lira l +l E,ekgrapb, H A RR ISBURG Saturday Afternoon, Novemberl%, 1860 SiA inlvertkernenl of "'Phu World" in an .iner column. MN. F. HODGSON, D. D., former pastor of the cast Street Methodist church, will preach in I West Harrisburg Chipel tomorrow after ,./I1 rit quarter past three o'clock Li cxy.—Two gunner' of this city visited the tt, Ida and woods in search of game, yesterday, ~%d bagged dotty-one partridges, one english at.d two rabbits.. Not a bad day's work. A Srm an MEETING of Friendship Fire Compa -1.,' No. 1 will be held on Monday evening at - yen o'clock. attendance is desired, as rangements will be made to order the steam gine. Aux. W. Batmernassza, &dry. 'frit Loci-UP contained a solitary lodger last I,.ght, one Frederick nickel, a tramper from I, ...ailing city. He was out of money and had it where to lay his head. The Mayor pr d him with sleeping eibcolltmOdatiimm, turned him loose this morning. ...........t........ CONVIOTND AND SANTINORD.—The German, Frederick Shader, of this city, arrested hers for stealing hams from a farmer in the lorier end of Cumberland county, was tried at Carlisle this week. He was convicted, and Bente:wed to the State Penitentiary for a term of two years and six months. .-,_....-... BuouaN►t Ran, in a poem describing a poet's "Memory of Nightfall," gives us one of the most exquisite similitudes we ever met with : "1 eaw in the Wont afternoon The overland sun go down, While in the opposing sky, the moon, Between the sleepers of the town, Went upward liken golden scale Outweighed by that wltioh sank beyond." I===l DROWNID.—As the canal boat "Elisabeth," of Newton Hamilton, was on its way with other boats in the tow of a steamer, round from Baltimore to Havre de Grace, a few days ago, Captain, Jeese Bice was missed, and it is supposed he fell from the boat into the Bay and was drowned. He had in his possession the freight received by him in Baltimore, for his down load, supposed to bo about $2OO, betides' sundry papers belonging to the boat ing business. =C:== The STATE Cenral. Gomm meet at their wig wam this evening for drill. This company is to be a permanent organization, and will as semble regularly once a week for political die mission and drill exercise. TioOs and newspa pers will be provided for the benefit of mem bers who may wish to spend their leisure even ing hours in the club room. ,The "Guard" in tend to make a public parade sometime during the present month—probably on _ Thanksgiving evening. The proposition to visit Washington next March will be acted upon,te-nlakt. PREAGUINCI AND HAADING.-A lady recently, in giving her views of the preaching of a min ister to whum she had listened several times, s.tid, "I thought it was the business of the minister to feed the sheep. This man does not feed us. He throws only clubs and stones at us and sends us bleating and hungry home." Many a preacher might gather a useful hint from this as to the proper mode of dealing with kis flock. Harshness, meaty and fault.tiud ,g accomplish but little good in the family, the church, or the world. POISONING Hoses.—A few nights ago Some malicious person administered poison to a val u ibla horse owned by Mr. Levi Jackson, re• siding in Cumberland county, a few miles west of the Harrisburg bridge. The new penal code inflicts a fine not exceeding five hundred dol lars, and solitary confinement at labor not ex ceeding three years, for wilfully and maliciously poisoning horses and other domestic animals. Suspicion attaches to a man in the neighbor hood, between whom and Mr. Jackson a fend has existed for some months, but no arrest has ytt been made. A FATAL GUNNING ACOIDIZIT recently occurred in Hellam township, York county, by which a young man, named Michael Strickler, lost his life. He went out gunning, and was standing on a stone-heap, with his two-barreled gun be side him, the butt resting on the stones, when by some means they gave way, the gun slipped down and the stones came in contact with the triggers, and both barrels were discharged, the contents entering his hand and abdomen, car rying away the ball of his hand and passing across his abdomen, tearing the flesh so that when met he was holding his bowels in with hie hand. Mr. S. leaves a young wife to mourn melancholy fate. I=== A STEAM ENOIXI.—There is a good prospect of having the much•talked of steam engine is our midst before long. A considerable sum has al ready been raised towards the purchase of the machine, and the Friendship company, at their meeting this evening, will probably make ar rangements to order it forthwith. The necessity for a steamer in our large and populous city is generally admitted. We doubtnot that-irrthe hands of the "Friendy Boys" itwill do effective service in times of conflagration, and prove equal to at least two or three of the old-style band engines. LAWYta POLIT/dIANS.—Young lawyers gener ally like to mingle in politics, that thus they way become known ; but older members of the rrefession generally dislike matters that lead them away from the business of their line, and they do not desire to run for office, except it is for such judicial or legal stations asseem within the purview of their professional career, The good lawyer who has a paying practice does not generally theirs even judicial promotion, ainoe holmow. that this involves a pecuniary nod west compensated by tenure of Oflliss - oraegal reputation. The rock upon Which many Young Irryeis make shipwreck is, having more than moron in the Are at a thus. Augurs Waxran.—The attention of persons in want of employment, is directed to an ad vertisement in another column, for canvassers for Township and Local Laws of this State. =l= ALLVGBD THIRVIIB ARREETCID. —Two Pialadel. phis Police officers passed through this city from (Jhambersburg, yesterday, having two men in custody, charged with theft They re covered a considerable quantity of stolen goods === Wilms]) His Wm.—One John Harris got drunk, behaved in a disorderly manner, and whipped his wife. For these offences he was arrested and taken before Alderman Kline, who sent him to 'prison for twenty-four hours.— " The way of the transgressor is hard." Hope John will resolve to do better for the future. Comr.—The November term of Court will commence on Monday morning next at ten o'clock. The District Attorney informs us that about one hundred indictments will be submit ted to the Grand Jury for their action. It is probable that the criminal business will occupy an entire week. ~ . .., 4 4.1.... TOWNSHIP AND LOOM. Laws —We are under obligations to the publisher of a volume bear ng the above title. It is a compilation of the laws -relatlncto the duties of Justices of the 'face, Constaillas, Supervisor* of. zoads, &c., a knowledge of which is of importance to every citizen. • 10. addition it contains a number of blank forms for instruments of writing, mo in use. The volume is a valuable one, an should Alin the , hands of every man. We have no *Kit Will find a large demand. It was complied by Wilma( T. Hams, a mem ber of the Chester County Bar. Theo. F. Scheffer has the book for sale. --..,--. Staters or no PBACS.—The other day Augus tus Liebtrue, whose name has frequently figur ed in our police and Court reports,..was before Alderman idaglanchlin, for abusing and threat ing personal violence to Mrs. Hutton, who oc cupies a portion of his house at the corner of Second and Pine streets. From all we can learn Liebtrue's conduct on the occasion was unwarranted and ungentlemanly. He is under bail to appear at Court and answer the charge. Subsequently Liebtrue's wife went before Al derman Kline and made complaint against Mrs. Hutton for assault and battery, alleged-to have been committed on two different occasions.— Mrs. Hutton entered bail fother rippers - awe at Court. We presume both cases will be dieipoe ed of next week. . Oust Sum Sonoma are among the "very worst institutions of the present age. Passing along Market street last evening we could not avoid noticing the large attendance, and the remarkable proficiency, of the pupils. Scores of boys were there—apt, smart, ready to learn. The school book makers who give us Preach and German, Spanish and Italian, without a master, might gather a profitable hint from our street schools, where blackguardism and rowdyism, obscenity and profanity, are taught " without a master," free of charge. Parent I would you have your boy a drunkard ? Let him frequss*ths! street school, and your wishes will be realised." Want htin a ruffian, do you ? Let him run in the streets and he'll make one. You wish him to learn the languages? In this seminary he will acquire the grammar and rhetoric, with all the dialectic niceties of lewd ness and blasphemy. A home—a fixed home is desirable for him. Let him run in the streets night by night, and if he does not get a fixed home in prison, it will not be because be has not deserved it. A FIYALI Stave STRALRlL—Yeaterday the Mayor of this city received a telegraphic dis patch from Chambersburg, directing him to ar rest a white woman and black man, who would reach here on the Cumberland Valley train. The parties came from the vicinity of Hagers town, Maryland, and had through tickets from that point to Philadelphia. The dispatch, al though from an authentic source, made no spe cific charge, and the supposition here was that the woman had abducted the negro. The Mayor and Chief of Police proceeded to the depot, and on the arrival of the train recognis ed the woman and her dusky companion. The whole appearance of •the latter unmistakably indicated his slave origin. There being no Slave Commissioner in this city, and the Mayor [ fearing that the arrest of the parties would be forcibly resisted by the crowd of colored peo ple congregated at the depot, and give rise to a scene of disorder and violence, very properly directed the Chief to accompany the pair' to Philadelphia and make the arrest there. In the meantime the Mayor telegraphed to the Chief of Police in that city to beat the Railroad depot on the arrival of the evening train from Harrisburg. When the cars reached Philadel phia Chief Waterbury took the fugitives in cus tody, and with the assistance of some officers who were in waiting, conveyed them to a sta tion house, where they were locked-up. Since writing the above we have learned some further particulars relative to this dark affair. This forenoon the father of the woman arrived here and called upon the Mayor. He states that she is married., and left a husband and forr childrm, who reside near Hagerstown. She married modest the wishes of her parenti, and lived very unhappily with her husband, whom she deserted a short • time ago and went to her father's house. He refused to receive her, and she was obliged to return home. A few days ago she packed •up such articles of wearing appareland household furniture as she could clandestinely take with her, and secured the services of a, a slave belong ing to one of her relatives, who stole a horse and wagon, with which he conveyed her and the goods to Hagerstown, where the woman purchased two through ticketi to Philadelphia, and induced the eleve to accompany her to that city. The father left in the roon train to day for Philadelphia, with the intention of taking his daughter back to her home. He seemed to be much distressed, and keenly felt i the disgrace brought upon the Wally by the indiscretion of his child.. •The parties are in good circumstances and highly - respected in the neighborhood where they reside. We presume the fugitive slave, who aided and accompanied the Woman in her flight, will ba IrestiUroi to . is trbier ininer. ptnnovluantalll irelegrapb, eatuttap &rum NaVault& 17, 1660. Cot. S. S. Armszrox, the Republican Senator from the Huntingdon district, was in this city today, en route for home from Philadelphia, where he has been spending several days. The Colonel is a gentleman of fine personal appear ance, agreeable manners and excellent social qualities. He will make an Industrious and useful legislator. STILL A BOUT. —The shovers of bogus coin continue to operate in our market. This morn ing several country people were victimised.— A lady of this city received from one of these, in change, a counterfeit half dollar, but was not aware of the fact until she returned home.— Some effort should be made to detect and cap ture the fellows who have so long and success fully swindled the country people who attend our markets. ORIGIN or TnAssaarviso.—The goad old yankee custom of deioting one day hrtlis t year to the Almighty in thanks for the many Benefits which, as a people and Individuals, 1110' enjoy at His hands, is one that we hope will never be come obsolete. Probably some of our = readers do not know how the custom originated. It was in one of the early colonies of New En gland. One year they had not-sifted enough -to live upon, and unless help sittudetiome We. the mothatomiglitay,Briglend, gley must perish. It was a sorrowful time, and they. apiNtlotect a day of fasting and prayer, that Brod might send them relief. The day before that so appointed, a ship laden with provisioni arrived, and the fast day was changed to a thanksgiving day, and it was thereafter commemorated yearly.— Would you not have been truly thankful at au& a time f But is there not reason to be more thankful to the laud Providence that has given the snnibbre and rain, the favoring seed time and the bountiful harvest, and thus pre , vented our being reduced to danger of starving f When:the day comes sit down in the morning . and endeavor to write out how many kindness- - ea you have received during the previous year, and you will eoon find that there is cause enough to be grateful to-the Giver of all good. gIiADING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD.—This the last (being built forty-two miles long) of a continuous air line route of railroad between Hew York and Baltimore via the New Jersey eentral, the Allentown and Easton, Allentown and Reading, then the Reading and Columbia, there crossing the Susquehanna Bridge to Wrightsville and York, and thence by the Northern Central Railroad to Baltimore, being the *Same gunge all the way. This line has fewer obstacles and less delay than any other route between those cities. The Reading and Columbia Railroad is contracted for $79,000 lees thin the engineer's estimate for the gra ding, masonry and bridging, and more than halt the land damages have been relieved al ready. It is now being located, and will be commenced shortly, and probably completed within the next 3 ear. This will be a desirable route to travel, running nearly all the way through the richest valleys, leas bridging, and fewer embankments than any other road in this stollen of the country. It traverses the trs high, the Cob tiltakitnd the i lforkennutymelt4 thence along thnOtulorns. There are found4iier in a limit of eight miles, on each side of the pro posed railroad, two hundred and eighteen atores, eighty three grist and merchant mills, fifty raw mills, nineteen tanneries, sixteen distilleries, seven breweries, four forges, three factories, twenty-four lumber yards, one foundry, ten furnaces, one planing mill, Ave ."forwarding houses and four coal yards, besides miry which do not pay a license. It willdistrWite two hundred and fifty thousand tdinkof Ail, con. earned along the line, in Umatilla county, and an immense quantity of lumber, besides all the through travel and trade from Baltimore to New York and Philadelphia and the coal re gions. GREAT ARUXYAL of new and cheap goods ; splendid and large assortment just opened.— Beautiful styles of new De Laines ; 100 pieces of new Colicos splendid colors 10 cents; 50 pieces Canton Flannel 10 and 11 cents; large lot of black and brown Muslin ; 1000 yards.of pant stuff for men and boys ware ; 80 dozen 'Undershirts and Drawers 65 and 76 cents ; 50 dozen Wool Socks 20 cents; Black Alapacka Shawls, Cloaks, Cambric Bands, Flanels, Dry Goods of all descriptions ;10 pieces black Cloth for Cloaks. Please call and examine our large assortment, S. Lzwr, at John Road's old stand. MIIBIOAL.—New music from all the leading publishing houses always received immediately after publicition. Violins, Guitimi, Ifitl4 o9 s Accordeons, etc.; all aorta of strings always fresh on band, at Wm. Knomure Music store, 92 Market street. Tim Fuer Wins AWA/EN —There has been a paragraph going the rounds that Jason, of whom we read in the books of Maccabees, was the first Wide Awake. We suspect that the author of the item is better aoquainted with the apocryphal than the canonical books, or-he would have known that the institution-:of Wide Awakes is rather more than • 8,000 years old.-- Gideon was the first Wide Awake ; for although the authorired version says he and his little army of 800 tartlet' "lamps" in their pitchers, the best translation is "torches?' Gideon lived hundreds of years before Jason. SMOKING CAM Or N*ollo EQUATITY.—Thepro slavery journals are Milting much account of the recent elopement of "a highly accomplish-. ed young lady of Toledo," "a graduate of Ober lin College," with a negro barber. .Of course the Republican party is held responsible. They omit to state the interesting fact that the "lady" was of the'same race and'complexion of the barber. This story will probably be copied by .the Southern papers generally as one of the many "grievances" inflicted upon s section which contains four-fifths of all the mulattos, quadroons and octoroons in the actuary. TIMMENDOUS Fananta.—lt becomes our duty, as faithful public journalists, to announce to our readeris this morning, the total failure of the great llemocraiic Spoils Company. It has , been in a tottering condition for some years past, but has been held together by the cohesive power of public plunder, until Tuesday last, when the concern exploded with a tremendous crash. A powerful effort bad been made to procure an extension of its creditors, but a conviction of its rottenness induced them to peremptorily re fuse. The failure is one of the worst onrecord.• Extensive frauds are known to have been com mitted, rnnn ng back through .a long series of years. The concern will go at once into liqui dation. Creditors will reatia hotbing what ever on their claimi, the email consisting only of broken platforms and ,bogus seinciples, all of which are worthiess.+—Burinson Hawk Zys, Novaribw 10th. =I ••-•-.111.-..--.. Special Nntitts Da JAB. MoCuarrocac'g Ncrroam. 8 calm the most harrassing cough, relieves the oppressed tl lung=, and Irritated throat, loosens and brings sway by painless expectoration the matter which clogs the wind- in pipe and bronchial tubes, regulates the excited wise, p' 'mites rest, and removes every symptom or conadmp- ti ion. Price 11l 00. Sold by Ciao. BFRGNIR. 4 AMY.— • filr DR. JAB. MCDLLINTOXeII PECTORAL STROP. Are y tar lunge weak? Does a long breath give Have you a hacking cough? Do you expectorate ough matter? Are you wasted with tfightsw... want of sleep? If so, gm 19 TOUR RUZIT. It questionably save you. Priced 00. So/4 try O. Baaoaaß. mar7.tiaw4li W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR. DYRXZ THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE hart no equal—instantaneoas to adhet—ileantiftd Blackge, Natural Brown—no staining the shin or Injuring Me% Hair—remedies the absurd and 411 effect of Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. -Note are genuine unhast signed A. Batchelor 1, Fold everywhere. , CHAS.. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. 81 Barclay Street, New York. marlZdawly BRYAN'S TASTZLISS VREMIEVIN., To quiet The riot Of worms—the vile scourges The Vertnifoge glee, And, as sera es you Dye, Thorn get their dlactutrges. What is Buror's Vnansintuet Simply a pardkand tasteloss Vegetable Curative. No child can be baSMOM by it, no worm can surefire it, no mother shook • without It, no 11101413 cati.nugrese Its value. Price 25 Gents. Sold hyein. o.4ints, .Rsian Thu.—The following la an sxtsaclit•s.m a letter wyinen by the pastor of a Baptist church to the "Jostling and biessemser.”Sincinnati, tido, mad speaks volumes-in favor of that world-re lumped medicine—Mrs; Winslow's Boothi ng Syrup NQ' Children Teething : at tl . 4 Wesee an advertisement in your eolume of Alias Wiuskrw's Soothing Syrup Bow wo never said amens', In MO of a' patent medicine before in our life,hati ter feel compelled to say to our readers, that this is mikado but--We Asee tried it, and know it to be attic claistiti Jt in, - probably, one of the moat successful medicines.. • • - day, because a one of the best. And thorn oldlann. reader* who have babies can't do better than to lay a supply. alga _ Teti Micary Hisnsn.—Let not dieease, Its, Mtge, prey upon you, until the cold band o hunt you to au untimely gra% e. Shake off the I of despair sad hmelessnees, so liable to come utfitt& ti invalid. The pl tot born of the Sun we place with lt nii. reach of all. We coronet what may may be the M AI Orel kV of the diabase, The cause, the fountain of ' 010dfitelmpnre blood, and through the . .i.j oh " of - of the tangs, the stomach and vital 13",_ ja. 1 1 J ' MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS wit pass,"'} .'• ling with the blood, search cut and grasp and thelit ' pel, ill hurtful poison that there is to It. Thus s ell4 the hlood by a few doses of these Pills, and df§ ~..` . . any - , will dissipate and vanish. AS the Bait its us beams first cause the morning dew.tOlaWitli it mist, tt growing stronger, casts his burning riya4, ' on it...and behold 'Lie gene.-a 0 cleanse the i b l : t4: :: disease, like morning dew, retreats and vanishea, r apere, is no blood puri fi er equal to JUDSON'S aloDlMlle HERD PILLS. Sold by all medicine deale-s. ALSICSIT ErraYBODY hes heard of 4 .4.:ri Hair Restorative." That the word "Restomtive".3 this one, is no misnomer, we have the testimony or individu als whose elevated position in the country, as sweihns their acknowledged and honorable character agog men, render whatever they publicly assert lath- • gree reliable. t3everel of these have tested, personally, the hair prepalktitetwo . are now speaking or and cer tify to Its amasiogreiticaoy in the most public pm possible. Thelr'ciettifeates can be seen at .tbapth toe's Dapot, US Broadway, New. York, and once properly appreciated, we have no hesitation i=ll l 'they will impresr conviction on the most skeptirdPfn -Wood% Bale Restorative is, doubtless, the MT al tletitiilt Its kind ever yet prifiduced. • It does tot dye, but gives lee, healthundWatitr in the dee ling, falling and "cad , restoring, tial Britt magic, that which was supposed to be irrecoveraliiribillif Beads nearly bald., and others nearly white, lAttlitßy being changed to their pristine beauty, and faces tlihatal with pimples are rends. cd as smooth as an Mimi bluslang as a rose; ail by the rise of Pref. W oOAW halt Restorative. For sale at 114 Market 'street, andr„tiy,sii Druggists—askew! Tams. octPier Sold by all Druggists., - . 1 Riiiik D7ll ! HAIR Ifra l rlt 1 WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR D'f'pr e " w l . Ifhte Original and Eheet..ln the lirttoriS I,l4_;.o.Wers.itre Inge imi%tionilitKaal ihtinldbe aioided, If yon r wish to seaae rieltd! GRAY, RED, or nusrr HAIR DYED instatßi beautiful and Natural Brown or Black , 'without 16 the Hair or Skin. MITRES MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have beenlairird- / ed to Wit A. BATCHELOR since 1689, and over SORoSztitt / plications have been made to the Bair of the Pa te;lng his famous dye. 1 WIT. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces't nett() be distinguished from nature, and is st: not to injure In the least, however long It may .. , ‘ ,l.i tinned, and the ill-effects of Bad Dyes remedi Asti el Hair Invigorated for Life by. ibis Splendid Dye. 4• I Sold in an cities and towns of the United Stied:* Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ,I- 'LS" . 4 air The Genuine has the name nod addreiieArt steel plate engravlOg on four sides of each Bei, 91, ii. mot A. Itscustea. Address, . .ed ts.s! CHARLES BATCHELOR, Psorantroir; ,- , i'Jo marlEstlikarly 81 Barclay street, Newft nireitTAlll4). .AU, V*BlA.l.*'4 l . • kla .t.. DR. CIIEESIIIA.N'S PILt2 Prepared by Cornelius L. Oheeseman, fit)til NEW YORK CITY, „ie THE combination of ingredients in ta Pills are the result of a long and extensive prdidZ/ They are mild In their eperation, and certain in cOrriddia all irregularities, Painial Menstrnations, removing aWbb struotions, whether from cold or otherwise, heagliche pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites; anti& vous affections, hysterics fatigue, pain in the backlidi limbs, dm., disturbed sle ep, which arise from mterriiiitio of nature. ' :'s77 , T,) ILIIIIMED LADIES,'. 5, 1. 4 Dr. Cheeseman's Ma are invaluable, as they will brid on the monthly period-with regularity. ladles who Bib been disappointed In the use of other Pills can place* utmost eentidenee In Dr. Cheeseman's Pills - dohig . aßibi they represent to do. — . . .... - _ _ _ NbTICE (1. There is one amdidien of the female system do whisk-in Mb "amid be taken without producing aPEOULLS; BASUIL She condition referred to is PRIGNANO the ruult, mr.nozara am Sunk a 'tAtt srr leirktioy of As atedvine to restore As sexual functions tri • wind condition, :Am soen the reproductive power %afirecrud -mist it. • - • Wertanled purely variable, and free from anyth lispikat directions, which should be read, a comienyeacii ben. Price $l. Sent by mail on wands Ul Ds. Comm= L. Oammtuan, Box 4,534 Post Otfl NlAkolt.94. by one DruaGetln eyerytown In the United Sta - R. B. HEMMINGS, General Agent Rwthetlnited States, 14 Broadway, New York, 1b whew WWltelesabi olden thing be - di/dr- cwt. i Sold InSirriburtby O. A. or2g4awly BUY 7.118 B.E.AS T. NORTpIyS 0 I Mr 'Xi - MX M" SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, BEBBLiDikarivi CVBE.ot SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD HEAD, FEVER SORW: RING-WORAIS, B&B --BESS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES,AND ERUP TIONS OF THE . SKIN. • • This Ointment bean no ritsemblance to Ay of nor ex ternarretnedY at present betbre the iverid. The mode o Its operation is peculiar. It penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its very sown anus it from , the flesh beneath to the shin on tlidirtutsos.: Other ontwird apPlleations far Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sto., operate distpurad,thus driving the disorder ihtusuds, and often doundenhtir terribDs internal reudadlei. Nelms% OISTIINKT, on thi tiontnuy,throwit the poison of the disease upward, and every particle of it is &s -charged Simi &e `pores. Thuathe cures It Mote la . Complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re,- duced—but the seeds of the dire. ase.are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can lwitM.soores• Victims of ulcerous and eruptieteomplaints, who have tried every professionalnusit lie i. of treatment and everyad verdsed curative without - re 4sre Is a certain, sate, and expeditious retnadt ibt7the evils you endure. A !ogle box wlllestisfy you of .the truth of all abatis here toted. Agnes its drl. hitroduction, the properties of the Oint ment hay. twee tested In the most obstinate cases—rases utterly delled the beet medical skill in the countris and - upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro duced no elect—and•iu every instance with every eno otes. - Sid in _Law Botaes-,Price 60 Cents. • GERRIT NORTON; Chemist, Proplietor, New York. pgainpvemengi AgEIGWER' O 2I • ': -- 1414paletruggiet,iirBest., • 15 0 4# 61 41. 1 .*Ws 1 4. 1 1 1 , MAW!. Special Nolmo. r IR. MCCLINT, CIE'S COLD AND COUGH MIXTURE, lb es4abliNned and standard remedy tor Cone', Cold. In uer Oar, tVarseneas, and all iri Kittens of the MUCOUS *HUM Gt !be t hroat, palate and nose, la entior,ed by sirlans, and all who have used it, as a preparation has no rival in the field. Price 25 cents. Sold by go Bergner. jy2o me American Baptist, Naw York, August 2,1819 . MINIATURB wooden pigeda which we ki . ig wme w severait:l.' rot e ma ; : c:r o iv: h beena a:, vm x % si n ut ir bi v ii e k e l l: . lle repaired,e ut success, ,u attention was called to Spalding's Prepared Glee, sold a Plait Street. This we found to answer the purpose. ptgoda appears uow to be strongly cemented, and on seen by calling at the Mike of the Anierican i'r kreinian Journal, New York, August 6,1659. k• a o.Prepared Glue is such a simple aid cheap reparation that it is a pity any house should be without it., 1 I oct24-1m T 1 Ws call the - atte Mama of our readers to an ar de advertised in another column, called Smut) Foot) It an entirely new discovery, and must not be cot found. et with any of the numerous patent, meditrines of the d . It is food for the blood, already prepared for ab sgorion; pleasant to the WM nd naturatti action, and r w t one gains he retains. L et all those, then, who are a utra iittleg if u o e ni utt; v w .e ft ` NotFr clY,Ziod° 666 9; f 4;44 omit:00)1, . - e of this FlOolD FOOD and, he restored * ** health. We ii ce thatiour Dynasts*, have received a supply of this e e, and also of the Esrox'S IN. *nu: CODDLiI, which every mother should have. It hal& to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind , te, timer, and of canoe must beinvalmme for all thaw ' 0,019 - Islets. L it is also said that it wlit9ll pall, a ia,parten, the rams is proeess of teeth ,an at the; . dreitime retsublite the bowels. Let all medlars an; n who have endured anxious days ', and sleepless nig ts, procure a supply and be at once relieved; rpieriiee advertisement. . atittfebB fk'qr side by C. A. naturvart, sole agent, Harrisburg, Pa isida aINP I. r. :13 JI .t. aid v 7 ..t: ens lo la P. K. hitutav Caste, Ma, July Bd, 1857. rESSRS. PEEBY LDAVIS & SON :—Dear Sire— . used your Pole Killer Tor two years, 1 Bed It to be thfilbest medicine for what tile recommended fbr that I rac hgvp ever used. I feel thathful for the benefit I have reoeived from it. I have been troubled with dyspepsia "lit,:en years, and tried • * * *. to no benefit. But as lion as I got to using your Pain Killer I found relict, and hylthe use of 111 am entirely cured. For chills and fever .4clmgestive chills, it Is the best medicine I have ever A 4: I have used It for a great many di ff erent corn. filaints. and it has never yet failed in giving immediate CHAS. L. ,GANGH. l e rld by all druggists, grocers and medicine dealers ittpoughout he United States and Canadas. Rhe stain on linen room the use of the Pain Killer is redly removed by washing In alcohol. 018-1 m TITI GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. ryspared from a .. ..Prescription fzi Sir .T. Clarke, M. D., I ' Phisteian Estraordinary to the Queen, 1 ' This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerius diseases to.which the female Constitution is subject. It moderatss all OXCEI.3B and re • rves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be elled on. TOIiLLERLIED LADLES it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. ~I Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government tbiamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. .t ; CAUTION. These Pills should tax be taken by females during the 'FIRST THREE .1110.1 4 7THSV Pntenauey, esti/ley are serf 1 10 bring en /lie:arrive, but at any other time they are : In ail eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In itho Back and Limbs,. Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion at the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have railed and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitetion. full dirocilons in the pamphlet around, each package, tifilebAitadd be.e.irerally preoerved. B.—St.oo and 6,o;intaguanignns cpchigud.tom ritnedtncieltl turtle a - Mlle, containing 61 t return mail. ridror Pair by C. A. A BANIVART . At. THE WORLD, FOE 'ONLY $3.00 A YEAR. 4N independent DAILY 8 page newepa • per or imperial quarto Size, (same size as the "Her a ..Pribune." limei,") published in Nev York; con taining all thanews tram EVRRY QUARTER OF TEM GLOBE AND ES IMRE DEPARTMENT OF HMO( licricny, will be iteryed every day (at noon) to rest rents of our city at the extremely low price of $3.00 A YEAR, POSITIVELY CASH IN ADVANCE! ithis is certainly the LOWEST FIGURE at which any ..411y New York piper has EVER been °Eared to our citi- Our, and only the anticipation Of large acceseiens of sub• scribers to our lists induces us to make the very liberal aster, and in which we hope to be sustained. Rub: orlbers received for h and al/ other city Dilly end Atnekly Papers. Blsgasines, kc . at LOWVIIT PRICES at BsituNEws 11241VERSAL NEWS AGtxcy, 81 Market Street: _riA4ENERLL ORDERS--No. 3. HELD QUAZTIRS btu I IT. P. V., klarrtiburg, Nov. sth, ' L. ..Aarrtiburg, Nov.. ~, 1860. Iv 1. ,. The Volunteers of the Filth D.vlsion P. T., will pa. OilffelyAt. Harrliburg, on TOBSDAT, January 15, 1861, at 10 k kitk A. 81., toluangurate Governor Andrew G. Curtin. 1.11114.611 Voiunieers in the &ate and out of ltalacordlul. Ay . dplrtled to potcipate. . _ Akkaegimzuts, Battalions and Companies will repirt tilvitrigarUer General E. C. Williams, 2d Brigade bth ecOlselit.nartisburg. By command or Major General WlLLlail H. KEIIJ, I , th Div. Y. V 1. T. "fa dl fa Li co, MINIM Faisis.vo, Aldo-de-Camp, uiItITEREIL ORDERS.-No, 4, HEAD QUAIiTtIIS 34PRIOADE .12 - sth V. , Div. P. Nov. 6th, 1560. 444 I. Agreeable to the orders of Major General Kelm, sth vimptete V., the 54 Drigade Otit Division P. V. will pa , tiadaygliarricburg on tuasnev,January 151h,1861, at 10 .einidokt4 , M., to prrticipate in tho Inauguration of Dover 151MtettchiteW G. Curtin. t + wlLlfoljtaker, (it the let Regiment will report to Hai. 0 11, 11.'We,Brown, at Harrisburg, on or before the Ist of ,laneirig 1861. 1 f=.2134..E.Ti-LeAr.con' othreimfonireertL G l u OTh rd :t il • i lii r m e aly rt ~11014forofuriher orders. By order of ;..1' irsA B. C. WILLIAMS, Brigadier General itiardiao - Sd Brigade 66111iviaion P. V. Joesrivr. KNIPE, Aid•de-Camp. nov6 oak' NIGHT SCHOOL. • •.? • UNDERSIGNED will open a NIGH • on Wednesday evening next Novembe rrNiv lout Street building, opposite rikort street g rAurfoqs a t: n tr as ous t f ti a m T an udi d nE r ea m n L obtain the no eiru* ' O. EDWARDS. ALBUMS I ALBUMS 1 I o, assortment of ALBUMS ever offered In this • nflogrjekin price from 50 cents to $lO 00 each, bound itna i wygm of fending, et W 341 . 4.5 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOSiTORE, $1 Marto: Street. ''''"4":". FOR SALE OR RENT, ON very favorable terms, a commodious brick house on Walnut street near Second. Posses singkledrven on the is l l 3f ß. Afril. E3 kruleg e oS.d . Second Sleet above Walnut. AM& COWPERTEE WAIT have just s i ved a beautiful assortment of the very latest ;, ie rin :8, which they are telling at the very lowest. 1t,m46 .e very bast 103 i cent Calicos for 10 cents. am4MT DOLLARS REWARD. rbove reward will be given for the li t:Wien from the store of the undersigned, in , t igx township, on Monday night November fan, t bisrest of the thief. (4Tl' ISBURG GYMNASIUM. - ‘ll6l-NAGERS of this Institution will Ilatorti tickets, gaol catlike Ist or dord next, ROWE L. 11.111ENCFI, Prost 41 ,WANTED. a POUNDS of OLD COPPER, r."-. 'image& we will pay the vary high ' ...'" 414 price ai Mate arad MILE WORM. yg dswly ELM DAVID MARTZ, FungePargrA, Dauphin C .untsr filebiral. SikINTFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi. dne, known and approved a ; by all that have tired It, and is now resorted to i N4 with aocildence in all the Omens for which it Is re- 0 commended. It has cured thousands who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapt tha Individual taking it,and to act gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your use or the link 111 1 71 G- O Commaiarra, Biumus IC DIARRHOEA, Smis COM ET Rona &mates, Harr- CHOUDIA Masan, Cnoisau JAUNDICE, FEMALE WEAN. successfully as an °EDINA will cure SICK REAM% CHI IN TWENTY 111130 TEE, IP TWc um at commencement cot ALL WAO USE r ARE CIT favor sat-Mix Water in the month with the In■ elgorator, anti swallow both together. ?RIO ou DOLLAR ? Born s L 0 SANFORD'S FAMILY CATT ARTIC VILLS COMPOUNDED FROM •: on ' VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PIT/ UP IN GLASS OASES. AIR TIGHT, AND WILL RERP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY ChM%R aptly° Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly increas. have long used the Mts. all express in regard to to place them within the The Profession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY OATH alt ference to this well estab ded from a variety of th which act alike on 'very nal, and are good and We thartio is needed, such to Patti Pain s in f'ss! Soreness over tee or weight in the haul, ail Worms in Children or Ad- Purifier of the Blood, and flesh is heir. too numerous tmement. Don, 1 to 3. PRICE N P 4 U 1.4 Et PI E 4 0 30 'CENTS TH2 Lll=l2,lOOE/TOE dND FAMILY CATS,LE ro are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyll 835 Broadway, New York. tJ E BOLD '6 EXTRAC r 13 UCH U 11 For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Be. RELMBOLD'S Extract 'Dacha for Secret and Delicate Diseases. EtELIKBOLD'S Extract of Socha for Nervous sad De bilitated eat erers. HELIiIiOLD S Extract of Hoehn for Less of Memory, Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of .the mussuair system. BELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for all distressing all ments—Obstructions, Irregularities, Excess in martial life, or early indiscretions, kn., and all diseases of the sexual organs, whether existing in Meteor Amain, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no ISOM ter of how long standing. BIfLMBOLIYS EXTRACT BUMP° c is closeout In its mete and odor, and immediate in its action. Price Si per bottle, or six for $5. Delivered to any address, aneotn• peeled by reEable certilleatea. Fold by all uruggtata. au2l-3m Derrd 104 Tent. , Q. 1,1141....M.0•ta Wane Wei ist wane Fi e a svto- oes Nido A SUPE RLATIVE , TONIC,DIURETIC t 444, _ DYSPEVIIG INVICDRATINCL CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania; Apothecarles, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfea Pura Maderia, Shirry mad Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum . Woife's Pure Scotch and _lrish Whisky. ALL IN Born,Es. I beg Pave to call the attentim of tho citizens of th 3 United States to the above Worms and LIQUORS, import° 1 by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whore name is ram - liar in every part of this county for tae purity of hit dalennned SOMIDAtt Scas&pps. Mr. Wolfe, in Ws lettw to mr, speaking of the purity able W/NSS and Isquents, says: "I will stake my teputallon is a man, ray Stand ing as a merchant of thirty years' res'dence in the (Sty of New York, that all the BRANDY and WISIS Kbian bottle are pure as Mar orted, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every puechaser." Every bottle has the proprittot'a name on the wax, and a lac simth of his sigoature on the ct tte. Toe public are e • spectrully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecarits an I Grocers In Philadelphia. GEORGE If. ASHTON, No. 83t Market Phtlad, Irhi a. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Case ler : ENORMOUS BUSLYRSS FOR ONB NNW YORK 31KRIIKASIT.— Ws aro happy to inform our ferew -citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pore as imported, and of the best quality. , We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to v sit ildolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, N 03.11. ';1:1 and 2Z Beaver .street, and Nos. 17, 19 and, 21, mar- etfirld street. His stock of Schnapps on band ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, loins ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1838 to 1888 ,• and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamit , ca and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country, - He also had three large cellars, filled with Brands-, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in lvs than two years he may be equally Isuccessful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who a ish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land mate up their minds to discard the poisonous stns' from their shelves, and replace it with Wife's pure, WINES and lagoons. . We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted ( area of Wines and Diners. Such a man, and sea a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, Who sell nothing but imita tions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sepBLiawdmi C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. STONE FOR SALE. PRE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to fur jOilitthe in - QC - with every' variety of RETMING, COBB, and,CROS . AND STONE. Also a good article or HICKORY AND OAK WO:)D, :it moderato prises. Apply to J. B. COLE, corner of Broad and Third streets, in the sixth ward. call-atr CI — T I C E .—The undersigtied opened an Beglish and Classical SehoOl for Boys In the led ., r oom of what was formerly , called, the "United Brethren. Church," Frorit; between Walnut and Locust streets, is prepared to. receive pupEs and in • strut[ them in the branches tt natty taught in schools of that character. The number of pupkvis -bmiteil twenty eve. , For information with regard to terms,: &o. apply .10 Per. Mr. Robinson and Rev. Ur, Cattail, or-perSocanmo oct26•dtf .1.01E4 B.:KING. A NEW AND FINE A6SOIU iviENT OP LADIES' TRAVELLING AND SHOP P'.l Nl**,-B A qls At atl PIigeakirMVAIRWCIIII.O.I3COICSTOBE, 61 Market Street within the last two Ceara of relief, as the nun, rOtal my possession show. ed to the temperumtnt of used in smut qUitlltiti , a as Judgment guide you II) Ik e. BATOR, and it will .ure ATTACKS, DTSIMPS.I.I4,CIit mama, Mus - nras, to or- CORTMLYROR Cut 11C, INTANTON, I LA T LT L a E. CI. 211:31023, and may be iced RY FAMILY MILDIONY. it (aa thousands can testily t ORM= Tampowurne a sit attack. tYG_ their tad= olsr la Its TIC PILL fa a gentle bn proprietor hr t s used in We . . yews. ins demarid from these who and the satisfaction which their use, has induced ma roach of all. that different Catbartlea sot bowels. TIC PILL has, with doe re. lisped fact, been compowa. purest Vegetable IsYtracts, part of the alimentary m in all cases where a ea- Derangements of Stomach, Back and Loins, Costumiers body,Rettlestacu, Headache inglmssa wry Disease', ults, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to ditch to mention in this • Ivor.