Pailg Eelzgrapil. HARRISBURG Monday Afternoon, November 19 1860. SE advertisement of " The World " in an other column. DI& UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held in the new school Presbyterian church, corner of Market Square, to•morrow afternoon, commen cing at four o'clock, as usual. WANTS AND CORNS.—The bark of a willow tree burnt to ashes, mixed with strong vinegar and applied to the parts, will remove all corns or excrescences on any part of the body. SICK HEADACIII.-1 1 is stated that two tea spoonfuls of powdered charcoal, drank in a half tumbler of water, will, in less than fifteen minutes, give relief to the sick headache, when caused, as inmost cases it is, by superabundance of acid on the stomach. I== GOING TO WASHINGTON.—The City Wide- Awakes, of New York, have resolved to attend the Inauguration on the fourth of March next, at Washington, en masse, and in uniform. The State Capital Club, of this city, also intend visiting the Federal Capital on that occasion. Tax CAPITAL CITY GUARD will hereafter meet regularly every Monday evening at their hall in Eby's building, which is to be handsomely fitted up for a reading and drill room. The company is rapidly increasing in membership, and will soon number at least a hundred young and active Republicans. One good feature of the constitution is the exclusion of men of in• temperate habits. COMING TO HARRISBURG. —The Washington Artillerists of Pottsville, a large and fine look ing company, intend visiting Harrisburg on the third Tuesday of January, to participate in the inauguration parade. The People's Campaign Club of Philadelphia, two hundred and fifty strong, with a brass band, will also be in at tendance. Quarters have already been secured for them at one of our hotels. .-.----....-----. THE METHODIST PRESIDING ELDER of this dis trict, Rev. Dr. Hodgson, preached in the West Harrisburg Chapel yesterday afternoon, and in the Locust street Church last evening. His sermons, on both occasions, were interesting, able and logical, and no doubt profited those who listened to them. Dr. Hodgson is regard ed as one of the ablest preachers connected with the Methodist denomination. TR& QUARTERLY CONFERENCE and Love Feast of the Locust Street Methodist congregation will be held on Wednesday evening, the former commencing at quarter past six o'clock, and the latter at quarter past seven o'clock. Simi lar meetings will be held in the West Harris burg Chapel on Thursday evening. Both will be attended by the Presiding Elder of the dis. trict, now here in an official capacity. Tex Manton CLUB will give their first grand soiree, under the management of Mr. Frank Mather, at Exchange Hall, this evening. The parties of this club, among the most pleasant of the kind in our city, have heretofore been well patronized by the "lads and lasses" who are fond of mingling together occasionally in social intercourse "to chase the glowing hours with flying feet." We have no doubt they will be equally successful this season. -• a •- IN THEI Loos-up.—The occupants of the lock up on Saturday night consisted of three unfor tunates : A colored lad named John Michael Shanklin, about seventeen years of age, who stated that he came from York. He was in a destitute condition, and had no friends here who would provide for him. An Irishman and his wife, named Hugh and Catharine Dugan, both of whom had evidently indulged freely in the extract of corn. All of them were discharged yesterday morning. On AND Lew.—We learn that an immense business for lawyers will be created out of the oil speculations, in the matter of disputes ari sing out of contested claims, recovering dam ages, &c. The cotillion has been commenced by a bill in equity filed against sundry persons who have erected cribs and derricks in the Al legheny river near Tidioute Island. An injunc tion is asked to restrain the parties from ob structing navigation on the river. The action was brought in the Supreme Court at Pitts burg, and the Court ordered a hearing thereon, at Philadelphia, before Justice Read, on the last Tueesday of November, in the Supreme Courtroom, defendants to have ten day's notice. =1 Two ADJIPTAkiT Ginisitersrus.—We learn from the Pittsburg papers that a few days ago a num_ ber of the commissioned officers of companies comprising the brigade of Allegheny county adopted resolutions urging the appointment o Gen. ITegley to the office of Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, the only other person of Al. legheny county, whose name bad been men tioned in connection with the said office, having (at said meeting) formally declined to be a can didate. The brigades of four or five other Western companies have taken similar action in the recommendation of General Negley.— lie is an accomplished officer, and would admi rably fulfill the duties of the position. DAUPHIN COMITY BIBLE SOCIETY.—The Anni versary of the Dauphin County Bible Society will be held at Millersburg, to-morrow after noon and evening. These meetings are grow ing in interest and importance. The one held at Berrystmrg was largely attended by delegates from auxiliary Societies in various parts of the county, and exerted a salutary influence upon the community in which it was held and upon the interests of the Bible cause throughout the county. Any members of the Harrisburg Bi ble Society who can make it convenient to at tend this meeting will please to take the noon train for Millersburg ro-morrow, upon arriving at which place they will be cordially welcomed and hospitably entertained. If desirous of re turning home the same night they can do so by the late train. CHAIMIE A. HAT, Sec. A STATED MEETING of Friendship Fire Compa ny No. 1 v, ill be held this (Monday) evening at seven o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as arrangements will be made to order the steam engine. Aram W. BERGSTRESSER, Sec'ry. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Citizen Engine and Hose Company will be held at their hall this (Monday) evening, at seven o'clock. A full and punctual attendance is earnestly desired, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. G. L. WALTER, Sec'ry. I=l MIDDLEJOWN TRIEVES.-A colored man and woman wero brought here from Middletown this afternoon and committed to prison on a charge of larceny. They were escorted from the depot to Walnut street by a number of sa ble brothers and sisters, who somehow got the idea that the prisoners were fugitive slaves. I= No COUNTY INSTITUTE will be held in Dauphin county this winter, as we are informed by the School Superintendent. Mr. Ingram intends, however, to visit the various District Institutes. Teachers throughout the county should inform him as to the times and places of holding these meetings. =1:1=0 APPOINTMENT.—The Governor has appointed Mr. Frederick Trace, of this city, bearer of cer tificates to the Presidential Electors chosen at the late election in Pennsylvania. Fie will start upon his official mission in the course of a few days. There were several applicants for the position. I= EARLY 714 ma FIELD. —The State Sentinet, pub lished in this city, has the name of Stephen A. Douglas at the head of its columns for Presl_ dent in 1864. Our neighbor seems to be of the opinion that "it will never do to give it up so," and goes right on to support the "little giant" with his usual vigor and enthusiasm. BENEFIT LECTURE.- Professor Collins will lec ture on Phrenology to morrow evening in the Wesleyan Church; corner of South street and Tanner's alley. Ten cents admittance will be charged, one-third of the proceeds to be appro priated to the church. After the lecture a pub lic examination of beads will be made. THE RUNAWAY Going.—We have already an nounced the arrest, at Philadelphia, of the white woman and negro man who passed thro' this city from Hagerstown, on Friday last. The woman accompanied her father home, and the slave was taktn possession of by his owners, on a charge of robbery, and run through to Balti more on Friday night, where he was no doubt put upon the block and sold to "chattel" dealers who would take him further South. The Chief of Police of this city accompanied the parties to Baltimore, and returned home on Saturday night THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT has just com pleted his visits to the various public schools of this city, and reports them all in excellent con dition. His opinion of the higher schools is that they cannot be excelled anywhere In the State. In the North Ward most of the rooms have been fitted up with modern school furni ture, which adds largely to the comfort and convenience of the scholars. In this respect there is ample room for . Improvement in the South Ward. Mr. Ingram intends visiting the Middletown schools this week. POTTER Cousrm—ln our table, published on Saturday, a mistake occurred in the vote of this county. A township return was received at the Secretary's office giving 103 votes for Lincoln and 29 for Fusion. This was copied instead of the return from the whole county, which shows that Lincoln received 1645 ; Fu sion 621; and Bell 1 vote. This increases Lin coln's majority to NINETY-TM= THOUSAND FMK HUNDRED AND SEVENTY over fusion. When the returns from Forrest are received we will re publish the table complete. HON. Sum Cenrzaos . .—A recent issue of this paper contained a letter from Washington in which the name of Hon. Simon Cameron was mentioned favorably in connection with the Post Master Generalship under the new Admin istration. The letter has since been copied and endorsed by most of the Republican journals in the State. Of course the old Keystone, the banner State of the Union, will be honored with a Cabinet officer, and we know of no man whose selection would give such universal satis faction as that of our distinguished fellow-citi zen and popular United States Senator. Let President Lincoln surround Himself with such men and his Administration will command the respect and confidence of the:people. How A PMNNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN WON A BAR an OF WHEAT. —During the late campaign Judge Kelly, of Philadelphia, stumped the State of Illinois, and in one of his addresses at Springfield, asserted his willingness to bet a barrel of Pennsylvania cider against a barrel of Illinois wheat, that the old Keystone would give a larger Republican majority than Illinois. It was immediately taken up by the Springfield Republicans. The result is well known, and our friends in that city having lost the bet, they have h%d a neat barrel specially made, the name and address of Judge Kelly being in scribed'in full on its aide, and intend to forward it in a few days. It is filled with the best quality of wheat that could be found in Illi nois. This is the first Republican bet that we have heard of being lost. COMIT OF QUARTER SESSIONB.—The regular November term of the Court of Quarter sessions+ opened this morning at ten o'clock. All the Judges were present. Daniel Yoder, Jadob Ra dabaugh, Samuel feiley , J. David Hoffman. and Geo. Wyant were appointed tip-staves for the week. The corusrables of the different town ships made their usual returns. The Grand Jury was then sworn in, Wm. J. Robinson, Esq., acting as foreman. His Honor Judge Pearson delivered a somewhat lengthy charge, defining the law and their duties as Grand Jurors. He referred particularly to the most heinous offences to he laid before them, among which are charges for burglary, rape, as sault and battery with intent to commit a rape, larceny, keeping gambling houses, forgery, adultery, bigamy, passing counterfeit coins, false pretence, malicious mischief, fraudulent ly voting, &c., &c. Ptnnopluania •Mailp ZeLe9rapl), Alontrav 'Afternoon, November 19, 186.0. THE NEW CAST STEEL BELL for the Court House is expected to reach here to-morrow, and will at once be elevated to its place in the tower, which is nearly completed, and looms up, in magnificent proportions. THE ELscronax COLLEGIL—Goy. Packer bas issued his proclUmation, announcing the elec tion of the Lincoln electors, and calling them to assemble at Harrisburg on the first Wednesdayof December. We advise that all Electors make sure of being at their place of meeting even.a , day earlier than the time fixed by law, as the vote of Michigan was in danger of being lost from a snow storm in 1856. DIPTHERIA.—The following report from the pen of a leading physician of Delaware county, in relation to this singular and fatal disease, and more particularly in regard to oertain facts disclosed by examination into a fatal case happening during :the course of his practice, will be found of importance and general inter est to the community, particularly at the pres ent time : " This disease, which for the last four or five years has been making its way westward, has appeared in various localities through this county and by its fatality has caused considera ble alarm in the public mind. It is character ized by the formation of a membranous exuda tion covering the throat and roof of the mouth , more or less completely, and in some cases, ex tending into the windpipe, causing death, as in croup, by suffocation. It is not identical with a form of throat disease which has occasionally prevailed in different parts of the country and which has been variously designated as malig nant sore throat, putrid sore throat, erysipelas of the throat, Black Tongue, &o. The tenden cy in this form of disease is to a rapid death or gangrene of the parts affected • and it lacks wholly the membranous exudation: which is the peculiar feature of Diphtheria. The dis ease is not altogether new. Several epidemics have been described in which this peculiar ex udation was observed, and Physicians in every country have occasionally met with cases of throat disease accompanied by a membranous exudation, but lacking altogether the fatal tendency that has marked this epidemic visi tation of the disease. The danger from the ex tension of the exudation into the windpipe has been referred to. This undoubtedly in some cases is the direct cause of death, but very many cases prove fatal in which there is no af fection of the windpipe and no material ob struction to the respiration. Death has been supposed to result, in such cases, from the ter ribly depressing effect of the disease upon the nervous centres. Perhaps a large majority of the fatal cases have been of this character and until the interesting fact developed by a case that occurred in the family of Mr. Rodman Priehett of East Goshen, but little has been brought out to satisfy the minds of intelligent Physicians as to the precise cause of death in those cases in which the difficulty about the throat is insufficient to account for the result. In Mr. Prichett's family the disease - first ap peared in Tune last and at that time counted its two victims. Last week it again appeared and added two more to the list. In none of these did the exudation extend to the wind pipe nor was there an amount of disease of the throat to explain the result. The attending Physicians finding themselves baffled in their efforts to arrest the fatal tendency, sought, in the last case, and readily obtained the privi lege of making a post-mortem examination, which developed the fact that the cavities of the heart there had been formed a mass of firm leathery consistency, and more or less firmly adherent to the lining of the ,cavities. Much the larger amount wee found in the cavities of the right side of the heart, forthing when roll ed together mass nearly an inch in diameter. The adhesions to the walls of the heart in some parts were so firm as to render it impossible to separate it without leaving particles still at tached. It is true that a gelantinous mass is often found in the heart, formed by its con tracting upon the coagulated fibrin of the blood, during the last moments of existence ; but the leathery character of the masseemoved and the firmness of the adhesion preclude such a theory of its formation. A more rational ex planation is found in the altered condition of the fibrin of the blood which is the remarkable feature of the disease. The existence of such a mass would account, not only for the rapidly fatal termination, but also for the existence of an extremely feeble pulse in connection with a violent, tumultuous action of the heart as is so often observed in fatal cases of this disease. Should this condition be confirmed by subse quent examinations great practical good may result in directing the attention of Physicians to another source of danger than the local dis ease of the throat and lead them by early and decisive measures to counteract more success fully the blood-vice, upon which the disease depends. One other point may be worthy of no tice as calculated to do away with unnecessary anxiety upon being brought in contact with cases of Diptheria. It seems to be purely and simply an epidemic disease, dependent upon a cause or causes existent in the atmosphere, and that it will select localities and individuals that have most affinity for it, without reference to direct exposure to the disease." GREAT Aintrvez of new and cheap goods ; a splendid and large assortment just opened.— Beautiful styles of new De Laines ; 100 pieces of new Colicos splendid colors 10 cents ; 50 pieces Canton Flannel 10 and 11 cents;. large lot of black and brown Muslin ; 1000 yards of pant stuff for men and boys ware ; 80 dozen Undershirts and Drawers 65 and 76 cents ; 50 dozen Wool Socks 20 cents ; Black Alapacka . Shawls, Cloaks, Cambria Bands, Flanels, Dry Goods of all descriptions ; 10 pieces black Cloth for Cloaks. Please call and examine our large assortment, S. LEWY, at John Road's old stand, MusmAL.—New music from all the leading publishing houses always received immediately after publication. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, etc.; all sorts of strings always fresh on hand, at Wm. Exocup's Music store, 92 Market street. How THE PRESIDENT IS ELECTED.—The suc cessive steps in the election of President and Vice President of the United States are taken, according to existing laws, at the following dates : 1. By the act of Congress of 1843 the Elec tors for President and Vice President of the United States are appointed in each State on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in No vember. 2. By an act of 1792 these Electors are to meet on the first Wednesday in December after, in their respective States, to cast their votes. 3. The votes, when cast, are to be certified by the Electors and sealed up and sent to the President of the Senate. On the second Wednesday in February after, the sealed certificates of the Electors are to be broken open and the votes counted, and the re sult declared in the presence of Oongrea. Tait OLD WHIG SPIRIT. —The Louisville Journal of late dates is filled with appeals for the Union, and Prentice says that he intends to publish his paper up to March Ist, 1865, and inside of the Union. He declares that he does not like the idea of collecting local items from the other side of the Ohio river under the head of foreign news. I= I=l Spthat 3Vntites DR. JAB. MaCtarrrocit's PEcroset, Sump calms the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed lung 4, and irritated throat, loosens and brings away by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited pulse, nvites rest, and removes every symptom of consump ion. Price $1 00. Sold by GEO. BERGNER. jy2o liff g. DR. JAS. 'MCCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL STROP. Are ylur lungs weak? Does a leng breath give you pain? Have you. a hacking cough? Do you expectorate bard, ough matter? Are you wasted with night sweats and want of sleep? If so, meg is roue RECIIEBT. It will on questionably save you. Price sloo..Sold by Geoack BERONRR. mar7-daw4m W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal-‘instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " Sold everywhere. CHAS. BATCHNLOR, Proprietor. 81 Barclay Street, New York. marlZdamly BRYAN'S TASTELESS VERNIFUGE -To quiet. The riot CK . worms—the vile scourges The Vermlfuge give, ' And, as sure as you live, They'll get their discharges".• What is BRYAN'S Vastirevos P . - Simply a pure and tasteless Vegetable Curative. No child can be harmed by' it, no worm can survive it, no mother should be without it, no words can express its value. Price 25 amts. Sold by GEO. BRACINER. ly2o PROP. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVB.—This Re storative for making the hair grow, stopping its falling 'out, and restoring gray hair to Its original color, Is be coming celebrated.. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it. Three fourths of the mixtures for re storing and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than good. They burn it up-destroy the life of its roots make the hair fall off,• and produce premature baldness. But Prof. Wood's Reiterative may be relied upon as con taining nothing which can in any manner be injurious to the hair, while its-success in accomplishing what it pre tends to do has-been verified in hundreds of cases. We advise gray heads, and heads getting bald- all who wish to save their wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle of Wood's Restorative.-N. Y. Democrat. Sold by all Druggists. nol9-lm THE MIGHTY HEALEB..—Let not disease, with its fangs, prey upon you, until the cold band of death hurls you to an untimely grace. Shake off the feelings or despair and hopelessness, so liable to come upon the Invalid. The plant born of the Sun we place within the reach of all. We care not what may may be the specific form of the disease. The cause, the fountain of the die ease itself, is impure blood, and through the different channels of the lungs, the stomach and vital organs, JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN' HERB PILLS w'll pass, ming ling with the blood, -search out and grasp and then ex pel, all hurtful poison that there is in it. Thus cleanse the blood by a few doses of these Pills, and disease, In any form, will dissipate and vanish, as the Sun, with its glorious beams first causes the morning dew to rise as mist, then growing stronger, oasts his burning rays up on-it—and behold 'tie gone—so cleanse the blood, and disease, like morning dew, retreats and vanishes. 'There Is no blood purifier equal .to JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS. Sold by all medicine deale-s. nol6-1m Davis' Pain Killer. No ISisaroms is more prom pt in its action in Gases of Cholera, Cholera Morbus, kc., than Perry Davis' Pain Killer. It is the acknowledged antidote which sel dom fails ii applied in its early symptoms. No family should- be without a bottle of it always on hand. The stain on linen from the use of the Pain Killer is easily removed by washing in alcohol. Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly efficacious in 'choleramorbus, bowel complaints, and other diseases to which the natives of Burmah, from their unwholesome style of living, are peculiarly exposed. It Is a valuable antidote to the poison of Centipedes, Scorpions, hornets, &0- BEV. J. BENJAMIN, Late Missionary in Burmah. Sold by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers hroughout the 'United states and Canadas. HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 1 I WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! The Original and Beat in the World! A LL others are mere imitations, and La. should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. DRAY; RED, or RUSTY HAIR DYED instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, withoutinjury to the Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. BATCRELOR since 1839, and over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of his famous dye. WM: A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is wesmAirrao not to injure in Die least, however long it may be con tinued, end the 111-effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair Invigorated - for Life by this Splendid Dye. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. gdy-The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wm. tIAM A. BARRELOR. Address, CEIARLEI BATCHELOR, PROPRIETOR, marl2-ditarly 81 narciay street. New York. INLYOWI•AIWi"xtr 10'.1N14/LAL. VA. DR. OHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. THE combination of ingredients in these Fills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Palatal Menstruation, removing all ob • structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &a., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. T 3 MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE nem is one =ditto," of the female system in which the Pills cannot be taken =sauna producing a PECULIAR RESULL the condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible tendency of the medicine to restore he soma/ functions to a normal condition, that men the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company each box. Price El. Sent by mail on enclosing tb DR. COBNELMS L. OESKSKILLE, Box 4,531, Post Mee, New York City. Sold by one Druggistin every town 'lathe United States. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, 2b whom all Wholesale orders should be adds-q.v.'. 2EMIEMig BUY TEE BEAST. NORTON'S coirirwatt M" 118 NOR SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERMANI.INTLY CII RELR SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD iIF,A 11, FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, B AR BEES' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay Ct tier ex ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o its operation is pec,rdiar. It penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its very source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the skin oaths surface. Other outward applications for Scrofula, Salt Rheum, &c., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal maladies. NORTON'S Oiarritswr, on the contrary, throws the poison of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis charged area the pares. Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re di:teed—but the seeds of the ditsease,are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relaFse. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A ingie box will satisfy you of for_ truth of all that is here teal. Since'its that introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested In the most obstinate cases—cases hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country, and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro duced no effect—and in every instance with every ew e/MS. Sold in Large Bottles—Price 50 Cents. OERRTr NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York WERILINALB DKPOT PEN - FOLD, PARKER & MOWER'S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Beolcmeajat., N. SW by azo.Biatina, Harrisburg, Pa. mar4•Aawly Zpuial Natitts DR. MuCLINTiiCICS COLD AND COUGH MIXTURE, tors established and standard remedy for Cough, Cold, Influenza, Hoarseness, and all irritations of the mucous membrane of the throat, palate and nose, is endorsed by physicians, and all who have need it, as a preparation that has no rival in the field. Price 25 cents. sold by George Bergner. jr2o Ram) Tan3.—The following is an extract from a - letter written by the pastor of a Baptist church to the ' , Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re. Owned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething : "We see an advertisement In your column of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a word in favor of - : a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to Say to our readers, that this is no hum bug—we hare tried it, and know it to be aiiit claims. it is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because It is ono of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay a. supply au22 From the Amorican Baptist, New York, August 2,1810 . A MINIATUIni wooden pagoda which we brought from. Burma]; having been broken while on shipboard, we Were very atftious to have it repaired, and tried, several sorts of Ole, but without success, on our attention was called to Spaldlog's Prepared Glue, sold at 30 Flatt Street. This we found to answer the purpose. The pagoda appears now to be strongly cemented, and can be _seen by calling at the office of the American From ttre Freeman's Journal, New York, August 8,1859 Spaiding's Prepared Glue is audit a simple and cheap preparation that tits a pity any house should be toilhout . oct24-1m liff"WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD Eton It is an entirely new discovery, and mustnotbe confound ed with any of the numerous patent medicines of the day. It is food for the blood, already prepared for ab sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural in action; and what one gains ne rotains. Let all those, then, who are suffering horn poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, -and consequently wdb some chronic disease or ailment, tate of this BLOOD FOOD and be restored to health. We notice that our Druggists halve received a supply of this article, and also of the world-renowned Dr. Earort's IN. pAyrna CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It is said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must treinvaluable for all infan tile complaints. It is also said that it will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and n i urses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless n ghts, procure a supply and be at once relieved. . • • - • zieSee advertisement. an2tfebB For sale by C. A. Baunvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Fa THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarice, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing In the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price Ono Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pills should nct be taken by females during the FIRST THREE .MONTHSof Pregnancy, as areatere to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions 11l the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.--SLOO and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle , containing 50 Pills, by return mail. - For ealp by C. A.Bezrsvaur. iyg d&wly PENNSYLVANIA, SS In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, WILLIAM F. PACKER, Governor of the said Commonweal lb. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, It is provided in and by an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "an act relating to the Electors of this Commonwealth," passed the second day of July, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. "That the Secretary of the Com monwealth having received the returns of the votes given for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, shall lay the same before the Governor, who shall enumer ate and ascertain the number of votes for each person voted for and shall therefore declare by Proclamation the names of the persons duly elected." AND WHEREAS, It appears by the returns laid before me of the election for electors, held on Tuesday, the sixth day of November, inst., That James Pollock, Thomas M. Howe, Edward C. Knight, Robert P. King, Henry Bumm, Rob ert M. Foust, Nathan Billes, John M. Broom all, James W. Fuller, David E. Stout, Francis W. Christ, David Mumma, Jr., David Taggart, Thomas R. Hull, Francis B. Penniman, Ulysses Mercur, George Bressler, A. Brady Sharpe, Daniel 0. Gebr, Samuel Calvin, Edgar Cowan, William Mc - Kerman, John M. Kirkpatrick, James M. Kerr, Richard P. Roberts, Henry Souther and John Greer are the persons duly elected electors of a President and Vice Presi dent of the United States, to serve at the elec tion in that behalf to be held at the seat of Gov ernment of this State (being the City of Harris burg, in the county or Dauphin) on the first Wednesday of December next, agreeably to the said act of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, and the Constitution and Laws of the United States in such case made and pro vided. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg, this 15th . day of November, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-fifth. WM. F. PACKER. By the Governor, Wu. M. HIESTBA, Secretary of the Commonwealth novls-daw•3t. • URICH & COWPERTHWAIT have jag received a beautifdl - assortment of the very latest style CLO.A.BS, which they are selling at the very lowest prices. The very best 1536" cent Calicos for 10 cents. HARRISBURG GYMNASIUM. THE MANAGERS of this Institution wil issue season tickets, good until the Ist of April next . $5 00. ROBT. L. AIUENCH, Prost. novl3-Iwd A LARGE assortment of ALBUMS, of all prices, whoa will make ine!takie CHRISTMAg gine for your lady friends, wilt be found at BERGYFR'S_CZEP BOOK TOR bl Market 111644 SAI4FORID'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. I T is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established tact, a Standard /dedl eine, known and approved'a by all that have used it, and is now resorted toil with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re -p commended. It has cured thousandsty within the last two years who had given up all hopes of of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in ".4 my possession show. The dose must be adapt- ix ed to the temperament at theindividuaitakias it,and i n used In such quantities s to act gently on the bowels. ~b,`" Let the dictates of your V "udgmene guide you in the use of the LIVER INVIGO- BATOR, and it will MPG LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILL101:11S 17 1, ATTACKS, DIEPEPRIA,CHION -I'o DIARRHOEA, Stamm Cole- est FLAMM'S, DyessTERY, PROP aI, Sons STOMACH , Ream it; UAL Corrrnei.lart, Cum°, CHOLERA MARCH, CHOLERA INFANTITM, 1" Le TO Le R CI, JAC:NINON, FxmAis WEAK- NEENEB, and may be used successfully as an ORBINA 1:4 RN FAMILY llRDlalaz. It will cure SICK HEADACHE ra (aa thousands Gan tallty) IN TWENTY MINUTMS, IP TWO r °Rims= TEASRoONRCLEA III TAKEN at commencement et p. attack. ALL WHO rdErT ARV on 1.4 LNG, their testimony 111 its aver og-Mix Water in the mouth with the In• vigorator, and swallow both together. PROM ONII DOLLAR PIM DOTER SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PM. UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AI4D WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY WlTHAM active Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly tierces have long used the PILLS all express in regard to to place them within the The Profession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY CATH AR- 4...1 (bronco to this well estab FI - ded from a variety of the Eel which act alike on svery nal, and are good and cafe I+l thartic is needed, such vi Sleepiness, Pains in eter`l Pain and Soreness over or weight in the head, all Worms in Children or dd- Purzyter of the Blood, and m i flesh is heir, too numerous - I Moment. Doss, Ito 3. PRICE 80 CENTS. TEE LIVER INVIGORATOR AND FARM! CATILIIB - Pima are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-daiwyil 335 Broadway, New York. HELM. BO.LD ' EXTRA() E. 11 CHET I For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, dm., &c. HELMBOLD'S Extract Bucks for Secret and Delicate Diseases. UELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for Nervous and Do bditated soberer& HELUBOLDS Extract of Buchu for Lass of Memory, Lass of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muscular system. EELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for all distressing all ments--Obstructions, Irregularitiss, Excess in married Tire, or early indiscretions, &c., and all diseases of the sexual organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of bow long standing. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICELII is pleasant in its taste and odor, and immediate in its action. Price $1 per bottle, or six for ss. Delivered to am address, accom panied by reliable certificates. Sold by all wriggles. au2l-3m Depot 104 South Tooth gt. PhihdeinHa folign e Wet w, mine SO \ tg A SUPE RLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, 414f ri D PE 1 1 )116 -YS -••• INYICORATINCt CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania: Apothecaries, Druggists, Grooms and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Raderla, Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Crolit. Ruin Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky •!, ' • ALL IN BOVI'LES. I beg leave to call the attentim of the citizens of tin United States to the above Worse and Lioness, Importel by Welsh° Wolfe, of New York, whose name Is farm - . liar in every part of this country for the purity of hit celebrated SCECULDAM SCUNAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, In h s ette: to me; speaking of the purity of Ilia Worse a:.d LIQUORS, says : "I will stake my reputation as a man, my stand ing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City f New York, that all the BEANDY and. Wtxsts which I bottle aro pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac simile of his signature on the cerzifie,te. Tho public are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— for sale at Retail by all Apotheccris and Grocers in Philadelphia. tiNORGE M. ASHTON, 832 Market ;t PhiladsWhin. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Courier : ENORMOITS BONGWOKI FOR ONE NEW YORK FIEROHANT...... We are happy to inform our fellow -citizens that Mere is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pore Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality. .We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive bnsluess, aPhough it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit lidelpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and T 2 Beaver - street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, %lars etfleld street. His stook of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1866 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, oko., In casks, under Custom-Rouse key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of bchnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope In than two years he may be equally (successful with his firrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who scish pure Wines and t.iquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land masa up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure WIPES and LIQUORS. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation it small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such ame chant, should be sustained against bis tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothng but limas tions, ruinous alike to health and humsn happiness. . . sep6-denetni C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, Eole agent for this sit THE WORLD, ONLY 83,00 A YEAR. A N independent DAILY 8 page newapa n, per of imperial quarto size, (same size as the "Har ald," "Tribune" `'limes,") published is Near York, con taining all the news from EVERY QUARTER cte 'TER Gurlie. AND IN EVERY DEPARTMENT GP Homer Acucar, wia be served every day (at noon) to residents of oUr city atthe extremely low price of ,••• $3.00 A YEAR POSITIVELY CASH IN ADVANCE! This is certainly the LOWEST FIGURE at .which any daily New York p.sper has EVER been offered to our citi zens, and only the anticipation of large accessions of sub scribers to our lists induces us to make th s very liberal offer, and in which we hope to be sustained. Subscribers received for it and all other city Daily and Weekly Papers. Magazines, &c., at. LOW EST PRICES at BERGNER'S UNIVERSAL NEWS AGENCY, M Market Striper nova - WANTED. POUNDS of OLD COPPER, 5.000 lor which we will pay the very higk est msrliet price in cash, at ths• coal-lmd ' FAGLE WORSE. TIC PILL is a gentle bit proprietor has used In his years. hag demand from those who and the satisfaction which their use, has induced me reach of all. that different Cathartita act bowels. TIC PILL has, with hoe re lished fact, been compoon. purest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary Ca in all cases where a ca- Derangements of Stomach, Back and Loins, Castraermat body,Restiessness, Headache Inflaninurosy Diseates, Blaturnattem, a great many diseases to - %Mich to mention in this s tear. riA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers