITFSTNIIT STREE7. A superb stock of fine french, Rutbah and American CLOTHS, CASSIALERES, and VESTINGS, ger City and Country trade, with an minpproacaable as sortment of .ItrADY DIODE CLOTHING at Lilo - lowest cash pricer'.. .inir But ONE PRICHis asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use presented wi h each article sold. Particular attention paid - to the Customer dep.rtment, and garments, made andsent to. rder to any address. In, inaugurating thiS_ new system of doing businms, GRANVILLE. STOKES would ImPress on the ratans of the patrons of his establiehntent, that the cort of the gift is deducted froin, and sot added to the price en the :old. His immensely inCrething: tales enabling Lim to act thus liberally, and at the same Lime to realise a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRAINVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM ciiEsTxur,SITEN.T. octl9•Omit Ay; M FA3IILY DRUG STORE. C~tHE• UNDF.SISIGNED HAS OPENED . • a Wholesale and Retail lirng and Prescription Store, in the IrOn.Front. DuiWhig, No. 128 Market street, lardy occupied by. Mr. Eby, wehre can ha found an anti ae,r , . stock-of Fresh' and'Eure Drags, Perfumery.; • A . 0m,.c0m... OIL 1.4.1128, Burnbaz . Fluid, Ale i latest Meuioines, siationery, Fancy Articles, &e., &e. We have the agent:) , for the sale' of. - Elines Celebrated Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Dentists, . By strict attention-to titisiness desire to please, 7:e rt ?! pe 9 yully..aska.s.4aro Altdie Pgrouage. - G. W. MILal. N - B.—Prfrne HaPans•Segara rind 'Tobacco c,ongantly on. hand. • apre•dly FRANK A. MURRAY, (giiceissor to Wrn; Parkeil,) LiVERY & EXCHANGE STASLEq THLER STREET: BELOW 1/AR.Eri .T.TATING purehased..the, interest of Q. .!.ia.siss in the establishment, and made largo addition§ tirthe sterbk, the undersigned is prepared to accommodate the glib* with SUPERIOR HORNER for saddle or carriage purposes,and with every variety of VEHICLES of the latest rind" most approved styles; on reasonable . . PLEASURE PARTIES' e - 111 be accommodated *lib Omni imises at short notice. • CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES FOR FUNMAL (X.:DA MNS' will' be furnished, 'accompanied by careful and 'obliging drivers. • ; • , He invites an inspeetion of his Stock, EMI'S - tied that it Is _fait:equal to:that of any other establishinent et the EIMi in town, • FRANK A. MURRAY. BRANCH STABLE The undersigned haa•Opeaed a branch or his "LIVEn and EXCHANGE STABLE," in the buildings lately ecru led by A. 1%. Barri in Fourth meet oppesite'the Bethel, here he is prepared to accommodate the thol nblie wen OESE:.; ELIO FS, et all times, on t easou able term? meek iellargeand varied, and ri'lothmend itselL . 8-dt.t-relS4'.ll N Atuk ft AY . ed 0 ZIMMERMAN I BANKING, STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTION OFFICE, No. 28 South Second St., Harrishurh BONDS AND STOCKS FOR SALE. Bor 4,000 Harrisburg Bonds.: , 80 Shares of Harrisburg Bridge Company. 70 ",- Gas " 40 " " .13. Auk, AMBROTYPE COPIES OF*FINE 'ENGRAVINGS - pEING COPIES , from the best engravings - otaiiiOkical, Claarical, 'Scriptural and a great va riety of mhicellaneous subjects. - They are - exact in wiltdature; - With all the beauty and .mekile•or the lArger anitiniore.expensiveungraviege, an Much Jess cast, and being neatly arid substantathr fiabied, nothing more betratiful and bandsomer could I -conceived for ornaments as .pictures. • ' The cpiality'and tone of these copies have rteently bean greatly improved; and are ntiw :pladsd before the puhlt.; with a commence that4heir merit and beauty will Miura a hearty for then. — For isle at . • - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, * OO - 51 Market Street, Ham b err. Ali.; Call and sae"them--400l'arge: fo r exhibiting . E _ EU-Ft() ENT —3SI)A. MONTH. AND , imeEigstg:pAD.:—An - ligcznt is wan t- d aeverytoyrn'and county In , the Daitezl Stetes, to engngt respectable and easy business, by. which the protits raliveriainly be realized. For full rarl;c:` ,: •'' • addres n Dr. lIIRMY, W4,11/CElt; 14 East Twelttu et n' earner of Broadway, New York City, iaelosing .'ne 7_ UP. stamp.— FAMILY. BIBLES 'c• THE LARGESP ASSORTMENT IX T" CITY, it all prices from Si 25 to 825 do:l2r. 14 aU the itltForr Am i za; f 3 r. ai d it: T a u t ry: kaki . , ; 61 Market EW WAS: SEEDLESS PLUMS I , . Far sate at N, c0t.24 DOC% JR, & CO.g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers