Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 20, 1860, Image 3

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    pa 4 iiTitizgrapb,
Tuesday Afternoon, November 20 1860.
SEE advertisement of "The World" in an
other column.
A TREAT.—We are indebted to Mr. Isaac Ma
guire for a "mess" of large and luscious bivalves,
the finest we have indulged in this season, and
the kind he serves up at his new restaurant,
corner of Second and Pine streets. The oyster
eating residents of that locality should give
Isaac a call at his new retreat.
CASE OF VONDEREMITH.-A movement is being
made at Lancaster to secure the pardon Of
Judge Vondersmitb, who bas been for some
time in the Eastern penitentiary on a convic
tion and sentence for swindling, in connection
with the Lancaster banking institution. He is
said to be in bad health, and also corroded by
temorse for his grave offences.
effort will again be made at the approaching
session of the Legislature, to devise the ways
and means for finishing this road. There only
remains some twenty•five miles to grade, and
one hundred and twenty miles of rails to be
laid, to complete the road to Erie City.
Gomm Ramat vbited Williamsport last
week, and the "Press," noticing his arrival
there, says is rumored is fashionable
circles that the Governor intends making Wil
liamsport his permanent place of residence after
the Wide-Awakes inaugurate Colonel Curtin."
A very "unkind cut," brother Ulmer, consid
ering how sensitive the Governor is on the
Wide-Awake question.
gunner of this city spent about eight hours In
the woods and fields, and bagged thirty-four
partridges and one rabbit. On Friday last four
gentlemen of Lancaster city went on a gunning
expedition to Lebanon county, and shot one
hundred and teu partridges and six rabbits.—
This is the most successful hunting party we
have heard of the present season.
FOR Thum—While the southern chivalry
are ranting about disunion and secession, it
will be seen by the following item, that Union
is progressing northward, and that the noble
sons of the old Keystone are joining the fair
daughters of Iler Majesty's Dominion in a
"union" as enduring as life :
Mmuusn.—ln Harlem, Canada West, on
Tuesday, the 13th, by the Rey. John B. Wor
rell, Mr. William W. Power, of Crawford coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and Miss Minnie Mittleberg
or, of the former place.
WANTED lIIIXEDIATELY. —A journeyman prin
ter will find employment at thie office. A
mere compositor will not answer the purpose—
we want a man who can be entrusted with the
several mechanical branches of the business,
who Is attentive and industrious. Do ye hear?
How many latter-day typos are there who
could answer the above advertisement ? There
are very many of them, we fear, who could
not. In these fast times young boys are apt
to think, when they have learned to "set
type," that they are PRINTERS. A very grand
mistake they make.
THE APPLE TRADE has been quite active in
our city for two or three weeks past—large
quantities arriving daily by canal and river
from the northern part of this State and west
ern New York. Many of the varieties are very
fine, and completely put to the blush the little
scrubby specimens of home raised fruit so fre
quently brought to our market. Our fruit
growers should pay more attention to this mat
ter. It is very poor economy to send thousands
of dollars abroad for apples when they can be
grown just as well in Dauphin county as in
other places, if the same skill and attention be
devoted to the business.
The following cases were disposed of yesterday
afternoon : Commonwealth vs. George Poist,
Heisley Geety and Wm. H. Martin, charged
with assault and battery and riot, on the oath
of Fanny Jones, the keeper of a den in Love
Lane. Poist was found guilty of assault and
not guilty of riot. Geety and Martin were ac
quitted and discharged.
Commonwealth vs. Franklin A. Hutton, in
dicted for forging the name of his mother to
two different promisory notes for goods bought
at Baltimore, plead guilty to the charge prefer
ed against him. His counsel, Mr. Alleman, de
sired that he be sentenced at once, but the
court preferred to take time to consider over it,
and he was remanded to prison.
Commonwealth vs. Richard Allen, (colored,)
charged with assault and battery on Jane Lusk,
plead guilty. The same individual was charg
ed with keeping a disorderly house in Tanner's
alley, and permitting gambling therein, on
Sundays and during the week. The evidence
was conclusive against Richard, and the jury
rendered a verdict of guilty.
Commonwealth vs. James Thompson, charg
ed with breaking into the house of Wm. Kerr,
and stealing therefrom. Plead guilty.
Cemmonwealth vs. Wm. Omer, charged
with burglariously entering the cellar of Theo.
P. Boyer on the night of the ninth of Septem
ber. Plead guilty and remanded for sentence.
Commonwealth vs. Conrad Miller, indicted
for illegal voting in the first ward, at the late
election. The Grand Jury ignored the bill.
Several cases were called up and continued
until the next term.
Tussnev.—The first case tried this morning
was that of the Commonwealth vs. George
Williams, a colored youth, indicted for burgle
riously entering the dwelling of Prof. Dickin
son, also colored. It appeared in evidence that
the object of Williams in stealthily entering
the house was to "spark" the Professor's
daughter, and with no intention to a teal. The
jury acquitted him.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Boon, colored,
charged with burglary. This fellow entered the
house of Ida Hart, stole some articles, and made
an unsuccessful attempt to violate her person.
Verdict guilty.
"THE YOUNG WIDOW."—Who is the author
of the fugitive piece of poetry under the above
caption, recently.published in the TELEGRAPH?
A young friend of ours is anxious to know, for
particular reasons, which do not interest the
public. Can any of our editorial brethren im
part the desired information'?
SALE OF CITY PROPERTY.—The property in
Walnut street adjoining the Franklin House,
consisting of a three story brick house, and lot
of ground one hundred and ten feet deep, ad
vertised for sale by Dr. Fleming, was purchased
by James M'Cormick, Esq., for the sum of three
thousand six hundred dollars. A few years
ago, when the lot had a depth of only eighty
five feet, Mr. Verbeke refused four thousand
dollars for the property. •
hopeless victim of tanglefoot, named Monroe
A. Cloolbaugh, " without a local habitation,"
was found lying around loose by an officer and
conveyed to the lock-up, where he remained
until this morning, when he paid the usual fine
and was discharged. In less than ten hours
after the fellow was turned loose officer Lewis
found him drunk again, and indecently ex
posing his person. He was re-captured and
taken before an Alderman, who sent him to
prison for three days.
COUNTERFEIT Com.—Our city is now flooded
with large quantities of counterfeit coin, prin
cipally half dollars, quarters and dimes, so
skilfully executed that they are calculated to
deceive the shrewdest dealers, if they are not
carefully examined. They have the weight and
ring of the true metal, the only apparent de
fect being the rough and battered appearance
of the flgurea, which, on the genuine coin, are
clearly and legibly stamped. A careful exami
nation of all coin received •in change is neces
sary to ensure freedom from fraud.
course of some conversation during the sitting
of Court, yesterday afternoon, between an at
torney and Judge Pearson, the former inciden
tally observed that, according to the newspa
pers, there would be about one hundred cases
for trial. The learned Judge volunteered the
BLE." The remark was unwarranted, uncalled
for, and in bad taste. Had Judge Pearson read
our article, referred to by• the attorney, he
would have discovered that it was based upon
information furnished by the District Attorney,
who distinctly stated to us that at least one
hundred indictments would be submitted to the
Grand Jury for their action. This is not the
first time Judge Pearson has indulged in gratui
tous and contemptuous flings at "the newspa
pers," while occupying the bench. If he knew
how little "
.the newspapers" cared for ms
opinion of them, he would probably have less
to say on the subject.
Tan Sums FIBS ENGINE.—At a meeting of the
Friendship Company last evening, a committee
was appointed to proceed to Philadelphia and
order a steam fire engine, as soon as a sufficient
amount of money can be raised to make the
first payment of a thousand dollars. A large
proportion of this sum is already in the trea
sury of the company, and we have no doubt
the balance will be promptly contributed by our
citizens, so that the machine can be procured
before the close of the present year. It was
also determined to name the steamer after the
lady or gentleman contributing the largest
amount towards its purchase. Now, then, la
dies and gentlemen, untie your purse-strings,
and let there be a generous rivalry for this
honor. Steam engines, wherever introduced,
have been found to answer a much better pur
pose than the old-style hand engines; and as
the necessity for one here is generally admitted,
property owners especially should aid the
Friendship boys in their efforts to supply this
desideratum. When appealed to by the collecting
committee for " material aid," let all such be
prompt and liberal in their responses.
CHURCH Dom LOAFING.-Ou Monday last the
Mayor of Allegheny city bad before him eight
young men, who had spent the night in the
lock-up, baying been arrested on Sunday even
ing for loafing in front of a Methodist church.
They were reprimanded and fined• one dollar
each. Now if the nuisance can be abated in
this way in Allegheny city, why cannot the
same reform be accomplished here ? Every
Sunday night crowds of young men may be seen
loafing in front of some of our churches, to the
great annoyance of the congregations, waiting
the time for dismissal, for - the purpose of ob
taining the company of young ladies who are
silly enough to hitch on to their arms for the
asking. We hear frequent complaints of this
nuisance, and the church authorities owe it to
the people who frequent their places of worship
to abate it. Serve the "girl-hunters" as our
Methodist friends in Allegheny city did. Have
them arrested and marched to the lock-up,
keep them there all night, and introduce them
to the Mayor on Monday morning. He will
teach them a lesson on good breeding they
evidently never learned at home.
LEGAL ELOQIIIINCE.—An attorney in addres
sing a Pittsburg jury, in a criminal case, the
other day, is reported by the papers of that city
to have " splurged" as follows :
" The learning of this Honorable Court is in
voked in their erudite charge to eliminate to
the learned jury on the following points of
tacit : That my client is clearly eliminated
and disconnected from guilt, because a confes
sion must be taken as a whole, an unit. The
confession must be made under a coercing
sense of guilt and a severe compunction and
sorrowfulness for the henious offence charged
against him. An unit offence is a fulcrum on
which must centre and revolve clear evidence
of guilt. The guilt of the prisoner arraigned at
this bar is not clearly eliminated to be an ab
stract proposition, because the 'window and
aperture which were charred by the union of
certain combustible matter with the oxygen of
the atmosphere, the consumed remains of
which were found near a rectillineal apperture
in the wall, and some wooden boards forming
a horizontal position between one story and the
next approximating story of the equerry domi
cil charged to have incendiarly lit up."
We have frequently heard equally nonsensi
cal harangues in Courts outside of Pittsburg.
The smoky city is not the only place afflicted
with lawyers who indulge in the " highfalu
tin" style of oratory.
pennovlvania aeltgrapk, euesbav Afternoon, November 20, 1860.
Hear= FOR DEOEHBER.—The December num
ber of Harper's Magazine has just been received
and can be had for 20 cents single copy, at
A WOMAN KILT:RD.—On the Catawissa Rail
road, the other day, the engineer discovered a
woman lying with her head across the track.
But it was too late to hold back the train. The
engine was reversed, but in vain. It passed
over the unfortunate woman, Beveling her
head from her body and frightfully mangling
it. It was her evident intention to commit
suicide, as she had been warned of the coming
of the train a moment before, and deliberately
laid herself down waiting for it to pass.
COUNTY. —Two or three weeks ago we published
the particulars of a mysterious rapping case at
Jonestown, which caused great excitement in
that community. The family in whose house
the rappings occurred were annoyed beyond en
durance by these apparently supernatural de
monstrations, and by the crowds of people who
flocked thither to see and hear for themselves,
and investigate the affair. Suspecting that a
young girl in their employ was in some way
connected with the mysterious noises, she was
sent home to her parents, who reside about two
miles from Jonestown. This proved to be, the
case, for with the departure of the girl the rap
pings ceased. The " spirit," however, if it be
such, accompanied the girl, and the same kind
of knocks are now heard in her father's house,
sometimes so frequent and loud during the
night as to prevent the family from sleeping.
Doors fly open as if by magic, and noises are
made wherever the girl moves, at times so loud
as to be heard a square distant. A gentleman who
was in the room with the girl and heard the
knocks, informs us that the noise resembled that
made by a man striking vigorous blows upon a
door or table, the girl meanwhile sitting motion
less in a chair, several feet distant. At other
times a chair would commence rocking, and con
tinue in motion for some minutes, without any
body touching it. Our friend, who is a shrewd
and intelligent man, heard and saw these strange
sounds and sights, and although convinced of
their reality, and unable to solve the mystery,
he is not willing to admit that "spirits" have
anything to do with it. Another gentleman, a
resident of Cnmberland county, well-known
and highly respected in this vicinity, and a be
liever in " spiritualism," visited the girl re
cently, and writes to a citizen of Harrisburg, as
follows, concerning the mysterious affair. Our
readers can peruse the letter, draw their own
conclusions, and make their own comments ;
THUMB Smarm, November 1860.
Mr.-. I at last get time to write you a
few lines about the rappings in Lebanon coun
ty. I got to Jonestown on Saturday afternoon,
and found that the girl's father had taken her
about two miles into the country, and I went
out to see her. There waif not much rapping
during the remainder. of that day and evening.
I tried her with a table, and found her to lie a
strong tipping medium. I remained - in the
house until about eight o'clock, and the girl
seeming to get sleepy, I went to a house in the
neighborhood to spend the night. After I left
the girl was put to bed and covered with
feathers. The parents' say - that' whew-gm-la
asleep and covered in this way, no rapping is
heard, and they can rest at night. However,
such was not the case on that occasion. As
soon as the girl went to sleep the rapping com
menced louder than ever, and the father came
and told me. I went over and found it to be
really so. I instructed the spirit how to an
swer "yes" and "no," and "don't know." I
soon got it to answer almost every question
myself or the family would ask. We question
ed it over and over, until the mother began to
get uneasy that they could not sleep in the
house, for the raps were frequent and very
loud. During this time I examined the girl
repeatedly, and found her sleeping in the same
position that she had been put to bed. I asked
the spirit whether it would not let the family
rest,•and it rapped the answer "yes." I re
quested it to bid good night by three loud rape,
and the y came with such tremendous force
as to shake the house. A man was outside at
the time watching, and the raps frightened him
so much that he ran away. There was no more
rapping during the night, and the family rested
comfortably. The next morning (Sunday) I
went over to the house, and there was no rap
ping while I remained there. The parents in.
formed me, however, that while the girl was
dressing herself, they heard five loud raps,
some distance from where she stood. There is
great excitement here. Some attribute the noises
to one cause, and some to another. I omitted
to mention, in the proper place, that the spirit
said the girl had great healing powers, and
that much good would result through her for
healing diseases, &c. The father of the girl
partially promised to take her to your city
soon. Respectfully Yours, G. V. C.
GREAT ARRIVAL of new and cheap goods ; a
splendid and large assortment just opened.—
Beautiful styles of new De Laines ; 100 pieces
of new Colicos splendid colors 10 cents ; 60
pieces Canton Flannel 10 and 11 cents; large
lot of black and brown Muslin ; 1000 yards of
pant stuff for men and boys ware ; SO dozen
Undershirts and Drawers 65 and 75 cents ; 60
dozen Wool Socks 20 cents; Black Alapacka
Shawls, Cloaks, Cambric Bands, Flanels, Dry
Goods of all descriptions ; 10 pieces black Cloth
for Cloaks. Please call and examine our large
assortment, S. LEVTY, at John Road's old stand.
Musmar..—New music from all the leading
publishing houses always received immediately
after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always
fresh on hand, at WM. Kiroon.e's Music store,
92 Market street. •
RAISING TODAOCO. —Our readers who have had
the impression for many years that all the to
bacco which is grown in the country was pro
duced south of Mason and Dixon's line, will
doubtless be surprised to learn that the largest
plantation on which the "weed" is grown is on
the Delaware river, between Pennsylvania and
New Jersey. A friend informs us that he had
the pleasure of paying a visit to this plantation
a few days since, and that he was greatly as
tonished at its extent. It is situated on Petty's
Island, and we are assured that the product of
the farm or plantation '
whichever it may be
galled, is greater, much greater, than that, of
any other in the country. The quality of the
tobacco produced is of the most superior char
acter, and it is made up into segars, which are
sold at very remunerative prices.
Courant prints the following
HARTIORD, Nov. 6, 12 p.
L Gaummi.—"The Original Jacobs" will meet
you in Washington, March 4th, 1861.
sptcial Nntices
calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed
lour, and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by
painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind
pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse,
nvit es rest, and removes every symptom of consume.
ion. Price W. 00. Sold by Gso. BERGNER. jy2o
Are r ter lungs weak? Does a long breath give you pain?
(lave you a hacking cough? Do you expectorate hard,
ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and
want, of sleep? If SO, REFLB is YOUR REMEDY. IL will un
questionably save you. Price $1 00. Sold by Gismos
BERGNER. mar7-daw4rn
A. equal—instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the
Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and
Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere.
CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
marl2•dtwly 81 Barclay Street, New York.
3:4lEVigionifo3 , o3Szl'ADO:Vloll4lllol
To quiet
The riot
Or_worms—the vile scourges
The Vermituge give,
And, as sure as you live,
They'll get their discharges.
What is BRIAN'S VERNIEUGS ? Simply a pare and
tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed
by it, no worm can survive it, no mother should be
without it, no words can express its value. Price 25
cents. Sold by Ghto. BERGNER. 020
storative for making • the hair grow, stopping its falling
out, and restoring gray hair to its original color, is be
coming celebrated. All the quack nostrums aro giving
way,before it. Three fourths of the mixtures for re
storing and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than
good. They burn it up-destroy - the life of its roots—
make the hair fall off, and produce premature baldness.
But Prof. Wood's Restorative may be relied upon as con
taining nothing which can in any manner be injurious to
the hair, while ita success in accomplishing what It pre
tends to do has been verified in hundreds of cases. We
advise gray heads, and heads getting bald—all who wish
to save their Wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle
of Wood's Restorative. --N. Y. Democrat.
Sold by all Druggists. nol9-1m
THE MIGHTY HEALER.—Let not disease, with
its fangs, prey upon you, until the cold hand of death
hurls you to an untimely grave. Shake off the feelings
of despair and here'essuess, so liable to come upon the
invalid. The plant born of the Sun we place within the
reach of all. We care not what may may be the specific
form of the disease. The cause, the fountain of the die
ease itself, is impure blood, and through the different
channels of the lungs, the stomach and vital organs,
ling with the blood, search out and grasp and then ex
pel, all hurtful poison that there is in it. Thus cleanse
the blood by a few doses of these Pills, and disease, in
any form, will dissipate and vanish. As the Sun, with
its glorious beams first causes the morning dew to riseas
mist, then growing stronger, casts his burning rays np.
on it—and behold 'tie gone—so cleanse the blood, and
disease, like morning dew, retreats and vanishes. There
is no blood purifier equal to JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN
Sold by all medicine deabrs. noll3-1m
Davis' Pain Killer.
No 'Mamma is more prompt in its action in
cases of Cholera, Cholera Mortme, Arc.; than Perry Davis'
Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which eel:
dom fails it applied in its early symptoms. No family
should be without a bottle of it always on hand.
. The stain on linen from the use of the Pain Killer to
easily removed by washing in alcohol. •
Davis , Pain Killer seems particularly efficacious in
cholera morbus, bowel complaints, and other diseases to
which the natives of Burmah, from their unwholesome
style of living, are peculiarly exposed. It Is a valuable
antidote to the poison of Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets,
Late Missionary in Burmah.
Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers
hroughout he United States and"Canadas. nlB-1m
The Orlghtall and Best In the - World!
ALL others are mere imitations, and
should be avoided, if you wish to ceroPe
GRAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR DYED instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, withoutinjury to
the Hair or Skin.
ed to Wm. A. BATCHR,LOR since 1880, and over 80,000 ap
plications have been Made to the Hair of the Patrons of
his famous dye. -
Wit. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is WARRANTED
not to injure - in the least, however long it may be con.
tinned, and the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the
Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Foley Goode Dealers.
larThe Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wn..
tux A. BACHELOR. Address,
marl2-d&wly 81 Barclay street, New York.
411 m • mrrrarenn%-.I.STTN
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.,
riIHE combination of ingredients in these
11 Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild In their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob •
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache,
pale in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner
vous affections , hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and
limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption
of nature.
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
on the monthly period with regularity. ladies who have
been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the
utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesernan's Pills doing all that
they represent to do.
. _
There is one condition of the female system in which the
rats cannel be taken wsthout productng a PECULIAR
RESULT. the condition referred to is PREGNANG'Y—
the result, MI 3 CARRIAOE. ,Such is the trresish/de
tendency of the maiscine to restore he sexual functions to a
norm/ condttim p that even the reproductive power of
nature cannot resist it.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
injurious, Explicit directions, which should be read, ac
company each box. Price $l . Sent by mail on enclosing
$1 th DR. Commas L. Ouxednuis, Box 4,531, Post Office,
New York City.
Sold by ono Druggist in every town in the United States
General Agent for the United States,
19 Broadway, New York,
1b whom all Wholesale orders should be addr,
This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay et her es
ternal remedy at present before the world., The mode o
its operation is peculiar. ,
It penetrates to the boats of the disease 7 -goes to its
very source—and curedit from the flesh beneath to the
skin on the surface. •
Other outward applications for Scrofula,Salt Rheum,
lac., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards,
and often occasioning terrible internal maladkot.
NORTON'S GINTURNT, on the contrary, throWs the poison
of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis
charged throu the pores.' s.
Thus the cures it effects is complete: Not only are the
sores healed—the eruptions removed,-the' swellings re
duced—but the seeds of the dtseaseoire. expelled from the
flesh ; consequently there can be no relapse.
Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have
tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad
vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe,
and expeditious- remedy for the evils you endure. A
Ingle bet will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here
Since its Hest introduction, the properties of the Oint
mentilave been tested in the most obstimite cases—cases
hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country,
and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro
duced no effect—and in every Instance with every ow.
coat - _
'Sold in Large Bolfies—Price 60 Cents.'
GERRIT, NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor,,New York
• WhOlessie Druggists; lb DecikmariCit.,
gold by Gro.Bsuosrau, Harrisburg, Pa.
Zpetial Nofues.
the established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold,
Influenza, Hoarseness, and all irritations of the mucous
membrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by
physicians, and all who have used it, as a preparation
that has no rival in the field. Price 25 cents. Sold by
George Bergner. fy2o
MOTHERS, Ram) Tare.—The following is an
extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist
church to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati,
Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re
nowned tnedicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
Children Teething :
"We see an advertisement in your column Of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a word
in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is no hum
bug—we have tried It, and know it to he aii it claims. It
13, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the
day, because it is one of the best. And those of your
readers who have babies can't do better than to lay
a supply. au22
From the American Baptist, New York, August 2,1859
A hinakruna wooden pagoda which we
brought from Eurmah, having been bro%en while on
shipboard, we were very anxious to ha - a it repaired,
and tried several sorts of glue, but aritl at success, till
our attention was called to Spalding , s Prepared Glue, sold
at 30 Platt Street. This we found to answer the purpose.
The pagoda appears now to be strongly cemented, and
can be seen by calling at the office of the American
From the Freeman's Journal, New York, August 6, IMO.
Spalding's Prepared Glue is such a simple and cheap
preparation that it is a pity any house should be without
it. oct24-1m
a'WE call the attention of our readers to an
article advertised in another column, called Moon Foon
It is an entirety new discovery, and must not be confound
ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the
day. It is food for the blood, already prepared for ab
sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action, and
what one gains tie retains. Let all those, then, who are
suffering from poverty, Impurity or deficiency of blood,
and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment,
take of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We
notice that our Druggists have received a supply of this
article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Emon's
PANTILE CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It
is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind
whatever, and of course must be Invaluable for all Intim
tils complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain,
and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the
same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
n i urses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless
n ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved.
ggrdee advertisement. an.24.feb6
Eor sale by C. A. Eannvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa
Prepared from a Prescription of Stir J. Clarke, if. D.,
Phystcian Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is imitating in the cure of all
thosa painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by females during tho
FIRST THREE IitONTHSqf Pregnaucy, as:they aresure
to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed; and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mail.
For P alp by C. A. BANNVART.
In the name and by the authori
I T4 •S ty of e Commonwealth of Penn
. sylvama, Wm. P. PACKER, Gov
- . - ernor of the said Commonwealth
WHEREAS, It is provided in and by an act of
the General Assembly of this Commonwealth,
entitled "an act relating to the Electors of this
Commonwealth," passed the second day of
July, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-nine. "That the Secretary of the Com
monwealth having received the returns of the
votes given for Electors of President and Vice
President of the United States, shall lay the
same before the Governor, who shall enumer
ate and ascertain the number of votes for each
person voted for and shall therefore declare by
Proclamation the names of the persons duly
AND WEINMAN, It appears by the returns laid
before me of the election for electors, held on
Tuesday, the sixth day of November, inst.,
That James Pollock, Thomas M. Howe, Edward
C. Knight, Robert P. King, Henry Bumm, Rob
ert M. Foust, Nathan miles, John M. Broom
all, James W. Fuller, David E. Stout, Francis
W. Christ, David Mumma, Jr., David Taggart,
Thomas R. Hull, Francis B. Penniman, Ulysses
Mercur, George Bressler, A. Brady Sharpe,
Daniel 0. Gehr, Samuel Calvin, Edgar Cowan,
William McKennan, John M. Kirkpatrick,
James M. Kerr, Richard --P- -,Reberte, Maar •
Souther and John Greer are the persons duly
elected electors of a President and Vice Presi
dent'of the United States, to serve at the elec
tion in that behalf to be held at the seat of Gov
ernment of this State (being the City of Harris
burg, .in the county of Dauphin) on the first
Wednesday of December next, agreeably to the
said act of the General Assembly of this Com
monwealth, and the Constitution and Laws of
the United States in such case made and pro
Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at Harrisburg, this Twenty-fourth
day of October, in the year of our Lord, One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty, and of
the Commonwealth the Eighty-fifth.
By. the Governor,
WM. M. HrEsrpat,
Secretary of the annmartwealth
received a beautiful assortment of the very latest
style CLOAKS, which they are selling at the very lowest
prices. The very best 1431 cent Ca'boos for 10 cents.
MANAGERS of this Institution, wil
issue season tickets, good until the Ist of April ilex
. for $5 00. ROBT. L. kittENCA Frost._
,t LARGE assortment of ALrllE, of all
/IL ;knees, *ban . will make Balla CHRISTMAN
GUMS for your lady Wends ;MP be maul at
IT is compounded entirely from (hung,
and has become an established tact, a Standard Medi
cine, known and approvedia by all that have used It,
and is now resorted tot 4 with confidence in all the
diseases for which it is re- 'Q commended.
It has cured thousands El within the last two years
who bad given up allhopes ,41 of relief, as the numerous
unsolicited certificates in " 4 1 my possession show.
The dose must be adapt- re, ed to the temperament of
the Individual taking Nand n used in snob quantltirs at
to act gently on the bowels.
Let the dictates of your gkj judgment guide you in the
use or the AVER , 1 ••• MANOR, and it will cure
Lints Coxetancrs, Biu.lous p. ATTACHE, Inissavact,Conoit
tolheintuosa, Scant= Cos- tot PLAINTS, Dassarrsay New
JAUNDICE, Feassis WEAR- Ness, and may bo used
successfully as an Oxfam/. se Er FAMILY MEDlallir. It
Will CIITSSICK HEADACHE a (as thousands can testify)
TAKEN at commencement o p attack.
ALL WHO emery Ass are- tvi iso, their testimony fn Its
ii-MIT Water In the month with the In.
vigorator, and swallow both together.
active Cathartic which the
practice more than twenty
The constantly increas
have long used the PILLS
all express in regard to
to place them within the
.The Profession well know
on difterent portions of the
ference to this well estah
ded from a variety of the
which act alike on every
nal, and are good and cafe
thartic is needed, such its,
Sleepiness, Pains in tkei
Pain and Soreness over fie
or weight in the head, all
Worms in Children or Ad-
Purifier of the Blood, and
flesh is heir, too numerous
tenement. Doss, 1 to 8.
Io Pius are retailed by Druggists generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large
S. T. W. SANFORD, 31. D.,
Manufacturer and Proprietor,
je2o-d&wyi] 835 Broadway, New York.
For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel,
Dropsy, &c., &o.
RELMBOLD'S Extract Socha for Secret and Delimits
BELUBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for Nervous and De
bilitated sufterers.
HELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for Less of Memory,
Lose of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muscular
_ _
HELMBOLD'S Extract of Bnchn for all distressing ail
ments—Obstructions, Irregularities, Excess in married
life, or early indiscretions, &c., and all diseases of the
sexual organs, whether existing in Male or Peinair, from
whatever cause they may have originated, and no mat
ter of how long standing.
HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT WORD is pleasant in its
taste and odor and immediate in its action. Price $1 per
bottle, or six for $6. Delivered to any address, accom
panied by reliable certificates. Sold by all Druggists.
au2l-8m Depot. 104 South Tenth St. Philadelphia
399 dAmly
To the Citizens of New Jersey' and
Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy.
Wolfe'e Pure Iladeria, Sherry and Port
Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the
United States to tha above Wmits and LIQUORS, imports!
by Edolpho Wolfe, of New Ydrk, whose name is ram - -
liar in every part of this country for the purity of hi t
celebrated SOHIRDAM SOEINAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, in his !efts:
to me, speaking of the purity (Ibis Worn and LlqtrOlts,
says : "I will stake my reputation as a man, my stand
ing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City
of New York, that all the BRANDY and Wm= which I
bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and
can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle
has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a tan simile
of his signature on the certificate. The public are re•
sportfully invited to call and examine for themselves.—
For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers In
Philadelphia. GEORGE M. ASHTON,
No. 882 Market It . Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York Courier
We are happy to inform our fellow -citizens that mere la
one place in our city where the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality.
We do not Intend to give an elaborate description of this
merchant's extensive bnsiness, although it will well re
pay any stranger or citizen to visit tidolpho Wolfe's ex
tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. fill and 22 Beaver street,
and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Marl; etfleld street. His stock of
Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have
been less than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some'
ton thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten
thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Bum,
some very old and equal to any in this country. He also
had three large cellars, lilted with Brandy, Wine, &0., in
casks, under Custom• House key, ready for bottling. Mr.
Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one
hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in lees
than two years he may be equally etuccessful with his
Bfftidies ana
His business merits the patronage of every lover of hts
species. Private families who a ish pure Wines and
Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct
to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make
up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their
shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Worn and
We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of
small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases or
Wines and Liquors. Such a_man, and such - a merchant,
should be sustained against his tens of thousands Of op
ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imita
tions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness.
C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit.
ONLY $3.00 A YEAR.
AN independent DAILY 8 page newspa
per of imperial quarto size, (same size as the "Her
ald," "Tribune." , Times,") publishedin New York, con
taining all the news from Emmy QUARTER at . Tzlit GiLoRS
AND IN EvsEA. DarAirmsarr OF Hunan ACEMITr, will be
served everyday (at noon) to residents of our city at the
extremely low price of
$3.00 A YEAR
This is certainly the LOWEST FIGURE at which any
daily 74' evr York paper has EVER been offered to our citi
zens/and only the anticipation of large accessions of sub
scribers to our lists Induces us to make tha very liberal
ofhr, and in which we hope to be sustained.
Subscribes received for it and all other city Daily and
Weekly Papers. Magazines. ho. , at LOWEST PRICES at
nova al Market Street!
5.000 fPor°2ll)3,Be of ° pay t h LD C e
O ve P ryla i l
est market price In cash, at the
natal-laid EAGLE WOW.
£ie~u L
ALSO ••••••
TIC PILL is a gentle bit
proprietor has used in his
ing demand from those who
and the satisfaction which
their use, has induced me
reach of all.
that different Cathartics act
TIC PILL has, with dna re.
lished fact, been compoun
purest Vegetable Extracts,
part of the alimentary Ca
in all cases where a Ca-
Derangements of Stomach,
Back and Loins, Coshocton
boly,Besdessness, Headache
In Tory Disease o,
WU, Rheumatism, a great
many diseases to which
to mention in this I IVOT-
M7 . "'IIMUM' I I
l avut .wirstre
Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and
Private Families.