fIIE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY PAY, ( st muls ExcEPTER,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO aaaaccturrtur. 1 to sUly.araa,r.4 la th, ._;;J at CO caa: w••..t. Yearly , aa , ,thibara '.•r• ttar,taa - 1. 4 .4.e0. IV AND :"/'I: llrvci TcutaRAPY •Taal twice a dartog 0.,14. - "'-t . l(t'lr • , d 1‘ . 1 . 6 , 1) 1....,t1eg the re. , • , y • 11 ,, a., • re at tae =nl , ribers ;•:‘! I= • It( 1 !1., •,,, their hevoll • -, llle pt,bli- tut . may i',Grltinv.. , 4 , them until ~ , try gee at z. pahl. .: ,, eribers neglect or retuge tv take their newspu .l.4 !rim the etriee In whith they arc ,fleeeted, they are • ny:ble until they t - ett 'V' , 11 . e 1•P!:.{ and ordered ; :h4continucd Catbica 1) R . J Oil NEON, 13 A. X.J`r X MX Cilt3ll LOCK HOSPITAL. discovered the tuoatoortaiu, e peady ind ellectualremedv it. the vac,rld for • . DISEASES OF thIPELMENCE 1131321 , IN SU TO No Mercury or Nom*. Drugs. Rs4F- A Cram WARRANTED, OR NO CELERGI, IN Vitoll ONI 10 Two Ihtro -ika Weakness of the Back or Llmbs,'Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organte Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow or.‘, tiyepepola Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas pa pitat toe of the Swart, Timidity, 'frau:Ml:Mgt, Dlinflete 01 ce Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Allectionktil Ike Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin—Chose terrible disorders grim ng from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth— Bose dreadlul abthisetructive practices which produce nonstitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and destroy both body and mind. 611E3/3721 Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful dud theetruotlve habit which annually swoops to au untimely grave thousands of young wee of the moat exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise havo Otltranced 113141113 g :Sewage with the thomlere of eloquence, Or waked :a testacy the Ming lyre, may ell) with full confidence. . .14AIIRLAW. lisrrled persons, or trbokivcoutemOn6pg to Arr).lk b ping • Rare of physical weakness should immediately consult perisect lataltb ORGAII4 BS& inoitediatety Caro/ atutfun Vigor lidstercti tie who places httrurelf under the care of Dr... suss telig.ottely contlde In his honor as a getttlemati. and . r.. 7 seotly rely upon his skill as a physician. 011 ice 10. 7 South Fre.turick streol, on tbo left band side going from Baltimore street, 7d rs j r ,,n i the corner. lie particular In observing the n. Lad :.amber, or you will mistake Muldoon. Be portico's.. for Ignorant, Quacks.mrithi false names, or Pahr! 114intiv Certificates, attracted by the reputation of Ur J .1;11.54.114 lurk near. All letters must contain a Pcetage vtemp, to use on the only. Wt. JORNSTON Die J otiaisroat member @film Royal Colioge of Surge t n i on dt.t.,, graduate from one of the mesteminentCollegesof !Lc L. States, and the greater part of whose life has bets spent in the Boepltals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and eisu w here, has effected some of the most astouishinQlres that were ever known. Many troubled with ringm tallie I sis cars and head when asleep, groat nervouSness, . g alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with freqt iiitshlng, attended sometimes with derangement of m i r ed Ivr.4, cured immediately TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE r. J. addressee all those WWI having injured:hem ,lyes by private and Improper Indulgences, that sear • La Eoi tary Habit which ruins both body and mind, en .ling theta for either business or society. These are 801110 of the sad and melancholy effects N.C. . by early habits of youth, via: Weakness 01 the r•..:l+. and Limbo, Pains In the Head, likeness of Sight, I. se. of Mitmiular tower, Palpitation of the Heart, llyspop hot, lcrvoue Irritability, Derangement of tho Digestive . • hoar iieuera I Debility, :Implores of Consumi. , t ifENTALLY. the tearful effects on the mind are much to be . , tea ;—.Lees or Memory, Con(listen of Ideas, Dermas , Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self. Ist, t ova of Solitude, Timidity, gic., are soma of tb ..nE...41, 0,3 of persons of all ages, can WPM/ judge 'dual: vu c et their destining health, losing their vlgor i .be pale, nervous and emaciated, have a elnigni• qauo,.nce about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of ..:0111 YOUNG MEN ks themselves- b, lojuraL tnemak,—.a- byttraortaist prattle/Os' Iv whet) alone—a habit frequently learned from :duratdons, or at school, the effects of which are t ;htly fell, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders nv,rringe impossible and destroys both mind and body quid apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, me darling of his parents, should be snatched from ail prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit. Nueb persons must, before 0011kM plating ....._. _ MARREAtIt. enact that a smut mind and betty are the most neaa nary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without them, the journey through fife becomes a weary pilgrimage the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind Me3rnes abadOWed with despair, anti filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes LI tel.ted with our own. JotiNSTON'S I.I VIGURSTINJ REMEDY FOR lAIGANIC WEAENIO39 sY this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Vrgans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who bud teat all hope, have been Immediately relieved. AI Irdpediments to arriage, Physical or Mental Mullah& cation Nervous rambling, Weakness or kihaustlon of tn. most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRA.NGEBS rise many thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve years, and the numerous important Burgle& Operations performed by Dr. .1., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman qf character and re. spoitritiiity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted I fileilAt'S. Oh' IMERUDMICE.—When the misguided and inprudent votary of pleasure Ands he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease It too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability can alone befriend aim, delaying till the constiatlonal symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, llltOat, nose, skin, dte., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period J his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." it ha a mehth choly fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible dis ease, owing to the unskilfulnese of iguorantpretenders, who, by the use of that deadlypoison, mercury ruin the eoamitution and make the residue of life miserable 1b Strangers —The Doctor's Diplomas hang In his offloe. agr . Leiters must contain a Stamp to us on the reply. aa- Remedies sent by Mall. Aar No. 7 :loath Frederick street, Baltimore• aprladiew-.l‘. SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222 Market Street, PIULADJILPWLA, Manufacturer of One NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES, BUFFER KNIVES, CASTORS B , TEA SETS, URNS, REITLES, WAILERS, UTLER DIsRES, ICE PITCTIERS, CAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, &c., With a general assortment, comprising none bul.aut bar quality, wade of the bee materials and /leerily plated, con: athuting them a Serviceable and durable article For HiKr . na, 8TIC!XIIOA . 7111„piD . PRIVATM FANELINS, fur Oki Wars:re-plated in the hut manner, kW/0441,1y BUEHLER HOUSE, M AR KE T•S QtTARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. CARD. Tho ahLve well known and long established llctel 18 now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in 11 great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr.thumicis J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate or the bonne tbr the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has mi -1 dyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public or. lies dawtfl WILLIADI BURBLER. DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND °OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. mur9l•daw C::0 8 T It, JOE JUL➢ BY JAMES M. WHEEL MIEN DENTISTRY. %MR undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL bLIRGLItY, has returned and resumed his practise a thaw street opposite the “Breey notwo,) , where be With be pleased to *fund to all who may 4histro bis ler via is. 110937] D. M. 0/leDiA, D; J. 8. \" , • Ad' /;4' ",... .1) A f i1 t0 , .. t.... .„, 40 'N.... _ ‘ .• • 1 , iii- - -s-LEre ... Al, ‘ . •.t.±.>" • _ - . . . s 1.00 .00 15.00 VOL. XIII mtbical. HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Extract Buohu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchn, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Eitract Buchn, Extract Booby, FOR SECRET DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRE? I)ELICA,TE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET If DELICATE DISORDERS. lOR •RECRET* DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET ff - DELICATE DISORDERS. hOR SECRET' Se DELICATE DISO.RDERS. FOR SECRET Sr DELICATE DISORDERS. A. Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy A Positive and Specific Remedy FOR A1..16A8k8 OF MS BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS; DROPSY, BLADDER, GRA TPL, KW zys, DROPSY BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS; DROPSY; BLADDER, GRAVEL, EINAR V4e, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPBT BLADDER, GRA I' EL, XIDAKY4.; DROPSY; BLADDER, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And ad Diseases of .`ersial Organs, And all Diseases of Sexosti awns, And ail Diseases of &anal Organs, And all Diseases of &anal Organs, Ana alt Diseases of S&eul trrosse,l And all Diseases of Faecal (*Ana, MUSING FROM Excesses, Exposures, and Impradenciest in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprutiencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures,, and Imprndencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Impruclencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life, Brom whatever cause orlginaliog, and whether ex isting in MALE OR FEMALE. Females, take no more Pills f They are ot no avail for Complaints incident to the sex. trae Extract Buchu Helmboldis Extract Mucha le a Medicine which in per Near pleasant In its . Tonto and Odor, But.Mnimodinte in .14d *mien, giving Robb and Vigor to tho4rarne, Bloom to the Pallid amok, and reatorlocthO padont to& 1 erfect state or REA Lin AND PURITY Fitract Dacha b prepared accord/J:lqt Pharmacy and ammlatry, add fe yre-orlbed and usaMhy Ihe Most Eminent Physicians Delay no longer. rrecine tee remedy at oboe. rP Depo e t s o4 p Co bot i,eOnrh six for , U. ladeMbial — • '"*"" Beware of Unprincipled Denies. Trying to palm of their own or other articles of BMW on the i eputatlon attained by llelnkbold's H xtrast Hoehn, The Original and only Genuine. Wo desire to run on the Merit of our Article I Tbalr's is worthless--fs sold at much less rates and CGMDIIB6IOIIB, conseqnently paying a much better profit. We Defy Competition I Ask for Ilelmbold'a Extract Buchu. Take no other. Sold by D. W. Gross & Co. and all druggists every where. ncvll-davani PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that be will continue to give instructions on the. MHO FORTE, HE LDMAN VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. l ie will seth pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. decls.dtf AUGUSTINE L. CHAVNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence No. 27 North Sxond Street. N. B—JOBBING ADEN - BED TO. -- • ON CASTINGS A LL kinds of Iron Castings made to or. der, of the very best stock, and all Castings pickled to remove the send and scale. We have the best and most extensive assortment of Pulley patterns this side of Phil adelphia. apply at the EAGLE WORKS, Peuna. R. Road, above State street. rit T 4 Mg -..ltv W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-AT --LAW. Office Walnut St., between Second and Third, Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p dawt DR. T. J. WU'S ) SURGEON DENTIST, grAFFERS his services to the citizens of IL/ Harrisburg and Its vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old. well tried dentist, he feels sale In inviting the public generally to call on him, assuring them that they will not be dissatisfied with his services oMce ifs. 1 4 12 /Sachet street, in the house formerly no copied by Jacob it. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisbur: Yu. ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE--THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. • Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF ILUOUBBIIRG, ?SHWA. Mitt GEORGE FISHER , ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFERS his professional services to all persona baying business to be transacted hi the several Oaurta of Dauphin county, the land Department of this State, or before the Board or Property. Haying been associated in the practice of tho Law, with his tath er, JOHN A. hISILEB, he promises diligent and careful at , ention to all professional business entrusted to tom Office corner of Second and locust streets, (opposite to the Pennsylvania Ho : ) Harrisburg. ap26- STATE CAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. CORNER SECOND AND WALNUI 8.78., HARRIS BURG PENN. A PRESS STOCK Of Vanilla Ream, Deckers' Farina, Perfumery and Fancy 80aps, at UMW DRUG STORR, 8 Market street, below Mei; Harrisbu • Pa ORANGES AND LEMONS. F IORTY BOXES in prime order just re. salved and for Ws by Cox I,Whi. DOCK JR. /a CO. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS -- -NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 17, 1860 GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE NEW CITY STORE la.A NNOUNOE to the ci izene.of Harris burg at d the publl3 generally, that they havejwit returned from the easteracittes with a large and wail*, lecied stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they Will sell st the vs ; y lowest prices. DOMESTIC GOODS of every kind. Bleached .nd Unbleached Ifuslinir, • - Bleached and Unbleached Canbiwrirllwinehg Rim FLANNELS OF EVERY A large assortment of Walsall noels f9r, =' wont. Ana ssortment Domestic Ghia „ 4, Mancherger Ginghams„. • " Sallnetts and Cu stmeresi, " Black Maw at:WAWA " Cloths for DWI& KNOterfleids, 44 , Beaver Cloths fortylr Arab Cioaka, A FINE Mk - 611211En OF BLANKETS. A largelasortment or coolhoOr co, eppecially adapted to Boy 'a toaar. An assortment of 1104110 Drawers and Dn. derstarta. An assorlinent of Carpets from 12,4 OM a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO:LATEST:STYLES SATIN DECHENES, PLAID - VALENCIAR, VELVET POPLINS ; STRIPED AND: PLAID MERINOS, RICH PIIART'AND FIGURED RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL 'WOOL' DELAINES, BLA.C.K. SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. A large assortmentorßroode and Blanket Shawls, with a full stock of Cho layast novelties. As assortment of Main and Figured Cashmeres. LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Partiedlar attention paid to first slate Hosiery and Em broideries, &0., &c., An as: cutment or itegeni a wove trail spring skirt pat tern extenaion. 7 An assortment of Ehroudtog and Flanneb. . CIRICTIk COWPARTHWAH, Corner at Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Formerly occupied by J 7.. Milner. 0ct26.1y BARGAINS FOR THE SEASON, J-ONES' STORE, Just received and receiving from Philadelphia and New - York, BARG, 'LIN'S - in Silks of all kind, tor cash. BARGAINS in Shawls, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS irreloaks and Talmas of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in Plaid Dress Gooch, of all kinds, for cash. BARGAINS in every variety of Seasonable Dram (Mods, for cash. BARGAINS in Blankets, of all kinds, for eaA. BARGAINS in ail kinds of Flannels, for cash. BARGAINS In Carpstmv of Oil Cloths, .tc., for oash. And BARGAtNS in *Wanda of Dry Goods usually kept In Stares; and a choice from a very large, well melee* stock; for cash, at JONIiS' :TORE, metl6 Market Street, Harrisburg. .1_411_14. _G 0 O-D SI - THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVE NOW OPEN THEE FALL ASSORTMENT OF Rich Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Bournous, French and Irish Poplins, Mouslines, Chintzes, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hoisery, MOURNING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. WITH A POLL STOCK OP ALL Tan LATEST NOVELTIES IMPORTED THIS•SEASON. POsseasing superior facilities for buying, both in this and the European markets, T. W. E. h Co.'s stock will be found to compare favorably with any other, both in price and assortment. Nos. 818 and 820, Chestnut, Philadelphia, ostl7-dim 2 doors below Continental Hotel. PHILADELPHIA SHIRT AND COLLAR HOUSE ......eruarm of SHIRT BOSOMS White, Fancy, Check, Hickory, Denim and Flannel UNDER AND OVERSHIRTS, Overalls, Drawers and Gent!omens' Furnishing Goods BENNETT & RUCH, ' octl7-dam 217 Church Alley. Agents for the Beverly India Rubber Clothing SECOND OPENING IZP I- 1r Gr 0 0 37 ITE have just received a large and varied y r assortment of toRY GOODS, of every description, to which a e Invite tho Wanton or purchasers, Opened this morning, at CATHCART & BROTHERS, No. 14 Market Square Neat door to the Harrisburg Baia. ANOTHER EXCITEMENT In making seleitions among tife large and handsome stork of SQUARE Rama Swims, Lose CREPE Lau B ROCA BRAWLS, Nan Sm.* .%oku*. Basun Sumas, . BOMB LONG Do Do--.. RPM. 80.1011 PLAID DO • DEDEPED9EB no ALL RINDS OP WPM' BsAWI.S. DRESS GOODS ! l Delalues, Merinos, Poplins. Valenelas, Parameltas, !Ham Merlon; Plaids, Velour Reps, .AShMeres, Silks, Travellrg Goods, Obtains, Handsome Filed Cashmeres, Bolierino, Shade of Menlo% Liman, Emeline Cloths, lliebairs, Superb Figured Merinos, remise Cloths, Lusting, Madonnas, Everything new, desirable and good, we GE SEPOY at the lowest rates. CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to Harrisburg Bank. The cheapest and best in the city can be had at CATHCART & BRO'rill..;RS, Cassimeres, Gingham, Flannels, Cloths, Drillings, Tickings, Passings, Table Cloths, Calicos, Satinetts, Counterpaines, Hickory, Checks, Canton Flannels. Good 611- Mottling and Calicos. GITS 911 A CALL, AT 01l No. 14 MARKET SQUARE. FAMILY BIBLES. A THOROUGHLY complete stock of all stYlea tt =gm CELEAP•BOOKSTORE, PINE ASSORTHENT.OF HAIR AND ionL 060111 aRIISIINS,• for sole at low prices at BIiARGNIAII cater BOOINORN, ana 11,Maritet fareat. Dry c.aotts, &E. URICH & °WREATH WA ICJ OORNBR FRONf & lARIEET ad. '1 FALL OF 1860. OF FALL AND WINTER DOAIESTIO GOODS. .inistettaittous PROCLAMATION. liIVHEREAS, 'the Honorable Boar Psalms, President of tho Court of Common Platte In the Twelfth Judicial 1 lark; consisting of the counties Of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Ron. A. o.Hiester and Eton. Felix Wesley, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having Maned their precept, bearing date the lfith day of October 1860, to me directed, fur holding aVoirt of Oyer and Ter.mluer and General Jail Delivery ;pad Quarter Passions of Peace, at Baleantetmo, for the county of pamphlet, and to oommenesois the 8d Monday of liskamber, being the Da dayaf November, LIMO, and to cordhnie two -weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Petted and Constables of the eat • . • anty of Dan?hin, thatthey be then andtbere in th • per sons, at 10 o'clock the forenoon of sakk , oath their records, inifoglttotut, examinations elt • r "awe *mein. • man es, to do thoutthiugs •' • •o 0 er ! •io • • "C. • boo • n • • inoeite • • t the prisoners th - • • - • ni. Le in tho Jail of Dauphin county, be then and thcre to prosecute agslost them as shall bejneL Given under my band at Harrisburg, the 16th - day of October, lu the year of our Lord 1860, and la the eighty third year of the Independence of the United Suites. 05911:111, J. EYSTaIt, Harrisburg, October 15,1860. • j Medd: octlfidawtd AMBROTYPE COPIES OF FINE ENGRAVINGS. BEING COPIES from the best engravings of Historical, Chistical, Scriptural and a great va riety of miscillaneous subjects. They aro exact in minliture, with all the beauty and inert.* of the larger and more expensiveengravings, anti at a much lase cent, Rua being neatly and substantially framed, ambling more beautiful and handsomer could be 4concalvcd for ornaments as piciurea. The quality...and tone of these copies tome meetly been Areatly Improved, and are now placed before the public with agnmadence bat their merit'and beauty wilt insure a hearty reception he. them. For'tale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, - 01 Marl et Street, Harrisburg. Ca u and see them—no charge for exhibiting goods tiMPLOYMINT.-$5O A MONTH. A ND ALL rarniSES PAl•t—An agent is wanted in nebey town antrianunty In [hal:fulled Mateo, to engage in a respectable and easy business, by which the above palls ntty , certainly be realized. For fall particulars eiddresit Dr..11851,1tY WAILNEd, 54 East Twelfth st rce corner of BrailWay, New York City, iticlosiog one po tap Wain ootlB-3 md cw RUE °MIME FOR INVESTMENT , . SALE tt N OP IMO BM I I VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the City of Harrisburg THAT well-known and Valuable hote pr °petty known as the ' 4 .SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE," now twthe occupancy of Wm. Mocherman, situate on the east end orMarieektreet, end Immediately opposite the Pennsylvania. , ltallroad Depot, will be offered at PRIVATE SALE until the 4th ef„Decomber next, and" f not sold be fore-ay. that Vale, will be put up at public aucton on that d Obis la the most dindrable property In the city altar Alborg Motel backlit& Its proholty to the Pearl. ilgitermAikk..„!,,eatkajni Ihelltpal, of all the ra4- 3 ng at Mraffibilig,tnalealt more ainvenield and accessible to the traveling .public than any teller Hotel in the city. Farther information In regard to this property end as to the terms aside, may be had by applying to WM H. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law, North car. Market Square, (Wyeth's Building,) second e ry front. • octl-daw VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood N, E, COR. MYTH & CHESTNUT Sib., Phikulelphia. -- • .EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original uceigns furnished for Fine Book illastrations. Persons wishing outs, by sending a Photographer Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, - Cherokee, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, ko., engraved as well on per- Venal application. Fancy Envelopes, 'Labels, - Bill Readinge, Show Bills, BOEIOCISS and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illastrated works of J. B. Linwood 4. C 0.,, B. S. Butler &Oa 0ct2.5 TOYS, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS - JOHN.DOLL, No. 120 North Second, Street, *boys Arch, , PHILADELPHIA. TIIST RECEIVED' at his NEW STORE ts a very large arsortment of TOYS of every descrip tion. Also, FANCY BASKETS, WORK BOXES, Tobacco Boxes, Seger essiss,`Pipes, Cones and Fancy A.rticles of a large variety. All being imported direct from the manufacturers enables me to sell at very low prices. sir Please call and examine my stock. if2o.dre3 /OOMPH CASEY. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRISBURG, PENN'A. HAVING associated together in the . H praettee of the Law, Will attend fidthfully and promptly - to all profftwional business; entrusted to their °Mee in Third street three doors from Market N. B. Consudatione in English and German. FAMILY BIBLES I frHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE 1 CITI, at all prices from $1 25 to 526 dollars each, in an the differe n t capita of tiledlow, for sale at MAGNER'S CHICAI BOOK TORE, ita 4 61 Market street. JOHN B. EOLITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, - CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOW, GAITEAS, dcc., of the very best stultifies for ladle., gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to sailthe times. All kinds of ORK MADE TO OBDBR in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING &meat short notice. ostle-dtt JOHN B. SHMI, Harrisbur . N EW YORK. SEEDLESS PLUMS! JAW s de at _ WM- DOOR JR. tk COS CM F . •.• OR a 'Superior and Cheap- 'Fable or Salad 011, go to - SALLIE'S DWG STOU. • ittiorellantans. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, los memo Bread, Tea- Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, dce. MANUFACTIMED BY EDW. CHAAIBERLIN & CO., ProptiWors of Shatomut Chemical No. 33 INDIA STREET, Bostod. CpNCENTRAT.RD LEAVEN is the . quit of careful chemical research. All its tutted', et.ts are prepared ha the highest statoofpurlty, anSchlst pounded with a view to ,produce breadsf a far better quality, and in much less .time, than by any other Pro cess and by the manufacturers submit it, wittrentlre confidence, to the Judgment of dicritninatillg , 1301350 i keepers, bakers .ke. Boatif oral kinownitttlev usingCencentratedlosaven • is Lii.hior, more digestible and nuitridous; has art agrees. ble, natural taste ; Is lees liable to tour ; will retain Ha moisture lender than by any other process, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten minutes. lt Is valuable because it Is not perishable, and. may be re ndered av,tiltble in places and at times when Yeast Is not within reach, as at sea. In all climates and under all ircumt lances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all nialculty or precut lug yeast er other feriae t, which is frequently or an inferior quality, ret doting the bread more or less unwholesome. It is also valuable as regards economy, as It has been ascertained that a saving it eirecud in the flour of not lose thiml6 per cent In the common proceet much of the airehlrine of the flour is 1 st by bang converted into carbo is acid gnu, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely !or the plrpere of generating gas to raise the dough. .Fy using Concentrated Leaven this wade IS avoided, and the gat obtained in a manner equally MU moiety. FormentaVot. as bat been stated, destroys a part of the flour or unuil..t.hd, to consequence, a barrel of fl tar weighing 196 lbs , which. by the con min method, orninarily maker auout2so 103 of bread, gives by tbV process 290 103 , thus et/eating the very importart saving or 16 per cent to the quinnlty of flour. ily honformits to • the directions on each package, any person capable or ordinary autedtion may donduct the process, and the ret ina-will invariably be highly sadsh.ctory. . . • CERTIFICATE FROMDR. HAYES, - A toyer to the .are of Atastathaseite. have analysed too Concentr,,ted Leaven, mannfaa tured by lica - foa. iffilw Chamberlin & Co., witti reference to Its purity ,and efficiency of action in producing the ef fect of yeast dibtendlngAriugh, and thereby rendering it fit for making bread. This article is sallltully coin. pounded, from perfectly. pine material. It rams the. dough without conenmiewtheaugar or any other prhmi ple to the fl ur , perfectly;And the same weight of flour will produce more sieoStv palatable brand than can be obtained through yeast; While for cakes and pastry it Is invaluable, as It saves all risk,-and much Ulto of the pastry cook. "The exPertmenta made by me confirm the date/MOWS made by the manufitoturkra, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended utte. ‘ltespectlettly, ".e. A.' If aYhB, D.,Ststte Asayer, "15 Boylston strtxt, Beaton, September 25, 2860." n.m.r.pcTioars. Dammam san Ta 4 Roim.—Two or three teaspoonaful of Leav,n. (according tolhe quality of the 'Eour,) to one quart of ,nr; mix thoroughly by passing two or three tams through a sieve rub In a piece or butter hair the size or an egg, and make the piste with cold milk Or water, (milk it pt eferablc,) barelyniffn eOugh tO permit rtdilug out. Much kneitoing should be avoided: Cut 'Milt sired form, =apace Immediately in a hot oven all bike quickly. Leta BBILD.—Tbe came proportion of Leaven an 4 flour riled; einlithe butter, and m. the paSlo atilt En011,g)1 to iknead Into a loaf', and 'bake mcdrately-ima slow trttitufl .Gamust. BREAD —hree teaspooneful of Loam to ataittinatalletjukagikbei ; 441 d • • ! tames and. Iwo wag ; mapethO , pastu thin with mill:and bake in a Plow oven. BROWN BROAD —TbrOB - teaspodnsful of Leaven to One pint of flour, and ono pint of corn Meal ; all well sifted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; stake We paste Win with milk, and bake slowly. ELTRwattax Cattss.—filour and milk sufficient to make one qua: t of batter;add ens egg, then three teaspoonefai of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. llummtos.--t-Ltl. together one quart of flour and two tm. spooustul of Leaven; rub in a piece of butter half as large as an egg ; mix with Cold milk or water, and boll ten minutes. Gassman Ssassr Catts.-41ft together two large cups of flour and two teaspoonful of /earen; main half a cup of btc ter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with cold milk or water•to a stiffbatter, add spice to suit the taste, and bake immediately. CENCINSATI SPONGR. CAKE —Two cups Of 'while sugar beaten wish toe yolks Mohr eggs—,the whites Of six eggs beaten to a froth; then beat alt together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup Of water, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven; diver with two tlaspaansful of essence of to mon, and bake In a quick even. J MILES —Sift together one quart of flour and three tewpoonsful of Lucian ; rub in one teacupful of butter, add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to suit tho taste; unix still' enough to roll our, and bako quick. ELECTION CARE.--One quart of flour and three teaspoons ful of Leaven sated together ; add a cup of batter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea spoontoloi catirumon ; mix with cold mirk to a stiff bat ter, and bake in a slow oven. Coax CHEF—Ore plat each of flour and Indian in:al, and threeleaspootisfal of Leaven, well rifled trge.ber add one gill of roolaiises and two eggs mix thin with 'milk, and bakoin a slow oven. CUP CAKR.--Five cape of flour and threo teaspoonsful of heaven, sifted tOgOther; a•id one cup of bnbor, two of sugar, and two ems, air well beat together ; then add a cup of currants, end spice to suit the teal*. Bake about half an hour. . LADIES' CAKEo—Thlreolll.lartCrS of a pound of natlr and four toespooneul or Leaven sifted togestitir; one pound of sugar and six ounces of butter boater to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well beaten, and the juice of ore le mon; mix with milk. IV4srind Ctn.—Five cum of flour, three teaspoonful of teaven,Abree cups of sugar, one of butter, ono of m Ik, amt: two eggs ; fruit and spice to the taste. Bake about half an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans For sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM (AMAGER. & Biw., Wholesale Agent?, N 0.69 North Front Sired, Philadelphia. n0v13•43m HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED-1 TIME UNDERSIGNED having ' leased this well I,nown and popular. hotel, In the city or Cardsharp, is now Rfitiipg and furnishing the same with .V.lnr FultSrruish: in the very best modern si.vie. It Is located in the most Gantt)] part of the city, within a short distance of the pots et O•ur c !norm railroad anti also near the State Ca pi tol buildings. The hotike is largo and the sleeping apartmenta are seat ventilated. The - TABLE' is well provided with all seasonable arti cles -This city is well known throughout the State as having the best market outside of the Atlantic clue+, ane consequently no complaints shall be made on that score. The BAR has also undergone C 11411103 and will to k' pi stocked with the best and purea. Liquors in the country • AO exertion will be spared to make the traveler and sojourner comfortable m every respect. A continuance of the patronage of the tin customers, together whit new additions 19 respectfully solialted Harrisburg, August n-tr CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY, IN THE REAR OF RERR'SHOTEL. THE undersigned has re-commenced the 1 Every business In his NEW and SPACIOUS STA MI6, located as above, with a large and varied stock of GORSES, CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which lie win .Lire at moderate rates: F. R. swaurz. sep'2B4lly • • H. L. GODBOLD, IORACTIOAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, melodeons, ite., &C., will remive orders in future at Wit. KNOCHE'S Music store, 92 Market street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, wilt meet with .prompt attention. Proteins; FIANOIit tor mile NOTICE . TO SPECULATORS. VALL74BLB BUILDING LOTS FOR SALES. A NUMBER OV , LARGE SIZED BIJILD - - LOH3 adjoining tho Round House and Work Shops ot . the Henna. Valved anapasy, atlf he, cold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to• • ansBo Gm . - JOHN W. HAIL NO. 63. When the ?elision of Jesus has once obtained complete possession of the soul of the believer, it enables him to extend the hand of fellowship to every one who has "like precious faith," in whatever denomination of Christians he may be found. This fellowship is heartfelt; It is not a mere outward form, like that of the world, 'which vanishes when most needed. It shows itself in acts of kindness and love cto all Christians, as individuals and denomina tions; and when our Heavenly Father late His hand on any of His children, and by (what the world styles) calamity, calls them to endure some unusual trial, their brethren are not slow to render all the assistance in their power to supply their need. Such has always been the ease in our own city, where, through the peace of Hod, an unusual union spirit has been maul , fated and maintained through a number of seara,past. But in an evil hour, some pr.. fess ing Ohilstiatis have yielded to temptation. The sect spirit has crept into their hearth. Past sea. sons of sweet christian communion, as well as pow & n them, set to he ektirely forgotten, aikd ose who in the day of their extremity granted them these favors, find them selves treated as the husbandman who brought the chilled viper into his haute, to save it front perishing with the cold. No sooner did the genial rays of heat bring it tt conscious lite, than it sought to repay the kindness of its pre server by endeavoring to bite him. And such are the manifestions of gratitude now in tde by some who bear the sign of the cross! Not con tent to add to their numbers from thesi whom they find on the world's highway of sin, out side of the visible church, they, like the Scribes and Pharisees, • of whom our Saviour speaks, "compass sea and land to make one tro,elyte, ' and in every conceivable way, direct and india reef, are to be found making depredations upon sister churches, and their caildreu in the Sab bath schools. hese deeds are vosecuted with the ingenuity which always characterizes those who use the cloak of religion, when engaged in works which cannot bear the light of day. Brethren, these things ought not so to he.— The cause of the Redeemer needs no such means to build it up. Stones filched from the walls of aster churches, which you may essay to In corporate into your own walls wilt, here ifter cause them to crumble and to full upiri your own heads, when the day of.retrilallion conics. Efforts of this kin I tend to dsstroy mutual christian confidence, sad we shall wait in vain, for a general outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the churches of this city, so long as•acts so much at war with true christianity are perpe trated. Prostlytism does offend ehristianbrithien, and this communication is written to remincEthose who are guilty of it, of the words of the blessed Je sus, Matk is ch. 42 " Whosoever shall of fend one of these little ones, ti{at believe is me, it is hatter fur him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and lie were cast into tie seal" Joax. Next to the Bible there is nothing that speaks mere powerful and beautiful. than the seasons. Spring breaks out, with the laughing mirth and freshness Of the young child.. Na ture assumes a roseate hue, and lo,y,ht written on all God's works. 'How cheerfully We witch the budding leaves and the unfolding flowers. This is like the dawn of lite. The young mind lives in the present glory, and sees not the com ing future. Summer conies. Nature is devel oped. Earth's carpet is spread; the trees wave with their green foliage, and the 'Livers are in goigeous blossom. Heaven has impressed upon creation the highest perfection. Ondoan hard ly realize the idea that thesearo periStrable.— So it is with the early 'noon of life. We sea a man in the pride of his stieugth and greatness, and woman in sue paising glory of her beauty— but see not the invisible mortality growing be neath. But Autumn is here. And new- ..the flowers droop, and the rear and yellow tattles fallen from the chilled tree. The cold blast has - driven away the warm atmosphere redolent with perfume Death is written 'upon i i:iature, and winter's white shroud willsoon be thrown over her corpse. So it. Is with life. The ching. ing seasons teach us a innitrnfullesson; and yet to him whose. heart is right it is-not only mourn ful but very beautiful. But the deo,i, o f na ture is not an everlasting.sleep. Ere many months it shall cast off Us ,fiuneral gear sad epring up float the grave with new life, and bud and bloisom as before. Niture never dies —she only.rests awhile from her labors of mer cy and love. - Thus it is with human existence. The great principle of vitality in nature is equally applicable-to spiritual ed,to the animal economy. The intellect• may throw its vision beyondiffe's dreary winter, and se steep iu the bloom"- of an eterual ..We pity the man who esteems _himself of less value is the estiniailoA of healed thin are the mutetrees or the lictul.eSs fitment- - J. R. BFNFORD & CO. kttam tinting fritt. 'Having procured Steam Power Prance, we a a repared to execute JOB and BOOR PRINTING of eve. y leFcrip:ion, cheerer that It can be done at any other e tabliabnientin !be coon'r,'• ' RATESu., .5... v a .11.118LX(1. R@ - Four tines ~ r 1. as conwitute one half square. Rig lin:, or snor9 than tour constitute a tenon). Hairaquare. one day ttone week 'i. one mona., 5 .,, a three month.. -, l` • sia months:.... ~. One year......... . .. , One Square one nay . .. a S ono week.... 2 00 n ono month . 3GO (4 three months 500 u . six months.— . ............. .... 800 •• one year 10 00 rai-Riusinesa notices inaerted ill the Leeat column. cr before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE GENIE PLR LIN ill for each insertion. 4Z-MarrLages and Deaths to be charged as regt 1 , 1 advertisements. 1311138AT11 IN THE COUNTRY Tho creaking wagenis In the ehd, The boast flail it heard no more; The horse is littered down and fed, The harness hangs Shore his head, The whip bellind the door. Rip, leathern gloves and hooked bill To-day the woodman throws aside.; The blacitswilAls !lacy forge Is still, The wooden wheel of the old mill sleeps in the mill-dim wide. The miller's boat is anchored where Far out, Rat water lilies s)eeP Yen see their shadows mirrored there, The bread wide flowers refloated, Within the mill-pond deep. The barrow's In the garden shed, Hee, rake and aim& are potatrayj Un weeded stands theonieu bed, The gardener from his pork bath Clad Ms holy tgabbath Cap. Upon the wall the - chile cat skive, ity which the churn and ina.paus lie drowsy watch the honse.doi keeps, t ad scarcely from his dull eye peep] Upon the passer-by. And sweetly over hail and dale The &leery sounding church bells ring; Across the moor and down the vale They come and go, and on the gala Their Sabbath tidings ding. From wbero the white. waskod Sunday School Peeps out bvtween the poplars dim, Which ever tbrow their shadows cool Far out upon tbo rushy pouf, You hear the nabbath h. 3 mu. From farm and Odd, And grange grown gray, From woodland watts and winding way, The oli and young, the grave and gay, Unto the old church come to pray, And ring Elod'a holy praise. [Por the Telegraph Christian Union and Proselytism. So mach has been said and written about Christian Union, that all rnubt be convinced of ifa gfeat importance, in fostering a sprit of vi tal piety, in any place where it is truly felt and recoknizeil. A Sermon from the Lm-ves. • DO E Oa 4 tf b 00